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Mandala Waluya Health Science College

Study program of nursing
Minor thesis, march 2017 (two thousand seventy)

Putri Mayasari, NIM P2012 01 116 (two thosand twelve, zero one, one one six)

“Relationship of family support to the client interaction skills of social isolation in mental hospital of sulawesi tenggara
province 2016” (two thousand sixty)

Advisor 1 (one) : Armayani, S.Kep.,Ns.,M.Kes

Advisor 11 (two): Lodes Hadju, SKM.,M.Kes
(x+ 64 pages + tables + Appendices) / (x more sixty for pages more tables more appendices)

Preliminary onservasitions in Mental Hospital of Sulawesi Tenggara province from 7 (seven) patients who
have a history of impaired social isolation obtained from interviews with nurses om duty that regular family support
patients only two families, associated with self-esteem and social interaction skills that have not been able to
evaluate them selves with both were 4 (four) people that still need help nurses and therapy for socializing. The
purpose of yhis study to determine the ralationship of family support to the client interaction skills of social isolation in
Mental Hospital of Sulawesi Tenggara province 2016 (two thousand sixty)
The study was a qualitative research with survey approach and using cross sectional study design. In this
study, the population were patient with social isolation numbered 36 (tirty six) people. Samples were taken of 36
9tirty six) people who fit the criteria set.
Result of study showed that the value of x2 (x two) count > (is greater than) of x2 (x two) table. Relationship of
emotional support to the ability of client interaction value of Chi square = (equals) 4,264 (four point two six
four)relation support award to the ability of client interaction value of Chi Square = (equals) 21,041 (twenty one point
zero four one) relationship support material to the ability of client interaction value of Chi Square = (equals) 7,093
(seven point zero nine tree) and relationship information support to the ability of client interaction value of Chi Square
= (equals) 5,343 (fife ponit tree four tree). The conclusion there was. Relationship of familiy support to the client
interaction skills of social isolation in mental hospital of sulawesi tenggara province 2016 (two thousand sixty)
Suggestions for officers of mental hospital of improve the interaction between patients, conducted
periodically and regularly and develop a group discussion on the patient’s family or those closest to the patient. For
people, especially the family was expected to actively participate in the care and treatment of their family members,
and always gives encouragement to the patient to continue to strive for recovery.
Keywords : family support, social interaction, social isolation, mental hospital of sulawesi tenggara.
References : 16 (sixty) 1988-2010 (ninety eigt eigt) to (thousand ten)

(x + 64 halaman + 15 tabel + 11 lampiran)

Observasi awal di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dari 7 pasien yang memiliki riwayat
mengalami gangguan isolasi sosial diperoleh dari wawancara dengan perawat yang bertugas bahwa keluarga yang
rutin mendukung pasien hanya 2 keluarga, berkaitan dengan harga diri dan kemampuan interaksi sosial yang belum
dapat mengevaluasi dirinya dengan baik berjumlah 4 orang sehingga masih membutuhkan bantuan perawat dan
terapi untuk bersosialisasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kemampuan
interaksi klien isolasi sosial di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2016.
Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan survei dan menggunakan rancangan penelitian Cross
Sectional Study. Pada penelitian ini, Populasi pasien isolasi sosial berjumlah 36 orang. Sampel diambil berjumlah 36
orang yang sesuai kriteria ditetapkan.
Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa nilai x2 hitung > dari x2 tabel yaitu tabel Hubungan dukungan emosional
dengan kemampuan interaksi klien nilai Chi square= 4,264, Hubungan Dukungan Penghargaan dengan Kemampuan
Interaksi Klien nilai Chi Square = 21,041, Hubungan Dukungan Materi dengan Kemampuan Interaksi klien nilai Chi
Square= 7,093, dan Hubungan Dukungan Informasi dengan Kemampuan Interaksi Klien nilai Chi Square = 5,343.
Simpulan ada hubungan dukungan keluarga dengan kemampuan interaksi klien isolasi sosial di Rumah Sakit Jiwa
Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Tahun 2016.
Saran bagi petugas Rumah Sakit Jiwa meningkatkan interaksi antar pasien, dilakukan secara periodik dan
berkala dan mengembangkan diskusi kelompok khusus untuk keluarga pasien atau orang-orang yang terdekat
dengan pasien. Bagi masyarakat khususnya keluarga diharapkan ikut berperan aktif dalam perawatan dan
pengobatan anggota keluarganya, dan selalu memberikan semangat kepada pasien agar terus berusaha untuk

Kata kunci : Dukungan Keluarga, Interaksi Sosial, dan Isolasi Sosial, RS JIWA PROV SULTRA
Daftar Pustaka : 16 (1988-2010)

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