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1. A patient arrives at the emergency department D.

Glucagon prolongs the effect of insulin, allowing

complaining of mid-sternal chest pain. Which of the fewer injections.
following nursing action should take priority?
1. A complete history with emphasis on preceding 6. A patient on the cardiac telemetry unit unexpectedly
events. goes into ventricular fibrillation. The advanced cardiac
2. An electrocardiogram. life support team prepares to defibrillate. Which of the
3. Careful assessment of vital signs. following choices indicates the correct placement of
4. Chest exam with auscultation. the conductive gel pads?
A. The left clavicle and right lower sternum.
2. A patient has been hospitalized with pneumonia and B. Right of midline below the bottom rib and the left
is about to be discharged. A nurse provides discharge shoulder.
instructions to a patient and his family. Which C. The upper and lower halves of the sternum.
misunderstanding by the family indicates the need for D. The right side of the sternum just below the clavicle
more detailed information? and left of the precordium.
A. The patient may resume normal home activities as
tolerated but should avoid physical exertion and get 8. A patient arrives in the emergency department and
adequate rest. reports splashing concentrated household cleaner in
B. The patient should resume a normal diet with his eye. Which of the following nursing actions is a
emphasis on nutritious, healthy foods. priority?
C. The patient may discontinue the prescribed course of A. Irrigate the eye repeatedly with normal saline
oral antibiotics once the symptoms have completely solution.
resolved. B. Place fluorescein drops in the eye.
D. The patient should continue use of the incentive C. Patch the eye.
spirometer to keep airways open and free of secretions. D. Test visual acuity.

3. A nurse is caring for an elderly Vietnamese patient in 9. A nurse is caring for a patient who has had hip
the terminal stages of lung cancer. Many family replacement. The nurse should be most concerned
members are in the room around the clock performing about which of the following findings?
unusual rituals and bringing ethnic foods. Which of the A. Complaints of pain during repositioning.
following actions should the nurse take? B. Scant bloody discharge on the surgical dressing.
A. Restrict visiting hours and ask the family to limit C. Complaints of pain following physical therapy.
visitors to two at a time. D. Temperature of 101.8 F (38.7 C).
B. Notify visitors with a sign on the door that the patient
is limited to clear fluids only with no solid food allowed. 10. A child is admitted to the hospital with an
C. If possible, keep the other bed in the room uncontrolled seizure disorder. The admitting physician
unassigned to provide privacy and comfort to the writes orders for actions to be taken in the event of a
family. seizure. Which of the following actions would NOT be
D. Contact the physician to report the unusual rituals included?
and activities. A. Notify the physician.
B. Restrain the patient's limbs.
4. The charge nurse on the cardiac unit is planning C. Position the patient on his/her side with the head
assignments for the day. Which of the following is the flexed forward.
most appropriate assignment for the float nurse that D. Administer rectal diazepam.
has been reassigned from labor and delivery?
A. A one-week postoperative coronary bypass patient, 11. Emergency department triage is an important
who is being evaluated for placement of a pacemaker nursing function. A nurse working the evening shift is
prior to discharge. presented with four patients at the same time. Which
B. A suspected myocardial infarction patient on of the following patients should be assigned the
telemetry, just admitted from the Emergency highest priority?
Department and scheduled for an angiogram. A. A patient with low-grade fever, headache, and
C. A patient with unstable angina being closely myalgias for the past 72 hours.
monitored for pain and medication titration. B. A patient who is unable to bear weight on the left
D. A post-operative valve replacement patient who was foot, with swelling and bruising following a running
recently admitted to the unit because all surgical beds accident.
were filled. C. A patient with abdominal and chest pain following a
large, spicy meal.
5. A newly diagnosed 8-year-old child with type I D. A child with a one-inch bleeding laceration on the
diabetes mellitus and his mother are receiving diabetes chin but otherwise well after falling while jumping on his
education prior to discharge. The physician has bed.
prescribed Glucagon for emergency use. The mother
asks the purpose of this medication. Which of the 12. A patient is admitted to the hospital with a calcium
following statements by the nurse is correct? level of 6.0 mg/dL. Which of the following symptoms
A. Glucagon enhances the effect of insulin in case the would you NOT expect to see in this patient?
blood sugar remains high one hour after injection. A. Numbness in hands and feet.
B. Glucagon treats hypoglycemia resulting from insulin B. Muscle cramping.
overdose. C. Hypoactive bowel sounds.
C. Glucagon treats lipoatrophy from insulin injections. D. Positive Chvostek's sign.
12. Answer: C
Normal serum calcium is 8.5 - 10 mg/dL. The patient is 16. A nurse is performing routine assessment of an IV
hypocalcemic. Increased gastric motility, resulting in site in a patient receiving both IV fluids and
hyperactive (not hypoactive) bowel sounds, abdominal medications through the line. Which of the following
cramping and diarrhea is an indication of hypocalcemia. would indicate the need for discontinuation of the IV
Numbness in hands and feet and muscle cramps are also line as the next nursing action?
signs of hypocalcemia. Positive Chvostek's sign refers to A. The patient complains of pain on movement.
the sustained twitching of facial muscles following B. The area proximal to the insertion site is reddened,
tapping in the area of the cheekbone and is a hallmark warm, and painful.
of hypocalcemia. C. The IV solution is infusing too slowly, particularly
when the limb is elevated.
13. A nurse cares for a patient who has a nasogastric D. A hematoma is visible in the area of the IV insertion
tube attached to low suction because of a suspected site.
bowel obstruction. Which of the following arterial 16. Answer: B
blood gas results might be expected in this patient? An IV site that is red, warm, painful and swollen
A. pH 7.52, PCO2 54 mm Hg. indicates that phlebitis has developed and the line
B. pH 7.42, PCO2 40 mm Hg. should be discontinued and restarted at another site.
C. pH 7.25, PCO2 25 mm Hg. Pain on movement should be managed by maneuvers
D. pH 7.38, PCO2 36 mm Hg. such as splinting the limb with an IV board or gently
13. Answer: A shifting the position of the catheter before making a
A patient on nasogastric suction is at risk of metabolic decision to remove the line. An IV line that is running
alkalosis as a result of loss of hydrochloric acid in gastric slowly may simply need flushing or repositioning. A
fluid. Of the answers given, only answer A (pH 7.52, hematoma at the site is likely a result of minor bleeding
PCO2 54 mm Hg) represents alkalosis. Answer B is a at the time of insertion and does not require
normal blood gas. Answer C represents respiratory discontinuation of the line.
acidosis. Answer D is borderline normal with slightly low
17. A hospitalized patient has received transfusions of
14. A patient is admitted to the hospital for routine 2 units of blood over the past few hours. A nurse
elective surgery. Included in the list of current enters the room to find the patient sitting up in bed,
medications is Coumadin (warfarin) at a high dose. dyspneic and uncomfortable. On assessment, crackles
Concerned about the possible effects of the drug, are heard in the bases of both lungs, probably
particularly in a patient scheduled for surgery, the indicating that the patient is experiencing a
nurse anticipates which of the following actions? complication of transfusion. Which of the following
A. Draw a blood sample for prothrombin (PT) and complications is most likely the cause of the patient's
international normalized ratio (INR) level. symptoms?
B. Administer vitamin K. A. Febrile non-hemolytic reaction.
C. Draw a blood sample for type and crossmatch and B. Allergic transfusion reaction.
request blood from the blood bank. C. Acute hemolytic reaction.
D. Cancel the surgery after the patient reports stopping D. Fluid overload.
the Coumadin one week previously. 17. Answer: D
14. Answer: A Fluid overload occurs when then the fluid volume
The effect of Coumadin is to inhibit clotting. The next infused over a short period is too great for the vascular
step is to check the PT and INR to determine the system, causing fluid leak into the lungs. Symptoms
patient's anticoagulation status and risk of bleeding. include dyspnea, rapid respirations, and discomfort as in
Vitamin K is an antidote to Coumadin and may be used the patient described. Febrile non-hemolytic reaction
in a patient who is at imminent risk of dangerous results in fever. Symptoms of allergic transfusion
bleeding. Preparation for transfusion, as described in reaction would include flushing, itching, and a
option C, is only indicated in the case of significant generalized rash. Acute hemolytic reaction may occur
blood loss. If lab results indicate an anticoagulation level when a patient receives blood that is incompatible with
that would place the patient at risk of excessive his blood type. It is the most serious adverse transfusion
bleeding, the surgeon may choose to delay surgery and reaction and can cause shock and death.
discontinue the medication.
18. A patient in labor and delivery has just received an
15. The follow lab results are received for a patient. amniotomy. Which of the following is correct? Note:
Which of the following results are abnormal? Note: More than one answer may be correct.
More than one answer may be correct. A. Frequent checks for cervical dilation will be needed
A. Hemoglobin 10.4 g/dL. after the procedure.
B. Total cholesterol 340 mg/dL. B. Contractions may rapidly become stronger and closer
C. Total serum protein 7.0 g/dL. together after the procedure.
D. Glycosylated hemoglobin A1C 5.4%. C. The FHR (fetal heart rate) will be followed closely
15. Answer: A and B after the procedure due to the possibility of cord
Normal hemoglobin in adults is 12 - 16 g/dL. Total compression.
cholesterol levels of 200 mg/dL or below are considered D. The procedure is usually painless and is followed by a
normal. Total serum protein of 7.0-g/dL and gush of amniotic fluid.
glycosylated hemoglobin A1c of 5.4% are both normal 18. Answer: B, C, and D
Uterine contractions typically become stronger and the pancreas to synthesize and release insulin.
occur more closely together following amniotomy. The
FHR is assessed immediately after the procedure and 22. Myasthenic crisis and cholinergic crisis are the
followed closely to detect changes that may indicate major complications of myasthenia gravis. Which of
cord compression. The procedure itself is painless and the following is essential nursing knowledge when
results in the quick expulsion of amniotic fluid. caring for a client in crisis?
Following amniotomy, cervical checks are minimized a. Weakness and paralysis of the muscles for
because of the risk of infection swallowing and breathing occur in either crisis
b. Cholinergic drugs should be administered to prevent
19. A nurse is counseling the mother of a newborn further complications associated with the crisis
infant with hyperbilirubinemia. Which of the following c. The clinical condition of the client usually improves
instructions by the nurse is NOT correct? after several days of treatment
A. Continue to breastfeed frequently, at least every 2-4 d. Loss of body function creates high levels of anxiety
hours. and fear
B. Follow up with the infant's physician within 72 hours Rationale: The client cannot handle his own secretions,
of discharge for a recheck of the serum bilirubin and and respiratory arrest may be imminent. Atropine may
exam. be administered to prevent crisis. Anticholinergic drugs
C. Watch for signs of dehydration, including decreased are administered to increase the levels of acetylcholine
urinary output and changes in skin turgor. at the myoneural junction. Cholinergic drugs mimic the
D. Keep the baby quiet and swaddled, and place the actions of the parasympathetic nervous system and
bassinet in a dimly lit area. would not be used.
19. Answer: D
An infant discharged home with hyperbilirubinemia 23. A 54-year-old client was put in Quinidine (a drug
(newborn jaundice) should be placed in a sunny rather that decreases myocardial excitability) to prevent atrial
than dimly lit area with skin exposed to help process the fibrillation. He also has kidney disease. The nurse is
bilirubin. Frequent feedings will help to metabolize the aware that this drug, when given to a client with
bilirubin. A recheck of the serum bilirubin and a physical kidney disease, may
exam within 72 hours will confirm that the level is falling a. Cause cardiac arrest
and the infant is thriving and is well hydrated. Signs of b. Cause hypotension
dehydration, including decreased urine output and skin c. Produce mild bradycardia
changes, indicate inadequate fluid intake and will d. Be very toxic even in small doses
worsen the hyperbilirubinemia. Rationale: Kidney disease interferes with metabolism
and excretion of Quinidine, resulting in higher drug
20. A nurse is giving discharge instructions to the concentrations in the body. Quinidine can depress
parents of a healthy newborn. Which of the following myocardial excitability enough to cause cardiac arrest.
instructions should the nurse provide regarding car
safety and the trip home from the hospital? 24. A client is about to be discharged on the drug
A. The infant should be restrained in an infant car seat, bishydroxycoumarin (Dicumarol). Of the principles
properly secured in the back seat in a rear-facing below, which one is the most important to teach the
position. client before discharge?
B. The infant should be restrained in an infant car seat, a. He should be sure to take the medication before
properly secured in the front passenger seat. meals
C. The infant should be restrained in an infant car seat b. He should shave with an electric razor
facing forward or rearward in the back seat. c. If he misses a dose, he should double the dose at the
D. For the trip home from the hospital, the parent may next scheduled time
sit in the back seat and hold the newborn. d. It is the responsibility of the physician to do the
20. Answer: A teaching for this medication
All infants under 1 year of age weighing less than 20 lbs. Rationale: Dicumarol is an anticoagulant drug and one
should be placed in a rear-facing infant car seat secured of the dangers involved is bleeding. Using a safety razor
properly in the back seat. Infant car seats should never can lead to bleeding through cuts. The drug should be
be placed in the front passenger seat. Infants should given at the same time daily but not related to meals.
always be placed in an approved car seat during travel, Due to danger of bleeding, missed doses should not be
even on that first ride home from the hospital. made up.

21. The nurse explains to a client who has just received 25. A cyanotic client with an unknown diagnosis is
the diagnosis of Noninsulin-Dependent Diabetes admitted to the emergency room. In relation to
Mellitus (NIDDM) that sulfonylureas, one group of oral oxygen, the first nursing action would be to
hypoglycemic agents, act by a. Wait until the client's lab work is done
a. Stimulating the pancreas to produce or release b. Not administer oxygen unless ordered by the
insulin physician
b. Making the insulin that is produced more available for c. Administer oxygen at 2 liters flow per minute
use d. Administer oxygen at 10 liters flow per minute and
c. Lowering the blood sugar by facilitating the uptake check the client's nail beds
and utilization of glucose Rationale: Administer oxygen at 2 liters per minute and
d. Altering both fat and protein metabolism no more, for if the client is emphysemic and receives
Rationale: Sulfonylurea drugs, Orinase for example, too high a level of oxygen, he will develop CO2 narcosis
lowers the blood sugar by stimulating the beta cells of and the respiratory system will cease to function
a. pH 7.49, HCO3 24, PCO2 46
26. A client with a diagnosis of gout will be taking b. pH 7.49, HCO3 14, PCO2 30
colchicine and allopurinol bid to prevent recurrence. c. pH 7.26, HCO3 24, PCO2 46
The most common early sign of colchicine toxicity that d. pH 7.26, HCO3 14, PCO2 30
the nurse will assess for is Rationale: The client with acute renal failure would be
a. Blurred vision expected to have metabolic acidosis (low HCO3)
b. Anorexia resulting in acid blood pH (acidemia) and respiratory
c. Diarrhea alkalosis (lowered PCO2) as a compensating mechanism.
d. Fever Normal values are pH 7.35 to 7.45; HCO3 23 to 27 mEg;
Rationale: Diarrhea is by far the most common early sign and PCO2 35 to 45 mmHg.
of colchicine toxicity. When
given in the acute phase of gout, the dose of colchicine 31. A client in acute renal failure receives an IV infusion
is usually 0.6 mg (PO) q hr of 10% dextrose in water with 20 units of regular
(not to exceed 10 tablets) until pain is relieved or insulin. The nurse understands that the rationale for
gastrointestinal symptoms ensue. this therapy is to
a. Correct the hyperglycemia that occurs with acute
27. The nurse would expect to find an improvement in renal failure
which of the blood values as a result of dialysis b. Facilitate the intracellular movement of potassium
treatment? c. Provide calories to prevent tissue catabolism and
a. High serum creatinine levels azotemia
b. Low hemoglobin d. Force potassium into the cells to prevent arrhythmias
c. Hypocalcemia Rationale: Dextrose with insulin helps move potassium
d. Hypokalemia into cells and is immediate management therapy for
Rationale: High creatinine levels will be decreased. hyperkalemia due to acute renal failure. An exchange
Anemia is a result of decreased production of resin may also be employed.
erythropoietin by the kidney and is not affected by This type of infusion is often administered before
hemodialysis. Hyperkalemia and high base bicarbonate cardiac surgery to stabilize irritable cells and prevent
levels are present in renal failure clients. arrhythmias; in this case KC1 is also added to the
28. A 24-year-old client is admitted to the hospital
following an automobile accident. She was brought in 32. The nurse is triaging four clients injured in a train
unconscious with the following vital signs: BP 130/76, P derailment. Which client should receive priority
100, R 16, T 98F. The nurse observes bleeding from the treatment?
client's nose. Which of the following interventions will A. A 42-year-old with dyspnea and chest
assist in determining the presence of cerebrospinal asymmetry
a. Obtain a culture of the specimen using sterile swabs B. A 17-year-old with a fractured arm
and send to the laboratory
C. A 4-year-old with facial lacerations
b. Allow the drainage to drip on a sterile gauze and
observe for a halo or ring around the blood D. A 30-year-old with blunt abdominal trauma
c. Suction the nose gently with a bulb syringe and send
specimen to the laboratory
33. Direct pressure to a deep laceration on the client’s
d. Insert sterile packing into the nares and remove in 24
lower leg has failed to stop the bleeding. The nurse’s
next action should be to:
Rationale: The halo or "bull's eye" sign seen when
drainage from the nose or ear of a head-injured client is A. Place a tourniquet proximal to the laceration.
collected on a sterile gauze is indicative of CSF in the B. Elevate the leg above the level of the heart.
drainage. The collection of a culture specimen using any
type of swab or suction would be contraindicated C. Cover the laceration and apply an ice compress.
because brain tissue may be inadvertently removed at
D. Apply pressure to the femoral artery.
the same time or other tissue damage may result.
29. A nursing assessment for initial signs of
hypoglycemia will include 34. A pediatric client is admitted after ingesting a bottle
a. Pallor, blurred vision, weakness, behavioral changes of vitamins with iron. Emergency care would include
b. Frequent urination, flushed face, pleural friction rub treatment with:
c. Abdominal pain, diminished deep tendon reflexes, A. Acetylcysteine
double vision
d. Weakness, lassitude, irregular pulse, dilated pupils B. Deferoxamine
Rationale: Weakness, fainting, blurred vision, pallor and C. Calcium disodium acetate
perspiration are all common symptoms when there is
too much insulin or too little food - hypoglycemia. The D. British antilewisite
signs and symptoms in answers (b) and (c) are indicative
of hyperglycemia.
35. The emergency room staff is practicing for its annual
30. Of the following blood gas values, the one the disaster drill. According to disaster triage, which of the
nurse would expect to see in the client with acute renal following four clients would be cared for last?
failure is
A. A client with a pneumothorax temperature comes down. Which of the following would
be appropriate to delegate to the nursing assistant?
B. A client with 70% TBSA full thickness burns a. Assist the child to remove outer clothing.
b. Advise the parent to use acetaminophen instead of
C. A client with fractures of the tibia and fibula
D. A client with smoke inhalation injuries c. Explain the need for cool fluids.
d. Prepare and administer a tepid bath.
36. An unresponsive client is admitted to the emergency
42. It is the summer season, and patients with signs and
room with a history of diabetes mellitus. The client’s
symptoms of heat-related illness present in the ED.
skin is cold and clammy, and the blood pressure reading
Which patient needs attention first?
is 82/56. The first step in emergency treatment of the
a. An elderly person complains of dizziness and syncope
client’s symptoms would be:
after standing in the sun for several hours to view a
A. Checking the client’s blood sugar parade
B. Administering intravenous dextrose b. A marathon runner complains of severe leg cramps
and nausea. Tachycardia, diaphoresis, pallor, and
C. Intubation and ventilator support weakness are observed.
c. A previously healthy homemaker reports broken air
D. Administering regular insulin
conditioner for days. Tachypnea, hypotension, fatigue,
and profuse diaphoresis are observed.
d. A homeless person, poor historian, presents with
37. A client with a history of severe depression has been altered mental status, poor muscle coordination, and
brought to the emergency room with an overdose of hot, dry, ashen skin. Duration of exposure is unknown.
barbiturates. The nurse should pay careful attention to
the client’s: 43. You respond to a call for help from the ED waiting
A. Urinary output room. There is an elderly patient lying on the floor. List
the order for the actions that you must perform.
B. Respirations a. Check breathing and pulse
b. Establish unresponsiveness.
C. Temperature
c. Initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
D. Verbal responsiveness d. Call for help and activate the code team. e. Instruct a
nursing assistant to get the crash cart.
B, D, A, C

44.. The emergency medical service (EMS) has

38. You are working in the triage area of an ED, and four transported a patient with severe chest pain. As the
patients approach the triage desk at the same time. List patient is being transferred to the emergency stretcher,
the order in which you will assess these patients. you note unresponsiveness, cessation of breathing, and
a. An ambulatory, dazed 25-year-old male with a no palpable pulse. Which task is appropriate to delegate
bandaged head wound to the nursing assistant?
b. An irritable infant with a fever, petechiae, and a. Chest compressions
nuchal rigidity b. Bag-valve mask ventilation
c. A 35-year-old jogger with a twisted ankle, having c. Assisting with oral intubation
pedal pulse and no deformity d. Placing the defibrillator pads
d. A 50-year-old female with moderate abdominal pain
and occasional vomiting 45. An anxious 24-year-old college student complains of
tingling sensations, palpitations, and chest tightness.
39. In conducting a primary survey on a trauma patient, Deep, rapid breathing and carpal spasms are noted.
which of the following is considered one of the priority What priority nursing action should you take?
elements of the primary survey? a. Notify the physician immediately.
a. Complete set of vital signs b. Administer supplemental oxygen.
b. Palpation and auscultation of the abdomen c. Have the student breathe into a paper bag.
c. Brief neurologic assessment d. Obtain an order for an anxiolytic medication.
d. Initiation of pulse oximetry
46. An experienced traveling nurse has been assigned to
40. A 56-year-old patient presents in triage with left- work in the ED; however, this is the nurse’s first week
sided chest pain, diaphoresis, and dizziness. This patient on the job. Which area of the ED is the most appropriate
should be prioritized into which category? assignment for the nurse?
a. High urgent a. Trauma team
b. Urgent b. Triage
c. Non-urgent c. Ambulatory or fats track clinic
d. Emergent d. Pediatric medicine team

41. The physician has ordered cooling measures for a 47. Following emergency endotracheal intubation, you
child with fever who is likely to be discharged when the must verify tube placement and secure the tube. List in
order the steps that are required to perform
this function? 53. Olga is receiving DW 1 liter regulated at 30
a. Obtain an order for a chest x-ray to document tube drops/min to be consumed in 8 hrs. It was started at 8
placement. am. At 10am her relative informed you that the bottle is
b. Secure the tube in place. empty. Which of the following will you do first?
c. Auscultate the chest during assisted ventilation. a. Refer to nurse manager
d. Confirm that the breath sounds are equal and b. Assess Olga and check level of fluid left in the bottle
bilateral. c. Discontinue IV and assess Olga
C, D, A, B d. Replace the IV fluid with prescribed follow-up

48 You are assigned to telephone triage. A patient who 54. Domingo, 80 years old diabetic and hypertensive is
was stung by a common honey bee calls for advice, admitted in the private ward for degenerative
reports pain and localized swelling, but denies neurological changes. His physician was considering
any respiratory distress or other systemic signs of dementia. Side rails were placed to ensure that he will
anaphylaxis. What is the action that you should direct not fall from bed. At 2:00 am, the call light at his room
the caller to perform? was on. You came in and saw Domingo slumped on the
a. Call 911. floor moaning. His daughter told you that he got out of
b. Remove the stinger by scraping. bed to go to the toilet. He climbed over the side rail but
c. Apply a cool compress. his foot got caught in the beddings. He has an open
d. Take an oral antihistamine. wound on his forehead. Which among the following will
you do FIRST?
49. In relation to submersion injuries, which task is most a. Transfer him to bed
appropriate to delegate to an LPN/LVN? b. Ensure airway, breathing circulation
a. Talk to a community group about water safety issues. c. Apply restraints
b. Stabilize the cervical spine for an unconscious d. Call his physician
drowning victim.
c. Remove wet clothing and cover the victim with a 55. Aimee has chest pains and decides to take
warm blanket. nitroglycerine en route to the hospital. Based on the
d. Monitor an asymptomatic near-drowning victim. ECG obtained on admission at the ER and clinical
findings, the physician gave a diagnosis of myocardial
50 .These patients present to the ED complaining of infarction (IM) and prescribed IV morphine to relieve
acute abdominal pain. Prioritize them in order of continuing pain. A primary goal of nursing care for
severity. Aimee is to recognize life-threatening complications of
a. A 35-year-old male complaining of severe, MI. As Aimee’s nurse, you have to anticipate
intermittent cramps with three episodes of watery occurrence of complications. Take note that the major
diarrhea, 2 hours after eating cause of death after an MI is:
b. A 11-year-old boy with a low-grade fever, left lower a. Cardiac arrhythmias
quadrant tenderness, nausea, and anorexia for the past b. Cardiogenic shock
2 days c. Heart failure
c. A 40-year-old female with moderate left upper d. Pulmonary embolism
quadrant pain, vomiting small amounts of yellow bile,
and worsening symptoms over the past week 56. Hermie with a left-sided heart failure complains of
d. A 56-year-old male with a pulsating abdominal mass increasing shortness of breath and is agitated and
and sudden onset of pressure-like pain in the abdomen coughing up of pink-tinged foamy sputum. You should
and flank within the past hour recognize this as signs and symptoms of:
a. Cardiogenic shock
51. In a multiple-trauma victim, which assessment b. Acute pulmonary edema
finding signals the most serious and life-threatening c. Right-sided heart failure
condition? d. Pneumonia
a. A deviated trachea
b. Gross deformity in a lower extremity
c. Decreased bowel sounds
d. Hematuria

52. A client involved in a motor vehicle crash presents to

the emergency department with severe internal
bleeding. The client is severely hypotensive and
unresponsive. The nurse anticipates that which
intravenous (IV) solution will most likely be prescribed
to increase intravascular volume, replace immediate
blood loss volume, and increase blood pressure?
a. 5% dextrose in lactated Ringers
b. 0.33% sodium chloride (1/3 normal saline)
c. 0.225% sodium chloride (¼ normal saline)
d. 0.45% sodium chloride (V2 normal saline)

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