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Senior Capstone Product Proposal Form 2019 

Student Name  Ayanna Abdouch & Julie Ovalles  Class Period  1 & 4 

Research Topic  Mental Illness in Teens 

Thesis Statement  We would like to prove that staying away from social media and 
What you intend to prove   doing art and music therapy can reduce symptoms of mental 

Description of Product  ❖ Stay off of social media     

❖ Paint 
❖ Listen to music 
❖ Document a video 

Form of Product  ❏ Video/Documentary/YouTube Channel 

(Highlight all that apply)  ❏ Creation/Art Work/Tangible Item 
❏ Education 
❏ Service 
❏ Social Media Campaign (must include another selection) 
❏ Other 

Please explain your  We would like to paint on canvases while listening to music as our 
product (with specific  art and music therapy. In that time being we will stay off of social 
details?)  media to limit our screen time. 

Describe the connection  In our research we found that art and music therapy are highly 
between your research  recommended not only as stress relief, but also as something to do 
(annotated bibliography)  to get away from social media. This has show to have tremendous 
and your product.  impact on teens and young adults.  

How will you display this  We will take pictures while painting and in the process we will 
in your digital portfolio?  create a time lapse video of all of our therapy sessions combined, 
which will be assessable on our digital portfolio.  

Estimate the number of  Overall, I think our project will take approximately 20 hours to 
hours needed to  complete everything my March 15, 2019. 
complete ALL of the 
items on your to do list 
(page 2) including your 
final product. ​You must 
document at least ten 
(10) fieldwork hours 
outside of class. 

Explain how you will  For each and every step we will take pictures and timelapse videos 
document each and  of our painting sessions. The pictures and video will be available to 
every step for  get a glimpse of our therapies on our digital portfolio. 
completing your product 
(journal, blog, video blog, 
What do you hope ​to  During this process, we hope to learn new ways to reduce the 
learn​ during this  symptoms of mental illnesses. We also hope that staying away 
process?  from social media will benefit us in the long run of having a happy 
and healthy lifestyle. 
My To Do List 
Below list the steps and timeline you will ​attempt to​ follow to complete your product. As you complete 
the product,  
make additions or subtract steps as you go if and when necessary. T ​ he log will be turned in on March 
18, 2019! 

Steps  Completed by Date 

1. Paint, listen to music, & document  February 18, 2019  

2. Edit our time lapse video  February 20, 2019 

3. Update our digital portfolios w/ pictures  February 23, 2019 

4. Paint, listen to music, & document  February 25, 2019 

5. Add to time lapse video  February 27, 2019 

6. Update Portfolios   March 2, 2019 

7. Paint, listen to music, & document  March 4, 2019 

8. Finish time lapse video  March 6, 2019 

9. Finish Digital portfolio   March 10, 2019  

10. Final Product  March 15, 2019 

Student Signature    Date  February 12, 2019 

Student Signature      February 12, 2019 

Teacher Signature    Date   

Accepted As-Is     

Accepted With Modifications   


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