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1 Becerra

Jennifer Becerra
Rec 341
Professor Zhao
November 12,2017

Exercise 1: Independent t test

Hypothesis Testing Process

In this study, two group were examined to determine the effectiveness of having individual

medication support or group medication support for chronic illness patients. The group was

rated from the amount of time the patients visited the hospital. Medication support has two

level individual medication support and group medication support which in this study is

consider to be independent variable . Meanwhile, the amount of hospitalization in the

psychotic hospital is the dependent variable. In this two hypothesis were observed he null

hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis for this study is Ho: µ1=µ2 and

the alternative hypothesis is H1:µ1≠µ2.

Table 1

Results of t-test and Descriptive Statistics for Medication Support Research

95% CI for Mean
Medication Support
Group Individual
Lower Upper
M SD n M SD n t df
# of emergency
psychiatric 10.89 3.510 19 8.16 3.746 19 3.48 5.125 2.32* _36_
* p < .05
In order to determine whether or not the null hypothesis was valid or not the p-value had to be

calculated and compared to a Signiant level . When calculating the p -value the result showed

that the p-value is 0.891 and t value is 2.32 . The p-value is greater than the .05 so as a result we

can conclude that the null hypothesis is can reject and the alternative hypothesis is accepted . .

2 Becerra

The t-test results indicated that individuals received Group medication support (M = 10.89 , SD

=3.510, N =19 ) scored higher on visits to the hospital than those who received Individualized

Medication Support medication support (M = 8.16 , SD = 3.746 , N = 19), t(df= 36) = 2.32 ,

p=0.026, two-tailed. Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis because the p-value which

is 0.026 is less the 0.05 and accept the alternative hypothesis. By accepting the alternative

hypothesis we can conclude that is no relationship between these two groups and that individuals

medication support is more effective than group medication support .Looking at the result of

these two tests , individuals with a chronic mental illness would benefit from a individual

medication support rather a group medication support . The study clear illustrate that chronic

patients receiving a induvial medication support group had less visit to the psychiatric hospital

as to opposed to the group medication support . Based on these result , induvial support group

should not be eradicated from funding .

Exercise 2: Paired T-test

Hypothesis Testing Process

In this study, a newly implemented training program is tested on whether or not the program is

effective to the clients with a developed disability. The goal is through the program the clients

can improve their work skills and apply them in the community setting. In this research, the

independent variable is the training happening before the testing and after the testing. Since both

of this variable can be modified. The dependent variable in this research would be the work skills

that the clients obtain at the end of the study. In this study, the null hypothesis would be Ho:

µ1=µ2 and the alternative hypothesis is H1 :µ1≠µ2.

3 Becerra

Table 2
Results of t-test and Descriptive Statistics for New Training Program
95% CI for
Mean Difference
Pretest Posttest Lower Upper
M SD n M SD n t df
Work Skills Score 12.73 4.65 40 17.58 6.53 40 -6.165 -3.535 -7.46* 39
* p < .05
Based on the result , the null hypothesis would be reject, This is because the clients who work in

the research skills vary within the post and pre testing . Furthermore , the p-value is 0.000 which

is less than 0.05 . By this result we can reject the null and accept the alternative hypothesis .

The results of the paired-sample t-test show that the difference of work skills after the program is

significant at alpha=0.05 level (t=7.46,df= 39, n=40 , p= 0.00). On average, work skills score

was about 5 points higher after the intervention.

Exercise 3: The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing

Number of Hawaii Package Sales

City per month by Social Media
Facebook Twitter
1 461 384
2 642 557
3 540 585
4 454 480
5 398 368
6 382 296
7 501 441
8 434 372
9 380 349
10 456 384
11 535 526
12 389 373
13 225 184
14 424 414

4 Becerra


In this research, the two social media are examined Facebook and Twitter and investigated to

understand which social media works best in promoting Hawaii travel packages. Fourteen cities

were chosen to be part of the research. Within each city, the social media usage was recorded and

then calculated. Facebook and Twitter are alternated within a month and recorded meaning that

the social media in this research are paired and not independent. In this research the null

hypothesis is Ho:µ1=µ2 and alternative hypothesis is H1: µ1≠µ2.

Table 3

Results of t-test and Descriptive Statistics for Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing
95% CI for
Mean Difference
Facebook Sales Twitter Sales
M SD n M SD n Lower Upper t df
444.36 96.883 14 408.59 105.69 14 12.846 59.72 3.344 13
promoting method

When conducting the test at a 5% level, the result concluded that the p-value of the research is

0.005. Due to the p-value being less than 0.05 we can conclude that the null hypothesis scan be

rejected and the alternative hypothesis would be accepted. Results of the paired-sample t-test

show that the difference of promoting effectiveness of social media after the research illustrated

the insignificant at alpha=0.05 level (t=3.344,df= 13, n=14 , p= 0.05). On average, social media

promotion was score was about points less after the twitter was used for promotion. With these

result, I would conclude that through the twitter and Facebook have the different result when it

5 Becerra

comes to promotion. Facebook illustrated the effectiveness it had to prompt meanwhile twitter

was not as effective as Facebook.

Dataset Lab 2 Exercise 3.1

Number of Hawaii Package

City Social Media
4EQSales per month

1 461
2 642
3 540
4 454
5 398
6 382
7 501
8 434
9 380
10 456
11 535
12 389
13 225
14 424
15 384 Twitter
16 557
17 585
18 480
19 368
20 296
21 441
22 372
23 349
24 384
25 526

6 Becerra

26 373
27 184
28 414


In this research two social media are investigated Facebook and twitter in order to distinguish

which social media works the best in prompting Hawaii traveling packages . Twenty eight cities

were randomly chosen and were separated into two groups . One group was only to use

Facebook meanwhile the other used twitter for this the research is independent from each other .

In this experiment the null hypothesis is Ho:µ1=µ2 and the alternative hypothesis is H1: µ1≠µ2

Table 4
Results of t-test and Descriptive Statistics for effective method of Promotion Research
95% CI for Mean
Facebook Twitter
Lower Upper
M SD n M SD n t df
# of promotion in
444.36 96.883 14 408.07 105.69 14 -42.483 115.055 .947 _26_
social media

When conducting the test at a 5% level , the result concluded that the p-value of the research is

0.05 . By this the null hypothesis would be rejected due to the 0.05 not being less than …. and

the alternative hypothesis would be accepted. Results of the independent test how that the

difference of promoting effectiveness od social media after the research illustrated the

insignificant at alpha=0.05 level (t=.947 df= 26, n=14 , p= .352). The t-test results indicated that

individuals received Facebook (M = 444.36 , SD =96.883, N =14 ) scored higher effectiveness

in Hawaii travel promotion than those who received Twitter promotions (M = 408.07, SD =

7 Becerra

105.69 , N =14), t(df= 26) = .947 , p=.352, two-tailed. Therefore, we fail to reject the null

hypothesis and conclude that is no relationship between these two groups and that Facebook is

more effective than twitter .

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