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Chapter 4: Adolescence Section 1: Physical and Sexual Development

What is Adolescence?
● The period of time between being a _____________ and being an
____________ is hard to define.
● It’s been argued whether or not this move is __________________,
__________________, or ______________________________.
● Some cultures don’t even believe in this stage of life!
● In our own society, adolescence is viewed as a “_______________________”
time. We are preparing ourselves for the _______________________ that
adulthood will demand.

Initiation Rites
● An initiation rite is a __________________________________ that marks the
admission into something. In this scenario, it’s admission into
● There are many markers for those going through adolescence including
__________ and _____________________.
● What are some examples of different initiation rites that we either participate in or
have seen?

Theories of Adolescence
● The common early theory about adolescence came from a psychologist, G.
Stanley Hall. In __________, Hall argued that those going through adolescence
were caught in a state of
● It wasn’t until ____________ when ______________________________
research countered this belief. Mead found that adolescence was a
______________________________________ and that the stress that young
people felt was due to their _____________________ and

Not so Fast!
● For many years after, Mead’s work was accepted and built upon.
● Psychologist _____________________________ agreed with Mead’s work but
also stated that adolescence was a time that required facing challenges that took
the form of _______________________________________________.
● Havinghurst compiled a list of the top _______ tasks young people must master:
○ Accepting one’s ___________________________ and acquiring a
masculine or feminine _____________________
○ Developing appropriate relations with _______________ of both sexes
○ Becoming ____________________________ of parents and other adults
○ Achieving the assurance that one will become
○ Deciding on, preparing for, and entering a job
○ Developing the _______________________________________
necessary for social competence
○ Understanding and achieving socially responsible behavior
○ Preparing for _______________ and ________________
○ Acquiring ______________ that are harmonious and appropriate

Physical Development
● Puberty -

● Menarche -

● Spermarche -

● Asynchrony -

Reactions to Growth
● The amount of information we now have usually makes those going through
adolescence a little more comfortable.
● Adolescents mostly have to deal with being ________________________.
● ___________ tend to worry about _________________________,
_______________________, and
● ___________ tend to worry about ___________________________ and the

Sexual Development
● As adolescents go through ______________, they begin to mature sexually.
● ____________________, ________________________, __________________,
and ___________________________ all put a ton of weight onto adolescents
about how they should handle their sexual development.
● Many sexually transmitted diseases and _____________________ have led to
the popular decision to remain abstinent.

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