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Intelligent Transportation System: An Integrated Information Platform

for Greater Resilience in Jakarta
Abhinaya Putri Pambharu, Hanang Pandu Himawan, Laras Ayu Sekartaji
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung,


In this modern era, challenges we face in transportation sector are complex, uncertain and
ever-changing. Conventional and segregated transportation management is no longer able
to support high demand of commute and the need of seamless mobility. Therefore, there is
an urgency to transform our current transportation system into one that is integrated and at
the same time responsive to the dynamic traffic and environmental condition. Information
and communications technology (ICT) provides a powerful platform for integration of
systems and modes by building resilience into the design of urban transportation system.
Future transportation network can be improved by building one data center in the city which
accommodates monitoring, management and communication throughout all different
traffic and travel information. With the use of sensors and data management, the flow of
traffic and mobility of the people can be controlled in the most efficient and cost-effective
way possible. Furthermore, intelligent traffic networks, such as real-time monitoring of
traffic flow and big data analytics, can help to reduce the risk from a variety of shocks
including flooding, heat waves, earthquakes as well as congestion, cut emissions and
improve safety. Ultimately, to surpass existing implementation of ICT, we vision one
dedicated data center which provides comprehensive and real-time information regarding
transportation modes, condition and its potential disruptions to be made far more integrated
and accessible to city dwellers. Such intelligent traffic networks will help to improve
decision making process of commuter and provide seamless, reliable, and efficient
multimodal service within reach of their smartphones. By aiming attention at Jakarta urban
transportation system, this paper should be a roadmap on effective implementation of ICT
in economically growing cities with rising urbanization and ever-changing traffic
challenges. Indonesia should also set a profound benchmark in realizing the concept of
smart cities and the inevitable internet of things to sustain a resilient transportation system
and for a better welfare of society as a whole.

Keywords: resilient; data integration; real-time; control center; transportation management

Jakarta Human Aid System (Jak-HAS): Urban Transport Disruption
Strategy to Actualize Jakarta as Resilient City
Dira Alifa, Danang Desfri Abdilah, M. Andika Putra Kusuma
Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Indonesia


As one of the cities that get involved in 100 Resilient Cities project, Jakarta is
expected to have resilience against all kinds of threats that can cause damage to the
existing life order inside. BPS Jakarta states that Jakarta’s vehicle growth rate
reaches more than 9.93% in 2014. Moreover, vehicle emissions account for 70% of
Jakarta’s air pollution, a figure exacerbated by urban traffic congestion. To solve
this common-but-vital problem, various transportation facilities have been
developed from Transjakarta, Commmuter Line, and further LRT and MRT. In
practice, delay constraints often arise due to some conditions that cause the
disruption of transport modes. This research presents Jak-HAS to keep optimizing
the displacement current when there is interference on one type of transportation
with two main features i.e. Go Rescue and Transport in Real Time. As this paper
proposed an application that has two features which run in different condition, so it
enriches with two methods that use for both features. To analyze the feasibility of
Go Rescue, it is recommended to use qualitative approach in the form of survey to
online motorcycle-based transportations drivers to illustrate the willingness of them
as they have rescuer role in certain conditions. Transport in Real Time was
conducted using simulation method to determine the fastest travel time and feasible
integration framework of all urban transportations to certain destination. The
implementation of Jak-HAS induces the rate of mobility from one place into another
can be achieved with relatively no different time, despite being in a travel

Keywords: Jak-HAS, Transport Mode; Rescuer; Integration; Resilience.

Self-Erecting Flexible Delineator Usage on Reversible Traffic Lanes
Bintang Adi Subagja, Daniel Suhut Lumban Tobing, Jessica Lisa
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia


Traffic congestion has been a long time major problem in dense populated cities.
These congestions often occur only for one direction, especially during rush hours.
In order to reduce congestions, reversible traffic lanes are created to provide
additional lane to the congested road by reversing the opposing lanes, therefore it
will temporarily increase the capacity of the congested road. Reversible traffic lanes
are usually made by placing conventional traffic cones. In some cases, barrier
transfer machines are being used to move concrete barriers to the desired position.
However, these methods often take a long time to execute, as it has to be done
manually by the authorities. To solve these problems, we came up with the idea of
creating a self-erecting flexible delineator system. It is essentially a hassle-free way
to manage how many lanes are being utilized in each direction. In addition, the
system is integrated to the local traffic command center so it will automatically
deploy whenever congestion occurs. There are several benefits of using this system
compared to conventional methods: faster deployment, resulting less waiting time;
safer, as it is made of flexible highdensity polyethylene plastic, so not only will it
inflict less damage to road users in case it gets ran into, but also able to return to
their original position without any tilting; and more efficient, as it is automatically
controlled by computers, therefore less manpower is required. By using this
technology, hopefully we can reduce traffic congestions efficiently and create better
and safer reversible traffic lanes in the future.

Keywords: delineator; reversible; traffic; congestion; integrated

Strategy of Urban Transportation Development to Support Medan as a
Resilient City
Yeremia Sihombing, Denis Sebayang, Irvin Tobing
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung,


Modern humans have recently made a move to the city so that the number of
inhabitants in the city experienced a huge increase as well as its economic level.
This means a city must be able to perform its function under any circumstances
whether it is stress or shock. This condition also applies to Indonesia. Indonesia, a
country with high potential hazards, needs to formulate a plan to tackle the potential
dangers that arise when a disaster occurs. The plan is also called a Resilient City
concept. Resilient City is a concept that can cope with disaster impact when it
occurs and can also help the economy and social condition of the society during
normal condition. The Resilient City could be implemented in one of the largest
cities in Indonesia, such as Medan. Medan has a high level of economic activity but
also vulnerable to the dangers of natural disasters. A few possible approach to make
Medan as a resilient city is through Sustainable Transportation and Public Policy to
promote high mobility of the urban population. With the implementation of
Resilient City concept in Medan city, other cities in Indonesia are expected to
follow and develop the concept that has been done in Medan.

Keywords: Hazard; Medan; Resilient City; Sustainable Transportation

Advancing Walking As The Backbone Of Public Transportation With
“Yuk Jalan” Application
Gelasius Galvindy, Kevin Daffa Arrahman, Meily Japani Artha Sembiring
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Indonesia’s government currently hasten to build infrastructure in many regions,

including transportation. Its first MRT is currently under construction in Jakarta,
the capital. Comparing to other countries such as Hong Kong and Singapore, they
have developed their rapid transit railway since 1979 and 1987 respectively. Their
public transportation system is interconnected and it contributes to their high public
transportation ridership. However its high ridership is not merely because of its
system, but also because their people’s willingness to walk and use the public
transportation. According to study by Stanford University, Indonesia ranked last
out of 46 countries on walking, while Hong Kong topped the rank. In order to
engage Indonesia’s people to walk more, “Yuk Jalan” application is developed.
This idea comes from recent popular mobile game “Pokemon Go” in which we
observed that in “Pokemon Go” booming era, some people walk more than usual.
User engagement to the application is the key to success in implementing this idea,
therefore the application should be rewarding, reliable and friendly to all ages. This
application will track how far you walk and at certain distance, the user will be
rewarded with “Yuk Point” that can be exchanged with MRT or Bus ticket. The
application will also contain reliable public transportation information called
“Shortcut”, to give users information such as bus number to take, bus arrival
interval, travel time estimation, etc. This application will also promote time
efficiency through “Yuk Pay and Go” digital cash that can be used to pay the trip
ticket. This digital cash will also serve as a way to financially maintain the
application, with addition to collaborate with public transportation providers. By
developing this application alongside with the improvement of our public
transportation system with MRT Phase 1 expected to be operated by 2019 and the
improvement of environment’s walkability, Indonesia’s people would be willing to
walk and use the public transport while therefore increasing the public
transportation ridership alongside with reducing traffic jam.

Keywords: willingness to walk ; “Yuk Jalan” application ; user engagement ;

“Yuk Point” ; “Shortcut” ; “Yuk Pay and Go”
SOHIB : Reshaping Urban Society through Integrated Central
Transportation Hub Utilization in Bandung City, Indonesia
Anggit Dwi Nafisah, Catherine Nur Komara, Muhammad Zaky Irfan
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia


Bandung is the third largest city in Indonesia with an estimated population of 2,575,000.
This city has been experiencing massive urbanization since 1960’s; in such a way,
generating high population growth rates. Furthermore, the characteristic of the city narrow
streets, unstructured layout worsens the fact that urban sprawl has stimulated immense
commuting activities. In the case of high dependency to privately owned vehicles in
Bandung, traffic congestion have become inevitable reality. On top of that, inadequate
supporting infrastructure, information, and system regarding public transportation
encourage the community and tourists to ride private vehicles even more. The costs of this
congestion derive in few forms: lost time hence lowering productivity, increased pollution,
high accident rate, and wasted gas; those will affect the citizens and impact the economy
as a whole. To overcome these severe urban mobility challenges, the government of
Bandung is currently planning Bandung Urban Mobility Project (BUMP). This project
consists of eight mass transportation projects, including School Bus, Monorail, Cable Car,
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Bike Sharing, Skywalk, and Tourism Bus; all supported by
Transit-oriented Development (TOD) implementation. In this paper we are going to
enhance the potential of Bandung Urban Mobility Project using pioneering ground-
breaking Society-oriented Transportation Hub of Bandung (SOHIB). This highly
integrated transportation hub will improve urban transportation development of Bandung,
which is in emphasizing social welfare as a part of public education attempt. SOHIB will
expand more information and new knowledge, especially for the society in general, offering
beneficial vision for the city in the future such as sustainable commuting habit.
Additionally, as Bandung has been recognized as a creative city, this transportation hub
will be a contributing force in achieving greater livability for countless number of various
social communities. As a result of the narrow focus on the society resilience, the traffic
congestion and hazard dimensions are considered implicit as the system itself will soon
inherently provide fundamental impacts for those matters. A comprehensive feasibility
study is conducted to assure the effectiveness of this idea. The method includes literature
study, modelling, critical analysis, and survey. Enabling better and improved transportation
hub, SOHIB project would offer reliable solutions which will create more supportive
transportation system to an uncertain future, thus, resilient Bandung City.

Keywords: Resilient; Bandung; Society; Transportation Hub

Building a Resilience System of Urban Railway Network with
Genetic Algorithm
Jourast Ladzuardy, Destrianti Syamzida, Wisnu Leksono
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


Urban railway is one of the most important mode of transportation in a metropolitan city.
It requires a good connection of rail-based urban transport to be able to service waves of
commuting people in any condition. To design a system of urban railway network, UTPS
(Urban Transportation Planning System) method is used. However, general UTPS method
is less likely to adapt environmental changes and events, so it may cause disruption, or
worse, a system collapse. Therefore, this paper suggests new method derived from the
UTPS, so called RUTPS - Resilience Urban Transportation Planning System. This method
uses genetic algorithm to compute hazard variable into the system, so that RUTPS able to
compare and optimize the economic value, breakeven point value, and passenger
satisfaction for the system to be planned, then minimal cost can be achieved while adapting
with the environment changes. Under this transport assessment that was ran on an
illustrative example, it results 9.31% lower breakeven point (BEP), 8.13% lower initial
cost, and prevent 0.93% loss of passengers compared to the UTPS. By having this RUTPS
method, urban railway is set up to bounce forward and operate normal when hazard
condition strikes so that fewer aspects, assets and stakeholders are put at risk.

Keywords: Network; Urban; Railway; Resilience; Transport; Assessment; UTPS

Redesigning New Yogyakarta International Airport:
The Application of Viscous Damper Technology to Reduce the
Impact of Earthquake and Tsunami
Kurniawan Putra Santoso, Annisa Retno Rifaq, Arina Nada Faculty of
Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


Every year, the demand of transportation services always increases, the world becomes
mobile. To meet the demand while also preserving nature, it is important to make and
develop sustainable transportation system and infrastructure. Today, 296 airports are
currently operating in Indonesia, but some of them, 16 airports to be exact, are located in
the coastal areas and thus are very prone to natural disasters such as earthquake and
tsunami. The 17th airport that lies within the dangerous area is currently being constructed
and it is called as New Yogyakarta International Airport. Apparently in 2015, the greenbelt
project trial using sand dunes has already been done to find the solution in minimizing the
impact of natural disasters, especially the ones caused by the sea waves, in Kulon Progo.
And the trial resulted in the damage of the sand dunes. The sand dunes were brutally hit by
the waves of the Indian Ocean and abrasion occurred, wiping them away almost
completely. It is then concluded that even the sand dunes are not able to protect the area
from disasters. This fact shows how urgent it is to conduct further research on New
Yogyakarta International Airport’s design, especially related to the treatment of the
earthquake and tsunami disaster potentials. This paper suggests the application of viscous
damper technology as the solution to the problems New Yogyakarta International Airport
is facing. The application of that technology would ensure the airport’s security by
minimizing the impact of tsunami, as well as providing an evacuation area to keep the
airport users safe inside its building. The method used in this paper are spatial, structural,
and transportation data analysis. This design of New Yogyakarta International Airport
would hopefully be the pioneer of the suitable designs needed for airports with similar
conditions in Indonesia.

Keywords: airport; design; earthquake; infrastructure; transportation; tsunami; viscous

Multi-Villages Transit-Supportive Design (MVTSD) based on
Landmarks by
Establishing Intermodal Transportation for Creating Livable
Hinterland in Yogyakarta City
Muhammad Fahmi Mubarak, Adya Sadewo Herlambang, Harmien Citra Gayatri
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


Yogyakarta is one of biggest cities in Indonesia that known as tourism and education city.
That makes Yogyakarta potentially attractive for domestic tourists to visit and locals who
to live this city. Every year, there are 3.5 million tourists come to this city. Morover,
Yogyakarta has 147 universities, academies, institutes adn colleges. This has attratcted
about 27,000 students to come to Yogyakarta to study each year. In time, Yogyakarta that
used to be identical to it simplicity turned to be metropolis with raising population and
activity in years. That turns Yogyakarta crowded and chaotic, so that also takes out the
identity of Yogyakarta. The point of this planning is to give design plan of intermodal
transportation which connects each strategic regions in form of transit villages especially
education and cultural heritage nodes that interconnected to exteriorize transit villages and
convert land rapidly which shall raise economy, social equity and environmental-based
sorroundings. This plan uses transit village concept which rise the density of transit center
regions and its hinterland that will provide spatial benefits to the people there. The planning
methods that is used is mix-used method through planning step which are : (1) secondary
data collecting and region delineation with sattelite images; (2) analyzing strategic and
potential point in Yogyakarta; (3) analyzing Intermodal Transportation and Transit
Villages concept; (4) analyzing empirical regions that located in urban villages around the
landmarks; (5) designing conceptual model that connects beetwen theory and empirical
condition. This design is written using verivicative method which is focusing on solving
problems to actual phenomenons. Eventually, Yogyakarta is prepared to be a resilient city
that shall rise economy, integrated city center and optimize its educational and tourism

Keywords: Yogyakarta;resilient city;landmarks;intermodal transportation;transit village

Towards Resilient City through Urban Rapid Transit Optimizing with
Considering Disaster Area (Study Case: Semarang City)
Wahyudi Setiawan, Rani Setyaningsih, Tania Sinayangsih
Faculty of Engineering, Diponegoro University, Indonesia


The most common urban rapid transit in Semarang City is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).
Different with other cities such as Gorontalo and Palembang, Semarang’s BRT is one that
can hold out. According to Badan Layanan Umum (BLU), BRT in Semarang has 6
corridors with 126 bus units and average service 22,000-23,000 passengers in a day. This
number of BRT passengers performs that BRT in Semarang has indication not operated
optimally yet. Besides that, transportation infrastructure in Semarang isn’t infrequently
impacted by disaster such as flood and landslide. Nowadays, there is no system to support
transportation to be resilient towards disaster in Semarang. The aim of this research is to
study about the service rate of BRT in Semarang and to plan BRT optimizing with
considering disaster area to provide resilient transportation. To measure the BRT service
rate, that is done by analyzing travel speed, headway, availability, and load factor. From
those parameters of analysis, they will be guidance to plan the urban rapid transit
optimizing in Semarang with considering disaster area. In identifying the disaster prone
area, it is helped by mapping landslide and flood prone zone overlaid with the BRT
corridor. The corridor that is closed or located at disaster prone area will be completed by
early warning system and alternative corridor to keep going the mobility. It is also planned
ring corridor to accommodate the outer and unaffordable areas which the current corridor
(radial corridor) can’t accommodate those areas. Park and ride area is added at some points
around corridor to increase the load factor of BRT in Semarang so that sustainable
transportation can be gained. The result of analysis performed that BRT in Semarang still
behaves not well enough in service rate. By optimizing and planning urban rapid transit
with considering disaster area, it can provide resilient transportation to support high
mobility even in disaster hit condition. The conclusion of the research is by optimizing
urban rapid transit in Semarang with considering disaster area; it is capable to support
resilient Semarang through transportation major.

Keywords: BRT; disaster area; early warning system; park and ride; ring corridor; urban
rapid transit optimizing.
Implementation of Bamboo Culms as Local Wisdom for
Development at Dukuh Atas Interchange Center
Masrul Wisma Wijaya, Kiendy Sunarto, Devinta Virly Damayanti
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


Everyday 3,4 million people commute from and to Jakarta from its surrounding area such as Bogor,
Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. The amount of private vehicles increase approximately 6000 units
per day. Those massive mobility could cause a mess traffic jam in the midst of Jakarta. To solve this
problem, Government provides mass public transportation such as Commuterline with 700.000
passengers per day, Transjakarta with 370.000 passengers per day and also in the future MRT target
to mobilize 170.000 passengers per day, airport train 33.000 passenger per day and LRT 360.000
passengers per day. The city's transportation system would be a vulnerable one if government don’t
pay attention to this. One of the proposed solution is interchange development among those
transportation modes. Interchange centers, which integrate various means of transport, are crucial
part in the public transportation system. They facilitate the passengers to travel without extra efforts
by minimizing the trip uncertainty and reducing waste of time on the movement. The disorganized
integration often reduce the principal benefit of a transportation system. At the clause Tataran
Transportasi Lokal (TATRALOK) as stated in Sistem Transportasi Nasional (SISTRANAS), modal
integration must be considered in the municipal transportation policy making.

This paper attempts to uphold the interchange infrastructure development at Dukuh Atas, Sudirman,
Jakarta, which could integrate commuter line, airport train, bus rapid transit (BRT), mass rapid
transit (MRT), light rail transit (LRT), airport train and pedestrian zone more efficiently. The
interchange infrastructure is designed to be sustainable and resilient, by combining it with bamboo
culms as structural element. Rebuilding the current infrastructures indeed lead to be more organized
integration which could benefit the passengers.

Bamboo structure is environment friendly and its resistance toward the earthquake is considerable.
Bamboo as a structural element can become a natural forest in the middle of “concrete forest”. It
also reduces stress level while the passengers are coming through. Besides, bamboo is the
representative of local wealth and culture of Indonesia. From previous studies, for some species,
ultimate tensile strength of bamboo is same as the yield strength of mild steel that is ranged 100
MPa-400 MPa. But its compressive strength is falling within range 12 MPa-65 MPa. These
mechanical properties is engineered by filling the culms with certain material. Bamboo column is
filled with reinforced concrete and concrete beam is reinforced with both bamboo and steel to
increase its ductility.

Keywords: mass transportation; interchange center; bamboo culms; benefit; Dukuh Atas
Improving Social Welfare through Integrated Directional
Transportation (INDIT) to Create Bandung as Resilient City
Luthfi Dunav Herzegovian, Muhammad Ilham Muchtar Rijal, Oktabriyan Syah
Civil and Environment Engineering Faculty, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia


Bandung is one of the Metropolitan City in Indonesia. Its population in 2015 has reached
2.48 million people and approximately 60% of them will live in urban areas by 2030. Rapid
urbanization and limited traffic network has escalated the private transportation growth.
Meanwhile, Bandung still has inadequate public transportation which leads to traffic
congestion problem. The traffic congestion disrupts the accessibility and mobility,
environmental pollution, wasting time and energy, reduced quality of life and health,
financial loss, and unhappy citizen. These problems certainly become the city’s risk
indicators in facing its vulnerability. Therefore, concepts and strategies for sustainable
transportation system planning are needed as an innovation to create the resilient city.
Sustainable transportation has three interconnected components such as environment,
equity, and economy. Transport Demand Management (TDM) is a concept of influencing
traveler behavior to reduce or redistribute the travel demand. Resilient city is the capacity
of a city to adapt, survive, and grow no matter what kinds of acute shock and chronic
stresses they experience. To implement these concepts, one of the strategies that can be
done is INDIT (Integrated Directional Transportation). INDIT is an integrated
transportation system that able to guide passenger in taking journey with various modes in
one platform as a resilience strategy to reduce traffic congestion in Bandung. The goals of
INDIT are to improve accessibility and mobility which will make public transportations
chosen. This strategy is supported by a linear layout concept of Bandung, integrated
transportation infrastructure, and mobile application that will be utilized by a new authority.
Problems of traffic congestion are expected to be resolved by this sustainable transportation
system. This could be the way to create a resilient city in Bandung which leads to the
improvement of social welfare.

Keywords: integrated directional transportation; resilient city; social welfare; sustainable

transportation system; traffic demand management
Kopo Integrated Trade Center and Advanced Transportation System
(KITCATS) as The Solution of Kopo – Soreang Route Traffic Jam
Faisal Asadineri Hakim
Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia


Bandung as one of the biggest cities in Indonesia and as the capital city of West Java has
now become the center of many domestic economic activities. However, this phenomenon
is not followed by the proper infrastructure development to provide them. One of the proofs
of this problem is a severe traffic jam that is often happened in Kopo – Soreang roadway,
South Bandung. Traffic jam in this area happens almost every time. The peak of this
problem is always on the weekdays at 06.00-08.00, and at 16.00-18.00. But still, outside
those mentioned times before traffic jam still happens. From the writer's point of view,
factors that triggered this problem are the activity of Sayati Traditional Market that
intercepts pedestrian sidewalk and road shoulder, undisciplined public transport driver
behavior to pick up the passenger, poor capacity and quality of the roadway, and unobeyed
vehicle drivers. Therefore, to overcome this problem, the writer initiates the idea of Kopo
Integrated Trade Center and Advanced Transportation System (KITCATS). This system
works to integrate Sayati Traditional Market and all trade activity center nearby all in one
place, modernize Sayati Traditional Market, and improve public transportation
management in the area also with the addition of Rp/kilometer payment system for the
drivers. The goals of this system’s application are to overcome traffic jam problem that is
mainly caused by a huge amount of side obstacles from traditional market activity and other
trading activity nearby. Besides that, local government can use this chance to restore the
pedestrian sidewalk into its maximum function. Then, with the Rp/kilometer driver
payment system and advanced public transport management by the system, the writer
hoped that the public transport service quality can be lifted up, and the traffic jam could be
erased because there will be no undisciplined drivers stopped by to pick up the passenger
in any place. Public transportation in this system will be integrated directly into every trade
center activities around Kopo – Soreang route, so people's accessibility will be improved.
The method that will be applied by the writer for this paper is by doing literature study and
direct location survey to collect data and information. In the end, with this idea initiation,
the writer hoped that this solution can solve the notorious traffic jam problem that is
happening in the area.

Keywords: traffic jam; public transport; Kopo – Soreang route; traffic; transportation
Public Transportation Empowerment through The Application of
Carbon Tax Pricing (CTP) on Private Vehicle Ownership in the
Greater Jakarta Region
Timothy Edwin Muljono, Talitha Ayu Risat Fitrian, Malna Widahta Mus’ ad
Engineering Faculty, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia


With an estimated population of 28 million people, the Greater Jakarta is struggling with
the increasing population from urbanization and the increasing private vehicle ownership
which follows. The increasing population problem, coupled with the ease of acquiring
vehicles led to a dangerous air pollution levels. A study in 2017, conducted in 21 locations
in the region showed failure in all 21 locations with level of pollution varying from 47
μg/m3 to 97 μg/m3 whereby the World Health Organization (WHO) standard is at 25
μg/m3. Should this level continue to rise, an inevitable pollution emergency will occur in
Jakarta, leading to massive losses in many sectors. Putting aside the problems created from
the pollution levels in Jakarta, Jakarta continuously faces the problems of traffic jams. With
losses reaching 28.7 Trillion Rupiah in terms of waste in fuel and 38.5 Trillion rupiahs in
health damages. Positive steps have been taken by the government, relying heavily on
foreign debt to finance the Mass Rapid Transit, Light Rapid Transit and Bus Rapid Transit
projects in order to catch up with the ever-growing population. With the need for the 2018
fiscal year almost reaching 12 Trillion Rupiah, the government has relied heavily on
Japanese and Chinese Foreign debt, creating an unhealthy and unsustainable system. This
paper discusses the possibility of a four-pronged approach in handling the problem at hand,
where a system of Carbon Tax Pricing is placed on the annual vehicle tax on motorcycles
and cars. A model is based on the European Union CTP case study, with a financial
potential of 13.6 Trillion Rupiah, which is more than the complete financial need for the
BRT and LRT in the 2018 fiscal year. An advanced SWOT analysis is used to analyze the
strengths, weaknesses, and impacts of the system.

Keywords: Value Engineering; Carbon Tax Pricing; Negative Externality; Resilient City;
Pivogian Tax

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