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FULL NAME: Diego Alonso Alcalde Corcio

TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 pm

DAY: Tuesday – Thursday – Saturday

TEACHER: Gilver Cristóbal

PRINCIPAL: Juan Martínez



This present work I want to

dedicate it especially to my
parents and my whole family
that always supports me in
everything and also for God
since without him I would not
have come so far


INTRODUCTIÓN......................................................................................................................... 4
OBJETIVES .................................................................................................................................. 4
ADDICTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 4
1. DRUG ADDICITIÓN............................................................................................................. 6
a. ECSTASY: ........................................................................................................................ 6
b. HEROIN .......................................................................................................................... 7
c. COCAINE ........................................................................................................................ 8
d. MARIHUANA.................................................................................................................. 8
HOW TO AVOID DRUG ADDICITION .......................................................................................... 9
2. ALCOHOLISM ................................................................................................................... 10
RISK FACTORS OF ALCOHOLISM .............................................................................................. 10
a. THE HERITAGE ............................................................................................................. 10
b. THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ................................................................................... 11
c. SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP AND THE ALOCHOL CONSUMPTION ...................................... 11
SYMPTOMS OF ALCOHOLISM.................................................................................................. 12
CONSEQUENCES OF ALCOHOLISM .......................................................................................... 12
PREVENTION OF ALCOHOLISM................................................................................................ 13
3. SMOKING ......................................................................................................................... 14
DISEASES THAT CAUSES THE SMOKING .................................................................................. 14
CAUSES OF SMOKING .............................................................................................................. 15
HOW TO PREVENT THE SMOKING........................................................................................... 16
BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................................. 17

The following research work will be destined to depeen our knowledge about
addicitions, we will also be interested by their causes, consequences, and ways of

I will dedicate myself entirely to the addictions that I consider most relevant as the
smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction, also find out as influences these addiction in
the society and as modify the family relation.

I will only talk about three addictions the most dangerous and the most consumed in
these times because there is a huge amount of addictions

 Recognize the causes and consequances of addiction.
 Analyze the effects that produces each of addictions in the human body.
 Find out who are most likely, within society to fall into this type of addiction.
 Identify the especific characteristic of each of the addictions to study.

Nowadays there are many addictions, mostly young people are more likely to fall on
them, also the people that suffer from depresión, and etc.

If we do something in excess it can be considered an addiction and as the saying goes,

everything in excess becomes bad.

The addictions are a síndrome constituted by a set of signs and characteristic symptoms.
The origin of the adicction is due to various factors among wich we can mention:
biological, genetic, psychological and social factor.

Some characteristic symtomps of addiction are:

 Progressive deterioration of the quality of life of the person, due to the negative
consequences of the practice of addictive conduct.
 Denial or self-deception that is presented as a difficulty to perceive the
relationship between addictive conduct and damage personal.

 Use despite the damage, which is manifested as the continuous practice of
addictive conduct. This damage is both for the person and family members.

Studies show that there are neurochemical changes involved in the people whit
addictive disorders and that is also posible that there is predisposition biogenetic to
develop these diseases.

Can diveloped adicctions due to psychotropic subtances, as activities and to

relationship. Some cases of addiction that we can mention are:

 Psychotropic subtances for example: the alcohol, nicotine , and different types of
 Games of chance.
 Food or groceries component.
 Sex.
 Work.
 Interpersonal relationship, for example a couple.

The exact nature of addiction continues being reason of scientific analysis and every
day are made discoveries that facilitate the understanding of this phenomenon, that
affects thousands of people around thr world.

In this monograph, we will deal treat certain addictions and not all, given the
complexity of the topic. The dependencies to be treated will be:

 Drug addicition: The different types of drug and the effects and consequences of
the same.
 Alcoholism.
 Smoking.


The drug addiction is a psychosocial disease, characterized by abuse and

dependence of chemical subtances. It produces severe physical, family, labour and
social problems.

Drug addiction can begin with the experimental use of a recreational drug in social
situations and, in some people, the use of drugs becomes more frequent. In other person
the drug addiction starts with exposure to prescription medications, or receiving
medicine from a friend or a family member that prescribed them.

I will present a list of the most used drugs and are:


The ecstasy is usually done in clandestine laboratories in some European

countries. It is usually sold in tablets that have different logos or designs
drawn. Sometimes ecstasy pills may contain other drugs and substances.

Effects: Ecstasy can make you feel more alert and attuned to the environment.
You feel happy and calm, with a feeling of affection towards other people. The
sounds, colors and emotions are more intense. You have more energy, which
allows you to dance for longer periods of time.

Side effects: Your body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate increase.
Other physical effects include muscle aches, nausea, stiffening of the jaw, and
teeth grinding. You may experience profuse sweating, tremors and palpitations.
You may feel dehydrated, confused and tired.

Risks: Most legal drugs are first tested on animals, but ecstasy users are guinea
pigs. Research shows that regular weekend users experience a mid-week 'crisis'
that leaves them very tired and depressed, often for days. It will be years before
we know the long-term effects, but some consumers may be at risk of
developing mental health problems later in life. Deaths due to ecstasy are quite
rare, but they can be due to sunstrokes, heart attacks or asthma attacks.


Heroin is made from the morphine, one of the drugs that comes from the opium
poppy. It is consumed by injecting or smoking, which is called 'hunting the

Effects: The injection of heroin produces a rapid burst of excitement followed

by a sense of peace as in a dream. You feel affectionate, relaxed and sleepy.
The pain, aggression and libido are reduced.

Side effects: They find each other the constipation and weakening of
breathing, however, most of the dangers that heroin brings come from
overdosing or injecting the drug.

Risks: These substances may seem harmless, but they can cause huge injuries
to the body, such as blood clots, abscesses and gangrene, if they are injected.
AIDS and hepatitis B and C can be spread if the needles are shared.
Consuming heroin on a frequent basis can create addiction, especially if the
drug is injected.


Cocaine is a white powder that is made from the leaves of coca, a plant that
grows mainly in South America. It is usually consumed by inhaling the powder
through the nose. The 'crack' is not a different drug, but is a more addictive
form of cocaine. Crack, also called 'rock', 'stone' or 'free base' is usually
smoked. Cocaine is sometimes injected or eaten.

Effects: Cocaine is a powerful stimulant. You feel more alert and active while
reducing your hunger and thirst. Its effects can last up to 20 minutes after each
shot. Smoking crack cocaine offers a shorter, but more intense rush.

Side Effects: Due of its powerful effects, cocaine users often want to take
more. Large doses can make you feel fatigued, anxious and depressed, as well
as aggressive at times.

Risks: Cocaine can cause permanent damage inside the nose. The consumption
of cocaine can damage the heart and lungs. Large doses can cause death due to
heart attacks or blood clots.


The marihuana comes from the cannabis plant and is the most commonly used
illegal drug in the United States. This mixture of flowers, seeds, stems and
dried and shredded leaves is used as a psychoactive drug for recreational
purposes and, in some cases, to treat certain medical conditions.

Effects: This substance has an effect on specific receptors in the brain and
other organs of the body and causes the "high" that users experience. This high
is that makes this drug so attractive.

Risks: The use of the marihuana can cause memory problems, affect learning
and cause various behavioral problems. With the passage of time, the
continuous use of this substance causes more harmful effects in the long term,
so it is necessary to receive treatment as soon as possible.


It is not simply about prohibiting the drug, nor about controlling its distribution.
Although these things are necessary, the problem of drug addiction has its roots in
society itself. That is why a commitment of society as a whole is necessary.
Parents, teachers, media, institutions, etc., must commit themselves to building a
new society, where authentic values, especially spiritual ones, are promoted. If this
is not done, all prevention strategies will be useless, since the underlying problem
will continue to exist.

For people who have already fallen into drug abuse, simple medical treatments are
not enough, since there are other problems of the individual that are behind the fact
of their drug addiction. It is necessary, together with the medical treatment of
detoxification itself, a rehabilitation treatment that makes the person rediscover

their value and their deepest identity. This treatment will not be possible without
the participation of the individual, without his willingness to change.


Alcoholism (or alcohol dependence) is one of the main reasons for consulting
mental health, and is characterized by excessive consumption of alcohol for a long
time, which is dependent of the same.

It is considered a serious injury to health, which increases the risk of death as a

result of diseases in the liver, cancer, depression, accidents, etc.

However, many alcoholics do not recognize their problem and, therefore, never
seek help to solve it, while in other cases the real reason for requesting assistance
(alcohol abuse) appears masked by the effects of alcoholism on the physical state
and psychological of the patient, who at this point of the addiction are already

The treatment of alcoholism requires a multidisciplinary intervention of various

professionals that address the physical and psychological aspects of dependence, as
well as the various associated pathologies.


There are a series of risk factors that influence a person to develop an addiction to
alcohol. The most important are:


Studies indicate that people who have lived with an alcoholic relative are more
likely to develop this addiction themselves. Even though until now this data
was based on learning / education theories the latest studies seem to point more
to the genetic hypothesis, which holds that the presence of certain genes would
increase the predisposition of an individual to develop addictive behaviors such
as alcoholism.


Negative emotions such as anxiety, sadness, loneliness, low self-esteem or

anger are often found in the origin and maintenance of this disease, since the
patient uses alcohol to flee from them. The consumption of alcohol provide to
the patient a pleasant sensation that should be achieved by doing activities like
reading a book or watching a movie, enjoy the company of family and friends,
practice your favorite hobby . on the other hand are those people who use
alcohol often to accompany positive emotions (such as celebrations, meetings
with friends, partying, etc.). The social tolerance of excessive alcohol
consumption in these situations reinforces these inappropriate behaviors and, in
the long run, the "occasional drinker" is at significant risk of becoming an


The bad relationships with a partner or family, economic problems, pressure

from friends to drink, etc. can also act as precipitants or maintainers of alcohol
dependence. In this sense, some people also begin their consumption pattern to
overcome the problems they have when relating to others, such as shyness or
lack of social skills (for example, they drink to be disinhibited or to feel more
friendly when it comes to knowing to a person or to be integrated in a new
group), as well as to face someone who does not know how to express
something that bothers them.


Alcoholism is a dependence or physical addiction to a substance, in this case

alcohol, and to determine that a person is an alcoholic must present one of the
following symptoms continuously for a period of time:

 Intense desire to drink alcohol.

 Lack of control over alcohol consumption, referred to both the need to
start drinking, as to the inability to suspend or reduce this consumption.
 He drinks when he is alone, and tries of hide his behavior from people
around him.
 Withdrawal syndrome when not consumed, characterized by an intense
physical discomfort that the patient tries to relieve by drinking.
 Tolerance. This implies that the individual needs to consume more alcohol
to achieve the same effects.
 Lapses or gaps in the memory.
 Interference in everyday life: for example, there is a progressive
abandonment of other sources of pleasure, the personal aspect is neglected,
the work or academic performance decreases, or a lot of time is spent
getting alcohol or recovering from their effects.
 The consumption of alcohol persists with indepence of its physical
consequences (such as liver damage or malnutrition), psychological
(depression, anxiety), cognitive impairment, or the impact it has on work,
family and social relationships.


Physicists: cancer, liver diseases, headaches, diabetes, gastritis, cardiovascular

problems, insomnia, pancreas diseases, stroke (that is, a stroke or cerebral
hemorrhage), nutritional deficiencies, brain degeneration, erectile dysfunction.

Psychological: depression, anxiety, anger, celotipia (impossibility to control

jealousy), epilepsy, psychosis, Korsakoff syndrome, alcoholic dementia.

Social: family breakdown, labor problems, economic problems, accidents, abuse.


The prevention of alcoholism should begin in adolescence or even earlier. The

recommendation is to not drink any alcohol before adulthood. In order to encourage
alcoholic abstinence, the attitude of the minor's family is fundamental; thus, there
are parents who do not want their children to drink but frequently consume
alcoholic drinks in the presence of their children, or comment on "how much they
drank when they were young".

In second place, it is necessary to inform the adolescent about the real

consequences of alcohol. Fortunately, every time they are more young people are
aware of the effects of alcohol and the serious consequences it can have on their
health and quality of life, but if it is not accompanied by effective prevention
measures, the information is not enough.

Therefore, a third fundamental pillar to avoid addiction, will be to provide the

adolescent with the necessary strategies to eliminate the risk factors that can induce
him to consume alcohol, such as improving his self-esteem and his social skills. In
this sense, it will also be essential to help the young person withstand the pressure
of the group and show him alternative forms of entertainment.


Smoking is an addictive, chronic and recurrent disease, which in 80% of cases

begins before 18 years of age and which is maintained thanks to the dependence
produced by nicotine and whose main clinical manifestations are: cardiovascular
disorders, respiratory disorders and appearance of tumors in various locations. It
has a high prevalence that varies in different countries according to social,
economic and cultural criteria. Smoking is the leading cause of premature and
avoidable mortality in developed countries.

In developed countries, tobacco causes 35% of deaths in middle-aged men and

more than a fifth in old age. In women, the maximum of the tobacco epidemic has
not yet been reached, while in men the attributable mortality has begun to decrease
in last years.


It is well known that tobacco consumption is associated with more than 25 diseases,
being responsible for 90% of the tumor pathology, 75% of the processes classified
as chronic bronchitis or emphysema and 25% of the acute coronary syndromes. Of
all the chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia,
etc.), smoking is the one that produces the greatest morbidity and mortality.

Approximately 33% of cardiovascular diseases are directly attributed to tobacco

consumption. The smokers have a significantly higher number of atheroma plaques

in their arteries than do nonsmokers. That is because, in those cardiovascular
diseases appear more frequently.

The oxidizing substances, among which stand the toxic radicals of oxygen, are the
main causes of the processes of bronchial affectation. All respiratory diseases suffer
a worsening of their prognosis as a result of tobacco use, but some of them are
directly caused by tobacco. Among these, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD) deserves special mention.


The tobacco is a Solanaceous plant native to America that grows at temperatures

between 12 and 18ºC. One of its main characteristics is its great adaptability to the
environment in which it is grown. Tobacco cultivation is widespread throughout the
world, with China, Brazil, India and the United States the countries with the highest
production. The leaf of the tobacco plant is subjected to a process of fermentation,
cure and desiccation. After that, it is manipulated to obtain the tasks through which
it is consumed.


The community programs for the prevention of smoking have been driven by the
WHO (World Health Organization), and other Scientific Associations, destined at
sensitizing social leaders and the general population (school and work environment)
and at-risk groups. convince them of the need to adopt healthy life habits. For these
programs to obtain acceptable results, it is necessary that they comply at least with
the following aspects: prolongation in time, involvement of the professionals,
participation of the media and establishment of restrictive rules on the use of
tobacco in the facilities, where these acts are celebrated.


Currently in the society the problem of addictions is having a greater dimension and
boom in the population, present at younger ages and with more addictive

The knowledge, the part of the family, the teachers and the adolescents of the
damages that cause the addiction, is a factor that contributes to the decrease of the

Addiction is not a characteristic of adolescence, although there are some

adolescents that consume alcohol, cigarettes, which if not prevented in time could
appear addictive behaviors.

Lopez, V. F. (17 de 09 de 2017). Alcolismo. Recuperado el 2018 de 11 de 21, de webconsultas:

Miranda, J. A. (20 de 11 de 2018). Que es el tabaquismo. Recuperado el 2018 de 11 de 21, de

Perez, L. H. (06 de 09 de 2016). Tipos de drgas. Recuperado el 11 de 11 de 2018, de


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