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cChinese Abstract In this paper, the instrument for analysis of fosetyl Al pure preparation, on the basis

of valuation, the establishment of the original drug fosetyl Al, preparation of ion chromatography,
reversed-phase ion pair chromatography - evaporative light scattering detection method for quantitative
Changchun cucumber after application of aluminum Fosetyl cucumber and leaves of aluminum in the
residue were analyzed and evaluated. 3 ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ This paper also fosetyl Al were
all of the original drug.
Washed three times with two water filtration method on the original drug fosetyl Al were purified, made
fosetyl aluminum impurities contained in the original drug is mainly phosphite, sulfate.
by iodometric method, Ion Chromatography value content more than 00.0%, ion chromatography
analysis to meet the requirements of standard samples. ŒÀÀÀ£IONEX AS 14[AS
AS 0 defined the common anion ion column, eluent concentration on the separation of fosetyl Al effects.
This set up a
complete original drug fosetyl Al, the active ingredient and impurities in the preparation of ion
chromatography with quantitative analysis. ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ,´ À0 min Samples were dissolved
in water, ultrasonic oscillation 0 min. a Na2COÀl [AS
 ß100.ß A02020CÀÀÀó100.2 %) ßS£ 0.1 %)ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ,ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ Na2CO
solution used as eluent, AS 0 ion column, conductivity detector of the quantitative analysis results show
that the accuracy of the method ßrecoveries of 100. ßSource A02020C paper web 1 ~ 100.2%) and precision ßS£ 0.1%) were analyzed to meet the constant
demands of determination with satisfactory results.
ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ Ion chromatography, compared with
the performance of the classical iodometric method is simple, accurate, rapid, high throughput operation
characteristics. 3 ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ This is the first
order is already established as an ion pair reagent amine HPLC method for quantitative analysis.
ÀÀÀÀÀÀz0ó800 mgÀ Fosetyl Al concentration in the z0 ~ 800 mg. L~ß-
1)¨ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ,ÀÀÀÀ100 ng L ~ ß-1) showed a good linear range, the detection limit was
100 ng. 3
À100.ó100.6 %,ÀÀÀÀÀS£À0.6 % The average recovery
of this method was 100. to 100.6%, S£ = 0.6%.
Evaporative light scattering detector with the growing popularity of ion pair HPLC in the original drugs,
formulations and quality control aspects of the production is more practical.
3 "
ÀÀÀ This established a wet digestion - graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and the leaves
of cucumber background levels of aluminum and aluminum application Fosetyl final residues after the
ÀÀÀÀÀ0ó400ȝgÀ The linear range is 0 ~ 400ȝg. L~ß-1),r = 0.001 ,ÀÀÀÀÀÀ62.4
pg L ~ ß-1), r = 0.001 , the detection limit of aluminum 62.4 pg. À
I ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ02.1ó08. %,S£À4.8óz.1
%;S£À1.0ó1.6 %,ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ £etermination of aluminum in
cucumber recovery was 02.1 ~ 08.%, S£ 4.8 ~ z.1%; determination of cucumber leaves ßSource
6ef8AC paper network aluminum recovery was 80.0 ~ 100.1%; S£ was 1.0 ~
1.6%, indicating the method accuracy and precision meet the requirements of trace analysis.
Ó ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀz.0ó8. mgÀ ackground blank cucumber sample of aluminum is z.0 ~ 8.
mg. kg~ß-1),ÀÀ6.8 mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), an average of 6.8 mg. kg~ß-
1);Ó ÀÀÀÀÀÀ18.zó22.6 mgÀ kg ~ ß-1); blank background value of cucumber leaves
aluminum 18.z ~ 22.6 mg. kg~ß-1),ÀÀ201.6 mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), average 201.6 mg. kg~ß-1) kg ~ ß-
1). ÀÀ1/ÀÀÀÀ2ó80 %ÀÀÀWPßFÀÀz 640 gÀhm -
2,] ), ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ6.08ó0.z mgÀ Interval of 1 week 2 to  times spray application
of 80% fosetyl Al WP ßhigh-dose z 640 -2, the active ingredient), cucumber final sample of
aluminum residue was 6.08 ~ 0.z mg. kg~ß-
1),¹ ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ; ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ0.z mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), mutatis mutandis, the
relevant standard is safe to eat; cucumber leaves residue on the aluminum up to the end 0.z mg. kg~ß-
1),¹ Ó ÀÀÀÀÀ18.zó22.6 mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), cf aluminum cucumber leaves blank
background value 18.z ~ 22.6 mg. kg~ß-
measured data indicate that fosetyl aluminum on aluminum accumulation in cucumber leaves obvious,
and spraying pesticide dose and frequency of a certain relevance.
ÀÀÀÀÀ Test obtained fosetyl aluminum UV spectrum, infrared spectrum, NM ßSource ddAf0C
paper web resonance wave spectrum, mass spectrum.
ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ These spectra further characterize the chemical fosetyl aluminum
%ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ,ÀÀÀÀÀ y ion chromatography, the determination of fosetyl Al made
the original drug, in addition to the principal component and water, the more than 0.1% of the impurities
are phosphorous ions, sulfate ions, ammonium ions. ÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀÀ4.2ó8.
%[2.ó. % 1.2ó1. % Phosphite ion, sulfate ion and ammonium ion content of 4.2 ~ 8.%,
respectively, 2. to .% and 1.2 ~ 1.%. ß z1AeCÀÀÀ ßSource
z1AeC paper web

c* +,- In this paper the methods of ion chromatography and ion-pair reversed phase high
performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detector for quantitative
analysis of fosetyl-aluminium in technical or formulated were estab-lished on the base of preparation and
analysis of fosetyl-aluminium pure samples for instrument analysis. The residues of aluminium in
cucumber and the leaf samples after applying fosetyl-aluminium on cucumber planting in plastic house in
Changchun city were analyzed and evaluated. In addition, all ingredients of fosetyl-aluminium techni-cal
were analyzed.Fosetyl-aluminium technical made in China was purificatied with the method of washing
three times by redistilled water and vacuum filtration whose impurities are mostly phosphite, sulfate and
the prepared pure sample of fosetyl-Al could satisfy the demand of ion chromatography analysis. The
pure fosetyl-aluminium was determined by the method of iodimetry and ion chromatography, and its
content was above 00.0 %. The influence of familiar anions and the concentration of eluent on the
separation of fosetyl-Al were studied using £IONEX AS 14 and AS 0 analytical columns.The method of
quantitative analysis of fosetyl-aluminium technical, fo-setyl-aluminium formulated and their impurities
by ion chromatography with elec-tronic conductivity detector, AS 0 column, Na2CO solution as eluent
was established. The samples dissolved in the water with ultrasonic oscillating for 0 minutes. The re-
coveries of two fortification levels were 100.1 - 100.2 % with S£ of 0.1 %. The ac-curacy and the
precision of the method satisfied the demand of macro analysis. The result of samples determined was
satisfying. The method of ion chromatography is simple, accurate, rapid, and could determine a number
of samples simultaneously compared with the method of iodimetry.In this paper, the quantitative analysis
method of reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography with n-hexylamine as ion-pairing
reagent was established for the first. Fosetyl-aluminium presented good linearity in the range of z0 - 800
mgÀ cEnglish Abstract In this paper the methods of ion chromatography and ion-pair reversed phase
high performance liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detector for
quantitative analysis of fosetyl-aluminium in technical or formulated were estab-lished on the base of
preparation and analysis of fosetyl-aluminium pure samples for instrument analysis. The residues of
aluminium in cucumber and the leaf samples after applying fosetyl-aluminium on cucumber planting in
plastic house in Changchun city were analyzed and evaluated. In addition, all ingredients of fosetyl-
aluminium techni- cal were analyzed.Fosetyl-aluminium technical made in China was purificatied with
the method of washing three times by redistilled water and vacuum filtration whose impurities are mostly
phosphite, sulfate and the prepared pure sample of fosetyl-Al could satisfy the demand of ion
chromatography analysis . The pure fosetyl-aluminium was determined by the method of iodimetry and
ion chromatography, and its content was above 00.0%. The influence of familiar anions and the
concentration of eluent on the separation of fosetyl-Al were studied using £IONEX AS 14 and AS 0
analytical columns.The method of quantitative analysis of fosetyl-aluminium technical, fo-setyl-
aluminium formulated and their impurities by ion chromatography with elec-tronic conductivity detector,
AS 0 column, Na2CO solution as eluent was established. The samples dissolved in the water with
ultrasonic oscillating for 0 minutes. The re-coveries of two fortification levels were 100.1 - 100.2% with
S£ of 0.1%. The ac-curacy and the precision of the method satisfied the demand of macro analysis.
The result of samples determined was satisfying. The method of ion chromatography is simple, accurate,
rapid, and could determine a number of samples simultaneously compared with the method of
iodimetry.In this paper, the quantitative analysis method of reversed phase high performance liquid
chromatography with n-hexylamine as ion -pairing reagent was established for the first. Fosetyl-
aluminium presented good linearity in the range of z0 - 800 mg. L~ß-1). The LO£ was 100 ng. The
average recovery of the method was 100. - 100.6 % with S£ of 0.6 %. The method of ion-pair
reversed phase high performance liquid chro-matography is more practical in the way of produce and
quality test of technical or formulated on the base of application of evaporative light scattering detector
increas-ingly.In this thesis, the method of wet digestion-graphite atomic absorption spectrome-try was
established by which the background content and the final residues of alumin-ium in cucumber and the
leaves after applying fosetyl-aluminium were determined. The linearity rang was 0 - 400ȝgÀ L ~ ß-1).
The LO£ was 100 ng. The average recovery of the method was 100. - 100.6% with S£ of 0.6%. The
method of ion-pair reversed phase high performance liquid chro-matography is more practical in the way
of produce and quality test of technical or formulated on the base of application of evaporative light
scattering detector increas-ingly.In this thesis, the method of wet digestion-graphite atomic absorption
spectrome-try was established by which the background content and the final residues of alumin-ium in
cucumber and the leaves after applying fosetyl-aluminium were determined. The linearity rang was 0 -
400ȝg. L~ß-1), r was 0.001 . The LO£ of aluminium was 62.4 pg. The recovery of aluminium
determined in cucumber was 02.1± 08. % with S£ of 4.8 - z.1 % and the recovery of aluminium
determined in the leaves was 80.0± 100.1 % with S£ of 1.0 - 1.6 %. The accuracy and the precision
of the method sat-isfied the trace analysis requirements. The background content of aluminium in cu-
cumber blank samples was z.0 - 8. mgÀ L ~ ß-1), r was 0.001 . The LO£ of aluminium was 62.4 pg.
The recovery of aluminium determined in cucumber was 02.1-08.% with S£ of 4.8 - z.1% and the
recovery of aluminium determined in the leaves was 80.0 - 100.1% with S£ of 1.0 - 1.6%. The
accuracy and the precision of the method sat-isfied the trace analysis requirements. The background
content of aluminium in cu-cumber blank samples was z.0 - 8. mg. kg~ß-1), average content was 6.8
mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), average content was 6.8 mg. kg~ß-1), and in the leaf blank samples was 18.z - 22.6
mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), and in the leaf blank samples was 18.z - 22.6 mg. kg~ß-1), average content was 201.6
mgÀ kg ~ ß-1), average content was 201.6 mg. kg~ß-1). Fosetyl-aluminium 80 % WP ßhigh dose z 640
gÀhm -2, active ingredients) was sprayed for 2 -  times in the leaves one week interval. The final
residue of alu-minium in cucumber samples was 6.08 - 0.z mgÀ kg ~ ß-1). Fosetyl-aluminium 80% WP
ßhigh dose z 640 -2, active ingredients) was sprayed for 2 -  times in the leaves one week interval.
The final residue of alu-minium in cucumber samples was 6.08 - 0.z mg. kg~ß-1). According to the
relevant standard, the cucumber was safe for food. The highest final residues of aluminium in the leaves
was 0.z mgÀ kg ~ ß-1). According to the relevant standard, the cucumber was safe for food. The
highest final residues of aluminium in the leaves was 0.z mg. kg~ß-1). The results showed that the
accumulation of alumin-ium from fosetyl-aluminium in the leaves was obvious compared with
background content of aluminium in the leaf blank samples 18.z - 22.6 mgÀ kg ~ ß-1). The results
showed that the accumulation of alumin-ium from fosetyl-aluminium in the leaves was obvious
compared with background content of aluminium in the leaf blank samples 18.z - 22.6 mg. kg~ß-1)
which is con-cerned to the doses and times of pesticide application.The UV spectra, I spectra, NM
spectrum and mass spectrum of fo-setyl-aluminium were obtained in the paper. These spectrograms
further characterized the chemical structure of fosetyl-aluminium. All components of fosetyl-aluminium
technical made in china were determined for quantitative analysis by ion chromatog-raphy. The
impurities more than 0.1 % were phosphite ion, sulfate ion, ammonium ion in addition to the main
ingredient and moisture that was 4.2 - 8. %, 2. - . % and 1.2 - 1. % respectively. kg ~ ß-1) which is
con-cerned to the doses and times of pesticide application.The UV spectra, I spectra, NM spectrum
and mass spectrum of fo-setyl-aluminium were obtained in the paper. These spectrograms further
characterized the chemical structure of fosetyl-aluminium. All components of fosetyl-aluminium
technical made in china were determined for quantitative analysis by ion chromatog-raphy. The
impurities more than 0.1% were phosphite ion, sulfate ion, ammonium ion in addition to the main
ingredient and moisture that was 4.2 - 8.%, 2. - .% and 1.2 - 1.% respectively.

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