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Setting Clear Objectives

Word Count:

To achieve a goal, there is a proce
ss that you should implement. This
process is to streamline and analyz
e your objectives. Begin at the ver
y beginning at the smallest, specif
ic part. These are the most importa
nt steps to take to meet the guidel
ines. An objective is a way of know
ing what action or plan is to be ta
ken and identifying the expected re
sults. This plan provides a set of
directions so that making the decis
ion will not be as complicated as w
hen the goal is just bein...
job, opportunity, employment

Article Body:
To achieve a goal, there is a proce
ss that you should implement. This
process is to streamline and analyz
e your objectives. Begin at the ver
y beginning at the smallest, specif
ic part. These are the most importa
nt steps to take to meet the guidel
ines. An objective is a way of know
ing what action or plan is to be ta
ken and identifying the expected re
sults. This plan provides a set of
directions so that making the decis
ion will not be as complicated as w
hen the goal is just being considered.

Peter Ducker documented a book publ

ished in 1954 entitled Practiced Ma
nagement wherein MBO which stands f
or Management by Objectives, was in
troduced. This is a program that co
nsists of simple but very useful pr
ocesses in order to meet commitment
s in an organization. Never worry,
as this is also applicable to perso
nal plans.

MBO consists of 5 steps:

1. It should be SPECIFIC. It is bet

ter to accomplish one goal at a tim
e rather than thinking of several d
ifferent plans at one time. A singl
e objective cannot be derived if th
ere are two or more results expecte
d. Whats important is that there i
s a need to clarify what is to be a
chieved and should have your full a
ttention. This must be taken as ser
iously as possible.

2. It should be MEASURABLE. A lot o

f things that are not tangible are
hard to measure and there are thing
s that are really measurable for th
e mere fact that it includes number
s or ratings. Take the service crew
s for example, it is hard to measur
e how the service was delivered but
if the number of complaints is cou
nted then there is a specific numbe
r that can be used to rate the effe
ctiveness of the service.

In offices, the number of tasks or

assignments that were accomplished
is used as basis for the measuremen
t. Cooperation, though a very vague
word can also be measured by means
of getting a subordinate and peer
survey. How fast or delayed assista
nce was provided to a certain indiv
idual is enough to provide informat
ion on how situations can be measur
ed. Try not to use general terms wh
en making an objective statement. I
t should be something clear and spe
has been attained and all the plan
s were completed then it is a success.

5. It should be TIME BOUND. There s

hould be a limit to all the things
needed to be accomplished. This mat
ters since the root of any plan can
be traceable. This will also tell
if the objective is effective enoug
h not to cause any delay. There wil
l also be more of the sense of fulf
illment once a goal is attained wit
h the objectives set earlier than a

To sum it all up, develop an object

ive that is easily measured, can be
attained, with a limited time, thi
s will help in determining if the o
bjective is realistic enough, meani
ngful, and proven to be worthwhile
to everyone involved. A chart or jo
urnal can be kept to keep track of
any opportunities and strengths tha
t were met along the way. This will
also indicate the time that was co
nsumed and the length of the object
ive developed. A successful objecti
ve helps motivate the individual or
the group involved toward greater

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