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Model of Social Assessment to Diabetic Foot Ulcer Patients

Gusti Jhoni Putra1, Tisa Gusmiah 1, Usman2, Kharisma Pratama2, Wuriani3

Departement of Medical Surgical Nursing, STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak
Department of Basic Science of Nursing, STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak
Department of Maternity, STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak

Keywords: Social Assessment, Diabetic Foot Ulcers

Abstract: Objective: One of the purpose in diabetic nursing care is to Improve the quality of life of patients with diabetic
foot ulcer (DFU). Some aspects must be considered in patients with DFU, the aspects include in Social
Aspects, that are Support of Family, Environtment, Self Esteem and Economy. This is because of the support,
activity and relationship influence on physiological and quality of life. Unavailability of social assessment to
DFU can affect in determining the appropriate diagnosis and intervention. The purpose of this research is to
develop the social support in wound assessment instrument for patients with DFU, so that can be choosen the
right intervention that related to problem founded.
Method: This research method was mixed method with sequential exploratory approach. There were 9
participants for qualitative methods, Aiken’s V was used to Content validity index test for qualitative methode
by 2 experts in Pontianak. 103 respondents for quantitative methods was used the instrument, Instrument
validity test were by Pearson product moment with test retest approach, reliability test was by Cronbach
Result: Nine themes emerged from the qualitative methods for social support, that are Quality of care, Efforts
to get information, family motivation, family trust, community activities, assertive attitudes, adaptive coping,
self-confidence, family financial management. Result of that themes were modified to 35 items questions in
social instrument, the 35 items measuring instrument obtained a valid (0,372-0,843 > 0,235) and reliable
results (Cronbach alpha 0,959 and 0,976). Result of content validity index is valid by 0,67-0,83.
Conclusion: Themes that was found in qualitative methode is using for develop social support
instrument, the instrument hoped can be used to assess patient needed in social demand. From the
result of assessment can be choosen the right intervention that needed by patient, so quality of life
of patients can be reached fully improved, and directly it can be effect to the wound healing.
1 INTRODUCTION The results of the preliminary study by randomly
interviewing several patients who experienced DFU,
obtained data that 90% of them experience the risk of
The incidence of DFU in DM patients continues
to increase and steal the attention of many parties to interference in interacting with others after
experiencing injuries, such as feeling ashamed of data
develop the latest innovations related to wound care.
at work, following social activities around the place
The aim of developing this innovation and technology
is to accelerate the wound healing process so that stay, and feel burdensome to family finances, and at
the Kitamura clinic itself there are no special social
patients can achieve optimal quality of life. Based on
assessment tools available for wounded patients.
several factors that influence the healing of DFS, the
development of innovation can be directed at Seeing this phenomenon, the authors are interested in
developing a social aspect injury assessment
physical, social, environmental, lifestyle
instrument with the kolcaba theory approach at the
management, nutrition, family support, interpersonal
relationships, immunity, and psychosocial support Kitamura Pontianak clinic, so that it can finally be
determined psychosocial interventions that are
(Suriadi, 2010).
specific and appropriate to the patient's needs so that
The comfort theory of Kolcaba explains one of
the four aspects of patient comfort, namely the social the optimal quality of life of the patient will be
aspect. Based on its taxonomic structure Kolcaba
developed an instrument to measure patient comfort,
namely the General Comfort Questionnaire which 2 METHODS
aims to improve the quality of life of patients through
the theory of comfort (Alligood, 2014). According to The method used in this study is a mix method
Kolcaba (2006) the convenience of sociocultural with sequential exploratory design. This design
aspects includes the patient's social development in combines sequential qualitative and quantitative
the form of self-concept, interpersonal, intrapersonal, research methods, qualitative methods to find
and social environment. Disorders in social hypotheses, and to explore research topics by
interactions will interfere with the patient's observing participants at the research site, followed
psychology and result in physiological healing of the by quantitative methods to test hypotheses found in
wound. Sibuan (2011) says that high family support previous stages in the wider population (Creswell,
will affect the increase in self-esteem and patient 2016).
social interaction so that patients will feel
The sample of this study was DFU patients at
comfortable. The comfort felt by patients must be a
Pontianak's Kitamura Clinic. In the qualitative phase,
priority and concern for nurses, in addition to
physical, mental and environmental comfort, it also the number of participants was 9 people, at the
needs to be considered from its social aspects (Potter quantitative stage the number of respondents was 103
& Perry, 2005). people. This research was conducted at the Kitamura
Firman (2012) said that a minimum award from Pontianak Clinic.
the family is needed to increase self-confidence and The qualitative scope that will be explored, as
social interaction in DM patients. Grant (2014) said follows.
that individuals spend a lot of time with family and
society compared to the health team, 99% of time will Table 1. Qualitatif Scope
be spent in families, workplaces and communities so
that the roles and support of family and community Category
are very influential in healing patients.
Family and social support that is not optimal will Family Support
cause stress to the patient. The stress response caused Environtment Support
by disturbances in self-concept and individual social Self Esteem
interaction will affect the work of several hormones, Economy
as said in the journal National Institutes of Health by
Gouin (2013) including glucocorticoids, Quantitative questionnaires refer to the variables
catecholamines, oxytocin, vasopressin, and cytokinin studied, namely the social aspects of the Kolcaba
production, which results in wound healing itself. In theory (self-concept, family support, environmental
the study of Uchino (2012) said that one's health is
very influential on social support which will and economic support). Quantitative questionnaires
ultimately affect the work of the heart, tested for validity and reliability were obtained from
neuroendocrine and patient immunity. the findings at the qualitative phase. The interview
results were tested for validity with Aiken's V
approach and obtained from valid and reliable results 3.3 Theme for Qualitaif Methods
with a range of values between 0-1. Processing and
analysis of qualitative data using the Creswell model Based on the results of interviews conducted on 9
participants, 9 themes were obtained from 4
(2016), Analysis of validity and reliability of
qualitative scopes. The theme can be seen in the table
assessment instruments using the test-retest approach below ;
using the Pearson Product Moment formula.
Processing and analysis of qualitative data using the Family Quality of care
Creswell (2016) model, followed by analysis at the Support Efforts to get information
quantitative, the course of the research is listed in the Family motivation
following figure. Family trust
Quantitative Test Retest Approach of Instrument Environtment Community activities
Support Assertive attitudes
Self Esteem Adaptive coping
Theme Interpretation
Economy Family financial management
Theme analyzed among to
grounded theory
From the findings of the theme, then it is developed
social aspect assessment instruments, instruments
developed from the themes obtained in the qualitative
Qualitative methods which were then combined with General
Questionnaire Comfort (GQC) from the Kolcaba
Data Coding nursing theory (Comfort theory). Furthermore, the
results of theme analysis and GQC were made into
statement and questions with the number of questions
Interpretation Whole Data as many as 38 items.

Transcript of Interview 3.4 Result of Validity and Reliability

This instrument was tested on 103 respondents who
Figure 1. Research procedur were in accordance with the inclusion criteria at the
Pontianak Kitamura Clinic.

3 RESULTS 3.4.1 Validity

Validity of this instrument is done in time series with
the retest test approach, testing is done by testing the
3.1 Characteristic of Qualitatif measuring instrument several times to the respondent,
Participant so in this case the same measuring instrument, the
Of the 9 participants, 77,78% of the participants were same respondent, and at different times. The trial of
female, 55,56% of the participants were in the final this instrument was carried out 2 times, the trial was
adult stage (36-45 years), 66,67% of the participants' given to the same respondent between the first and
education was bachelor degree, 100% marital status second tests, the second test was carried out after 10
of married participants, and the work of participants days from the first test. Items are declared valid,
is 66,67% as civil servant. proven by the results of r count> r table and the value
of Sig. ≤ alpha ().
3.2 Characteristic of Quantitatif
Respondent 3.4.2 Reliability
Of the 103 respondent, 71,2% of the respondent were instruments tested in the first and second stages were
male, 43,8% of the respondent were in the final adult declared reliable, the results of the Cronbachs Alpha
stage (36-45 years), 42,5% of the respondent coefficient were 0.959 in the first stage and 0.976 in
education was bachelor degree, 100% marital status the second stage. Because the value of the reliability
of married respondent, and the work of respondent is coefficient is greater than 0.60, the instrument is
53,4% as private sector. declared reliable.
4 DISCUSSION 4.3 Family Motivation
Responses, attitudes and expressions of supportive
4.1 Quality of Care empathy from the family in the treatment process
Patients get good quality family support provided by make the patient feel happy and valuable. The
family members in the form of providing and appreciation felt by the patient will have a positive
facilitating transportation for maintenance needs, impact on him. Support in the form of positive
financial assistance for medical expenses, and attitudes and expressions from the family can
providing time to listen and provide advice on patient influence activities in carrying out their activities, this
health. The quality of good support and means the patient's motivation and self-confidence
comprehensive care from the family is the basis of the are sourced from the family. In other words, patients
support that must be given to patients with DFU. who get high quality family support will have high
The support and care given by the family in a motivation in carrying out the treatment process.
comprehensive manner aims to facilitate patients in Another benefit, this family support can also improve
carrying out all activities related to the problems psychosocial status, and patient self-esteem, because
faced, in this case is the patient's limitations in terms patients are considered still useful and available to the
of the use of facilities and infrastructure, as well as family, from this condition it is expected that patients
the need for moral and material support in the can form healthy behaviors in an effort to improve
treatment process. their health status.
Families are expected to be responsible for fulfilling Family support is expected to be consistent with
the needs of every diverse family member, including patients, given the long process of diabetic wound
the need for treatment. With comprehensive care and healing. If the attitude shown by family members is
good quality support for patients with diabetic foot unstable, of course it can be felt by the patient, the
injuries, it is expected to improve the patient's health negative impact that is not expected is that the patient
conditions so that they can improve their health status feels the support provided by the family is a burden
and quality of life. on the family in caring for the patient, and certainly
affects the patient's motivation.
4.2 Efforts to get information
In an effort to improve patient knowledge, family 4.4 Family Trust
members are expected to be more active in finding Family is the closest person and a place that is
and providing information about the disease and the comfortable for each individual. Families can
risks. The information provided can make patients increase morale and motivation that affect
feel very valued. From the results of the analysis, the psychological and mental status, so patients can
family plays an active role in fulfilling the patient's manage their emotions. Diabetic foot wound patients
information needs, the family strives to provide the who cannot manage their emotions properly are at
information needed by the patient. risk of falling into stressful conditions. Stress /
It is important that this information assistance effort depression has negative implications for wound care
aims to increase patient enthusiasm and motivation in management and patient quality of life. Negative
order to improve health status optimally. Support for family support is one of the causes for depression.
information provided directly, of course, can reduce Clinical psychological stress can affect wound
the burden on the family and certainly the burden for healing and the work of several hormones. Hormones
the patient itself, with information obtained, patients that influence include cortisol, glucocorticoid,
will know the progress of the disease, what ketokalamin, oxytocin, vasopressin, and citokinin
complications and risks might occur, so patients will which can cause wound hypoxia. As is known to
be motivated to continue to follow the care process increase cortisol due to stress will affect the increase
regularly . in glucose through gluconeogenesis, protein and fat
Searching for information about diabetic wounds is metabolism. In addition, cortisol can also affect the
more often accessed via the internet. Inevitably, the absorption of glucose levels in the blood and will
use of technology is now an individual's need, the role have an impact on the patient's immune system. The
of family and health personnel is needed to direct impact that occurs both physically and
patients to find information related to their health. An psychologically on the patient will certainly greatly
accurate source of information and appropriate use affect the quality of life and the spread of diabetic
includes forms of support that can be given to patients wounds on the patient's feet.
to increase knowledge. With the support of the family, of course it is very
helpful for patients to be able to maintain
psychological health and improve their self-concept. relationships, strengthen the practice of healthy living
DFS patients who are in a family environment and are and help recovery when patients can benefit from the
cared for by their family members emotionally can support obtained from the social environment. It is
cause feelings of security and comfort, so that patients expected that the patient can feel the tangible benefits
believe that the family cares for and cares for them, of this form of support for his recovery.
this will certainly be very beneficial for the recovery Research conducted by Teare (2010) which examined
process of patients with DFS. the relationship between social support and self-
acceptance in people with diabetes mellitus showed
4.5 Community Activities that social support had a positive correlation with
The results of the analysis of social support related to self-acceptance of patients with diabetes mellitus.
changes and barriers to activities indicate changes and The higher the social support received by patients, the
obstacles after diabetic foot injuries, such obstacles higher their acceptance
must be more careful in activities, not as free as
conditions before illness, and weak physical 4.7 Adaptive Coping
condition after illness. This is due to the long duration Based on the results of interviews, patients with
of wound healing (long proliferation phase). From the diabetic foot injuries have coping individuals who are
results of the interviews, participants stated that this adaptive to their image, so that changes in the
did not become a barrier to keep on doing activities function and shape of the patient's body do not
routinely in the community, so that the quality of life interfere with the self-image and activities of patients
of patients was well maintained. Social interaction in the community. This adaptive response includes
will be greatly influenced by one's self-image. adaptive responses to current circumstances, work,
Because when someone sees himself well then that shortcomings, and changes in roles. The patient's self-
person will not feel ashamed or insecure in social concept in the role is also recognized by the patient
interaction. that there is no change, both the role in the family and
DFU sufferers with long duration do not always have in the community and workplace. From the patient
a poor quality of life. This is due to the positive statement above, it can be concluded that individual
adaptation mechanism of these patients. The positive perceptions and coping on the patient's image and
adaptation behavior refers to coping mechanisms that body image are good.
are oriented to their roles and functions in society. Based on the results of this study, researchers argue
Patients suffering from diabetic wounds with long that adaptive individual perceptions and coping
duration are able to adapt to the environment if they depend on changes in body function caused by
are able to regulate emotional distress and can diabetic ulcer wounds which make patients unable to
provide self-protection against stress. function as whole individuals such as walking,
working or doing homework. If the patient sees this
4.6 Assertive Attitude as a positive thing, then the patient has a positive body
Society shows an adaptive attitude to accept the image and self-image.
patient's condition, this is certainly a good system According to Chaplin (2010) states that body image
support for patients, social support for patients with or body concenpt (the concept of the body or body
LKD obtained from family members, friends, image) is a person's idea of his appearance in front of
relatives and health workers is an external source that other people. This statement is supported by Tao
can provide assistance to patients in overcoming and (2011) who states that body image is the basic
face the disease. The attitude of support and foundation of the entire human personality. If you
acceptance of the patient's condition is one form of have a positive way of thinking, you will be able to
positive support given by the community to the accept changes in physical appearance experienced,
patient, so that the patient feels cared for, valued, but if you think negatively, you will be less accepting
respected, and recognized. Social support that comes or rejecting his appearance so that it will affect your
from the closest people such as spouses, family, self-concept.
friends, nurses and doctors has a big role for
individuals in overcoming the disease. 4.8 Self Confidence
Social support is not just in the form of giving The impact of long diabetic ulcer wounds on the
assistance or accepting and good relations, but what continuity of the quality of life of individuals in
is important is how the patient's perception of the addition to requiring a considerable amount of money
meaning of the help, attitudes and relationships. and a short time, also affects the psychological
Social relationships can help psychological condition of the patient. In addition to psychological
management, this type of dressing is also one of the for themselves. Related to the support system in this
things that supports rapid wound healing. The old case, health insurance turns out that so far some of the
method of wound care, commonly known as the participants claimed to have used the health insurance
conventional method, while at this time has been provided at their place of work, especially for
developed wound care method by paying attention to treatment and care, with these health insurance
moisture balance or in other words is moisture. patients claimed to be more helpful and reduce costs,
The wound care method, better known as the moisture considering diabetic foot wounds are a disease which
balance principle, pays attention to the type of is very dependent on routine treatment and care.
dressing applied to the wound. Humid treatment of
wounds that are carried out routinely will accelerate 4.10 Validity and Reliability
wound reduction and accelerate the process of Based on the results of the validity test on the family
granulation tissue formation and reepithelialization, support variable, it shows that every diabetic foot
moisture in the wound environment will accelerate wound patient who is treated at the Kitamura clinic
the wound healing process. Another benefit felt by has a good and comprehensive quality of support
patients with this modern wound care method is from the family, family members also strive to meet
reducing pain during dressing changes and the patient's information needs regarding disease
facilitating the release of gauze that was applied to information needs, and the family becomes a safe and
previous treatments. comfortable way that is ready to support patients so
Based on the results of interviews with patients as to encourage motivation and confidence in patients
related to the benefits of regular wound care, some with diabetic foot injuries. This can be seen from the
benefits were felt by the patient, namely the wound form of support provided in the form of moral,
was cleaner, drier, odorless, neat, and reduced pain. material, facilities (facilities and infrastructure) and
These benefits increase the motivation of patients to caring to patients.
continue to carry out routine maintenance, because The item statement on the environment support
patients feel the positive benefits of treatment variable shows that respondents who were treated at
performed, another impact that can be felt by patients the Kitamura clinic received environmental support
is high self-confidence when socializing with the in the form of a positive attitude from the community
condition of the wound neatly covered by the dressing to support and accept the patient's condition, so that
used. the patient still had the desire to socialize in the
community, even though there were obstacles caused
4.9 Family Financial Management by changes in function body after injury. These
The source of medical expenses comes from the obstacles do not become a barrier for patients, this is
family and the patient's own income, this means the indicated by feeling happy when socializing in the
family provides assistance for the patient's care community and the patient's adaptive response not to
process. In addition, the costs of care and family daily cover up the state of injury that is being experienced.
needs have also been well managed. This means the The validity of the items on the self-concept variable
family has an important role in providing motivation, shows that the patient has an adaptive individual
system support, and skills in managing finance. This coping, this is indicated by self-actualization that is
statement is supported by Schapers (2012) that good at its role and function in the community and
financial preparation which is the main concern of workplace. There are several factors that help
patients with diabetes and ulcers is treatment planning increase the confidence of patients with diabetic foot
and family finances. wounds, namely the benefits of routine care that is felt
Participants revealed that the costs used for treatment immediately, such as the condition of the wound
and treatment tend to be expensive. The source and becomes neater, does not smell, thus helping patients
financial support of the family is needed in the current be more productive and feel comfortable when
conditions, because financial support that is less interacting with the community. Another factor is that
consistent can influence motivation on care and patients feel very useful because they can still work
treatment in patients with DFS. This will result in a and act in the community, these factors also play a
longer treatment process, so that the maintenance role in improving the patient's self-concept, so that the
time and costs incurred will also be more (Upton, patient does not withdraw because the body functions
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