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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas / Semester : VIII / Ganjil
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 07 Desember 2011
Waktu : 07.30 -09.00

Petunjuk Umum :

1. Berdoalah terlebih dahulu sebelum anda memulai suatu pekerjaan;

2. Tulis nama dan nomor tes anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disedikan;
3. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah;
4. Tanyakan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat soal-soal yang rusak / tidak jelas;
5. Usahakan pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya;
6. Teliti kembali pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pegawas;

The Dialogue is for number 1 to 4

Rima : Hi, Anti !

Anti : Hi, Rima !
Rima : Are you free this Saturday night ?
Anti : Certainly ! why ?
Rima : Would you like to come to my brother’s birthday party ?
Anti : Sure, that sounds great !
Rima : Don’t forget to take your sister, Alma !

1. The dialogue above tell us about.......

a. Inviting b. Showing c. Offering d. Rejecting

2. How many people are there in the dialogue ?

a. Three b. Two c. Four d. One

3. Whose birthday party is it ?

a. Rima b. Anti c. Rima’s brother d. Alma

4. What day will the party be held ?

a. Tuesday b. Friday c. Sunday d. Saturday

5. Can you help me, please.........?

a. Sure b. I like it c. Let me help you d. Anything else

6. Would you like some water ?

a. Really b. Yes please c. I’m free row d. I’m busy now

7. Patient : Tell me, what wrong with me ?

Doctor : Let............
a. Go b. You know c. Me see d. If


8. X : Is puncak pass resort near here ?

Y : Yes, it is
Z : I disagree with you.........
Y : Oh relly ?
a. I don’t know c. I’d love to
b. Certainly d. It’s about 100 kilo meter from here
9. Budi asked for some papers to the staff officer.
Budi : ........................please ?
Staff officer : Oh here you are
a. Can i have some papers c. Can you have it
b. I need it d. Some papaers
10. Rudi offered susi some cake, but she refused it.
Rdi : Do you want these ?
Susi : ........................
a. No more b. No thank you c. Yes, please d. Yes, of course
11. Ade : Hey guys, would you like to drop in ?
Doni : No thanks
David : .............but i must be home before noon
a. Okay b. Your welcome c. Thank d. I want
12. Your friend wants celebrate her birthday party, she wants to inviti you, so she will say.......
a. May i come to your party c. Would you like to come to my party
b. Why you didn’t come to my party d. Shall you come to my party
13. Arrage the following word into correc sentences.
Invitation – two – i – ago – an – day – received – letter
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
a. 3 – 7 – 2 – 6 – 4 – 5 – 1 – 8 c. 2 – 6 – 4 – 3 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 8
b. 3 – 7 – 5 – 1 – 8 – 2 – 6 – 4 d. 2 – 6 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 8

This text for answer the questions number 14 – 16

Last Friday, Nita........(14) her uncle and aunt in Jakarta. She went there by taxi, After a half an
hour she.........(15) at their house. They ...........(16) happy to see Nita.
14. a. Visited b. Visit c. Visits d. To visit
15. a. Arrive b. Is Arriving c. Arrives d. Arrived

16. a. Is b. Are c. Were d. Was

Read the text to answer the questions 17 – 18

Fadhil is turning seventeen

Come and join the fun celebrating
Fadhil’s birthday
Sunday, 18 th December 2011
At 16.00 till finished
Jln. Imam Bonjol 3 Cirebon

Dress Code : Colours of the Rainbow

17. What kind of invitation is it ?

a. Graduation invitation b. Promotion invitation
b. Birthday invitation c. Wedding invitation


18. From the text, we can conclude that fadhil was born in........
a. 1993 b. 1995 c. 1992 d. 1993
19. Yesterday the libray.
a. Was b. In c. Wash d. On
20. Oranges........very expensive last year
a. Were B. Don’t c. Doesn’t d. Is
Read the text carefully, and answer the question no 21 – 25

Mr Hartono and his family went to Carita Beach last weeken, first they took a minibus to
the bus station, they had to wait fifty minutes for the Carita bus, it was very crowded. Their
journey took two hours and twenty minutes. Finally they arrived at the beach.
Mr Hartono children, sinta and adi run quickly to the sea and jumped in. They swam near
the beachbecause Mr. Hartono’s told them to be careful. Mr and Mrs Hartono sat on the sand .
Mr Hartono read the newspaper. Mrs Hartono was very happy that she song a number of popular
songs. Mr Hartono said ” Would you like some ice cream, dear ? ” Mrs. Hartono said ” yes, dear,
Mr. Hartono bought her some ice cream and hoped she would stop singing.
It was great day. They are their picnic lunch and were very happy.

21. When did Mr Hartono had his family go to carita beach ?

a. Last Monday b. Last Saturday c. Last Wednesday d. Last Friday
22. How long did it take to the beach ?
a. Fifty minutes c. Twenty minutes
b. Two hours and twenty minutes d. Two hours and fifty minutes
23. What did sinta and andi do near the beach ? they.........
a. Bought ice cream c. Read the newspaper
b. b. Swam d. Singing
24. ’ Their Journey look two hours and twenty minutes’ (part 1)
What does the underlined word mean ?
a. Scenery b. Trip c. Holiday d. Weekend
25. Which of the following statements is true based on the text above ?
a. The Hartono family had their lunch in a restaurant
b. Mr Hartono sat on the sand and read the newspaper
c. Sinta and Adi went to carita beach by train
d. Mrs Hartono bought ice cream

The Dialogue for questions 26 - 31

Ratna : Where did you go on the weekend ?

Maya : I went to tombi, tea plantation of a small village in dieng
Ratna : Did you go alone ?
Maya : No, I went with my parents
Ratna : What did you do there ?
Maya : Well, we spent to night there in luxurious bungalow in side the plantation
Ratna : And then ?
Maya : Uhm.......we are mie ongklok, it is a traditional food from wonosobo, the next
morning we visited the tea plantation and watched how tea were processed
Ratna : Wow your weekend sounded great
Maya : Indeed, we had a lovely time there because the weather was cool and the scenery
was beautiful

26. Where was Maya spend the weekend ?

a. Flores b. Kaliurang c. Tombi d. Tawangmangu


27. Did she go alone ?

a. Yes, she does b. No, she doesn’t c. No, she didn’t d. Yes, she did

28. What is traditional food from wonosobo ?

a. Mie ayam b. Mie jawa c. Mie ongklok d. Mie bakso
29. How many night she spent there ?
a. Three nights b. Four nights c. A night d. Two nights

30. The weather in tombi was.........

a. Warm b. Beautiful c. Hot d. Cool

31. After she are mie ongklok, she.........

a. Come back to her home c. Went to the market
b. Slept d. Visited the tea plantation and watched
how tea leaves were processed
32. The text is about......
a. Eating b. Shopping c. Visiting d. Traveling

33. Where were Mr and Mrs Charly touring ?

a. Australia b. Africa c. Africa d. Europe

34. The guide told them to check their immigation ........ such as passport, visa and exit permit
a. Papers b. Letters c. Records d. Document

35. What is paragraph three about ?

a. Visiting interesting places c. Shopping in big towns
b. Eating in big restaurant d. Staying in famous places

36. ”They enjoyed the two week tour” the underlined word has the some meaning as........
a. Got pleasure from c. Become addicted to
b. Got bored with d. Planed well become amazed at

The following text is for question 37 – 38

Dear Rio
Come and join the meeting the preparation for the study tour to Jakarta.
Day /date : Saturday / November 5 th, 2011
Time : 11 am
Venue : Osis Room


The Commitee

37. What is the purpose of the text ?

a. To invite Rio to come to the meeting
b. To announce the study tour to Jakarta
c. To report the preparation for the study tour
d. To inform Rio about the commitee of the study tour

38. When will the meeting be held ?

a. In the morning b. In the afternoon c. In the evening d. At night


This reading text for number 39 – 40

Andi is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four year younger than me.
He has long straight hair, bright eyes, and friendly smile. Something he is rather raughty at
home, but he usually does what he is asked to do.
Andi is interested in sport very much, and at school he play football and tennis, he is the best
badminton player in our family.

39. What is the tex mostly about........?

a. Andi c. Andi’s elder brother
b. Andi’s family d. Andi’s friends

40. Based on the text we know that the writer is.........

a. Eighteen b. Nineteen c. Seventeen d. Fourteen


One day, Jane was cought in the rain. When she reached home, she started sneezing.
Soon jane was down with a cold.
The next morning, Jane’s mother took her to the doctor. The doctor said that Jane had flu
and gave her some medicine. He also advised Jnae to drink more water and take a good rest.
When Jane reached home, she went straight to bed. She slept till lunch time. Her mother
carried her meal to her bedroom. She also brought Jane her medicine. After eating, Jane went
back to sleep.
When Jane woke up for dinner, she felt much better. Her best friend called to find out
how she was. She also told Jane briefly what the teacher had taught that day.
The next day, Jane had recovered. She missed her friends and was glad to go back to
school again.

Answer these question !

1. Why did Jane catch a cold ? because.........

2. What did her mother do to know her doughter to catch a cold?
3. What did the doctor suggest to do ?
4. What did Jane do after arriving at home ?
5. How long did Jane catch a cold ? for.........

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