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More solutions to SPOJ programming problems

By Mike Molony August 18, 2015

More solutions (fewer than 10 lines) to some SPOJ classical problems using Python.

Note: SPOJ may prevent Python from being used for solving some problems or set time limits
suitable only for compiled languages.

some of these were originally written in Perl and have been rewritten in Python. Many solutions
have Perl-like references and influences in them.

SPOJ User-id: beta_projects



















Numeral System of the Maya (MAYA)

Time: 0.00
Output: Your program has to output the value of the number in the input file in the nowadays
more common decimal system. One number per line.

B = [0, 1, 20, 360, 7200, 144000, 2880000, 57600000]
c = lambda d: d.count('.') + 5*d.count('-')
while True:
n = int(raw_input())
if n==0: break
A = reversed([raw_input() for _ in range(n)])
print sum(c(d) * B[i] for i, d in enumerate(A, 1))

Buying Apples! (ABA12C)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the minimum amount of money he has to spend.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n, k = map(int, raw_input().split())
P = [(int(x), i) for i,x in enumerate(map(int, raw_input().split()), 1) if x>=0]
dp = [0]+[9999]*k
for p, i in P:
for j in xrange(i, k+1):
if dp[j-1] != 9999:
dp[j] = min(dp[j], dp[j-i] + p)
print dp[k] if dp[k] != 9999 else -1

Sometimes, a penalty is good! (ACPC10E)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Determine the number of games, and the number of teams to add.

from math import log, ceil

while True:
g, t, a, d = map(int, raw_input().split())
if g < 0: break
y = g*a + d
x = 2**int(ceil(log(y, 2)))
m = x + t*(t-1)/2*g - 1
print '%d*%d/%d+%d=%d+%d' % (g, a, t, d, m, x-y)

The Cats and the Mouse (CATM)

Time: 0.00
Output: You must output k lines with answers for each test case. The answer is YES, if the
mouse can escape or NO otherwise.

n, m = map(int, raw_input().split())
for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = map(int, raw_input().split())
xd = min(x2+abs(y1-y2), x3+abs(y1-y3))
xm = max(x2-abs(y1-y2), x3-abs(y1-y3))
yd = min(y2+abs(x1-x2), y3+abs(x1-x3))
print 'YES' if x1 < xd or y1 < yd or x1 > xm else 'NO'

Billiard (BILLIARD)
Time: 0.00
Output: Calculate the measure of the angle A in degrees and the velocity of the ball measured
in inches per second.

from math import pi, sqrt, atan
while True:
a, b, s, m, n = map(float, raw_input().split())
if s==0: break
vx = m*a/s
vy = n*b/s
print '%.2lf %.2lf' % (atan(vy/vx)*180.0/pi, sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy))

Bytelandian gold coins (COINS)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the maximum amount of American dollars you can make.

m = {}
def coins(n):
if n==0: return n
if not n in m:
m[n] = max(n, coins(n/2) + coins(n/3) + coins(n/4))
return m[n]
for _ in xrange(10):
print coins(input())

Nim-B Sum (NY10B)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Calculate the Nim sum in base B of X and Y.

for _ in xrange(input()):
csi, b, x, y = map(int,raw_input().split())
i, s = 1, 0
while x+y > 0:
s+= (x+y)%b * i
x//= b; y//= b; i*= b
print csi, s

Making Money (MKMONEY)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Print the value of the investment at the end of a year.

from math import floor

for cs in range(1, 100000):
P, r, n = map(float, raw_input().split())
if n==0: break
print 'Case %d. $%.2f at %.2f%% APR compounded %d times yields' % (cs, P, r, n),
for i in range(int(n)):
P+= floor((P*r/n))/100
print '$%.2f' % P


Time: 0.00
Summary: Is it possible to form a genie sequence?

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
A = [0]*1001
n = int(raw_input())
for i in map(int, raw_input().split()):
if A[i+1]==0: A[i+1] = 1
else: A[n-i] = 1
print 'YES' if n==sum(A) else 'NO'

Manku Word (MAY99_2)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Print the nth manku word.

for _ in xrange(input()):
s = ''
n = int(raw_input())
while n > 0:
n, r = divmod(n, 5)
if r==0: n -= 1
s += 'umank'[r]
print s[::-1]

Farmer Cream (UCV2013C)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Determine the fate of the farmer.

while True:
d, f, b, m = map(int, raw_input().split())
if d<1 or f<1 or b<1 or m<1: break
n = (f*f + f + 2) /2
t = d - n*b
if t > m:
print 'Farmer Cream will have', t, 'Bsf to spend.'
print 'The firm is trying to bankrupt Farmer Cream by', m-t, 'Bsf.'

Maya Calendar (MAYCA)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Convert Mayan dates from the Haab calendar to the Tzolkin calendar.

haab = {'pop':0, 'no':1, 'zip':2, 'zotz':3, 'tzec':4, 'xul':5, 'yoxkin':6,\

'mol':7, 'chen':8, 'yax':9, 'zac':10, 'ceh':11, 'mac':12, 'kankin':13, \
'muan':14, 'pax':15, 'koyab':16, 'cumhu':17, 'uayet':18}
tzolkin = 'imix, ik, akbal, kan, chicchan, cimi, manik, lamat, muluk, ok, \
chuen, eb, ben, ix, mem, cib, caban, eznab, canac, ahau'.split(', ')
c = int(raw_input())
print c
for _ in xrange(c):
n, d, y = raw_input().split()
ndays = int(float(n)) + haab[d]*20 + int(y)*365
print ndays%13 + 1, tzolkin[ndays%20], ndays/260

Game of chocolate (NAJGC)

Time: 0.00
Summary: For each test case print the case number and Gwen win probability in a/b format.
from fractions import gcd
for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int,raw_input().split())
n = x1*(x2+1) + y1*(y2+1)
d = (x1+y1) * (x2+y2+1)
if n==0 or d==0: print 'Case %d: 0' % cs
else: g = gcd(d,n); print 'Case %d: %d/%d' % (cs, n/g, d/g)

Black and White (BANDW)

Time: 0.00
Output: Find the least possible number of moves such that you can change the chip's position.

while True:
S, T = raw_input().split()
if S=='*' and T=='*': break
c, f = 0, 0
for s,t in zip(S,T):
if s!=t and f==0:
c +=1
f = (s!=t)
print c

Seinfeld (ANARC09A)
Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the minimum number of operations needed to convert the given string into a
balanced one.

import sys
for cs, s in enumerate(sys.stdin.readlines(), 1):
if s[0] == '-': break
n, cnt = 0, 0
for c in s:
if c == '{': n+= 1
elif c == '}' and n==0: n+= 1; cnt+= 1
elif c == '}' and n>0: n-= 1
print '%d. %d' % (cs, n/2+cnt)

The Knights of the Round Circle (KNIGHTSR)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Compute the average number of Knights to leave the circle during a competition.

A = [0, 0]
for i in xrange(2, 10001):
A.append(A[-1] + 1.0/i)
while True:
n = int(raw_input())
if n == 0: break
print 'With %d competitors, a Jedi Knight will be replaced approximately %.2f
times.' % (n, A[n])

Pyramids (PIR)
Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the volume of a tetrahedron given only the six edge-lengths.

from math import sqrt
for _ in xrange(input()):
A, D, B, E, C, F = map(lambda x: int(x)**2, raw_input().split())
volume = sqrt((-A*B*C - A*D*E - B*D*F - C*E*F + A*C*D + B*C*D + \
A*B*E + B*C*E + B*D*E + C*D*E + A*B*F + A*C*F + \
A*D*F + C*D*F + A*E*F + B*E*F - C*C*D - C*D*D - \
B*B*E - B*E*E - A*A*F - A*F*F)/144.0)
print "%.4f" % volume

Rama and Friends (GSHOP)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the maximum possible sum which can be obtained after modifying the array.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n, k = map(int, raw_input().split())
A = map(int, raw_input().split())
for i in xrange(min(n, k)):
if A[i]>=0: break
A[i] *= -1
m = min(A) if k&1 else 0
print sum(A)-2*m

Family members (FAMWEALT)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Print the wealth of yth node in a single line.

def fnr(x, w, n=0):

if x <= 1: return w
q = 4.0 if x%4==3 else 2.0
if n: return fnr((x - x%2)/2, w*q, 1)
return fnr((x - x%2)/2, w/q)
for _ in xrange(input()):
x, y, w = map(int, raw_input().split())
print '%.6f' % (fnr(y, fnr(x, w, 1)))


Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the smallest m <= N such that m/phi(m) is maximum.

primes = [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,
for _ in xrange(20):
n = int(raw_input())
px = 1
for p in primes:
if px*p > n: break
print px

Happy Numbers I (HPYNOS)

Time: 0.00
Output: Find the number of times a process had to be done to determine that N is happy, or -1 if
N is not happy.
N = int(raw_input())
a = []
while True:
N = sum(int(d)**2 for d in str(N))
if N in a or N==1: break
print len(a)+1 if N==1 else -1

Last Non-Zero Digit of Factorials (FCTRL4)

Time: 0.00
Summary: find the last non-zero digit of N!.

import sys
def L(n):
p = lambda x: [1,2,4,8][x%4]
if n<5: return [1,1,2,6,4][n]
return p(n/5) * L(n/5) * L(n%5) % 10
for b in sys.stdin.readlines():
print L(int(b))

Traversing Grid (BTCODE_A)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Determine if (xd,yd) is reachable from (xs,ys).

from fractions import gcd

for _ in xrange(input()):
xs, ys, xd, yd = map(int, raw_input().split())
gd = abs(gcd(xd, yd))
gs = abs(gcd(xs, ys))
while 0 < gs < gd: gs *= 2
print 'YES' if gd==gs else 'NO'

Alice Sieve (ALICESIE)

Time: 0.00
Paraphrased: Add 1 and divide by 2.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
print (int(raw_input())+1) / 2

AP - Complete The Series v2 (AP3)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Print the series numbers separated by single space.

from math import sqrt

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
x, y, s = map(int,raw_input().split())
d = 5*y + 7*x + 2*s
n = int((d + sqrt(d*d - 48*s*(x + y))) / (2*(x + y)))
dx = (y-x)/(n-6)
a = x - 2*dx
print n, "\n", ' '.join(str(a + dx*i) for i in xrange(n))

Maximal Quadrilateral Area (QUADAREA)

Time: 0.00
Paraphrased: Find the Maximal Quadrilateral Area for a Cyclic Quadrilateral using
Brahmagupta's formula.

from math import sqrt

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
a, b, c, d = map(float, raw_input().split())
s = (a+b+c+d)/2
print "%.2f" % sqrt(((s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)*(s-d)))


Time: 0.00
Paraphrased: Calculate the GCD for two numbers.

from fractions import gcd

for _ in xrange(input()):
A, B = map(int, raw_input().split())
g = gcd(A, B)
print B/g, A/g

Anti-Blot System (ABSYS)

time: 0.00
Paraphrased: Recover addition problems damaged by ink blots. SPOJ Python solutions

for _ in xrange(input()):
raw_input(); a, _, b, _, c = raw_input().split()
if 'machula' in a: a = str(int(c) - int(b))
elif 'machula' in b: b = str(int(c) - int(a))
else: c = str(int(a) + int(b))
print a, '+', b, '=', c

Sum of divisors! (ABA12D)

Time: 0.00
Output: Output T lines each containing a single integer ‘c’ which denotes the number of K-
numbers which lie in the interval [A,B] inclusive of the end points.

A023194 = [2, 4, 9, 16, 25, 64, 289, 729, 1681, 2401, 3481, 4096, 5041, 7921, 10201,
15625, \
17161, 27889, 28561, 29929, 65536, 83521, 85849, 146689, 262144, 279841, 458329, \
491401, 531441, 552049, 579121, 597529, 683929, 703921, 707281, 734449, 829921,
for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
L, H = map(lambda x:max(A023194, key=lambda y:y>=int(x)), raw_input().split())
print A023194.index(H) - A023194.index(L)

Uncle Jack (UJ)

Time: 0.00
Paraphrased: Simple combination calculation.

while True:
N, D = map(int, raw_input().split())
if N==0 and D==0: break
print pow(N, D)
Candy I (CANDY)
Time: 0.00
Summary: Find the smallest number of moves for each block of data.

while True:
n = input()
if n == -1: break
A = [int(raw_input()) for _ in xrange(n)]
s = sum(A)
print -1 if s%n else sum(abs(s/n-a) for a in A)/2

Bird tree (NWERC11B)

Time: 0.00
Summary: Print the string representation of the location of this fraction in the Bird tree.

for _ in xrange(input()):
a, b = map(int, raw_input().split('/'))
s = ''
while a*b > 1:
s += 'L' if a < b else 'R'
a, b = (b-a, a) if a < b else (b, a-b)
print s

Two Game (TWOGAME)

Time: 0.00
Output: For each test case print a single line with the character Y if it is possible for Alice to
reach the given pair or N if it is impossible.

for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())
while b:
a, b = b, a%b
while a%2==0: a>>= 1
print 'Y' if a==1 else 'N'

Load Testing (GCJ101C)

Time: 0.00
Output: For each test case, output one line containing "Case #x: y", where x is the case number
(starting from 1) and y is the number of load tests you need to run in the worst case before
knowing within a factor of C how many people the site can support.

from math import sqrt

for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):
L, P, C = map(int, raw_input().split())
y = 0
while L*C < P:
L = sqrt(L*P)
y += 1
print 'Case #%i: %s' % (cs, y)


Time: 0.00
Output: Help Super Mario and tell him how many points he will score.

def f(s=0):
for _ in range(10):
d = int(raw_input())
s += d
if s >= 100:
return s if s <= 100+d/2 else s-d
return s
print f()

Vero Dominoes (VERODOOM)

Time: 0.22
Summary: Find the total dots in the domino pieces.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
print n*(n+1)*(n+2)/2

Increasing Powers of K (INCPOWK)

Time: 0.05
Summary: For each test case print a single line, the Nth term of the sequence Sk.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
k, n = map(int, raw_input().split())
print int(bin(n)[2:], k)

Flowers Flourish from France (MFLAR10)

Time: 0.01
Summary: Determine if a sentence is a tautogram.

while True:
w = raw_input().strip().lower().split()
if w[0]=='*': break
s = sum(1 for c in w if c[0]==w[0][0])
print 'Y' if len(w)==s else 'N'

Coke madness (RPLC)

Time: 0.04
Summary: Calculate the minimum energy required by David to pass the street.

for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):

s, m = 0, 0
for x in raw_input().split():
s += int(x)
if s < 0: s, m = 0, m-s
print 'Scenario #%d: %d' % (cs, m+1)

Help Tohu (TOHU)

Time: 0.05
Summary: Find the value of a sequence.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = float(raw_input())
print '%.11f' % (2.0/3 + (1.0/6 + 1/(n+2) - 1/(n+1))/2)

Tohu again (TOHU2)

Time: 0.16
Summary: The 'ol "gray elephant from Denmark" trick.

for _ in xrange(input()):
A = [raw_input().split() for _ in xrange(99)]
s = ''.join(c for n,c in A if int(n)%9==0 and int(n)<82)
print 'YES' if s==s[0]*len(s) else 'NO'

Time: 0.05
Summary: Find the length of the chocolate bar and the minimum number of times to break the

from math import log, ceil

for _ in xrange(input()):
n, c = int(raw_input()), 0
e = int(ceil(log(n, 2)))
while n%2 == 0: n/=2; c+=1
print 2**e, e-c

Easy Jug (MAY99_3)

Time: 0.15 PYPY
Summary: Output "YES" if manku can drink exactly z litres of water else "NO".

from fractions import gcd

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
x, y, z = map(int, raw_input().split())
print 'NO' if (z>x and z>y) or z%gcd(x,y)!=0 else 'YES'

Real Mangoes for Ranjith (MANGOES)

Time: 0.07
Summary: Find the number of "real" mangoes Ranjith gets.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
N = int(raw_input())
print ((N/2 + 1)**2) % N

Pyramidal Constructions (PIRACON)

Time: 0.03
Summary: Calculate the total number and "Tringus" number of pieces needed for a pyramid of
level K.

for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):
K = int(raw_input())
print 'Pyramid E. Nro# %d: %d' % (cs, K*(2*K*K + 6*K - 5)/3)
print 'Tringus:', 2*(K*K - K)

Kusac (KUSAC)
Time: 0.12
Summary: Find the minimum number of cuts.

from fractions import gcd

N, M = map(int, raw_input().split())
print M - gcd(M, N)

Match the words (NOVICE62)

Time: 0.06
Summary: Take a 2 column one-to-one relationship and match non correctly.

A = [0, 0, 1]
for i in xrange(3, 100000):
A.append(((i-1) * (A[-1]+A[-2])) % 1000000007)
for _ in xrange(input()):
n = int(raw_input())
print 0 if n >= 100000 else A[n]

AP - Complete The Series (Easy) (AP2)

Time: 0.04
Summary: Determine the number of terms in the series and the series numbers.

for _ in xrange(input()):
a, b, c = map(int, raw_input().split())
n = (c*2)/(a+b)
d = (b-a)/(n-5)
m = a-2*d
print n, '\n', " ".join(str(m+d*i) for i in range(n))

Enough of analyzing, let’s play (EALP1)

Time: 0.22 PYPY
Summary: Your task is to find the number of ways Player 1 can start the game so that after his
first move, he is in the winning position.

from operator import xor

for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):
A = map(int, raw_input().split())
s = reduce(xor, A, 0)
print 'Case %d: %d' % (cs, sum(1 for a in A if s^a < a))

Large subsequence Problem (LARSUBP)

Time: 1.46
Summary: Find the number of subsequences.

for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):
br = [0]*10
ar = map(int, list(raw_input()))
for a in ar:
br[a]+= sum(br[:a]) + 1
print 'Case %d: %d' % (cs, sum(br) % 1000000007)

Biased Standings (BAISED)

Time: 0.61
Summary: For each of the test cases output a single line with a single integer : the badness of
the best rank list for the given teams.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
A = sorted([int(raw_input().split()[1]) for _ in xrange(n)])
print sum(abs(A[i]-i-1) for i in xrange(n))

Bye Bye Cakes (BYECAKES)

Time: 0.03
Summary: Output a single line with four non-negative integers separated by single spaces,
representing the amount of each ingredient John needs to buy.

from math import ceil

while True:
A = map(float, raw_input().split())
if A[0] < 0: break
mx = max(ceil(A[i] / A[i+4]) for i in xrange(4))
print ' '.join(str(int(mx*A[i+4] - A[i])) for i in xrange(4))

Operation Bits (OPBIT)

Time: 0.08
Summary: For each test case print the corresponding key.

from math import sqrt

for _ in xrange(input()):
a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())
x, y = 0xFFFFF, 0
for i in xrange(int(sqrt(a)), int(sqrt(b))):
t = (i+1)*(i+1) - i*i
x &= t
y ^= t
print x&y

Encode Integer (SNGINT)

Time: 0.12
Summary: Encode N into another possible smallest integer M (M > 0), such that product of
digits of M equals to N.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n, s = input(), ''
if n == 0: print 10
elif n < 10: print n
for i in xrange(9, 1, -1):
while n%i == 0:
s += str(i)
n /= i
print -1 if n > 1 else s[::-1]

Between the Mountains (ACPC11B)

Time: 0.11
Summary: Find the minimum altitude difference between two suitable platform points.

for _ in xrange(input()):
A = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split())[1:])
B = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split())[1:])
d = abs(A[0]-B[0])
for a in A:
for b in B:
d = min(d, abs(a-b))
if a < b: break
print d

Fast Sum of two to an exponent (FAST2)

Time: 0.11
Summary: Output the sum from 2^0 to 2^n MODULO 12980...

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = int(raw_input())
print pow(2, n+1, 1298074214633706835075030044377087) - 1

The Yellow Brick Road (YELBRICK)

Time: 0.07
Summary: Find the minimum number of cubes that can be cut from the given stones.

while True:
t, vol, N = 0, 1001, int(raw_input())
if N==0: break
for i in xrange(N):
a, b, c = map(int, raw_input().split())
t += a*b*c
vol = min(a, b, c, vol)
print t/vol**3

abs(a-b) I (ABSP1)
Time: 0.59
Summary: Calculate the summation of the absolute difference of all the distinct pairs.

for _ in xrange(input()):
N = input()
A = map(int, raw_input().split())
s, x = 0, 0
for i in xrange(1, N):
x += (i*(A[i] - A[i-1]))
s += x
print s

Distinct Subsequences (DSUBSEQ)

Time: 0.04
Summary: Find the number of distinct subsequences.

m = 10**9 + 7
for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
r, t, s = 2, [0]*100, map(ord, raw_input())
t[s[0]] = 1
for i in s[1:]:
tmp = t[i]
t[i] = r
r = (2*r - tmp) % m
print r

Johnny The Gambler (LCPC12F)

Time: 0.17
Summary: The number of valid pairs (j, k).

for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):

cnt = 0
C = map(int, raw_input().split())
X = C[0]; A = [0]*2001
for c in C[2:]:
if X >= c: cnt += A[X-c]
A[c] += 1
print '%d. %d' % (cs, cnt)

Consecutive sequence (SEQ6)

Time: 2.02
Summary: Calculate number of sequences which sum is equal to N.

from math import sqrt

while True:
n = 2*int(raw_input())
if n==0: break
q = int(sqrt(n)) + 1
r = sum((i+n/i)%2 for i in xrange(1, q) if n%i==0)
print 2*r+q%2 if q*q == n else 2*r

Self Numbers (MCUR98)

Time: 0.17
Summary: Calculate the first 1 million self numbers.

v = [0]*1000001
for i in xrange(1, 1000000):
if v[i]==0: print i
s, n = 0, i
while n > 0: s, n = s + n%10, n//10
v[min(s+i, 1000000)] = 1

Valences (UCV2013J)
Time: 0.44
Summary: For each compound output a single line with the sum of the valences.

while True:
V = raw_input().split()
n = int(V[0])
if n == 0: break
print sum(map(int, V[n/2+1:]))

hai jolly jolly jolly (NITT2)

Time: 0.46 PYPY
Summary: Given a number you have to tell whether the number is divisible by 252 and 525.

def d(s, n, r=0):

for c in s:
r = (10*r + int(c)) % n
return r==0
for _ in xrange(input()):
s = raw_input()
print ('Yes' if d(s,252) else 'No'), ('Yes' if d(s,525) else 'No')

Cylinder (CYLINDER)
Paraphrased: Calculate the biggest possible volume of a cylinder.

from math import pi

while True:
w, h = map(float, raw_input().split())
if w==0 and h==0: break
res = h/2/(pi+1) if h < w*(pi+1) else w/2
res2 = pi * res*res * w
res3 = w*w/4 * (h*pi - w) / pi**2
print '%.3f' % max(res2, res3)

Ohani And The Series (OHANISER)

Time: 0.40
Summary: Find the only number in a row.

t, m = [1], 10**9+7
for _ in xrange(1, 100000):
t.append(2*t[-1] % m)
for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):
n = int(raw_input())
print 'Case %d: %d' % (cs, 1 if n==1 else (n+1)*t[n-2] % m)

With a Pit of Death (DOJO)

Time: 0.02
Summary: Avoid the pit of death.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n, m, i ,j = raw_input().split()
m = int(m[-1]) * int(n)
j = int(j[-1]) + int(i)
print 'Possible.' if m%2 and j%2==0 else 'Impossible.'

The return of the Cake (REBOUND)

Time: 0.70
Summary: Find the perfect shot.

from math import sqrt

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
x, y, z = map(int, raw_input().split())
d = int(sqrt(x*x + y*y + 2*y*z))
a = 2*x*z + 2*z*d
b = 2*y + 4*z
print 'Not this time.' if a % b else a/b

Rachu (MAY99_4)
Time: 0.06 PYPY
Summary: Calculate the number of ways muffins could be distributed.

from math import factorial as f

def C(n, k): return f(n)//f(k)//f(n-k)
n, r = map(int, raw_input().split())
print -1 if n < r else C(n-1, r-1) % 10000007

Constructible Regular Polygons (POLCONST)

Time: 0.14
Summary: Print “Yes” if the regular polygon can be constructed with compass and straightedge.

A000215 = [3, 5, 17, 257, 65537]

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
while n%2==0: n/=2
for a in A000215:
if n%a==0: n/=a
print 'Yes' if n==1 else 'No'

Rectangles Perimeter (MMAXPER)

Time: 0.01
Summary: Find the maximum possible length of the upper envelop line.

n = int(raw_input())
A = [map(int, raw_input().split()) for _ in xrange(n)]
L1, L2 = A[0][1], A[0][0]
for i in xrange(1, n):
L1, L2 = max(L1+abs(A[i-1][0]-A[i][0])+A[i][1], L2+abs(A[i-1][1]-A[i][0])+A[i][1]), \
max(L1+abs(A[i-1][0]-A[i][1])+A[i][0], L2+abs(A[i-1][1]-A[i][1])+A[i][0])
print max(L1, L2)

Mario and Mushrooms (MARIO2)

Time: 0.10
Summary: Output the probability that Mario will survive if he receives all the randomly placed
mushrooms one by one.

for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):

m, k = map(int, raw_input().split())
print 'Case #%d: %.8f' % (cs, 1.0/(k + m*k + 1))

Can You Make It Empty 2 (EMTY2)

Time: 0.06&bigstar;
Summary: Can you empty a string of binary digits by recursively removing '100's.

for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):

s, cnt = raw_input(), 0
for b in s[::-1]:
cnt+= 1 if b=='0' else -2
if cnt < 0: break
print 'Case %d: %s' % (cs, 'no' if cnt else 'yes')

Imperial Units (IMPUNITS)

Time: 0.03
Summary: For each test case, output a single line with two positive integers C and D
that CU1 is equivalent to DUN.

from fractions import gcd

while True:
n = int(raw_input())
if n == -1: break
nx, dx = 1, 1
for i in xrange(n-1):
a, b = map(int, raw_input().split())
nx, dx = nx*a, dx*b
print nx/gcd(nx, dx), dx/gcd(nx, dx)

Feline Olympics - Mouseball (MBALL)

Time: 0.13
Summary: Specify the number of even numbers and odd numbers respectively.

m = 10**5+10
dp = [1]+[0]*m
for i in [2,3,6,7,8]:
for j in xrange(i, m):
dp[j]+= dp[j-i]
for _ in xrange(input()):
print dp[int(raw_input())]

Fractions on Tree (NG0FRCTN)

Time: 0.32
Summary: Print the numerator and denominator of the lowest form of the fraction.

m = {1:1}
def f(n):
if not n in m:
m[n] = f(n/2)+f(n/2+1) if n&1 else f(n/2)
return m[n]
while True:
n = int(raw_input())
if n==0: break
print '%d/%d' % (f(n), f(n+1))

Time: 0.62
Summary: Find p/q, where p/q is an irreducible fraction denoting the probability of forming an
arithmetic progression from the chits LJ picks.

from fractions import gcd

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = int(raw_input())
p = (3*n*n + 1)/2 if n%2 else 3*n*n/2
q = 6*n**3
g = gcd(p, q)
print '%d/%d' % (p/g, q/g)

0 0 Pairs (M00PAIR)
Time: 0.05
Summary: For each input n print the number of consecutive zeroes pairs that will appear in the
sequence after n steps.

import sys
A = [0, 1]
for _ in xrange(1000):
A.append(2*A[-2] + A[-1])
for ns in sys.stdin:
print A[int(ns)-1]

Street Trees (STREETR)

Time: 0.64
Summary: Output the minimal number of trees that must be planted.

from fractions import gcd
n = int(raw_input())
A = [int(raw_input()) for _ in xrange(n)]
d = 0
for i in xrange(1, n):
d = gcd(d, A[i]-A[i-1])
print (A[-1]-A[0])/d - n+1

A Needle in the Haystack (NHAY)

Time: 0.27
Summary: Output all positions of the needle's occurences within the haystack.

while True:
_, n, h = [raw_input() for _ in xrange(3)]
p = h.find(n)
while p > 0:
print p
p = h.find(n, p+1)
except: break

Yet Another Permutations Problem (YAPP)

Time: 0.11
Summary: How many permutations of the first N numbers exist such that the maximum element
between the indices [i..j] is either present at index i, or at index j?

for _ in xrange(input()): print pow(2, int(raw_input())-1, 1000000007)

Ljutnja (C1LJUTNJ)
Time: 0.44
Summary: Minimize the total anger for the children of the corn. See the movie to get the
reference. Also, the mod 2^64 was a nice touch in adding to one's misery.

m, n = map(int, raw_input().split())
W = sorted([int(raw_input()) for _ in xrange(n)])
t = sum(W) - m
ta = 0
for i in xrange(n):
anger = min(W[i], t/(n-i))
ta += anger * anger
t -= anger
print ta % 2**64

Army Strength (ARMY)

Time: 0.25
Paraphrased: Go. Go. Godzilla. Find the more powerful 'monster' before the next movie!

for _ in xrange(input()):
raw_input(); raw_input(); #blank & unneeded
Gmax = max(map(int, raw_input().split()))
Mmax = max(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print 'Godzilla' if Gmax >= Mmax else 'MechaGodzilla'

Ambiguous Permutations (PERMUT2)
Time: 0.34
Paraphrased: Determine whether the permutation is ambiguous or not.

while True:
if input()==0: break
p = map(int, raw_input().split())
for j, pj in enumerate(p, 1):
if pj != j and p[pj-1] != j:
print 'not',
print 'ambiguous'

Collatz (CLTZ)
Time: 0.28
Paraphrased: Collatz sequence.

import sys
for ns in sys.stdin:
n, c = int(ns), 1
while n != 1:
n = 3*n +1 if n%2 else n>>1
c += 1
print c

Niceness of the string (IITKWPCA)

Time: 0.02
Paraphrased: Find the unique words in a string.

for _ in xrange(input()): print len(set(raw_input().split()))

Playing With Balls (IITKWPCN)

Time: 0.02
Paraphrased: Determine the probability that the color of last ball remaining in the bag is black.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
B = int(raw_input().split()[1])
print '1.000000' if B%2 else '0.000000'

Number Steps (NSTEPS)

Time: 0.02&bigstar;
Paraphrased: Find the value at an (x,y) coordinate in a stair-step pattern.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
x, y = map(int, raw_input().split())
print x+y-x%2 if x==y or (x-y)==2 else 'No Number'


Time: 0.11
Paraphrased: Find whether a team can survive the trip to an opponent's empire.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n, m, D = map(int, raw_input().split())
c = sum((int(raw_input())-1)/D for _ in xrange(n))
print 'YES' if c >= m else 'NO'

Counting Triangles (TRICOUNT)

Time: 0.09
Paraphrased: Count the number of triangles in a triangular grid (triangle tiling).

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
print n*(n+2)*(2*n+1) / 8

Wine trading in Gergovia (GERGOVIA)

Time: 0.08 PYPY
Paraphrased: Add the net transactions in wine trading.

while True:
t, w = 0, 0
if raw_input() == '0': break
for a in raw_input().split():
t+= int(a)
w+= abs(t)
print w

Move To Invert (MINCOUNT)

Time: 0.13
Paraphrased: Calculate the minimum number of moves required to invert the triangle.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
h = int(raw_input())
print h*(h+1) / 6

War (TAP2013G)
Time: 0.82
Paraphrased: When it comes to war, cheaters always prosper. Simple sort and compare to see
who wins more battles, and thus, the war.

S = input()
Q = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
N = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
b = 0
for j in range(S):
if Q[b] < N[j]: b+=1
print b

Revenge of the squares (variation) (SQUAREV1)

Time: 0.65
Paraphrased: Given a number N count the number R of different presentations of N in the form
A*A+B*B with A and B being positive integers including zero.

from math import sqrt
for _ in xrange(50):
x = input()
print sum(1 for i in xrange(1, int(sqrt(x/2))+1) if sqrt(x - i*i)%1 == 0)

Make them equal ! (MKEQUAL)

Time: 0.21
Paraphrased: Calculate the maximum number of elements which can have the same value.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
t = sum(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print n-1 if t%n else n

Counting Triangles III (TCOUNT3)

Time: 0.06
Paraphrased: Find the number of triangles in the “level N” hexagon.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
N = int(raw_input())
print N + N*N*(10*N + 9)

time: 0.12
Paraphrased: Maximum number of people at the end of a party.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())): print max(0, int(raw_input())-2)

Adding Reversed Numbers (ADDREV)

Time: 0.04
Paraphrased: Calculate reversed sum of two reversed numbers.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
a, b = raw_input().split()
print int(str((int(a[::-1]) + int(b[::-1])))[::-1])

Clones (NCLNE)
Time: 0.86
Paraphrased: Check a sequence for legitimacy according to clone rules of replication.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
raw_input(); b = map(int, raw_input().split())
d = reduce(lambda d,t: 2*(d - t), b[:-1], 1)
print 'Yes' if d==b[-1] else 'No'

Gopu and Digits Divisibility (SPCQ)

Time 0.43 PYPY
Paraphrased: Find the smallest "nice" number greater or equal to n.

def sd(n): return sum(int(i) for i in str(n))
for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
while n % sd(n): n+=1
print n

Pebble Solver (PEBBLE)

Time: 0.10
Paraphrased: Find the minimum number of steps required for your program to solve the game.

import sys
for g, st in enumerate(sys.stdin, 1):
c = 0
for s in st.strip():
c+= (s=='1') ^ (c&1)
print "Game #%d: %d" % (g, c)

Factorial length (LENGFACT)

Time: 0.03
Paraphrased: Use Stirling's formula to calculate the length of a factorial.

from math import log10, pi, e

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = input()
print 1 if n<4 else int(log10(2*pi*n)/2 + n*log10(n/e)) + 1

A Famous ICPC Team (TEAM2)

Time: 0.06
Paraphrased: Find the minimum side length of the large box required to ship 4 square-shaped

import sys
for c, ns in enumerate(sys.stdin, 1):
A = sorted(map(int, ns.split()))
print 'Case %d: %d' % (c, A[2] + A[3])

Candy III (CANDY3)

Time: 0.03
Paraphrased: Determine if candies can be distributed equally.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
raw_input(); n = int(raw_input())
k = sum(int(raw_input())%n for _ in xrange(n))
print "NO" if k%n else "YES"

Candy Distribution (CADYDIST)

Time: 0.21 PYPY
Paraphrased: Find the least amount of money Alice must spend on candy. (PYPY)

while True:
N = input()
if N==0: break
C = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
P = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print sum(C[i] * P[N-i-1] for i in xrange(N)) #cost

Factorial (FCTRL)
Time: 0.31 PYPY
Paraphrased: Simply, find the number of trailing zeros in a factorial.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = input()
c = 0
while n >= 5:
n /= 5
c += n
print c

Musical Chairs (ANARC08H)

Time: 0.78
Paraphrased: Find the winner of the game.

while True:
N, D = map(int, raw_input().split())
if N==0 and D==0: break
print N, D, reduce(lambda a,j:(a+D)%j, xrange(2, N+1), 0) + 1

Traversing Grid (TRGRID)

Time: 0.02
Paraphrased: Find the required direction you will be facing at the end.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n, m = map(int, raw_input().split())
if n>m:
print 'U' if m%2==0 else 'D'
print 'L' if n%2==0 else 'R'

Princess Farida (FARIDA)

Time: 0.47
Paraphrased: Simple DP solution.

for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):

dp = [0, 0]
for x in map(int, raw_input().split()):
dp.append(max(x+dp[-2], dp[-1]))
print 'Case %d: %d' % (cs, dp[-1])

Conga line (CONGA)

Time: 0.34 PYPY
Paraphrased: Find the minimum time it takes to start dancing.
while True:
n = input()
if n == 0: break
a = map(int, raw_input().split())
print sum(a[n-i-1] - a[i] - (n-2*i-1) for i in xrange(0, n/2))

Crucial Equation (CEQU)

Time: 0.96
Paraphrased: Determine if there exists at least one solution to ax + by = c.

from fractions import gcd

for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):
a, b, c = map(int, raw_input().split())
print "Case %d: %s" % (cs, ('No' if c % gcd(a,b) else 'Yes'))

Maggu and Triangles (IITWPC4B)

Time: 0.30
Paraphrased: Calculate the number of triangles you can create from a wire of length n.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = input()
k = n*n if n%2==0 else (n+3)*(n+3)
print k/48+1 if k%48>24 else k/48

Sums in a Triangle (SUMITR)

Time: 0.80
Paraphrased: Compute the largest sum on the paths starting from the top towards the base of a
numerical triangle.

for _ in xrange(input()):
nx = input()
t = [map(int, raw_input().split()) for _ in xrange(nx)]
for r in xrange(nx-1, 0, -1):
for c in xrange(0, r):
t[r-1][c] += max(t[r][c], t[r][c+1])
print t[0][0]

Mohib and series (MOHIB)

Time: 0.02
Paraphrased: Print the largest possible number in the sequence.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
x, avg = map(int, raw_input().split())
print (avg*avg - x*x - 3*x + 3*avg)/2

Christmas Play (AMR10G)

Time: 0.39
Paraphrased: Minimize the height difference between the tallest and shortest in a group.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
N, K = map(int, raw_input().split())
h = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print min(h[K-1+i] - h[i] for i in xrange(N-K+1))

Why this kolaveri di (WTK)

Time: 0.08
Paraphrased: Josephus Problem.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
print reduce(lambda q,k: (q+n-k)%k+1, xrange(2, n+1), 1)

Loop Expectation (LOOPEXP)

Time: 0.04
Paraphrased: Calculate the expected number of times the 'if' block of the provided pseudo-code

a = [0, 1]
for i in xrange(2, 100001):
a.append(a[-1] + 1.0/i)
for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
print a[int(raw_input())]

Training Land of Fury (NFURY)

Time: 0.09
Paraphrased: Print the minimum number of pieces that should be bought.

from math import sqrt

A = [0] + [999999]*1000
for i in xrange(1, 1001):
for j in xrange(1, int(sqrt(i))+1):
A[i] = min(A[i], A[i-j*j]+1)
for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
print A[int(raw_input())]

Pigeonhole Tower (PHT)

Time: 0.37
Paraphrased: Find the minimum number of pieces that should be bought.

from math import sqrt

for cs in xrange(1, int(raw_input())+1):
n = int(raw_input())
print 'Case %d: %d' % (cs, sqrt(n+1)-1)

Atoms in the Lab (ATOMS)

ime: 0.08
Paraphrased: Determine the time at which the reaction will have to be stopped.

from math import log
for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
N, K, M = map(int, raw_input().split())
print 0 if M<=N else int(log(M/N, K))

Boring Factorials (DCEPC11B)

Time: 0.30
Paraphrased: Print N! modulo P.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n, p = map(int, raw_input().split())
if n < p:
q = reduce(lambda a,j:(a*j)%p, xrange(p-1, n, -1), 1)
print p - pow(q, p-2, p) if n < p else 0

Break the Chocolate (BC)

Time: 0.08
Paraphrased: Minimum numbers of steps to break a chocolate bar.

from math import log, ceil

for cs in xrange(1, input()+1):
N, M, K = map(int, raw_input().split())
t = ceil(log(N, 2)) + ceil(log(M, 2)) + ceil(log(K, 2))
print "Case #%d: %d %d" % (cs, N*M*K-1, t)

Time: 0.19
Paraphrased: Print number of groups currently in shahbag.

cnt, Px = 0, [False]*20002
for p in map(int, raw_input().split()):
Px[p] = True
if Px[p-1] == Px[p+1] == True: cnt-= 1
if Px[p-1] == Px[p+1] == False: cnt+= 1
print cnt
print 'Justice'

Glass Beads (BEADS)

Time: 0.12
Paraphrased: Find number of the bead which is the first at the worst possible disjoining.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
maxm = s = raw_input()
maxf = 0
for f in xrange(len(s)):
m = s[f:] + s[:f]
maxm, maxf = (m, f) if maxm > m else (maxm, maxf)
print maxf + 1

Fashion Shows (FASHION)

Time: 0.08
Paraphrased: Print a single integer denoting the sum of the hotness bonds for all pairs that
MMDS has proposed.

for _ in xrange(input()):
A = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
B = sorted(map(int, raw_input().split()))
print sum(a*b for a,b in zip(A,B))

Run length encoding (RLE)

Time: 0.16
Paraphrased: Find the run length encoding of the input string.

import sys, re
buff = sys.stdin.readlines()
for s in buff:
sx = ''
for g, c in re.findall(r'((\w)\2{0,})', s):
j = len(g)
sx+= c*j if j <= 3 else str(j)+'!'+c
print sx

Time: 0.80
Paraphrased: Find the number of moves.

n = int(raw_input())
for a in reversed([raw_input() for _ in range(n)]):
if a == str(n): n-= 1
print n

Time: 0.01
Paraphrased: Find the the minimal number of pizzas.

import sys, math

buff = map(lambda s:s.strip(), sys.stdin.readlines())
a = buff.count('3/4')
b = buff.count('1/2')
c = buff.count('1/4')
q = a + b/2.0 + 1
print int(math.ceil((q + (c-a - 2*b%2)/4.0) if a < c else q))

Bowling (BOWLING1)
Time: 0.02
Paraphrased: Calculate the bowling score.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
d = map(int,raw_input().split())
s = 0
for _ in xrange(10):
s+= sum(d[:2 + (d[0]+d[1] > 9)])
d = d[2 - (d[0] > 9):]
print s

Dukkar and Pikka (DUKKAR)
Time: 0.42
Paraphrased: Calculate the number of numbers divisible by P on Nth row of the pascal triangle.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
n, p = map(int, raw_input().split())
nx = n+1
ans = 1
while n>0:
n, r = divmod(n, p)
ans*= r+1
print nx-ans


Time: 0.12
Summary: Determine who wins the game.

for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
print 'Sorry Shaktiman' if n%2 else 'Thankyou Shaktiman'

The Blind Passenger (MYQ1)

Time: 0.39
Output: Help the man find his seat by telling him the row number (1,2,...), seat position(window
or aisle or middle), and the direction(left or right).

for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
if n==1: print 'poor conductor'
r = (n+3)/5
print r, 'AWWAAMWWMA'[n%10], 'L' if n%10<4 else 'R'


Time: 0.09
Output: For each test case, find the minimum number of matches the player should have played
to achieve that average.

for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
s = raw_input() + '.'
n = int(s.replace('.', ''))
f = 10 ** len(s[s.index('.')+2:])
print f/gcd(n,f)

Hard Launching (RPLH)

Time: 0.09
Output: Output the string “Scenario #i: “ where i is the test case you are analyzing followed by a
single number D, denoting the Degrees necessary to do the launch, if the launching can't be
done, output D as -1. the number must have a precision of 2 decimal digits.

from math import pi, asin
for cs in range(1, int(raw_input())+1):
ta, sp = map(float, raw_input().split())
si = ta*9.806 / sp / sp
print 'Scenario #%d: %.2f' % (cs, asin(si)*90/pi if si <= 1 else -1)

Time: 0.46 PYPY
Output: The first and only line of output must contain the required minimum number of ships.

n, c = int(raw_input()), 0
bx = [int(raw_input())-1 for _ in range(n)][1:]
for b in bx:
for q in bx[c+1:]:
if q%b==0: bx.remove(q)
print c

Filchs Dilemna (BYTESH1)

Time: 0.01
Output: For each test case, output the last four digits of the number of ways of carpeting the
2xN way. If the answer involves fewer than 4 digits, print the entire number.

f = [1,1]; g = [1,0]
for i in range(2, 33001):
f.append((f[-1] + f[-2] + 2*g[-1]) % 10000)
g.append((f[-3] + g[-1]))
for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
print f[int(raw_input())]

Easy Calculation (TRIGALGE)

Time: 0.03
Output: T real numbers rounded to 6 digits one in each line.

from math import sin

def f(a, b, c, p, r):
while (r - p > 1e-6):
q = (p + r) / 2.0
r, p = (q, p) if a*q + b*sin(q) > c else (r, q)
return r
for _ in xrange(int(raw_input())):
a, b, c = map(int, raw_input().split())
print '%.6f' % f(a, b, c, 0, c)

Find the Clones (CLONE)

Time: 0.19
Output: For each test case, you have to output n lines, each line containing a single integer. The
first line contains the number of different people that were not copied. The second line contains
the number of people that were copied only once (i.e., there are two identical copies for each
such person.)

from collections import Counter
while True:
n, m = map(int, raw_input().split())
if n==0 and m==0: break
q =[0]*n
for z in Counter(raw_input() for _ in range(n)).values():
q[z-1]+= 1
for qx in q: print qx

Road net (ROADNET)

Time: 1.04
Output: For each test case your program should write all the pairs of the neighbouring towns
(i.e. their numbers). There should be one pair in each line. Each pair can appear only once. The
numbers in each pair should be given in increasing order. Pairs should be ordered so that if the
pair (a, b) precedes the pair (c, d) then a < c or (a = c and b < d).

for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
n = int(raw_input())
d = [map(int, raw_input().split()) for _ in range(n)]
for i in range(n-1):
for j in range(i+1, n):
for k in range(n):
if j!=k and i!=k and d[j][k]+d[k][i]==d[j][i]: break
if k==n-1: print i+1, j+1

Roommate Agreement (CRAN02)

Time: 3.67
Output: The number of such sequences whose sum if zero.

from collections import defaultdict

for _ in range(int(raw_input())):
d = defaultdict(lambda: 0, {0:1})
s, ans = 0, 0
for q in map(int, raw_input().split()):
s+= q
ans+= d[s]
d[s]+= 1
print ans

Matches (FERT21_0)
Time: 0.10
Output: Find (1/2)**n with full precision to n<=1000.

for _ in xrange(input()):
n = int(raw_input())
x = 5**(n-1)
print '1' if n==1 else '0.'+str(x).zfill(n-1) # x/10**n


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