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JavaFX Script

Declarative GUI Programming Language for the Java Platform

Anatoli Fomenko, Senior Staff Engineer, JavaFX Community Manager

Greg Murray, Senior Staff Engineer, Ajax Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Submission ID: 2161

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Who are Anatoli and Greg?

> Anatoli
– In Java since 1998
– Sun Java IDE developer and architect
– JavaFX Community Manager
> Greg
– Web head for the past 12 years
– Servlet 2.5 Specification lead
– Started grass root Ajax efforts at Sun
– Ajax Architect for Sun
– Lead for jMaki

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Before JavaFX 3

> Why does it take a long time to write GUI

> How can we avoid the “Ugly Java technology GUI”
> Why do Flash programs look different than Java
platform programs?
> Why does it seem easier to write web apps than
Swing programs?
> How can I avoid having an enormous mass of
listener patterns?

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

History of JavaFX 4

> Originally it was kind of modeling language:

– The class declarations were based on the IDL used for
object databases
– UML cardinality specifications for attributes
– UML object notation (NAME:CLASS) for constants
> Query language added:
– Java-like expressions
– Features from XQuery: sequences (arrays), predicates
and list-comprehensions (foreach, Select)
– First-class functions and closures follow the syntax of
ECMAScript to incorporate them into variable

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

History of JavaFX 5

> Procedural update language with Java-like

control structures and the update syntax
(insert/delete) from XQuery
> For UI designers convenience:
– Cryptic Java operators (!=, !, &&, ||, ?:) were
replaced with more well-known equivalents (<>,
not, and, or, if/then/else)
– Balance between having type declarations for
readability and having the option of omitting
them without hurting ability to understand the

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

History of JavaFX 6

From my experience with C++ and Java, having

method bodies in the class declaration clutters it
with a mass of implementation details which is
detrimental to getting an overview of the actual
relationships and operations embodied by the
class. It was for this reason that I decided to
define the bodies of class operations and
functions outside the class declaration.

Chris Oliver - Creator of JavaFX

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

What is JavaFX? 7

> Programming Language for the Java platform

> Object-oriented
> Declarative Syntax
> Statically-typed + type-inference
> Automatic data binding
> Extensive Widget library encompassing Swing
and Java 2D™ API
> Development tools including NetBeans™ and
Eclipse IDE plugins

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Why Another Scripting Language?

> Only the Java platform can marry client- and

browser-based technologies with RIAs to run
across virtually any device
> Designed to optimize the creative process of
building rich and compelling UIs leveraging
Java Swing, Java 2D and Java 3D for
developers and content authors
> Structure of JavaFX code closely matches the
actual layout of the GUI, making it more
readable and maintainable

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


What Problem Does JavaFX Solve?

> Fundamentally: how can we make GUI
development more efficient?
> GUI development is a collaboration between
content designers, graphic artists, and
> The main bottleneck in this process appears to
be us—the programmers—and not the content
designers or graphic artists
> But what exactly is making us inefficient?

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

The “Ugly Java Technology GUI” 11

> Part of the problem is Swing
– AWT/Swing container/component hierarchy is a tree of
rectangular (mostly gray) boxes
– If all you do is compose Swing components together
 the result is typically the Ugly Java technology GUI
– Same problem exists with other toolkits, e.g., GTK, VB
> UI Designers and Swing programmers are using different
building blocks
– UI Designers compose designs in tools like Photoshop
and Illustrator
– The building blocks they use have direct analogs in Java
2D API, but not necessarily in Swing

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Swing Hello World 13

import javax.swing.*;

public class HelloWorldSwing {

public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("HelloWorldSwing");
final JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello World");


Sun Microsystems, Inc.

JavaFX Hello World 14

import javafx.ui.*;

Frame {
title: "Hello World JavaFX"
width: 200
height: 50
content: Label {
text: "Hello World"
visible: true

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Java 2D API

> To match the designs of UI designers requires using

Java 2D API
> But Java 2D API doesn't have compositional behavior
– The barrier to entry for many Java code programmers is
too high (i.e., other than Romain Guy)
> In addition to Swing Components, JavaFX includes
SVG-like interfaces to Java 2D API as first-class
elements which can be composed together into
higher-level components.
> JavaFX allows declarative expression of this

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

JavaFX 2D Graphics Tutorial

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Why Do Flash Programs Look Different

Than Java Platform Programs?

> Actually—they don’t
> Java 2D API can do what Flash does—You just
have to use it!
> Demos
– Amazon
– Bentley
– Tesla
– Nike
– Lotus

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Benefits of Declarative Syntax

> You can see it in Web applications

> For example, ease of composing styled text
– HTML vs. JTextPane
> HTML Table using JSTL versus JTable
> JavaFX brings that same ease of use to
Swing and Java 2D API programming

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

HTML Table With JSTL 20

<forEach var=”item” items=”${cart.items}”>

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

JavaFX Pad

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Benefits of Data Binding in JavaFX 22

> Cause and Effect—Responding to change

> The JavaFX bind operator—Allows dynamic
content to be expressed declaratively
> Dependency-based evaluation of any expression
> Automated by the system—Rather than
manually wired by the programmer
> You just declare dependencies and the JavaFX
runtime takes care of performing updates when
things change
> Eliminates listener patterns

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Example: Adding Dynamic Behavior 23

class HelloWorldModel {
attribute saying: String;

var model = HelloWorldModel {

saying: "Hello World"

var win = Frame {

title: bind "{model.saying} JavaFX"
width: 200
content: TextField {
value: bind model.saying
visible: true

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Benefits of Static Typing

> High-quality, compile-time error reporting
> High-quality IDE support
– Code-completion
– Searching
– Refactoring
> Efficient compilation

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

NetBeans Plugin

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

JavaFX: To Infinity and Beyond 27

> Compiler development is in progress

> NetBeans Plugins are updated regularly
> JavaFX Hardware Platforms:
– Phones (JavaFX Mobile)
– Set top boxes
> Multi-language site: #1 by hits and
> Fast community growth

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


JavaFX: Call to Action

> Open Sourcing in progress
> The future of JavaFX is up to YOU
> How can you make a difference:
– Register at
– Learn, play, ask questions
– Participate, submit patches or content
– Educate, drive, inspire

Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun Microsystems, Inc.




Sun Microsystems, Inc.


Sun Microsystems, Inc.



Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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