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Observation of facts, identification of problems, and efforts to answer problems using knowledge is the
essence of research activities. Because of that, research can be called a systematic effort to regulate and
investigate problems, and answer questions that arise, which are related to facts, phenomena, or
symptoms of the problem.

Research begins with a question because it requires a clear description of the problem to be solved. This
is often referred to as a plan to answer questions.


There are five specific objectives of a research:

1. Describes a phenomenon

2. Finding relationships

3. Explain the phenomenon

4. Predict future events, and

5. See the effect of one or more factors on one or more events.

Events can be explained by collecting and classifying information. This is usually the first step in a special
investigation. Sometimes, a plan for research will be seen only based on an explanation of information.


The first and most important step in behavioral research is the problem of definition. Based on the
information collected and the method chosen, the data and type of sample description basically depend
on how the problem is actually perceived, the framework of the research question, and the design of the
study information collected.

Determining Scope of Development

The scope of development is usually limited to one or two questions. This is done for various reasons.
The reason usually is because to investigate every aspect of a problem is not what is desired, impractical,
or impossible. The main limitation of the scope of planning is the aspect of available funds.

Other development designs must also be in line with the determination of the research environment.
Another aspect of a design is finding a population, specifying the information needed, selecting and
collecting data and methods, and budgeting. The next step in the research process is to identify the type
of information that must be collected. The direction of research should consider the benefits and
disadvantages of primary and secondary data sources.

Primary Data and Secondary Data

The source of research data is an important factor that is a consideration in determining the method of
data collection. The research data source consists of primary data sources and secondary data sources.

Primary data is a research data source obtained directly from the original source or first party. Primary
data is specifically collected by researchers to answer research questions. Primary data can be in the
form of opinions of research subjects (people) both individually and in groups, the results of
observations of an object (physical), event or activity, and the results of testing. The main benefit of
primary data is that the elements of lies are closed to the source of the phenomenon. Therefore,
primary data better reflects the truth seen. However, to obtain primary data will spend relatively more
funds and take a relatively longer time.

Secondary data is a source of research data obtained by researchers indirectly through intermediary
media. Secondary data is generally in the form of evidence, records, or historical reports that have been
compiled in both published and unpublished archives. The benefits of secondary data are to minimize
costs and time in classifying problems, creating benchmarks for evaluating primary data, and meeting
information gaps.


There are two important things related to behavioral research planning, the first is that which is
measured is related to things that are wrong (validity) and the second is that which is measured with
regard to things that are not repetitive (reliability).


There are several types of validity. Content validity refers to how researchers should describe the
dimensions and concepts or problems to be measured, especially those relating to the level of measure
given to cover the range of meaning and concept. Content validity is a consideration for each question
that is proposed and measured in terms of the relevance of the concept being measured.

Criteria related to validity are determined by comparing the measured concept and an external criterion
or known assumption to measure the concept to be examined. There are two types of criteria related to
validity, namely predictive validity and concurrent validity.

Predictive validity is the validity relating to whether a test or assessment can accurately predict behavior.
Predictive validity requires the existence of an external criterion or indicator of what must be predicted.

Concurrent validity is validity that is related to the relationship between a measuring instrument and
current or past criteria. Therefore, in contrast to predictive validity which is a measure for predicting
behavior produced at the same time as an external measure of behavior, concurrent validity testing
helps a researcher to distinguish individuals based on several criteria.

Construct validity is the validity based on a consideration of whether the results of these measurements
are in accordance with the theory. The validity of construction is very useful for measuring phenomena
that do not have external criteria.

A reliable measuring instrument will produce a measuring instrument that is stable at all times. Another
aspect of reliability is the accuracy of the measurement instrument.


There are two methods behind this: 1) researchers do not understand what these people are doing and
why they seem to involve behavior and 2) because of the small sample size, so it is very risky to
generalize results to the population.


In the survey there was no direct interaction between a researcher and the respondent. Data is collected
by sending e-mail, calling, or giving a series of questions. There are benefits and disadvantages
associated with each of these techniques. Mail surveys are at least more expensive. There are times
when research in certain conditions may not require the presence of researchers. Researcher's questions
and respondent's answers can be stated in writing through a questionnaire. This technique gives the
respondent the responsibility to read and underline the questions. Questionnaires can be distributed in
various ways, including: delivered directly by the researcher, sent together with the delivery of packages
or magazines, placed in places that are crowded with people, sent by fax, or using computer technology.


Observation is the process of recording patterns of human behavior, things, or events that are systematic
without the existence of questions or communication with the individuals studied. The flexibility of the
observation method compared to the survey method is that the data collected is generally not distorted,
more accurate, and more free from the bias of the respondents. Observation methods can produce more
detailed data about the phenomenon under study (behavior, subject or event) compared to the survey
method. Observation methods, however, are not error-free. Observers may provide additional notes that
are subjective (observer bias) as well as bias that occurs because of the role of the interviewer in the
survey method.


The first step in choosing respondents is by determining the population. After the population is
determined, the researcher determines the census or a sample. Census is an activity to search for all
information collected from each element in the population. The sample is a collection of information and
is part of the population. A census will be right when: 1) the population is small and the cost of collecting
data does not exceed the cost of sampling significantly, 2) it is important to know each element in the
population, and 3) the risk of overall improvement is very large.

Probability and Nonprobability Sampling

There are two types of sampling designs, namely probability sampling and nonprobability sampling.
Probability sampling uses several forms of random sampling, while nonprobability sampling does not use
random sampling. In probability sampling, each element in the chosen probability population is known.
There are several types of probability sampling: random, systematic stratified, groups, and so on.
Nonprobability sampling is when the probability chosen is unknown. With probability sampling,
sampling error can be estimated mathematically because the probability chosen is known. This gives
researchers an objective measurement of representative samples. Knowing the probabilities chosen also
allows researchers to be able to calculate the right sample size. Probability sampling is used when a
representative sample is important.


Questionnaire development or instrument search is another important step in the research process. The
questionnaire must be in accordance with the respondent and attractively designed so that the
respondent feels interested in answering the questionnaire, which essentially aims to increase the
response rate, validity, and reliability of the data.

Guaranteeing the Cooperation of Respondents

A good questionnaire design is very useful if the respondent is not cooperative with researchers who
want information. Low levels of cooperation or response rates create difficulties for researchers to
generalize samples to the population. If this happens, the next question refers to whether the
respondent has a different attitude if the design of the questionnaire is different.

There are several techniques that can produce high response rates. First before the interview with a
respondent, the researcher should send a letter explaining the general purpose of the interview and the
respondent can contact them by telephone to make an interview appointment. On the day of the
interview, the researchers should have arrived on time and thanked the respondent for their

At the same time, before conducting a telephone interview, it is very useful to send the respondent a
letter introducing the research team, explaining the basis of the research, and asking for cooperation
when calling. It would be more helpful if the researcher offered incentives in the form of cash or other
forms. For all of the above methods involving questionnaires, letters, telephone calls or personal
interviews, it is important to carry out a pilot test. The aim is so that researchers can correct poorly
compiled questions or confusing questions.

Guarantee Validity and Reliability Answers

Only essential information should be expected from respondents. Researchers should determine the
basis of the desire for information and choose a question format that will provide information with little
restrictions on respondents. Questions can be open-ended or closed-ended answers.


Data analysis was carried out after the researcher collected all the data needed in the research.
Researchers usually carry out several stages of data preparation to facilitate the data analysis process.
The use of various analysis tools depends on the type of research and the type of data obtained. The
availability of analytical tools illustrates that one analysis tool with other analysis tools can be alternately
utilized and sometimes only one analytical tool that can be used.

As a final stage, from a research is the preparation of research reports. The research report in general
contains things related to what is done by researchers from the preparation stage of the research to the
interpretation and conclusion of the results of the analysis. There is no standard form of a research
report. The form or format of a research report is strongly influenced by the wishes of the researcher,
things that need to be reported, and requests from research sponsors

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