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Estimation of nitrate concentration in

groundwater of Kadava river basin-Nashik

district, Maharashtra, India by using
artificial neural network model

Vasant Madhav Wagh, Dipak Baburao

Panaskar & Aniket Avinash Muley

Modeling Earth Systems and


ISSN 2363-6203
Volume 3
Number 1

Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2017) 3:1-10

DOI 10.1007/s40808-017-0290-3

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Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2017) 3:36
DOI 10.1007/s40808-017-0290-3


Estimation of nitrate concentration in groundwater of Kadava

river basin-Nashik district, Maharashtra, India by using artificial
neural network model
Vasant Madhav Wagh1 · Dipak Baburao Panaskar1 · Aniket Avinash Muley2 

Received: 21 December 2016 / Accepted: 8 February 2017

© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017

Abstract  Monitoring of groundwater quality is an impor- season data set respectively. The simulated outputs track
tant tool to facilitating adequate information about water the measured and predicted N ­ O3 values with coefficient of
management in respective areas. Nitrate concentration in determination (R2), residual mean square error (RMSE) and
aquifer systems is crucial problem in intensive agricultural mean absolute relative error (MARE) for training and test-
regions of Indian subcontinent. Nitrate is one of the quali- ing data. Accordingly, it is promising to manage ground-
tative parameter of groundwater and its enrichment leads water resources in an easier manner with proposed ANN
to human health implications, hence it entails precise peri- model.
odic extent. In the present study, artificial neural network
(ANN) model with back propagation algorithm was imple- Keywords  Groundwater quality · Nitrate · ANN · Nashik
mented to predict groundwater quality and its suitability
of Kadava River basin in Nashik district. The groundwater
qualitative data were collected from 40 dug/bore wells in Introduction
pre and post monsoon season of 2011. In this context, sig-
nificant correlated parameters viz., EC, TDS, TH, Ca, Mg, In India, groundwater is an important natural resource used
Na, Cl, ­CO3, ­HCO3 and S ­ O4 for pre monsoon; EC, TDS, for drinking in rural and urban parts of the country. Gen-
TH, Mg, Na, Cl, F, C ­ O3, ­HCO3 and S­ O4 were considered in erally, overexploitation of groundwater devoid of impartial
post monsoon season. In case of the study area, among 40 recharge, excess use of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides
groundwater samples, 52.50% and 65% showed higher con- percolating into groundwater has leads to groundwater
centration than the permissible limit (45 mg/L) of Bureau quality declination (Goyal et  al. 2010). The groundwater
of Indian standards of nitrate in pre and post monsoon sea- quality depends upon rock- water interaction, geological
son. As a result, the optimal network architectures obtained settings, residence time of water and inputs from soil dur-
through R software as 10-8-1 and 10-6-1 for training and ing percolation (Todd et al. 1980; Toth 1999; Laurent et al.
10-6-1 and 10-6-1 are used in testing pre and post monsoon 2010; Wagh et al. 2016a). Most of the water related prob-
lems in the country due to presence of fluoride, arsenic and
nitrate (Sharma et  al. 2003; Kumar 2017). The other pos-
* Vasant Madhav Wagh sible sources of nitrate will be the sewages leakages into
aquifer due to poor drainage. Groundwater nitrate pollution
Dipak Baburao Panaskar and its health impacts were studied by many researchers in
their respective regions of India (Assaf and Saadeh 2009;
Aniket Avinash Muley Agarwal 2012; Reddy 2013; Panaskar et al. 2016). In gen-
eral, overall groundwater quality has been considerably
School of Earth Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth deteoriated due to agricultural cropping system. Nitrogen
Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India is an essential nutrient to enhance plant growth although,
School of Mathematical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth when nitrogen fertilizers and compost applications exceed
Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India the denitrification capacity of soil, nitrogen might leach

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to ground water usually in the form of nitrate (Meisinger Sugarcane and Onion productions due to favorable climate.
and Randall 1991; Hubbard and Sheridan 1994). The high Central Groundwater Board corroborated that nitrate con-
concentration of ­NO3–N in groundwater is attributed to a centration in few villages in Nashik district were found
multi-factorial dynamic interaction process in intensive beyond the permissible limit (CGWB 2014). Maharashtra
agricultural and cropping systems (Maithani 2009; Stre- Pollution Control Board study reported that, the villages
bel et  al. 1989). Nitrate is a significant indicator of water from the study area viz. Pimpalgaon, Ahergaon, Savergaon,
pollution to organic load and play crucial role in drinking Ahergaon and Khategaon etc., showed an escalating trend
water hygiene. Water quality is enormously important, as of nitrate content (MPCB and NEERI 2014). In the study
unremitting access to good quality water is necessary for area, most commonly used fertilizers are Urea, Ammonium
life sustenance and economic development. sulphate, NPK complexes, IFFCO, Sufla, etc. The intake of
Some researchers focused on estimating ­NO3 pollution nitrogen is ≤50% in the crops; the remaining will be perco-
in groundwater with different of input parameters, network lated and leached into the soil and groundwater.
algorithm and regional case studies varies among investi-
gators. The distribution of groundwater N ­ O3–N pollution Study area
is also simulated using neural networks, however, in these
studies, the selection of input layers relied on subjective The study area under investigation is located in the
judgments rather than actual numerical analysis (Stre- Nashik District of Maharashtra, which lies between lati-
bel et  al. 1989; Maithani 2009). Some authors used ANN tude 19,055′: 20,025′N and longitude 73,055:74,015′E of
model to obtain predictive results in hydrochemical anal- the Survey of India (SOI) toposheet numbers 46 L/3, L/4,
ysis, water resources and management of point and non H/15 and H/16 on 1,50,000 scale (Fig. 1). The study area
point sources and it also solve various types of engineer- comprises Niphad and Chandwad Tehsil with geographical
ing prediction and optimization problems in their particular area 1053 km2. Kadava is tributary of Godavari River and
regions (Salmi 2015; Etheshami 2016; Wagh et al. 2016b). which flows from Sahyadri hills (NW to SE) direction. The
Chen et  al. (2016) reported that, most fertilizers viz., confluence point of Kadava and Godavari River is Nandur-
Urea, di-ammonium phosphate, NP/NPK complexes, Sin- mademeshwar dam at Niphad Tehsil. The average annual
gle Super Phosphate, Ammonia are commonly used in agri- rainfall of study area is around 700  mm, out of that 80%
cultural regions and leads to nitrate pollution. High content prevailing from South-West monsoonal winds. The tem-
of nitrate leads to Methaemoglobinaemia disease found in perature in the study area ranges from 5 to 40 °C in winter
human being and it affects the oxygen circulation. It may and summer season with semi arid climate (CGWB 2014)
also cause blue-baby syndrome in infants and hypertension (Fig. 2).
increased infant mortality and stomach cancer are the erst- Geologically the study area underlain by basaltic lava
while probable health impacts (Comly 1987). Therefore, an flows of upper Cretaceous to lower Eocene age and com-
attempt has been made here to evaluate the nitrate enrich- prising Pahoehoe and Aa lava flows of basaltic composition
ment in shallow and deep aquifers of the Kadava river basin (GSI 2001). The groundwater in Deccan Trap Basalt occurs
and appraise their suitability for drinking. The nitrate char- in upper weathered and fractured parts down 20–25  m
acterization of groundwater was analyzed through identifi- depth. Groundwater occurs under unconfined condition in
cation of appropriate ANN model based on most associated weathered and fractured parts from phreatic aquifer and at
parameters affecting groundwater quality by correlation deeper level it occurs under semi confined to confined con-
analysis. The work was carried out with a view that these ditions. In case of the study area Alluvium occurs in small
findings may assist in effective management of groundwa- and discontinues patches along the banks and flood plain
ter resources and discovering new remedial measures to of rivers like Godavari and Kadava. Large part of the area
overcome the declined water quality in the Study area. in Niphad Tehsil comes under Alluvium belt whereas few
parts in Chandwad Tehsil. The present study area soil are
Need of the study classified into four categories namely lateritic black soil,
reddish brown soil, coarse shallow reddish black soil and
In case of the study area, with available literature, there are light brownish black soil. Generally the soil is fertile and
only a few studies on the investigation of water quality in suitable for growing crops like grapes, sugarcane, onion
the Nashik district; however, the studies are restricted over and vegetables. The black soil contains high contents of
Godavari River basin and urban areas of Nashik city. The alumina and carbonates of calcium and magnesium with
groundwater quality and suitability aspects of the study area variable contents of potash, nitrogen and phosphorous
have continued to be unstudied, which led to a major data (CGWB 2014). The soil porosity and permeability con-
gap on this important issue. The study area comes under trol the recharge process thereby affecting the groundwa-
intensive agricultural practices and renowned for Grapes, ter potential of the basin. The study area is drain by River

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Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2017) 3:36 Page 3 of 10  36

Fig. 1  Study area with groundwater sample locations map

Kadava and back water of Godavari River and having den- methods of American Public Health Association (APHA
drtic drainage pattern. 2005). AquaChem 5.1 software used to compute the ionic
balance errors (±5%). The R software and MS-Excel tools
Data collection and methods were used for computing descriptive statistics and ANN
In order to fulfil the research objectives, groundwater sam-
ples were collected from representative 40 dug/bore wells Artificial neural network
locations in agricultural area of Niphad and Chandwad
Tehsil during pre and post monsoon season of 2011. Handy Artificial neural network models (Figs.  3, 4, 5, 6) were
global positioning system (GPS) device used to record the specified by the network topology, training and testing
location coordinates (Table 1). The water samples collected rules. These aspects have primarily affected the network
in prewashed and treated polythene cans; afterward sealed, performance; with three different layers in the network
labeled and brought to laboratory for further physicochemi- topology can be distinguished as: an input layer, hidden
cal analysis. The parameter pH and electrical conductivity layer and output layer. The ANN architecture for water
(EC) measured in the field itself by employing portable quality prediction were decided by the performance of
digital meter. Physicochemical parameters analyzed in the the respecting networks. The training algorithm for the
laboratory by gravimetric analysis following the standard whole networks utilizes the Levenberg - Marquardt Back

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Table 1  Location coordinates of the study area

Sample umbers Village Name Type Latitude Longitude

G1 Pimpalgaon DW 20°11′00″N 73°59′44″E

G2 Pimpalgaon DW 20°11′44″N 74°00′50″E
G3 DhotrKhede DW 20°13′15″N 74°03′04″E
G4 Khadakjam DW 20°14′46″N 74°04′33″E
G5 Vadalibhoi DW 20°17′10″N 74°06′51″E
G6 Deogaon DW 20°19′55″N 74°11′44″E
G7 Shirur Tangadi DW 20°21′35″N 74°09′06″E
G8 Puri DW 20°21′02″N 74°07′32″E
G9 Kanmandale DW 20°21′13″N 74°04′57″E
G10 Dodambe DW 20°19′51″N 74°03′41″E
G11 Kundane DW 20°21′23″N 74°03′21″E
G12 Jaitapur DW 20°21′26″N 74°01′38″E
G13 Ekrukhe DW 20°19′54″N 74°01′46″E
G14 Shinde BW 20°18′47″N 74°05′58″E
G15 Khadak Ozar DW 20°14′16″N 74°07′52″E
G16 Khandalwadi BW 20°16′01″N 74°03′53″E
G17 Vadnair Bhairav DW 20°15′11″N 74°02′04″E
G18 Pimpalnare DW 20°16′24″N 74°01′12″E
G19 Niphad DW 20°04′48″N 74°06′10″E
G20 Raulas BW 20°06′15″N 74°03′57″E
G21 Davachwadi DW 20°08′45″N 74°03′30″E
G22 Karsul DW 20°08′28″N 74°02′34″E
Fig. 2  Hydro-geological map of the study area (after GSI 2001) G23 Lonwadi BW 20°09′47″N 74°01′44″E
G24 Ahergaon DW 20°10′41″N 74°00′32″E
G25 Palkhed DW 20°10′44″N 74°03′36″E
Propagation algorithm and three layer back-propagation G26 Ranwad DW 20°10′47″N 74°05′25″E
ANN is used in this study. The ANNs were trained for both G27 Sarole khurd DW 20°10′06″N 74°07′52″E
type of inputs and different number of hidden neurons, G28 Khangaon DW 20°09′43″N 74°09′40″E
sequentially selected to find the best performing network in G29 Vanasgaon DW 20°09′04″N 74°08′38″E
the training data. An early stopping approach also applied G30 Nandur Khurd DW 20°12′40″N 74°06′12″E
to the network training. The best performance network on G31 Nandurdi DW 20°08′36″N 74°06′17″E
the training data was selected as trained network, and fea- G32 Ugaon DW 20°07′07″N 74°06′18″E
tured in the water quality predictor network. The number of G33 shivadi, near DW 20°07′06″N 74°07′52″E
input and output neurons is determined by the nature of the
G34 Sonewadi Budruk DW 20°06′49″N 74°10′00″E
problem under study.
G35 Ambewadi DW 20°05′08″N 74°09′54″E
In this study, the networks were trained and tested with
G36 Achola nala DW 20°04′28″N 74°08′10″E
one hidden layer and 1 to 10 hidden neurons. Two differ-
G37 Jalgaon DW 20°03′34″N 74°07′05″E
ent types of ANN models were developed. In the first type,
G38 Kathergaon DW 20°02′35″N 74°07′01″E
prediction was performed based on the pre monsoon sea-
G39 Shivare DW 20°02′53″N 74°08′37″E
son data set and the second type, post monsoon season
G40 Shivare DW 20°02′18″N 74°08′26″E
data set with significantly correlated variables among over-
all parameters were selected as input. After the training is
complete, the performance of the ANN is determined. The prevent such problems and also matching the data values
verification statistics are useful in evaluating the modeling before training the neural network, the input data should
results. The development and expansion of a model of become standard and optimized. Standardizing the input
ANN requires exact definitions and design for its technical data will prevent the excessive reduction in weights. To
components. Basically entering the data as unprepared and design ANN models 2 groups of data are required: (1)
raw data will reduce the accuracy and speed of network. To Training data (2) Test data.

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The training data are used to find the relations between data (raw data) were normalized before subjecting to train-
inputs and observed outputs. The validation data are used ing and testing by transforming the data to the range of 0 to
to control and monitor the training procedure and the test 1 to increase the speed and accuracy of ANNs performance
data are used to evaluate the performance of the suggested by Eq. (1) (Wagh et al. 2016b)
network. R is the software is used to develop the ANN’s
X − Xmin
model. The above model has an input layer, a hidden layer X̂ = (1)
Xmax − Xmin
and an output layer. This software has the power of optimi-
zation in order to solve the problems like predicting, clas- When the neural networks training completed, the value of
sifying and estimating the functions. The input and output the networks output is normalized and it needs de-normal-
ization transforming into the actual value. The equation is
defined as follows (Eq. 2):
1-1 .65 0 1
EC 0.048 37 2 ( )
.55 X = X̂ × Xmax − Xmin + Xmin (2)

25 6

7 858
.4.81686145810004723 .2651676


- .4
-0 .
.7.96956 00-0. ..1

TDS where X is original value, Xmin and Xmax are minimum and



-0 .11 4863


.24 99 maximum values in the series, X̂ is the normalized data.

-1 .43 0-1-10.1.7

- 1.523 65
66 4



-1 .061196
78042143 .2.15574526199645 0 ..1668943813 0.14..7439176 ..03409



.19 8


0.0 .61751 Sensitivity analysis


3 1

Ca -0 1.
75 4
52 3

- 0 .6 78
9 5979652188 113906145 8000 76711 8237 55

0. 8 8


65 776 3

0-0. .7 -00.1

0.4 66 Sensitivity Analysis provides the model designer with valu-

-0 .29

Mg 1.05499 -0 .99
08 8 31 4 4 58

0.3 378

NO3 able information about the sensitivity of the model with
2 4 0 11..4.142 0-1.0..460


-0 . 708
Na -0 .46 regard to its input variables. By understanding the impact

-0.58 326

-0 . 52
-2 .12 8

.5 5416 of input variables on the estimation precision of the model,


-0-0 .08 8 8 87
--00. .878 5 0

7 35

Cl -0
-0 .4532203 -1 low impact variables can be removed from the network and

-1 .06 78 -1 .18 64

.90 72 3

a simpler model can be developed. In this study, R software


-0-0 .29 455





was used for sensitivity analysis. Values of sensitivity coef-
5885338111 306905295

0. .30 7986

25 37

.431 3

- 0.934622
ficients of input variables were calculated by dividing the

.67 7

errors of the network when one variable was omitted by the


8 57
52 6

-2 .


-1 44 82
SO4 0.5 error of the network when no variable was omitted. In this
method, if the value of the sensitivity coefficient becomes
Fig. 3  Optimal train set model pre-monsoon season 2011 (10-8-1)
more that 1, the variable assumed to have a large impact in
defining the dependent variable. After training the network
for all arrangements, the ANNs with different typologies
1 -0 .04 1
EC -0 70
-2 .89 747 9
73 1 -1 .66 1

7 79 EC
-0 .4695 25
781553554395 0 .020685145676 .38862423042 0.2.43572543 1 .3

TDS -0
70 -20-0

-1 .47 084 1
-1 .

-1 .

-0 . .1
97 2


0. ..9

93 31 0 43
0393347659727-20.2.00004878012 01.0..5

-2 .2315

0.2 TDS
..0.81 001..40

7 6 93 8 289 502 259394 .06319004 .312 295 453 6

-0 .
81 9

-2 .

-0 .


0.04056 04 54


-0 333
80 8
-0 .5


.65 -0 .

4 6 TH

-0 .2




7 42




-0 .2

8 972

- 0 2 9 101..1



844052179 .9901 725 0039 533 27 1

06 9


22 Mg
--01 .


-0 .8

-1 .



0.91 34
0.01562 6 6 44
7 9 46


Mg 2


-0 .31


0.0 0. 1015


27 39 0.68
53 9

NO3 Na -0 .1 0

16 13
-0. 4

73 7 1 8 7437 13 5671314 .7547 5884 .60 7393

-0 .23
101..8678 1-0. .2

50 1

-0 .

-0 .
04 4 15 .094

7 95 . 145 6 -2.1551 -0 .67

Na 4 82 7078
--01 .7

1.01869 0.26 29

-1 .

0. 4
Cl 8 96



62 8 -1 .9

-0 .97 8

4245 .72

-1 .5

Cl 55134
0.218 7


-0 .1

-0 .2

63 F

-10 0 0


29 0.807765417 -0 ..0.1




0-01 .6 9 --101..4


CO3 -1.51214


525 17 0338


CO3 0.0628
-0 .58 743



-1 .70 923

96 62 -0 .

35 25 5

02 5
9 5060-32.1..1


-1 .

35 53


-0 .12 2 HCO3
-1 .

9 53 1.0064 2


47 71
8 3



0. .678 38

-0 .75 767

SO4 2 SO4 -0

Fig. 4  Optimal test set model pre-monsoon season 2011 (10-6-1) Fig. 5  Optimal train set model post-monsoon season 2011 (10-6-1)

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36   Page 6 of 10 Model. Earth Syst. Environ. (2017) 3:36

1 -1 .84 1 [ ]2 [ ]−1
EC -0 42 N
∑ N

-0 .69 208 8 2
11 R2 = ̄
(Pi − P)(O ̄
i − O)
̄ 2 (Oi − O)
(Pi − P) ̄

6 65
-0 .8174


4 1664311 .98265 419832 520333449 .2118250374 .204 448 .65 6

7205 001-0
i=1 i=1


-0 .
-0 .
17 7


53 1

-0 .

..20.33490 00-.1.2.517 0--10..7


TH 1.28921


.45 [ ]0.5

-0 .6
0 1
5 91 ∑

-1 .2 7


Mg −1 2

RMSE = N (Pi − Oi )

-0 .2 1



.31 i=1

-0 0271 0.23
14 1

Na -1 .2 4

-1 .31 26

36597270984830.7.902332792841 0 .3366985975-00.4.6171 64 -0..0736 8


61 NO3
--10 .0

1 ∑ ||Oi − Pi ||


Cl 4 25

0.73045 0.55 MARE = × 100

4 9 998

92 9

.05 N i=1 Oi

-0 .11 2

2 1

F -1 .2 5
where, N is the number of observations, Pi is the predicted
09 7

6 4



61 2
values, Oi is the observed data, P̄ and O
̄ are the mean values
-0-0. .4 2.




CO3 0.79334
for Pi and Oi, respectively.

-0 .99 623


91 5


35 5


21 5

-1 .5234

-0 .

5 65


-0 .04 493
Results and discussion

SO4 -0

Descriptive statistical analysis of the physico-chemical

Fig. 6  Optimal test set model post-monsoon season 2011 (10-6-1)
parameters of the groundwater samples of pre and post
monsoon season is given in Table 2. Tables 3 and 4 repre-
sents the training and testing results prediction for pre and
were used to evaluate the efficiency of the model. To reach
post monsoon season of 2011.
the goals of different structures of ANN like perceptron,
Analytical result confirm that, nitrate concentration in
usually tried to choose and use the best network with com-
pre monsoon season of Kadava river basin varied from
puted values of error. Also, to find the effective factor on
19.31 to 68.61  mg/L, with an average of 48.63  mg/L
nitrate the sensitivity analysis had been done. At last to
whereas, post monsoon season shows variation from 31.37
choose the appropriate and optimized model, the R2, RMSE
to 66.15 mg/L, with an average of 49.97 mg/L.
and MARE had been used. These values were calculated
As the origin of nitrate in the groundwater regarded as
respectively from these Eqs. (3–5):
anthropogenic, a concentration of more than 3  mg/L in

Table 2  Descriptive statistics of the physico-chemical parameters in pre and post monsoon season
Parameter Pre monsoon season 2011 (n = 40) Post monsoon season 2011 (n = 40)
Mean SE SD Range Minimum Maximum Mean SE SD Range Minimum Maximum

pH 8.3 0.0 0.2 1.1 7.8 8.9 8.1 0.0 0.2 0.9 7.7 8.6
EC 2508.50 255.82 1617.94 6944.00 816.00 7760.00 2134.55 217.48 1375.47 7282 718 8000
TDS 889.27 65.45 413.96 2089.45 425.05 2514.50 739.78 58.02 366.96 1970.74 329.45 2300.19
TH 553.49 37.07 234.44 1092.06 189.73 1281.79 432.71 32.60 206.18 1021.48 182.16 1203.64
Ca 52.89 4.28 27.05 118.41 12.02 130.43 45.86 3.32 21.02 84.63 15.23 99.86
Mg 102.79 8.17 51.64 257.05 28.32 285.37 77.60 7.90 49.95 245.7 19.78 265.48
Na 102.45 16.63 105.17 567.80 15.60 583.40 96.27 11.98 75.76 378.5 25.2 403.7
K 2.32 0.25 1.58 6.60 0.90 7.50 2.42 0.36 2.26 12.4 0.1 12.5
Cl 233.90 29.52 186.72 1015.30 42.60 1057.90 184.50 23.20 146.76 790.2 49.24 839.44
F 0.43 0.05 0.32 1.90 0.10 2.00 0.39 0.02 0.13 0.6 0.2 0.8
CO3 60.00 11.81 74.70 300.00 0.00 300.00 56.50 6.05 38.27 160 0 160
HCO3 155.75 9.48 59.95 340.00 60.00 400.00 109.00 7.62 48.19 240 30 270
SO4 130.11 8.40 53.11 216.40 22.61 239.01 117.27 7.89 49.91 254.69 46.67 301.36
NO3 48.63 1.92 12.13 49.31 19.31 68.62 49.97 1.78 11.27 34.78 31.37 66.15

SD standard deviation, SE standard error of mean

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Table 3  Training and testing results prediction for pre-monsoon 2011 season

No. of Neuron Train set dataset (Pre monsoon 2011) Test set dataset (Pre monsoon 2011)
No. of steps Error R RMSE MARE (%) No. of steps Error R2 RMSE MARE (%)

1 3 0.64 0.99 0.30 24.36 7 0.50 0.97 0.23 18.28

2 3 0.65 0.99 0.30 24.15 6 0.49 0.97 0.24 19.04
3 15 0.71 0.99 0.29 23.72 2 0.48 0.97 0.22 18.60
4 9 0.60 0.99 0.29 24.08 7 0.38 0.97 0.25 20.72
5 7 0.70 0.99 0.28 21.49 3 0.61 0.97 0.28 23.51
6 4 0.66 0.99 0.32 22.96 8 0.38 0.97 0.24 20.42
7 8 0.62 0.99 0.31 25.59 5 0.45 0.97 0.24 18.98
8 5 0.62 0.99 0.29 22.30 4 0.57 0.97 0.24 20.02
9 6 0.67 0.99 0.29 23.87 8 0.47 0.97 0.23 18.94
10 7 0.69 0.99 0.29 23.43 7 0.44 0.97 0.25 20.19

Table 4  Training and testing results prediction for post-monsoon 2011 season

No. of Neuron Train set dataset (Post monsoon 2011) Testset dataset (Post monsoon 2011)
No. of steps Error R2 RMSE MARE (%) No. of steps Error R2 RMSE MARE (%)

1 6 1.36 0.99 0.33 31.50 1 0.65 0.96 0.33 28.27

2 4 1.40 0.99 0.35 33.84 6 0.65 0.96 0.32 27.48
3 6 1.44 0.99 0.33 30.10 1 0.64 0.96 0.33 28.35
4 10 1.33 0.99 0.34 32.98 2 0.66 0.96 0.32 28.14
5 8 1.35 0.99 0.33 30.94 6 0.69 0.96 0.33 29.52
6 8 1.29 0.99 0.31 28.45 4 0.58 0.96 0.31 27.39
7 4 1.45 0.99 0.38 37.00 6 0.63 0.96 0.31 27.87
8 7 1.38 0.99 0.32 27.16 4 0.65 0.96 0.32 27.58
9 7 1.50 0.99 0.33 29.66 5 0.64 0.96 0.32 27.24
10 6 1.33 0.99 0.31 28.68 6 0.58 0.96 0.35 27.84

Fig. 7  Pre-monsoon season nitrate concentration

Fig. 8  Post-monsoon season nitrate concentration

groundwater can be considered as affected by the human 26 samples out of 40 samples (65%) having high concentra-
activities (Burkardt and Kolpin 1993; Chen et al. 2016). As tion of nitrate than 45 mg/L (Figs. 7, 8) (BIS 2012).
per the Indian standard of drinking water up to 45 mg/L is Initially, while evaluating correlation analysis for pre-
permissible limit of nitrate for drinking. From Figs. 7 and 8 monsoon season data set through the MS-Excel and it is
revealed that, 21 samples out of 40 samples (52.50%) and observed that, EC parameter associated with TDS (0.87),

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TH(0.70), Mg (0.75), Na (0.77), Cl (0.87) and S ­ O4(0.63). With these correlation studies, among all the parameters
TDS shows association with TH (0.85), Mg (0.89), Na which are having most significant positive relationship in
(0.87), Cl (0.77) and with S­ O4 (0.62). TH shows its posi- pre and post monsoon season were treated as input vari-
tive relationship with Mg (0.96), Na (0.50), Cl (0.77), ables for further formulation and prediction of N ­ O3 ANN
­HCO3 (0.66). Ca shows association with H ­ CO3 (0.54). model. EC, TDS, TH, Ca, Mg, Na, Cl, C ­ O3, ­HCO3 and ­SO4
Mg shows positive correlation with Cl (0.81), C ­ O3 (0.53), parameters were considered for pre monsoon study. On the
­SO4 (0.65). Cl shows association with Na (0.88) and S ­ O4 other hand, for post monsoon season, EC, TDS, TH, Mg,
(0.59). Na, Cl, F, ­CO3, ­HCO3 and ­SO4 parameters were considered.
Thereafter, correlation analysis is performed for post- The training/testing data split can have a significant
monsoon season data set and it is observed that, EC param- impact on the results of the model. The cross-validation
eter associated with TDS (0.97), TH(0.92), Mg (0.91), Na technique (Chang et al. 2013; Fijani et al. 2013) is used to
(0.86), Cl (0.97), F (0.57), ­CO3 (0.60), ­HCO3 (0.74) and divide the data sets. Based on this approach, 40 data points
­SO4(0.81). TDS shows association with TH (0.93), Mg were divided in two sets; training 70% (28 samples) and
(0.94), Na (0.92), Cl (0.98), F (0.56), ­CO3 (0.72), ­HCO3 testing 30% (12 samples).
(0.75) and with S ­ O4 (0.84). TH shows its positive rela- The neuralnet function is used in R programming for the
tionship with Mg (0.97), Na (0.72), Cl (0.92), ­CO3 (0.66), development of ANN model. A vector is specified by num-
­HCO3 (0.68) and ­SO4 (0.85). Mg shows association with ber of hidden layers and hidden neurons in each layer. The
Na (0.78), Cl (0.92), F (0.51), ­CO3 (0.75), ­HCO3 (0.68) and resilient backpropagation algorithm with weight back track-
­SO4 (0.80). Na shows positive correlation with Cl (0.90), F ing was used through sensitive analysis for 1–10 hidden
(0.58), ­CO3 (0.72), H­ CO3 (0.70) and ­SO4 (0.69). Cl shows neurons. Through the sensitivity analysis it is found that
association with F (0.58), ­CO3 (0.68), ­HCO3 (0.70) and the 6 neurons show the optimum R2, RMSE and MARE for
­SO4 (0.79). F is associated with H ­ CO3 (0.58). ­SO4 is asso- all the indices excluding pre monsoon season training data
ciated with ­CO3 (0.54) and ­HCO3 (0.54). set. So, further investigation the vector (10, 6, 1) induces a

Fig.  9  a Line plot for pre-monsoon season 2011. b Scatter plot for pre-monsoon season 2011

Fig.  10  a Line plot for post-monsoon season 2011. b Scatter plot for post-monsoon season 2011

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neural network with specified number of neurons is used. ANN model and MS-Excel. This indicates that, it is capa-
The resilient back propagation with weight backtracking ble of improving the accuracy to determine the suitability
algorithm with cross entropy differentiable error function of groundwater for drinking. The graphical representa-
is considered and logistic function is used as an activation tion clearly shows the accuracy of measured and predicted
function with the assumption that logically output is not values are closely associated. Hence, the proposed ANN
linear. These all parameters are used as input layers with 6 model is applicable to measure the ground water suitabil-
hidden neurons to evaluate the groundwater suitability for ity for drinking purpose in easier manner. This model can
the drinking purpose. be considered by planning and development authorities for
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