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ID: 1

Algebra 2 Name___________________________________

Inverses of 3x3 Matrices Date________________ Period____

©1 X250i1i1W MKIuGtYa1 DSjo2fOtVwoavr4eb oLkL3Cn.z E JALlQlO JrxiNg7h8tTsQ 5rneUs8eIrivBe5d9.T
Find the inverse of each matrix.

−1 1 4 0 −1 5
1) −6 3 4 2) 2 −1 −2
2 0 6 7 −6 7

−3 4 1 −2 3 6
3) −2 6 −4 4) 4 −4 2
−5 4 5 6 −6 5

4 −5 0 −3 −2 0
5) −1 2 0 6) −1 3 −1
−3 −5 −1 −3 1 −1

©I X2N0N1N1M RK6u3tiaz JSVogfPt3wKaGrUeW bLdLKCI.A P eAVl9lU DrPiAgxhLtas9 drmeGs2eTrWvGeRdN.h H xMuaLdNeG Zw4iMtMhK fIRnrfuiCnRiitjet AA1lTgoeBbFrSaG o2z.z Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Answers to Inverses of 3x3 Matrices (ID: 1)
18 −6 −8 46 −16 −22 −2 −5 0
1 1 1
1) 44 −14 −20 3) 30 −10 −14 5) − −1 −4 0
2 4 3
−6 2 3 22 −8 −10 11 35 3

©S 02R0K1R19 8KOu8trah WSnoafitWw9aqrAeC PLmLTCC.6 x uAElBlp craiCgmhFtesc ArzeasfexrAvcegd6.7 4 oMvaqdqen ywpi4tmhi YIKnNfSi9npiktqeO XAXlggBeNbgrOaN p2J.l Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
ID: 2

Algebra 2 Name___________________________________

Inverses of 3x3 Matrices Date________________ Period____

©0 82I0o1C1e 9KeuVtaat ESmo9fLtRwSa0rHeN OLqLaCY.V L HAWlilp 7r9iIgKhxt4sx irgeTssePr1vjehdm.d
Find the inverse of each matrix.

−1 −5 −3 −1 1 −2
1) 2 1 −1 2) −4 2 6
−1 −5 −3 1 −1 5

3 2 −2 −2 −4 5
3) −2 −3 −5 4) 6 2 −5
−5 −4 1 −4 −1 3

0 0 −2 −7 3 −3
5) −2 −4 0 6) 0 2 2
0 0 2 7 −1 5

©T i2K0K1k1z DKlu1t5ad TSYoif9tdwQaLrje4 iLwL2CU.6 c IAblNl6 TrKiEgIhLtcsF arWeks5ePrgvJeUdC.o U vMaaPd4eP xwHiutQhg dIwn4fmi3nSiOtEeq VAplTgqehbLrQaA C2T.A Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC
Answers to Inverses of 3x3 Matrices (ID: 2)
1) No inverse exists −23 6 −16 5) No inverse exists
3) − 27 −7 19
−7 2 −5

©l e260w1H1q aKIugt5ar QSMo2fjtXwQa5rkeP 7LSLoCJ.n P uAXlalz SrOiEgKhktPsI Tr1eZsFePrfv3endV.y W OMQaFdneP swciftDhi rIxnkfpinnEiDtme7 DAtlhgReub9rNak E2x.B Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC

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