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University c f Th'isconsin
Madison, 14.Jisconsi~~ 5 '3706


Work done 1 9 6 4
Report i s s u e d 1Q73





George E, P. Box and John Wetz

T h i s rcsearch w a s supportzd by i!le U.S. Navy t h r o u g h t h e Olfice

of fiaval Research x n d c r Curltract No. ONR-NO00 14-63A-0 128-0017.


1 t was realized by Sir Ronald Fisher i n t h e early 1 9 2 0 ' s that con-

clusl.ons t.o be drawn f r c m rouhnely recorded aata were of limited validity,

l'c overcome t h e ambiguities and ulicertanties connected w i t h s u c h

analy s j s, he introduced the concept of designed experiments i n w h i c h

randomi zation, replicatjon, blocking, and orthogonality of d e s i g n were

ccnlral features ( F i s h e r , 1958, 1939, 1960; Fisher and Yates, 1963).

To understand s o m e of the difficulties and how Fisher's ideas

overcame them, it is convenient to t h i n k i n terns of a specific example.

Suppose one were interested i n studying t h e dependence of a response

y, which might be, fcr example, t h e yield of wheat, upon a number of

vdrjables x x
1' 2'
. . . ,xk such a s the amount of potassium, nitrogen, a ~ d

phosphorus i n t h e soil, t h e rainfall, or temperatures a t various t i m e s 01

year. Imagine t h a t xl, x2, . . . , x N which includes t h e subset x l , xz, . . .

' Xk
represents a completely comprehensive listing of all underlying

v ~ s i a b l se w h i c h rnjght affect y. Denote the. functional relationship

c o n n e c t i n g t h e levels of 3;. w i t h t h e response y by


y . = f[x1, , * * , x ~ ) (1. 3 t

Further suppose t h a t over the range I n which the x ' s vary, a l i n e a r

f u n c t i o n a l r e l a t i o n s h i p adequately represents t h e dependence. T h a t is,

f o r +.he range of variation concerned w e can write i n place of { I . 1)

1 , 1 Wc*lsecsa Correlations Eliminated bv Randomizal:ion

In practice all :he N factors affecting y are not: known, and o x

.;iu9;r is confined lo a c e r t a i n subset. Lct t h i s subset consist of t h e

f j r sf k factcrs, Then tzrc can write

w h c c~ E may be calle-",a n error term that includes t h e influence of all the

n variables %+p
ur?k~ow - a 9 XN- Suppose these are n observations from

t h i s system so t h a t in matrix notation the n-dimensional vector -

y of

observations m a y be w r i t t e n

r =4il
+E,% (1~51

w h c c X 8 f s the "error term" contributed by the unknown variables. Now

i f we write a rno.3~1

nofj ng that t h e components of -

c are linear functions of t h e variables

xk+] . . . , xN, t h e n from t h e Central Limit Theorem with thc usua.1

proviscs, t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of - w i l l tend t o normality

f as t h e number of

cclrnpc;nc-2% x k+13 • " 7 XN becomes large. If, however, the parameters 0

j?l w h i c h w e arc specifically interested are estimated by least squares w e

w i l l no*L I n ger?eral clht_ain u nhiased estimates unlcs s the variables ih X

alLeur?co:.rel2ted w i t h those i n X
. The nature of the biases can be seen if
the model is rewritten

Y- = - -
Xl(Bl AB2) + (Xz
+-- - - ---

-A = (X',zl)'-X-~ X. ~ (1*8)

The elements of t h e vector - + -

ABz are in fact the expected values of the

least squares estimates

E(O,) = -- - - + --

= o1- +--
ABZ ( 1. 10)

TO illustrate by m e a n s of a topical example, let -

y be an

n-dimensional vector of 0 ' s and 1's and consider t h e u element y
Let yU = 1 indicate t h a t t h e u subject had, by a particular date, died of

lung cancer; and let y = 0 indicate that he had not died of lung cancer.

X, contain a column of I t s corresponding t o location

Let the n x . 2 matrix -
parameter and a second column whose u element is t h e average number
of packs of cigarettes smoked daily by the u subject. -
Let X2 he an

n-dimensional vector whose uth element is "the strength of a genetic

factor in the u subject which predisposes the person to lung cancer and

also produces a desire to smoke. " Then A

- would contain t h e regression

coefficient of t h e genetic factor on t h e number of p a c k s smoked. If t h i s

regression were large and positive, the finding of a large positive

regression of cancer on smoking could occur even when the t r u e

regression coefficient w a s zero due 20 t h e influence of R e 2 . --

N ~ n s c n s ecorrelation, of which t h i s is a n example, can be

eliminated only by ensuring i n some way that -

XI and -
X, are independent.

Fisher achieved t h i s by introducing the concept of randomized design

into experiments. Me emphasized that wherever possible, information

should be obtained not from records which had just happened but from

a carefully and deliberately staged trial a t w h i c h t h e levels of the

- were at t h e choice of !he experimenter.

variables i n XI

In ge nerd, randomization would consist of t h e following.

- is c h o s e n
Suppose that for a particular experiment t h e actual matrix XI

from a set of M matrices {X . } for which X Y = C where i = 1, 2,.

-1 L - 1 - ..M,
- is a constant matrix.
and C Associated with each element X of t h e set
-1 i

is a probability p , which is t h e chance t h a t X will be selected for t h i s

1 -1 i
particular experiment. Now suppose we choose the set (X ) and a n
-1 i
associated set (p. ) so t h a t

where E represents the expectation over the randomization s e t ,

r -
Since XI is

c h o s e n q u i t e independently of -
X 2 , t h e n E(XiXz) = 5 and i f XI is selected
r --
from a s e t for which X',X = C , t h e n E (el) =
-11-li - r -
el. The effect of unknown
variables X,
- in inducing n o n s e n s e correlations would t h u s be eliminated.
1. 2 Replication t o Supply a Valid Estimate of Eror
The fact that the estimates -
el i n the previous example were
unbiased would be, by itself, of little value i f w e could not measure them
against solne r ~ a s o n a b l yprecise estimate of error. Now the u com-

ponent of the error term -r = X,% is

in which x are regarded as random variables. This has

u, k t l ' '' ' xufl

where r , is t h e standard deviation of x. and p. is t h e coefficient of

1 1 Ih
correlation between the jth and h variables. We can obtain a

XI is kept
reliable estimate of V(E ) by making a series of runs in which -
- is allowed t o vary freely.
fixed but Xz However, i f any of t h e x's i n Xz

are constrained i n any manner w e shall not have a true estimate of V(E ).

For example, suppose in a chemical experiment runs are made at rn

distinct lev els of xl, .. . , + An estimate of error might be obtained by

making r observations a t each s e t of m reaction conditions and computing

t h e variance estimate s2 based on m{r-l) degrees of freedarn. Clearly,

however, s5will not be a n unbiased estimate of V(a ) u n l e s s all t h e

sources of uncontrolled variation , z+~,
. . . xN, are allowed to vary i n
the same unrestricted manner between t h e r replicates made a t the same

set of conditions as between c b s ~ r v a t i o n smade a t different sets of

For example, suppose uncontrollable changes occurring from day to

d a y i n external variables, s u c h as ambient temperature and humidity, m i g h t

be important elements i n E2, and t h a t a series of duplicated experiments

were being made over a period of several weeks. Suppose t h a t two

experimental r u n s could be made on any given day. If duplicate r u n s

were always made on the s a m e day, the effect of tho external variables

would not be t a k e n into account i n t h e estimate of error, Rowever, their

effect would be accounted for i f t h e duplicates were made randomly i n


Thus, as Fishes pointed out, a valid estimate of error could be

obtained by deliberately arranging circumstances s o t h a t r u n s made at

the same experimental conditions were subjected to the same error

i n f l u e n c e s as were runs made a t different experimental conditions.

1. 3 Blockina

A s w e have explained, unbiased estimates w i t h valid standard

errors m a y be obtained by the use of randomization and suitable

replication, and it becomes amropriate to analyze the experiment as i f

an adequate model were

- "X1OI
y -- +r
(1. 143

with t h e e l e m e n t s of t h e E vector independent of each other and or't h e

clemcnts of -
XL, J30wever, it may be that although the estimates are

valid, they are also very jrnprecise. Techniques are needed therefore,

which reduce t h e errors of t h e estimates to a m i n i m u m while preserving

validityt It frequently happens that some of the sources of error i n

-E = -XZ-QZ are recognizable although not controllable.

For example, i n chemical experiments it is often necessary to

make experimental runs using different pieces of equipment. It may be

known that s l i g h t differences beween, say, one reactor and another,

w i l l cause differences which will inflate the error term i n a completely

randomized design. (In our model the use of different pieces of e q u i p -

m e n t could be represented by making a n appropriate number of t h e x ' s

- so-called indicator variables.

i n XZ If x is an indicatcr variable i n X
h -,
it might take the value 1 when t h e h reactor w a s i n operation, which

would contribute an increment 8 t o y , and the value 0 when t h i s reactor

was not in operation. ) Since it is known which reactor is i n operation

a t any given t i m e , allowance for t h e reactor effects i n the analysis can

be made by removing t h i s part of the model from t h e error term and

putting it i n the part t o be estimated. Thus i f

where ZIP represents t h e effect of '%lookk"variables, s u c h as reactors or

days, whose influence can be recognized but not controlled, w e may

consider t h e model

- --
e = W$ (1. 18)

is t h a t part of the error which remains after removing the systematic effects.

The influence of e w i l l be snialler t h a n that of the original error t e r m ,

X and -
Furthermore, i f it is arranged i n advance that - Z are o r t h o g o ~ a ls o

that -- 0 then the p l s can be estimated as though the block v a r i a b l e s

X'Z = -

did not exist. Since the block variables do not affect the estimation, they

no longer contribute to the error, and a s Fisher indicated, their influence

is thus eliminated, An example of a randomized block design employing

this principle would be one i n which t h e rn sets of experimental con-

ditions were run i n each of r reactors.

1. 4 Orthogonality

In general, the l e a s t squares estimates k w i l l be correlated. If

pi and P . are two quantities in the P to be estimated, t h i s will

group -
mean i n particular t h a t the estimate of P, for given $ which we may
1 j'
write p . l ~ . i, s a f u n c t i o n o f P thatis,
1 1 I'
P, I pj = f(Bj)
This dependence of the estimate P1, on the values of the other parameters

i s undersirable, Furthermore, other things being equal, s u c h correlation

is associated w i t h an increase i n the error variance. For example, it h a s

been shown by Hotelling (3944), Tocher (1952), and Box (1952) t h a t for

X ' s t h e minimum varj ance e stimatc s of the

fixed diagonal elements of -
elements of are obtained only when a l l off-diagonal elements are zero.

Fisher therefore recommended the use of orthogonal designs. That is t o

say, t h e set of matrices (x)

- from w h i c h a random selection is t o be made

will normally be a set of m a t r i c e s for whlch the columns are orthogonal.

For exam plc, i f

Xf! = Poxou + B1xl, + Pzxzu + P3x3U (1. 2 0 )

where x
= 1, a z3 factorial d e s i g n might be employed i n which case t h e

set (x)
- could be t h e 8 ! matrices of d i m e n s i o n 8 X 4 whose rows are

(1 -1 1 11, (1 1 1 1) in all possible permutations. Thus f - X'X

= I , X 8. -
1.5 The Analysis of Variance

Associated with F i s h e r ' s methods for designing experiments w a s

h i s analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique for analyzing results. In the


case of the design employing orthogonal blocks mentioned above, consider

the model

The observations -
y can be thought of as a vector i n the n-dimensional

- and -
sample space and each of t h e c o l u m n s of X Z provides another s u c h

vector, The complete set of s u c h vectors i n -

X defines what w e s h a l l call

a "treatment" hyperplane. The complete s e t of vectors i n -

5 defines what

w e shall ca13 a "block" hyperplane. The values 9- estimated by the fitted

- into the
least squares model are t h e coordinates of t h e projection of y

hyperplane defined by the vectors of -

X and -
%. The least squares estimatc s
h A h
and - are the coordinates of t h e projection - - into t h e
y of the vector y

hyperplane where these coordinates are measured with respect t o the basis

X and -
vectors which are the columns of - 2.

The analysis of variance concerns the squared length 1' of the

observation vector i n relation to the squared lengths l 2 and f 2 of t h e
X z

projections of t h i s vector in t h e "treatment" and "block " hyperplanes,

and t h e squared length 1

' of the residual vector. Since the block and
treatment hyperplanes are them selves orthogonal and t h e residual vector

is orthogonal to both, t h e n

f2 =I; + e 2 t 1 2
Y Z r
or equivalently i n matrix notation

- --$ I ' ( ~- 2) .
- - + +(x
- - = R --
yly ' x ' x ~4 ~-
ZQ (1. 2 3 )

This is essentially a n application of t h e Pythagorean Theorem and is

- and Z
illustrated diagrammatically i n Figure 1.1 where t h e lines X - each
represent multidimensional spaces., i n terms of the

observations 5 the analysis amounts t o

If t h e hyperplane -
X had dimensionality v and t h e hyperplane -
Z had

dimensionality v and i f
n - v - v = v (1. 2 5 )
X z r'
then v v and v are called t h e degrees of freedom associated with
x' 2
' r
treatments, blocks, and residual.
If the y ' s could be regarded as being normally distributed, Fisher

showed that l % a s distributed as X2 K

, where X: is the chi-square
r v
r r
variable with v degrees of freedom. In t h e absence of any real treat-
m e n t effects, that is, if t h e p k were all zero, then '1 would be

distributed as X2 rZ, and i n t h e absence of any real block effects

P would be distributed a s XZ rZ. A nu11 hypothesis that, for example,
Z v-

there were no treatment effects could be tested by referring the

statistic ( P ~ V) /(lyv ) to t h e F-distribution. The analysis of

x r
variance not only made such overall tests possible, hut a l s o provided

a convenient way of separating out systematic components of variation.

This facilitated t h e isolation of an appropriate error t e r m from which

joint or individual confidence intervals for t h e elements of could be


1. 6 Response Surface Methodolwv

Fisher's designs were worked out specifically to satisfy the needs

of agriculture. However, they have been used with great success i n many

other areas, particularly i n biology. The intention w a s u s u a l l y to test for

t h e existence of some "'efiect" and sometimes t o provide an estimate of its

magnitude. Thus, in a n agricultural experiment t h e question might be,

"Is i t better t o plant seeds 4 inches apart or 6 inches apart? " If p

represented t h e change in yield produced by changing t h e spacing from

4 i n c h e s to 6 inches then an experiment would be regarded as successful

i f it es'tablishcd t h c sign of t h e effect. Thus, one may see reported t h a t a


change of seed spacing from 4 i n c h e s to 6 inches producled a positive effect

significant a t t h e 5% level, T h i s could mean, for example, t h a t the estimated

effect i n bushels per acre on yield w a s 6 = 2 . 2 with a 9570 confidence

interval extending from 0. 2 to 4. Z . Considerable procjress might result by

gaining t h i s knowledge even though the estimate p = 2 . 2 had s u c h a large


F i s h e r k randomized block, Latin Square, and incomplete block

designs were designed t o provide only simple comparisons between treat-

ments. Often the establishment of t h e sign of the r e s u l t w a s as much a s

could be hoped for because of the Iarcje experimental error which existed.

With t h e introduction of factorial designs, it w a s sometimes possible to

detect more complex effects associated with interactions of variables.

Interaction refers to a situation where t h e effect on t h e response of a

change i n level of variable xl is not the same as that due to the change

i n level of variable xz. Again, however, usually only gross effects were

being sought.

When Fisher's technique of planned experimentation w a s applied

i n other areas, particularly i n the physical sciences, where t h e

experimental error w a s frequently m u c h smaller, it was possible and

appropriate to s e e k more detailed knowledge of t h e relation between a

response and a s e t of variables. Suppose t h c expected value of a

r e s p o n s e , E(y) = q, is related to a set of variables x,, ... ,xk by t h e


q = E(y) = f ( x , , . .. ,xk) . {l.2 6 )


In some problens i n t h e physical sciences the nature of t h e function f is

known a priori. For example, in a chemical problem, y might be t h e yield

05 product which i s related to t h e concentrations of reactants by a s e t of

differer-itial equations derived from reaction kinetics. The problem of

checking the adequacy of f i t of such form and of estimating the constants

has been discussed elsewhere (Box and W. G. Hunter, 1962; Hartley,

1961). Here w e shall concentrate o n t h e situation where t h e precise

nature of f is unknown and it is hoped to find and f i t a n empirical graduat-

ing function g(xI, . . . ,\-) which adequately represents f(xl, . . . , x ) over

s o m e specific region of interest R.

In s o m e cases an adequate representation over R might be

obtained from a linear approximation

2 = Po + 1=1
.zp . xlU
(1. 2 7 )

W h e n such a linear approximation w a s slot adequate initially, it

s o m e t i m e s might be made so by s u i t a b l e transformations of the observed

response y or of the x's. The appropriate transformations might be

suggested a priori. For example, i f the response were t h e rate of a

chemical reaction, the logarithm of t h e rate might he expected to be

linearly related to the logarithm of the concentration and to t h e reciprocal

of t h e absojute temperature. In other cases t h e appropriate transformations

m i g h t he deduced from t h e d a t a (Bartlett, 1947; b x and Cox, 1964; Box and

Tidwell, 1362). In those cases where the r e s p n s e appeared to be

monotonic i n t h c x's there would be a possibility of adequate representation

by a function linear i n the x k . In other cases, and i n particular where the

function w a s passing through a m a x i m u m or minimum, t h e lineal apprcxirn~ticn

would bp, wfiolly inadequate and a quadratic approximation might be tried.

Thus, i f there were two variables, w e might tentatively e n t e r t a i n the

second order model

Again, transformations i n the response or in the variables x, and x2 m i g h t

be needed to achieve an adequate representation.

The technique of representing a functional relationship by means

of empirical graduating functions of t h e kinds discussed has c o m e t o be

called response surface methodology. In t h i s area F i s h e r ' s principles of

randomization, replication, and blocking are, of course, a s import ant a s

t h e y are in any other context. In practice t h e r e will be not o n l y t h e k

variables which are currently being considered but a larger number, N

variables, which can affect t h e respense. However, after applying

adequate randomization it will become appropriate, as before, to apply

t h e model

e. as if its elements are distributed independently of

and to treat the -

each other and of t h e elements of X and -
Z. In r e s p o n s e surface

methodology, however, additional problems a r i s e and t h e present work

I s concerned with some of these problems.


To allow the fitting of empirical functions i n t h e w a y s discussed,

special designs have been developed (Box and Wilson, 1951; Box and

J. S. Hunter, 1957; Box and Draper, 1959; Davies, 1960) which are called

response surface designs. A r e s p n s e surface d e s i g n of order d is

specifically arranged for the estimation of a polynomial of d degree.

As m i g h t be expected, particular importance h a s been attached to

designs of first and second order. It is advantageous to incorporate

certain properties i n a response surface design of order d. The design

should allow 1) t h e efficient estimation of a polynomial of degree d, and

2) a sensitive t e s t of fit of t h e model to be made. When a polynomial

of degree d i s being tentatively entertained a s a model, discrepancies

are often caused by the existence of terms of order (d + 1) i n t h e true

model. Designs would normally be selected so that t h i s type 05 lack of

fit would readily announce itself.

A s with t h e Fisher-ian designs, a n analysis of variance i s

associated with the use of t h e d e s i g n and is of great v a l u e in analyzing

the data. Some of the problems which are associated w i t h t h e u s e af

res,aonse surface designs c a n be made clear by the u s e of a n example.

The following table shows a set of results which might be obtained by

performing ar~octagonal second order d e s i g n i n m a variables (Box and

J. S. Hunter, 1957).
Table 1.1 Desian Matrix and Observations

In practice t h e variables would be quantitative. For example, XI might

refer to temperature T and x, to pressure P and t h e variables would be

scaled and centered s o t h a t t h e d e s i g n would cover a range of in?+esest.

T h a t is, we could set

and choose T St, Po, and S s o that appropriate ranges are covered.
0' P
The design i s s e t out diagrammatically i n Figure 1.2 i n which it is

assumed that T = 165" C., S = 10" C . , P = 30 p s i . , and S = 5 ~ s i .

0 t 0 P
The best fitting second order equation
Figure 1.2 Octagonal Design with Observcd Responses
and Fitted Contours

Temperature T
.can be estimated by least squares and the follcwing analysis of varla9ce

table c a n be obtained.

Table 1.2 Analysis of Vziance

Source of Variation


If for t h e m o m e n t the adequacy of some second degree equation is assumedr

t h e n the estimates of the coefficients and their s t a n d a r d errors (
u s i n g the residual mean square i n t h e analysis of vzcria~ce)are

The contours of t h e equation

y = 8 9 . 6 4 ~ 1 I . 4 ~ , + 1 7 . 6 ~ , - 7 . 9 ~ ~ - 1 9 . 8 ~ ~ - 1 4 . (91 .~2 2, )~ ,
are also shown i n Figure 1. 2,
It is clear from the analysis of variance t h a t t h e hypothesis th3: the
regressioncoefficientsb bl, bZ, brl, bZ2, and b 1 2 a r e a 1 1 z e r o i s d i s -
proved for the ratio (regression mean square)/(:-esidual m e a n square) =
1402. 6/83.6 = 16. 8 is significant a t well b e y o ~ bt h e 1% level. It is also
clear t h a t a linear polynomial cannot adequal-cly represent the functional
relationship, for the ratio of mean squares 1164.9/83.6 = 13.9 exceeds by a

wide margin the 170level of the appropriate F-distribution.

Xt is one thing, however, to show that coefficients are non-zero

and it is quite another to conclude that y is accurately estimated in the

sense that t h e fitted polynomial $(x) represented hy the contours i n

Figure J. 2 provides a reasonable idea of the underlying function f(x).

There are basically two kinds of uncertainty: 1) uncertainty arising from the

sampling error of $, and 2 ) uncertainty arising from bias i n 9 due t o t h e use

of a n inadequate model.

1.7 Uncertaintv Arisina from t h e Sarnalina Error i n C

Suppose a t first that the form of model is adequate. Consider

Figure 1.3 in which it is presumed t h a t a quadratic function i n one

variable xl
y = bo + b,x, + b,,xf (1. 33)

has been fitted by least squares and a confidence band calculated as

shown. Then it seems seasonable t o say t h a t the function

Y. = 41x1) ( 1 . 34)

is adequately estimated over t h e region R only i f the average error ir. 41

is not large compared with t h e total change in response C predicted by

the equation.

2,8 Uncertainty Arising from Lack of Fit

Now let u s reconsider-the example. If the second degree equation

is adequate,the expected values for the response at the n sets of conditions

may be w r i t t e n in m a t r i x notation a s
Suppose that in fact additional terms are needed, so that actually

Then the expected vslue of the residual sum of squares S is not v crZ
r r
as it would be i f t h e model (I, 35) were adequate, but
E(S ) = A' ?- v cr (1. 3 7 )
r r

n 2 = EX;[ -~ --x-( -x ~ -
x ) x,p,
-- (1. 38)

hrow suppose the design contains certain points which are

replicated and the total s u m of squares within replicates is S having v

e e
d e g r e e s of freedom, Then, provided t h e experiment has been

conducted so that the differences among replicates reflect all the

relevant so-aces of variation,

and a lack of f i t sum of squares

having v = v
1 r
- v
degrees of freedom can be obtaj.r?sd i n which t h c effczct

of lack of fit i s concentrated. For clearly

E(S1) = A' t v u" (1. 411; .

where A' is defined as before. In this particular. example t h e center

point has been replicated four t i m e s so that an independent estAmzite of

error based on three degrees of freedom can be calculated and the

residual sum of squares can be further analyzed as follows.

Table 1.3 - --
Analysis cf Variance

Degrees of Sums of
Source of Variation Mean Squ=ea
Reedon Squxes

l a c k of F i t 3 458.3 152.8

Error 3 43.2 14.4

Residual 6 501.5 83. 6

The lack of fit, m e a n square is significantly greeter than that due to e r r c r

at the 5% value and it is clear that we may be misled in t h e nature of the

response surface because of the inadequacy of the functional. form.

Now it is clear that one could have a situ3tion where a very

precise experiment has been run in which the change in response over-

the region of interest w a s many t i m e s greater than the experimental erro;

and the graduating polynomial was representing the function quite well.

Yet, nevertheless, because of-the high precision of the experiment, it

was possible to detect significant (although unimportant) lack of f i t .

The question arises, "Under w h a t circumstances would lack of fit

indicate t h a t a misleading impression of the true response surface was

probably being given? "

This report is concerned with the problem of decidinq when an

adequate estimate of t h e response function has been obtained. This

can be divided naturally into two parts from which t h e following

questions arise. First, "Given t h a t t h e graduating function is

adequate, how can we tell when a sufficiently close estimate of t h e

response function has been obtained? " Second, "How can we k n m

t h a t the graduating function provides an adequate fit aver t h e region

of interest ? " The first question is discussed i n Chapter 2 and t h e

second in Chapter 3. In Chapter 4, approximations which are

needed i n the distribution theory discussed i n Chapters 2 and 3 m

examined. Chapter 5 deals with t h e applj.cation of t h e methods .

derived i n the earlier chapters, and suggestions we made for

further work.


In this section s u p p o s e t h a t the form of the model is asEequ~?e.

The discussion of Inr-idequate models will. appear ir, t h e next chapter.

Suppose that the m o d e l written i n matrix notation is

y = x--
p t - --
e (2.1)

X P is t h e component i n which we are chiefly

where, as before, the part --

Z represents extraneous effects, s u c h as
interested, and t h e part --

block variables and t i m e trends, which we w i s h t o eliminate. Suppose

also the design h a s been chosen so t h a t X Z are orthogonal.

- and - For

our purpose, it w i l l also be convenierrt to include the overall lncstion

parameter in the set Q , Thus, in the simplest possible case there

will be no block variables, Z'will consist of a single vector of 1 ' s arzd


Q will be the overall m e a n w h i c h is to be "eliminated" in further


Suppose t h e model --
X p contains v parameters. For example,
i f w e were concerned with fitting a sec0r.d degree polynomial i n two

varjables x, and x, and there were no block effects, then t h e mcdel

would be written
where the variables after elimination of t h e m e a n are indicated by a

,dot notation, thus


In general, the analysis of variance table is as follows:

Table 2.1- h-alysis of Variance

s ~ r c of
e Degrees of Expected
Sums of Squares
Variaticn Freedom Sums aE-Squ are s

Elirni nated 4 A n -
V 'Z a =
-Q ' Z-- (yu12
Variable s b u=l u=l

n n n
Model 'I
rn elxlxe z(9U -Y12
-- = u=1 U
z (q -Q2
u-l u
s Y

Re sidu a1 A 5
(x-x) A -
' (x-xl = ;;l(~u-~u)
A 2


For instance, i f only the mean had been eliminated, then

In general, the mean squares and their expectations would be as follows:

Table 2 . 2 Mean Squares end Expected Mean Squares i n the Analysis of

To t e s t for t h e necessity of including terms X P i n t h e model, t h a t

is, to t e s t t h e null hypothesis a =-

0 against t h e alternative -
P # 5 the

ratio M /M is referred t o t h e table of t h e F - d i s f ~ i b u t i o nwith v and v

rn r rn r
degrees of freedom. A significant F -ratio contradicts the hypothe sis t h a t

the p 3 are a11 zero, A s noted previously, t h i s would not allow us to

conclude further t h a t the fi."cted regression function is adequately

estimated i n the sense of giving a general picture of the nature of t h e

dependence of 3 QII X. - The least squares estimate

-y - -y of 3 -
A #


measures the level of the se s ponse after exkaneous variable s have been

eliminated. Assurance is needed that the error in t h i s estimate y d

- y-
A r c ,

" not too large compared with t h e real changes i n 3 - 3 which occur over

t h e experimental region.
2.1 An Overall Measure of t h e Error i n y-- - y
A *

For most gractical designs t h e n experimental points s u p p l y a

reasonable coverage of t-he region of interest. In order t o measure the

true changes i n r e s p o n s e over t h e region, w e m a y study the c h a n g e s i n

t h e quantities q a s t h e index u goes from 1 t o n. A cofivenient
U -?u
measure of the extent of the changes is

T h i s measure can be compared with the errors committed i n estimating


the quantities q
u - 2-
- A -
The least squares estimate of r)u - qU is yU - yu and

xfiA = x(xlx)-'X'v

y - Y
The variance-covariance m a p i x of - - is
A -
The variance of -y is therefore t h e u diagonal e l e m e n t of
U u
- 2 = ---
M X(X'X) - w2 .
- (2.9)

In general, t h e variance 05 y -y will change from one design
U u
point t o the next. We m a y u s e a s an overall measure of variance t h e

average variance of t h e

(9U - y U 1" denoted by rr2n -

( Y -y3
which is
A =
(Y-Y )
( n } = {v /n)r
. (&lo)

Thus, a reasonable measure sf the magnitude of t h e changes in q -q yu

compared with tJlejr errors of estimate is provided by the criterion

The situation is illustrated in one dimension in Pigure 2.1.

X1 Xz x3 x4 x5 Xh

Figure 2.1 - Deviations o f True q Values about their M e a n

Compared with the Spread of the Estimates $ -y.

Suppose observations have been made at the values indicated on

the x-axis, and t h a t the true response is indicated by the curve q.

Suppose furthermore t h a t the assumption preserved in.this chapter is true,

that is, the true response function can be represented by the assumed

form of the equation. Then the criterion y essentially would compare


the spread of the true values about their mean 6 indicated by the heavy
lines i n Figure 2 . 1 w i t h t h e average spread of t h e estimates y
- y- of
these quantities.

It seems reasonable that t h e adequacy of the estimate of the

response function should be measured by the size of y T h i s criterion

is arbitrary to s o m e extent, It is however, a sensible one and as shown

below, arises naturally out of t h e a n a l y s i s of variance. The expected

value of t h e mean square associated w i t h the regression after elininat-

ing extraneous variables i n t h e a n a l y s i s of variance (Table 2 . 2 ) is i n


The quantity y 2 is t h e non-centrality parameter w h i c h arises i n t h e

F - t e s t based on t h e m e a n square ratio M J Mr
Note t h a t there seems t o be ro accepted. cofive~tionof how t h i s

nen-centrality parameter should be defined. As defined here

where 1 is t h e non-centrality parameter defined by Patnaik (1949) and by

Pearson e n d H a r t l e y (1951), 6 is that defined by ~ c h e f £ c(1961),

/ and + is
t h a t defined by Tang (19381,

2.2 Inferences Concerning y

- --

In t h e present state of statistj.ca1 development there seems to be

n o universal agreement coficerning t h e basis on w h i c h statis tical

inferences s h o u l d be drawn. One school of t h o u g h t seems to prefer

statements zxpressed i n terms of hypothesis testing and confidence

Intervals, A rival school prefers to express inferences i n terms of

posterior distributions derived from Baye s ' Theorem. Here, w e shall.

derive the distribution theory needed t o m a k e statements of both kinds.

2. 3 Approach from t h e Direction of S y p o t h e s i s Testing

Using t h i s approach we choose a level F and accept t h a t


' i s sufficiently large only if M /M is greater than Fo.
m r
The value

F can be c h o s e n so t h a t when the value of y2 = r2 -/m2h is a s

0 IY-Y 1
s m a l l as r2 there will be only an acceptably small chance t h a t F is

greater than F To proceed i n this way, a11 t h a t is needed is t h e


probability t h a t F > Fo for any fixed value of the non-centrality

parameter Y2
. This can be determined using t h e non-central F -


One approach is t o decide i n advance a m i n i m a l acceptable

value y of ym. For exaiilple, it might be decided t h a t it will be


unsafe to use the fitted function u n l e s s it can be demonstrated that

the spread of t h e true response is greater than, say, 4 times t h e

average spread of the sampling error, i n which case y would be e q u a l


to 4. To gain the necessary assurance, t h e null hypothesis y -

m -
can be tested against the alternative hypothesis y m > Yo- An

appropriate t e s t criterion would be F = M /M To obtain a test for-

m r'
w h i c h t h e null hypothesis would be wrongly rejected with a s m a l l

probability o, w e could t h e n choose a value F so t h a t w h e n y

0 rn = yo,

t h e probability that F > F is equal t o a, The probability that F > F for

0 0

any fixed value of the non-centrality parameter y Z is provided by t h e

non-central F -distribution,

M o w with non-centrality pararneter y - t h e probability t h a t

rn -^ 'QJ
F 3 F is given by the folfowing integral of t h e non-central F -




Note that the factor w is a " h i s s o n weighting factor" where the quaritity
Z 2
zv,yrn is t h e parameter of t h e Poisson w e i g h l i n g distribution.

The non-central IT-distribution was studied by P. C. Tang (1938)

who produced tables for values of P at significance levels of cy = 0.01

and 0.05. P is the chance of f a i l i n g t o reject t h e null hypothesis wherz
the alternate hypothesis is t r u e (error of t h e second kind). Peasson and

Elartley (1951) also studied t h i s distribution and produced charts, each of

which gives ma families of power curves for a = 0. 01 and 0. 05.

The usual application of the non-central T-distribution is i n the

calculation of the power of the analysis of variance t e s t s . For the

present purpose a w i d e r coverage is needed, and required. values for

the probability integral c a n be obtained to sufficient accuracy by u s i n g

an approximation d u e to Patnaik (1949). In t h i s approximation the non-

central F -distribution is approximated by a central F -distribution i n

t h e following way. The non-central F-distribution can be w r i t t e n as

t h e ratio of a non-central Xz-distribution and a Xz-distribuf.ion. The

non-central Xz-distribution can t h e n be approximated using a variate

axZ where a and b are chosen such that t h e mean and the variance of
the approximating dis'rribution are t h e s a m e a s for t h e non-central



where F ' 2 is t h e non-central F-variate w i t h v and v degrees of

m J r"m
1, m r
freedom and non-centrality parameter Y2 * X12
rn" is t h e non-central x2-
variate with v degrees of freedom and non-centrality parameter
m ; XZ
is t h e central 2 -variate w i t h v
degrees of freedom; a d F
i s the

central F-variate with b and v degrees of freedom* By equating the

m e a n s and t h e variances respectively of t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n s of X'2 and

ax2 it can be shown that

1 4- 2 y 2
m vm(l + Y;)=
a= and b =-.
1 +v; 1 4- "k
Therefore, the constant a=b/v i s equal to (1
+ y rn2 ), and

These results will be illustrated by an example. The following

set of data i s t a k e n from a manuscript of a book by G.E. P. Box and

j. S. Hunter.

2. 4 Example

A central composite rotatable d e s i g n in three variables run in

four blocks yieZded the results shown in Table 2.3.

Table 2. 3 Design Matrix and. Observaticns y

Block 51 -
x2 x3
- -
The best fitting second degreo response relationship is given by
y = 51.80 + 0. 74xI + 4. 81x2 3 7. 96x3 - 3.82~: + 1.21~:- 6. 26x;
-0. 0. 33x1x2 + 10. 2 7 x l x 3 - 2. 83xZx3 (2. 20)

and the analysis of variance is as follows:

Table 2.4 Analysis of Variance

Degrees of
Source Sums pf Squares M e a n Squares


Due to Mean 50527.38

Due to Blocks 28.63

Extra due to 1
Degree Polynomi al 464.38

Extra due t o 2
Degree Polynomial

1 3 } 2 9 i ' i ' 48

i 330.83

Residual 37.88 3.44

Now suppose w e wanted to t e s t t h e null hypothesis that y rn = 4

against the alternative hypothesis t h a t y

> 4. Then b = 9(1 7 l 2 h 3r 7 9 ,

= 2 . 4 7 for cr = 0.05, M J M = 3 3 0 . 8 3 / 3 . 4 4 = 96.17, and t h e

F79, 11 m r
approximate critical value F of M /M from (2.19) is 17(2. 47) = 41.99.
o m r
Since M /Mr = 96.17 >41.99, the null hypothesis that y = 4 is
m m
rejected. This demonstrates that the value of y cannot be as small. a s 4 .
Since y = 4 is t h e smallest value t h a t w e are prepared to accept, t h e
analysis can be contf nued. The question of confidence intervals shall

now be considered.

2. 5 A Confidence Interval for ym

The present problem does not f i t very naturally into the pattern

associated with hypothesis testing. A somewhat irn prcved formulation

can be made i n terms of confidence intervals. Adopting t h i s approach,

consideration is not limited t o a p a r t i c u l a value of y

rn* Instead, a

range of values for y is d e t e r m i ~ e dwhich is acceptable based on

available data.

Suppose a n experiment h a s been run i n which the observed

value of the variance ratio M /M is equal to F. Denote by F' 2

m r v v
rn9 r f Yrn
a non-central F-variate with the appropriate number of degrees of

freedom and non-centrality parameter yZ

. To find a 100(1-(r)70

confidence interval for y two values y, and yZ are computed s u c h that



In accordance with the general theory of confidence intervals, i n

repeated sampling s u c h an interval w i l l include the ? r u e value of y in

100(1-a)% of repeated trials.
Continuing w i t h the example i n Section 2.4, t h e computed value

of F is equal to 96. 17. The lower 9570 confidence l i m i t is obtained

by u s i g ~(2-21) ir. conjunction w i t h .the approximation for F ' 2

Vm' Vr' Y1

from (2.19) which is (1 t y f ) ~ with v = 9 and v = 11. For

b1 Yr m r
several given values of y l , corresponding values of (1 -k y2

are computed. The latter values are plotted against the y l values,

and t h e intersection of the curve of (1 + yZ) values with t h e

Fb, v
line F = 9 6 . 17 provides the required value of y l which satisfies (2. 21).

This value of y l is 5. 6 5 ,

The upper 9 5 % ccofidence l i m i t I s found i n a similar manner.

Using the approximation, (2. 22) becomes

The intersectj on of t h e curves of F and (1 t y ; ) / ~ each

Y b
plotted against y2 gives the solution of y 2 which satisfies ( 2 . 2 2 ) .

This value is 13.79. Thus, t h e 9570 confidence interval for y is

5. 65 < y 13. 7 9 .
2. 6 An Approach V i a Bayes' Theorem

In the Bayesian approach, a posterior distribution for y is

calculated. To obtain t h i s distribution it is first necessary to

postulate prior distributions for y and for a. By using

"non-informative prior distributions, " that is t o say, prior distrihuticns

which correspond t o a state of initial ignorance, t h e posterior d i s -

tribution c a n be made to present information coming essentially fro-

the data.

We shall proceed by f i r s t finding t h e posterior distribution of

0 = --
By means of a linear transformation - T P t h e quadratic form P'X'X
- --p/r2 L

can be reduced to a sum of squares -8 "-
/(r2 = E 0f / c r 2 .
Let us envision an experimental situation i n ~ v h i c hthe

experimenter has very little knowledge of t h e values of t h e p L s before

the data is collected. Thus, the joint prior distribution of the p k is

disperse i n t h e neighborhood where the likelihood is appreciable. It

will then be correspondingly t r u e t h a t t h e joint prior distribution for

the 0 ' s is approxi.rnately locally uniform.

Now i f there is a set of p ' s which are least s q u a r e s
h A
e s t i m a t e s of the P k , then t h e elements of the vector - T p w i l l be
0 = *-
the least squares estimates of the 0 ' s . Furthermore, t h e 0 ' s w i l l be

distributed independently of one another and w i l l have t h e same

variance rr2 a s t h e original observations. Thus, t h e joint sampling

distribution of t h e 0 ' s is

has a non-central X 2 - d i s t r i b u t i ~with

n v degrees of freedom and
non -centsaliliy parameter

where the quantity A' is consistent with the h in (2,13). The

distribution of L
' c a n be expressed a s a Poisson weighted sum of
X2-distributions with $A the "mean" of t h e Poisson distribution.


But i f a priori t h e 0 ' s are uniformly distributed, t h e n ( 2. 25)

implies t h a t the posterior distribution of e l , O1,. . . , 8 V g i v e n u is


Since t h i s expression is symmetric i n 0 and 8 it follows that
also h a s a posteriori a non-central Xz-distribution w i t h v degrees of
freedom and non -centrality parameter

The distribution of A' also can be expressed as a Poisson weighted

sum of X 2 -.distributions


in which A and I, have now switched roles.

m m
The value of cr is generally unknown, but i f a n estimate sZ of (r2

with v degrees of freedom is available and i f the u s u a l a s s u m p t i o n is

m a d e that log rr is locally uniform, t h e n t h e posterior distribution of

rr2 given sZ is
( v s2/2)"r
P(rrvs2) =
r e x p {- $ ( vr s2/e2) ) . (2-35)
To obtain the joint distribution of ~ h n 5-dt
p ( ~1 r2)
k is rnultiplfod
by p(r21 s 2 ) , and then rz is eliminated from this joint distribution by

integrating w i t h respect to t h a t variable. Finally, the postericr

distribution of n2
given s 2 is


Note that L is ratio of the sum of squares due to t h e m o d e l divided 3


the residual error mean square. If we set


the weight function w is


and the distribution of A' given

sZ can be written as a weighted sum
If v f s an even integer, the w e i g h t function w can be expressed as
r k

The weights are t h u s t h e t e r m s of the negative binomial distribution.

T h i s result may be compared with (2. 33) where it is noted t h a t t h e

ordinary non-central Xz-distri bution c a n be expressed as a w eiqhted

sum of X2-distributions w i t h weights corresponding to t h e terms of a

Poisson distribution. If 1' = Z O~/S'
i s substituted into (2.4 0 ) , t h e n
P becomes t h e ratio of t h e residual sum of squares divided by t h e "total"
s u m of s q u a r e s (residual p l u s model s u m s of s q u a r e s ) .

The properties of this distribution and the method for

approximating it are described in Chapter 4. It is shown there that t h e

distribution is w e l l approximated by a X2-distribution in which A' i s

approximated by a variate ax2 with


T h i s procedure i s now applied to t h e example i n Sectiorl 2:4. For

convenience, t h e value of I/P is computed w h i c h is

1 - M o d e l t Residual S u m s of Squzres
P Residual Sum of Squares

Mso, v = 9 , v -11, az79.79, and b = 1 0 . 9 5 . The transformation

m r
= AI m
is applied to p(
m s 2 ) and t o the approximating

distribution so t h a t t h e distributioa for y

= O-
- - -

obtained. Figure 2.2 shows both the exact and approximating distributions

of ym; the approximation is i n d i s t i n g u i s h a b l e from t h e exact


2. 7 Discussion of t h e Various Approaches

We have seen how y can be justified a s a measure of the c h a n g e

occurring in the actual response q compared with the error of estimate of

that response. Three approaches have been considered for making

inferences about y First, w e can adopt some valve y of y,, which is

rn' 0

the minimum acceptable value and t e s t the null. hypothesis ,y -

m - '0
against the alternative hypothesis y > In the example i n Section
rn '0'

2 . 4 , this leads t o the decision to reject y = 4.

Second, i f a particular level of significance a is chosen, t h e n

a whole spectrum of decisions concerning all t h e postulated values of

y can be m a d e . In accordance with the u s u a l arguments, t h e con-

fidence interval consists of all the v a l u e s y for which t h e n u l l

hypothesis y = y is not rejected. Implicit i n t h i s , as i n all sampling

m o
theory, i s t h e c o m p a r i s o n of a particular criterion w i t h a reference set

of other values which have not occurred, i n fact, b u t which could hzve

occurred on same stated as sum ptions.

Third, i n the Bayesian approach, a posterior distribution for y

has been found.. To those who favor t h i s approach, it may seem t a be

a more direct and natural mode of inference t h a n .that via signir'j.cance

t e s t s and confidence intervals. In the simple case of a s i n g l e unknown

parameter, for each value of that parameter, the likelihood c a n be

considered as a function which gives the frequency w i t h which samples

would be obtained " l i k e " t h a t which is actually observed. This

frequency, when multiplied by the (prior) prdbability of occurance of

these different values, would indicate t h e probability of any particular

value of the unknown parameter hzving given rise to t h e single set of

observed data. When there are nuisance parameters, a s i m i l a r argument

applies, but these parameters are averaged out with weights proportional

t o their probabilities.

In practice, of course, the above methods may produce

numerical r e s u l t s which are close i n certain cases, although the inter -

pretation differs. From the posterior distribution of y for t h e e x a m p l e

considered i n Section 2. 4, if we s e e k two values y and y a t both
ml m2

of which the posterior density is e q u a l to some value P and s u c h


w h e r e a = 0.05, weobtainapproxirnatelyy = 5.5 a n d y = 13.9.
M1 mz
The interval defined by y and y may be compared with the 95%
ml mz
confidence interval far y (Section 2. 5) which is 5 - 6 5 < y < 13.79.
m rn


It h a s baen assnmed t o t h i s point that t h e function t o be fitted

to the data provides a completely adequate representation. We now

suppose t h i s is not the case, and t h a t while Q = E(y) = f(x)

- represents

t h e true functional relationship b e h e e n t h e expected values of the y ' s

and t h e levels of t h e variables xl,x ~ , ... ,xk, it is wrongly assumed

-). Then
t h a t q can be represented by some graduating function glx

after t h e redundant variables are eliminated, the analysis of variance

will appear as follows.

Table 3. 1 M e a n Squares i n the Analysis of Variance

Source I Freedom
M r r r Squares I Expected Mean Squares


n A " n
Model Y
rn M
m u=l
z [E~J
= Z: ( Y , - Y ~ ) ~ / V ~ uzl +
2 / ~ m rL

n . A n
Residual v M = T ;
r I- u = l B [ v ~ - E & ~ )2/vr
u=l J + rL

If a design is used in which certain experiments are genuinely

replicated, t h e n from t h e residual. sum of squares v r M r w e can isolate

a s u m of squares v,M, due to pure error alone, and a s u m of s q u a r e s

= v M associated w i t h lack of f i t w h e r e v
1 1 I!
. This

is shown i n t h e 3nalysi.s of variance, Table 3. 2.

Table 3 . 2 M e a n Squares in t h e Analysis of Variance

Source Degrees of M e a n Squares Expected Mean Squares


Model v
m " = U-1
(~u-~,~2/~, 1 [ E ( F ~ ) ~ E ( <' /)vIIn +rZ
~ = l

Lack of Y
'/vl + r2
v M = sZ u
Error e e

The situation which occurs w h e n there is lack of f i t is illustrated

for the case of one variable in Figurc 3.1. However, the argument is

perfectly general and may be applied t o any number of variables.

Figure 3.1 Discrepancies q -E(y j Compared w i t h Average Variance
of Quantities y-y.
W e suppose t h e nature of the true funct,ion q t o be unknown. A gradusting

function g(x) i s fitted over t h e region of interest. Since the fitted value
yx at some .point*-
x i n the space of the variables is given by
- -- --
x = X ' ( X ' X ) - ' E ~ then E(yX ) = - -- The function,E(yX ) is there -

fore t h a t which would be obtained by fitting to t h e true values 7 cf the

response. In the example illustrated i n Figure 3. 1, the true functior,

q might be exactly functionally re presented by t h e difference between

two expoentials, and g (-

x ) might be a quadratic function. The average

fitted curve in repeated sampling usifig the same experimental design is

the dotted curve E(yx), and the discrepancies between \and E($ ) are

indicated by the heavy lines.

It has been customary i n the past t o make a t e s t of significance

of the l a c k of fit sum of squares against the error sum of squares u s i n g

the F-criterion. It is by no means clear, however, what action should

or should not be taken as a result of such a test. For example, while

from t h e statistical vi.ewpoint a " sl.gnificant" lack of fit m a y exist, it

may be of little or no practical importance, This situation may occur

when an exactly calculable function is tabulated, and the only error

which occurs in the tabulated values is rounding error. When an

interpolation is made i n a table, there must certainly be lack of fit

between the interpolating polynomial and the true function but this is

of no importance unless it is large compared with the acceptable error.

To gauge t h e importance of discrepancies due to lack of fi.t

relative t o discrepancies a r i s h g from sarn pling error, we consider

the quantity


The quantify Z {rl -E$
)I2 is precisely t h a t which appears a s a
factor in t h e n o n ~ c e n t r a l i t yparameter in the lack of f i t mean square i n

t h e analysis of variance (Table 3 . 1 ), In fact



W e c a n therefore proceed in a manner very similar to that used i n

Chagter 2 . A significance test, a confidence interval, and a

Bayesian posterior distribution c a n all he derived i n terms of the

quantity y
3.1 A Significance Test for v,

It might be argued t h a t w e should proceed with the analysis

only if w e had an assurance that y w a s not larger than some specific

value y This would lead t o a t e s t of significance i n which the null

hypothesis y = y would be r e j e c t e d i n favor of the alternative

L 0

hypothesis y if the mean square ratio F = M /M was less t h a n

1 <Yo B e
some specific value F The selection of F would be s u c h t h a t when
0 0

ye =yo, t h e probability that F < F would be equal to a, where u is


some suitably chosen s m a l l quantity and comes ponds to t h e significance

level or the "size of t h e t e s t . " When yl = yo, t h e ratio F = M/M,

has a non-central F-distribution which can be approxi.rnated by


This approximation and the method for finding the appropriate value

F 0 exactly parallels that given i n Chapter 2. Using the table of t h e

central F-distribution with b and v degrees of freedom, w e now find

t h e value F w h i c h is s u c h t h a t
and w e m i g h t t h e n agree to proceed o ~ 3 yIf a significant result were


For e x m p l e , consider again thc data already discussed i n

Chapter 2, Section 2. 4, Lor which the appropriate analysis of variance

t a b l e is;

-- 3 . 3 Analysis of Variance

Source Degrees ' sums of ~ q u a r p s Mean Squares


Modcl 9 2977, 48 330.83

Lack of Fit 3 24.95 8. 3 2

Pure Error 8 12,9 3 1, 62

Suppose it was decided t h a t we would prefer y to be less than

1. Then we c a n *moceed b-j testing the null hypothesis HO:yI = I

against the alternative hypothesis HI :y < 1, Since y = 1 on t h e null

1 1

hypothesis, and v = 9, v = 3 and v = 8, then b = 3(4)2/7=7,

M L e
F 7 , 8 = 0 * 2 6 8 f ~ r u = 0 m 0 5 , h r JM
l =8.32/1,62 =5,14, andthe
4 e
approximated critical value of M/M, from (3. 6 ) i s 4{0.268) = 1. 07.

The observed value F = 5.14 is not less t h a n F = 1. 07; consequently


w e do not have t h e required assurance to proceed w i t h the analysis


bascd on t h i s approach,

3. 2 A Confidence Interval for yl

The l i m i t s y l and y, which provide the 400(1-a)%confidence

interval for y
a can be obtained by satisfying


wherc F' represents the non-centsal T-variate with Y and v degrees

1 e
of freedom a.nd with non-centrality parameter <'1 = ( V ~ / V ~ ) ~ ; ,and F
is the observed mean square ratio M ~ / M , . The procedure for finding

t h a confidence limits for y is exactly the same as that described for

y m i n Chapter 2, Section 2.5. Usir.g the results from Table 3. 3, +he

90% confidence internal for y is found to be 0.30 < y

L L < L98.
3. 3 A Posterior Diskibution for yL

A posterior distribution for y may be obtained i n a n exactly

parallel way t o t h a t employed i n obtaining the posterior distribution

of ym. By a s i m i l a r argument

and t h e posterior distrj bution of A' given sqis


As notcd i n Chapter 2, Section 2 . 6 , a distribution of this form is well

approximated by a X2-distribution. Thus, h 2 can be approximated by

a l X 2 where


-I --
Lack of Fit t Pure Error Sums of Squares

.. P' Pure Error Sum of Squares

Referring again to t h e analysis of variance (Table 3 . 3 ) ,

l/p1=2.93 withvl = 3 a n d v =R. Thed-istributionof y is now

e ,t
readily obtained since y = 1 A The exact and approximate
J! rn
distributions are compared i n Chapter 4 and the agreement is shown to

be very good. The approximating distribution for this example is shown

i n Figure 3. 2. From this figure it is clear t h a t i n estimating t h e

response 9X over the region of i n t e r e s t , the experimenter c a n expect

t h e error contribution from t h e bias to be about the same order of

magnitude as the error contribution from sampling variation.

3. 4 The Amount- of True Change Not Accounted far by the M o d e l

The previous approach to Iack of fit s u p p l i e s valuable information

about the relative seriousness of lack of fit error compared with s a m p l -

ing error. However, it fails to indicate how serious t h i s lack of f i t is

i n relation to the total change occurring i n t h e function. The issue here

can be seen m o s t clearly i f w e ignore for a moment the problems raised

by sampling variation and c o n s i d e r j u s t t h e question of interpolatjon.

Figure 3. 2 Appraxim ating Posterior Distribution of y

- could be exactly determined at, each

Suppose t h e function q = f(x)

oi the experimental points and ~2 propose t o graduate it by f i t t i n g t h e

function g ( x ) by the method of least squares to the true values q


determined at each of these points. T h e n in order t o measure t h e

effectiveness of g ( x ) i n representing f(x)
- over the region of interest, w e
could compare a measure of t h e discrepancies f (x)- g (--
x ) at t h e experimental

points w i t h the variation accounted for by g ( x ) a t these s a m e points.

Such a measure would be

and t h i s could be regarded as a measure of the adequacy of the graduat-

ing function over the region. It will be noted that t h e quantities w e are

u s i n g here are the exact values of t h e response and d o not contain

sampling error. In the previous d i s c u s s i o n it appeared that t h e Bayesian

approach supplied the most u s e f u l and informative conclusions; as a

consequence we s h a l l proceed only with t h i s approach in t h e present


c a n be derived i n
T h e posterior distribution of y
.elm= Yl/Y,
the following way. By m e a n s of linear transformations t h e quadratic

forms A; and A' can b e expressed as s u m s of squares of t h e

parameters (I and 9 respectively. Thus,

If a priori + and -8 are uniformly distributed,

t h e posterior distributions

for & and -

8 given r xe
1 = r V exp -21=1
,Z (#i -$i~Z/r2)

-1, vm
P@/ r) =(fir) e x p { -1$' 1.z{ 0 ~ - 8 ~ 1 1~ / r ~

and these distributions are i n d e p e ~ d e n t . Therefore, h 2 and each

1 rn
have non-central X2-distributions, with v L and vm degrees of freedom

vf A vmh
' = Z 9?/s2 and L' = z 8?/cr2
and non-centrality parameters L
i-1 1 m i=l I

The distribution of t h e ratio of two independent non-central

X z - ~ a r i a t eeach
s with the appropriate number of degrees of freedom

and non-centrality parameters h a s been determined by Kendall and

Stuart (1951). In terms of t h e above development the ratio to be con-

sidered i s

Applying the result of K ~ n d a l land S t u a r t mentioned above, the

posterior distribution of y2 given .cr2 is

Icr21 :exp {-$(L;-L~) 1
z - ( b ~hj()lF Ll I t~ }
p(y;/rn h-Q t=o h !t !3 ( i v -f- h, 2-v f t)
1 m

where y 2 L; and L' are all functions of r', and

a/& m
B (1r ~ l + h , $v t)
i- is the complete beta function. In practice,s'
generally is unknown, but with an estimate s 2 and the u s u a l a

prjori a s s u m p t i o n that log r is uniformly distributed, t h e posterior

dj stribution of crZgiven s2 w i t h v degrees of freedom is


Thus, the distribution of y Z given s2 c a n be obtained by multiplying

~ (I 2)~ f 1 , by P(r2s P )and integrating t h i s product with respect to r2.

The posterior distribution of aEZ given s2 is t h e n


where the weights

are the terns of the negative trinomisl distribution. and


Note that 1 ; i s t h e lack of f i t sum of squares divided by t h e error m e a n

square, and 8 ; is the ratio of the sum of squares due to t h e model

divided by the error mean square. If the expressions for I f and 1 are

substituted into t h e expressions for P, and PZ, t h e n i n more familiar

terms P, becomes t h e ratio of the lack of f i t sum of squares to the ""total"

sum of squares, and Pz becomes t h e ratio of the model sum of squares

to t h e "totalt1sum of squares. T h e "total" s u m of squares denotes t h e

m d e I plus lack of fit plus error s u m s of squares.

T h i s disf ribution of y 2 is somewhat complex, however, as

1 /m

before, an approximation c a n be obtained for it. To do t h i s a general

expression for t h e m o m e n t s of y 2 i n t h e form of finite s u m s is f i r s t

derived. It is shown i n Chapter 4 that t h e r moment of can
be expressed as a f i n i t e triple s u m which is
w k w-k
x c y)(-Ve/l:) (1 + v , / , ~ f ) 1
k=o S


The u term i n the summation i n 1 becomes n-k -1 ( -1)1' n ( l +l f / v )
S ( e zl
w h e n p = 0, where p = z - n t k - u -1-1 ,n 1
-. ,v + r - j , z = r-1, with I : and
1:defined by ( 3 . 2 8 1 a n d ( 3 . 2 9 ) . T h e o n l y r e s t r i c t i ~ n s o n ~ ~ )are
r l/m
t h a t w m u s t be a non-negative integer and therefore v must be a positive
even integer such t h a t $v ->
. s +1, and n must be a positive integer,
hence v m u s t be a positive even integer such that $v 2 k -El. These
e e
restrictions do not present a major problem because when a situation

arises in which v or v are odd integers w e can interpolate between

m e
the adjacent even values. This procedure is expedited by t h e u s e of

a digital computer.

NOW since t h e numerator and denominator of y" A;/A;

can each be approximated by a X2-distributionit, might be expccted

that this ratio can be approximately distributed as an F-distribution.

It seems appropriate therefore to approximate t h e variate y Z by a

1 /m
quantity bF where b is a constant and I-' is t h e variate of t h e central

F-distribution w i t h 2P a n d 2 Q degrees of freedom. T h e approximating

distribution for = bF is given by
( p/bwPr ( P+Q) Y,(: .
P ( Y ~ / ~ =) (3. 3 3 )
r (PII.( QI(l+yt/, P/~Q)'+~

and it is easily shown that t h e rt h moment of the distribution of bF i s

given by

for r < Q. The moments of bF are functions cf b, P, and Q, and these

three quantities may t h u s be evaluated by equating t h e first three

moments of t h e exact distribution of y 2 to the same three moments

of the bF-distribution. The details are given in Chapter 4.

This procedure can now be applied to the example previously

considered, the information for which is furnished in Table 3. 3.

The moments cf the exact distribution are pi = 1,051(10)-~,

p i = 1.418(10) -4, and = 2. 510(10)-~and thus b = 0.00918,

P = 10.23, and Q =- 7.88. Hence,the approximating distribution of

having t h e appropriate first three moments is

' 1 /m
(3. 3 5 )
( = '* 00918F20.58, 15. 7 6 '

By means of a positive square root transformation the approximate

posterior distribution of y m a y be obtained. It is shown i n Figure 3 . 3.

The maximum point of the distribution occurs a t y = 0.09. Thus, we

a h
estimate y
m/m = ) 1 as about 0. 09.
" h - ~ ( 9d)B @ ( 9-E(%


4.1 The Exsct Distribution of A:

It was shown i n Chapter 2 that the quantity y may he used

as a measure of the adequacy of estimation of a response surface

where Y2
= A' /v
m rn
. On stated assumptions, we have obtained the

posterior distribution of h 2 as

and the characteristic function of A' as


The distribctian of A' is t h u s a weighted s u m of X2-distributions


where the weights

are the terms in t h e negalive binominal distribution. The quantity P

is the ratio of the residual sum of squares divided by the residual plus

model s u m s cf squares, v represents t h e degrees of freedom due to

t h e model, and v denotes the residual degrees of freedom.
If the mean of t h e negative binomial is fairly small, t h e

distribution of A' might be calculated directly since, in t h i s case,

t h e weights w will become small quite rapidly with increasing k.
Thus, rclntively few terms would have t o be computed t o obtain t h e

distribution (4.1).

It is advantageofis to obtain a finite expression for the

d i s t r i b u t i o ~of A' for use when it is necessary to calculate a


large number of terms i n t h e infinite series (4.11, The characteristic

function (4.2) can be re=ranged so that

,m (t) = (1-2it)

-2v --
= (1-2it)

To obtain t h e corre s ponding e x a c t distribution from the characteristic

function (4. 5) it is necessary to consider separately the cases:

1) vm > v 2 ) vm = v and 3 ) v < v

r' r' rn r'
Case 1: vm > v r . Whenboth v and v areevenintegers, the
m r
first tern i n (4. 5 ) is t h e characteristic function of a Xt-df stribution

with v
- v, r degrees of freedom. The second term in ( 4. 5) is t h e

characteristic function of the distribution of ( I / P ) ~with

~ v degrees of
freedom. It follows that is distributed as X2
rn v +v
rn r
+ (1/p)x: r
where t h e two Xz-variates arc distributed independently, Box ( 1954)
h a s considered the distribution of T: A , X2 where the degrees of

freedom v , are even integers.

j=l I V
(Here k = 2 , hl = 1, XZ - P/P,

vl = v -Y a n d v , = v , ) Boxshows t h a t i f t h e v areevenintegers
rn r' r j
such that v. = Z g , the density function of A is a weighted finite
1 J m
sum of X 2 -distributions

The constants a are evaluated by u s e of the formulae:



th th
where t h e h moment about the origin pi is related to t h e h
cummulant K by w e l l known expressions. If either one or both of
the quantities v and v are odd integers, t h e distribution of A'
rn r m
m a y be obtained by using the t h e infinite series due to Robbins and

Pitman (1949), or i t may be obtained by interpolation between

adj~iningeven integers.
Case 2:
= v
. When v
= v
the characteristic function of

Therefore, h Z is distributed as ( I / P ) ~ ~and the distribution i s

m vr

Case 3: v
. m
. If v
- v
is a positive even integer, t h e n it

is possihle to obtain t h e distribution of A' as a finite series. The

characteristic function ( 4. 5) can be rearranged s o that
1 1

ant (t) = (I-2it)z ( v r - v m ) hl-zit/pl zvr


In t h i s case, the distribution c a n be expressed a s a finite weighted sum

i n which the w e i g h t s w
k are t h e terms of a bifiornial series. When
v -v is an odd integer, interpolation between t h e appropriate even
r M

integers is suitable,

4.2 Approximation for the Di skibution of A:

So far, methods for calculating the exact distribution of A

have been considered. It is convenient to have available a simple

approximation. A number of authors; Welch (193 6), (1937); Fairfield

Smith (193 6): Saiterthwaite (1941); and Box (1954) have shown that a

s u m of weighted Xz-distributions 'can often be approximated by ax2

b -
W e have used axZ t o approximate t h e distribution of 11'
b m
. The
quantities a and b are chosen such that the mean and the variance of

t h e approximation are equal respectively t o the mean and t h e

variance of the exact distribution. The mean of t h e approximating

distribution is

and the variance is

The mean and variance of t h e exact distribution are obtained from (4.5),

t h e characteristic function of A' The corresponding curnulant

generating function is
and expanding the logarithms i n series, the general form of the r

curnulant of t h e exact distribution of A' is found t o be


Therefcre, the mean ar.d t h e variance are respectively


Equating (4.1 5 ) to (4.19) and (4.16) to (4.201, the solutions for the

quantities a and b are


as asserted in (2.45 and (2.46) in Chapter 2. Since 1 / ~Z 3, a and b

are always positive quantities .

The approximating distribution for h Z can be written as

where a and b are defined above.

4.3 Summary OF Distribution Theory and Approximations for y


The exact distribution of y i n t h e general case, can be obtained

directly by applying the transformation

= 1 Amf i l m i n (4.3). ~ h u s ,

$vmtk v f2k-1
k(vm' (Y,)
2 -L
k=o pYrn +k-1
/;) ( 4.24)
r($vrn tk)

where w is defined by (4.4). Corresponding to (4.61, (4.11) and

(4.14), t h e distribution c a n be written alternatively as follows : I} when

and 3 ) w h e n v < v
rn P

where w is defined b y (4.13).

This distribution has the same fom as (4,26} when )r
. Then
the c x a r t and appr0Amatir.g distributions are identical with a = 1/'~

and b = v
4.4 -
Adequacy of t h e ,Approximation

To c h e c k the adeiuacy of t h e simple X2-approxirnation:~for


distributionssequations (4. E; 21, (4.,26), (4. Z?,), . and .( 4*28) were

programmed far the CDC. 1404-digital computer and a number of

examples were examined for various values of t h e quantities v

r n ~V? '

and VP, The densities of t h e exact and approximatjng d i s b i b u t i o n s of

y are given for various examples i n Table 4,l. Tables 4. 2 and 4.3 -
show t h e third and fourth cumulants respectively for the exact
diswibution of A' and for t h e approximating distribution. In s o m e
cases the agreement between t h e s e cumulants becomes worse for a

given-value of 1 / ~a s t h e spread between v and v increases. Ilo%ever,

rn r
this does not s e e m to affect the goodness of fit of t h e distributions 'as

much as might be expected. For example, for the case,where l / ~

= 14,

v = 10, v = 6, there is a discrepancy of 8 , O % i n t h e fourth curnulant,

n r
nevertheless t h e difference betwcen the probability densities is never

greater than 0.009 at any mint, (The"exactand approximate d e n s i t y

functions for this case are shown i n Figure 4.1, ) The following

conclusions emerged:

a. The approximation w a s very good i n all t h e examples tried.

Table 4. I Exact and Approximate Distributions of y
- m

Ym P(Y,) P(Y,) Ym P(Y,) P(Y,)

Exact Approx Exact Appsox

l/P = 1 6 , vm = 4, v = 8

Ym P(Y,) P(Y,)
Exact Approx Exact Approx

0 0.000 0.000
1 0. Q 3 4 0.027
2 0.123 0,127
3 0,222 0.229
4 0.249 0.250
5 0.193 0.191
6 0.110 0.108
7 0.047 0.047
8 0.016 0.016
9 0.004 0.004
10 0.001 0.001
Table 4.2 Thirci Clrrnulants of Exact and Approximate Distributions

of y, '"

The f i r s t tabled value for each combination of v and v corresponds
rn r
t o the exact distrfbution and t h e second t o t h e approximation.
Each value shown is a factor of 8(1013 less than t h e true cumulant
value a
Table 4.3 Fourth Curnulants of Exact and Approximate Distributions
of ,Y

137.39 134, 14 131.02 128.00 125.09

160. 00 160.00 160. 00 160.00 160.00

172.57 164.29 166.10 363.00 160.00
The f i r s t tabled value for each co~nbinationof v and v corresponds
m r
to t h e exact distribution and t h e second to the approximation.
E a c h value shown is a factor of 48(103" less t h a n the t r u e cumulant
Figure 4. J. Exact and Approximating Distributions of y
values of v and v become closer together,
m r
c. The agreement improves if 1 v rn -v r I is held constant as

I/P increases.

d. For a given 1 1 value,

~ t h e agreement is better for v -V
r m
equal t o a positive constant t h a n for v -v equal to the
m r
same positive constant.

e. If v
m and vr are both increased s u c h that 1 v rn -v r I ' remains

constant for a given l/P value, t h e agreement improves.

4,5 Exact and Approximating Distributions for A; and y

-. - - ..
To gain a better understanding of t h e nature of the uncertainty

due to an inadequate model, the quantity y w a s discussed i n Chapter 3

where y2 = A:/V,. A procedure exactly paralleling t h a t used i n
Section 4.1. , where 11' w a s considered, is now employed i n the
developmentforh2 By substituting P' f o r P , . v l for v and ve for
1' m'
v t h e e x a c t a n d a p p r o x i m a t i n g d i s t r i h u t i o n s f o r ~ ~aredeveloped
T a
i n precisely t h e same way as were those for A'
. Thus, t h e posterior

distribution of A is

where P' is t h e ratio of the error s u m of squares divided by t h e lack of

f i t p l u s error s u m s of squares, v denotes the degrees of freedom for

lack of f i t , and v represents the error degrees of freedom. The form
(4.29) is identical, t o (4;l).
A direct analogy also holds for t h e various cases of the exact

distribution and the approximation discussed in 4.1, By making the

substitutions noted above, results similar to those for n2

and y
c a n be obtained for A' and y Since the forms of t h e corresponding
a L'
equations and the arguments u s e d i n their development are identical,

t h e details w i l l not be given here.

4. 6 -Derivation of t h e r Moment of the Distribution of y Z
The quantity y considered i n Chapter 3, is a measure of ,

t h e discrepancies between f (- - a t the experimental design
x ) and g (x)

points compared with the amount of variation accounted for by g(x)


at the same points. - i s the true functional form of

The quantity f(x)

t h e response and g (-
x ) is t h e graduating function. The distribution

involves a double infinite sum, and therefore a finite

Of '~/m
approximation is desirable. Since,we shall obtain an approximation

by equating m o m e n t s , it is now necessary to derive a general

expression for the moments of Y2

The posterior distribution of y Z given r 2from ( 3,221 is

where L' = c1 AZ
(P~/(T' aalld L' = m0
z A
Then t h e rt h conditional
1 i-1 m i=l1
m o m e n t of t h e distribution of y2 is
1 /m

+ r th, ~v rn -r +t)
X (4.31)

Mter some simplification t h i s double series c a n be alternately

expressed as

The r m o m e n t of y Z is therefore


and 1: = Z $;is:
A vmA
and 1 ; = T: 0?/s2
1=1 1
Now let
If w is a non-negative integer, 3 can be expressed as

w n-k
x k=o
-k J xZ/(l+xl ? v e ) dx . (4.3 6 )

When n is a positive integer, t h e integral i n ( 4. 3 6) has the value

where p = z - n t k - u + l (Dwight 1954 ), W h e n p = 0, the u term i n the
summation in I becomes (n-k-1) (-11% n(l-'iepv ). Combining ( 4. 36)
s e
and ( 4 , 3 7 1 with (4. 331, the finite £om of.the r moment of e/m i s

where I is defined by ( <4,3bli).T h i s is result ( 3.30) of Chapter 3,


4-7 Approximationfarthe Dishibutionof y Z


IVe have shown, t h a t both t h e numerator and t h e denominator of

~t/m = h2/iI2can separately be well. approximated by a central

1 rn

distribution. It seems reasonable therefore, to attempt to approximate

the distribution of y Z by a n F-distribution. IF w e set y Z equal t o

bF where b i s a constant and.F is t h e variate of the central

F-distribution with 2P and 2 Q degrees of freedom, then the,approxirnat-

ing distribution for is given by

and the general form of the fhm o m e n t of t h e distribution of hP is

The quantities b, P, and Q i n { 4 - 3 9 are now evaluated by equat-

i n g the first three m o m e n t s of the e x a c t distribution of y2 (4.38) t o

the corresponding m o m e n t s of the approxirnatjna distribution (4.40).

W e find

b . = 2 p ; ( ~ - z } / (4w - 3 2-1)


Q = ( 4W-32-1)/(2W-Z-1)


w = pypizand Z = p,$/tp;tL~)r

Thus, t h e approximating distribution (4. 39) can be computed. By using

a positive square root tlansforrnation, t h e approximate distribution of


5.1 The Ir."_erpolation Efficiency

An interesting interpretation is possible from t h e results

obtained i n t h e previcus sections. Suppose t h e true values

rh, vlz, ,rl, of t h e response a t t h e n experimental points are known.

Then, i f t h e graduating function is fitted t o these true values, t h e

following identity can be written which relates t h e "total" s u m of

squares to the "'regression" and "residual" sums of squares.

This identity is true because the ~ ( 9 ) ' sare the same a s e ' s , that is,

they x e t h e values obtained by fitting t h e true 7's to t h e model. If

each of t h e three quar.tities i n ( 5 , 1 ) is divided by v (r2 t h e identity

still holds, Thus, an analysis 0 5 variance table with accompanying

diagrams could be prepared as shown i n Table 5.1. The quantity

w i l l be called t h e "interpolation efficiency. " Its distribution is

indicated by t h e appropriate figure i n Table 5.1. Bearing i n mind that

the analysis i s being made on the true values, there would be no

"residual sum of squares" i f t h e model fitted perfectly, since E(y )
would be equal to q t h u s t h e interpolation efficiency would be unity.
Now consider t h e situation when the exact values of q are known

so t h a t there is no experimental error but w e are trying t o represent the

function q = f(x)
- by means of a graduating function g(x).
- For any
partlculx~set of "experimental points, " the "total sum of squares, ",
the 'Yegres sion s u m of squares, " the "residual s u m of squares, @"and

the '"interpolation efficiency" ln would be fixed constants. The total

sum of squares would be.a measure of the total amount of change

which w a s occurring i n the true function. The regression sum of

squares would be a measure of t h e total amount of c h a n g e which was

occurring ir! the graduating function, and the residual sum of squares

would measure t h c fctal amount of change which w a s unaccounted

for by.the graduating function, The interpolation efficiency-would

measure t h e proportion of t h e total change occurring i n the function

x ) which was accounted for by t h e graduating function g(x).

f (- -

In an experimental situation t h e additional complication a r i s e s

that t h e observations are subject t o random errors so t h a t the various

sums of squares and the ratio R are not fixed constants but have

distributions, For t h e example considered i n .the previous chapters

beginning i n Section 2. 4, these disih-ibutions are shown i n miniature

i n Table 5.1. W h e n there is experimental error, it becomes relevant

t o consider these s u m s of squares i n relation to the size of r2. Thus,

the size of y will, i n general, tell us whether very much variation

i s being accounted £0; by the graduating function in relation to the
size of the experimental error, The quantity y w i l l indicate the amount
of the va.riation not accounted for by the graduating function i n relation

t o the amount of experj mental error. The interpolation efficiency

n = 1/(1 +),ly 2 will measure what proportion of the true functional

variation is being accounted for by the graduating function,

5,2 Interpretation of t h e Estimation Situation

From a table such as Table 5.1 together with t h e diagrams

showing the posterior distributions, the experimenter could obtain .a

complete picture of the estimation situation which faced him, It

would s e e m logical to consider the interpolation efficiency a s

represented by the distribution Q T h i s would be a n estimate of the

sum of squares of the deviations which could be accounted for by t h e

fitted empirical function compared with the total sum of squares

accounted for by the true underlying function. One might reasonably

expect that any useful interpolation f u n c t i o i should a t t a i n a n inter-

polatlon efficiency well above 90%.

Also, the experimenter would need to be assured t h a t the

error i n estimating the response (that is, t h e error i n y j w a s reasonably

small compared with the total change i n true response. T h u s , he

might hope to attain a value of y a t least as large as 4 and pre-

ferably somewhat larger. The distribution of y would probably not,
by itself, influence h i m unduly. However, i f y were large, the
interpolation efficiency would tend to he small and the situation there -

fore unsatisfactory.

5.3 Practical Application t o Response Surface Methodology

The present investigation indicatc s the desirability of examining

t h e estimation situation for any given application of response surface

methodology. In regard to the practical u s e of the criteria developed

here, it is suggested t h a t as a matter of routine, t h e experimenter

should compute the posterior distributions of y and y or at least

rn 1'
t h e 95% posterior intervals when conducting res ponse surf ace work.

He should be invited to think of y simply as a measure of the

change occurring i n t h e function compared with the average

uncertainty of its estimate. I t seens reasonable to require t h a t

for good estimation, values of y 2 4 are needed. The quantity


y 1 should be considered a s a measure of t h e bias error due to lack

of f i t compared with sampling error. Values of y 5 1 are reasonable

a -
i n order t o assure t h a t t h e amount of variation t h e graduating

function fails t o account for is s m a l l i n relation to t h e error of

estimate of t h e response.

Finally, the experimenter should consider the interpolation

efficiency R = ]J(l + $-e /m ) which is a measure of t h e proportion a£

t h e b e functional variation accounted for by the graduating function.

By obtaining t h e posterior distribution of Yi,m

= yl / Yh , the
interpolation efficiency can be estimated and t h u s t h e adequacy of t h e

graduating function c a n be determined. For values of SZ > 0.90, the

experimenter can be reasonably assured t h a t the true response is

being adequately estimated by the graduating function,

5.4 Recommendations for Future Work

This study suggests three areas i n which further work would

he desirable. First, t h e approximate distributions for y and ye are

fairlysimplebutthatfory ismuchmorecomplicated. Itwould
be of great value to find a simple approximation for this distribution.

Second, an investigation should be made into the feasibility

of constructing u s e f u l tables which would help the experimenter t o

assess quickly how w e l l he w a s graduating t h e response function i n

the region of interest. As a n example, consider t h e significance

t e s t i n g approach for y
. Far a given significance level cr and for

eachminimalacceptablevaluey ofy itwouldbeconvenient

0 m7
to have a table-with v (residual degrees of freedom) corresponding
to rows, v (regression degrees of freedom) corresponding t o
columns, and t h e critical value of t h e quantity P indicated i n the

body of the table, The entry Pwould represent the value of t h e ratio

of the residual sum of squares divided by t h e residual plus model

(regression) sums ~f squares which just led to "significance" a t the

a level.

Since the q u m t i t y P is somewhat u~familiar,it would be pos siblc

t o transform the table described above so that the more familiar F-ratio

between t h e regression 2nd residual s u m s of squares could be employed.

If tahles of t h i s kind ~ v e r eprepared for a sufficiently large number of

y m values, then it also would be a relatively simple matter to u s e

them to calculate confidence intervals. Similar tables could be

prepared for y
- Tables are particularly needed to assist i n the calculation of

t h e Bayesian posterior distribution of y Although the x2-

distribution provides a very good approximation for y and y rn with
relatively simple calculations, t h i s is not t h e case for t h e

distribution of y Direct tabulation would not be easy because

there are seven values to be considered, namely PI, P,, vm, vr, v e , u

and y It doe s s e e m probable, however, that methods could be

devised t o greatly simplify these calculations.

Third, throughout t h i s investigation, w e have considered only

those functions which are linear i n t h e parameters, It i s often useful,

however, to e m ploy non-linear functions bf t h e parameters to represent

response relationships. In some cases, these non-linear functions are

well defined so that the experimenter knows t h a t t h e lack of fit which

m a y occurwill be small. In other cases, non-linear functions may

be used, to some extent, a s e m p i r i c a l graduating functions, For

example, w e may postulate a somewhat idealized model by t h e u s e of

differential equations, The functional relationship between the

response and t h e variables which then arises is usually non-linear

i n t h e parameters, but the same considerations apply as i n the linear

approach, First of all, t h e sampling error may be so large that even i f

t h e function could be assumed to fit perfectly, the change which it

represents over t h e region of interest is of the same ordei of

magnitude as the average experimental error of y. Secondly, it may

be t h a t because of simplifying assumptions, the model is inadequate

to represent the response. T ~ L ~ sit, would be desirable to devise

methods, similar to those i n the linear situation, i n w h i c h t h e

adeq uacy of the graduating function could be assessed.

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Office of Naval Research

c Criteria for J u s g i n g Adequacy of Estimation by an Approximating

t R c s p c ~ n s eFunction h

i 4 FtSCRlPTEVE NOrE S ( n y e 01 repvrt n n d i n c l u s i v e dstcs)


B Georqe E. P, Box and John Wetz l1

REPORT DATE 7a. T O T A L NO. O F P A G T . 3 7b. N O . O F R E F S
I M a r c h 1973 42 PP. 29
1 8s. C O N T R A C T 3 R G T I Z N T NO 9s. O R I G t N A T O R ' S R E P O R T M U M B E R I S I

ONR-XQ00 14-67A-0 128-00 17 Report No. 9

b. P R O J E C T N O .

t. 9b. O T H F R R E P O R T NOtSI ( A n y other nurnhcr.~!Ant m a y be ossr/rrcd

thia m p o r l ) ,

IC. O l S T R I f i U T l O W 5 T A T E M E N T

I Distribution of t h i s document is unlimited.


Office of Naval Research

Washington D. C .

I n response surface methodology t h e true functional form f(x) is i
usually not known and t h e response must be approxirnat~dby means of a t
"graduating function" g(x) (for example, b y a polynomial i n 5) over t h e
region of interest. The relationship between an obsezva:ion y and t h e
graduating function g ( x ) is therefore y = g(z) -t- P t e , where P = f(x)-
slxS -
rn of t h e variation accounted for by glx)
In t h i s report, a measure y
i n relation t o the size of t h e error of estimate of g(x)and a measure yl
of t h e discrepancy i n t r ~ d u c e ddue to t h e bias term P i n relation to
t h e error of estimate of t h e response a r e suggested. Furthermore t h e
"interpolation efficiency" = l/(l + y j / y h ) is defined. T h i s is a measure !
of t h e amount of c h a n g e accounted for by the grzduating function g h )
compared w i t h t h e c h a n g e occurring i n t h e t r u e function f t ~ over
) the
region of i n t c r ~ s t R. Mcthocls for estimating t h e criteria are d i s c u s s e d .
Security Clasaificntion

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