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Alfonsino (BYX)

(Beryx splendens) (Beryx decadactylus)

Figure 1 – Splendid Alfonsino Figure 2 – Red Bream

The splendid alfonsino and red bream are both deepwater berycid fish of the Alfonsino family. They are found in tropical, sub-
tropical and temperate waters ranging throughout the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (Wiff
et al., 2012).

While they have been found in depths of 10m-1200m worldwide, they are usually located
between 200m-800m; with the New Zealand average being found in depths of 300m – 600m.
Populations located in the Northern Hemisphere spawn in the months of August to October,
while populations in the Southern Hemisphere spawn between January and March (Wiff et al.,
2012). The average fecundity of an average 40cm sized female is between 300,000 and
500,000 eggs(Flores, Wiff, Gálvez, & Díaz, 2012). Their diet consists mainly of crustaceans and
mesopelagic fish, with prawn being their major prey(Horn, Forman, & Dunn, 2010).

Fishery Stocks in NZ
Both species were introduced into the QMS on the 1 of October 1986. Beryx splendens
consists of the majority of the ‘Alfonsino’ landings recorded by New Zealand fisherman, with
Beryx decadactylus contributing only 1% to the catch. The fishery began on a large scale in the Figure 3 - Quota Map of New Zealand
mid 1980’s when a large Alfonsino population was discovered off the south east Chatham Island in BYX2 and BYX3, with close to
over 1000t being fished annually in BYX3 alone. Since then Alfonsino stocks have been discovered in BYX1 as well, making BYX 1,
2 and 3 the 3 major areas for Alfonsino fishing; with catches in all other areas considered negligible.

Neither species are targeted by recreational fishers, with only occasional reported catches of Alfonsino being noted. No
information is known in regards to what the customary fishing of the Alfonsino could be, as well as any information on its illegal
Figures & Table

Figure 1. Splendid Alfonsino. Retrieved from
7 on the 19/07/2017.

Figure 2. Red Bream (Beryx dedactylus). Retrieved from on the


Figure 3. Quota Map of New Zealand. Retrieved from on the


Table 1. Recreational and Customary non-commercial, TACC’s and TAC’s for Alfonsino by Fishstock. Retrieved from on the 19/07/2017.

References: Flores, A., Wiff, R., Gálvez, P., & Díaz, E. (2012). Reproductive biology of alfonsino

Beryx splendens. Journal of Fish Biology, 81(4), 1375–1390.

Horn, P. L., Forman, J., & Dunn, M. R. (2010). Feeding habits of alfonsino Beryx splendens.

Journal of Fish Biology, 76(10), 2382–2400.

Wiff, R., Quiroz, J. C., Gatica, C., Contreras, F., Paramo, J., & Barrientos, M. A. (2012). Uncertain

population dynamic and state variables of alfonsino (Beryx splendens). Dinámica

Poblacional Incierta Y Variables de Estado En Alfonsino (Beryx Splendens)., 40(1), 201–


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