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Closing the Loop on


A bout half of humanity now lives

in urban environments and this is
increasing rapidly. To make cities
poses, with the top 12 countries
supplying 93% of all phosphorus.
China, Morocco and the United
The science of phosphorus
The elemental state of phosphorus is
highly bondable, meaning it readily
more sustainable, source separation States alone currently produce al- combines with several other ele-
of materials and recycling must be- most two-thirds of global phosphate. ments, which is why it is predomi-
come standard practice. The princi- In addition, China’s reserves are es- nantly found in phosphate form. As
ple nutrients -- nitrogen, phosphorus timated to account for 37% of the such, phosphorus molecules bond
and potassium -- recycle in nature, world total and Morocco for 32% with soil molecules and are not
but human intervention has created (see Figure 2). Due to the finite na- available for plant use until the soil is
a linear, non-recycling, open-ended ture of phosphorus resources, Mo- saturated, or there are no longer any
system. rocco and Western Sahara have been soil particles for the phosphorus to
engaged in a border conflict since bond with. The result has been a
The impending phosphorus 1975 as a result of the reserves in great demand for artificial fertilizers
crisis the contested territory. to boost nutrient content in less fer-
Phosphorus is a nutrient essential to tile soil.
all living organisms, and thus, it is Estimates on the remaining amount
essential in food production for hu- of phosphorus vary, as do projec- The contradictory nature of
mans. Although it is the eleventh tions about how long it will take to phosphorus
most abundant element on earth, deplete the irreplaceable resource Essential for life on earth, yet de-
phosphorus never occurs in its pure entirely. Figures range from 60-130 structive in excess quantities in an
form and is always bonded with years (Steen, 1998) and 60-90 years aquatic environment, phosphorus is
other elements forming other com- (Tiessen, 1995), at current market one of Mother Nature’s paradoxes.
pounds, such as phosphate rock. prices with diverse assumptions Eutrophication is the enrichment of
More importantly, much of the phos- about the rate of production and freshwater and marine systems with
phorus in soil is not available to demand, but all sources agree that nutrients, particularly nitrogen and
plants, thus requiring nutrient addi- continued phosphorus production will phosphorus. In freshwater systems,
tions to produce crops. This non- decline in quality and increase in phosphorus is normally limited, so
renewable resource is being mined at cost. The relatively inexpensive when excessive amounts are re-
an increasing rate to meet the de- phosphorus we use today will likely leased from agricultural runoff and
mand for artificial fertilizers so heav- cease to exist within 50 years (see municipal sewage sources it causes
ily relied on in agriculture. In all, Figure 1). It is imperative that we serious water quality problems. Algal
chemical fertilizers account for 80% begin to recycle phosphorus and re- blooms result and alter aquatic eco-
of phosphates used globally, with the turn it to the soil to decrease the systems eliminating species of fish
other 20% divided between deter- need for mined phosphorus as artifi- and vegetation by clouding the sur-
gents, animal feed and special appli- cial fertilizer. Within a half century, face of the water and decreasing
cations (such as fire retardants). the severity of this crisis will result in oxygen levels in deeper waters and
increasing food prices, food short- sediment. Eutrophication has been a
More than 30 countries produce ages and geopolitical rifts. serious environmental concern in
phosphate rock for commercial pur- much of the developed world for the
past 30 years, and is now a
global concern.

The process to extract phos-

phorus is particularly damag-
ing, as strip-mining is the
most common method of ex-
traction. The by-products of
the processing of phosphorus
include radioactive gypsum,
commonly stored in “stacks”
in the United States, and air
pollution that includes fluo-
rides. Furthermore, phos-
phorus deposits are often
contaminated by arsenic or
cadmium, which can be con-
centrated during processing
and there is a subsequent
build-up of these toxic sub-
Figure 1: Phosphate rock – years of extraction remaining based on current stances in agricultural soils.
reserves from 2006 using a 2% yearly increase (Source: USGS)
Figure 2: Phosphate rock – worldwide reserve estimates (thousands of metric tons)

The ecological sanitation so- plus recycling organic material from the mined P (250 Mt) since 1950 has
lution households to farm soil, would fur- found its way into the aquatic envi-
Given that the vast majority of ther alleviate the need for additional ronment (oceans and fresh water
phosphorus is used in artificial fertil- nutrients. lakes) or buried in sanitary landfills
izers, it is logical that this is the area or sinks. For 1990, the amount of
where more efficient use of the nu- Only a small part of the world actu- phosphate discharged into oceans
trient will result in preserving the ally is served with water-based flush was double the amount of phosphate
resource. Most of the phosphorus systems (about 1.1 billion people, applied as fertilizer (Tiessen, 1995).
consumed by animals and humans is many of which are not provided with
excreted. By safely recovering the health and environmental safety Of the next billion tonnes of P we
nutrients found in human excreta through secondary level or better mine between 2000 and 2050, a sig-
through ecological sanitation, it is treatment). The rest (some 5.3 bil- nificant percentage of phosphorus
possible to reduce the depletion of lion) either have no sanitation (about can be recovered by using sustain-
phosphorus reserves. Recycling of 2.6 billion) or pit latrines. The ad- able agriculture and sanitation. This
phosphorus from sewage sludge is, vantages in upgrading these systems should be a priority for the global
however, very costly, and alternative to ecosan would be cost-effective in policy agenda.
systems are needed. Ecosan offers a terms of improving health, environ-
holistic system whereby human ex- mental quality and recycling of nutri- References
creta is made hygienic and creates a ents. Gumbo B., H.H.G. Savenije and P.
valuable and effective organic fertil- Kelderman, 2002. Ecologising Socie-
Need for global recovery of tal Metabolism: The Case of Phos-
izer that recycles nitrogen, phospho-
phorus. In: Proc 3rd Int Conf Envi-
rus, potassium and other nutrients phosphorus ronmental Management. 27-30 Au-
contained in urine and faeces back Between 1950 and 2000, about 1 gust 2002.
into the environment, instead of billion metric tonnes of P has been Steen, P. 1998. Phosphorus Avail-ability
groundwater and waterways. Urine mined (Gumbo et al, 2002). During in the 21st Century: Manage-ment of
diversion and recycling would pro- this period, about 800 million metric a Nonrenewable Resource. Phospho-
vide immediate advantages because tonnes of fertilizer P were applied to rus and Potassium 217. Available from:
most of the nutrients excreted are in the Earth’s croplands. This has in-
this fraction. If urine is recovered at creased the standing stock of P in
Tiessen, Holm, ed. 1995. Scope 54:
source, the nutrient load to sewage the upper 10 centimetres of soil in Phosphorus in the Global Environ-
treatment plants will be significantly the world’s croplands to roughly ment: Transfers, Cycles and Man-
reduced, possibly even eliminating 1,300 million metric tonnes, an in- agement. Wiley, 1995. Available from
the need for tertiary treatment. This, crease of 30%. Close to a quarter of
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EcoSanRes is funded by the Swedish International

Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

EcoSanRes Factsheet 4 May 2008

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