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Advisory board/ Referenţi ştiinţifici:

Prof. univ. dr. Dan Grigorescu – The University of Bucharest
Prof. univ. dr. Vlad Codrea – The University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Prof. univ. dr. Lászlo Rákosy – The University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Conf. univ. dr. Marcel Oncu – The University Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca

L’adresse Address:
Le Musée de la Civilisation Dacique et The Museum of Dacian and Roman
Romaine Civilization
La Section des Sciences Naturelles The Natural Sciences Section
Rue 1 Decembrie 39 DEVA 39, 1 Decembrie Street – DEVA
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Published by the Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation Deva

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Authors bear sole responsibility for the contents of their contributions

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Mediamira Publishing House

ISSN 1224-7464 /

ŞTEFAN VASILE - A new microvertebrate site from the Upper 5
Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) deposits of the
Haţeg Basin

DIANA PURA - Early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) 17

fossiliferous deposits from the Ohaba-Ponor
area, SW Romania-preliminary study

VLAD A. CODREA - Fossil proboscideans in Inner Carpathian area 31


DUMITRU RUS - Le component géodémographique dans le 41

Couloir du Mureş, secteur Brănişca – Păuliş

IOAN MĂRCULEŢ, - Changes in the Bilag Hill land use (Mureş 55

CĂTĂLINA MĂRCUTEŢ, Corridor) after 1990

DANIELA MARCU, - Impact of the hydrotechnical constructions on 65

ŞTEFANIA MANEA some environmental components form the Râu
Mare drainage basin- preliminary remarks

MARCELA BALAZS - Contributions to the study of the vascular flora 85

from the Muncel Valley (Hunedoara County)

MARCELA BALAZS - The forest vegetation of Muncelul Mic- 103

Muncelul Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi
(Hunedoara County, Romania)

SILVIA BURNAZ - Faunistical and bio-ecological study of 115

Rhopalocera species (Ord. Lepidoptera) of
Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-
Feregi zone (Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Romania)

SILVIA BURNAZ - Butterflies (S.ord. Rhopalocera) of the 143

protected area The lawns of Sălaşu de Sus
(Hunedoara County, Romania)

SILVIA BURNAZ - Entomological researches in Hunedoara 158

County, Romania – List of published papers / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 5-15




A new microvertebrate site from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) deposits
of the Haţeg Basin

The Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) continental deposits of the Haţeg Basin are
well known for the diverse vertebrate assemblage they have yielded. Most of the taxa have
been identified through intense micropaleontological processing of the material collected
from across the basin.
The floodplain deposits from several sites around the village of Vălioara are
abundant in microvertebrate remains. This paper reports on the most important fossil remains
recorded from a new site near Vălioara, first sampled in 2007, as well as the main
sedimentary features presented by the deposits from this site.
The fossil remains mainly consist of isolated teeth belonging to different
crocodilian, theropod and multituberculate taxa, hosted by a gray-greenish pebbly mudstone,
deposited within a poorly drained floodplain environment.
Key words: microvertebrate, Upper Cretaceous, Maastrichtian deposits, Haţeg Basin

Un nou sit cu microvertebrate din depozitele continentale Cretacic Superior
(Maastrichtian) din Bazinul Haţeg

Depozitele continentale Cretacic Superior (Maastrichtian) din Bazinul Haţeg sunt bine
cunoscute pentru asociaţia diversă de vertebrate. Cei mai mulţi taxoni au fost identificaţi în
urma procesării micropaleontologice intense a materialului prelevat de pe întinsul bazinului.
Depozitele de câmpie inundabilă ce aflorează în câteva puncte din jurul satului
Vălioara sunt bogate în resturi de microvertebrate. Această lucrare prezintă cele mai
importante resturi de microvertebrate înregistrate dintr-un nou punct fosilifer din această
zonă, probat pentru prima dată în 2007, precum şi principalele caracteristici sedimentare
prezentate de depozitele din acest punct.
Resturile fosile constau în special în dinţi izolaţi aparţinând unor crocodilieni,
theropode şi mamifere multituberculate, conţinute de o argilă cenuşiu-verzuie cu elemente
ruditice, depusă într-un mediu de câmpie inundabilă slab drenată.
Cuvinte cheie: microvertebrate, depozite Cretacic superior, Maastrichtian, Bazinul

The first Latest Cretaceous vertebrate remains from the Haţeg Basin have been
reported by Franz Nopcsa at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. He
described a megafaunal assemblage of 10 taxa (crocodilians, chelonians and dinosaurs), of /
which 6 were confirmed by more recent revisions. Most of the taxa reported from the Haţeg
Basin were discovered in the last three decades, after the research activity in the area was
reinitiated by D. Grigorescu (GRIGORESCU 2005). During this period, a great part of the newly
discovered taxa has been found by bulk micropaleontological processing of fossiliferous
material from the Maastrichtian continental deposits of the Haţeg Basin.
The micropaleontological material is of great importance in the attempt to reconstruct
the paleoenvironmental conditions or the ecological relationships within the local ecosystem.
One of the most important micropaleontological fossil sites is located near the village of
Vălioara (Fig. 1), on the left slope of the Fântânele Creek. The classical fossil site of
Fântânele has yielded a rich and diverse vertebrate fauna (GRIGORESCU et al. 1999; CSIKI &
GRIGORESCU 2000), comprising fossil remains from many vertebrate groups (fishes, anurans,
albanerpetontids, lizards, chelonians, crocodilians, dinosaurs and mammals), as well as
several types of eggshells and freshwater gastropod shells (PANĂ et al. 2002).
In the summer of 2007, some 60 kg of material has been collected from a site close to
the classic microvertebrate fossil site of Fântânele, on the right slope of the same valley, from
a bed with a similar lithofacies. This new site, described in the present contribution, proved to
be slightly different from the classic site of Fântânele in lithology and taphonomy, and will be
referred to hereon as Fântânele 2, whilst the first microvertebrate site from Fântânele will be
referred to as Fântânele 1.

Geological setting
Covered by vegetated soil and bounded by beds of red mudstones, the fossiliferous
layer from Fântânele 2 that yielded microvertebrate remains consists of a gray-greenish
massive mudstone that contains subrounded ruditic clasts of metamorphic origin, up to 3 cm
long. The fossiliferous mudstone from Fântânele 2 is located in a geometrically lower position
on the right slope of the valley than the one from Fântânele 1 on the opposite side, but the
exact stratigraphic relationship between the two beds is not well established; some torrents
that cut the valley slopes suggest a more complicated tectonic setting of the deposits from that
area, with the probable presence of faults cross-cutting the Maastrichtian deposits. /
Fig. 1. Simplified geological map of the Haţeg Basin, showing the location of the Fântânele
(1 & 2) microvertebrate sites, near the village of Vălioara; inset shows the position of the
Haţeg Basin. (After CSIKI et al. 2008)

According to its geographic position, lithology and structural setting, the new
microvertebrate fossil site of Fântânele 2 belongs to the middle member of the Densuş-Ciula
Formation, already known to outcrop in the northwestern part of the Haţeg Basin
The main lithological difference as compared to the Fântânele 1 section is the
presence of ruditic clasts, common for the Fântânele 2 deposits, but only occasionally
occurring in those of the Fântânele 1 site. The presence of larger clasts suggests somewhat
higher basin energy for the depositional environment at Fântânele 2; otherwise it presents the
same characteristic features of a reducing, poorly drained braided river floodplain
environment as the Fântânele 1 deposits (GRIGORESCU & CSIKI 2002). /
Material and methods
After a small portion of the slope has been stripped of soil, and the appropriate bed
was identified, the sediment was loaded into bags and transported for further processing. A
total of around 140-150 kg of sediment was sampled during the field campaigns of 2007 and
2008. The sediment was dried, and then soaked into buckets for about two days, until the
clayey matrix broke down into mud. To help the matrix breakdown, some hydrogen peroxide
was added, in low concentrations (below 5%).
The resulting mud was then preliminarily screen-washed using a 2 mm and 0.71 mm
mesh sieve battery in the waters of the Galbena River, the procedure screen-washing being
repeated in the laboratory afterwards. After being thoroughly dried, the remaining material
was sorted under a Zeiss GSZ optical microscope. The pictures from Fig. 2 have been taken
using a Nikon Coolpix 990 and a Canon PowerShot 640 digital camera mounted on a Zeiss
Stemi SV 11 and on a Zeiss Stemi 2000-C optical microscope, respectively.
Results and discussions
The fossil material mostly consists of unidentifiable bone fragments, generally less
than 2 mm in diameter. This degree of fragmentation can be a consequence of the higher basin
energy; alternatively, it can suggest an advanced degree of (probably intraformational)
reworking of the largest part of the fossil material. The best preserved elements, grace to their
stronger bone structure, are the isolated teeth.
Although the first fossil remains recovered from the deposits of Fântânele 2 in 2007
were represented only by abrasion-resistant chelonian, crocodilian, theropod and
multituberculate remains (this selectivity being probably due to the higher-energy
depositional environment than the one from Fântânele 1), recent preliminary screening of the
material collected in 2008 suggests an even higher microvertebrate diversity for the Fântânele
2 assemblage. Anuran and albanerpetontid skeletal remains have been identified, as well as an
eggshell fragment, along with new crocodilian tooth morphotypes, previously not reported
from the Haţeg Basin.
The anurans are represented by a fragment of the right ilium (FGGUB v.510: Fig. 2a),
which preserves a small anterior part of the acetabular region and part of the iliac shaft and
crest. The features of this fragment are similar to those reported in the holotype specimen of
Paralatonia transylvanica (VENCZEL & CSIKI 2003).
The albanerpetontids are represented by a conical half-vertebra (FGGUB v.512: Fig.
2c) and a dentary fragment (FGGUB v.511: Fig. 2b). The amphicoelous albanerpetontid trunk
or caudal vertebrae are known to be hourglass-shaped (FOLIE & CODREA 2005), while the /
dentary fragment is poorly preserved, conserving only the basal part of the slender needle-like
pleurodont teeth (GRIGORESCU et al. 1999).
The crocodilian remains are most abundant: six dental morphotypes belonging to at
least three taxa have been found.
A first dental morphotype consists of the basal portion of a conical tooth, with well-
developed marginal carinae, bearing blunt robust denticles (FGGUB v.507: Fig. 2d.). The
tooth is constricted at the base, and is similar in morphology to the ziphodont crocodyliform
Doratodon, a taxon already reported from the Haţeg Basin (MARTIN et al. 2006), but also
mentioned from the Late Cretaceous of Spain (COMPANY et al.. 2005) or Austria (BUNZEL
Another ziphodont tooth morphology is represented by an equilateral triangle-shaped,
strongly labiolingually compressed tooth crown, also showing a basal constriction (FGGUB
v.513: Fig. 2g.-h.). This dental morphotype also has carinae bearing the same kind of
denticles as the previous one. On both labial and lingual side a faint central ridge going from
base to tip, bounded by two shallow grooves, can be observed. The lingual side is slightly
concave, giving the tooth a spatulated appearance. This morphotype is very likely to represent
a more posterior cf. Doratodon tooth (GRIGORESCU et al. 1999; MARTIN et al. 2006), in
respect to the above-mentioned more anterior one.
A third morphotype is represented by sub-conical teeth, slightly recurved to the blunt
tip, slightly constricted at the base (FGGUB v.514: Fig. 2e-f). The lingual side of the tooth is
flattened and the unserrated carinae can only be seen in lingual view. This type of crocodilian
teeth is similar to the one previously described as “troodontid-like” theropod tooth (FGGUB
R.1218; CSIKI & GRIGORESCU 1998), but recently considered to represent a crocodilian
morphotype (Z. Csiki, 2009, verbal communication). The two morphotypes differ by the
position of the carinae, lying close to the sagittal plane in FGGUB R.1218, and their serrated
character in the latter specimen. In the morphotype described here, the carinae are not serrated
and they are migrated to the lingual side, in respect to the ones described by CSIKI &
GRIGORESCU (1998). This variation in the position of the carinae is known to occur among the
anterior dentary/premaxillary and posterior dentary/maxillary teeth of theropods (CURRIE et
al. 1990) and ziphosuchians, such as Doratodon. The morphotype described here is
tentatively attributed to Doratodon, but further study is needed to thoroughly assess its
taxonomical affinities.
A crocodilian dental type never reported before from the Haţeg Basin consists of one
button-like tooth crown, presenting a low, blunt, rounded profile (FGGUB v.515: Fig. 2i-j). In /
occlusal view, the outline is nearly oval, with a small constriction mid-length that suggest a
slight kidney shape. The enamel shows a distinct ornamentation, with a longitudinal crest
from which fine wrinkles radiate on the sides of the crown. The wrinkles disappear near the
base, where the enamel becomes smooth. The antero-posterior diameter of the tooth is around
5 mm. The features and size of this dental morphotype are similar to those of Bernissartia, a
tribodont crocodile known from the Lower Cretaceous (“Wealden”) deposits of Belgium,
England, Spain, and, possibly the United States (BUFFETAUT & FORD 1979). However, the
same dental morphotype has been encountered (J. M. Martin, 2009, written communication,
unpublished data; MARTIN 2007) among the Acynodon material from the Late Cretaceous of
southern France. Based on the occurrence of Acynodon-like teeth in the Haţeg Basin (MARTIN
et al. 2006), it seems more likely to consider this morphotype as cf. Acynodon posterior tooth.
The presence of posterior blunt, short, rounded teeth has been associated to a durophagous
diet (turtles, mollusks, etc.) (e.g. BUFFETAUT & FORD 1979), as such a dental morphology is
much more suitable for crushing purposes than a long and slender tooth shape. This
adaptation may represent a feeding specialization, where crocodiles fed mostly on hard-
shelled animals, but it could also represent a feeding versatility, allowing them to complete
their diet with such prey.

Fig. 2. Microvertebrate remains from the Fântânele

2 fossil site, Haţeg Basin, Romania. a. Paralatonia
right ilium, right lateral view (FGGUB v.510); b.
Albanerpetontid left dentary, lingual view (FGGUB
v.511); c. Albanerpetontid half-vertebra (FGGUB
v.512); d. cf. Doratodon anterior ziphodont tooth
(FGGUB v.507); e.-f. Doratodon? tooth (FGGUB
v.514) in labial and, respectively, labial view; g.-h.
cf. Doratodon ziphodont posterior tooth (FGGUB
v.513) in labial and, respectively, lingual view; i.-j.
cf. Acynodon posterior crushing tooth (FGGUB
v.515) in occlusal and, respectively, labial view; k.-
l. Indeterminate crocodilyform: posterior (FGGUB
v.506) and, respectively, anterior (FGGUB v.509)
tooth morphotype, both in labial view; m. cf.
Euronychodon (FGGUB R.2080); n.
Velociraptorine dromeosaurid (FGGUB R.2081); o.
cf. Richardoestesia (FGGUB R.2079); p.-q.
Indeterminate kogaionid, PM1 (FGGUB M.1654)
in occlusal and, respectively, lateral view; r.-s.
Megaloolithid eggshell fragment, outer and,
respectively, inner morphology. Scale bar: 1 mm

Two dental morphotypes may

come from the same taxon. The first
morphotype (FGGUB v.509: Fig. 2k) shows a high conical crown, with a well-marked basal /
constriction, with small lateral carinae, or none at all. The tooth crown is more convex
labially, leading to a slight labiolingual curvature of the tooth. The second morphotype
(FGGUB v.506, Fig. 2 l) is represented by a wide and short leaf-shaped tooth crown, also
constricted at the base, labiolingually compressed and labially more convex, having a
spatulated aspect. A skull fragment previously recovered from the Tuştea nesting site, in
Maastrichtian continental deposits of the same formation as those of Fântânele 2 presents a
peculiar abrupt change in dental morphology between the anterior and posterior teeth
(MARTIN et al. 2006). The former of the two morphotypes described above is similar to the
anterior maxillary teeth from this skull fragment, while the latter morphotype appears on the
posterior maxillary portion.
The theropods are also well represented at Fântânele 2, and only by isolated teeth; 3
different morphotypes, belonging to different taxa, can be separated. The theropods from the
Haţeg Basin are represented mainly by small cursorial forms, around one meter tall,
comprising maybe as much as nine taxa (GRIGORESCU 2005).
A taxon reminiscent of Euronychodon (ANTUNES & SIGOGNEAU-RUSSEL 1991) is
represented by the basal part of a small, elongated, strongly recurved tooth that exhibits
unserrated mesial and distal carinae (FGGUB R.2080: Fig. 2m); it is similar to specimens
already mentioned from the Haţeg Basin (CODREA et al. 2002; GRIGORESCU & CSIKI 1998).
The tooth crown is strongly convex on the labial side and flat on the lingual side. Two
longitudinal grooves appear on the lingual side, near the carinae, being separated by a median
ridge. The mesial groove is deeper and narrower, while the distal groove is shallow and wide.
The dromeosaurid (possibly velociraptorine) theropods are represented by a laterally
compressed and strongly recurved tooth (FGGUB R.2081: Fig. 2n). Both the mesial and distal
edges are convex and strongly recurved so that the tip projects behind the base of the crown.
The distal carina, very well developed, is serrated from tip to base, while the anterior one has
very small denticles, at most on the apical half. The denticles on the distal carina decrease in
size from base to tip, and are generally straight and perpendicular to the tooth axis
Another incomplete theropod tooth shows morphological features similar to those of
Richardoestesia (SANKEY et al., 2002). The tooth crown is subconical, slightly compressed
labiolingually, and it lacks variations in convexity or curvature (FGGUB R.2079: Fig. 2o).
The tooth shows a serrated carina, bearing from tip to the base of the preserved fragment
denticles that do not show size variation. This type of teeth has also been previously described
from the Haţeg Basin (GRIGORESCU & CSIKI, 1998; CODREA et al., 2002). /
One multituberculate upper premolar has been found so far (FGGUB M1654: Fig. 2p-
q). The PM1 has three well-developed cusps on the occlusal surface forming an isosceles
triangle. This type of teeth has been previously attributed to members of the Kogaionidae
multituberculate family (RĂDULESCU & SAMSON, 1996). This occurrence is very important,
since the Transylvanian area is the only place in Europe where Late Cretaceous
multituberculate mammals were found so far (KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA et al. 2004; CSIKI et al.
Except for the microscopic fossil remains, a single fragment, identified
macroscopically, represents a turtle plate. The only well-known turtle from the Maastrichtian
continental deposits of the Haţeg Basin is Kallokibotion bajazidi, a basal cryptodiran,
described by NOPCSA (1923) and confirmed later on by GAFFNEY & MEYLAN (1992). Based
on the high abundance of Kallokibotion plate fragments all across the basin and similar
external ornamentation pattern, the small fragment from Fântânele 2 has been attributed to
this taxon.
The invertebrates are also represented in the Fântânele 2 material, although only by
paper-thin freshwater gastropod shell fragments.
The microvertebrate fossil sites of the Haţeg Basin have generally yielded three,
sometimes even four, types of eggshell fragments: a megaloolithid morphotype, considered to
belong to the hadrosaurian Telmatosaurus, a geckonoid morphotype, and two other thin
eggshell types possibly representing theropod and bird eggs (GRIGORESCU & CSIKI 2008;
CSIKI et al. 2008). A characteristic of the Fântânele 2 microvertebrate site is the rarity of the
eggshell, represented by the megaloolithid eggshell morphotype exclusively. The
megaloolithid morphotype consists of a relatively thick eggshell (1-2 mm) with the outer
surface covered by large tubercles (GRIGORESCU et al. 1994; VIANEY-LIAUD et al. 1994). A
single megaloolithid eggshell fragment has been recovered from Fântânele 2 (Fig. 2r-s),
showing signs of transport abrasion. The absence of other, thinner type of eggshells may be a
consequence of the more agitated depositional environment inferred for this site, the higher
basin energy leading to the fragmentation and destruction of such remains.
A new microvertebrate fossil site is reported from the Maastrichtian Densuş-Ciula
Formation of the Haţeg Basin, located northwest of Vălioara, on the right slope of Fântânele
creek. The fossil material mainly consists of isolated theropod, crocodilian and
multituberculate teeth, with only a few amphibian skeletal remains. /
The new fossil site of Fântânele 2 differs from other nearby microvertebrate sites
(Fântânele 1, Budurone) by the coarser nature of the hosting sediment, the relative abundance
of the vertebrate groups represented and the occurrence of only one type of fossil eggshell, the
thicker and most resistant to transport of the four types previously reported from the Haţeg
The sedimentary features suggest a poorly-drained braided river floodplain
environment, with possible episodic income of sediments in high-energy events that led to the
fragmentation of most skeletal remains, gastropod shells or eggshells, leaving only the most
resistant material, such as the isolated teeth.
The new microvertebrate fossil site of Fântânele 2 represents a new multituberculate
site for the Haţeg Basin, as well as the first occurrence of a cf. Acynodon tribodont posterior
tooth in the Haţeg Basin. It also yields new material referable to a possibly new crocodyliform
taxon, previously known from a skull fragment from Tuştea.
I would like to thank above all Prof. Dr. Dan Grigorescu and Dr. Zoltan Csiki for the
permanent guidance, support and advice on all of my laboratory and fieldwork on the Haţeg
Basin material. Also I would like to thank Drs. Marius Stoica, Iuliana Lazăr and Mihai Popa
from the Department of Paleontology, University of Bucharest for providing me with the
technical means needed for taking the photos presented in this paper. Dr. Jeremy Martin has
provided me with important information regarding the assessment of the cf. Acynodon
posterior tooth morphotype. Not the least, I want to thank my colleagues from the University
of Bucharest and University of Petroşani for helping me in the sampling and the early stages
of material processing.

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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 151-183.

Stefan Vasile
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics,
Department of Palaeontology,
1, N. Balcescu Ave., 010041, Bucharest, Romania
e-mail: / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 17-28




Early Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) fossiliferous deposits from the Ohaba –
Ponor area, SW Romania – Preliminary study

The main outcrops that contain a rich fauna representing a marine environment, mainly
shelf of low depth, are the ones at “Dealul cu melci” and “The Palaeontological Reserve of
Mesozoic and Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”.
The palaeontological material is represented by macro and micro-fossils, both of which
come to sustain the Cenomanian age of the outcrops.
The main lithostratigraphic unit found in the study area is represented by the Valea Dreptului
Formation (Cenomanian – basal Coniacian), that comprises the sedimentary deposits which
form the objective of this study.
The most abundant invertebrate fossils are represented by bivalves, gastropods,
indeterminable fragments of ammonites and regarding the micro-fauna, ostracods and
foraminifera are often found.
The literature concerning the evolution of the fauna in this area mentions the presence
of corals, aberrant pachyodont bivalves (Hippurites) and diverse ammonites, which are still
to be found.
Key words: Ohaba-Ponor, fossiliferous deposits, early Late Cretaceous, Cenomanian

Depozite fosilifere din Cretacicul târziu timpuriu (Cenomanian) de la Ohaba –
Ponor, SW României – Studiu preliminar

Principalele aflorimente din arealul studiat care contin o faună bogată, reprezentând un
mediu marin, în special de self de mică adâncime, sunt cele de la “Dealul cu melci” şi
“Rezervatia paleontologica de moluste de varsta Mezozoic şi Terţiar - Ohaba-Ponor”.
Materialul paleontologic este reprezentat de macro- şi micro-fosile, ambele tipuri de
fosile venind să susţină varsta Cenomanian a aflorimentelor.
Unitatea litostratigrafică care se întâlneşte aici este reprezentată de Formaţiunea Valea
Dreptului (Cenomanian bazal – Coniacian), care cuprinde depozitele sedimentare care sunt
obiectivul acestui studiu.
Cel mai des întâlnite fosile de nevertebrate sunt reprezentate de bivalve, gastropode,
fragmente nedeterminabile de ammoniţi şi în ceea ce priveste micro-fauna, sunt foarte
frecvente ostracodele si foraminiferele. /
Literatura privind evoluţia faunei din aceasta regiune specifică şi un numar relativ
mare de genuri de corali, bivalve aberante (Hippurites) şi numeroşi ammoniţi, acestea din
urmă nefiind întâlnite în depozitele studiate.
Cuvinte cheie: depozite fosilifere, Ohaba-Ponor, Cretacic târziu timpuriu,


Geographically, the Haţeg-Cioclovina-Pui-Băniţa region that includes the Ohaba-

Ponor area, is found at the southwestern extremity of the Sebeş Mountains and on the
northwestern slope of the Retezat Mountains, being mostly developed in the hydrographic
basin of the Strei river (Fig. 1).
The deposits that belong to the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary cicle from the region
represent the last sedimentary accumulations from the Alpine evolution period of the Pui area
and are mainly formed by fossiliferous sandstones, periodically intercalated by fine marls,
rich in micropalaeontological material (STILLA 1985).
The two outcrops I have studied are represented by the “Dealul cu melci” and “The
Palaeontological Reserve of Mesozoic and Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”.
The outcrop at “Dealul cu melci” is outstanding through the presence of a very
prominent calcareous horizon and by the abundance of the exclusively gastropod fauna it
The Reserve is extremely rich in fossil fauna, represented by gastropods of small
dimensions, bivalves, corals and rare fragments of ammonites. The main sedimentary deposits
in the Reserve are formed by sandstones, marls, silty clays and gravel.
The area of Ohaba-Ponor was not investigated in detail, concerning the invertebrate
fossils, since the 1980’s. The main litostratigraphic unit found here is represented by the
Valea Dreptului Formation (Cenomanian – basal Coniacian, STILLA 1985; POP 1990) that
comprises the sedimentary deposits which are the objective of this study.
There is a need for a detailed study of the many specimens that are to be found in this
region, in order to obtain a more complete image of the geological (sedimentary,
stratigraphical, palaeoecological) processes that took place here.
The diverse marine palaeoenvironmental conditions characterizing the NW and SE
regions of the Haţeg Basin during the Upper Cretaceous are well illustrated by previously
published studies (POP et al. 1990; MELINTE-DOBRINESCU 2009). /
Fig. 1 – Topographic map for the Ohaba-Ponor-Pui region

At the beginning of the Late Cretaceous, mainly hemipelagic sediments accumulated

in the Haţeg region, followed by deep-water deposits in the NW, and by shallow-water ones
in the SE (LUPU 1966; POP et al. 1973; STILLA 1983; MELINTE-DOBRINESCU 2009). The
marine sedimentation ended towards the top of the Cretaceous, being replaced by continental
deposits (in both the NW and SE parts of the Haţeg region).

Geological setting

STILLA (1985) identifies the base of the Albian – Lower Cenomanian as being formed
by conglomerates and quartzous, rarely argilleous, sandstones. This succession is covered by
micaceous sandstones and rare alternances of argilleous sandstones. Stilla also observed the
presence of lumachelle bancs with gastropods, containing in the lower horizon, almost
exclusively nerineans (Nerinea incavata Bronn, Nerinea (Plesiostygmatis) caucasica Oppel),
and in the upper horizon – an agglomeration of Ytruvia coquina (Ytruvia abbreviata)
(Phillipi). He considers this to be the main reason why LUPU (1965) named this whole “layer”
the ‘gastropod sandstones’. There are several rudist taxa that Lupu determined (Praeradiolites /
fleurianus (d’Orb.), Eoradiolites aff. rouseli Toucas, Sphaerulites astrei Lupu, Medeela sp.,
Durania conectus Lupu) which are all found in association with the lumachelle bancs.
In the continuation of the sediments in the base of the Lower Cretaceous, there are
sandstones and limestones, with a fauna represented by corals, exogyres, pectinids and
orbitolines (STILLA 1985).
For the Middle Cenomanian, Stilla observed, in continuation of sedimentation,
especially fine-grained formations, being proof for a deepening of the sedimentary domain.
The main sedimentary deposits are represented by marlstones and micaceous-sandstone clays.
HALAVÁTS (1898, 1899) cites from the left side of the Ohaba Valley, at the entrance in
the Ohaba-Ponor village, the following taxa: Acanthoceras rhotomagense Defr., A. mantelli
(Sow.), A. morpheus Stol., A. schluterianum Laube, Puzosia planulata Sow., Crioceras sp.,
Sonneratia sp.
The palaeontologial inventory of the limestones and marlstones of the Middle
Cenomanian is completed by the research of Lupu (1965), who determined from the “layer
with marly sandstones with ammonites”, the following taxa: Calycoceras sp., Mantelliceras
mantelli (Sow.), Anisocardia hermitei Choffat, Arca carinata Sow., Callista plana (Sow.).
Pina cretacea Schlot., Nautilus munieri Choffat, Acanthoceras rhotomagense Defr., and POP
& SZÁSZ (1973) cited, from the “marls complex”: Acanthoceras rhotomagense Defr.,
Calycoceras pancinodatum Crick., Puzosia sp., Pseudocalycoceras aff. judaicum Taub.
There are certain specimens which stand as proof for the Middle Cenomanian age of
these sedimentary deposits: Acanthoceras rhotomagense DEFR., A. cenomanense (PICTET), A.
cf. discoidalle KOSSM., Calycoceras spinosum KOSSM., C. pancinodatum CRICK., Puzosia
subplanulata (SCHLUT.), P. planulata SOW.
Stilla describes the Upper Cenomanian – Middle Turonian as being mainly formed by
grey argilleous sandstones, sometimes blackish, intercalated with limestones and marlstones,
at the upper part of the deposits. These deposits contain diverse organic remains, in which
POP & SZÁSZ (1973) have determined an ammonite association: Eucalycoceras pentagonum
JUKES-BROWNE & HILL, E. gothicum (KOSSM.), Acanthoceras withei MATSUMOTO,
Calycoceras cf. newboldi (Kossm.) and many more.
The litostratigraphic unit that outcrops in the region where I have been in the field is
the Valea Dreptului Formation, which is preceded by the Federi Formation (Late Albian -
Cenomanian), formed by conglomerates in the base, sandstones and subordinated grey and
blackish silts. /
Fig. 2. Litostratigraphic section for the site at “Dealul cu melci”

The Valea Dreptului Formation (Cenomanian – basal Coniacian), which has a marine
origin and reaches a thickness of 200-250 m in some sections, contains three members and
overlies unconformably on older sedimentary deposits and sometimes, over the crystalline
The Slatina Member is the lowest member and it often presents lateral variations of the
facies, containing sandstones and microconglomerates with rare brachiopods (NW of Fizeşti),
or slightly argilleous sandstones, with Actaeonella and Ytruvia (LUPU 1966; STILLA 1985),
between Costeni and Ponor. The facies of these deposits suggests a littoral-sublittoral
environment (POP, 1990).
This member has been recently defined for the Early Cenomanian (the upper part) –
(Melinte-Dobrinescu, in press), especially based on the occurrence of the ammonite species /
Mantelliceras mantelli (STILLA, 1985), characteristic for the upper part of the Lower
The Ohaba-Ponor Member (Middle Cenomanian) is the middle member of this unit
and is mainly represented by marlstones which present bivalve and ammonite moulds (the
marly complex; POP & SZÁSZ 1973; MELINTE-DOBRINESCU & BOJAR 2008).
These deposits are locally widespread, this being the reason why laterally, they turn
into siltic and sandy marls, which sometimes, together with the overlying deposits, make a
different litostratigraphic unit.

Fig. 3. Litostratigraphic section for the site at the Palaeontological Reserve Ohaba-Ponor

The deposits belonging to this member of the Valea Dreptului Formation indicate an
outer shelf environment, and this transition, from a littoral-infralittoral facies (in the previous
member) to an outer shelf environment stands as proof for a rising of the sea level. /
SZÁSZ in Pop et al. (1990) observed that the ammonite species found here indicate the
presence of the Acanthoceras jukesbrowni zone, of the Middle Cenomanian, for the upper
part of these deposits, and the Acanthoceras rhotomagense zone, for the lower part of the
These first two members of the Valea Dreptului Formation are the ones I have studied
in the field (Fig. 2 and Fig. 3).
The Coroi Member (Late Cenomanian – Basal Coniacian) was defined by POP &
SZÁSZ (1973) as an argilleous-sandy complex. It represents the main part of this unit and is
mainly formed by micaceous sandstones, argilleous silts and grey and blackish marls (which
form decimetric and submetric layers, with more or less obvious limits).
There are lateral and vertical variations of facies, where one of the type of sediments
listed above dominate. The facies of these deposits suggests an environment which marks the
limit between the inner and the outer shelf.
In the inferior part of this member (Gruzoni, Costeni), there are ammonite species
which suggest the presence of the Acanthoceras jukesbrowni zone from the upper part of the
Middle Cenomanian, and in the basal levels, that cover the Ohaba-Ponor Member (W of
Ohaba-Ponor), ammonites that indicate the lower part of the Eucalycoceras pentagonum
zone, from the Late Cenomanian.
POP (1990) mentions a particular fourth member of the Valea Dreptului Formation: the
Valea Părului Member, NW of Livadia, composed of a deltaic complex, which
unconformably overlies the Urgonian limestones. This member was previously attributed to
the Basal Cenomanian, but the discovery of an association of continental microflora known in
the Late Turonian – Coniacian (Atlantopollis choffati, Complexiopollis complicatus minor, C.
cf. praeatumescens, Triangulipollis parvus, Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides)
(ANTONESCU in: POP et al., 1990) made the age of these deposits become more recent.
MELINTE-DOBRINESCU (2009) considers the lithology of this member
(microconglomerates and sandstones with oblique internal bedding) to be similar to the
lithology of the above mentioned Federi Formation and assumes this member to be a lateral
variation of this unit.
A second reason for this opinion is that the Valea Părului Member also overlies the
Urgonian limestones, being in the same stratigraphical position as the Federi Formation
(MELINTE-DOBRINESCU 2009). This member is obviously younger than the Federi Formation
(which was placed in the Early Cenomanian by POP, 1990), but this is a consequence of the
frequent lateral variations and the interfingering of the lithological units. /
The general facies of the Valea Dreptului Formation presents a more subsident shelf
environment during the Middle Cenomanian – Basal Coniacian. At the end of the Turonian,
probably certain active faults have caused intense erosional processes and the formation,
transport and accumulation of heavy sediments belonging to the Valea Părului Member, into a
marginal marine environment (POP 1990).

Material and methods

In the summer and autumn of 2008, I have been in the field and studied the two
outcrops, by making litostratigraphic sections and collecting fossil specimens, represented by
macro- and micro-invertebrates, found in both of the outcrops.
The innovative part of my study is the first occurrence and mention of ostracod species, in
the region. The previous published works only mentioned foraminifera and nannofossil
specimens, in what regards the micro-invertebrates discovered in these Cenomanian deposits.
The macro-invertebrate fossils were processed using an air compression device
(BAMAX 2005; tension: 230 V, power: 2.0 HP, frequency: 50 Hz, pump: D10, tank, 24 l,
noise: 84 dBA) and then photographed with a Canon A 530 camera. The methods applied in

Fig. 4. Macroinvertebrate fossils (moulds)

from the “Dealul cu melci” outcrop: a.
External mould of Pectenidae indet (LPB
1999); b. Purpuroidea Lycett (LPB 1997); c.
Anisocardia Munier-Chalmas, specimen
conserved with both valves (LPB 1998) – All
fossils have temporary inventory numbers. /
the study of the micro-fossils are represented by screen-washing and then drying of the
material, and the ulterior study at the optical microscope (Zeiss GSZ).

Palaeontological content
The macropalaeontological material is represented by numerous specimens of bivalves
(Anisocardia, Pecten, Ceratomya), gastropods, remarkable by the abundance of Ytruvia in the
lumachelle limestones, and the presence of a very well preserved specimen of Purpuroidea,
with a shell of large dimensions.
The environment that the fossils indicate is a shallow shelf environment, according to
the presence of:
- Anisocardia – infaunal bivalve, suspension feeder, facultatively mobile (Fig. 4-c);
- Pecten – epifaunal, free swimming bivalve (Fig. 4-a);
- Ceratomya – infaunal bivalve, suspension feeder, facultatively mobile;
- Purpuroidea – epifaunal, actively mobile, living in shallow-shelf marine
environments (Fig. 4-b) (NEAGU et al. 2002).
The micropalaeontological material (NEAGU 1989; ARMSTRONG 2005) is represented
by specimens of ostracods and foraminifera, some of which are characteristic for the
For the “Dealul cu melci” outcrop, the microfossil assemblage contains:
- Cytherella parallela (REUSS, 1845) (Fig. 5-b)
- Parakrithe sp. (Fig 5-c)
- Dordoniella strangulata APOSTOLESCU, 1955 (Fig 5-g)
- Oertiella soaresi COLIN & LAUVERJAT, 1974 (Fig 5-d)
- Cytherella ovata (ROEMER, 1841) (Fig. 5-a), along with
- strongly ornamented foraminifera.
This assemblage of ostracods are suggestive of a Mid – Late Cenomanian age and
indicate an epicontinental facies dominated by poorly preserved marine ostracods.
For the outcrop represented by “The Palaeontological Reserve of Mesozoic and
Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”, the main ostracod taxa sometimes coincide with the
ones from the previous outcrop and are represented by:
- Cytherella parallela (REUSS, 1845) (Fig. 5-b)
- Cytherella ovata (ROEMER, 1841) (Fig. 5-a)
- Cytherelloidea aff. denticulata (BOSQUET, 1854) (Fig. 5-e)
- Oertiella soaresi COLIN & LAUVERJAT, 1974 (Fig. 5-d) /
- Parakrithe sp. (Fig. 5-c)
- Schuleridea jonesiana (BOSQUET, 1852) (Fig. 5-f), as well as
- echinoderm plates and radiolae.
A second sample from this outcrop is dominated by the ostracod species Oertiella
soaresi Colin & LAUVERJAT, 1974, but it also contains the species Cytherella parallela
(REUSS 1845), Cytherella ovata (ROEMER 1841) and the foraminifer genus Lenticulina sp.,
along with echinoderm plates and radiolae.
The ostracod genus Cytherelloidea (Fig. 3e) is better adapted to oxygen depletion than
other genera and the ostracod species Oertiella soaresi is known only from Cenomanian
deposits (described also in Spain-Aragon, Portugal-Mamarrosa, France-Charente Maritime,
Aquitaine, Provence).

The main sedimentary deposits here are represented by sandstones, marls and
sometimes silts, which prove to be very rich not just in macroinvertebrates, but also in
micropalaeontological material.
The deposits where these fossils are found indicate a shallow shelf environment and
the two main outcrops are represented by “Dealul cu melci” and “The Palaeontological
Reserve of Mesozoic and Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”.
The outcrop at “Dealul cu melci” stands out for the presence of a very important
calcareous horizon and by the abundance of the gastropod exclusive population that it
contains. Although this front may be reworked by the torents, this is unlikely to have
happened, because the two calcareous bodies that form this certain horizon present the same
lithology and the same palaeontological content, exclusively indicated by the Ytruvia
specimens. The entire outcrop has been uncovered and brought to light by the repeted action
of rain that formed powerful torents.
There are a series of calcareous blocks that are dislocated, and that can be
characterized by organogenic limestones, interesting mostly from the point of view of the
palaeontological content, exclusively represented by specimens of the gastropod Ytruvia.
The massive deposits of sandstone, repeated at certain intervals, become covered by
soil, which disappears and reappears at intervals. In this kind of sandstones, there are often
found bivalve fragments, of small dimensions, that still keep the elements of ornamentation,
which are well visible. /
But as we proceed along the outcrop, the fossils become rare, and the sandstones now
present slight transportation tracks, as well as calcite-filled fissures. There are rare fossil plant
remains and sideritic concretions.

Fig. 5. Ostracods from the “Dealul cu melci” outcrop and “The Palaeontological Reserve of
Mesozoic and Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”: a. Cytherella ovata (ROEMER, 1841); b.
Cytherella paralella (REUSS, 1845); c. Parakrithe sp.; d. Oertiella soaresi COLIN & LAUVERJAT,
1974; e. Cytherelloidea aff. denticulata (BOSQUET, 1854); f. Schuleridea jonesiana (BOSQUET, 1852);
g. Dordoniella strangulata APOSTOLESCU, 1955. The drawings are meant to give a general view of the
morphology of the shell. They are not at scale (dimensions are usually under 1millimeter).

The sandstone deposits that are abundant in the outcrop at “Dealul cu melci” are of
Cenomanian age and represent a shallow shelf environment, in which was possible the later
formation of the lumachelle limestones that are so often found at the base of the outcrop. The
depth of the environment was, generally, a reduced one.
The fact that fossils become rarer proceeding along the outcrop, may indicate a
deepening of the shelf environment, perhaps even the transition between the infra-littoral
palaeoenvironment to the outer shelf palaeoenvironment, passing again to an inner shelf
setting around the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary (Melinte-Dobrinescu, in press).
The second important outcrop is represented by “The Palaeontological Reserve of
Mesozoic and Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”. The Reserve is extremely rich in fossil
fauna, which is represented especially by gastropods of small dimensions, which are present /
in many dislocated pieces of rock, possibly suggesting a premature death of some juvenile
populations, from yet unknown causes.
The outcropping deposits are formed by fissured sandstones, but there is lots of gravel
because of the high value of the strata dip, and also because of the repeated action of waters
and rain (the reason why reworked fossils are so often found). The fossils from these
sandstones are represented by bivalves, gastropods, corals and fragments of ammonites.
On the way back from the reserve outcrop, there is a horizon with a very dense
population of gastropods (Ytruvia), similar to the one found in the outcrop at “Dealul cu
The resemblance between the two fossiliferous points (concerning the two areas that
contain lumachelle limestones) and the resemblance of the petrographic constitution can lead
to the idea that they belong to the same Cenomanian age and the same sedimentation
environment, represented by a shallow shelf, with high-energy waters and an abundance of
The two outcrops represent the first two members of the Valea Dreptului Formation
(the Slatina Member and the Ohaba-Ponor Member), with the difference that in the case of the
“Dealul cu melci” outcrop, the two members are in place and in the case of the
Palaeontological reserve, the sediments have been reworked and affected by the repeated
action of rain, so that the lumachelle limestones (containing Ytruvia fossils) are found
displaced here, while in the “Dealul cu melci”, this calcareous horizon is found in place.
- The deposits are remarkable because of the rich invertebrate fauna they contain,
represented by both macropalaeontological and micropalaeontological material (bivalves,
gastropods, corals, fragments of ammonites, as well as ostracods and foraminifera).
- The fossil specimens found are indicative of a shallow marine environment, of a shelf
area where the organisms found the exact conditions they needed to thrive.
In general, continental shelves are places of great biodiversity and marine life due to
the relative abundance of sunlight available in their shallow waters.
- The resemblance between the two fossiliferous sections (concerning the two areas
that contain lumachelle limestones) and the resemblance of the petrographic constitution can
lead to the idea that they belong to the same Cenomanian stage and the same sedimentary
environment, represented by a small depth shelf, with agitated waters and an abundance of
organisms. /
- It is a fact that ostracods appear to be powerful environmental indicators for sea-level
changes, oxygenation or food supply, so they maintain their role in our case too, hereby
indicating a general shallow marine environment (nonetheless, showing through the genus
Cytherelloidea, a better adaptation for oxygen depletion conditions, so being a proof of a total
“zonation” of the organisms, according to the environmental conditions, but all living in a
general shallow marine water environment).
- The abundance of the mollusks is remarkable, especially of shelf inhabiting forms of
invertebrates, which were found in successive sandstone-levels on the field, as is the
frequency and the repeating at certain intervals of the lumachelle limestones, rich in Ytruvia
specimens (which also indicate a shallow-water environment).
- The first two members of the Valea Dreptului Formation are best seen on the field in
the “Dealul cu melci” outcrop, being largely undisturbed by the erosive action of rains (the
same deposits are heavily reworked in “The Palaeontological Reserve of Mesozoic and
Tertiary Molluscs from Ohaba-Ponor”), the transition from the Slatina Member to the Ohaba-
Ponor Member being clearly indicated by the lithology and palaeontological content
(sandstones, microconglomerates, sandstones with Ytruvia, calcarenites; grey marlstones, with
bivalve moulds; ostracod species present are: Cytherella parallela, Parakrithe sp.,
Dordoniella soaresi, Cytherella ovata, etc).
- The first ostracod specimens found in the studied deposits are represented by the
Cenomanian species listed above; previous published works only mention foraminifera and
nannofossils from the micro-invertebrate assemblage.
- The ostracod species Oertiella soaresi is known only from Cenomanian deposits
(described also in Spain-Aragon, Portugal-Mamarrosa, France-Charente Maritime, Aquitaine,
Provence); its presence supports the Cenomanian age of the deposits, previously based on
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Dr. Zoltán Csiki for his sustained support
and the helpful discussions, Dr. Marius Stoica for determining and drawing the ostracod
species found in the field, Dr. Iuliana Lazăr for helping me determine the macrofauna found
in the field, and Prof. Dr. Dan Grigorescu for his permanent guidance.

ARMSTRONG H.A., BRASIER M.D. 2005. Microfossils, Blackwell Publishing, p. 219-248. /
GRIGORESCU D., MELINTE M.C., 2001. The stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous marine
sediments from the NW Haţeg area (South Carpathians, Romania). Acta
Palaeontologica Romaniae 3: 153-160.
HALAVÁTS Gy. 1897. Adatok a Hátszegi medence földtani viszonyainak ismeretéhez. M. kir.
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HALAVÁTS Gy. 1898. Az ohába-ponori kréta terület. M. kir. Földt. Intézet Évi Jel. 1897-ról,
LUPU D. 1965. Raport al Institutului Geologic, Bucuresti.
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geologie, geofizică şi geografie – Seria Geologie, 1 (11): 29-38.
MAMULEA A.M. 1953. Études géologiques dans la région de Sânpetru-Pui (Basin de Haţeg).
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MELINTE-DOBRINESCU M.C., BOJAR A.-V. 2008. Biostratigraphic and isotopic record of the
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MELINTE-DOBRINESCU M. C., in press. Lithology and biostratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous
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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
NEAGU T. 1989. Micropaleontologie-Metazoare. Editura Tehnică, Bucureşti.
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POP G., NEAGU T., SZÁSZ L. 1973. Senonianul din regiunea Haţegului. Dări de Seamă ale
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POP G. 1990. The Haţeg area. In: GRIGORESCU D., AVRAM E., POP G., LUPU M. and
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Projects 245 (Nonmarine Cretaceous Correlation) and 283 (Tethyan Cretaceous
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Meridionales). Anuarul Institutului de Geologie şi Geofizică, Bucureşti, 66: 91-179.

Diana Pura
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics,
Department of Palaeontology,
1 N. Balcescu Ave., 010041, Bucharest, Romania
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Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 31 - 38



Fossil proboscideans in Inner Carpathian area (Romania)

The oldest proboscideans ever reported in the Inner Carpathian area in Romania are
the Middle Miocene dinotheres and gomphothere mastodons. Their First Appearance Datum
(FAD) is in the Sarmatian in Minişu de Sus, Viscri and perhaps in the even older locality (?
Badenian), Bănia. Next doubtless data concern only the Pontian s.s., when large areas begun
to be exhausted by the Pannonian Lake waters as in the Şimleu Basin, where Tetralophodon
longirostris, Anancus arvernensis and Deinotherium proavum (= D. gigantissimum) occurred
in Derşida. Some other finds, either in the Neogene western “gulf-basins” of the Apuseni
Mountains, or on the easternmost border of the Pannonian Basin are lacking convenient
stratigraphy. The dinotheres disappeared in the uppermost Miocene (MN 13), but mastodons
survived in Pliocene too. The Pliocene deposits are poor documented in the whole
Transylvania, excepting Ţara Bârsei Basin, where Anancus arvernensis was coeval with
Mammut borsoni until the Late Pliocene. In Păgaia (Bihor district), Mammut praetypicum
could be Pliocene too, but the stratigraphic evidence is rather scarce there. Nothing is known
in this region about the oldest mammoths, otherwise well known outside Carpathians, as
Mammuthus rumanus and M. gromovi. Even M. meridionalis is rare in Transylvania. The
steppe mammoth M. trogontherii had been mentioned in few localities, as well as the
transitional forms towards the Upper Pleistocene wooly mammoth M. primigenius. This last
one was widespread in this region, but its geological history remains rather poor known.
Key words: proboscideans, paleobiogeography, Inner Carpathians, Romania.

Proboscidieni fosili din aria intracarpatică românească

Cei mai vechi proboscidieni fosili din aria intracarpatică românească au fost semnalaţi
din Miocenul Mediu, revenind deinotheriilor şi mastodonţilor. Apariţia lor (First Appearance
Datum – FAD) este consemnată în Sarmaţianul Inferior de la Minişu de Sus şi Viscri,
precum şi de la Bănia, localitate posibil mai timpurie (?Badenian). Date clare referitoare la
acest grup de ierbivore mari sunt cunoscute apoi de abia din Ponţianul s.s., când suprafeţe
vaste acoperite până atunci de apele Lacului Pannonic, devin uscaturi. Este şi cazul
Bazinului Şimleu, de unde Tetralophodon longirostris, Anancus arvernensis şi Deinotherium
proavum (= D. gigantissimum) au fost semnalate de la Derşida. O serie de alte descoperiri
din aşa-numitele « bazine-golf » din vestul Munţilor Apuseni şi marginea estică a Bazinului
Pannonic sunt din nefericire lipsite de date stratigrafice adecvate. Deinotherii s-au stins la
finalul Miocenului (MN 13), însă mastodonţii au supravieţuit şi în Pliocen. Depozitele
pliocene din Transilvania sunt puţin extinse, iar într-o serie de cazuri, chiar acolo unde sunt
presupuse, sunt firav documentate prin descoperiri paleontologice. Bazinul Ţara Bârsei face
însă excepţie de la această regulă. Acolo, Anancus arvernensis a fost contemporan cu
Mammut borsoni până la finalul Pliocenului. Şi la Păgaia, specia Mammut praetypicum ar
putea fi eventual pliocenă, însă dovezi stratigrafice clare, lipsesc. În regiunea de interes
pentru acest studiu, nu se cunoaşte deocamdată nimic legat de primele forme de mamuţi,
altminteri bine dovediţi la exteriorul Carpaţilor prin speciile Mammuthus rumanus şi M. /
gromovi. Chiar şi M. meridionalis este rară în Transilvania. Mamutul de stepă (M.
trogontherii) este în schimb semnalat dintr-un număr ceva mai mare de localităţi, la fel ca şi
forme de tranziţie spre mamutul lânos din Pleistocenul superior (M. primigenius). Această
ultimă specie a fost extrem de răspândită în această regiune, însă istoria ei evolutivă locală
rămâne deocamdată insuficient clarificată în toate detaliile ei.
Cuvinte cheie: proboscidieni, paleobiogeografie, aria intracarpatică, Romania.

1. Introduction

The proboscideans occurred in the Paleogene of Africa, more exactly in lowest Eocene
(Ypresian) of Morocco (GHEERBRANT et al. 1996, 1998, 2005). In early Miocene (MN 3b,
Burdigalian, Orleanian) their first representatives (the mastodons Gomphotherium and
Zygolophodon) reached Europe, when the so-called “Eurasian-African Mammal Faunal
Corridor” (STEININGER et al. 1985) opened, interrupting the marine gateway between the
Mediterranean and Indo-Pacific realms. Soon after (MN 4a) the dinotheres arrived to,
enriching the diversity (TASSY 1990; GÖHLICH 1999).
In spite these old roots, the majority of proboscidean fossils were found in Europe in
Middle Miocene or younger localities. In Romania it works the same hard and fast rule,
because the Lower Miocene representatives of this group had never been found, probably
because of the restricted exposures of the Lower Miocene deposits and nearly absence of non-
marine environment (RÖGL & STEININGER 1984). However, even unproved, one can assume
the existence of earlier arrivals of these large herbivores in this region, if considering their
occurrence (FAD) in Europe (STEININGER et al. 1985) or in Romania neighboring countries
(e.g. GASPARIK 1993).

2. Proboscideans in Romanian Inner Carpathian area

2. 1. Miocene
The oldest proboscidean representatives in this region refer to middle-sized dinotheres
and gomphothere mastodons. Deinotherium giganteum and Gomphotherium angustidens were
reported in Minişu de Sus (Arad district), in Volhynian (Early Sarmatian; NICORICI 1976;
JURCSÁK 1983; CODREA et al. 1991).
Rather coeval, is the same mastodon species in Viscri (Braşov district). The D.
giganteum in Vurpăr (Sibiu district - perhaps somewhat younger, in Pannonian s.s.) exposes
nearly the same evolutionary stage features as the one in Minişu de Sus (CODREA & CIOBANU
2008). /
A close related mastodon species to G. angustidens is G. subtapiroideum, reported by
SCHLESINGER (1922) in Bănia (Bozovici Basin). Strangely, subsequently Schlesinger’s report
this locality was completely ignored in the fossil vertebrate lists compiled for Romania (e.g.
Beginning with the Pannonian s.s. the finds are rarer, possibly effect of the widespread
area of submerged areas in this region. Both in the Basin of Transylvania, same as on the
eastern border of the Pannonian Basin, the land environment occurred hardly in Late
Miocene, rather in Pontian s.s. when the Pannonian Lake contracted and the sedimentary
filling in the Transylvanian Basin ended.
In Derna-Tătăruş (Bihor district) D. giganteum had been reported in tar sands
(JURCSÁK 1973 a, 1981; CODREA 1989). This deposit could be either Late Pannonian
(Congeria subglobosa, “Rhenohassium” according KRETZOÏ 1982), or Pontian (CODREA
2000). This incertitude is the result of the lack of data concerning the dinothere find, only
loosely details being known. The fossils from Derna-Tătăruş were found during the coal or tar
sand mining and frequently, the only data mentioned on the fossils labels is referring to the
locality of origin, without any other details. It is interesting to point out that Kretzoï reported
in the same localities the mastodon Platybelodon too. There, this mastodon could documents
western trended migrations of the Easternmost European and Asian representatives happened
in Late Miocene. However, its presence in Derna-Tătăruş could be never confirmed after
Kretzoï’s report (no fossil originating from this locality curate at the Hungarian National
Geological Institute -MAFI- could be assigned to this mammal; Lászlo Kordos, written
communication, 2008).
A representative fauna for the Latest Miocene (MN 13) is the one in Derşida (Şimleu
Basin, Sălaj district), including two mastodon species (Tetralophodon longirostris and
Anancus arvernensis) and the largest sized dinothere ever occurred in Europe, Deinotherium
proavum (= D. gigantissimum; for details on this synonymy, see CODREA 1994). Besides
proboscideans, in Derşida were tridactyl horses (Hipparion), beavers (Dipoides), various
artiodactyls (Procapreolus,?Croizetoceros, indeterminate bovidae) or hyenas (Ictitherium
pannonicum) (JURCSÁK 1983; CODREA et al. 2002).
A series of finds located western from the Apuseni Mountains could also concern the
Late Miocene but their stratigraphy remains poor known. It is the case for Arad (TOULA 1911;
SCHLESINGER 1922, JURCSÁK 1973b, 1983) where “Mastodon americanus” had been
mentioned, or Dijir (Bihor district) where Tetralophodon longirostris was reported (JURCSÁK
1983). /
In Latest Miocene the last dinotheres vanished in the Inner Carpathian region, but
mastodons continued their evolutionary history.
2. 2. Pliocene
As in whole Europe, the two coeval main Pliocene mastodon species Anancus
arvernenis and Mammut borsoni roamed this region. To these two species, one could add a
third one, Mammut praetypicum.
The most typical Pliocene deposits are located in Ţara Bârsei Basin (Braşov
Depression), where the first two mastodon species had been reported in several MN 15 and
MN 16 localities (RĂDULESCU & SAMSON 1985; RĂDULESCU et al. 2003). A. arvernensis is
known in Căpeni, Vârghiş, Debren -2 (MN 15), Iarăş – Cariera Noua –1 and 3, Araci -
Fântâna Fagului, Ilieni (MN 16), while M. borsoni is accompanying it in the same localities,
excepting Debren 2 and Ilieni where it is missing.
M. praetypicum, a disputed mastodon species (GÖHLICH, 1999) - some paleontologists
considering as synonym with M. borsoni – had been reported until now only from a single
locality, Păgaia (Bihor district; SCHLESINGER 1922; JURCSÁK 1983; CODREA et al. 2005).
Aside this mastodon, the Păgaia deposits did not yielded other vertebrate fossils. Therefore, it
is not possible to recompose a mammalian assemblage for this locality and its Pliocene age
continues to remain uncertain.
2. 3. Pleistocene
Due to climate changes occurred already to the end of Pliocene, in the whole Europe
the beginning of the Pleistocene marked turnovers in proboscidean diversity, but the evidence
of this evolutionary stages in Transylvania is extremely scarce if comparing to the regions
from outside Carpathians. Therefore, species as Mammuthus rumanus or M. gromovi are
unknown in Transylvania.
Western to the Apuseni Mountains only a single locality-Dealul Viilor Oradea-
documents the presence of Mammuthus meridionalis (APOSTOL 1968; JURCSÁK 1983). Even
more than a century (the first fossils were unearthed in 1902) after this find, it continues to
remain singular in this part of the country.
This species is better documented in Ţării Bârsei Basin, where it is reported in Rotbav
Silvestru and Rotbav Dealul Ţiganilor (KOVÁCS 1981; RĂDULESCU & SAMSON 1985)
If the rise of the Pleistocene proboscideans is rather poor known in Transylvania, later
representatives are somewhat better known. Even the steppe mammoth Mammuthus
trogontherii is reported only from very few localities: Cluj-Napoca (in Nadăşului Valley
terrace, on the actual municipal railroad station area; SZENTPÉTERI 1914; PATTE 1936; /
APOSTOL 1968); Feldioara Carieră, Zoltan (KOVÁCS 1981; RĂDULESCU & SAMSON 1985).
This scarcity of steppe mammoth fossils could not be explained by rarefied populations, but
to the rarity of the geological deposits of convenient geological age for this species preserved
in this region and convenient environments for good fossilization.
The evolutionary transition between the steppe mammoth and wooly mammoth
(Mammuthus primigenius) was mentioned in various regions, but mainly in Braşov
Depression. RĂDULESCU & SAMSON (1985) reported such transitional forms in Riss/Saale
from Malnaş, Sf. Gheorghe-La Moară, Cariere Sud, Sânmartin (KOVÁCS 1981; RADULESCU &
SAMSON 1985). Such transitions make sometimes difficult the species separations. In these
circumstances, several finds could belong to such intermediate forms, which had been
described as M. intermedius (LABE & GUÉRIN 2005). It is the case of the mammoth partial
skeleton found in Oradea, in a Crişul Repede (JURCSÁK & MOISI 1983).
The last mammoth living in Transylvania was the wooly mammoth, reported from a
large number of Upper Pleistocene localities (e.g. APOSTOL 1968; JURCSÁK 1983; VÖRÖS
1983; CODREA & ANDREICA 1988; CODREA & MĂRGINEAN 2008). The number of these
localities is less important, because one can suspect that none of the lists and/or maps already
done succeed to record all the finds, just because of the affluence of such fossils. Part of these
finds is even now still neglected. However, the majority of wooly mammoth fossils refer only
to isolate teeth, partial skeletons being rarer, none being complete.
Obviously, this mammoth spread in Late Pleistocene on the whole this area and its
fossils exceed by far in number the other coeval large herbivores not only in Transylvania, but
in whole Romania. In spite of these numerous finds, a series of details of real interest remains
rather unclear, as their stratigraphy in a lot of cases remains poor (the majority of localities are
devoid of radiometric dates and in few cases, they are associated with mammal assemblages
well documented).
In these circumstances, it is not very clear when the extinction of the wooly mammoth
took place in Romania, their last occurrence being firstly presumed and not clearly argued.
Other details still waiting for answers refer to the inference between this animal and the
human communities. Briefly, the mammoth evolution in Romania continues to remain a
challenge for the Romanian paleontologists.

3. Conclusions
The fossil proboscideans are rather common presences in the Miocene, Pliocene and
especially Pleistocene mammal assemblages in the Inner Carpathians area in Romania. /
However, they are clearly documented only beginning with the Middle Miocene: nothing is
known about the earliest representatives, mainly due to the very restricted exposures of such
convenient formations in Transylvania. In Middle and Late Miocene, both dinotheres and
mastodons are documented by several species, also reported from other areas either in
Romania (KOCH 1900; SIMIONESCU 1930; BARBU 1930; SIMIONESCU & BARBU 1943;
APOSTOL 1968; MACAROVICI 1978; TERZEA 1983; RĂDULESCU et al. 2003), or in the
neigbouring countries (LUNGU & OBADĂ 2001; BAKALOV & NIKOLOV 1962).
In Pliocene the proboscideans rarified, by dinotheres disappearance occurred in the
Latest Miocene (MN 13). The last representative was the large-sized D. proavum, last
recorded in Derşida. The mastodons continued, as elsewhere in Europe, their evolution until
the end of Pliocene.
Due to climate change and changing environments occurred even in the Late Pliocene
at the beginning of Pleistocene, the mammoths replaced the mastodons. The earliest
mammoth representatives had never been reported from the Inner Carpathian area in
Romania, but this lack of data is due rather to the scarcity of the Uppermost Pliocene-
Lowermost Pleistocene deposits, than to a peculiar biogeography of these species. In these
circumstances, the oldest mammoth reported is M. meridionalis. The next species continuing
the mammoth evolution are the ones well known in the whole continent: the Romanian finds
do not add any peculiar detail.
It would be interesting to know more about the east-west or north-south mammoth
migrations caused by the Pleistocene geological events, but such data are still missing, mainly
due to the poor stratigraphy of a lot of proboscidean localities.

Acknowledgements. I am grateful to my colleague and friend Theodor Obadă (Chişinău) not

only for providing several references, but for his enthusiasm in studying proboscideans and
for discussion about this topic too. Same thanks to Lászlo Kordos (MAFI Budapest) for useful
data and for collegial help during my visits in Budapest.

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Vlad A. Codrea
Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca,
Department of Geology-Paleontology,
1 Kogălniceanu str., 400084 Cluj-Napoca;
e-mail: /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 41 - 53



Le component géodémographique dans le Couloir du Mureş, Secteur Brănişca –

Le Couloir du Mureş, secteur Brănişca-Păuliş, représente un espace géographique

dans le cadre duquel le mouvement naturel de la population a eu, après 1910, un chemin
descendant, suite à un processus de réduction de la natalité, d’augmentation de la mortalité et
de maintien d’un bilan naturel négatif, qui encadre la zone dans le type géodémographique
ouest (du Banat). L’évolution numérique de la population du Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş
pendant la periode 1880-2002, est caracterisée par une baisse de 31,9%, de 63 988 habitants
à 43 541 habitants. Entre 1880-2002 toutes les 18 communes ont réduit le nombre de leurs
habitants. La natalité, la mortalité et le bilan naturel ont souffert des changements
importants, sur le fond du passage de la population du Couloir Brănişca-Pauliş d’une
reproduction traditionnelle (jusqu’à la fin du XX-e siècle) à une reproduction en déclin
(pendant la première moitié du XX-e siècle) et une reproduction « régressive » (dès la
deuxième moitié du XX-e siècle). Le phénomène de vieillissement géodémographique du
Couloir du Mureş est mis en évidence par le rapport entre le nombre de la population âgée et
jeune, qui a augmenté de 0,47 en 1948 à 1,6 en 2002, étant beaucoup plus élevé que la
moyenne nationale (0,47).
Après 2001, l’augmentation du nombre des personnes immigrées dans le cadre du
couloir, qui appartiennent à la population jeune et adulte, réfléchit d’une manière positive
dans la structure de la population par groupes d’âge, par la réduction du poids de la
population âgée. Ce phénomène peut avoir aussi des implications bénéfiques sur le bilan
naturel, par l’augmentation de la natalité. La structure ethnique est domine par la population
roumaine (78,3% en 1910, et 97% en 2002).
La population de la zone qui est prédominant rurale (89,4% en 1910 et 74,2% en
2002) est soumise à l’attraction du groupement urbain Deva - Hunedoara et le municipe
d’Arad et moins vers le municipe de Timişoara (situé à une distance plus grande). Le taux
général d’activité de 24,7%, en 2002, est sous la moyenne du pays, la majorité de la
population active étant occupée dans le secteur primaire (54,8% en 2002).
Mots clef: Le Couloir du Mureş, secteur Brănişca-Păuliş, récession numérique de la
population, comportement géodémographique de type « Banat », bilan naturel négatif, bilan
total négatif, vitalité géodémographique récessive

Componenta geodemografică în culoarul Mureşului, sectorul Brănişca – Păuliş.

Având o lungime de 110 km şi o suprafaţă de 1061 km2, Culoarul Mureşului, în

sectorul Brănişca- Păuliş, constituie o discontinuitate între Munţii Apuseni, la nord, şi Munţii /
Poiana Ruscă şi Dealurile Lipovei la sud, fiind o zonă de legătură între bazinele Transilvan şi
Evoluţia numerică a populaţiei pune în evidenţă un mers ascendent până în anul 1910,
când au fost înregistraţi 73 848 locuitori, după care a urmat o scădere numerică continuă,
astfel încât până în 2002 numărul populaţiei s-a diminuat cu 41,1%, ajungând la 43 541
Acelaşi mers l-a înregistrat şi densitatea populaţiei care, după ce a crescut între anii
1880-1910 de la 60,3 loc/km2 la 69,6 loc/km2, s-a redus până în 2002 la 41 loc/km2.
Reducerea numerică a populaţiei după 1910 s-a produs pe fondul existenţei unui bilanţ
natural negativ, în condiţiile instalării treptate a unui comportament geodemografic de tip
bănăţean, axat pe familia cu 1-2 copii.
În perioada 1950-1990, la reducerea numerică a populaţiei a contribuit şi existenţa
unui bilanţ migratoriu negativ, determinat de migrarea unei mari părţi a populaţiei tinere şi
adulte apte de muncă spre oraşe, în condiţiile industrializării socialiste. Începând cu anul
1991, odată cu retrocedarea terenurilor agricole către populaţie şi disponibilizarea unei părţi
a forţei de muncă din oraşe, a început un proces de revenire a populaţiei plecate anterior,
ajungându-se după anul 2001 la un bilanţ migratoriu pozitiv. Acest fapt estompează declinul
geodemografic al zonei, deşi bilanţurile natural şi total rămân în continuare negative.
Structura populaţiei pe sectoare de activitate reflectă, până în anul 1956, dominanţa
activităţilor agricole (82,5% în 1956), după care, datorită eliberării forţei de muncă din
agricultură şi migrării acesteia spre oraşe, în condiţiile colectivizării agriculturii şi
industrializării centrelor urbane, s-a ajuns în 1992 la o structură mixtă (25,3% - sectorul
primar, 31,5% - sectorul secundar, 39,9% - sectorul terţiar).
După 1992, pe fondul restructurării economiei, apariţiei şomajului în oraşele
industrializate anterior şi retrocedării terenurilor agricole, s-a produs un fenomen invers,
crescând ponderea populaţiei ocupate în sectorul primar (51,6%) în detrimentul populaţiei
din celelalte sectoare de activitate.
Rata generală de activitate s-a redus de la 60,1% în 1966 la 24,7% în 2002, fiind sub
media pe ţară. Populaţia din Culoarul Brănişca-Păuliş este supusă atracţiei grupării urbane
Deva-Hunedoara şi municipiului Arad şi mai puţin municipiului Timişoara (situat la o
distanţă mai mare).
Deplasarea populaţiei apte de muncă în perioada 1950 - 1990 spre oraşele din
vecinătatea culoarului a condus la modificări majore în structura populaţiei pe grupe de
Fenomenul de îmbătrânire geodemografică este evidenţiat de raportul dintre numărul
populaţiei vârstnice şi tinere, care a crescut de la 0,47 în 1948 la 1,6 în 2002, fiind cu mult
peste media pe ţară (0,47).
Migrarea populaţiei din mediul rural a contribuit la creşterea populaţiei din mediul
urban în cadrul culoarului, de la 18,6% în 1956 la 25,8% în 2002.
Structura etnică reflectă o creştere treptată a populaţiei româneşti (care a fost în
permanenţă majoritară) de la 78,3% în 1910 la 97% în 2002, pe fondul reducerii ponderii
etnicilor germani (de la 12,6% în 1880 la 0,2% în 2002) şi maghiari (de la 9,6% în 1910 la
1% în 2002).
De-a lungul timpului majoritatea populaţiei a aparţinut cultului ortodox (76,7% în
1910, 86% în 2002), religiile romano-catolică şi greco-catolică reducându-şi mult ponderea.
Începând cu sfârşitul secolului XX, s-au dezvoltat religiile neoprotestante care au ajuns să
deţină în anul 2002, 9,7% faţă de 0% în 1910.
Cuvinte cheie: Culoarul Mureşului - sectorul Brănişca – Păuliş, recesiune numerică a
populaţiei, comportament geodemografic bănăţean, bilanţ natural negativ, bilanţ total
negativ, vitalitate geodemografică redusă /
Le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş (avec une longueur de 110 km. et une surface de 1061
km2) se développe dans une région de montagnes basses et collines d’une complexité
géographique et géologique particulière.
Du point de vue paléogéographique, la zone du couloir correspond à une descente
axiale au contact entre les Montagnes Apuseni au nord et les Montagnes Poiana Ruscă au sud,
au long de laquelle une superimposion du Mureş a eu lieu.
Les terrasses avec des altitudes sous 200 m et 200-300 m (la vallée du Mureş, les
glacis, les terrasses inférieures et moyennes) détiennent la plus grande surface.
Dans la vallée du Mureş, l’altitude baisse doucement de 175 m à Brănişca, à 162 m à
Zam, 154 à Căprioara, 123 m à Lipova et 120 m à ş,Păuli
la différence de niveau entre
l’entrée et la sortie du couloir au niveau du lit majeur étant de 55 m.
En profil longitudinal, le couloir présente plusieurs rétrécissements et élargissements
de vallée, qui le divisent en plusieurs secteurs (Fig.1): le Défilé Brănişca, la Dépression Ilia,
le Défilé Tătărăşti-Zam, la Dépression Sălciva, le Défilé Căprioara, la Dépression Vărădia de
Mureş, le Défilé Bătuţa-Căpruţa, la Dépression Ususău, le Défilé Şoimoş et la Dépression
Lipova-Păuliş. Le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş est encadré dans la zone du climat tempéré
continental modéré avec des influences océaniques, caractérisé par la dominance des masses
d’air nord-ouest, plus humides.

Fig. 1. Le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş. Les sous unités de relief et le réseau d’habitats

La température moyenne multiannuelle enregistre une légère baisse, de l’ouest vers

l’est, de 10,50C à Lipova, à 9,8 0 C à Vărădia de Mureş et 9,7 0C à Deva.
La quantité moyenne des précipitations augmente de l’ouest (623 mm à Lipova) vers
la zone centrale (749 mm à Săvârşin), ensuite elle baisse vers l’est (625 mm à Brănişca). /
Les ressources d’eau du Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş sont représentées par les eaux
phréatiques et de profondeur, des sources, le réseau hydrographique permanent et temporaire
et quelques petits lacs dans les méandres déserts.
Le Mureş, la plus importante rivière qui arrose le couloir a, entre Brăni
şca et Păuliş,
une longueur de 145 km, une pente moyenne de 0,4 %, et une la vitesse de l’eau qui varie
entre 0,61 – 0,90 m/s. Le débit moyen multiannuel à la station hydrologique Brănişca (créée
en 1870) est de 172m3/sec., et à Săvârşin, de 181 m3/sec.
En liaison avec les structures volcanogènes, les failles existantes et l’activité
postvolcanique du long du couloir, à Lipova et Păuli
ş il y a les eaux minérales carbo-
La végétation naturelle du Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş s’inscrit dans l’étage des forêts de
feuillus, dans le sous-étage des forêts de chênes. Les principales associations ligneuses sont le
chêne et le chêne chevelu, le rouvre et le charme.
Le défrichement des bois, aussi pour l’extension des terrains agricoles que pour du
bois a déterminé la parution de la végétation herbeuse secondaire de type mésophile ou
mésoxérophile dont les graminées sont dominantes.
En ce qui concerne la couverture édaphique, la plupart revient aux cambisols et
luvosols sur les versants (avec une fertilité moyenne) et aux aluviosols dans la zone de plaine
(avec une fertilité élevée).
Les conditions naturelles favorables, résultant de l’existence d’un relief varié, bien
proportionné et étagé, d’un climat doux, d’un réseau hydrographique épais, axé sur le Mureş,
des sols fertiles dans la plaine du Mureş et des forêts sur les versants ont contribué à une
continuité d’habitation humaine dans la zone depuis des temps anciens.
La population constitue le principal facteur transformateur de l’espace géographique, y
exerçant une pression croissante, pour satisfaire les besoins de l’existence et atteindre le
niveau optimum d’organisation territoriale.
Le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş, par ses particularités physiques et géographiques, a offert
des possibilités propices d’habitation et évolution dès le Paléolithique, les plus anciennes
traces d’habitation appartenant à une population du Paléolithique moyen (50 000-40 000 B.P.)
étant découvertes à l’ouest du couloir.
Car les sources documentaires antérieures au XIXe siècle n’offrent que des données
géodémographiques partielles, nous ne pouvons pas élaborer une image sur les réalités
concernant le nombre de la population de la zone dans des périodes historiques plus
lointaines, l’étude étant axée sur la période 1880-2002. /
Exceptant la période 1880-1910, quand le nombre de la population a augmenté, le
couloir a été affecté par un processus de baisse continue du nombre d’habitants.

Fig. 2. Evolution numérique de la population (1880-2002)

En analysant l’évolution numérique de la population du Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş pour

toute la période prise pour l’étude, 1880-2002 (Fig. 2), on constate une baisse avec 31,9%, de
63 988 habitants à 43 541 habitants, déterminé surtout par la migration de la population vers
des zones situées hors du couloir et par le bilan naturel négatif
Entre 1880-2002 toutes les 18 communes ont réduit le nombre de leurs habitants, les
plus sévères diminutions étant enregistrées à Bata (-65,7%), Burjuc (-57,3%), Birchiş (-
53,8%) et Bârzava (-51,2 %).
En 2002, le bilan naturel (Fig. 3), a été négatif dans toutes les 18 communes et dans
la ville Lipova, dans 5 communes la valeur étant plus élevée de - 15‰: Bata, Zam, Burjuc,
Săvârşin et Gurasada. Des valeurs plus modérées, bien que négatives, ont été enregistrées
dans les communes: Zăbrani (- 3,8‰), Păuliş (- 5‰) et Conop (- 5,2‰). /
Fig. 3. Le mouvement naturel de la population entre 1941-2002

Le mouvement migratoire définitif (Fig. 4) s’est dirigé surtout vers les municipes
agglomération de département, Arad et Deva, vers le centre industriel de Hunedoara et moins
vers la ville de Lipova (le seul centre urbain du couloir), le municipe Timişoara et les centres
de commune de la zone.
Entre 1947-1992, le nombre des personnes qui ont quitté définitivement la zone du
couloir a dépassé en permanence le nombre des personnes arrivées, de sorte que le bilan
migratoire a été négatif.

Fig. 4. Le bilan migratoire de la population (1941-2002)

Après l’année 1991, à la suite de la restructuration économique, de la parution du

chômage dans les villes industrialisées et de la rétrocession des terrains agricoles, un
phénomène inverse a commencé, de migration du milieu urbain vers le milieu rural, ainsi que /
le bilan migratoire, au niveau du Couloir Brănişca- Păuliş est devenu positif, atteignant 6,7‰
en 2001 et 7,3‰ en 2002.

Fig. 5. Le mouvement navettier

En ce qui concerne l’attraction géodémographique (Fig. 5), une discordance est

évidente entre les limites administratives des départements Hunedoara et Arad et les limites
d’influence des villes de Deva, Hunedoara et Arad, dans le cadre du couloir.
Il est intéressant que du village Selişte, situé à l’extrémité est du département Arad,
aucune personne ne faisait la navette vers Arad, tandis que vers Deva-Hunedoara se
dirigeaient 19 personnes, suite à la distance plus courte vers les deux villes.
En 2002, au niveau du couloir, 1000 personnes se dirigeaient vers Arad, et 800
personnes vers Deva-Hunedoara.
Ayant en vue le fait que dans la période 1947-1992 le bilan migratoire a été négatif, la
zone étant fournisseur de population, le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş a souffert une réduction
considérable du nombre de la population, le bilan total étant négatif (Fig. 6).
Après 1992 un redressement de la situation commence, de sorte que de plus en plus de
communes commencent à avoir un bilan total positif: Zăbrani (19,3‰) et Conop (0,1‰) en
1992, Dobra (10,5‰), Veţel (7,9‰), Lăpugiu 6,7‰), Zăbrani (5,9‰), Păuliş (1,6‰) et
Săvârşin (0,4‰) en 2001, Burjuc (15,1‰), Conop (8,6‰), Păuliş (5,3‰), Vărădia de Mureş
(1,6‰) et Ilia (1,1‰) en 2002.
Au contraire, pour la ville Lipova, qui jusqu’en 1992 avait un bilan total positif, la
situation a changé, le bilan devenant négatif (-4‰ en 2001 et - 8,5‰ en 2002). /
Fig. 6. Le bilan total de la population (1941-2002)

Sur le fond de l’évolution numérique générale descendante, en fonction des

particularités existantes au niveau des localités, on peut différentier quatre types d’évolution
de la population :
a) Habitats avec une évolution géodémographique ascendante (augmentations de
plus de 10%), où on inscrit les localités: Ilia (79,3%), Bretea Mureşană (18%), Brănişca
(17,3%), Milova (17,3%), Lipova (16,3%) et Dobra (11,8%).
b) Habitats avec une évolution géodémographique stagnante (avec un bilan entre ±
10%), qui comprennent les localités: Lăpuşnic (7,3%), Radna (7%), Boz (-4,3%), Bacea (-
7,7%) et Monoroştia (-8,2%).
c) Habitats avec une évolution géodémographique régressive modérée (des
diminutions entre 10-30%), qui comprennent les centres de commune Zam (-19,5‰),
Săvârşin (-23,4‰), Păuliş (-25,1‰) et Zăbrani (-29,9‰) et les villages: Neudorf (-15,6‰),
Leşnic (-16,7‰), Sârbi (-24,6‰) et Căpâlnaş (-25,8‰).
d) Habitats avec une évolution géodémographique régressive accentuée (diminutions
de plus de 30%), en nombre de 53 (73,6% du nombre total), en général de dimensions petites
et très petites, avec un degré plus accentué d’isolation, ou situées à des distances plus grandes
des centres de polarisation socio-économique.
Dans le cadre de ces habitats, la diminution moyenne de population a été de 53,6%.
Les plus accentuées diminutions ont été enregistrées dans les localités Tisa (-77,8), Virişmort
(-76,7%), Ulieş (-75,5%), Beloţinţ (-69,2%), etc.
La densité générale de la population (Tab. 1) au niveau du Couloir du Mureş s’est
réduite de 60,3 hab/km2 en 1910, aux 41 hab/km2 en 2002, à la suite du bilan naturel négatif
et de l’exode rural (Fig. 7). /
Table 1 : Le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş. La densité générale de la population (1880-2002)
Année 1880 1910 1930 1948 1956 1966 1977 1992 2002
Densité de la
60,3 69,6 59 57,3 53,9 53,2 49,3 42,8 41
population (loc./km2)

En 2002, la densité nette (au foyer du village) avait des valeurs comprises entre 0,31
hab/ha à Juliţa et 107,4 hab/ha à Lăpugiu de Jos. La densité urbaine nette, en 2002, a été de
18,9 hab/ha (1890 hab/km2).
Pour la période 1930-2002, les oscillations du poids masculin/féminin dans le cadre du
couloir ont été plus réduites, se maintenant autour de la valeur de 48% population masculine
et 52 % population féminine, valeurs très proches de la moyenne nationale.
Ayant en vue la prédominance de la population féminine dans le cadre du Couloir
Brănişca-Păuliş, le poids entre les deux sexes peut
être mise en évidence par le rapport de
féminité (Tab. 2).

Table 2: Le couloir Brănişca-Păuliş. Rapport de féminité (1930-2002)

Année 1930 1941 1956 1966 1977 1992 2002

Rapport de
108,2 106,6 111,2 108,8 108,8 107,8 106
féminité %

Dans le cadre des groupes d’âge, jusqu’à 34 ans la population de sexe masculin domine
(la natalité masculine étant plus élevée), après quoi la situation change pour les groupes de
plus de 35 ans, suite à une mortalité masculine plus élevée.

Fig. 7. Densité de la population en 2002 /
Le déplacement de la population apte de travail dans la période 1950-1990 vers les
villes du voisinage du Couloir du Mureş (Deva, Hunedoara, Arad, Timişoara) a conduit à de
changements importants dans la structure de la population par groupes d’âge. Ainsi, le groupe
des jeunes (0-19 ans) a réduit son poids de 36,9% en 1910 à 20,8% en 2002, en croissant le
poids du groupe des âgés (≥ 60 ans) de 9% en 1910 à 28,4% en 2002.
La pyramide des âges (Fig. 8), pour les années 1966 et 2002 met en évidence un
élargissement de la partie supérieure, suite à la réduction de la natalité et au vieillissement de
la population. Le phénomène de vieillissement de la population est plus accentué pour l’année
Le fait que dans le couloir seule la ville de Lipova est développée, qui a de petites
dimensions, fait que la population de la zone soit prédominant rurale (89,4% en 1910 et
74,2% en 2002).
En perspective, par le développement socio-économique de la commune Ilia, qui
bénéficie d’une position géographique favorisante et de réelles possibilités de polariser
l’activité de l’est du couloir, la population urbaine de la zone pourrait augmenter.

Fig. 8. La pyramide des âges pendant les années 1966 et 2002

Le taux général d’activité (Fig. 9) s’est réduit de 69% en 1956 à 24,7% en 2002, la
valeur étant sous la moyenne du pays. Si en 1992 le poids de la population active dépassait
40% du nombre de la population dans 7 unités administratives, en 2002 ce poids était
caractéristique seulement pour 3 unités administratives (Zam, Lăpugiu et Gurasada). /
La structure de la population par secteurs d’activité reflète, jusqu’en 1966, la
dominance des activités agricoles (59,4%), après quoi, à cause de la migration de la main de
travail de l’agriculture vers les villes, dans les conditions de la collectivisation de l’agriculture
et l’industrialisation des centres urbains, en 1992 on est arrivé à une structure mixte (26,3% -
le secteur primaire, 32,7% - le secteur secondaire, 41% - le secteur tertiaire).
Après 1992, à cause de la restructuration de l’économie, de la parution du chômage
dans les villes antérieurement industrialisées et de la rétrocession des terrains agricoles, un
phénomène inverse s’est produit, et le poids de la population occupée dans le secteur primaire
a augmenté (54,8%), au détriment de la population des autres secteurs d’activité.

Fig. 9. L’évolution du poids de la population active pendant 1956-2002

La structure ethnique (Fig. 10) montre un accroissement graduel de la population

roumaine (qui a été en permanence majoritaire), de 78,3% en 1910, à 97% en 2002, sur le
fond de la réduction du poids des ethniques allemands (de 12,6% en 1880, à 0,2% en 2002) et
des hongrois (de 9,6% en 1910, à 1% en 2002). /
Fig. 10. L’évolution de la structure ethnique (1880-2002)

Au niveau des unités administratives, on observe des changements importants en ce

qui concerne le poids le la population roumaine, surtout à l’ouest du couloir, où le poids de la
population hongroise et allemande s’est beaucoup réduit. Au long du temps, la majorité de la
population a appartenu au culte orthodoxe (76,7% en 1910, 86% en 2002), les religions
romano-catholique et gréco-catholique réduisant leur poids.
Commençant avec la fin du XX-e siècle, les religions néo-protestantes se sont
développées, qui détenaient 9,7% en 2002, en comparaison avec 0% en 1910.
De l’analyse de l’évolution numérique de la population, du mouvement naturel et
migratoire, des structures et de la répartition de la population au niveau de l’année 2002, on
peut mettre en évidence certaines zones où ces indicateurs présentent une certaine
homogénéité, une régionalisation géodémographique pouvant être réalisée.
Dans le Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş on peut différentier trois zones : la Zone Ilia (est), la
Zone Săvârşin-Bârzava (centre) la Zone Lipova (ouest), qui présentent des particularités
géodémographiques distinctes.

Les perspectives de l’évolution numérique de la population du Couloir Brănişca-Păuliş

sont difficiles à anticiper. Le futur proche n’apportera pas de changements importants, ayant
en vue le comportement démographique actuel, axé sur la famille avec un seul enfant et le
coût élevé de la vie dans la période de transition vers l’économie de marché. Toutefois, le /
phénomène de survieillissement de la population crée une série de problèmes concernant la
protection sociale et le soutien social des âgés.
Dans un futur plus lointain, avec le redressement de la situation économique,
l’élaboration de nouvelles lois concernant le contrôle de la grossesse et la stimulation des
familles jeunes, il est possible qu’on arrive au moins à un « accroissement zéro » de la

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POP P. GR. 2001. Evoluţia populaţiei româneşti în a doua jumătate a secolului al XX-lea.
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geographia 1, Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Cluj
RUS D. 1996. Geografia umană, concepte metodologice în literatura geografică. Geis, Editura
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RUS D. 1998. Judeţul Hunedoara. Ghid turistic. Ed. Sigma Plus, Deva.
RUS D. 2003/2004. Populaţia Culoarului Mureşului. Sectorul Brănişca-Păuliş. Geis, 9:84-93,
Editura Casa Corpului Didactic, Deva.
RUS D. 2006. Culoarul Mureşului. Sectorul Brănişca-Păuliş. Studiu de geografie umană.
Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj Napoca, 200 p.


Lycée Pédagogique „Sabin Drăgoi” Deva
Rue. G. Baritiu, no. 2, Deva, Roumanie
e-mail: / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 55 - 64



Changes in the Bilag Hill land use (Mureş Couloir) after 1990

The Bilag Hill, with a surface of around 1290ha, belongs to the Mures Couloir, and
lies between the Oiejdea-Sard Couloir in the north, the Mures floodplain in the east, and the
Ighiu and Ampoi valleys in the south-east. From the administrative point of view, it is
located at around 3km away from the central area of Alba-Iulia in the north, and at around
500m from the Bărăbanţ neighborhood.
We have presented the physical-geographical factors, which are, in general, favorable
to land use, but also some restrictive factors, such as: some dry periods, identified with the
help of the Walter-Lieth climogram for the 1985-1996 period, the extreme climatic
occurrences and some present day modeling processes (splash erosion and sheet erosion of
arable terrains, gullying, shallow landslides, more frequent on the Pannonian clays and
shaley clays form the Sântimbrului Hill.
We have also presented some socio-economical factors, which have contributed to the
land use change in the Bilag Hill after 1990.
Using our research as well as the data already published, we have presented the
changes that have taken place after 1990 in the general structure of the terrains. Thus, we
found out that the arable terrains have reduced with around 50%, the surfaces occupied by
grasslands and pastures have grown with 348ha, the areas occupied by vineyards have half of
the initial surface, the orchards have been cut down to use the wood and then, abandoned,
and the areas with forests have reduced from 19% in 1990 to 17% in 2006 and there is a
slight growth of the areas with other destinations.
Key words: Bilag Hill, land use, changes

Modificări în utilizarea terenurilor din Dealul Bilag (Culoarul Mureşului)
după anul 1990

Dealul Bilag, cu o suprafaţă de circa 1290 ha, se încadrează în Culoarul Mureşului,

între Culoarul Oiejdea-Şard, la nord, lunca Mureşului, la est şi văile Ighiu şi Ampoi, la sud-
Sunt prezentaţi factorii fizico-geografici, în general favorabili utilizării terenurilor, dar
şi unii factori limitativi cum sunt unele perioade de uscăciune, determinate cu ajutorul
climogramei Walter- Lieth pentru intervalul 1985-1996, manifestările climatice extreme şi
unele procese de modelare actuală (pluviodenudare şi eroziune în suprafaţă pe terenurile
arabile, ravenare şi torenţialitate, alunecări de teren superficiale, mai numeroase pe argile şi
argile marnoase panoniene din Dealul Sântimbrului). /
De asemenea sunt abordaţi şi factorii socio-economici, ce au contribuit la modificarea
utilizării terenurilor din Dealul Bilag după 1990.
Pe baza cercetărilor proprii coroborate cu datele publicate anterior sunt prezentate
modificările ce au avut loc după 1990 în structura generală a terenurilor. Astfel, se constată
că terenurile arabile au înregistrat o scădere cu circa 50%, suprafeţele ocupate cu păşuni şi
fâneţe au crescut cu 348 ha, terenurile cultivate cu viţă-de - vie s-au înjumătăţit, livezile au
fost tăiate şi abandonate în scopul utilizării lemnului, iar terenurile acoprite cu păduri s-au
redus de la 19% în 1990 la 17% în anul 2006 şi o uşoară creştere a terenurilor cu alte
Cuvinte cheie: Dealul Bilag, Culoarul Mureşului, utilizarea terenurilor


The Bilag Hill, with a surface of around 1290 ha, belongs to the Mures Couloir,
and lies between the Oiejdea-Sard Corridor in the north, the Mureş floodplain in the East,
and the Ighiu and Ampoi valleys in the South-East. It is 3 km away from the central area
of Alba Iulia and 500 m away from Bărăbanţ neighborhood, a former village.


A. Physical-geographical factors. The unit consists mainly of cemented or

uncemented sedimentary rocks, with different degrees of resistance to modeling factors
and with distinct characteristics in the pedological processes: conglomerates, sandstones
and clays belonging to Lower Cretaceous; Eocene shales, clays, limestones and
sandstones; Oligocene sandstones, stripped and purple shaley clays; Burdigalian grey
shales; Badenien conglomerates, gypsums and sandstones; Pannonian sands, clays, shaley
clays and gravels (Fig. 1).
As compared to the geological structure undertaken by us from the Geological
Map, 1:200.000, Turda, 1967, in the specialized literature there are other opinions – (ILIE
1959; CODREA & DICA 2005) etc.-on which we are not going to insist. /
Fig. 1 - Bilag Hill - geological and geomorphological schetch
A: 1-Lower Cretaceous; 2- Paleogene (Eocene and Oligocene); 3-Burdigalian ; 4-Badenian; 5-
Pannonian (according to Geological Map, scale 1:200.000, Turda, Romania, 1967).
B. 1- splash erosion and sheet erosion; 2-rill, ravine; 3- gully; 4-gullying; 5-landslide; 6-shallow
landslide and solifluction; 7-eroded remnant; 8-altitude; 9-quarry
I. Bilag Hill II. Dumbrava Sardului Hill III. Sântimbrului Hill

As a whole, the analyzed hilly unit has a triangular shape, consisting of three
subunits: the Bilag Hill (412 m), in the south (the one that gives the name to the whole
unit), the Dumbrava Şardului Hill (426 m) in the north-west and the Sântimbrului Hill
(443 m) in the North-East- connected through round interfluves. The highest altitude is
443m in the Sântimbrului Hill, and the slopes have over 8-10°.
The sectors with slopes over 15° are the most affected by present modeling
processes, such as: splash erosion and sheet erosion on arable terrains, gully erosion and
debris flow, shallow landslides on the Pannonian clays and shaley clays from the
Sântimbrului Hill.
Through its position in the south-west of the Transylvania Depression, the climate
offers good conditions for practicing agriculture, especially vine cultivation. Here the
multiannual average temperature is around 9°C (9.4°C at Alba Iulia), and the January and
July temperatures of around -3.5°C (3.4°C at Alba Iulia), respectively 20°C (20.4°C at
Alba Iulia). The first frost is on 15 October, and the last on 15 April. The annual average
precipitation is around 540 mm (523.3mm at Alba Iulia), with a maximum of 65-75mm in
July (67.6mm at Alba Iulia). /
The white frost occurs around 35 days/year, affecting mainly the crops situated on
the lower areas, and the fog produces 80 days/year, favoring mildew.
At Alba Iulia the most frequent winds blow on the south-western direction
(19.8%) - along the Mures Corridor, and on a north-eastern direction (9.7%) and get to
average speeds of 3.5-4.0m/s (CĂTĂLINA MĂRCULEŢ & MĂRCULET 1999). The winds with
speeds higher than 11m/s have negative effects on crops. In the warm period of the year,
the wind uproots the plants or just tears their parts, and in the drought periods speeds the
plants fading. In the cold season, in the absence of the protective snow layer, or, when it is
accompanied by negative temperatures, the wind triggers the degradation of the cereals,
affects the gems of the vine and of the fruit trees. In the Bilag Hill area, the climate is, in
general, favorable to land use, the drought phenomena having a slight influence (Fig. 2).
However, after analyzing the annual Walter-Lieth climograms, for the 1985-1996 period,
we have reached the conclusion that in Alba Iulia there were 21 periods of dryness (on
average 1.7 periods/year) and 14 periods of drought (1.1 periods/year), and the number of
the months with periods of dryness rose to 55 (38.1%) and of those with drought to 37

Fig. 2. Walter-Lieth climogram for Alba Iulia meteorological station (1985-1996)

The climatic extreme phenomena are the main factors that trigger natural hazards
in this area. Only between 2002-2006, the Bilag Hill area was faced with at least six
periods of heavy rain, which for short periods of time (5-10 minutes) reached even 2l/min
and speeded the splash and sheet erosion, accompanied by wind intensifications and hail
which affected the natural vegetation and the crops: 16-18 June 2003, 13-14 April 2004, /
23 July 2004, 26-27 May 2005 and 2-10 June 2006 (CĂTĂLINA MARCULEŢ & MARCULEŢ
The natural vegetation in the study area consists of broad-leaved forests and
heathlands, used for grazing. The dominant species that form the broad-leaved forests are
the associations of oak (Quercus robur) and the evergreen oak (Quercus petraea), in
combination with other species, such as: hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), maple (Acer
campestre) and crab apple tree (Malus silvestris). They are inhabited by wild boars (Sus
scrofa), deer (Capreolus capreolus), foxes (Vulpes vulpes), hares (Lepus europaeus),
pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) etc.
The moors and heathlands (Fig. 3) with hair grass (Festuca sulcata, F. valesiaca),
feather grass (Stipa stenophylla, S. pulcherrima, S. joannis), smooth meadow-grass (Poa
pratensis, P. bulbosa), barn grass (Andropogon ischaemum), yellow oatgrass (Trisetum
flavescens), bird’s-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), couch grass (Agropyron crestatum),
garden cress (Cardaria draba), milfoil (Achillea millefolium), hop medick (Medicago
lupulina), Our Lady’s bedstraw (Galium verum) etc. with bushes of blackthorn (Prunus
spinosa), hedgethorn (Crataegus monogyna) and hip tree (Rosa canina) - resulted from
deforestation and are mostly used as pastures and grasslands. Until 1990, the arable
terrains (including pastures and grasslands) from this area bore a density of 40-60
caws/100ha and 100-120 sheep/100ha.
The bushes of blackthorn, hedgethorn and hip tree can be found along the road
sides, at the margins of the vineyards, etc.
Among the types of soils from the slopes of the Bilag Hill dominant are the
typical, albic, luvosols, shaley phaeozems and erodisols. Because these soils have a
medium and low fertility, the lands used for crops need natural and chemical fertilizers.
B. Socio-economical factors. From 1962, when the agricultural farms were
created until 1990, the period in which the arable lands of the Bilag Hill have been in the
state’s possession, important anthropic interventions consisted in: a) the upturning of the
terrains with low slopes situated in the inferior third part of the slopes and their
transformation into arable lands; b) the terracing of the slopes and planting vine on the
lands belonging to Sard, Bărăbanţ and Sântimbru; c) creating small orchards, in which the
plum trees predominated, on the eastern and south-eastern slopes on the Sântimbrului
Hill; d) planning the torrential streams to diminish soil erosion; /
As a result of these activities aimed to change the landscape, in 1990, the landed
property of the Bilag Hill (1.290ha) consisted of: 24% arable lands, 21% vine, 3%
pastures and grasslands, 19% woods and 2% terrains with other destinations (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Bilag Hill – The use of lands in 1990

The arable lands were cultivated mainly with cereal-corn (Fundulea 270 and 315,
Pionier, Turda 200 and 210) and wheat (Potaissa, Transilvania, Ariesan, Fundulea
Ottonel, Traminer pink, Neuburger etc.), which were part of the Alba vineyard (COTEA et
all. 2000; TEODORESCU (1946, in Alba Iulia Vineyard book (Wine Land)) shows that this
dates back in too old times for history to elucidate its beginnings.
The pastures, more extended on the slopes with moderate slopes, used to be
mowed yearly, the hay productions being relatively low, between 1.500 and 1.800 kg/ha.
Among the territories with other destinations at that time, a clay quarry was, at the
base of the southern slope of the Santimbrului Hill, used to supply raw materials to the
factories from Alba Iulia for building materials.


Between 1990- 2006, the arable terrains under private property until 1962 passed
back to the formers owners or to their descendents. The plots with forest remained under
the control of the Alba Iulia Forest District, and a part of the commune pastures have
remained as commune local possessions, used for grazing. /
Due to the material and financial loses the owners had to face, but also the lack of
interest of some of them, the landed property of the Bilag Hill has been modified through:
a) degradation of the viticulture terrains due to the poor maintenance (Fig. 5) (some
viticulture plots, due to the poor maintenance are so degraded that the profit is 0); b)
abandoning some arable terrains situated on the slopes with high gradients and their
transformation into pastures; c) abandoning and cutting the orchards;

Fig. 5. Bilag Hill- the use of the lands in 2006

Nowadays, the crops on the arable terrains are poorly maintained, the productions
obtained are very low, and the plots with vine, compact in the past, are divided now by
arable terrains and fallow grounds. The pastures and grasslands are mainly unused, being
degraded by horse thistle (Cirsium arvense), mainly those resulted from abandoning the
arable terrains-, thistles (Centura calcitrapa), carline thistle (Carlina acaulis), musk
thistle (Carduus nutans) etc.
Until 2006, the only positive anthropic action in the Bilag Hill was the opening of
a new clay quarry on the south-eastern slope of the Sântimbrului Hill (Fig. 6).
As a result of the changes already mentioned, in 2006 the structure of the land use
in the studied area consisted of 12% arable terrains, 10% vine, 58% pastures and
grasslands, 17% forest and 3% terrains with other uses (Fig. 7). /










1990 2006

arabil vita-de-vie livada

pasuni, fanete padure alte terenuri

Fig.7. Land use structure in 1990 and 2006


In conclusion, by comparing the structure of the land use of the Bilag Hill in 1990
and 2006, we have reached the following conclusions:
1. The change of the arable surface is not significant (from around 79% in 1990 to
almost 80% in 2006), but it records high changes in its structure, such as:
a) the arable terrains have been reduced with around 50%, from 310ha in 1990 to
155ha in 2006;
b) the pastures and grasslands have grown with 348ha, reaching 748ha in 2006;
c) the terrains with vine have reduced from 21%, in 1990 to 10% in 2006;
d) the orchards, which occupied around 3% in 1990, have been abandoned and cut
by the local people to use the wood;
2. Slight reduction of the surfaces occupied by forests, from 19% in 1990 to 17%
in 2006.
3. The growth with around 1% of the terrains with other destinations. /
Literature cited
BUZA M. 1997. Valea Mureşului între Aiud şi Alba Iulia. Caractere geomorfologice.
Geographica Timisiensis, Timişoara, 5: 5-11.
CODREA V., Dica E. P. 2005. Upper Cretaceous – lowermost Miocene lithostratigraphic units
exposed in Alba Iulia – Sebeş – Vinţu de Jos area (SW Transylvanian Basin). Studia
Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai, Geologia, Cluj-Napoca, 50 (1-2):19-26.
COTEA V., BARBU N., GRIGORESCU C., COTEA V. 2000. Podgoriile şi vinurile României, Edit.
Academiei, Bucureşti, 604 pg.
ILIE M. 1959. Recherches géologiques dans le Bassin de Transylvanie (II. Région Alba Iulia-
Sibiu Făgăraş-Rupea). Annuaire du Comité géologique, 26-28: 269-292.
MĂRCULEŢ CĂTĂLINA, MĂRCULEŢ I. 1999. Regimul vântului în zona Podişului Secaşelor.
Jurnal geografic, Bucureşti, 2: 17-22.
MĂRCULEŢ CĂTĂLINA, MĂRCULEŢ I. 2005. Consideraţii asupra fenomenelor de uscăciune şi
secetă din sud-vestul Depresiunii Transilvaniei. Revista Geografică, 11: 101-105.
MĂRCULEŢ CĂTĂLINA, MĂRCULEŢ I. 2008. Hydrometeorological risk phenomena in the Alba
Iulia-Turda Depression, Romania. Balwois, 27-31 May, Ohrid, Macedonia.
MĂRCULEŢ I., MĂRCULEŢ CĂTĂLINA. 2004. Modificări în utilizarea terenurilor în Dealurile
Lopadei între anii 1953-2002. Revista Geografică, 10: 111-114.
MORARU T., BOGDAN OCTAVIA, MAIER A. 1980. Judeţul Alba, Edit. Academiei,
TEODORESCU I. C. 1946. Podgoria Alba Iulia („Ţara vinului”). În: România viticolă,
Septembrie 1946, Bucureşti.
*** 1967. România, Harta geologică la scara 1:200.000, Foaia Turda, Inst. Geol., Bucureşti.
*** 1988. România, Harta solurilor la scara 1:200.000, Foaia Turda, Inst. Cercet. Pedol.
Agrochim., Bucureşti.

Ioan Mărculeţ
I.L.Caragiale Bucuresti
Cătălina Marculeţ
The Institute of Geography Bucarest
Daniela Marcu
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva
39, 1 Decembrie Street, Deva
Hunedoara County, Romania
e-mail: /
Fig. 3. Bilag Hill - Grasslands

Fig.6. The new clay quarry on the south-eastern slope of the Sântimbrului Hill /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 65 - 83




Impact of the hydrotechnical constructions on some environmental components
from the Râu Mare drainage basin- preliminary remarks

The study area belongs to the catchment of the Râu Mare Basin with a total surface of
836 and a length of 65.8 Km.
In the first part of this study are presented elements of the landscape, some data about
hydro facilities on the Râu Mare River and the purpose for which they were created. These
data These data were obtained from bibliography studied in addition with the climate data
(annual average flow rates, average annual precipitation) obtained from the hydrological
station of Deva (Hunedoara County).
Based on field observations, impact studies obtained from Hidroelectrica SA Haţeg
and bibliographic material, in the second part of this study, the impact of hydro facilities on
some components of the environment (topography, climate, hydrography and vegetation) is
Key words: Râu Mare Basin, hydrotechnical constructions, impact, enviromental

Impactul construcţiilor hidrotehnice asupra unor componente ale mediului
din Bazinul Râu Mare – studii preliminare

Zona studiată aparţine bazinului hidrografic al Râului Mare cu o suprafaţă a bazinului de

836 Km2 şi o lungime de 65,8 Km.
În prima parte a acestui studiu sunt prezentate elemente ale cadrului natural, unele date
despre amenajările hidrotehnice de pe cursul Râului Mare şi scopul pentru care au fost
create, pe baza bibliografiei existente, dar şi a datelor climatice (debite medii anuale,
precipitaţii medii anuale) obţinute de la Staţia Hidrologică Deva.
Pe baza observaţiilor din teren, a studiilor de impact obţinute de la Hidroelectrica S.A.
Haţeg precum şi a materialului bibliografic, în a doua parte a studiului este analizat impactul
amenajărilor hidrotehnice asupra unor componente ale mediului (relieful, clima, hidrografia,
Cuvinte cheie: Bazinul Râu Mare, construcţii hidrotehnice, impact, componente ale
mediului /

The hydrotechical activities began in our country in the first decades of the last
century and consisted in reservoir building for regulating the river discharge and canal
building which modified the rivers course. For energetic purposes, Romania has 110
reservoirs, with a water volume of around 4 billion m³ (CRISTEA et all., 1996).
Due to physico-geographical characteristics favorable to hydrotechical constructions,
the Râu Mare drainage basin was subject to research, planning and hydroenergetic building
activities. The first studies belong to the inter-war period, which were undertaken and
completed in the seventh decade of the 21st century. Thus, in 1976 the activities began and
consisted in reservoirs and plants building, and dams and galeries digging (POP 1996).
All these modifications have induced and are inducing several modifications on the
environment components, such as: geomorphological, topoclimatic (e.g. temperature and
precipitation modifications), hydrological etc.
In this study, we are going to analyse the hydrotechical constructions impact on relief,
vegetation, microclimate and hydrography. Therefore, we used the information we obtained
from Hidroelectrica S.A. Haţeg, Hydrologic Gage, Deva, from field research as well as the
information included in bibliography.


The studied area belongs to the Râu Mare drainage basin, with a total area of
836 sq. km and a length of 66,8 km. The Râu Mare is the main tributary of the Strei River. It
has an average slope of 30m/km and an average discharge of 18m³/s.
It is formed at the confluence of three rivers: the Lăpuşnicul Mare (Area: 140sq. km,
Length: 22km), the Lăpuşnicul Mic (Area:, Length: 9km) and the Râu Şes(Area:
91sq. km, Length: 25km). Its main tributaries are: the Netis (Area: 17sq. km, Length: 7km),
the Galbena(Area:347sq. km, Length: 33km), the Râuşor (Area: 38sq. km, Length: 14km) and
the Sibişel(Area: 72sq. km, Length: 28km) (UJVARI 1972)
Between Gura Apei and Clopotiva-Brazi, the Râu Mare drains a mountainous area
with steep slopes over a distance of almost 25 km, having the characteristics of a narrow
canion, with some basins in the confluence points, with stepped slopes, terraces, which can
also be found on the Nucşoara, Râu Alb, Râuşor and Paroş valleys. Downstream Brazi, it
drains the Hateg Depression over a distance of 18 km up to its confluence with the Strei. Its /
lower course was modified by building canals which have a linear course between the
reservoirs built at Ostrovu Mic, Păclişa and Haţeg (GOŢIU & SURDEANU 2008).
From the hypsometric point of view, in the Râu Mare drainage basin, one can
• a mountainous step, represented by the Retezat, Ţarcu and Godeanu Mountains; the
highest altitude is 2509 m (Peleaga Peak);
• a piedmont plain, represented by the Haţeg Depression, with a low altitude of 285 m
(confluence with the Strei River);


From the geological point of view, the Râu Mare drainage basin is included in the
Retezat-Parâng geological window, characteristic to the western part of the Meridionali
Carpathians and has a complex structure, consisting of several structural units bordered by
fault and overthrust lines.
There are crystalline schists which belong to the Danubian domain (Lower Danubian
and Upper Danubian Sheet), which are generally slightly metamorphosised and are included
in several series. The oldest is the Rof series, which contains chlorito-biotitic schists and
mica-schists. The next is the Râuşor series, between the Râu Mare and the Nucşoara, which
consists of quartzitic schists, biotitic phyllites and graphitic, limy or quartzitic phyllites. In
the depression area the chloritic schists of the Zeicani series appear.
The crystalline of the Getic Sheet (Sebeş-Lotru Series) appears on smaller areas and is
represented by a combination of gnaises, mica-schists and amphibolitic rocks as well as rare
lenses and phyllites of quartzo-amphibolitic pegmatites, the major tectonic element being
represented by the overthrust plane from the getic-danubian contact plan.
The infragetic (the sedimentary of the danubian crystalline) is represented by
quartzitic sandstones well developed on the Lăpuşnicul Mare valley, limy deposits, loamy
depostits on the Lăpuşnicul Mare and Râu Şes, on the contact line between the Getic
Crystalline and the Autochthonous.
The sedimentary of the Getic Sheet is represented by conglomerates with cleyey, grey
cleys in combination with sands and white limestones.
The Quaternary deposits resulted from the action of the external agents on the
geologic formations described above. They are not very spread. They are not present on steep /
slopes and valleys with high relief energy, where the erosion and transpotration processes are
very active.
In the studied area, one can distinguish alluvial, proluvial and deluvial deposits. The
rock debris covers the wolds with 2000 m altitude.


The climatic characteristics are influenced by the solar radiation, general atmospheric
circulation as well as the anthropic activities.
In the studied area, there is an annual average temperature of 8-9°C in the piedmont
plain. At Păclişa, at 318 m altitude, the average annual temperatures for the 1950-1990 period
are: 8.5°C (POPA 1999), 6°C at the foot of the Retezat Mountains, -0.5°C at Ţarcu Mountains
(2180 m altitude) (URDEA 2000).
The average temperature of January has low values at all the stations. In the Haţeg
Depression, it measures -2.6°C (POPA 1999) and in the mountainous area -3.8°C at 600m
altitude, between -6.5°C and -3.5°C at 1600-1800m altitude, -9.3°C at 2100 and -10.9°C at
over 2500m (URDEA 2000).
In summer, there are the highest temperatures. In the Haţeg Depression, in July a
temperature of 16.6°C was measured and in August 16.8°C (POPA 1999). In the mountainous
area, at elevations over 1000 m, during the same months the temperatures measured were
under 10°C (7.8°C at Ţarcu) (URDEA 2000).
The precipitation regime is very important for using the natural river potential. In the
Haţeg Depression, in the lower piedmont plain, the volume of precipitations is under
600l/sq.m. At Haţeg (325 m altitude), the multiannual average of precipitations, for the 1975-
1990 period, is 535 mm (POPA 1999) and 575 mm for 2002-2004 period. In the mountainous
area, at Gura Zlata (750 m altitude) the multiannual average of precipitations for the 2002-
2004 period is 717 mm and 779 mm at Gura Apei (980 m altitude). Lately, it exceeded 900
mm (957,5 mm in 1989). At over 2000 m altitude, the quantity of precipitation exceeds 1000
mm (1177,7 mm at Ţarcu) (URDEA 2000).
The rainiest month in the 2002-2004 period is July. In 2004, in July at Gura Apei the
quantity of precipitation measured was 134.5 mm, at Gura Apei 154 mm and at Haţeg 111.5 /
mm. The average of the monthly quantity of precipitation is low in the cold season when the
continental anticyclonar circulation predominates.


The rivers form the Râu Mare drainage basin belong to the meridional-carpathian
type, alpine varient (URDEA 2000).
The sources of the rivers (rain, snow melting) are differentiated according to elevation.
Above 1800m altitude, the rainy- snow type dominates, between 1800-2100m the snow-rainy
one and over 2100m the moderate type (60-70% snow). The source was considered moderate
for all the rivers, representing 15-35% from the total annual discharge.
The spatial multiannual average flow has disparities according to elevation and the
average quantity of precipitation. In the lower piedmont plain there are values of 2-4l/s/
and at elevations over 1800m of 40l/s/
The multiannual average discharges of the Râu Mare, calculated for 1960-2007 period
at Gura Apei, upstream the reservoir are 3.81 m³/s, at Pădăşel 9.04 m³/s (Fig. 1).
The other tributaries have lower discharges: 3.01 m³/s- Râu Bărbat, 1.46 m³/s –
Nucşoara, 0.97 m³/s- Râu Alb, 0.70 m³/s-Râuşoru, 0.35 m³/s-Paroşu (URDEA 2000).







Multiannual Average Discharge Poly. (Multiannual Average Discharge)

Linear (Multiannual Average Discharge)

Fig. 1. The multiannual average discharges at Pădăşel Gage

From the data we have, we reached the conclusion that the highest average discharges
are in May, because the water resulted from snow melting is associated with the water from
rain, and the lowest in the winter months. /

Even if the natural ecosystems from the Râu Mare drainage basin have been affected
by different activities (hydrotechical constructions, deforestation for pasture or agricultural
purposes), they are still present on small areas.
In the hilly area, the vegetation is represented by alluvial plain forests and deciduous
forests: at elevations lower than 300 m, common oak forests in association with beech and
beech forests at higher elevations (400 m-500 m). In some areas, the forest has been replaced
by crops. In the areas with excess of moisture, the grasslands can be found, and in some areas
the natural grasslands alternate with crops.
The mountainous zone is well represented between 650-700 m and 1650-1700 m.
Taking into consideration the dominant formations, the following sub-zones can be
• lower mountainous zone represented by hornbeam, common oak, lime-tree, which can
be found on the sunny slopes at 650-700 m altitude.
• Middle mountainous zone represented by beech forests (Symphyto cordati-Fagetum,
Festuco drymeae-Fagetum, Phyllitidi-Fagetum), and beech associated with fir tree
(Pulmonario rubrae-Abieti-Fagetum) and spruce fir (Leucanthemo waldsteinii-Piceo-
Fagetum) between 750 m – 1300 m altitude.
• Upper mountainous zone (1300-1760 m) is well distinguished from the physiognomic
and pedoclimatic points of view. Here, spruce fir forests (Hieracio rotundati-
Piceetum and Leucanthemo-Piceetum) are spread. At the upper limit of the forest,
several species of evergreen trees are present (Pinus cembra).
The subalpine zone stands out once the spruce firs of limit appear (Pinus cembra) and is
represented by juniper tree bushes (Rhododendro myrtifolii-Pinetum), which cover the high
peaks up to 2300 m altidude, like groups. Among the vegetal associations not very spread we
can mention the alder tree bushes (Salici-Alnetum viridis) and rose bay bushes (Rhododendro
The alpine zone between 2300 m-2500 m is characterised by the presence and dominance
of common grasslands which belong to Caricion curvulae group (Primulo-Caricetum
curvulae, Oreochloo-Juncetum trifidi, Potentillo-Festucetum airoidis) and some short bushes
which belong to Cetrario–Loiseleurion (Cetrario-Vaccinietum gaultheridoidis) (POPOVICI
IULIANA 1993). /

The physico-geographical characteristics of the studied area (high quantities of

precipitation and high discharges, steep slopes) favour a hydroenergetic potential (Fig. 2).
The scheme of the hydrotechical planning comprises:
• The Gura Apei dam, which began to be built in 1975 at Tomeasa at 915 m altitude;
the rock-fill dam, with clay core, having gravels and sandy marginal filters, of 163 m
height, reaches 1078.5 m altitude. Through its dimensions, it is the first in Romania
and one of the biggest in Europe.
• Gura Apelor Reservoir, formed behind the dam, has an area of 420 ha, maximum
depth of 80 m and the acumulated volume of 210 mil. mc.
• Secundary catching beginning with the Râu Bărbat and following with the Râu Alb,
Paroş, Nucşoara, Râuşor, Zlata, Zlătuia and Radeş, with a total length of 32.7 km.
• The main underground culvert, on the left side of the Râu Mare, with a length of 18.4
• The chamber overflowing surge, 152.5m high at Valea Jurii.
• The Retezat hydroelectric, underground built at 18.5 Km downstream Gura Apei, next
to Brazi.
• The tail race at the end of the derivation on the Odovaşniţa canal.
Downstream, in the area where the Râu Mare drains the Haţeg Depression four
reservoirs were built: Clopotiva, without having its own acumulation and using Gura Apei
acumulation, Ostrovu Mic, Păclişa and Haţeg with the powers included in the dams of the
reservoirs (Ostrovu Mic, area: 89 ha, Păclişa, area: 98,8 ha, Haţeg, area: 124 ha) and 6 powers
on the sluices (Ostrov, Cârneşti I, Cârneşti II, Toteşti I, Toteşti II, Sântămăria- Orlea) (Photo
The total installed power of the hydrotechnic constructions from the Râu Mare is 483
MW (almost reaching the one of the Lotru main hydroplant), and the energy production, in
normal conditions of precipitation and discharge, it reaches 836,2 Gwh/year (POPA 1999). /
Fig. 2. The map of the hydrotechnical buildings in Rau Mare Basin /

The planning has mainly energetic aim, the Râu Mare drainage basin being
appreciated by specialists as representing 20% of the total potential of the Mureş drainage
basin (POPA, 1999).
There were other aims as well, such as: the regularization of the Râu Mare channel and
eliminating the unplaitings in the Ostrovu Mic- Sântămărie Orlea area; draining surfaces with
excess of moisture so as to be introduced in the agriculture circuit, expending the irrigated
areas, the regularization of the courses and bank consolidation, supplying with drinking and
industrial water the places crossed, especially Haţeg.


The change of the geological natural equilibrum due to the modifications induced by
the hydrotechical constructions and by other buildings (technological roads, colonies for
workers etc.) led to the change of the local relief, local slope instabilities, infiltrations in the
slopes and faults, siltings both during the constructions and after compliting them.
After building the Gura Apei dam, it is appreciated that the left slope was disturbed in
its sensitive area, which under natural equilibrum conditions stabilized in a long period of
time but the extra measures adopted stabilized the slopes. The instability phenomena of the
slopes due to excavations (landslides, slides) have affected the right slope too, next to the dam
in the area of the road (1078 m) and up the outlet structure where activities of stabilizing the
slope with concrete ties have been executed. (Photo 2, 3)
Upstream the dam, one can see slight traces of abrasion. Bank erosion and sliding
processes take place in the areas where the level of the water varies. The eroded material
deposits at the basis of the slopes forming outfall fans, below the surface of water, especially
at the mouths of the torrents.
The erosion processes of the slopes in the area of level variation will contribute to the
silting of the reservoir (Photo 4). Trying to anticipate the Gura Apei reservoir silting, we did
not have either recent information regarding the solid discharge (the existing data belong to
1958-1967 period) or an evaluation of the alluvial deposits from the slopes affected by
instalility phenomena. /
Taking into consideration the annual quantity of alluvia of 160.000 m3/an to a quantity
of water of 263 mil. mc./year and the volume of the reservoir at NNR which is of 209 mil.
mc., we apperciate that the Gura Apelor reservoir does not pose, in the first 50 years special
exploitation problems regarding its volume reduction.
Downstream the volume we noticed:
• Channel shortening due to discharge reduction;
• Erosion in the channel area over 50 m length and 2/3m depth induced by the water
discharged by the bottom discharge;
• Almost complete retention of alluvia;
• At the confluences of the streams with the dry channel appeared outfall fans;
We mention the fact that such processes can also be noticed in the case of the other
reservoirs interrupting the longitudinal profile of the river.
Through underground works, CHE Retezat together with the main catching, side drift,
tail race and secondary catching races, the stability of the slopes was not affected because the
rock allows water circulation through faults and pressure discharge in the slopes, but the
appearance of the springs led to the formation of areas with erosions and sliding along the
slope, having a local character, giving birth to landslides like the one on the right slope of the
Lăpuşnicul Mare (next to Gura Apelor chalet) and the one on the left slope of Râu Mare,
downstream the confluence with the Neagra stream.
Other changes on the relief structure, especially with consequences on slopes
morphology, appeared due to the excavations for the quarry on the Valea Netişului at around
2 km downstream Gura Apelor, consisting of granites; its slope is formed in a field of stones,
but in the early stage the clay quarry (clays, sandy clays, sands) form the Glămeia Hill,
situated in the eastern part of Râu de Mori, used to the dam, the clay quarry near Pui, on the
left slope of the Strei. (Photo 5, 6, 7)
To these, we add the excavations for the techological roads which ensure the access to
the Haţeg- Gura Apelor (50 Km), Haţeg- Râuşor (34 Km), Haţeg- Nucşoara (20 Km), Haţeg-
Râul- Alb catching (37 Km), Haţeg- Râu Bărbat catching (48 Km), forming at their basis
cones of debris, disaggregation being the main agent. (Photo 8).
As in the case of roads and quarries negative aspects are dimmed by support works
(walls of concrete or stone) and by the vegetation development.
With direct effects on the relief is the sterile resulted and deposited after the
excavations under the form of waste dumps (Bârlii waste dump, Ciurila waste dump, Râuşor /
waste dump, Nucşoara waste dump), torrential waters eroding their bodies. This is not the
case of Netiş (the material form Valea Jurii reached Râului Mare channel). Nowadays, all the
waste dumps are partialy covered with vegetation and there is a high potential of recovery.
As far as the workers colonies are concerned, some of them have been changed into
places for developing tourism (Brădăţel colony and partialy Brazi and Râuşor), while others
have been demolished and the land is used for grazing (Photo 9).


The elements of the plannning with effects on the microclimate are the reservoirs. As a
consquence of the appearance of the reservoirs and implicitly of the large surfaces of water
the evapotranspiration is intensified in the area, influencing the local climate by increasing air
humidity and reducing its temperature.
From the estimations made, it results that after reaching the normal retention of the
reservoir form Gura Apei, the water surface of around 4, it can lead to an
intensification in the area of the average annual air humidity from 80% to 83%. This leads to
an extra use of heat whose effect is the reduction of the average multiannual temperature with
Also, because the reservoirs cool slowlier, the effects of the "cold reservoirs” do not
take place during the winter (FILIP, 2002) and the temperature inversions reduce due to the
combination of air over the aquatic and land surfaces.
Fog formation is possible when the water temperature is higher than the one of the air,
and the relative humidity of the air must be over 90%. Under such circumstances, it was
estimated that after reaching the normal retention, early in spring and late in autumn, fog will
appear over the reservoirs, favoring the appearance of thaw localy.
Snow and sleet are frequent phenomena which can occur fairly early in autumn due to
the humidity surplus generated by the reservoirs in contact with the cold mountainous air and
pretty late in spring, under atmospheric instability, with sudden variations of warm air in
contact with the cold air mass over the reservoirs and from the slopes.
The climatic modifications (by increasing the humidity and reducing the temperature)
on long term can induce vegetation modifications appreciated by the lowering of the
vegetation limit with around 50 m-60 m in the sub-alpine and alpine zones. /

As a result of the creation of the reservoirs, water deviation as well as other uses for
which they were created (water supply), the natural regime of the rivers was changed. We
want to state de fact that the uses of the water from these reservoirs will be the subject of
another study.
In the case of the Râul Mare, the highest levels and the flood waves are reduced by
their retention in the reservoirs. The discharge of the Râul Mare was artificially modified by
the deviation of the upper courses of some rivers towards the Gura Apelor reservoir, and
downstream, it was highly reduced, the river channel being dry almost up to the first tributary
(POPA 1999). The building of the secondary Râul Bărbat –Gura Apelor reservoir catching
caused the decreasing of the discharges on these valleys. It can give birth to drought
phenomena. Their influence can be noticed at low levels when the discharges are very
decreased and may appear drought phenomena.
The discharge modifications as a result of the hydrotechnical constructions induced
modifications of the phreatic regime as well. Near the Gura Apelor reservoir- Clopotiva plant,
an underground water bed appeared in the alluvia from the channel, the phreatic level being
influenced by the river level. The discharge decreasing of the rivers as a consequence of the
Gura Apelor reservoir induced a lowering of the phreatic level in the alluvial bed, the area of
influence being restricted to the channel area. After the studies carried out in the area, it was
appreciated that the lowering of the phreatic level in the channel and on the slopes of the
adjacent area will be of 0.1- 1.2 m, which caused the decreasing of the moisture, which
affected the existing vegetation.
On the other hand, the building of the three reservoirs in the depression area (Ostrovu
Mic reservoir, Păclişa reservoir, Haţeg reservoir) brought notable modifications on the
hydrographic network local configration. The about which are said to have been created by
man during the Roman times. At present they are controlled and evolve in derivation regime,
some tributaries being reoriented. New reports between the surface waters and the
underground ones have been created. These resulted in the rising of the phreatic level which
near the surface(0.5-4.2m) and with the modification of their tendancy of discharge.
Consequently, the lower parts from some places (Ostrovu Mic, Ostrovel, Ostrovu Mare,
Păclişa, Sântămăria Orlea) are affected by excess of moisture, the basements of the buildings /
becoming unfunctional and the wells being frequently flooded due to the fact that the
floodings have intensified.

The hidrotechnical planning induced a series of modifications of the landscape as a

whole, and of the vegetation in particular. The main form of vegetation which is influenced
and which in its turn influences the ecosystem is the forest, the grasslands as well as the
juniper trees (occupy around 3000 ha, 1200 ha respectively) are under a reduced influence of
the reservoirs. The forests which are in our focus of interest belong to two planning units of
the Retezat Forestry District (Râul Şes 3rd production unit with an area of 2687 ha and
Retezat National Park 5th production unit which has 286 ha).
As a consequence of the building of the Gura Apei dam and the creation of the
reservoir as well as the organization of the construction site, 640 ha have been excluded from
the stock of wood (400 ha the area occupied by the reservoir, 145 ha of forest has been extra
cut , 30 ha the area occupied by the dam, 20 ha access roads). Out of these, 40 ha have been
reintroduced in the forestry and 600 ha are lost for ever.
After the deforestation it was noticed that all forest types are well represented on both
banks of the reservoir, except the riverside coppices. In conclusion we can say the
biodiversity has not suffered a lot.
An area which attracts our attention is that downstream the dam on the first 3 km,
where the river does not have water, being almost dry due to the fact that the hydrotechnical
planning was not built with a serving discharge (Photo 10).
These modifications consist in early drying of the spurce trees(1-5%), on the whole
left slope of the Râul Mare up to 300-400 m height from the water level and the middle of the
slopes. This phenomenon is outstanding and it has an increasing tendancy in the adjacent area
of the channel, too.
According to the way in which the tree dryings take place, from the top by reddening
and leaf loss as well as by the position in the relief of the phenomenon, the main cause is the
stress caused by de pedo-climatic defficit, by the modification of the hydrographic networks
associated with a long term drought.
The floristic diversity is not very high, but there are many species, their presence is
due to the influence of the anthropic factors (Table 1).
On the of slope of the platform from the diversion tunnel, the vegetation is very
mature because it was not disturbed by the activities which followed the building activities /
and is ocupies 90- 100%, with the exception of the surfaces where there are high blocks of
concrete left behind. These are ocupied by vegetation specific to rocks and rock debris, too.
The trees and the bushes have higher densities and the species identified (Alnus incana-
seedlings, Agrostis capillaris, Betula pendula, Fragaria vesca, Picea abies – seedling,
Ranunculus repens, etc.) resemble the natural composition of alders of Alnus incana, in early
The species are mainly herbaceous and their extention depends on the microrelief.
They follow the Râul Mare course up to the confluence with the Văgăuna Neagră. This
vegetation which appeared because of the low discharge is affected by leakages of residual
water in the river.
As far as the herbaceous flora from the mountainous area is concerned, it has
disappeared being found in other mountainous alluvial plains from the adjacent areas, and
upstream the dam it was completely lost because of the appearance of the reservoir.

Table 1. Species of plants present on the bank

of the Râul Mare- the platform in front of the diversion tunnel


1. Achillea distans +
2. Agrostis capillaris +

3. Agrostis giganteea +
4. Angelica sp. +
5. Arctium lappa +
6. Artemisa vulgare +
7. Calamagrostis arundinacea +
8. Centaureea phrygia +
9. Cirsium sp. +
10 Cirsium candelabrum +
11 Cirsium vulgare +
12 Daucus carota +
13 Leontodon hispidus +
14 Medicago lupulina +
15 Melilotus alba +
16 Mentha longifolia +
17 Origanum vulgare +
18 Plantago media +
19 Prunella vulgaris + /
20 Salix silesiaca- puieţi +
21 Senecio sp. +
22 Taraxacum officinale +
23 Telekia speciosa +
24 Trifolium pratense +
25 Trifolium repens +
26 Tussilago farfara +
27 Urtica dioica +


Following preliminary observations we find that the hydropower works on the Strei
River Basin have not a significant impact on the environmental components.
To make us sharper more detailed, study is required for each environmental
component part.
Acknowledgements. I would like to thank Associate Professor Marcel Oncu for the
permanent guidance, support and advice. I also thank to the staff of Hidroelectrica S.A.
Haţeg and Hydrological station of Deva for the information provided in the preparation of
this work.

Literature cited
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CRISTEA V. & COLAB. 1996. Ocrotirea naturii şi protecţia mediului în România, Ed. Cluj
University Press, Cluj- Napoca, 365 p.
GOŢIU DANA, SURDEANU V. 2008. Hazardele naturale şi riscurile asociate din Ţara Haţegului,
Edit. Presa Universitară Clujană, Cluj-Napoca, 336 p.
GRUMĂZESCU CORNELIA 1975. Depresiunea Haţegului-Studiu geomorfologic, Ed. Academiei
Republicii Socialiste România, Bucureşti, 148 p.
FILIP D. 2002. Impactul amenajărilor hidrotehnice de pe Râu Mare asupra mediului
înconjurător, Geis, 7: 76-81, Ed. Casei Corpului Didactic, Deva.
LAZĂR ZOIA 1995. Reţeaua hidrografică a Depresiunii Haţegului, Referate şi comunicări de
geografie, 1: 101-106, Ed. Casei Corpului Didactic, Deva. /
LAZĂR ZOIA 1995. Observaţii climatice în Depresiunea Haţegului, Referate şi comunicări de
geografie, 2: 21-26, Edit. Casei Corpului Didactic, Deva.
LAZĂR ZOIA 1995. Lacurile şi amenajările hidrotehnice din Depresiunea Haţegului, Referate
şi comunicări de geografie, 2: 27-30, Edit. Casei Corpului Didactic, Deva.
IELENICZ M.& COLAB. 1999. Dicţionar de geografie fizică, Edit. Corint, Bucureşti, 503 pag.
MĂRCULEŢ I.& RUSU B. 2005. Impactul lacurilor de acumulare din Munţii Teleajenului şi
Buzăului asupra reliefului – Observaţii preliminare, Comunicări de Geografie, 9: 103-
POPA N. 1999. Ţara Haţegului- potenţialul de dezvoltare al aşezărilor omeneşti, Edit. Brumar,
Timişoara, 455 pag.
POPOVICI IULIANA (editor coordonator). 1993. Parcul Naţional Retezat – Studii ecologice,
Edit. Eus, Chişinău.
POP P. GR. 2006. Carpaţii şi Subcarpaţii României, ediţia a-II-a revizuită şi adăugită, Edit.
Presa Universitară Clujană, Cluj – Napoca, 260 p.
POP. P. GR. 1996. România- Geografie hidroenergetică, Edit. Presa Universitară Clujană, Cluj-
Napoca, 237 p.
POP. P. GR. 1996. Amenajări hidroenergetice în nordul Grupei Retezat-Godeanu şi
Depresiunea Haţegului, Studia Univ. Babeş – Bolyai, Geographia, Cluj-Napoca, 38(1):
37- 42.
RĂDOANE MARIA, RĂDOANE N. 2007. Geomorfologie aplicată, Edit. Universităţii Suceava.
UJVARI I. 1972. Geografia apelor României, Edit. Ştiinţifică, Bucureşti, 577 p.
URDEA P. 2000. Munţii Retezat-Studiu Geomorfologic, Edit. Academiei Române, Bucureşti,
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Bucureşti, 655 p.

The Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization
Deva, 39, 1 Decembrie Street
Colegiul Naţional Decebal Deva
e-mail: /
Foto 1. Hidropower Foto 2. Right side of the embankment Gura Apei

Foto 3. The embankment Gura Apei

Foto 4. Lake of accumulation Gura Apei

Foto 5. Rockfill quarry on Netişului Valley - Field training of stones in the slope / /
Foto 6. Rockfill quarry on Netişului Valley Foto 7. Clay Quarry at Râu de Mori; the vegetation
was reinstalled

Foto 8. Debris cone with reinstalled vegetation Foto 9- Brazi Hotel

Foto 10. Downstream of embankment Gura Apei / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 85-101




The forest vegetation of Muncelul Mic-Muncelul Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi
zone (Hunedoara County, Romania)

In this paper is presented the forest vegetation of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-

Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone (Hunedoara County). Our searches, made during 2007 and
2008, have identified, five vegetal associations. The forest vegetation is installed along the
rivers, or on the hills in that region. Every association, in this paper, is accompanied by: a
live form’s spectrum, a fitogeographical spectrum, and a phytosociological table.
Key words: forest, vegetation, Muncelu Mic-Muncelul Mare- Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi,
Hunedoara County, Romania

Vegetaţia forestieră a zonei Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi
(Judeţul Hunedoara, România)
In această lucrare este prezentată vegetaţia forestieră a zonei Muncelu Mic-Muncelu
Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi (Judeţul Hunedoara). Cercetările noastre, effectuate în anii 2007
şi 2008 au identificat cinci asociaţii vegetale. Vegetaţia forestieră se află de-a lungul râurilor
sau în zona dealurilor. Fiecare asociaţie este acompaniată de spectrul bioformelor, spectrul
fitogeografic şi tabelul fitosociologic.
Cuvinte cheie: vegetaţie forestieră, Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-
Feregi, judeţul Hunedoara

Poiana Ruscă Mountains, bordered by the Retezat, Ţarcu and Godeanu Mountains (in
the southern and eastern part) form the NW part of the Southern Carpathians (SE Romania)
extending over about 2,640 km2. Its average altitude ranges between 700 and 1,000 m above
sea level, with the highest peaks of Padeş Mt. (1,374 m), Ruscă Mt. (1,356 m) and Muncelu
Hill (1,149 m) situated in the eastern part of the Poiana Ruscă Mountains. Here, various
habitats are intermixed (meadows, pastures, deciduous forests, cultivated areas).
The Valley of Muncel tributary to Dobra River crosses this region from Veţel locality
to Poieniţa Tomii and Feregi localities situated in the tableland of Poiana Ruscă Mountains.
Geological substratum is formed by crystalline schists. /
Climate. The annual average of temperature is about 2-80C, and the annual average of
precipitation is 1,200-1,400 mm in the central range, where the snowcover lasts 100-150 days.
The climate is milder at the peripheral, lower regions, the annual mean temperature is 9-110 C,
the annual precipitations are just 600-700 mm and the snowcover lasts for only 25-50 days.
During 2007-2008 five vegetal associations were recorded from Muncelu Valley.
Thus, the forest vegetation is installed along the rivers, or on the hills in that region. Every
association, in this paper, is accompanied by: a live form’s spectrum, a fitogeographical
spectrum, and a phytosociological table. The nomenclature of the vascular plant species
follows the “Flora Europaea” (1964-1980), Flora RPR-RSR (1952-1976) and the
nomenclature of the vegetation follow MUCINA (1997) and Coldea (1997).

Description of the vegetal associations

1. Ass. Salicetum albae-fragilis Issler 26, SALICETEA PURPUREAE MOOR 1958,


This is a meso-hygrophilous vegetal association, including stable phytocoenoses,

installed on alluvial soils and floating alluvial soils. These vegetal associations have a great
importance, being so-called riverside coppice, with poplars and willows stands (framed in the
third class of cropping power). The trees are in two-layer strata, achieving 60-70% coverage
of the soil. The herbaceous stratum covers the soil up to 50%. The shrub layer is missing in
this association.
Live form’s spectrum: H=36 (47%); Ph=12 (16%); T=10 (13%); H (G)=4 (5%),
others=15 (19%) /
Fitogeographical spectrum: Eua=35 (46%); E=11(15%); Cosm=7 (10%); Circ=6 (8%);
Eua (submedit) =4 (5%); Adv=3 (4%); others=12%.

Table No. 1
Coverage of trees, % 60 65 60 65 60
Height of trees, m 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10
Surface of relevé, m2 400 400 400 400 400
Diameter of trees, cm 15-20 15-20 25-30 25-30 25-30
Coverage of grass layer, % 15 15 10 15 15
Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5 K
Salix alba 3 3 3 3 3 V
Salix alba juv. + - - + - II
Salix fragilis 2 2 2 1 1 II

Salicion albae
Populus alba 1 1 1 + 1 V
Populus alba juv. - + + - + I
Populus nigra + 1 + 2 1 V
Populus nigra juv - - + - - I
Salicetalia et Salicetea
Lysimachia nummularia + + - + + III
Urtica dioica + - - + + III
Rubus caesius - - + + - II
Saponaria officinalis - - + - - I
Humulus lupulus - + + - - II
Oenothera biennis + - - - + II
Aristolochia clematitis - - + + + II
Physalis alkekengi + - - - - I

Agrostion stoloniferae
Lolium perenne + + + + + V
Poa angustifolia + + + + + V
Agrostis stolonifera + + + - + IV /
Elymus repens ssp. repens + + + - + IV
Carex hirta - - + 1 - I

Populus tremula - + - + 1 I
Populus tremula juv. - - - 1 - I
Pyrus pyraster - - - + + I
Rhamnus catharcticus - - - + + II
Rhamnus catharcticus juv. - + - - - I
Sambucus nigra + - - - - I
Sambucus nigra juv. - - - - + I
Prunus spinosa + - - - - I
Prunus spinosa juv. + - - - - I
Polygonatum odoratum - - - - + I
Prunella vulgaris + - - - - I
Torilis japonica - - - + - I

Ballota nigra + + - - + III
Taraxacum officinale + + + - + IV
Erigeron annuus + - - + + III
Euphorbia cyparissias + + - - + III
Potentilla reptans + + - - + III
Ulmus minor + + - - - II
Polygonum hydropiper + - - - + II
Rorippa amphibia - - + + - II
Fraxinus excelsior + - - - - I
Bidens tripartita + + - - - II
Calamagrostis epigejos + - - + - II
Artemisia absinthium - - + + - II
Polygonum lapathifolium + - - - + II
Daucus carota + - + - - II
Tussilago farfara - - + + - II
Scirpus maritimus + - - + - II
Inula britannica - - + - - II
Silene latifolia ssp. alba + - - - + II
Solanum dulcamara - - + - - I
Fallopia convolvulus + - - - - I
Potentilla argentea - - - - - I
Arctium tomentosum - + - - + I
Fragaria vesca - - - - - I
Agrimonia eupatoria + - - - + I
Echium vulgare - - + - - I
Artemisia annua - - - + - I
Leonurus cardiaca - - - - + I
Verbascum phlomoides - - - + - I
Veronica anagallis-aquatica + - - - - I
Tanacetum corymbosum - - - + - I
Trifolium repens - 1 - - - I
Geranium pusillum - - - 1 - I
Stellaria nemorum + - - - - I
Hypericum perforatum - - + - - I
Bellis perennis - - - - + I
Equisetum ramosissimum - - - + - I /
Rumex crispus - - - - + I
Sambucus ebulus - + - - - I
Ranunculus repens + - - - - I

Data of the relevées: 1: 17 Jul. 2008; 2-3: 8 Aug. 2008; 4-5: -27 Jul. 2007

2. Ass. Bromo sterilis-Robinietum pseudacaciae Pocs 1954, QUERCETEA

This association is a thermofilous one, as it can find a lot of vascular plants from Class
Quercetea pubescenti-petraeae. The coverage of the herbaceous stratum reaches at 40-65%.
There is well known that the Acacia plantations are characterized by a very heterogeneous
flora, as: Galium aparine, Rubus caesius, Ballota nigra, Bromus sterilis, Alliaria petiolata,
Urtica dioica, Leonurus cardiaca, Physalis alkekengi.

Live form’s spectrum: H=25 (38%); T=20 (31%); Ph=8 (12%); others=19%. /
Fitogeographical spectrum: Eua=22 (33%); E=11 (17%); Cosm=6 (9%); Circ=6 (9%);
Ec=5 (8%); Adv=4 (6%); others=18%.

Table no. 2

Surface of relevé, m 2 400 400 400 400 400

Coverage of trees, % 65 50 40 65 65
Height of trees, m 8-10 10 8-10 10-12 9-11
Diameter of trees, cm 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25 20-25
Coverage of shrubs, % 3 2 11 2 2
Coverage of grass layer, % 35 50 50 55 50
Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5 K
Robinia pseudacacia 4 4 4 4 4 V
Robinia pseudacacia juv. + + + + + V
Bromus sterilis 2 + + + + V
Anthriscus cerefolium ssp. + + 2 + + V
Urtica dioica + 2 + + + V
Ballota nigra + 2 + + + V
Conium maculatum + + + + + V
Chelidonium majus + + + + 3 V
Secale silvestre + + 2 + + V

Robinion pseudacaciae
Morus alba - + - + - II
Gleditsia triacanthos + - - - - I
Acer negundo juv. + - - + - I
Prunetalia et Prunion
Geum urbanum + + - + + IV
Sambucus nigra + - + + + IV
Euonymus europaeus + + - + - III
Euonymus europaus juv. + - + + - II
Crataegus monogyna + - - + - II /
Crataegus monogyna juv. + + - - + III
Rosa canina - - + + - II
Origanum vulgare - + - - + II
Quercetea pubescenti-
Clinopodium vulgare + + - + - III
Silene latifolia ssp. alba + - + + - III
Pyrus pyraster + + - + - III
Campanula macrostachya + - - + - II
Lithospermum officinale - + - - + II
Fallopia dumetorum + + - - - II
Arctium lappa + - - + - II
Saponaria officinalis - - + - + II
Achillea setacea + + - - - II

Stellaria media + + - + + IV
Chenopodium album + - + + - III
Geranium pusillum + - + + - III
Fumaria schleicheri - - + + + III
Convolvulus arvensis - + - - + II
Solanum nigrum - + + - - II
Senecio vernalis + - + - - II
Capsella bursa-pastoris + - - - + II
Sonchus arvensis - + + - - II
Sisymbrion et
Conyza canadensis + - - + + III
Sisymbrium officinale - + + - - II
Bromus tectorum - + + - - II
Polygonum aviculare + - - + - II

Potentilla argentea - + + - - II
Galium humifusum + - - + - II
Poa angustifolia + - - + - II
Muscari racemosum + - - + - II
Euphorbia cyparissias - + + - - II
Berteroa incana + - + - - II
Poa compressa - + - - + II
Medicago lupulina - - + - + II

Alliaria petiolata + + - + + IV
Cirsium arvense - + + - - II
Artemisia absintium + - - + - II
Taraxacum officinale - + - + - II
Thlaspi perfoliatum - - + - - I
Torilis arvensis - + - - - I
Setaria viridis + - - - - I
Veronica arvensis - - + - - I
Agrostis stolonifera - - - + - I
Arctium minus - - - - + I
Veronica polita - + - - - I /
Elymus repens ssp. repens + - - - - I
Myosotis arvensis - - + - - I
Althaea cannabina - + - - - I

Data and place of the relevées: 1-Muncelul Mic forest 20 Jun., 2008; 2 - Muncelul Mare forest, 20
Jun., 2008; 3 - Feregi forest,17 Jul., 2008; 4 - Muncelul Mare forest, 18 Aug., 2008; 5 - Poieniţa Tomii
forest, 19 Jul., 2008

3. Ass. Pruno spinosae-Crataegetum (Soó 1927) Hueck 1931, RHAMNO-PRUNETEA

Phytocoenoses of this vegetal association are spread in the clearings of the forests, on
the skirts of the forests, or on the place of the former forests, on plane fields or on the slopes
of the hills, usually on the East or South-East exposures.
The characteristic and dominant species of this association, Prunus spinosa ssp.
dasyphylla, and Crataegus monogyna, make up medium coverage indices (up to 70% to
75%), on surfaces between 100 m2 to 300 m 2. The first one of the characteristic species, is a
constant one in all the phytocoenoses, while the second one, are met sporadically only. The
herbaceous layer is relatively well developed, edified by various species, immigrated here
from other vegetal associations. Among these species, the next ones are more frequently:
Ballota nigra, Galium aparine, Poa angustifolia, Elymus repens ssp. repens, Calamagrostis
epigejos. The economical importance of this association is in their pioneer’s role in the
vegetation succession towards the installation of the forests; besides, on those slopes quite
declined, these phytocoenoses have a stabilizer role and against the soil erosion.

Live form’s spectrum: H=29 (58%); Ph=6 (12%); T=4 (8%); others=22%. /
Fitogeographical spectrum: Eua=19 (38%); E=7 (14%); Ec=5 (10%); Circ=4 (8%);

Table No. 3
Surface of relevé, m 2 200 200 200 200 200
Coverage of vegetation, % 75 75 75 70 70
Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5 K
Prunus spinosa ssp. 4 4 4 4 4 V
Crataegus monogyna + + + + + V
Prunion spinosae et
Cornus sanguinea + + - - + III
Origanum vulgare + + + + - III
Rosa canina + + - - + III
Potentilla argentea - + - + - II
Euonymus europaeus - + - - - I
Aristolochia clematitis - - + - - I
Veronica chamaedrys - - - + - I
Humulus lupulus + - - - - I
Quercetea pubescenti-
Geum urbanum - + + - - II
Clinopodium vulgare + - - - + II
Acer tataricum + - - + - II
Tanacetum corymbosum - + - - - I

Poa angustifolia - + + + - III
Salvia nemorosa + - + + - III
Daucus carota + + - - + III
Gagea arvensis + - - + - II
Calamagrostis epigejos - + - - + II /
Eryngium campestre - + + - - II
Salvia verticillata - - - + - I
Viola hirta + - - - - I
Euphorbia cyparissias - - - - + I
Erysimum diffusum - + - - - I
Verbascum phoeniceum - - + - - I

Ballota nigra + + - + + IV
Hypericum perforatum - + + - + III
Fragaria viridis - + - + - II
Artemisia absinthium + - + - - II
Lamium purpureum - + + - - II
Anemone ranunculoides - - + + + III
Stachys officinalis - + - + - II
Cichorium intybus + - + - - II
Stachys recta + - - + - II
Agrimonia eupatoria + - - - + II
Glechoma hederacea - - + - - I
Physalis alkekengi - + - - - I
Vicia cracca - - + - - I
Achillea setacea + - - - - I
Tanacetum vulgare - - - - + I
Conium maculatum - - + - - I
Erigeron annuus - - - + - I
Matriacria perforata + - - - - I
Prunella vulgaris - + - - - I
Torilis arvensis - - - + - I
Data and place of the relevées: 1-2: Muncelul Mic forest, 17 jul. 2007; 3-4: Feregi forest,18 aug 2008
5: Poienita Tomii forest, aug., 2008

4. Ass. Agrostetum stoloniferae Burduja et al.1956, MOLINIO – ARRHENATHERETEA R.

These phytocoenosis occupy relatively limited areas in Muncel and they can be found
at an average altitude of 500-600 m, on soil with slight slope, with southern an eastern
The characteristic and dominant species Agrostis stolonifera are accompanied by other
71 species.
Live form’s spectrum: (H=48,6%) Ph= (7%); T= (35%); others=7%. /
Fitogeographical spectrum: Eua (62,5%), Circ (10%), Ec(10%), E (7%), Adv (6%)

Table no 4

Expozition S S SE E E
Covering (%) 85 80 100 100 100 K
Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5
Caract d’ass.
Agrostis stolonifera 3 3 4 5 4 V

Potentillion anserinae
Alopecurus geniculatus - - + + - II
Carex hirta + + - + + IV
Juncus inflexus - - + - + II
Mentha longifolia - - + - + II
Ranunculus repens - - - + - I
Ranunculus sardous + - + - - II
Rorippa austriaca + + + + + V
Rorippa sylvestris + + + - + IV
Rumex crispus - + + + - III /
Althaea officinalis - - - + - I
Bromus commutatus - + - + - II
Elymus repens + 1 + + 1 V
Inula britannica + + - + + IV
Mentha pulegium + + - + - III
Potentilla reptans + + + + + V
Trifolium fragiferum - + 2 + 1 IV
Arrhenatherion et
Alopecurus pratensis - + - - - I
Crepis biennis - - + - - I
Dactylis glomerata + - + + - III
Daucus carota - + + + - III
Leontodon hispidus + - - - + II
Medicago lupulina + + + + +
Odontites vernus ssp. serotinus - + - - - I
Taraxacum officinale + + + - + IV
Trifolium campestre - + - + - II
Lolio-Plantaginion et
Plantaginetalia majoris
Cichorium intybus - + + - - II
Cynodon dactylon - - - - + I
Lepidium ruderale + - - - - I
Lolium perenne - - + + + III
Plantago major + + + + + V
Polygonum aviculare - - - + - I
Verbena officinalis - + - + - II

Lotus corniculatus - + + - + III
Lysimachia nummularia + - - - + II
Ononis arvensis - + - + - II
Plantago lanceolata + - + + + IV
Ranunculus acris - - + + - II
Rumex acetosa + - + - - II
Trifolium pratense - + + - + III
Trifolium repens + + + + + V

Alisma plantago-aquatica - - - + + II
Bolboschoenus maritimus - - - + - I
Eleocharis palustris - - - + - I
Epilobium hirsutum - - + - - I
Lycopus europaeus + + - - + III
Lythrum salicaria + - - - + II
Phragmites australis + - - - - I
Achillea setacea + + + - + IV
Galium humifusum + + - - - II
Medicago falcata + + - - - II
Potentilla argentea + - - - - I
Artemisietea vulgaris et
Stellarietea mediae /
Anthriscus sylvestris - + + - - II
Arctium tomentosum + - - - - I
Artemisia vulgaris - + - - - I
Bromus arvensis 1 1 - - - II
Cirsium arvense - + - - - I
Cirsium vulgare 2 + + - + IV
Consolida regalis - + - - - I
Conyza canadensis + - - - - I
Leonurus marrubiastrum + - - - - I
Melilotus albus - + - - - I
Melilotus officinalis + 1 + - - III
Sonchus arvensis + - + - - II
Tussilago farfara - - + - - I
Xanthium spinosum - - - + - I
Xanthium strumarium + + + + + V

Variae syntaxa
Agrimonia eupatoria + - - - - I
Bidens tripartita - - + - - I
Centaurium erythraea - - - + - I
Juncus gerardi - - - + + II
Thalictrum aquilegiifolium + - - - - I
Data of the relevées: 1-2 – 20 iun 2008; 3 –10 iun. 2007; 4-5 –19 jul. 2008

5. Ass. Rorippo austriacae – Agropyretum repentis (Timar 1947) R. Tx. 1950,

(Syn.: Rorippo – Agrostietum stoloniferae (Moor 1958) Oberd. et T. Müller 1961; Rumici –
Agrostietum stoloniferae Moor 1958)
The Rorippo austriacae association is characteristic to the hillocky zone but also is
frequently met in the sub-mountainous zone. The characteristic and dominant species Rorippa
austriaca and Elymus repens are accompanied by other species (65): Agrostis stolonifera,
Trifolium fragiferum, Trifolium repens, Poa angustifolia, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Lolium
The bioforms spectrum presents the preponderance of the hemicryptophytes (51,5%)
thus illustrating a moderate climate, followed by the therophytes (36,4%) and phanerophytes
(12%). /
The floristic elements spectrum indicates the prevalence of the eurasian elements
(63,7%), followed by the cosmopolites elements (13,6%) and european and central european
elements, each of them present in a 7% proportion. /
Table no 5
Expozition - - S - SV
Coverage of vegetation (%) 100 100 80 90 75 K
Relevé number 1 2 3 4 5
Caract d’ass.
Rorippa austriaca + + + + + V

Potentillion anserinae
Carex hirta + - - + - II
Juncus inflexus - - + - + II
Mentha longifolia - + + - - II
Ranunculus repens - + - + - II
Ranunculus sardous + - - + + III
Rorippa sylvestris + + + + + V
Rumex crispus + - + - + III

Agrostis stolonifera + 1 1 + + V
Althaea officinalis + - + - + III
Bromus commutatus - + + - - II
Elymus repens 5 4 3 4 3 V
Inula britannica - - + - + II
Potentilla reptans + + + + + V
Trifolium fragiferum + 1 1 + 1 V

Arrhenatherion et Arrhenatheretalia
Alopecurus pratensis + + + + - IV
Crepis biennis - - - + - I
Dactylis glomerata - + - - + II
Daucus carota - - + + - II
Medicago lupulina - - + + + III
Taraxacum officinalis - - + - + II
Trifolium campestre + - + - - II
Lolio-Plantaginion et
Plantaginetalia majoris
Cichorium intybus - + - + + III
Cynodon dactylon - + - + - II
Erodium cicutarium - + + - - II
Hordeum murinum + - - + + III
Lepidium ruderale - - + + - II
Lolium perenne + + + 1 + V
Plantago major + + + - - III
Verbena officinalis - - + - - I

Lotus corniculatus + - + + - III
Ononis arvensis - - - + - I
Plantago lanceolata + + + + + V
Ranunculus acris - + - + - II
Rumex acetosa - - - - + I
Trifolium pratense + - + + - III /
Trifolium repens 1 + + + 1 V

Bolboschoenus maritimus + - - - - I
Eleocharis palustris - - - - + I
Lycopus europaeus + - - - - I
Achillea setacea - - - + + II
Alyssum desertorum - - + + - II
Artemisia austriaca - - - + + II
Eryngium campestre - - + - - I
Euphorbia cyparissias - + - - - I
Galium humifusum + + - - - II
Medicago falcata - + - + - II
Poa angustifolia + - + 1 + IV
Potentilla argentea - + - + - II
Juncus gerardi + + + - - III
Lotus corniculatus - + - - - I
Matricaria recutita - - + - - I
Puccinelia distans ssp. limosa - + - - - I
Artemisietea vulgaris et Stellarietea
Bromus tectorum + + - - - II
Capsella bursa-pastoris - - 1 + - II
Cardaria draba - - - - + I
Carduus acanthoides - + - - + II
Carduus nutans - - + + - II
Chenopodium album - - - + - I
Cirsium vulgare - + + - + III
Lappula squarrosa - - + + - II
Vicia tetrasperma + - - - - I
Xanthium spinosum - - - - + I
Xanthium strumarium + + + + + V

Variae syntaxa
Arenaria serpyllifolia - - + - - I
Bidens tripartita + - - - - I
Veronica chamaedrys - - - + - I
Data of the relevées: 1-17 jul. 2008; 2 –19 jul. 2008; 3 –17 jul.2008; 4 -17 jul 2008; 5 – jul.2008

Literature cited
ELLENBERG H. 1974. Indicator values of vascular plants in Central Europe. Scripta
Geobotanica, IX, Verlag Erich Goltze K.G., Göttingen: 5-97.
OBERDORFER E., FREIBURG Br. 1983. Süddeutsche Pflanzengessellschaften, III, VEB Gustav
Fischer Verlag Jena.
SANDA V., POPESCU A., STANCU DANIELA ILEANA. 2001. Structura cenotică şi caracterizarea
ecologică a fitocenozelor din România. Ed. Conphis. /
BORZA AL. 1963. Fitocenoze specifice pentru ţara noastră (I), Acta Botanica Horti
Bucurestiensis, 2: 779-784.
COLDEA GH. (ED.), 1997, Les associations végétales de Roumanie, 1. Les associations
herbacées naturelles. Presses Universitaires de Cluj.
MORARIU I. 1944. Asupra ecologiei şi sociologiei lui Quercus pedunculiflora C. Koch, Rev.
Pădurilor, 10-12: 257-267.
MUCINA L. 1997. Conspectus of Classes of European Vegetation, Folia Geobotanica
Phytotax., 32: 117-172.
WEBB D.A. (eds). 1964-1980. Flora Europaea. Vol. 1-5. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.

Marcela Balazs
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva
Deva, 39, 1 Decembrie Street
Hunedoara County,
e-mail: / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 103-113




Contributions to the study of the vascular flora from the Muncel Valley
(Hunedoara county)
In this paper is presented the vascular flora of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa
Tomii-Feregi zone (Hunedoara County), situated in the north-western part of Poiana Ruscă
Mountains and crossed by Muncelu River, affluent of Dobra River. The researches were
carried out in 2007-2008. The checklist of the species is presented.
Key words: vascular flora, Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone,
Hunedoara County

Contribuţii la studiul florei vasculare din Valea Muncelului (Judeţul Hunedoara)
In această lucrare este prezentată flora vasculară a zonei Muncelu-Mic-Muncelu
Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi situată în partea nord-vestică a Munţilor Poiana Ruscă şi
străbătută de Râul Muncel, afluent al râului Dobra. Cercetările au fost efectuate în anii 2007-
2008. Este prezentată lista sistematică a speciilor.
Cuvinte cheie : flora vasculară, zona Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-
Feregi, judeţul Hunedoara

The Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone is situated in the north-
western part of Poiana Ruscă Mountains. It is crossed by Muncel River, affluent of Dobra
River. Hills (500-700 m) and mountains with moderate altitude (Muncelu Hill 1149 m)
characterize this zone.

Results and discussions

This floristic epitome is the result of a field-research made in 2007-2008, corelated
with notes from the speciality literature. The epitome contains species identified by us, and
also species that have been quoted and confirmed in our field-researches. For the taxon’s
identification were used papers having the following authors: Flora R. P. R. – R. S. R. (1952-
1976), BELDIE (1977, 1979), CIOCÂRLAN (1988-1990, 2000). /
1. Fam. Lycopodiaceae:
Lycopodium annotinum L., Lycopodium clavatum L., Lycopodium selago L.
2. Fam. Equisetaceae:
Equisetum arvense L., Equisetum fluviatile L. Equisetum hyemale L., Equisetum
palustre L., Equisetum ramosissimum Desf., Equisetum sylvaticum L., Equisetum telmateja
3. Fam. Ophioglossaceae:
Botrychium lunaria (L.) Swartz
4. Fam. Polypodiaceae s. str.:
Polypodium vulgare L.
5. Fam. Dennstaedtiaceae:
Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn
6. Fam. Aspleniaceae:
Asplenium trichomanes L. ssp. trichomanes, Asplenium viride Huds., Athyrium
distentifolium Tausch ex Opiz, Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth, Cystopteris fragilis (L.)
Bernh., Cystopteris montana (L.) Desv., Dryopteris carthusiana (Vill.) H. P. Fuchs, Dryopteris
dilatata (Hoffm.) A. Gray, Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.)
Newman, Gymnocarpium robertianum (Hoffm.) Newman, Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.)
Tod., Polystichum braunii (Spenner) Fée, Polystichum setiferum (Forskal) Woynar
7. Fam. Pinaceae (Abietaceae):
Abies alba Miller, Karsten, (plantat) Pinus sylvestris L., (plantat)
8. Fam. Cupressaceae:
Juniperus communis L. var. communis
9. Fam. Aristolochiaceae:
Asarum europaeum L., Aristolochia clematitis L.,
10. Fam. Ranunculaceae:
Aconitum firmum Reichenb. ssp. hians (Reichenb.) Gayer, Aconitum variegatum L.,
Actaea spicata L., Anemone nemorosa L. ssp. nemorosa, Anemone ranunculoides L.,
Aquilegia vulgaris L., Caltha laeta Schott, Isopyrum thalictroides L., Clematis vitalba L.,
Consolida regalis S.F.Gray ssp. regalis, Helleborus purpurascens K., Hepatica nobilis
Mill., Ranunculus acris L. ssp. acris, Ranunculus cassubicus L., Ranunculus fallax (Wimmer
et Grab.) Sloboda, Ranunculus ficaria L., Ranunculus flammula L., Ranunculus polyanthemos
L. ssp. polyanthemoides (Boreau) Ahlfvengren, Ranunculus repens L., Ranunculus sardous /
Crantz, Ranunculus sceleratus L., Ranunculus serpens Schrank ssp. nemorensis (DC.) G.
Lopez, Thalictrum aquilegiifolium L.,Thalictrum minus L. ssp. minus,
11. Fam Papaveraceae:
Chelidonium majus L.,
12.Fam. Fumariaceae:
Corydalis cava (L.) Schweigg. et Koerte, Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv.,
13. Fam. Ulmaceae:
Ulmus glabra Hudson,
14. Fam. Cannabaceae (Cannabinaceae):
Humulus lupulus L.,
15. Fam. Urticaceae:
Urtica dioca L. ssp. dioica, Parietaria officinalis L.,
16. Fam. Fagaceae:
Fagus sylvatica L. ssp. sylvatica, Quercus cerris L.,
17. Fam. Betulaceae:
Alnus incana (L.) Moench, Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn., Betula pendula Roth,
18. Fam. Corylaceae:
Carpinus betulus L., Corylus avellana L.
19. Fam.Caryophyllaceae:
Arenaria serpyllifolia L., Cerastium arvense L. ssp. arvense, Cerastium dubium (Bast.)
Guépin, Cerastium fontanum Baumg. ssp. fontanum, Cerastium glomeratum Thuill.,
Cerastium holosteoides Fries. ampl. Hyl., Cerastium semidecandrum L., Cerastium
sylvaticum Waldst. et Kit., Dianthus carthusianorum L., Holosteum umbellatum L., Lychnis
flos-cuculi L., Lychnis viscaria (L.) ssp. viscaria, Lychnis flos-cuculi L., Moehringia muscosa
L., Sagina procumbens L., Saponaria officinalis L., Scleranthus annuus L. ssp. annuus,
Scleranthus uncinatus Schur, Silene alba (Miller) E. H. L. Krause, Silene dioica (L.) Clairv.,
Silene nutans L. ssp. nutans, Silene viscosa (L.) Pers., Stellaria graminea L., Stellaria holostea
L., Stellaria media (L.) Vill., Stellaria nemorum L.,
20. Fam. Chenopodiaceae:
Chenopodium album L. var. album, Chenopodium polyspermum L., Chenopodium
strictum Roth
21. Fam. Polygonaceae:
Polygonum aviculare L., Polygonum convolvulus L., Polygonum dumetorum L.,
Polygonum hydropiper L., Polygonum minus Huds., Polygonum mite Schrank, Rumex /
acetosa L., Rumex acetosella L. ssp. acetoselloides (Balansa) den Nijs, Rumex conglomeratus
Murray, Rumex crispus L., Rumex obtusifolius L. ssp. obtusifolius,
22. Fam. Crassulaceae:
Sedum acre L., Sedum maximum (L.) Hoffm.,
23. Fam. Saxifragaceae:
Chrysosplenium alternifolium L.,
24. Fam. Rosaceae:
Agrimonia eupatoria L. ssp. grandis (Andrz.) Bornm., Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr.,
Alchemilla subcrenata Buser, Alchemilla vulgaris L. emend. Fröhner, Alchemilla
xanthochlora Rothm., Cerasus avium (L.) Moench, Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim,
Filipendula vulgaris Moench, Fragaria vesca L., Fragaria viridis Weston ssp. viridis: Geum
allepicum Jacq., Geum montanum L., Geum rivale L., Geum urbanum L., Potentilla anserina
L., Potentilla arenaria Borkh. ssp. arenaria, Potentilla aurea L.,Potentilla erecta (L.) Räusch.,
Potentilla recta L. ssp. recta, Potentilla reptans L., Prunus spinosa L., Rosa canina L., Rosa
pendulina L., Rubus caesius L., Rubus hirtus Waldst. et Kit. ssp. hirtus, Rubus idaeus L.,
Sanguisorba officinalis L.,Spiraea chamaedryfolia L., Sorbus aucuparia L. ssp. aucuparia
25. Fam. Fabaceae (Leguminosae):
Anthyllis vulneraria L. ssp. vulneraria, Astragalus glycyphyllos L., Chamaecytisus
hirsutus (L.) Link, Coronilla varia L., Genista tinctoria L. ssp. tinctoria, Genistella sagittalis
(L.) Gams, Lathyrus pratensis L., Lathyrus tuberosus L., Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh., Lotus
corniculatus L., Medicago lupulina L.,Medicago minima (L.) L., Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.,
Ononis arvensis L. ssp. arvensis, Trifolium aureum Pollich, Trifolium campestre Schreber:
Trifolium hybridum L. ssp. hybridum, Trifolium medium L. ssp. medium, Trifolium
montanum L.,Trifolium ochroleucum Hudson, Trifolium pannonicum Jacq.,Trifolium
pratense L. ssp. pratense, Trifolium repens L. ssp. repens, Trifolium spadiceum L., Vicia
cracca L., Vicia sativa L. ssp. sativa, Vicia sepium L., Vicia sylvatica L.,
26. Fam. Lythraceae:
Lythrum salicaria L.,
27. Fam.Onagraceae:
Circaea lutetiana L., Circaea x intermedia Ehrh., Epilobium collinum C. C. Gmelin,
Epilobium dodonaei Vill., Epilobium hirsutum L., Epilobium montanum L., Epilobium
palustre L., Epilobium parviflorum Schreber, Oenothera biennis L.,
28. Fam. Thymelaeaceae:
Daphne mezereum L., /
29. Fam. Cornaceae:
Cornus mas L., Cornus sanguinea L.,
30. Fam. Celastraceae:
Euonymus europaeus L., Euonymus verrucosus Scop.,
31. Fam. Euphorbiaceae:
Euphorbia amygdaloides L., Euphorbia carniolica Jacq., Euphorbia cyparissias L.,
Euphorbia platyphyllos L., Mercurialis perennis L.,
32. Fam. Rhamnaceae:
Frangula alnus Miller
33. Fam. Aceraceae:
Acer pseudoplatanus L.,
34. Fam.Oxalidaceae:
Oxalis acetosella L.,
35. Fam. Geraniaceae:
Erodium cicutarium (L.) L' Hérit, Geranium palustre L., Geranium phaeum L.,
Geranium pratense L., Geranium robertianum L., Geranium sanguineum L.,
36. Fam. Balsaminaceae:
Impatiens noli-tangere L.,
37. Fam. Linaceae:
Linum austriacum L., Linum catharticum L. ssp. catharticum
38. Fam. Polygalaceae:
Polygala amara L. ssp. amara, Polygala vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris
39. Fam. Araliaceae:
Hedera helix L.,
40. Fam. Apiaceae (Umbelliferae):
Aegopodium podagraria L., Angelica sylvestris L. ssp. montana (Brot.) Arcangeli,
Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm., Astrantia major L. ssp. major, Carum carvi L.,
Chaerophyllum aromaticum L.,Chaerophyllum aureum L., Chaerophyllum bulbosum L. ssp.
bulbosum, Chaerophyllum hirsutum L., Chaerophyllum temulum L., Conium maculatum L.,
Daucus carota L. ssp. carota, Eryngium campestre L., Eryngium planum L., Laserpitium
latifolium L., Peucedanum oreoselinum (L.) Moench, Pimpinella major (L.) Hudson ssp.
major, Sanicula europaea L., Torilis arvensis (Hudson) Link ssp. arvensis,
41. Fam. Hypericaceae: /
Hypericum hirsutum L., Hypericum maculatum Crantz ssp. maculatum, Hypericum
perforatum L.,
42. Fam. Tiliaceae:
Tilia cordata Miller
43. Fam. Malvaceae:
Malva pusilla Sm., Malva sylvestris L. ssp. sylvestris
44. Fam. Violaceae:
Viola canina L., Viola declinata Waldst. et Kit., Viola hirta L., Viola mirabilis L.,
Viola odorata L., Viola reichenbachiana Jordan ex Boreau, Viola tricolor L. ssp. tricolor
45. Fam. Tamaricaceae:
Myricaria germanica (L.) Desv.,
46. Fam. Brassicaceae (Cruciferae):
Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara et Grande, Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. ssp. vulgaris,
Bunias orientalis L., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik., Cardamine amara L. ssp. amara,
Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Cr., Cardamine flexuosa With. in Stokes, Cardamine hirsuta L.,
Cardamine impatiens L., Cardaminopsis arenosa (L.) Hayek, Cardaminopsis halleri (L.)
Hayek ssp. halleri, Cardaria draba (L.) Desv., Diplotaxis muralis (L.) DC., Lepidium ruderale
L., Rorippa sylvestris (L.) Besser ssp. sylvestris, Rorippa austriaca (Crantz) Besser, Sinapis
arvensis L., Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop., Thlaspi arvense L., Thlaspi perfoliatum L.,
47. Fam. Salicaceae:
Populus tremula L., Salix alba L. ssp. alba, Salix aurita L., Salix caprea L., Salix
cinerea L., Salix elaeagnos Scop., Salix fragilis L., Salix purpurea L. ssp. purpurea, Salix
silesiaca Willd., Salix viminalis L.,
48. Fam. Ericaceae:
Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, Vaccinium myrtillus L., Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.
49. Fam. Pyrolaceae:
Moneses uniflora (L.) A. Gray
50. Fam. Monotropaceae:
Monotropa hypopitys L.,
51. Fam. Primulaceae:
Lysimachia nummularia L., Lysimachia punctata L., Lysimachia vulgaris L, Primula
veris L., Primula vulgaris Hudson, Trientalis europaea L.,
52. Fam.Gentianaceae: /
Centaurium erythraea Rafin ssp. erythraea, Gentiana acaulis L., Gentiana asclepiadea
L.,Gentiana cruciata L., Gentianella austriaca (A. et J. Kerner) Holub
53. Fam. Apocynaceae:
Vinca minor L.,
54. Fam. Asclepiadaceae:
Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medikus ssp. hirundinaria
55. Fam. Oleaceae:
Fraxinus excelsior L., Ligustrum vulgare L., Syringa vulgaris L.,
56. Fam. Solanaceae:
Hyosciamus niger L., Solanum dulcamara L.,
57. Fam. Convolvulaceae:
Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br., Convolvulus arvensis L.,
58. Fam. Cuscutaceae:
Cuscuta epithymum (L.) Nath.,
59. Fam. Boraginaceae:
Anchus officinalis L., Buglossoides purpureo-caerulea (L.) I.M. Johnston,
Cynoglossum officinale L., Echium vulgare L., Myosotis arvensis Hill. ssp. arvensis,
Myosotis nemorosa Besser, Myosotis scorpioides L., Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm,
Pulmonaria mollis Wulfen ex Homem ssp. mollissima (A. Kerner) Nyman, Pulmonaria
officinalis L., Symphytum officinale L., Symphytum tuberosum L. ssp. tuberosum
60. Fam. Verbenaceae:
Verbena officinalis L.,
61. Fam. Lamiaceae:
Ajuga genevensis L., Ajuga reptans L., Ballota nigra L. ssp. nigra, Clinopodium
vulgare L., Galeopsis speciosa Miller, Galeopsis tetrahit L., Glechoma hederacea L.,
Glechoma hirsuta Waldst. et Kit., Lamium amplexicaule L., Lamium galeobdolon (L.) L. ssp.
galeobdolon, Lamium maculatum L. ssp. maculatum, Lamium purpureum L., Leonurus
cardiaca L. ssp. villosus (Desf. ex Sprengel), Lycopus europaeus L., Mentha arvensis L. ssp.
arvensis, Mentha longifolia (L.) Hudson, Mentha pulegium L., Nepeta nuda L., Origanum
vulgare L., Prunella grandiflora (L.) Scholler, Prunella vulgaris L., Salvia glutinosa L., Salvia
nemorosa L. ssp. nemorosa, Salvia pratensis L. ssp. pratensis, Salvia verticillata L., Stachys
germanica L., Stachys officinalis (L.) Trev., Stachys sylvatica L., Teucrium chamaedrys L.,
Thymus pannonicus All. ssp. pannonicus, Thymus pulegioides L. ssp. pulegioides
62. Fam. Plantaginaceae: /
Plantago lanceolata L., Plantago major L. ssp. major, Plantago media L.,
63. Fam. Scrophulariaceae:
Digitalis grandiflora Miller, Euphrasia officinalis L. ssp. pratensis Schübler et
Martens, Euphrasia stricta D. Wolff ex J. F. Lehm ssp. stricta, Lathraea squamaria L., Linaria
vulgaris Miller, Melampyrum arvense L., Melampyrum bihariense A. Kerner, Rhinanthus
alectorolophus (Scop.) Pollich, Rhinanthus angustifolius C. C. Gmelin ssp. angustifolius,
Rhinanthus minor L., Scrophularia nodosa L., Verbascum chaixii Vill. ssp. austriacum
(Schott) Hayek, Verbascum nigrum L. ssp. nigrum, Verbascum phlomoides L., Veronica
anagallis-aquatica L., Veronica arvensis L., Veronica beccabunga L., Veronica chamaedrys L.
ssp. chamaedrys, Veronica officinalis L., Veronica serpyllifolia L. ssp. serpyllifolia, Veronica
urticifolia Jacq.,
64. Fam. Campanulaceae:
Campanula abietina Griseb., Campanula glomerata L. ssp. glomerata, Campanula
patula L., Campanula persicifolia L., Campanula rapunculoides L., Campanula serrata (Kit.)
Hendrych, Campanula trachelium L.,
65. Fam. Rubiaceae:
Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend, Galium aparine L., Galium mollugo L., Galium odoratum
(L.) Scop., Galium schultesii Vest,Galium uliginosum L., Galium verum L.
66. Fam. Caprifoliaceae:
Lonicera nigra L., Lonicera xylosteum L., Sambucus nigra L., Sambucus racemosa L.,
Viburnum opulus L.
67. Fam. Valerianaceae:
Valeriana officinalis L., Valeriana simplicifolia (Reichenb.) Kabath, Valeriana tripteris
68. Fam. Dipsacaceae:
Dipsacus fullonum L., Dipsacus laciniatus L., Knautia arvensis (L.) Coulter ssp.
arvensis, Scabiosa ochroleuca L., Succisa pratensis Moench
69. Fam. Asteraceae (Compositae):
Achillea collina J. Becker, Achillea distans Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd ssp. distans,
Achillea millefolium L. ssp. millefolium, Achillea stricta (Koch) Schleicher ex Gremli,
Artemisia vulgaris L., Bellis perennis L., Bidens cernua L., Bidens tripartita L., Carduus
acanthoides L., Carduus personatus (L.) Jacq. ssp. personatus, Carlina acaulis L. ssp. acaulis,
Carlina vulgaris L., Centaurea jacea L., Centaurea phrygia L., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.,
Cirsium erisithales (Jacq.) Scop., Cirsium furiens Schenk, Cirsium oleraceum (L.) /
Scop., Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.,Cirsium rivulare (Jacq.) All., Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten.,
Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq., Doronicum austriacum Jacq., Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. ssp.
annuus, Galinsoga ciliata (Rafin.) Blake, Galinsoga parviflora Cav., Gnaphalium sylvaticum
L., Inula ensifolia L., Inula helenium L., Inula hirta L., Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. ssp.
vulgare, Matricaria discoidea DC.: 2; Matricaria recutita L., Onopordum acanthium L.,
Petasites albus (L.) Gaertner, Petasites hybridus (L.) P. Gaertner, B. Meyer et Scherb.,
Senecio jacobea L. ssp. jacobea, Senecio ovatus (P. Gaertner, B. Meyer et Scherb.) Willd.,
Senecio paludosus L., Senecio vernalis Waldst. et Kit., Senecio vulgaris L., Solidago
virgaurea L. ssp. virgaurea, Tanacetum corymbosum (L.) Schultz Bip. ssp. corymbosum,
Tanacetum vulgare L., Telekia speciosa (Schreber) Baumg., Tussilago farfara L., Cichorium
intybus L. ssp. intybus, Crepis biennis L.,Crepis paludosa (L.) Moench, Hieracium
aurantiacum L. ssp. aurantiacum, Hieracium murorum L., Hieracium pilosella L., Hieracium
umbellatum L., Hypochoeris radicata L.,Hypochoeris uniflora Vill., Lapsana communis L.
ssp. communis, Leontodon autumnalis L. ssp. autumnalis, Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort.,
Sonchus arvensis L. ssp. arvensis, Sonchus oleraceus L., Taraxacum officinale , Tragopogon
pratensis L. ssp. orientalis (L.) Celak:
70. Fam. Alismataceae:
Alisma plantago-aquatica L.
71. Fam. Trilliaceae:
Paris quadrifolia L.,
72. Fam. Liliaceae:
Colchicum autumnale L., Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl, Scilla bifolia L. ssp. bifolia,
Maianthemum bifolium (L.) F. W. Schmidt, Polygonatum latifolium (Jacq.) Desf.,
Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All.,
73. Fam. Amaryllidaceae:
Galanthus nivalis L.:
74. Fam. Iridaceae:
Crocus vernus (L.) Hill,
75. Fam.Orchidaceae:
Anacamptis pyramidalis (L.) L. C. M. Richard, Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartman,
Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó ssp. schurii (Klinge) Soó, Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz,
Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R. Br. ssp. conopsea, Neottia nidus-avis (L.) L. C. M. Richard,
Platanthera bifolia (L.) L. C. M. Richard
76. Fam. Juncaceae: /
Juncus articulatus L., Juncus bufonius L., Juncus conglomeratus L., Juncus effusus L.,
Juncus inflexus L., Juncus tenuis Willd., Luzula campestris (L.) DC., Luzula luzuloides
(Lam.) Dandy et Wilmott ssp. luzuloides, Luzula pallescens Swartz, Luzula pilosa (L.)
Willd., Luzula sylvatica (Hudson) Gaudin
77. Fam. Cyperaceae:
Blysmus compressus (L.) Panzer ex Link, Eleocharis palustris (L.) Roemer et
Schultes, Eriophorum angustifolium Honck., Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe, Schoenoplectus
lacustris (L.) Palla, Scirpus sylvaticus L.,Carex acuta L. ssp. acuta, Carex curta Good., Carex
digitata L., Carex echinata Murray, Carex flava L., Carex hirta L., Carex pendula Hudson,
Carex remota L., Carex rostrata Stokes , Carex spicata Hudson, Carex sylvatica Hudson,
Carex vesicaria L., Carex vulpina L.
78. Fam. Poaceae (Gramineae):
Briza media L., Cynosurus cristatus L., Dactylis glomerata L. var. glomerata, Dactylis
polygama Horvátovszky, Festuca altissima All., Festuca arundinacea Schreber ssp.
arundinacea, Festuca drymeja Mert. Et Koch, Festuca gigantea (L.) Vill., Festuca nigrescens
Lam., Festuca ovina L. ssp. ovina, Festuca pratensis Hudson ssp. pratensis, Festuca rubra L.
ssp. rubra, Festuca valesiaca Schleicher ex Gaudin, Lolium perenne L., Poa annua L., Poa
nemoralis L., Poa palustris L.,Poa pratensis L., Poa supina Schrader, Poa sylvicola Guss, Poa
trivialis L., Melica picta C. Koch, Melica uniflora Retz., Glyceria fluitans (L.) R. Br. ssp.
fluitans, Glyceria maxima (Hartman) Holmberg, Glyceria nemoralis (Uechtr.) Uechtr. et
Koernicke, Glyceria notata Chevall., Bromus commutatus Schrader, Bromus hordeaceus L.,
Bromus tectorum L., Brachypodium pinnatum (L.) Beauv. ssp. pinnatum, Brachypodium
sylvaticum (Hudson) Beauv., Agrostis capillaris L. ssp. capillaris, Agrostis stolonifera L. ssp.
stolonifera, Alopecurus aequalis Sobol., Alopecurus geniculatus L., Anthoxanthum odoratum
L., Arrhenatherum elatius.(L.) Beauv. ex. J. et C. Presl ssp. elatius, Avenula pratensis (L.)
Dumort., Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth, Calamagrostis pseudophragmites (Haller fil.)
Koeler, Calamagrostis varia (Schrader) Host, Calamagrostis villosa (Chaix) J. F. Gmelin,
Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv. ssp. caespitosa,Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin.,Elymus
caninus (L.) L. ssp. caninus, Elymus repens (L.) Gould, Helictotrichon decorum (Janka)
Hernard, Holcus lanatus L., Hordelymus europaeus (L.) C. O. Harz, Phleum montanum C.
Koch, Phleum pratense L.,Trisetum flavescens (L.) Beauv. ssp. flavescens, Danthonia
decumbens (L.) DC., Molinia caerulea (L.) Moench ssp. caerulea var. caerulea, Nardus stricta
L., Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv., Setaria pumila (Poiret) Schultes.
79. Fam. Typhaceae: /
Typha latifolia L.
80. Fam. Araceae:
Arum maculatum

The 557 taxa are grouped in 80 families. The best represented families are:
Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Fabaceae, Lamiaceae, Poaceae, Ranunculaceae,

Literature cited
BELDIE AL., 1977. 1979. Flora României. Determinator ilustrat al plantelor vasculare,
I, II, Ed. Acad. Rom., Bucureşti.
CHELU ALMA, ARSENE G.-G. 2000. Cenozele de cormofite de pe vârfurile Padeş şi
Rusca (Munţii Poiana Ruscă, sud-vestul României). Lucrări ştiinţifice. Facultatea de
agricultură, partea III, XXXII, Timişoara
CIOCÂRLAN V. 2000. Flora ilustrată a României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta. Ed.
Ceres, Bucureşti.
***, 1952-1976 – Flora R. P. R. - R. S. R., I-XIII, Ed. Acad. R. P. R. – R. S. R.,

Marcela Balazs
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva
Deva, 39, 1 Decembrie Street
Hunedoara County
e-mail: / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 115-141




Faunistical and bio-ecological study of Rhopalocera species (Ord.
Lepidoptera) of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone
(Poiana Ruscă Mountains, Romania)

The author presents the faunistical and bio-ecological study concerning

Rhopalocera species (Ord. Macrolepidoptera) of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa
Tomii-Feregi zone. This zone is situated in the northern part of Poiana Ruscă Mountains
(Western Carpathians, Romania). Two of these localities, Poieniţa Tomii and Feregi are
situated in the Pădureni Countryside, an isolated region with special geographic
conditions were was developed one of the most original and archaic popular civilizations
of Romania.
The researches concerning the fauna of Lepidoptera (S. Ord. Rhopalocera) have
been accomplished in the period of April-October 2008.
80 butterflies’ species were recorded from the habitats of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu
Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone.
The checklist of the species and data about the ecological exigencies, the
frequency, the fly period and host plant of larvae are presented. The analysis of the
ecological exigencies, the frequency of the species and trophic structure of larvae is
On the basis of our personal researches 59 plant species were identified as nectar
source for adults. The most visited plant species by butterflies are Dianthus
carthusianorum, Hypericum perforatum, Epilobium angustifolium, Mentha longifolia,
Eupatorium cannabinum, Digitalis grandiflora, Potentilla reptans, Lotus corniculatus,
Medicago sativa, Vicia faba, Sambucus racemosa, Sambucus nigra, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Telekia speciosa and Tanacetum vulgare. Other species like Inachis io, Vanessa
atalanta, Apatura iris prefer dung, sap trees and fermenting fruits.
Species with a high frequency (>15 individuals/day) in this area are: Pieris rapae,
Pieris nape, Clossiana dia dia, Clossiana euphrosyne euphrosyne, Clossiana selene
selene, Maniola jurtina, Aphantopus hyperanthus hyperantus, Melanargia galathea,
Argynnis paphia paphia, Argynnis adippe adippe, Vanessa cardui. Rare and very rare
species are Maculinea arion, Maculinea alcon and Maculinea teleius, Satyrium w-album,
Thecla betulae and Chazara briseis.
Key words: Rhopalocera, Muncelu Mic- Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi
zone, faunistical, bio-ecological study /
Studiu faunistic şi bio-ecologic al speciilor de Rhopalocera (Ord. Lepidoptera)
din zona Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi (Munţii Poiana
Ruscă, România)

Autorul prezintă studiul faunistic şi bio-ecologic al speciilor de Rhopalocera (Ord.

Lepidoptera) din zona Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi. Această zonă
este situată în partea nordică a Munţilor Poiana Ruscă (Carpaţii Occidentali, România).
Două dintre localităţi, Poieniţa Tomii şi Feregi sunt situate în Ţinutul Pădurenilor, o
regiune izolată, cu condiţii geografice particulare in care s-a dezvoltat una dintre cele mai
originale şi arhaice civilizaţii populare din România.
Cercetările privind fauna de lepidoptere (S. ord. Rhopalocera) au fost efectuate în
perioada aprilie-octombrie 2008.
80 de specii de fluturi diurni au fost semnalaţi în zona Muncelu Mic-Poieniţa Tomii-
Lista sistematică a speciilor precum şi date despre cerinţele ecologice, frecvenţa
speciilor, perioada de zbor a adulţilor şi plantele gazdă ale larvelor sunt prezentate. Este
prezentată analiza exigenţelor ecologice, frecvenţa speciilor şi structura trofică a larvelor.
Pe baza cercetărilor noastre au fost identificate 59 de specii de plante ca sursă de
nectar pentru adulţi. Cele mai vizitate plante cu flori de către fluturii de zi sunt Dianthus
carthusianorum, Hypericum perforatum, Epilobium angustifolium, Mentha longifolia,
Eupatorium cannabinum, Digitalis grandiflora, Potentilla reptans, Lotus corniculatus,
Medicago sativa, Vicia faba, Sambucus racemosa, Sambucus nigra, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Telekia speciosa şi Tanacetum vulgare. Alte specii ca Inachis io, Vanessa
atalanta, Apatura iris preferă dejecţiile animaliere, seva arborilor şi fructele fermentate.
Pieris rapae, Pieris nape, Clossiana dia dia, Clossiana euphrosyne euphrosyne,
Clossiana selene selene, Maniola jurtina, Aphantopus hyperanthus hyperantus,
Melanargia galathea, Argynnis paphia paphia, Argynnis adippe adippe, Vanessa cardui
au o frecvenţă ridicată în zona cercetată (>15 exemplare/zi). Specii rare în zona cercetată
sunt Maculinea arion, Maculinea alcon şi Maculinea teleius, Satyrium w-album, Thecla
betulae şi Chazara briseis.
Cuvinte cheie: Rhopalocera, Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi
zone, studiu faunistic, bio-ecologic


The aim of this study is to present the Rhopalocera species (Ord. Lepidoptera)
recorded from the habitats of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone. This
area is one of the important roads to the Pădureni Countryside, a high tableland of the eastern
part of Poiana Ruscă Mountains (KRAUTNER 1984). In Pădureni Countryside 30 villages as
Poieniţa Tomii and Feregi are located on the top of the mountains (fig. 14). Here, various
habitats are intermixed (meadows, pastures, deciduous forests, cultivated areas). A suggestive
presentation of Pădureni Countryside is given by IŞVĂNONI (2006): “up there, on the peaks,
there is the village surrounded by vegetable gardens and orchards; going down there are the /
fields of cereals arranged in terraces like some huge benches; beneath these fields there is the
hay land belt then the pastures lands and finally, at the bottom, the forests”.
The Valley of Muncel tributary to Dobra River crosses this region from Veţel locality
to Poieniţa Tomii and Feregi localities situated in the tableland of Poiana Ruscă Mountains.
The relief is represented by hills with 500 m-700 m altitude. The highest altitude is in
Muncelu Hill (1149 m) situated in the western part of the Poiana Ruscă Mountains.
Geological substratum is formed by crystalline schists.
Climate. The annual average of temperature is about 5-60C. The annual average of
precipitations is 600-800 mm.
Flora and vegetation: As. Carpino-Fagetum PAUCĂ 1941 is the principal association
that built up the beech forests of the studied area (fig. 12). Isolated specimens of Quercus
petraea, Ulmus glabra and Tilia cordata were observed. At the edge of the forests shrubs
associations represented by Pruno spinosae-Crataegetum (SOÓ 1927) HUECK 1931,
Euonymo-Sambucetum nigrae MOOR 1967 and Sambucetum racemosae OBERD. 1973 are
prevailing. Calamagrostio-Betuletum pendulae RESMERIŢĂ & CSÜRÖS 1966 is built up in the
mountainous region. Beech forests are interrupted in some places by rocks with mesophilous
vegetation. Meadows are built up by Festuco rubrae-Agrostetum capillaris HORV. 1951 and
Galio veri-Festucetum rubrae RESMERIŢĂ (1965) 1980 (Fig. 13), Festucetum pratensis SOÓ
(1938), 1955, 1969, Agrostio stoloniferae-Deschampsietum caespitosae UJVÁROSI 1947
associations. In the valley of the river Aegopodio-Alnetum glutinosae KARPATI & JURKO 1961
and Salici capreae-Sambucetum racemosae SOÓ 1960 are prevailing. It was also studied the
high herbaceous vegetation with Epilobium angustifolium that grows up in the valley of
Muncel River (As. Epilobietum angustifolii RÜBEL 1930).

Material and methods

Butterflies have been collected with an entomological net in six habitats of the studied
1. Mesophilous meadows situated in the northern part of Muncelu Mic locality and in
the southern part of Muncelu Mare locality;
2. Mesohygrophilous meadows situated along the Muncelu Valley between Muncelu
Mic and Muncelu Mare localities; /
3. Rocks with mesophilous vegetation (As. Asplenio trichomani-Poetum nemoralis
BOŞCAIU 1971) widespread especially in the hillocky zone of the area between Muncelu Mic
and Muncelu Mare;
4. The edge of the deciduous forests (beech forests) widespread along the Muncelu
River, between Muncelu Mic and Feregi localities;
5. The shrub associations with Sambucus nigra, Sambucus racemosa, Prunus
spinosa, Rosa canina and Crataegus monogyna (identified along Muncelu Valley and at the
edge of the beech forests);
6. The high herbaceous vegetation with Epilobium angustifolium of Muncelu Valley.
Specimens were sampled from early May to October 2008.
Species were identified in laboratory using different papers published by NICULESCU
(1961, 1963, 1965), HIGGINS & RILEY (1984), STILL (1996), FELTWELL (2001), TOLMAN &
The frequency of the Rhopalocera species was established following RÁKOSY &
VIEHMANN (1991) classification. The classes of frequency are: VR-Very Rare species (1-4
individuals/generation); R-Rare species (5-10 individuals/generation); VF-Very frequent
species (>15 individuals /day); RF- Relative frequent species (5-10 individuals/day); F-
Frequent species (10-15 individuals/day)
The ecological exigencies of the species have been established using the classification
proposed by RÁKOSY (1993): M- Mesophilous species; Mh-Mesohygrophilous species; Mt-
Mesothermophilous species; Mxt- Mesoxerothermophilous species; Mht-
Mesohygrothermophilous species; Xt-Xerothermophilous species; Hg- Hygrophilous species.
The larval food is presented on the basis of our personal researches and various
lepidopterological papers (NICULESCU 1961, 1963, 1965; STILL 1996, TOLMAN & LEWINGTON
For each butterfly it was registered the flowering plants they visit during the period of
our researches. Other non-floral food of the adults, including dung, tree sap, rotting fruits is
also presented. Plants were determined using The Encyclopaedia of Plants (PÂRVU 2002,
2003, 2004, 2005).
All collected specimens are kept in the collection of the Museum of Dacian and
Roman Civilisation of Deva town (Hunedoara County, Romania).
The checklist of the species has been drawn out by using the actual nomenclature and
systematic published by RÁKOSY (2002), RÁKOSY, GOIA & KOVÁCS (2003). /
Results and discussions

A total of 80 species of Rhopalocera (Ord. Lepidoptera) have been recorded from

Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi region of Poiana Ruscă Mountains.
Most of the species were identified in the hillocky zone covered by deciduous forests
and crossed by Muncelu River. 80, respective 77 species were sampled in the natural habitats
situated in the neighbourhood of the localities Muncelu Mare and Muncelu Mic (Table 2). In
the high tableland of Pădureni Countryside characterized by an anthropized landscape
(degraded pastures), we have collected only 54 species at Poieniţa Tomii and 45 species at
Feregi village.

Tab. 2- Sites of sampling and the number of species

Muncelu Mic 78
Muncelu Mare 80
Poieniţa Tomii 54
Feregi 45

From the total of the species 40 species are belonging to Nymphalidae and 19 species
to Lycaenidae (Tab. 3). Pieridae and Hesperiidae are represented each other by 8 species.

Tab. 3 – Rhopalocera families and number of species collected in the area of Muncelu
Mic-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi (Poiana Ruscă Mountains)

The checklist of the butterflies (S.ord. Rhopalocera) identified in the mountainous area
of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi is given. Data about their ecological
exigencies, fly period of the adults, larval food, adult resources and frequency of the species
are included in Table 3. /
Tab. 3- Checklist of Rhopalocera species identified in the hillocky region of
Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi (Poiana Ruscă Mountains)
Erynnis tages VI- M Oligophagous: Medicago lupulina, Ajuga VF
tages (LINNAEUS, VIII Fabaceae reptans, Trifolium campestre,
1758) Hypericum perforatum,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Dianthus carthusianorum
Pyrgus carthami V-IX M Potentilla, Potentilla reptans, F
(HÜBNER, 1813) Alchemilla, Viola tricolor, Hypericum
Malva perforatum
Pyrgus VII- M Oligophagous: Hypericum perforatum, VF
malvae malvae VIII Rosaceae Linum catharticum, Potentilla
(LINNAEUS, 1758) (Fragaria, reptans, Salvia nemorosa,
Potentilla) Galium verum, Senecio
Carterocephalus V-VI M Oligophagous: Sambucus racemosa, Urtica RF
palaemon (Pallas, Poaceae dioica, Potentilla reptans,
1777) Trifolium repens
Thymelicus VI- M Oligophagous: Sambucus racemosa, F
lineola VIII Poaceae Leucanthemum vulgare,
(OCHSENHEIMER, Potentilla reptans, Senecio
1808) vulgaris, Filipendula
hexapetala, Aster amellus,
Scabiosa ochroleucha,
Hypericum perforatum,
Rubus caesius
Thymelicus V- M Oligophagous: Hypericum perforatum, F
sylvestris VIII Poaceae Geranium robertianum, Inula
(PODA, 1761) hirta, Senecio vulgaris,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Salvia nemorosa, Melilothus
officinalis, Galium verum,
Vicia faba, Viola tricolor,
Potentilla reptans
Hesperia comma M Oligophagous: Aster amellus, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VI-IX Poaceae Leucanthemum vulgare,
(Festuca) Viola tricolor, Mentha
longifolia, Tanacetum
vulgare, Lotus corniculatus,
Vicia faba, Sedum
hispanicum, Stellaria
holostea, Silene nutans,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Rubus caesius, Filipendula
hexapetala /
Ochlodes Mt Oligophagous: Hypericum perforatum, F
sylvanus (ESPER, VI- Poaceae Aster amellus,
1777) Leucanthemum vulgare,
Trifolium pratense, Trifolium
repens, Vicia faba, Coronilla
varia, Hippocrepis comosa,
Polygala vulgaris, Cardamine
pratensis, Centaurea cyanus
Iphiclides V- Mxt Oligophagous: Epilobium angustifolium, F
podalirius VIII Prunus Eupatorium cannabinum,
podalirius Mentha longifolia, Aster
(LINNAEUS, 1758) amellus
Papilio machaon VI- M Oligophagous: Cirsium vulgare, Telekia RF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Umbelliferae speciosa, Verbascum thapsus,
Dipsacus fullonum,
Epilobium angustifolium,
Sambucus racemosa, Rosa
canina, Rubus caesius

Leptidea sinapis IV-IX M Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, Salvia VF
sinapis Fabaceae pratensis, Trifolium pratense,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Aster amellus, Scabiosa
columbaria, Eupatorium
cannabinum, Mentha
longifolia, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Galium verum,
Filipendula vulgaris
Pieris brassicae M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, RF
brassicae IV-IX Brassicaceae Telekia speciosa, Carduus
(LINNAEUS, 1758) nutans, Tanacetum vulgare,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Trifolium pratense, Rubus
caesius, Crataegus
monogyna, Rosa canina,
Sambucus racemosa
Pieris rapae M, Oligophagous: Hypericum perforatum, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IV-IX Eu Brassicaceae Leucanthemum vulgare, Inula
hirta, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Trifolium
repens, Urtica dioica
Pieris napi napi M Oligophagous: Trifolium campestre, Lotus VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IV-IX Brasicaceae corniculatus, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Epilobium
angustifolium, Mentha
arvensis, Telekia speciosa /
Pontia edusa M Oligophagous: Trifolium, repens, Lotus F
(FABRICIUS, IV-IX Brassicaceae corniculatus, Genista sagitalis
Colias croceus Mxt Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, Trifolium RF
(FOURCROY, V-VI; Fabaceae pratense, Leucanthemum
1758) vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Telekia speciosa, Hippocrepis
comosa, Origanum vulgare,
Thymus serpyllum, Scabiosa
ochroleuca , Galium verum,
Filipendula hexapetala
Colias hyale M Oligophagous: Scabiosa ochroleuca, Telekia F
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IV-X Fabaceae speciosa, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Senecio arvensis,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Trifolium pratense,
Trifolium, repens,
Sanguisorba officinalis
Gonepteryx M Oligophagous: Carduus nutans, Origanum RF
rhamni V-IX Rhamnaceae vulgare, Solidago virgaurea,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Scabiosa ochroleuca,
Centaurea cyanus, Sambucus
racemosa, Rosa canina,
Crataegus monogyna, Rubus
Hamearis lucina V- M Oligophagous: Taraxacum officinale, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Primula sp. Fragaria vesca, Salvia

Lycaena phlaeas VI- M Oligophagous: Salvia pratensis, Scabiosa RF

phlaeas VIII Polygonaceae ochroleuca, Trifolium
(LINNAEUS, 1761) pratense, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Filipendula
hexapetala, Mentha longifolia

Lycaena dispar VII- Hg Oligophagous: Epilobium anustifolium, F

rutila VIII Polygonaceae Menta longifolia, Eupatorium
(WERNEBURG, cannabinum, Sambucus
1864) racemosa
Lycaena M Solidago Eupatorium cannabinum, VF
virgaureae VI- virgaurea, Epilobium angustifolium,
virgaureae Rumex acetosa Achillea millefolium Mentha
(LINNAEUS, 1758) longifolia,
Thecla betulae Mt Prunus spinosa Rarely on fruits of Sambucus VR
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VI- (Pupae are tended racemosa
VIII by ants) /
Callophrys rubi Mt Various Lotus corniculatus, Medicago RF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) V-VI herbaceous sativa, Geranium
plants robertianum, Trifolium
arvense, Trifolium pratense,
Chamaespartium sagittale,
Taraxacum officinale
Satyrium w- M Ulmus glabra Rarely on Sambucus nigra, R
album (KNOCH, VI- Sambucus racemosa (fruits)
Satyrium pruni VI- M Prunus sp. Rarely on Rubus caesius, R
(Linnaeus, 1758) VII Crataegus monogyna,
Sambucus racemosa
Satyrium spini VI- M Rhamnus, Rarely on Sambucus R
(Denis & VII Prunus racemosa
Cupido minimus IV- Mt Oligophagous: Viola tricolor, Hypericum RF
minimus VI; Fabaceae perforatum, Lotus
VI-IX Myrmecophilous
(FUESSLY, 1775) corniculatus
species (Larvae
are tended by
Everes argiades V-VI; M Oligophagous: Tanacetum vulgare, Potentilla RF
(PALLAS, 1771) VI- Fabaceae reptans, Trifolium campestre
Celastrina IV- M Various Tanacetum vulgare, Potentilla RF
argiolus VI; herbaceous reptans, Trifolium campestre,
plants Origanum vulgare, Scabiosa
Myrmecophilous ochroleuca
Scoliantides orion Xt Oligophagous: Hieracium pilosella, Sedum VF
lariana V-VI Sedum hispanicum, Lotus
FRUHSTORFER, corniculatus
Glaucopsyche M Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, Medicago RF
alexis (PODA, V-VII Fabaceae sativa, Potentilla reptans,
1761) Myrmecophilous Hypericum perforatum
(Larvae are
tended by ants)
Maculinea arion VII- Mht Thymus Filipendula vulgaris, R
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII serpyllum Agrimonia eupatoria,
Myrmecophilous Leucanthemum vulgare,
(Larvae are Linum flavum, Thymus
tended by ants)
Maculinea alcon VI- Mh Gentiana Teucrium chamaedrys, VR
(DENIS & VIII pneumonanthe Mentha aquatica, Galium
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Myrmecophilous verum, Aster amellus,
1775) (Larvae are Centaurea cyanus, Cardamine
tended by ants)
pratensis, Arabis hirsuta /
Maculinea teleius VI- Mh Sanguisorba Galium verum, Filipendula VR
(Bergstrasser, VIII officinalis vulgaris, Dianthus
1779) Myrmecophilous carthusianorum,
(Larvae are Leucanthemum vulgare
tended by ants)

Plebeius argus V-VI; Mh Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, Potentilla F

argus (LINNAEUS, VII- Fabaceae reptans, Viola tricolor,
VIII Myrmecophilous
1758) Medicago lupulina, Mentha
(Larvae are longifolia, Chamaespartium
tended by ants)
sagittale, Galium verum,
Lotus corniculatus

Aricia agestis V-VI; Mxt Helianthemum Lotus corniculatus, Medicago F

agestis (DENIS & VII- sp. sativa, Trifolium pratense,
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Geranium sp. Trifolium repens, Mentha
1775) Myrmecophilous arvensis, Chamaespartium
(Larvae are sagittale, Potentilla reptans,
tended by ants)
Origanum vulgare, Galium
verum, Filipendula vulgaris,
Centaurea cyanus

Polyommatus VI- M Various Medicago sativa, Hypericum RF

semiargus VIII herbaceous perforatum, Lotus
semiargus plants corniculatus, Potentilla
(ROTTEMBURG, Myrmecophilous reptans, Leucanthemum
1775) (Larvae are vulgare, Solidago virgaurea,
tended by ants)
Senecio vulgaris, Aster
amellus, Vicia faba,
Filipendula vulgaris
Polyommatus V-IX M Various Genista tinctoria, Lotus VF
icarus herbaceous corniculatus, Trifolium
(ROTTEMBURG, plants repens, Aster amellus, Viola
1775) Myrmecophilous tricolor, Potentilla recta,
(Larvae are Leucanthemum vulgare,
tended by ants)
Origanum vulgare, Scabiosa
ochroleuca, Solidago
virgaurea, Achillea
Argynnis paphia VII- M Oligophagous: Carduus nutans, Cirsium VF
paphia VIII Viola sp. arvense, Tanacetum vulgare,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Leucanthemum vulgare,
Centaurea cyanus, Telekia
speciosa, Eupatorium
cannabinum, Origanum
vulgare, Aster amellus,
Mentha longifolia,
Epilobium angustifolium /
Argynnis aglaja VI- M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Viola sp. Telekia speciosa, Tanacetum
vulgare, Solidago virgaurea,
Senecio vulgaris, Mentha
longifolia, Scabiosa
ochroleuca, Origanum
vulgare, Carduus nutans,
Cirsium arvense, Filipendula
vulgaris, Artemisia austriaca,
Eupatorium cannabinum,
Aster amellus, Sambucus
Argynnis adippe VI- Mt Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(DENIS & VIII Viola sp. Artemisia austriaca, Telekia
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, speciosa, Sambucus
1775) racemosa, Aster amellus,
Senecio vulgaris, Solidago
virgaurea, Mentha longifolia,
Epilobium angustifolium,
Filipendula vulgaris
Argynnis niobe VI- M Viola, Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
niobe (LINNAEUS, VIII Plantago Telekia speciosa, Aster
1758) amellus, Scabiosa ochroleuca,
Solidago virgaurea, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Sambucus

Issoria lathonia V- M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF

(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Viola sp. Telekia speciosa, Aster
amellus, Senecio nemorensis,
Senecio vulgaris, Solidago
virgaurea, Tanacetum
vulgare, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Sambucus
racemosa, Sambucus nigra,
Scabiosa ochroleuca,
Filipendula vulgaris
Brenthis daphne VI- Xt Oligophagous: Aster amellus, RF
(DENIS & VIII Rubus Leucanthemum vulgare,
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, fruticosus, R. Dianthus carthusianorum,
1775) idaeus Tanacetum vulgare, Linum
tenuifolium, Clematis recta
Brenthis hecate VI- M Filipendula Lotus corniculatus, Medicago R
(DENIS & VII ulmaria sativa, Dianthus
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, carthusianorum, Hypericum
1775) perforatum, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Sambucus racemosa /
Boloria V-VI; M Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, VF
euphrosyne VII- Viola sp. Medicago sativa, Dianthus
(LINNAEUS, 1758) carthusianorum, Mentha
longifolia, Hypericum
perforatum, Leucanthemum
Boloria selene V-VI; M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(DENIS & VII- Viola sp. Senecio vernalis, Coronilla
SCHIFFERMÜLLER varia, Lamium purpureum,
1775) Hesperis tristis, Galium
verum, Scabiosa ochroleuca,
Achillea millefolium,
Medicago sativa, Potentilla
recta, Lotus corniculatus,
Solidago virgaurea
Boloria dia dia V-VI; M Viola, Rubus Veronica chamaedrys, VF
(LINNAEUS, VII- Potentilla recta, Medicago
1767) lupulina, Taraxacum
officinale, Trifolium pratense,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Origanum vulgare, Dianthus
Vanessa atalanta VI-IX U, Oligophagous: Dung, fermenting fruits F
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Mg Urtica sp.
Vanessa cardui VI- U, Carduus, Carduus nutans, Cirsium VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Mg Urtica arvense, Telekia speciosa,
Eupatorium cannabinum,
Dipsacus fullonum
Inachis io VI-X M, Oligophagous: Telekia speciosa, dung, VF
(LINNAEUS, Eu Urtica fermenting fruits
Aglais urticae VI; M, Oligophagous: Carduus nutans, Cirsium VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VII- Mg Urtica arvense, Hypericum
perforatum, Urtica dioica,
Rubus caesius
Polygonia c- V-VI; M Ribes, Urtica, Urtica dioica, Mentha VF
album VII- Salix, Corylus longifolia, Leucanthemum
(LINNAEUS, 1758) vulgare, Eupatorium
cannabinum, Telekia
speciosa, Hieracium pilosella,
Dipsacus fullonum, Rubus
caesius, Sambucus racemosa
Araschnia levana V; Mh Oligophagous: Telekia speciosa, Aster VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VII- Urtica sp. amellus, Urtica dioica,
Hypericum perforatum
Nymphalis V- Mh Oligophagous: Rarely on Sambucus nigra RF
antiopa VIII Salicaceae
(LINNAEUS, 1758) /
Melitaea cinxia V- Mt Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
cinxia (LINNAEUS, VIII Plantago sativa, Hypericum
1758) perforatum, Trifolium
pratense, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare,
Cichorium intybus
Melitaea phoebe V-VI; Mt Scabiosa Lotus corniculatus, VF
(DENIS & VII- columbaria, Leucanthemum vulgare,
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Cirsium sp. Tanacetum vulgare
Melitaea didyma V- Mxt Various Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
didyma (ESPER, VII; herbaceous sativa, Hypericum
1778) IX
plants perforatum, Taraxacum
officinale, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare
Melitaea athalia V- M Oligophagous: Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
athalia VIII Plantago sp. sativa, Hypericum
(ROTTEMBURG, perforatum, Leucanthemum
1775) vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare,
Galium verum, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Thymus
serpyllum, Cichorium
intybus, Centaurea cyanus

Neptis hylas V-VI; Mh Monophagous: Rarely on flowers of Cirsium F

(LINNAEUS, 1758) VII- Lathyrus arvense, Sambucus racemosa
Apatura ilia ilia VII- Mh Oligophagous: Dung RF
(DENIS & VIII Salicaceae
Apatura iris VI- Mh Oligophagous: Dung RF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Salicaceae
Pararge aegeria V-IX M Oligophagous: Telekia speciosa, Tanacetum VF
tircis BUTLER, Poaceae vulgare, Inula hirta,
1867 Leucanthemum vulgare

Lasiommata V- M Oligophagous: Rarely on Urtica dioica, VF

megera megera VIII Poaceae Leucanthemum vulgare, and
(LINNAEUS, 1767) Telekia speciosa. It prefers
the edge of the forests where
it rests on leaves.

Lasiommata V- M Oligophagous: Urtica dioica, Leucanthemum VF

maera maera VIII Poaceae vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Ranunculus repens, Telekia
speciosa /
Coenonympha V- M Oligophagous: Achillea millefolium, VF
arcania arcania VIII Poaceae Trifolium pratense, T.
(LINNAEUS, 1761) repens, Vicia faba, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Centaurea
cyanus, Medicago lupulina,
Lotus corniculatus, Veronica
Coenonympha VI- M Oligophagous: Trifolium repens, Centaurea RF
glycerion VIII Poaceae cyanus, Medicago lupulina,
glycerion Lotus corniculatus, Veronica
(BORKHAUSEN, spicata, Vicia faba, Genista
1788) tinctoria, Dianthus
Leucanthemum vulgare
Coenonympha M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
pamphilus V-IX Poaceae Dianthus carthusianorum,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Hypericum perforatum
Pyronia tithonus Xt Oligophagous: Dianthus carthusianorum, R
tithonus VII- Poaceae Aster amellus,
(LINNAEUS, 1767) Leucanthemum vulgare
Aphantopus M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
hyperantus V-IX Poaceae Dianthus carthusianorum,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Telekia speciosa, Rubus
caesius, Sambucus racemosa
Maniola jurtina M Oligophagous: Epilobium angustifolium, VF
jurtina V-IX Poaceae Telekia speciosa, Carduus
(LINNAEUS, 1758) nutans, Centaurea cyanus,
Lotus corniculatus, Cirsium
arvense, Origanum vulgare,
Scabiosa ochroleuca,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Leucanthemum vulgare
Hyponephele VI- M Oligophagous: Dianthus carthusianorum, VR
lycaon VIII Poaceae Origanum vulgare, Cirsium
(Rottemburg, vulgare, Scabiosa ochroleuca
Erebia aethiops M Oligophagous: Geranium sanguineum, F
aethiops (ESPER, VII- Poaceae Senecio nemorensis, Aster
1777) amellus, Leucanthemum
Erebia medusa VII- M Oligophagous: Filipendula vulgaris, Galium RF
psodea (HUBNER, VIII Poaceae verum, Galium verum,
1804) Digitalis grandiflora,
Leucanthemum vulgare
Melanargia V-IX M Oligophagous: Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
galathea Poaceae Galium verum, Dianthus
(LINNAEUS, 1758) carthusianorum, Salvia
pratensis, Filipendula vulgaris /
Minois dryas VII- Xt Oligophagous: Fruits of Sambucus nigra and VF
(SCOPOLI, 1763) VIII Poaceae Sambucus racemosa
Hipparchia fagi VI- Mt Oligophagous: Hypericum perforatum, VF
(SCOPOLI, 1763) VIII Poaceae Digitalis grandiflora
Brintesia circe VII- Xt Oligophagous: Rarely on Verbascum F
pannonica VIII Poaceae phlomoides, Hypericum
FRUHSTORFER, perforatum, Telekia speciosa
Chazara briseis VII- Xt Oligophagous: Rarely on fruits of Sambucus R
briseis VIII Poaceae nigra and Cirsium arvense
(LINNAEUS, 1764)
Abbreviation: EE=Ecological Exigences: M-Mesophilous; Mt-Mesothermophilous; Xt-Xerothermophilous; Mh-
Mesohygrophilous species; Mxt – Mesoxerothermophilous species; Hg- Hygrophilous species; U-Ubiqvist; Eu-
Euritope; LF- Larval Food; AR= Adult nectar ressources; F= Frecquency: F- Frequent species (10-15
individuals/day); RF- Relativ frequent species (5-10 individuals/day); FF-Very Frequent species (>15
individuals&day); R-Rare species (5-10 individuals/generation); VR- Very Rare species (1-4
individuals/generation) (After RÁKOSY & VIEHMANN 1991 classification); FP= Fly period of the adults

All the identified species are widespreading in the hillocky zone of Poiana Ruscă
Most of the species prefer flowery and grassy meadows, woodland clearings, flowery
hillsides and deciduous forest edges. If forest is not hospitable for adult butterflies, the edge
of the forest is the most populated habitat. A lot of species as Inachis io, Araschnia levana,
Maniola jurtina, Argynnis paphia, Lycaena phlaeas (fig. 16), Polygonia c-album also prefer
the habitats of alder woods with high herbaceous vegetation (Telekia speciosa, Epilobium
angustifolium, Eupatorium cannabinum). Minois dryas was observed in dry habitats as grassy
meadows but also prefers the edge of the forests. Some species depend on shrub habitats as
Thecla betulae, Gonepteryx rhamni, Pyrgus malvae, Brenthis daphne (fig. 18), Brinthesia
circe pannonica and Satyrium w-album. Mesophylous meadows are prefered by Melitaea
athalia, Erynnis tages and Erebia medusa medusa (fig. 17, 19, 20). Mesohygrophilous
meadous are the prefered habitats of the common species Lycaena virgaureae (fig. 15 ).
The most adult butterflies prefer nectar of flowers because its sugar content (sucrose,
glucose, fructose). Its total sugar content amounts to about 40 percent, though it can fluctuate
widely among different species. For instance, Origanum vulgare has a high concentration of
sugar (76%). Other substances are present in relatively small amounts as amino acids,
proteins, organic acids, phosphates, vitamins and enzymes (BARTH 1991).
Flowers of 59 species of herbaceous plants and shrubs were studied. Leucanthemum
vulgare, Dianthus carthusianorum, Galium verum, Filipendula hexapetala, Cirsium arvense,
Carduus nutans, Telekia speciosa, Eupatorium cannabinum, Epilobium angustifolium, Aster
amellus, Thymus serpyllum, Lotus corniculatus, Mentha longifolia, Solidago virgaurea, /
Urtica dioica, Sambucus racemosa, Sambucus nigra, Trifolium pratense, Rubus caesius,
Tanacetum vulgare were the most visited flowery plants. Especially Asteraceae are very
important for adults of Nymphalidae, Pieridae and some Lycaenidae species while the larvae
of the same species may use totally different host-plants. Other species rarely visit flowers
like Neptis hylas and Lasiommata megera. Minois dryas, Chazara briseis and Thecla betulae
have been seen on fruits of Sambucus racemosa and Sambucus nigra. The presence of dung
on the road attracts Inachis io, Apatura iris, Neptys hylas and Vanessa atalanta.
The analysis of the voltinisme points out the dominance of the monovoltine species as
Pyrgus malvae, Pyrgus carthami, Erynnis tages, Thymelicus sylvestris, Hesperia comma,
Papilio machaon, Iphiclides podalirius, Aporia crataegi, Gonepteryx rhamni, Thecla betulae,
Lycaena dispar rutila, Lycaena virgaureae, Maculinea arion, Maculinea alcon, Maculinea
teleius, Scoliantides orion, Apatura iris, Apatura ilia, Argynnis paphia, Melanargia galathea,
etc. Bivoltine species are Everes argiades, Cyaniris semiargus, Celastrina argiolus, Plebejus
argus, Aricia agestis, Neptis hylas, Polygonia c-album, Melitaea didyma, Melitaea phoebe,
Boloria selene, Boloria dia, Araschnia levana, Lasiommata maera, Lasiommata megera, etc.
Polyvoltine species, especially trivoltine are Pieris rapae, Pieris napi, Pontia edusa, Colias
hyale, Lycaena phlaeas and Coenonympha pamphilus.
The analysis of ecological exigencies emphasizes the dominance of mesophilous
species (60%) with moderate exigencies concerning the temperature and the humidity,
followed by mesohygrophilous species (10%) mesothermophilous species (9%) and
mesoxerothermophilous species (7%) (Fig.1).
Xerothermophilous species (8%) are Pyronia tithonus, Minois dryas, Brinthesia circe
pannonica, Chazara briseis, Brenthis daphne and Scoliantides orion.

Fig. 1 – Spectrum of the ecological exigencies of Rhopalocera species recorded from

Muncelu Mic-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi (Poiana Ruscă Mountains) /
In the area of Muncelu Mic-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi, 59 species are oligophagous (Fig.
2). Erynnis tages, Leptidea sinapis, Colias croceus, Colias hyale, Everes argiades,
Glaucopsyche alexis and Plebejus argus are feeding on various Fabaceae. Gonepteryx rhamni
prefers Rhamnaceae. Brassicaceae are food-plants for Pieris brassicae, Pieris napi and Pontia
edusa. Various Rosaceae, especially Prunus sp., Rubus sp. are preferred by Iphiclides
podalirius and Brenthis daphne. Nymphalis antiopa, Apatura iris and Apatura ilia feed on
Salicaceae (Salix and Populus). Larvae of Vanessa atalanta, Inachis io, Aglais urticae and
Araschnia levana feed on Urtica species. Argynnis paphia, Argynnis aglaja, Issoria lathonia,
Boloria euphrosyne and Boloria dia feed on Viola species. Satyrinae species and some
Hesperiidae as Carterocephalus palaemon, Thymelicus lineola, Thymelicus sylvestris,
Hesperia comma and Ochlodes venatus faunus feed on Poaceae.
Monophagous species are Thecla betulae, Satyrium w-album, Maculinea arion,
Maculinea alcon, Maculinea teleius, Brenthis hecate and Neptis hylas.
Larvae of 12 species are polyphagous, feeding on various herbaceous plants as Pyrgus
carthami, Callophrys rubi, Celastrina argiolus, Lycaena virgaureae, Plebejus semiargus,
Polyommatus icarus, Aricia agestis, Melitaea didyma, Melitaea phoebe, etc.

Fig. 2 – Spectrum of the trophic structure of larvae

The majority of Lycaenids have associations with ants that can be facultative or
obligate and range from mutualism to parasitism. Larvae spend their first stage on various
herbaceous plants and after they are attended by ants. Lycaenid larvae and pupae employ
complex chemical and acoustical signals to manipulate ants (PIERCE et. al. 2002).
Myrmecophilous species as Maculinea alcon, Maculinea arion, Thecla betulae, Maculinea
teleius, Celastrina argiolus, Glaucopsyche alexis, Cupido minimus, Aricia agestis, /
Polyommatus semiargus, Polyommatus icarus, Plebejus argus have been recorded from the
Muncelu Valley and its meadows.
The analyse of the frequency emphasizes the dominance of very frequent species
(37,48%), followed by relative frequent species (17,22%) and frequent species (14,18%) (Fig.

Fig. 3 - The spectrum of the frequency of the Rhopalocera species in the area of
Muncelu Mic-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi (Poiana Ruscă Mountains)

In June-August some species as Argynnis paphia, Argynnis adippe, Argynnis aglaja,

Maniola jurtina, Aphantopus hyperanthus, Melitaea athalia (pl. ), Melitaea didyma,
Coenonympha pamphilus, Coenonympha arcania, Erynnis tages, Polyommatus icarus,
Pyrgus malvae, Pieris rapae, Pieris napi have a high frequency (more than 15
Rare species, concerning the frequency of the individuals are Satyrium w-album,
Maculinea arion, Brenthis hecate, Nymphalis antiopa, Pyronia tithonus and Chazara briseis.
Very rare species are Thecla betulae, Maculinea alcon and Maculinea teleius.
Important species concerning their biology and behaviour are:
Maculinea arion (LINNAEUS, 1758). It is a rare species in the studied area.
Monovoltine species (Fig. 4). Adults fly in June-July but they were also seen in the first
decade of August. They prefer mesophilous and mesohygrophilous meadows. They visit
especially Filipendula vulgaris, Agrimonia eupatoria, Leucanthemum vulgare, Linum flavum
and Thymus serpyllum. /
Larvae feed on Thymus serpyllum in the early stages and then they are feding on ant
larvae when they are taken undergrounds by ants (STILL 1996). This species is included in the
4 Annexe of The Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 57/2007.



Fig. 4. - Maculinea arion life cycle

Maculinea alcon (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) is widespread in Europe and

Northern Asia. In Romania it is a rare and local species. It can be seen flying in July-August.
Like some other species of Lycaenidae, its larva stage depends on support by certain ants
(myrmecophilous species). Female lays its eggs onto the Gentiana pneumonanthe. Larvae
leave the food plant when they have grown sufficiently (4th instar) and wait on the ground
below to be discovered by ants (Myrmica scabrinodis, Myrmica ruginodis or Myrmica rubra).
Pupation takes place in June and butterflies hatch from the pupae in the beginning of July
(Fig. 5). This species is vulnerable in all the Europe. It is included in the Red List of
Butterflies of Romania as an endangered species (RÁKOSY 2002). Maculinea alcon is a
species of national interest that need a strict protection (4B Annexe of the Emergency
Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 57/2007).




Fig.5 – Maculinea alcon lile cycle /
Maculinea teleius (BERGSTRÄSSER, 1779). Adults fly from July to the beginning of
August, especially in mesohygrophilous meadows with Sanguisorba officinalis, Lythrum
salicaria and Molinia coerulaea (Fig. 6). These kinds of meadows are situated along Muncelu
Valley. This species is obligatory myrmecophilous. Larvae have a socially parasitic life-cycle.
They start their development by feeding on seeds in the flower heads of the host plant
Sanguisorba officinalis. In their last, fourth instars’, they descend to the ground and wait to be
adopted by ants of Myrmica scabrinodis. In the ant nest larvae are predators of the ant brood
(TARTALLY & VARGA 2008). Maculinea teleius is listed in the Red List of Butterflies of
Romania as an endangered species (RÁKOSY 2002). It is also a protected species included in
the annexes of the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 57/2007.




Fig. 6 – Maculinea teleius life cycle
Thecla betulae (LINNAEUS, 1758). This is a local species found at the edge of the forests
and in the shrub habitats. The adults fly in July-August and visit Fraxinus excelsior and
Sambucus racemosa. Female lays her eggs on Prunus spinosa in August Eggs overwinter.
Larvae emerge from the eggs in spring and feed on Prunus spinosa leaves. Pupation takes
place in leaf litter on the ground in late June or early July (Fig. 7). Pupae are attractive to ants
(Lasius niger) (;



Fig. 7- Thecla betulae life cycle /
Satyrium w-album KNOCH, 1782 – It prefers the edge of the deciduous forests wherever
elm trees grow. Adults fly in June-July and visit Rubus fruticosus and Sambucus racemosa
(Fig. 8). It hibernates as egg. Larvae feed in the early stages on flowers and leaves of Ulmus
glabra and later they are attended by ants (STILL 1996).




Fig. 8- Satyrium w-album life cycle

Chazara briseis (LINNAEUS, 1764) is widespread in South Europe, east of Asia and
North Africa. In the studied area it is a rare species. Monovoltine species (Fig. 9). The adults
fly in July-August in dry grasslands and rarely visit Sambucus nigra and Scabiosa
ochroleucha. Larvae feed on various Poaceae and hibernate in different stages.




Fig. 9- Chazara briseis life cycle

Hyponephele lycaon (ROTTEMBURG, 1775) – Euroasiatic species widespread from the

southern and eastern part of Europe to Central Asia (STILL 1996; TOLMAN & LEWINGTON
2007). Monovoltine species (Fig.10). The adults fly in June-August and prefer the edge of the
deciduous forests and grassy meadows. Larvae breed on various Poaceae and hibernating. In
the Red List of Romanian butterflies it is mentioned as a vulnerable species (RÁKOSY 2002). /



Fig.10 - Hyponephele lycaon life cycle

Other species recorded from this area as Lycaena dispar rutila, Brenthis daphne,
Brenthis hecate, Neptis hylas, Apatura iris and Apatura ilia are included in the Red List of
Butterflies of Romania as vulnerable species.
In keeping with the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 57/2007
concerning the regime of the protected areas, preserved habitats and wild flora and fauna of
Romania, Maculinea teleius, Maculinea arion and Lycaena dispar rutila are species of
community interest that need a strict protection (4A Annexe).
Lycana dispar rutila (WERNEBURG, 1864) is a frequent species in the area of wet
meadows of Muncelu Mic. It is a bivoltine species (Fig. 11). The adults fly in June and in July
until the beginning of August. They visit the flowers of Eupatorium cannabinum, Epilobium
angustifolium, Mentha aquatica and Sambucus racemosa. Eggs are laid on the foodplant
(Rumex sp.). In this area larvae feed on Rumex acetosa.




Fig. 11 – Lycaena dispar rutila life cycle.

Maculinea alcon and Neptis hylas are species of national interest that need a strict
protection (4B Annexe of the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no.
57/2007). /
Rhopalocera species of Muncelu Mic-Muncelu Mare-Poieniţa Tomii-Feregi zone are
characteristic of hillocky level of Poiana Ruscă Mountains. Most of species prefer the flowery
meadows and the edge of the deciduous forests.
Concerning the frequency, most of species are frequent and very frequent but some
species as Maculinea arion, Maculinea teleius, Maculinea alcon, Thecla betulae, Chazara
briseis and Hyponephele lycaon are rare or very rare in this area.

Literature cited
BARTH F.G. 1991. Insects and flowers. A biology of a partnership. Princeton Univ. Pr. 309
FELTWELL J. 2001. The illustrated enciclopedia of butterflies. Chartwell Books. Ed. New
HIGGINS L.G. & RILEY N. D. 1984. A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Britain and Europe.
Collins Publishers, London.
IŞVĂNONI R. 2006. Pădurenii Hunedoarei. Ed. Mirabilis, Bucureşti.
KRAUTNER H. G. 1984. Munţii Poiana Ruscă. Ghid turistic. Ed. Sport - Turism, Bucureşti,
150 p.
NICULESCU E.V. 1961. Lepidoptera. Familia Papilionidae. Fauna R.P.R., Edit. Acad. R.P.R..,
Bucureşti, 11(5):1-103
NICULESCU E.V. 1963. Lepidoptera. Familia Pieridae. Fauna R.P.R., Edit. Acad. R.P.R..,
Bucureşti, 11(6): 1-202.
NICULESCU E.V. 1965. Lepidoptera. Familia Nymphalidae. Fauna R.S.R., Edit. Acad. Rom.,
Bucureşti, 11(7): 1-362.
PÂRVU C. 2002. Enciclopedia plantelor. Plante din flora României. Vol. I. 1040 p.
PÂRVU C. 2003. Enciclopedia plantelor. Plante din flora României. Vol. II. 820 p.
PÂRVU C. 2004. Enciclopedia plantelor. Plante din flora României. Vol. III. 1054 p.
PÂRVU C. 2005. Enciclopedia plantelor. Plante din flora României. Vol. IV. 1086 p.
TRAVASSOS M.A. 2002. The ecology and evolution of ant association in the Lycaenidae
(Lepidoptera). Annual Revue of Entomology, 47: 733-771.
RÁKOSY L. 1993. Macrolepidoptere din Parcul Naţional Retezat. În: Parcul Naţional Retezat.
Studii ecologice, Edit. West-Side, Braşov, 254-280. /
RÁKOSY L. 2002. Lista roşie pentru fluturii diurni din România. Bul. inf. Soc. lepid. Rom.,
Cluj-Napoca, 13(1-4): 9-26.
RÁKOSY L. & VIEHMANN J. 1991. Arguments for the Tur Gorges nature reserve. Ocrot. Nat.
Med. Inconj., Ed. Acad. Rom., Bucureşti, 35 (1-2): 15-25.
STILL J. 1996. Butterflies & Moths. Collins Wild Guide. Harper Collins Publishers. London.
TARTALLY A. & VARGA Z. 2008. Host ant use of Maculinea teleius in the Carpathian basin
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). Acta Zoologica, Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 54(3):
TOLMAN T. & LEWINGTON R. 2007. Guide des papillons d’Europe et d’Afrique du Nord. Ed.
Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris, 320 p.
xxx Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului României nr. 57/2007 privind regimul ariilor
naturale protejate, conservarea habitatelor naturale, a florei şi faunei sălbatice.

Silvia Burnaz
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva
The Section of Natural Sciences
39, 1 Decembrie Str., Deva
Hunedoara County
e-mail: /
Fig. 12. Beech forests of Muncelu Mic (As. Carpino-Fagetum PAUCA 194 )

Fig. 13. - Medadows of Muncelu Mic (As. Galio veri-Festucetum rubrae RESMERIŢĂ
(1965) 1980))

Fig. 14. Landscape of Feregi locality in Pădureni Countyside / /
Fig. 15.Lycaena virgaureae
on Achillea millefolium Fig. 16. Lycaena phlaeas on Mentha longifolia

Fig. 17. Melitaea athalia on Trifolium repens Fig. 18. Brenthis daphne on Clematis recta

Fig. 19. Erynnis tages on Ajuga reptans Fig. 20 – Erebia medusa resting on
herbaceous plants / /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 143-157



Butterflies (S.ord. Rhopalocera) of the protected area The lawns of Sălaşu de
Sus (Hunedoara County, Romania)

The paper presents the checklist of the Macrolepidoptera species (S. ord.
Rhopalocera, Ord. Lepidoptera) recorded from the protected area The Lawns of Sălaşu de
Sus located in Haţeg Basin (Hunedoara County). An endemic association Peucedanum
(rocheliani) – Molinietum coeruleae Boşcaiu 1965 edifies the coenoses of this area.
Actually the natural reserve is part of the natural park known as The Geopark of
Dinosaurs-Haţeg Country. A total of 83 species have been recorded from this protected
area. In this lawns, Euphydryas aurinia, Maculinea arion, Maculinea teleius and
Maculinea alcon find favorable conditions for their life-cycle.
Key words: Macrolepidoptera, checklist, The lawns of Sălaşu de Sus

Fluturi de zi (S. ord. Rhopalocera, Ord. Lepidoptera) din aria protejată
Fânaţele de la Sălaşu de Sus (Judeţul Hunedoara, România)

Lucrarea prezintă lista sistematică a speciilor de Macrolepidoptere diurne

identificate în aria naturală protejată Fânaţele cu narcise de la Sălaşu de Sus (Judeţul
Hunedoara). Cenozele din această rezervaţie sunt edificate de asociaţia endemică
Peucedanum (rocheliani) – Molinietum coeruleae Boşcaiu 1965. În prezent, rezervaţia
face parte din parcul natural cunoscut ca Geoparcul Dinozaurilor-Ţara Haţegului. 83
specii de Macrolepidoptere diurne au fost identificate din această arie protejată. În aceste
fânaţe, Euphydryas aurinia, Maculinea arion, Maculinea teleius şi Maculinea alcon
găsesc condiţii favorabile pentru dezvoltarea ciclului lor biologic.
Cuvinte cheie: Macrolepidoptera, lista sistematică, Fânaţele de la Sălaşu de Sus


The Lawns of Sălaşu de Sus is the only natural reserve of Hunedoara County in which
Narcissus stellaris is protected. This species forms beautiful coenoses together with other
species of Peucedanum (rocheliani) – Molinietum coeruleae BOŞCAIU 1965 association. At
present, this protected area, situated from geographically point of view in the Basin of Haţeg, /
is included in the natural park known as The Geopark of Dinosaurs-Haţeg Country. The
Retezat Mountains border the southern part of this natural reserve. In covers an area of 20 ha
widespread between two localities: Sălaşu de Sus and Nucşoara.
The scientifical and fitogeographical importance of this association is due to the
presence of Peucedanum rochelianum, an endemic species, occurring on both banks of the
Danube but with an extreme limited range. The conenoses of the association have a
mesophilous character but hygrophilous and mesohygrophilous species are also present,
especially near Sălaş Valley. Beside the two dominant species Peucedanum rochelianum and
Molinia caerulaea other 137 species form the inventory of the vascular plants (mono and
dicotyledonata) of this association. In spring (May-June), the flowers of Narcissus stellaris,
Orhis morio and Iris sibirica are abundant. In July and August, Gladiolus imbricatus,
Gentiana pneumonanthe, Dianthus carthusianorum, Peucedanum rochelianum, Sanguisorba
officinalis and Scabiosa ochroleuca give the color of these lawns.
If this protected area is known from botanical point of view, fauna and especially
Macrolepidoptera fauna was not published.
During 2005-2008 we have collected and identified the butterfly’s species (S. ord.
Rhopalocera) of this area.
The aim on this paper is to present the checklist of the species of butterflies
accompanied by data about their frequency, fly period, adults and caterpillars plant resources.

Material and methods

Butterflies were collected every year, from May to September, using an entomological
net. Samples were made both in the lawns with Narcissus stellaris but also in the habitats of
Sălaş Valley that borders the protected area.
The identification of the species was made after NICULESCU (1961, 1963, 1965), STILL
(1996), FELTWELL (2001), TOLMAN & LEWINGTON (2007). The nomenclature and the
systematic of species used in this paper are those published by RÁKOSY (2002) and SZÉKELY
Results and conclusions

The habitats of the protected area of Sălaşu de Sus offer favourable conditions for
Lepidoptera fauna, especially for butterflies. In 2005-2008 we have identified 83 species of /
butterflies. The checklist of the species is accompanied by data about the flying period,
ecological exigencies, the frequency of species, and larval and adult plant resources (Tab. 2).
The frequency of the species is established according RÁKOSY & VIEHMANN (1991)
The majority of the species identified in this area belongs to Nymphalidae (40 species)
and Lycaenidae families (26 species) (Tab. 1).

Tab. 1 – The structure of Rhopalocera families and the number of species recorded
from Sălaşu de Sus protected area
Family Number of species
Hesperiidae 7
Papilionidae 2
Pieridae 8
Lycaenidae 26
Nymphalidae 40

The majority of the species are characteristic for the habitats of the mesophilous and
mesohygrophilous meadows, but many species were collected at the edge of the alder
coenoses which are widespread in the valley of the river. Like in other studies we try to
identify the plants used as nectar resources by butterflies. Dianthus carthusianorum,
Filipendula ulmaria, Vicia cracca, Viola tricolor, Narcissus stellaris, Veronica chamaedrys,
Senecio vulgaris, Sanguisorba officinalis, Medicago sativa, Origanum vulgare, Urtica dioica,
Centaurea pannonica, Hypericum perforatum, Inula hirta, Potentilla erecta, Tanacetum
vulgare, Telekia speciosa, Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense, Galium verum, Gentiana
pneumonanthe, Aster amellus, Scabiosa ochroleuca, Scabiosa columbaria, Gladiolus
imbricatus, Thymus serpyllum, Leucanthemum vulgare, Cytisus nigricans, Cirsium canum,
Lotus corniculatus, Ranunculus repens, Lathyrus pratensis, Prunella vulgaris, Stachys recta,
Chamaespartium sagitale, Cichorium intybus, Tanacetum vulgare, Sambucus racemosa, Solidago
virgaurea, Sambucus racemosa, Knautia arvensis, Crataegus monogyna, Rubus caesius, Rosa canina,
Linum hirsutum, Peucedanum rochelianum and Achillea ptarmica are the studied flowering
plants as nectar resources. /
Tab. 2- Checklist of butterflies (Ord. Lepidoptera, S. ord. Rhopalocera) idendified in the
protected area Lawns of Sălaşu de Sus (Hunedoara County, Romania)

Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F

Erynnis tages tages V- M Fabaceae Lotus corniculatus, Ranunculus VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII repens, Galium verum,
Lathyrus pratensis, Prunella
Carcharodus V- Mh Stachys sp. Stachys recta, Telekia VR
floccifera floccifera VI; speciosa, Narcissus stellaris
(Zeller, 1847) VII-
Pyrgus carthami V- M Potentilla sp., Lotus corniculatus, Filipendula F
(HÜBNER, 1813) VI; Alchemilla sp., ulmaria, Narcissus stellaris,
VII- Malva sp. Linum catharticum, Prunella
VIII vulgaris
Pyrgus V- M Fragaria vesca, Vicia cracca, Achillea VF
malvae malvae VI; Potentilla recta, millefolium, Cichorium
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VII- Agrimonia eupatoria, intybus, Inula hirta,
VIII Rubus fruticosus Chamaespartium sagitale
Carterocephalus VI M Poaceae Potentilla reptans, Galium F
palaemon verum
(PALLAS, 1771)
Thymelicus VII- M Poaceae Hypericum perforatum, Inula F
sylvestris VIII hirta, Senecio vulgaris,
(PODA, 1761) Leucanthemum vulgare, Salvia
nemorosa, Galium verum,
Vicia faba, Tanacetum vulgare,
Viola canina, Potentilla erecta
Thymelicus lineola VI- M Poaceae Galium verum, Gentiana F
lineola VII pneumonanthe,
(Ochsenheimer, Chamaespartium sagitale,
1808) Hypericum perforatum,
Centaurea pannonica, Achillea
ptarmica, Achillea millefolium,
Gladiolus imbricatus,
Trifolium pratense, Scabiosa
ochroleuca, Salvia pratensis
Hesperia comma VII- M Poaceae: Festuca Aster amellus, Leucanthemum VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII vulgare, Viola tricolor, Mentha
longifolia, Gentiana
pneumonanthe, Tanacetum
vulgare, Lotus corniculatus,
Vicia cracca
Ochlodes venatus VII- Mt Poaceae Hypericum perforatum, Aster VF
faunus (TURATI, VIII amellus, Leucanthemum
1905) vulgare, Trifolium pratense,
Trifolium repens, Gentiana
Chamaespartium sagitale,
Thymus sp. /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Iphiclides podalirius VI- Mxt Prunus sp. Rosa canina, Gladiolus F
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII imbricatus, Achillea ptarmica,
Centaurea pannonica,
Crataegus monogyna
Papilio machaon IV- M Umbelliferae Cirsium canum, Telekia RF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII speciosa, Achillea ptarmica,
Crataegus monogyna, Rosa
canina, Sambucus nigra,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Sambucus racemosa, Scabiosa
Leptidea sinapis IV- M Fabaceae Lotus corniculatus, Salvia VF
sinapis (LINNAEUS, IX pratensis, Trifolium pratense,
1758) Aster amellus, Scabiosa
columbaria, Mentha longifolia,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Gentiana pneumonanthe,
Sambucus racemosa, Dianthus
Anthocharis V M Brassicaceae Narcissus stellaris, Viola VF
cardamines canina
(LINNAEUS, 1758)
Pieris rapae IV- M, Brassicaceae Hypericum perforatum, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IX Eu Leucanthemum vulgare, Linum
hirsutum, Inula hirta, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Trifolium
pratense, Trifolium repens,
Lotus corniculatus,
Chamaespartium sagittale,
Epilobium hirsutum, Thymus
serpyllum, Cytisus nigricans
Pieris napi napi IV- M Brasicaceae Trifolium campestre, Lotus VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IX corniculatus, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Narcissus
stellaris, Mentha arvensis,
Mentha longifolia, Telekia
Pontia edusa IV- M Brassicaceae Trifolium campestre, Lotus VF
(Fabricius, 1777) IX corniculatus, Chamaespartium
sagittale, Aster amellus,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Narcissus stellaris, Origanum
vulgare, Scabiosa ochroleuca
Colias croceus IV- Mxt Fabaceae Lotus corniculatus, RF
(FOURCROY, 1758) IX Chamaespartium sagittale,
Trifolium pratense,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Tanacetum vulgare, Dianthus
carthusianorum, Telekia
speciosa, Narcissus stellaris /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Colias hyale IV- M Fabaceae Scabiosa ochroleuca, Telekia F
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IX speciosa, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Senecio arvensis,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Trifolium pratense, Trifolium,
repens, Sanguisorba officinalis,
Lotus corniculatus, Vicia
cracca, Narcissus stellaris

Gonepteryx rhamni IV- M Rhamnaceae Origanum vulgare, Solidago RF

(LINNAEUS, 1758) IX virgaurea, Scabiosa
columbaria, Centaurea
pannonica, Sambucus nigra,
Sambucus racemosa, Rosa
canina, Gentiana
pneumonanthe, Rubus caesius,
Crataegus monogyna
Hamearis lucina V- M Primula vulgaris, P. Taraxacum officinale, Fragaria VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII veris vesca, Salvia pratensis,
Narcissus stellaris, Viola
canina, Galium verum,
Chamaespartium sagittale
Lycaena phlaeas VI- M Polygonaceae: Salvia pratensis, Trifolium RF
phlaeas (LINNAEUS, VIII Rumex acetosella, R. arvense, Trifolium repens,
1761) acetosa Leucanthemum vulgare
Lycaena dispar rutila VI- Hg Polygonaceae: Epilobium montanum, VF
(WERNEBURG, 1864) VIII Rumex sp. Epilobium angustifolium,
Menta longifolia, Gentiana
Lycaena virgaureae VI- M Rumex acetosa Eupatorium cannabinum, VF
virgaureae VIII Mentha longifolia, Thymus
(LINNAEUS, 1758) serpyllum, Gentiana
pneumonanthe, Gladiolus
imbricatus, Leucanthemum

Lycaena alciphron VI- Mh Rumex acetosa Epilobium angustifolium, RF

(Rottemburg, 1775) VII Menta longifolia, Scabiosa
ochroleuca, Sanguisorba
officinalis, Mentha longifolia
Thecla betulae VI- Mt Prunus spinosa; Sambucus nigra (fruits); VR
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Chrysalides attended Sweet and sticky honey-dew
by Lasius niger from aphids (STILL, 1996)

Callophrys rubi VI- Mt Genista tinctoria, Lotus corniculatus, Medicago RF

(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Cytisus scoparius, sativa, Geranium robertianum,
Anthyllis vulneraria Trifolium arvense, Scabiosa
Satyrium w-album VI- M Rhamnus Rarely on Geranium R
(KNOCH, 1782) VIII catharticum robertianum, Sambucus nigra,
Sambucus racemosa fruits,
Rubus caesius fruits. /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Satyrium pruni V- Mt Prunus spinosa Rarely on Rubus caesius R
Cupido minimus VI- Mt Anthyllis vulneraria; Potentilla erecta, Viola tricolor, RF
minimus (FUESSLY, VIII Larvae attended by Hypericum perforatum,
1775) Lasius niger, Tanacetum vulgare, Trifolium
Formica fusca, pratense, Lotus corniculatus,
Myrmica rubra Scabiosa ochroleuca
Everes argiades VI- M Fabaceae Tanacetum vulgare, Potentilla RF
(PALLAS, 1771) VIII erecta, Trifolium campestre,
Senecio jacobaea
Celastrina argiolus V- M Rubus fruticosus, R. Linum catharticum, Potentilla RF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VI; idaeus, Filipendula erecta, Trifolium campestre,
VII- ulmaria, Astragalus Dianthus carthusianorum
VIII glycyphyllos,
Medicago sativa,
Melilotus officinalis,
Frangula alnus, etc.
Glaucopsyche alexis V- M Fabaceae; Larvae Lotus corniculatus, Medicago RF
(PODA, 1761) VII attended by Lasius sativa, Potentilla erecta,
alienus, Formica Hypericum perforatum
aethiops, etc.
Maculinea arion VII- Mht Thymus serpyllum; Filipendula ulmaria, R
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Larvae and Agrimonia eupatoria,
chrysalids attended Leucanthemum vulgare, Linum
by Myrmica sabuleti flavum, Potentilla erecta, Lotus

Maculinea alcon VII- Mh Gentiana Centaurea pannonica, F

(DENIS & VIII pneumonanthe, Cardamine pratensis, Achillea
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Larvae attended by ptarmica, Leucanthemum
1775) Myrmica rubra vulgare
Maculinea teleius VI- Mh Sanguisorba Achille ptarmica, Prunella VR
(BERGSTRASSER, VIII officinalis; vulgaris, Leucanthemum
1779) Larvae attended by vulgare, Scabiosa ochroleuca
Myrmica sabuleti,
M. Rubra, M.
Plebeius argus argus VI- Mh Fabaceae; Cistaceae; Lotus corniculatus, Potentilla F
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII larvae attended by erecta, Viola tricolor,
Lasius niger Medicago lupulina, Trifolium
repens, Trifolium campestre,
Polygala vulgaris, Filipendula
ulmaria, Vicia cracca, Genista
Plebejus V- M Astragalus Lotus corniculatus, Vicia RF
argyrognomon VI; glycyphyllos; Larvae cracca, Medicago sativa,
(BERGSTRASSER, VI- attended by Lasius Trifolium pratense, Mentha
1779) VII niger, Myrmica arvensis, Knautia arvensis
sabuleti /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Aricia agestis agestis VI- Mxt Herbaceous plants; Lotus corniculatus, Medicago F
(DENIS & VIII Larvae attended by sativa, Trifolium campestre,
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Lasius niger, L. Mentha arvensis, Genista
1775) alienus, Myrmica sagittalis, Potentilla erecta,
sabuleti Tanacetum vulgare
Polyommatus VI- M Trifolium pratense; Medicago sativa, Hypericum RF
semiargus semiargus VIII Larvae attended by perforatum, Lotus corniculatus,
(ROTTEMBURG, Lasius niger Potentilla reptans,
1775) Leucanthemum vulgare,
Solidago virgaurea, Senecio
vulgaris, Aster amellus
Polyommatus icarus V-IX M Fabaceae; Genista tinctoria, Aster VF
(ROTTEMBURG, Larvae attended by amellus, Viola tricolor,
1775) Lasius alienus, L Potentilla recta, Lathyrus
niger pratensis, Lotus corniculatus,
Achillea millefolium,
Trifolium campestre,
Leucanthemum vulgare
Argynnis paphia VII- M Viola sp. Carduus nutans, Cirsium VF
paphia (LINNAEUS, VIII arvense, Tanacetum vulgare,
1758) Leucanthemum vulgare,
Centaurea cyanus, Cychorium
intybus, Scabiosa ochroleuca,
Gladiolus imbricatus
Argynnis aglaja VI- M Viola sp. Leucanthemum vulgare, Aster VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VII amellus, Solidago virgaurea,
Origanum vulgare, Scabiosa
ochroleuca, Thymus sp.
Argynnis adippe VI- Mt Viola sp. Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(DENIS & VIII Knautia arvensis, Telekia
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, speciosa, Aster amellus,
1775) Hieracium umbellatum,
Solidago virgaurea, Gladiolus
Argynnis niobe niobe VI- M Viola, Plantago Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Knautia arvensis, Telekia
speciosa, Aster amellus,
Hieracium umbellatum,
Solidago virgaurea, Mentha
longifolia, Gladiolus
Issoria lathonia V- M Viola sp. Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Telekia speciosa, Aster
amellus, Solidago virgaurea,
Gladiolus imbricatus,
Tanacetum vulgare, Dianthus
Brenthis daphne VI- Xt Rubus fruticosus, R. Aster amellus Leucanthemum RF
(DENIS & VIII idaeus vulgare, Dianthus
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, carthusianorum, Peucedanum
1775) rochelianum, Chamaespartium
sagittale /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Brenthis hecate VI- M Filipendula ulmaria Leucanthemum vulgare, RF
(DENIS & VIII Telekia speciosa, Aster
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, amellus, Inula hirta, Senecio
1775) vulgare, Solidago virgaurea,
Sanguisorba officinalis
Boloria euphrosyne V- M Viola sp. Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII sativa, Dianthus
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Peucedanum rochelianum,
Achillea ptarmica
Boloria selene V- M Viola sp. Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
(DENIS & VIII Galium verum, Achillea
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, ptarmica, Solidago virgaurea,
1775) Vicia cracca, Silene vulgaris,
Stellaria holostea, Cirsium
Boloria dia dia V- M Viola, Rubus Potentilla erecta, Medicago VF
(LINNAEUS, 1767) VIII lupulina, Trifolium pratense,
Trifolium repens,
Leucanthemum vulgare,
Linaria vulgaris, Origanum
vulgare, Senecio jacobaea,
Prunella grandiflora
Vanessa atalanta VI- U, Urtica sp. Carduus nutans, Cirsium F
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IX Mg arvense, rotten fruits
Vanessa cardui VII- U, Carduus, Cirsium Carduus nutans, Carduus VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Mg candicans, Centaurea
pannonica, Cirsium arvense,
Telekia speciosa
Inachis io VI- M, Fermeting fruits, Telekia VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) IX Eu Urtica sp. speciosa, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Scabiosa ochroleuca
Aglais urticae VI- Eu, Urtica sp. Carduus nutans, Cyrsium VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Mg arvense, Hypericum
perforatum, Urtica dioica,
Salvia nemorosa
Polygonia c-album V- M Ribes, Urtica, Salix, Urtica dioica, Mentha VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Corylus longifolia, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Telekia speciosa,
Hieracium umbellatum,
Dipsacus fullonum, Succisa
pratensis, Rubus caesius
Araschnia levana VI- Mh Urtica Telekia speciosa, Urtica dioica, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Hypericum perforatum
Nymphalis antiopa V- Mh Salicaceae Rarely on Sambucus nigra but RF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII a lot of adults have been seen
on Salix cinerea
Euphydryas aurinia V Mh Knautia arvensis, Rarely on Narcissus stellaris, F
aurinia (Rottemburg, Succisa pratensis, Viola canina; Many individuals
1775) Scabiosa ochroleuca have been seen resting on
Carex /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Melitaea cinxia V- Mt Plantago Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
cinxia VIII sativa, Hypericum perforatum,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Leucanthemum vulgare,
Tanacetum vulgare, Dianthus
Melitaea phoebe VI- Mt Scabiosa columbaria, Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
(DENIS & VIII Cirsium arvense sativa, Hypericum perforatum,
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Leucanthemum vulgare, Inula
1758) hirta, Achillea ptarmica
Melitaea trivia VI- M Verbascum sp. Hypericum perforatum, VR
(DENIS & VIII Leucanthemum vulgare,
SCHIFFERMÜLLER, Gladiolus imbricatus
Melitaea didyma V- Mxt Primula, Plantago Lotus corniculatus,Hypericum VF
didyma VIII perforatum, Leucanthemum
(ESPER, 1778) vulgare, Achillea ptarmica
Melitaea athalia V- M Plantago Lotus corniculatus, Medicago VF
(ROTTEMBURG, VIII sativa, Leucanthemum vulgare
Neptis hylas V- Mh Lathyrus vernus, L. Rarely on Cirsium arvense VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII niger
Neptis rivularis VI- M Filipendula ulmaria It has been seen resting on R
(Scopoli, 1763) VIII leaves of different shrubs
Apatura ilia (DENIS VII- Mh Salicaceae Damp ground, tree-sap, carrion F
Apatura iris VII Mh Salicaceae Carrion, dung and tree-sap F
(LINNAEUS, 1758)

Pararge aegeria tircis V-IX M Poaceae Telekia speciosa, Tanacetum VF

BUTLER, 1867 vulgare, Inula hirta,
Leucanthemum vulgare

Lasiommata megera V- M Poaceae Rarely on Urtica dioica, VF

megera VIII Leucanthemum vulgare,
(LINNAEUS, 1767) Tanacetum vulgare, Lotus
Lasiommata maera V- M Poaceae Urtica dioica, Leucanthemum VF
maera VIII vulgare, Tanacetum vulgare,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Lotus corniculatus, Taraxacum
officinale, Ranunculus repens
Coenonympha V- M Poaceae Achillea ptarmica, Trifolium VF
arcania arcania VIII pratense, Trifolium repens,
(LINNAEUS, 1761) Centaurea pannonica,
Medicago sativa, Lotus
corniculatus, Veronica
chamaedrys, Vicia cracca,
Senecio jacobaea
Coenonympha VI- M Poaceae Trifolium repens, Centaurea RF
glycerion glycerion VIII pannonica, Medicago lupulina,
(BORKHAUSEN, Lotus corniculatus, Veronica
1788) chamaedrys /
Taxa FP E.E LHP Pf-Ns F
Coenonympha V-IX M Poaceae Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
pamphilus Dianthus carthusianorum,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Hypericum perforatum,
Achillea ptarmica, Inula hirta,
Senecio jacobaea
Pyronia tithonus VII- Xt Poaceae Dianthus carthusianorum Aster RF
(LINNAEUS, 1767) VIII amellus, Filipendula vulgaris,
Galium verum, Centaurea
Aphantopus V-IX M Poaceae Leucanthemum vulgare, VF
hyperantus Dianthus carthusianorum,
(LINNAEUS, 1758) Aster amellus, Cirsium
arvense, Lotus corniculatus,
Origanum vulgare, Hypericum
Filipendula vulgaris, Galium
Maniola jurtina V-IX M Poaceae Centaurea pannonica, Lotus VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) corniculatus, Cirsium arvense,
Origanum vulgare, Filipendula
ulmaria, Galium verum
Erebia aethiops VII- M Poaceae Scabiosa ochroleuca, Gladiolus VF
aethiops (Esper, VIII imbricatus, Centaurea
1777) pannonica, Leucanthemum
Melanargia galathea VI- M Poaceae Sanguisorba officinalis, VF
(LINNAEUS, 1758) VIII Leucanthemum vulgare, Aster
amellus, Galium verum,
Dianthus carthusianorum,
Salvia pratensis, Lotus
corniculatus Origanum
vulgare, Lathyrus pratensis,
Achillea ptarmica
Minois dryas VII- Xt Poaceae Fruits of Sambucus nigra VF
Hipparchia fagi VII- Mt Poaceae Rarely on Telekia speciosa VF
Hipparchia semele VII- M Poaceae Rarely on Sambucus, Cirsium F
semele (LINNAEUS, VIII sp., Telekia speciosa
Brintesia circe VII- Xt Poaceae Rarely on Verbascum R
pannonica VIII phlomoides, Telekia speciosa
Abreviations: EE= Ecological exigencies: M-Mezofilous species; Mt-Mezotermofilous species; Xt-Xerotermofilous species,
U-Ubiquist; Eu- Euritope; Mg- Migratory Species; STL- Larval Food Plants; PF-NS=Plant flowers-Nectar Source; F=
Frequency: VF= Very Frequent species (over 16 individuals/day); RF= Relativ frequent species (5-10 individuals/day);
F=Frequent species (10-15 individuals/day); R= Rare species; VR= Very Rare species (1-4 individuals/generation) (after
RÁKOSY & VIEHMANN 1991); FP= Fly Period

Concerning the frequency (according to RÁKOSY & VIEHMANN 1991 classification),

the majority of the species are very frequent and represent 53% from the total of the species /
(Fig. 1). 21% of the species are relative frequent and 16% are frequent species. Rare and very
rare species are represented each other by 5% from the total of the species.

Fig. 1 – The frequency of the Macrolepidoptera species of Sălaşu de Sus

protected area of Sălaşu de Sus
In this protected area a wide variety of the flowering plants are visited by butterflies
for searching nectar. The most visited flowering plants are: Dianthus carthusianorum,
Filipendula ulmaria, Vicia cracca, Viola tricolor, Narcissus stellaris, Veronica chamaedrys,
Senecio vulgaris, Sanguisorba officinalis, Medicago sativa, Origanum vulgare, Urtica dioica,
Centaurea pannonica, Hypericum perforatum, Inula hirta, Potentilla erecta, Tanacetum
vulgare, Telekia speciosa, Trifolium repens, Galium verum, Gentiana pneumonanthe, Aster
amellus, Scabiosa ochroleuca, Lotus corniculatus, Gladiolus imbricatus, Leucanthemum
vulgare, Peucedanum rochelianum and Achillea ptarmica. The choice of the flowering plants
depends on various factors: the colour preferences, the depth of corolla, the length of the
proboscis. Bivoltine or multivoltine species may change their preferences due to seasonal
variation in available flowers (BAKOWSKI & BORÓN 2005). The quality of nectar and its
concentration in sucrose are also important in the relationship butterflies-flowering plants
(RUSTERHOLZ & ERHARDT 1997). Nectars of butterfly-pollinated flower tend to have higher
concentrations of amino acids than do flowers pollinated by bees and many other animals,
suggesting that amino acids are important attractants of butterflies to flowers (ALM,
preference for nectar amino acids varies between different groups of pollinators. Females of
several butterfly species have shown a clear preference for nectar mimics containing amino
acids over nectar void of amino acids. Tests carried out showed that females of Araschnia
levana raised on the low quality larval diet were smaller and showed a significant preference /
for the nectar mimic with amino acids, whereas females raised on the high quality diet were
larger and showed no preference. Larval food quality did not affect male mass, and male
butterflies were indifferent to nectar amino acids. Consequently, female butterflies may
compensate for poor larval nutrition by selectively feeding on nectar containing amino acids.
These results demonstrate the nutritional plasticity of holometabolous insects and the
potential evolutionary significance of nectar amino acids for both plants and their pollinators.
Some species of nymphalids only exceptionally visit flowers and feed instead on tree
sap, juice of rotting fruits and other decaying substances. For instance, Apatura iris feeds on
honezdew produced by aphids as well as tree sap. Males visit the ground on occasion, in order
to obtain salts from dung or from the surfaces of roads. Apatura ilia has been seen on animal
droppings. Vanessa atalanta and Inachis io prefers fermeting fruits, sap flows on trees, dung
and visits flowers only when these are not available.
The following species are rare and very rare in this protected area:
Maculinea arion (LINNAEUS, 1758) – 3♂♂ 22.06.2006, 1♂ 18.06.2007 at Sălaşu de
Sus lawns. This species prefers dry habitats of Sălaşu de Sus natural reserve. Females lay
their eggs on flowers of Thymus serpyllum. Younger larvae eat pollen and seeds of Thymus
and then drop to the ground. They are attractive to Myrmica sabuleti. Pupation takes place in
the nest of ants. Adults emerge the following summer and live about three or four weeks. The
adults fly in June-August and visit Achillea ptarmica, Scabiosa ochroleuca, Filipendula
vulgaris and Dianthus carthusianorum.
Maculinea teleius (BERGSTRÄSSER, 1779) –1♂ 15.07.2007; 2♂♂ 22.07.2008; 1♂
3.08.2008. It is a rare species in this protected area. Adults fly from July to the beginning of
August, especially in wet meadows and visit Achillea ptarmica, Prunella vulgaris,
Leucanthemum vulgare and Scabiosa ochroleuca. In their early stages larvae breed on
Sanguisorba officinalis. In their last, fourth instars’, they are adopted by a species of
Myrmica. It is listed in the Red List of Butterflies of Romania as an endangered species
(RÁKOSY, 2002). It is also a protected species and listed as a species of national interest in the
4 Annexe of the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 57/2007.
Carcharodus floccifera floccifera (Zeller, 1847) - It is a relatively rare and localized
species in Romania fauna. Adults fly in May-June and visit Stachys recta, Telekia speciosa
and Narcissus stellaris. Larval food plant is Stachys recta.
It is listed as near threatened-Vulnerable taxon in The Red List of the Butterflies of
Romania (RÁKOSY 2002). /
Concerning Maculinea alcon alcon (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775), many
individuals (more than 10 individuals/day) were observed especially in June and July in a
damp habitat near Sălaş Valley. The adults especially visit Centaurea pannonica, Cardamine
pratensis, Achillea ptarmica and Leucanthemum vulgare. Larvae breed on Gentiana
pneumonanthe and finish their stage in the ant nests. Maculinea alcon is listed as a species of
national interest in the 4 Annexes of the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government
no. 57/2007.
Neptis hylas (LINNAEUS, 1758), listed as a species of national interest in the 4B
Annexe of the Emergency Ordinance of the Romanian Government no. 57/2007, is very
common in the protected area. The adults fly in July-August at the edge of the forests and
rarely visit Cirsium arvense. Larvae feed on Lathyrus sp.
Euphydryas aurinia aurinia (ROTTEMBURG, 1775) is a common species in this area.
Concerning the frequency, more than 10 individuals were seen each day in the second decade
of May, resting on Carex sp. Larvae feed on Knautia arvensis, Succisa pratensis and Scabiosa
Brenthis hecate hecate (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775): 1♂ 15.07.2007; 1♀
20.07.2007; 2♂♂ 22.07.2008. It is listed as vulnerable species in the Redl ist of Romanian
Butterflies (RÁKOSY 2002). In the protected area of Sălaşu de Sus this species is relatively
frequent. The adults fly from the midle of June to the midle of August and visit
Leucanthemum vulgare, Telekia speciosa, Aster amellus, Inula hirta, Senecio vulgare,
Solidago virgaurea and Sanguisorba officinalis.
Brintesia circe pannonica FRUHSTORFER, 1911: 1♂ 22.07.2008. It is a rare species in
this area. The adults fly in July-August at the edge of the forests. Larvae feed on Bromus
erectus and Festuca ovina (SZÉKELY 2008).

The diversity of the flowering plants and the local climate of the protected area are
favourable for the butterflies’ communities. Most of the species from Sălaşu de Sus have a
high frequency but some species are rare and very rare such as: Thecla betulae, Carcharodus
floccifera, Satyrium w-album, Satyrium pruni, Brintetia circe pannonica, Maculinea arion,
Maculinea teleius and Melitaea trivia.
Euphydryas aurinia and Maculinea alcon, both of them protected in Romania and
frequent species in this protected area, find favorable conditions for their life-cycle. /
Literature cited
ALM J., OHNMEISS TH., LANZA J., VRIESENGA L. 1990. Preference of cabbage white
butterflies and honey bees for nectar that contains amino acids. Oecologia, 84 (1): 53-
BAKOWSKI M., BORON M. 2005. Flower visitation patterns of some species of Lycaenidae
(Lepidoptera). Biological lett., 42(1): 13-19.
BOŞCAIU N. 1965. Cercetări fitocenologice asupra asociaţiei Peucedano (rocheliani)-
Molinietum coeruleae din Banat şi Ţara Haţegului. Contribuţii botanice, 251- 264.
FELTWELL J. 2001. The illustrated enciclopedia of butterflies. Chartwell Books. Ed. New
NICULESCU E.V. 1961. Lepidoptera. Familia Papilionidae. Fauna R.P.R., Edit. Acad. Rom.,
Insecta, 11(5):1-103.
NICULESCU E.V. 1963. Lepidoptera. Familia Pieridae. Fauna R.P.R., Edit. Acad. Rom.,
Bucureşti, 11(6):1-202.
NICULESCU E.V. 1965. Lepidoptera. Familia Nymphalidae. Fauna R.S.R., Edit. Acad.
Rom., Bucureşti, 11(7):1-361.
RÁKOSY L. 2002. Lista roşie pentru fluturii diurni din România. Buetin de informare.
Societatea Lepidopterologică Română, Cluj-Napoca, 13(1-4): 9-26.
RÁKOSY L. & VIEHMANN I. 1991. Argumente în favoarea unei rezervaţii naturale în Cheile
Turului. Ocrotirea Naturii şi a Mediului Inconjurător, Bucureşti, 35(1-2): 15-26.
RUSTERHOLZ H.-P., ERHARDT A. 1997. Preferences for nectar asugars in the peacock
butterflies, Inachis io. Ecological Entomology, 22(2):220-224.
STILL J. 1996. Butterflies & Moths. Collins wild Guide. Harper Collins Publishers.
London, 254 p.
SZÉKELY L. 2008. The Butterflies of Romania. Fluturii de zi din România. Ed. Muzeul
judeţean Braşov, 262 p., 22 pl.
TOLMAN T., LEWINGTON R. 2007. Guide des papillons d’Europe et d’Afrique du Nord. Ed.
Delachaux et Niestlé, Paris, 320 p.
xxx Ordonanţa de urgenţă a Guvernului României nr. 57/2007 privind regimul ariilor
naturale protejate, conservarea habitatelor naturale, a florei şi faunei sălbatice.

Silvia Burnaz
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva
Deva, 39, 1 Decembrie Street
e-mail: /
Sargetia, Acta Mus. Dev., Ser. Sci. Nat. Vol. XXI - 2008 p. 158-182




Entomological researches in Hunedoara County, Romania – list of published

The author presents the bibliographical list of the entomological studies carried
out in various habitats of Hunedoara County (Romania). Orders of insects as
Lepidoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera were studied especially
in Retezat Mountains but also in other mountainous and hilloky areas of Hunedoara
County. The author also presents the endemic and rare species recorded, over the
years, in Hunedoara County.
Kew words: entomological researches, Hunedoara County, Romania, list of
published papers

Cercetări entomologice în judeţul Hunedoara – Lista lucrărilor publicate

Autorul prezintă lista bibliografică a studiilor entomologice efectuate în habitate

naturale din judeţul Hunedoara. Ordine de insecte ca Lepidoptera, Trichoptera,
Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera au fost studiate mai ales în Munţii Retezat dar şi
în alte zone montane şi deluroase ale judeţului Hunedoara. Autorul prezintă de
asemenea speciile endemice şi rarităţile semnalate de-a lungul anilor în judeţul
Cuvinte cheie: cercetări entomologice, judeţul Hunedoara, România, lista
lucrărilor publicate

Hunedoara County is situated in the western part of Romania (South-Eastern part of

Transylvania) being crossed from East to West by Mureş River. It has a predominant
mountainous relief. Apuseni Mountains, represented by two groups (Metaliferi and Zarand
Mountains) are situated in the northern part of Mureş River. In its southern part, Retezat
Mountains, Parâng Mountains and the western part of Şureanu Mountains (Southern
Carpathians) are located. Large depressions as Haţeg, Brad-Ormindea, Petroşani are
surrounded by mountains. Affluents of Mureş River, Strei River and East Jiu River cross /
mountainous regions and depressions. The most part of hillocky and mountainous areas are
covered by deciduous and coniferous forests. Subalpine and alpine ranges with various types
of habitats (pastures, shrubs, rocks) are mostly widespread in Retezat, Parâng and Ţarcu-
Godeanu Mountains. Landscape is also represented by various types of grasslands, meadows
and pastures. Calcareous gorges as Mada Gorges, Grăciuneşti Gorges, Crivadia Gordes are
situated especially in the limestone area of Metaliferi and Şureanu Mountains. Limestone
areas are also located in the southern part of Retezat Mountains.
In 1935 it was set up the first national park of Romania named The National Park of
Retezat Mountains. On the basis of the researches concerning the geology, geography, flora
and fauna, other two natural parks were created: The Geopark of Dinosaurs-Haţeg Country
(2005) and The Natural Park of Grădiştea Muncelului-Cioclovina (1979). Other areas as The
Lawns with Narcissus stellaris of Sălaşu de Sus, The Forest of Slivuţ (Haţeg), The Forest of
Bejan (Deva), The Forest of Chizid (Hunedoara), The Limestone area of Crăciuneşti Gorges
(Metaliferi Mountains), The Fortress of Deva Hill, The rocks of Ohaba de Sub Piatră, Cerna
Gorges (Poiana Ruscă Mountains), The Ribicioara and Uibăreşti Gorges (Metaliferi
Mountains), Mada Gorges (Metaliferi Mountains), Crivadia Gorges and The Karst Complex
of Ponorici-Cioclovina (Şureanu Mountains) protect endemits and rare species of various
groups of plants and animals .
The diversity of the flora and vegetation together with the local climate offer
favourable conditions for various groups of insects.
Entomofauna of Hunedoara County is characterized by the presence of Carpathian
endemits such as:
- Coenonympha rhodopensis, Psodos coracina dioszeghyi, Gnophos intermedius
dioszeghyi; Apamea maillardi carpatobrunnea, Erebia cassioides neleus
- Rhyacophila kimminsiana, Allogamus dacicus (Trichoptera);
- Trechus mallaszi, Sophrochaeta reitteri retezati, Sophrochaeta reitteri mallaszi,
Duvalius budai budai, Duvalius budai malomvicensis, Duvalius budai dioszeghyi,
Duvalius mallaszi gabriellae, Carabus nagyagensis (Coleoptera);
- Tabanus hirsutus, Tabanus briani (Diptera: Tabanidae);
- Forcipomyia dacica, Forcipomyia zlatensis, Ceratopogon romanicus (Diptera:
Nematocera); - Zaraea plana (Diptera: Symphyta);
- Cheilosia dacica (Diptera: Syrphidae);
- Georthocladius retezati (Diptera: Chironomidae); /
- Aritranis alboclypeatus (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae).
Concerning fauna of Insecta, Hunedoara County is one of the most studied regions of
From the middle of XIX-century until today, a lot of entomological studies were
published. Researchers have been carried out various groups of insects of Southern
Carpathians and especially of Retezat Mountains, known for their original relief, flora and
fauna. Other mountainous areas have been also studied as Şureanu Mountains, Parâng
Mountains (Southern Carpathians), Metaliferi Mountains, Poiana Ruscă Mountains (Western
Carpathians), Haţeg Depression and the Couloirs of Mureş and Strei River.
The first studies in this county were carried out at the second part of XIX century by
different entomologists.
JOSEF FRANZENAU was the first who has studied Lepidoptera fauna of Săcărâmb
locality. His checklist was published by CARL FUSS in the revue of the scientifical society of
Sibiu (Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des Siebenburgischen Vereins für
Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt) (FUSS 1850). Later, Franzenau himself has published
data concerning the Lepidoptera fauna of Săcărâmb and the neighbourhood of this locality
(FRANZENAU 1852, 1856, 1859; BURNAZ SILVIA 1992 b, 1992 c, 1998). The catalogue of
Franzenau collection, kept in the Museum of the University of Cluj, was published by
HERMANN (1868, 1871).
In the second part of XIX century, BIELZ (1851, 1887, 1888) and BORDAN (1898)
have published data about Coleoptera and Lepidoptera fauna of Hunedoara County. MERKL
(1897 a) has described the cerambycid Leptura virens from the Retezat Mountains. HOLDHAUS
& DEUBEL (1910) have published some data about the Coleoptera fauna of the Retezat
Mountains. In the same year he has published a paper about the life and the activity of
Kenderessy Dénes whose collection is kept by The Museum of Natural History “Grigore
Antipa” of Bucharest. A rare species as Spondylis buprestoides collected by Kenderessy in
Retezat Mountains is listed in the Catalogue of Palaearctic species of Spondylidinae
(Cerambycidae) kept in the collection of “Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural
History (Bucharest) (RODICA SERAFIM 2007).
In the first decades of XX century LADISLAU DIÓSZEGHY has studied the Lepidoptera
fauna of the Retezat Mountains. Some endemits and rare species were recorded: Erebia
cassioides neleus, Psodos coracina dioszeghyi, Coenonympha rhodopensis (DIÓSZEGHY 1917,
1922, 1929-1930, 1933-1934). CĂPUŞE & KOVÁCS (1965, 1967, 1988) have published the
collection of Ladislau Diószeghy kept in the Museum of Sfântu-Gheorghe (Covasna County). /
325 specimens collected by Diószeghy in the Retezat Mountains are kept in the collection of
Deva Museum (BURNAZ SILVIA 1993 c).
ADRIANO OSTROGOVICH has collected various species of Lepidoptera in the first
decades of the XX century. The specimens collected especially in the Hunedoara City
neighbourhood are kept in the collection of the Museum of Natural History “Grigore Antipa”
Bucharest (POPESCU GORJ 1964).
Other entomological studies concerning the entomofauna of Hunedoara County and
especially of Retezat Mountains have been published by SZILAGYI (1904), SZILADY (1906),
GEBHARDT (1930), SCHMIDT (1930 a, 1930 b, 1933) and SZENT-IVANY & UHRIK-MESZAROS
JOSEF MALLÁSZ, the curator of Deva Museum during 1919-1933, has studied the
cavernicole Coleoptera fauna of the natural caves of Hunedoara County. Some endemits and
rarities has been described by him and published in various revues including the volume of
the first Congress of Romanian Naturalists (Cluj, 1929). We mention the following
cavernicole species and subspecies recorded by Josef Mallász: Trechus mallaszi,
Sophrochaeta reitteri retezati, Sophrochaeta reitteri mallaszi, Duvalius budai budai, Duvalius
spiessi, Duvalius gaali, Duvalius budai malomvicensis, Duvalius budai dioszeghyi and
Duvalius mallaszi gabriellae (MALLÁSZ 1923, 1928 a, 1930; GHEŢE SILVIA 1983). He has
also studied the fauna of Coleoptera of various areas of Hunedoara County (MALLÁSZ 1898 a,
1898 b, 1900 a, 1900 b, 1903).
In the first decades of the XX th century IENIŞTEA (1933, 1936, 1955) has studied the
Coleoptera fauna of Hunedoara County. JEANNEL (1929, 1930) has published studies about
the cavernicole Coleoptera of Hunedoara County, based on the entomological material given
by Josef Mallász. Researches concerning the edaphic Coleoptera of timberline forests of the
Retezat Mountains were carried out by TEODOREANU (1984).
FREDERIC KÖNIG, one of the greatest entomologists of Romania has continued the
researches of the Lepidoptera fauna of the National Park of Retezat Mountains. Some rare
species as Glacies noricana, Cucullia lucifuga, Apamea aquila, Odontosia carmelita,
Amphipyra perflua and Enargia paleacea were recorded. Aspects about the biology, ecology
and the geographical spreading of the Lepidoptera species of the Retezat Mountains has been
published (KÖNIG 1959, 163, 1969). But he also has collected Lepidoptera species in other
sites and localities of Hunedoara County (KÖNIG 1975).
Contributions to the knowledge of the Lepidoptera fauna of Parâng Mountains are due
to ALEXINSCHI & KÖNIG (1963). /
Ecological and biogeographical aspects of the Lepidoptera fauna of Hunedoara County
have been published in the scientifical revue of Deva Museum, Sargetia, Series Scientia
Naturae by KÖNIG (1983) and POPESCU GORJ (1983). POPESCU-GORJ (1950, 1952, 1955,
1959, 1962, 1963, 1971, 1974, 1986, 1994) has studied Erebia genus spread in Romanian
Carpathians, including taxa recorded from the mountainous area of Hunedoara County.
The Lepidoptera fauna of the calcareous areas located in the eastern part of Poiana
Ruscă Mountains was studied by FOTESCU (1972 b, 1972 c). He also published the species
collected by Adriano Ostrogovich in the neighbourhood of Hunedoara locality (FOTESCU 1972
a). These species are deposited in the lepidopterological collection Adriano Ostrogovich of
the Natural Museum “Grigore Antipa” of Bucarest (POPESCU-GORJ 1964).
LÁSZLÓ RÁKOSY has published Macrolepidoptera of Retezat Mountains based on his
personal researches and data published by Ladislau Diószeghy and Frederic König. 680 taxa
were recorded from the natural habitats of The National Park of the Retezat Mountains
(RÁKOSY 1993, 1997). Some rarities were recorded as Abrostola agnorista, Conisania poelli,
Colostigia aqueata, Colostigia colliaria, Yezognophos anderregaria, Baptria tibiale,
Parexarnis fugax, Hydraecia petasitis vindelica, Apamea sicula syriaca. Carpathian endemits
as Apamea maillardi carpatobrunnea, Photedes captiuncula delattini, Parnassius mnemosyne
transsylvanicus, Erebia epiphron transsylvanica, also reported from Retezat Mountains
(RÁKOSY 1993, 1995 a, 1995 b, 1996, 1997, 1998).
Lepidopterological studies of BURNAZ SILVIA were focused in Şureanu, Metaliferi and
Poiana Ruscă Mountains. She also has studied the Lepidoptera fauna of some important
natural reserves and natural parks of Hunedoara County (BURNAZ SILVIA 1986-1987 a, 1986-
1987 b, 1992 a, 1992 d, 1993 a, 1993 b, 1994 a, 1994 b, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 a, 1999 b,
2001, 2002 a, 2002 b, 2002 c, 2005 a, 2005 b, 2006, 2007 a, 2007 b, 2008 a, 2008 b, BURNAZ
SILVIA & BALAZS MARCELA 2001, 2001-2002, 2002). Rarities as Prodotis stolida,
Lamprosticta culta, Amphyphira perflua, Lycaena helle, Euphydryas maturna partiensis,
Hyponephele lycaon, Chazara briseis, Quercusia quercus, Euphydryas aurinia, Heteropterus
morpheus, Colias myrmidone, Colias chrysotheme, Xestia castanea, Zerynthia polyxena,
Opigena polygona, Calopistria latreillei, Maculinea teleius, Lamprotes c-aureum were
recorded from various zones of Hunedoara County. Rarities, endemits and other species
collected by Daniel Czekelius, Ladislau Diószeghy and Frederic König are kept in the
Lepidoptera collection of Deva Museum (BURNAZ SILVIA 1988, 1992 b, 1992 c, 1993 c,
2008a; BURNAZ SILVIA & KÖNIG 1984). /
The checklists of the Orthoptera and Coleoptera species (including the cavernicole
species), kept in the entomological collection of Deva Museum were published by BURNAZ
SILVIA (1993, 1994).
The structure of Collembola communities of the National Park of the Retezat
Mountains was studied by HARŞIA (1993) and WEISNER (1984).
Plecoptera, Psocoptera, Orthoptera and Heteroptera species of the National Park of the
Retezat Mountains have been studied by KISS (1984, 1994, 1997a, 1997 b, 1997 c) and
BECHET (1985). Rarities and endemits as Nemoura transsylvanica, Protonemura
pseudonimborum, Isoperla minima (Plecoptera), Isophya brevipennis, Pholidoptera
transsylvanica, Miramella ebneri, Poecilimon affinis, Leptophyes discoidalis, Isophya
modestior (Orthoptera), Scolopostethus grandis, Trapezonotus desertus (Heteroptera) were
recorded from these mountains.
BOTOŞĂNEANU (1959) has studied Trichoptera fauna of the Retezat Mountains.
Rhyacophila kimminsiana, Plectrocnemia minima, Drusus brunneus, Drusus carpathicus,
Drusus romanicus, Potamophylax millenii, Allogamus dacicus, Anitella lateroproducta,
considered as endemits or rare species of Trichoptera in Romanian fauna, were reported by
MURGOCI (1951), MURGOCI A. & S. MURGOCI (1955) have studied the trogloxene
Trichoptera species of some caves of Hunedoara County. VASILIU-OROMULU LILIANA (2007)
has published in Entomologica romanica a study concerning the Thysanoptera populations as
bioindicators on mining spoil material sites in the Retezat and Tarcu-Godeanu Massifs.
Cicada species of the Retezat Mountains were studied by CANTOREANU MARGARETA
Important studies concerning the Ichneumonids (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) of
Retezat Mountains were published by CONSTANTINEANU & CONSTANTINEANU (1968, 1972,
1973), PISICĂ (1977), CONSTANTINEANU & IRINEL CONSTANTINEANU (1997). Rare species as
Rhysaspis rugosus, Stenichneumon pictus, Ichneumon variegatorius, Ichneumon alticola,
Olesicampe incrassator, Campoplex stragifex, Agripon faciale, Ctenichneumon nitens,
Platylabus tenuicornis, Syspasis churnifrons, Barichneumon tibialis etc., were recorded from
the Retezat Mountains. MITROIU (2006, 2007) and LÁSZLÓ (2007) has published new species
of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from Retezat Mountains such as Peridesmia
discus, Coelopisthia pachycera, Hyperimerus pusillus, Semiotellus fumipennis and
Lamprotatus annularis. /
Various groups of Diptera as Chironomidae were studied by ALBU PAULA (1972 a,
1972 b, 1974 a, 1974 b), BOTNARIUC & ALBU PAULA (1970, 1971), BOŢOC MARGARETA
(1984) and BOTNARIUC & VICTORIA TATOLE 1997. The following species were recorded from
the Retezat Mountains and their national park: Bryophaenocladius ictericus, Chaetocladius
dissipatus, Chaetocladius suecicus, Eukiefferiella devonica, Heterotanytarsus apicalis,
Metriocnemus gracei, Metriocnemus tristellus, Orthocladius lignicola, Pseudosmittia recta.
VICTORIA TATOLE (1999) has described Georthocladius retezati (ALBU 1972) as new taxa for
science (Diptera: Chironomidae).
Some rarities of Syrphidae (Diptera) as Epistrophe eligans, Melangyna arctica,
Chrysotoxum intermedium, Chrysotoxum octomaculatum, Platycheirus tatricus, Pipizella
varipes, Brachyopa vittata, Cheilosia faucis, Cheilosia sahlbergi, Eristalis vitripennis,
Cheilosia insignis and other species were recorded from the National Park of the Retezat
Mountains by BRĂDESCU (1971, 1975-1976, 1977 a, 1977 b, 1993, 1997, 1999). LEHRER
(1993) has published the checklist of the species of Tabanidae recorded from Hunedoara and
other counties of Romania. GHEORGHIU (1983, 1986) has published checklists of Tephritidae
species (Diptera) of the Retezat Mountains. The results of the study of Tabanidae,
Dolichopodidae, Empidoidea and Chloropidae have been published by PÂRVU (1997). Some
rarities as Hybomitra montana (Tabanidae), Dolichopus genicupallidus (Dolichopodidae),
Empis crassa and Empis simulium (Empididae) were recorded from the natural habitats of the
National Park of Retezat Mountains. MEDEEA WEINBERG (1980, 1996) has studied the
Asilidae Family (Diptera) of the National Park of the Retezat Mountains.
The aim of this paper is to present a bibliographical list of the papers concerning the
studies of various groups of insects reported in the natural habitats of Hunedoara County. We
also present works of general topic but which contain data about species reported in
Hunedoara County. The grouping of papers follows the systematic of Insecta. In each order of
Insecta, the papers are presented in the alphabetical order of the authors.

* * *

ALBU PAULA 1972 a. Două specii de chironomide noi pentru ştiinţă din Masivul Retezat.
Studii şi Cercetări de Biologie. Seria Zoologie, Bucureşti, 24(1): 15-20.
ALBU PAULA 1972 b. Chironomidae (Diptera) din câteva lacuri din Masivul Retezat. Studii şi
Cercetări de Biologie. Seria Zoologie, Bucureşti, 24(4): 309-313. /
ALBU PAULA 1974 a. A new subgenus of the genus Bryophaenocladius and two new species
(Diptera-Chironomidae). Entomologica Tidska, 95, Suppl.: 9-12.
ALBU PAULA 1974 b. Dinamica chironomidelor capturate într-o capcană cu lumină la Gura
Zlata (Retezat). Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis. Series Scientia Naturae, Deva, 10:
ALEXINSCHI AL. & F. KÖNIG 1963. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea faunei de lepidoptere din Munţii
Lotru şi Parâng. Comunicări de Zoologie. Societatea Ştiinţe Naturale şi Geografice,
Bucureşti, 2: 127-149.
BALINT M. 1998. Six new ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) for the Romanian
myrmecofauna. Entomologica romanica, Cluj-Napoca, 3: 119-123.
BARTHA V. 1933. Die Psodos-Arten des Retyezat-Gebirges. Mitteilungen Münchener
Entomologischen Gesselschaft, München, 23(2): 37-42.
BECHET I. 1985. Psocoptères (Insecta) du Parc National de Retezat. Studia Universitatis
Babeş-Bolyai, Biologia, Cluj-Napoca, 30:51-54.
BIELZ E. A. 1851. Der Schlossberg bei Deva und seine Umgebung in entomologischer
Besiehung. Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für
Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, 2:146 154.
BIELZ E. A. 1887. Die Erforschung der Kaferfauna Siebenbürgens bis zum Schlusse des Jahres
1886. Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für
Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, 37:27-117.
BIELZ E. A. 1888. Die Fauna der Wirbeltiere Siebenburgens nach ihren jetztigen Bestande.
Verhandlungen und Mitteilungen des siebenbürgischen Vereins für
Naturwissenschaften zu Hermannstadt, 38:15-120.
BORDAN I. 1898. Hunyadmegyei új lepkék. Rovartani Lapok, Budapest, 5(7):140-141.
BOTNARIUC N. & PAULA ALBU 1970. Chironomids (Diptera) from the Retezat Massif of the
Southern Carpathians. Canadian Entomologist, 3(3):471-476.
BOTNARIUC N. & PAULA ALBU 1971. Observaţii asupra unor anomalii la câteva specii de
Chironomidae (Diptera) din Masivul Retezat. Studii şi Cercetări de Biologie. Seria
Zoologie, Bucureşti, 23(1):7-17.
BOTNARIUC N. & VICTORIA TATOLE 1997. Consideraţii asupra chironomidofaunei Masivului
Retezat. Ocrotirea Naturii şi a Mediului Inconjurător, Ed. Academiei Române,
Bucureşti, 41(1-2):23-32.
BOTOŞĂNEANU L. 1955. Note trichopterologice (I). Buletin ştiinţific. Secţia de Biologie şi
Ştiinţe Agricole şi Secţia de Geologie şi Geografie, Bucureşti, 7(3): 791- 802. /
BOTOŞĂNEANU L. 1959. Cercetări asupra trichopterelor din Masivul Retezat şi sudul
Banatului. Biblioteca de Biologie Animală, Editura Academiei R.P.R., Bucureşti, 165
BOŢOC MARGARETA 1984. Chalcidoides du Parc National de Retezat, pp: 239-241. In: Pascu
St., Negruţiu E., Puia I., Boşcaiu N., Iuliana Popovici (eds). Recherches écologiques
dans le Parc National de Retezat, Ed. Académie de la R.S. Roumanie, Filiale Cluj-
BRADESCU VL. 1971. Cercetări dipterologice (Syrphidae) în Parcul Naţional Retezat.
Ocrotirea Naturii şi a Mediului Inconjurător, Ed. Academia R.S. România, Bucureşti,
BRĂDESCU VL. 1975-1976. Consideraţii zoogeografice şi ecologice privind fauna sirfidelor
(Diptera) din Parcul Naţional Retezat. Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis, Series Scientia
Naturae, Deva, 11-12:297-300.
BRĂDESCU VL. 1977 a. Deux espèces nouvelles du genre Cheilosia Meigen (Diptera,
Syrphidae). Revue Roumaine de Biologie, Bucureşti, 22(1):11-14.
BRĂDESCU VL. 1977 b. Noi cercetări dipterologice (Syrphidae) în Parcul Naţional Retezat.
Ocrotirea Naturii şi a Mediului Inconjurător, Ed. Academia R.S. România, Bucureşti,
BRĂDESCU VL. 1979. Syrphides nouveaux dans la faune de Roumanie (Diptera, Syrphidae).
Travaux du Musée d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa”, Bucureşti, 20:293-295.
BRĂDESCU VL. 1985. Date noi privind fauna dipterologică (Syrphidae) din Parcul Naţional
Retezat. Ocrotirea Naturii şi a Mediului Inconjurător, Ed. Academia R.S. România,
Bucureşti, 29(1):57-58.
BRĂDESCU VL. 1993. Date noi privind fauna sirfidologică a Parcului Naţional Retezat
(Diptera, Syrphidae). Ocrotirea Naturii şi a Mediului Inconjurător, Ed. Academiei
Române, Bucureşti, 37(1):49-50.
BRĂDESCU VL. 1997. Interferenţe ecologice în entomofauna parcurilor naţionale Retezat şi
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Index of Insecta orders and authors


KIS B. (1997 a).

BURNAZ SILVIA (1993); KIS B. (1997 b, 1984).

BECHET I. (1985).



PONGRACZ S. (1914).

BIELZ E. A. (1851, 1887, 1888); BURNAZ SILVIA (1994 c); GEBHARDT A. (1930, 1932);
1936, 1955); JEANNEL R. (1929, 1930 a, 1930 b); LIE P. (1997); MALLÁSZ J. (1898 a,
1898 b, 1900 a, 1900 b, 1903, 1915, 1923, 1928 a, 1928 b, 1929, 1930); MERKL E. (1897
a, 1897 b); RUICĂNESCU A. (1993, 1997); SERAFIM RODICA (2005, 2006; 2007);
TEODOREANU M. (1984a 1984b); TITTIZER T. G. (1968).

ALBU PAULA (1972 a, 1972 b, 1974 a, 1974 b); BOTNARIUC N. & PAULA ALBU (1970,
1971); BOTNARIUC N. & VICTORIA TATOLE (1997); BRĂDESCU VL. (1971, 1975-1976,
1977 a, 1977 b, 1979, 1985, 1993, 1997, 1999); DAMIAN-GEORGESCU ADRIANA (1975-
1976); GHEORGHIU V. (1983, 1986); LEHRER A. Z. (1993); PÂRVU C. (1980, 1983, 1985,
1986, 1997); TATOLE VICTORIA (1994; 2000, 2004); WEINBERG MEDEEA (1980; 1996).


ALEXINSCHI AL. & F. KÖNIG (1963); BARTHA V. (1933); BORDAN I. (1898); BURNAZ
SILVIA (1986-1987 a, 1986-1987 b; 1988, 1992 a, 1992 b, 1992 c, 1992 d, 1993 a, 1993 /
b, 1993 c, 1994 a, 1994 b, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999 a. 1999 b, 2001, 2002 a. 2002 b, 2002
c, 2005 a, 2005 b, 2006, 2007 a, 2007 b, 2008 a, 2008 b); BURNAZ SILVIA & MARCELA
BALAZS (2001, 2001-2002, 2002) ; BURNAZ SILVIA & FR. KÖNIG (1984); CĂPUŞE I. &
AL. KOVÁCS (1965, 1967); CĂPUŞE I. & S. KOVÁCS (1988) DIÓSZEGHY L. (1913, 1917,
1922, 1929-1930, 1933-1934); FOTESCU R. (1972 a, 1972 b, 1972 c), FRANZENAU J.
(1852, 1856, 1859); FUSS K. (1850); GOLTZ-KOBLENZ FR. V.D. (1935-1936, 1953);
HERMANN O. (1868, 1871); HORMUZACHI C. (1903); KÖNIG F. (1959, 1963, 1969,
1975, 1983); KONTZEI G. (1917); POPESCU-GORJ A. (1950, 1952, 1955, 1959, 1962,
1963, 1964, 1970, 1971, 1974, 1994); POPESCU-GORJ A. & CRISAN V. (1985); POPESCU-
GORJ A. & SZÁBO A. (1986); RÁKOSY L. (1980, 1982, 1991, 1993 a, 1993 b, 1995 a,
1995 b, 1996, 1997 a, 1997 b, 1998); REBEL H. (1908); SCHMIDT A. (1930 a. 1930b;
1998; WAREN B.C.S. (1961).

(1997); LÁSZLÓ Z. (2007); MITROIU M. D. (2006, 2007); PARASCHIVESCU D. (1972;
1976, 1982); PISICA C. (1977).

Silvia Burnaz
Muzeul Civilizaţiei Dacice şi Romane Deva
Deva, 39, 1 Decembrie Street
Hunedoara County, Romania
e-mail: /
Instructions for authors

Publisher: Sargetia, Acta Musei Devensis, Series Scientia Naturae is an annual

publication of the Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation Deva. This review is in
international circulation.
Scope and propositions: This scientifical revue publishes original papers from the
following fields of natural sciences: geology, palaeontology, geography, biology, ecology and
Manuscripts must be send on a CD or via e-mail (e-mail:
Papers must be written in English, in German or in French, Microsoft Word 2000,
Times New Roman, font size 12, 1,5 lines on A4 paper, page format: 21 x 29,7 cm and
margin settings (2,5 cm top, 2,5 cm bottom, 2,5 cm left, 2,5 cm right, header 0 cm and footer
0 cm). All manuscripts must be submitted to the editor (Dr. Silvia Burnaz).
The text body is obligatory preceded by title, author(s) names (Christian name and
surname), abstract and key words. After the body text is necessary the author(s) address(es).
Paper one should contain the paper title (font size 12, bold, caps), name/s of the authors (font
size 12, normal, caps, in the right of the page), abstract of the paper in English and Romanian
language (font size 11, normal) and key words (font size 11). For the original papers we
suggest the model: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and discussions, Conclusions
and References.
The text must be clearly and concisely written. References in the text will be denoted
by the names of authors and year. For example: (GRIGORESCU 2006) or (FOLIE & CODREA
2005) or (CLARCK & all. 1992, at more than two authors). The authors name will be typed by
Small Capitals.
The references must be written according to the following examples:
a. For rewiews: Author, year, paper title, abbreviated name of the review, volume,
number, pages, as:
VULCU B. 1971. Regionarea reliefului teritoriului agricol din zona depresionară Strei-Cerna şi
Culoarul Orăştiei. Sargetia. Acta Musei Devensis, Series Scientia Naturae, Deva, 8:
BURNAZ SILVIA & MARCELA BALAZS 2001. Contribuţii la cunoaşterea florei şi faunei
sectorului estic şi nord-estic al Munţilor Poiana Ruscă. Corviniana, Hunedoara, 6(6):
340-346. /
b. For books: Author(s), year, title, publishing house, editing locality, as:
FELTWELL J. 2001. The illustrated enciclopedia of butterflies. Chartwell Books. Ed. New
c. For distinct articles published in books, as:
GRIGORESCU D. 1992. Nonmarine Cretaceous Formations of Romania. In: Matter N.J. & Pei-
Ji C. (eds.) Aspects of Nonmarine Cretaceous Geology. China Ocean Press, Beijing,
Each author receives 10 free reprints. /

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