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Data Structures and Algorithms analysis Midterm 

Q1)A: Use the stack to convert the expression below into suf x form, show the state of 
the stack at each step. 

(S  −  A) / (D  +  Y ↑  2)  +  R  *  K  

Current Char  Stack content  Output  Rank 

(  #(  _  _ 

S  #(S  _  _ 

-  #(-  S  1 

A  #(-A  S  _ 

)  #  SA-  1 

/  #/  SA-  1 

(  #/(  SA-  1 

D  #/(D  SA-  _ 

+  #/(+  SA-D  2 

Y  #/(+Y  SA-D  1 

↑  #/(+ ↑   SA-DY  _ 

)  #/  SA-DY ↑ +

+  #+  SA-DY ↑ +/

R  #+R  SA-DY ↑ +/

*  #+*  SA-DY ↑ +/R


K  #+*K  SA-DY ↑ +/R


⏎  #  SA-DY ↑ +/RK*+


Q1)B: Evaluate the expressions below then write their original forms: 
a) 4 5 8  *   +  12 3 /  −  
b) 10 8  −  5 27 3 /  *   +  
a) 4 5 8 * + 12 3 / - 
i) 4 40 + 12 3 / - 
ii) 44 12 3 / - 
iii) 44 4 - 
iv) 40 
Its original form is: 
4 +  5  *  8  −  12 / 3  
b) 10 8 - 5 27 3 / * + 
i) 2 5 27 3 / * + 
ii) 2 5 9 * + 
iii) 2 45 + 
Its original form is: 
10 - 8 + 5 * 27 / 3 
Q2)A: Brie y explain the main characteristics and properties of an array 
An array is a set of elements that are homogeneous, which means of the same type. 
Ordered, which means there is a first, second, third …. Elements. Finite, which means there 
must be a last element. Fixed size, which means that the size must be defined when the 
program is written and cannot be changed while executing and the insertion and deletion 
operations are not allowed, but changing values of the elements is permitted. The array 
takes consecutive memory locations. 
Q2)B: Assume that 8 bytes are required to hold each element of the array with 5 rows and 
6 columns. 
1. Compute the total area needed to store the array 
2. Use the row major formula to nd the location of the element before the last one 
1. Size of the array = Rows * Columns 
Size of the array = 5 * 6 = 30 
Area needed = size * cells 
Area needed = 30 * 8 = 240 bytes required 


2. The element before the last one is (5, 5) 

Loc(A(i, j)) = Loc(A(1, 1)) + [(i - b1) * (u2 - b2 + 1) + (j - b2)] * 8 

Loc(A(5, 5)) = Loc(A(1, 1)) + [(5 - 1) * (6 - 1 + 1) + (5 - 1)] * 8 

Loc(A(5, 5)) = Loc(A(1, 1)) + [4 * 6 + 4] * 8 

Loc(A(5, 5)) = Loc(A(1, 1)) + 224 

Q3) Write a steps to create a singly linked linear list represented as a Queue, then state 
the steps to perform insertion and deletion operations 
To create a linear linked list: 
1. [Check availability list] 
If (avail = null) output underflow in availability list and exit 
newNode ← avail 
avail ← link(avail) 
2. [Use the new node to create the first node in our linked list] 
We need two two pointers since we are representing our list as a queue 
We will call them front and rear 
link(newNode) ← Null 
Front ← newNode 
Rear ← newNode 
3. [finished] exit 
To insert to the linked list that is represented as a Queue, we insert from the Rear: 
1. [Check availability list and bring a new node if possible] 
If (avail = null) output underflow in availability list and exit 
newNode ← avail 
avail ← link(avail) 
2. [Insert the new node at the end(since it’s a queue)] 
link(newNode) ← Null 
link(Front) ← newNode 
Rear ← newNode 
3. [Finished] exit 


To delete to the linked list that is represented as a Queue, we delete from the Front: 
1. [Delete the node at the front and store it at a variable (deletedNode)] 
deletedNode ← Front 
Front ← link(Front) 
link(deletedNode) ← avail 
avail ← deletedNode 
2. [Return the deletedNode to the availability list] 
link(deletedNode) ← avail 
avail ← deletedNode 
3. [finished] exit 
Q4) A: State all the cases to count number of elements reside in Circular Queue 

Q4) B: De ne then compare between Static and Dynamic Variables 
Static Variables: They are the variables that are fixed in size, which means after defining 
them their size cannot be changed and the compiler has to know their size initially, which 
means insertion and deletion operations are not permitted. All the primitive data 
types(Integer, Real, Characters and arrays) are static. 
Dynamic Variables: They are variables that can be dynamically resized while executing the 
program, which means insertion and deletion operations are permitted and this means 
they can grow and shrink in size. List and files(batch) are dynamic. 

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