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Deep-water facies and facies associations in the siliciclastic rocks of the Miers
Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, Antarctica Yavor Stefanov, Christo

Article · January 2015

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1 author:

Yavor Stefanov
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"


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Christo Pimpirev
Nesho Chipev

“St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press

SR¿D ‡ 
Geological field party on McGregor Peak, Livingston Island
Christo Pimpirev

‹  Christo Pimpirev, Nesho Chipev, editors

‹  “St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press


Yavor Stefanov, Christo Pimpirev

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1509 Sofia]

Introduction internal divisions of turbidites are based both on the classic

concept of Bouma (1962) and on the model proposed by
During the last decade substantial progress has been made Lowe (1982).
in understanding the stratigraphic and structural aspect In the Upper Cretaceous sedimentary successions of
for the sedimentary sequences of the Miers Bluff Forma- the Miers Bluff Formation the following facies have been
tion. The studied turbidite system outcrops along the coast recognized:
line of Livingston Island and it belongs to the Miers Bluff Facies A – Sediments deposited from cohesive debris flows
Formation (Dalziel, 1972; Arche et al., 1992; Pallas et al., Facies B – Coarse-grained sandy turbidites
1992; Doktor et al., 1994; Smellie et al., 1995). This unit is Facies C – Medium-grained sandy turbidites
subdivided into South Bay, Johnson Dock, Sally Rocks, Na- Facies D – Fine-grained sandy/muddy turbidites
pier Peak and Moores Peak members and its detailed stra-
tigraphy is described earlier in this volume. The presence of
turbiditic sediments in the sections had long been reported Facies A
(Arche et al., 1992; Doktor et al., 1994; Smellie et al., 1995;
Pimpirev et al., 1997). Newly performed field studies reveal In this facies are included rocks deposited from cohesive
a broad spectrum of deep-water facies arranged in prograd- debris flows, also termed “true debris flows” (Middleton &
ing sequences. The aim of this paper is to examine the facies Hampton, 1973) and are distinguished from the rest sedi-
and facies associations recorded in the siliciclastic rocks of ment gravity flows in that the larger particles are support-
the Miers Bluff Formation and to develop the later work ed by the cohesiveness of a sediment-water matrix (Lowe,
into a more advanced sedimentary model. 1982; Shunmugam & Moiola, 1995). Cohesive debris
flows have been shown to be effective transporting agents
in both subaerial and subaqueous environments ( Johnson,
Sedimentary facies and divisions 1970; Rodine & Johnson, 1976; Hampton, 1972, 1975,
1979; Mulder & Alexander, 2001). The main features of
Turbidite facies and their inferred processes have been dealt their deposits (debrites; Stow, 1986) consist of varying
with in many papers among which those by Mutti & Ric- amount of gravel-sized clasts suspended in clay-silt-sand
ci Lucchi (1972, 1975), Walker & Mutti (1973), Walker matrix, crude stratification, lack of preferred orientation of
(1978), Nardin et al. (1979), Lowe (1982), Stow (1985, the particle, and rare sedimentary structures. On the basis
1986), Pickering et al. (1986, 1989), Ghibaudo (1992), of fabric support, in the studied sections are recognized
Mutti (1992), Mutti et al. (1999) are the most widely ac- two subfacies – debrites with clast-supported texture (A1)
cepted in literature. In present study two main criteria were and matrix-supported debrites (muddy debrites or pebble
employed in recognizing and interpreting of sediment mudstones, A2), respectively.
gravity flow deposits preserved in the rocks of the Miers
Bluff Formation: (a) facies and facies associations, and (b)
divisions within beds. The facies were defined according Subfacies A1
to the descriptive-interpretative scheme of Mutti & Ricci
Lucchi (1975) and following process-oriented “facies tract” In the studied successions of the Miers Bluff Formation
as discussed by Mutti (1992) and Mutti et al. (1999). The subfacies A1 is represented in section “Johnson Dock”

Yavor Stefanov, Christo Pimpirev

Figure. 1. Lithologic-
stratigraphic logs of the
studied vertical intervals
of Miers Bluff Formation
in cross sections
“Johnson Dock” (A) and
“Punta Henry” (B).

Deep-water facies and facies associations in the siliciclastic rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, Antarctica

(fig. 1A) and in section “Punta Henry” (fig. 1B), respectively.

The subfacies comprises either thick channeled lenticular
bodies of clast-supported breccia or occur as couplets of
gravels overlain by granule-bearing coarse- to very coarse-
grained sandstones. In the former case, the beds typically
consist of gravels that range from granules to cobbles, set
in a muddy to muddy sand matrix. In the couplets upward
transitions are sharp, but more gradual transitions are
common as well. The thicknesses of the individual layers
of the subfacies reaches up to 5 m, often are amalgamated
and manifesting lenticular geometry with marked lateral
thickness variations. The lower boundaries are planar or
slightly scoured erosional, whereas the top surfaces are planar
to slightly convex (fig. 2A). The most common internal
structure is crude normal grading developed in both gravelly
and sandy division of a bed (fig. 2A). The gravelly division
may locally show inverse grading at the base passing upwards
into crude normal grading. The clast fabrics occur either
chaotic or relatively well ordered, with an alignment of
elongate clasts parallel to the bedding. The individual gravel-
sand couplets comprise 1–2 m thick lens-shaped coarse-
grained bodies. Each layer begins with division of a pebble
conglomerate showing crude inverse and normal grading (cf.
R2 and R3 division of Lowe, 1982) covered by trough cross-
bedded granule conglomerates and sandstones (S1).
This subfacies is thought to result from deposition
both by cohesive debris flows and by gravelly high-density
turbidity currents (Lowe, 1982), mega-turbidity currents
( Johns et al., 1981; Fergusson, 1985) or by bipartite cur-
rents (Mutti et al., 1999). The vertical arrangement of divi-
sions suggests different mechanisms of transportation. The
presence or absence of lateral or vertical clast-size segrega-
tion depends mainly on the flow concentration and dis-
tance travelled by the flow before final deposition (Davies
& Walker, 1974; Walker, 1975, 1977; Mulder & Alexan-
der, 2001). Thus, flow transformation processes related to
deceleration (Postma et al., 1988) cause the flow to sepa-
rate into a basal, highly concentrated, non-turbulent grav-
elly portion and an upper, less concentrated sandy-gravelly
turbulent portion. The basal units have resulted from rapid
en masse sedimentation by frictional or cohesive freezing
from highly concentrated gravel clast dispersion. The R2
division within gravel-sand couplets represents highly con- Figure. 2. (A) Normally graded conglomerates (subfacies
centrated traction carpet material (Walker, 1975, 1977; A1) with abundant mud clasts showing slightly scoured
Aalto, 1976; Lowe, 1982), while the following R3 interval lower surfaces. Cross section “Johnson Dock”. (B) Lateral
pinch-out geometry of the muddy debrites (subfacies A2)
has been deposited from turbulent suspension. The upper- and slumped mudstone units. Cross section “Johnson
most unit S1 within the couplets originated from residual Dock”. (C) Sandstone-mudstone couplets of facies C
high-density turbidity currents and reflecting downslope prograding into channelized sandstones of facies B.
flow deceleration. Note an apparent thickening-upward trend (arrow). Cross
The clast-supported debrites of the subfacies A1 were section “Punta Henry”.
probably formed by subaqueous debris flow (Middleton
& Hampton, 1973; Walker, 1978; Lowe, 1982) in the can-

Yavor Stefanov, Christo Pimpirev

yons or in large submarine erosional conduits (Mutti et al., usually occurs as lens-shaped amalgamated layers ranging
1999). The lens-shaped geometry of the amalgamated bod- in thickness from 0,5m to 3m, while thin mudstone
ies, the scoured base of each layer and internal structures interbeds are occasional. Commonly, the beds show a
of gravel-sand couplets suggest accumulations within a sub- relatively well-developed normal and inverse grading with
marine braided channel-bar system (Winn & Dott, 1979; concentration of small pebbles and muddy intraclasts along
Hein & Walker, 1982). the basal surfaces. The lower bed boundaries are erosional
and irregular (fig. 2C), whereas the upper surfaces are flat
to slightly convex upward. In some cases in the sandstones
Subfacies A2 of the facies B is represented parallel lamination, trough
cross-bedding and ripple cross-lamination, as the latter is
The subfacies comprise gravelly beds consist of matrix- manifested at the top of the layers. A relatively common
supported, poorly sorted granule to boulder clasts feature on the bedding planes of non-amalgamated units
scattered in an abundant muddy sand matrix (10–50%). are large flute casts having various length and morphology.
The thicknesses of the layers vary from 1m to several In the upper parts of some layers occur dish and pillar
meters and have an irregular geometry, with planar to structures which completely obliterate the primary internal
slightly scoured bases (fig. 2B). In some cases, the muddy bedding structures.
debrites (or pebble mudstones) are vertically stacked The sandstone beds of this facies either correspond to
without any interstratified turbidites and distinguishing T(a), T(ab) and T(abc) turbidite divisions of Bouma (1962) or
of the individual beds is impossible. Commonly, some could be recognized the vertical sequence of sedimentary
strata occur with basal clast-supported parts (subfacies A1) divisions of Lowe (1982) resulted from deposition by san-
which passing upward into matrix-supported parts. A very dy high-density turbidity currents or bipartite and turbu-
important feature of the muddy debrites is the presence of lent flows (Mutti, 1992). Thus, over a marked erosional sur-
large boulders from mudstones (olistoliths) at the bases of face developed on a fine-grained substrate is represented S1
some very thick units that overlie fine-grained deposits (fig. division composed of coarse-grained sandstones to granule
2B). Internally, the gravel beds of the subfacies are mostly conglomerates. This division shows normal grading, as well
structureless and occasionally display crude inverse grading as traction structures generally plane lamination and trough
(at the base or throughout) as well as poorly developed cross-stratification. The overlaying S2 division contains thin
normal grading. horizontal layers with inversely graded sandstones (traction
The studied massive muddy debrites of subfacies A2 carpet deposits). The uppermost division (S3), deposited
can be compared to disorganized-bed model proposed by suspension sedimentation, consists of structureless or
by Walker (1975) for resedimented conglomerates, while normally graded sandstones and it commonly contains wa-
internally graded units correspond to inverse-to-normally ter-escape structures. In cases of presence of fine-grained
graded model. The former were probably formed by units capping high-density turbidites is developed division
subaqueous debris flow in which the larger clasts were Tt which is composed of fine-grained sandstones with de-
supported by the buoyancy and cohesiveness of the clay- formed flat-lamination and ripple-cross lamination. The
water matrix. The absence of grading, stratification, latter were deposited under lower flow regime ripple con-
and preferred clast fabric suggest rapid deposition on ditions (Sanders, 1965; Walker, 1965; Ghibaudo, 1992) by
relatively steep slopes within feeder channels or canyons residual turbidity currents remained after sedimentation of
(Walker, 1975) in the transfer zone of the basin (Mutti coarse high-density load (Lowe, 1982; Mutti, 1992; Mutti
et al. 1999). The crudely graded units of the subfacies A2 et al., 1999).
are considered as products of the lower part of the flows The lenticular geometry in both individual layers
in which the clasts were supported by dispersive pressure and amalgamated sedimentary bodies suggests that
(Middleton, 1967; Walker, 1975; Lowe, 1979, 1982) and the turbidites of facies B were deposited in extended
were deposited downstream within channels of the inner channelized areas with strong vertical accretion (Spalletti
fan (Walker, 1975). et al., 1989). In particular, the coarse-grained siliciclastic
rocks are linked to proximal lobes and channel-lobe
transition zone or to very proximal channelized lobe
Facies B (Mutti & Normark, 1987; Shanmugam & Moiola, 1988;
Mutti, 1992; Hurst et al., 1999; Satur et al., 2000; Mattern,
Facies B is widespread in the studied section of Miers Bluff 2002). This interpretation is also sustained by very high
Formation (fig. 1). It is composed of medium to – very sand/mud ratio and by the presence of abundant scours and
coarse-grained sandstones and granule conglomerates and amalgamations, irregular bedding, and cross-lamination,

Deep-water facies and facies associations in the siliciclastic rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, Antarctica

which characterize transitional and bypassing facies (cf. F5

and F6 of Mutti, 1992; Mutti et al., 1999). These deposits
are developed mainly at the transition between high
gradient slope with channelized flows and in the more
regular, open morphologies with non-channelized flows
(Mutti & Normark 1987; 1991).

Facies C

Facies C assemblages in the studied section of the Miers Bluff

Formation are represented as repetitive successions more than
20 m thick (fig. 1A, B) and occur both in discrete packages
or alternating with rocks of facies B (fig. 2C) and facies
D. It appears as sandstone-mudstone couplets (bipartite
beds, Ghibaudo, 1992) that are comprised of a lower sandy
division and an upper muddy division and can be considered
in terms of complete (Ta-e; S3TtTcde; classical turbidites)
and either top- or base-cut out turbidites of Bouma (1962)
(fig. 3A). In the former case, the beds range in thickness
from 0,5m to 1 m and are characterized by sharp, planar
or slightly irregular lower boundaries and less commonly
with amalgamation, while the upper surfaces are planar. The
individual layers display well-developed grading (from fine-
to medium sand at base to mud at top) and consist of lower
graded interval (Ta; S3) overlain by parallel laminated and
ripple cross-laminated divisions (Tb and Tc; Tt), followed by
mud interval (Tde). Sole marks are very frequent, especially
flute casts, but water-escape structures were not observed in
the outcrops studied, though they are considered one of the
typical features of S3 division of Lowe (1982).
The top-cut-out turbidites are represented subordi-
nately in the sections by thick-bedded, graded sandstones
sharply overlain by thinner turbiditic mud cap (Tae; S3Te).
Less commonly, the facies appear as homogenous, amal-
gamated strata consist of massive or normally graded sand-
stones (S3) associated with cross bedded interval (Tt). Beds
of facies C corresponding to base-cut-out turbidites (fig.
3A) are composed of parallel and ripple cross-laminated
sandstone divisions gradationally passing into mudstone
unit (Tbcde, Tcde; TtTde).
All the sequences of facies C are interpreted as
deposited from sandy high- to low-density turbidity
currents. Therefore, the recorded layer divisions in the Figure 3. (A) Base-cut-out turbidite beds (bipartite
siliciclastic rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation reflect the beds) showing well-developed parallel- and ripple
cross-laminated sandstone divisions grading into
changes in flow mechanics (from concentrated density
overlying mudstone units. Cross section “Punta Henry”.
flows into turbidity flows) that were related to progressive (B) Bedding pattern in the turbidite deposits of facies
fluid entrainment and dilution, and to the proportion of D characterized by tabular geometry and low sand/mud
particle support by fluid turbulence increased through ratio. Note the thickening-upward cycles (arrows). Cross
the transformation, respectively. The product of sandy section “Johnson Dock”. (C) Thin, rippled sandstone bed
high-density turbidity currents in the studied sequence with undulating lower surface. Cross section “Johnson
is the lowermost S3 (Ta) division which was deposited by Dock”.

Yavor Stefanov, Christo Pimpirev

suspension sedimentation (Lowe, 1982). According to thoroughly rippled sandstone beds and parallel-laminated
the model proposed by Mulder & Alexander (2001), the mudstones having even, slightly undulating surfaces (fig.
graded sandy Ta units and associated erosional structures 3C). These units are found associated with coarse-grained
such as scours and flute casts are interpreted as deposited and thick-bedded turbidite successions of facies B. On the
from concentrated density flows. The overlaying divisions other hand, in the sections of Miers Bluff Formation are
probably were deposited by the residual turbidity currents represented homogenous sequences (up to 10 m thick)
that had been remained after sedimentation of the high- of shales (Te) resembling subfacies D3 (Mutti & Ricci
density loads. This final depositional stage has resulted Lucchi, 1975), parallel-laminated silty-mudstone facies of
in generation of “classical turbidites” formed in both Pickering (1982) and uniform mudstones of Lash (1987).
tractional (Tt,Tc) and suspension fall-out (Tde) conditions This variety of facies D commonly occurs interstratified
from low-density turbidity currents (Lowe, 1982; Mutti, with hemipelagic or pelagic deposits and distinguishing of
1992) or from surge-like turbidity flows (Mulder& both facies is ambiguous.
Alexander, 2001). The fine-grained siliciclastic rocks of facies D are
In particular, the rocks of facies C are interpreted as interpreted as deposited from diluted, distal portions
a series of lobes linked to intermediate –distal lobe envi- of highly-concentrated sandy turbidity currents (see
ronments by the presence of thin-bedded and classical tur- Piper, 1978; Stow & Shanmugam, 1980; Stow & Piper,
bidites, the planar geometry of the layers, the lack of chan- 1984; Stow, 1985; Piper & Stow, 1991), or either from
nelization, the cyclic pattern and the low sand/mud ratio independent or co-existed, low-concentration currents
(Mutti, 1977; Mutti & Normark, 1987; Shanmugam & composed of silt and clay as a principal load (Stow &
Moiola, 1988; Swart, 1992; Saito & Ito, 2002; Cornamusi- Piper, 1984; Mulder & Alexander, 2001). Therefore, the
ni, 2004). Additionally, sandstone/mudstone bundles sedimentation has resulted from traction plus fall-out and
displaying broad and shallow channelized lower surfaces, fall-out processes during the final depletive and waning
as well as base-cut-out sequences are considered likely as stages of turbidity currents (facies F9 of Mutti, 1992; Mutti
products of interchannel area and were deposited by dilut- et al., 1999) or low-velocity and low-density turbidity
ed turbidity currents overflowing adjacent active channels currents (Pickering, 1982) under lower flow regime ripple
(Mutti, 1977). and plane bed conditions.
On the basis of the lateral persistence of bedding and
internal structures, cyclic pattern, low sand/mud ratio and
Facies D association with hemipelagic intercalations, the siliciclastic
rocks of facies D can be referred to basin-plain turbidites as
Facies D occur in the sections of the Miers Bluff Formation well as to distal lobes or lobe-fan fringe environments (see
as stacks of monotonous bipartite beds comprised of a Mutti, 1977, Mutti & Normark, 1987). The recognized
fine sand/silty lower division and a muddy upper division discrete units composed of discontinuous, ripple and par-
with a thickness ranging from 5 cm to 15 cm (fig. 3B). allel laminated bundles are considered as channel margin
The individual couplets of the facies exhibit lithological deposits (Mutti, 1977; Hesse & Dalton, 1995; Cronin et
similarity to those of facies C and were distinguished by al., 2000).
their different sand/mud ratio, whereupon facies D has
thicker muddy units. The strata are characterized by tabular
geometry, even and sharp lower surfaces (fig. 3B), whereas Facies associations and depositional
the upper contacts with interbedded hemipelagic or environments
pelagic mud are either sharp or gradational. In the studied
sections, all the turbidite beds of facies D are represented Although the turbidites of Miers Bluff Formation are tightly
only by base-cut-out Bouma (1962) varieties (Tc-e; Td-e), folded, the exposures are excellent and it was possible to
as Tc-e sequences are generally predominant. The latter are reconstruct vertical sequences of facies along the coast line
composed of a basal (Tc) siltstone to fine sandstone division (fig. 1A, B). However, the lateral continuity of the studied
consists of small-scale asymmetric ripple cross-lamination outcrops and obtained microfossil data were insufficient to
overlain by a thin, parallel-laminated siltstone/mudstone interpret the spatial relations of recognized depositional
unit (Td) which grades transitionally into uppermost environments. In the submarine fan conceptual models,
turbiditic mudstone division (Te). Less commonly, couplets turbidite facies associations have been related to several
with parallel-laminated silt division alternating with mud subenvironments (Normark, 1970, 1978; Mutti & Ricci
laminas are also presented (Td-e). In some cases, facies Lucchi, 1972, 1975; Walker & Mutti, 1973; Walker, 1978;
D occurs as bundles composed of discontinuous, thin, Busby-Spera, 1985; Stow, 1986; Mutti & Normark, 1987,

Deep-water facies and facies associations in the siliciclastic rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, Antarctica

1991). On the basis of the vertical arrangement of facies, Debris flow facies association
the interpreted facies associations in the sections of Miers
Bluff Formation were assigned to outer (lower) fan and The architecture of this facies association is comparatively
basin plain subenvironments and to inner fan (upper- simple, being composed of vertically stacked muddy
middle) subenvironments, respectively. debrites (subfacies A2). The latter appear either
interstratified with siliciclastic rocks of subfacies A1 or
deeply-incised in the fine-grained sediments. Typically,
Upper fan deposits these chaotic, structureless debrite bodies contain large
mudstone intraclasts and slumped masses. This facies
This paleoenvironment is characterized by erosional association records deposition on the upper part of a
channels filled by gravels and coarse-grained sandy tur- muddy slope with frequent mass flow and slumping
bidite sediments. In the studied sections of Miers Bluff processes. On the basis of the geometry and sedimentary
Formation, two facies associations have been distin- features, the muddy debrites in the section of Miers Bluff
guished: (a) gravels filling main channels; and (b) debris Formation are interpreted as the infill of depressions
flow deposits. (gullies, canyons) that dissected the upper slope. The
presence of resedimented mudstones suggest that the
conduits were mostly filled up with material derived from
Main channel association the slope and/or from the adjacent shelf.

This facies association consists of crudely-stratified clast-

supported gravels of subfacies A1, lesser thick-bedded, Middle fan deposits
amalgamated turbidites of facies B and discrete units of
facies D. These deposits fill large, deep and relatively steep The recognized middle fan deposits in the sections
erosional surfaces incised in the fine-grained sediments. of Miers Bluff Formation are arranged in vertically
Most commonly, the inferred channel-fill sediments stacked fining and thinning upward sequences. The
of Miers Bluff Formation display a distinct fining and lower parts of the successions consist of amalgamated,
thinning upward trend. Thus generally, the lower part of coarse-grained turbidites of facies B passing upward into
these successions is composed of crudely-stratified gravels, sandstone/mudstone couplets of facies C and occasional
passing upward into thick-bedded pebbly sandstones intercalations of facies D also occur. The abundant erosive
overlaid by thin sandstone-mudstone couplets. However, surfaces and amalgamation testify for frequent bypassing
in the most of cases, the uppermost unit is missing likely episodes of very turbulent, high-concentration gravity
owing to subsequent erosion and channel migration. The flows. The mud clasts at the bottom of the channel bodies
erosional surfaces at the base of the individual gravel deposits suggest basal plucking of semiconsolidated interbedded
are considered as true turbiditic channels (in the sense of fine-grained sediments by highly erosive gravity flows
Mutti & Normark, 1987; Mutti et al. 1999), rather than ( Johansson & Stow, 1995; Savary, 2005). After the
mega-scours, despite their unknown downpaleocurrent sediment-transfer conduits were created, the subsequent
lengths. The rhythmic alternation of debrites and coarse- flows were confined within them and settled the coarse
grained turbidites in the section of Miers Bluff Formation high-density loads. The progressive infilling of the scours
suggests for flow transformations from cohesive debris favoured the lateral expansion of remaining flows and
flow into high-density turbidity currents that occurred led to the formation of vertical fining-up sequences.
in the more proximal areas of submarine fan system. The The presence of thin, fine-grained units within channel
thinning and fining upward sequences are interpreted as bodies is interpreted as a result of residual low-density
a result of channel aggradation and abandonment, either turbidity clouds developed above more concentrated
by simple channel filling or by the development of bars bypassing gravity flows (Lowe, 1982; Mutti et al., 1999;
(Walker, 1977; Hein & Walker, 1982). On the other hand, Payros et al., 2007). Therefore, the coarse-grained
irregularly represented and laterally discontinuous fine- sediments of facies B and facies C were deposited in
grained units of facies D were deposited at the channel- braided axes of submarine channel system, whereas thin
margins of the upper fan (Mutti, 1977) or within the and discontinuous units of facies D were accumulated at
channel axial area (Shanmugam et al., 1985). However, the channel-margins.
synsedimentary erosion caused by the lateral and vertical The thick sandstone/mudstone couplets that
displacements of successive channel bodies has reduced or constitute the dominant deposits of facies C were formed
completely eroded the mudstone dominated intervals. from turbidity currents that expanded over a broad zone

Yavor Stefanov, Christo Pimpirev

and are considered as indicative of intermediate-distal Conclusions

lobe environments. On the other hand, the finer-grained
intervals (facies C) capping and separating successive 1. The Upper Cretaceous siliciclastic successions of Miers
channel-fill deposits are product of less energetic Bluff Formation are formed in deep-water slope complex
conditions and probably record the abandonment of composed of vertically stacked deposits which reflect
scours after shifting of high-density turbidity flows during progradition/retrogradation of the fan systems. The latter
periods of low sediment input (Payros et al., 2007). On the are comprised of three depositional subenvironments
basis of internal structures, grain size and geometry, these or facies belts, each typified by a characteristic facies
fine-grained turbidites are interpreted as deposited in the association.
interchannel areas of the middle fan. 2. Four main facies have been distinguished within
the studied turbidite system: (1) clast-supported and
mud-supported debrites (facies A), (2) coarse-grained
Outer fan and basin plain deposits turbidites (facies B), (3) medium-grained turbidites (facies
C), (4) fine-grained turbidites (facies D) and associating
In contrast with inner and middle parts of the turbidite hemipelagic deposits.
system, the outer fan has no channelized deposits and 3. The inner system consists of multistory channel
it shows well developed and laterally continuous plane and canyon fills of debrites, coarse-grained turbidites
parallel sandstone beds (Shanmugam & Moiola, 1985; and minor mudstones. The midfan system composed
Mutti et al., 1999). In the sections of Miers Bluff Formation, of gravel and sandy braided channel fills, as well as fine-
the recognized outer fan deposits consist of fine-grained grained overbank deposits. The braided axis was a site for
sediments of Facies D and facies C having low sandstone/ both sediment transfer and accumulation of high-density
mudstone ratio. The sequences are occasionally organized loads. The outer system is characterized by tabular, thin-
in clear coarsening and thickening vertical trends being bedded and fine-grained turbidites related to lobes and
in thickness up to 30 m, and likely are attributed to sandy fan fringe areas with unconfined low-concentration
lobe aggradations and progradations (see Shanmugam & turbidity deposition.
Moiola, 1988). Thus, the multistory, non-channelized 4. At least three valley channel fills of the inner system
sandstone bodies which characterize facies C are referred had an allocyclical origin, and likely, the uppermost
to as outer fan lobe deposits (Mutti et al., 1978) or suprafan debritic bodies coincided both with a relative sea level
lobe deposits (Larue & Speed, 1983). The intervals fall and reflect tectonic events occurred in the source
composed of fine-grained base-cut-out turbidites of facies areas. Therefore, tectonic uplift and eustatic fall appear to
D associated with thin hemipelagites are interpreted as be basic factors in controlling the accumulation of large
accumulated in lobe-fringe and fan-fringe environments. volumes of predominantly coarse-grained turbidite facies
Their close relation to sandstones of facies C suggests that (Mutti, 1985).
they were distal equivalents of lobe deposits in downcurrent 5. Active siliciclastic sedimentation occurred
directions (see Mutti, 1977; Mutti & Normark, 1987). during phases of tectonic activity and resulted in the
Basin plain deposits mainly consist of tabular beds of progradation and migration of the entire turbidite
parallel laminated mudstones and siltstones alternating system. Conversely, stages of tectonic quiescence led
with hemipelagic sediments. to a rapid switching off of the gravity flows and the
The existence of some isolated channel cuts (facies deposition of thick muddy blankets separating successive
B) into the lobe and lobe-fringe deposits reveals for fan systems.
prograditional processes toward the boundary between 6. Despite of heterogeneous section of Miers Bluff
outer fan and midfan subenvironments (see Gökçen Formation and local hydrothermal alterations of the rocks,
& Kelling, 1983; Busby-Spera, 1985; Spalletti et al., some of the deposits may form potentially important and
1989). Furthermore, these sharp transitions in the attractive reservoirs for hydrocarbons. The reservoir facies
sections of Miers Bluff Formation might be interpreted correspond both to coarse-grained bodies in the braided
as a rejuvenation sequence (Larue, 1985). It was probably axis of the midfan channel system and to proximal parts
controlled not only by autocyclic factors and by external of the lobe depozones. Thus, lateral switching of the
(allocyclic) factors, such as sudden fall in sea level or channels and lobe units results in offset stacking of the
tectonic reactivation in the source area. The latter exerted sandstones and make up laterally well-connected, broad
the main control in the accumulation of large volumes reservoir facies.
of predominantly coarse-grained turbidite sediments
(Mutti, 1985).

Deep-water facies and facies associations in the siliciclastic rocks of the Miers Bluff Formation, Livingston Island, Antarctica

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Christo Pimpirev, Nesho Chipev

First Edition

Technical Editor
Polina Kostova
Maria Valkova
Galina Videnova

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“St. Kliment Ohridski” University Press

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