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Objectives of the Project

The general purpose of the project is to improve the environment of the locality.

Toward this end, the following objectives are set:

1. To maintain the cleanliness in the barangay

2. To imbibe the importance of cleanliness among the participants.

3. To increase the awareness of the resident on the advantages of proper

waste disposal and segregation.

4. To solicit the support of the residents in maintaining the cleanliness and

greenness of the surroundings.

II. Background of the Study

Imagine how the surroundings took place before. You can breathe fresh air,

see greenish surroundings and of course taste clear water. Nowadays, can you still

observe these things? Maybe in some but most of the places in this day and age are

already polluted and deforested. The air that was once fresh is now full of pollutants

such as smoke and dust. The surrounding that was once greenish have became all

cemented. The water that was once clear became blurred and dirty. One of the causes

of this is the improper waste disposal.

For instances, most people believed that throwing a single candy wrapper is

not a big deal. But take a closer look on the situation and analyzed it. If most people

throw a candy wrapper once a day simultaneously, do you still think that it was not a

big deal? Of course it isn’t. Those candy wrappers that were thrown would piled a big

trash and become a problem in the community. It might be stuck on the drainage and

backfire when a heavy rain comes then flood the community. Trees can be a lifesaver

but since the trees that once stood there were all cut, it would be impossible to absorb
the water using its roots. Simple mistakes may results to big damage. Thus, a proper

waste management is necessary. Segregation of garbage, recycling, collecting of

waste materials and proper waste disposal are just a few ways to properly manage

your wastes.

Meanwhile, the surrounding that was once greenish full of grasses and tall

trees have became as dull as a rock. The green grasses that once were all over the

place have all turned to cemented roads. The tall trees that lurked around the place

have turned into gigantic buildings. Deforestation and urbanization are the main cause

of this. For example, cutting trees illegally for their own convenience such as making

furniture and papers that in the end would just go to waste since most of the people

doesn’t know how to conserve and toss is it however and whenever they want to. This

mostly results landslide at mountainous area. Since trees that were supposed to uphold

the land together and prevent extensive erosion were all cut down. Floods can also be

the one of the consequences that people may experience in the future if this negligent

attitude still goes on. Trees also help in preventing floods using it roots by absorbing

the water. The water that could be harmful becomes useful with the plants as they

absorb it as part of their own. Also trees are one of the heroes in the fight against

global warming and deforestation. They are what we call super weapons. That’s how

great and magnificent the nature is. If people would not just disturb the balance in its

system, it would be a great result. If people just follow the law about for every one

tree that was cut, atleast 3 seedlings should be planted to replace the tree that was cut,

it would be a lifesaver. Maintaining the balance in the ecosystem, would bring forth

fortune and not a disaster.

Hence, the CWTS-students formulated different programs that would suit the

barangay that they chose. Unfortunately, this barangay was experiencing the same
problem that the students want to resolve. But, fortunately there are these students

who are willing to help them in their own community problem. All in all, it was a load

of different programs put together in a one project that would be implemented

simultaneously for the betterment of the chosen locality.

III. Justification

A survey was conducted last January 27, 2011 at the Barangay Salawag. The

results revealed that the barangay is indeed facing a problem regarding the matter

with waste management, to be more specific, a proper waste management. Most of the

residents are complaining about the cleanliness and orderliness of the barangay. Trash

could be found on the sides of the road. Improper waste segregation could also be

observed in the community. Segregation between biodegradable and non-

biodegredable is not entirely visible in the locality.

The residents had the lack of initiative to do the segregation of waste, for those

people who already have a background about it. The residents also had the lack of the

initiative to the cleaning of the road side. Thus, a clean-up drive would probably fit

the program that would be conducted at the locality. Also wall-painting program

would fit in the projects since most off the walls were vandalized and is already old

and dirty. Also, painting the walls would probably give of a better aura, an aura of

cleanliness and orderliness in the barangay.

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