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Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Risk shall be managed by means of safe and robust Barriers are measures intended to detect failure,
solutions. These may be technical, organisational and hazard and accident situations at an early stage,
operational solutions aimed at preventing failure, reduce their potential for propagating and limit harm
hazard and accident situations arising. However, and disruption. The functions that barrier elements
experience and accidents show that, despite having provide may be technical, operational and organisa-
established safe and robust solutions, such situations tional. Barrier management comprises the coordinat-
will still arise from time to time. In such situations, it is ed activities undertaken to establish and maintain
important to have barriers as an additional protection barriers so that they retain their functions at all times.
in order to maintain the necessary level of safety.
Since 2002, the Management Regulations have
History has shown that petroleum activities cause stipulated a general requirement for barriers, but the
major accidents and incidents with major accident implementation of this requirement has taken time.
potential. Examples of these include: We have seen that some companies have included the
l the structural accident on the Alexander L. human role in the barrier functions to a limited extent.
l Kielland floatel in 1980 in which 123 people died On the basis of these experiences, we have decided to
l the uncontrolled hydrocarbon leak escalating to update the memorandum.
l a fire on Piper Alpha in 1988 which caused
l 169 fatalities The memorandum has been reworked since the pre-
l the uncontrolled blowout at Snorre A in 2004 vious version in 2013. The distinction between “safe
l the fire and explosion at the Texas City refinery and robust solutions” and “barriers” has been made
l in 2005 in which 15 people lost their lives in order to clarify what barriers are and what they are
l the Deepwater Horizon well control accident not. The interaction between technical, organisational
l in 2010 in which 11 people died and a large leak and operational elements is expounded on. Chapters
l of hydrocarbons caused major environmental about barrier management in the concept and design
l damage phases, as well as the operational phase, have been
l an HC leak at Gudrun in 2015 which, under incorporated. An appendix has also been added,
l marginally different circumstances, could have containing examples from various specialist fields,
l turned into a major accident with loss of life including security.
l a structural incident on COSLInnovator in 2015
l in which caused one fatality, with the potential The purpose of this memorandum is to provide
l for more information about the basis for Section 5 of the
Management Regulations about barriers and related
These are accidents and incidents where the safe regulatory requirements. We do this by setting the
and robust solution proved inadequate. In addition, requirements in the regulations in a clearer context in
barriers failed, or were inadequate or missing. order to make their intention more explicit. This mem-
orandum introduces no new requirements. Audits we
“Barrier management involves perform will be based on the requirements as defined
systematically ensuring that necessary in the regulations. The memorandum does not form
part of the petroleum regulations.
barriers are identified and in place, in
order to provide protection in failure, Anne Myhrvold, Director General,
hazard and accident situations” Petroleum Safety Authority Norway

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


Barriers are measures whose function is to offer
WHY BARRIER MANAGEMENT? protection in failure, hazard and accident situations.
The object of barrier management is to establish and Their function is provided by barrier elements which
maintain barriers in order to handle the risks faced at may be technical, organisational or operational. Tech-
any time. This is achieved by implementing barriers nical elements might be, for example, sensors that
that contribute to risk reduction in failure, hazard and measure the pressure in a well, while organisational
accident situations. and operational elements might be mudloggers and
drillers who monitor, detect and implement measures
in the event of loss of well control.
“No matter how safely and robustly we
design and operate petroleum activities,
Barrier management involves ensuring, through a
failure, hazard and accident situations may systematic and continuous process, that necessary
still arise. This is when we need barriers to barriers are identified and in place, in order to provide
protection in failure, hazard and accident situations.
help protect against accidents.” These situations may be linked to the risk picture on
or in a specific facility or plant, or in a specific area of
the facility or plant. In accordance with Section 5 of
the Management Regulations, barriers must detect
incipient incidents, prevent the propagation of a
chain of events and limit damage.



reduce the occurrence of identify conditions reduce the possibility of limit possible harm
failure, hazard and accident that can lead to failures and hazard and and disruption
situations failure, hazard and accident situations
accident situations developing

Section 4 Risk reduction Section 5 barriers

safe and robust solutions

Figure 1: Traditional barrier diagram showing functions (in red) to handle failure, hazard and accident situations
outside of normal operations (based on Ersdal 2014)

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


Identify failure, Identify barrier Identify barrier Establish Maintain the

hazard and accident functions elements performance performance
situations requirements of the barriers

Figure 2: Key points in barrier management

Barrier management also involves ensuring that and operational ones. For organisational elements,
the different barrier elements in combination this may include requirements related to specific
have the properties required for fulfilling their competence, training and safety drills of the persons
intended function. involved. For operational elements, this may include
requirements for response times and for how the
Barrier elements should have operations are to be performed.
l functionality: this can be understood as the
l influence they have on the chain of events Many factors will affect the performance of the barrier
l (assuming their presence) elements, such as weather and visibility. It is important
l integrity: this can be understood as their ability to have an overview of which performance-influenc-
l and potential to be in place and intact at all times ing factors are significant, and in which situations the
l robustness: this can be understood as their ability barrier or barrier element cannot be expected to func-
l to withstand situations that are somewhat tion. One example here might be weather preventing
l different from the intended circumstances and the launch of a man overboard boat (MOB).
l that they “survive” a failure, hazard and accident It is important for barriers to be robust. It is impossible
l situation ensure that all potential future incidents have been
identified, or that failure, hazard and accident situa-
Barrier management should begin with an under- tions will develop as predicted. It is therefore neces-
standing of the context the barriers are intended sary to take uncertainty into account.
to function in. For example, there will be large
differences in their design depending on whether Barrier management is a continuous process. It does
a facility is unmanned or manned, or whether it not only concern the choice of technical, organisa-
produces oil or gas. The context may influence how tional and operational solutions during the concept
one conceptualises potential failure, hazard and and design phases. It is also about ensuring that the
accident situations. It also affects which requirements solutions retain their intended properties over time.
for protection may arise. For example, this might mean people who directly or
indirectly affect the risk picture or the barriers’ proper-
It is important to identify which failure, hazard and ties having an understanding of the consequences of
accident situations need to be handled. Facility- and their decisions and actions. Even if good barriers have
area-specific risk analyses may also be a useful source been planned, situations that have not been planned
for helping to identify these. In order to protect for may arise. The risk picture, manning, personnel,
against and combat these situations, the necessary production, assumptions, and condition of technical
barrier functions must be established (Section 5 of elements will change, engendering a need for new or
the Management Regulations). A function often altered risk-reducing measures. Deficient follow-up
comprises several barrier elements. of the condition of the barrier elements may result
in a failure of necessary performance when the need
Requirements must be defined for the performance arises.
of the barrier elements in order to ensure that the
barrier fulfils its function. This may include require- The activities and solutions comprised by the barrier
ments for functionality, integrity and robustness. management should be appropriate for achieving a
Performance requirements must be defined for the real risk reduction.
technical elements, as well as the organisational

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


1 Introduction 1
1.1 Objective 1
1.2 Target group 1
2 Definitions 2
3 What are barriers and barrier management? 3
3.1 Barrier management is an integral part of risk management 3
3.2 Barrier management and risk reduction 3
3.3 Barrier management and barrier strategy 4
3.4 Barrier hierarchy 5
4 General principles for barrier management 7
4.1 Specific assessment 7
4.2 Prioritisation of barrier functions and elements 7
4.3 The interaction between technical, organisational and operational barrier elements 8
4.4 Performance requirements 9
4.5 What are barrier elements? 10
4.6 Performance-influencing factors 11
4.7 Maintenance management and barrier management 11
4.8 Barrier management in all phases 12
5 The barrier management process 13
5.1 Introduction 13
5.2 Establish the context 13
5.3 Risk assessment 14
5.3.1 Identify potential failure, hazard and accident situations 14
5.3.2 Establish barrier functions, barrier elements, and associated performance requirements 14
5.3.3 Carry out risk analyses and necessary safety studies and analyses 15
5.3.4 Assess and evaluate risk – establish the risk picture 15
5.4 Risk management 15
5.4.1 Establish a specific barrier strategy and specific performance standards 16
5.4.2 Communication and involvement 18
5.5 Barrier management in the design phase 18
5.5.1 Introduction 18
5.5.2 Some useful questions about barrier management in the design phase 19
5.6 Barrier management during operation 20
5.6.1 Introduction 20
5.6.2 Operate in compliance with assumptions, requirements and technical condition 22
5.6.3 Ensure and maintain necessary barrier performance 22
5.6.4 Measure and verify the performance of the barriers 24
5.6.5 Maintain control of performance-influencing factors 25
5.6.6 Follow up and enhance the barrier management system 25
5.6.7 Manning, competence, roles and responsibilities 25
5.6.8 Some useful questions about barrier management in the operational phase 26
6 References 28
7 Appendix – Complementary examples 29
7.1 Security 29
7.1.1 Is barrier management relevant for security? 29
7.1.2 The relationship between the security plan and the emergency preparedness plan 29
7.1.3 The interaction between technical, organisational and operational barrier elements 30
7.2 Maintenance management 32
7.2.1 Regulations 33
7.2.2 Major accident potential 33
7.2.3 Safety-critical failures 33
7.3 Wellbore drilling and wells 33
7.4 Structures and marine systems 34

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

1 Introduction

This memorandum describes principles for barrier and organisational elements have been identified
management in petroleum activities in Norway. It was and emphasised to a lesser degree. Based on these
first issued in 2011 and updated in 2013, as part of our experiences, we have perceived a need to update
main prioritisation of barriers. The aim of this memo- the memorandum, in order to clarify the interaction
randum is to provide information about the basis of between technical, operational and organisation-
Section 5 of the Management Regulations concerning al barrier elements. The updated memorandum is
barriers, as well as related regulatory requirements. intended to help show how the interaction between
technical, operational and organisational elements
included in barrier functions can be planned for and
“The aim is to provide information about monitored over time. “Who does what with which
the basis of barrier management” equipment in failure, hazard and accident situations”
has been developed as an instructional phrase for
clarifying the interaction between organisational,
Over a number of years, a focus on barrier manage- operational and technical elements. Operational and
ment has contributed to an increase in competence organisational elements are tasks that personnel must
and understanding of the importance of barriers in perform in order for a barrier to function as intended.
preventing and limiting the propagation of accidents. However, the fundamental meaning is unchanged
It has also led to the enhancement of the companies’ from previous versions of this memorandum.
systems for barrier management.
“The memorandum aims to clarify The target groups for this memorandum comprise
the interaction between technical, everyone who has special responsibility for deciding
operational and organisational on, designing, implementing and following up
barrier management systems.
barrier elements”

However, through audits and inspections, we have

found that the companies have identified the human
contributions to providing barrier functionality only to
a limited extent. The focus has mainly been directed at
the technical barrier elements, whereas operational

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

2 Definitions

Barrier: A measure intended to identify conditions that may lead to failure, hazard and
accident situations, prevent an actual sequence of events occurring or developing,
influence a sequence of events in a deliberate way, or limit damage and/or loss.

Barrier function: The task or role of a barrier.

Barrier element: Technical, operational and organisational measures or solutions involved in the
realisation of a barrier function.

Technical barrier Equipment and systems involved in the realisation of a barrier function.

Organisational barrier Personnel with defined roles or functions and specific competence involved in the
element: realisation of a barrier function.

Operational barrier The actions or activities which personnel must perform in order to realise a
element: barrier function.

Barrier strategy: Plan for how barrier functions, on the basis of the risk picture, are implemented
in order to reduce risk.

Barrier management: Coordinated activities for establishing and maintaining barriers so that they
fulfil their functions at all times.

Performance Verifiable requirement for the properties of the barrier elements in order to
requirement: ensure that the barrier is effective.

Robust barriers: The concept that barriers should incorporate margins in respect of changed
assumptions and uncertainties, and function as intended in failure, hazard
and accident situations.

Performance- Factors identified as having significance for barrier functions and the ability of
influencing factors: barrier elements to function as intended.

Context: Factors in the surroundings that are relevant for assessing safety and the need
for barriers.

Major accident: An acute incident, such as a major discharge/emission or a fire/explosion, which

immediately or subsequently causes several serious injuries and/or loss of human life,
serious harm to the environment and/or loss of substantial material assets.

Risk: The consequences of the activity and its associated uncertainty.

Risk picture: The risk picture is an understanding and overview of potential failure, hazard and
accident situations and how to protect against them.

Risk management: Coordinated activities to direct and control an organisation with regard to risk.

The term “barrier” is defined differently in different literature and within different specialist domains.
Detailed discussion of our definition compared to others is provided in Lauridsen et al. (2016).

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

3 What are barriers and 3.2 BARRIER MANAGEMENT AND

barrier management? RISK REDUCTION

3.1 BARRIER MANAGEMENT IS AN “The aim of barrier management

The primary purpose of barrier management is to
“The function of barriers is to help establish and maintain barriers so as to be able to
handle failure, hazard and accident handle the risk faced at any given time. This is done
situations” by having barriers whose function is to help prevent
failure, hazard and accident situations occurring or
Barrier management represents an integral part of the which restrict the consequences if they do occur.
companies’ risk management which in turn forms an Barrier management involves coordinated activities
integrated part of their corporate governance, as illus- for establishing and maintaining barriers so that they
trated in Figure 3. As a result, management standards fulfil their functions at all times.
such as ISO:9000 and ISO:31000 can also form a basis Barriers supplement a safe and robust solution
for barrier management.
“Barriers supplement a safe and
Barrier management is important in order to have a robust solution”
clear process for handling failure, hazard and accident
situations. Barriers must be established when the The regulations differentiate between establishing a
risk management process detects failure, hazard and solution that is optimal for avoiding getting into fail-
accident situations in which there is a need for extra ure, hazard and accident situations (Section 4 of the
protection. Management Regulations concerning risk reduction),
and barriers intended to prevent failure and hazard
situations developing into incidents and damage, loss
and disruption (Section 5 of the Management Regu-
lations concerning barriers). Regardless of the efforts
(internationally, nationally, regionally
made to secure a safe and robust solution, failure, haz-
ard and accident situations will occur. Barriers must
CORPORATE then fulfil their functions in order to help handle such
GOVERNANCE situations. This is illustrated in Figure 4.



Figure 3: Barrier management – an integral part of risk

management and corporate governance.
Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry



reduce the occurrence of identify conditions reduce the possibility of limit possible harm
failure, hazard and accident that can lead to failures and hazard and and disruption
situations failure, hazard and accident situations
accident situations developing

Section 4 Risk reduction Section 5 barriers

safe and robust solutions

Figure 4: Model to illustrate the relationship between a safe and robust solution and the place of barriers in
risk management (based on Ersdal 2014)


The barrier strategy is a plan for how barriers should “How, given the risk picture, should
be established on/in the individual facility or plant.
The barrier strategy includes establishing which
the barriers help handle failure, hazard
barrier functions are necessary. It also determines and accident situations? What should
which technical, operational and organisational the barriers do?”
barrier elements must be included in order to fulfil
the function. Performance requirements for these
elements must also be part of the strategy. Barriers
must be established based on the specific risk picture
for the individual areas of the facility or plant and for
different activities or operations.
The main features of barrier management
are illustrated in Figure 5.


Identify failure, Identify barrier Identify barrier Establish Maintain the

hazard and accident functions elements performance performance
situations requirements of the barriers

Figure 5: Main features of barrier management.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

3.4 BARRIER HIERARCHY An example of a barrier function might be to “Reduce

The realisation of a barrier function can be explosion risk”. Sub-functions linked to this might be
illustrated using a hierarchy consisting of “Reduce duration and size of leaks”, “Limit opportunities
l the function at the highest level (what should for build-up of gas cloud”, “Reduce explosion loads” and
l the barrier do?) and sub-functions below this “Design the area to withstand explosion loads”. The
l if necessary sub-function “Reduce duration and size of leaks” can in
l elements (specific equipment, personnel and turn be split into “Detect the leak”, “Reduce pressure in
l operations designed to take care of the function) leaking segment” and “Isolate leaking segment”. For the
l performance requirements (verifiable sub-function “Reduce pressure in leaking segment”, for
l requirements for the elements’ properties) example, push buttons, Fire & Gas logic and valves will
l performance-influencing factors (factors represent technical barrier elements. If a control room
l identified as having significance for barrier operator must initiate manual actions in order to realise
l functions and the ability of barrier elements the “Reduce pressure in leaking segment” function, that
l to function as intended) person will be incorporated as an organisational barrier
element. Actions carried out will be an example of an
Figure 6 shows a generic example of such a hierarchy. operational barrier element.

Barrier function

Barrier sub-function Barrier sub-function

Technical barrier Organisational Operational barrier

element barrier element element

Performance Performance Performance

requirement requirement requirement

Performance- Performance- Performance-

influencing factor influencing factor influencing factor

Figure 6: Barrier hierarchy

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

4 General principles for in sequence or simultaneously. They are also designed

barrier management to be reliable and robust and maintain their function
and performance during necessary maintenance.
4.1 SPECIFIC ASSESSMENT Technical systems may, however, have weakness-
es in terms of flexibility and their ability to handle
unforeseen situations or combinations of situations.
“Barrier management must be based Increased complexity in the maintenance of the tech-
on a specific risk picture for the plant, nical barrier elements may also introduce an increased
facility, area or operation” risk of system failures occurring. Technical systems
may also fail if non-predefined situations arise.
The risk picture will be different for different facilities
and plants, areas and operations. An overall assess- The strength of humans resides in greater flexibility,
ment of failure, hazard and accident situations and the ability to see new patterns, and assess complex
barriers at facility and plant level will be important for and unforeseen situations (“black swan events”).
platform and onshore management. For personnel However, humans have their weakness in that they
working in a specific area or on a specific task, assess- may misunderstand complex situations, make errors,
ments are required for the specific areas of the facility not be situationally aware and act slowly.
and for the specific operations in order to obtain a
good risk picture. This means that failure, hazard and Therefore, it is often beneficial to distribute tasks
accident situations must also be assessed in sufficient between technical systems and people, where each
detail so as to identify the situations where the indi- have their own strengths and weaknesses. The bound-
vidual barrier element has a function. aries between which functions are allocated to the
technical systems and which to humans have changed
4.2 PRIORITISATION OF BARRIER over the years and will also change going forward.
As a fundamental principle, priority should be given 4.3 THE INTERACTION BETWEEN TECHNICAL,
to likelihood-reducing measures over consequence- ORGANISATIONAL AND OPERATIONAL
reducing measures, but there is often a need for both BARRIER ELEMENTS
types of measures (Sections 4 and 5 of the Manage-
ment Regulations). “Who does what with which
equipment in failure, hazard and
Barriers are normally categorised as passive or active. accident situations?”
Passive barriers are present without needing activa-
tion or intervention, such as a firewall. Active barriers Barrier functions are provided for in differing
require activation or intervention. Normally, passive degrees through the interaction between technical,
barriers should be preferred over active ones. Active organisational and operational barrier elements.
barriers that are activated automatically are normally In some cases, it is purely technical elements that
preferable to active barriers that require interven- provide a barrier function.
tion and actions in order to be implemented. As a
result, technical barrier elements are often preferred For example, gas detection in an area will cause
to elements that require human intervention. An as- automatic decoupling of ignition sources and shutdown
sessment should be made of the reliability, strengths of production. For the further handling of the leak, the
and weaknesses of the technical elements in relation control room operator can initiate manual pressure
to the organisational and operational elements in relief. This barrier function includes technical, organisa-
handling the specific failure, hazard and accident tional and operational barrier elements. The technical
situation. elements are the pressure relief system (from the panel
in the control room, pressure relief valves, the flare drum
The strengths of technical systems are that they are to the flare stack). The organisational elements are the
“always” in place and ready to perform their tasks. control room operator, and the operational elements are
Their strength is also evident when many signals have the actions which the control room operator performs in
to be processed quickly and fixed actions performed order to initiate pressure relief.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

The operational and organisational barrier elements elements will be included to one degree or another.
are tasks performed by dedicated personnel and However, there are certain barrier functions where
which directly affect a barrier’s function. personnel must perform various actions in order for
the function to be provided for. As shown in the
General alarms can be triggered automatically or set examples above, organisational and operational
off by the control room operator, and the emergency elements interact to differing degrees with the techni-
response organisation will be established in accordance cal elements. The age of facilities and equipment and
with the defined hazard and accident situation in ques- the type of operation will also influence the degree to
tion. The technical elements here are, for example, the PA which different elements are involved.
system and other communications equipment, such as
radios and phones, and the emergency response vessel. Figure 7 illustrates the interaction between the tech-
The organisational elements are the control room oper- nical, organisational and operational barrier elements
ator, emergency preparedness management, the crew involved in realising a barrier function. Furthermore,
of the emergency response vessel and other external examples are provided of performance requirements
resources. The operational elements are decisions and performance-influencing factors for the differ-
made, communication between the parties involved, ent barrier elements. The question “Who does what
the mustering of personnel and the positioning of the with which equipment in failure, hazard and accident
emergency response vessel. situations?” encapsulates the interaction between the
technical, organisational and operational barrier ele-
A ballast system’s function is to detect and prevent ments. This formulation also clarifies what is necessary
heeling and capsizing. It consists of technical barrier for realising a barrier function.
elements such as a control system, valves, pumps
and tanks. Operating this system requires competent The appendix to this memorandum provides exam-
personnel in the control room/on the bridge. ples of barrier functions, barrier elements, perfor-
mance requirements and performance-influencing
In the vast majority of barrier functions, technical factors within different specialist areas.



Which equipment and Which personnel have Which safety-critical
systems are included defined roles, functions tasks must be performed
in the realisation of and specific compe- in order for the barrier
BARRIERE the barrier function? tences for realising a function to work?
ELEMENTS barrier function?

What requirements must What requirements must What requirements must be

be defined for equipment be defined for specific defined for execution of the
and systems, e.g. in terms competences, availability, tasks, e.g. response time,
of functionality, integrity safety drills and co-training? action criteria, communication
PERFORMANCE and robustness? requirements, checkout?

What affects the per- What affects the performance What affects the potential for
formance of the various of personnel? E.g. workload, performing the tasks correctly
technical barrier elements? human-machine interfaces, and on time? E.g. availability
E.g. design and quality of familiarisation, assignment of and quality of procedures,
PERFORMANCE- materials, age, maintenance responsibilities, organisational quality and scope of safety
INFLUENCING management, environ- complexity ... drills and training, design of
FACTORS mental factors ... plant and equipment, noise,
weather ...

Figure 7: Illustration of how a barrier function can be ensured through the interaction between technical,
organisational and operational barrier elements, performance requirements of the elements
and performance-influencing factors

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

4.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS For organisational and operational barrier elements,

examples of functionality might be specific com-
“Performance requirements are specific petences and participation in training and safety
drills (Section 23 of the Activities Regulations and
and verifiable requirements for the Section 52 of the Technical and Operational Regula-
barrier elements’ properties” tions). Examples of integrity might be availability and
mobilisation time. Examples of robustness might be
It is important to define specific and verifiable capacity and redundancy in the organisation, such as
requirements for the performance of barrier elements deputies in key roles with the necessary competence
to ensure that the barrier function works as intended and capability.
in the specific risk picture.
Examples of performance requirements for the “safe
Performance requirements can also be defined for evacuation” barrier function are shown in Table 1.
the barrier function, where appropriate.
Performance requirements are normally dimensioned
“Barriers must have functionality, relative to the most serious incident. Which means in
the situation, for example, where the largest capacity
integrity and robustness ” or shortest mobilisation time is required.

Performance requirements may include requirements Performance requirements will depend on site-
for functionality, integrity and robustness. Function- specific factors, the incidents and their seriousness.
ality is the effect that the barrier has on the sequence Performance requirements may not necessarily be
of events. Integrity is their ability and potential to limited to numerical values, but may also be qualita-
be in place and intact at all times. Robustness covers tive assessments. This is perhaps especially relevant
their ability to withstand situations that are somewhat when defining performance requirements for person-
different from the intended circumstances and to nel and the actions they are to perform. For example,
“survive” a failure, hazard and accident situation. participation in a course is not always sufficient; actual
competence achieved must also be assessed.


Barrier function Time to safely evacuate the personnel

Technical barrier element Capacity of means of evacuation, audibility of alarms, etc.

Organisational barrier element Specific competence requirements for personnel – e.g.

frequency of participation in safety drills, etc.

Operational barrier element Criteria for warning/informing (time requirement, responders

in relation to sequence of events), etc.

Table 1: Examples of performance requirements for barrier functions and for technical, operational and
organisational barrier elements for the “safe evacuation” barrier function.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

“Barrier elements have a concrete and “Many factors influence the performance of
specific role with regards to the barrier a barrier. Performance-influencing factors
function. It must also be possible to are those which have a significant impact”
define performance requirements for
the barrier element.” Not all performance-influencing factors are equally
important. In barrier management, it may be appro-
priate to restrict oneself to performance-influencing
factors that have a significant effect on the barrier
Barriers must detect incipient incidents, prevent the
elements’ ability to function.
development of a chain of events and limit harm and
disruption. The elements of a barrier in combination
Examples of factors that may impact peoples’ ability to
must be able to realise this function.
perform specific tasks might be the design of the work-
place, visibility, lighting and fatigue. The design of the
The regulations require that performance require-
workplace may, for example, include the availability of
ments are defined for barrier elements. Further, it
and access to technical equipment used by people.
must be possible to verify this performance in order to
be aware which barrier elements are not functioning
In order to identify key performance-influencing
or are impaired (Section 5 of the Management Regula-
factors, it’s useful to review what may affect specific
tions). There is a widespread perception that anything
barrier elements and functions. Interviews with
that may help prevent an incident occurring or limit
maintenance personnel and operators may be useful
damage is a barrier, which then makes it difficult to
for obtaining important information. This may concern
define verifiable performance requirements.
the physical surroundings of equipment and person-
nel, operator logs for alarm systems, communication
Barrier elements should be restricted to those ele-
and interaction during safety drills. Reviews of inci-
ments that have a specific role in ensuring the barrier
dents may also be a good source of information.
function. For example, a procedure may be a useful
aid to describe what is needed to safeguard a barrier
To a large extent, performance-influencing factors
function. However, in itself the procedure cannot be
comprise the interaction between people, technology
considered to be a barrier element. The same is true
and organisation. People must be enabled to utilise
of safe job analyses, which are useful tools for iden-
their abilities to identify, prevent or handle failure,
tifying risk in operations and establishing temporary
hazard and accident situations. Workplaces and
barriers which must be in place before performing an
systems must be designed with regard to man-
operation. A safe job analysis is not in itself a barrier
machine interfaces, information presentation on
screens and alarm management. Furthermore, it is im-
portant to ensure sufficient capacity and competence
in the organisation to avoid excessive time pressure
Performance-influencing factors are factors that affect
and stress. Personnel must be familiar with checklists
the ability of barrier functions and barrier elements
and procedures, which must be useful for the actual
to work as intended. This term is not directly used in
work tasks and incident situations. Checklists and
the regulations, but is reflected in various regulatory
procedures must also be easily accessible and com-
requirements, standards and methods (for example,
prehensible. Good management, workplace cooper-
requirements for maintenance procedures and
ation and physical working environment factors will
organisational capacity).
also be important.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


AND BARRIER MANAGEMENT Barrier management is a persistent process and it is
important that the management loop (plan-do-check-
act) is continuously used in all phases of a facility’s
“Maintenance consists of verifying, life, from design to removal, as illustrated in Figure 8
maintaining and restoring the (Sections 6 and 23 of the Management Regulations).
performance of barriers”
The foundation and primary emphasis in preparing
the barrier strategy will take place in the concept
Maintenance consists of verifying, maintaining and design phases. It is in these phases that one is
and restoring the performance of barriers best able to influence the design of the facility and
Maintenance makes three core contributions to the technical barrier elements, and facilitate sound
safety and barrier management: operational and organisational elements. During the
l Maintenance helps maintain and, where design phase, there will be changes to the planned
l appropriate, restore the technical aspect of the facility and in respect of the planned organisation and
l safe and robust solution so that failure, hazard and manning of the facility, and the barrier strategy will
l accident situations do not arise. therefore need to be constantly corrected.
l Maintenance also contributes to maintaining and,
l where appropriate, restoring the performance Similarly, there will be changes to the facility in sub-
l of the technical barrier elements. sequent phases, including in terms of organisation
l Maintenance also contributes to verifying the and manning. Here too, the barrier strategy must be
l performance of the technical aspects of a safe and updated on the basis of changes and the outcome
l robust solution and the technical barrier elements. of monitoring and improvement activities.

A further description of the place of maintenance in In the operational phase, the barriers’ function and
barrier management is provided in the appendix and performance must be safeguarded by means of
in a report from SINTEF (SINTEF 2014). monitoring, maintenance, training and safety drills
(Sections 23, 31 and 45 of the Activities Regulations).

Concept and Operation Projects Decommissioning

design engineering and removal

Plan Plan Plan Plan






Check Check Check Check

Figure 8: Barrier management in all phases

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

5 The barrier management process l monitoring and reviewing compliance of the

l barrier strategy and maintenance of barriers
5.1 INTRODUCTION l (with Section 10 of the Management Regulations),
Barrier management is a process for l including
l establishing a context for barrier management l o collecting measurement data, results from
l establishing the risk picture and barriers, l o safety drills and verifications in order to
l including facility- and plant-specific barrier l o create the necessary foundation for this
l strategies and performance requirements l establishing a basis for decisions on improve-
l adhering to and maintaining the barrier l ments where necessary, based on results from
l strategy in further activities, including l monitoring and reviews
l o operating in compliance with assumptions On the basis of regulatory requirements and ISO
l o and requirements 31000 (Risk management - principles and guidelines),
l o keeping the barriers intact and handling this document describes a process and the foundation
l o changes in the risk picture and barrier status for barrier management. This process is shown
ll o when necessary in Figure 9.



Identify failure, hazard and accident situations

Establish barrier functions, elements and MONITORING AND REVIEW

performance requirements

Perform risk analyses

Assess and evaluate risk. Establish the risk picture

Need for risk-reducing measures (including better or more barriers)?

Establish specific barrier strategy and specific performance requirements

Figure 9: Process for planning as a part of barrier management

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


Risk assessment must contribute to identifying failure,
hazard and accident situations, and the need for and
“Context is the surroundings that are functions of barriers. Furthermore, the properties of
the individual barrier elements must be specified.
relevant for assessing safety and the The collective term “risk assessment” includes the
need for barriers.” following steps:
l Identify failure, hazard and accident situations,
The context is the interrelationships, operating l o their possible causes,
parameters and guidelines (external, internal and l o the damage they cause and their
project/activity-specific) which are relevant for per- l o consequences
forming the other steps in the barrier management l Establish barrier functions, barrier elements, and
process. In other words, it encompasses everything l associated performance requirements and
which directly or indirectly is or could be important for l performance-influencing factors.
implementing and for shaping the strategy that is ulti- l Carry out risk analyses and necessary safety
mately adopted. Factors of importance might include: l studies/analyses.
l Requirements and guidelines in regulations, l Assess and evaluate risk, including sensitivity
l standards and company-specific policies. l and uncertainty – establish the risk picture.
l Company-specific strategies, goals and principles
l for risk and barrier management. 5.3.1 Identify potential failure, hazard
l Actual design, condition and location. and accident situations

To achieve continuous improvement which contri-

butes to good and robust solutions, the requirement
“Which failure, hazard and accident
for risk reduction must also form part of the context. situations should we be able to handle?”
See Section 11 of the Framework HSE regulations.
Furthermore, steps must be taken to ensure that this Identification of potential failure, hazard and accident
is taken care of throughout the entire process. situations must be performed in sufficient detail and
specifically for the facility, plant, area and operation,
so as to identify the situations that the individual
barrier element has a role in handling. Realistic com-
binations of failure, hazard and accident situations
must be assessed, since such combinations may
determine the dimensions of barriers.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

5.3.2 Establish barrier functions, barrier 5.3.4 Assess and evaluate risk – establish
elements, and associated performance the risk picture

“How must we handle these “The risk picture is an overview of

situations? ” failure, hazard and accident situations
and how to protect against them ”
Once potential failure, hazard and accident situations
have been identified and assessed, the necessary The risk picture is an understanding and overview of
barrier functions and barrier elements must be identi- potential failure, hazard and accident situations and
fied and the process of establishing associated perfor- how to protect against them. This means relevant,
mance requirements and mapping performance- usable and appropriate information for the individual
influencing factors should start. in the specific situation, including the significance of
his/her own choices, decisions and actions.
5.3.3 Carry out risk analyses and necessary
l safety studies and analyses As specified in Section 17 of the Management Regu-
Risk analyses conducted as part of decision support lations, sensitivity and uncertainty assessments must
for barrier management must be planned and per- be performed as part of a risk analysis. The primary
formed in such a way that they are sufficiently purpose of this is to give users of the analysis the best
detailed and appropriate for their use. possible basis for understanding its strengths, weak-
ness and limitations, as well as which suppositions,
Assumptions on which a decision is based must be assumptions or assessments are of importance for the
expressed so that they can be followed up (Sec- results of the analysis. It is also important to under-
tions 11 and 16 of the Management Regulations). stand the uncertainty underlying the input parame-
The specific barrier strategy should indicate which ters and assessments on which the analysis is based.
assumptions are significant for the individual barrier Sensitivity and uncertainty must be assessed and used
function and the individual barrier element. This does in the work of risk handling, whether that involves
not necessarily mean that all assumptions have to be communicating the need for risk-reducing measures
described in one place, but it must be easy to obtain in barrier strategies or detailing specific performance
such information by referring to the barrier strategy. requirements.

In most cases, it is not sufficient to exclusively use

quantitative risk analyses for deciding if the individual
barriers are needed. Nor is it sufficient to establish
specific performance requirements for the individual
barrier element.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

5.4 RISK MANAGEMENT Specific barrier strategy

“What is the risk picture in this

“Risk must be reduced as far as possible ” area? Which barriers and barrier
elements contribute to protection?”
Section 11 of the Framework HSE Regulations requires A specific barrier strategy is a plan for how barrier
that efforts must always be made to reduce risk as functions, on the basis of the risk picture, are to
far as practicable. There is a much greater chance of be implemented in order to reduce risk.
achieving good solutions by working in a structured The following principles should form the basis
and targeted way to reduce risk in the concept and of a barrier strategy. It should
design phases. As a rule, this will also yield the best l be designed so that it helps the parties involved
solutions in terms of execution, cost and operation. l gain a common understanding of the basis of the
l requirements for the different barriers, including
l o which phases, operations and activities
“Common sense must also be used l o the strategy has been established for
in addition to risk analyses ” l o which failure, hazard and accident situations
l o may occur in the phases, operations and act-
The requirement to reduce risk is not confined to l o ivities the strategy has been established for
measures which can be quantified in the results of a l o which barrier functions are required to
risk analysis. For example: “preventing hot surfaces l o handle these situations
on equipment which could be exposed to diesel oil l o where additional information is to be found
leaks” will be a sensible measure in most cases, even for about the performance requirements
if its effect cannot be quantified in a QRA, TRA or the for which specifically apply for the individual
like. Common sense should therefore be the guid- for barrier
ing principle when assessing the effect of measures, l sufficiently fine-grained for the individual plant
rather than relying exclusively on the results of risk l (e.g. area, system, equipment) and phases,
and/or cost-benefit analyses. On the other hand, risk l operations and activities
analyses will in many cases represent a necessary and l be kept updated at all times
important supplement when assessing the effect of l identify which roles/tasks the different
various measures. In other words, it is a case of finding l barrier functions have
the tools, analyses and so forth which provide relevant l identify important assumptions which are
decision support for the various issues. l significant for the individual barrier function
l and the individual barrier element
5.4.1 Establish a specific barrier strategy l identify the relationship between strategy and
and specific performance standards l performance requirements established for
The process for establishing, updating and l the individual barrier. The strategy should provide
maintaining a sufficient set of barriers has two l information about where the different perfor
key end products: l mance requirements for the individual barrier
l Specific barrier strategy. l element and the individual barrier function are
l Specified performance requirements in specific l described
l performance standards.
A brief description of the principles related to Barrier strategies do not necessarily need to be de-
establishing these is provided below. scribed in special documents, but should be described
where it is natural, appropriate and easy to find them.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Performance requirements l barrier elements required to handle failure,

Performance requirements are verifiable requirements l hazard and accident situations in a prudent
of the barrier elements’ properties to ensure that the l and robust manner
barrier is effective. l manage competence
l manage change
l verify activities
“What condition must the barriers have? l establish barrier-related measurement parameters
What requirements must they meet?” l maintain an overview of non-conformities
l and exemptions
Establishing and using (a) specific barrier strategy(ies) l identify compensatory measures
and associated performance requirements will be l provide input for studies and analyses
crucial for the ability to establish effective barrier l communicate and consult
management. Good usage requires that this doc- l monitor and assess
umentation is sufficiently well-known to relevant
personnel on/in the individual facility. 5.4.2 Communication and involvement
It must be ensured that the risk picture and barrier
It might be appropriate to group the established strategy and associated performance requirements
performance requirements in performance standards are communicated to and anchored with both inter-
at the system/function level, as some companies have nal and external stakeholders, and are appropriate
done. NORSOK S-001 is built around this thinking. throughout the entire barrier management process.
In addition to specifying performance requirements This is intended in part to ensure:
for barrier elements, a performance standard should l good quality – by drawing on relevant expertise
clarify interfaces with other barriers (systems and l and experience throughout the process, including
functions). l when establishing the context, when conducting
l risk assessments and management, and for super
Specific barrier strategies and associated performance l vising and monitoring at all times
requirements could be used, for example, to: l participation by, and a sense of ownership among,
l clarify the relationship between specific risk l stakeholders who will be affected by decisions
l assessments and the role of barrier functions l in every phase
l overall and in different areas of the facility or plant l understanding of the background to decisions
l provide an overview of specific performance l that risk analyses are communicated in such a
l requirements tailored to a specific risk picture l way that target groups obtain a nuanced and
l and strategy l coherent presentation of the analysis and its
l describe solutions other than those specified l results
l in referenced standards/codes l that the barrier strategy is actively used to
l identify and classify systems/equipment in l provide those involved with a common
l terms of the consequences of potential l understanding of the risk picture and the basis for
l functional failures l the requirements specified for the various barriers
l plan and/or execute maintenance to safeguard
l the performance of barrier functions and Communication and anchoring of the risk picture and
l elements in every phase of the life cycle barrier strategy are not to be regarded as an indepen-
l provide input for procedures dent activity, but as one which will pervade the whole
l provide input for performance requirements barrier management process in every phase.
l for technical, operational and organisational

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

5.5 BARRIER MANAGEMENT IN The process for barrier management in the design
THE DESIGN PHASE phase results in relevant and specific barrier strate-
5.5.1 Introduction gies with associated performance requirements and
Barrier management in the design phase of a new performance standards. Right from the concept and
facility follows in principle the planning element in design phases, it is important to start thinking about
the barrier management loop; see chapter 5.2-5.4. how statuses and performance are to be measured,
verified and followed up in the operational phase. It
is also necessary to assess how strategies and perfor-
“Establishment of a barrier strategy mance requirements and standards are to be included
is an iterative process” in the operations and maintenance systems. Addition-
ally, it is important to ensure that it is actually possible
to operate within the assumptions and limitations in
One key challenge in designing a new facility or a new place (for example, the size of supply vessel that can
plant onshore is having the necessary information be used), and these are properly communicated to the
in place when decisions have to be made. It would, operations side. This means that the involvement of
of course, be beneficial to have all the results of risk the operational organisation is important for achiev-
analyses, barrier strategies and performance require- ing good barrier management.
ments on hand when the facility is designed. Similarly,
such information will be necessary in order to ensure
that the facility is designed so that it allows for good
“Sufficient manning for safeguarding
organisational and operational barrier elements. At barrier functions and operational
the same time, the results of risk analyses and barrier tasks”
analyses derive in turn from how the facility is de-
signed. This makes it an iterative process in which one Once barrier function tasks that have to be per-
must make sure to have good results in place as early formed by humans have been identified, an assess-
as possible in order to ensure good decision support. ment should be made of necessary manning in the
The risk and barrier management process in a design organisation. Manning depends on which technical
phase must contribute to the sufficiently safe design equipment is to be used and which tasks are to be
and use of the plant. To achieve this, it is essential to performed. Manning should be assessed on the basis

have systematic means of identifying and defining of tasks to be covered both in normal operation and in
relevant failure, hazard and accident situations. Failing a failure, hazard and accident situation.
this, the basis for subsequent assessments, measures
and actions will be lacking. Another precondition for achieving good barrier
management in a project is to put in place at an early
The focus must be directed at identifying barriers stage the division of responsibilities between project,
that provide adequate risk reduction. Furthermore, operations, EPC contractor, consultants and suppliers.
it is important to identify at the earliest possible Barrier management is an interdisciplinary activity.
stage the necessary operational and organisational
elements in addition to the technical ones. It is important to ensure interdisciplinary involvement
in the work of risk and barrier management in the
“Barriers must be maintainable, design phase. One condition for effective risk and
barrier management is to think both holistically and
performance must be verifiable and sequentially. A traditional approach with responsi-
operations must be achievable bilities delimited by specialism will not necessarily
within the defined limitations” provide the holistic perspective. It will be necessary to
establish work methods that ensure interdisciplinary
and timely involvement in the risk and barrier man-
agement process.

“Barrier management is an
interdisciplinary activity”

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

5.5.2 Some useful questions about barrier

management in the design phase
Some useful questions for those responsible for barri-
er management processes in the design phase to ask:
l Are the elements in the model in place?
l Is there good familiarity with the model?
l And has the model been adhered to?
l Has the timely establishment of barrier manage- l
l ment been emphasised, along with coordination
l and communication related to contexts and
l dependencies in the model?
l When and to what extent are operational
l personnel and safety delegates involved?
l Do the barrier management systems established
l in the design phase meet the operational
l organisation’s needs, objectives and expectations?
l Barrier strategies and performance standards
l (purposes and who are the users?)
l Have the suppositions, assumptions and results
l from risk analyses and studies been implemented
l and identified for the operational organisation?
l To what extent does this affect contractors,
l suppliers and other key stakeholders?
l How do the barrier strategy and performance
l requirements affect the test and maintenance
l programme?
l Is the equipment hierarchy in the maintenance
l system sufficiently fine-grained to allow
l requirements and historical logging to be linked
l to the individual barrier element?
l Are special requirements defined for
l performance-influencing factors of significance
l in the design of the maintenance programme?
l Are special requirements defined for, for instance,
l manning, competence, training, procedures etc.
l in order to meet the performance requirements?

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

5.6 BARRIER MANAGEMENT DURING the planning stage will be important for establishing
OPERATION and following up this foundation.
5.6.1 Introduction Examples of these factors are shown in Figure 11.
In order to meet the requirements relating to barriers,
follow-up and improvement, the performance of the The foundation for safe operation of the plant is laid
barriers must be monitored, followed up and, where during the design phase. At the same time, we know
necessary, improved throughout the facility’s life from experience that the assumptions made in this
cycle. In addition, the role responsible must follow up phase can be difficult to implement in the operational
and enhance management systems (Section 17 of the phase, which can lead to new measures being taken
Framework Regulations) in order to ensure compli- in the operational phase. For example:
ance with the regulations and to further reduce risk l Vessel operations in the safety zone (number
as far as is practicable (Section 11 of the Framework l and size of vessel, routines on arriving at the
Regulations). This means that barrier strategies must l installation).
be employed and followed up during operation, and l Materials handling (crane and lifting operations).
improvements must be implemented in order to l Operation, maintenance and testing of
reduce risk as the need arises. l equipment.
l Manned/unmanned areas.
The following factors are key to operations: We also know that assumptions and parameters
l Operate and use the facility in accordance can change during the operational phase.
l with assumptions, requirements and technical Examples of this might be:
l condition. l Changes in organisation, manning and respons-
l Ensure and maintain necessary barrier l ibilities, restructuring of operating routines.
l performance. l Altered operating conditions.
l Measurement and verification of the barriers’ l Change in management system.
l performance. l Modifications.
l Maintain control over contributors to risk and
l performance-influencing factors. Through ongoing operational experience, factors
l Follow up and enhance the barrier management will be revealed that mean that initial assumptions
l system. are no longer valid, due, for example, to
l results from the operation and maintenance
Establishment of the foundation for safeguarding l programme.
these conditions will play a key role in the importance l temporary or permanent non-conformities
of barrier management for preparations for operation. l changes, etc.
Securing effective communication and involvement in


Operate the facility in Ensure and maintain nece- Measurement and verification Maintaining control of
compliance with precon- ssary barrier performance of the barriers’ performance performance-influencing
ditions, requirements and • Maintenance, testing and • Management’s factors
technical condition inspection programmes monitoring activities Changes in performance-
• Operational procedures - Condition of barriers influencing factors
and routines, including veri-
and routines and use – altered properties Maintenance
• Preconditions for fication that performance and nonconformities Competence
startup and use requirements are met - Compliance with precon- Management
• Routines when barriers • Continuous condition ditions and context Risk perception
are non-functional and monitoring • Use of indicators Compliance
establishment of com- • Instruction, drills . Verify drills and training
pensatory measures and training
• Non-conformity handling • Improvement measures
in respect of changes
• Learning from incidents


Figure 10: Barrier management during operations – maintaining and monitoring barrier elements and functions

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

“A structured approach and a Necessary measures must be implemented to rectify

or compensate for missing or impaired barriers.
continuous process are important” In some circumstances, necessary compensatory
Furthermore, certain ageing facilities in operation measures will need to be clarified in advance. In other
have not had the most systematic basis for sound cases, situations which have arisen will have to be
barrier management in place from their concept and dealt with there and then. In any event, it is crucial
design phases. This makes it necessary to establish that compensatory measures provide a genuine risk
the requisite basis after the event. reduction relative to the barrier functions and areas
affected by missing or impaired barriers.
These examples show the importance of structured
barrier management and continuous improvement “What is the condition of the barriers?
throughout the entire operational phase.
Do they meet the requirements?
Good barrier management requires systems and
tools to be established in order to Do they fulfil their role?”
l measure and verify performance
l ensure that the barriers are available 5.6.3 Ensure and maintain necessary
l maintain the performance throughout the entire barrier performance
l operational phase, if necessary, incorporating
l modifications and changes “Technical barrier elements must be
In other words, barrier management in the operation-
al phase is not an activity that can be finished off and
tested, inspected and maintained ”
“parked” in a barrier strategy and in performance stan-
dards. It is important that these barrier strategies and For technical barrier elements, in many cases testing,
barrier requirements are easy to update and that they inspection and maintenance will be a good solution
are used in day-to-day work in order to provide good for verifying their condition and compliance with
safety. Barrier management is a continuous process. established performance requirements.

5.6.2 Operate in compliance with assumptions, “Organisational and operational barrier

requirements and technical condition elements must be trained and drilled ”
The regulations require having in place the necessary
systems and processes in order to verify that one
is operating in compliance with the preconditions For operational and organisational elements on the
defined for the activity (Section 19 of the Framework other hand, other systems and processes will be
Regulations). It is also a requirement that systems and required to verify performance. For verification of
processes have been established to identify and han- the performance of operational and organisational
dle non-conformities in a prudent manner barrier elements, examples of verification activities
(Section 22 of the Management Regulations). might be table top simulations and safety drills for
the emergency response organisation. In addition to
Operations must be based on the risk picture, the safety drills, there is considerable value in learning
barriers established in the barrier strategy, technical from actual incidents and alarms in the plant. Such
condition, assumptions and requirements. These must incidents and alarms can be used to verify whether
be monitored in order to provide for any changes, the performance requirements are actually fulfilled,
so that the barrier functions and elements perform and they should therefore be registered, documented
as they must. Such changes may occur in relation to and included in an evaluation.
preconditions, requirements, condition, personnel and
other performance-influencing factors. There may be certain situations where barrier ele-
ments are not able to perform their intended tasks
“Compensatory measures must and functions. There may, for example, be automated
systems that fail, or personnel who are unable to
be implemented in the event of perform a task or are absent. In such situations, alter-
impaired barriers ” native ways will often be sought to perform the same

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

task and secure the barrier. For especially vulnerable The need to investigate the consequences of changes
barrier elements and tasks, it may be useful to review also applies to changes in working practices and the
alternative ways of performing the task. division of responsibilities. Changes to the division
of responsibilities between the onshore and offshore
Interdisciplinary involvement in different barrier organisations might be an example of this. Similarly,
reviews may be important, for example in respect of it might apply to changes in respect of determining
failures and impairments of barriers and handling manning under new, or renegotiated, contracts with
changes and non-conformities. From experience, subcontractors.
it is often in the boundary layer between different
specialisms and units that difficulties may arise. Here, 5.6.4 Measure and verify the performance
there will often be a lack of a holistic overview of the of the barriers
barriers. It is easy to imagine that slippage may occur
in handling a barrier system if, for example, a safety “Results of measurements and verifications
critical valve is “owned” and assessed by one discipline,
the instrumentation by another and the hydrocar-
must be communicated to those who have
bon-carrying pipeline by a third. In order to ensure tasks in a barrier function”
a holistic perspective of the barrier status at the plant
at all times, it is important to implement processes A number of assumptions and prerequisites will
that guarantee the integrity of the barrier function underlie barrier management. These could include
and the interaction and any dependencies between prerequisites about the way a facility is to be oper-
different barrier functions. ated, or assumptions which influence testing and
maintenance of equipment. These prerequisites will
“Performance requirements must be determinative for subsequent operations. Failure
be reviewed and updated in the to conform with one or more of these prerequisites
would accordingly invalidate the basis of the subse-
operational phase” quent steps in the process. The most important job in
The performance requirements must be monitored, ensuring good barrier management is accordingly to
reviewed and, where necessary, updated in the oper- monitor, test and verify that operations accord with
ational phase in order to help ensure robust barriers the prerequisites which apply at any given time.
throughout the whole life cycle.
“Safety drills can be used to measure
“The effect of modifications and changes and verify the performance of barriers”
must be assessed. Organisational Measurements and verifications of performance can
changes are also considered changes” be usefully based on existing systems within the com-
pany. This type of follow-up can provide information
During a facility’s life, there will be technical modifica- about the condition of barrier functions and elements.
tions, replacement of equipment and changes of per- It may also provide support for decisions about
sonnel. Systematic management and risk assessments necessary measures and improvements, and provide
of the consequences of changes must relate to normal explanations and motivation for anyone with respon-
operation of the facility, but also to their significance sibilities for taking care of barrier functions. This makes
for the performance of the barrier elements and bar- it important for measurements and verifications to
rier functions. Changes require a process for change be appropriately communicated, so as to be seen as
management that identifies and assesses as a whole useful by those involved in a barrier function.
the influence of barrier strategies. Changes will trigger
a need to systematically check whether they have con- Evaluation of training and safety drills is one way of
sequences for the safeguarding of barrier functions verifying and improving performance. This is a rec-
or for the relationship between technical, operational ognised method after training and safety drills within
and organisational barrier elements. Personnel chang- emergency preparedness, but is also a way of improv-
es should be risk-assessed and evaluated against the ing other barrier functions involving personnel.
performance requirements.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Non-conformities may affect both the risk picture and ant performance-influencing factors for managing
the barriers’ ability to perform their intended tasks. A change. In addition, good decisions based on
non-conformity in this sense might be reduced perfor- sound risk assessments through cooperation between
mance of the barrier elements, but could also include management, operational personnel and and safety
disparities in context, assumptions and prerequisites. delegates will represent a key performance-
The combination of several non-conformities might influencing factor for managing change.
be critically important, even if the individual non-con-
formities in themselves are small. Non-conformities Management is a performance-influencing factor
that affect the risk picture and barriers must therefore that is able to ensure that systems and resources
be assessed and dealt with together. are in place, so that barriers are established and
their integrity is assured.
Good barrier management provides access to a lot
of useful information that helps produce a holistic Risk understanding is one prerequisite for under-
risk picture prior to operational decision-making. The standing what can go wrong, and also how to protect
difficulty is often not a lack of information. Rather, it is against this. Good risk understanding in all phases is
the opportunity and ability to sort and utilise relevant therefore key to achieving the compliance of proce-
information in a timely manner, and to understand dures, working practices and follow-up.
and contextualise the totality of the information. Vari-
ous tools for barrier management are in development, 5.6.6 Follow up and enhance the barrier
with the object of assisting with and supporting differ- management system
ent decision-making situations. These can be used in For monitoring, testing and verification to have a
overall planning processes and risk assessments, but value, systems and processes must be established
also in risk assessments performed during operations. to assess the results of these activities, so as to be
These might include work permit processes, safe job able to identify, assess and deal with changes and
analyses and in the case of jobs undertaken directly non-conformities in respect of established contexts,
in the plant. This type of tool can be useful as one of a assumptions and preconditions. Follow-up must
number of decision-support aids, but no tool provides identify needs for improvement in the barrier
a full, coherent overview. management process and implement necessary
improvement measures.
“Decisions must be based on good
5.6.7 Manning, competence, roles and
understanding of risk” responsibilities
It is important to ensure that the individual is
Decision-makers and risk owners must recognise the able to understand the relationship between
associated uncertainty and understand potential con- l the facility- and area-specific risk pictures
sequences of their choices and decisions, and make l the need for and role of the established barriers
decisions on the basis of good risk understanding. l the individual’s role in handling risk prudently
l and well
5.6.5 Maintain control of performance-
influencing factors This can help ensure that the different tools for barrier
Performance-influencing factors are factors that affect management and the associated information and
the ability of barrier functions and barrier elements results are used appropriately. This in turn will help
to work as intended. In operational phases, it will be provide a holistic perspective of barrier statuses and
important to maintain control of how these change, understand the risk picture for the area and plant at
since this may be significant for the barrier’s function. all times. Everyone responsible for tasks or roles that
Such changes may be short-term (e.g. weather, visi- affect the risk picture and/or the barriers’ ability to
bility and manning) or long-term (e.g. modifications, handle failure, hazard and accident situations requires
degradation of materials, and organisational changes). such competence.
Maintenance and retaining competence are import-

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Recognised methods and analyses for determining cises, or as simulator-based training. This will allow
manning and competence may be used, such as key elements such as affirmative communication to
task analyses, function allocation analyses, manning be practiced, and facilitate an increase in the under-
analyses, CRIOP, compatibility analyses etc. standing of the risk potential of incidents and the
A definition of competence is an individual’s or significance of the individual’s own role and respon-
a group’s ability to apply skills and knowledge to sibilities in safety-critical tasks that are necessary for
performing a job or task in an effective, correct achieving barrier functions.
and safe manner.
It is not necessarily possible to drill all major accident
scenarios, but, on the basis of investigations following
“Sufficient manning must be in actual incidents, it is possible to provide training on
place to perform the tasks” who must do what with which equipment or systems
during a sequence of events.
Once tasks that have to be performed by humans
have been identified, an assessment should be 5.6.8 Some useful questions about barrier
made of who in the organisation is to perform them. management in the operational phase
Manning levels should be assessed against the actual Some useful questions for those responsible for
equipment to be operated, the scope of tasks to be barrier management processes in the operational
performed, the sequences of tasks in a chain of events phase to ask:
and the time available. Manning should also be suffi- l How are the barrier strategies and associated
cient to cater both for safe operation and for handing l requirements applied/brought into use, and how
failure, hazard and accident situations (Section 14 of l are they made available to those who need them,
the Management Regulations). l when they need them?
l How are performance requirements identified and
l followed up in different operational and
“Personnel must know which tasks l maintenance procedures?
they have been assigned and be l How is it monitored that the individual barrier
ready to perform them” l elements and overall barrier function retain their
l necessary properties over time?
Personnel must be familiar with the requirements de- l Are the barrier functions adequately tested and
fined for the safety-critical tasks they have to perform. l how are the test results followed up in practice?
Each individual and group must be able to perform l How are changes that affect the assumptions
their tasks. The amount of training and safety drills l from the design phase handled?
associated with various specific incident scenarios can l How are barrier statuses incorporated in the
constitute appropriate performance requirements for l basis for decision-support and activity planning?
the personnel to be able to perform their tasks. Eval- l How is it ensured that the individual (see above
uation of the completion of training and safety drills l for what “the individual” means) has knowledge
can constitute verification of the performance. l of relevant hazards and is able to understand the
l relationship between the specific risk picture, the
“Practice is the key ” l need for and role of barriers, and the individual’s
l role in handling the risk?
Competence abates over time and therefore requires
repetition and quality in training. Familiarity with the Management’s involvement and commitment are
equipment and systems involved in the barriers is crucial for achieving sound and systematic processes
important for ensuring barrier function. Training for barrier management in the operational phase.
must be facility-, area- and system-specific. Without good management and the management’s
commitment, barrier management will rapidly be-
Training and drilling are key activities for ensuring that come simply documentation of “how good we are”,
personnel are capable of handling the tasks required with an aggregated and static display of KPIs that
to protect barrier functions. Scenario-based safety apparently demonstrate oversight and control.
drills can usefully be undertaken as table top exer-

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

6 References

The Activities Regulations, 2016. The Petroleum Safety

Authority Norway, the Environment Agency, the Direc-
torate of Health, the Labour Inspection Authority.

Ersdal, G., 2014. Safety of Structures, Compendium

at University of Stavanger, 2014.

Lauridsen, O., Lootz, E., Husebo, T., Ersdal, G., 2016.

Barrier management and the interaction between
technical, operational and organisational barrier
elements, Article in SPE International Conference and
Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment
and Social Responsibility, SPE-179364-MS, SPE 2016.

NORSOK S-001. Technical safety (Edition 4,

February 2008), Standards Norway 2008.

NS-EN ISO 9000 (2005), Systemer for kvalitetsstyring

Grunntrekk og terminologi (ISO 9000:2005),
Standards Norway, 2005.

NS-ISO 31000 (2009), Risikostyring – Prinsipper

og retningslinjer, Standards Norway.

NSM 2015, Veiledning (2015-04-08) Fysisk sikring

mot ulovlig inntrengning, Nasjonal sikkerhets-
myndighet, 2015

The Framework Regulations, 2016. The Petroleum

Safety Authority Norway, the Environment Agency,
the Directorate of Health, the Labour Inspection

Sikringshåndboka, Norwegian Defence Estates

Agency, 2016

SINTEF 2014, Vedlikeholdets plass i barrierestyringen

[The place of maintenance in barrier management],
Report A26001, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway

The Management Regulations, 2016. The Petroleum

Safety Authority Norway, the Environment Agency,
the Directorate of Health.

The Technical and Operational Regulations, 2016.

The Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, the
Directorate of Health.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

7 Appendix – Complementary for security purposes. Examples of barrier functions

examples within security are to deter, detect, delay, deny and
verify the existence of an attack, respond to the
7.1 SECURITY threat and restore functionality. The security plan
7.1.1 Is barrier management relevant primarily covers preventive and protective measures,
for security? or likelihood-reducing measures (such as reducing
Security incidents are themselves incidents outside of vulnerability), while the emergency preparedness
normal operating situations. In a world where every- plan covers the reactive and consequence-reducing
one was law-abiding, security measures would not measures. There will however be a degree of overlap
be necessary. However, because security incidents between these two plans as well as measures taking
do occur, it is necessary to establish barriers (security place concurrently.
measures) in order to reduce the opportunity for such
situations to occur and develop. The use of barrier Example: Having performed a security risk analysis, a
management principles for security incidents contrib- scenario has been identified in which three people (with
utes to a more systematic approach to the identifica- limited knowledge but high motivation) will attempt to
tion, establishment and maintenance of the barriers. break into the base in order to place explosives into an
open basket that is going out to a facility. Based on this
7.1.2 The relationship between the security scenario, various barriers/measures have also been
plan and the emergency preparedness plan identified to reduce the risk, both a robust baseline
The barrier process is based on existing document- security and measures that can be implemented in the
ation and information. Therefore, there is no require- event of a raised threat level. This is catered for, notably,
ment for new documentation, but a more systematic by a security plan. Once an incident has occurred, the
and conscious approach towards the work on security emergency preparedness plan will be set in motion.
is needed. The design of the facility can help make it better
Figure 11 shows the principles for barriers used at dealing with security incidents.

“The design of the facility can help make it

better at dealing with security incidents.”


Detect Delay, deny, verify Response Recover

Security plan (preventive measures)

Emergency response plan
Figure 11: Principles for barriers used for security (reactive measures)

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

When designing a facility, it is also possible to reduce Example: A physical security concept may comprise
the risk of security incidents. For example, “vulnerable” technical, operational and organisational elements. For
rooms (server rooms, water, food, etc.) can be situated example, there may be surveillance cameras monitoring
to make them inaccessible to unauthorised parties. different zones. Images from the cameras are displayed
Similarly, the facility can be designed so that unau- in a monitoring centre manned by guards. These have
thorised personnel are unable to climb up from sea instructions and routines describing how the cameras
level without being detected. Furthermore, physical are to be monitored, what they should surveil and how
obstacles can be established to make it more difficult they should react to different observations. Performance/
to climb up (delay). Principles that can be set out in operational requirements are defined for both cameras
the concept and design phases might be balanced and guards. Cameras must be able to identify a person
security1 and security in depth2. moving at a given speed in a defined zone under certain
performance-influencing conditions (for example, night
7.1.3 The interaction between technical, time, fog, rain). Guards must have verified alarms and,
organisational and operational barrier where relevant, notified the police within two minutes.
elements In other words, “Who does what with which equipment
A physical protection system (PPS) may be intended in a security incident”.
to prevent unauthorised access to a facility or plant.
It can be seen as a barrier function, which in turn may In this example, we have used physical security, but
comprise various barrier sub-functions. Examples the principles are equally relevant for cyber security.
of barrier sub-functions in the security domain are
deterrence, detection, prevention and response.
Intelligence and monitoring (CCTV and guards)
can be sub-functions of detection.

Balanced security: this means that the total delay
provided by the security measures is greater than the
response time. Balance in the security measures refers to
coherent security against a threat and, for example, that
doors, walls and windows have the same resistance to
intrusion. (Sikringshåndboka, 2016)

Security in depth: a combined solution with several
stages of detection opportunities and delaying Prevent
barriers, and a reaction apparatus with a genuine unauthorised
ability to stop an intrusion (NSM, 2015) access

Detection Delay
and deny

Delay or deny Intrusion must

access to be verified and
sensitive areas dealt with

Figure 12: Barrier functions and sub-functions for security incidents

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry



Surveillance cameras Guards Verify alarms
Access control system Employees Monitor and patrol
Fences Check incoming
ELEMENTS IDS (sensors) personnel and goods
Lighting Respond to alarms
Alarm systems Warn and detain

Possible to identify (10%) a Level 1-3 security guard Respond to and verify an
PERFORMANCE person walking, creeping qualifications Course in alarm and notify police
REQUIREMENTS and jumping in all weather explosive detection within two minutes
conditions 24/7 Weekly training in handling

Weather, ground conditions, Sleep, training, food, vision, Procedures

maintenance, monitoring, physical condition, proximity
PERFORMANCE- location, settings

Figure 13: Example of technical, organisational and operational barrier elements involved in providing the
“Prevent unauthorised access” barrier function. The figure also shows examples of performance
requirements and performance-influencing factors.

7.2 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT personnel. For example, the risk analysis may assume
By virtue of its purpose, to sustain and restore the that equipment is tested and maintained, meaning
performance of barrier elements among others, main- that delayed maintenance may affect the risk picture
tenance is a key aspect of barrier management. In negatively, and must therefore be monitored. It is
addition, maintenance will be directed at equipment worth noting that RNNP (Trends in risk level in the
that is not defined as barriers, including processing petroleum activity) shows that year-on-year certain
and auxiliary systems. facilities fail to meet industry standards in respect of
the performance of selected barrier elements. This
The relationship between maintenance management may be indicative of a deficient capability for con-
and barrier management is described in “Vedlike- tinuous improvement.
holdets plass i barrierestyringen” (SINTEF 2013).
Reduced performance and failure of HSE-critical A comparison of results from risk analysis with estab-
equipment (such as barriers) may affect risk, which lished decision-making criteria and acceptance criteria
means that its maintenance must be continuously may lead to more (or less) stringent criteria for testing
improved as far as is practicable. of the barriers, with associated adjustments to the
maintenance programme. It must also be assessed
Risk analyses performed as part of the decision whether the defined requirements for frequency of
support for barrier management must be planned maintenance and testing are realistic in respect of
and executed so that they are sufficiently detailed and operational limitations and resources.
appropriate, including being capable of communica-
tion to different user groups – including maintenance

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

7.2.1 Regulations deficient or defective maintenance. Certain findings

The HSE regulations require that facilities (including from RNNP show that there is large variation between
all their systems and equipment, including barriers) be companies and between facilities in respect of the
maintained so as to be capable of performing their in- performance of key barrier elements. More systematic
tended functions in all phases of their lifetime (Section improvement work, through, for example, experience
45 of the Activities Regulations). Maintenance should transfer between facilities in the same company and
help prevent the occurrence of faults with negative between companies, can help reduce the differences.
consequences for personnel, the external environ- A failure to observe deadlines or a lack of follow-up of
ment, operational regularity and material assets. degradation has been observed to be a challenge in
barrier maintenance.
This clearly shows the importance of maintenance
management, not least in terms in HSE-critical equip- 7.3 WELLBORE DRILLING AND WELLS
ment and barriers. The participants therefore need One example of a barrier function within drilling is the
appropriate usable and cost-efficient maintenance detection of influx or kick during a drilling operation 3.
methods based on the equipment’s failure patterns.
In situations where a given design has already been Figure 14 illustrates how the different technical,
deployed, it is through the maintenance function that organisation and operational barrier elements are
the problem of recurrent faults must be identified and incorporated in order to provide this barrier function.
resolved, whether this entails redesign/modification Mudloggers and drillers have volume control for the
or better-adapted maintenance. mud during drilling in order to detect influx from the
well. The mudlogger warns the driller and the driller
7.2.2 Major accident potential decides on the measures to implement. Subsequent
One aim of maintenance management is to identify barrier functions might include the driller closing the
critical functions and ensure that barriers function BOP and the drilling supervisor and toolpusher man-
when required. aging ensuing killing of the well in order to restore
well control.
Maintenance is a necessary prerequisite for upholding
the performance of a barrier element and to improve The figure also shows some examples of performance
its condition and performance over time. This is done requirements defined for the technical, organisational
through and operational barrier elements and performance-
l verification of the performance of the barrier influencing factors.
l elements (functional testing and condition
l preventive maintenance (PM) to prevent the Structures are primarily components of a safe and
l occurrence of safety-critical failures robust solution. Without them, none of the activi-
l corrective maintenance (CM) to restore ties on a petroleum facility could take place. At the
l functionality once a fault has occurred or is same time, structures and marine systems are barrier
l developing elements in failure, hazard and accident situations.
In respect of corrective maintenance, it is also Examples of these include:
important to detect causes of the failures to l The structure must be able to withstand a
avoid recurrences. l collision from a vessel up to a certain size and
l at a certain speed. In the hazard situation of a
7.2.3 Safety-critical failures l collision from a vessel, many barrier functions will
Reviews of safety-critical failures in the operation- l normally be in place and should normally prevent
al phase show that a considerable proportion of l the collision, but the structure needs to provide
the faults may be ascribed, directly or indirectly, to l functionality to contribute to preventing a

Within the drilling and wells domain, the term “barrier” refers to technical barriers in the well (the Facilities Regulations, Chap. VIII
and the Activities Regulations, Chap. XV ). The barrier memorandum does not seek to change the definitions linked to well barriers.

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry



Level gauges in mud tank Driller Monitor and evaluate
Flow meter Mudlogger backflow,
Gas meter Data engineer pressure and drilling rate
ELEMENTS System for sampling and Flow check
presentation of well data Assess closing BOP

Sensor accessibility, robust- Specific competence require- Kick and action criteria
PERFORMANCE ness and functionality ments for each position. Response time, responsibility
REQUIRMENTS Redundancy, two indepen- Drills and co-training and tasks assigned to different
dent measuring systems positions.
Affirmative communication

PERFOMANCE- Maintenance management Well planning. Workload

INFLUENCING and programme Familiarisation, allocation of responsibilities,
FACTORS Calibration of organisational complexity...
instrumentation Language and cooperation. Safety culture
Availability and quality of procedures, scope and quality of
drills and training, design of plant and equipment, weather ...

Figure 14: Example of technical, organisational and operational barrier elements involved in providing the
“Detection of kick during a drilling operation” barrier function. The figure also shows examples
of performance requirements and performance-influencing factors.

l collapse of the facility if none of the preceding l Floating structures and their marine systems must
l barriers have worked as intended. l have the necessary stability and position follow-
l Structures must have the necessary load l ing incidents such as fire, explosion, structural
l capacity following incidents such as fire, l failures, water ingress or collision from vessels of
l explosion, partial structural failures, water ingress l sufficient duration to allow evacuation of the
l or collision from vessels of sufficient duration to l facility.
l allow evacuation of the facility. The functions of structures and marine systems as
barrier elements are essentially covered by the
Similarly, marine systems for stability and positioning existing standards for structures (NORSOK N-series of
are primarily aspects of a safe and robust solution. standards and the Norwegian Maritime Directorate’s
Marine systems have a number of barrier functions for rules). A review of failure, hazard and accident situa-
providing stability and positioning. Examples of these tions for the specific facility and where the structure
include: and marine systems contribute to barrier functions is
l Withstand unintended filling (flooding). equally important in order to define the correct
l Two on the bridge – one monitoring and one performance requirements for the design and
l acting – barrier function to identify failure, implementation of structures and marine systems.
l hazard and accident situations. This is especially important for new concepts and
l Redundant systems for ballasting. systems used in contexts that are atypical.
Like structures, marine systems have functions in
other failure, hazard and accident situations:

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry

Principles for barrier management in the petroleum industry


Version 1 06.12. 2011 Geir Frafjord, Vidar Kristensen Øyvind Tuntland

Version 2 29.01. 2013 Geir Frafjord, Vidar Kristensen, Øyvind Lauridsen Magne Ognedal
Version 3 15.03. 2017 Aina Eltervåg, Tommy B. Hansen, Elisabeth Lootz, Anne Myhrvold
Else Rasmussen, Eigil Sørensen, Bård Johnsen,
Jon Erling Heggland, Øyvind Lauridsen, Gerhard Ersdal

Which failure, hazard and accident “Failure, hazard and accident
situations do we need to be able to handle? situations may arise.

How should we handle these situations? The function of barriers is to detect

these at an early stage, reduce their
potential for propagating and limit
harm and disruption.

Barriers supplement a safe and

robust solution.”

“Sufficient manning must be Who does what with which equipment in

in place to perform the tasks. a failure, hazard and accident situation?

Personnel must know which tasks they have

been assigned and be able to perform them.

Technical barrier elements must be What is the condition of the barriers?

tested, inspected and maintained. Do they meet the requirements?
Do they fulfil their role?
Personnel must be trained and drilled
in performing their barrier function.”

“The object of barrier

management is to reduce risk”

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