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ROSICRUCIAN ORDER Eee Master Monograph The matter contained herein is offically issued through’ the Supreme Council of the A.M.O.R.C. under the emblem below, which was registered in the United States Patent Office for the purpose of pro: tecting all the "printed, engraved, typewritten, and photographic copies of official, prescribed, end copy: righted lectures, dissertations, scientific postuations, philosophical discourses and academic studies, diagrams, ilustrations and charts” as authorized by the Imperator of A. M.O.R.C. All matters herein contained are strictly confidential to the member receiving, and are imparted only as an incident to membership. The ownership of, the legal ftle and the right of possession to this monograph is and shall remain in the Su Grond Lodge of A.M.O.R.C. and it shall be returned to it upon its request. The contents herein ere _ loaned to be used for the sole and exclusive information of the receiving member and not otherwise. Any cther use or attempted use does, ipso facto, terminate all rights of the member, and is @ violation of the Stotutes of this Order. A.M.O.R.C. is the only organization authorized to use the Registered name and symbols, and the Imperator hes sole right to grant the use of them to other allied orgonizations or movements. ‘ SUPREME TEMPLE ROSICRUCIAN PARK, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA - ‘Consecrated to truth and dedicated to every Rosicrucian” 4 ¢ No. AMORG - Rosicrucian Order mat TENTH GRADE TEMPLE MONOGRAPH PAGE ONE NUMBER FORTY-THREE, Fratres and Sorofes, Greetings! We have had sufficient extracts from the ancient teachings for the time being; and I am sure that what we have had hes enabled you to get a very good idea of what was being taught and believed by the advanced thinkers, mystics, philosophers, and spiritual advisors of the different lands and nations preceding the Christian Era. Just at this moment in our study of the activities and work of the Great White Brotherhood, we are dealing with conditions a few centur- ies before the birth of Jesus, and it is one of the most important epochs in the history of civilization. The birth of Jesus was the grand culmination of hopes, aspirations, expectations, and Cosmic conditions which had prevailed for many centuries; and we really must look upon the first four or five centuries before His birth as the very cradle of modern mysticism and modern philosophy. Becayse this is so, I believe it absolutely nécessary to go into more ‘detail regarding the activities of the Brotherhood in Egypt and other lands between the time of the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt and the time that they reached a great point in their activi- ties when Jesus was born. First of all, we find that the Great White Brotherhood had establish- ed its prindpel monastery and school at Helbpolis. There had been a small school at Thebes, and there had been another at Fayyum, and there were smaller branches just outside of Cairo and in other parts of Egypt; but the Brotherhood finally built and established its largest monastery and Supreme Temple at Helopolis. Now Heltpolis was a very old center of civilization, but not a lazge city or town by any means. Thothmes III had ereoted some ob- elieks there, and the place was called the "oity of the sun," the word "Helios" means "sun." I recently visited this city, along with a group of officers of our organization, in order to become acquain- ted with the ancient landmarks and to study the conditions of that part of Egypt. Heliopolis ie only an hour's ride, by automovile, northward from Cairo, and of course there is a nolern settleuent there today that hac no connection with the ancient Heliopolis, which is outside of the town limits of the present city. The ancient Helldpolis was situated right in the center of a great expense of lowlands, perfeotly level, and had a wonderful climate and a high rate of Vibrations, which are still sensed by those who visit the locality. The prigsthood of Zeypt had also built some shrines and temples thore. Before the Great White Brotherhood decided to build its Supreme Tomple and monastery at this location, the sacred build~ ings ezected there by the pagan priesthood of Egypt gave the oity of Heliopolis the aspect of being entirely a religious center, and in fact it was known as such all through the centuries preceding the birth of Christ, and during the Christian period as well. The native name of the town wac "On," and we find this name mentioned in the Bible. The sun worship from which the city derived the name "Heliopo- Lic" vas, of course, the pagen interpretation of the sun's relation dy jo Divas * W: she re: us worship of the privet ae fo bgyy énagvnerg ‘there See 2 qumver p2 ports 3 eago” min god used a’ iopois. These gods were talcon-headed and human— AMORC ~ Rosicrucian Order -B- TENTH DEGREE TEMPLE MONOGRAPH PAGE TWO NUMBER FORTY-THREE headed and of various shapes, and even a sacred bull was worshipped here under the name of Minevis. The sun god Re (pronounced Ra or Rah) was of course the royal god over all the other gods worshipped in Egypt, and so this god also had a place in this city. The reason that the Great White Brotherhood especially selected the city of On and made popular the name Heliopolis was because the pagan priesthood had built and established at this locality one of the largest and best structures for the preservation of the ancient Egyptian records, and in fact this wonderful building became the de- pository of all the royal records. For this reason, the priests at Heliopolis and those of the priesthood acting as scribes and arch- ivists, and who lived close to this wonderful depository, became the best informed men of the pagan priesthood. They had all’ the ancient records, manuscripts, and teachings at their disposal, and they soon utilized them by establishing there a small school for their priesthood, wherein they instructed only those of their pagan fol- lowers who had the most brilliant minds. According to the G.T, Records, the Great White Brotherhood expected that the day would come when the pagan priesthood of Egypt would be overthrown completely, as it had been partially overthrown by Amen- hotep IV, and when that day came, the Great White Brotherhood antici- pated coming into possession of the rare records, manuscripts, and other things preserved in this wonderful library or depository at Heliopolis. ‘Therefore, considering the climate, the wonderful vibra- tions of the locality, the isolation from the city of Cairo, and the convenience of reaching the place, along with the existence of this depository, we find that the Great White Brotherhood looked upon Heliopolis as the most desirable place to have its Supreme Temple and monastery. How well they succeeded in making the new monastery and Supreme Temple a great school of learning is shown by the fact that Plato and other Greek philosophers came there to study, and wrote in their records about the marvelous information that was contained in this center of learning. If was the existence of this center of learning in Egypt that made Egypt the most enlightened country in the world, and the place to which all great men from many lands journeyed in order to complete their education and become the philosophers, scientists, spiritual advisors, and mystics that we read about in history. Some centuries later, Alexandria almost duplicated Heliopolis as a center of learning; for the priesthood, as well as private interests not connected with priesthood or with the Great White Brotherhood also established some schools at Alexandria, and even the Great White Brotherhood itself eventually built a college of the higher sciences at Alexandria, so the two cities became rivals. Not being so very far apart, the existence of these two centers of learning made Northern Egypt the educational center of that part of the world.

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