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Vol. 52, No. 8, August 2005, pp 2343–2349

DOI 10.1002/art.21277
© 2005, American College of Rheumatology

The Natural History of Anteroposterior Laxity and

Its Role in Knee Osteoarthritis Progression

Nimesh Dayal, Alison Chang, Dorothy Dunlop, Karen Hayes, Rowland Chang,
September Cahue, Jing Song, Leah Torres, and Leena Sharma

Objective. To test the hypotheses that 1) osteoar- greater, after adjusting for age, sex, and BMI) than did
thritic (OA) knees at more advanced stages have less knees in which laxity decreased.
anteroposterior (AP) laxity compared with OA knees at Conclusion. AP laxity at baseline is not predictive
milder stages, 2) AP laxity decreases over time, and 3) of progression of OA. Although knees with a K/L score
the absence of a decrease in AP laxity is associated with of 4 had less AP laxity than those with a K/L score of
greater progression of medial tibiofemoral OA. 0–1, most of this difference was attributable to the
Methods. The study group comprised 230 patients significant difference in AP laxity between knees with a
with knee OA (75% women, mean age 64 years, mean K/L score of 0–1 and knees with a K/L score of 2 (i.e.,
body mass index [BMI] 30 kg/m2). At baseline and 18 definite osteophytes). Knees in which AP laxity de-
months, AP laxity was measured (in millimeters of tibial creased had less medial joint space loss than did knees
translation, under AP shear loading), and semiflexed without a decrease in AP laxity. The knee joint may
AP knee radiographs (with knee position confirmed by successfully compensate for AP laxity; the absence of
fluoroscopy) were obtained. Osteophytes were graded such compensation may have a deleterious effect.
for each compartment, using a scale of 0–4. Disease
progression was measured as the amount of medial joint Stability is a critical component of healthy joint
space loss between baseline and followup, using linear mechanics. At the knee, stability is provided by the
regression with generalized estimating equations. ligaments, capsule, bony geometry of the joint surfaces,
Results. At baseline, measurements of AP laxity and tibiofemoral contact forces generated by muscle
were lower in knees with a Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) activity and gravitational forces (1). Knee instability or
score of 4 (mean ⴞ SD 5.0 ⴞ 2.1 mm) than in those with laxity is broadly defined as abnormal displacement or
a K/L score of 0–1 (mean ⴞ SD 7.1 ⴞ 2.6 mm). There rotation of the tibia with respect to the femur. Knee
was a weak negative correlation between osteophyte laxity is associated with greater and more abrupt motion
grade and AP laxity. In knees with a K/L score of 0–2,
of joint surfaces, as well as contact between poorly fitting
AP laxity was slightly lower at 18 months than at
joint surfaces, which has the potential to damage artic-
baseline. AP laxity at baseline was not a predictor of
ular cartilage and contribute to the progression of
progression of OA. Knees without a decrease in AP
osteoarthritis (OA).
laxity had a greater loss of medial joint space (0.22 mm
The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments of
the knee make a major contribution to anteroposterior
Supported by the NIH (grants P60-AR-48098 and AR-48478 (AP) stability (2). In the canine model, anterior cruciate
from the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin ligament (ACL) transection leads to pathologic changes
Diseases) and the Arthritis Foundation.
Nimesh Dayal, MD, Alison Chang, MS, Dorothy Dunlop, of OA (3,4). According to results of retrospective studies
PhD, Karen Hayes, PhD, Rowland Chang, MD, MPH, September in humans (5–9), as many as 60–90% of knees sustaining
Cahue, BS, Jing Song, Leah Torres, BS, Leena Sharma, MD: Feinberg ACL rupture develop radiographic changes of OA
School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Leena within 15 years of injury.
Sharma, MD, 240 East Huron, Suite 2300, Feinberg School of Medi- Evidence of ACL damage may be more common
cine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 60611. E-mail: L-Sharma@ in persons with idiopathic knee OA (i.e., the commonest
Submitted for publication December 8, 2004; accepted in form of OA, which is not secondary to ACL tear) than in
revised form April 29, 2005. age-matched controls (10), but it is unclear whether this

abnormal ACL anatomy accelerates OA progression. members of the registry of the Beuhler Center on Aging at
This has been examined in one study, in which the Northwestern University, and via local medical center
presence of an ACL tear on magnetic resonance imaging
Inclusion and exclusion criteria were based on Na-
(MRI) did not increase the odds of joint space loss as tional Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin
determined by radiography (11) but was predictive of Diseases/National Institute on Aging–sponsored multidisci-
tibiofemoral cartilage loss on MRI (12). plinary workshop recommendations for knee OA progression
AP knee instability may be directly assessed and studies (16). Inclusion criteria were definite tibiofemoral os-
has been examined in patients with knee OA in a small teophyte presence (Kellgren/Lawrence [K/L] radiographic
score ⱖ2) (17) in 1 or both knees and at least some difficulty
number of cross-sectional studies. Results of these stud-
with knee-requiring activity. Exclusion criteria were cortico-
ies suggest that greater disease severity is associated with steroid injection within the previous 3 months or history of
less AP laxity, despite the presence of ACL pathology in avascular necrosis, rheumatoid or other inflammatory arthritis,
the advanced stages of OA (13,14). Brage et al theorized periarticular fracture, Paget’s disease, villonodular synovitis,
that AP laxity decreases over time in OA knees due to joint infection, ochronosis, neuropathic arthropathy, acromeg-
osteophyte growth and soft tissue contracture (14). aly, hemachromatosis, gout, pseudogout, or osteopetrosis.
Approval was obtained from the Office for the Protection of
Changes in AP laxity over time in patients with knee OA
Research Subjects–Institutional Review Board of Northwest-
has not as yet been reported. ern University. Written consent was obtained from all partic-
A decrease in AP laxity over time in OA knees ipants.
would suggest that joint tissues compensate for the Measurement of AP laxity. AP laxity was evaluated
instability. With successful compensation, it is likely that with the KT1000 arthrometer (MEDmetric Corporation, San
neither ACL status nor AP laxity at one time point Diego, CA). This system reproducibly measures the anterior
and posterior displacement of the tibia that results from known
would be a predictor of progression of knee OA. How-
forces (18–22) and is used to assess anterior stability of the
ever, a lack of compensation, as reflected by the absence knee before and after ACL reconstruction. The arthrometer is
of a decrease in AP laxity, may be associated with a strapped to the leg, and tibial translations are recorded relative
greater likelihood of OA progression. to the femur during AP shear loading.
The medial tibiofemoral compartment may be at Specifically, a thigh-support platform was placed under
greater risk for OA progression due to AP laxity. During both legs proximal to the popliteal space to maintain an angle
of 35° of knee flexion and establish the patella in the trochlea.
walking in healthy knees, 60–80% of load passes through The patient’s heels were placed on a platform such that the
the medial tibiofemoral compartment, making it more lateral malleoli rested proximal to upright components of the
vulnerable to factors that increase load across the knee, platform, preventing external rotation. The arthrometer was
including AP laxity. Posttraumatic ACL tears were predic- placed on the anterior tibia so that the patellar pad was on the
tive of greater OA changes in the medial compartment patella and completely proximal to the patellar tendon. A
than in the lateral compartment (5,8,9), and change in distal Velcro strap was applied firmly around the calf to
stabilize the arthrometer. The examiner stabilized the patella
AP laxity in the setting of ACL injury was a predictor of and pulled the force handle smoothly and slowly until tones
major meniscal tears more often in the medial compart- sounded at 15N and 20N. One examiner made all measure-
ment than in the lateral compartment (15). ments of AP translation. The intersession reliability for mea-
We tested the following hypotheses in patients surements obtained by this examiner, who was testing subjects
with knee OA: 1) the degree of AP laxity is lower at of varying body habitus who had knee OA, was high (intraclass
more advanced stages of knee OA than at mild stages, 2) correlation coefficients [ICCs] 0.95–0.99).
Acquisition of knee radiographs. In all participants,
AP laxity is decreased in knees with a higher osteophyte bilateral, weight-bearing knee radiographs were obtained at
grade, 3) AP laxity decreases over time in OA knees, and baseline and at 18 months, following the Buckland-Wright
4) a lack of decrease in AP laxity over time is associated protocol (23). According to this protocol, knee position, crite-
with a greater likelihood of medial tibiofemoral OA ria for beam alignment relative to the knee center, radiopaque
progression. markers to account for magnification, and measurement land-
marks were specified.
The standing semiflexed view of the knee in this
PATIENTS AND METHODS protocol enhances the accuracy and reliability of medial joint
space assessment because it achieves superimposition of the
Participants. The Mechanical Factors in Arthritis of anterior and posterior tibial plateau lines. Specifically, the
the Knee (MAK) study is a longitudinal study of the contribu- knee was flexed until the tibial plateau was horizontal, parallel
tion of mechanical factors to disease progression and func- to the beam and perpendicular to the film. To control for
tional decrease in knee OA. Participants were recruited from rotation, the heel was fixed and the foot rotated until the tibial
the community through advertising in periodicals target- spines were central within the femoral notch. Knee position
ing elderly persons, neighborhood organizations, letters to was confirmed by fluoroscopy before films were obtained. Foot

maps made at baseline were used to standardize repositioning

at 18 months.
Radiographic assessments and definition of progres-
sion. The K/L grading system was used to measure global
radiographic severity. According to this system, 0 ⫽ normal
(no osteophytes), 1 ⫽ possible osteophytes, 2 ⫽ definite
osteophytes and possible joint space narrowing, 3 ⫽ moderate/
multiple osteophytes, definite joint space narrowing, some
sclerosis, and possible attrition, and 4 ⫽ large osteophytes,
marked joint space narrowing, severe sclerosis, and definite
attrition. Osteophytes were graded separately for each com-
partment on a scale of 0–4, where 0 ⫽ none, 1 ⫽ possible, 2 ⫽
small, 3 ⫽ moderate, and 4 ⫽ large. The highest osteophyte
grade for a given knee within either the tibiofemoral or Figure 2. Anteroposterior (AP) laxity, anterior laxity, and posterior
patellofemoral compartment was determined. To assess me- laxity according to highest osteophyte grade per knee at baseline.
dial tibiofemoral OA progression, joint space was measured at
the narrowest point in the medial compartment, using calipers
with electronic readout, according to a previously described were used to examine the relationship between medial space
measurement protocol (24). Progression was defined as the loss and the absence of a baseline–to–18-month decrease in
loss of medial joint space between baseline and 18 months. AP laxity (defined as a decrease of ⱖ5% and, in further
Reliability for the single reader (LS) was very good for grading analyses, as a decrease of ⱖ10%).
(␬ ⫽ 0.85–0.86) and measurement (ICC 0.95–0.98). The
examiner who measured AP laxity and the radiograph reader RESULTS
were blinded to the results obtained by each other.
Of the 237 persons at risk for OA progression in
Statistical analysis. All descriptive and univariate sta-
tistical analyses examined measurements of AP, anterior, and at least 1 knee, 7 (3%) did not return at 18 months (5
posterior laxity in 1 knee per person (the right knee). Differ- died, and 2 could not be reached). Among the 230
ences in AP laxity related to the K/L score were analyzed using participants, 172 (75%) were women. The mean ⫾ SD
t-tests. The 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was calculated age of the participants was 64 ⫾ 11 years, and the
for the difference in AP laxity at baseline according to K/L
mean ⫾ SD BMI was 30 ⫾ 6 kg/m2. At baseline, the
score. Correlation coefficients and associated 95% CIs were
calculated for the association between the highest osteophyte distribution of disease severity (among right knees) was
grade and measures of AP laxity. The mean change in laxity as follows: 15 knees had a K/L score of 0–1, 108 knees
measures and 95% CIs between baseline and 18 months were had a K/L score of 2, 71 knees had a K/L score of 3, and
calculated. 36 knees had a K/L score of 4. At baseline, the mean ⫾
In knee-based analyses (i.e., using both knees), the
SD AP laxity was 5.7 ⫾ 2.2 mm and did not differ
relationship between baseline AP laxity measures and subse-
quent medial joint space loss (from baseline to 18 months), between men (5.5 ⫾ 2.0 mm) and women (5.8 ⫾ 2.3
adjusting for potentially influential factors (i.e., age, sex, body mm). AP laxity did not correlate with age (R ⫽ 0.02) in
mass index [BMI], baseline disease severity), was examined these individuals with established knee OA.
using multiple regression analysis with generalized estimating Baseline AP laxity. As shown in Figure 1, less AP
equations (GEE) to account for the correlation between knees
laxity was observed in knees with a K/L score of 4 than
within an individual patient (25). Multiple regression analyses

Figure 1. Anteroposterior (AP) laxity, anterior laxity, and posterior Figure 3. Change in anteroposterior (AP) laxity between baseline and
laxity according to Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) score at baseline. 18 months, according to Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) score.

Figure 4. Change in anteroposterior (AP) laxity between baseline and 18 months,

according to highest osteophyte grade per knee.

in knees with a K/L score of 0–1 (5.0 ⫾ 2.1 mm versus (R ⫽ ⫺0.20, P ⫽ 0.003), anterior laxity (R ⫽ ⫺0.13, P ⫽
7.1 ⫾ 2.6 mm [95% CI 0.6, 3.4]). The difference in AP 0.04), and posterior laxity (R ⫽ ⫺0.16, P ⫽ 0.01) at the
laxity between knees with a K/L score of 0–1 and those baseline visit.
with a K/L score of 2–3 was significant (mean difference Change in AP laxity between baseline and 18
1.3 [95% CI 0.04, 2.6]). The difference in AP laxity months. Next, we examined the course of AP laxity over
between knees with a K/L score of 2–3 and those with a time. In all right knees without advanced OA, the level
K/L score of 4 was not significant (mean difference 0.7 of AP laxity was lower at 18 months than at baseline.
[95% CI ⫺0.1, 1.5]). The mean change was a 0.4-mm decrease (95% CI 0.2,
For all K/L scores, anterior laxity was higher than 0.7 [P ⫽ 0.002 for the difference between visits]). This
posterior laxity; both anterior and posterior laxity ap- change was predominantly attributable to a decrease in
peared to be lower in knees with a K/L score of 4 than in anterior laxity. The mean change in anterior laxity was
those with a K/L score of 0–1 (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows an 0.8-mm decrease (from 4.4 mm to 3.6 mm; 95% CI
AP laxity, anterior laxity, and posterior laxity according 0.6, 1.0 [P ⬍ 0.0001]). The mean change in posterior
to the maximum osteophyte grade, with a pattern of laxity was a 0.4-mm increase (from 1.4 to 1.8 mm) (95%
distribution similar to that shown for AP laxity according CI 0.2, 0.5 [P ⬍ 0.0001]).
to K/L score. Weak negative correlations were observed The change in AP laxity over time according to
between the highest osteophyte grade and AP laxity K/L score is shown in Figure 3, and the change in AP

Figure 5. Change in anterior laxity between baseline and 18 months, according to

Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) score.

Figure 6. Change in posterior laxity between baseline and 18 months, according to

Kellgren/Lawrence (K/L) score.

laxity according to the highest osteophyte grade in predictive of medial joint space loss in either adjusted or
shown in Figure 4. The changes in anterior and posterior unadjusted analyses.
laxity according to K/L score are shown in Figures 5 and In knees in which AP laxity did not decrease, the
6, respectively. In knees with a K/L score of ⬍3, AP mean loss of medial joint space was 0.21 mm, compared
laxity decreased slightly (Figure 3). Anterior laxity de- with a mean loss of 0.03 mm in knees in which AP laxity
creased slightly in knees with a K/L score of ⱕ3 (Figure decreased. This unadjusted difference (0.18) was statis-
5). In knees with a K/L score of 4, AP laxity increased tically significant (95% CI 0.01, 0.35) and persisted after
slightly, and anterior laxity did not change. Posterior adjustment for age, sex, and BMI (Table 1). The ad-
laxity appeared to increase slightly in all knees, although justed coefficient of 0.22 indicates that knees in which
to a lesser degree in knees with a K/L score of 4 (Figure AP laxity did not decrease had an additional 0.22-mm
6). Results for AP, anterior, and posterior laxity change loss of joint space compared with the loss in knees in
according to highest osteophyte grade were similar to which AP laxity did decrease. Further adjustment for
those determined according to the K/L score. disease severity at baseline minimally affected the result
AP laxity and OA progression. The relationship (the age-, sex-, BMI-, and disease severity–adjusted
of AP, anterior, and posterior laxity to the loss of medial coefficient was 0.19 [95% CI 0.03, 0.35]). The findings
joint space between baseline and 18 months was exam- were similar when an alternative definition of what
ined via multiple regression analysis using GEE. As constituted a decrease in AP laxity (i.e., at least 10%)
shown in Table 1, no measure of baseline AP laxity was was applied.

Table 1. Relationship between AP laxity and loss of medial joint
space over 18 months* AP laxity was greater in knees with no or only
Coefficient (95% confidence interval) possible osteophytes than in knees with definite osteo-
phytes. In knees without advanced OA, there was a small
Age-, sex-, and
Risk factor Unadjusted BMI-adjusted
decrease in AP and anterior laxity between baseline and
18 months. AP, anterior, or posterior laxity at baseline
AP laxity at baseline ⫺0.03 (⫺0.08, 0.008) ⫺0.03 (⫺0.07, 0.008) were not predictive of progression of OA between
Anterior laxity at ⫺0.02 (⫺0.07, 0.02) ⫺0.03 (⫺0.07, 0.02)
baseline baseline and 18 months. A lack of decrease in laxity
Posterior laxity at ⫺0.07 (⫺0.15, 0.006) ⫺0.57 (⫺0.13, 0.02) between baseline and 18 months was associated with a
baseline greater loss of medial joint space.
Lack of decrease in 0.18 (0.01, 0.35) 0.22 (0.06, 0.38)
AP laxity Knees with severe OA had less AP laxity at
baseline than did knees with mild OA. These results are
* Loss of medial joint space was the dependent variable. When the
95% confidence interval (95% CI) excluded 0, the coefficient was consistent with those reported by Brage et al, who, using
significant. AP ⫽ anteroposterior; BMI ⫽ body mass index. a different approach to measuring AP laxity (Genucom

Knee Analysis System; FARO Technologies, Lake of compensation is necessary in order to prevent AP
Mary, FL), also observed greater AP laxity in knees with laxity–associated progression. Osteophyte growth would
mild OA (15.2 ⫾ 7.9 mm) than in knees with advanced ultimately decrease AP laxity, although some of this
disease (6.6 ⫾ 6.4 mm) (14). Similarly, using the Genu- growth may take place after cartilage loss has already
com system, Wada et al observed greater AP laxity in occurred. In a theoretical paradigm, the first compensa-
knees with mild OA than in knees with severe OA tion may occur in very early OA: with AP laxity at its
(10.0 ⫾ 6.3 mm versus 6.2 ⫾ 3.4 mm), despite the greatest, small osteophytes develop and the joint capsule
presence of partial or complete ACL rupture at the time starts to thicken, with a subsequent decrease in AP
of arthroscopy in many patients with severe disease; they laxity. Second, with the appearance of definite osteo-
observed no relationship between ACL status and AP phytes, AP laxity decreases further, limiting its potential
laxity (13). to add to articular cartilage damage. It is possible that if
Based on the presumption that osteophytes are AP laxity does not decrease by a specific amount over a
the specific elements responsible for the difference in certain time period, OA progresses. At some point a
AP laxity between early and later stages of OA (14), we floor level of AP translation is reached, and other factors
also assessed AP laxity in knee subgroups that were are responsible for OA progression. Ultimately, the
defined according to the highest osteophyte grade. AP osteophyte response in OA that occurs at advanced
laxity was lower in knees with the highest osteophyte stages will bring AP laxity to its floor level in any knees
grade than in those with the lowest grade and was in which this level has not already been reached.
inversely correlated, though only weakly, with osteo- We observed a link between a lack of decrease in
phyte grade. The current results are consistent with a AP laxity and the loss of medial joint space. The greater
previous finding that ACL damage at mild to moderate load distribution to the medial compartment, even in
stages of OA increased (albeit nonsignificantly) the odds healthy knees, may make the medial compartment more
of osteophyte enlargement (11). It is noteworthy that in vulnerable to impairments such as changes in AP laxity.
our study the major decrease in AP laxity appeared Previous reports did not include a description of the
between K/L grades 0–1 and K/L grade 2 (definite impact of AP laxity on OA progression but did describe
osteophytes), and there was no evidence of a further tibiofemoral compartment involvement with OA after
decrease in AP laxity at K/L grades 3 or 4. ACL injury. Although lateral tibiofemoral OA may
Brage et al theorized that osteophyte growth and develop in a subset of knees with ACL insufficiency,
capsular changes may lead to a decrease in AP transla- studies generally suggest that medial OA is more com-
tion (14), and Buckwalter et al noted that, based on mon (5,8,9). In 100 patients with functional AP instabil-
clinical experience, some unstable knees become more ity of the knee who had sustained a traumatic ACL
stable with time without signs of progression except, rupture 3 years previously, Irvine and Glasgow observed
perhaps, osteophyte growth (26). However, we were not that full-thickness tears were much more common in the
able to identify a longitudinal study in which AP laxity medial meniscus than in the lateral meniscus (15). The
was measured directly in persons with knee OA; neither greater prevalence of major tears medially may reflect
the change in AP laxity over time nor its impact on the relative immobility of the medial meniscus and its
disease progression is known. In the current study, we action as a restraint to anterior tibial translation in the
observed a small decrease in AP laxity over time in cruciate-deficient knee (27).
knees with mild to moderate knee OA (i.e., K/L score Future studies should examine the lack of a
ⱕ3). The source of this decrease was a decrease in decrease in AP laxity in the period of time preceding
anterior, and not posterior, laxity. A difference in (and not concurrent with) the period of disease progres-
change between anterior and posterior laxity could, in sion. In theory, it is biologically plausible that the lack of
theory, be attributable to the direction of osteophyte a decline in AP laxity contributed to the progression of
growth and the location of capsular manifestations. No OA. It is also possible that progression of medial OA
decrease in AP laxity over time occurred in knees with a may contribute to the persistence of AP laxity via
K/L score of 4, suggesting a “floor” effect in these knees. cruciate ligament degeneration or may contribute to the
The lack of a decrease in AP laxity—and not AP decline in AP laxity via osteophyte enlargement. A study
laxity at a single time point at baseline—was associated allowing serial examination of the periods of time during
with OA progression. Our constellation of findings imply which changes in and progression of AP laxity occur will
that the OA pathologic process can compensate for AP help to clarify the direction of the effect, and such a
laxity. It may be that a certain magnitude or increment study should be performed.

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