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Authority t-JND q32,.5?)

sy'_~ NAM Date o~jo2.lo7


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Authority WND L!si.s~
_, B/ l<J NARA Date o~/01.107

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· N/\RS, Date
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..... . . ... - :- .. • ', .
. --: . _·. -·. : .
Authority _NND L\3l.5~
By' \~,j NARA Date O~joi..107

... . ·.• ·.
. -~. .. .
. . •' ....
. • .. •.· ..
-tit:i;tiEr:( \--i>:::·:_t::'.:: .. __ _ _ _. __ ..... _;·:··- _-
·. :>:~~·, ,.,, i •. ·.· .· : ' D RA ti•:fi',}.) >"5_~_.i\ : . ::-- n?.: ~t· ..
. -:.:~ - ~. ·- .~ ...- . . . -
~. J?erwi4op ~i.iii%J.ogiaj ,!p-;ai-;,
· -: ·-::: -ni~iog10~:~ar. ~ be d~inod ~ .tho ~~ent. ·t~:--~-~-~~/ ·,.:.: .. · .._,J'. .
-~ --~tanii, -~eea; : iiok•ttiiaa~-~d toiio ag;,ft;•d;~~-:~iii~~-or~~-;;. •.. .
. ·: (aa .-d!.etin~•hed .!roa ~thotio ohem1ciili·:ieci·;;i:~a4·~~-~~\~~laaon1) to
:·· produ~-death or di~e i:a ~ , anSuJ_•• . o~ ~owing plants •
. .Strategic P~(!Bibilit1~8 ·of )31olog1~ Wart.;&~ .
·- ,:·. · _.-".t ~io~ii~si' ~~~, -~--til~ ;~~:ii•t.h~J -~~;,;_. ~ .
-~-:ri~i-- ~-iiio"e ;o mlli~-~.~~ha1/ over u;\! i':~:~ i ~ni~~ ~ ~
otag•J henoo conol.uaions "rogarding it& potenUalltiea;mu.ut be _d&duood tr~m
labora.~ry ~xper~mit.. ~d i'i~ld teii~---ind ~oi tr~: ~-t ~ ~ii-~ exp~r-: .

· ·< ..
ioncit;.. It iii bill~ possib1e that b1~io~~--~ ~~:;i~n~t·~ -cli caJl _.. :

. . . . . . .
·woaponB ~r uaod by eaboteurs. 0$rt&.in biological. WIU'fare ng001_t11 injure by
·. .,... -
po1eon1ng or intoxicating humtuU! or m:i.imD..le; otb~a,· by multip],ying in au•-
.. - . . ;
-. _· oept.ibie· indi:rl.duala i thiire~;: OnUBing Weotious dl~~a:~o.j
in e.1 th~r ~~~,· .
on~ ~~tc quantiti~i; of th; aeent need bo Wl;d • . F~r thil! and oth~r .
. -.
·: rea.s~e, it irould bo wctro~ di!.fiault for the rcoipimt of 8: biological.
·,u1.:-!n:re attack to dotl'lot rlth rapid.iv and"th; 11pooit~ Agent. em-
_ ._. ._ ~~-: - ·:· ... - ~-
. ployed:by the a:tt&olc~; \ . _:.· .•.. . :' . . . _. . . ..
. · ·'-lr,;;g/;~~~ -~~ t~~ ~r-~ ·~ \ ~r-; ~-:~~~~ ~~ exton-
.· sin iiw o~ rm orops might be attectGd 1>/~i~~gi~ mra~~ attacks•
. ·.1 1ieooddzlry effoci of po~nti~ 11ltJillli~snoe ~ ~~ -~e di~aion ot

·, :ill!~ re~~oe-~ aud ~po.~r 'to care !or the ill end ~ control epi.-

_: ~~em.ic~ ~oh :lligh{be iitai-ted~

:It 1~ -ob~cmi ~~t. ~ :mlll~-..:~r
. .·
. : ~. - .:- ...: --
- . - ...:..
:_ -...:. . ..·
~ - -- .- . . - . -- ..-
. · itlght. ·eaplo:r bioloei,oal. warf~e ,rould ha-n to poaseH aeane or prot..-tJ.w
..... h,at. . the agenta used. ,'It is po•aible that bioloaioal nr.f'aro agaw
....... - Cf\f.lET· · · ·. _. ___...•..
~1Lun ,

. : . . . · -:;. ~ ..~-~. : . : .../~- ~-- . . . .. .. . ··

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t-JND q3~5~
B/ ill NARA Date o~/02-/07

·., .• . .. : ... ~ .

- ,2 -

11.ight be used to charge oonTen munitiono or that they llli.ght. be

pl.nocd in rockets, flying bombs, or balloone whioh could be direotod again•t

a country from great diat.unoea. and ldthout warning. With then y0esibiliti91

in 112ind, it h b<JliGTed important to dcu1oribo in & gensraJ. manner the work

·'lrhioh hai, been dono on biolo3ioll.l ffflXfDie in tho United titate5, and in co-

operation with our Britil!b o..nd Csna..d16Il a.llioa.

Ganeral &okgroynd B11£oro World RU II.

- .
In tho years bot,,e~n World Wars I and II considerable intorest wae
.- .
+ • • -

sho'ftll among both eoiooti11tv nnd mill te.ry ruen of tJ.aDY countries in tho gon-

eral 8\ili.feot o!' bi~losioc.1 Tmrfaro. In l.941 of.ficera o! th~ Che?lioal. War-

fare Senice, worlcing with a spocio..l oomcdttee of the, Nationa1 .A.cadenv or

Seict10es .kno,m M the nBO Committee,. 0011IPilod wi ~otated bibli~grapey ot
th11 literature publlllhed on biological rufara up t;;; that timo• . '1h19

ulation ·regt\l'ding the por;i,ibilitiei, of biological 'l'larfnre. The ·author,

of thla bibllogro.pey otatod1 11 kt analyllits o! . the opiniru:11, oo:praaaed ~

the authore of under conDidorat,lC\Il roveaJ.s thnt the great ir:a,1ori t;r

bell~e _that bioloeietl 'l' is ponniblo or probabl~ ·iJi tho fll~e, In

11.ddition, & oigni.fionnt nlmber a.i,t>~rt <JDtpha~:~ that this ~ wil.l be
. . . .
ueed, the oppositit vim, belng .luild by but relatiTe:cy fow 1ndiTidual.a."

I.tu.oh of npseulntion nnd sxproaeion o! opinion ·:.ri,ioh ap:poued in

print b~tween 1918 1.111d 1941 bcacd on inoontrOT~tibie;;v:i.d~o~ thAt
German e.g8llts, workil:lg in tho lJnitod Ewtea during l9l5, u11ed· aulturea of
diseas~produoing baoto:ria to inooul.ate h.orHIJ and ~ttl.e leaTing the United

St.a.tu ports for 11hiJ)!llent to the all1o•• It no also ~ ~atabllahcd .fact

that GermQJ'l agents attempted to eaus~ infeotiou, disaues in aarnury hor•e•

•~ •;:~I•, r • • • 'I\ .' ·• •,
\ t, ' Authority WND i.l3'2..5~
By· \<J NAM Dale o'e>jo2...lo1

in t.h• Jbmanian J.nty at the time llhen Rumania entered the fir•t World 11&r.

Tho diecuausion8 of the po ten tiili tia• ot biological lnll'!aro wore . blUled
large]Jr on t.heso eetnbllalrnd t'aot••

tlonnl nrtiole bai;od on doownanta in hill poaoeuion llhioh he olaimod hAd

boon extraotod from the file!! of the G8Xlll&n Cenoro.l Stnff. Tha11e paper•·

di,saribed axperilll.ent!I to 1:'hothcr llon-pc.tbogenic mioroorganilm1

might br. dii;~ominnted i n t ht• ventil:itinc Dyctern:i of tho London ond
.. . -
~~way qstema.· Although· tho StaGd utJ.olori brau6ht !ort.h a prompt and
;~e1:umt.d;nio.l fr~r/Qeninn ·qunrtere, ~d al.tho~ah t.h~ authenticity of t.ha
d o ~ t·B:lfhich ho ol.diaad t~ p;aeess "813 n.ever prOTon , thB diool.omu-o&J cre-

atod ll Tery cono1tlerablc eensation at tha time e.nd ot.imulated further i,peoula-

tion cm the whole aubjeot of biological. warfar-e.

-·-· ~- n,;; r ~ is evidence
_ ., • ""'=:..-~--c~-. .. •=-:,;,-:,:,.:- 0
that in the 70~s bt:tt-w~:~~ -~~ t;;~ ·wars,
~-=;:•-;-=....,....,--7•.·•.••,-.- _-. ~ =~-'-::'"~~--:• ~ ': · -·- ·--::-:-- - -
the goneral

- eit1t£rs and ec1e11t1sts or eavara1 oountr1ae were sor1cniaJ.y_

c;::::.:-:-::-;:·::.~;:-~::--::7""·.- -----=-...--; -~-:-.- . . - _-. _;-----:-::--,..-.- ------·::--.- .1 :~-;::;- ·-:--·--:- . -··. ·::.~ ··-.:-:... .
..l. • • ... - --

the etrs.tagio potanti.alitie _ _ ___

e__ .._.__,.
of biological
r ••- •- • - -•
•• • • •
Although exporillent.a.-
e•~ --:;;-- .. , - .- . - - . . .. ..
tion 1n t.hie
field wae tmdoubtedly carried on .1n
. eocI'ot, and the ovid.onoe
.. was based l.arg~ ~po~· rumor, there was a sufficient
.,. .
qwmtit;y 0£
int~l.llgenoe ou hand in 194). to C!IUMl n~ponaible autlwri.tie•·in th~ Unitod
St&t:.ea to oonaidar very Derioualy the dangers 0£ biological. wufare. 1'h1•

was part1oul.arly true in tho month,: immod.1£te~ preceding Pearl Harbor.

Ear\Y ,Stop• 1'nkon b;r tho United S:t&,tes Uov!)rn11ant to

In"TOBtiAAtc the Pos&ib,!lltioe o!: l3iqlogi.eaj. 'l' 1

bronohe• of the GoTern111ont conr.idored thia subJeot .indepMden~. : ni.

reporla of theao individual.a or aroups ton the logioaJ. beginning cf an

,\ :-~ . t . .
V Authority h!ND tl3'2..5~
B/ l<J NARA Date o'?>/o"Z-/07

. _. ::--~

c·3~~1i~_Lfifi:LF:f _::r i_ . ·-· H;

. ;~, •. ·;. . . : .. . .. . .. ·;:: -

'. ·-• · _,{,·.I•·· ~:.·.·•,:

aocount· of tho Oonrmumt• 11 aot1Titi••• In 19.3.3 )laJor ' (now Bri'a; ·- a.iieral) · · · ..··;.: ··: ; · ·
. :-~ . .· -~-.f-~ . -.. _..: ..
<:., ...· .::. ~-- .--: .. .,;__- .::.... ~ ··:..·- . .:-··. : -..·~-..'"': - -~- ... ....
Leon rox~ 110~· uu; ·-than
Chief "ot th• lfediOtl- SeOt1on·-·o~-tho ch&m1Cal Yai-. -- . - •'• .
·.- ;·r~~ ~~o{·~~--t11;; poai.11>.w.ii~.·_.oi' ~~0J~1ciii·•~ ~~/ ~~i,r1n~ · .·.-_.-:., ···
.-..:- · .-· - --·- :; -... -: . ·: - -··..• ::.:~:- - - .:::, ·- - --- ·--~--- --. >.:. . ·..... :.:~-~:.-:::. .. :~ --...:::-- ··- -- .. .
hi• opinicn11 in 0110 or the ·oomprehendble and : complete pap_er, on thi• •
. - ~~ .. : -~: ·.. :.~
. . _. . :. - . . .. - ::: . -~ ·.: ·..:..· ... ~~-.-. :..:.::-::.._:.":".·S. ·:...~...:.. . ___ _ -- . -
subject~ It waa hie opinion that the diffiaultiea ·ot producing m.iaroorpn..
. ... ·. --: - - ·- .- .
·1em.1 o~'. thoi.1>p~iicmow, produat1· on a large i,~aj_; ind -~! jji<;r.1n~· the10
: :~g~t; -~; thit -~~ irl~t\w.ntili tiio1r di~~~~i:P~1ix\g:po~;~ ma~~ b10-:.· •
.... ...
:io~o~t'. ~~ri~ mcii~ theO~EltioAl than . priou~E-:;~,'i9.37~Ii·;·-.c~~~i,i (n~~ _

. -~-c:-: ~ _. . ·. ~--·. -. ~.- . :. ·. . : . -- .-:~<:... :. ~ ~~:~:::.:~: -· __;__,:. , . _ ...

Brig. Oenoral) .Tam011 s. Simmona 1 1101 trtu; pointed out the posaibility that

. ...
diseaa►produoing orgnni■ms
- ·- on our torr1 tory 1zi" o;d~? ~ ainuio':~ .~i,1oem10;
- .. ..
.. :_:.:---2.:::...;.:·..: __·___·:. _:.
.. ·-. - - ..•.·... ..
Thi• opinion wacs brought to the nttent.ion of tho War_Depr.rtmen~ only in-

In 1940 a meeting at. J ·e N~tiora.l. lnatitu"

of soientiatB ~IJ callod

- -~r Hoai'!h o.r'.'-t.he ~rl~d States Publl~ li~th B

ortlio·:i :;;:-;~:aid~r the poii,1"'.'
'n:ds ·~~ect
.. . ". - . - ..
had alga been diaauaeed by the Council of National Def~•e a.n'd .PY the
Rational Resenrah · Council. b~t ·it n.s Opinion d that ti.clo waa divided
gone~ bel.iev~ci' that b:Lologlaal ~~~ d1d not':~iii~iitut~· f 011¢.t'icant ......
-. . .. ..:... -.--:·: :- .. ........ . - _ --
Howeffr1 thia moth~ o!' ·aitaak ·wu ~idered
&Ii a poaaibilit.y • .
··-- .
lndependmt of thie ear~ intoreat of the United Stntea Public

.~~;e,_:off1cer11·-~n tho etaf'fa ·ot the Burge~s ~e~·~t- th•:.Ar:z7 ud KQY

:.:· ~ -. :::·. -.:.:.:: .. ·. :.-:, __ _.::.· :·-:.:.:.:-=::.:....:.. :.. -. ·: :,:.:·;_· .
-.. -_.·- :: ·=:~-~ .. ---~:-:::::: .:-. -:.:- :---:-- · ... ..:.. .
had All!o· indicat~ conoern over the po11eibili-cy of ·enemy uao of biolo&iaal.
. . .. ,• . . . -: - .
.· ·wuru;~·· G-~ of ~~ J..nri· bad allO ~l.o~e~ -~ -; ~jeot,· the Clheadoal. and
Warfare SerTice bad directed a lull ~ of of!ioera to ■tudy the poHi-
. .-
billtiea ot biological wartare•
i:j£GAET -·. ..
. .•::-· .. ." ,_; '. ::·
.. . ... ..::--·
: . . · ......
, ·•· ·. . :: .
.-:: . ·-:.:. -~-:._:. ·:=-: ..

.._.-,. .
._/:: ·=------ -.

- . ; · .· .
·.}=·•oi".. - ....
...: .. ...
•ooxt Joinod~ ; On · . .
. '?he inter••t.e of the11e l!Gparate p-oup• · wore.:·
·i:~ :1j;·=i9t::-~~;_~~-:~nortl of ·~~ -~~,/~gii~~::~{ t~~~ittoe · . '•-
....... ....

;~ .ioi~u~ta b~-- ;~_ ~ed to· rniew the aubJ eo·i ~ · i1;ro~; --.i~tio~ ;;; --~en cm-·
i.iii:"~ ~~~~11~-ii~ ·tit~ ·oi~-~~;~t ~
--:. _-:~---==·:.~--::.
or."~~ ii~\}~-~:·hidoi,ond~t -·· ·- ··-
. ::: ..-:- --:~ ~·-~;::::· ...:. -..·:::: . -::.. _.:- .:--~·--s -:;;:.· :\:::..1e:-:.:·.::_:·::..:.:: ·:..:.::-_·:z; :_. ___-:,. -:::::-..: . ..- . .- - ·-=· .. _. _ .. ·; ; ~- : ~:-.~- .
exploration of -monne by- whioh the brancbe,s ot··the mill tary Jenice• ·mant · ·· ·
. :::·_ . ·:_·-- ..: :. :·-=_,::.:: - ---~::- ~··.:_ -~ :_ -~ ·: -·::~ --=-~·- ---:.:~~; ·::<:::-::.....: ~J;.:·::·~.-:...: .-~.. .:~~ -: . - ·.:-·· . ·. .
moat e.rfeatin~ coordinate their srrorta in oonaiderlng·-tbe ·problB ot · - -.
.b1~1Dgi~tl-rufe.~~.-- : ~~ . ~sultod in a mee~g be~~ ·1~~d--~--,~-~-~ -.. ·-c:: .
-ii~--~;i;··~~o1~ io;i.~t to tiie s;cin~ -~r wu=,--~~ ·b;-~~i-~~-ui::.- ___.. - :·:·
,-t t~~fr}f!E~l ttfP~ff~:tr~:.tE_
· - -- -~orTioef'.Ifationa.1 -Re·11enrah:·counoilJ
-F C'i'. :j::, ·' 0::-21 and Comtittee 11edi=. · ... _ .·· :-:,-- ·-. ·,-~- ----- .-_ _.
-.:.:·· ·...:g~~i~~rti;· ~}\if·~~ri~l ~i: ~ifo;~uii/~~'f~~{ ~d :Jii~;~;~\i~-~·. . .l ;~~~ ?>..:_·:--;~ ·__·.. .- .
:--;~--.-.-;_·tt\~t.:·· ~~i~I-~f~iilwd ·i~:iii~-1iv1~~\:-;~~~ifi/ i~~~tti~\r.: .· .. -,<-~~ --~=\> ::·
.:·>)==-"ilt~~tu}i:'i~fa~tt ~;-~~~~o~~i~t~:-: ~r o~-~ ~u\~~~~;iJ;/iiii{th~{ ·.:-:: ··-· '=_.. .. '.~- -- 3

- . .;·:-::~ _:_~~ ;:-;::0_·::;.:: =-~:-__:: ~~- :..:.:·-· -2: ·.·. -_: -: ~-~- ~
<·:2:.:.::.::::·· :::....:;;,.--~~::-~. . :-~:~~-.:.-:.·--~~~:..:_:_· ~:-----~->:. ~. :..: -- --:·:._ -:
· _, · Secretary. of Wat'. ·roqueat the · 'Academy of Soienoea to ··1nyeatig11tc _the · ·· ·

: :,:_::'~~~~'f~-~~~~ :'.~(~~1~~ ~~t~~:;·;~fu·:~:~diii~f ii~-- iiii{£~}~~\~on;___. · ---; · --~-.

~ >-. ·on:_Ootob~u ·1~ ~1941 --tlio ·secretary 'of ~~~-~~-\h~ ·~i;;iii~~(li:ib~ 'ira~~~--. ;'--:~::· -·: . . - -; ··:
:·_:.-.l~j~:Jf~~ltnJi~=:1/;;;~;a_r-- ·: :_·::~~- ·\ .:}?;:~:..-{?-:··::. \ _-·:·· ~ _:_. ·/ }}:
- _.,. ,- .:.:::.-._:. _._--. :. -.·-~
.-: .-..:·,_,. - ·~:-:·-. ~~-- - - ... . - -~:i.~-:---.·-
o! th~ dnngers that might oonf'ront this co1.mtry -f'roi:
potential enemies employing -.bat mey bo brc>M.zy described &IJ
biological. warfare, it l!lesi:i• adrlsable that 1.nTOStigationa be
iµitiAtad to survey the preaent aitu.ation nnd the future posoi-
bill ties. I em therefore o.Bldng it you will undortake the
o.ppointlllent of an nppropriato committ~& to -iruryey: a.11 phases of
th111 111atter.· Your··organiution al.ready has beforo _it a request
Crom the Surgeon OenertJ.l for tho appointment_of a oomraitti,e by ·
the Division or Medical Sobnoa• of the National Research Coun-
cil ·to onzdne one· pha■o o! th• utter. I · trust thAt appropriate
integration of these stforta om be arranged.•

,ls ·a reiitl.t or' thia X;squeat, tho Preai~t of the !lati.onal Acadelll,Y of Boi-
:.. -~ -:.:;-..:-.:. :.:.:::~~"':. ._. -:. ,.- ·_:::.: :.:.. , ·.... , -·: . , -. __·_ ··.:.,--·: ..:~---. .::•.: . :. . ... -...~-.-·- ----..: -~..::.·:_.-··. --- . :_ <.: :·._.
enaea · and the of the National Reaea.rch Counoil uked Dean (now
_-- ~p~~ei~~i) ·~~ :- ~. ~.-;.;~-d-~t"<tii~-U~1Te~~1ty i~ ~;;~~~: ~=-~;-~~-~:·~~~ ~
~:;j-~ - :: . ·. :•'. - = - : .-

\~ci \~ h~p-form & -~o~tiie llhillh n.11 -~eid~ted-~~f ~~· t1;\~'c{eo~itee.• ' ..··

or per~~;,_,, collllllitteei, wi 1nati~t1oni i,art1~1~t1n, ·1n ~n:

~io~~cal. ~fne d~~or~bed in Wf:reRrt are ~ ~ o d in -c tho appendioe,.
the an

~ >•c-c, {/t .: O
.: .. .. -- -. - .. . . -. . -~. ,_
r9' .. . ..
,;t n(
: :. :-;--.:.- -·. : ._•.._ .
.. ··..;.; ~ .. . ' '
' ./.I Authority t\lND ~32..5~
B/ ill NARA Date o~/02-[o7

·-. · ··· . ;::·~\:~/;-. _: -·~- : ..
·. • ... ·._; .. : _. .. . :- . • - - : 1_ . - ·

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• . • •••

\ .. ' -. . ...:.. . .. . ..._ . . . -.~ - ·. ,. --. . ·. -·- :-

. .
' . .. - .-..... ~-·

. .;.i.- ~~1~1;¥'~~·:-;J~~~~~~ilf~;~.Gf~f
'?he no Oollllllitt&e wa11 organi.Jled rapi~ end initiated ito inveat1..:·
Ifa:_"-;j~ }{A-,. .•·M~'> :
. ·;

gat.ion~: ·1~~{ ~ :~~teiY'~ i.i~i.oti. ~rrioer8 .:.are' a~p;in~ .to o~e:.ith--; ·.

of l~1~~-~ and
- . .. . .- .
. · _. .·
.· . ~ '.:~ u. ~. ·Publi~-:~eJth: Bi"~~/ ot .
th~ Co~ttee ·was 'defined ' ne .follonl •The purpo,io or' thitC_oJmrl.ttoe i•
- - · '. ~~c~~~-~to ~~ ::~ ~;~o1c1orat1on ~i th~~~-i,ii~ii~ --~foiit;·thi~{~ .be·-~ -· ::...:-·._ ·. ::·•
·.i"~:·u~-~ti J proiiae·s: iianarui euecit ~n :i i;~-~ ~~-P~-~ -or toad -· -= · .
· :.
- . -- .

BUpplios, tllld &ethods of control of tbti&O u.genttl~ ' in ::tams ·;;;:mir; this

o~aiTS m~tiiods :relatilig to 'biologiO&l

IA~QDIJ A . Gtudy of both off.~~sive :mid def

. ~faro!".: .~:~~oftowo~i WllS:in!~nted nnd ;i;~ ~~iiiigs_~i/ i~fa--MJ.:Oo~ . . ..-. .·

··\ :; .

mittee vore hvld in _rapid. suooeaeion.

llllltual ooncl!lrn ifith the Canadian committee trhioh was at·w~rk: .!n thia lilAJ!III -

. field~ -:. Thea~ r eaul.ted in o. recollllllendatlon late in Th3oen1bsr··1941. that atei,a - ·

'j. tak~ ~ _k_; -~•• th•;...~.r ~ tho_
1n'7~~~~~~~:th~}~?' ~••inn •· : , , ... , .
Continent of . certain diaaeBes of llve--atoolcj and _that taoillties be ·provided. -·. -.:··;: ,: -.
~- . ~ ·- _- . - : - . . :: . . :.. '

for reeea.rch·· and dn-elopment ttork on th~ prepa~tion. of naeineii ne;dod ~

. protect againot those . dipeaae,~ Th;e~ r~~omm~ dationp lead . to :the
·:·-._. :. · :- .~ : -~~_:_/ :· -=~::~ ···~··. -:~: ·- ~:.·-~ . :;;._; ::.-~..-- ::..~:...___:.- ~---.... _: ~_ ·.;.·:·.~-~ ....~-~~-->·- _i:,.:.,• ... .. - ·. . . .
-- ~ roraatJ..on by tho Gove:rmnantn o.t -the United ·States··and -: Oanada:of :a Joint :. ·· · ·. -~:~·~ .. ·:--·t .~ :-
<tJni~\:~~j~~ a;mlrlen~~ ~ ~~i;,~; :iii;=';~·iic\ wh11,;,; la~~-aaiiJ'-::.,,: · ~<.:
.- ~. . . -.- . ..
. .· ried
_·; .. '1n this
!!elk . ~

. _:~
. .

.:. .. :. · . :,: l'ollowing _o. third i:ooe ting ot .the llBC Conmdttee in 'February 1942• a .

repo~t •tatedt
f:;~t:::--: ~-(1) biological. wart~~ b . re~ed u di1tinotq

.. -... \
' -.. -
'~\; - ·..

teaaible.. ·We are or tho opinion th&t

. s·-E
1top1S llhould be .t.akci
- .. · ..
=-:(\ R·--:~J--.:__~--=: ::.--:-:~- .-..._-~- -~-: --- ·.
to formulate
\ -~ :-_ ..
.-- . \, _. ~- ,;_. ·__ ·-_:-_·._.:i· ~ -: - ~\·-: .__ __-· \\
-: ....
• . -.
' j " .
-:.~·.; .. . .
. ,, .
. . .
- -·-·- -- -

t-JND ~32.S?>
. :: .

,~.:-;:_ . ! ..- • • ·- . ,. .... , ... .

B/ \~j NARA Date o~jo'2-lo7

oftenabo and defonsiTII .meuttretJ.-· (2) Your attention is CAlled to th• wide
.. ... '
. ~.
Tariot)' o! subject matt.ore oon1idered 1n th11 report nnd to tho cen1e1quant

implications that eonral dif.fersnt So'ternment a8enoie11 might be conoerned

in o.N'euin or do!'eneive biological. wartnre. (.3) .A. conring ret1ommendAtion

b thd o.ppropri~te mosG be! proTidad for carrying out the recommendation1.,

(4) Important disoe.eos of lllBn, aniln&l11 and plant,i ond model! of contaminating

food and 'Water oupplle, been conllidered tram the atti.ndpoint o.r biologi-
cal mfare and epeci!io rooomnendation~ regarding thee:& disease• and the
: .dis~o~atioi; ~f:.:'Ule an~nto of di11eaae _hne been .in th; body of this
. :~opor~t ~: :· Th~;&
· r~~o~endationv are submitted for your info~ tion and with.out

· :prc~tion 21.a t o the troys snd 111enn11 o! putting them into effeot. 11 !ho Co»-

-..~ttee ·:ni~o ~int;j_ out thnt "Tho ot biologicnJ. w~faio vill be a de- ..·. .
... : .... --~-~.-·:- ~ .
·,~- .. - · ~- . . . .
batablei' queotion until 1 t hes been aloarii proml or disprcmm by ~er!onco. . . .

. ntc wi~;; ·lU!s~pti~ 1~ tllat aey mot.hod which Appeal's to . otfo~ ad-tuntage• to

ii nation at war will bo vigorously employed by that nation. niero is but one

i~g!eal: cour~e to-~auej nnmoly, to ttudy th., potiaibiliti~a_~f !roch ·•artue .

. fro~ ~;~ ~gle~ · ~e ~~ery yropars.lli~ f~r.~eduo~g ita effectiveneH, and

. .•

.Aftor eubllliuion of tho report th• Chairm~ and member11 o! the eo...
mittee workad Tillorously to lny th~ ground,rork for furthor innstigaticm ot
- . ·-
tho problom. The Chemical Warfare Service ~fficn to the Commi ttff

waa e~t,· on in'fitaUon f rom British., t;·· the United _lingdoa to e>

p1tln the inti,resta or th·e United State, and to obtain ·~goistion• boa
.. ·~· · . .. -: -
responsible British •oientista who had been carrying: on innatigation• in

this field oince ear~ 1940.

The repor-\ or the WBG Committee ,ra.a referred by -the Secretary of

lfo.r to tho Oenaral Staff with the ,uggeisti.on that it l!hoU.ld reoeiTe thorouji

,, .
Authority NND ~3'2..5~
By, \~J NARA Dute O~jOl-Jo7
: : :..
. ··: ·.... -: .:· . ..,_ ._; .,

. . . '< -.:.. :-:- ··.: :.

. ·;-• ·:
.. :,.:
·;:--:~·:- ·... <:~- >--~.: -•: -~-~ .
.·: ....
. .: ...-..·.: .
- - ·...-. -. - .... _..:.· ?:: . ;
.• .. . .

·~· .•Fs, ·>,;; ·:.·";._-•f i-\ :-· -s~~~IT;,;i1if\i1 f1£•.

2 ,}t:.){=1 L~\,- ~- •·
e~f;nis resul.i~ .~r ti~ -~~~~~- Btar~•i! do~~~~Uo~II -aii:~-~~ ~~~t:"'·:
. action, by War are h••t·expl.ain~d by"
th~ Departme.nt ;{ iet~r ot th·• ·quotin~
.}:~or~~-~ w~~:to \h;),r~id-~i° ~i th~ -mii~~ :i-J,;; -~J~~~;cii;~·· i; ~~----:··:_:_.
. . . .,;, · ... -·
:_~-~-29; 1942• ·< -- ~-.. : :::".3~;_;· . ::- _,_ ·,.. ....
-: •So~ \i.e ·l\gc; 1t/wa11 ·ciul~d -to .nv att~tio~ through ~ ropre- .-;- : -
i,entati..-e in th& Oi"fioe or. Scientiric Re11earoh. and D8V!,Jlopmont~ of . .. ~ .
~ch Dr. Buah it !,he Dir0oto:r, th,.t_thore ttlght be sorious dango.ra
·to thie: country trom llhut nia:ht be dciccrib~d_u lt13iologicnl Warfare.,..
I_t ·1eoud well to IIWCO a prellminaey- .in'f'eati,;ation rlth groRt secreey.
Aooordingl.y'; I uk¢ Dr;, Jenmtt or tho Hntione.l .Aaa.derar of Saionce11
to ror: a Secret C¢D1n1itteo of ettlnont biologi111u to corioidor the
queeti011. Buch a. ootmlittea waa appointed, including a :mwber of the
moat import.ant biologista 1n the country among· ,mo111 'l!'ere Dr. Ed"1.!1
B. Fred of 1'iaconsin1 Dr. $tanho~ Beyn~oneo: of' lnle; ea well aa
other11 f'rott J ohn11 liopkirui nnd the Roclcefoller Institute, .
.·. ., .- - . ._::.- __ -·.:... . . - -~
...._-"'lbi/~~nmitt~I; h~e, ~~~ ~ arlc~iiv~
~~it-·: ~ d n very thorough .
report in which it points out thnt renl dmlgt!ir·:rr,ol'l biologiee.1 wr- ..
tars exist• both for hwun boingo an<;! · for plant Md an.ime.1 ille. 'lho
committee reco?l!SlendB prol!lpt act:.i.on along & number of llneti, aomo
1nTolrlng tho dnelopment or ncoinee, 00120 scientific
toclmlques of deteneo. Otherc in-roln proteotivo · mauurois ,ruch CIIJ .
water aup~ protection, and atlll othero requiro .further re&enrab ..
· Tlle ;rn:Lt~r which the
coll'lmittee coneidered . 1115 ·requiring -moDt imtledu.'"
11-ttention 113. tho g:r&&t C.,anger of attacks on our cattle with tho _di,eue
of· "Ri.nderpe~t•t whi~h hae beoo at ti.mes moi,t deetruotivo 1n the
Ph_llippinee~ · _. . .
- ·- - -
_ "Btol.og°roal ~tar; in; ot oouri,e,
"di:r'ty __buoinet1; 11 but, 1n the
light of the. oollllllitteete report, I tllink wo JX\lll~ bo· prepru-ed• And
the inatter !llll'i be }umdlad with ~ t·dinore~o_n end fo~ the molt
p11rl with groat eeorec.,y ao well as great vigor~:. 'lllce im:neciato q11et-
tior1 ia through --.hat ngonoy of the GoTenm~t · ~d under~wlu.t
le.a.derEhi}'l thie ebould be •tarted. I .run ·c o;i!ident _-th.c.t, a ll.blo
mm as director it one of th• fir■t oneentiaJ.s~:.
~-:-~~·:_-'· ·. -£~-~~. ~r~ ~~- ,i1ent1ata. ~~w be11°~~~-~-~t ·th1; 1a a tffit.tsr
for the War Department but the GeoonJ. BW!__ie:·ot the 9pinion tbJi.t
. a · agenoy:ill preferable, -proTided .th_l\t propor.~ and 1i&"'ff
· repreeente.ti'9'ell ara :·asi!ooie.ted in tho .·.work; ·. · It'. ie ovid~t that the
. .... · taatt.6r-disala: pr1mrily with tho ~li~ Haalth ~d to ao1:10 erlel1t "With
· matters ordinarily in charge or the Depument of !grlculturo. En- ·
· truating
the ·111&tter to a ciTUian e.gcney would help in J')reventing the
public from b•ing unduly exercilsed oTOr any ideas that ~e War Depart..
ment might bo .the use or thill weapon o!f~:sinly 4 to be
6ura, a lcn6wledge ~!_offenmiYo 7-1 ■ eibillties : ,rµ.1 _ neeee~ar~ be c.,_
nlopod beclluta no proper defense CM b_e __ :;,repar~d 'Id U:~~t a thorough .
et,~ of_ 'S81Ul8 0f off'E!l.Btle orronei-,e posoib~~~II sh°';lld b(j la1o1rzi , _
--- · -.. ~- :. sFiiR~T :·f_::_t>i-· -· <~ ·· ·i ·-.
.... .
~}\ .. . -. ~ uthority NND 43'2..So
\ , ~·•'-"· ...,. . - . . . . ... -·
By' \~.j NARA D~tc O~joi.(07

. - 9 -

to the lar n.part,ment• .And repri,aJ.1

by ua are perba.p1 not boyond
tho bound• or ponibili an, J110r• than thq are in the fiold of
tH· attack ror l!hiah tho Choical Warfare Sc,moo or tho lfar Depart--
ment i• prepsred.
11 It seoma to 1110 that an appropriate place in which to 1Htablilh
thill work would be a aaparate branoh or the Social B•curl-ey Agenoy
under Ur. MoNutt but I hue not taken th.ii matter up with him unW
you hnn had nn opportuni~ to oon1ider tho mat.tor.
11 The choice of the right. to be put e.t the head or tbh
aotitlty seomi,• to mo perhapa more important thr.n ,rhoro i t ilS ettab-
llehed in the Governm.tmt.
· · · : "Harlng .&o1ted f0r the report and no,;; · r~ooiTed the dis-
turbing warnings to which I haye made raferenoG e.nd espeoinlly in Yiow
or the roootaE1endation for immodiat. action, I should appreciate it
1f' 70u would advi,e 1110 of your wiehe• 1n order thnt such action ao ;you
vish 11u1.y be promptly taken.•

formation ·or War Reaenroh Service.

~ Mey 'i5, 1942 th~ Pr~oi d~t ~v~ hiu vorb~ ~p~ro-nii' to the,

propoaala in this l~tt.r, and as n relJUlt of hia decisi on, and tho ,uboo-
. .
quet reoommend1. tions of th8 WBC Oommi tte• in June, 1942, the clvilian 11.genc,-
- - -. . - .
reoorm:1endod by the Secretary (1f War n• orgnnised _in the Federal Seiou:ri~

Agency wi°der the title of War Research S~rvi;e. : Mr. Go~rge _w._·. Merck WAI ap-

pointod Director. It wu decided that All work on biological. ~warfare should

be done under the 11trfotoist aswri-ey control.
F,ar].y Decinions of War Research §enioe 1

The Director or War Research S.nioe wu put in full control ot

all aspects or biological lfll?'fare. He h.t made apeoitiaally re,iponlible for

defensive mouuro1 against possible enemy attack and for the d~lopz:umt ot
praotioable retaliatory offeneive J11ea8Ul'.,. A iJ'11Ilt from the Prosidant••

Speoitl Emorgt,My Fund es ginn to WR8J all financial mattffs were handllNI

by- a special~ appointed r epreeenta.Uve in the Federal Becurltu .A.gene,. It

,rad the res ponaibility of 'l'fRS to organise an L'1tirely unkno11n !iel d or re-
search 11nd dnelopment si nce all upeot, ot warfare .nre 1till

... - .. - . . . . - .. ...
.. . · ,:
... ·· ..·
tl,iE !
-..T·<:.....; >::- .;=-.~i.-> ... :~?~:::
::·: .•• }. :· =.-.
.. ·.· ·. .
. :-..· :.

._:.~~~-:~::iu:~.::~:~;.~~~f~f~~-~~-~~~~F::·•;c:,::i-:··'.~-;-··•-: :-
:~~~=;~::::/::::·.:;.t:~[~ .~~~~if;··.• :·:~~·.
.· · ·pendent ·agency with i ta own re1100:rch 'J.abora t.orio• o.nd !'aoilit1ee7 .21:, . · :: :_·.

.·•u,a ~,~.· -.'.;r-•·•·••:--·-.

- _. __- . . --- · ·- -=- -.. _·____ _·_ · . -- - - ·- ·. ~ :-·::-.,_ _- -· . -. .. _. ---. .. .:· ·- ........ - :-~~.:~ . .. . . ...

... . . ~\~=n.~!~~d~_d:_ ./ th_·:-~.-.( ~-:

__ -~... o:n_..~!_
~·~ -~~-t.i. ._.. :·.-_=_•·:. ...~-::.= _·.-~: _-:: ::--·~- ~-=--~-_:_.:..·.--:.·=;~~JJ_:-:-: ~.-s':-:_; _.·-_-:: ·:~.·-·-,.· .;.__::-~-..-./;} :_-:~---:.:-..-·...·~.~-·.,_-!·__-
·:o.:. :::;.>-: ~:?·\·::~-~~~~r~~~~~;-o . or· off.i.cionoy; eoonoiq and IJ6ourity; _.the :-aeoond ,ii;.: .· .· ..:.::.:·. . ~-::::'-<:-~~- :.: -

_.;;J!~!1ii£;-~:!~Iifi'E~~:~.t;J1tr~tJ1t~~t?lrt~~{Ji~-1ii,I!~:?t~t;: -.;
-:··."'- ·=·::~=-:._--·;·:--::··Jar· Resea.rcli ·-serv1ce mis scit up_· aa '·a . 11:uill:':.org1misnt1on; -- under ~ - ,. · . · . ,:· ..
~ ..:.~ :., -~-2:.~ -~~~~-~~t-: :·:-: ~ :/-~~~~----~~:-=-·~-~~-=:::-:: ·~::_::: ·~:-~ ·~i:-.--:~ ~.::=:j:i::;r±·--_:-~?~~~::-:_~)::·~-:.. ~--:_-::::-~::: :::__{_~\ -= . ~.- -~., -: -_;~~ ~~------_ ....
..::<~·.=~--·Ur;:_Mer9-k., : D~; -:~;:~~;· Fred ·.n s t1.ppointcd:'Di:ro~t.or:.of' )~stionrol( and. D«rnlopz:sant1 _· · :•_.-: ~ · ·
:,__ -~ :.: :_:_~-~7:~.:-.-::::.. ~·:::;:-~~- ~ =:-J ..:.-j::.:::.-'. <.·.:.::_::_:i~ --~-:-~·--.:::-.2 -~:. ·.0 -~::::=_::~;--~ ~"?"-· ..:.::.-~.::~:.=-~::~-::--.:-:-: : --:--:.~---~~:_
-~·~:--. :·=-·-::~~~-:~~: .~-~--: ~ .
· · · -=-?: ·:::.:and :MI:;-5-.J ;·: P;?,1.farqu.and"was ·madi) Direct.or ot,: In.f~rmation··and:}ntolllgenoo; . .a ~ ·: :: .~_;,: .> ··:... .
-~ ____:~~ -_.;i~~-~- ~-g:__:~=-----~~-{~i0 :_:=)-:~-_. _:t::·::: .-~~:·:~:j- _::(~: .=·· -~~~;-:s -.:~-=- - -~--:f:. -::-~.:- -~-- ---<~ -·-=~-~-- ;.--:- .-:~:~-; :;-.- -··::-· --
• , : , . -~. small -ataff of .te~cel. :nidGB -and -seoretario11 no formed t,o : ci,.rry on the ad- -. • ·_ . , _ .__ -,· .
-~- ·-~·/:: _\_
-~;~ii~~~ ;J.;_~cfi.-~ .l_- _>:· .,:- ~ :· ..·. - .:,>-<~.<··.=. :-- · .:.-.,·:.:,. ,-.,;·_.,.· .. ·. ·-.· -·=-=·L~ .. -.-~.: :=-:_-.::• ---·=.·}:-
- . "·· .. , . '.. . . ~-
··--~:-~~~~ or ~~. l¼~~-·sl)rtl~e·· ~-- t.h~-.:. . . :··:.:,::.= : - .. ,.
_· ,Arm.ed poroo• and Other QoYerpment Agenoie•t · ··
·.• A.ltbough·
_:_:~... n- ~
--.. ··---· , - . . _
_:,·:_ _ _-.
· .-:-:_-.-: ::.:~_
offioia~ connectod with the .lrmed Bervioea, tha .
:..:_ :::.· _ - -·-· ~ii--~.: '" ... .
WRS ~ -i'r~m the b~~~g ~der ~e .· ctii-~~t.i;~". ~/J~-Beo~e~ ·o~ - ,...· .::::: ;.
_ ..... _.:.-.
.. -
· : ~o -poliole11·were f~~t;d without :c~n.~ llig ~ -..~;~~~.i ~ ~ii1~~~ -~ ·: ~ .-:· . --: ... .. .- : .--

--.: War R~e:.,~~h· SeMlo•·-~~ .'r.cti'vo. in th~--~~·~t:~~~::~ ~~~~:d•~.~;~~;; ~~- -n~ar~..

: ::--_._
all biologi~al. nrlar~-m~tterii, . the e.ot.ui{ ~rd~~- ~~ ·di~o·g~~e; to ha;i;moiit
-iti, -~;ctnim~~datiw.were iosued ~i~D br~~~ th~ -~ed. ~~~~-- . . ..O

b; i; . _. .. .
. - ·· -• .. - -- ·•.- ·- -·- ..... . ·__ -- · ·.. ·-:__:_ -.. ~ -... . . .. _-~·, .. -... ----
·1n· a.ddition to theee informal arrangemonta, · ll.a.1aon was 011~liahed ·Yith1 :
.:.-::..:..:.·~.::.·: .-::-. --...·..: -· _::·-- :_:-:·~~--t- :... ... .. .--· ··· .. ~-- -: _._:: _~· :...:. -~-.:.=·· ·· .:. _::'-2.:.:..:::::... :--~----=~·-:: :~--
- and · cooperation on .- 15Jl6Cie.l probleme Ylll requtt1t.ed !rom; _the. NII.TY Department., ·
-:-. ...
. . .. ._ _: _;_-; "".::...- :_ ~. -: ·-· ::.. : .... . :- ·-:.....:. ... ____.. :. - .. -~ . -.- ...·-~:- .~-·- -•.:.::-- ..~~-:;__.~ ..:-...·:.. ~-~ :_·.:.: · :-: •· ·.: ·:- ., - -:..- ~ ..
·. · · · partioul.n.r~ the &.1rgeon · Qenerel.J the Oftice ot the Surgeo~ Ganaral o! the
. :.. . .
... ·-.: ..

. :-
NND i.\3'2..5~
~- :, ; • I" • •

' : ·. Authority
By' \<J NARA Date o~/02-!07

. . - . -· ~/ie~fu:i --~~etiig~~Oi, on b~l~gio~--~arraro; -~~oie~~;--.,~~ .. -. -. . -.

· )~k.;d ~~it--~ of -the ·Arnly; th~ Ot~o~ ~r ~a~ii.i-- ~~~i1~~i~i~/--~~ o~rioe.
. .· ·..
·on' public "ratl.Ati~ns; urangemonta ..-;,_~~ ~~~bliab~d-~l-~ .thEs Bureau
-~---· ..
of_Publlo . ?teli tion~: -~i ~e t•~ nepar~ent, th~- D!i~'o~~-o~ -~~-ofri~~ ~t
. ~--
.. . . . . ,. .... . ... ·- . .: ..... : .. .. - .....
. . ... ' .. . - . ....: . . - ..·:
- ·:.- - - ...
, , .••

· W~ in.rO~m&i1~~~ · aii.d·- ih~ .D1x80U,r of· ihO-_.Oifi~~ -~:r.:·ce~~~~cl;ip-~- ··-- . ·· : . -~ .· .

~ ,u,tabu~ilig .~ . anti-bioi~g1i,o.1· .:~tai{pii~:~{--~ ~~ ~~~~ . -:: --...

Iel.4ncu, linbon. was eff'eoted with the Dep~~~t _ of -t:1~ In~fi~r~ To onr- . - - -·-
ry out do!ons\~~ meAS~ea · againBt biologic:ii :;;:s.rl~e L~·tl:~--JM~ed\>tatoa;
lffiS ~~~~~d- .tiie cooperation 6;li!DWlding Gener~~~ i ;-:~rtloo· ·- :-··
of th~

·cowiiands ~~d ..~i tablished liaison· rl th th-o ~to~ :~~:I.i/\l~oion ot th~ --~ .. : - .. - . . --~·-:-----

.~~~-1!~-~ttn~·t.ti~~ ~rk in the S@rtloe Co~d~~~-:- .. :·_:- - -;<: . .- .. _:.: .

·:./.. -..... -: -::.

.~~iau~·; /;~ ID!~ to ~~ ~~i~ieli ~d c;ndia~ @1~~-- ·.·...:, ~

:_:~ -· . ·.

tinued ~d dovolopod further the cooporative mang~entn tlreacly· catabllshe-

. d· . _··
:-..._. :.
abroad, .Md . ~~sistently ixcllnngod information -~/p·;~~i~~i iitii' the Brl~ .
. -.·
b.w. organi~~~~ as B~~ -tip nn&r t.ho Brlt.iah C~~Liit· ~ ~~ the b•••
· ~~~p 1n}ciuu-.da. . .. ~-- - - -:-:<- . .

S~l~~tiri~:.lirl;~:,i~~-~~ -~a~~ -4~~& ·o~ ·.-.·.:. . --

Sciepoep •and tho National. ·J?g11oarch Council.
_ :Jeni. th~ b e ~ ~- it, .wa~--obrl~· tiiat ..ii,·;~\io~~~ .Sertlce were
- .. ·-- .... ·; - -~-
to be l!Uocoissful, it trould require continuing soionilli.o of the high- •
·-.. . ·- -
est ordor. !o meet this need, a
opeoial comndttee of _sciont.111ts, the
.ABC Oollll!littoe, ns aet up by the Ne.tional A.c&.demy or Soianoe~ -~d the

National R~oaarah Councu ·to adtlJle War Roieuch Servi.a~: . ~ li18etin1• of

+h- .1.nn ,,:___ ,1~"'-- .:_:~:. ,..:,•_;1:a.1
. ..: . -. . - ·.: .· . . ....:-· ,. -·=- .-i.. .·::.:):>~---:- :.. .=. ·- -··
;.:.., •• -'::,.:..::.:~~.:::._,..; _ ~~•+. '4+.• -1"''14.-4~,., --"'-""•
- .·..
.. - '
.-- ·._:_:. ,'::-":... . - l2
. . .., -.. . . _ : ..
thL~;.f'krtMCO .._. •.. .
~ · ;,
:..: ~-: . . .
!> the
- ---: . . ..
~~~~iion -~~-~a:,·c;,~~1'~ ~~~bled.
. . . .. -:,::.....-

·'Aatixit1~il- ol wiir -~~~-earoh s#J;g~; >:. · . . . ~-~~~ . .·: .- .:;-~•:_::_-~-: ;=;::.-~:-.:-i. ::·-· ~. .

-·-··: .·jf.u;;~~~/ on~ ?iii·r~~ti·_._1ii~ir in¼o~~~,-'; ~ii -~~~~~i.··-:· ~ ~:-.:.··

· :. -,.in:~;!c·~~-unde~ti~~-txy "the~o llltmy a~wo{;~_; b~tll -di~~~{f~\i~-.~iioiii :~ ;·:_...... ·:"<:··..
.- &>~ ·;t-~~ -~..b;.l'T; wor; 1n1t1at~ nt tho ~-6~~ -~ ~J~ht~~ :~'%1~~~-~~~~ _ .-,> . . : - ·;\->.-;~--~--
.--~i~~~·,t ;·~~-;~-o~~i~uod "under 'it~ -~d~-O~J -o~~ir.·;~ttt~d)i~\ l;to.·.--."+~· .- ->i.:·.:· ::; ~
-h~~ w / · s1t~ri~:~~-oy and ~n~~: hid- t i;o main~~-ed, th~ 'faii;i.ti~{~-: ---. ~'/> ?.· .:
~-:'__.: >:i•{ ·w~{~ iga~r-cli~si~~~ -~-~ao'~~~ t :.dttii~t -~ ·de!~-;,· ~iii~~~· ·r~·;;· ·t~<:-·:: -·.-:.<t~ .: . ·._
'~;i-~i~;;i{;~~]~t:~tt~~t~1it!:f!iii~Jl1!~~dt·.:;;:·!r-:·I}j'---.: ' '•..· ·
_. ~--- · =- - . polioio'ei,"_~d ;to-_ aot - a · momir:i
'of a.ahio'ri.Ii{(liaii,on be~weon vnrious ·aovorn-:· . :.·;.- :_. - .

_-_ ~,.;~,;~~:;~~~H'~~;J~t~;,
''-. _/·:-:'-::.~grwi-_nct.ght ·-bo·mirr1ed
: f.
"~f~l~'.~i' ; •_H f .c ·: :} ·• '~~ , -.
.-8"rvice no : -::-·-.,
effootivo1¥; ~-!hue; ·:wir_Ree~h ·= :· · ..
~ = ·
-.: . ~"~='
. :. ~~--_:~·::::..:::: _:._§.:~:;:·. ·:-:..-.:.:.~·t/:=. .·.:.:.. :::: =i-- ~~ . _v·c~ ·:.i:...:::,;;;~-~it_::.··.".:~~:-:=.-~-:_-_ :.~:::~--~~ ,~--~-.. ..·-~.-:;.-: . ~~~- ~:.-·.. =:- ._
· ..": ": ooncGrn·od: ttj. t.1-i' _\Yar~::Depurtmont--dellbm-~tions·:at .the·: M.ghest l~lo; -puti~ :··---.-· .- -:: - ·>· --..
.- -:~--i:~;:- -~~::~j;- ·:=--=-:i-:~-~.:. ~ ..~~:~~::; -~--~~=--~: -:: -~~~-l~:~~~ ;·,:~~:· ==-·:::·-~·:-ii -~~ ~!.:--.:: ·:.:-::.-~-::;:·-~-~:.::i:-~::.·:::.:~:f;::-_~L~>--_· ·.:.·:;~-{ ·~-= :::·~ -..-:-
-- :-:-::·.·ltiJ,-ly-in·.~·tha ·Off'ica~of · tho Sc.,cro_tsry · o.r lrar; · 1n· the · Army · Servi·oe Forcea;- and·:- · · :- : ·: ·=·:-: · ·-·
:···~:::~(::\i:~t~!}{~:i~tijf;~ifa:~o ~r~~-~ t ·; ; :~i~~ -~-;·~- - ; ~~ifi~ti/-tii~:./~>· ;·:'~~_:-
·:._:: : ~~? ~~iai of_'iiie·· liiiny and of tho TI~~/ ~/~~}f~;;:ii-':~~ h~~at.' . . ~=-- ,:.. :-: -. ·,':·'.:..-; .
·-- · -~ ~ --~;;~~ imd 1n th8 d~iib~~~t10;;0 o r:~~ i,J( ~-{~~;\ f ~-~~--~i~ :.:· :?~:_:_. ·
·:·'i ~~(I-·b·;·~~~ ":i:n ·ahi ~t; it:s poli~/ -~~ ~ b~-:~~~;-.:\~~:~~~~~ ..-. ~
-=~·-... _ :~ ... -::j ~-.'.- .
.. ~: ~. ·'niis·position or ira:r ~.~aroii~~nio,{i~ ~~ ·u ii~~ ·b,- ihe · -- -·i/-.
.. --~~\:;p,-:wM~ii~w;~e.~ ~--to :-o~oi~ii;/ c18iin:i ~ ~ inir;;~~~;f~~ -~ ~at -· .~:~:·· : :: _.
·· o·~-b~oi~:~~~ ~~e -~ttack, 1~-~;i..i;1oi!s1~-~i~-:~ t ~-~- .. ~ · ·-- ·:-<_:.:,- · ·· · :.....
_·.·.:.. ..~:-..:· :.. --- ~::··-: ._...-=-. -:-_ ·- : . --.:-~ ....:.:..:· . -.- . ~-- ._ . ~-:".:.: ..-:.:; ___~ ·:.::··:-j-":::·:. .:j~~::.-..: :.-: \ .· -~. . ::_: - .:.: -.. ~- . . ...: ·: ;:-t\· _
-. ~ ~- . ( :;:·:·~-
Orga.n.iu tiop ot J)efenp•@ bainst Biologioal :'l&r.tar9, · .._· . _=.


. iTI.1.lablo the raport. and of tho :~o.eoiii-tW :·~i~h ~d .

;~~us~ r~~~ ~ _ :ti~··.Seci-ei;ey of Wu; -~ci"~ ~ ~~g ;.-~irl.a ·_~ii-eoto~
:· . . --. _.. : -- . -..:.·_.__·-.·-~~--".:_ _-;::·-· -.,·: ~ ~:: ·::;_:___:.:_·. . .:.:: :•:--~-=~~--:.=:.-.·.= ----'.:.:, .~...:~--= _ __-.....> -==---·= ·--: ·... . :· .. ..
of Re1earoh, Dr. E~ B. Fred who had sernd u ~ ot the _·1m0. Co~ttea. ·
-: . --. . -- ... . ... - . . . .. .. .. . ... - . .. .. . .;- '·.
:':-.:-~ _. .:·.t :~-: _.:- ::=~

·. :· .. -· . ... ···.:::,_ - . ..... - . . -

·_:·....·:_:_:t, C\ ..;, < · ·-•·· _ -'~~C

.---~--:·.~_-_:_J _-_J_._·:-.•~-~-~-~_;_:_~.:·.•·.-_:__ i_.~:~--~-:.,,·~.:.·._~-:_{__'. -~--:~:_.___:_._·t i_:.::-:_:_~_:.:=.-·~_;-_·-:. .. - ·-
' .- . --- . <-/T:~.-·:_:~~~_-: _-':\\'.:,_}j:.t\ .. ··=- . :· · . - - - . -: - - -:- - . ~ ': . -.. . :: ,: ·;.-
:(p . . Authority NND ~32.S?,
B/ \(J NARA Date o~jo2.fo7

: ...::
m~ttee. . ·· ·· · · -:· . .. . · - - -.. -. __ •· , . · ...
.::-.::\~ · ·: :_It ~a"~·-:·t~n~1J;~;i ';~-tira~:-poa~aJi( ~~d '.~\i~ti.a\¾it ~~;-~~t-::-_.·

b;i. n~t~-~-i~/iin1¥1i~-~a-a·aga1nai ~~ - ~d~~~~-~ ~ -t1~---a i~-~ po~~~ ·--· · ·< -- · :,:-·.- •

:ti ~~ii' d~oided ~e~fo~e- that i.tepe ahould bo ~~n- ~r~;ptlJ' to do-

..• :.
~l;:t1ia ·s;rvio;' coiiiinci;;·tiiid pro·gr~ ·for ih'e--~~~~au~i· o~ ~;-~ ; ·.roid~ :~

. ·. . .

. ---·- .·-, ...

s1~--~1~a:.;-;~i ,:i ~1t ~~~i-1~;{~~
miik ~ci\,i~i·~~io~ - ~~ucito ,;~~~1n· - ·aiii.
~ ·.-:.- :

put 1i1to offeot with .the collaboration of the Provo~~\;~iili~ ~iien~;al and the

Surgeon Oojnoral. Reports of w1u;..biologi0Al nrfare officora -.from the otni,..

. tegio Ha~:area w~re ci/ ou.f to~~~~~
~ a d and eftluated. ~s/~d_· -·. .
·r~oo~endations lf~8-made ·'to the Geoi~-~ .~f-. War_!~-~-~cli~~~n:~i -~~~oti~ -~~:·
n;~~~~~~a;'_· · rn thl· ll~ht Qf tile fiiwa.iie.n e..~~-i~noe:~-~t~~iiu ~~~ wa~- made
. - . ,·· .
...... _
dr~the ci-~ibb~ai. t1rea w}uol1 reGUl~d in !o~b~~dati-~~~--f~r ~d~tioua.l 'p~ ' :: ~- ..:
teotion. ~t,ioulsr~.--1u th;; Canal ·Zone. ·rJ~~-iiJ.1--t~o~~.:~~~'.~e~~eie ·woro (·:.: .-..
tl~ t~d 'to the ~~iib~t;~t9 of a b.w.- at~;--~ ' - ~=
p~~D:~o ~ ~ ~\,;~~;- . ~-- -
·- ..

Th; "TIRS n;,aehroh &nd Devoloppent P~ogrwa in Biolod.~.'-~ ~( · .

.:/··. :. rn~tce. tinit~d ato.t~i.~ th~ -·;-~ or: p:iiitog~~-
.. . --
..:. - · -- · -··.. -- ---. ~--.,.· -~... -.... _: : - -:- _:. ..
or-· •ar; · nnd · nlso the study · of prot~ct.1.on agiinat ~B~1ble ~eiey 'WIG ·. _
~M; ~f
... ..~ . ..

o~~h;~-~-:~~~~t~-;'"°ns~i -~Oilltlet~~/ r~~w }1.;ld ~f ~-~~~;h> iii~-g;-~anbatio~-:ot :

r ~-~-~a.r~h _. ~~ :de·~ei~~ent'. ~: this fiold wu t1e ~i~};~~a1bii1ty o! -lfar ::• .. .
~~;; ~~:oh·::&r~C:~~: ~~ -~~;~- CODBidered a~ ;t ·~inci~/~~;;~me~t. To d►
._ ., -.- .... : . . ~=:!.-- .,• ·.. -- ·.::.. -~ :-· . .. ,· .-· ...... _ ____ :. ~~:·-:~::--..·:"::-:.:.~· ·-.···.·. · ... _-"':""•-~ "'.
termine 'whe.t pllthogenio ' agentlJ .l!light· be ~ d offen1Jin4' by the onemy, and by
~;~el~• :it .neo~•• ~ ,-· and -wh~t pi/~~6~~1~ ~ -efJ~t be develop~, ~~&-

. ~:· -: . -:·: : .··.....- -.. -

:_8EGREr·:....:.::::·:. ..- -. . . . : ::-.
·>;; .. Authority l\lND ~31..5~
, ,...:
By' l(j NARI!. Date o~jo~Jo7

.:~ . ·. . .
. ·. . . -
.- ·.. _. •~ -=-•
.. .. : ~ . . . .. .
I :-

......... . ,_ '-
.. .. ... _;. .
.... - _· . :_-_ ·: .· .:-· .
.: -~ .- :· . ..

•••• I •,- ••• •

-- ._-.....-•.: - :-·.-. ..:: .·.. - :. .·~ ::- ..
. ::: ;~ -· .
. -
_... ···-- . .. ·· =: ·-: ..,._...~.
---: . -..,_._-:. :_;:.· . ... - . ..
•, ., .-~-f:~~:·;__·. ·:..
--. '.•_.__.:_ - ·. :.·;: ~- _: .· ._... :.... "-:::.: :
--- - . ... .... ..
. -:.-
...... :.:
.· . . . .

_.,_..... . .. .

---~II~;·i.~i.Jntific i{~id~/ it\rua nec~aoary .to ~ ·in.d -oo~r~~te-~1, -~Ci;-

·.: uii~ ~ciiv:i.ti:·and to'·cinti imm~&~··1a1>i~Ji/ itili.~~f in': llhiih. tlie,·•·· ;·..,--::_ -.. :
-- _:•1n~~~-tX~~-~{~i;~ c~~d·b·~--~t~ted/ Thii_-\i~ -~ -:~jr~~{; -~; Di-r~:~-~r:- -·
-~--~r R~::im-ch---~.n~ ~~i~i,ient :~i ·mw~ 801'.fn~.~ -~o -~~e ~~i~;.bed ... . --.• .

-::~iGad~t~ £~01r · r~cye~t1v~· 1~1~~s; ·~~s~'-i~rJitd~i--t ··c;~;~-J ~-j '- ;~ -~ :-. :::<. ·
:_ ?1RS, \ ;;:dii>OU6S m d: i.~} 'lo'iig llit. of i~th~g~c/it~tri. -
l\ -iil -~;dor
-to \i~·-·-_....-· - .._. : .
.:- :-..:::_-~ -· ::_0:_ .-.:._ -· -_ _.,-·_ _-. .:. .:;_- --
. . - :--
. -:. __- :_-·- -: . . . -- - - - ...:- '" -. --.-- -:::.... ~-=-.... --- --
---- t,mnine those whioh DUght be uaec'; by ihe ·euomy. Af~r thea~·-&genta had . · -· :
~e~~ivid-n p~~lirrl~~7 .~~I ~eitlui, ~ U{~/ ~.tiie=~; :_~5;1~~t{i~~--i~;:-~~~ :~p=,: - -:. .. ::;~: ..
·er; to utudy ~aoh 'ng~nt. Firuilly,-1-~-i-~-~~~b)~th~~t:' i~i[~/ror~;k~i~:_ · •: -

each 3.gcn t ~ -s sGlactod; . c,nd the _p~el . was asked.t.c/ ~;ti~e tiw l~~.rato~ . .· .

. - f11.clliti ~s in vcious-univorsit:l.oa <md re~euol1 fii~-8.tuti~~=:· through~~t: uie•_

:. c\,im~~;,hioh ml~ \t ~e u=sod to. at~ iiia i~tfutl. p~~~iteat ¾~:~ii ~i p;~dui
-:. . .
. .: .. - - ..

.. _,,,.. '

- ~-- ii~~:.;~ -d :~~iliodc·· .of.:prntactio~~; 1hur.; s~ie~tiA~·~o-jifct~·t~~o 1nitiated._ -

- - .
-·1.n ~u:~s.tabllshed laborat.oriet: throughout tho United_5ta~s_ •. In oaae,i i r ~_·

-.·tho 15e~~~s/ of ~~ aic1entific f~I·t;·onnei ·1.~ iiio~& hl~r~torie's•-.t,re loo.iied ~

--h;; the ~; iversiti~-a t-0 tlia Co~9rnm.eni; •· In:o~·cr·~i~~:~~; .th~--~~~;s-~rui-~(v~o .
n,~d ill. 8':!)6tll~S· r}r e~ttlpment and 8~ppi1~-;· ~~/~~~i:;~- ~~t of tho
~aid, :

Pr~51~~t'a ~~rgcnQJ' Fwid, through th;;' ;;dera.i ·~~~1i;_A~;;~.

·r~tiiiignor r,gr8o-a9ai~ Re-~~~cll ~s::_ < -.-· :·.>··=X . ->~ :_ .. . ·.. .
]2e;yel9mient Work op Bj,olog!c;l '1:fgej.- . ..
-~{-·: :.i~ -~~ Wi~~-i-.J; ill~;~·ii.~• .-:~i'b'~t/ ~~adc1/~~t 011rta1n
.:t~·oraJ~.fue~ii'~ti~n~ might ~v~·- frltltl.;~~-~~ ·~llie;.:-llligbi &how poo-_
-slblliiiea; ·:mi•~ :thes~-~ote~tiillt1e• be~ .t -~~,/ ~I:·a~~;,i;;;, -~ear:cy,
. _-.: . • :·..: . - - ·.- - . _;.<·. ;. .· :.:. . • . · . :. . __. . ·.-:.·.:. : :...- ----.. ·.:.:..~·-~~:: _ _ .:.· 2\· :··.. _- .:_: ._._ .
SJ1d when. the 1nve,Ugat1ona of"aertain diaeue-producing
. .. . aggntll
-· and prote►
tin.iiie~~~~ b~~--ii>·eierg-~-ti-~~-:~~ ~bir:~tii; ;i;~';·_: i t ~ -na~~i~ai,, ~ :. ·-. - .
~ l~o~g 'tnrd. pj,l~t ~tend ;i~ld ~ (£~i~--J -~;;~~~~~=· .
~ i s-
·- - ,.-. . . .·\.~;:;~~~.;/ - <t>: -:.- :,_._.~~;_··. . .-
( " . -·-·- -- . . ..•, •

• , r''kePROOU(;EO AT.THE N~TIOtW. AAChrves
' ... .. ;._ .
~_uthority WND ~32..5~
' ' ~·-~·•. - 7·•- .... . _ .. -~ . .• - _ _._ ·--· •. .. ,,

~Y-~ NARA D ate o~jo2.lo7 .

..,. ·:· •,•. .'. .

. --:::.-~;- :-~ . .: .
.. ··,. ,
. .·~·


- 1; -

and BTet'I to'lttrd maM prodttot.ion, though vm-bal ordere Yere gim by the

Secrotary of War tl1Vlt no lltockpil"li, o~ loth"1 !1!8terinli, i,hould bo eoCUllllllated

without bis oonsent.

.Altlost fron t.he outrudi it boonma ole:u- that ogrtaln l"J.iseai,o-

. .-:. . :
producing agent:J nnd -proteotive -:cor..f!tU'eS lllerited p!irt,ioular 11ttontion. A•
r~.a<l'nr~' con t~ued in the.·lnborstotleft, addl t:lonal i temn wore brought for-

wud _fo=·. ~ .
ei,ccfal stlldy, lfhila ?omo pr.ov&d to be of 11tt.lo vlllue end mire·
. _di:opp1;id :!re:~ oon aid.ere. tion •
..__. . : .

A°s : th~:--reer.u..t· o! co:-rnul t.o.tions held .in the. W'fl.r. 'Oep~tiu-:-ent w1 th ·

. , .

r~pr~s;ri-~~~lv;s-c-/ the Anny Zcrrtca Forcoe, it win deoid~d ths.t ·1arge.:.aoaie ·

dcvelopn{ontfl 7lorlc tnmld h11vo to ,roceod rl th all ~ossible hasto and with

Aocordingly ,i n Nonmber o! 1942,
t.~e ~1~~1~ul Warfora Sor~oo o~opera~ n.otln~ in the o::- ·was l:ll(!_UHted .to ,-->.
- ..- . . : . -
-·- -
-· -
- . ...- . •.

)"len~i."lg pror,rt1>:1 ,,f. 1, ri,11ear0b and development. 'fi'ar R~ISearch &"1ce

provid•~- e. aoiMt.ifio adviser t<1 the Chera1.oal \fertsre &I'Tioe to direct the
scient,i.flo e.opeott' or i ta 'i'Jroer!'m in thii, !'ield and to
coordinate 1 tr, "ll'Ork
·- . -
r.ith thet of !RS. nr,

I, t. 'fl'lldrin waa choien .t.o fill tiii,').~ rtct !)Oli-

.._._ . .,.
ticn en~ n~ largAfy reepon~ible for tbe te~~Jicai d~{;ptll~t ot th·•
~ecitl P'!"-:,j acb Din,rion of the Chemical lrar!are· Service •
.. ·- - . . . - ' - . . ..
R~e~arch 'apd

F.~tabli~'unent · or a Ch~mical Y~rfmre S~rtlee

Devolo"Cment lnatallation for Biolo«laj 1'0rkt
·stepa were takon to IS~oot a s1i;·r~r ~ ~p ~ :\rl>.ioh "th~· n~ea-
l&ry laboratory lllld pilot plnnt faoil1 ties could be built end maintained \
under strlot lllilltary security, th~ l>Wl.ll National Guard .Airport a.t Fredel- \
ick, Lfo.ryl.end kno~ es Camp Detrick wao
... .
Const.ruction of the required e,-;porinental fe.cllitieo end living quarter•
•~octed for thio purpoao.
.. ·. , , ..
... .. . .
-- : . -
·;:- . :· =·-: .:. .

.. :_-.. - .
·-,... ·.
·: . ··- ·...
·- ... : - . -. : .
. ,•_. . :. - _.....

. ..- . , _-.-_ - .· .. .
_ ·-\ /}\).:~- / :.~~ ·:.. · . .

. :-:··--- - .. .. - 9r:nREl ...

. . - . ~ -· ., · ·--: . ......... - ...
.. , ·. .

-/ \f\ rt~- ~1-\f~->/ \ :--✓. : -· :

~:. ~ \ ·))_
·. ·__: ~--~Ca&p
-')\L~}>·>:_.;~l /;~-·_::.-\_ ~
:/.- . -{.-: =-~/\---- ---->- -_ :: ----_ -~ --: _:~~ -:.·)
Det.rlok 1aforaiorle1 -~cl. pilot i)i~nts ·-1'-a·a: th~ . dir~~-t ~=o~~!libili~.·._ . .-: ·..· _·: . -
.: .. · --:: . .. .:. . .. ~-:. ..· -~-- - :._ ..- .. :__,:.. _ :__ :..._--..__..:• ·,. .:-- . . - _· ' -:·. .. :.:·. .":.- .-:.- ..:.---.:·:::::-:-::·.:.: ~2~..:~.--/.~;;_::.: : _-:~ -. ._:.- ---- ::.:.: . .. ·..·.. ~ .·. : -.. -:=-~-= -~-; -
-< _·.:of:tlie .Che!'&r• ~nice~ ·'tiut -tho.: gen~ai-"progrsi; of·- We>rk·.~ ..-con- - < ·· .• •
.:.:p-~ - _ ..._~---:.- =-~_._.. :-__:~ .;.__· .. - .:.:·.. _._..·. · . ·_ ....,:.:_,__..~-,:; ___=:-:· -: __ :.-~
:=-:~~-.;::.~:~=-~- -~>;:~:~_·::.->··_._ ;--:_-:-: · : -~.:.~~:.. :--_.: .
~~--tinued under the_ guidance- of '!far Reaearcb Bervioo.~_ -!11 _time ·lfent _on, re■earoh :- ··
-1 . ••:=i=:<
c .- _ ,· .. ..: .,u ..;a.-_. --:S=:-='_.-:= _ • ".,. :. . ~-~ .~ --~-- - ·.-: ··::~~~·--..:7.... ·. .~-.. -.:..:,· .. -;....:.·,: .::_;:-.
t.z... . ..• ~... ~... · .. · •
. • : --~projeat, ·1m1ah had. b"u n de-.eioped ":tn univerfli ~-;:'iii"1'.-govi1~fftlhl l.Aboratdr:i~~-.
... ._· ..:\.·uiide~:m -'ll~IlllO~-aMp ~~l'A ~~~d - ~~i ~:-irui·· :\Ji~\~i~~i-- ~~;;~;--:~;r ··_
.. - ... ..·.:_-. ::.:.::-..;..;.:..~ .- .::.. -:.::...:..·_:.::~~<--.:.:.---~- ~-- -- ., :_ ·. -..-. .,. _-_. ~ -::-:.-~~;
t:: t ~ -~ ,. . - '. ..
·=-:~.-~--.,..,.·::-..-:~-~::-::_--:::~..: _._~-.:...:~~~.::.~:.:.··.::~:·__:·-/: .::~ -~--..::._.::;;.:/ ·:-_::· ...
-· · ·-·::_--·~·::~~1,;:::: flle Camp_· potrialc ini,_tallt\t:1.011 gr8'1f." re.pi~ .to _coot -~e inor~inll ·.c,:_-.· :~ _: :._:_ -.-~ : ~: · ..

f 31
.- .·:-·:.. :::-.::,:::-:_co1:1-plerl t,;r; \-:~UJ..•:·ns_-:the ~ci<Jnt_i~ic -p_rQ~~ _o~ _lfR$. ·LU1d . tlrn CYIS .progre111ed, . -~ ;. ·
• ~• ._.::. ••-- -.1..~ •:::~~ ~--~.:~:...:_-::_:_~.-::-.--: ~.::.--- ./__ •,:.,: :.• -•_-~:... •-:..•: ,_ -~..: :•==• ~:-~;...-~••=-i•:::"_._ :• •~•-:.:.=•: - •~-- ~ • r- ---- , :::::.-- •: - :--•- • - •• • • • • : , : ; /~ : :.:. •• •

:_:the ·reaponaibillty tor 'getting ·thc, job dono ~ifted- grndaally rrom· aivlliM

-_·:~~: -;~i~:~~:~;;~~t:~~~-:f~rr~~~:~~~~} ~*:.;:·~+: .- -.

-.. : ·_.- : -~:

r---•-·••--• -.
:··:-:· -:::-· =-:11tudi"ea :in uniTenitioa:- and othor ina~tution11_, .:~nd} ~' helping t,, obtain __· . _ . _ _·._.
-:':·t ·-\- \ iaiaiiirtc por~~;i--~ ;~~~t :r;i·• i~~i:~t:iif i/1ii~~ ·p;_,:~~-iit ·.: ···(-;- : _
. .:.

.....- .- : . . . -. - -. . . :_ ..
_. ·-·-·
:,.~ . . -
tlif - -

- ·camp ~~trick. . · · ='' · · ·' · · __.._ · -~ :-' ··: _·:..: :.- · · ··· · :-: ~ · ....
. .•.. --·: .- - . . -- -. . . ···: .

., -: -: _:~iii•th~- ~~g1.nn.1ng, ~ p netri•cic, ihou~-~d~~-\110 sui>ai·~s1on or ~--. -

.. - -.. -. . .,. - -- . .,.. .. ·_._5.:=_~:_~--. _. .
. . --·: 7 .::-


·. - :.. ·trick an entir•)J ·nn_and uncharted· field of eci~~"io etudyJ_))ut the . . . .\ ··

~~- mian. ·i;i~-~~~-Jf·c~f~ \~r~~-J{~;;{·~; ~ti:~Jit1~;-~ ~ - -:.
_. rl illoui ~EIC~~t;··. iii·~,.J· ~;-. th~•e·:;~~~;jili~f~ti~~/ ~~:-~1~w1/
- . . _· - . - ...:.:.:. -- : · ·:. . _:_ . · ;_..:.:.,-_ .·-::.....~...:.. ::. :·:.-~.-, -~~ =-~~: ..::--· ·:- ::·..:...._._ ·. ~- ·:. -·
'_:·wo:rk at Camp:Dotr_iak haa'·boen out111tending ~ -- o"ry ~~-apec_t .__> :: ·--~ . ----:..: :· ...
_;,.:_·: -:.: - -...c;.:..:.: . ..::: ..:..._·..:-_·.:.·- ;::·- · :.. · ~>-··_ :·=
-~-- --::.- -·~:~.·- -Z-'.'-:::-,'._=/~:·.<:·:· ··~--:/~ .;::~· _. ·- ·:::..-:::.·-
.. : ln;½lllgepoe· on Biologioa.l Wa:rfar•, . . _.· .. L· :.,._: :- : ·. . _.
~-~·-=·. ·, -·1 \i ·iii·~~J~ ·tiiii :n; -~c1~~
.. - ---· ..
~;tn=&i __ ....: .... : - ..:. ·· - ... ..."':.:- . , .. .
~ .. . -
. ·.., ..

I •
~.,: . Authority NND ~32.S:>
By, \(.j NAM Date o~jo1.fo7
···..: .
. . : :--::-::=· ···.._
., .. :.-
' ; -~- .. ··:::..
.. : . ·. ~-: . ; .. ·::-- ·.·:
- ... . .. -.
- . ~ • . ·: .. ...
. .. ··.... . .
. ---~. -.... : ·... -·:. .. ;
. . --, . ...- . -:.,·- -.~ ··.

,· ....
. .- . ·- . -·.: . '
·:·. -~-:--. - :- ·.- ::.
- . :.:.-'" -~ .
- . . ·.---~~... :. .. . .. . .. ·... _ .. . . . . .:. ..
·."·~.::-.=.-·-· , . _-:r ... · ··:- . •·:. . ..• ~ ! . ·. ;.._ ~~ . . -:

.. ~-~-:tli~--_1i ~/ ~;;~-,-:or~ jnforu.uon i~~i -~~-k ~ llhich uaed, IRight be

>>oyen °tliough thiii WoiiatJ.oo·mleht b~ ~ the fo~:-~r un~i~-J.~~·rumo;,·


..·. would.:pron of ~u~ no~ ~ -to ~ur r&Uitiir, 1iJ~{ but ~~o·· ~ . th~ .11cicn-.
-~--t11t/w~ in the i4 of.b.w. It ~--;·~t\~~\iu~)-~-~ to ~
... ·. .
It ni, holl'ffer, a ro~~i~
-- .: .... ••.• .· .. ; . - ,. ..
biliti ot 'ffRB to ulce certain that o!!ioimt JlleAOUN■. were used 1n 1til_ ool-
--·ieati~~ tht tii~ ru10U11 1ntoii1g~o; ~~~;;·1~-t~;~ ,-1~ci~~;i;. ~natruoted .,_~
:-: .. .
o; .i·;I~i~ iniii~ plmming~
·, ~d o.llertedj aiici until ~;w/ .beoame. a ~t~:
- -. - .

t1at ·1ntelllgence trom ~ so~oea m :phced in the hMdai ~! -~ ~or. astuey

.. -. . .

·and ·O"nl.uation. •. . - . :· • .·· ..-·: ... --·. . . . . .

. . - . ·.: ~~---~ ~.: ~!.education and -~J~-~5 Jo1!!1_P~.,- ~---·-·.

- ·-· ----,_;_~-:-·--~~~~_;;~~~-~.:-.~~~&;;:;t.~-:-2:~~=.2d~~~~~-
. ~~ ~
iuidz~~1--~/i. -· :_- ... _._ ..,
:·. --:
Marquand; Dirootor or Intelligence md Information or 'IRS•. . All intelligenoo
~ ~ : i ! .:-..:.:....:..::-:~..:·_:·.: ---~-;::.. : ~.-:---:--:::.:::.::.:;.:::=..::::::.-.~ ~ - -.,..:--- -.;.:;...'..::::!"....::-.:::.:. ~=~~=~:;---=-·_:.1-';~
.; .i.r ~:: - .. . . . , .•
. ratui~· dealing with -b.w. 011 obtained tr'om U~C41 lntoll1gauoo .
G-2, ~I,
·. !GO, 0881 11nd VBi~ 'lhl.a intolligenco was ~1~~ ~d ~~- thon praunted
..-- . -- . --: . -
. to 10l~tiet~ and .intelligen-ce 1pe.oiall1tl ·ro_r evslua~ end oolllllla1t. llhile .
· it ,,... -~bTJ.ow; th~t. enemy activity ill b.v~ ~f b~::~:~4~E~ard~-~~~~~--
the ' meaier count.._o! i.nfonui.tion obt&dnod led to tlu/ca;iolws~on _thnt respond-
... -- ..-:· __· .. - .
ble intolllgenoe oolleotion agtm~ie,i Di~t iwt be proper~::_educated or

.~~~~-": ·•:«·•~~~ ·r+:oo~~~~~t~~ ~- Orrico .

o! th• Secretary' or la.r, :1n11tructiona emphu.11ing•tho i!lporte.noe of b.1r•
.: . ~. -.

-~-wl.l.ig1mce were ·•ent 1,y· G-2 to ill llllit&ry_ .A.ttacheo, and to 'l!hoater or

~do*•.. in-,·uudlrit18h I;;..,-~; -1 ~-- ~i~/ti~ ~~-
. . . :
East, China; .
~ .. . . ··.:._ . . ~ ·:.-· .
-~c11a, end the Paoifio. · -~ <-: '·. · _-, _ __

--~-~--. ---- ii:~,~~:l~ri }.:ned·=-~- ~~~-~~~; ~~-~~~.: th• Dil-eotor

or-1n~{k~i.:aiia ~o~ti~ -0~ m ffl.-.i enti~·~-o~~t wi~ 1n-

~lli~-~ . aut.horitio•· ~~with .the iti~~·:·~~~:~ -~ · 0-~ &t~onal area.~ .

b ,a:re;ut oP tiii~ ~/~ \riih a~~~\}~~~ ~;i1~~ .or th• th; .-
·>·;.. ._
. :~ ..
- _;-_ ._-:- :-;_~-~ -_~:·. ·:y.~
tij~:~r.?ti~'-. :_:~ '.>}/:·-==~<.:}( :-._-. . .
-·- ··-·....-.·--- -. ~ .•. .I

·~t;~~:1;?:~r-·1,;~~;:i~~~~~L-, :'.l'~i'}";ili;-~~e-;§-f,;-:-: :}-_•.>,._ t,.-.. ,

· --::- .. · - .... -· · - · · ..·. , · By \<..!! NARA Date o~Io-i-Jo7 . .---.· -- · · : - -- ·.. - --- -,· . . · - --- - - -·· .·· .. ·- .. - - .- .

... :- . -=-- . . ~;:~:-= .. .. -
.- ,__ 2; ·:\i{~:_;/f:tr~_:r\:!}i-tt:~-<t:-·:
-/:: .-~--
:· ·: :-_~ ::;-.-:_'.~ :- Sur190n··0enora1,, ud• cert&ul. HOOlllllendaUODI to th• Seori,tarr ot .'11.J' •. .
. . ... . .. .: ;-...-. -· .
·- --~~--~,: ~

.:- "':_-_. ..:..: . -:--:, - ------ .- .~- - -_·, .-.:::.;~.:::: •·~-

. _.. _ . ..,.
. :; - : --.- . .:- -- ....
. -·
~::?·=-~.- - ..
.....::. _,_ . .. _. -
.::-[~ :- -- - ~-. . .

. --
-·· .,: ·--·-~.:.1.111i11tant Chier. ot swr, 0-2; - '!'hirfctfioer wu ,i_o nt firat to tho. Euro-: .· : . .. _.. : .. .
·.· .- ·-: ;; -- ~ :::==.- -:::: .:.·. __~-·-:.:. -;-:-::~-~--.:-~:_·: _:•:-~::...:.i. --:.::-. ·::::: :~·~-~·:.::_::::;;.::.::.~-:\ ~:~~-~:-: -.::-0 ~:-~-: :::: ;.·-;.·(~:.:·:•.·0-:-·?~::~ ~-7·:~ ,- ._·-~:;=":,::
·-:--: - - -: ·poan : 'nloater · 0f'..:_0porat10i::u1; and -f'o~wing completi_o n . ot'_·h~, dutia»::then .; . · ..· .. -:._·;': ~ _ :.:-_-..
- · -~ - ··__-.__-.. ~-·: -_ii:;_::_ -·i : -~·.:..<.:::-.:~.- -2:: ~ . -·-· :: -~:..:·..-~ · ~~ ..':~: ~-::_.-_:· : ..: ~ ?:~~-~-::I:--~~~~-··=·~-- :--: ·:. :.._:: . -. : _. .. : · -~ :. --~--:· ·
·.-.-.~- .--.··=:· 'he··pz:o_o eedcd.'. to : the· North; W.ddlo_Eant, _: Bouthveot Pacific; Bu.nia-. _ . __ -: .· .

c_t=:;;~~;~~~~1~t0~;,~;1r~:~1ITi~~~~~i~t~,~·:&@'i.:/:~l F~,-.;
-:-:_~,_~- _-·:~[/~_-·.:,-..:.,-_r lt :the·•,niggootion or· WRS; . wi th :_th·e:·oonourrOAO~ or ' the Saore&tar,_· ot;~. ··.: · . . --:. -.· - ::.

·- ;.=:-..,;· .-.
...... a. ~ • · .

·- -. ... . -.

· · · ::~:IAri?wtioo :·sd·Publlo llelation;, · · ··· - - -·

··:•~- ~1h;J~~:~t~fl!:i~Iii~~1~ii~°i~••.·~ ~~:t.·.

·-- ~- - _·:\.:popu1at1on;~_llethod8 for lwidllng ~
. : ~ =-~~_;}~-- - ~ ..:. .·.;·:: __ .. •- .. -~ - -
- ~ting~cy ~,rora ·~scwsaed nth·~•
.. -- -.. · - -· :-... .: ----:~-~:·:_--_:.:'-_-:_:,..···~ --~-: -··=: -=~·... ..: __ .,. . - - : .
.. . .--

.""" - ·.
- . - ·-

--· .Direotor· or ·.o n; ~~e Bureau ~r Publlc ·Rel&t1ona ~r th;j J&r Dopartmait, the

~~-~ ~rec~r:of ·ffl, {~ -. th~:~tr°i~ •ot·-~~~.~-~ .i~eral ~i~~II for . publioi1y' -. .-.... _..
,,:: ~~;__~oa'ier~-~-od upon. ::. i:~~~~~ ~ -~f·ti;~nati~~~- ~~--
..••:• ~~oi-:1■ :~j,,~~tu*•to :4~~~;~~i~Cc~i~~~ ~pr&~·.· -~
-·· ~~·;:epidem.101 llhiah aiab,t .aprins ·up in T&rlows c11,tr10~ and ~ detoot '1Z1T

- ,. ·_.:7__~~_:·_.: -......_~_.-_.. ·.-. ·_::::,_.:-_:_:_....:_.

_.,. '• :~-:·.~ < .--- - - . -·.... ·_.. . . . .:.. : : ··

-:.... -·:··.: - - ·:. . •:. •-·.· ·.. ·.. ..

:•.: : ,.
,.:· Authority WND ~31.5~
By'\<J NAlv\ D~tc O~jo2.!07
· =.=
:'· . ~- .:_· ·.
·: > :
. -~·._ ;~ --~-·.~- ;·:·.:..:. .·, ...

_. --: ::·- •:.. ._..::,; - --: _._: . __ _ _______ - l •.- . - ___ _: ____. _ ;.:_:;.. . _i_:.. _:.,:.:,_ " . - - -·-::;:_., __ -__ '<. : -~-.. . . ... : .
..·. -_ ., .
'l'ho ~ of iW3 vu ukod to "om u tha Oh.einwl. :of' o Spgoial. Dub- · · ..
~t.~--o~ ~~ oi. ~ Co-i~t.oo~ of ~ -ii~t ~-~~f~: ~i ··to·~" - ·;:··
ihe poiaibia 1>10~-~ mrare iuip.oto ot iM. allo&ed =~ ~t1rtti. ,n.;;_ ., .
- ----- .._ . ~--- ..: - __;_ .. , _ _., . - - ----· ·- - ·-=- ·--·..:.: -·: :-._---~ .: -. -· - .- .:· --- . _·__ -.. .
"thCJU&h 1ntolligenoe on poHiblo Gorun uUnv ·.1n thiD i'iold R a ~ ·ad
• •- • •• . . • • .- •. . . ~ .:C.:) .,n;,:-_
·-1n~ch~iw;:iii~~~ been ~urr1oi~t·110rk.~ -1li ~ -~t;;d Sta~i,· ·-_ =- •
~-::--~~-=:~:-~;-:-:::~_ :·- ... --------~- ·... ·- > . . _· -- ~-- ·. ·- -~~ - - ...:.·.:-_~ -:~_:_::._-_ ..:_~.i_:: . .. --~- . . .:.. .
· Croat Britain,· and· Calwla~t.o indicaw ~ tlu• -• ~ &.b-Oommitt&e _that 0110h

& mew ~r .attack -~ roaiibi. • .la .. ro~ii of·w:.;·~~uoion, l!"1" Roa~-:

~:-:_'_ -~, -::: <..--.: ... . _:: :_. . ,.' ~; . :_ ,_:_ . •. . .:: ..~.:. ---- ~·•.. ,::__ : ~~ -~ :..-.:"_,"_'. : .:·..- _: --,: .. .:__ . .. ··• ·.. .• . ·'r·· ·• : • -.. •
•s.nic• ·wggoated to th• .Soorot.u'y ot lar that .tho WU" l>lij>utl:act sho\1ld u,. /· . . .
~~-~-~~~,~~~:dbw.~ r~-r~~; i,~fi~~~~-~~~scili ~d ~~--\>·:.:~::··-:·
--...::::. : _"'. _-~::...:.. :· - : .-:· - . <-:.:·.-_ ::.: .-: .·.:.: . : -::___ ·. .: :.. _: - ~ .:_:- -~ .:._~·~ ":_-._-::-: -: . ·- - ;·.:_ .::: -- -. - .. ·..... : . ·.. .' '~. ~ ~--~ .._.. :. ,\ ;
•~t progrDo J.t. -~~ ,au ~e . D8 - - the _Quaial Wart°:~ Sonioo,~ _:'-_'·' \~--· ,:.
~ -o Offi~ ~r
th~ ~ ~-. aezi:~r~- to aGOOJ.cate ~k proto_o_t i= ~ ~ -·-_·: _:··_ · · ¾ Oil
---- -- -- --- - -. -
i'oroea apinat poalibla anay
- - - -·- .- .
ot biolo&i,oal 11Utare. 'llle,e aotiosa ·indi-
. . . . . .

--~iW thi-~j ~-~~~i .. . .

½• po~~ili~:~-~~~-:~~. ... ·- ..
1n .~io~ .
... ·· . .
·.-::>>--:· ·-.c_-~~--
. . :·-
ifu~;:pl~o~i~ii-,~:- · ··, · ·· ·
, .'.

:_.-,,,-, ,: ,_:
. -. ' -
·- •• . -· .
.-- :::..-: . . . - .
-- - - -- - -......L....-..:.-.1. ·. :·-·
' . - .... ·- -·-
.. .,:
'I,. Authority WND ~3'2.5?>
By, \~J NAM Date o~jo2.Jo7
.;. ~ .:
. .. .,

- ao-
.. .
. .
to a&a'lllle tull reaponsil>Uit, for work on o•rtain ·bio1og1oal nrfar• acctaJ
, fol' tho oolleotion, eval.wLt1on and di1Mminatio¥l or intolligon~a on bioloei,-

.oal n:rf&NJ ant.I. for dei'~•in moaaurea againat biologioal wutaro. 2bo

Suri.oon General na direot9d to cuoper&to with the Chief of the ChemiOGl

Warrarc Sc1'Vice in l:IQ.ttors pe1•tainin1 to de.ftmoe ap:Lnat biologioal w.rtan,
and the continued oooperation and collaboration of tl1e lihl"r.f n1 inn.ted.

During tho n~-t six aonthci zm iDoreaain& 11.QOunt of rosponaibillti,'

. .
for work on biolog1oal 'mfuo vaa tni.naferred from~ R~~~Qrch &rvioe to
the YIU' DopartmSl'.l.t. Finally, in Juno of 1944, the President directed the .
. . - ·-
. War_ ~tment to aouumo full ruponsibili-ey for the research and dsTOlopment
pro~, and
.. . . '. .
r~;. ._th~
. .
tunotiona pretl.oullly performed . by'· WRS. :: The Dearo~. ot
.. . . . .. .. . . - .- · ·. . . . .. .s::q&:.& a .... a>
. War then appointed the Director of'
. ~ ~ih . ~i.-w:h~,.,'!!t_;!&Z.,"l~;~~~..:r--~_.__4i~~;_--.E!_~~ ·
Wu Raoearch5'~&rvioo as hie SpooW C. · ·.
·-.-~~_;:,__ _!:.,.. ·. -.:---..::-.:.§..:~
.._aultan t on Biologlcal l7~f~;~-"~a. ~equestad tho.Di.rector .of Heoonroh and .
...Q_ _ __ ,:.~ ~ ~"?."~"'~:!!~:'t":··~~~-~ - - . . - .
Denlopment and the Diroctor of Intelligence &nd lnforz:u>.ti.on of 'l'/P.8 to con-

.· ·:-tin~~ ~ Den&

Mr. \ Jarck U Conirultants to tho•Secret.a.ry . of Jiu. '1'hs

. Nav ~~~esl~
~ia1gnod Lt. Comdr. Comdr~)
.. . .
13; . Ba.rl~ii,
w.: umm~ to
aern u Ur~ rierckla 'faohnicnl ildo and !.Dcutiv-e Officer,. ·: a,y .Auguat, .'.3lt
1944 . ;. _~ sponsibilit;y tor ,. the research
pro;nm i.ponoo·~ocl by V1RS ha.d been ir'f.lll►.
re~~:- td Je-~~ P~ojeota 01rt~ ·or·iii~~;~~ Wc.rri.r. Sett1c••· ··
. ~an 0otob~ 1., 1.944• the mi1ef or ewr dir~~t;d ·tho._Coaandini a.eni,. ·
~ . ,, • - . - • -• .~ - -. • • I

Ar~ iie~o~ Fo;c~a, ~-oonlU1t..,rith Ur~ Uarck ·;n·~i~a-~!·major ~llqy-~- .

and to_keep lilr,. Merck 1n touch 'iri th i.tiportant atopa oon~e bioloi1~ \\
~ -~tar~·in ~~~r tb·~t h~ might gi~ .tlie. ~ -:. ~~~ For~·., .the benofit \_\ ·
or hi• &dYioe and• and, in turn, ke~~:th~·Se~~ of llar in-

fol'IIIXi• 'l'bia dirootiTO i'urthcr etAt.d th~t biolo.i!caJ. nrf~e &gent.a wuo
$¥;:c::;-c:-,..~...:1F:~~= . ~:x::: - ~:-=·~~;Fi~R?:- ·:s1,7C, -~~

not, to be produoed in quanti-cy witb~_~ t_~a.r _De~t,mint_"V.Prova.l• the

~~~S-i•~ ~ ~ ' l " " - , ; ) T l ~ : . Z . . . , . . __ , ~_•• Q;SX,,.
......-z"T'tn-rt;o~"f!~ ~3-c.·; . ~ . . : ~

Commanding _
Oane:ral, h°m1 Senice Forou; pJ.a.c-4. the respoJUlibili-cy tor work
.: : .
. - . - - . DECLASSJli'IED

·.·• :
Authority WND L\3'2...5?>
B y· \~.j NARA Date o?>jo2.lo7

._: ·..- ·; : :· .. . ... ·. - ~ "; . ·. - .: .:.• . . .-- . ~

- .- - . . .·.. .

-----· ----::>::: __--~- -,--- - ~- H[~

t~HET ~::_:_._r -:;: :;:~;-::_-_:':---~--\ /'-_:;.:-: ---:~·. -- -- -- -: ·.
. :.-.·
.. -. - .

·.·.•.· ·.•.I~:
- · Oil
:t/_; ·~J:;_;:~ ·."' ~~ ;.·>f',:,]i,>\ :,(;_\, ~.{:;:-.·.:.' -~- warfare with the Chief of thG Ch'1m1_e al lfartar~. ~errloG, _and .

·~ -
. .-".. .. : .
. .. . .. -
- ~;--; ; :
~ · ~: .. ..:_-..... .
..-:· .. -· .
· ·Bioloeieal. warfare Colllmittoe, wlth Hr., Uerck EUJ Chairman, to adrloe him on
·- - ~~~ ·. -:: . - :;: ~ - -· ,·_·---..-~ ~ ~-·~ _....._~·--:·-;~--~-~~;~-:.-.. :~:.. ._=_:::~~:~:~~~--.=:_- ·. ~ ... -:c.~ . .. - .•

ef,. \
·matter1. -·_T hi• Comidtteo w1u1 mad4 ·up or repr111entatiTe1
. . . . -- ·--- --- -- .. •• ·-· ••

the • ..,-..- -

···.·mieii~ii~-~Jf~.-:siiioi, ·ih-i, o·r~~;~ or t:,;~ -~~-i~nt~;~1/ ~~--~.-- :.~;- . -. -:-.,.

. .. :-~
-lhlr-. .itor iio101~£-:and aurgeey~·u. s: ~;~~--Bu~~-i~=J/~~:-; \;·: s.'i~v; ._ ·- .

: .irrii ~rvioo Fore~-•• ..l.rey Ground Forcoo; Amr iir Fir~~~, ~lOJDmto . . :w~t ·."•.·.

-·ru.rtsi~n~ ·w~ ~p;;~~t ~oi~ f~rs~--'Ll-~:~~ \i:-1:;~i~t~~-;~--- .. .-";- . _·. a{J;. ; :_':.- .

·-· _- .- · - _,:_.:., -·- ..::.. :.-·____~-· ..:~__... _....;:~ :---~~- :___~·;:.~.:..:=:-·. --~·~:-..·~;,:.•;:::,-:~·-:~:-·:l::\ -:·_._~_ ----- ·. . >--~:··· ·.
-· Strategic ·Senio911;. · '!he· Col!Ul!itte0 ns ulted not o ~ to··mn1co rooommendaticmo

tothe-'&orotuy of Var on nll 'mritt eu · of msjo; i~ii~-~liii~g to b~v~~ but

.. • ., I • •

also to eet&blllh. and mrlnW.n cio11e llnison 111th Bri tith ;;~.C~odian anthori-
-··•- •!'•~~.----,.-~-.. -.. . . - ..-=---· :·-, .,,.,.,:-··...,..:-:--····~·-·;_.;· .. -~=~·-_-: ---~:..·::z·::·""'-::'·'_•- .- --:' . .
c.::::..:.•• :..~~- -::.- •" " ~ -:~:o::-.. ~ .;.-,--;•: :-.--:-i;

'ties concernedrl·t h. biologioal warfare~

-;-~_: .-
--~~~~-~--·-:•: : -~_·,:<:.:_~·. ~--==·~-:_~-::~:·- ;: . _:~:..-.·_ ~-~-~~}~--;,:_... .--.:. . ~-: ..__ ·-=-;~~:--:."_-~ :.::·~: . . ·- . _ _ ,.:-
. ·: -::
·.. -: · ·· 'llhen War Ral'ilearoh &rrloe was 11~d.t.ted· 1n J'une 1944 and all b•••
~~-•~; ::-~.z:-~~,:1':~~~•:c.-=-~;Y,•;.-:~~i_,; •-~ ~:~:-:•-.. ~~", •
-•~ =: :, • - -~~:~~~~~~::~•.~-~~rJ;~;~,t=~~~v~~:••=:_
·..,~~-1:~ _~~- -~~~t~r;--~~--tQ.....~~~-~~~!o!~!3l -Uie I.BC Commi ttea ~r the National
. .lo~esii:~r S~i~~~i: and the No.ti~nal.~:~~ ~~unoil ~~~ h~.advi;od·. m,
no 'die~ged, upoii"·requorit. fr~m th;; -~ /:~;:: ~-~~ident of Bf,~;tn:~-f -or
__ :,_:, . __ __:. · ·_ :. _:-_ . - - : - . .. .-~ ,. ::·· :_-: ·_..:_ ....:_;·.=::•:•~_:_ . .:_ . .::. . :-.·:.:,~_ ·.· = ·._
the Nationnl. ·J.oade~ ot ~cienoea ·and the Chairman or··the Nit.ici'nal Raooah
--~o~·c11}r~,_:.;;d .a ~-•• C~mmitt~o,: 'ldlioh AIJ de~ignat~r~. the ~u Oo~ttee,
to ad-die
., - -the wu 1>.pnr~ent oa soirmiu1/~t~~~-
. . .
r~~~~ t ..1>1o~~~oa1 .
-:~~;--,-~~~uiiaii~a~ -·- ·- · · · .-........-:: :·--' · . -·- ·---·-·..-.. --
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• : .-,,.~PROOU<;.~O AT TIIE NATIONAL ARCtttl/1!S
~ ;~: .
: .
AuthorityWND 43'2-5~

ri./fil NA~Ut Da_te O~jo2.Jo7

. ,•

· '.: ..

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. . ,•·
. · ..- -·-· -
- -- .. -
·-· -
.. .. . _ .

l .
• ;. '. n '
I ,:~ Authority WND ~32.S~
By·\<-~ NARA Date o?,jo1-lo7

.- - ,. . ·:.:· . . -: '::".· : . . ....... .

: .• _, ..•••• C • \2 ' \JJ!1;J;{;:}i~??·•·.(JI• {}if ll:V •.·.

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,;r~~~-.~,i~n ..· :•,•· .~·,, · <:,...-~}

·:;: - · - --- Ol". 'tHE CHEMlCAI. IIAB7.AR.i tlKRVICI . :__

·:_- - . - ;i;~- '~~--'~lo~cnt ~; -th; hiii~~ok -~i~~ - iio~~ .•
.----..::-·.--: .:~:_.:~ :· =--- -~-~- .:.-· ...:<· -.... - -:- -- ·- :._ ·· ...:_- ,:~-- -- - - \:.... .. · ..._ __,-. ..::_____ _ _ ; .. _
hf!:T19 been· deitt.l t nth in Pa.rt Ono~ 'thi" is an account or · t110 ·re11olilroh ·and

d~1~~~t -~o~k 1i b~~~osi:--~r~ ~;ro~eci,~ ~~~-cii-eJf~·war!'arGI · -· ..- . ·' :.--

. -- -
Servioo.··· _: · . .: ·.-. ~ : . :: ..

Lr.~ in. ·Novtmber or" 19/42 tha Chi1'r° o/ th~-- Ch~~iis1··wiir~~ ~

~~e,-. -~. --J~;
.. .,..
~~e~ai·~~- N~· P~ter~ ~~ gj.ven·¢~:rbii.~etructiorul to
mak" prepar;tio~~-- to e!lffY on a irupptementsi•roa~ ~~/~~~io~t ~~ : _. ·_. :--~-:
-- " .,, - . . . . . . ~ ~ ---r,::=""~_:,-~~~~•r:;--~::.__....,..._-':7~~~.:::""":'7".. '"":'~~.:t' ~
wl!JII on:iir~ ;~je-~ta ~1aii ;ere. at ~ -~t :~ -ij~G{ ii~o~d~~ lmd~ · ~ --- - ·
:~7::--,:~:f~••-••~••:·<•~ w.• •:.:~-_:•.•,•_c.':::~ • --=:......: -•• •-~ ~ : :-_•_.~; ,. •:-=:--~;_~::~-:--;'.: -:" i:-:-_:::.•.::••~ ,:--: ..~:•~--~ . .• • .••••••••• . .~ - .
tho s-ponl'!_~;:!!:l'lJP_(?f.'__~ . The Chemical Wat-rare· ·hnd made ~~ · - · · ·. -

~!~~~~ ~~~o~~~t_
a~-~~(f-~~~~~-~c~~~-rs ___:___-. ·.·_-__-··
cirri~~ ·;,r ihe oiier ror •tii; ~11•··.-= hi. th~ ::·=·_,

;r -~ ~ g on etudios · ill~ thin field; - cifri;~;~ -fr~m )he Yechotl Reowoh ··

·---. .
,- 'nr.e la~g;l~ re~nsibla, 1i/ eooperitJ.o~ ~i Ul.the i'IBO Commit~~ .

. - ....
.;~-~-.fhE~i~~~~tl~f-~~:-~~-~~~~-~?~~~-~¥~~J?~~~¼~~~·~!~~Jl~i, _..
mioh proTed to b~ :or auoh great Yalu• in the 1'0rlt-or: the 1Bc· co1Udtteo~
~ ·.. : .

-~:-:;. ·;.· :~;~it~o:J:: ~--~~:~ Dlvi~~--~--iiJi •caiied-the Special .u-· ._..

-ei~t ~l; which~:;~ dnol~ped-1ntJ ·th• mob larger· organia&-
tJ.-~ b~~ ~ 'the 5p~w.-Proj~ot• Din.~. - ·
·_--.-~ly· in- 1943 .tilo Cho!dcal.. Warrare &,~o• -ro.
ooi~ed a·reque~t -. ..
. . . - ~. . . ,

tro11 'JR8 to -~ m,. _eupplementtl r~smch and dmlopawnt work on .CJOr'tah

b••• qenta. 'fhi• roqueat brou&ilt about a t.r~ou .expaniiion in tho

person.nalt inetall&tionl -~d e4~~~t, ~ th; ·sp~o1~(.ha1~~t Branch. ·

., .... .. . - -._- -:.--:::: .... ·.: ...... -·.... . . .-..

. . :·. .....

~ ..: . -

, - . ; . .. :-· :;.~: .... .

. · ··~ :
. . . --_. :· .. . ......

. .. . . .. .
• •••

- - ..-
I •••• • ,' ._ • • • ,, •• • _..- •

. .-- -·- ~-. •

~a:-£-tE::rtti~~Jt.\~\/ :;f' .:
__ . --\ ... -. ·. ·... :•:.;,.._:...-. .. ...: .. ·. -- .

.C i:.· ~i~~~ .~~ o~;t":0~.t·

the ,tudieis ·on do!~oe aitUilit 'bioloi-tical'. lF«rfnre attack~ :;T}ie -B uNau ot · · ---- ·
- . . - ... · .:. -~ ~ -_ ·:___-_ _._· ... ·. _- _.. _- .· -. ·---. .:·-- __· . : _. j_:. _.... _.;_..:__ . .. · .:.-.---~·--- ... - ·..· ..:.·.. . : ·:_ .
. ?.ledioi.nli_ and Surgory of the Navy e.J.uo •1ll0-iried ·it•~lfill1.ngneZ1e to c:ooi>orate · __ \·
:1n iiiii--~~~ah- ~ci-<in~opm~~t m~~;·--o~i.,~i~te -~i;f~r;-~r ~
i;roii~--...-~ ih-f : =· -: ·_:·: :__·F-_.: -...

. ·:~• ~•! ~:·:~,,~~ ~'-"~_s~~,~~ftii.'~Z~+~ ~~3~·~v t~."tt\:·
tile con j.rih~ tiou; _of_tho m1:vy in thi:s fi~ld _a re: de11cribed in ~-Seo tioll III~ =,; - ··· .- · - - ·. : ·

. _
._·.;. ·~;f ~,~~r~f t " •f'.~~{~1~3 t~Z :i ;,;:;;._· :~.1.; ~ _.
_- to ·qGtdifl·; ~~on_~t~ia:_t, · oqu~p; · e.nd . ctt.f.f ·J.abol'lltorio11_·ami. ·pilo.:t ~plents · in =:·. [.··:·: · ·_-· · ·
:. -. -~~if,:::-~:~:_.;::;-:-~{=:=;;-::_::~·:3:=:f.§;_~--",.-_,;';:i:-::···:..::.-. -··-=-::..: :-=..;:_ :.:-_::.~-= :..:..~~~,;i:~2:2·t~:-:--:--.::-·-·~£~--~:-:-:--_:::·:- :;:-~.: -:~::::::.:-:i-~~----~~ :::j;__~.·--·->-
- ~--_.:;:.·~~, Olllllp: Do_tr_ick '"installation·; - '!he · urawoy:·or: .tho: l7ork "ne · EO ·gi::eat·. that .:_. ~: :::::·· :~.:-~
_:.- :~--.:· ;_;-~~~-~~~:-~;;~~·;;.;..~.:-·. .·;._~~~~ ,~~:.s : - ~~:~----=,-. .;:~-::~~.-~_. ~Jj.:.-:~~:.~~
: ~- ::: ·-..:,,111boratory~lll1d--pilot:·plant ·wo:rk:· wait':·ctarted·: on: c.·--111.'lli:J..t~eoalo ~nJ.rnost illllllOdi~-.-- ··:· .7
->_.-. ,/.: ·_ - -_. · ,·. :
:~~~;-_;..:;~ ~-- -~-~~--~~--·: _::· __;;_;-~-~: ~;_:--:-=-~----~~~.
·:-: :- • ·

.•_,_; -~i~~ill1~f:i":f f i~l1~¥~:~J~t~~~¥:f.;i1:_•··•·•. i: ·••·JI·• .·~ .

:,~,: :t~~r0i~~-~{:'.,;:.; ~t.~~. i~~~:t~ ~: .·• •· ·t }.~t· .~L~'. .
·. ·- :-:<:-· -:~·:i.nii ·aXJ)'ill<1od :',ii,iul~e-ou.t-41·_wi_ili ·tho:_·coni,tru.ction:·of:na~ fa_c_:!,lltioa; :: ~ .· .. · •.· -~-_::-: ·.·._·: -

..·,.... FI:om th~ bugiDning, the" Special .heF.i~~t-~iiitah --~d __le.~or the
-~~:ilio Medi~al, ~ ,;·:· -
· -~~~~ial. ·Proj~ctii Di-vie.ion mainttdued ~Be iiii-~~~
-··:.- ':.. -:- . -.: -- -:,_-..- --- _:- -- .:· _:_.. -... - ~·:-. ··:::..::::.:_. . .,: _:. . ···=-::: :""-:"----.:~ . ~::_':_·_ ._::.~.--::--.:..:,__. ·-. .. -:: -,;·:. ·
. ~- -
· nanoe, rmd In~lligcuoe Depa.r~euts of the .lrl;iy -mid Nav;yf the Ara::r Air Forc&1J
. - - - .. - . . .. - - - --
s: Do~t,..

, ·the kf!Y Gl.:~ci Fo;~!Bi tho u.· LJ. ?uoll•} So-~ -~;j .ti{o u.
mont. of "J.gri~~ ture; and _\Tith" J3rithh endCannM ·hl~hl:~~ra. In"addi-· -·
.- \ i\~~r--;h·; ~~~c~ai -~r°;f~cts vi~il1,,:i· t;;f1~~~\i.~~:-t -,/ ~f_'i{,{~ir10;:•i~ - - ·~:.: ···
_>pr~~~t ;oi~u~i~-~;rldng .in .dilfi~~-;i:~i~;:-~--~;;~;;~cut~ ~~:-i n:···_·::_·__·.·:_::: .·

w1~-~•1~;~;;.,; ,;...,.h; f h.u,,r1.i-~r-~1-~£on•;·~11:-;~ ~- ?\ · • ?...

l.Argeii_-~ ~~ ~ : ~1~-
-~~-~~~ !e8.~a~~~ ~~:~Lf~o/~~:~~~/;~17.~\~-.- ,:·\ ~- .~~:_: ;.
: enoea and the Kational" R&aea.rch Council, the N...tional Dttfense · Council, - tho _· · _\, · .·.
. .- : ·· ---~.:-,.: . .:__--.:::-·:"··.. · :... ·.__ .i_. ___ .:_·_-:. __ :.·- . ·: :·. _.. /.:\. .~::_: __.
.Hit:tono.i ·ri~t~s~ R~-o-ci~el1.Co~~u . ,a~c! the Of.fioo ·or .Schntifio Ro•oaroh _- ·
.end n~~~iop:l!CD. t~ s;ii ~--o~-.the·r-~~a~~h }~;~;~~ei. 'io~-~-d-t~ -~~- ~;i·ii~h.t;,/ ·. -.::. .._-·.- ..

·_-.- ~-~taiii~.;--~~;/r~ihe<1 ~ .the ~~~iii Pi~j~~~-'~i~/ -~ addit.1.on,·

- //</<--t~1{:f.-"··\\ ?:~·-<:../·- -~EC8£f
·'.·:)/f/\?<(~!; ~=-s-:·!\--(--:_==---~~ . - . =
. . ' .. . . _:•,.
I .. .
A~thority NND ~3'2..5~
G::..~ ...::....-~. . . .·\ ~ r• .... •: ·--• •-.

·,.· - B_y'ill NA~A Date o~jol.Jo7 ·

-. ..
".. ..
,:- .. .
; ~
: •• •• • • : · w ~-.

_:• .. . .. - .

-' - .

.n. lirlffoa offioa ooneer.iod 'IYi th b. "I':. ~e.ttor,i t:atJ aaintdncd by tho Chemi-

onl. lru-.rarc Florvioe in tho Uni tod 'K.1.n1,,'C!o112, and tl'ainGd b.Y. off.'ioer/1! were

Aont ~~iu the Spootzil ?:rojeota Di'\"ldou to 10l"A ~th our forces in all the-
aters of operr.tlon: .
?fw~orous :\nd1Yiduala of prtimincnce in relatoo. scientific, engin.oor- .

:LI'!~, nnd t,:,chnioal fhlds r.ero c:nµloyoo n11 to tho Special .

!7oj <Sot& D.t vtflion, Tbeir ndvice m:.G invaluable 1n helping tj eol"f\11 ~

toohnictl prohlema~
-_ :.. . • - . ---~
·-· ... ·: ·~ . . .

. . ~-.. R~ss,r.~cb.:;Contraots -~ _ ·-
. ·:.: :, : ..- -
·In order to '.rurrua :funduiontnl or highly tipi,o~zed rei.oarch, ap-

p:rotltu).tily l5 : ree~tu"ch. contra.ct! nro univcrciti1:1s, 11tate 11ith vuioui-1
-":.~=~-~ ~::-:·:·?·::r--~.--:::~::·._. ~-: ::::::::=.-:..~~:-::-:?.?··:~-::.:;-=~-:::.-:.P••:=-..-:.:_:.:··:·-~:-,,_,. .._-.---:- - ~~r -:~
-- -. .-fll{;;:,EF)~~:::;;_7i:~~!/'f~·r =- : C··--~~~;._!j"?!~7~
F ✓---·<

r.nd fedct:al Goy~rm1Rllt e.ganoieti, SJ"ll! with :1ntiivid~fil'ti:t"·.... '

: ~~~ ~ ~ -
~~2::..:~-7"-~~~--~~;:_~·:-: --: ....:r.. ~:. -~ · ;~··:·: .~-!~~~~-.~~·< ··;·~7: -·: · .-· - ~. :i·:. -~~ -~ ._•.· :-•·.·:.··. ·. . . ·.:... . :
Vi'RS, u.o.d lAte:r,
- ,. ,-----dircetly h; ....tho
_.....___..__."" --·----.-.-• Cl'!'S.
......-.....__.,.,~- .
Tholiel i;rosearch. pr0Joot11
'" - . - . .....
~i~ld&d ~'.roiil~ill~ ·;~euita iter~ ultL~taly. takru~:~;~·~j -·the Speciq.]. Pr~j~ot8
1:-iviaion --r~r f;rtb~i:-· dsvelopmcn t. In c,nnj- ~~~~D \ha hve~tlg;~by out- •, •• ..

parwrinli1; : ~
· '"
. ..
....-: .. _._:_-_. .--~
- ·· - ·
. . :.·
-. ·. ....

p~~~ti~n;l .ot\ he 6p~oiol ProJr.otr. Dil sio/rf:~Ytic~ -~~--iu

_ ; ~ . .-·

! ~h~· d.~vl'lo~ cnt: ~hla~ m ztt~rs;:_~~ ,~ ~#~S;Cf.~~l~,.,~ W\• an~_

9i \,1~i~lfl ~ -~- c:~ere~iinel .inol~d~ jr,f ~fi~~~- -~d 21.46 .~stad. ~~ :
-==-"-'"'"""""= . . .". - · --~-- . ·- - .... -
E.Od .romenj.
Na-vy pt,rsonn~l, 126 otf.1.~:,and 8.36 cnll.tted .men ~ ~118n. >:
. _:_. ...

&ire diUioul t.ii:3n were t\:,tpa r1an~~ in obtailtlng ~~;~o~ qualified i1t -~~
vnrio~ ~~ie11ce~ epeoi~~t~~e inwl~, -~ t . ~~'. ~~~p· whl~ ~It ob~ed .
wa, ort~{z~ titd tie.ined ~:o ,ro~k ~ffi~ientl~ ·,. nd·; ;;.;;-~de{~~
conditions; P.nd under the hrutdicap of the 111tri0te•t seauricy control. It

is µa:rticul.Mly (Jr~tifyinr, t,o point ant the high _degTen or hClrmcm;r_ud

teurork 'thioh e,datod_ at all time, betw~ .Ariq, lluy, and o i ~

. .
-·· '•
. . -: :
- ·-::
.· :· .•·.

- -·. -- .. -
·- --:-~d~~ -~ -;~~-;ig1•d saf11ty reql.W'ementr. and i~- Ji;-~it~
~:1ty :i'or dei 1iiiiiiii, -~--.

-·-:· : ~~;;;~ctLlg~~a·1:aWiin{ ~iii~t: ~~-~~~~} :r}~\~~ii;ti:~-~--i.n entii-oJi·

~~v¼r·\ii;;i~_-it~~~_ted;. -··.- -::
,.. .:-··.. ·.:.. ,;... - - -_ - - -· .--~-- "'
Protection : 01' tt:e-lie& o.1' .F~&oAA¾ . ,. ::: :.. . ;- : . .
-- ---- -:,·,-. :" - ]_-il~~-i-; ·ii:.;~uJii~~ ~i -pi~iiitiio'aiiQ~~--~uirbe·siii-,_ it\i~~~----- ·· · 2
> ··

-_2:,Ir~f~ r~::~•.;~:1twt:~~;~·~~t :t~M~'~.J. .. ~ ,

~:__. ·.,'~~~~~·~~~~t~i;~
omiad on
~~~-~~Krf t±~15~::·:.:" _-_· <'·
"witli' l:Ulruil.ersa simLtm·t. •ui;onta ,·in : order ·_fo :l.mprove · 11ml ·a·¾~-~ · -
·. ::'· . - ..-: ·-~- _:_· -- -·-·~---·:=:.-- :.-.:··.~-:-- _.. _ _.:.·~·-..--: ·:. . -.. ~.::.-:~i ;.·---~;::::~i;:.· ;~: ·-·: :;.:,~·. -~-:. -~ -----·-.:--.:-~:._ . p> : ;....:-.: :.__._ ·:;~~ --
.: .. lie -t2°io -wohn1quea·· to· lio Ull'-'d ;Lr. thu :lnyos t1:gntl~5._·on tlioeu~e-produo~tf agent..,
--,·=- ---;~:-~---- ---- ~-:- ·:;,:·.:_ -- ... ---- -_-:_·-:---- _-_:_fG_:/t_·::--\~-\-:J."_··-:> -- - a
•,.: ... ·· -~- .- -· :_.:::.·:: .. ~-
{?'\": ..':.· ~ECREJ'itt,'YC . .... -

.-: ~-- . ... . ·:::. -· . :,.·.. _·._ ~-. ---~ -~: ~ .-.i.: ·/·-.- ·•-·.·.--;<.-.-:
•,".'•\· .
I; - - ' .• - ·- ... - ·-
Authority WND ~3'2.5~
. ..
~ / -~ NA~ D ~te o~jo2-lo7 . -: .""
-.·.· ;~:·. -::·:..._· .. .·. .
; .. :. . ,' .
··.:~: . ... .-=::·

llaey laboratory- technique, that had long bomi aon,1.dered ,are for handlln1

path~genio •gont1 nre found to bo fault, and had to bo rorlsod or ro-

. · plaoed by now prooedure■• Remarkable contribution• to such •tudiea were
made by the photographic laboratory ot Cup Dotriok 11horo, by the u.1e ot

!IB•¢.~_higb apeed photography technique,, uny accepted laborato17 praotioe,

• l •"': :.:-~-. - - - .•- - · ~----:-•...,..~-","I"~~•....- -• - •- •••-r·~··-, ... ~ ~ ".""""'° --:·~-- --::---·. -:-----. :-:---=-~- --...---- • ---•- •- ~-,!

were llhown to oauae aerioui an.d prerloualy un~•~·o ted contamination of the
~ . -. _ --.. _ • • ,-, ...-I". ,:•· :.·•·_:::~ .- •• -· ••. . , _: . · ~•~ -~• : - •~_-:_.·: - ·--:.:. ~ ' . •. f

surroundings. Rigid inapeotion1 and uny- original ·aampllng procedurer, were

·- ,_. . - -:: • ~ . ~"'!::'_::::-·~:~-·-·-:.,~ - - - : :~ ~ ·. ~ . . .
inotituted Md maintained in order to doteot aonuuninatlon from leaka or
- ~~-... -1-..--- 'r''" "."' :'" .J •""(• -·• ·,: .,,-;; ~ - . ...... .. ..._.- ...- - .- - - :·. ~

,..J..!~-ti, -~-~-~-~~~~• Specially designed protective clothing, JDAeb, ·end

other :.quipment ~ere dmloped .and
- ~
a., and .their ui,e ·vas m.ade· com-
. .

.:· pulso~ ~ I ~- nd<il t1~~;_-opeaial. dao~ntimina. tic~ proc~dui:es~·;;,r~:doveiopGd

--~ -d -~ipl.~~1 to .·d~~~/·aey pathogeno -lmi~ !dgbt iscnpe~-- ~ 1.n~on or
-.. .
pe~80Imel DD aooompliahed whoneTer thl.o vns pooaibi;; mid ~1..ndirld~o CO
. . .

trea°ted werti r e ~ l i -~ ed to . ~-ier:~ -u{a .;"rn"i,;}:cy:of the propby- .

· 1arl~ :-~l~ed• _ 1'hen upo~e to pathogenic ~gents WD.D known or suspeotod
"to"h~ ~ -- ~ooiu-;~d; or when e~Bpioi~--eignis_. o:X. oymp-toms ~f diseaoe npperu-ed,
tht!i incll.n~ale affected were promptl,y gi.Ten prophylactic treatment and

peo~ ~; p; ond . Oa■H .ie described dee~ -~;e bl this rep~;~: . '!he IUC008;
of the ea!ety program ~\.ands e.~ ~ ;~tl~ ~c~~ent~--~~~n ·oonai~orati~~
- -~- •.
·1. gi~ . to: the nrietiY of .highl,y patho~ic ~~~tii ~~iTed, their produo-
_. tion md erlpulaticm. on hitherto·~o~~-:ax{ci tit;/ ;~i~t1Tely lar·~e
a 1011.l.e ..

:_.n~~/ -~i p;no~el ~~aged ~ ~~- ~~--,:~;1g1nai.:d:i,ign~-:~ ~~~~o~, . .\

·.· ...
and especial..110dification of pilot plant and pr~duction equipment, ot ~ .

. . ..
ing and of Tentilation facilities, and the deoontamination and diispoaal. of

enoriaoua volume• or oontaninated air, and or liquid and solid natea, were
remarkable end ee11ential oontributiona o!-·tho engineera in ·arrordin1 proteo-
... ..

\ }:: ' . ' DECLASSIFIED
'I.'.-. . . .. . .. ' AuU1ority _NND ~3'2..S~
By~ NA!lA Date o~Jo2-[o7

:- . ..- ·-~-. -. . - ....-

.:.. :: "',. ... .

.. . _";:= } }~\~_-_· ~{f)}.>?·_·:·;-;:Y),f··i<.

·.- : .- ~=·-~.::. . _:,··\·:_~=:-. : ·: ..>::_
= ... :

: : :. ·-~m. -~ ~- por1omi.d or tne in•~tion• and·. the human( anM} ~d- ·:-=·:------ • ::.:. - .: )- -: : . ·.

. L~! ;m~rt~i;ll~!f;~:\.iS;'(::J,tcTf .· : :.•· ..•. ' .

. ::·: : :L-:· c~;~ Btan~d ite•_• or 0~ pr·~~cu~.--;~~~~i,·· ~.ter.·~~~-: . . : -~c:.-
~~- we;e
;~~d -~--~f~~d ~!ld~to i~~J-~i~:t~.i b~v~· ~eiita, and·: ...._ .. . .' . ..
. ~
' . . ---.
reoomendationo bt11ed on oxteneiTit Dtuey 11ore_izia.d4i, for -~e improna.en t11 .
. . ... ·: .-
needed to m· ke thio:first line· or defense etf~OtiTO~ :Outlet YIU'Yet·ror tho

mAek and, outlet V& vorQ devised to rachio~ t!l/ hazarde of leaka·
at thia 'point; and efficient protcot1ve hoociii· w~re de;elopod to :proto;t_ tho_
~ ~ ' . ; .hea~ again~t, contudnati~..
• • • • •• •
::~thods.!o~-tho·· d~contam:lna~on-ot
I • • • •• • •

f~rioa, footvelll' 1 clothing, equi~~t, room/~~ it.lief enclooed ·~ o~~, - . . :.: .

. ~rriwi, food, and n.tor were in'l'Oatig.atGd, ~whllo :not yet conoJ.uded-
have ~iel~~d
~o~~ ~r i~.~f-~~~--·--~-J. ne~ '.:iid
promiaina .
:~ _:. . ..

. dnelopmanf·under i.nnitigation 1• the impr·e~&tion · of;;olothing rlth inert

. ~terW. .to·· p~nieabW.i. J ·b;,r;·..-~ga!ita. ~--·,:-;-~• -. -'-...• .. .•... .. •... ··" -· ...
·. ·- - ~.-. . .. -:
. . .. .... . . .. --~ : .. :. .
. . ·... . . ·: ; : . .
• :-=;··

.:Dete9tion> .: · ~--. :- · · · : ';;"t:\ ~:.: :.>(-· .:. :: : ..

. . In addition to the •ampling and id~ntificati~?--~ ~ ~- do't11~ · -":-- .
~d ~~~oy~~ ·tJi·~:·-~{~\i;. inatallation11, con-
to .d ;·t eo~ co~~ti.on··~ .
: t ~ e!;~/t.. ~ directed t.onrd~~~- -~~~~{~t ~/·a~e .and rapid
- ·_. .·_.:sampling, ,~-~~eoning, and identificallin. 11~th~a.tor t~ol.d u. . ~ that em-
-~. . . . ~ .. ' . . ·'. :: _.: . ... -==-
. _.:ployment or b••• .by the eneley' might be qui~ detooted. tignifiout pros-·
. ~-·t ·. -~ ~?--:rr,;~f.:•--"'--•::,~--.,.--~~-.--.. • --."1:,-- r· • ~ ...-;-:-----r.~-=:~---.-~~:'!-- ·•·=:.-:..-N
-•---..-.-.--:-- --;;-.•• •
"' .- : : .rosa ·-wu ude, but ~ ditfioul.ti•• inhor~t· -~ thi! import.ant problem 11till.
:_ _,:nit aolution. ·ho; tho beginnin1( ot the.recent Japanese balloon atto.ok,
_ . ==:r~o~~,-~:· ~--~~-:v_..,. r•_~ -7~ -::.•· " . ' • ..._ . _ -. . . :- .. o
a.11 e4uipment aa1nged trom the_balloon.a na. examined tor the po•iible pre1-·
·- . -. .
enoe of b.w. agent.. 'lheH inYeatigationa Wi!rO performed at Camp .l)etriok,
and happui yielded neg&UTG reBUlti; . .. :.: . .. .....-_·:· .. -
i,4 Authority _NND ~3'2.S~
I . . •·•"•• I•--.,

By' \~J NARA Date 0~1o~Jo7

... . .
._ ,: .

;, .

. . •, .::· . -.: -
.,- . . ·. :·. .. -
:"<\:::·..;· ·-:~>· -·.:~. -... •_:·: ·< .:~--
.. · ··'s, ~--A~t. :-~~itl~"~'
--_. -- :.. .:. -----::.::-·· .-.-=-· ;: : -: . ----·- -- ·_ :·_- ·- ·__:·-. . ,.;_ :.· ·:. -.._ . - _·. - -_: . ,,.·. -_ ..._,..:, . ., _. ~~-
: - ~9 p r ~ obJ•~t or _th~ re,rna.roh and dmlopment W?rk on biologj,. ·_:.: . . .:-,·... ..
._::.:~-~ -w~f~~ -~~~ ~- ci~io~ m~th~~{. for "def~-~d.hl~-thia•' ;~~G;· our med ~c :~· •.
7:·. .-..._:.:.
.~:··ro~~-~;-° ~~:-~~~-1fu_~·; ;~~11t·~-a:~1i,i~ -~~~ -t~/ fi~~ cik/ :~o~r{ .1t -~ . . . ' : -~_.·-.
.:_ ~e~;~·~~t .i~ . att8.ok ooourredt ~ami~i' ~;:-~~;i ~ed--~~n t;) .r~ : . :-. .
-.. - ~7:"=--~·~.::· - _.. :::: _::-- - ::~·.:···-=--~,:_
..: , ·.:-.. _. ---- =-" ·_-:~-·:.:_;::_;-..?::__-.,.--_Z:,.-_..:.·.--·=-:;.:~-~ :-· ..__ -:--? ..- .
t~I~~:tili.:~: z;:~£if::~s~~~L::~:;~,--.·._ ~
. _._ ::-:~: ..._.

-. :.
>f; .•. m~~~~~~:~r➔~~;r~f7i:~~/#.. ,·• -~_-~..
~aeib~ li~g a~ento, :o; ·tie~-toiii";i~c1iiots;·:;ii;i~ ~~~ :-·.- _
All .. -:·=~- :· . -
po.thogmtl a for m~ ;· ~ais,. ~~ plrult~ ~il~,~;Id~~id: --- ·~-;;~ a. ~~~ tiQJ;.
: ·- .

ly important biolo~cal warru; -a ~ t ~~--toi~·: f~~--1~$~~ti~t1~~ 1t

.:-: . : .
was neoe~suy -to obwj,.· and ,itudy the ~ot ~;;·~<;tl:~ ~-/ o/-~;t,. ·
.P~~•-:"°•;~•::•--,.i~?:~•-,:~ -s '°~•- •-•~ --·. '•?-=-~~•~•-~~-:: J•--,.~:' '.1•:•·: ,-:~: ~T~--:-~~~-~~:=·:•~:••:•7:~~~•-':~~: :_: ~~•- • •:•~~-•~~•r _~:-.~-~•~r...· ~ei
· _.., _
_agllltlt.· The next ·probl911S waa to discoTer or devise the optimal oonditiono
--~ ,_~ --:-:-~- - ::. _ - ·· --_:- . - ._-_· ... - - --~-- --.---~: .:- __~:-:·-.:_·: ~::.-:._ - -- ~ :-- . -__.__ . :.:~. -

ror g,:-owth in order to obtain a s1tU.11i'notory yiol4 ·0r · nru1ent organi11u
··-=--~r ~s:' :·c~~~~:~rr<>~t:e -ai~c;-~c1; ·~j~~~~ - ;6;~ -~ ~ t - c:-·:~ ~---. _..::·
- . • . \.,.-Li·-. ---·'· .,;;;, -.'.'!::.~ ·-: • - . •
• ._. ~- • ...- -- ._:... ,-:~ - ~-;;. ..--:..~. :_.. ..!..,. ;_,...,_ • .:!'!.::; .__:."-?~~-

. ,:_;r.~~-Er" the a~~i~i~~~-~i;~~~;PJ4~"'~-5ln.i~· After -~ -~f'r e~-t ~ve ~~tho~ -_had ·:..
baon-~~;k~d -OU~ f~r -~~~g and-ha;veatin~ the o~~eiii~~--0-r<~x1n~ pfol~g~
atudie~·-; ·~r~-n~o&s~ \~ how u~ll·th~ agoot-~o~~~ ;etrln 1to
_: - ,.. · _..,::-.:'-: ~ ..: -. ~--... . :: :: -~~-·_::.·: _:•- ~=~-~-· -: ·:-:~ -,._.~ -:.:.--~~-s:~·-:·:.:~:::::·~~-~-:~--:~l:::~7~~-~~:~\: ·... --. --
. ~Jil,,eu~p_roduoing __ po)'~rs under TBrious 1torago · oon_dJ.j:4.o~; ·_ Ench potentiaJ. •·
>.\ 1~~:Jc~ ;:~~rfeJ~--~~~{ ha~ :~ ~e- ~~:~~-: ~ri~i~iif~ii~~fi~~ ~~~ .
·· :" -~--~;e{~1-i -~o~~-bi-~ -~~a1bie·ii~~od• ·of~~i;~ ~ ~;~~;·
.. -_ -=-= ----~---~=...< >:-:..~~--- - -.:: •--··- ·-:-: -- .. ~.. - .... - ~: .; ..-... -:..:..::~_:.:: :'.:.·:. _:;...-..___:_ ... _:_, .,'.·~- ,.. ... . _-::, -~.,;- ~ .. :: .. --_ ... .. - ._-.: \,_ . -:--- - : .
. . :- npocies eueceptibiliV and the 1nnuenoe of route of entry; · and from theao· .\ .
·:·· ~ ·. --:_,-~~~:~-~f-~~~!~;-~~~~0~~~~~~:·0f.#~~~~~:~~~-:~:~L~~-~·_ .·: ._-:.- \~
:· ·.-'.
--·--s ~--'.~~~c11~s ~~ ~de t ~ d~~.r ih~ ·;rri~:~r •ii1~i~g1~, phya1~~ -.,
: . • ·- · ~-:n~~,·~~--:r..-.-!\=~.c",:!';""_!-:-,•-· __ .:-·=;·t-:-~ ' .. -:-··=-:-=·~-~-·:-- _~;~--~· -:r.-.::-=·.:-~~~-:~ .:-:-.:~ .
. _or chemi.oa.l ·protoC·t1Ye prooedurelSe ··-·
--~~-----~~-- -.. --=~=~--------_ ·-·· _-. _~~--..~---~ ·. . . ·- : . ---· ·--... - . - .· -
From theee ·,tudiea ther·e baa emerged a wealth of new· and -T&luabl•
.. -:- . - -- . ' .
.-· .. - . .·-.-
- ... .· .· .. - . ·.· .. -
-: :.--·\ ~ ~:-.·-.-::_:::~;::·
·· ·· ~--- -·...
..-··.-., .... -: ·.:.. · -..::- -- -.:-- _·:.. - -- · - ·· ·· _ :,··__-.:·-·=_:r.-\_~--~·-:_-:._-·. -
.-~ .. ·: _--·.:- . "'::_:.::: :-:·DECLASSIFIED .:_.. -.
·fi_··r·.<~.=:.~=;~1-~-~:1.:>~ :~---~---- ~~~-:~
. .. .
·-.- - ....·_=-·::-:_
.=-~ :_ ·.
, :;.:,'REPRobuceoAT n•E NATIONALAAcH1':'<s ·:_. - • •. • . - • · ,. . •- • ._, • . _ _ ., • · •·
<.•: :.·.:.::<....-:_.,: :. · ·- · ·- ~-uthor!IY NND~sis~ _- .-. __._. .-.. _-..:>-~- . : ·~·.c:_·:;.-. - -- .-.. , . ..·..· .-..
_. _ :i3y.'i ll NARA D~ic o~joilo7·. :_/-~· ..-.- '·::·~-:. _.·.. :·_ , ::~:- :<~ . -· - ·•, · -:;:::_:=~ '. ._. · - ·

·,. -·-: ·,; ·.·::_·-,,-: ::iJ'c:~i~:iJ~o:r\.f?!~;?·: ;,_:~:,:· . ... . .. - :... - ........ ..-:/~~ -

.,. . - .. -
-: _·. ··.-
._ .. ... .
· i :-~t;t\ <:mt>
.. ·.·.

...; . ..: --· -

: . ...- - -

·.- :•.·_--::·_._.~w\,~iioii:i/i;~~~oe t6 ~and.Toter~'.-~-~~~~'.~~-- Tor exu,ple,

·:--. --->~~ :i -~ ---e~s:taiifa~-~~ier.iai•-: tiiiii·... ·1.iia:ied ·rir iii,/rir~t-~--m~ii~ ,-· --
_.. :- _. .'-'.:·>·poa:.ibi~·iiie ~tiir·e·p;;~po~ation .~f-a pure 'io-~id:ii~~~ -~~~,~~ti~ or
. -w ~ia1n;i· the. ~iin~- (Tb1~- ,;~ ~~i~,- ~ -•.-~~:~~ ~~~~tratf)d tom~
produced :in quant1t1oe 'surncilent to ~teo·t· ~ -~~P• ·t~~ fui11 agent ·.c .: _:; _· _·,. :___:_:: .'·' ;

.·.·•.~. .,·_:.•:·:.·~::l~;:i:~:::;..~!~};f:1i1't~fti~rtf:~· ·•E, -... .

, - - :.·· ., . . - - - ------ . - . -· .. _·:::.--:- ... -··.· ___ .___ - -.:.- ... . . ·. :::..- .::: -. -: _- :::~·:'>·.: -~-~=

: -"_-•.-7 -~ : =':·-:::-Jnj.'c,otion; :;:and·',:the -influence : or the · portal o_f_.-_qµ~__J,_o__thJl'·bqgy_ ~l)()Xl ·. thia .· -:-. - ~ ·.
;~ ": -'.
--~-:. _:-': :-~=~:~•~~:-~·~:--:•~.:-·'??~;-r-_-.~ ~ :~-~~;-:::··-:-;__~~-~;:~-~ _j\~:'.: :-·= ·_~:~7 _:;~§-:~ · •·:-~ ;~~--_._:- .r · :._:- --~ - - .·:.:~~: .•
>- 0
: ~ : -·=:_\:t~P.!c!.1~~-~'1~!3..-)mur~,-~t · !,he .diaaaso. 'nl_e · effic~oy ~f new .. on ¥b1o:tJ.cs cm~ :~ -~ .:. .. ·· .~ - · _
·. ~ ~~~:-~-/ oh~~~;~p;~iit.i~~~--1n\ha ~~~~tf~n:\~~,-~im~-~-~-f;tJ~\~{; \<·.-~-·::~:-~ ~ _..
--~: - i}r~~i~~<ti~t~·;;'. is.d~tonotra~--;~f fua· rii~t.--~;;t.n~t~nly in .~ ~:._ - ----~ .__ _ .
.. ._·. ,. .-~.:.:->_:_:.~··.:~ . -;. --";·.··---=·-:._}-·.~ -~~~ :~ ~- .:. :.-=-=·-- ~~---~~--=-~~~_-:;:-:~.:-._-=-:=~:..-~-=--~.:·-~-:.·- : . ·::-~ ...: ~: ·,.--::- : _.. . .
· -:·:..:--.:;:but ·1n- aooidentaJ. human_- oases1 and in the latterj' lnvaluo.ble obeernt1ona_
. . . -· .- - . . .

p~rio'd ~d ~r "'ti?e~~' d~~et,~..

• : p ....

. .:ware'
;.<ldG on .tho
:1noub-ation' c~~~ Another
·. now ~d- iignifioant ·~tudy n1 ~r!ormed -~~--~o~g~it~~-:.cliirdciai~ a:pplled .
~ -~ rlth ~atliog:~1o ·oi=gan1im. or toxin• to. 1n~~~=~ -~~~ -a~J~~~;~d~~~,- :_ ·
·-- io~~,i ili. or f;ee dne1opm;,;.., >hen~aide ~wii"~f~>blloa~•~ o/ J .~ -~: _
.·..·... :~".-i,apere~in soienillia-:jou:rntls~ vill be reoognised as hi~ ~rtan~ ~~ :\ _ ...
->-_tribut.1ons ~adTm-cement or •~ienoe/-~ ;._ ~-=··-_/::•:.:~_>_.:-0~--~-- . _. .. · __ . . __
---: -<? 1'~-:i i~ - ~~:~~-~ f o/ ~it~n-s1~e-· stik¾'~'-o~. .·~10~~~--and_ch~cat ~~;;~-i,, ·,·--··
----:-whicll··iiglit 1,~ --~ ~:~ en atfult ipmi_·-~~ i¥ii~--~~~-'-~ r~t--•. :.--~·
--: eYffl ijio~~\;~~te were ~chined~ ~~ cii,~~~~;1a• ~; ~ t.h1·. r1eld
. rl1l. undoub~ pron ~! gr0At ru.w, to agrt~fui,~; . .. -
-: :in~Pti~u~·~/ ue~~ ior iiiai~~ati~ - ~r B
:,;;~k~i~-~ ·:·_ ·: .·-
~,<:· -~- :---~st~di~a: ~ 'iioaii11,ie b101.og1~{~~~~ ~J:iiou;i{{: ~c~!llp].~~-
_.·..-~·: _;,\?--: <_:~~ .:_ :_
. ·..:·:~ ~- ----~.:~·oi~r:;.1/( '·:_\_;·/:;c-.- ---- --~~c_:· · · · · .-. .

. .. . ... .•
I •• - -·-·-- - .
. ~:( .:.. .. :~. ·~'" . ·.. ..~ " :~ NND ~3'2.5?)
~/ill NA_!lA D:itc o~/02..!07
:. ·. .... - .·.··.
> <·.'.~: :·. ;.: :·:;•
_-. :~..-··.:.~==
·:~-:_·. -. ·~:- >;:::.\.·. ·.: L
-· .,,_ ..... -- . . -·
:: .. -.. .

rl tbout
. ~
ot tho mcums by "9hioh thcise agents . might b<1 employed
in wart'ar9. l7o had no . f'!r11t-hend lmcnrledga on how biological.
. :,.-

~gent.a lrlght ·ba disiseminnted, l\F,nce l!tudis. !\lld to be carried on in ordor

to dGTelop Qdoqw,.te defenneo llil.d to bo in a po•i tion to r-0tAllate in. kind

Theorstioally, b.w. ngenta might be amployed in aabo~ge opor&--

tions, or dioocminntod_by moans of ool!lbnt weapon11. &houigo '1'/0\lld involTO ·

.... ' . -
tho U88•tonlth ~r ISUOh agento on a rele.tiTI>ly ,mall · noale against tho

eivill_Ji '~opw;~;n or mill.tar/ forces~ In a iabotaie operd.i.on, biologicol

.... - . . .,

. ·-
' in vnntibting ey-&tems, weapons to be used in a11aa1ainat10na; or certain

- p~~;c~~tical or bic,log!oal produc.te., 'Ihe ote~a toke~ to proteot tho .

- c1vili~ .po~U~~ e.gclnat ~ar,iblo:~sabo~go h~ve .b·e en outllned in Port On~;
. ~o United ~tee Service ooo~nted active~ ~ thia pr~gn.Jll~
Tho United Stntoa Department of Agriculture oa.rriei .on tho work or protec-
. ··-.. . .
ting :.ui.~a end oropa againet poeaiblo enemy use of b.w~ by"sabotage or
-~th~;-~~~8., Tho ~ d foro~s ~t home .and ·; fue fi;id -~~~e'-· ~nn 1nstruo,; ·
-tion~ iii.rough mill t~ri cluumel.s rEJ~~g -~~fens~ a~~~t ~o':iaible cnenrr

biological .warf~re _attack •

than ~jeitl,:;.-~/-1\:''~ tho~~t that b.~.
. . . -~th no oth~;

-~~an~!! .irlabt. be di~~e~w by en·e ~ ..~u~:iii;~~~ ti~ :;~ -~i illr~w

.::_ . ....

-~e~g ~d it.her mileli~e, -~~ll•~:a·~~~ b ~~~-~-, ·\i~~\ t ~~~,- the

vootorc of dimeaee•
'.Iho r.b:iolute :neceaei-cy for adoqu.nte tiold tcu1~ or the nrioua ~-- ·
nibl~ ~cro:,.s of· diescmination was reooi)lised fro~ th~ boginning. Field-teat
area• vere eatabl111hed in oonjunotion
with the other raoilltie,s at camp
-· .
., ,. .
- . . ._ .. ..•· . ' ' '...

D~trio:, ~~~ ;i~,;~j th0 Horn 1,1.nd ~d ~lf. i.~;{J~;.iii,tilh,t~ i l ' ..

... -.~\ ~a-~_t a:r\~:_..~_~1_~-_(_~_.t_.;:an·--1~c-~,~~-1~;!!_·~--o-·~r-f~r tii~ -~ ·~/ ~-:.t~ :~~~; ioianirand .:_ :~---~ .. .__;~ : .
• ~ l,<I " - ~ Wu 04UUU ~~l~--d~:t1J·;-~tt~Ifa-·;ut~ -~~:in;:::·~:. ~_;·. .-~: ?<· i?
a;~t~;2 ·~~i in:iw.1i1( ·.-,.~-~~iii~ :-~~.
genious ~ co;.;p11o;~~~.·~~tlli~ :·- · -" ;·~ ·. · ·
··{o~;;Cl~-~;i;/~d ~~t~~;oligiotl s~timis ~re ~r-ort1ed·:~t ·e~1h inatillation; ·-: ·-~ ·<:·i, ··. · 0

:--- ~-~--:~~~a1i;i~.i§ie~tr!~ ··>·~ : :_-.. · -~·-.:~~=-~ · -. ·•::.:}~t~:_;::-/ ~~~-:.=-.: :~: ~:-~ -··: ~-.--: ;.; _.:_.-,
_: .:r}Ji~f:~fi1ii~}~ dii~~•fi,, f L~~:·d.::c:ihJ ~- f~~ ?:~\:J~;:_.
. --= Spsc~~ ~oj cct:, -Di'rluion inatc.llntionej · w.iti _wure ·stdf ed by -both -.Army. mid·::: . -.~:·.::.:..._" ·. .:~·:.:~;:<:.- · -..:· .- -
:, /

-. ·· .---:.->~~cal
fi~ff:c;lfJi f•.~ir~~:,l}i.t~tJfft~~:±::1t}{~ift;~•-: ~;' :;('!)'? ..
poi:i.:onn~1;:. e.n9 .to .the servioes~_,mi~ ._-they__repro:,ent.Gd,: for :-th~ ·_ef!'j_;;.' ' -~>'?':'..:-.:--;:~:= -:=._._..:., ·-:
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· ...._:_. ·e_! f_GO_tiyeneri11 · of--th•.?ir wo!k; . ·.'When ·ao9id~_hl.: infco_tione: oc:: ··.:. =~-:-.:_:~~::::-_: ·:::::.:.::·.:::._ · :· _.,~·.:
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: . ::--···c urrec!': cnch : caeci ,-reoeiTed ll(lmt>din.te trea:tnt.?nt on .the -Poet~ ~:·. u1 indi411.d.wuu 0 · .. ·: ·· · :::-~·-- : - · :
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·.·. .:.:·:.~ ~·. ·:.- _-;:.;;:.:.:: ·:·~~~~.~·=-:. ~>-:_-;.;~::i .:~(-~~-;_::~:.: ~~-- --~-~ -=· ..; ~-:- -~-L ··::: ~-·-·_- .,_ _ ;:.- -: -
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- :~:··~otutl:. leeiona;- ho~ver;· ew~ll; Rppel!Xcd;-~·.a .if,roll·.as_7_iu in5U!ncois ~,rhe~e· ac_o1~ .. ··• .. ·.::~_._-·-
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· :.~:. dente1,· e:xpo.sure ' a-dlll!geroue lfMl. b ellevecl -to have_~occµrrcd;- · -·:-.- · :_· · :r<· 0 ::-

~:·>_:,fJ:~~~-ej~::.o~--~ ~;:d-.~<li~;~mi-tt~ ·e~~~i~;;~{;· ~~~-,-"~i~~ii~·u:·or'. i~i~:; : _..-: ·· ·y:. ··

·. tl:.~n~~~t /f_~-~~~;tlf.r~•/ L'~d pl.11ced undi,;-i,~:~~*tifn/ ·Sp~~iei _werd6 in the . __... _
~ .- ~;n}~ti~-~·-;:~;-/ #~Jci~1 'io.:/ .tile ;;:.;~·~; ii,.olitio?} ~~~·,;t.-ei~t:of ~-.8-~~ or·:.
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. · cic;~_r.:~• . ~\"'~ ;__ ~erEJ

tht..t .the ·beet and moist uP:~d~~ tr.~~tii:ent;·-_be.aed ·..
· -~ in co.tic Cl!P.81) upon· EpoJ1ni· di8l;ttOlltiO and :ti.~n~uti~- ~~~~~durei dovelciped' ·'"" · ·
.·:~ .-::. =-=- =:-~-....~-.;_ -~ - -~- : . :· :·- :..:-... ~--- .:_: ~ :.. _: . . :._~· -...-.~. ·-:._ . ..-.·-- . . , . . . .:. . \. ~
.. :"'.-:·.::.•:~-,.:::·. ·. · ·:_. . _. .- . -
_- .' : on t..'l'ie :-bac1e or · expedmont.ation on animal.Dj ·yielded l!\lch: gn.1.ti!ying results • . . ·_. -. -_,~-~ · ...

-Lr ~ ;tI~r:t !:j~ ~ "d::E' .:z~;l~.iltZ;f ~;:,t{J~ ~•

.·:-·: :--~:-:~~~--~l~Be··~ii~-~-;~e~v~r~--~t{;·~ . ~ci··~r ·ulo~i·e~ind~:s_:c~11_e~~-ill): -
~· _·.- _•· ; ~ .
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with '~ "'
__ _
;;; NND ~32.5?)
By.Kl NARA Date o~jo2..Jo7

- ·-
.. --~: ::~·. :·
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:, :_: : ·._. -
:; . ~ .- : . . :.:
:---~---_: - ~- .. . :
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:one ex~eption; all:reoebed immediate propby'lact10•· t.x:oatment? aiicf none-: -·: · ,:. ·-.. ·. _.. -;:_·::.. . ..
. ·.-:>;~ ·--.. ... -=_·-~:.:·~: ~- ---.-:~ :·:~:--?-:~:.-./..::\. :·~·:: - .-=:~ -. ·-----.:::t ·_::._:_ -.::~:~·.:•-. . .- .~ .-:5.~. ~ _· -_. -·_.;:_·_: ;:·_ : -~::.2-.~:--· ._:. -~.-:. :- ..-- ~ ., .. .:·f-:., · · .. · ~ ~ ·
of theao_ deTOloped an· infection. The ucepted indindual did. not· report·· · · ·:· · · :'--::• : ·
. - . _.. . .. : ..·. . .. -;: ..:· · . . .
_ - ·. .. .. ...... ,,".. . ... ·.

expoau.r•·, .
did-_~ot receiY• prophylaoUotreatment/
dmlopitd iii~· diaeaao;
-~ii~ -~eoon~;;c/r~ii~-g ~eatm~t; . _.. :•: _.. _...... ·:-· ·- - :_ ~ .~
;.-· ...
-~~i-;,i~;~a~ ~-ii~ ~a.i--b~y~~ ~~-~;ii\1e ~~~i ~f -~~~ ~-
··.: :: --~_- ·:_;~~ '-ihiii ~ ·· . : . -. ·:' . .,
.:-. -.

tr~lled ~~~~e~~~tlon,
lt ii;dic~~~ tha~.~~ :~~~ph~l.a-~ti-t ~d-ther~poutio .
~~~~~\ ~i~~; ~~ ~g~ resp;ni1bi;··.ro;:~ei··;~£i~~~i-~iooi-d

_oxtMt/tii.ooe ..ihltili--~~d i{roTed-effeotive ln'oon~ll;~--experl.i~ts on-: ~ ··

mal~o Ad~ tional '.~ ~te ~~ owiidg~ r·e~~~ -th~~;~riod ~riii·~ -~~~~ -~ /-::. :-~·: C

oourae of the. diae-~~~ following ~o~ e~~o to b.w;. guined '
~-;;~in:ai i~ -·~r.- ~ st1:ao~1c1~ta1: inr~citio~s:; _.-: - · .,_. ·.- ·~- _. :_ ._ -..-., . :
··.. Sye9ial -=a101~k-~~:-We.rfara Izi~~~~ii~n r~~ --5~ii~~,;, ~-·· , -:·: ~--~- -, -.::.·:: . .·• - -- . . . ·--

. _: .. -

..i -~eoW. bioloi!c·u mfare .schooi nii ~etibllahed ~e.t Camp

lAlr>- .

-~g __th1~ ti~~; ·r1~ 2 toj '-.e~: iiecie.iona .~re li~1~; ~~ 10:~ Madic.i -·
-~~;s:~:;; ·~~~-w f i<ii and .UFJ ut~oii~ ~r~~~--s,;~~~;:~"ir1~er~ h~in- . "(;_. ..

-~, . :~f and ~.---~r ,; -~ffi~~~-~ M

~ch~J-:eo~~-- ~~~o; ~i-ren.~
. .:·. -
··;~oti~ 1n · tho ~d~tal~ of bi.ologiaal warfare;·-:.'..nii ~ti]. or 217··
:· ~iti~~r{:.iio :·a tt~ded ,-ui;° b.i.· .,~·ool i'ore -~~ -~s-trii~ti~:~o~ biologic~ . . . ...

.i~i:t-~t~k~i~t\~e-koda ·ir d~tedii~( ~~:J{t~o~~J:~~.=-~~~~ .

~-:·f d\~b~~~to~ .dii~o-1\i~ p~c~dur~~; .~11c1~oio-~ -~'·rundaixi~tai in!'o~tioli_. ·. \
.on b-~;~~g~ia ~l ~~1r-.- pro~~uon;· ~d a•diiicusslcii ·on·po-~iible tactJ.cs . ·- \
·:_ whioh. ~ght ~ -empioyed by th·e-ene~ b .a~;~. :~t~~:; . il~ough"mo•t or '\
\ __
. ~~ g;;~~~; ~f ·:ib~;~ ·.2/~~~~i.B~BOion11 . returned ·to the~ preTiolU H8ip,-
··~~t:, -~~ ~~~~~~i~~- ~~ -~;i;;~i--~~~~~~wii1~-~~;s·- .~~e/roi- mi~ 1n
.. ·-· ..
... ..
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.-. -_Sf~(;OEr;-. -~--- ·--~.,_. .· . -·:.-:
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..... _. ~}r~1~~~t~~i;·~~d rrim .tho·siio~.iai•p~oj~J~=~~,itiii/i{~o~ ·· -··> ·. - -:,~~-~.

·. ;: ·_ tlio\~-~i.\~~~-~t--~·n·:i~i:b.~~ -~cll~;i/ier~--~~;f~~,\~\;i:~:lii·~.;~-- ~i.\.11.;:·.:-: ~--· ·<~ ·-:.·:

·n-teater. Co111111o.nder: rege.rding oil no11 deYclopmente, in tho··.fiold ·ot biological''::·:-~: ·:. :·?·-·,· :- ·

~.~~;-~1f1ft~f~~!1~t1I!~;:~·-~~:f& ~~~-1~·0;~·:!;~i~J!!;iy:;
·:.·-::--:'.?~..: ·:_·}in.:;fri~rf ~r-1944 th& War De~tm~t-.ili~>Ot~d--tho'.· ~mio~ ,~ :;_. t
--:~;~i~~. =·i--~:.t~~i~-~==--~..:::.:;_i--:~;:. ::::..~: -'-:_...__;:-•:_ :::~:.:..; ~ :_.:;-_-.-·::.:·-~-~ -=·_:_:--~~~~--- :.~-~--~~:-:•·:__·:: ::_::·~.:.:::::..-- -~- -_·..: .--
·. · .- . . ,·:..: rare -.~errlao· _to orcnnino_a · ,trone rnd · a.guooeiw··organiution : to ; na::Wl1e _::- .--..-:,: ·- · f-_:, ~ ;_"-·.
.-_- ·-----~_:_ ;<~=--~~~:-~i:_:-. -~. :_~-~-_:_- _-~~:----_.·__:·_>:_. ~ ·. ·: ----~-~-·:._... ---~----.· ::-···._:_-·~ --~--- <~·;-:.:.~:.- -:. · - ·-·-:.:__.:~:-_---~ .-.-· -
· .. : :. ·, r1'8pon_e,1bil1V f9~ b;,.,;:··intel11ganoa; ·:Tho Biologioal··lTa.rtare- Inwlli·•m.cui•-::<-·.::· 3f- .:• _
-·--:- ~:.. ·; __-:i ~:..~~-:-.:_~_::...;-::- -~·--:-::. . ·:S-;:'.::i-:·_~.:·.:·. . .-.-~;.<·_?• :. ::;_ :- -~.', ____._.._. __·:-_..-:.::.-.-· "':.~~ ---..:...:_. . )~-~ -..:..:..-: .·. ~ ... .:·.. : ~:~:~- :. -; . ·--·:·
~.:_B-rs:>noh or tho Spocial Proj aotB J;>1:viaion;. cws, ,n,.o ·oroetild· to · oany ou· th~ :-·· -::::·.-. ·. · .,~
: ..:. :.·.- -:_· ,- ·. ..:·.- ·--:·-~- -- .- - ____ __ .__ . - ·--- - . .
iffll'Orl&lt dutfo~- Of . col1Get1on,· efl.l.UBtiOXl &id cliJ~clnati.oii.·of .o.J.t·b;v~
·_ : -~--~~~~1ee~oe. -~~ -i;i~u-1g::.,~oe ~~k ~~-ii: e1~::~i~-~~~~~~~i~- ro{.i'ii/.·:.·
-.- . - : .,. ~ -.-:-. -··:_··· ==-:,.: :· .· ~--..:~ ~ :,-:·.: .._-_---~-- ~---. _:_ ::.::::..:._,; ; ._·_.. ·--~--·. -~--'-:::--:; .::-:.:::. _..:·.~.--·j;.:··: ~ . :_;_·:;~ ; :...:::..:..· .:-~ -♦--
:· o~~ill llllyerviBion of·.aoour1~ measures · in each ·or; tJ10 ·vn:rioWJ· inata~ · ·. · ..
- • • - • •• :·- : •

,·,-· ._:_:.·"~ /~r t~~.s;tJ~{~ie~t~:iiivi~~. ·: ii/~:·t ~.o~~J~~-~~~-~d".'°~ .

·· ·. -~~:··~;~:~~w ~nta~-~~~1~.-~ b:~~, -~-~,In~-~ -·io:-:·ii;~oii'.·;.w,uah~-'~
:J::-..,:: ·-~ -:--.~-- - ~; . : _- -~-·-=·:.;~--:·-;__ £-·: _·:.. - : -. --~ :. ~- ~:-=-·:·- -..--: :::-=~ ~--=-- ::.:~-.:~::.::_~.:. :._ _..:-. ...:.,·:;._, -'.... .·. - -:·.. -
. : ~ ..~=~__
. . . ._": non trl. th the sin-tloe 11nd. oivillM agonciea ,uuch .night unCOTer ·Worm&Uozl:· .· . :..;,- ··. · ·-·
: ::--·.:..:::~·.::-~::.:~--: ~.].:;-__-:--~-----:-_.-.~~~.:.- ~- :~~_;.. _.. .:..:}~ ·-<:.::..:~-:~·--.:.:-~~ -- :..:;:-> :-;.;j~~~;_-~ ->~-:-.:.: ..:-: <:·... \:~ .: ~·--' =- ·- . , :
.· : . of. 1nt6rest in . thin field • . 'Ihe towid.lltiona laid :by 1IR8 were uaed U -~ i· ·. ::_ -. 1
·. ·- · ·
. - ··..:~ :::~..._);-~~:·f:::_:·.~:-,·-~~'".. -- -~:::;_-_.:~ ·.: · ~ - .::-- .":~: ::. __-_ . _ :· .' ::.i -:::.._.:.-.--~ ~_'. :·-~~ -: :_: :._:_:-.. , ~-. ---~- - ~· 1 • L" -:::l': ·. _

,-~- \- . . ... ,·
_.-_~b11sis :on which ,ma built rm Mti~ and et'!"tivtt"000perat1on ·w1t.h o-:-2., ·.a af --=_.·· · ·.·.-.:· ·. ·
. ::F .;;~.,1{ -:: i.'··: -_; j';:'L;f !/_fl~;,:(t:'.?\ ... ·
.. rttlitaey Attaahee aaaigned. to du.~-1n stra:~~gically;" looate4 oapi-: 1
-_ :· · _·, . ~ -- -

oii :tJ1~ --~d ~'k~~~~ ~-t '. ~ :·
. . ~peraiion to eonocl.~te -
·-~ _:.·--~~:~ /t;o~~' ~~~g~ci~, ~~ iiYon:-~fi~:i,ii{~~-~~;tion on·b;~/ ~\: ·. .-.~:·
:_·f_~!.·}··.i~.--.}::-,:_--~~-~:~~;~--~::::_-~ :-;i~:<-•;. :-
--~;:2~-~--1·:_ .. ·.. ~ .. :._ ·:-::: . --~·-\._~-;:,.~: =. .-~..-., .::. .· . 1

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, :. . -·· · .
,-. ,
'! Authority WND ~32.S?>
By, \~.J NARA Date o~jo2..l07 ..,
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. -·~aqii:i~t· i;h~ rtth ·ill icaeible man.ite~ltati~~o·· o~·~~~~-i::'~t ~·~~.fiti~

:~_:.~:.: . :::.·:_;:1:;:,: . =~· ._-:__:,_. _-_
·. :.:. :-~~-:. ·::- - ~:. ._. -·.-.-::·-~~:~ ::.: ~:~.:: :_
~.:-~•-::-:-;~::;:~. ~:..: .: :;:_:;_-: .:_:: :: . :. . .:.. -> •· · ;_ . . ._::: .
. "1e ■tionnaire11 were prep&l'ed and dist:ribut&d· to ~the :-thea:ton::ot oporatia:I. ·· .
~;-:-~_:.. -·:.__-~-~:~-;--.2 ··f::~::.;·::·.--:. __ -?:.~.: <> -:-~-- - ~---~~--~;::~ -:·--,..:~-~-_i:~~~-: ~~...:...:-.·<.~-,;.-.:.::·~ -:-.: . ·.. · _.. ·= .. _._ ..- . . ·
·: ·to b~ ~ud by qua].ificd ~telllge1,1ao offi~ra·:1n,:the·quostioning of · - . ·. ·.- -. ·.. : .. .· · · ··
· >•- · :S-:.--· . ~: ~~-~..·::~..:·:-_:._~-- -~~--- -=- -- ~=--- : ·._~- :.=> :.2 ~~ >.;: :-:::::.t_~ ·;·:.::-~-~ :.. ·:· :.· . . . -·· ---=·.. ~,,
_:·_:--:; .:· · -~~2~ ~-.: . : .
. . .,. .. of...·war
, ·1n
.. _
o.n attelllpt to obtain more d.ireot · 1nfol"Wl tion on tmom;y -
: ·,int.enti;n:~ ·~c(~a}~billtie; ~ iii1. ii·eid;.,··.- .w·:~t °ti~-iii1iaiiig~noa cm . - -:· ::·: . \. ·..-.
-···,I:;1~:=~:i ~r:~: ~:: .;.: :~s1:~ ~{~t~~~~~~=:· __--~.~::_-
--~-- -..--=--- =-...: ·;_-~..: ·--..:·. .:::· _.._ :. ~• -... -..·.- -,-~: :-- .·.:.. .·...:.:..· :.- ,:._:_-:...:-:.-~:.-~.,. ---,;.:- _: .. ,_._ .:. - .. - .;_ .... ..
ru.jor .lill.ititry. opor~tio~; in._Europ0/#iii iiiter·::iii--the :ptoiii~ Ar~ . ·::· :·.
- . -::\-;·: : -.

· pf~io~~: "Id~ iii>io1ai i.roJ.n.til~-~ b. ~/ 'c7i,I 'ri~~~'¼J ·jt ~?~tnrro oi the ··

.>rh;~t;~ ·~~ fr~ii J~~~;io.-.- rn\ .hi~ ~~~~;-·~i·· ~~~/~i;f ~apt w~~~-- ·· · . ._. .-:: ··
.-• !:jg~:,ib~~.~:~::it·~:.~;t:f,f;~:t~iii·~1!it:f~i.-• .,,..: C

:. · · .\\ it~--.)~fm oi ~tt:a~•.·: ..· :~- . -/ .:1::- ...-.<;.:~;-. .. . •. ·• ·; :-:.'. · .·

. --.\ .~ one·~iato1 ,: sioiii.l ~2 ~uiti,:•irfr~~r~'. ~ ;~i~~~~ill -· -=:' .
·- ~ _____....~~--:._: .: - .. : :::~ ·._:-..·<. - ~--.. -:--~ ~: -_._ .:.:=-- : ..:~--- .- .:::.:_:-:: :.~.~~- -~ ~-~::~-:~~~~ - . <---:_ --:
- ·trained 1n b.w~ work wel'e aui~ed to· duty, .1n r&-oo~ied :or:. f~ered ter- . _·_;. .
.·~l:.·-~ :--7~-~-~~-~-r:'.~- _-·-:~---~ -::: - _
; ~-~t3. ·.-~~:~_-::~_::-~0-'--~:·:-..:·-:.::·~:~ ~?~~2~~-~~-~---3·:-~. --:-- --~
J ritoey· to innistigate eneey ·b;w; r.ctlvitiee~ In Ge~; · this eMoial team
~c-:~ -: -~~-- :· 7:_-:-~~~--~ _:,· - < ..--·.. - - -~-~ ? .-: -- ::..~;-:: ."'; .·. ~:~-~~ --~-- _-~- -:. -~- <
t of b.w:~· offioer1( J(f.1 Jo~ed ·by offioe:re reprosentin·g ..tho Dritish b.w. or-
J~·;:- --·-·::~~:_·-:: -~. -< ::--::':~~-~-~~-:=-~-
.::,_-=-=-·~~~::::-:-:-:;--:~:: .:;;-~:::_· :-: _:_-, ·~·;::::--=!l-::-.~--:---,~
. L ganisa.t ion in a h i ~ euooees!ul. operation- ~J'.:!elded :_;~et.a, docru- ·
_._ - .
~ _·:..-!- .--- . .::-;--:--~-~ :_·· , ... =-..·--_.. . .::.. . ; .:~ - - :: -- ~~ -~:- __ ~~ . -~:~:~--~.,~~--~~-~=::~ :- .
mented· aocount of German biological nrrare aotivit1oa. · At. present &
: ; .. -~~~;.·.:?~~0-=~-~-:f-~~-=:- .:~ . '~ - - -~---=--:-:--.-:~=-::-,~~~-~--·.:,.:,:.~.:--~~ -- :.:.- ~ ~ -=,.&,°=(!~. : -- _: -- ' - .
. . dmila1<.inTe11tigat10n of Japanese biological warfue c.otivitior. 1B ·1n ·progreu~ e·'-.··
- . - . : -~ =- . _,.. :. . .·.--··:_-: .~ -~-~- ' _. -~~-~~:_::;_--~~~·;_-:~--.
Y-~~ ·-: .: , ~ -2 ~"t-.· ·-~:· - . ·:· . "T - • - • • . i,- • ·_-( \ \ ~

· on· b~•~- ~unwruz:1· end f!.S!t'-

· :_ In the oollootion or intel.llgen·ce \
:·.·. ·,r·~~J~ ;{~o~~·.,;··~~r~t1~n.w6~e ti--~ ~~~\~-wi.~ii1~~ · .w or th~
. : .~ ~ :: _ ~~:::::-.::-:-.:--:~:-":i"'··-::--··~:.,...· ·::::·."·:~· . ~·2,~:::-:' ._._. ..·.'::·· .-;:·:':":•-::~::.--:··~~. :- -.
· "-~<
. . intelligenc·e re.ce1T&d 11ali studiliid. with great aara in order to ciDtingUi!h . '

-\~~i ~~i. .~~

.·-: . - .. -·.
. ·- .
·m1ihl. ~ .- ..
:- .
ii.. ·oii ·i-.oi: ·~~~.~f~c~ :ichcated ·an.
.':.·~-~::~~-~-~--- ..-:-:.r---~-, i..:::-:--"~-:.:--.. C

. . ·effort on the part ot. our enemi.8'1 to ngg aiiw ·roiin· cir poyohologici.J.. ~ ·
----~;;~!":.~-:;~.....:.--·-.:~:--:~- -· _:-:~-~<'":~-~----··~
· ::···_·._._~-- -~· .; :.-·-~~ --~=~~-:~:·~~=-~::. :. :~~.-.:·.~-'~:~-- •~"1~ :. ._:·~---~. ·. - - -~.·
· fare. - lien•• of' · ti111 intal.ilgwco rec:oiTed indicate• thn.t .o ur ecmrl.u. made .. ~
-··_·:-·-~:::_-?.~ .. '!5_-·-····~?-~: .-.:. ._-f~
--~: : :s=-~~-:':;~~--~·;·::· :. ::..:~-- ~-;~~-~.:=.:4~--Jt;L(._..
r · 1· ,.•_ - 4 -

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__ _-;,._· -
·:} ·:-.·:·>:···"·:~~---~ -- . .
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·: ·,_·.·_- : ._: ·:- ·~~~--.· -~i:~.

·<: _:_"-..: ~: . ~ . . .:· .-.. ---·. .--.-:··.--.~ :-_::: _. .... -

. .: .. :·._ . .-::·:•.:_.. · ·-· :.--;... ..
· ·.: :~·Y·_:.~·-_;·.-~//. _··.:._:;:.~-~~--t-->:·- -- ·· .. --·-. · .: ·:·.,_.·_=_:.<.· :t.y:·..
--~<: -__:/:- - : /~-\>xJ:).-IfJr/.-.-;->-· -·· ·:: ·- · · ··:·-~-=~---... :t)_::._:\ /:-·- -wr-~·)_/
:..:· ._... ~:<,/ .:·2_),\ :: ..:·... /.'.j ;_·.- - : .., . ·.·~ - .. .. . -/::_-
- .· ·.. -:: . } ~ _: .. : ·..:.._:··. . .... _..

-·· .:·>~:it.·.
·-· -.:-:,_: -~: ~::;- :.- . =;- _-; . . .. ·. .. . - . -· . . . .

;~:: : : . . .
. · .:. : · . . . 1'ro1t· tha ' begirmi!l&, ill work on b;w; · 1n ·the_'. United ·:Sta.tea; : thfl -- · ~~ _:· ; .. :·• ·•:/ -· · ..- ·
. ::.. :. ·:--~u~{J{~~~~~/ ~~-:-~ -~~-:~:i ··~ i~:do/~ ~~r~tiil~;~t?·~~Lir:·:·~·'.:(·.··~·: ,:•)(·.-:_(·~-~
:__:-_~o~~t~-<•i{~~ bcill.e-t•oci. iii.Jitiu.ii ~-ipi~te-eccrecy·n~t-onJi/>/·. ·<\-/. -

~1 • =-:- . ... _;-. __ - .. ------~··.··~--- -==-·· ----:·-. __ __ .. . . .. ·. .. - . - . -·-··

· .:: .· ·.. ---- ~; over/ the~pon1hilitiel!l··or }?iologiccl. _werfnro;· .: .AIJ-:the _b~H;~:progra:f of_ -tla,-::\_:_-.':· . ·-..;·-....: · · ·
'[~ : - .cc· : ··-:
. ~ ~:!~2:-,~.CC.
_mnintain: atriot·:aoauriw _regulations :and - control.: in··a.11 · 1n·etall.ntions:·and ·: ...·• ·:- .-:- -:_:.:: .: ·· :·:.· ·
·. . .:~ ;" -:_~--~~-~;.: :i:=:.=:2·-~~- ~:·~~{;:~~2--:·. . ~::.- ----: -::---~:.:::~-..:.·;-.:: ·:<?.-: ~: --~: _ ·_·_ . :-··::::: ·:2.::~:.--..: ~:~-=-·:.-::. -~-.:_.~:: ::::-:·:..=·>;: .: -: ~-1-.
. :~ ~~- ·.. ~- _in~titutions·:where 'Rork ns being· perform0d_; ':·All- pcreonnel. engaged ·1n or ···-:-, ·.. -· .--~-.-:.. ..·_

•· -~ t',::;~.:!~•.uf';;;; '~1 ~f~::; f 0~~~-:~t~~~-i;;;.~.~~~L f · , _

. -_:. "': ~y PUGO, a::2;
_c_' ··-
OlfI md 1BIJ : their eli.g ibilit;y "for putioipaUon 1n ·thc·•.pro,;~-::. -:=·· · ·. :;e.'-· -

~~:?_:~~~~r-: ;J·~~~j_a:t;~::~i1i ~~~i 1~~~<1 bf~iii~a~)~~:~i~ii°ii ~~~ic~ ·/:<:~: ~ ··i?\ ·-

·.:. 1nteJ+igfln_el9 -.ork-ala~ in-ioi~ed invo~tigation 'o.r"·r~~tec{\~nicri 1n·· securiii >· . .

.:._;::_-~_.~~\1~J~:t-~ci::~t~aiic«i ~f~et ;i~jf ~_i i ;~~i~ and.-~ii~;m~r:~ -· : ( ~:- :·

.- - - ..
' - · c· •.. o~ ~~~oal
. -
equipment and i~t~ueoJ the ~v~~ti.g~uin
. . .
-~~;:-pr~teo-tion ·or · .

·,<::--~~~\·~-~a-~~-·tkr ~~ ·in-roi~<i ~ b~--~ ;-ti -~ ~~;~a-r~ft~~it

-·- · ..
a~~- i,,~

.:.~opl~ were oi~~;i ·r~r work o~·--u1o·· ~i-o~~~-:~:}?a~r :~~-~~J -~~ the ~~gr~e ··
,·. ;

--~f ~;our{;·~~~~J. -periodic.- ~e;{ ir ·tiio:"ar;~. s~oiiiid1ii~:-~-.;taiia,,: -.

~~-; o~ ~~~~ii~/~ whicll ~;k -~n -b;~; - ~~ -~~fo~fiGr~·~Jdu~ted .b)'
. __.;_... tll·e -~~t~~To~gerice ·coiii or tiie·~ ~~ ~{tii;;· iii;~ 'lhs,a ~w• ·
. -" -=-·-:.~.~~--".:- ;, _·-.,: ~--=~-:_~:=::--:.:::.: .:~: ...:. -...:: -··,-. --.·-. _. : .: .:.:. -."_::_::.:.:.-._:.·:_. . . -·. .
: .· ::·=. .,.:. ~ . ....
. '._- indioated _.•that _ae~ty no mainta.inedf the thousands ~f-:~orieirs in"TolTc·:! . •;

• .. .. · _· .:... _. -:-::_-:-·:. ... _.:_. . - ___·:,•.. :_,-~ -:;- - :. - ..

_ .. -.. __: . . - . · .....·- -:.. ...:.:· . - : ... _.
~: . ..
~uthority WND ~3'2.5~
"l~..-..,... . . ,. .. ··-···-----..
: .. _..
B/~ NARA Date o~jo2..Jo7

•. -::-

. ...,
. '

- lS -

work. "Another indication of ·the S\100981 or our effort, to maintain aecurl~

.- . ....-. ... -

.WU found in an o!ficial_ German document oap-tured after V-E day irhiah re--

Tea.led that after the •pring of 1942 no intorma.t.1.on wu reco1Ted in _Genum;r

~ -!.~ ~ ' : ' : '""=.":t~~~';'1r,-:-•~- ,-,,v: ·!'!"·r ~~ •. ' ~ ~ - --::::"!:: . ' ~~ -:-- -

regarding ,rork in . the United Btatee on biological warfare•

- ~:--:.~:~-- -~_,.·..:··-- ······-·_--- ·-- -:·~ .,. -·--··- ..._.., .··-'.-·..~·-- ····-~- ·v, .. __,.._·::·-- .............. ~_,.""":-"- ';l',. ___... ,_;_ . _~

JaR¥:e,ss Balloon J.t!,!ck, •

ffllon it firot begQn 1 tho Jnpaneoe balloon attack on the United

. . State:o~~~d den.a~-•• reoognhod 11.8 a the Japano10 might
mot.tied by llh1oh
.. . . - .
wage b1o_logioal warfuo. It tm& .t hought that the Japanese might oend

·oat ~4:~-a~ta -~t humin, 6Jli.m41 or plant diis~uea .ae 1 the: "pq lond• ~t ·tlie
ball~ns; and th~ ~pt ·eerlOUJI tbreo.t .miib~ b/ \ he animo.l. po~
that "'. ·.

uhtion. An. e!f~~~~ b.v. attaolt on ~~\ j_~~to~/;~~d··J . ..

'f'O rodu~ed . th~ ·
: ~ of m~at io-a
dan~~ro~s~ low l e'YGl;·: A spec1tl tecun of biolo,!ioal
: -· ·- : . .. . offlc~r;t;.. eexit ~ ench of the .d~rerii,'~~~~ -:~-~I'Tic~ comiwids . to

alort reaponaible o!ficer, to the potential .d.angero; to give matruotiona

-- -- . ...,; ..
to b~ f~llow~ ~ reporting balloon incidents. IU.Utiiy .p l~~~ for defooiae
.~et pos~ibl~ an~ t ,,..attack~~~ ~~~d--~J\o~~~~ted nth th-,
proteotiTe : oti...itie8 o! the United S~tGD:~J.{ ~~al.~ ~oe and ·tie
United St.Ates Department or Agriculture. The thiit~ ;·stat~. Public Heaitb
.: ·: - ..
Sonioe alerted its deteoting wi reporlli~ -,~ce/ thx•o ~t the nation ......

. ·< -1..::: . J _._. : : ~· - ·--. : . __ ~:->. --~:-;~:..;.s .:_.. ~-... _-,.:.:.: ::: _. .. _·--- ·· .
order :to ao?elerate the now ot reporti, on ·any ·e¢..demio ·ot diHaH.
:· - . · . ' .: . .,. . .:>·-- --:.~-.:,_:;.::;_-. -. . :·: - .-.- : :_ -..
Siallar aotion WU taken by the United State11 .Da~tment ot J.grioulture to
. . . .: __.
accelerate deteot.ion or, and reports on, epid~os·or ~mal diaeaae. In ad-

dition, the Departaent of Agriculturo continued the ueraenoy plant

ts . m.c.:c.......,.~~ ~: - - - ~9"-,• =-...-.,...-~~ - ··-----·- ..!:!""..r:-:::==:..t:.:.::~ --

~ . inse~~ pea~ .inu:~•- . boon _in!_.tituted . in 191.2 at_the req~~~- ~~-
- ~ :-~ ~-Q;t'.d.Qr__
: , ' -: -- : ~ ~ • • • • • M •
~-~ - ~gain;·;·~e-,p;ead ,::--:~~-
•• • ·• •
~~ pi.:ii -~i~~oe,--o~ ~~~ot
•• •-:~~:~~~~~·=--:·•••;•-,:-'.•~--•- ----•----:- •
: . --~~. :.: : : ~ - :: ~ - : --. - · -• • : ~ · :-:- Oo
peat.a llhi~
- .:>
. : _:..- .

•. - ·.:- : .

. .--_,-
:-_-.. -·.-- -..

: .· .-· ·- . ~ ,:-- -.. .. .. -·· ._: - .

.• . - ~- .• : . .=· .· .. ._ ·. -". - . - - ..
. . .. · -·. .
. .,, .. - . -
.. . ·. ., : :-: · ; . - -; ... ._ ..
. . .- .

· · ~ might bs ·1ntroduoed by the .rapimue balloon•• · --'ftl~ work' o! :t,ho mill tu;y oar-· · · ··
~ ~~i~/~-~ - u~ ·s~-:i~~ii~-ii~Jtii·~~o·i ·-;if tifii/~'/ ii;~ii~~ or ·igr1aui:~~-:--: --~= - ; ·
. :- :·:~~:~~~~~~~~~-: ~~-~ -~~,i~~- - ~~~li~• - ~~-~~~~--!~!:~%~~&~ :~
iiie.·Ja~eae .balloon'
··· .·. ·-.__.. or
-: -
~ ~:":
-~ - : :
·:. : ; :;.:;. ·
attack~ t11e11e'"iiatec~-g·and' ;-ei,~r-Ung ien1cii tan~ ·. ·_ . · · .
ii~id ~rr"{~ien~:<·~e ~"~ -~i~ ~~ -~}[~;7~ ·~:~~~t ;~ _· -:·=· ·

- ~::~~~~o~-~-~~~~i~~ ~~~~~~~~:~~~~¥~~i?~¥4~/~~~~--~~~- :~~~:.:::_.:~ .;~~~:·:-~~-

·->· --~,-::_:: ··
. . . ---~ . . .

--...a porformed 'l1l'.lder · a carefull,y maintained coTer of~seauri~ 1n· order to _· : · .: ·_

-·-~__,,__~ . -.~-= :::-·:::~~·:::·-~--:~·--:...::. -:::~~-.<•--::.-:. ~ :-.~~~~7!~~:;~~~:~5_:~;~:-=~t:~-=:f.~=~:~:::.~7~~--=~~-~ :~ ~
~~-:=.~-:;_ :.·-:~~-~~-~ ::~~:~:: ·. ·.-
.: -;:::-: -~ ·:=- avoicFalarming· the publlo · over ·a dnngor · which fortunately_: did not materialise~- -.:- ·_·-..::-- .

.·.: : '_~I ~:~.FU1L~fl~:;;_:a:~·- L:;,~~d{~l[};stJrf] ;}f; ~~JPJ\ J~c·~} ··.o

---:_..· ···:~;.;:-_: :~:->f:~ ·o variou1nLot.ivit.1os··or tl:u, ·-speoial ProJooto :D1:,i&don· ~d the _o~;: ·:~°'-·: : _-:~ ~-..·. · ·
:'. ~::.-:-·;·:·.-:~~:.:_:_:~1·.~= ;t:_..-~. .:·.-~ .::.~-:--··-.>· _:- . .. - . .- - :.; . --~-- .:.:~~.:~~:.:::..~.:. =::.-.-:-.i:.:::~-~-::~:_- -~--·~:.~-:.-:~..-_·::··:-_~--·=;- ·~:-.-_ ~i;:.~~~-:::-:
: u ./ · ..: ..
: --.:- ~- .-.-..( ganizat1on1f·· oooper&W rlth it in work on °!)~v; -woro =exten11ivo in · :-·:··. :--:· · ::=~ . ·

f -~I~~::~~~~7-_~:~~;~~J:1~:;~t~~~~fif-~~:~:~ ·_ -~: -~- -,.

_- ~-7'.-_/f!-~:~~:fl~:~~=:~f~~t_
· , =.:_ ·_.-=.· :with ·,rore .new and-•unique j ·and at all timeo the work· mus' carried on under tho · : · ·: ·
. - .:·.-:~ · -~:/~_·2-=~~:~--:~~"'::=--~~:-·:.~.---_.·_.· -:~-~~ -=~-:. =-~·_.:.__:-':;.~=~-~--:::J.:.:\s::6:.::--=-=-:.·.:::. ~-:.- ~~~i.:.~~=---r--~;: ---_-/;-:~:_.::_
· :.:,- --·:·=· preuure· of :great·urgenc,; -;Stnrting from Boratch; ·1t··waa· neoesoary _r11.pi~ : · -. ~ · ·: ···.

a pot~Ualli-_:.-~:. ~---~~:-_ _
_ · .._ : : : · ·~ ~ :· : • 1. _:'">::.~:: :·.- -. : :;:'"::; :·: ·..:.
-: .. _..__
._., -:.·-.:·.- -: -:-/-·._-::-._~..: . :.-.--::. /• :_ . .
~r -_-_-:.: · .
. .. ... . ,_ .. _::· ·...

:-~cien~~;· the fund~ entnl. ncien~~ti, induD~, -~{~~;fcti~~ :'111.G -dE/~1~ .•·· ··
·: ·.•~~- -~~-~~~~ch·:~dcdivelo~~t. wo_rk· pa~~rm~~;:·: .-:~~~"i~;J~;,new ~ : :.._
· - :j_-=~~ifti;ir;;iiiJo}·~~;~'.: d;~i~-~ ~ci:·;~~~~;;-~ - :~i~t:t:;i~f ~;~i·;;~ii'~:_ .·:· -:.:c· -~-
-::-.~~~-:~ c- ~e~~~~~: ·~-~\f~ ~~( no·zi:ri1i~\~}~~~~:~~ - ~: ~ - -~r ~- ;~~~./:·:··:.·.~--.. :~:-
. ;-\ ~;~:~~-i:.~~~m p11~~1.-s or the·i-~aearcli.-~ ·~~~i~~wii --~ :~ rouo,a- . · ~~ -
.. -~··_ .._-:_., ~;"-~e ci~i~~;it ~:r.- ~itb;~~~~\jiliii~~t-~~~=£i·{;Ji~~~~ .·-\~/ r::•~--
-~ ~:~ ~;~'::_::!~;~~-~?-~-:~~-..:::~~=--=-~:~:~~T~~~~~::-:-~/I:.:·:. ~ ~:·~-!:-~
·.· · -..: _- _·_ - -:.:~=- ~ . -=; .- ..
. ·or mioroorgani11111e·· and their produotn • . In .thie work, much ·wormation ot
:· -~;~-·-:~-~~;:--~:·~--~=;:;~:-:--~~;=-~·:_:;-~~---;~~--~~:-~-:-
.f\mdallental eoientifio 1mportanoo na obtained regu:ding
,.<.. -~~ ~-~._.- .~.:r:-
nutrition and ·
·~~J.: :: ·__. -.-<:_ ! :: -._ : ::-::·z. ~-~

-_ -...
-:.·--: :
-- - :· -.:
' . ---· ·-..··- .... = . ··--=·--_. . -
. ~:·-:·- .DECLASSIFIED -~- '. ~
\ .
' ,~_'~Ef'll00UCEO AT TlfE tlATIONAl ,!RCHII/ES
.... ,,
(l,:" .. ... Atitho~iiy _NND ~3'2..S?l
\.i · · -· • • ··• ,.-.·1...-,-,.. - . . .... ...... - .... ...
B/l<J NARA Date o~jo2-lo7
·. -

. . .:~: ~

,,r.:..... .-
- 17 • ·

permit tho proch.,otion in itafe-ey- or quantitiee of micro·c,rganiSIIIJI ne-ver b►

. . ...
. .. ~

£ore belin~ poseible •

2. the d~Telopment of method.a for the rapid and accurate doteotion

of ama.11 numbere or minute quantitiep of disease-producsina agenta.-

-'• Signirioant oontributionl to ·knowledge of the control of air-

borne diee~se-produoing agAt1t1.

· · 4. 'nl~ ~r;du~tio~ and 18ola.tion !or the firat time of ·a crystalline
bacterial torln, opaninff tho ny for tho preparation of a more high~ pur.1,-
... fied iruntiizJ~ .~xoid.
5. De~iopix,.a~t an.a production Or on er.reotive toXOid 1n qu.antitieS
ne·e~;d to l'I'O~;o~ o~ti .troopi, at the tlnie of th~ U:~erati~ of France• . Uae
of this to:roid na not neoe~aary but it ·n• prepared and nvn..Uable for l1H

if tho on:or.iy ~~d eio~tsd . to wage bioloJo~ mi~-~~t that time.

6. Signifio~t c~ntributiona ~ lmo:.ledg~ ciono~rning tha. d~eloP:.

t1e~t ~f i ~ i t y ~gain•t cortnln infc,cf.1ous· di~e~S-~l!I·. ~f h~~ and imilJlai.·•

. ,,,. . . . ...
II:l.portant adTanoes 1n the treatm~t
-7 • o! ~-e rtain · infootioua di-►
- . . . .. .,. ·-~ -· . _.- .
ease11 of ·hUilllllls and!!, and 1n the development or ef'feotiTe protect!TO
. . eiiJ~m~t ~ci~~i~tii1ng. --~.: ... · .. : .... -...- -.·..-

8. 'nle ·doTalopmont ot lab~~~ ~ -~ ; ~~ai -~ropag;_U~n and ~tenon~ - _..._... ..

faoili tiae nt Detriek·-~d at the Vi~·~ ati~~~-th~ tromondoua ·

. ........
"numb~r of approTed •traine ~f exporir.t~ii-w. ~~;; needer for. the inv-ei~ . . -··

.. -· -· . } ~ _:.:~ ....
gat!on• : .·- :.· ·. ·.

9• . ni~-o.pp11-oat1on or apeo1n1 ph~to~~plrl.o· toohni~~oa to iho ,tutti

of air-borne mioroorgMinms end tho 11&.fety of laboratory procedures.•

10., Information on the effect or ovor 1,000 different chemical

agants on l1Ting plants. It 11 antioipatad that tho resu1ts or thie 1r0rk



I ::


Authority t,JND ~32.5~
sy' \~,j NARA D a t e ~

.. ·•
-- -•_.- ···· SEcitfi _I_•_;_ifu"' '.• -- t~/-··)t:{;~:-:-· ·•·05;_;.
~-.·· :- _ ; ·.

··. . . ,•- ...- .... ·•.

'.·,._.\ I $./ t:~ ~-C:.. J?t _

· ·· · c· · • ·
{ j ii.:2·t1Ii1i.c,@i'.: / ·{f,i,J/hS.i ~-•·-.
-=·Tlill .l:iet o.r· gront··'Blue to agrioulturo; : · _ · • · · . -- · ~- -._

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~·/ 1i .th~ _\~1~fo~i~
-..::·~: ;:::. ~} .Th·e-~~~t~--o?.tho ooio~tifi~ ·i~~k--~~iri1 ._. r.-·_..:
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~- :.
· - :-. - ..-- .:.warfare "reoDerch"_and denlopment program will -be·publillhed in ~the • ·. :""-
. ·:-~::-j~~4~,-~ d ii11:ti;ti~•bcido~~ -~iLlii;,_:i~~--;kaiii~~--=J \ ~~ri~id~-or · ·:=::.·
~ :.:pui;ui h~alth~-. ngri~:tltiir e i ind~~ tcy ~--·.;J:~-the 1~4n~n~-- ~ciQ?\oe~-~ .-:.
:-:-:/ .:;:--"-{ Th~·:~;;k ihi;h hi, been·do~:~. i.iitli;,~\,;{ ~~I :t{o~~ii~hl?~arfnr~:-io .::·.:". . -__..-. -
--,-~~r~s-1b1J/~a~thit ii" =•i>r;;~-~to i/ ~iiliiit:~~t t;-th~~;t~t~b~i\~hich · _·:-· ·~)·:;·
. , - ...:_::..~~·.: ·•:~ ~-~- · -...-::.,: - ·.. . _- -~;" ·;;_:.; ~?-----,~- .:_·_·_:__~:.. --- -_:; ·. :-:;.:-:-;.:·~ ---:- .-~~i--~:i -~~-:..-·--: :.:_:~ ~::-)·: ;-- -:: .: --;?·-.-.. - ;_
ignore:· its potential.itfes~ - Jo hAl'"e· 1·e a.~ed -tlul.t continuing· e:tudy itJ ne.- !d~ _.. _

to ~~-;,rld~ for ad~quati, da!enG~n Uiainst biologioai -~~t~e; uid tht.t to

s~• ds!~ -~e, 'i t is al.110 Mceaeiu-y to invostig~~: all of :ih~--o:f'fonsi-,~ po►
.. - . : ::- -·
Gibili_tiei, o! biologicai warfare. ···-·
...... .-:-

. ·-
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< .-. ·-> ;D~CLASSIFIED ::.· .:_~ , ---~~-·<'.:· ·.··:-.:~:-~_:: ·: ..·... ..
>·.. ·:
•~:- · ._ :. :· .:.:·-·. ·-~·.. _: ~. A.uihoi-iiy .NND ~32..5?> - .- .' = _.: ~--. _ _ :~~-t-~ - -.. "· .: :·· ;
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. . .:::-_--=-~: •·...._.:--... : ·-· ---.:: . ...

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. - ;_. . .ACTIVITIES OF .THE OFFICE OF. ·Tim· SURGEOlf- <mr.ERAL :nc ··: . : : > . -: ·._. .. :· :

_· the be~tb of __the_~A:rmy and_ of porsonnel· worldngin ·.Anay--instiillv.tions; _-· J;a .:~·-·.··:.~~:-:·: -~'.-'!_ - ::·:

_.;:·_-,li1~ti~t;~~:f~i; : ~ir!:01~r;r~~:~ift~1;:J;Et-tt'_· ·•
~ ?:t;;?~;:·•ii~~~:~~-i~, ·.•<? ;.: .} ,··
.. _ _- P.~~en ti~ ..~emie~:·might use biolog1ca1 · '!l'arfare ·n°P,aina( u·a -and·:suggest·ed·:.::·_ ·.:-·: :: ·::/:: ::.-:;}-: -:·•. :·-,-:- · ·

.. _:.. =~ The warning0 :.trmiemitted: by theee o!ficera -: to -the J?ar: Department- helped :-·· :<:::- ._ :-, :··. \ ~2 :.- ··

· ~-- :-~:-: ·:-.- - - -_,· ·--1:/ :~{~~v~i;~~r~J~\i'
b~;;·:;i~ruid;~j~i~:l·i;~~- --·>
-:: ·- . . . . ... ~

. act1~l1~-~ and f~·~;~~~- of vnr1~~:~-~-~ -~~-o~--di;{~1~s-~r' tbs ·aurge:m . -_-· .. - ·-. . . . .

--~>~~~;J~; oiri~e-~-under-:i;jgt~e~~ .
l--N~~~--~f ti~~{ ;e;o ~r:pplled·-~~ -.tiie::·.·:.': .
.. . ~ . . .

· ~;:}t:~~it~ -~~f~~~~~-e_;_:~~;-~~\~~~t=~ _
-... -;_ wo:~. n:-
: _-~~cruie ·necetisari to·: iiivest1ga~ Md to nuiim:1zti·:the::-uee :or :·eer~1n-non~\:~ · __ _.
~robloms_:~h-~-~ -:-~~~ 0
created._ .

...-.-.'.~)~\~_~tJt~~~~-~i~J:~~J" ~;,~n~~ti~·=P~#~~;;;·_ )~~~~~:~~--~ madi~-- ::.\··i-·:~- ·.:-:-

-. :-t f~[~t~:I~;l ;r~t-~\ ~as ;rotlded.- ~ -~~-que~t ~r\fu~·e·aitiv~ly engaged~~ --~: ._

:in\ h:~\ ro~ . .Adrtoe ToElB -gi:;~ ~~ the ~~~~ct1~n of ~d · - .: -
·- -_-.:·'~~~~~r1es~-- ~;~iliii ~~~h -~~;~ii~~:~~ -iw~ith ~;mi~ -_werei-'oi>= ---··.·:.-
- t~~e~- ~or {~~- J;·i~,1~~ ·o·r -th~-st~cl~ -p~'f-~oif :iiiv1;1~~;-c~s.·- ~iiaii•
~f lnet~ot.ion r~~ :;i; di~~ ~nd.inbor~to~:-~rk~ei~.;;~io1pit1n~ 1n the
: d~f~aiive a~p-~ot: ot.the b._i. ~;~~m _ w~~\;~;~a:r~~-- ~ ·thf ~ffice of \he
--·--~:-~ _--- .,_·--: ·: ---~->-- - ,_--:·<stc~tr-- -Y~:.ft?>-·\:(:-.-_
.- ·:~· ·_: -~,---. _:.:_-~_·:.:~: - -~- -:.-:-.:. .. . -~:·· .. :·~·::-.-·.--~:.\~-~t :.~--·:,:.·--·.·-:-. '·· .. - ., - - ·-·- . . .
i.,... -;~ . DECLASSIFillD
. f~t , ·.
. • nereycucE0ATll<ENAllONAL NlCHIVES
. ~ulhority NND ~3'2..5~
'"{~:..... .. .:.... :_ . ... _... ,.:......- -· .. :·
: ... ~-
~~,' l~j !'IA~ Da_tc O~jo~lo7

-· :.:::.... _:

. ·..· : . -~ :- ·.. '

.~: : ..


. -
surgeon Gttleral. The Medical Intel.llgenoo Divlflion of the Proventin
Uedi0ine Service participated natively in the collection, evnluation and

·a1ssea:iiiat10~ of .inform~tio~ on enemy intentions and capabilities in b.w,

- , .. -. .
Developme:nt ·of Bp~oialized Activitiea
The Provontiv• Uedicine Service, the Veterinary Divi•ion, end the
Medionl Consultunts Division had the ohief responsibility for the activities
of the Office of the Surgeon General in b.~. lfOrk~ During the rnpid expsn-
. eion of . the research and deTelopment progrllln in 194.3-1944, War Research
Servio~ 1-me a.eked · to fu:rniJ1h a oonsulta.nt"°who could- carry o~ effective lle.i-
.- son ~iween \ho -~ffico 6r tho SUrgeon -G~~r8l and t~e Chemical Warfare
._._:~ervice;: assist in the edatlnistrotion of b;w; iiff~ir~-~ ~h~ Surgeon Gcnerai•si
~n tho· ~e~~:i~e:a~~eot~ ·of.. the entire
't~- ~pirviae work
. :

:~~;~~~; ..Th~ n~r~:;/ this <ions~tant . anif'his .~iio:~~-l~o~·pro;~d of . ~e~t

. : . .~ :
- value to the.: succoss of the prog r~; , . . . . .P

The ritli~~-of the Surgeon "G~~:i~l was r"epraoentcd on all committees

est_abliebed to investigate, udvioo or take o.ction · on biologicul. vrr.,_rf'ure mat-
.·- -
. ;~re.· :In o.dditio·i;" the Surgeon Genera1 6rrice ·at ell ).~es consulted

1 ,, 11'~~

· -~ .defens1ve .matt:~rs by wns,· the Office o/~b.e· Se~ri:tury ~!'- War, and C~.

Tho- Offi~e of th~;- Surgeon Gcmertl wne con~ted by Joint' set rity Contro~ re-
gsrdln~ the ~ecur.ity·: ~iasaific~tion of snb~~ct -~~~~;; .relating to b;_;~·-· A
. 8u~Comm1tteo of. the Joint Chiefs of Sta.ff cal.led upon__the Office or the

·. Surgeon General eArl}- in . 1944 !or advice on:·· de~~;; :-~g~st .p·o~sible en~
-· .
use of .b:w. :The Se e r e ~ of ll'ar ~q~est'ed the
.. " :-

Chi-;f --~r the . Veterin8.l7'

Divisio_n _to serve ·aa Cbairm~n representing 'United ·st~t~s int.e rests on th~

Joint U.S.-Canadinn Commission established to investigate defensive meaaru.r-ea

aga.inot certain diaenaes of livestock. The Chief of the Veterlnar,' DiT- .,

ision also served a• the Chairman of the Collllll.it111ion which o.dminiatered tho

-· - .,

·-::_ . . ..· -:~ ---- ·"-- _·,: ....--.--:· ...: ... -· .. .. _ _.._·-~.• ._ - - - ·-,- -.· -- ~- -- ..· -..- =-:..·..::·- .. ··---- -... ·.· -
:_nnimnls; -- Thua; ·· the Office or the S-..irgeon Genere.l ' pa.rticipnted aotivo~ bo~h
-:-.-· .:: . : .
--=---\~ -til~-:~lo~~~1~-tif-p~1f"c1~ii
.. .
n£d -:1n~ti ·i>-~';r~~nii~{;i·
. ·-
- -
~ i1ii. .. . . . . . .
. - -·

-·, ;;;;k -~ do!enaa -a~~in:st bioloaioni wiirftini;· - -·. ' p~: . . -·

-Th~ Juih::.Biolog1otl· W~fue ·Progr~e in--~~ii;::-tti~-~~~~:~~ni _ ... ~----, . ~~--:'·~~-; .· ~=- ,-,
Zono , tha United States, and Theatere of Qp~ration • . ~ ~ _ · -·
.-. -·.. ~ :· -. Th~ orrice -~r th"e surgeon- Genornl :1md :M~j;~~i'- ~#~~t,-o~lieo~/~----~, ~~:[ ·.
·- . - . ~ - .
. - ;\;:.:. ::.:- ·. ·- --

-~- --·· ..
- ·.
- · - -- - -·~·-.:.:

. --·

- . - - .·. -.: - :
·.- ....:.. -. - :.
. . : ; · - ·c.- ::.:.-_·:-Department, 8.lld~Securi t,y ·Offi_c era on · all matt·o ro -relating· to-~doteetion·-or; ·and ··•:: · ·-· · ·

.·?t:·:i~~:1tri;1}l~!t~~ btt•:J,;~~'~,¾fi~J~i:itt>~•t.:tJ~!f ,.•.;:i .·:.·

· <.;:- - ·:::_:_oip_atiot1ctmd: continued .vigila.nee .. on the ·part of fl~di~l .Off1oero; The anti--.-·· ·.:-- ·- ·

<" ~--trE~:~i,;s~-':-'°~f t-i~:~~:~•i•:it?Jfrf•~·t t~%f < z-•. .·. . . ,

-..-- ··· ·:-:·_~o --the·=-~ t-"d-Stntcsi ~~au; _nnd the C~- ~n~~~--~
. _;..:: ..;:: _,.:__ -~ - . -·.::..:: .. ... ·
__-;:_ .... ..::_ :. - · - .. : .. ~- ·- ----- ------·-:..· - ..:.:..:·.:..-~--:...·-- -.::..---- ..
~ ~;~~-~~~-~ ~~~";~~J~--- =w~ .f.'.C~,
- ·-,.--- ~
-¾~~~ _~~~~ •--~ ~~~~- ~~e _P..t~~~~~-1:-~~~~~~;.~~~~~~-e- -~~~~_l - but the ___nn~~.:_- · - ·
- --- \ {~i~'t~~1~;:rl,;;~·;;;~im-~~t·-~n~ -~~~~16~i~ -~~-\ =~t;l;·:;iii~iJi~~~\t~e·c1 - -·· - ,i .--.--~.
-_ -~h~t ~ifch ~ -:a·t~~~k, .i f mt>de~ c~J not h.avo -~ot) lih_--e~ oo-#•i· ·:·:·
.:· :. ·. ..:,, .. -.
·::y;itini:of Pri~o~er -ot-·iar fil~~ci Sera· for·i;~~iri{iI{1i;;~i~~----.. ..... -
~·.; •

·- .- :.--: .. -.... .~.. ·-- --· '• ~ ._:- -- . -

-;- -::-=-~~ -·:-::•_ ~- in :i943· at the suggestion of WRji; =~e ~oriice.- o?~~be :~geon Gsnerc.l. :-

: - .. - · -·:.. : _::-~ _:.·.: ·~-~---·~.:.. __-.;<·:. -- - ... _ .. =·-. --~: ·: ·= :..:.... :.-::~=-I2:-.~- :_...·._::~-:-=:.-=-~-- . . :--::·.:::·:::.·~ . ~-
. ·1n1tinted the testing of blood sere tll.lcen ·from ·prisoners of ·wu to determine
-". ~heiii~~--ti{es~:;;~{;~~s ~ii;id i,;;,~ -iinniun.izi>i~ilii~{~~;i~G_. ~"i~-~~~-e~. •ii·1ms'
--- - -.. -
.. .- ·.· . --- ~ ...... : .-
.· . .. ... ~ .... :-:"::-:· .
believeci tho.t ii-our·-~~~1es.· ;~~~ iii~ing 'to us.e\i~ :~au~it1~~-~~~t~ ?r
., . ·,

·.,"f~re·eti~s:-~tse~/i,-s-hl'a·;·the1·~u1ir~t .~ii=i'~:t11~~ =~;;;-·. ~-:..-

·_ -= t~~- i>~ ·~~a~-~i- t11i~~-~1eiaae·c:; : ~etcirm~n~-~~- ir:'~hi}1~~· .: ·· -.-
. h~d -b~e~~per~ome\{ rrl-~~t"=t,hereforo pro~de·.·-i~~J-iii~~~ tii~~~r in~ in ten- .
. --
-~ : .-.- :~-~----
·!>-- :
--:::·-:.. _.:. . ..: .>_::.. .
.. s_- E <~ :-_ ·_ :-- : /
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.'. _:.· _·'. :_:_-~_-;.:_:-'_. :_.s~_:~_:
·c· )--r _:_ -~- : ·,: =/_ · ·· _·_=_- ;
.. -

- . . . ... -· ·.:.
- ..... ·:. - ·- ·-·..::.·.-: .-/:-· ::-.-=:-·~·:.---~-· ·,·-:-:·.-:..-t· . . ~
...- . .. - .
., • - :·:·__:c_:·:_-:_? :.. _- ._: :
._ .. .: .. ~--:. . :-- ·-;~- ·.. . ·..· -· .....-... .
,; ~ Authority WND q3'}..5~
\ .. . By· \~,j NARA Date o~jo2-l07 .
. . :,,,
. : ~-::~ .

...... : .... ::
.-:: -.·. :;.:. i~ . ....
. .. ·.. - . ..- .
. .. ·::~ ~- -. :;:·~-: ·..
·.•; ·: ._.: .: - . ·::-.:. ....
.·.>:~~--\·:·- ..;_:;_,· .. :·. ·, / ·


:-·--- --··.=_:tio1iar ::- swniii~ii•::or •biood-:w

are tukeii· rro~_.iirisoiierii~ii-·a:· io~ 1n;;· prooeduro-: ·--· -·.=.:--

..· :·t";~:it.~t*;:-.J~~. .;!~

: ··
!\t~ t ~ 1i
. :_~"': :·~- ::~~--~-~:=~.
·; ~~Ii£t~ft;\lS;t~
~.• .·.~:'.:. .
:.·:-their·:,9ntiboczy· e-ontent;- ·Although -no 'signifioll?lt'; positlve ~eete were re- •··:.
~i:_-; ·-=-·=;:- .:.:~.:\::±:ti:::..: _-::.:_·:~·~-::.-::. :.: -:: : ,• --: ~-~----:--_: . ---:..·- . ": ....· ..
.· ·
: -:i:voul.~l by tlrla.ext:euai-:0 and complox Btuey, • this procodure lVRD . nnother fo1'11
.·:·\)r ~i~~c~ ·a1ut~~t :ti/a .~1cess or·a---~ t'~~{i/;n~ ;ii~~~iic~ ,,iu-fJe · r·
- .' -· . :. : . -- . .. . .•,.• .:. ~:·:::-=. ·_ -~ :~-:-: . ·.: . · y· ··-. __. . . . . . . - . =··:-- · . : •

-· :~:-·::~t~t)~'.L.:_ ·\,;~:._<~:--2::'. :~~ L>-:-<> .:~~'.; ~/-.[::.t ;':·'.:~:- / t.:\ ·.--:-··//- {//\_.- '-.<~:,>. :
· · Coopera.tion, ' 1'1th=the ·cnoxu.oal litJ.rf,;,.r o · Service in 'the
B.W. Re$ea.roh nnd · Developaient Prognun.
·. .. :i;i-th:;th~-;~iubtis~~nt 'or.. c~~:Det;i~k·ii; ih~-~i-ing~/ 1~;.;,·\ ~. .-. '., .·- .
raaear~h nnd dev~l~pm.~t- ?IO~k ~n b.~~ ~xpcindod iair~ ~~~ f~t~u~ ~ ~ :-: :
,:: ..

p~nd ;~t1i V~J -ci~{ :.Th~ Offio~ · of the:~i~~~- - ~j~ ·;;;od t~ '~~:;e~aft ·. ~~~;;J· :-~-:--
- _:::·.·- -:

. _; ncti~e~·- Chffltloal riarf'nre .Sorvice. in th; ~-~~~~i~~ .· ~~~;~~ai~1t 0~ ~h:

.on immunology and ' tberut:eutios of diaonsea which ~1~t b~ due to b•"•• tmd :·
~- . - ...::._ - .. - . ~ . ·. . •· - .. -- . - ::·.·.- ------ -::~ :
. -:_-._:..::-: ,;.;:.: ·- , • - - .
• .~ r

was giv.en ·responai9ility for the procurement;· storage, and issue as ·required _· ·
_.,. _-.:.:,~. . -.- ... ·.--=----~- -· --:.: : -.. -::_:.__ -.. .-_ ~-- .: _:.: -~. . ·._:,· .:.·-·_;...·: ::;,.:-.:.:::_.-~::.:::-.:.~· -·:.:..- -~-~-::_.· - ._-__.,. . __-:~-.. ::.:·~::J. --.-.·
.· of biological!! ( vaccines, t oxoids, and anti-sera;·: etc;) designed nnd developed ·
-· --~-:·to.i>iiici -~~r-tio~~ei"" ii-J~;,i ·voii~1bie-~.;-/~ri~~~~}fi{h~j~:- ti~--I~~~ ·:.:'·· · · ... __.

.reapo~~i bil~:t;: j/~~-.~ x/ ·~~:h\or~a~in~-~~~in:~1i·t~.\::·;~ -~~~a1~~ ~-f~eld;

·_. :o:··:~ii~-cori;tit;it-~d-i ~ the O ffic·;:ir--i~/ii~e~~-6~-e~~ . this ·· -
.-. ~0~ 1tt~e -~ ~ ~~de ui'/ ~I:i-~tz;·e~~~~ii~~-a it ~~~~fti~iai\~~.dirte1ona: ,:· ,_·.
~who\ie~~d rlth uie
Spei1ai ~niiuit~ t :01/_ ~;~;··-~·tt-;r{··\i: fci;f;;., -~~ -~g~~
. General -regurdint p~licies end proc~si:~y ~~ :·~~i~~~ ~ ~S~ction I, the
·_}i';;,~i~~·and dia·i·~~-a~i'~s of t he '1,;;;·~1n;t~ ~ti~s\ei~.~{~fjd ~t!l ~ .
. ..
:-_niid !t~~ -M-~dionl ~epnrbn-~ t p-e~-~~~~i~:.-.:: ~~ -~it i/-~s~-~~~; .
-.· ·•.-

or.~h·~·:t~dical .De~~~~t, and ~f. Ji·cith~~t-~·g;_ged:in the:-d~f~~i~ ... · ~i~ . .::

..p~cts o·r·the :r~se~~ch program, we.! c~~rdin~t~d.nnd ~ ded b; t he Sur~n _s Committ~; ~ d by 11~~~~~1 llais~/ir~~~;J/ . :~~: .

·.: :.. Eiri;).~:1944.wh~ it ~~p~ea •~;~it;~ ·:~i-~fhie;\ ha_ t a bioloe1oai

· -· : · ·_ ·s.Ect1ti · ·\'.~. ·.. ·::-: ~/- :· - :.. --_.. ~
-· ·
-:, ;,,: ' .
,, Authority _NND 432..S~
By'l li NARA Date o~/02.[07

;:,... . .
·•.: ...
. .:. ·.
__ sEl.;flf.J---~· ..-: ·~ :_>-- .... ".'- .

-;arr~~<:;~{ ~!~it . ··. --:-.

be cmi,1otod. b;-~~i--tJ·t~~-<•jt~~e~~ ~:n·i;iiii ~1~i~/_·_ -.:~ {<·:;;-:.>
. . .-.~;·~
~cl~~~ the ~~o~c~.
~ : "' .·-
e~ont. ...~.:•
and storago ·of
- ~~~d)iave
... ·. .
~ =~·. -;·.
.-: ..

. Thie product . had bean developed by . the .combili~d efforts.of WM nnd CWS r.,_
:. :~i~;-;c~/ .it·:~a ~l~faotured r~i~t nt C~Dt~-n~ti:ti~-\ ici iiit:;-·by .oommorcial .
:·:\io~;t~:~ ;i~ce\~~ ~-d~~ t~e eiiperrliii~n._-_-~£ -i~~:-1;;~~ Gei;~al.~ s 6.r~iio;·~ .: . .:-_ :--- ...
. · In a.ctwl fact, ~he _ bioiogior.:.l ,rerfare agent -,,ii.s never uaed::by the Gernan,; -::-

·:_· o.nd_h~~ce ~-t _~~ii -~~~_ ceii~arr to 1nununize 0~ t~op·stiiciiine-i:.~_:thia -e.g~~;~- -. •... -~-- -
but egoin the work which ~~ 8 po~formed ini/ b; :;;;tira~~-\ .~~once ag1dnet
!l pote;!~l_v.J. ~_dn.n~er; . Th~ collabor~tive work .of th~- --:~~eon:··:'.a.enoral_ls Offico -.
. and t~; Chemical-W.~~ra;f Se~v{ c; was ~ontinued i/~110:ct~~i~~~nt·of"addi.:: ·_ -.-

tionlll_. ~ro~~~tc ~hlch wore uaed to immunize wo;lcera~·at i.n~ t~lia tionl! of

. . - the Special . ProjectA Dirlcion and w~re - use in the ·..

">/ ) 1eiat 1r ~~~~-~~li-;· ··-·- -____ .~.?.- .-- . ---- ~;

· · ?-~

:.The work of the l.ledical Depsrtoimt _11?- -.¥f~,ia r.g~inst b.w.-w~u ---···. . ·-__:- : =-

. .,: eminently sucoesl!ful°. Tho means of prot~~tionj -~uiiize.t:l.ori. end trentment
.:. . :.-- ,..:.·-: - < ... -. _... . .

of pe~ionnel viere so effective tht1t in the •en tlre ·l;~g;;;;;·-~-f :T:Or'..c, fu which ;

over 4,000 · persina W1re engaged,· there 'ff~re only ·60·: ~i;_ses of· di1iense ·caused ._
. ; --' ... .. .


-.:: .

. - ..:,-_.._·
-- .. .

: : .~

... . ..
. -
·i' _:· ·.:: -:~<:·:.- ---·---~-·
' ..<·REPRQOUC~O AT TIIE NATIONAl ARCIIIVES ..:· -_-;:\·~_:•ui:cL~ss{i;.~i> ·->;:-;.~- ·-:::rJ:~:->· :>>~ ://•:.:-·:_··\-~-:-.: : /t?(: ·· -----
i~~: 1/i -·~·~:.:: ·:~ .-..~~··· . Aii~~~ii~ .wND 43is~ -~- _ _--:· < - --/-:, - ·.-._: · -- - · ·- • ->-:: . : _:.·
....-_.-· -· .... : - . . -- - -·. .··
.-..•--··. . .. "'· ~ ~N.~~-D~~-~~,9~Jo?__ _::·- _'. · ::· .: : :- · -··: - . ... ..·.:; ..

.-•:~ -:}.,i_-:•/--.'.iV-J},f i:~,IiJfD~}J:-;cl:ii,-_-:./•'-- • ... .

.. . - . . ... --
- ·.. .·.: ..
·: . ..

. ·:- .. . .: . -: :· :;: . -· -~. .-. :: .:

- :.
•• • • - • • • • • • •• : . •- • •• r" • • - .. -
.- .....
Tha N~~ participated 1n, the i1.iit·_ ~;~i~inar~ •di\icu~sionit· ~ the : ·: -:: -
potentiali ti~s of' biologionl nnrfor~ 1u1d oontri~t~d-on an··in_c~eaain~ ·_.._ --: .·.. - · _._.:-:-.,- -:
__ - ~;-~~e~-~~~-- ~~~~i~-~~~ ~d d~e1~-Imteot· pro~~m ~e-·1f ~~~ani~ci~:__:.iii~-:-.:-:;_.:_-_-··=:(/--,·-·_"\~:-~;:_·:._: ·- --~
___ ~h.~.ef of. !lev1tl D~e,;;~:H oi,$, the_BurAau of_~,_~cµ.~:l~~ -~d-~ul'gexy; ~fuirer.~ ~r- ;_.·::.__ -_·· '.:·-

,_:<~-- ~ - ~Et-~~,
. -. = ·-_--_~ ;~-. }ii._-~:t;;:;;·~;~ i~omth~ begi~~in~, the ~1~~/ir ~e~_diiie-~d -~~ieii.--~ -~-:> :_-: ~_-· ·.
·.:. -:~- :.:=.:.::-:..::~~;. ~:~r::~-::~J- ;=-~...: ~--...;.::.::::: _::__
·_ ·-·::-·~..-,. -·: /:-}:.~:.\:0:~-~~-= ~-f--:-:.:.=.;:~:_~~~_:·:~-··~.: .: .: -- ~~= ~
. .· .... _. : . :iraa __ t~e pr1noi~>nJ. pru-·ticipating ·agtiriey,··nnd ." the_:
..:_.-::~ __.:. · _:: :... ··:~--- ·_i. ~ · -~
oon·tribu- :-·_::.. · -~- :· · -- . _
gre'a te11_t, ~

.·:~::;?~?'l ·~~Iftr~i ~i1;.·11;;t;.t:~; t~:I)tt:

-·:_: i.&!!1.riii

. ~;=-!}1::-•:1';, ,•-
F.o~t".r~, o~d -~ ~-t ;/:;a;i~a.·:~{~11-- ~ :- _·f-~- ·
~·-~ -- ·.-_.:_ .._:__-:'.._ ·:._:_;-_·- ..___:.,:_-_: _ _· _-_____
---_--. - ·. :·.·.-.·.: -: : __: __ . _-:::·- -· - _ _--_- . :::.:.-_
. · .... ·-·-: _· . . ---- -
-_· • -:..-••• . - ..
- " - •- ;-••,-'--••, - •• -~---••_,• -.• ..- ••-r__ • --:• -••
l!BC Cno:nitt.Ro of the l:fo.tional Acooe_llcy' of Scienco11 ··cmd the Ha.tioMl Res_~arch· ~ ·· · ·

----~-:~~~ci1>i~ in;llstigate the p~s~~billti~s .~; .bi~{tiii~~-;;~i~r~; ~;;-- t~e \=: .-. ·.
-;:.:ii~~-t~~-t w,;~~ -Raeenrch Serrtce-we.a est'.ibi1·e~d :1 /iiio:·_a~e"i ~r-: i94.2/·iii\~\- :--=:. ·.
. Chief'. of the Bur~au of l!edicine and SUrgo~ ~as ~~~~ted "by_the Dli=·e :otor or ·. :
-_ ~ on~·~1 ~j~;'cieci"~1ins and-p~11. :- si>- ~i~~:-~uitf~l~·:i'.rrio~;.::•~r;; :i~:--
-":·~i~-~t~/ ;J~--~:~t~{_~~tc~~--~d ~;;~;ey--to-~~t-:~~-t~-w;t -~d--t ~~/4~/~ :·
~/I~c-Co~i{te~ .~i-the Nati~tl l~~d~ ·tr S~i;i~~ii-~{the lla.tii~a1·: :.
on .... _...

. R_~ece.r-?h Coun~if, : which wn~ formed to .nd.rtsa.vms;.-~--Pi~B ·_wore Rade ~o c~n.;...-rt .

... one of tha -~~~ M~~tl-R~s~~r~ii-uiit;.-i/~:b~~; -~~e;im~~-:it~t~;n; :-~~-, -

technicRl director ~r the work .~ii~~~d b~- the_J~~~ u;~;~c~a~-Oommi.sai~;

- ..-- . ·- .. .: · -~--
·.···. ·... :- · .- ,··

.. ,
.. .._
-. ' . .."'·.:-::
·.. ·-:-/_:} -~-::~=- :.--. :_:_..-_: ·.. ..:: ··-.- - ·- :- .
. ·.:.__..:_:_,:- -. --
..: . -:. . . : :·. .--.·:..· .:·: : ~. .. ·. __ .- ..
·----_-_-=:_·;~-;:-_.·._:_____ .·. -_·. -. -. -
:; :. :_..--~ ·= : . ·;_ .. - -: . - .- .
.. _.-. ;-':·: -:: .
•! ,..
1} : .. . ': .
. '•' ~ ~-- --•-.... -· ... ._ .. - . Authority NND ~3l.5~
.. . . -1· . !3x'~ NA!lA D;tc 0~/02.[07
•: •

i:/lt.,..... ~\I
- 2 -

was nseignod fr0111. the !ureau of M.edi~irte end Burgery.

When tho War Department ~~~uiaod tull responsibility for m,rk on b.w.
t _h e Nnvy wne r _equo•ted to inonase it.I! :part.ioipetion. in thc;, !~ro,~!l.l!l, and the
-· . .
Chiet of the :Burea·u of r•edioine nnd !urgery and the Chiet of the Bureau of

O:rdn..n~g -,:::.~ nckcd to n~rve on the B•oretary 0£ t~r's U.8.B.,. Col!llllittee.

The Navnl Unit, nhioh had baen eatnblinhed nt Cnm9 Detrick to help in tha
lrork of the Spcciu.J. Projaatn Di'lii.ion, Ci'S, irPtS ina.rBe.i,ed in ahe, and Naval

Units .,.ere fomod 1n the othl'lr inP.tellll tione of the Spi,cial Proj ootis Divbion~

The Navy wan reprasnnted on . ths D.E.f Colllmittee of th0 Nat.ionlll of

Soieno~s ,, ncl · the N&.tiontl Iteueerch Colmoil, Thh CommlttM wa11 created to
. ~ - .

~rlvi!l~/tha ,' 3ervi~P.e !ll'l(,'ll£iOd in the b.w. progr~m on !!d.Cntitio :nnttert.

- . - - ...
l'lhen _tJ1e Direot.or _of r:RS becrun~ Consultant to thv Sao]•ot~ry: of rre.r on biolog-:
. - . -·. . . . .

icnl \'111:tfar·~- matters, the Buror..u of Medicine ruid Stu•gery l;A85.{inOd an of!icer

to B8T"V& ai; thG Consu.ltimt' S exeoutive officer snd aoaiotiint. Thie oftice:r

alee ~crvetl ~!l sci-sntific ncviuer to the ~.s.~.'fi, .; and ap Ssero-

ti:ry of ~he DEF Commi tteo. The Bureau of rlecl.idnc und Sure;e:ry also Sllt.'lb-

lish&cl R 8ye cfal Projcctn S$et ion in i~s Preventive lil0dlo~e Di·dnion to et-
. --
f eotua t~ close lini~on ffith th~ medical work .or the Special· P:rojeot~ Dirt~

eion, C'RS, and th1s Offic:) of the 8urci·~·on ;~~1;r,;_l or t h~· A:riiy, ' to ::.eisure
protection of the h<:!slth of .Nn~Jl.l pcriiom1~1, &id t~- ·1;rotlde :~di tiontl med.:.
ic'l\l 1~u.l d11nce to thB entire progrur.i.

Thus, it lllllY be 1i8e>:l that e.6 ·.the res~nrcb:-~nd

:- ._
~~volopm.e nt work -in

field of bioloeioal wa.rf11re progTe111!ed,

pa.rticlipa.ti~n .br the !laTJ" in .the

. . .. .
effort. clt>Yt1lop1!cl to such cm extent tha t the progrsro bec·ime truly a combined

-:;-:. ·-- - •J":
: .:.=; ,i -·-- •

:- . -

. ·.:.: •. :: ·:-.·· -
- .:• .
·•.-: .. · -·-· -.
_. ,.__ .-=:.,..
,. •. ::-- .... .....
. ·- -.-... :.-. :- :
. . .... -. . . . -· ..:- - . : .......··. -·· ·-. . . .. ·- . ·.-:.. _;:. .:_

xh, ii~.':JJ;~·~,:iil::t~!•••..i~.~~~•h·~{Si.~
:~;~~'.J'~•:,.•·j:,~-. v~·•··:·-i.:...
:-/---~:_:·?t, -A~t~s--:~: -- tiie·t.;t~ o·r:r;co~eiitia:1.ion~--~-\ i{mic·t)iitltt~; ~ --' _ --,.,;· -
---· ;~·~t-f1 ~-~ ~1;\~i,~int~d bi Mis/iii;·~~i-e~u--:~/u-id{~t~t~~J~~~~~~-i'a{e.iii .; -·/·~- ·-:~t ?·
19J-;~;~~ ~~e --~o~~~-~li"o~ ~i: u~ ~- : i..i\,;~1~'.~i _:r4a~~~=-~{-ri~~-i -~- - ·_ ----~ · -~ >~/-<
·Berkeley, . ~fa~~/ t~:~rk ~~ ~~~. ~~;;·;·:·w:i{~'J~~: ~~rJr~-- p~~;-~- . >--: :-'-/-\-_: ;'°:_. >
---,-:; : partioularly_
_.:-~t.· ~}·:=~~;thoeo -~ ~~~~- - ~ - 8
~ :~~\f~!;W-.
the ·niplratog·· in.ct;-·;
~}t~J{,~i¥ii~-!~i: : .;_ .:_ -__ :~:..:?<--
uni.t"·was "o.dmirab~ l.oented~:.~ .. :_.. '. ,::-~·:· . . '
The ~
:.:.-~: .: ~ ::-:.: ::i::.-)•::-:~-~•.>=•-~:='._:- }?Jf;~=.-~::;~~-~:~ ~•~=--~~-:•~-•~~~~:-~~=--;. -~•:.•::::.~:.:~~:j;,:••::: -~ : : -~~-:.>-:~•: :.F..:.:•::::.=. •I:~--::.-::-::..:;•,~•-•~ :,•'~••t•;::<-:.=0-:• .~ •"-
. - l!t:a,ffed, :.-and oquipp~ to· innetigate ·one · p11.rticularly '. ~ungorou1S · biolo·gicnl · -·- --: ·-: -·0-· ~ : -.:- , · • •
.. -~: ~:-: ..~::-::.·; ~~~ ;-:..: .::.::::3:~~-=:·~2~~ '!.~1;2_.:~2-:..=-:~ ~~1:~~?:.·-~r~-~f-:1~[];:~;:::;;:·~:;~.~ -~~~:""- ~~:;_.i-;:-.-=-:.\·:_:t~:-~:=~_;·:-:·_·,:
---~- · -1!!-rfa;,e~ g~J;,-; : tJ; .-s ;-_ Navy Uodioal':~seaich~Unit ?ilo ;:~1 ' otnrted· it.a reeearch · :·:~:}_.-=. ~ --·<-· :·--~ ·
: . -:....~=~ ..i!ff.;:-:::..-:-~~t -:--.--:-_::- =-=:~-../;--;~:-~_...__ ~i>-=· :·_: ~-:.:-:~ ~-- ...:0-·_::;_J~ ..:: _·;·::~;;~ ~~=~·.. : .::·--::..--t.=:··-::~:-i:-~--:-:.i:-..•._--3:=r::./. ·._.: ·~ -~ ;~:;:~:.---:-·-___
- -·_ :" progrll.!!l' _in_' tha-'." fiel'd of· b1o~ic!il'.·1m.rtaro in April -:o.r.:. 191+3 ~ith· the :help ~·: :_--~-- -~,[_ ·:.-:-_-_ -
~ --~--:~-:_. ...:=.::µ :--=-.~:-:;~~-:::.:~~~.:::·--:.;_~_~:;__:; ·::~~::.--:~:..· ~.:..: ~-~- ~:..::::_.:_·;..:. ~⇒=: ~-:--~~:~=,:;.--. ::~.::': :.:~::.:·~.;.:.::-~:.,::,::=--=- ---;~~-~_;::~ ~-"·:" ···: -- :~_t/ . :·~-~~-..:: .·:-
. -:~:- of::.. lffiS ~ :~.Upon llciuidn.tion of . ilRS in July,·: 1944, : f'ull ." aupport· or.· tho · vorlt or ·:.-- ·· ·:.· · · ··
._->:-t ·-<~:::::.~~~:/--:."j~~--_::~:~::::_~:- :-.:::: .:::~: .:..,.:_..~_-::·.:_·,:: .-='.::.=---~:~:.:.:...:~-::;:::;:-\.:_;__< :.:..:;-:.~-::.:-.:;:.:;:::~...:::::__.
-. c ·_· ihis· Uni~-- ~s. assum_e d ey the Bureau of Uedicino ·and Surgery. -'I'he · research
~-·_ -, :
.__ .
\ _:./-~ . -·-.:.
.. _
. ~:.:::. _:.:_ ~~ ·:::::::._::.~ :-- ::~=- :._:-~--::-:~ . - ~-.:~-:~:~~ .:_: -.:.._=-~ .. ---=== -_:_ ::--~~ - ..: -~·~:::::~::::: .....:_: . ~-~ :. . ~-~ . .. : .:.i -. ·.. -~- :.·:-~ -: ·_. ~- --~ ::5_-:: ~. ··: .
.- - nnd dovelopmcnt program of . this Unit wae clooely coordinated 11t nil tbleD - _,-_ -. ·: ·-.
\(~::~~{ifihiltr ~ti ai;·~1~i-P~-je~ii -_iii~i~i~-~j iiii·i:~~fi1t~}Rr~-~~~} ":~\<-:--.:- ~-:-;:
<----: ~(:~~~[~-=~ ~~-z~ ~~~--~t¥i _-or. ~-a?¥i;~~-;;~-~,'A~~;~-~~ ~~>·~1/~i · · ·=·---~-, -.--.-<-_·
. .. i9if ~-'~r:irrt"~~r~~~ti~~-~-~;~~ ~ii~~~.,{- ii.t -t~":e~{ ot.tife:ru. · rbe_--~·o: -. ~- · : :-·
- · ·;~:i~oh aia _;~~~; i;~:~~-~~-;hi~~-~~,--c: V:;;:1;{~ i~\;ci\:--;f¢r:~~ ~~-~~~--:~·--· · --c::_..-= _._
trlbutions to kn~~g;·- ~n-·th~ nut~it~ -~d: ~ :wt~ -~/f1e oi~l,;·~~Olt -
·-- ~--~--: - :-
- --~~~~t.1g~t1in,:\ ia ~ !~t~:u~n;r vi;biliti an~ ·rli-ui~~:f1ci~r }~;;~ ·c~~tli::. _.: ·::- ::-_·. ·. _,._

-· :····t t~ :·~t:·-~t;~; ~e-,· [~; ·1nr1~~~c~ ~r th• i,ort~i ~ ~~- :.;;t;./ii}~-~~iI~i~~ii -~r ·--···· · .. . .

- _.. :..--:_~
- : thi~··tr~~iim t; p~~-:dfs~i;~;··~d~tlii' e•ij~~~~{~f :p~teiif~~\iidth~: ~

. p.cfaic-~-~~-~ ~. -.-&ny:~eo1Jiiques ·~~-dav•~~id·£i··tie:~e -ti~~:iti.iatio~~-: whl.~h -.

-_ ·--~m-i;;t ~/~~~t·-~It. in ~ ni-~ ~g ~rf~:{';.~~~~ "~;f~lf~~-~-g~~~/ --
-~ ·- :..:..:--~..:.·... ·...: ·-.:: -2 ·- =-.._::_·-~-- ·'".:. .: ..·._· .. _.:·:. . ~-...::,. -. _..: ..-::. :_-:.~:-·. '._ ). :~:---·-:-±:·:-.• . . ; . ·-::.
..-... .
- .. Coopsre.:tion rlth· cwdian nnd Brit,iph B;W, -Aot:1.vitiea~:--~: :-:· -_ :·-~: ·· -~. .
the .:; ~e~ ~f 19J , •h~ .& j ~~~·u';:-~;::~~~1~ :~~i~ai~i/~;<:.---:
_··:- --- I~ -
-:· -
created -~ -- the -now- ~ ~-t / of Uni~d State·s ~{6~ii~f t.~:ea~,;µ~h-en~ ~~~~ .·
... :, - ... ~
: ·, ~EP!';')Dl!Cf,O ~T TIIE N/lllONAl AACHl'IES.
, c•: Authority ,NND 1.\32.5~
By' \t~ NARA Date Cl~jo1.!07

. :- - ·--
..·._ . -.- ~: ---- . -· .. -.. -
· :. ·-.,.
. . -.- _--.:. ..... - .... :·
··.-. .. •·_.

····.~·• . . - ::_ ---- •- i §Eqlf:f>: /:; :<X' - <- _·· ...

- .. ~

·•-• "•'{~iL,~ :%2:.:L_. · -. ~.~ :-t:,_:I1i1/'.;jct( •/o)})l-: :fi·--.·

ister · a pronru of re1earch on protection agn.:inet· u potontio..lly dangerou,s ·
·:c·di~-e~iio-of ii~e~t~aki" t~e. Ar,l.ri~1~int' -t~c~i~~-1 -.dlr~=
t~o /i~~;o~~;~ for .... . ·. ·-:..
.. :.. ., ·-. . - -.
. . . ..

' th1e . p~ject-was_'. ~-tii~ m~di~·a.1·· o~ic~r-~f t~i :~ ~t ~/ ~edid~e ; n~ ~;.,;;. :

· ·--~Ada:i.ti~ai ~ri1~ir mid -~i1~~ed· R~~ p;~s~~~i--~~~ ~~;if~~:_. to.~ii~1~ th~ ··
-· ... - - . ... ·.- .. .::;.>_:-::_· : . - . : . :: . .:
director. The Navy• a"partio1patior11n tliiii work· contiiru~d
-:~. -
i.mtil th~ ·;,p:ring of

1941.; it which time many of the !undc.mentnl diseoverioe noceuary to the aucceau
of the' µroJ; ct had _bo~ ·wide. . .. --
.;:· :
:.··-. --·. -:::··-. 'i aiif i~·i943 nt the rsquo'rit ·_;}· -~1-~1~~\ ~t~~~t~is, tb~-;I~.t
~ -~hr~e -~r eevere.l~U~ s. R~Y!Ll officers lnte~·J · f~JJ.;w .;r~_~ont by tho lhlr~au
·of Ued1c1ne and Sur8ery Unitod. i:ingdom to race1~~ t~!l.ning 1md to
to the asaht
in tho-: &1.tish biologi.oiil,. ~f~:/e ~~gram~ ;ore replaced nt
~ =: - -
... - - - -- -- :- ..... - _- ..._:. --- _. __,,. --·- __ -~-_:,,,_· _: __; .::~::_::;--...·~------ . -. - -. :-
su: to twelve month intervnJ.a il\· ordsr ·to ·rurnish the British with needod .- :
· aoi~ti.fie manpow~, and to U. 8~ No.~vtl ~ffi°c~~8 .in s pe cial techniques

- rrl1ich"_}md been dev oli:>:ped- in the United I.ingdom. _

. -.::. ~ ------ :...· ..:;:_:,._ _, :..::: ·- ---- --- --- _,,.,.. .,. ... - . -:.. -:-·_·
:-cooperation 111th -tho Chmrloal Wls.rl'aro . .
. ·- ·-,.
-·:, ~- .? ;-: · §bor~-~ft~r th~- estahliabn~~i- o/6~~--nft~i~k ~;· the p~incipd ;~ -
·searcli.-:and dev;1o~~i-~;ia11it1~ ~~ tii; sp·ec~ai P~oj ~~ts •j,1~~~1~n~_cmi, · the

Navy a~~ed to f'~iah approrlMat~ 2~% ~! .th~ ~e~~~ .trained per80nnel

. - . :.. .. ~ ~· · - -. .. . - . .:
requir~d ·to . ~to.ff ·cal:lP Detrick and ~tittr in~t;lla.Uons. ~f .the· Speaitl .Project•
· nirlsi~; in ~rd~~ to -A ~1~iate; the 1iiv~ti(~~~~~i~~~-i~-~=~~ ~t~_~t~~-~- · ·-:.-·
:·1t ~J-~;~~G-~ary t~ eetakia~ ~ ~a.~ ~t--in tl1e':·~;~\~i-i>~j~ots Divioion,
_·.with iubsidiary ~its in - enoh or itn"insttll~ti~~s-. These Unita 'lftte est&b-
:ll~~~d t~·the-: Chi~f or' ti~ ·nure~u·or ll;~1cit;i· ~-~-~~e;~ rl~ .the 11.pproval.
. : of the ·o~i;;r·:~f N~~ ~~-i rat1onii ; " the cbi~i ·r~iti~ of ~he;; .Uidta ~; \0

· --~ i~s1~~-ilie :cl{e1iic~ .Wiii-f0:re e~ecy-,~~~e;, \~~acti~ii-ble ,ray to the

end that the probl~s a"s eigned the Special. Projaot11 _Division;_mm, might be ·
m;~t·satisfaotori~ mid ~xped1t1ounly molv~d. Th~--~~and1n~ Orticor or. tho- .: .,._.
- -.. :.-: ·-
.. : ·,.. :;.

·st(;REi ~:
.. . . ..:·--
I1 •. ,
' f \ Rt:P.r'-:10Ucr9 AT TtiE NAllONAL MCtUVES DECLASSIFillD
~· ,;. ~ r ;. .
tJ , Ai.iti10rity _NND ~32.5:>
\: .....,.... ~·~-:•l.- ~--.. .,.~· .
~y-fil NARA Date ci~jo2-lo7
. -~:. _-
:-:;_ :. •_.:: -:.::.- <-. · ,: ...
. •:•. •·
;._; .·
. , ..,

- s -..

Na~i Unit 'W&H9 r°41qu,etad io m~int,:i!n cioee liaison Trith the !urenU or Ordnmco •' -~
in connection ~1th all ofilmsive aspoota ~f t.ho problems und~r investigation,
By the end or the .m.r, the Jlo:val Unit of the Specitl Projeotll Div-
::·.- ,._

iBion·; CUS ,-aa made ~ of 126 offioera and 8.36 enlisted m~n o.nd women. Thus,

the N6vy oontributed 9t2 of the of 3,887 officers ai;;.a enlistod men and

YOillOll engagod at that time in . tho wrk ~r the Spaohl ProJeoto Division • •

Each or tho Havnl officers who oerved in tho N~vul Unit of the Spocial ProJeoto
Division ~s.s ,/equo:ste"d speoifioully tor thi~ duty on the -b~sis or his training ::-

:_ -... ·•~,-.-- . _
:.' :. :- :..:,·.-.:< :. . ~. . --: .. ._. . :- - _··._...... . _ .. - -- ····•, . .. .
~nd wcp~risnoo;
; -.
. ....
Thia ~roaedure rosulted· :ln ·the acqui~ition· of n imperlor group
of tAo!mionlli. truin~d orjic~'r s. iiu"i-onu of Per-sonnel was moet. ~

opei;:ative -and ..conziderate in filling roqueuts for offioorG \rl.tb apooi!ied

~- ~ -: ., ......;.: --- :·:.:::. . .. . ... - -··
qual.ificutiona~ In f act; aavs~al officer~ wero iccn.llcd ·r;oo ovoraeoa ~uty
-::._ .. -
~-~, -r;x/-~~~i~~nt'-- to th~-Nav~l Unit~ : .- ; ..

.,;/;~~CSt~I ~.r~t~g.for duty


Ei1llet.od _men and wome.n • in ~rti~ .. ·.·

. - ._... _
. -
ular job oln1,sificat.fonn. these •~re p}ul..r.:1acists. ma.tes wbc ~ore
Th~ majority of

tr&1nGO UG la~r~tory technicians, but ~y other rutinga ~ere supplied by

the Navy on ro1,.uost from the Spsoial p-;;;jacte· ~ivisi~~ ·t ~ . perfom opecil11.

tlut:l6s 1 and as c r esult, the HaVt"'u .lhit c~nt~ined carpentiers mat~s , cle:~ trl.:.:

oiane ~ator, 1 ,~erographars, machinist~ mates ~d ~oto:r-~iohinisto matea,

th;_administr~tion of a ~s.~1 o;gani~~i;n;·\ b~y<i;~~~~- ~-i ail tim~e in th~

closest poesible ool.lnbor~tion with the .Anr:i.T ~d- civili~ ~pergonnel in the
; ·- ~

1944-, the pool tion of Teohnicul Dirac-t.or of th·e.Special Proj eets Ditla!Ol'l

w~e filled by a Nairn.l officor, mid from the beginning, the position of Pro-

duction Director ims hold by n JtaTal officer. In 11.ddition• other Ra-nl.

. ·-:·. :·
Authority t-JND Y32.5?>
~/ \<.-J NARA_D~tc o~Jo2.Jo7
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