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Introducción: ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Antropologia........................................................................................................................................ 5
Privilegios ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Consejos para Hombres .................................................................................................................... 10
Caracteristicas de las Mujeres........................................................................................................... 10
Manipulación: ................................................................................................................................... 11
33 Ways to Be a Man ...................................................................................................................... 101
HOW TO BE A GREAT MAN ............................................................................................................. 103
Enjoy Your Own Company – The Best Way To Live......................................................................... 128
4 Ways That Men And Women Are Different ................................................................................. 136
Red Pill ............................................................................................................................................. 144
7 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self If I Could Travel Back In Time ............................... 144
LTR ................................................................................................................................................... 162


MGTOW no es un movimiento sino una filosofía

¿Qué podrían aprender las mujeres de los hombres?

1. Dejar de bofetadas. No les pegues a los hombres, no golpear a sus hijos. Punto.
a. La violencia engendra violencia.

2. Piense lógicamente, no emocionalmente.

a. Tratar con hecho y datos. Cuestiona los hechos presentados. Comprende el origen y
asegurarse de que su lógica es sonido
b. Look at history to see how similar situations have played out.
c. Be able to predict future outcomes by using past learnings.

3. Fight the urge to lower the bar.

a. Don’t try to bring men (or anyone) down to your level. Rise to theirs if you think there is an
inequity. Refer to 2(a) if there is a concern.
b. Become less risk adverse. Learn from any mistakes made.

4. Mantenerse en forma, a lo largo de su vida.

a. Su principal activo es, y será siempre, su atractivo.

5. Ni el bulto en la entrepierna de un hombre, ni el bulto en la billetera de un hombre le traerá la

felicidad que buscas.
a. The former will get you pregnant, the latter will be the one to pay for it. Men are learning
this now.

6. Be able to forget.
a. Once a situation has been dealt with, let it go.


Los hombres son los constructores, los innovadores, inventores y creadores

Ellas se casan para mejorar su estatus social


Las entrevistas femeninas en las revistas del corazón son todo lo contrario que las masculinas.
No dudan en sacar trapos sucios, hacerse las víctimas, despreciar al hombre. Si no pueden
echarle la culpa de todo al hombre culpan al azar o a factores imprecisos "se acabó el amor",
"las cosas no funcionaron", "son las cosas de la vida". Nunca reconocen una culpa, nunca
aceptan ninguna responsabilidad. Muy de vez en cuando te encuentras con alguna que dice que
el matrimonio fracasó por culpa de los dos y eso es su récord, el Everest de su autocrítica. No
hay nada más allá. Esas declaraciones solo las hacen mujeres muy viejas al recordar un
matrimonio muy antiguo, algo muy remoto. Solo aceptan alguna culpa sí la comparten y cuando
ya ha prescrito.

Chiste video bultos

Estoy absolutamente horrorizado y disgustado con el comportamiento objetivizador de estas

mujeres. Todo lo que piensan ustedes las mujeres es SEXO, SEXO, SEXO, SEXO, SEXO! Pensando
con sus vaginas todo el tiempo! Nauseabundo! Muy Nauseabundo!

Hombre Real:

No para servir, sino para que nos sirvan.

No me importa lo que pienses de mí, ni que me digas lo que pensas que está mal conmigo.

No soportar las quejas de ninguna mujer.

No hacerles favores, tratarlas como a otro hombre, sin ventajas ni privilegios.

No les gustara, pero te van a respetar.

No sostener carteras, ni nada similar.

No mantener a una mujer, que trabaje y si no lo hace más vale que te tenga bien atendido sino

No criar el hijo de otro hombre, hacer test de paternidad.

Sexo en su departamento, terminar e irse.

Comportarse sin que te importe lo que piensen, eso te da confianza y eso las calienta

No preguntar beso o sexo, solo hacerlo.

Alejarse de las madres solteras.

Las mujeres son destructoras de sueños.

No dejar que las mujeres te manipulen para que hagas cosas que no queres hacer, tratando de
avergonzarte llamándote maricon o cosas así.

No aceptar coqueteo de su parte con otros hombres (historia)

Ignorarlas las destruye, tratarlas mal las calienta

Ocúpate de tu hombre. Trátalo correctamente.. Mostrarle amor y respeto, y sí, quiero decir
ocúpate de sus necesidades físicas...satisfácelo sexualmente
When you use sex for power and control, you do damage that cannot be undone

No permitir que te manipule con el sexo

No permitir que te interrumpa, cuando hables o haces cosas

A las mujeres no les gusta la prostitución por que las deja mal paradas, no están haciendo su

Hombres del mundo, la mujer que cambia los terminos del acuerdo sexual despues del
matrimonio meece infidelidad. Ella juega un juego de dos filos, violando su implicito deber como
esposa, y aún así te sostiene a la carta de su contrato. Es la más antigua, la manipulación más
barata en el libro; y, muy probablemente, la causa fundamental de la profesión más antigua del

Yo iría tan lejos como para decir que prenups deben incluir detalles sobre la frecuencia sexual,
conducta sexual, incluyendo la actitud, y la división de las tareas domésticas.

La unica azon para tener miedo de estar solo es que no te gustes vos mismo

Una mujer no me puede decir cómo ser un hombre

Madres solteras crían hijos con problemas, sin el modelo del hombre


- La telaraña -

Una conocida diatriba actual sostiene que una mujer que se viste de forma sugerente, no lo hace
para generar un efecto en el polo sexual opuesto, sino "para ella misma, para sentirse bien con

Hay parte de verdad en esto, pero no como se piensa usualmente. Veamos cómo se resuelve
este dilema.
Como ya hemos indicado anteriormente, el mecanismo instintivo masculino tiene, entre una de
sus variables, la búsqueda de fertilidad en la mujer. El instinto masculino, de acuerdo a su
selectividad sexual, busca símbolos en la hembra de fertilidad, acorde a la gestación (proporción
de caderas, proporción de busto, rasgos faciales, etc). El principio de fertilidad: lo que
culturalmente se denota en la mujer como "belleza". Este mismo mecanismo, por supuesto,
cuenta con algunas otras variables de búsqueda, que se relacionan con la personalidad de la
mujer. Pero el principio de fertilidad es el que más fuerza ejerce en la selectividad masculina,
sobre todo en el contexto de un testeo rápido.

Este mecanismo está más allá de la conciencia inmediata, dado que es parte de un proceso
biológico, mediante el cual la especie busca asegurar la productividad en el ámbito de la
gestación. De acuerdo a nuestro sustrato biológico, si la mujer más fértil es la que más deseada
será, esto le asegura a la especie una buena administración de la actividad sexual de sus
individuos, en función de la fertilidad del conjunto completo.

Como contrapartida, el instinto femenino actúa de forma paralela a la demanda. Si el macho

busca símbolos de fertilidad en la hembra, la hembra buscará la forma de reforzar o incrementar
su carga simbólica de fertilidad. Dicho de otro modo: precisamente porque el hombre cae
rendido ante la belleza femenina, es que la mujer sabe que, mediante la ostentación de su
belleza, puede ganar poder. Y toda sensación de poder trae aparejada un correlativo aumento
de autoestima (fugaz o estable).

Por consiguiente, la clásica chica sexy de las redes sociales, que sube cientos de fotos día a día
mostrando sus atributos mediante cargas simbólicas de erotismo; y la chica que sale a caminar
por la calle "vestida para matar"... ¿Lo hacen para ellas mismas? ¿Para sentirse bien consigo
mismas? ¿No es para atraer la atención de los hombres?

Ni tan una cosa, ni tan la otra.

Una mujer que sale a la calle "vestida para romper corazones", no necesariamente lo hace
pensando en encontrar el hombre de su vida esa tarde. Quizás ni siquiera se siente de ánimos
ese día para conocer a un posible candidato. ¿Por qué entonces se viste así? Porque sabe que el
incremento de su carga simbólica de fertilidad le da poder, lo cual a su vez enriquece su
autoestima. Entonces, ¿se viste así para los hombres? No exactamente. Lo correcto, de acuerdo
a nuestro análisis, es decir que se viste así EN FUNCIÓN de los hombres, esto es, en función del
mecanismo de la selectividad sexual masculina. No para hombres específicos, sino en función de
lo que el hombre busca.

Sí, ella se viste así para sí misma (auto-refuerzo de la carga simbólica de fertilidad), para sentirse
bien (generación de auto-estima), pero esto lo logra generando atracción en el polo opuesto, a
través de la proyección de fertilidad.

Nadie ha dicho que una mujer no tenga derecho a salir vestida a la calle como guste, pero no es
correcto sostener que se viste de determinada manera "'porque sí, para ella". Todo
comportamiento que entre en relación con las estructuras instintivas humanas, existe como
correlato de los comportamientos instintivos del polo opuesto. Constantemente, se co-implican.

En el juego de presas y cazadores, ambos han caído en la misma red.


Hay que disfrutar de las cosas buenas de las mujeres, pero no dejes que rijan tu vida, la vida no
gira entorno a ellas


- En iguales circunstancias, la vida de una mujer es salvada antes que la de un hombre

- En iguales circunstancias, una mujer tiene más posibilidades de ser ayudada por desconocidos
en situaciones en las que no se desenvuelve como le gustaría
- Que una mujer suelte una bofetada está mejor visto a que un hombre lo haga
- Las mujeres tienen unos requisitos más blandos para ser reconocidas socialmente que un
- A las mujeres no se les exige fortaleza en las situaciones deprimentes de su vida y se le
considera aceptable que llore en público
- Las mujeres tienen muchas menos probabilidades de sufrir un accidente laboral que un
- Si una mujer comete un crimen tendrá de media estadística menos años de cárcel que un
hombre por el mismo delito

- las mujeres tienen el derecho de matar (abortar) al hijo de un hombre y ese hombre no puede
opinar, si decide no matarlo el hombre tiene que pagar aunque no quiera ejercer como padre.
- las mujeres tienen preferencia en el estudio de enfermedades (se destina más dinero y
campañas de publicidad al cáncer de mama que al cáncer de próstata aunque mueran más
hombres que mujeres por esos tipos de enfermedades).
- la mujer tiene preferencia para quedarse con los hijos tras un divorcio.
- la mujer recibe más subvenciones que el hombre por el mero hecho de ser mujer.

- En paises con un sector público sobredimensionado (casi todos los europeos) las mujeres
tienen muchas más opciones de ser contratadas sin examen ya sea como suplentes,
interinas...Las personas con poder en esos ámbitos tienden a pensar que los hombres deben
buscarse la vida por su cuenta pero "protegen" a la mujer lo que se convierte en contrataciones
de la sobrina, la cuñada solterona...
- Pueden vivir de su pareja y a nadie le parece mal.
- El simple hecho de ser mujer infla mucho cualquier logro y sirve de excusa a cualquier fracaso.
Una mujer tras el parto puede dar su hijo en adopción y desentenderse para siempre la criatura.
Un varón que comparta ADN con una criatura tiene responsabilidad legal por cojones por lo
menos hasta los 18 años.

Ocio nocturno entrada gratuita por ser mujer. Ejemplos a miles en cada ciudad.

- Pruebas más fáciles para entrar al ejército o a la policía que a los hombres

Pero la pataleta femenina no es la misma que la pataleta infantil, es más sutil, de basa en llorar
porque no tienen la "piruleta" y entonces se les concede, es algo que aprenden de pequeñas. Es
algo que cuando lo hace un niño le riñen pero a la niña no y la niña se hace mujer y se basa un
buen tiempo con que le dan piruletas para que no se sienta frustrada y es que las mujeres en
general tienen una baja tolerancia a la frustración y el fracaso, la tienen porque la sociedad las
tiene entre algodones durante una buena parte de su vida.

¿Como se sabe esto? No piden que las mejores mujeres ocupen los sitios que les corresponde,
piden paridades por su mediocridad. No tienen autocrítica alguna sino que se preguntan
"¿Donde están los hombres?" por el hecho que a ellas les han dado lo que han querido en toda
su vida a base de patalear y patalear. No superan jamás el status infantil y es que precisamente
llamarlas infantiles es lo que más rabia les da.

¿Sabéis cuando una mujer ve a una niña hablar y dice lo de "Ya habla como las viejas"? Pues
dadle la vuelta y os saldrá lo de "Y usted señora se expresa y habla como una niña pequeña". Y
es que nos intentan hacer ver que los manerismos femeninos equivalen a madurez. Socialmente
hace unas décadas se las consideraba menores de edad, ahora se las consideran mayores de
edad pero colectivamente no han superado todavía la minoría de edad y esto no es sexista.
Dado que las mujeres no tenían responsabilidades podían tirar de la banalidad y el pataleo sin
que nadie las reprochara, a los hombres se les obligaba a dejar el infantilismo detrás mientras ya
que el infantilismo siempre ha sido considerado como una característica femenina.

La madurez o mayoría de edad no se alcanza automáticamente y porque sí al cumplir los 18,

aunque legalmente no haya, de momento, otra forma de hacerlo. La madurez se alcanza cuando
la vida te da hostias y te curte, cuando llevas ya unos añitos levantándote antes de que salga el
sol para trabajar (o estudiar algo que no sea pinta y colorea, que también es duro) a tope hasta
después de que se haya puesto, y a pesar de dejarte la piel apenas ganas lo justo para pagar un
plato de lentejas, comprar un utilitario de 2ª o 3ª mano para poder ir a trabajar y pagar el
alquiler de un piso de 30m².

Así se gana uno la madurez, y por eso la mayoría de las mujeres y muchos hombres (futbolistas
de 1ª división que tienen su primer millón de euros antes de haber cumplido los 18, famosetes
de tres al cuarto que salen en la tele, etc.) nunca deberían ser considerados mayores de edad.

I don't understand what the problem is, y'all need men like a fish needs a bicycle right? Did y'all
think there would be no unintended consequences to completely upending society? Wondering
where all the good men have gone by chance? Try asking where all the good women have gone,
that might get you close to the answer. When women ask that question what they usually want
is a traditional man, following his traditional gender roles. The same women that walked away
from their traditional gender roles, ironically, are the ones asking that question.. We are just
doing the same thing you did, and walking away from our traditional gender roles.

I for one am very thankful to feminism for waking me up and showing me that there is so much
more to live for than pussy. I would probably be an expendable provider drone right now if it
was not for feminism. I'm not being sarcastic either, I am truly thankful here, feminism has
saved my life from traditionalism and showed me the path to freedom!

Calsas = narcisista + atención


A ellas les da alergia pues prefieren fundir su pasta en bolsos & zapatos confiando en que en el
futuro aparecerá un anormal que las proveerá, o que "okuparán" la casa de un

Por mi parte gracias a haber pasado de "invertir" ni un solo euro en relaciones toxicas e
improductivas a todos los niveles con paticortas y culigordas autóctonas tengo un patrimonio
mobiliario e inmobiliario a mi disposición. Y escuchadme bien, zorras ibéricas, lo que os digo:

Zorras del mundo: si queréis compraros algo o iros de fiesta o lo que sea: PICO Y PALA (por lo
que a mi respecta).

A parte del apartheid relacional y sexual a las petardas patrias abogo por el APARTHEID
ECONOMICO A LAS ESPAÑOLAS: Boikoteando sus negocios y no consumiendo productos o
servicios en empresas que estén en sus manos, no contratándolas en caso de tener empresas y
no dirigiéndonos a empleados del sexo femenino a la hora de ir a grandes almacenes (muchas
veces cobran comisión). Hay que arruinarlas a toda costa y darles donde mas les duele: en el
tema de los dineros. Señores, esto es la guerra, aquí no valen medias tintas.

sois una endiosadas de mierda y no merece la pena el esfuerzo con vosotras

2-que te importa lo que hagamos con nuestras vidas, nosotros no andamos preguntando a
cuantos tíos os folláis en una noche
3-no somos vagos, las vagas sois vosotras que aspiráis a vivir a costa del hombre sea como sea, si
no véase un bar cualquiera en horario laboral (todo mujeres) o la actual ley de genero (donde
pagamos el pato aunque sea culpa vuestra)

Consejos para Hombres

Un hombre jamás debe dejar que nadie más le diga como es que un hombre debe de ser, no se
dejen manipular. Eso es darles demasiado poder a los demás sobre nuestras vidas

Caracteristicas de las Mujeres


Falta de cultura de esfuerzo, falta de adaptación a un sitio donde se buscan no los sentimientos
sino el conocimiento, ninguna autocrítica, y búsqueda de un culpable externo.

No editan porque eso supone un esfuerzo. Y para ellas eso es un gran sacrificio enorme en
comparación con el rédito que podrían obtener. Es así de fácil y simple.
La vida es dura, somos hombres y lo sabemos. También sabemos que a veces después de un
gran esfuerzo, podemos obtener algún tipo de recompensa, otras veces no.
Pero las mujeres en general, quieren el camino fácil y que al final se vea gratificado por ello.
Ese es uno de los puntos por los que no editan, aparte por sus faltas de conocimientos.

Espero no equivocarme, pero creo que dentro de diez años, si volvemos a ver este tipo de
artículo hablando de que las mujeres no editan en la wiki, veremos como nada habrá cambiado.
Los hombres seguirán siendo la mayoría de los editores, y ellas se seguirán quejando de que ese
es un mundo demasiado complejo para entrar.


Estoy de acuerdo con Tom en este punto: why do women need society to help them with their
self-esteem issues? As a man, I've had to develop my own self-esteem while people around me
were trying their best to DESTROY my self-esteem.

They want a man who takes charge and lets them know whose boss.

Los hombres de verdad hacen lo que quieren, no piden permiso, en especial con las mujeres.

Las mujeres se aprovechan de los buenos tipos.

Los buenos tipos son inseguros y desesperados

Los hombres debem aprender de los errorres y dejar de preocuparse sobre herir sus
sentimientos. A man must do whats right for himself first and if a woman doesnt respect that, to
hell with her.


Lo gracioso es cuando las mujeres usan estas técnicas y el hombre arrepentido pide perdón, se
siente culpable, que no volverá a ocurrir, etc.

Cuando una mujer quiere algo con bastantes ganas y sabe que tu vas a negarte o que puedes
negarte pasa por una serie de fases.

Fase 1: Te lo pide con ojitos

Esta técnica se caracteriza en que la mujer utiliza un tono de voz como de cachorrito en apuros
en el cual quiere darte pena, quiere sacarte esa vena humanitaria que llevas dentro y que hagas
algo por ella. Ya sea comprarle un jersey carísimo, que salgáis de fiesta o algo por el estilo.

Estás tú tan tranquilo, espachurrado en el sofá, la cama o lo que sea, viendo una película. No te
apetece moverte y estás ahí a gusto. Quieres quedarte toda la tarde y noche ahí tirado. Entonces
viene tu novia con cara de “quiero salir” y tu piensas: “mierda”.

Novia: Oye, podríamos ir a dar una vuelta por la playa

Tu: Claro, claro, cuando vuelvas avísame

Novia: Borde de mierda

Novia: Venga va, o salimos un rato por el centro

Tu: Déjame ver la televisión

Ella al ver que no accedes a su técnica número 1 pasa a la fase 2. Hacerte sentir culpable

Fase 2: Hacerte sentir culpable

Tu novia, viendo que la fase 1 no surje efecto pasa a la fase 2, en cuestión de segundos. En esta
fase es normal que tu chica vaya alternando entre fase 1 y fase 2. Lo que hará aquí es intentar
que te sientas culpable y para ello usará todo tipo de artimañas. Desde exageraciones como “es
que nunca hacemos nada” , “hace meses que no salimos de fiesta” , “siempre tas igual”. A
mentiras exageradas, cualquier cosa para hacerse la pobre víctima y que tú te veas como un
demonio matador.

En este punto es cuando muchos ceden.


Estás en la cama sin hacerle caso

Novia: joder, es que siempre estamos tirados aquí, quiero salir, nunca hacemos nada (fase2),
que aquí me siento aprisionada (fase1)

Tu: Pero si ayer te saqué de paseo ya

Ella te pega en el brazo

Tu: Eres imbécil, va joder, que quiero salir un rato, el otro día nos quedamos sin salir ya (etc…
etc… en este punto utiliza argumentos con y sin sentido para hacerte sentir culpable y los alterna
con la fase 1)
El enfado

Tu chica, viendo que sus armas no surgen efecto pasa a otro plan, hacerse la enfadada. En cada
fase suelen utilizarla combinadas de las fases anteriores. En esta fase suelen cruzarse de brazos
y mirar al suelo con cara enfadada y soltar frases como “déjame” , “no me toques” . Decir cosas
como “ya estoy harta” , “Es que siempre haces lo mismo”.

En este punto suelen presionarte un poco creando hielo. Se van al pc un rato esperando a ver si
vienes. Se ponen a retocar sus películas y ordenarlas. Cualquier cosa que haga lo está haciendo
para que tu vayas detrás preguntando: “Cariño, ¿qué te pasa?” si dices eso ya la has cagado ya
que te va a castigar más y luego te presionará alternándote la fase 1, 2, 3.

Por ejemplo:

Tu: Cariño, ¿Qué te pasa?

Ella viendo tu debilidad presiona más. Lo curioso es que si en vez de decirle que te pasa, la
ignoras, ella seguiría haciéndose la enfadada con frases como “joder” , “va”, pero como has
reaccionado decide presionarte más para ver si consigue lo que quiere.

Ella: Nada, déjame

Tu: Vale

Ella: Idiota

Tu te ríes

Tu: ¿Quieres salir?

Ella: No, ya no, da igual – aquí básicamente lo que está haciendo es alternándolo con la fase 2,
quiera que te sienta s culpable porque supuestamente se le han quitado las ganas de salir por tu

Tu: Vale, pues nos quedamos aquí

Ella: Imbécil de mierda

Generalmente aquí la hago rabiar un poquitín más y luego accedo a su petición. Advierto que
esta fase puede ser bastante larga hasta que la mujer decida pasar a la fase 4, y solo pasará a la
fase 4 en caso de que lo que quiera sea muy importante para ella

Fase 4: Desesperación

Aquí es cuando está todo cabreada. Tiene brotes histéricos con un punto de esquizofrenia. Te
grita sin sentido, se echa a llorar, lo que hace básicamente es intentar crearte una
desestabilización emocional para que accedas a sus peticiones. Aquí es cuando casi todos los
hombres ceden y no suelen llegar a la fase 5.

Aquí pueden ocurrir cosas como que se vaya dando un portazo. Se quite la ropa de salir. Te haga
sentir culpable porque no quieres salir. Se vuelva a poner la ropa diciendo “no me voy a quedar
aquí porque tu no quieras”. Seguido de irse y otro portazo etcétera…

Esta fase es bastante impredecible y depende mucho de cada mujer. Hay un truco aquí para no
sucumbir ante tu novia y pasar a la fase 5 (el monstruo final). Esto se podría considerar un truco
como el de los videojuegos. Si no lo sabes hacer bien la mujer seguirá enfadada hasta que se le
pase el cabreo contigo. Por ejemplo, si se va de fiesta sola a lo mejor te habla poco durante 1 día
o 2. Pero si inutilizas esta fase no habrá tanto rencor.

Para inutilizar esta fase en las mujeres puedes soltar alguna de estas frases y verás como causan
gran efecto:

“Así no conseguirás manipularme, se que intentas manipularme”

“pareces una niña pequeña enfadada porque su padre no le compre un juguete, no me vas a
Otra cosa que les revienta bastante es que las ignores completamente. Ahí si que aumentan la
dosis de esquizofrenia. Si tú te mantienes firme soltando alguna frase de estas seguido de
ignorarla ella decidirá pasar a la fase 5.

Lo importante para pasar a la fase 5 es no alterarse ni entrar en una discusión.

Si alguna vez has logrado pasar a la fase 5 es que eres un crack y a ella realmente le importa lo
que pide pero te respeta porque has superado las 5 fases como un hombre, es instintivo, lo
llevan en los genes. Ponen a prueba al macho y el macho pasa las pruebas, entonces ella te
recompensa con la fase 5.

Fase 5: Perdón

Viendo ya que has crackeado su fase 4 está desesperada. La has pillado y has aguantado como
un hombre sus presiones. Entonces te pide perdón y de corazón te dice que quiere que salgas
con ella. No te intenta hacer sentir culpable, ni finge ojitos para dar pena, en esta fase lo dicen
de corazón porque de verdad les hace ilusión y se sinceran contigo.

Ella te da a elegir amablemente. Tú puedes o no acceder. Lo más normal es que accedas ya que
ya ha sufrido bastante, xD. Sino accedes generalmente te sentirás culpable y terminarás
accediendo o te sentirás culpable y cuando ella llegue os reconciliaréis como si nada. (en cambio
si no pasas la fase 4 la reconciliación tardará mucho más)

Si la cosa es lógica, como salir o cosas así jamás se debería llegar hasta el punto 5 por un
capricho tuyo. Si en cambio es algo por su consentimiento de comprar cosas caras o cosas que
no vienen a cuento no hay que ceder.

A las mujeres les gusta ser el centro de atención

Como no ser un pollerudo:

1. No le tengas miedo a tu pareja, no dejes de hacer cosas pensando en que se puede

2. No debe saber cuánto ganas y que no controle tu dinero
3. No las consientas, no le compres cosas
4. No suplicar por sexo, tomarlo.
5. No pedir permiso para nada, tomarlo, por ejemplo si se quiere salir con amigos, solo
avisarle no pedirle permiso
6. No darle siempre la razón solo porque es mujer y es tu pareja, llevarle la contra si está
equivocada y que no te manipule con el sexo
7. Que no controle tu cosas en tu casa
8. Tomar las decisiones en la pareja, no esperar que lo haga ella

you got it wrong only average or ugly guys can be creepy.

good looking guys are never creepy.

Los hombres serán mejor económicamente si toman más responsabilidad en las tareas del hogar
y cuidado de los niños"

La igualdad de los hogares no tiene sentido. Si usted es el principal sostén de la familia, usted no
tiene ninguna obligación de participar en cualquiera de las tareas domésticas. Usted hizo su
parte en el trabajo. Ya sabes, el que que pone comida en la mesa, un techo sobre su cabeza, y
elementos adicionales para el entretenimiento. Comparar la limpieza de platos y la ropa con la
carga del padre es muy perezoso, delirante y muestra una total falta de sentido común y de
derecho por parte de la mujer.

Cuando era niño, cuando mi padre llegó a casa, él Redbourn quitó los zapatos y se fue a la cama
o una cerveza y visto la televisión Mi madre nos decía que se callara si él estaba durmiendo y
nunca discutido con él. No compró víveres, que no hizo la ropa, él no limpiar los platos, él no
cocinar las comidas en familia, que no nos llevó a la escuela, y él no barcaza en discusiones entre
mi madre, mis hermanos y yo absolutamente menos opciones necesario. Estas tareas se
esperaba de mi madre y nosotros. Sabemos que funciona, que 9 horas al día para mantener
nuestro buen nivel de vida. No es la pregunta sobre quién está a cargo. Así es como no debería
ser la casa - el patriarcado.

Es impresionante el empeño que ponen los medios y la sociedad en llenarnos de culpas con las
típicas frasesita "los hombres de verdad no pagan por sexo" y tratando de imponer la falsa idea
que prostitución = mafia, secuestro, victimas, etc. Eso no es algo automático y de serlo se
denuncia porque la idea tampoco puede ser volverse cómplices de mafias (que existen nadie lo
esta negando) ni joderle la vida a ninguna mujer. Pero las prostitutas no son automáticamente
victimas de secuestros. En su gran mayoría son mujeres que por una u otra razón, muchas veces
por morbo, deciden dedicarse a eso disfrutar del sexo y ganar dinero en el proceso.

Una de las claves para que el feminismo vaya perdiendo poder es desmitificar el sexo y ver la
prostitución como una alternativa aceptable para satisfacer una necesidad que es
perfectamente natural.

No olvidemos que el sexo o la promesa de sexo es la principal arma de manipulación y control

que usan las muejres para conseguir lo que quieren, primero adoptando una actitud cariñosa te
hacen creer que tienes una posibilidad luego de obtener lo que quieren se comportan
sorprendidas al saber que aspirabas a algo mas que amistad y en algunos casos hasta se
indignan, como si nunca te hubieran dado motivos para creer que podía haber algo mas, y no
hablo de hago esto por ti y ahora te tienes que acostar conmigo porque tal cosa no me parece
correcto, hablo de chicas que saben que atraen y utilizan su belleza para manipular y conseguir
del hombre de turno lo que ella necesite de el en ese momento dándole esperanzas y luego que
lo consiguen se acaban las sonrisas y el coqueteo y cortan todo diciendo "malinterpretaste un
cariño de amistad que yo te di" he visto suceder esto en el trabajo, estudio y en la vida diaria y
yo mismo lo viví en un par de ocasiones allí aprendes que las mujeres tienen dos caras la que
tienen cuando quieren algo y la que tienen cuando ya lo ha conseguido

Los que a estas emponderadas les jode de la prostitución no es su cuestionable moralidad como
forma de ganarse la vida (aunque muchas de estas chicas sean mucho mas putas e inmorales sin
haber ejercido nunca la prostitución) sino que les arrebata el monopolio del sexo y con eso
pierden su principal arma de manipulación.

1. No mostrar debilidad: Un alfa entra en una habitación con su pierna enyesada y no
menciona a menos que alguien le pregunta. Deja que otros vengan a ti, y siguen siendo
tan casual acerca de su desgracia como sea posible
2. Ante la desgracia ser casual

No seas demasiado barato con su tiempo o su atención o se convertirá rápidamente sin valor

Si una mujer pregunta si la engañaste como una prueba, le decis que ella tiene un problema y
seguís con tus cosas.

Todas las mujeres son prostitutas, intercambian sexo por recursos

better sex without the drama.

Here's the thing. Its a double standard. A woman would be "considered" perfectly justified for
going outside of her relationship/marriage if she were to claim that her "needs" weren't being
met at home. But as a man, you don't get a choice. You HAVE to remain faithful and loyal to
your woman no matter the situation, or you're a dog. No its, ands, or buts about it. I once saw a
Facebook friend post a meme with a list of "reasons" why your woman will cheat on you. Not
LEAVE YOU, but cheat on you. I was disgusted, for one because OTHER MEN were cosigning it,
and also because it was essentially enabling women TO cheat AND giving women every reason
in the book to place the blame for HER OWN willful infidelity squarely back at the feet of THE
MAN. Not once was cheating ever considered wrong, so long as SHE'S the one doing it. There's
always a legitimate excuse justifying it.

Women rarely, if ever, have concern for what a man wants or what makes him happy. That's
why they hate on everything men like. Sex, sports, hanging with the guys, whatever. I firmly
believe that the ONLY reason why women make such a big deal about sex is because men like it.
I also firmly believe that if there was anything else that men enjoyed just as much as (if not
more than) sex, they'd be trying to deprive and/or shame men out of that as well.

And think about this. Women complain that men only want one thing. Well uh... Doesn't that
make YOUR job that much simpler? Imagine if men held the same laundry list of requirements of
women that they have for us. I wonder how much MORE they would be complaining? They just
never seem to want to DO anything for a man that might intentionally or accidentally make him
happy. In which case, "Why Should I Get Married"? Theoretically, relationships are "supposed"
to be about making each other happy and being happy by being together. Why should one be
expected to give up what they like to make a partner happy? And why DOES it make you happy
to NOT have to do whatever it is that I like to do? Is it because my misery is what truly makes
you happy?

So what? This is the way women are. My greatest hope is for teenage boys to get into the
MGTOW movement, and learn to resist the female temptations, and to realize that this "love"
between males and females is a hoax. Then they could devote their energies to productive
pursuits. Women are just sex objects for male pleasure. Use them, then lose them. A woman
cares only about herself, and what she can get from some poor delusioned male. Remember,
behind that cute face and beautiful body are a set of fangs. With this in mind, can men realize
what a travesty it was in giving these bimboes the privilege to vote?
But I do feel sorry for you women. Just do the best you can, and hope that in your next
incarnation, you are a man

Un caballero blanco puede ser más fácil de definir como un hombre que hace cosas para las
mujeres sin una clara indicación de que sus trabajos serán recompensados. El caballero blanco
es el partido sirviente en una interacción de un solo lado, a menudo a expensas de sus propios
intereses. Este trabajo se hace generalmente con la esperanza por el caballero blanco que va a
recibir la aprobación femenina y favores en última instancia sexuales a cambio de sus esfuerzos,
pero es todo lo contrario.

Las mujeres son, para decirlo simplemente, atraídas por los hombres superiores. Los hombres
que son más grandes, más alto, más fuerte, más alto en el estado, más ricos, más poderosos que
ellos, son los hombres que las mujeres se sienten atraídos. Una mujer no se siente atraída por
un hombre inferior.
Ellas odian las prostitutas porque les priva del poder que ejercen sobre nosotros a través del

Lo odian porque todo polvo con una prostituta no cotiza en el mercado heterosexual. Es el
equivalente a la economía sumergida. Como únicas proveedoras de sexo que son, si una parte
de ellas ofrece un atajo a su coño via prepago directo le permite al tío saltarse todos los
aranceles e impuestos (es decir, exigencias, frustración, tiempo, dinero y trato preferente sin fin)
del que disfrutan todas las demás.

Con lo que se convierte en un ataque directo a su modo de vida. La vida social al completo de
una mujer occidental mayor de 12 años está basado en el trato preferente que obtienen del 80%
de los tíos que se dejan manipular a través de la especulación sexual.

Si eso les falla tendrían que empezar a ganarse el respeto. Y no habrían palomitas suficientes
para disfrutar del espectáculo.

The first step is boys and men should stop shaming each other about not being with girls or
women. It doesn't necessarily mean the guy is a fag, it doesn't necessarily mean he can't attract
women, it doesn't necessarily mean he's broke. It could just be he doesn't care and would like to
remain sane and as wealthy as possible.

Everything you said was one point. This is why men who suffer depression are way more likely
to kill themselves, because we're not allowed to be vulnerable at all so they see no way out. The
only time a man is allowed to discuss his issues is when he's already solved them to show how
strong he is and what he's been through.

Si estas en pareja con una mujer y quiere salir y vestirse como una puta, le decis que asi no van a
salir (las mujeres quieren atención de parte de otros hombres, que te respete)

La lógica es la kryptonita de las mujeres

Look at the titanic survivor percentages: (first
graph)... same story....
Men: 20%
Children: 52%
Women: 74%

My wife and I have been married for 15 years. She can have a temper. Our first year together
she because angry and raised her hand to me. After she picked herself up I physically dominated
her and let her know if she wants to fight a man she will find herself in a man's fight. Neither of
us have ever touched one another in anger since. Men WANT to be chivalrous.

Women ARE hypergamous creatures. Whether they are looking for a man as entertainment (bad
boys), or providers (stable nice guys): This is how women VIEW men... as utilities.

The 4 types of utility women seek in men:

1. provision/financial security = a beta provider
2. an emotional tampon = aka mangina/"friend"
3. protection/body guard = a chivalrous white knight
4. drama & sex = a bad boy sex partner

Alot of these women are worried because they know they have nothing to offer a man but their
bodies. The root word to sexy is sex.When I see women dress like sluts, I treat them like sluts
because you already disrespected yourself when you left out the house like that.

Lo de la campaña en facebook, y TV de las modelos gordas es aberrrante... No solo fomentan los

habitos alimenticios desordenados y la falta de caracter y fuerza de voluntad... Es que quieren
imponer que nos gusten cosas anti natura

Why is it ok to body shame men and everybody laughs about it but calling a fat girl fat or an ugly
girl ugly and you're a and asshole and a bully and every woman is beautiful

Honestamente, las mujeres son en algunos aspectos con retraso mental. Anhelo el día en que la
humanidad occidental en realidad le dice a sus mujeres (que en secreto mucho tiempo para que)
a 'cállate la boca ". Debemos tratar a las mujeres la forma en que los griegos o romanos, como
amas de casa y madres de cría, y las zorras naturales como prostitutas.

Yup, just read that a few days ago; the most important factor for women when deciding on who
to vote for is appearance. Its like the Ms America pageant except its actually important...





Hola, soy español, de Canarias más concretamente, y ya he rebasado la mitad de la treintena

(36). No he tenido una carrera laboral específicamente definida, he tenido diversos tipos de
trabajo en diferentes sectores, aunque mi formación ha estado centrada principalmente en la
informática, no puedo ser más específico con lo que hago ahora porque sería fácilmente
Llevo un tiempo leyéndoos y no sabéis el placer tan grande que ha sido encontraros, el ver que
hay muchos más hombres que piensan como uno mismo y no sentirse extraño. Y sobre todo
porque aquí se razona, se habla con calma y libremente de temas científicamente demostrados
que están vetados en otros sitios y no existe la censura de lo políticamente correcto. Otra cosa
que me gusta de este foro es que sea sólo para hombres, eso es importante, no hay mujeres que
se puedan sentir ofendidas por ciertos comentarios.
He llegado a este foro directamente a través del buscador, ni a través de forocoches ni de
burbuja (ni siquiera estoy registrado en esos foros, de hecho ni siquiera estoy en redes sociales).
¿Cómo? Buscando el equivalente de misoginia pero hacia los hombres. Fue algo que me estaba
rondando en la cabeza desde hace mucho tiempo, ver diariamente cosas que van contra el
varón, por ejemplo:

 En los estudios ves que hay más condescendencia con ellas a la hora de puntuarlas.
 Hace tiempo, cuando me informé para darme de alta como autónomo el funcionario me
dijo que eran unos 250€ al mes, sin embargo a mi hermana le cobraban unos 175€. Le
pregunté por qué y él me dio un sesudo razonamiento: "porque es así, es mujer". La
verdad es que tiene razón, es así porque sí, no hay explicación lógica.
 La ley de vg es claramente todo lo no debe ser una ley, discriminatoria y elimina la
presunción de inocencia. Pero no se ven manifestaciones contra ella ni nada por el estilo
como pasa cuando se legisla el aborto.
 En la televisión si alguien tiene que hacer de tonto, ya sea una película o un anuncio,
siempre será un hombre blanco heterosexual y de listos serán siempre mujeres o gays.
 Soy de ciencias, y por lo que conozco, prácticamente todos los principios, leyes y
fórmulas desarrolladas en la Historia de la humanidad las han hecho hombres.
Curiosamente en la actualidad el hombre es objetivo de todas las críticas y se le atribuye
causante de todos los males. A pesar de que la contribución de la mujer a la ciencia y la
tecnología ha sido ínfima, el discurso feminista no acepta que el hombre sea mucho más
eficaz para tareas de lógica y resolución de problemas.
 No estoy divorciado ni separado, ni siquiera estoy casado, porque no avanzo más allá de
cortas relaciones (dos para ser exactos). Pero sí tengo amigos divorciados, y veo que lo
que se hace con ellos es reducirlos a una cuenta corriente. Para la justicia el hombre no
es un ser humano, ni siquiera un animal. Y la verdad que viendo sus ejemplos menos
ganas de compromiso tengo.
 El Estado gasta una pasta y saca leyes contra nosotros para combatir un supuesto
machismo y desigualdad hacia la mujer que yo no veo por ningún lado. Es más, lo que sí
veo es lo contrario, y esto me ha pasado a mí, y es que teniendo la misma categoría
profesional y mismo sueldo que una mujer, me daban una carga de trabajo muchísimo
mayor porque era mucho más eficiente que ella. Y otra cosa más, la charo en cuestión,
como tenía niños, la dejaban salir entre media y un cuarto de hora antes del trabajo. Yo,
el soltero, era el que se tenía que quedar haciendo horas extra (además muchas veces
no me las remuneraban) si un trabajo tenía que estar terminado sí o sí. Como tampoco
veía expectativas de mejora, mandé esa empresa a tomar por saco en cuanto pude.
 Etc. podría dar muchísimos más ejemplos vistos/padecidos de misandria.

Dentro de lo malo que me ha tocado vivir en estos tiempos antihombre, creo que he tenido la
suerte de no estar nunca en la femimátrix. En buena parte pienso que se lo debo a dos mujeres,
a mi madre, que no es para nada feminista, es más, es antifeminista (también tiene sus cosas,
como su escasa manifestación de sentimientos, cosa que no le culpo en absoluto, es su forma de
ser, y que yo he heredado de forma aún más exacerbada, que aunque parezca sorprendente, me
ha ayudado con las mujeres a que no me pisoteen (lo del hombre sensible es un cuento, es un
tipo débil al que quieren mangonear)). Y por otro lado a mi hermana, el haber jugado y crecido
con mi hermana ha hecho que de adulto no vea a las mujeres como diosas, ni arrastrarme por
ellas, sino verlas más iguales y con todos sus defectos. Sólo he tenido dos relaciones en mi vida y
la que más duró no llegó a ocho meses. He tenido algunas oportunidades más de tener
relaciones, pero no he tenido más, no por timidez, sino por descarte, pero la mayoría de las
veces descarte de mí hacia ellas. Si voy a estar con una mujer espero estar mejor que estar solo,
por eso si de primeras al conocerla veo que lo que entiende ella por una relación es que ella es el
centro del sistema solar y yo su planeta que orbita a su alrededor o pretende que sea su siervo,
lo siento pero no, prefiero seguir solo. Además quiero que haya interacción, no construir la
relación yo solo, un poquito de iniciativa por parte de ellas de vez en cuando. Parece que
piensan que abriéndose de piernas, cuando a ellas les place y muy dosificadamente, ya está
hecha su contribución a la relación. No nace de ellas una conversación interesante, se aburren, y
al contrario de lo que dicen, no les gustan los hombres inteligentes, no te admirarán o
envidiarán por ello como hacen los hombres. Es más, si eres mucho más inteligente que ella
huirá de ti como del demonio, le rompes los esquemas de que ellas son lo más en todo y de que
el hombre es una especie de humanoide peludo que sólo piensa en sexo.

Los peores momentos que he tenido con mujeres no es en relaciones, al fin y al cabo es algo
voluntario por parte de los dos, si ves que no te convence la finalizas, sino en el trabajo. Con la
mayoría no suele haber problemas, pero siempre, siempre, se cumple que debe haber mínimo
una que te rompe las pelotas. Si he tenido un problema con un compañero de trabajo hombre,
voy hacia él y lo discuto. He tenido discusiones subidas de tono con algunos compañeros, pero
una vez aclarado todo y al cabo de un rato, con los ánimos más calmados, volvemos a llevarnos
bien. La mujer no es así, la mujer evita el enfrentamiento cara a cara. Si has hecho o dicho algo
que a ella le ha molestado, que además no ha sido intencionadamente, o incluso sin causa
justificada, ella no quiere resolver el problema que pueda tener contigo, quiere hacerte daño,
venganza, salirse con la suya (aquí es donde se ve claramente la inmadurez mental). Para ello
tratará de manipular a otros compañeros, enfrentarlos contigo, no le importará pudrir el
ambiente de trabajo hasta conseguir su objetivo (generalmente, intentar que te echen). Si vas a
hablar con ella de buenas a ver qué problema tiene contigo es todavía peor, no te va a aclarar
nada y recurrirá al victimismo. Además cuando discuten, da igual que sea lista o tonta, tienen la
habilidad innata de saber exactamente qué botones tienen que pulsarte para sacarte de quicio.
Yo actúo impasible, muy serenamente, aunque por dentro esté que en ese momento podría
arrancar un lavabo de cuajo, pero no le doy el gusto de que me vea irritado, y eso les jode un
montón. Sin embargo no es que sean así con nosotros, las mujeres son malas compañeras
también entre ellas. Yo las he escuchado despellejando a otra compañera que no esté delante, y
al aparecer la susodicha lucir sus caras sonrientes más hipócritas, darse besos, preguntar qué tal
está, etc. Y luego otro día le tocará a otra. Son auténticos camaleones, y eso me añade cierta
desconfianza hacia ellas.

Otro aspecto de mí es que soy muy solitario, pero de siempre, no es algo circunstancial. No me
siento incómodo y nunca me ha quitado el sueño el envejecer solo. Hay hombres que a cierta
edad se emparejan con la primera carruselera que pillan sólo por miedo a la soledad, eso es
como saltar de la sartén directamente al fuego. No me ocurrirá eso, no obstante, si os soy
sincero, lo que sí que me tira mucho más es la reproducción, siento necesidad de reproducirme,
no sólo por sexo. Y lo siento en el sentido más primario, en el de dejar parte de mis genes en la
Tierra. Pero vamos, que si encuentro una buena mujer (básicamente que esté aceptable
físicamente y que sea mentalmente madura y lógica, y que entienda que un hombre es un
hombre, diferente a ella y con diferentes necesidades, y no un bolso más de su colección) será, y
si no tampoco me voy a comer la cabeza.

Lo que se dice habitualmente, que la mujer es más sentimental que el hombre, creo que es justo
lo contrario. A mi modo de ver el hombre tiene mucha más capacidad de amar sinceramente, no
tiene un listado de requerimientos para ser aceptado como hacen ellas. Eso no es querer a
alguien, ni tan siquiera que te guste, eso es comprar un aparato por sus especificaciones técnicas
igual que yo me compro un ordenador o un aire acondicionado. O eso, o el encoñamiento a
primera vista (encoñamiento, no amor a primera vista, eso es una chorrada que se ha inventado
el cine y las novelas). Es decir, pasan del cuestionario previo porque han visto a un tío con un
buen físico, una cara bonita y una buena cartera, y se encoñan de él igual que se encoñan de un
bolso o de unos zapatos delante de un escaparate. Pero no piensan en el hombre, piensan en
ellas mismas, al igual que con el bolso y los zapatos, "qué bien me quedan".

Por la solitariedad que antes he comentado, en mi entorno a veces soy blanco de un tema que
me fastidia un poco, y es que si no tienes pareja a mi edad eres un bicho raro, en el mejor de los
casos. En este país la gente tiene la desagradable costumbre de meterse en la vida privada de
otros sin ningún reparo. Además, lo harán de la manera lo más hiriente posible, sobre todo ellas.
Primera pregunta: "Qué raro, un tipo como tú, que se te ve bastante bien, y no tienes novia,
¿eres gay?", eso no es una pregunta para saber sobre un hombre, es una patada directa en mi
virilidad. Pero analizadla y fijaros la gracia de esa pregunta (que me la han hecho así tal cual
como está escrita, ésta fue una compañera de trabajo); viene a decir que cómo no siendo feo no
tienes novia, es decir, que si eres feo o no estás "bastante bien" estaría totalmente justificado
que no tuviese novia, en ese caso probablemente la petarda ni me hubiese hecho la pregunta.
Manda huevos, y luego dicen que somos nosotros los que sólo nos fijamos en el aspecto físico.
Por otro lado parece que no le resulta concebible que por una vez sea el hombre el que decida
preferir estar solo que mal acompañado. Yo le contesté simplemente "No" y a continuación le
pregunté "¿Por qué lo preguntas, quieres algo conmigo?", a lo que me responde "No, sólo era
por preguntar". Sé que no se debe tratar de analizar el pensamiento de una mujer desde la
lógica de un hombre, pero poniéndome en el lugar de ella, el único motivo por el que veo que
una mujer te pueda preguntar algo así es porque quiera follar contigo y se quiera asegurar de
que follas con mujeres y no con hombres, pero que te digan "sólo por preguntar", entonces no le
veo sentido a esa intromisión. Otra pregunta que incomoda es la de ¿no te gustaría formar una
familia?. Yo me pregunto ¿para qué la gente pregunta cosas que saben la respuesta?, es como si
te preguntan ¿te gusta respirar?. A cualquier hombre le gustaría tener familia, pero sólo si
merece la pena el sacrificio. Porque si algo se tuerce, en este país feminista tienes todas las de

Al hablar con otros hombres (y de un modo bastante más suave de lo que aquí he expuesto)
sobre la mala posición en que está el hombre actualmente, no quieren pensar mucho sobre el
asunto. Ellos se han acomodado a esta sociedad feminista machacahombres, te pueden dar la
razón en algo, pero nada más.

Sobre el cambio que se habla aquí, creo que será más lento de lo esperado y deseado. No sé si
os habéis fijado pero no sólo las mujeres quieren un papá Estado, muchos hombres también.
Muchos hombres achacan todos sus males a la política y quieren que papá Estado les resuelva
todos sus problemas (véase la locura de Podemos, ejemplo de modelo de Estado
intervencionista totalitario, la cantidad de seguidores que están ganando, mujeres y hombres).
No digo que en alguna cosa puntual pudieran tener razón, pero la primera regla para un hombre
es hacerse responsable de su propia vida. Por eso prefiero justo lo contrario, un Estado lo menos
intervencionista posible, no quiero subvenciones ni paguitas, eso acaba siendo insostenible,
pero que no me toquen los huevos si emprendo un proyecto con impuestos absurdos para
sacarme la sangre, y no ser un ciudadano de segunda sólo por haber nacido hombre.

A pesar del viento en contra, no caigo en el victimismo, todo lo contrario, tengo mi autoestima
alta y me siento orgulloso de ser hombre en los tiempos que corren. De ser responsable de mí
mismo sin depender de papá Estado, de que en mi cerebro prime la razón sobre las emociones,
de que si tengo un problema pensar en cómo solucionarlo y no ponerme a llorar o de pataleta,
de no esperar nada gratis, lo que hace que cada meta que consigo, aunque sea pequeña, me
llene de satisfacción porque es un logro exclusivamente de mi esfuerzo, no me ha venido
regalado ni tengo ninguna clase de trato preferente. El día que este supuesto “Estado del
bienestar (sobre todo para ellas)” reviente porque ya no nos compren más deuda pública
(España básicamente no se la pega por eso), nuestra capacidad de adaptación nos
recompensará. A partir de entonces se medirá la valía de cada cual por lo que pueda aportar y lo
que sepa hacer, no por lo que tenga entre las piernas.

Creo que no he contravenido ninguna norma del foro, si lo he hecho, tanto en esta publicación
como en las siguientes que haga, por favor hacédmelo saber, todavía estoy verde. Me he
alargado demasiado para una presentación, pero es que tenía muchas ganas de hablar de este
tema. Intentaré contribuir en lo posible en este foro, aunque veo que el nivel de muchos foreros
es muy alto y aprenderé yo mucho más de ellos que ellos de mí.

A fatal mistake most married men make is that he starts to treat his wife life she's his mom. He
starts to let her take the reigns and get away with bullshit. Go down that road and she will lose
respect for you and your marriage is doomed.

My father is old-school Italian and my mom Australian. He is the boss, the leader and he doesn't
take any crap from her. He expects that she maintain her looks, be respectful and look after the
home/family. He still treats her with respect but she knows her place too. You cant have 2
leaders in a marriage! They are still happily married after 50 years.

Las mismas mujeres no quieren compromiso ni responsabilidad sino hasta llegar a los 30 y tanto
después de haberse acostado con medio mundo y una vez que deciden que tuvieron suficiente o
ven que la marcha regresiva del reloj biológico va a llegar a cero y pronto se les va cerrando la
ventana de oportunidad para tener hijos entonces allí pretenden no tener pasado cuando ya han
vivido y experimentado tanto que están emocionalmente quebradas llenas de rencor
generalizado hacia los hombres por las infidelidades y traiciones de las parejas que ellas
eligieron y con bagaje sexual que en nada se diferencia al de una prostituta y nosotros no
queremos ni tenemos porque resignarnos a recoger las sobras de otros ni jodernos la vida
cargando con las frustraciones existenciales de una cualquiera que en sus mejores años capaz y
hasta nos hubiera rechazado

I was just thinking about that time I saw Vanilla Sky and saw that scene when she says
swallowing his jizz means something.

I remember thinking "Jeez, women are un-fucking-believable" - they just shamelessly and
meticulously log mentally log everything they've done for you as part of an investment account
and expect maximal profitable returns on every deed they've done for you.

This is why they get so angry and bitter when you bail on them or end up getting more sex from
them than you actually spent money.

For them, everything comes at a price and they must be the eventual winners, not you. In other
words, we exist to facilitate their reality and we exist to pander to them in their world.

So remember, everything she does for you she expects returns twofold and nothing is for free. I
also bear in mind that women think any evil act perpetrated against a man by them is fair and
that they think we have life handed to us on a platter and everything is easy for us. This is why
they easily justify cheating on us or screwing us over.

As men, our major failing is that we enter relationship light-heartedly without actually
considering how truly unreasonable and crazy women are. But this won't be me - not anymore,
not again

Why do the woman always do personal attacks rather then come up with interesting facts

My Body My Choice" but "Not My Responsibility if I get pregnant."

yes we all know gays exist and I don't have a problem with gays. just stop shoving it down our
throats every chance you get. idk straight people who have to go announcing their straight so
why do gays feel the need to do so? what u do in your bed room isn't anyone elses business so
stop talking it about.

People have become so brainwashed and brain damaged, that anytime you try to propose a
solution, you will be castrated and portrayed as a villain. I mean my God, it makes me sick to see
the direction in which our society is heading towards. Fat acceptance, everybody is a winner,
women are biologically the same as men, all rich people are evil, etc. I mean seriously, there is
no coming back to normality. Degeneracy is now celebrated and it can be seen in numerous
lifestyle choices which society now embraces, such as single motherhood and the feminisation
of men

Los hombres en el programa operado como agentes autónomos, la construcción de mierda, la

creación de herramientas, haciendo refugio etc porque sabían su calidad de vida podría ser tan
alta como la cantidad de esfuerzo que ponen en lo ilustra perfectamente por qué el
"patriarcado" ha sido - y siempre será - a cargo..

Desperdiciaste tus mejores años jugando con los tíos y cambiándolos como si fueran calcetines

Pues ahora siembras lo que cosechaste durante toda tu vida.

A woman’s value significantly depends on her fertility and beauty. A man’s value significantly
depends on his resources, intellect, and character.

There was a time when years of courtship and long term financial investment were necessary to
obtain sex from a woman.

One of the most basic foundations of marriage is that it's simply a trade. Men trade their excess
labor capacity, and ability to work for and obtain far more resources than they need, to women
in exchange for reproductive rights.

This is why slut shaming originated. Slut shaming is a female societal construct designed to
reduce the supply of cheap, easy sex, and keep the value of womens' greatest asset as high as
possible. It's why women call each other "sluts" far more often than men do, it's far more
venomous when they do say it, and it's why women have historically hated prostitution and
porn. Anything that increases the supply of sex was frowned upon, because the less sex there
was avaiable, the more wealth the women could extract from men in exchange for reproduction

La madurez femenina que consiste en ser madres y todo lo que ello previamente implica.

Celebremos la mediocridad, abajo la meritocracia

Three years ago I was a blue piller. I met a chick who I "fell in love with". She was "the one." I
was going to move her in with me, we were going to get married, and have kids. Of course I was
willing to overlook the fact that she was divorced, had just gotten out of another long term
relationship with a dude she lived with, and had ridden the shit out of the cock carousel. Like a
good blue piller, I did everything for this girl - had her car fixed, took her to expensive
restaurants, listened to her, helped with her career, bought her random gifts, and took her on
many exotic trips. Everything this girl wanted, she got, and more. I wanted to be her fairytale
prince. If I just worked hard enough, I'd win the prize.

How did she respond? Unconditional love!


Just kidding.

She responded by fucking a bunch of dudes behind my back. That was my red pill awakening.
Oddly enough, it ultimately was one of the best things that ever happened to me. At first I
committed to learn game to try and win her back, but in the process ended up developing a red
pill lifestyle that most of my married friends envy. I haven't thought much about her other than
"man did I dodge a bullet." Three years later she's hit the wall at 35 and living in a tiny
apartment with a nice but boring beta male.

What's Hank Moody up to these days? I live a lot like A.V. Yader. Self employed. Bachelor.
Money in the bank. Game is solid, and the poon overfloweth. I live in a big house that I own and
renovated. I just put a sick stereo in my living room and built a home gym. Why? Because I'm a
bachelor and I can spend money on whatever the fuck I want. And yes, there are many people
who resent my lifestyle. I constantly hear "Hank is such a pig! You shouldn't hang out with him!"
Usually from fat married women who spend all weekend bitching at their husband because he
didn't clean the house well enough or something.

In any event... a couple of months ago I was out with a new chick. We had just woken up from
some post-coitious activities at my place and I wanted brunch. She's looking hot in a sundress. I
go to grab us drinks from the bar and two Australian guys swoop in and start flirting up my girl.
Admittedly, their game is strong. She's digging it and flirting with them right in front of me. I
don't say a word for about 20 minutes.

What do I do? Charm them and compete for her attention? Show her what an "alpha male" I am
and tell them to shove off?


I simply leave without saying anything. I decide to go food shopping. About a half hour later I get
a text message:
Girl: "Hank, where did you go?"

Hank: "food shopping"

Girl: "You seriously left me here? Stranded in your neighborhood?"

Hank: "u seemed busy i have stuff to do"

Girl: "I'm stranded! That's so fucked up!"

Hank: "ill call u an uber"

Girl: "You can't treat me like this!"

Hank: [no response]

Then what happened? Did I apologize? Did she find some nice loser beta who would "treat her

The next day I'm busy watching the Star Wars Trilogy. I've completely forgotten about this
incident, because it's easier to start a new relationship than try and fix one that is broken.
Women are a dime a dozen. Then I get a text message:

Girl: "Hank, I'm sorry about the way I acted yesterday. But aren't you at least sorry that you left
me stranded at the bar?"

Hank: [hours later] "nope"

Girl: "Can I come over? Can we talk about this?"

Then she came over and fucked my brains out. And she never flirted with other guys in front of
me ever again. I am still smashing her to this day.

Lo que pasa vieja es que el feminsimo no tiene argumentos racionales. Es actualmente un

dogma que siguen muchas resentidas y fracasadas, está motivado por el odio y demás
emociones violentas hacia los hombres, que ellas tratan de racionalizar y cuya máxima
expresión es la hipótesis del Patriarcado.
Dificilmente, una feminista podría ganar en un debate de este tipo.
Yo igual leí muy poco porque este tema es puro chamuyo

Woman like to sexualise themselves and want to sexualise themselves because they know this is
how they get attention from men, which they crave.

The only women who get angry about this female sexualisation are the women who know they
would get no attention (or in fact would be ridiculed) even if they tried.

Women don't have a man's path to power and influence. They can't conquer men. They can't
lead men effectively. They can't innovate and create as well as men. They don't have the
practical skills that men excel at. Nor do they have the physical abilities to sell/rely on. So, there
is very few things women can compete (on a level playing field) effectively against men on. So,
women have their reproductive value (sex and childbirth), their emotional manipulation skills
(using men's nature to try to please and placate women like children), and female
groupthink/sisterhood for collective bargaining. Those are the paths to power and influence
women have matter what our delusional age demands that you believe.
Therefore, I don't see it so much as "do women love", but more "what is love to women". Men
actually are independents and there is extremely few things they can't do for themselves. So,
their love is more about loyalty, support, and fun. Women are dependents by nature. So their
love is more about practical benefit, provision, and protection.....someone providing them with
all they can't gain for themselves. Children are just a part of that "love". So, women's love of
children involves things like: -tying a male provider/protector to her -gaining societal status of
"mother". -gaining an easy job of staying home and raising kids (only about a 6-7 year job for
most before government retirement....state-funded school takes over watching, raising, and
educating their kids). -gaining a workforce (kids) to do the few domestic chores there are today
(most of it done by machines) -and yes, to gain added benefit/insurance for the case
their husband can't provide enough, becomes disabled in the future, or in the case they can't get
a man to marry them (financially take them on as a dependent). As in all things, women claim
as much credit as they can for anything good, but that is the reality of a woman's love of their
children. It is not a hard thing to figure out (if you are honest), and it isn't even necessarily
wrong from child's perspective (kids should take on some responsibilities as they are
able....including helping parents). But it is far from being an equal burden, responsibility, and
accountability sharing with a man. The man gets the bulk of burdens, responsibilities, and
accountability, while the women gets the bulk of power, credit, and influence. And, in the
modern world, they have completely taking away what little power, credit, and influence a man
used to have in traditional marriage/child raising. So, screw women, marriage, and their
children! And, if your mother truly cared about you above herself, then she would have taught
her sons the truth about female nature. But women aren't able to admit that truth even to
themselves, and the sisterhood would punish her if she tried

Ciertamente en tanto el tema fue tabú para discutir académicamente, allá por el 1990 el
herético investigador Eugene kanin encontró que estudiando porqué las mujeres en particular
mienten sobre violaciones, las razones más comunes resultaron ser tres funciones principales
para las denunciantes: proporcionar una coartada, en busca de venganza, y la obtención de la
simpatía y atención. Las falsas acusaciones de de violación no son consecuencia de una
aberración ligada al sexo tan frecuentemente proclamada sin que reflejan impulsivos y
desesperados esfuerzos para manejar situaciones de estrés personal y social.

Lo cual, de paso, es exactamente lo que Harper Lee nos muestra en su obra maestra de 1960
cuando en la historia se pone en claro que Mayella Ewell estaba mintiendo para proteger a su
familia y para cubrirse de la humillación pública de haber besado a un hombre negro –un
hombre negro que la había desdeñado sus insinuaciones huyendo de ella. Al llegar a nuestros
días, eso enfurece a la gente cuando se sugiere que se producen falsas acusaciones con alguna
frecuencia significativa y se nos dice que aun si una mujer realmente mintiera eso no es
realmente problema porque de cualquier manera la mayoría de las violaciones no se informan.-
Lo cual como Angry Harry ha explicado tan elocuentemente, no es una afirmación significativa
porque no existe relación entre las falsas acusaciones y las acusaciones no son reportadas.

1) Modern women not only have the burden of being mothers, but they also have to work and
be providers as well which has traditionally been the role of men. No wonder they're so stressed

2) They're constantly bombarded with mixed messages from Feminists who claim that they are
empowered and capable of doing anything they want, but at the same time are told that they
are helpless victims of a patriarchal oppression. This is a total mindfuck for anyone and it
certainly is too much for the female hamster.

3) Beauty standards are constantly going up while the actual attractiveness of average women is
free-falling. Just check the obesity rate of American women.

4) Social media is turning women into shallow, narcissistic attention-whores. Thing is, these girls
are so addicted to the attention they get that they don't feel normal without getting their fix on
a regular basis.

5) Birth control pills allow women to ride the CC, but slutting around damages their psyche and
ability to be in a normal and healthy relationship.

6) And many, many more...

And the result? Modern Western women who are mentally unstable.

This is what you get with feminism, gender equality, and sexual liberation. But of course, it's us
misogynists who want normal, happy relationships and want to raise normal families that are
the problem.

And what's their solution? Even more feminism.

When a female you are dating says she is going to "girls night out", leave her immediately.
Because whatever you had is over. Secure females don't need meat market approval from
strangers. Narcissistic emotional vampires, usurping compliments and free drinks to bolster
their self-esteem from strangers. Pathetic. RUN

Women should have never been allowed to vote. After all, speaking truth, women are not equal
to men(men have been and are the inventors, men have and do fight the wars, men are the
natural leaders, men have done the physical labor, men are physically stronger and our brain is
proven more logical and rational). Giving voting rights to a manipulative, narcissistic, attention
whoring, emotional, inferior sex was a stupid decision. Why they did so and allowed women to
vote baffles me

The reason feminazi's perceive men as rapists is that they secretly WISH more men were rapists.
Anyone who's done a basic human sexuality course will confirm that the fantasy of most women
is a rape fantasy. Dominance is attractive to women, and rape is the highest form of dominance
in sexuality.

I do not condone rape in any shape or form. It's just that I think the whole paranoia of rapists in
fem-circles. Is due to the unconscious sexual desire. There's a reason why they are making
(proving) consent harder, it actually INCREASES rape stats/convictions, creating a self-fulfilling
prophecy and allows the same feminazi's to PROPOSE more subjugating anti-male laws. Give
'em an inch and they take a mile as the old saying goes.

"Will you give the reins to their(women) intractable nature, and then expect
that themselves should set bounds to their licentiousness, and without
your interference? This is the smallest of the injunctions laid on them
by usage or the laws, all which women bear with impatience: they long
for either liberty—nay, to speak the truth, not for liberty, but for
unbounded freedom in every particular; for what will they not attempt if
they now come off victorious? Recollect all the institutions respecting
the sex, by which our forefathers restrained their profligacy and
subjected them to their husbands; and yet, even with the help of all
these restrictions, they can scarcely be kept within bounds. If, then,
you suffer them to throw these off one by one, to tear them all asunder,
and, at last, to be set on an equal footing with yourselves, can you
imagine that they will be any longer tolerable? Suffer them once to
arrive at an equality with you, and they will from that moment become
your superiors."

El feminismo dejo de tener sentido cuando cumplio su objetivo.

Ahora lo que tenemos son lesbianas que no hacen mas que proyectar su desagrado al acto
sexual heterosexual y que se hacen llamar feministas. Es decir, son mujeres que tienen un
trauma hacía el hecho de ser penetradas y sus consecuencias, un trauma que han intentado

¿Como es que las conferencias de género están llenas de lesbianas? Pues porque la mujer
heterosexual no tiene ningún tipo de trauma con el acto sexual y eso se basan la mayoría de
estas conferencias, en ese trauma inducido y alimentado por su paranoia colectiva.

No olvidemos que Lady Gaga es un icono de la cultura gay, su "Born this way" es una oda al
conformismo y la vagueria del que hacen gala muchas de estas lesbofeminazis.

The feminization of corporate culture has moved it from open and explicit competition (which
emphasizes performance) to backroom politics (which emphasizes popularity). In a masculine
culture, open and explicit competition can be contentious but is ultimately good-natured in that
people are trying to achieve the best results for the organization. Open competition is a
fantastic way to see what works and what doesn't, and allows the lower performers to learn
from the high performers—everyone benefits in the end. In a feminine culture, there is no open
and explicit competition. Instead you have social games, which consist mostly of brown-nosing
and gossip. The most common advice for getting ahead in this sort of culture isn't 'increase
performance' but rather 'increase visibility'. It's a very image-based, narcissistic culture. Women
hate open and explicit competition because it relies on real performance metrics, and they hate
being judged by actual performance. They prefer to cultivate an image of performance thru
social skills.

Dude struck a cord with her when he said "you'd be happier with kids". It's hilariously telling
how defensive she got at that point. You don't become that defensive unless there's some truth
to what was just said. Too bad feminism has these women convinced that embracing their
femininity is some kind of admission of inferiority as a human being. No wonder happiness in
women has been in decline ever since feminism ruled that women must aspire to be more like

All female ghostbuster movie??? What a load of shit. No way. Why do I have to watch that?
Because... ...feminism? Ok first of all it clearly reinforces the idea that women don't start
anything original because females don't build systems. They basically let the men do all the hard
job and then they simply "infiltrate and hijack". What kind of a parasitic schlob would just copy
something that was original 30 years ago and just replace all male cast with all female cast, and
pretend to sell it as something new and special?? It WAS new and special. 30 years ago. Now it's
just the feminist photocopy. And it clearly underlines the fact that women never ever start
anything original. They just copy men. Women sit their lard ass on the chair, knowing that men
are slaving around building the whole fucking world. Then when the whole thing is done, they
finally detach their lard ass from the chair and start to march in the streets and bitch and
complain that their vaginas are so fucking oppressed. So they start to claim that "men left them
out" (which is Bullshit btw, women weren't there in the first place), and that men must
"include" them. But why the fuck don't YOU start a fucking thing for a change, so that I just sit
my fucking ass on the chair while women are slaving around like servants, and then when
everything is finally finished and completed, I just cry and whine that they didn't "include me"
and I'm feeling so fucking oppressed. What kind of a fucking coward behaves like that? Women.
Do they build streets roads highways? No, they just let men do the whole thing and then they
complain that "boo hoo only men get the driving licence". Men build airports and runways and
women??? Noooo no no no too much work. They just wait that the fucking airport is completed
and then they pretend to get their fucking office jobs indoors, sitting their ass in front of a
computer. Do they start a new movie with an entirely new story and script? Noooo no no no too
much fucking work they just take what men have done 30 years earlier, knowing it was a
success, and say: "hey! Let's just photocopy what they have done 3 decades ago! So the success
is guaranteed, and we don't have to work that hard, we just copy what they do!". Well done
women. You have clearly demonstrated that you are the inferior gender. Because you cheat, you
copy, you're lazy and unoriginal. You bitch of inexistent oppression but in reality you're just
fucking gender parasites who want the exact same success of men without working as hard.
They will give you an Oscar. Because they will feel sorry for you. Not because you deserve it or
you have given an original contribution to cinematography. No. They will give you the Oscar
because of gender quotas. You don't get things in life because you deserve them. You get things
in life because you complain. And people today in 2015 are still fucking asking me why I prefer
men. Unbelievable. Because men work hard to get something that women will just bitch about
and then copy like kids do in school. I won't watch what I have already watched in the 1980s.
When it was original. Women, you are losers. Men are better. And you SUCK.

When a woman refuses to give you her best years, you are not obligated to be there for her

Men love women, but I truly believe that women are incapable of what we men call
love. “Greater love hath no man than that he lay down his life for his friends.” How many
women are willing to die for their husbands, friends, country, or comrades in arms? Damn few,
if any. Yet it is commonly expected of men (made compulsory under certain
circumstances). How many men continue on in their marriages, supporting their family and
their wife, while the wife is making their life a living hell? Far too many. How many men choose
their wives over their parents and siblings? Most. Women do not behave like this. Men take
out large insurance policies so their wives and children will be well taken care of should they
die. Even if the wife is making (nearly) as much money as the husband, she will not have
insurance. She sees no reason to reduce her current ability to spend to take care of others after
she is dead. She could care less what happens to the husband, and doesn’t want the husband to
be able to spend money on some young bimbo, after she dies. The life insurance gender
statistics are well known, and widely available. None of this should be a shocking
revelation. When my second wife died, her mandatory insurance (free) provided by her
teacher’s union covered her funeral expenses. It would have made life much easier if her
insurance had paid the over $350,000 my life insurance would have paid.

Never Explain, Never Apologize,”

This is step one. Step Two from the Karl Rove School of FuckYouism is to attack your critics
whether they are right or wrong. Respond to every accusation with an accusation against them.
Use ad hominem attacks. These are effective because the average person is easily taken in by

Step 3 is to take actual action against your critics. In this case, these people are a public
nuisance. Use city codes because they are a) disturbing the peace, b) infringing a public right of
way c) disobeying zonal restrictions d) interfering with your right to run a business and so on.
Nobody has an unrestricted right to protest. Use every legal option at your disposal to crush
your enemy.

La nuncafollista mujer lo es porque a ella no le atrae ningún hombre.

El nuncafollista varón es él el que no logra ser atractivo para ellas
¡Notarán la diferencia los craneos onvres y feministas!

"Sean Connery has been married to his wife for 31 years, and we've not heard a single
complaint." Yeah, because her husband is Alpha and doesn't take her shit, which makes all
women completely content. Besides, if she complained she'd get the backhand.

A ver, en el fondo es muy sencillo, se comportan así porque piensan que somos unos gilipollas
que van a picar, como están hartas de encontrarse a gilipollas que pican cuando ellas se
muestran un poco femeninas.

Lo del maltratador es distinto, es la otra cara de la moneda, yo sustituiría maltratador por un tío
que no se deja ningunear y es masculino, lo del maltrato no es necesario, ahí lo que sucede es
que a los tíos con carácter y que no les siguen el rollo, ellas los consideran hombres y les
resultan atractivos aunque no lo admitan, es así de fácil.

Si nos toman por gilipollas es porque o bien nos hemos comportado como gilipollas o porque
todavía no te conocen y te están poniendo a prueba, al tío que respetan no le hacen esas
tonterías ni de coña.

Algo que ayuda bastante a quitarse la venda de los ojos es irse de putas. Pasas a ver a las
muejeres de otro modo. Te das cuenta de que el ser de luz vulnerable e inocente no es tal. Que
el victimismo es un cuento para que no despertemos a la cruda realidad: ellas manejan el
cotarro a voluntad abriendo y cerrando lo que tienen entre las piernas.

Please choose from the following menu:

A) A drug addicted, mentally unhinged, dangerously promiscuous famous man who will give you

B) A well-adjusted, health conscious normal man who will protect you and treat you like gold.

Female behavior is the most predictable thing in the world. All you have to do is line up a good,
rational decision that will result in a positive outcome, then put it against a decision that will
result in calamity, uncertainty, and guaranteed high levels of drama---possibly even physical
harm and abuse.

The decision that results in the most destruction for the woman, for her family, and for society
in general will always be her number one choice.

They always choose destruction. Always.

In many offices, the thermostat is locked up so people can't mess with it whenever they feel like
it. I would rather be too cold than too hot any day. If an individual is too cold, they can simply
PUT ON EXTRA LAYERS! However, if it is too hot, individuals would start taking articles of
clothing off, or just start dressing more scantily clad all together. I would consider the latter
option to be more sexist than the former (as if sexism had anything to do with it). Imagine how
many women would be complaining about being forced to dress provocatively because their
office settings are too hot. That would certainly become a larger issue than what this woman is
complaining about. In the end, this is about a self-entitled individual who cannot grasp that her
personal preferences are outweighed by the greater good of the group. People have to learn to
make compromises, and face the fact that they're not going to have everything their way all of
the time, especially when they leave the comforts of their homes.

Asi es, el hombre no necesita un dia. Un dia lo necesitan los debiles e incapaces, no el sexo que
llevo a la humanidad de las cavernas hasta la luna, y que la va a seguir llevando mas lejos aun a
pesar de las "cuotas de participacion femeninas".

Aprende a decir no: a las mujeres especialmente, pero también a los hombres cuando sientas
que sacan beneficio de su relación contigo sin dar nada a cambio. Tú no estás ahí para facilitarle
la vida a nadie que no este dispuesto a valorarte.

In the words of Steven Covey: “Proactive people focus their efforts on their Circle of Influence.
They work on the things they can do something about: health, children, and problems at work.”
So, let us focus on the things that we can do to stop this plague of political correctness and
deviant behavior; this is the only way that it will ever come to an end. Do not spend your days
focusing on how horrible the monster is, but rather focus on what you can do to slay the beast.

Most importantly, however, encourage your woman to act feminine. Reward her when she is
feminine, and punish her when she acts masculine (don’t take her out to dinner, don’t buy her
things, express explicit verbal disapproval, or even kick her out of the house if she won’t stop).

You are the latest female who leaves an idiotic juvenile lame comment on my channel and then
either you have your comments disabled so nobody can reply to you because you are so afraid
of getting offended or you make a splash, get scared and delete all of your comments the same
day. I know you have a pussy and maybe a smelly one at that but when you come on this
channel, you better have BALLS. This is a serious channel and not a public toilet. I am not going
to let you just come on here, take a shit anonymously then scurry off like some cockroach. Stand
by what you say and have the courage to engage or I am going to delete your ugly fat
anonymous ass, like I have done now.

As long as men appreciate woman more than themselves, nothing will ever change ! Men have
to wake are more than just slaves and a resource...but most of men nowadays don't
think like that...sadly

1. Un cierto instinto protector al sexo que puede engendrar, lo que llamamos "amor", que
entre adultos hetersexuales sólo lo puede sentir realmente el hombre. Se produce
básicamente porque en nuestra especie los hijos son inútiles hasta pasados 5 o 6 años y
porque la mujer por si sola es incapaz de conseguir toda la comida necesaria y
proporcionar defensa. Por lo tanto sin el cuidado del hombre, la especie desaparece. De
ahí vienen nuestros sentimientos y el porqué ellas son lo más frío que hay, realmente.

2. El sexo, obviamente. Ellas son las que deciden cuándo se folla por tanto el esfuerzo de
demostrar y la iniciativa son 100% problema del tío.

3. Que el 90% de los hombres son de betas apañaos (joder, me encanta) para abajo.
Inconscientemente saben que no son atractivos y optan por ponerse de oferta
ofreciendo sus servicios como arrastradados, pagafantas, etc. No sería grave si dicho
error táctico durase hasta los 19. Lo malo es que pese a que es lo peor que puedes hacer
para conseguir follar, lo perpetúan toda su vida sexual útil.

4. Los pocos que son conscientes de que nunca llegarán al nivel de un alfa, prefieren
seguir el juego por ley del mínimo esfuerzo. Convertirse en alguien más atractivo,
interesante y seguro de sí mismo requiere de mucho tiempo y esfuerzo que la mayoría
no están dispuestos a hacer y prefieren obtener beneficios pírricos e incluso negativos
antes que "soltarse" y no tragar con el primer coño que les hace caso.

5. El peor de todos: desconocimiento total de la mentalidad de base femenina y de su

estrategia sexual.

6. Muchísima manipulación mediática, tanto a nivel de películas, series, etc. como desde
las instituciones oficiales y el feminismo para intentar perpetuar a toda costa la imagen
de que la mujer es la pobrecita víctima (del hombre) a la que hay que proteger. Eso
junto con la otra idea de que son todas fuertes, independientes, empoderadas e incluso
mejores que el hombre. Cortocircuito pero la gente se lo traga gracias a todo lo anterior.

Muchas mujeres no luchan por la igualdad, luchan por beneficiarse ellas mismas con
condecendencias y

leyes que las favorescan, es decir en la mayoría de los países tienen acceso a los mismos trabajos

los hombres, tienen sus mismos derechos (como votar, emitir sus opiniones, libertad de

tienen derechos de maternidad, etc. y aún así quieren más, quieren cosas inclusive que van

la propia naturaleza, quieren que los hombres nos sintamos como violadores y represores por el

de existir, por el hecho de excitarnos viendo un par de senos, o un buen culo algo que es

normal, y aparte de todo eso quieren que nosotros seamos como unos dóciles sirvientes que
estemos pensando

siempre en como se sienten y que es lo que quieren ellas, y que hay de lo que queremos los

que hay de lo que pensamos?... Muchas veces esas mujeres justifican sus movimientos diciendo

no se necesita de los hombres, que ellas son autosuficientes, y bien, entonces porque quieren un

sinfin de privilegios y leyes que las beneficien como si fuesen el sexo débil, que necesita ayuda

y protección?, hay veces que se raya en lo rídiculo en este tema, es simplemente idiota pensar

en que la mujer sigue sometida a los deseos de los hombres, las mujeres se desnudan, tienen
se exhiben en internet, ofrecen su cuerpo a cambio de aumentos de sueldo en sus trabajos o

de pocisiones, y todo eso no lo hacen por la represión de los hombres, lo hacen por libre
albeldrío y

debido a que muchas son tan conchudas que se van siempre a lo fácil a falta de capacidad

Si el mundo en cierto punto se torna desigual es porque se sigue teniendo la idea de que la
mujer esta

sometida a un yugo inexistente en la mayoría del mundo... Pero todavía hay mujeres con
materia gris, y

de esas hay muy pocas, la mayoría son una bola de idiotas, que se dejan llevar por ideas tan

como las de las llamadas feminazis

Un Sigma entiende que el éxito con las mujeres es una consecuencia de su estilo de vida, no lo

impulsa a su estilo de vida.

Un Sigma es completamente autosuficiente e independiente. Viven sus vidas exactamente

como les plazca. A ellos les importa nada de lo que las masas piensan de ellos. Un lobo no se

a sí mismo con las opiniones de las ovejas. Este es el rasgo más importante de un Sigma.
Some women are worth the pain, the hassle, and the sacrifices. For me, MGTOW is

that good women are out there, but choosing to shower one's time and resources on oneself

than on another. So long as no one is being harmed, there's no wrong in it. I acknowledge that

there are many wonderful lovely women out there, but I'm a wonderful lovely man and I think
I'm worth the

attention and resources I give and focus on myself (which I wouldn't be able or allowed to do if

I were with a woman). Woman demand that they be the sun in your solar system. MGTIOW is

that position as one's own. I am the sun, the moon and the stars in my own universe. I don't
hate women,

I don't hate men either. I wish good health and happiness to all, But I just prefer not to subject

myself to the preferences, judgments and evaluation of others. What others call "alone",

I call undisturbed, unjudged, left in peace. And I love every second of it. The only thing that

bothers me is other people, so why would being alone be a problem? If anything, it's the

to the problem

It can be done. I've done it (in a Western country).

These women still exist, they are still women willing to give up their powers to a man in
exchange for his love (if his love is big/masculine enough). In fact, any woman deep down inside
her wants to be a wife and a mother. Nothing else makes her happier.

But if you buy into the paranoia that AWALT, you'll not be able to give her the love she craves
and she won't be able to surrender to your powers.

Having said that, one still needs to be smart about it. Test the woman, see if she is willing to be
second in command. Don't waste time with "strong and independent" women, do not engage in
sex with them either.
It's all up to you. Finding a life long partner and having a family is the ultimate Game.

The 21st century is proving that women do not know how to fairly wield power, when they
seem so very concerned with making amends to the dead, at the expense of the living. I will not
marry a woman who believes i should treat her like a disney princess, that isn't love, it's service.
Feminists are asking where all the good men have gone, go fucking figure. I'm out of the west as
soon as i can ensure a stable quality of living in the region of Vietnam/Thailand/Cambodia etc. I
suggest any of you with the guts and the will to make it happen do the same, it's a culture of
peace-loving happy people who idolise the family unit. Fuck Feminism.

Breaking news: women realise that it's harder to be a full time worker than a housewife. What a
fucking surprise.

Simple. Women have finally discovered that having to work... isn't fucking fun Having to go to
work evry day of the week is awful. It has never been some sort of privilege that men had. It was
an obligation. Women had the privilege to not have to work a day in their life, and in exchange
all that was ever asked of them was to take care of the kids, something that they've always
enjoyed. But then, since men are idiots who only want to please women, well they invented the
washing machine, they started making enough monye that they could hire another person to do
the household work. And from there rose the feminist woman from the first wave. All white
american upper class women who were simply bored and wanted the excitement of high end
jobs that they were seeing on the tv. So they forced their own entitlement on other women,
forcing poor women to not only take care of the children but have to take a job to help the
family make ends meet. The men often had to work even more too, because as capitalism
dictate, if there is profit to be made, profit will be made. "Job creators" used the feminist
movement to force a new economy. A society in which it wasn't enough anymore to have one
bread winner. those are simply the expected outcomes people have been warning about from
the get go. Oh and, I like how they stay with the "relative" to men. Because it would sound bad
to say that women, and even now are still ranked as more happy than men. It wasn't that men
and women were at the same level and now women are falling off. No it's simply that women
enjoyed their lives thoroughly before and now are starting to hate it as much as men. but at the
same time, men are increasingly aware of how bs marriage is and realise they can be happier
simply living for themselves. Women are going to go under. There will be women who are
absolutely fine with it. But for most women, the destruction of the family unit is destroying
them and their self esteem. Now of course they are trying now to have the state take care of
them instead of men( obviously ), and this is why feminism is such a damaging poison. but it
cannot prevail. it simply is not a viable alternative. You'd need to increase taxes more and more,
and at som e point people are going to get mad, bopt men and women. Feminism is all about
lazy people wanting everything to be taken care of for them and not having to be offended ever

Equal rights means equal responsibility, hoes can't handle that

What "man up" really means: > Listen to my problems. > Put up with my drama! > Put up with
my shit. > Pay for me & my friends. > Assume responsibility for my bills & debt (student loans,
medical bills, car loans, credit card debt, etc.). > You vacuum, do the dishes, & make yourself
dinner b/c I'm a strong, independent woman. > Pay for my kids even though they're not
biologically yours. > Don't treat me like a sex object! > Dump all your male friends & cater to my
every want & whim. > I'm the woman so you have to submit to me. When you're a good boy I'll
reward you with sex (the sex she rewards you with is terrible, boring, routine, & lacks passion). >
Allow me to fuck other guys when I want. > Marry me so I can take you to the cleaners the
moment I get bored. > Pay me alimony (legal extortion) & child support (while turning your
children against you). > Destroy your potential for me. > Allow me to suck the life out of you b/c
you're a disposable male. You have no humanity. Essentially what "man up" means is deny your
God-given masculinity. Ironic! Deny the very thing that attracts her. Deny the very thing that will
keep her coming to you time & time again. Based on this reasoning if she's telling you to "man
up" you've done something right. You've stood up for yourself. You've said no to her bullshit. Be
proud. Tell them to woman up! "Suck my dick, lick the tip, play with my balls, drink my cum,
make me a sandwich, don't talk so much". If she leaves you've won!

MAN-UP=Simply shaming tactics of desperation, entitlement and arrogance of a sex of

pampered eaters. MAN-the hell-OUT.
jajaja no te das una idea la cantidad de veces que discuti con los boludos progres que avalan el
libertinaje y la promiscuidad pero cuando ven a donde los lleva despues ironicamente piden
moralidad... a muchas les gusta jugar al se mira y no se toca, no se pueden hacer las
sorprendidas si alguien no entiende su modo liberal y promiscuo de vivir, no entienden la
palabra RESPONSABILIDAD, y no entienden que entender el mundo que te rodea es parte de tu
responsabilidad para vivir mejor, hay cosas que no deberian pasar, PERO PASAN y lo saben bien
a esto, ahora si te pasas por los labios de la concha esto y despues te pasa algo es una

Ni excusas, ni explicaciones


I tell such women "when a woman won't give a man her best years, no man is obligated to be
there for her worst".

Then I turn back to my drink, to let the cold dark reality sink in.

Great Article!

To the potential chagrin of a lot of readers here, I've never really liked the idea of "game".

Game is a plan, a blueprint of pre-determined responses to snowflake inspired questions.

Game implies that I am still putting forth work, time and effort into whether or not a woman
likes me.

On the contrary, I've found that the best Game of all is to Not give one Flying Fuck whether the
girl likes you or not.
That's why with all that being said, I respect Dread Game.
Dread Game puts the focus on you and improving yourself and letting the chips fall where they

Strike up a conversation, but don't even try to make her laugh. Just be yourself and let the chips
fall where they may.

Whatever happens, happens.

This puts out the air that you are unattainable and therefore, all the more desirable to your

This creates the unbreakable frame that many ROK articles reference.

You have nothing to lose, as you weren't trying to gain anything in the first place.

All in All: Do Not Care

I believe that this state of mind is also backed up from a Biblical Standpoint.

In Genesis, God created Adam and after some time, then created Eve.

Genesis 2:18 states: The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a
helper suitable for him."

God then created Eve, but notice how God refers to a helper.

Helper aka Assistant, Backup, Aide, Support.

I've found that in my personal experience, anytime I treated a woman like a helper, (expendable
at most) I couldn't move for her. She wanted to be around me 24/7 offering undying affection.
However, whenever I sought to "treat her like a queen" I was quickly shot down and dismissed.

So in closing,

Treat a woman according to her original purpose, a helper. If you treat her like anything more,
she will lose her mind as she is not being used according to her prime programming. It's just the
way they are wired.

Imagine yourself the boss of a major corporation and she is your replaceable assistant.
Everything will improve.



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Izzal Lirum Ryu Hayabusa • 14 hours ago

Perfect. I can only, as always, add this:

"Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or
to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed
first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a
transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and
love and holiness, with self-control."
1 Timothy 2 11-15

Modern day miserable women prove that they cannot achieve happiness through work.
Happiness is the prime indicator of one's nature. A woman's nature is basically caring.
That is something to keep in mind as you do not and should not maintain traditional
roles for your own well being, but also and especially for each other.

I would go further to say that everything is, in fact, the fault of men - because
responsibility and accountability are features of masculinity. Girls will be girls. What we
are seeing in modern life are normal, healthy, natural feminine urges manifesting in self-
destructive ways, due to a failure of masculine leadership.
Most of these things are just the nature of women, as developed over thousands of years of
genetic weeding out of other traits. The problem is that these traits have lost their original
context, which makes them today both pathetic AND out of control.

It's good that women want the attention of men, want to dress to attract a mate. It only makes
sense to entice a male to want to procreate with her, biologically.

It also makes perfect sense from an evolutionary standpoint as to why women seem to be
naturally hard wired to shoot for the highest "earning" male she can attract. Gotta raise kids,
and that takes a productive male providing, at least until the last 40 years or so.

Lying comes naturally to women I think because of evolutionary forces. The smaller, weaker
being has to learn to manipulate the stronger being to get her goals accomplished. She can't
compete with men physically, she doesn't have the same hard wiring for external focused
intelligence as men, so she uses her inward focused intellect to craft a "reality" that keeps her
man with her, which almost always includes a huge amount of manipulation, aka lying. It's a
survival strategy.

Being slutty for nearly all girls is an entirely new phenomenon. While there have always been
sluts, it's only with the advent of the modern age that it has NOT been regarded as a bad trait
*for choosing a wife*. While men celebrated sluts since we learned the term, we celebrated
them as camp following whores who let us relieve our urges after battle, we did NOT value them
in any capacity as actual women worth the time of day to marry.

As to sexual depravity, I believe this is the extreme version of what used to be known as a
woman learning to keep her man pleased sexually. Without the moral restrictions we used to
have in place, women stopped doing these things for their husbands in the bedroom and started
doing them in public and with strangers to reinforce their "look at me me me!" strategies, which
relates to my first paragraph.

It all kind of makes sense is what I'm saying. If men do not provide a good context for the
natural expressions women have, then this kind of shit is bound to happen. Reign it in again, put
cultural mores and virtue back in place and the excesses disappear or at least get wallpapered
over sufficiently.

It all comes back to the end results of feminism. Maximize women's sexual strategies, minimize
men's sexual strategies. I'm not saying that this is "men's fault" insofar as "all men" but it sure
as hell is the fault of the beta manginas who are so thirsty that they'll literally destroy an entire
legal system and culture in order to get a whiff of pussy.

Ellos también lo creen, lo saben en su interior, que ser MGTOW es la prueba de la más fuerte de
las personalidades. Porque el lobo solitario no busca nunca la aprobación de nadie. Sólo se guía
por su propio Yo.

Los mediocres desahogan su furia, porque no entienden que haya fuertes que se hayan liberado
de sus complejos y dependencias.

Porque el Onvre sabe que jamás podrá ser Hombre

the biggest for me was coming to the realization that a woman can truly never love you as a
man, the way you would love her. Women will try to deny what I'm saying but the actions of
women today speaks for itself. To her a man is just a means to an end. A better life/social status,
entry into the club, a baby, etc, you are just a stepping stone/a leg up for what she what's to
achieve. And once she's got it, you play second fiddle. Other things; female hypergamy: briffault
law. And that the human female is never, ever, ever satisfied, she will always want more and

as a man who has worked with the public for years,its been my observation that 90% of the
population is functionally retarded. Aristotle knew this. he did not believe in democracy. he
wrote that a society should be governed by the most intelligent and strong of society because
the average person didnt have enough common sense to make major decisions affecting their
nations future....oh if we had only listened to Aristotle.

Al final va a venir bien para ilustrar la diferencia de mentalidad

"Autoayuda" para el hombre:

Aprende a jugar tus cartas, sácale partido a lo que tienes, supera tus marcas, aspira a estándares
más altos, disfruta del proceso.

Autoayuda para la mujer:

Eres perfecta tal y como eres, déjate llevar, las cosas vienen sin buscarlas, tú lo vales, para cada
tren hay una estación...

Yo no pertenezco a ninguno de los dos colectivos, al menos por el momento. Lo que sí digo es
que defiendo y admiro profundamente a los MGTOW que de forma unilateral y totalmente
liberada de presiones femeninas deciden vivir a gusto consigo mismos y no necesitar una
compañera de viaje.
De momento creo que por mi edad (25) me toca seguir "jugando" por un tiempo, pero ya de
entrada páginas como Misandría o toda la comunidad internacional de manosfera me hizo abrir
los ojos y algunos errores fatales como tener hijos o casarse los aparco de forma posiblemente
indefinida. Seguir buscando pareja es algo que tengo que hacer por una cuestión biológica, pero
tampoco en exceso, solamente "si aparece algo" pues encantado, y como es muy posible que no
sea un unicornio sino más bien un puto miura, pues tengo los ojos abiertos y me mantengo

Evidentemente todo movimiento que se base en "ligar" y en "estatus" está cortado por un
patrón femenino, porque para "ligar" tienes que saber lo que le gusta una mujer concreta y
luego ponerlo en práctica. Si te compras un coche caro, ropa cara y todo lo haces por estar con
mujeres... entonces es que el coñocentrismo te domina. Tienes que tener un buen coche si te
gustan, vestir como te guste y solamente porque quieras mejorar personalmente. Si a una zorra
le gusta o no le gusta es cosa suya, lo importante es NO orientar tu vida a agradar a las mujeres.
Cuanto antes entendamos todos esta frase tan simple, más felices seremos: "NO PODEMOS
ORIENTAR NUESTRA VIDA A LAS MUJERES". Somos hombres y por tanto tenemos que tener
independencia como pasó siempre, si en los últimos 100 años se nos está castrando y se nos
obliga a jugar para tener acceso a las mujeres, pues tenemos que afrontarlo y NO caer en la

Creo que las "nuevas generaciones" contamos con una experiencia muy válida de las
generaciones que llevan ya unos 20 años de ventaja sufriendo la hipergamia, el feminismo social
y todas sus leyes y tramas para hundir al hombre de forma sistemática. Eso hace que los jóvenes
que estamos todavía en "la rueda" no cometamos errores fatales. La experiencia de hombres
más veteranos nos hace conocer mejor a las mujeres y saber lo que podemos esperar de ellas
cuando iniciamos una relación (del tipo que sea), con ellas.

Creo que toda la comunidad masculina despierta debería estarle agradecida a los MGTOW
porque nos permiten vivir con más claridad, tomemos la opción que tomemos. Y lo más
importante, porque es una filosofía orientada a mejorarnos como hombres sin importar el gusto
femenino. No se hace deporte porque a las zorras le gusten "fibraditos", se hace porque es
agradable y evita muchas enfermedades. No se compra un coche porque la zorra quiera un
BMW, compras un coche si quieres porque te gusta el motor. No ganas un salario para dárselo a
una zorra, trabajas duro para vivir mejor y ahorrar para poder lograr una independencia mayor
en el futuro... y así, hasta el límite.

Hay dos puntos de vista igualmente desacertados

1ro El hombre es un animal de instinto y no lo podes culpar de una violacion asi como no podes
culpar a un Leon de que te morfe, solo esta actuando acorde a su naturaleza primitiva es tu
culpa por acercarte tanto.
2do La mujer no tiene la responsabilidad de defender su integridad fisica, si ella quiere chupar
hasta casi perder la conciencia es responsabilidad de los que la rodean de ir y dejarla e la casa.
Puede salir en bolas a la calle si quiere, no importa que se considere desorden del orden publico.

When women successfully control us, turn their sons/bf's/husbands into manginas/white
knights, etc., then they pity us. (who could respect someone so easily controlled, manipulated,
and used). When women have no man to do things for them, and they need to do what only
men can do, they envy/resent us. When women have to compete on a level playing field with
men, then they hate us (for "oppressing" them). 'how dare men not recognize the privilege my
vagina gives me!' When men are free to negotiate freely (demanding whatever they want from
women in return for giving whatever women want in return), then they feel "abused" by us. "I
am entitled to whatever I want from men, and should only have to give whatever I feel like
giving in return". When women have no control over men, they fear us. Women have more
emotions than the most emotional child ...who are just women in training learning what their
emotions are. The boys quickly learn that no one cares about their emotions and they will be
punished for even showing them. The girls learn that they can manipulate others with their
emotions and develop that into what they call "emotional maturity"....but all it really is is
emotional manipulation.

Very simple way to weaken a woman's manipulative power....the word......NO!......don't do

favours for her like other horny men...women can smell a horny man from a mile away....a man
who would do anything for pussy..

Alpha girl of the pack: "Quick, does anyone here know how to do anything other than use your
cunt for negotiating with men, or your tears for manipulating them ?"

Estos onvres no se enteran de que los machistas son ellos. No hay actitud más machista que el
paternalismo que muestran al considerar que las mujeres no son capaces de tomar sus propias

Un Hombre, no solo no necesita sino que no acepta que los demás le definan, y menos una

Las mujeres son egoístas solo piensan en ellas y en lo que pueden obtener de un hombre. En
segundo lugar están sus hijos. Se hacen concientes de los problemas de los hombres recién al ser

Toda tu vida gira entorno a las necesidades de tu novia/pareja ?

Es muy raro que una mujer se calle algo que pueda procupar a un hombre. Si discute en el
trabajo, dirá que la van a despedir; si un feo la mira, dirá que ha temido una violación; si le entra
catarro, que tiene un bultito extraño. Como si convertir sus inquietudes en sufrimientos ajenos
fuese un alivio.

Hacerle ver a un hombre que es la reina de Saba y que se puede ir con cualquiera en cualquier
momento le sirve para obtener atención o, simplemente, entretenerse. Como un niño que le
quita las alas a una mosca.

Usted quiere que le ayude a solucionar el problema? Bien, te ayudaré.

¿Quieres que me siento allí mientras se ventile durante 30 minutos? No tengo tiempo para eso.

"If you have the energy to complain about something, you have the energy to do something

es el líder el que hace que las cosas sucedan. Son los líderes quienes tienen la visión, toman la
iniciativa, influyen en las personas, hacen las propuestas, organizan la logística, resuelven los
problemas, hacen seguimientos, y sobre todo—asumen la responsabilidad.

When women don't get promoted they blame it on some old boy network. Then they start
imagining gender bias in the word choice of other males who had absolutely nothing to do with
their situation. When men get passed over for promotion, they focus on improving their
numbers on their own performance, or if their numbers are already near the top then they start
putting their resume out there to get hired by a competitor for a bigger salary. Men are less
likely to sit around and bitch about other people around them, which is "negative" networking.

tranquilo campeon, no te pongas arenosa... con el problemita del open mind y el siglo 21 hay
cada vez mas boludos progres como vos que quieren estandarizar lo anormal, si vos crees que
crecer sin la figura de un viejo es "normal" alla vos, preguntale a un pibe que no lo haya tenido y
el te va a responder que es o no funcional marmota...
que asco estas personas que crean familias disfuncionales por capricho y egoismo

I see marijuana more as the "soma" of the future to rob individuals of ambitions and clarity of
thought. As a reformed smoker I had no bother spending a whole weekend stoned in front of
the Playstation with a bag of snacks and time to kill. After quitting weed I now read more, go
outside, took on several new hobbies and no longer lack energy and motivation.

If the elites want control over the masses it is my opinion and experience that marijuana is a
great drug to control a population and keep them from being ambitious.

I say this as a former smoker, at some point you grow up and realize that weed is an escape
from a reality you cant afford to run from anymore.

Yup, that's the way it should be. My father was a very successful business owner who started
from nothing & worked his balls off for everything he had. He made it clear to us growing up
that there's no free lunch. We had to shovel snow, do yard work, wash the cars, clean out the
garage, vacuum the pool, dig post holes, painting, etc.... He made it crystal clear that just
because he ended up a multi millionaire did not mean us kids were entitled to anything. Flunk
out of school - kicked out of the house, get a tattoo or earring - kicked out of the house,
disrespect your elders - get your ass kicked. Start a fight at school, bully other kids we would
have gotten our asses kicked even harder. Know what is right & wrong, be respectful to others,
& always do your best. It was like growing up with a drill sergeant, but as adults, we cherish the
upbringing we had. So many young men (& women) today are lost, because they had no
guidance or discipline growing up, no decent man in their life to look up to. Which is why the
most fucked up kids come from the absence of a good man in their household. Every time
there's a news story of some young man committing a crime, doing bad things, first thing that
comes to mind is where is the father, & what role did he play in this kids life (if any). Chances
are, the father is not around or a fuck up himself.

Agreed. Deleted mine 3 years ago as I identified that its a cesspool of attention whores, internet
'activists', narcissists and SJW's.

The urban dictionary accurately describes it as a Narcissists wet dream. Anyone who claims they
are addicted to it are just people that are obsessed with external validation to feed their egos.
Its a fundamental feature of Narcissism. The fact over a billion people use it is a serious red flag
as it conveys the extent in which our culture is exponentially becoming more narcissistic. The
end results of pathological narcissism is self-destruction. Which is fine when contained among
individuals but when it becomes one of the tenets of a respective culture then that culture will
eventually consume itself.

Son como animales, guiados por los impulsos más básicos y primarios.

Las que se quejan de la prostitución es porque las ven como competencia desleal, asi de claro. La
prostitución es en un 99% de los casos voluntaria y si se legalizara se acabarían las mafias, pero
claro, al sistema feminazi no le conviene que exista prostitución porque el precio del coño baja.
Si no habría prostitución el índice de violaciones aumentaría exponencialmente. El lema
feminazi es "haz con tu coño lo que quieras menos venderlo barato porque nos jodes el negocio
a todas" La prostitución le quita a las mujeres "decentes" el poder que tienen en el coño para
manipular a los hombres porque no olvidemos jamás que un hombre con la picha tiesa es muy
fácil de manipular, pero un hombre con la picha contenta es muy difícil manejarlo. A tomar por
culo feminazis, mientras las cosas sigan tal como están actualmente es mucho mas saludable y
barato ir de putas, o incluso salir de este puto país y buscarse pareja fuera de España donde las
mujeres hayan sido criadas y educadas con los valores tradicionales.?

Great article, Micheal. Like you, my marriage started on the rocky side, but when I started
asserting my leadership role, things smoothed out in a matter of months. The fights went from
daily to maybe 1 every couple of months. Most women, let alone feminists, don't want to admit
to themselves of some of these truths because of the societal brainwashing/propaganda:

-They don't want to be in charge. They'd rather provide support and their opinions to the
husband and have them make the final decisions.

-They hate working and would rather stay home with their kids.

I've witnessed this in my own marriage and I'm positive I'm not the only one. Unlike women,
men aren't driven by how others view them. It makes us natural leaders since we're focused on
the results, not what Jimmy, John, Mary, or Sue will think about us. We are also more inclined to
make a decision faster and stick with it. In closing, I leave you with this video...skip to the 45
second mark.

Esto es sólo un ejemplo más de la vieja fábula griega de Esopo sobre la zorra y las uvas. Puesto
que no puedo tener lo que deseo, fabrico una elaborada justificación de por qué no necesito eso
que tanto he deseado y cómo incluso estoy mejor sin ello. Pero eso no cambia la realidad. El ser
humano, por naturaleza y salvo casos puntuales, rehúye la soledad y tiende a buscar la
intimidad con otros seres humanos. Puesto que somos animales de costumbres, también
tendemos tarde o temprano (algunos realmente tarde) a necesitar cierta estabilidad en esos
contactos y a crear vínculos más duraderos. Otra cosa es que la sociedad nos presione para
hacer de esos instintos una obligación social y valore nuestro éxito o fracaso en función de ello,
lo cual es terrible. Pero defender que estar en soledad o movernos indefinidamente de relación
en relación es un camino a la felicidad, me parece una estupidez. Evidente, como dice el dicho,
es mejor estar solo que mal acompañado, igual que es mejor no comer nada que comer algo
envenenado. Pero eso no elimina la necesidad de comer que todos tenemos.

Aunque existen diferencias naturales entre hombres y mujeres, hoy en día es injusto, dicho
abiertamente, dar todos los derechos a las mujeres y cargar todas las responsabilidades sobre
los hombres. Los derechos conllevan responsabilidades. Si una mujer desea tener derecho a
decidir, entonces se le debe exigir que se responsabilice de su decisión. Si, como dice el tribunal,
«esos hechos los conocía el padre en el momento de la concepción», sin duda también los
conocía la madre. Juzgarla según unos valores diferentes únicamente en base a la biología es
moralmente reprobable. Debería tener derecho a decidir, pero su decisión no debería obligar al
padre. Puede que tenga que soportar el sufrimiento de dar a luz o abortar, pero también
dispone de una gran variedad de anticonceptivos de los que un hombre no dispone. Es más: a
día de hoy, también tiene oportunidades laborales que le permitirán

mantener ella sola a un hijo.

"Me siento ofendida" "A mi ese comentario me ofende" "Me siento agredida por tus palabras"


Estar ofendido no te hace tener más razón. En todo caso evidencia lo fina que tienes la piel o lo
frágil e insegura que eres.

Señora... mis respetos! una mujer que se hizo a si misma con su esfuerzo... no como las
feministas que se hacen las victimas y solo piden, piden porque su gran esfuerzo es tener vagina.
Las verdaderas mujeres fuertes no les interesa la doctrina victimista...?
antes de pensar en "imposiciones culturales" tienes que saber que los humanos somos seres
biologicos que evolucionamos de primates, por lo tanto nuestro cerebro aun esta basado en
instintos y gustos prefabricados, esto es inevitable somos seres que basan su existencia en algo
fisico no espiritual (obvio que siempre va haber excepciones), esos gustos en caso de los
hombres son: grandes senos para una mejor lactancia, caderas anchas para un mejor parto, piel
suave y bonita es una señal de buena salud, cabello brillante grueso y vivo es otro sintoma de
buena salud, buena actitud demuestra buena salud fisica y mental, disposicion a cuidar
alimentar y proteger a los hijos, ser dedicada y cariñosa con el y los hijos, todos los rasgos que
anteriormente dije son explicaciones, almenos en el subconciente de un hombre normal, del
porque les gusta una mujer "femenina", como dije anteriormente somos seres "inteligentes"
atrapados a un cerebro biologico

igualmente las mujeres tienen gustos por los hombres "masculinos" por la misma razon, el
cerebro y la evolucion, la mujer quieres un hombre grande y atletico para que la proteja mejor
(instintos primitivos que tenemos hace miles de años) un hombre capaz, que tenga iniciativa,
que tenga valor de enfrentarse a lo que sea para protegerla a ella y a sus hijos, un hombre la
haga sentir bien y especial (es mentira que a una mujer no le guste sentirse especial, les gustan
que le digan que son bonitas, que son unicas), de ahi es el porque las mujeres nacen
"femeninas" para atraer al hombre y el hombre nazca "masculino" para atraer a la mujer, en
otras palabras la mujer nace femenina y delicada para poder adaptarse al gusto del hombre y el
hombre nace masculino y fuerte para adaptarse al gusto de las mujeres (como dije por años de
evolucion del ser humano)

no es cultural es biologico

Lo ideal es ser la mejor versión de ti mismo y bienvenida quien venga a sumar, nunca a restar


Mujeres:nihilismo,falta de valores,simpleza,superficialidad.Todo ello con el tufillo hipergamico

de fantasear con su polla millonaria.

What matters to her is that she has access to your resources and protection and she will do
whatever she needs to, to obtain them.

Con la perspectiva de encontrar una mujer rebotada de mil relaciones, con aires de princesa, con
la ley a su favor y sin ningún afán de sacrificio, ¿quién se la juega?

Hay que recordar que el poder del mundo lo obtiene el hombre y ella solo es capaz de acceder a
el a través nuestra, por lo que siempre van a intentar "estrujarnos" todo lo que puedan.

Por tanto las mujeres, ya sean las de aquí como las que viven en iglús en el polo, o las de las
tribus Yenyé de la cuenca del Kilimanjaro, van a exigir en función de lo que los hombres les
consientan. Si les consentimos malas actitudes al final se creerán con el derecho de tener una
mala actitud. Para asegurarse siempre de que están con la mejor opción que puedan optar, las
mujeres están diseñadas para probar periódicamente a ver donde están nuestros límites, y si
nosotros no les trazamos una línea con tiza bien gorda de "hasta aquí", cosa que no hacen la
mayoría de españoles por blandos, pues pasarán por encima nuestra.

Si a eso le sumas la propaganda feminista basada en la mujer empoderada, en la toma de casi

cualquier cosa como un abuso hacia ellas e infravalorando al hombre, pues ahí tienes a nuestras

Lo que si sabemos científicamente es que el tamaño del cerebro de la mujer es menor al del
hombre. Aunque dicen que en este caso el tamaño no importa.españolas.

En un par de horas. Esta gente, creo yo, tiene graves parafilias con respecto a lo femenino, lo
endiosa, disfruta empequeñecerse y subordinarse a alguna figura femenina, chuparse el dedo
debajo de una falda y recibir un par de golpes en la cabeza o el culo. Supongo que en algún
momento de la niñez el crecimiento mental se truncó, cuando eramos pequeños y nos sentíamos
bien protegidos por mamá este sujeto sufrió algún evento que detuvo la madurez, así que
mientras nosotros pudimos superar esas etapas con normalidad, este sujeto siente que la madre
le tiene que seguir limpiando las bolas.
Desgraciadamente en algún momento histórico esta gente subió al poder, sospecho que fue en la
gran escasez de padres de posguerra: muchas viudas temerosas por sus hijos, sumado a mucho
dinero para que puedan seguir carreras exitosas.

indudablemente acá hay gente que busca sacar beneficio y lo lograron, por que a los boludos
progres les excita la idea de formar parte de un cambio, open mind e inclusión, creen que por ser
el siglo 21 hay que desestructurar ciertos "dogmas" y que se tiene la suficiente apertura mental
para llevar a cabo esa mision... la figura de femicidio al código penal es la sumisión del hombre que
tanto buscaban las feministas, básicamente si una mujer muere a manos de un hombre y un juez
considera ese acto como MISOGINIA, te dan PENA MÁXIMA, como la mayoría de los casos de
"violencia de genero" que de GENERO no tiene nada, es un slogan que usan los medios como
propaganda junto a las feministas lavando cabezas para que solo seas partidario de un solo lado
por lastima, si sos hombre y denuncias violencia de genero sos un maricón, bancatela macho que
te toco una histérica y bla bla bla que si fuera al revés, te mandan al geof con el grupo halcón
combinado... todos los casos de violencia son por cuestiones PASIONALES, ninguna mujer murió
por ser mujer, por tener tetas, concha y menstruar, eso es el GENERO, cromosomas xx, xy, ahi te
das cuenta y te cae la ficha del discurso intencionado y falaz por captar boludos funcionales, NO ES
MISOGINIA, por que nadie establece un vinculo con algo que odia, y TODOS los casos son parejas o
ex parejas, ahora no existe una figura para encerrar a una mujer en caso de que mate a un hombre
por "odiarlo", el problema es saber que herramientas tiene un juez para separar los casos
pasionales y los de odio por genero que son UNO EN UN MILLÓN, ya vemos como actúan nuestros
jueces con la presión de la opinión publica y la de los medios, ni hablar que en el derecho penal es
asquerosamente partidario por la mujer... (mirate el documental borrando a papa...) conoces el
caso de Matías Cuello? murio quemado vivo con agua hirviendo por la novia, sabes cuanto le
dieron a la flaca? 9 AÑOS... estaban discutiendo y le tiro una pava, PASIONAL, no lo mato por que
tenia pito, acá como se volvió tan sensible la cosa cualquier caso PASIONAL se puede traducir,
sugestionar para femicidio y ahí CLARAMENTE NO HAY IGUALDAD DE GENERO, al agregar la
palabra "femicidio" están dándole mas entidad a uno sobre el otro, están demonizando al varón...

muchas pendejitas se hacen las superadas y que quieren cagar mas alto de lo que les da el orto, se
pajean mentalmente con ser la juana de arco del siglo 21, les meten en la cabeza que tienen que
luchar por el genero haciendolas creer que el varón es un enemigo, se piensan que ser feminista
es poner la fotito del ni una menos en la portada del facebook, y repetir argumentos trillados y
flojitos de papeles que dicho sea de paso, esa marchas es pura y exclusivamente para mechar y
sugestionar temas que nada tiene que ver con la proclama, como el caso del aborto, la eleccion
sexual, etc ... hipócritas por que les encantan los piropos... el problema es cuando se los dice
alguien feo, no es lo mismo un albañil paraguayo que el carilindo banana que te deja la bombacha
toda sulfatada, si se los dice un tipo feo es un pajero, un violador, un degenerado bla bla bla, ahora
si se los dice un tipo pinton les sueltan una sonrisita cómplice minimizándolo por mas
desagradable que sea el "piropo", te sostienen un cartelito de ni una menos exigiendo respeto y
bla bla bla, pero en el boliche cuando suena un tema de reggaeton explicito y misógino se ponen a
"perrear" casi limpiando el suelo con la cotorra, SE PREDICA CON EL EJEMPLO, al final es el "haz lo
que digo pero no lo que hago" ni hablar que el ARGUMENTO de las feminazis es que no se
cosifique a la mujer, que no se la juzgue como se viste casi queriendo desligarse de la
responsabilidad de entender el mundo que las rodea... piden que no se las cosifique por como se
visten, van y se ponen las pilchas que mas las cosifica... ni hablar que entre ellas mismas se
despedazan con comentarios que ni los hombres seriamos capaces de decir, pero un hombre les
dice que se respeten un poco mas como mujeres y sos un misogino, un opresor, que quitas
libertades y bla bla bla.... piden por los DERECHOS de la mujer... derechos? que yo sepa las
verdaderas feministas del siglo 20 con ovarios como dos fititos pelearon por poder estudiar,
trabajar, votar, etc, pleno siglo 21 y se derrumbo el estereotipo de la mujer que solo sirve para
criar a los pibes, hacer los quehaceres de la casa mientras mira la novela y esperar al marido con la
comida caliente, hoy tenemos PRESIDENTE de la nación mujer, FISCAL a cargo de unos de los casos
mas complejos del pais MUJER, empresarias, bomberas, etc, les decís quien fue alicia moreau de
justo, cecilia grierson, elvira rawson, Julieta lanteri, sara justo y no saben, los derechos que piden
es que se puedan vestir como atorrantas...

“Los hombres ni se me acercan”

Traducción: "Los hombres con plata y facha no se me acercan, los macho beta asalariados que no
tienen ni auto mejor que mantengan una distancia mínima de 3 cuadras de mí"

Another very important lesson- NEVER, and I repeat, never allow a woman to tell you what to do.
The last thing that any man needs in his life is for some bossy, aggressive career minded corporate
vermin that you call a partner, to tell you what to do. It is a shame that in an era where there are
now more women in the labor market, men are simply succumbing to the pressures of living with
the female breadwinner and submitting himself to being bossed around and walked all over like a

Remember, women love drama. It is was gives them the energy that they thrive on to compensate
for their dull and miserable lives. As a man, you need to make sure that you do not ever, allow a
women to boss you around like a henpecked simp. The number of emasculated pussy whipped
men out there who need to call the wife for permission or needs to talk it over with wife, is rife in
America, which simply illustrates as to how much damage single motherhood has done to this
generation of weak emasculated men.

Never allow a women to call the shots because if you do, then you have simply lost. Women will
throw all kinds of shit tests, mind games and other dramatic antics in order to subjucate you to her
insane dysfunctional behavior. Which is why as a man, you must remember your traditional
gender role and to never allow her to tell you what to do. She's the breadwinner- get a job that
makes you the breadwinner. She's the one who pays the bills, you start paying the bills. There is a
very sick element present in today's men where they allowed themselves to put women on a
pedestal that essentially his manhood becomes diminished. Today's men simply do not have a
spine and cannot stand up for his dignity and self respect that it makes you wonder how much
further down the toilet men will go.

If you are one of those men, then change your ways and reclaim your masculinity. Remember, as
man you are the adult. The woman is the child. Don't turn your home into the doghouse. Your
home is your castle.

A to the Plus. Great commentary. I dumped a *shockingly* beautiful girl on the curb because she
tried to pull that Bossy Betty crap on me. Told her that I don't take orders from other men, I sure
as hell wasn't going to submit to a woman, told her that if she wanted to be in my company again
then she would apologize to me, then gave her a hard "I don't have time for your shitty attitude,
hit the road", almost in those words. This girl is a serious 9.5 by any scale, easily. First time she had
*ever* been dumped, she was used to calling the shots and then moving on when she got bored.
So I helped her grow by giving her the gift of rejection. She was gobsmacked, to say the least.

She spent the next few weeks throwing temper tantrum rage fest type parties with anybody who
would listen. The temerity of me, to not obey her, oh, she got them vapors but good. I had zero
fucks to give and laughed at the people who informed me that she was going insane over being

A month later she comes back, apologizes and became the most submissive chick I'd ever seen, a
total 180 from her original attitude. And the sex was *fucking fantastic*.

Do not EVER let a woman boss you around, indeed, I can't upvote that enough.

1. Cuidar de nuestra salud.

2. Mantener buen estado físico.

3. Aprender a ahorrar el dinero.

4. Alejarse de las deudas.

5. Aprender a usar armas.

6. Aprender un arte marcial.

7. Buena postura corporal.

8. Hablar lo necesario.

9. Cuidar la vestimenta.

10. Aprender a hacer entrevistas.

11. Higiene personal.

12. El Hábito de la lectura.

13. Aprender un oficio y/o habilidad útil.

14. Siempre tener objetivos.

15. No casarse.

16. Respetar a otros hombres.

17. Controlar los impulsos sexuales.

She doesn't get angry at men looking at her. She gets angry because the man she wants doesn't
look at her, while others do.

She is showing off to get attention, as any other attention whore. But she wants to have attention
from men she likes, and ONLY FROM THEM, and not to have from men she dislikes. Somebody
should explain to her that this is not possible, but it would be useless anyway. If she had a brain,
she wouldn't depend on her boobs to attract men.
Just a crazy attention whore. It's understandable somebody looked at her tits. It's the only value in

¿Por que te cuesta conseguir pareja? Yo te lo digo.

Las mujeres mínimamente atractivas, al llegar a la pubertad asientan la creencia de que el mundo
les debe algo. Realmente no tienen muy claro por qué, pero están convencidas, el mundo se lo
debe, merecen un chico inteligente, divertido, guapo, y que les proporcione una buena calidad de
vida. ¿Pero… qué ofrecen ellas a cambio? Nada. Mientras el chico debe luchar encarnizadamente
por conquistar el corazón de nuestra princesa, ella se limita a esperar sentada y disfrutar de los
esfuerzos insistidos de nuestro príncipe. Porque ella lo merece, ella ha nacido hermosa, aunque ni
siquiera se haya ganado en vida el haber nacido hermosa, ella ha nacido escultural, por lo tanto,
queda directamente por encima de la mayoría de mortales, probablemente el que haya nacido
con esa sublime cualidad debe de ser algún designio divino, por lo tanto lo tiene más que
merecido, y debe comportarse con la soberbia de alguien que ha logrado una gran meta tras
extenuantes esfuerzos y debe defenderla. Lo peor de todo es que los hombres aceptan que esto
sea así. Una chica hermosa es superior a un humano, es un ángel, merecedor del mejor y más
delicado trato, mil alfombras rojas, cubiertas de pétalos de rosa, como también de que cada
segundo de su vida, sea tan excitante como apasionado y divertido.

Es como si fuesen seres que no han nacido para el sufrimiento, ni para el esfuerzo, ni para la
reflexión. Sino para ser servidas y atendidas por decreto divino. Algunas, sin ser plenamente
conscientes de cuál es su patrón de conducta, han asentado tanto esta creencia, que, cuando se
encuentra en una situación que no corresponde a la que su divina figura merece, se indignan, se
enfadan, exigen y te insultan.

Tú estás obligado a divertirlas, y algunas de ellas incluso lo comunican así, literalmente; “quiero un
chico que no me aburra”, ya no “un chico que me divierta” no, un chico que no me aburra. ¿Qué
significa eso? Que la mayoría de los chicos le aburren. Si en todo momento en el que permaneces
a su lado, no le diviertes constantemente, como si tuvieses la obligación de ser su payaso personal,
la estás aburriendo. Puede ser que no compartás el mismo humor, que no tengas ganas de
esforzarte en ser ingenioso y divertido ni de arrancarle las palabras de la boca un día más, pero no,
si no logras divertirla la estás “aburriendo”, por lo que no eres merecedor de su mínima atención,
y ya no hablemos de su interés. Veamos qué es lo que ofrece cada sexo al sexo contrario, o mejor
dicho, qué les basta para poder asegurar una vida sexual y romántica mínimamente estable:

¿Qué tienen las mujeres que ofrecerle al sexo opuesto para asegurar un mínimo éxito?

Basta con la belleza.

¿Qué ha tenido que hacer la mujer para ganar esta cualidad?

Nada en absoluto.

¿Qué tienen los hombres que ofrecerle al sexo opuesto para asegurar un mínimo éxito?

Determinación, sinceridad, seguridad en uno mismo, inteligencia, ingenio, sentido del humor,
independencia, delicadeza, firmeza, saber estar, espíritu aventurero, sentido del liderazgo,
valentía, ingresos económicos destacables.

¿Qué ha tenido que hacer el hombre para ganar estas cualidades?

De no haber nacido iluminado con estas actitudes, como ocurre con el 95% de los hombres: leer
muchos libros sobre juego interno, asentar los conceptos mediante la práctica y la hipnosis,
trabajarlos, pasar por experiencias enriquecedoras, pasar por montones de fracasos y rechazos ya
que estos, ayudan a crecer al individuo, estudiar, trabajar y especular para poder tener un ingreso
económico mínimo.

En definitiva, la mayoría de las mujeres, para ser felices (gran parte de la felicidad se basa en las
relaciones con el sexo opuesto) no han de hacer nada. Basta con que sean mínimamente
deseables. Y si no lo son demasiado, no importa, siempre <<serán encontradas>> por otros
hombres del mismo canon estético que, si hace falta, se pelearán por ella.
Rara vez se hacen responsables de cualquier interacción, porque vos sos el hombre y tenés que
cargar con ese peso, si algo sale mal, es tu culpa, aunque te hayas dejado llevar por tus instintos,
tus sentimientos o por cualquier estímulo por bonito que sea, que si la jodes por responder a él,
tendrá el mismo valor que una mierda.

Las mujeres no conocen el dolor, no conocen el sufrimiento, no conocen la soledad más absoluta y
turbadora. No conocen todo lo que enriquece y desangra estas situaciones, están en otra escala. El
90% de la veces que una mujer deja a un hombre, es porque ya tiene otro hombre esperando. Le
tienen pánico a estar solas, aunque ese es un temor estúpido, porque los hombres les llegan solos.
Los chicos te entrarán en las discotecas, en los bares, incluso en la calle un día cualquiera, con la
intención de conocerte, porque no pueden resistirse a esa gran cualidad que tienes, sí, aquella que
para ganarte no hiciste absolutamente nada, aquella con la que naciste, la belleza.

Supongamos una situación bastante esclarecedora. Estás paseando por la calle, y, de golpe, te
encontrás a una chica postrada sobre la mesa de la terraza de un bar, llorando
desconsoladamente… ¿Terrible, verdad? ¿qué harías? ¿no te pararías a preguntarle qué le pasa?
¿ni que fuese ofrecerle un pañuelo? Pobrecita, merece tu atención, si no lo haces serías peor que
un tipo aborrecible.

Supón por un momento que esa chica que llora desconsolada, es un chico. ¿Qué, a que cambia la
cosa? No le dirías nada, anda a saber por qué está llorando, capáz se haya drogado o incluso esté
loco… da igual, sea como sea, él se las apañará, que ya es mayorcito.

Conforme más bella es una mujer, lo más probable y natural es que su nivel de arrogancia sea más
alto. Una chica muy atractiva es algo que roza el cielo con la yema de los dedos, por lo que
ofrecerle algo inferior a lo que se merece es peor que un insulto. Es un veneno . Es un veneno que
implantan en nosotros, no es más que eso, su belleza, nos hace actuar como completos idiotas, a
hacer cosas ilógicas y estúpidas con tal de causarles buena impresión y ganarnos su aprobación,
porque no es más que eso, un veneno que nos implanta una persona vacía, carente de
subjetividad, iniciativa, determinación, intentiva, creatividad y carente de talento alguno.

Seamos realistas, dejémonos de boludeces, ¿por qué los mayores científicos, políticos y artistas
que conoce la historia son hombres? ¿Por una sociedad machista a nivel mundial? ¿qué significa
eso realmente? ¿Qué todos los hombres del mundo se han puesto de acuerdo para reprimir todos
los talentos latentes en la mujer porque simplemente “no es correcto”?
¿Realmente estás seguro de eso? ¿qué sustentabilidad tiene una convicción así? ¿por qué el
hombre querría hacer algo así, y, cómo haría para lograr reprimir todas las virtudes de las mujeres
e impedir que salgan a flote aún teniendo estas tal nivel de inteligencia, creatividad y talento? ¿no
podrían haber usado todas estas cualidades para levantar una sociedad feminista?

Claro que hay mujeres que han tenido repercusión en la historia, pero este número en contraste
con la de los hombres es casi ridículo. ¿No será que verdaderamente la mujer no está diseñada
para las grandes proezas intelectuales y artísticas? ¿realmente esto no tendrá nada que ver? ¿no
es posible con que, sea inherente en la mujer o no, esta a lo largo de su evolución jamás haya
tenido que ganarse nada ni desarrollar ningún tipo de mecanismo, artimaña ni método para ganar
aprobación porque YA le bastaba con su físico?

En occidente hay una corriente fogoneada en contra de todos los valores tradicionales, y el
liderazgo masculino, la familia monoparental con liderazgo en el hombre sostenedor, o sea, en un
hombre heterosexual con muchísimas obligaciones pero respetado y reconocido.

Hoy ser hombre heterosexual es mala palabra en occidente, solo se espera que uno sea burro de
carga sin derechos pero con todas las obligaciones. No veo que este gobierno sea una
contratendencia frente a la marea mundial.

La prostitución seguirá tratando de ser perseguida y el cliente heterosexual visto como el peor de
los infraseres. Pero habrá que hacerse macho y apechugar, otra no nos queda, sino a ponerse la
pollera y salir con el cartel de una menos.

-La violación de una casada fiel, viuda digna o una virgen es un sacrilegio del peor tipo que ofende
a la propia mujer y a los hombres de su entorno.

-La violación de casi cualquier otra mujer de hoy día no es más que una simple combinación de
agresión y robo. Equivalente del todo a pegarle cuatro puñetazos a un tío y robarle la cartera. No
hay sacrilegio ninguno, pues una tía que se ha follado a 20 no va a estar más sucia si se la folla uno

-Arrepentirse de follar no es violación; y eso incluye a cualquiera que no se resistiese activamente

al acto sexual.

Aparte de todo eso, es interesante la reacción social que existe ante el tema. Creo que en la
importancia que se le da se produce una mezcla del endiosamiento de la mujer que menciona
White Horse en el primer mensaje con la idea de la afrenta al honor que supone el primer
supuesto de violación que expongo; el primer pensamiento es directamente erróneo, el segundo
inaplicable a nuestros tiempos. También sospecho que existe una gran morbosidad sobre el tema,
pues es fantasía sexual bastante extendida.

Todo se basa en la elección... El concepto elección es sagrado para la psique femenina. El daño
psicológico no esta en el trauma de la violación sino que la mujer que piensa que tiene el derecho
de elegir no ha elegido quien la ha montado. En otras palabras es una reminiscencia del yo animal
cuando las hembras eligen al macho que las va a montar.

Esto no es solo aplicable en el sexo, las mujeres tienen una obsesión enorme en elegir siempre.
Cuando compran una casa no se están de elegir la deciración, su tedioso proceso de compra de
cualquier cosa va por em ritual de la elección pero para cualquier cosa. Por eso si no "eligen" el
trauma de la violación es mayor.

Si son percutidas por un hombre por quien babean no ocurre el trauma. Es por ello que violadas
por malotes convictos suelen ser el ejemplo de mujeres trapo porque en el fondo la violación es
por el hombre que han escogido. Lo cual demuestra un enorme nivel de patetismo.

Cada vez que entro en facebook, me pongo de mala hostia. Esa es la razón por la que entro muy
poco y trato de evitarlo.

Entras un día a mirar las noticias o videos de youtube que ponen amigos tuyos, y te encuentras
con una lista de personas desconocidas. En plan "igual quieres agregarlos o igual les conoces".

Pinchas en el de alguna mujer, y es SIEMPRE lo mismo. El mismo perfil psicológico. Y si es ciclista, o

practicante de CrossFit o alguna mierda de esas, aún peor.

1- Nombre de la usuaria: Silvia F. Rozas (por poner un ejemplo). O Laura G. Espinosa.

Siempre se quitan el apellido del padre, es la moda PIJIPROGRE. Son feministas y odian a los
hombres por propaganda de la TV. Y ya el trauma empieza desde la infancia. Con algún divorcio y
una madre que la ha lavado el coco para odiar a su padre. Ya solo por eso, jamás te acerques a una
mujer que reniega de su primer apellido. Te usará para cogerte la tarjeta de crédito simplemente,
como a una herramienta andante.

2- En la sección fotos, unas dos mil fotos suyas. Un museo virtual. Un auténtico culto idólatra a su
propia figura. Egocentrismo absoluto. Como si fueran las actrices principales de la película y todos
los que la rodean, los extras. Es enfermizo.
Fotos de ellas con gilipolleces psicopatológicas en plan "Intento dar la mejor versión de mí misma.
Soy una Diosa de mi mundo. De tu envidia nace mi fama. Estoy fabricada para ganar. Levántate de
la cama y TRIUNFA. No soy antisocial, soy de amabilidad SELECTIVA".

Como dirían en USA: Bullshit. Roza la ideología supremacista Aria. Pero no de raza, sino de sexo,
de culto ególatra a sí misma.

3-En el tablón de facebook, se dedican a contar , día a día, toda su puta vida. Los resultados de sus
exámenes, sus vacaciones, los pijamas que se ponen en su cuarto. Gilipolleces. Como si estuvieran
curando el cancer, volaran hacia Alfa Centauri o hubieran descubierto al Yeti.

Todo un POSTUREO, una farsa, una especie de marketing de su propia vida. Intentando vender al
público un producto: "Mi vida es la mejor, soy super feliz y especial". Con fotos impostadas y
ensayadas, donde se abrazan a 6 cono-cidas, con sonrisas forzadas para su "campaña publicitaria".

Y es que te dejan claro, que cuando tienen que llegar a éso para que les suba la autoestima con
likes de babosos, es que están realmente amargadas. Una persona feliz no necesita fabricarse esa
fachada ni vender al público su vida privada..

Lo hacen con 15 años, con 20, con 30, con 40 (algunas momias que no se enteran de que su
Dinastía Faraónica ya PASÓ). Que seres más gregarios y falsos.

Cuánta falta de EMPATÍA hacia el prójimo, cuánta psicopatía. En twitter, en Instragram, en donde
sea. Parecen vampiros buscando sangre en redes sociales. Es el alimento de su Ego. Se creen seres
importantes, cuando son una mota de polvo en el Universo y su vida es trivial. Todas se creen el
clon de Rihanna. No se dan cuenta de que muchos tíos (y esa es la triste realidad) solo buscan
fotos suyas para hacerse pajas. Son material onanístico nada más. Mercancía virtual.
Seres vacíos, que se venden como carne, luego les jode que solo las quieran para follar y como
objetos, y que a los 35 nadie en su sano juicio y con un gramo de personalidad y amor propio, mire
para ellas. Evidentemente Albertitos tienen a patadas detrás de ellas, pero es logico que no
quieran a gentuza progre tan repelente como el Albertito.

Son unas infelices, sus 10 viajecitos al año, sus playitas, sus "gymnes", y toda su mierda de fachada
y vida vacía, no les hace quitarse de la cabeza la gran pregunta..."POR QUE SOY UNA INFELIZ DE

No pueden ni imaginarse a ellas mismas un dia, aceptando la realidad...Necesitan un hombre y una

familia, para sentirse realizadas...Y no a los 40 años, precisamente...

Pero claro, llevar la contraria a la sociedad y al grupo de amigas, necesita de mucha personalidad,
valor, libros leidos, etc...todo valores MASCULINOS que imparten y transmiten los PADRES,
ausentes en el 99% de estos casos, ya bien por eliminación fisica por parte de la madre via
divorcio, o eliminación vital , moral e intelectual, mediante la alienación social y familiar de la
figura del padre por parte de la madre también.

Que disfruten lo feminizado..Y como se venden como carnaza, les digo lo que les decia a las "putas
no profesionales" de las españolas...Si solo ofreceis sexo, y lo demas son voces, ausencia de
valores, fiesta y basura similar, estais fuera de mercado...LAS PROFESIONALES SON MUCHO MAS

Los hombres amamos más incondicionalmente que las mujeres.

Por mucho que se diga que las mujeres son las románticas y que los hombres no tienen
sentimientos, es mentira. Los románticos somos nosotros, ellas solo reciben romance.

¿Quien organiza una cena en el puerto con vistas a los veleros y a la luz de la luna? ¿Quien regala
flores a quien? ¿Quien suele sorprender a quien? ¿Quien mima a quien? ¿Quien estudia los gustos
de la otra persona para hacer que ese plan sea perfecto? ¿Quien escribe apasionados poemas por
el otro? ¿Y canciones? ¿Quien ha librado guerras o cruzado montañas, mares y desiertos por ellas?
¿Quien ha muerto por quien?.

¿Cuando han hecho ellas algo así por nosotros? Nunca. Ni lo harán.

Y no siempre ha sido por echar un polvo. A lo largo de la historia los hombres en general han
sentido verdadera ternura con las mujeres por su dulzura, su inocencia, sintiéndonos enormes
cuando ponían su seguridad en nuestras manos, mostrándoles los confines del mundo y
sintiéndonos realmente satisfechos cuando gracias a nosotros abrían la mente.

La mujer siempre ha buscado una especie de adopción en el hombre. Y como tal relación el
hombre siempre ha sentido un cariño del mismo tipo que podría tenerle a su propio hijo. Pero en
dicha "adopción", mientras que del hombre pueden nacer sentimientos como proteger, cuidar,
hacer reír o dar ejemplo de como ser mejor persona, de ellas nacerían sentimientos como "me es
útil", "me aporta emociones" o "a su lado gozo de privilegios". Y es justamente en ese punto
cuando ellas se "enamoran".

A grandes rasgos podemos decir que las mujeres no aman, sólo se enamoran. El enamoramiento
es un sentimiento transitorio mientras que el amor conlleva responsabilidad. Las mujeres se
enamoran de una serie de cualidades que le son útiles (estatus, dinero, fama, etc). En el momento
que esas cualidades desaparecen, se "desenamoran" pasando a ser tremendamente frías y
muchas veces extremadamente crueles. Los hombres nos enamoramos de la persona y de su
forma de ser, nos implicamos emocionalmente. Si las circunstancias cambian eso no afecta a lo
que sentimos porque nos atrae la persona no lo que la rodea.

Biológicamente tiene mucho sentido tanto lo de ellas como lo nuestro. Ellas no podían permitirse
enamorarse del primero que pasara ya que el riesgo de quedar embarazadas era alto.
Biologicamente buscan la supervivencia por lo que son cortoplacistas y muy pragmáticas. La mujer
es el ser anti romántico por excelencia, busca el dinero, la seguridad y la certidumbre.
El hombre por el contrario se enamora y se implica emocionalmente porque si no lo hiciera no
podría matarse a trababar por sus hijos y su mujer, le importarían una mierda, lo que no es nada
bueno para la supervivencia de la especie.

Dear Women: If a guy pays for your time, then you're not a date. You're a ____________

I think all... and I do mean ALL... advice to men on ROK... if I had to sum it up and give the single
most POTENT and concentrated red pill of Game and masculinity and the nature of the female to
my 16 year old self many moons ago... would be this.


Learn to use this word when you interact with women, and use it a lot.

It does not matter how many times you say yes... as long as you CAN say no at any time and MEAN
it... when you utter it... it's like Zeus lighting to a woman.

I confirmed it this week talking to a woman friend of mine a few years older than me (and tried for
her younger sister but we simply would not be compatible in the end). She asked of I was still
single (it has been at least 2 or more years since we last talked) and of course I said yes.
Then I told her why I believe I am single. I asked this married woman of 4 children (who almost
divorced her husband she revealed to me). I said it was because I am a man who has no problem
uttering the single most hated two letter word a woman can ever hear come out of a man's

I gave her one chance to guess what it is.

She said "No" with only a second or two's hesitation.

A woman's RESPECT for you equals your ability to say NO and mean it, walk away and never look
back kind of mean it.

Usted quiere que le ayude a solucionar el problema? Bien, te ayudaré.

¿Quieres que me siento allí mientras se ventile durante 30 minutos? No tengo tiempo para eso.

"If you have the energy to complain about something, you have the energy to do something

es el líder el que hace que las cosas sucedan. Son los líderes quienes tienen la visión, toman la
iniciativa, influyen en las personas, hacen las propuestas, organizan la logística, resuelven los
problemas, hacen seguimientos, y sobre todo—asumen la responsabilidad.

When women don't get promoted they blame it on some old boy network. Then they start
imagining gender bias in the word choice of other males who had absolutely nothing to do with
their situation. When men get passed over for promotion, they focus on improving their numbers
on their own performance, or if their numbers are already near the top then they start putting
their resume out there to get hired by a competitor for a bigger salary. Men are less likely to sit
around and bitch about other people around them, which is "negative" networking.

tranquilo campeon, no te pongas arenosa... con el problemita del open mind y el siglo 21 hay cada
vez mas boludos progres como vos que quieren estandarizar lo anormal, si vos crees que crecer sin
la figura de un viejo es "normal" alla vos, preguntale a un pibe que no lo haya tenido y el te va a
responder que es o no funcional marmota...

que asco estas personas que crean familias disfuncionales por capricho y egoismo

I see marijuana more as the "soma" of the future to rob individuals of ambitions and clarity of
thought. As a reformed smoker I had no bother spending a whole weekend stoned in front of the
Playstation with a bag of snacks and time to kill. After quitting weed I now read more, go outside,
took on several new hobbies and no longer lack energy and motivation.

If the elites want control over the masses it is my opinion and experience that marijuana is a great
drug to control a population and keep them from being ambitious.

I say this as a former smoker, at some point you grow up and realize that weed is an escape from a
reality you cant afford to run from anymore.

Yup, that's the way it should be. My father was a very successful business owner who started from
nothing & worked his balls off for everything he had. He made it clear to us growing up that
there's no free lunch. We had to shovel snow, do yard work, wash the cars, clean out the garage,
vacuum the pool, dig post holes, painting, etc.... He made it crystal clear that just because he
ended up a multi millionaire did not mean us kids were entitled to anything. Flunk out of school -
kicked out of the house, get a tattoo or earring - kicked out of the house, disrespect your elders -
get your ass kicked. Start a fight at school, bully other kids we would have gotten our asses kicked
even harder. Know what is right & wrong, be respectful to others, & always do your best. It was
like growing up with a drill sergeant, but as adults, we cherish the upbringing we had. So many
young men (& women) today are lost, because they had no guidance or discipline growing up, no
decent man in their life to look up to. Which is why the most fucked up kids come from the
absence of a good man in their household. Every time there's a news story of some young man
committing a crime, doing bad things, first thing that comes to mind is where is the father, & what
role did he play in this kids life (if any). Chances are, the father is not around or a fuck up himself.

Agreed. Deleted mine 3 years ago as I identified that its a cesspool of attention whores, internet
'activists', narcissists and SJW's.

The urban dictionary accurately describes it as a Narcissists wet dream. Anyone who claims they
are addicted to it are just people that are obsessed with external validation to feed their egos. Its a
fundamental feature of Narcissism. The fact over a billion people use it is a serious red flag as it
conveys the extent in which our culture is exponentially becoming more narcissistic. The end
results of pathological narcissism is self-destruction. Which is fine when contained among
individuals but when it becomes one of the tenets of a respective culture then that culture will
eventually consume itself.

Son como animales, guiados por los impulsos más básicos y primarios.

Las que se quejan de la prostitución es porque las ven como competencia desleal, asi de claro. La
prostitución es en un 99% de los casos voluntaria y si se legalizara se acabarían las mafias, pero
claro, al sistema feminazi no le conviene que exista prostitución porque el precio del coño baja. Si
no habría prostitución el índice de violaciones aumentaría exponencialmente. El lema feminazi es
"haz con tu coño lo que quieras menos venderlo barato porque nos jodes el negocio a todas" La
prostitución le quita a las mujeres "decentes" el poder que tienen en el coño para manipular a los
hombres porque no olvidemos jamás que un hombre con la picha tiesa es muy fácil de manipular,
pero un hombre con la picha contenta es muy difícil manejarlo. A tomar por culo feminazis,
mientras las cosas sigan tal como están actualmente es mucho mas saludable y barato ir de putas,
o incluso salir de este puto país y buscarse pareja fuera de España donde las mujeres hayan sido
criadas y educadas con los valores tradicionales.?

Great article, Micheal. Like you, my marriage started on the rocky side, but when I started
asserting my leadership role, things smoothed out in a matter of months. The fights went from
daily to maybe 1 every couple of months. Most women, let alone feminists, don't want to admit to
themselves of some of these truths because of the societal brainwashing/propaganda:

-They don't want to be in charge. They'd rather provide support and their opinions to the husband
and have them make the final decisions.

-They hate working and would rather stay home with their kids.

I've witnessed this in my own marriage and I'm positive I'm not the only one. Unlike women, men
aren't driven by how others view them. It makes us natural leaders since we're focused on the
results, not what Jimmy, John, Mary, or Sue will think about us. We are also more inclined to make
a decision faster and stick with it. In closing, I leave you with this video...skip to the 45 second

Esto es sólo un ejemplo más de la vieja fábula griega de Esopo sobre la zorra y las uvas. Puesto
que no puedo tener lo que deseo, fabrico una elaborada justificación de por qué no necesito eso
que tanto he deseado y cómo incluso estoy mejor sin ello. Pero eso no cambia la realidad. El ser
humano, por naturaleza y salvo casos puntuales, rehúye la soledad y tiende a buscar la intimidad
con otros seres humanos. Puesto que somos animales de costumbres, también tendemos tarde o
temprano (algunos realmente tarde) a necesitar cierta estabilidad en esos contactos y a crear
vínculos más duraderos. Otra cosa es que la sociedad nos presione para hacer de esos instintos
una obligación social y valore nuestro éxito o fracaso en función de ello, lo cual es terrible. Pero
defender que estar en soledad o movernos indefinidamente de relación en relación es un camino
a la felicidad, me parece una estupidez. Evidente, como dice el dicho, es mejor estar solo que mal
acompañado, igual que es mejor no comer nada que comer algo envenenado. Pero eso no elimina
la necesidad de comer que todos tenemos.

Aunque existen diferencias naturales entre hombres y mujeres, hoy en día es injusto, dicho
abiertamente, dar todos los derechos a las mujeres y cargar todas las responsabilidades sobre los
hombres. Los derechos conllevan responsabilidades. Si una mujer desea tener derecho a decidir,
entonces se le debe exigir que se responsabilice de su decisión. Si, como dice el tribunal, «esos
hechos los conocía el padre en el momento de la concepción», sin duda también los conocía la
madre. Juzgarla según unos valores diferentes únicamente en base a la biología es moralmente
reprobable. Debería tener derecho a decidir, pero su decisión no debería obligar al padre. Puede
que tenga que soportar el sufrimiento de dar a luz o abortar, pero también dispone de una gran
variedad de anticonceptivos de los que un hombre no dispone. Es más: a día de hoy, también tiene
oportunidades laborales que le permitirán

mantener ella sola a un hijo.

"Me siento ofendida" "A mi ese comentario me ofende" "Me siento agredida por tus palabras"

Estar ofendido no te hace tener más razón. En todo caso evidencia lo fina que tienes la piel o lo
frágil e insegura que eres.

No, no te equivoquas demasiado.

Es antiintuitivo, pero no hay nada que una mujer odie más que ser la que lleva los pantalones. De
la misma manera que un niño pequeño necesita gente mayor a su alrededor que ejerza el
liderazgo e imponga respeto para de esta manera sentirse seguro y "guiado", a las mujeres les
pasa lo mismo.

El rasgo más importante de todo tío es la seguridad en sí mismo. Él es el que tiene que liderar, el
que decide, el que abre camino. Y eso es algo que debe notarse claramente en su actitud. Si no se
nota, si ella detecta (y son especialistas en eso) que el tío con el que están es débil,
automáticamente se le subirán a la chepa.

No es opcional, no depende de nada más. Simplemente son así. De la misma manera que a un niño
que no le pones límites se te convierte en un monstruo fuera de control, ellas hacen lo mismo. Lo
que confunde a la mayoría de tíos es que creen que por ser adultas, van a comportarse más o
menos como hombres. Nada más lejos de la realidad.

Si en una relación, la mujer está constantamente poniéndote a prueba, constantemente

intentando imponerse, etc. etc., alerta roja. O has cedido demasiado y la relación se te ha ido de
las manos o es que ella está directamente como una cabra (que también suele pasar). En cualquier
caso, esa relación no tiene futuro.

O impones tu liderazgo por las buenas, con una actitud que deje a las claras las líneas rojas que
ella no puede traspasar o te hará un "golpe de estado" cada dos por tres y te perderá
absolutamente todo el respeto. Por eso es tan crucial conocer su manera de pensar, para
precisamente preever todos esos movimientos, chantajes emocionales, manipulaciones, etc.
Además, cuanto más tiempo se lleve de relación mejor te conocen y más saben atacar por los
puntos débiles.

Quieren líderes, quieren tíos que de verdad tengan dos cojones. Están "diseñadas" así.

Todo viene por la manera de "querer". Para ellas el hombre es un producto que tiene que cumplir
con su lista de requisitos. Si no los cumple o aparece un producto mejor, puerta y a por el

Eso es lo que muchos tíos no quieren entender. La indiferencia total que sienten hacia sus ex viene
por ahí. Un tío quiere a la mujer, a su pareja, por lo que es como persona pero ellas van en funcion
de las prestaciones, de los resultados. Por eso es mucho más fácil para ellas desengancharse

Por supuesto de cara a la galería intentan quedar como que están afectadas y les sabe muy mal.
Esto lo hacen porque para ellas es crucial no quedar como zorras implacables, frías y calculadoras.
Y pondrán cara de penita y harán pucheros aunque haga 3 meses que tomaron la decisión de
dejarte. Ningún problema. Pueden fingir muy fácilmente.

Eso al mismo tiempo les sirve para tenderle la trampa al ex desde el minuto 1. Si el ex ve que ella
está "afectadísima" por cortar, creerá que tiene alguna posibilidad futura de reenganchar la
relación, con lo que ella se asegura, si él es lo suficientemente pardillo, de tenerlo detrás
"chupando banquillo" si a ella le sale mal la jugada con el siguiente o si no encuentra a nadie que
le venga bien.

Por eso es imprescindible cortar toda comunicación con ella una vez te haya dejado oficialmente.
No llamar, no mensajear, nada. Y si se tienen tentaciones, eliminar números y contactos.

Más adelante ya contactará ella (lo hará seguro) para tantear a ver si aún vas detrás o no. La
frasecita típica de "quedar como amigos" o la de "no me gustaría perder el contacto" la dicen por

11. When you talk about a sucessful person, the loser finds one trait of the person that he finds to
be poor and holds that against the person.

Ex: Joe was a killer salesmen. He sold 20 houses in a month.

Loser: Yeah, he just caught the housing boom. Hes a douche.

Losers see others sucess as a reminder of their own personal failures. They always try to find
something stupid to rationalize away their own lack of sucess.

They don't like the man. They like what he can provide for them.

They love in an opportunistic female way, not in an idealistic male way.

Blue Pill: Worship in hope of companionship

TRP : Seek Vagaina; coz it gives me superhuman strength

MGTOW : Watch the game on theater, enjoying popcorn.


Ie "Wear this skirt, I like the way your ass looks in it'

"Damn I love the way you bend over when I'm fucking you"

"You're adorable, I might keep you around'.

All these you're giving her a compliment and letting her know whats sexy FOR YOU, and yet you're
not sounding like a little beta bitch.

Women still need validation, and nothing turns them on like getting it from Alphas. Just gotta do it
the right way

Exactly right. One of the reasons is she needs to be with a man who is better than her. All the
compliments are telling her she's the better one. Of course, she has no idea what is going on with

Isn't it amazing when you come across something that seems so wrong (because of our social
conditioning) but works so right? It's what TRP is all about.

Crab bucket mentality.

Very few people are genuinely happy for other people's success.

The only winning move is not to play

Modern women's increased hypergamy combined with the influence of social media and dating
app culture means she has too many options to truly appreciate most men; only very few men are
truly desirable to women today. Most men would be happy with a loyal gf even if she wasn't the
most physically or conventionally attractive woman. Unfortunately, most of these men are
unattractive to women and as such their desires are worthless in today's society. Women will
never accept responsibility for their increased hypergamy and things will continue to get worse.

Sex has become easier to get for the most attractive men and all women, but much harder to
get for the average male. Women willingly discard most men, leaving attractive men with too
many options to consider commitment.

When a man considers the fact that most women choose to give their best, most sexual, fertile
years to "alpha males" it makes marrying them feel like shit. Men are realizing that marriage
means that he basically gets to be an older woman's friend, knowing deep down he does not
compare to her sexual encounters in her youth. Is this petty? Not to men deep down. Masculinity
so fragile? Idk, but most men have a masculine sense of pride that isn't worth sacrificing no matter
what. Most men would never stay with a woman knowing another man was better....women
absolutely know this about men which is why they lie about their partner count and their sexual
experiences. Another reason men are refusing to marry: Men know that the divorce rate is over
50% and that women initiate 80% of them. Men know that marriage entitles women to half of
their life's work. Men know marriage is a bad deal and are avoiding it with increasing intensity.

People know what dating is. Women have made it extremely difficult because they are
increasingly hypergamous.

People are losing belief because women feel most men aren't anything more than disposable
tools, and most men are beginning to understand that dating is a waste of time, money and pride.

What I already wrote - keep it as casual as possible, don't get into defined, 'named' relationships
('girlfriend', 'couple' etc.).

By all means hook up, have sex, but don't go exclusive or committed in any other way because the
girls you're seeing at this age are still children and will change their minds 5 times a day without
even noticing or remembering what they said. It's just meaningless prattle to them, but it can get
under your skin if you let it, so don't.

And the way to not let it get to you is to have other girls to see if one gives you a bad time.

Women really think they are better looking than they are, and the reason for it is thirsty Betas
(How thirsty must you be to hit on that whale?).

Girls that go to uni go one of two ways. They either settle down with a guy for the duration (who
they tend to dump post-graduation) or they ride the CC for all its worth. You may as well send your
daughter to a brothel, at least she would earn some money in the process.

focus on improving yourself, and everything else will fall into place


• Buen estado físico -> buena salud

• Independiente económicamente -> ahorros

• Buenos ingresos -> trabajo

• Saber defenderse

• Casa propia

• Perseguir objetivo

• Realizar Hobbies

Las mujeres aman de forma oportunista, los hombres aman con sacrificio

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" Kevin Alfred

Yes. Men with no discipline will take on these low value women. I have a standard and I will walk
before I lower that standard because once you do, then you are rewarding that bad behavior. I tell
men all of the time...if she's fat or if she has kids, then walk away.
A man with value should know that his time is valuable and he should not just give it away to any
woman. You must bring that woman up to your standards or walk away. It takes discipline and it
takes confidence plus knowing the value in yourself.

Fat acceptance/body acceptance is just another rung on the depraved ladder of Leftism. It's easy
to define these people as mentally disturbed, but it seems to me that it goes deeper. Check out
the seven deadly sins. Whether you believe in religion or not is irrelevant, these sins are more or
less accepted worldwide in a secular way throughout history as being bad by cultures that have
advanced past inventing the wheel.

Pride, Avarice (Greed), Envy, Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth (Laziness)

Now, look at those and compare them to modern Progressives/socialists.

1. Pride - Narcissism, a defining trait of the Left

2. Avarice (Greed) - Wealth Redistribution

3. Envy - See "Avarice"; also found in "Thin Shaming" and a clear hatred of beautiful people
expressed nearly non-stop

4. Wrath - SJW

5. Lust - Sexual deviancy as promoted by the Left with it's weird obsessions over nearly inhuman
sexuality aka Trans-whatever, LGBT, etc.
6. Gluttony - Fat Acceptance/Body Acceptance

7. Sloth (Laziness) - Unions, Fat Acceptance, Welfare

They are literally the antithesis of everything good.

la gente bajo presión

trabaja más rápidamente, no mejor.

Instead of elevating themselves (which requires effort) , they bring others down (effortless),?

Monkey see, monkey do.

Girls always have backups. Nothing personal, just business. This is how you run PussyInc., if you're

What's she supposed to do if you get eaten by a sabretooth bear tomorrow on the subway?

Why are there so many criminals in the world? Because women have perpetuated those genes, by
choice. Women have created what men are, because they chose those genes, in the absence of
widespread rape.

Don't ever make the mistake of applying business principals to a woman, you will be sorely
disappointed. I get your humorous analogy but it does not apply. When men practice business
correctly there is transparency, loyalty, commitment, and rules of engagement, both sides prosper
in a mutual arrangement. Good luck finding that with a woman.

The greatest moment of a man's life is when he realizes that a woman is not worth the price she

To many men in the BP frame see females as the ultimate form of validation. Have a GF or wife,
and an attractive one at that, is their end game. This makes no sense, because that ver frame of
mind is how ALL women seek validation...through being with or around men. Having their betabux
drone and beta orbiters is how they derive their worth. So how the fuck is it logical for men to
seek validation through having a woman's attention?

It isn't.

Realizing you don't need a woman is the greatest truth you can learn. That fact will help you gain
MORE female attention.They could care less about the guys they always have around. It's the guy
she CAN'T get the attention of she's going to be thinking about. I speak from multiple counts of

About 2 months ago I shared a FR where I do exactly what this post entails. Over the span of a few
months I work over an HB9 who is a high class tease. Orbiters around her like the rings of Saturn.
But I barely show her attention. She blows it off thinking there's something wrong with me
initially, but we know how women are...they can't except their imperfections. And this chick
clearly couldn't handle the idea of a guy not interested in her.

So she ramps up her shit tests with me to try and get me to bite, and I play around with it before
freezing her out again. And again. And again. And now after 3 months she's pissed. She confronts
me and says I'm an asshole for sending her mixed signals. Beta would shrivel up in fear. But I'm no
beta. I could cut the sexual tension with a knife. She needed validation from me so desperately
that not giving it to her completely made her lose frame. Another lamb lead to the slaughter.

Did I fuck her? Fuckin A right I fucked her. And when she wants dick, who's the first guy she calls?
This guy right here. And I'll STILL blow her off sometimes to further establish the fact that her
worth is lower then mine. It really is that simple.

Not all men need to have families, but those who choose to do so, lead them as a masculine man

If thought in rules one could say:

shaming language is used as a lack of arguments

shaming language is caused by weakness

shaming language is used to conserve the existing social order

if someone is shaming you for no evident reason, you are doing something right

anyone knows the scene from game of thrones, where the mother of the king has to go nude
through the city and everybody kept repeating: shame, shame, shame... ?

Because shit gets real when you're not attractive just for existing any more. Welcome to the world
men live in, they have to learn the lesson later in life after 30 years and it's a shock and it makes
them bitter.
Women who actually developed a personality rather than using their looks as a crutch to get them
through life actually get along OK though, I've noticed

Misery loves company

Sex is their power card, commitment is ours. Always remember that

Showing weakness dries the vag up like it's the Gobi desert.

You lead, she follows.

Female: A real man—

Man: A real man doesn't give a fuck what you think.

Everyone these days is so damn self-absorbed because ether just don't consider anyone else or
respect the boundaries of others, in the guise of oppression. Its Bullshit

The real problem is not only the absence of fathers, but also the omnipresence of mothers (or
mother likes). There were many coming of age ceremonies in tribal cultures where boys were
taken form their mothers to be raised as men, by manly men. Nowadays, boys are sent to school
where they are taught by women, or by beta males... "We're a generation of men raised by
women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need."

Even if the father is present, there will be too many women trying to "teach" boys what a man
"should" be.

The life of a blue pill man revolves around women.

When a girl has unlimited access to you or your assets, there is no incentive for her to be on her
best behavior

the very first thing she does is justify her actions in order to absolve herself of the guilt and social

So beat a woman the best way they respond to, no validation, no attention and complete coldness

I find it amusing that women think they can unilaterally re-negotiate the terms of the relationship
deal ... and even more amusing that many men go along with it.
This is why in some cultures, men an women go to separate rooms after dinner.

The women set about gossip, tearing each other down in a vain effort to make themselves feel
better about being selfish consumers and destroyers of life.

Men talk about creating things and production. Or, if tired of politics, sports.

It's simple. When "friends" stop acting like friends, stop treating them as friends.

Treat them as acquaintances or even as strangers. Put them in their place.

Show, through your actions, that you will not take sh*t from them, or anyone.

They do this because guys forgot how to say no, and own it.

No commercial, no persuasion beats a man who says no.

Look her dead in the eye and tell her "It's because I don't want to deal with toxic women, like

Hold the death stare until she looks away


Get angry. But channel it

The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you're inside, you look around,
what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we
are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes
them our enemy.

You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them
are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.

Express a point of view that is disagreeable to most women? Expect some form of "you can't get
laid" adhominem attack. This is hilarious to me because all this does is prove how women truly
value themselves: as givers of sexual validation.

"You don't like math? Haha you must get bad grades in math or be bad with numbers."

"You hate playing sports? You must not be athletic."

"You don't want to associate with women? You must not get laid."
They themselves believe the main reason to associate with them is sexual and I'm sure they aren't
even aware of this

I know using a hooker does not qualify as a legit lay and paying for sex is not an indicator of

It's totally legit and sex is sex, it doesn't matter how you acquire it. All that matters is whether you
enjoyed it.

When you're out approaching 'regular' girls, you're also spending resoures (time, attention, wits,
charm) and making a performance while she judges whether you're worthy of them pearly gates.
So you're paying either way.

That's it! Any thoughts?

Congrats, keep at it, just don't make it your sole sexual outlet, or it will get costly.

But being able to get sex whenever you feel like it will do wonders to your abundance mentality if
and when you choose to approach 'regular' girls.

"Sometimes it feels like every girl has some sort of loophole or something."

Sometimes? It's all the time every time. It's what girls do they always have an agenda.

They don't love you, they only love the tingles you give them. And what do you have to recuperate

You should be celebrating, obviously this girl isn't awesome because she never gave a fuck about
you only your money.

And the next girl you meet, you are going to have some quality that she wants, wether it's money,
good looks, good sex, or just to be with a man with high status... remember that's the only thing
they "love" you for.

But if someone else catches her fancy and can offer the same of what one of those 4 things she's
after, she can and will transfer that "love" over to him. It's almost scary how easily they are able to
do it.

Shame for women happens when others see them negatively.

Shame for men comes when we do something against our own internal, moral code.

Every decent looking woman has a bunch of pathetic betas orbiting around her. She knows it, they
know it, but neither side wants to admit the obvious. For guys there is absolutely zero upside of
having a female friend for other reasons than potential sex sometime in the future. For girls, on
the other hand, these men get to be their servants, helpers, and emotional tampons

Here's a little exercise, if you wanna witness cognitive dissonance: Ask a woman what she wants in
her ideal man. Let her list all the attributes. When she's done, ask her what she brings to the
relationship and why she deserves said man. Sit back and watch the hamstering

Never make a woman your path.

Have a clear purpose in life.

Nurture your body and mind.

Take care of your finances.

Be proud you are a man.

Women will do anything they think they can get away with. Their morality is extrinsic, meaning
some outside agent has to threaten punishing them; daddy, husband, god, state, etc. If women
think they have you under their thumb they will become the most evil cunt you've ever seen. If
you're "keeping your bitch in check" she'll be the sweetest angel in the world.

It's really funny when you get to see both sides from the same girl. When you first approach, nasty
bitch and then she sees you're man of high status who does take shit and she becomes the most
sweet being in the world. Or the opposite with a breakup. This is one of the biggest Red Pills I've
actually seen in my life with women.

33 Ways to Be a Man

January 8, 2018 By Victor Pride 84 Comments


It has been my experience that 98 out of every 100 men are like weeds in the wind.

They bend this way and they bend that way, whichever way the wind is blowing that day.

It has further been my experience that 2 men out of every 100 men stand firm regardless of
which way the wind is blowing.

Now I know the title of this article is “How to be a man” but that is not entirely true. The
subject of this article is “How to be a great man.”

Notice the word great. Anyone can be a man, it takes something more to become a great
man. I aim to show you the way to be superior to the the average man.

I don't care to show you how to shave, or pee standing up, or to show you which deodorant
is the manliest, I care only to show you the way to become great.

If you want to be a real man, go fart in a beer can and laugh about it with all the other
morons sitting on the bar-stools next to you.

If you want to be a great man, put away the distractions and read this list with undivided


1) Open your eyes to reality

It is the #1 duty of a leader to make sure his eyes are open. It sounds obvious but it isn't.
When I speak simple truths to people they look at me like I'm an alien. As if to say “b-b-b-
but you cannot say that! Truth should be ignored!”

So many people are oblivious to reality. They would rather believe in a fairy tale of a third
eye rather than open their two regular eyes to see the world as it is.

Here is an example, I found this comment on a random YouTube video:

“Majority of the population has there eyes sewed shut with there heads in the sand .. Its
time to wake up open your third eyes' and see everything and anything you want..”

Wouldn't it make more sense to simply open your eyes and remove your head from the
sand? Actually, that is too obvious and 98% of people cannot see the obvious. This is their
grave misfortune and your great fortune.

Their blind attitude is an invitation to bad luck and bad luck is not fit for a man of fortune.
A man of fortune has to see the opportunity to take advantage of it.

2) Develop a lucky attitude

Luck comes to men who have a good luck mindset. Bad luck comes to the men who always
say this: “I have the worst luck!”

Listen here and listen well: Words are magic spells. That is why we spell words.

Every word you say becomes true so never say negative things in relation to yourself.
Every bad word you use is black magic and every positive word you use is white magic.

Do not be foolish and cast a bad luck spell on yourself. Use positive words like this:

 I am so lucky
 I have the best luck
 I have great fortune
 I am the luckiest man alive
 Good fortune comes to me like birds come to trees

Becoming lucky is very easy to do. When you're lucky, people will start paying attention to

3) Make people pay attention to you

Gene Simmons from KISS tells a great story to illustrate my point…

When I was a little kid, up in the hills of Israel, my friend Shlomo and I — he was a
Moroccan Jew — went up the hills of Mount Carmel. People used to come home from
work, and the very last stop on the bus stop was the beginning of Mount Carmel, the

I remember — Shlomo and I went to the top of the hill and picked cactus fruit. I remember
when I first was sitting there as the first bus rolled in, we didn't make a lot of noise. I must
have been about six, and Shlomo must have been seven or eight.

I didn't say anything — I was waiting for them to come over, because I've got cold cactus
fruit. Nobody came over. Then I went, ‘Hey!', and more people came over.

The bigger of a nuisance and the bigger a spectacle that I made of myself, the more we

That's the first lesson of mother nature and in show business — when the mother bird
brings back a juicy worm, who do you think's going to get the worm: the biggest bird, the
healthiest bird, or the sickliest little putz that squeaks the loudest?

You have to grab life by the scruff of the neck and demand to pay you some attention.

You will only get the respect you demand. You have to puff out your chest, and if you don't
have it, fake it.”

Like Gene said, do what you have to do to get what you want.

4) Say no to zen

Zen is self-help for people who don't actually want to do anything to help themselves. Here
is a perfect example zen nonsense advice:

“Being in the here and now and being at one with yourself is the ultimate cure. In other
words, not letting your mind wander into the past / future. Stop identifying with your
thoughts, live in the here and now, and everything else happens easily and organically.”

Let's quickly break this advice down so you may understand why it is nonsense.

 “Being in the here and now and being at one with yourself is the ultimate cure” = Zen
mumbo jumbo that means absolutely nothing and gives you no concrete next step.
 “Not letting your mind wander into the past / future” = Don't learn from the past and don't
plan for the future, which is a great way to get nowhere.
 “Stop identifying with your thoughts” = Schizophrenia

What these zen people are telling you is that thoughts without action will get you results
and that you can ignore your body and still get results. Don't make me laugh.


Your body is the physical projection of your mind. If you keep your body supremely
healthy your mind will be supremely healthy.

Don't you think there is a reason that Superman looks like Superman and not like the
Penguin? If Superman looked like the Penguin do you really think he would be the same
man with the same mindset? Get real.

If your body looked like Superman your mind would be like Superman because the mind is
the body (and both need to be kept healthy).

5) Don't use drugs and don't drink alcohol regularly

To be a great man of business you must always be of a calm, clear mind.

There is no other way to say it but to say it plainly: drugs and alcohol will ruin you if you
make a habit of using them regularly.

This is one area where I really do recommend moderation or total abstinence. A glass of
wine with dinner is fine. A beer or two is fine. Making a habit of getting and being
intoxicated is not.

PT Barnum said it well:

As no man can succeed in business unless he has a brain to enable him to lay his plans, and
reason to guide him in their execution, so, no matter how bountifully a man may be blessed
with intelligence, if the brain is muddled, and his judgment warped by intoxicating drinks,
it is impossible for him to carry on business successfully.”

Nearly all mentally ill and depressed people have a problem with drugs and alcohol. Here
are a few people who loved drugs and alcohol (notice how they ended up):

 Kurt Cobain
 Jimi Hendrix
 Chester Bennington
 Chris Cornell
 Layne Staley
 Heath Ledger

Everybody who stays in the party scene can expect a) their minds to turn to mush and b) to
one day wake up in jail, the nuthouse, the intensive care unit, or the morgue where they
won't wake up at all.

Jail is the best you ca hope for when you play around with the hard stuff and that is why so
many jailbirds say “I go to jail to clean up.”

Spending your life wasted is just wasting your life.

Don't make the mistake of thinking I am speaking of performance enhancing drugs, I am

speaking only of performance decreasing drugs. Performance enhancing drugs are almost a
necessity in this world.

6) Maintain high testosterone and low estrogen levels

Pictured: High testosterone man brushing his teeth

Hormones are everything. To be a true man you have to have high testosterone and low
estrogen. Ladyboys like Crazy Uncle Caitlyn have wacky hormones.

Update your testosterone before you become gay.

To be a 100% man it is necessary to control your hormones to the best of your ability using
Red-PCT and any other methods that actually work.

Which leads my to the next rule, which is very mild and easy to follow…

7) Don't get butt-fucked

Recently I stayed in a hotel that had the restrooms outside, separated from the neighbor's
restroom by only a small brick wall so I could hear the neighbors. One day I heard 2
German fellows showering together, laughing about dropping the soap and playing grab-
ass. They were laughing and just having a really great time and right then I thought to
myself: “Good lord that's gay.”

Now I'm no member of the moral police and I really don't care if someone is gay, but
nobody is going to confuse a fruity fellow with a great man.

“But Victor, it's totally normal for 2 guys to butt-fuck each other lol!”

Yeah right. Nobody is going to high-five you for butt-fucking another man. A great man is
only born from a father and a mother, so…

8) Pick the right wife

I don't recommend getting married, the cons outweigh the benefits. But if you do get
married you must pick the right wife. Here's how…

Your wife is your business partner not your one true love. A marriage will be the greatest
business partnership you ever form and you must choose wisely.

If you marry someone for love you are making a foolish decision. Love and looks will fade
in time, you will be left only with attitude. Your wife has to have a positive mental attitude
jut like you. Together, with a shared common goal, you will be able to do many great
things that are impossible to do if you were alone.

Speaking of love, it isn't really real. “Love” is an infatuation that happens when

 a) someone cares less about you than you care about them or
 b) a lovely looking lady has bewitched you with her looks.

We all know men who become stupid when they meet a pretty girl. This is because they
have been bewitched. Bewitching happens when pretty girls use charm and sex to put a hex
on you. This is why it is very important to choose a wife for more than just looks.

“I don’t believe in love at first sight. I think it’s a grave mistake. You’re attracted by
physical characteristics and you will regret it.” -Lee Kuan Yew

In the quest for great success, her helpful attitude is much more important than her looks
and glamour. Chasing her looks will end up with her in complete control of you. Chasing
glamour can cause otherwise capable men to lose everything.

Remember this, she is your BUSINESS PARTNER. Make sure your business partner has
the same positive mental attitude and the same goal as you. Your partnership can produce
grand things or it can produce total ruin.

Choose the right wife by her attitude and willingness to go with you on your journey to
greatness. Don't ever “do the right thing” and get married to try and be a good guy because
being too nice will be your ruin.

9) Don't be too nice

Do you remember the story I told you about the invisible little girl in the supermarket?

“I was shopping at the local supermarket the other day and in front of me in line was a little

She looked like she was waiting to pay for something, but she didn't say anything so no one
paid any attention to her.

She was at the front of the checkout line. There were about 3 people in front of me. They
all purchased their food and left, the little girl just silently stood there.

When I got to the front of the line, I looked at the little girl and I looked at the cashier. I
said “what does this little girl want?”

Finally the cashier looked at the little girl and asked her what she wanted. The little girl said
she wanted to buy some candy.

She was too nice to say anything so she just waited until somebody acknowledged her
before she could buy her candy.

Finally after she was asked what she wanted, she was able to buy her candy and leave.”

Do you know what I realized after seeing the invisible little girl? Being too nice can make
you invisible in this world.

It's ok to be nice as a kiddo, but when you grow up it's time to grow some balls because
nice guys are treated worse than invisible.

Nobody respects nice guys because nice guys don't demand respect or command fear. In
other words, they have the characteristics of what is scientifically called a “pussy”.

Being nice can become your demise, you gotta be a little mean to get the green.

10) Make a lot of money

Friend, let's face reality. You're not really much of a man if you're broke, are you? That is
because money is a manifestation of your mentality as a man.

When I started making big money people started treating me with big respect. Not because
I flash money, but because my mentality matured and I silently started to command respect.
When you can command money, you can command the world.

Making big money has nothing to do with luck, it has everything to do with your ability as
a man of will (not skill). Men of will have money.

“Rich people are creators of circumstance.” -Jordan Belfort

“But Victor, you can't take money with you when you die!!!!!” -Loser Guy

When you die you cannot take potato chips, snack cakes and soda pop with you either but it
doesn't stop you from consuming them every day in front of your internet porno screen.

“…touché.” -Loser Guy

11) Stop using internet porn

Internet porn saps your precious vital energy and darkens your eyes and your soul. Be a real
life sex god, don't be a dark bedroom computer weirdo.

Sex in real life GIVES YOU VITAL ENERGY. Internet porn takes it away.

Also, do not be addicted to social media. It is unbecoming of a man to gossip on social

media all day long.

Being a great man requires you to live in the real world and do real things that benefit real
people. When you spend all of your time watching internet porn or watching social media
all you do is waste away.

If you love to stare at words so much why waste your eyes reading social media when you
could be reading true knowledge?

12) Be well read

In my large home in Los Angeles I started with a small library in the corner. The library
eventually grew to any overtake any open spot in the home. At first I had a small library in
my home then I had a small home in my library.

I eventually sold, gave away or trashed all of my possessions except for my books which
are in safe storage until my return. Knowledge is too valuable to just give away to the
uninitiated and unconcerned.

All great men of knowledge gained their knowledge the exact same way: By being
voracious book readers AND applying that knowledge to real life situations.

All of the knowledge in the known world is inside of books, the more books you read the
more knowledge you gain.

Be sure to put the knowledge to use because knowledge unused is worthless.

Nobody appreciates a book-worm nerd who never accomplished anything. Everybody

respects well-read men who put their knowledge to use.

Put the best books for men on your bookshelf and earn the knowledge of the ages. These
great authors of the ages will teach you very valuable life lessons.

13) Always wear a mask of success


Success requires you wear a mask of success. You must never be “caught with your pants
down”. Wearing a mask is not about hiding, it is about showing only the best aspects of
your personality.

Always be “on” by wearing a proverbial mask and never let anyone catch you slipping.
Relax in private, never relax in public. In public, you show your best self.

For example, just because you woke up in a bad mood one day does not mean you need to
show it to other people. You've got to always put your best foot forward.

14) Develop a personal uniform

I recently grew my hair long and grew a hippie beard and I noticed one thing: people
treated me like a disgusting hippie bum. They would hassle me at airline customs for no
reason (other than the obvious). When I shaved the beard and got a terrific haircut, people
again started treating me like royalty.

People treat you better when you are dressed well. This is just a fact of life.

Friend, it is all in the presentation. If you present the best version of yourself people will
treat you like the best version of yourself. This is why it is important to dress well every

To dress well every single day without fail you should do what Nate recommends and
develop a personal uniform. All of the greats from Jobs to Lincoln had a very distinct look.

15) Work every day

Working every day is the magic that makes great things happen and saves a man's soul.
You want to live in heaven? Heaven is found in the discipline of daily work. Want to live in
hell? Don't do any work.

There is a big reason why welfare bums are miserable (they don't work). When you don't
work every day you have no desire for life. Without a reason to work every day there is no
reason to live life.

Work is desire. Work is freedom. A day off is a day of slavery to boredom and longing and

“I hated days off!” -Jerry Rice

Don't you see it is the discipline of developing and keeping a work schedule that keeps you

Take advantage of nature's remedy and develop a rock solid work ethic. It is easy to have
an indestructible work ethic when you work for something bigger than yourself.

16) Have a muse that makes you work for more

Muse = a person or personified force who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.

It is only when you work for something bigger than yourself that you begin to accomplish
great things. Nobody cares about themselves in the way that they care about the object of
their desire.

When you have a muse you work towards something bigger than yourself and you will
accomplish something bigger than yourself.

(Of course, accomplishing something big requires you to go out on your own…)

17) Be a high energy entrepreneur

Sorry, but you cannot be a great man if you call another man, or woman, “boss”.
Responsibility is always the very first step to freedom. To be a great man is to accept great

Letting somebody else be your boss, and letting them be responsible for you, costs you the
opportunity to be a great man.

To be a great man is to walk out into the unknown, on your own. It takes balls of steel to
become an entrepreneur because entrepreneurs have no safety net. It is do or die.

All great men of the world have gone into the unknown and come back with their

Treasure is only for leaders so learn how to be a leader and get your treasure.

18) Don't ask for respect, take it

I never asked anybody in my life for respect. The respect given to me has nothing to do
with my desire for it because I don't care for it and I don't yearn for it.

I respect myself and have for all of my life. Down to my bones I know one thing for
certain: I am correct. What another person thinks is not significant to me.

Do you know the funny thing that happens when you respect yourself and don't yearn for
approval? You are granted respect by all people. It happens naturally.

If you want to get respect you have to respect yourself first. If you do not respect yourself
nobody will respect you.

Respect yourself and never worry about what other people think. Worrying about what
other people think is feminine and will cause people to not respect you.

Learn how to stop worrying and start winning.

19) Never apologize

Have you ever read survival stories from people who were attacked by sharks or bears and
got away? How did they get away? They got away by fighting.

If you want to get away from a shark, punch it in the mouth and it will let you go. You have
to fight back or be eaten alive.

In our world we have to fight crybabies who demand apologies. To fight them off, instead
of throwing a punch, what you do is stand firm and NEVER APOLOGIZE.

Never showing remorse or apologies is the same as throwing a punch. Being defiant and
never apologizing is the only way you live in peace.

If you apologize one time they will not stop tearing you to pieces until there is nothing left
to tear.

“Apology is weakness, show no weakness.”

When you apologize you do not appease the crowd, you further enrage them and they will
descend upon you like a thousand vultures in hell.

20) Learn how to defend yourself

If you don't learn to defend yourself who will defend you? Mom and dad cannot be there at
all times. The only person who is with you at all times is yourself.

You can only depend only on yourself to defend yourself.

In this world people will prey on you if you allow them. It is imperative to learn to defend
yourself so that you do not become a victim.

Learn to be cold when it is time to be cold.


21) Be independent

All great men of character are lone wolves by nature. That is because there is only one
person who you can always depend on: yourself.

Learn from the best but always remember: There are no role-models for being an

Nobody can teach you to be the best version of yourself. It is entirely your job to learn and
earn your independence.

Nietzche said that an independent man proves that he is not only strong, but also daring
beyond measure. To be daring beyond measure requires you to have a clear vision of the
future and work towards it.

22) Live in the future

I once heard a great con man say: “Life can only be understood looking backwards;
unfortunately, it must be lived forwards.”

To be a great man is to be able to disregard immediate results and work towards future

Never follow this “live in the now” zen silliness. Living in the now is what dogs do. Never
thinking about the future and never learning from the past, just barely getting by begging
for scraps of food.

As a man it is very important to be future oriented and plant seeds for the future.

In this world it is imperative that you learn from past mistakes and that you plan for the
future and stick to the plan.

23) Exercise every day

Exercise is not just for physical development, it is for mental and physical health. You have
to exercise to be healthy, in both mind and body.

Exercise just has to be a part of your daily routine just like shitting, showering, and

Exercise is also the way you develop energy. Like Ralph Waldo Emerson said, the world
belongs to the energetic.

24) Develop the body of a spartan

I can promise you one thing: People treat you well when you look like a Greek God.

In my life I have been skinny and I have been heavily muscled. Here's what I learned…

When you're skinny you're just a regular person, when you're muscled up you become
something more and people treat you as something more. People will come to you out of
the blue just to touch your arms and say “WOW!”

To be the best you can be requires you to develop your body to the best of its ability.

Remember, physical development aka bodybuilding is not the same thing as exercising.
Exercise is what you do for your heart and your mind, bodybuilding is what you do to make
your body look like Zeus and you cannot die without looking like Zeus at least once.

You gotta develop a 6 pack at least once in your life.

A great body will make you stand tall above all.

25) Learn from the best (ignore the rest)

People always ask me if I read XYZ person or if I follow XYZ person's philosophy and
here is the answer: Hell no I don't. I live life my way. I find only tidbits from other people
and I put them together into my own Full Color philosophy of life.

To be the best you've got to learn from the best and ignore the rest. I did mention it is
important to learn from books, but you have to learn from the right books.

It has again been my experience that 98 out of every 100 books are not written by masters
but by students rehashing the teachings of a master.

To learn from the best, you have to find the 2% of books that were actually written by the
masters of their fields. (Even then you can only take bits and pieces from them to form your
own philosophy.)

These books are easy to know because they will jump out at you as if they were alive. The
words will seem to be speaking directly to you. These books are the wows-makers that
make you open your eyes and mouth to say “WOW!”

26) Don't compare yourself to them

Comparing yourself to others is futile because the only competition is yourself. You are
you, he is him, she is her, they are them.

Do not worry about them, only worry about what you can control and the only thing you
can control is yourself.


There is no competition to be you because there is only one you and there will only ever be
one of you. Be you and be your best.

Who gives a damn what Teddy and Freddy are doing? That is their business. Let them be
involved in their business and you stick to yours.

27) Think twice before saying nothing

They say that a great diplomat is a man who thinks twice before saying nothing. Heed this
great advice and don't be too chatty.

When you speak too much you give away everything. You give away your plans, your
strategy, your capabilities and your fears.

“You never open your mouth 'til you know what the shot is.” -Al Pacino, Glengarry
Glen Ross

Many great men of history have said that it is a far greater accomplishment to listen well
than it is to speak well.

The 4 rules of speaking:

1. Never interrupt people when they are speaking. I constantly see the 98% of the failures
interrupting people, unable to hold in their words for a few more moments.
2. When it comes to business, always be the last to speak. Let everyone else reveal their
thoughts, consider all of the information, then open your mouth and let your voice be
heard. You will always be the wisest man in the room if you are the last man in the room
to open his mouth.
3. Always speak with finality and exude complete authority. Never speak too much, always
leave something left unsaid.
4. When you do speak, make sure you have something real to say. Never, ever speak just to

28) Never complain

Complaints are feminine. Feminine types complain because they believe that they do not
have the ability to change circumstance, which is incorrect. Women can change their
circumstance as easily as men.

Change is nothing but an attitude of the mind. Complaining keeps you from evolving to a
higher form. As a true man of virtue there is no acceptable reason to complain.

“A warrior cannot complain or regret anything.” -Carlos Castañeda

29) Harness your sexual energy

Every great man is highly sexed. It is this vital sexual energy that is the engine of all
greatness. To be a great man you can use your sex energy and transmute it to business.

So many people overcomplicate transmutation of sexual energy. They think their is some
witchcraft voodoo process when it is actually very simple:

Be highly sexed and transfer that sexual energy to business or art.

What is the most creative act on earth? Sex. Sex creates a living being. It is the utmost in
creativity. Use this sexual energy in your business or your art to get the most creativity out
of yourself.

30) Strive to be brave

A great man is a brave man.


To become a great man you must learn to be brave by doing something brave like killing a
tiger with your bare hands or going into business for yourself.

Entrepreneurship is brave because when you start no one will believe in you, no one will
trust you, no one will help you, and everyone will doubt you. Therefore, success rests
solely on your shoulders. You make it happen or you quit.

The whole world respects a man who makes it happens and the whole world secretly
disdains a quitter. They'll tell you soothing words like “you made the right choice” but they
tell you these words because they know you are weak and they secretly rejoice in your

31) Increase your ego, don't kill your ego

Ego death is complete death of the spirit and soul. Look at the great company the word ego
is in.

Ego is another way to say: soul, spirit, mind, individuality, vital force, breath of life.

They say you should kill your ego but let's replace ego with similar words. You tell me if
this is a good idea:

“Kill your spirit, kill your individuality, kill your intelligence, kill your spiritual being, kill
your ardor, kill your breath of life, kill your courage.”

Sound good? Heck no it doesn't!

Killing your ego is a bad idea. To become immortal you need a very big ego…

32) Make yourself immortal by leaving work that will live on after you're gone

What do we know of the past? Whatever words in books tell us of the past. We only know
of people who were written about.

Professional writers are the creators and preservers of history.

Writers hold all of the power and you can write your own history in real time.

It is not necessary to wait until you die to write your story, you can create yourself exactly
as you wish to be and you can start right now.

Create your own power, create your own prestige, create your own history by writing it

You can go from nobody to somebody, from fiction to reality, in the blink of an eye.

Just follow the strategy…

33) Always be Bold and Determined

The entire strategy of success, from nothing to something, nobody to somebody, is laid out
for you in the archives of Bold & Determined.

The best of those archives are found in these 3 volumes.


To make the greatest version of yourself become a reality, follow the plan laid out carefully
for you in Bold & Determined Volumes 1-3.

If you do not follow the plan then, so sorry, it was not your fate to be great.

“In the end it must be as it is and always has been: great things remain for the great” -

But don't forget what I said…

“Great things are there for you to take.” -Victor Pride

Until next time.

Your man,

-Victor Pride

This is correct. Women control sex. Men control commitment, and the provision that comes with
it. Marriage is an agreement to trade one for the other. The problem is, that men are expected to
hold up their end of the deal but women seem to think nothing is expected of them.

Women are always in it for the attention, beta bux and alpha fucks, no matter what niche they
infiltrate. They don't have solid personalities like men do. They adjust to their surroundings and
deceive and manipulate to get what they want. They also do this in personal relationships, like
Roosh says about the girl and her faked liking to Trump in this video. They have no moral code or
principles like men do. It's all about them. If you were lucky the only woman who will ever love
you is your mother. To other women you are just a utility. The internet and our free society brings
out the worst of female nature, because now they can amass work ants on a much grander scale
than ever before

I don’t have to ask, negotiate, compromise, beg for forgiveness, consider anyone else’s “feelings”
or put up with drama

Just as an even briefer summary, men’s response to the carousel has been
–The Red Pill (actually build the better man through integration of Game concepts and
masculinity instead of fake tips/tricks/routines)
–MGTOW (avoidance of marriage, fatherhood and relationships with women; in some
cases, continued sexual relationships with women without commitment; in other cases,
complete avoidance of women either by force or by choice
–minimalism (working as little as possible, earning/producing just enough for himself to
live and enjoy casual sex with women, pastimes, and hobbies)

Women’s reply to men’s response has been

–shaming (immature, irresponsible men playing video games and refusing to grow up, i.e.
get “real jobs”, get married and have kids)
–complaining (where are all the good men; why can’t I find a good man to marry)
–“man up and marry the sluts”
–“I am a reformed slut; I’m not like that anymore; I’m tired of the games and the players, I
want a real man to marry me and take care of my kids”
–doubling down on the C*ck Carousel and the shaming (#metoo, #timesup, Tinder, online

Some people think #metoo is feminism jumping the shark. That feminism, finally, at long
last, has gone too far. I’m not so sure of that. I think more and more people are going to
push the concepts even further. The effect will be to squeeze out more “bottom 80% ” of
men. They just won’t be able to risk entanglements with women.

Feminism is in a “mop up” operation now. Nearly all of the major battles have been won.
Feminism and feminists, have gotten everything they’ve asked for, agitated for, and
demanded. #metoo is designed to remove the last vestiges of “the old guard” and usher in a
Brave New World of grrlpower. They’re “mopping up” the leftovers to prepare for the
“new world.”

This is going to stop eventually, and it will crash. But it will keep on going for a long time
before the money and the manpower runs out.

I also wanted to put this here. This is a comment by Novaseeker at another blog. I think this
perfectly encapsulates how women, and feminism, view men and their responses. It also
shows how men have responded to the changes and perhaps a glimpse of the future.

TLDR: Men are thirsty and they’ll do whatever it takes to get sex. Women know this, and
have used this to their advantage in pushing through “reforms” and “changes” – “we have
the p*ssy, and we know you want the p*ssy, so you’ll do what we tell you to do and give us
what we want. And men, by and large, have fallen in line and done exactly what women

predicted – they’ll do what it takes to get sex, including making radical changes to their
own lives.

But no one really foresaw how casual sex would shake out and how “bottom 80%ers”
would get squeezed out, and how that would affect marriage.

There isn’t that much resistance to the current state of affairs. The manosphere makes it
look like there are more male resisters than there actually are. In reality the manosphere is a
tiny part of the larger whole, and most men are Blue Pill, and are going along with the
status quo.

I think that the idea behind the current system is that men will do whatever the system asks
them to do when it comes to women because they have no choice due to the very strong sex
drive that most men have. That was clearly the idea behind second wave feminism, and it
has drifted into 3rd and later waves, too — women can be running around with hatchets
ready to castrate every man in sight and men would still be doing whatever women require
them to do in order to get sexual access because of the “the thirst”, which is much higher on
the male side than on the female side in terms of constancy (women also have a very high
sex drive, but it is situational and responsive rather than constant, and that makes all the

That isn’t generally wrong, it seems to me. Men have adapted, by and large, to the changes.
Most men don’t avoid women. Most men still get married, to whichever woman will marry
them regardless of “n count”. Most men will date whichever girl will date them, over a
certain threshold (which for many men, looking around in the real world, isn’t that high,
folks). Most men will go along with work husbands and GNOs and wife and friends only
vacations and daughters with BFs that sleepover and on and on, as long as the sex spigot
stays somewhat on, and they have access to some live sex. Men are extremely, extremely
easy to manipulate by their sexuality — extremely easy. And women have evolved to be
the absolute masters of this, again, precisely because their sex drive is situational and not
constant, meaning that it is easy for most women to manipulate most men sexually, most of
the time. So generally the idea that the feminists had that most men would go along with
whatever they wanted from them due to sexual desire and need was basically right — at
least it has been so, so far.

What wasn’t anticipated by feminists (some of them were anticipated by others) were the

– Women’s freed-up sexuality going largely to the benefit of the most sexually attractive
men (because these men trigger women’s situational sex drive, which turns the tables on
who can manipulate/control whom when it comes to sex)

– Some men at the lower ends of the scale dropping out altogether (not just from the
relationship market, but from striving and succeeding in life) due to high definition
broadband porn being available on demand for free, and the internet in general

– the divorce of conception from sex resulting in a proliferation of casual sex (where, again,
the most sexually attractive men rule the roost as noted above), a reduction in family
formation, and an explosion in single motherhood.

Pope Paul VI foresaw some of this in Humanae Vitae, and was laughed at, for the most
part, because at the time people thought he was catastrophizing. As hard as it may be for
some to imagine now, at the time most people saw contraception as being primarily for sex
between married couples, and so it was evaluated mostly in that light. People didn’t foresee
the 1970s coming (Boogie Nights era), never mind the Tinder/Bumble era.

But despite everything, most men do toe the line, and the reason is that their sex drive is
constant, and therefore makes them subject to easy manipulation, and muddled thinking,
often, when it comes to matters pertaining to women and their relationships with them. The
exceptions to this are generally the following: religious men who have discipline
(admittedly this is a very small number of men), low totem pole men who have little to no
sexual opportunity and live in a world of porn, low testosterone men who have a naturally
lower libido, and are therefore checked out to some degree from the sexual market place
ratrace. Otherwise, men will do what women want to get sexual access because of their sex
drives. It is only the men who are in one of the exceptional categories who will not, and
they are not numerous enough to cause social changes.

It often looks on the internet, especially in the manosphere, that there are more male
resisters than there really are. The manosphere overstates the case, I think, in terms of how
many of these men there actually are, because it tends to attract them, and so if you hang
out here you begin to think such men are fairly common, when they are in no way fairly
common in real life. In real life, most men tow the line because they prefer that to going

And this is why we advise men at TRP that when women try to break things off with you,
you agree with them or ghost them or simply laugh and say "cool". Act like it doesn't phase
you ... or even better yet don't let it phase you.

They want to feel like it affected you, that they "won", even if they won't admit it. Women
compete in the psychological/social sphere, much like men do the physical one. If it phases
you, then they know they conquered you.

But if you simply walk away without out a word, it fucks with their head. Makes them
second-guess. Not so you can "get her back", but because a man with real presence should
always leave a trail in his wake. If they want to flip the switch, let them. Hold your head up
high and walk like a man.

Just walk away. It’s the loudest way to say: Fuck you, childish creature, without
actually saying it.

Enjoy Your Own Company – The Best Way To Live

March 31, 2018 by Max Panzer 8 Comments


The best way to live

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As you walk around each day you should enjoy your own company. It should be
entertaining just to be you. Your conscience should be clear. You should be proud of your

achievements. Your plans for the future should excite you. And you should enjoy peace of

The weight of your character should lead all that you do. You should literally be able to feel
your character as a positive form of energy that powers you through each day. It will help
drive you at full throttle from morning until night; until it is time to relax, recuperate and

And you should also feel the positive effect you have on others. Each person you have
meaningful interaction with should walk away the better for it.

Not only will this benefit them, but it will also benefit you. Your social interactions will
become a positive feedback loop. You will lift them up and they too will reciprocate with
more positive energy—positive energy that you helped to manifest from within them.

Confidence in who you are, what you believe and what you stand for should pervade your
mindset. There should be no confusion about the core of who you are and what you believe.

There is always something impressive about a man who knows who he is and is
comfortable in his own skin. You will excite people and set an example for them to model
after. Knowing this will be good and it will be very rewarding in its own regard.

So the plan then is to work to become the very best you can be; to develop yourself nonstop
as a way of life, to become a Force of Nature as I call it.

And to enjoy your own company.

The Best Way To Live

A man, who has developed himself to the point where he enjoys his own company, leads a
happy and productive life. If you’re comfortable with whom you are and enjoy your own
character it is simply the best way to live.

Nothing can make a man bulletproof, but being happy with who you are is pretty tough to
beat—it doesn’t get much better.

In contrast, you could be wealthy, famous and the object of desire for many beautiful
women, but if you’re a weasel and you know it, life will not be good for you. You will not
enjoy your own company. And much of your energy will be spent on activities and shallow
distractions as an escape from who you really are. We’ve all seen this in others and perhaps
experienced it in our own lives for a time.

Just consider many of the personalities profiled in the media who have achieved
tremendous things, yet leave a path of broken relationships and bad decisions behind them.
And when you have a look at them a few years later, the lack of good character becomes
obvious in their painful and unhealthy countenance. It is easy to see.

Compare this with a regular Joe who quietly pursues Right Action, Virtue and continuously
works to develop himself. Here you will have a man with a clear conscience and rock solid
character—a man who will enjoy his own company and is genuinely happy.

Such a man will take delight in each day of his life. He will take pleasure in the simple
things and require very little to be at peace. And he will make those around him better
people for knowing him.

So do yourself a favor. Be your own man. Be true to your nature. And pursue Virtue,
Excellence and Quality in all that you do.

Do these things and you will enjoy your own company. And in doing so, you will also
make the world a better place.

Forgive yourself and achieve personal greatness


Forgive Yourself

Some of you out there might be writing yourselves off because you’re in a bad place right
now or perhaps because of some bad decisions or mistakes you’ve made. If that’s the case,
learn to put your past behind you.

You’re not the first man to screw up and you won’t be the last. The Creator is well aware of
your fallibility and yet still yearns to see you achieve personal greatness. After all, this is
your Life’s Destiny. It is the reason why you exist. It is never too late.

So forgive yourself if you have to. Remember, the past is an illusion. You have burned
through your past life and it’s gone. It only exists in your mind.

Learn from your mistakes, but forgive yourself and live your life in the present moment.
Live your life in the now. The now and your plans for the future are all you’ve got. For the
most part, the past is a waste of time—good and bad.

Use your regrets as the fuel to turn your life around. Or use whatever you need to.
Developing yourself and pursuing what’s right will solve a lot of problems. Even if you
can’t see how right now, do it anyway. Pursue Virtue, Excellence and Quality in all that
you do and you can’t go wrong.

Things will eventually work themselves out if you struggle to do your very best each day.
Keep working on yourself for its own sake. Keep pressing ahead as a matter of principle.
Make it an obsession if you have to. In the long run you will tip the natural order in your

It will be a glorious turnaround once you begin to enjoy your own company. Glorious for
you, the Creator and all those you care about.

And then one day when you can feel the weight and fire of your impressive core as you
walk around, you will be thankful you were smart and did indeed forgive yourself as you
read here today.

Compete Against Yourself

Your life is unique, your circumstances are unique and you yourself are unlike any other
human being in all of human history. Your genetic coding and inherent potential are of
divine origin. In short, you’ve got plenty to work with. There is an embarrassment of riches
lurking deep within.

There is no need to worry about what others are doing in comparison. The only possible
reason for comparison would be for inspiration. There is nothing wrong at all with learning
from and acquiring the motivation to improve from another man of impressive character,
knowledge and achievement.

Smart men will do this. Iron sharpens iron as they say. To humble yourself and learn from
another man’s experience or knowledge is wise. And there is tremendous power in wisdom.

Especially in the Information Age of today, unlike any other time in history, there is no
excuse not to leverage the expertise and learning of others. For a pittance you can learn
from a lifetime’s worth of experience and change your life.

Read about and listen to topics that interest you like your life depended on it. Never before
in the history of mankind has so much knowledge been readily available. If you do not take
advantage of this incredible resource just waiting to be had, you are cheating yourself, your
family and your Life’s Destiny.

Take all the inspiration and knowledge you can acquire and apply it to your own life. Apply
it to your unique plans and circumstances. And then focus on becoming a better version of
yourself each day. Become a better man than you were yesterday. Compete against

Become a believer in your Life’s Destiny to become the very best you can be. Believe in
the incredible potential that exists within you from the day you were born. And then
commit to cutting through all of the noise and distraction the world presents and keep
pressing forward.

Subscribe to No More Zero Days. Take steps each day to become a little bit better that you
were the day before. Eat better, work out, read, write and save. Pare away at the excesses
and shallow distractions in your life. Embrace Spartan Minimalism. Come in to work each
day with some fire and get the job done with excellence and quality. Pursue Willing
Acceptance, Right Action and Virtue in all that you do.

Work yourself like heat treated metal. Day after day, week after week and year after year,
harden yourself and sharpen your edge. Put yourself first and focus inward with all of this
in mind.

And then one day you will realize you are now twice the man that you were. You are now
twice the man and you’re just getting started.

Live your life in the High Country

Live in the High Country

You’ve only got one shot at it. Life will come at you fast and time will begin to pass you by
at an increasing rate. Before you know it you will be able to look back over your life more
than you can look ahead. There is no time like this very moment to begin enjoying your
own company.

Don’t waste another day. Begin taking the Right Action you know you need to take. Be
honest with yourself, you know what it is you need to do. And what it is you need to stop
doing. Go hardcore and become twice the man overnight.

Do nothing else but pursue Virtue, Excellence and Quality. Put yourself in congruence with
the natural order. Begin to bend reality in your favor.

Why the hell not? You don’t owe anyone the need to live any other way. In fact, the
opposite is the case in my opinion. Your heart continues to beat for a reason. And that
reason is to manifest what’s right by becoming the very best man you can.

And as a byproduct, you will begin to enjoy your own company—to live your life in the
High Country as I call it.

Make it a point of Righteous Defiance if you have to. Imagine what kind of world we
would live in if all men were authentic, virtuous and pursued excellence as a matter of
principle; and for their own benefit.

Forgive yourself for whatever you need to forgive; for things in the past and for things in
the present. Learn from your mistakes but keep pressing forward. Pick yourself up and keep
moving towards the ideal. You know what it is. Do not let circumstances, difficulties or
even yourself get in the way; especially yourself.

Become a better man than you were the day before. Never mind what anyone else is doing.
Never mind what anyone else thinks. Compete against yourself, even if it’s just working
the fundamentals over and over again. Take the long view, be patient and let the magic of
compounding work its way into your pursuits and character.

In the long run, only good can come from doing what’s right.

Even if you can’t see the path that much far ahead of you, keep at it.

Eventually circumstances will present themselves as if guided by hand; unexpectedly, with

elegance, with simplicity and to your smiling delight.

All the best,

4 Ways That Men And Women Are Different

Pete Fletcher April 4, 2018

 The Sexes


Pete Fletcher

Pete Fletcher is passionate about raising up the next generation. He doesn’t have a social
media account or a web site. He’s content with hot coffee in the morning and a dry bed at
night. He writes things he wished he’d been taught long ago, but wasn’t.


It’s said that Abraham Lincoln once asked some people how many legs a horse would have
if you called its tail a leg. They answered five. Abe corrected their foolishness by pointing
out that you can call the tail anything you want, horses still have only four legs.

Today’s pop culture now says that women are the same as men. That women are best able
to lead because… whatever the babble of the day is. And men are brute beasts who only
rule because they are bigger than women. And there are no differences between men and
women except some easily changed plumbing details.

They can say whatever they want but the fact still remains that men and women are very
different and were created for very different roles. If you want a wonderful and long
relationship with your woman, you need to understand these differences and how they play
out in the real world. Here are a few important ones.

1. Leadership

Let’s look at leadership first. Everyone knows you can’t herd cats. Cats aren’t herd animals.
They don’t stick together and they won’t go where you want. But you can easily control
groups of cats and take them wherever you want. The next time you’re in cat country, open
a can of cat food or grab an old fish and walk down the road. You got cats. Lot’s of cats.
Underfoot and fighting each other but going right where you want.

The take-away is this: you don’t drive your woman, you lead her. She wants you to lead
and she will follow you. Women are like that. They were created that way.

2. Emotional Needs

She doesn’t want to hang out with a bunch of women nearly as much as she wants to
cuddle with you.
Women need to be protected, loved and cared for and they will look to their man for this.
That’s you! That’s your role if you want your women to follow you. Provide her what she
needs and lead her. Just don’t be trying to drive her.

3. Teamwork

Men aren’t herd animals—we’re team players. There’s a big difference. When a bunch of
guys find themselves in a bad situation, they automatically begin working as a team.
They’ll recognize and follow a qualified leader, discuss and listen, divide up the tasks,
work together, and get the job done, usually without shouting, arguing, complaining or
slacking off. When there’s a job to do, men work together and do it. That’s how we make a

Women will also work together but they tend to take a long time and usually end up being
either over-organized or under-organized. They don’t just naturally work together as a team
like men do, but they do one-to-one really well. Women easily form strong emotional
bonds with individual persons, such as a BFF or husband. They also bond with their
children. This makes women ideally suited for forming and caring for their families.

So men, your women wants and needs to form a strong emotional bond with you. She
knows how to do this. So give her what she needs, then lead. She will follow.

4. Mental Ability

Now let’s shove our pride under a rock for a while and consider memory. It’s my
considered opinion that men and women are more or less equally smart. We’re good at
different things but overall men and women start out about equally good at thinking. But
men end up out-thinking women in the long run because our deficiency in memory forces
us to be thinking all the time.

Women don’t have to think like that. They remember everything! Birthdays, anniversaries,
your clothing sizes, appointments, specific conversations… they are remembering
machines. They don’t have to think a lot. They remember what worked the last time and do
it again. Women are really good at sticking with what works and doing the same thing over
and over again.

We can’t do that. We have to figure it out again. And often come up with different
solutions. Think about the many times you’ve been around an older married couple and he
can’t remember something simple, like what kind of margarine they buy. She gently
reminds him.

Then they get in the car and he drives. Driving is more than remembering. You have to be
looking out and making decisions. You have to be thinking. As soon as you start zoning out
and following the lines, you’ll get honked at and cussed at, by the guy driving the other
car. Driving requires thinking, and men are really good at it. Because we’ve been forced to
think all of our lives.


All of these differences between men and women aren’t based on some stuffy academic
research. Nobody’s going to grant me a degree for figuring this out. You can see it all
around you if you just open your eyes and see.
Men and women were created different, and we’re good at different things.

Nowhere in my Bible does it say that men should be the head of the family; it simply
acknowledges that men are the head of the family. Men lead, women follow… and often
pick up the pieces. Men think, women know… or think they do. Women want to be loved,
protected and provided for, and men must love, protect and provide for them.

4 ways men are different to women?

Honesty, Loyalty, Duty, Responsibility
Most men have those attributes, most women don’t have those attributes.

Red Pill

7 Things I Would Tell My Younger Self If I

Could Travel Back In Time
Howard Roark May 14, 2018

 Life


Howard Roark

Howard Roark is a Brazilian cowboy. He believes, that a society with strong Christian
values mixed with Objectivism is the best answer against Cultural Marxism and toxic
feminism. If you want to know more about him check out his Blog or follow him on

Young and dumb, that’s how people describe their early selves as a reckless man lacking
any wisdom or experience. As we get older we start having flashbacks of our young days.
Then we scratch our heads thinking what decisions could’ve been done better or simply

Some of them you might have heard before or consider it common sense. Nevertheless I
still think they are worth mentioning.

1. “Go for the girl who loves you for who you are”

I used to think that gaming the popular hot girl, that everyone wanted to be around or date
was the right thing to do. How deeply wrong was I. Under those attractive physical features
lies a insecure, shallow attention whore, who will ditch you if you ever go through a
difficult period in your life. These chicks are never worth the trouble. Most of them will
only love you, while you are useful in their narcissistic quest for popularity.

You are better off finding a girl, who loves you for who you really are not for your
belongings or reputation, even if she is not as smoking hot as the “Trixie”.

2. “Prepare to be disappointed by the people closest to you”

Your parents, that special uncle, your best friend or a girlfriend that you thought you could
count on—all of them sooner or later are going to end up disappointing you. They might
not approve of what you are becoming or goals but that doesn’t mean they don’t love you.
Nobody is perfect including me and you, fellow reader. Learn to love them for their best
qualities and forgive them for their flaws.

3. “Friends will stick around only if you are useful”


I can count on my fingers the friendships that lasted for my entire life, even when I was no
longer valuable to them or distance made it difficult for us to keep in touch. Who you
consider your “friends” today might be nothing but a distant memory of your past in a few
decades from now.

Most people that you will encounter in your local community, school, college, or work will
only be your friends while your guys have something in common or circumstances make
your guys cross-paths frequently.

4. “No one gives a shit about your problems”

“How are you doing?” This is a common phrase we are tired of hearing when someone
greet us. The irony lies in the fact that when people use it, they don’t really want to hear

about your problems or background. It’s just a way to not come off as a total rude jerk and
appear hospitable. Learn to deal with your problems on your own don’t expect anyone to
feel sorry for you nor to help you out.


5. “Everyone is playing a game of self-interest”

“Game” is not only for girls but for everything in life. Everyone is gaming, deep down we
all know, that if you show your true intentions to others early on, you are not going to get
very far in life. Life itself is a game in order for you to win you can’t give away your final
goal. Life is a game itself.

6. “Don’t be afraid of rejection”


A lot of men are insecure about showing their true intentions to girls they have the hots for.
I was no exception to this. This kind of behavior is very harmful, not only it will kill
attraction, but you will also be labeled as a beta. The best way to cure it is by going for as
many “No!” as you can, until you don’t care anymore. It will give you more experience and
help you overcome the soulmate myth.

7. “Be careful about revealing your true power level”

It’s quite clear that if you succeed at something “ too much,” you might end up drawing too
much attention. In case you become a big shot, get ready for the big sharks trying to crush
you. It’s a sad reality, but the truth is most people are insecure and will hate on you just for
seeing you realizing your dreams while they stay idle. You are better off to hiding your
“smartness” until you are certain enough that you can show them to someone you can trust.
Otherwise, crabs will try to pull you back inside the bucket.

Unfortunately I had to learn this the hard way. It was only after I got negative attention with
people trying to take me down or destroy my frame that I finally realized I had to hide my
opinions and talents to most people. You can only show who you really are to those you
can trust your life upon.


Life throws a lot of unpleasant experiences our way and most of the time we don’t know
the best way to react, especially when we are young and naive about the world and those
around us. I hope this article will help you to reflect about your past and take some of my
advice to help you not to make the same mistakes I did in my youth.

If I can get back in time it will be this:

1. be more selfish – it means that most important is your health, wealth and family
2. 99% of your friends are not true friends – 3-5 good friends are enough
3. life is ruthless – Do not be that hippie guy thinking that world is such a awesome place –
reality will hit you and you will be fu-ked up. Be the best possible version of yourself so
you will be prepared when some bad thing hits you.
4. there is a big competition out there and you must be pretty savage to have a good life – I
know that school, parents and society told you that almost all people are nice, and if you
will be good guy you will have nice home, pretty girlfriend right? bull-hit!! You need to
workout 5x a week bro and make a lot of money to have a good life because if you are not
at the top of the hiearchy some overweight dude will fuck your wife because you are nice
5. time is the most important thing – do not waste time and invest it pretty wisely, say NO

more time then YES to people – most people will see you as only a resource for their plan
nothing more

Nice and to the point post, it is funny to see that life for the man is the same on other
continents as well.

I have a few things myself:

1: Life is a wonderful gift, to be a male is a privilege, respect those gifts
2: Become self reliant, know everything. A man is nothing without knowledge and skill.
Jack of all trades if you like, especially skills you need for everyday life like cooking,
economics, psychology, logistics, and so on
3: Find a God. Man without spirituality is an empty shell, and there is nothing in material
world that can feed this void.
4: Pain and disappointment are good things. Embrace them, let them flow through you, for
they will make those good, happy things even better. And when you look behind, you will
realize, some of the most destructional things that happened to you, built you the most. Oh
that story of an old oak.
5: Be humble and simple, for it is the only state when you can learn something new,
something good. Bonus on this is, when life hit you hard in groins, and it will, you will
recover and flip the middle finger to it.
6: Master your ego. That old fucker. Yeah ego is great in survival, in a fight, war, and so
on. But in an everyday life, it is working against you big time.

Una forma de saber tu SMV es mirar a las mujeres a los ojos, si tenes respuesta de un 4 pero no
de un 7, significa que sos un 4/5 y tenes que elevar tu SMV (tener en cuenta la cantidad de
ofertas que tiene una mujer)

What is really pathetic are men that orient their lives and base their identity on winning female
approval as the top priority in life and then shame other men that choose to go their own way
(MGTOW) and pursue goals that are more self-fulfilling and define their own sense of self,
independent of external approval. You act big and strong, but the obvious strawman was a sign of
weakness and pathetic. The man that killed all those people, did so because he could not win
female approval. That is about as un-MGTOW as it gets. If this man was MGTOW he would have
been more focused on higher priorities in life and not concerned at all with winning female
attention. I know you know the difference between MGTOW and Incel. This was a pathetic,
unoriginal and unremarkable attempt to shame men that don't happen to share your desire to put
women on a pedestal. Ironically it is by not putting women on a pedestal that leads to being
attractive to women. Something you clearly have not worked out yet Paul. You act big and strong
but you lack the courage and wisdom to recognise the difference between self-improvement to
work toward your own goals and self-improvement to please someone else and win their
approval. One path requires the strength to own your own identity and to stand your ground and
the other path requires pathetic slavish appeasement. That is the difference between men like me
and men like you. We are developing ourselves to go our own way and not someone else's way.
You are developing yourself to win the approval of women. You will question everything but your
own internal cultural programming. Stop lecturing people about a rapidly growing group of men in
society you clearly barely know anything about and look in the mirror and honestly ask yourself
why you are too afraid to stand up for yourself, especially in your relations with women. This
mentality you are promoting caused Incel and the failure to recognise that shows profound
ignorance and stupidity.

Tomar consejo de alguien mejor que uno

Men instinctively know that we are to women as women are to children

No ser generoso con mi tiempo, es valioso

Never answer their questions. For example:

Q: Do you have a girlfriend?

A: Why do you ask?

Q: Are you interested in dating?

A: And your business is..?

In short, kick the ball right back to them till they get tired and go find an easier target.
Remember that answering their questions is NOT your job.

Gynocentric imperative #3: Male self-worth/social value must be determined by female


Once you get a copy of their script, the narrative becomes obvious. Even downright boring.

"Está parte del perfil", dijo una vez Robert Ressler, investigador criminalista del FBI. "Los asesinos
múltiples muy a menudo se deben a obsesiones de algún género relacionadas con sus madres.
Una relación de odio, en idioma popular. Estas madres habitualmente no serán candidatas a
madre del año. El hilo común parece ser el elemento sexual, madres que tienen muchos
compañeros sexuales y el hijo es sabedor de esto. Por supuesto, los niños de prostitutas son los
más probables prototipos si se les expone a este tipo de conducta, agresiva y desentendida por
parte de la madre".

If this is a recurring problem, just flip it on them.

"Nah, a strong independent womyn don't need no man." Watch them try to spin their way
out of that one.

Don’t try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other.

A woman does not respect a man she can control

Women usually leave when you are down and out. They almost never leave when you are on top
of your game
The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of

As adults, we have to live and sometimes die by the decisions we make

1. Deja de ayudarles a las personas que

no se lo merecen.

Los “startupers“ me piden consejos muy

seguido. Sé lo difícil que es desarrollar
un startup: también estoy trabajando
en uno. Sin embargo, dejé de compartir
mi conocimiento gratis. Antes las
personas me invitaban constantemente
a tomar café para ”aprovecharse

de mi cerebro". Tienes en tu banco

millones de capital de riesgo y esperas
recibir mi consulta de forma gratuita sin
siquiera pagar mi té. ¡Es inaceptable!

La gente no entiende que debo alimentar

a mi familia, pagar recibos y cumplir con
las fechas límite en el trabajo.
No entienden que tendré que
recompensar el tiempo gastado
en ceremonias de té con ellos trabajando
hasta las dos de la mañana.

Si no creen que mi tiempo vale algo, ¡no

tengo tiempo para ellos!

Si la gente no se preocupa por ti,

no le ayudes. No merece tu ayuda.

Las personas siempre te explotarán

si se los permites. No tienes tiempo para
ayudarle a todo el mundo. Ayúdales solo
a aquellos que se lo merecen. Y mejor

empieza por ti mismo.

2. Deja de ayudar a las personas que

no valoran tu ayuda.

Mi mayor debilidad es que me gusta

ayudar a la gente. Ayudo
independientemente de si me lo piden
o no. Pero nunca sabes cuándo esta
forma de pensar puede lastimarte.

A uno de mis ex clientes no le iba bien.

Mi equipo pasó unos días analizando
datos intentando entender cuál era
el problema. Esto no era nuestra

obligación y no le cobré por ese trabajo.

Al final de cuentas, encontramos fallas
muy serias en su estrategia y modelo
de negocios. Le enseñamos al cliente
nuestras ideas y nos despidió
de inmediato.

Hicimos el trabajo por compasión con

el cliente. Pero no le dijimos lo que
quería escuchar. Y al final, hicimos que
la persona nos odiara por darle nuestra
opinión profesional.

La manera más sencilla de convertir

a un amigo en un enemigo es darle
un consejo que no quiere escuchar.

Cuando le ofrezco ayuda a alguien,

quiero ayudar de verdad. Sin embargo,
a menudo las personas no están listas
para aceptarla. Es normal.

3. Deja de ayudar si no lo puedes hacer


al 100%.

Hace algunos años mis padres pasaron

un mes en el extranjero y me pidieron
cuidar la casa. No tenía ni idea de cómo
regar sus plantas. A algunas les eché
demasiada agua, a otras, muy poca.
Para cuando mis padres regresaron del
viaje, todas las plantas estaban muertas.
Si ellos le hubieran pedido ayuda
a alguien que entendiera del mundo
floral, las plantas de mi papá aún
seguirían con vida. A mí, desde
entonces, no me permiten acercarme
a las macetas.

Si no tienes tiempo o habilidades

suficientes para ayudarle a alguien,
es más probable que le hagas daño
en vez de ayudarlo.

Si no estás calificado para algo y ofreces

tu ayuda, les quitas a las personas
la oportunidad de encontrar
a un candidato mejor. Así que tu bondad
en algunas ocasiones puede perjudicar.
Una de las maneras más sencillas
de destruir una relación con alguien
es ofrecerle la ayuda que no eres capaz
de dar.

A women’s definition of a real man is: A man who serves the needs of women

Survival for men is finding food and water, building shelter and working hard to thrive. Survival for
women is being attractive enough to get one of the men to do that stuff for them.

Pursuit of purpose is a masculine endeavour. That's why men gravitate towards your lectures
The funny thing is, once you are truly redpilled, you understand that chasing cooze around is a
colossal waste of your precious time and resources. It becomes more about pushing them away so
you have time to build something greater than yourself. Don’t forget, the most redpilled and most
accomplished men through history were not slaves to their dicks – many of them were celibate,
many more had fewer than 3 partners in their lifetimes. Sex with strangers is overrated.

In simpler terms, constantly trying to find a woman to bust a nut with keeps man from pursuing
higher goals in life.

incels are plugged in precisely because they think women are divine, and without one in
their lives, they lack purpose.

Finding out women are a waste of time is true liberation

Tyrant's power is temporary, to be taken by another, more powerful tyrant. A leader by virtue is
immortal, in a sense

If by nice guy u mean a dude who is loyal, friendly & helpful in general, then I agree.

If by nice guy u mean a dude who caters to the whims of his girlfriend or his wife or
women in general then fuck him.

I usually leave them alone but when they start hating on other men and call the jerks ( like a
bitch talk…) then i slam them for their cuckery behaviors. cause alot of them ONLINE are
self loathing betas who can’t be masculine so they’ll write some articles or blogs about ”
toxic masculinity ” ….lol

I just ask myself this question. “What does this bitch bring to my life besides 3 holes.?.” If the
answer is essentially nothing, or just a little something that doesn’t off-set the finite time of life
investment in her thus far, I treat her like.. nothing, like the nothing she has made HERSELF worth,
not by my ascription, her own doing of lack of thereto. If in the course of escapades, she decides
her holes can be used by me, and I think she’s hot, then it’s on, but just for that. If she feels used
but knows the agreement, then flips out saying she doesn’t want to be only used for sex, I
blatantly ask this: “Ask yourself, what do you bring to my life, as a single man before meeting you,
that brings significantly greater value besides your mouth, pussy, and ass… seriously convincingly
tell me.” And virtually the last 3 bangs made themselves look like dip shit whores trying their best
to answer that. One, I even surmised all she was worth was her holes, but wished it wasn’t true,
and walked out of my place like a bewildered bimbo-zombie.

It is indeed possible to be “nice” without being a cuck. There’s nothing wrong with being
considerate, polite or even kind. You can be all these things as long as you have the testicles to call
out the bullshit when it comes your way. I don’t think that to be red pilled or “alpha” means you
have to act like a crazy gorilla who’s not getting his way. Sometimes emotional maturity and a
quick wit are better weapons than a lousy attitude. Sometimes a punch to the nose is appropriate.
Build your arsenal not just for landing pussy, but for “going along to get along”.
Does buying the homeless guy that camps out across from my office a cup of hot chocolate on a
bitter winter day make me a cuck? I think it makes me a compassionate human being. Does not
throwing a tantrum when my wife hasn’t started dinner by the time I get home from work a cuck?
Perhaps I’m just not an asshole who expects his family to live in fear of a tyrannical husband and
Three simples things I’ve discovered in life on my own are:
1. Life is not fair, don’t expect it to be.
2. Treat people how you would like to be treated. This is proper 95% of the time.
3. Being “kind” is not always being “just”. Choose how you wish to proceed. Some actions demand
justice, others require understanding. Choose wisely.

Be a nice guy to men who are worthy of your respect.

Be a manly man to women who deserve masculinity.

Treat everybody else like tools and toys to reach your goals.

That’s it.


 Liderar -> no preguntar que quiere hacer tomar la decisión yo

 Otras mujeres -> cambiar de tema, hacer chistes
 Actitud DGAF, yo soy el premio / Mentalidad de abundacia
 Se tiene que ganar mi tiempo, traer valor (osea compromiso)
 No ser demasiado necesitado, que la que te persiga sea ella
 shit tests, the goal is to agree and amplify:
 needy and texting her in such a supplicating and validation seeking way

I have a boyfriend

"Me too... don't tell him about us!"

"Well he's certainly not invited..."

"Does he like to watch?"

Buy me a drink

"Great idea, you go first and I'll buy the second round."

"Two waters, please!"

I bet you say that to all the girls

"Only the ones I sleep with..."

"I also like to whisper it to horses..."

"You're the first girl I've ever met..."

How many girls have you slept with?

Start counting on fingers, borrow her fingers and count those.

"I'm actually saving myself for jesus."

"None since I got here." (Or "only two or three.... since I arrived")

Will you watch my drink while I dance / bathroom / etc?

My absolute favorite move on this one is to simply drink it when they hand it to you.

I'm not having sex with you.

"Finally somebody who likes me for who I am!"

"Good! I thought you were just in it for the sex!"

Note: If she brings up sex, she's thinking about having sex with you

You're too short/ugly/fat/etc

"I know! God couldn't give me a big dick and... xyz"

"Usually people complain I'm not X enough! Thanks for the compliment."

(Essentially own it. If you're fat though, diet and hit the gym bro.)

Aww, did I upset you?

"Yes, I'm crying right now on the inside."

"Yes, my world is full of pain now." (look like you are trying to cry but can't)

"Very much, I'm going to write about this in my journal tonight. 'dear journal today a girl
was really mean to me'"

Bonus Shit Test:

What do you do for work?

"I dress up like a news anchor to convince others I'm not a super hero."

"I'm the guy that cleans up dog shit in parks."

"My mom gives me an allowance every time I shower"

 To a woman, a verbal apology from a man she is interested in is the ultimate break
of frame. If you wronged her, make it right by changing her emotive state. Avoid
verbal apologies

 If she fucks up, withdraw your attention until she is pleasant and compliant again. If
you fuck up, what the fuck ever. Even if you're a dick sometimes, she's still getting
an awesome god damn deal in exchange for something she herself put very little

effort into. If she's with you, it's because you're better than her. Act like it. Make a
joke, change the subject, flirt, mishear something, amused mastery, flip the script,
tickle her, etc. Get creative! If you use the phrase as a rule, it'll help you hold frame
when she's acting out, moody, or not being fun to hang with

iois mean EVERYTHING. If she’s not giving eye contact, turns her back, not engaging in
talking back to you, walks away, doesn’t smile SHES NOT INTERESTED 95% of the
time. Body language is everything

Never flirt or try to game women when there’s strangers watching/nearby. They don’t want
to be seen as a slut so they will distance themselves to avoid embarrassment of being
judged. Don’t believe me? Go do it and watch her body language

I worked in middle management for many years, with anywhere from 12 to 45 employees
as my charge. Women consistently were WAY more of a problem in terms of not getting
along with each other. All kinds of bitchery. I constantly had to break up little fights
between them. Basically if a woman did not like someone, male or female, she would try to
sabotage them regardless of their job performance. They would act out of emotion rather
than logic or common sense

 The sex diminished the moment we moved together.

 The shittests that were never passed correctly and only added to her contempt
 The desire that is never truly negotiated and might even manifest as psychosomatic
disorders under enough stress
 The beta that believes that good actions and a stable job will keep her happy
 The beta that rebuilds his entire life around a woman after they marry
 The beta that becomes a shadow of his former self

Good job man - keep it up. Don't you dare get into another serious relationship until that
tiniest glimpse of purpose is fully formed. A woman will never help you further develop
your purpose - she'll just redirect it towards her own goals before it's strong enough to fend
for itself

“…dating was never designed to help you find life-long partners. It’s a dead-end that
explains why so many Western adults in their 30’s have never had a committed
monogamous relationship of even a year in length.”

I don’t agree with this at all Roosh. This method of finding a lifetime partner worked fine in
the 20th century. Back in the 80s when I was growing up, women still loved the idea of
finding their perfect man. It wasn’t like it was now where they just want sex with a new
guy every week so the can make believe they’re Carrie Bradshaw.

Some of you probably think women were always this slutty out in public, but that’s just not
the case. Public shaming of women who tramped around town was actually quite effective
and it prevented women from doing that on a regular basis. In addition to that, the dream
sold to single women through TV and films was to find a husband and marry. And just like
today, women copied what they saw in their favorite show or movie when it came to their
own social life. This meant restricting sex with a man until at least after the 3rd date and
sometimes much longer. They only used sex to get the long term relationship or marriage
which is what they really wanted from the man.

Nowadays of course, times have changed. Certain leftist political movements are behind the
idea of pushing women to be single, not to procreate, and certainly not to get married. Sex
with a different partner every weekend has been normalized and the stigma removed.
Women have been sold on this belief for over 20 years now and men can see the results of
this catastrophe when they step outside the house and try to court these women who no
longer want to be courted.

If we could just bring back the shaming and stop encouraging women to be slutty, all would
return to normal and women would

go back to wanting to find a husband like they used to.


Marriage won’t work in any society where women are allowed to asset strip their husbands
and move on.

Marriage also won’t work in any society that is designed to pay single mothers welfare.

Most women are too naturally lazy to do anything, if given an easier option.

I stopped dating too in the time I was doing quantity for a while (Tinder, inner circle, etc).
It costs a lot, you drink and eat too much and there is too much pressure involved.

I switched to asking girls out for a coffee in the supermarket. I’d get two responses on both
sides of the spectrum, 1) what

the f? These girls are either golddiggers or have no sense of humor or 2) a outspoken yes
and a very much interesting

conversation. I mean when you want to to live together later you have to sort of go do
groceries anyways. It tells you a

lot about a person, doesn’t waste any precious time and gives interesting conversation
anyway. And then when it was fun

offered to cook together original something, took her home, first through carwash for 2
minutes of making out in the dark

and then I was set for the rest of the night.


Never become emotionally dependent on "your" woman. If your heart is a basket of apples,
she can have a few but certainly not most or even half. Keep the connections with your
friends and family. You dont want to be an emotional wreck w/o support when shit hits the

Stay focused on your goals. Career, finances and the like. "Your" girl should be a benefit or
at least not in the way of your goals. Get fit/stay fit. Save/invest money. Take her out and
be nice but remember shes expendable. Your resources and yourself are not.

Realize that things change and things end in life. Your LTR is no different. Enjoy it while it
last but get that forever

thought out of your head immediately.

When I found out my father had stage 4 cancer, I got pretty choked up but I kept my
composure. It wasn't until I was alone that I ran a long hot shower and let myself break
down and sob with the water running over me. After that, I dried myself off and got to work
setting up his estate planning, delegating tasks to my family members, and hugging my
mother and sister and giving them a shoulder to cry on.

To be a man is to be alone. To bear the yoke in silence. To do what must be done without
complaint or self-pity.

It's simple. Looks Status Money Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

Women were only made to have sexual pleasure, to produce your offspring (if you so
choose), and serve as arm candy.

If any male expects anything else, they’re delusional. If you have issues, you had better find
someone else to talk to them about.

In general, women are shitty humans. They know this. That’s why even they can’t fucking
stand each other.

"keep your cards closer to your chest." Which got me thinking about Law 38: Think as you
like, but behave like others.


Challenging people's beliefs only serves to isolate you. They will feel personally attacked
and do whatever it takes to protect themselves and/or defeat you. It's pointless to argue,
especially in the workplace. You will only offend people by not agreeing with them and
how they choose to live their lives

It's simple really. Hard-working people will benefit from capitalism, and lazy people will
benefit from socialism.

You can't win because the odds are in her favor. Imagine this. There's ONE bottle of water
but 400 men

who want it. There's only enough water for ONE man. What happens? All 400 men end up
fighting over it.

Backstabbing ensues. Murders happen. Money is spent. Wars are waged. All over one
thing. Many fighting

for ONE.

This is a futile war that cannot be won. Women will exploit as many men as possible to

If you attempt to win this war, you will be locked in an eternal battle. Sure, there might not
be ONE

single man that outclasses you in every category but it doesn't matter. Women have
Orbiters for a reason.

There's the doormat she exploits for money. Another she exploits to do free shit like fixing
her car,

PC, etc. Another she gossips with and dumps her emotional baggage on, and the huge dick
she loves fucking.

There is no reason for her to settle for one man when she can enjoy many.

This explains why women don't care to lose men at all. Male suicide, homicide, homeless,

rates mean nothing to women. Why would they care? They have options. Note that women
only fight for men

when they want money or babies which locks them into a man's money. This is the harsh
reality you

experienced first hand. This also explains why people push men to marry when women
start hitting the

wall. When women hit the wall, their options are going away. Better lock down a Walking
Wallet right?

Patrice O'Neal (god rest his soul) talked about this all the time. Ask a girl what she would
do to keep

her man around without her vagina. They all ended up saying I'll give him blowjobs, anal,
ect -

basically refer themselves as objects. Nothing about improving themselves and working
together with

their partner to create something

It is really sad what feminism has done to women. We usually complain what it has done to
men, and

that's completely justified, but what it has done to women is horrendous too.

Women have it easier in life, but they have less chances to fuck up. They need to capitalize

quick fading youth beauty. A man has it harder but we have more opportunities to fuck up
and learn.

Yet feminism has convinced women they can act like men and then when they realize of
their mistake t

hey are too old already. It is very sad.


Life is just a series of problems, and happiness comes from solving those problems."

Here's the thing... we can't go associating the concept of MGTOW automatically with
losers who can't

get any. While I don't follow the MGTOW movement... I do consider myself a man going
his own way...

and I think there's incredible value to it in these ways:

1) Going my own way means I focus on myself. I focus on my improvements. I focus on

my needs. I focus

on my pursuits and goals. I stop the proverbial chase for tail... and I start looking after

Never a bad thing

2) Going my own way means I free myself of the chase. I've chased... plenty. I've donned
the clown suit...

I've done the peacock dance... all of it. It's utterly exhausting. Going my own way means I
can quit

that nonsense... and do the above.

3) Going my own way DOES NOT mean I give up on women. It means I go after them MY
WAY... as opposed to

society's ways. It means I strike out in my own direction and women who want to follow
are welcome to...

but my way isn't going to be the same way as the rest of the world. It means I throw the
clown suit

away... I refuse to peacock... and that as a self respecting man I'd rather live in a world with

pussy... than be controlled by it. It means "frankly my dear... I don't give a damn"

4) Going my own way means that I'm going to deny women their major source of power
today... control

over my dick. No woman is going to get it unless I deem her worthy... and the validation
that so many

depraved women today seek will not come from me. If ALL men suddenly did this
tomorrow... women would

change overnight.

To me THAT's what MGTOW really means. If it's being perverted that's a sad thing...
because no it

shouldn't be an excuse for being a loser. What it should be is a reminder to men everywhere

society today is going to condition you tirelessly to be a woman's pet and a doormat to

for everything... and if you want to avoid such a horrid existence... you're going to have to

your own way.

Never be passive. Never complain. Never even talk about this stuff. Take action, destroy
your enemies.

how I want to live my life.


hird wave feminism IS misandry if you judge based on actions and not meaningless
dictionary definitions,

the only winning move, is not to play

One of my best friends was a private investigator for over 20 years. I'm going to tell you
what you can do.

Make a statement with the pictures and her Facebook post (a screenshot send copies of
those to the

prosecutor of that City or town along with the police officer that wrotee up the warrant or
took her


Obviously call them two weeks later from a burner phone to try to talk with them in an
intelligent manner.

You must write exactly what happened and send the pictures.

Once you talk to them you may in fact find out that they will drop the charges. If they do

then obviously you have to get an attorney and make sure you give your attorney the same
things you

gave the prosecutor of that town.


This will at least give you a chance without having to spend money on an attorney.

Send that shit certified mail.

Many people have warrants in other states. The comedian Joey Diaz cannot step foot in
Washington State.

Talk to A good attorney.. since it is not urgent I am very sure then you can set up a payment

with them. The first consultation is free.

If they don't drop the charges initially once you accumulate $2,000 you might find that a

between your attorney to the judge and the prosecutor ... that they will drop the charges.

Your attorney may also recommend a lawsuit against her which should be for a very
sizeable sum with

the evidence that you have you are guaranteed to Win It that may be incentive enough for
her to

drop the charges.

The fact that you are out of state is a very good thing. They will not extradite you if you get

pulled over.

Because of this you have a little time but God dammit find the absolute best criminal

in your city or the biggest city nearby. It may take you three weeks looking for the best

motherfucker that you can, but your troubles will soon be over.



Las mujeres nacen, solo no tienen que cagarla

Cash is privacy, cash is freedom. Freedom from government and the taxman sniffing
around in your private business. Literally.

Can anyone honestly tell me that the world has gotten better since Christianity has stopped
being 'popular'? Family values are thrown out the window, morality is dying, birth rates are
down, divorces are increasing whilst marriages are decreasing, drug use is now
popularized, abortion isn't considered murder, men are emasculated, national identities and
culture are disregarded, fundamental Islam is getting stronger, political correctness has
been installed, Nihilism is rampant and those who don't believe in God ironically have a
religious devotion to the state.

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