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Neonatal Noninvasive Ventilation Techniques:

Do We Really Need to Intubate?

Robert M DiBlasi RRT-NPS FAARC

Proposed Benefits of Noninvasive Ventilation
Noninvasive Ventilation Modes in Neonates
Nasal Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Nasal Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist
Sigh Positive Airway Pressure
Nasal High-Frequency Ventilation

The current trend for supporting neonates with respiratory distress syndrome is nasal continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP). Nearly half of all neonates who are supported with CPAP will still
develop respiratory failure that requires potentially injurious endotracheal intubation and invasive
ventilation. Thus, the role of any neonatal clinician is to minimize invasive ventilation whenever
possible, to avoid the multitude of complications that can arise when using this form of therapy.
Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a form of respiratory assistance that provides greater respiratory
support than does CPAP and may prevent intubation in a larger fraction of neonates who would
otherwise fail CPAP. With the inception of nasal airway interfaces, clinicians have ushered in many
different forms of NIV in neonates, often with very little experimental data to guide management.
This review will explore in detail all of the different forms of neonatal NIV that are currently
focused within an area of intense clinical investigation. Key words: nasal ventilation; infant mechan-
ical ventilation; neonatal intensive care; noninvasive intermittent positive pressure ventilation; nasal
continuous positive airway pressure. [Respir Care 2011;56(9):1273–1294. © 2011 Daedalus Enterprises]

Introduction gas exchange to occur. The problem is further complicated

by apnea and the infant’s inability to maintain the high
The lungs of premature neonates lack structural devel- work of breathing (WOB) necessary to overcome the op-
opment, ability to produce surfactant, and surface area for

GE Healthcare. Seattle Children’s Research Institute has submitted a

Mr DiBlasi is affiliated with the Center for Developmental Therapeutics, patent application to the World Intellectual Property Organization (PCT/
Seattle Children’s Research Institute, and with the Department of Respi- US2009/039957) concerning one of the devices mentioned in this paper,
ratory Care, Seattle Children’s Hospital and Research Institute, Seattle, and Mr DiBlasi is listed as an inventor on the application and could
Washington. benefit from the invention.

Mr DiBlasi presented a version of this paper at the 47th RESPIRATORY Correspondence: Robert M DiBlasi RRT-NPS FAARC, Seattle Chil-
CARE Journal Conference, “Neonatal and Pediatric Respiratory Care: dren’s Research Institute - Respiratory Care, Center for Developmental
What Does the Future Hold?” held November 5–7, 2010, in Scottsdale, Therapeutics, 1900 Ninth Avenue, Seattle WA 98101. E-mail: robert.

Mr DiBlasi has disclosed relationships with Monaghan Medical and DOI: 10.4187/respcare.01376



posing forces that resist lung inflation during spontaneous less need for invasive ventilation and greater survival with-
breathing. As such, severe respiratory failure is prevalent out high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) or con-
in premature neonates with the respiratory distress syn- ventional ventilation at 7 days than did neonates assigned
drome (RDS). Endotracheal intubation and mechanical ven- to intubation and early surfactant treatment.
tilation, or invasive ventilation has been the prevailing CPAP has redefined the care of premature neonates but
intervention for supporting neonates with RDS over the does not sufficiently off-load the burden of high WOB, nor
last 40 years. This practice has probably accounted for is CPAP capable of providing effective alveolar ventila-
some of the notable reductions in infant mortality prior to tion for neonates whose condition worsens. As such, ap-
the development of artificial surfactant and the widespread proximately 50 – 67% of very-low-birth-weight premature
use of antenatal corticosteroids.1 However, even short-term neonates supported initially with CPAP develop severe
invasive ventilation in animal models of respiratory dis- respiratory failure requiring intubation and invasive ven-
tress has been associated with lung inflammation and in- tilation.17,18 Approximately 25–38% of infants fail CPAP
jury,2 reduced efficacy of endogenous surfactant,3 and ar- following surfactant administration, resulting in re-intuba-
rest of alveolar growth and development.4-6 Ventilator- tion and invasive ventilation.19,20
induced lung injury (VILI) is characterized by excessive Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is a form of respiratory
tidal volume (VT) delivery (volutrauma),7 shear injury re- assistance that provides a greater level of respiratory sup-
lated to repetitive cycling of distal airways at suboptimal port than does CPAP and may prevent intubation in a
lung volumes (atelectrauma),8 and the consequent release larger fraction of neonates who would otherwise fail CPAP.
of biochemical substances that instigate pulmonary inflam- In addition to the CPAP effect of the ventilator, the pa-
mation (biotrauma).9 VILI has been implicated as a major tient’s spontaneous breaths are assisted by patient-trig-
factor predisposing neonates to chronic lung disease or gered (synchronized) or machine-triggered, time-cycled in-
bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD).10,11 Interpreted in a flations during NIV. NIV has been used successfully in
literal sense, the term “VILI” underscores the potentially adult and pediatric patients, with oronasal mask and with
deleterious effects of other confounding factors within the nasal mask. With advances in ventilator technology and
ventilator system: specifically, the endotracheal tube (ETT). nasal interfaces, clinicians have begun implementing off-
‘‘Endotrauma is the name given to injury to the airways label NIV in neonates, often with very little experimental
and lungs from the disruption of homoeostasis that occurs clinical data to guide therapy. The most commonly used
during, and sometimes after, artificial ventilation through NIV modes are intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV),
an ETT.”12 Although it is difficult to decouple and eval- neurally adjusted ventilatory assist, sigh positive airway
uate the injurious effects related to the ETT from those of pressure, and high-frequency ventilation. This paper re-
the ventilator, the ETT is probably a major factor adding views these NIV modes, management strategies, and the
to causal respiratory failure and injury during invasive available evidence related to these interventions.
ventilation. Endotracheal intubation is a traumatic and pain-
ful procedure that requires sedation and can be associated Proposed Benefits of Noninvasive Ventilation
with hemodynamic instabilities, airway emergencies, acute
airway injury, colonization of the trachea, reduced ciliary Short-term application of NIV in neonates is not a new
movement, secretions, high resistance to air flow, and in- concept in the neonatal respiratory care community. In
creased WOB.13 The ETT bypasses the glottis and hinders fact, manual resuscitators affixed with oronasal masks and
the neonate’s adaptive mechanism (grunting14) for pre- PEEP valves are commonly used to assist neonates with
serving the end-expiratory lung volume. The ETT also insufficient respiratory efforts and respiratory failure. The
provides a direct route into the lower, sterile airway, which long-term use of automated NIV in neonates was first
increases the risk of ventilator-associated pneumonia and reported in 1952 by Donald and Lord21 in a paper entitled,
sepsis.15 “Augmented Respiration: Studies in Atelectasis Neonato-
Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is an rum,” nearly 2 decades prior to the initial description of
alternative to invasive ventilation that does not require an neonatal CPAP by Gregory et al.22 Donald and Lord “am-
ETT and permits spontaneous breathing during continuous plified spontaneous breathing efforts” in neonates with a
pressure applied with prongs in the nares. CPAP improves setup that included a rubber face mask and a spirometer
gas exchange, increases functional residual capacity, sta- with a spring-loaded one-way valve that collected and mea-
bilizes the chest wall, enhances surfactant production, re- sured exhaled gas. Based on changes in the measured ex-
duces WOB, and reduces the need for intubation and sur- haled minute volume (V̇E), different positive and negative
factant replacement therapy.16 A recent large multicenter pressures could be applied to the chest wall of the neonate,
randomized controlled trial (RCT)17 found that premature enclosed in a sealed plethysmograph. Further, the patient
neonates supported initially with CPAP in the delivery could synchronize all of his or her spontaneous respiratory
room and given surfactant only for respiratory failure had efforts with the applied pressure by deflecting a light beam



from an electrical cell to an adjacent light mirror during

inhalation, which triggered the machine. Over the next few
decades many negative-pressure ventilators incorporated
into isolettes were tried, with less than promising out-
Following many failed attempts at providing invasive
ventilation with adult-specific ventilators in neonates,
Llewelyn et al24 described the often unforeseen complica-
tions arising from prolonged endotracheal intubation in

It has become evident that the advantages of such a

technique must be weighed against its complica-
tions. Tube displacement and blockage are a con-
stant hazard. Laryngeal edema and loss of ciliated
tracheal mucosa with ulceration are common nec-
ropsy findings after prolonged intubation, and these
predispose to permanent laryngeal and tracheal dam-
age. Infection is readily established in these infants,
doubtless due in part to the repeated introduction of Fig. 1. A premature neonate with bi-nasal short prongs and an
suction catheters. improvised chin strap secured with cloth and tape to prevent oral
air leakage. (Courtesy of Rose DeKlerk, Vermont Oxford Network.)
In an effort to avoid intubation but to retain the clinical
benefits of positive-pressure ventilation, Llewelyn et al24 chronized) nasal IMV in neonates, and clinicians became
and Helmrath et al25 reported separately in 1970 their ini- interested in using NIV again.
tial experiences with ventilation applied with a firmly at- As mentioned previously, the goals of NIV are to assist
tached oronasal mask, using pressure-cycled intermittent weak or ineffective spontaneous breathing, avoid endo-
positive-pressure devices and pediatric volume-cycled ven- trauma, and noninvasively support a larger fraction of pre-
tilators. NIV via face mask resulted in better gas exchange, mature neonates who would otherwise fail CPAP or re-
ability to wean oxygen, less lung infection, and less need main intubated and mechanically ventilated. In theory,
for invasive ventilation than did standard treatment with minimizing invasive ventilation may reduce BPD and other
oxygen therapy.24 In 1976, Pape et al26 described severe neonatal complications. In addition to supporting prema-
head molding from the straps used to secure the face mask ture neonates with RDS, NIV has been used successfully
during NIV, especially in preterm neonates ⬍ 1,500 g. in neonates with other forms of respiratory failure, includ-
Although the use of mask NIV reduced the neonatal mor- ing congenital pneumonia, meconium aspiration syndrome,
tality rate from 75% to 45% in their intensive care unit, transient tachypnea of the newborn, and neuromuscular
this practice was associated with an alarmingly higher rate disorders. Based on the successes of NIV in neonates,
of cerebellar hemorrhage at autopsy than in neonates sup- interest in using NIV in larger infants and toddlers with
ported with invasive ventilation via nasal ETT. Attempts respiratory distress has increased, but these approaches
were made during this time to develop new techniques for have been hampered by the lack of available nasal airway
securing the face mask that would decrease the risk of interfaces designed for this population.
head molding and consequent neurologic complications Neonatal nasal airway interfaces and fixation techniques
during NIV.27 during NIV are similar to those used for CPAP.16 Bi-nasal
Following the initial description of nasal prongs by Kat- short-prongs (Fig. 1) are the most commonly used nasal
tiwinkel et al28 and Caliumi-Pellegrini et al29 to deliver interface because they impose lower resistance and, hence,
CPAP, Moretti et al30 described the first successful appli- less WOB than do ETTs.33 Obviating the ETT during me-
cation of NIV with bi-nasal prongs in preterm neonates chanical ventilation may avoid many of the complications
with respiratory failure and apnea. The widespread use of associated with endotrauma, but may not avoid all of the
NIV was temporarily hampered following the publication complications associated with VILI. The approach and
of a paper by Garland et al,31 who found that neonates settings used to manage neonates during NIV are similar
ventilated with either oronasal mask or nasal prongs were to invasive ventilation, so VILI is still a concern during
30 times more likely to develop gastrointestinal perfora- NIV. However, during NIV, a natural lung-protective pres-
tions than were neonates ventilated with ETT. Following sure-relief valve exists via leaky nasal airway interfaces
the advent of neonatal-specific, patient-triggered ventila- and the oropharynx, which may prevent excessive pressure
tors, Friedlich et al32 introduced patient-triggered (or syn- transmission to the distal airways.13 As such, some clini-



cians still prefer nasopharyngeal ETTs, placed 2–3 cm into review the 2 studies that have evaluated the noninvasive
a single nare during NIV, because the contralateral nare application of PSV in infants. In one study,35 a prototype
acts as an additional pressure pressure-relief valve that can nasal mask was used to apply PSV to larger infants (ap-
further vent excessive pressure to the atmosphere more proximately 4 kg) with respiratory failure. The infants
readily than a tracheal tube or bi-nasal prongs. A potential supported with PSV had lower respiratory rates (P ⬍ .001)
limitation of excessive airway leak during NIV is that and indices of WOB (P ⬍ .01) than did spontaneously
sufficient pressure may not be delivered to maintain lung breathing infants given no support.35
inflation. The only randomized crossover study in neonates that
Perhaps the greatest known benefit of NIV is that it has evaluated nasal PSV used the IV-200 SAVI ventilator
maintains a higher mean airway pressure than CPAP. This (Sechrist Industries, Anaheim, California) and short bi-
provides a greater ability to recruit collapsed alveoli, main- nasal prongs.36 Nasal PSV was delivered with the SAVI
tain end-expiratory lung volume, and improve oxygen- mode, which is different from conventional PSV. Rather
ation. Providing inflations above CPAP pressure augments than using a flow signal to trigger and cycle the breath,
VT and can provide sigh breaths, which may also improve SAVI triggers and cycles the inspiration based on signals
gas exchange and recruit areas of microatelectasis or air- from respiratory inductance plethysmography bands placed
way collapse. Additionally, NIV preserves the neonate’s on the chest. Nasal PSV did not measurably augment al-
natural ability to augment lung volume, because the glottis veolar ventilation, but did provide lower indices of WOB
is unimpeded by an ETT. Neonates who are apneic may and respiratory effort. The SAVI ventilator is no longer
not always receive sufficient support from NIV, but NIV available, and it is unclear whether this form of NIV will
should reduce the magnitude and severity of apneas. appear in future ventilators. Clinical data supportive of the
In a recent survey, Owen et al34 found that 45% of all efficacy of nasal PSV are lacking, and conventional flow-
neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) in England used triggered, flow-cycled PSV is unlikely to be effective in
some form of NIV to support neonates. How many hos- this population, especially if large leaks are present. Thus,
pitals in the United States are currently using nasal IMV is it appears safer and easier to implement IMV, instead of
unclear, but the results of some compelling new clinical PSV, to assure proper breath-termination during NIV.
research suggest that this number is likely to be large and
growing. The proposed physiologic benefits of NIV as Triggering Options. The noninvasive application of ma-
well as management strategies and clinical data, as they chine-triggered IMV involves time-triggered mandatory
relate to the different forms of NIV being used to support breaths that may or may not be in phase with the neonate’s
neonates with lung disease, are discussed below. spontaneous inspiratory or expiratory efforts. Clinicians
have often speculated that positive pressure delivered dur-
Noninvasive Ventilation Modes in Neonates ing the expiratory phase may increase the airway pressure
beyond the set inspiratory pressure; elicit active expiratory
Nasal Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation efforts; and increase WOB, the risk of air leak, and gastric
insufflation. Owen et al37 evaluated the range and vari-
The most widely used and studied form of NIV in ne- ability of delivered pressure in preterm neonates receiving
onates is nasal IMV. Nasal IMV is a useful intermediate machine-triggered IMV via bi-nasal short prongs, fitted
strategy for neonates weaning from mechanical ventilation with chin-strap attachment, and found that airway pressure
or who cannot be supported by CPAP alone. Nasal IMV can vary considerably from the set pressure: approximately
embraces spontaneous breathing, with a conventional neo- 5 cm H2O less than the pre-set inspiratory pressure 37%
natal ventilator equipped with bi-nasal prongs or a single and 83% of the time when inspiratory pressure was set at
nasopharyngeal ETT. In some settings, clinicians have also 20 cm H2O and 25 cm H2O, respectively. With nasal IMV,
adapted small nasal masks to be used during nasal IMV. only actively moving patients exceeded the set inspiratory
The most commonly used mode for nasal IMV is time- pressure 13% and 6% of the time, when inspiratory pres-
cycled, pressure control ventilation, with or without a pre- sure was set at 20 cm H2O and 25 cm H2O, respectively.
set constant flow. Similar to CPAP, unassisted spontane- And 63% of mechanical inflations were delivered during
ous breathing occurs at a pre-set PEEP level, but mandatory spontaneous exhalation, but airway pressure did not vary
pressure control breaths are either patient-triggered (syn- according to whether ventilator inflation timing was dur-
chronized) or machine-triggered (non-synchronized). ing spontaneous inspiration or expiration. Many of the
Although pressure support ventilation (PSV) is com- current ventilators being used for nasal IMV will automat-
monly used during adult NIV, it is not used to support ically limit inspiratory pressure to 2 cm H2O greater than
spontaneous breaths during nasal IMV or as a singular the set inspiratory pressure. Nonetheless, adjusting the high-
mode during NIV, because it cannot flow-cycle breaths in pressure limit is important, to assure lung protection and
the presence of a large airway leak. I will only briefly reduce the risk of gastric insufflation during nasal IMV.



Despite not being able to trigger the ventilator, several In theory, patient-triggered nasal IMV is preferred be-
of the clinical benefits of patient-triggered nasal IMV can cause the inflations are timed with the respiratory effort,
still be appreciated with machine-triggered nasal IMV. and when the glottis is open, the inflations are more likely
Patients supported by machine-triggered nasal IMV can to be transmitted effectively to the lungs. Patient-triggered
usually easily adapt to the ventilator within a short period, nasal IMV may offer several other clinical advantages
especially if the ventilator rate is set to at least 50% of over machine-triggered IMV for neonates; however, the
their total respiratory rate.38 The ability to adapt to the results of a recent Cochrane meta-analysis concluded that
inflations is most likely related to stimulation of the Her- invasive patient-triggered IMV (synchronized IMV) in ne-
ing-Breuer reflex or mediated by a reflex activated by a jet onates resulted in shorter duration of ventilation and wean-
of gas flow into the nasal passages.39 Older-generation ing than did invasive machine-triggered ventilation.41 It is
ventilators may have been better suited for this purpose interesting to note that there were no differences in air
than are current-generation ventilators, which incorporate leak, BPD, or any other chronic morbidities between ne-
flow-triggering options and numerous disconnect alarms. onates supported by these 2 forms of triggered ventilation.
Clinicians have circumvented auto-triggering by disabling However, there have been no studies designed to assess
the set flow and pressure trigger levels; however, many differences in long-term outcomes related to the available
ventilators have disconnect alarms that cannot be silenced noninvasive IMV triggering options.
in the face of large leaks. There have been anecdotal re- Chang et al42 compared short-term (one-hour) physio-
ports of clinicians bleeding gas into the ventilator’s exha- logic effects of machine-triggered nasal IMV (20 and
lation limb from an auxiliary flow meter to quiet the dis- 40 breaths/min) and patient-triggered nasal IMV (20 and
connect alarms, but that practice is not recommended, as it 40 breaths/min) with CPAP in 16 clinically stable preterm
may pose safety risks. Ventilator manufacturers are now infants. Overall, there were no differences in VT, V̇E, gas
releasing FDA-approved modes of neonatal noninvasive exchange, chest-wall distortion, apnea, hypoxemia spells,
IMV, but many of the devices offer only machine-trig- or abdominal girth between the different forms of nonin-
gered nasal IMV. vasive support. Patient-triggered nasal IMV provided lower
Although patient-triggered IMV has been implemented breathing effort and better infant/ventilator interaction than
with proximal hot-wire flow sensors38 and pressure sen- did machine-triggered IMV or CPAP. These findings were
sors placed at the nares, appropriate triggering may be more striking at 40 breaths/min than at 20 breaths/min
difficult, if not impossible, because of the large positional during nasal IMV. Nonetheless, these differences in ven-
leaks that can develop between the patient’s airway and tilator interaction did not appear to affect patient comfort
the nasal interface.40 This often results in auto-triggering or any other measured variable. Further, the low inspira-
and/or failed triggering. Additionally, the risks posed by tory pressure setting (10 cm H2O) was much lower than is
the added weight and dead space from a proximal flow typically used in the clinical setting, and may not have
sensor may outweigh the clinical benefits of patient-trig- resulted in sufficient pressure transmission the lungs, es-
gered breaths during nasal IMV. Newer-generation neo- pecially if a leak was present. These findings in part are
natal ventilators incorporate flow-triggering and leak- different from those reported by investigators who sup-
compensation algorithms that can automatically adjust the ported sicker neonates and with higher inspiratory pres-
trigger level based on large airway leaks. Anecdotal re- sures than those reported in the Chang et al study. The
ports suggest that these triggering options work well in results from the latter studies will be discussed in the next
premature neonates during nasal IMV, but no data have section.
been published on the trigger performance of these modes Based on the findings from nearly 2 decades of research
during neonatal nasal IMV. evaluating outcomes in patient-triggered ventilation dur-
Traditionally, the most commonly used device for pa- ing invasive ventilation, a large clinical trial to compare
tient-triggered nasal IMV has been the Infrasonics Infant long-term outcomes in premature neonates supported by
Star ventilator (Mallinckrodt, St Louis, Missouri) with the machine-triggered or patient-triggered nasal IMV is un-
StarSynch module, which incorporates an abdominal pneu- likely to be conducted. Such studies would require a large
matic (Graseby) capsule, attached below the xiphoid pro- number of patients and a tremendous amount of time and
cess, that detects diaphragm descent, so triggering is in- funding. Anecdotal reports and the limited clinical data
dependent of oral or nasal leak. The Infant Star ventilator available suggest that new modes or ventilator platforms
is no longer being supported by the manufacturer, and that offer patient-triggered nasal IMV may be preferable,
machine-triggered nasal IMV breath types are being used but may not be absolutely necessary at this time.
with apparent success. With the demise of the Infant Star
ventilator, clinicians have tried to modify other ventilators Physiologic Effects. The physiologic mechanisms by
to provide patient-triggered nasal IMV with Graseby cap- which nasal IMV works in preterm neonates are not fully
sules and respiratory impedance bands. understood, and whether nasal IMV is more effective than



tion of the pharynx, nasal IMV can stent open the airway,
activate the dilator muscles of the pharynx, and increase
the respiratory drive to abort obstructive apneas.48 Addi-
tionally, higher inspiratory flow may produce a fast rise in
the airway pressure so that the soft palate can be pushed
against the tongue and seal the oral cavity, resulting in
better breath delivery during an obstructive apnea.30 IMV
augments a neonate’s spontaneous respiratory effort or
increases “sighing,” which may be useful for recruiting
and maintaining distal air spaces and preventing apnea.
In a report by Lin et al 48 the chest wall excursions of
neonates were monitored during machine-triggered nasal
IMV and CPAP, using respiratory impedance bands. A
biphasic inspiratory response was observed in infants
treated with nasal IMV, indicating that the onset of a pos-
Fig. 2. A 2-min recording showing periodic breathing, stable de- itive-pressure breath may induce sighing. A similar reflex
livered pressure, and fluctuating oxygen saturation in a premature was described by Head et al in spontaneously breathing
neonate supported by nasal intermittent mandatory ventilation rabbits receiving positive-pressure ventilation, and has
(IMV) with a set peak inspiratory pressure of 20 cm H2O and a
respiratory rate of 20 inflations per minute. The loss of end-expi-
since been called “the Head paradoxical maneuver” and is
ratory lung volume, denoted by the decrease in the respiratory thought to arise from sensors in the lung.51
impedance pneumography (RIP) sum trace at the onset of apnea Greenough et al52,53 reported a similar phenomenon in
suggests central apnea with an open glottis. Based on the ab- spontaneously breathing neonates instrumented with an
sence of chest-wall excursions during apnea, nasal IMV did not esophageal balloon and supported with invasive ventila-
sufficiently augment tidal volume, despite the use of a chin strap.
(Adapted from Reference 37, with permission.)
tion, wherein (Fig. 3) augmented spontaneous inspiratory
efforts were provoked at the onset of rapid positive-pres-
sure inflation and were prevalent in preterm neonates with
CPAP or invasive ventilation is a topic of intense clinical reduced compliance, higher inspiratory pressure, and ven-
research. In premature neonates, compared to CPAP, pa- tilator rate ⬍ 15 breaths/min. They also found that neo-
tient-triggered nasal IMV has been associated with greater nates receiving theophylline and those following recovery
VT and V̇E, and reduced thoracoabdominal asynchrony from chemical paralysis had a higher incidence of this
(chest-wall stabilization), 43 respiratory rate, gas ex- beneficial reflex.52,53
change,44 and WOB,38,45 but nasal IMV may cause more As mentioned previously, the beneficial lung-protective
discomfort due to the high flow rate, local nasal irritation, effects of nasal IMV have been attributed to the use of a
and asynchrony. In premature neonates, Kugelman et al46 “leaky” nasal airway interface. Only one animal study has
found that nasal IMV was associated with higher blood tested the hypothesis that noninvasive IMV results in less
pressure and discomfort score than was unassisted spon- lung injury than invasive IMV. Lampland et al54 compared
taneous breathing. However, Kulkarni et al47 found no differences in pathophysiologic and pathologic conditions
difference in nutrition intake or weight gain between ne- in surfactant-deficient, lung-lavaged piglets supported by
onates supported by CPAP versus IMV. patient-triggered invasive IMV or noninvasive IMV. An-
Nasal IMV is more effective than is CPAP in reducing imals from both groups were managed using a standard-
the incidence of apnea in preterm neonates.48,49 However, ized ventilator protocol. Animals supported by noninva-
nasal IMV is more likely to prevent apnea than to support sive IMV had higher arterial blood gas pH (P ⬍ .001),
a patient who is apneic. Neonates with existing apnea may lower PaCO2 (P ⬍ .05), and lower respiratory rate (P ⬍ .001)
not always be adequately supported by nasal IMV, be- than did piglets treated with synchronized IMV. The pig-
cause the pressure is not always transmitted to the lungs lets in the invasive IMV group had a higher ratio of PaO2
(Fig. 2), due to large airway leaks, reduced compliance, to alveolar PO2 (P ⬍ .04) and more pulmonary interstitial
and/or airway obstruction.48,50 The physiologic mecha- inflammation than did noninvasive IMV treated piglets.
nisms responsible for the notable reductions in central and The results from this short-term study (6 hours) demon-
obstructive apnea are not fully understood. Since nasal strate that noninvasive IMV may be less injurious to the
IMV provides more support than CPAP, the higher infla- lung and provide better ventilation with less need for sup-
tion and mean airway pressure improve gas exchange, port than does invasive IMV.
which can reduce the frequency and severity of central
apnea episodes. Nasal IMV also creates higher pharyngeal Complications. Many of the same complications that
pressure than does nasal CPAP, and by intermittent infla- arise during CPAP and invasive ventilation can present



Fig. 4. Cannulaide (Beevers Manufacturing, McMinnville, Oregon)

barrier device being applied to a doll (left) and in use with a pre-
mature neonate. (Courtesy of Louise Owen MD.)

complicated fixation techniques and consequent nasal in-

jury during nasal IMV. In an observational cohort, 70
premature neonates were treated with nasal cannula IMV.56
All the neonates tolerated nasal cannula IMV, and there
were no cases of nasal injury, air leaks, or gastric or ear-
drum perforation. The nasal cannula IMV failure rate (ie,
Fig. 3. Provoked augmented inspiratory response in a neonate required re-intubation) was 8%. Nasal cannula IMV has
receiving invasive ventilation. In the tidal volume trace the integra- also been evaluated in a realistic neonatal nasal airway/
tor resets to zero at zero air flow, so an upward deflection repre- lung model57 with infant and intermediate size high-flow
sents inspiration and a downward deflection represents expira-
nasal cannula (Fisher Paykel, Auckland, New Zealand)
tion. In the esophageal pressure trace, downward deflections (ie,
increasing negative pressure) are caused by spontaneous respi- and a new prototype nasal cannula (RAM, NeoTech, Va-
ratory activity. The provoked augmented inspiration commences lencia, California) which has larger-bore tubing than a
at point A, shown by the large deflection in the esophageal trace, standard oxygen or high-flow nasal cannula. The intended
during ventilator inflation, which is at least twice the size of that purpose of the larger-bore tubing is to reduce resistance so
caused by spontaneous (unassisted) inspiration. At point A the
that more pressure can be transmitted to the nares without
volume (V) and the inflating pressure (P) provoke the reflex. T is the
time from the start of the inflation to the beginning of the aug- adding imposed WOB during spontaneous breathing. De-
mented inspiration. A similar response has been observed in ne- spite a nasal airway leak, IMV provided through these
onates receiving nasal IMV. (Adapted from Reference 53, with hybrid prongs resulted in acceptable pressure and volume
permission.) delivered to the lung model. Compared with bi-nasal short
prongs and nasal masks that are used during NIV, nasal
during nasal IMV, and can present with all forms of neo- cannula IMV represents a less cumbersome interface that
natal NIV. The most frequently reported complication is may reduce complications and still provide sufficient ven-
local irritation and trauma to the nasal septum, which may tilatory assistance during IMV.
occur due to misalignment or improper fixation of nasal Like CPAP, gastric insufflation of gases is a frequently
prongs. This can also result in nasal snubbing and circum- reported risk during nasal IMV. In a recent study, anes-
ferential distortion (widening) of the nares,16 especially if thetized neonates had gastric insufflation at inspiratory
nasal IMV is being used for more than just a few days. pressures of ⬎ 15 cm H2O during NIV with a manual
Clinicians have improved the level of nasal care and are resuscitator.58 However, these neonates were not breathing
more wary of avoiding nasal airway trauma. Cannulaide spontaneously, did not have orogastric or nasogastric tubes
(Beevers Manufacturing, McMinnville, Oregon) is a tai- in place, and were ventilated with oronasal mask. Inspira-
lored hydrocolloid material with an adhesive backing that tory pressures ⬎ 15 cm H2O probably can be used safely
is fitted over the nose and moustache area to protect skin and effectively with bi-nasal prongs during IMV. An oro-
and prevent nasal breakdown (Fig. 4). The holes on the gastric tube is placed to vent insufflated gas from the
Cannulaide are a smaller diameter than the nare, so when stomach and decompress the gastrointestinal tract. Ab-
prongs are placed, the Cannulaide may reduce nasal leak. dominal girth should be monitored frequently during nasal
Owen et al55 evaluated the clinical effects prior to and IMV to assure that the orogastric tube is working properly.
following Cannulaide placement during neonatal nasal IMV The major risk from gastric insufflation is gastrointes-
and found that the Cannulaide increased airway pressure tinal perforation and necrotizing enterocolitis, which have
and resulted in a nonsignificant trend toward fewer de- been frequently observed during face-mask NIV in neo-
saturations and apneas. nates. Despite the use of an orogastric tube, Garland et al31
Ramanathan and colleagues have reported successful reported gastric perforation in a small series of neonates
use of high-flow nasal cannula as a means of avoiding during IMV via bi-nasal prongs and inspiratory pressure of



approximately 19 cm H2O (range 10 –30 cm H2O). Based risk ratio 0.73 (95% CI 0.49 –1.07), typical risk difference
on these findings, it was suggested that “nasal prongs should ⫺0.15 (95% CI ⫺0.33 to 0.03).
not be routinely used to ventilate critically ill neonates A small retrospective study47 that was not included in
with respiratory failure.” However, neonates in that study the Cochrane review60 compared outcomes in premature
also had chin straps in place to avoid excessive air leak, neonates supported by CPAP and patient-triggered nasal
which may have increased the risk of gastric insufflation IMV following prolonged invasive ventilation. The nasal
and perforation. The next section will review all of the IMV group had less supplemental oxygen requirement
observed complications during clinical studies. In all of (P ⬍ .02) and BPD (P ⬍ .01) than did infants supported
these clinical studies, nasal IMV does not place the neo- by CPAP, and there were no differences in complications
nate at any greater reported risk for developing any of the related to either form of respiratory support. Another study,
above-mentioned complications than does CPAP. by Ryan et al,50 reported no differences in apnea, brady-
cardia, or transcutaneous CO2 between neonates on nasal
Clinical Data. Historically, nasal IMV has been used as IMV versus CPAP. However, that was a short-term study
a means for weaning preterm neonates with apnea from with a small number of patients and used a ventilator that
invasive ventilation to CPAP. Today nasal IMV is being provided only machine-triggered IMV.
implemented in premature neonates with the following
strategies: After Extubation, Following Surfactant Replacement
and Short-Term Invasive Ventilation. One of the pri-
After Extubation, Following Long-Term Invasive mary reasons preterm neonates (⬍ 34 weeks) develop se-
Ventilation. Extubation following prolonged mechanical vere respiratory failure with any form of noninvasive re-
ventilation is frequently associated with post-extubation spiratory support is that the lungs are incapable of producing
respiratory failure due to apneas, atelectasis, hypoxemia, and secreting sufficient quantities of mature endogenous
respiratory acidosis, and apnea.32 Compared to extubation surfactant. In recent years the practice of intubation, ad-
to no respiratory support, extubation to CPAP has been ministering surfactant replacement (10 –15 min), and short-
associated with lower incidence of respiratory failure, need term ventilation (usually ⬍ 1 h), with extubation to pro-
for mechanical ventilation, and risk of developing BPD in phylactic CPAP has become a widely applied approach for
preterm neonates.59 However, nearly half of these neo- preterm neonates. A meta-analyses62 evaluated outcomes
nates fail CPAP and require re-intubation. from 6 RCTs to compare early (prophylactic) surfactant
Nasal IMV is being used immediately following extu- administration with brief ventilation versus selective sur-
bation or when a patient is failing CPAP. Clinicians may factant and continued mechanical ventilation in premature
assess patients for IMV following administration and con- infants with or at risk for RDS. Intubation and early sur-
firmation of adequate serum aminophylline level, and once factant administration followed by extubation to CPAP
the patient has weaned to a mandatory breath rate of was associated with a lower incidence of mechanical ven-
12 breaths/min, inspiratory pressure ⱕ 23 cm H2O, tilation (typical risk ratio 0.67, 95% CI 0.57– 0.79), air
PEEP ⱕ 6 cm H2O, and FIO2 ⱕ 0.40.32 Table 1 shows the leak syndromes (typical risk ratio 0.52, 95% CI 0.28 –
study designs, devices, initial settings, and outcomes in 0.96), and infant chronic lung disease (typical risk ratio
studies where nasal IMV was used in neonates following 0.51, 95% CI 0.26 – 0.99). Despite this novel approach,
extubation from prolonged invasive ventilation. neonates still develop respiratory failure while receiving
A Cochrane Collaboration comprehensive systematic re- CPAP, which further highlights the need for intermediary
view and meta-analysis of randomized trials of nasal IMV forms of respiratory support as an alternative to intubation
in preterm neonates60 included 3 studies.32,49,61 The objec- and invasive ventilation.
tive of the meta-analysis was to determine whether NIV Table 2 shows the study designs, devices, initial set-
was associated with a lower extubation-failure rate, with- tings, and outcomes in studies in which nasal IMV was
out adverse effects, in preterm infants extubated following used in neonates following surfactant replacement and
prolonged invasive ventilation than was nasal CPAP. All 3 short-term ventilation. All but one of these trials used
trials used patient-triggered nasal IMV. The meta-analy- patient-triggered nasal IMV.
sis60 found statistically significant and clinically important Santin et al63 conducted a prospective pilot study that
reductions in the risk of meeting extubation failure crite- compared outcomes of neonates supported with early na-
ria: typical risk ratio 0.21 (95% CI 0.10 – 0.45), typical risk sal IMV (immediately following surfactant and extuba-
difference ⫺0.32, (95% CI ⫺0.45 to ⫺0.20), number- tion) and later nasal IMV (following surfactant, continued
needed-to-treat 3 (95% CI 2–5). No gastrointestinal per- ventilator support, and extubation). The early-nasal IMV
forations were reported in any of the trials. The differences infants had shorter duration of ventilation (P ⫽ .001), less
in the rates of chronic lung disease approached but did not supplemental oxygen requirement (P ⫽ .04), shorter stay
reach statistical significance, favoring nasal IMV: typical (P ⫽ .04), and less parenteral nutrition (P ⫽ .002) than did


Table 1. Clinical Studies That Evaluated Outcomes in Premature Neonates Supported With Nasal IMV Following Prolonged Invasive Ventilation

First Nasal Airway Nasal IMV Triggering

Year Study Design Ventilator Initial Settings Failure Criteria Outcomes Summary
Author Interfaces Mechanism

Friedlich32 1999 Prospective RCT Infant Star Bi-nasopharyngeal Patient-triggered CPAP per clinician pH ⬍ 7.25, PaCO2 change Less respiratory failure after
CPAP long prongs (Graseby abdominal Nasal IMV: inspiratory of ⬎ 25% of pre- extubation in the nasal
(n ⫽ 19) capsule/StarSynch pressure pre-extubation extubation value, IMV group (5%) than the
vs nasal IMV module) value, PEEP 4–6 cm H2O, respiratory rate CPAP group (37%,
(n ⫽ 22) respiratory rate 10 breaths/ ⱖ 20 breaths/min, P ⫽ .02).
min, FIO2 set to keep SpO2 inspiratory pressure No intestinal perforation or
⬎ 92–95% ⱖ 26 cm H2O, necrotizing enterocolitis in
PEEP ⱖ 8 cm H2O, either group
severe apnea
Ryan50 1989 Prospective RCT Baby Bird Bi-nasopharyngeal Machine-triggered CPAP 4 cm H2O Not mentioned No differences between the
CPAP vs long prongs or Nasal IMV: inspiratory groups in apnea,
nasal IMV nasopharyngeal pressure 20 cm H2O, PEEP bradycardia, or
(n ⫽ 20) endotracheal tube 4 cm H2O, respiratory rate transcutaneous CO2
20 breaths/min, FIO2 set to
keep SpO2 ⬎ 92–95%
Barrington49 2001 Prospective RCT Infant Star Bi-nasal short Patient-triggered CPAP 6 cm H2O PaCO2 ⬎ 70 mm Hg, FIO2 Nasal IMV group had a
CPAP prongs, orogastric (Graseby abdominal Nasal IMV: inspiratory ⬎ 0.70 to maintain lower incidence of failed
(n ⫽ 27) tube capsule/StarSynch pressure 16 cm H2O, PEEP SpO2 ⬎ 92%, or severe extubation and apnea than


vs nasal IMV module) 6 cm H2O, respiratory rate recurrent apnea CPAP group (P ⬍ .05).
(n ⫽ 27) 12 breaths/min, FIO2 set to No intestinal perforation
keep SpO2 ⬎ 92% or necrotizing enterocolitis
in either group
Khalaf60 2001 Prospective RCT Bear Cub for Bi-nasal short prongs Patient-triggered CPAP 4–6 cm H2O pH ⬍ 7.25, PaCO2 Nasal IMV group had a
CPAP CPAP (Graseby abdominal Nasal IMV: inspiratory ⬎ 60 mm Hg, severe significantly higher
(n ⫽ 30) Infant Star for capsule/StarSynch pressure 2–4 cm H2O apnea with bradycardia, extubation success rate
vs nasal IMV nasal IMV module) ⬎ invasive ventilation, FIO2 to 1.0, or PaO2 than CPAP group (94% vs
(n ⫽ 34) PEEP ⱕ 5 cm H2O, ⬍ 50 mm Hg despite 60%, P ⫽ .01) at 72 h
respiratory rate same as FIO2 of 1.0 after extubation
invasive ventilation, flow
8–10 L/min, FIO2 set to keep
SpO2 90–96%
Kulkarni47 2006 Retrospective Bear Cub for Bi-nasal short prongs Patient-triggered CPAP 4–6 cm H2O pH ⬍ 7.25, PaCO2 Nasal IMV group had less

CPAP CPAP (Graseby abdominal Nasal IMV: inspiratory ⬎ 60 mm Hg, severe supplemental oxygen
(n ⫽ 30) Infant Star for capsule/StarSynch pressure 2–4 cm H2O apnea with bradycardia, requirement (P ⫽ .02) and
vs nasal IMV nasal IMV module) ⬎ ventilation, PEEP FIO2 to 1.0, or PaO2 bronchopulmonary
(n ⫽ 30) ⱕ 5 cm H2O, respiratory ⬍ 50 mm Hg despite dysplasia (P ⫽ .01) than
rate same as invasive FIO2 of 1.0 CPAP group. No
ventilation, flow 8–10 L/ complications
min, FIO2 set to keep SpO2


IMV ⫽ intermittent mandatory ventilation

RCT ⫽ randomized controlled trial
CPAP ⫽ continuous positive airway pressure

Table 2. Clinical Studies That Evaluated Outcomes in Premature Neonates Supported With Nasal IMV Following Surfactant Replacement and Short-Term Ventilation

Nasal IMV
First Nasal Airway
Year Study Design Ventilators Triggering Initial Settings Failure Criteria Outcomes Summary
Author Interfaces

Santin63 2004 Prospective pilot Bear Cub for Bi-nasopharyngeal Patient-triggered Nasal IMV: inspiratory pH ⬍ 7.25, PaCO2 Early nasal IMV group had
Nasal IMV immediately CPAP (long) prongs (Graseby pressure 2–4 cm ⬎ 60 mm Hg, shorter duration of
after surfactant, Infant Star for abdominal H2O ⬎ invasive severe apnea with ventilation (P ⫽ .001),
(n ⫽ 24) vs later nasal IMV capsule/StarSynch ventilation, PEEP bradycardia, less supplemental
nasal IMV following module) ⱕ 5 cm H2O, FIO2 to 1.0, oxygen requirement
surfactant and respiratory rate same or PaO2 ⬍ 50 mm Hg (P ⫽ .04), shorter stay
prolonged ventilation as invasive despite FIO2 of 1.0 (P ⫽ .04), and less
(n ⫽ 35) ventilation, flow parenteral nutrition
8–10 L/min, (P ⫽ .002) than the later
FIO2 set to keep nasal IMV group. No
SpO2 90–96% differences in rate of
necrotizing enterocolitis
or intestinal rupture.
Bhandari64 2007 Prospective RCT Bear Cub or Infant Nasopharyngeal Patient-triggered, Invasive: inspiratory pH ⬍ 7.25, PaCO2 Early nasal IMV group had
Nasal IMV immediately Star for invasive (long) prongs, hot-wire for pressure ⬎ 60 mm Hg, less BPD/death (52% vs
after surfactant ventilation chin straps, invasive 16–20 cm H2O, severe apnea with 20%, P ⫽ .03) and less
(n ⫽ 20) vs later Infant Star for pacifiers, large- ventilation. PEEP 4–6 cm H2O, bradycardia, BPD (33% vs 10%,
nasal IMV following nasal IMV bore orogastric Graseby inspiratory time FIO2 to 1.0, or P ⫽ .04) than later nasal
surfactant and tube abdominal 0.35–0.45 s, PaO2 ⬍ 50 mm Hg IMV. No complications
prolonged ventilation capsule StarSynch respiratory rate 40– despite FIO2 of 1.0.
(n ⫽ 21) module for nasal 60 breaths/min,
IMV FIO2 set to keep
SpO2 90–96%
Nasal IMV:
inspiratory pressure
2–4 cm H2O
⬎ invasive
ventilation, PEEP

ⱕ 5 cm H2O,
respiratory rate same
as invasive
ventilation, flow
8–10 L/min,
FIO2 set to keep

SpO2 90–96%


Table 2. Clinical Studies That Evaluated Outcomes in Premature Neonates Supported With Nasal IMV Following Surfactant Replacement and Short-Term Ventilation (continued)

Nasal IMV
First Nasal Airway
Year Study Design Ventilators Triggering Initial Settings Failure Criteria Outcomes Summary
Author Interfaces

Bhandari44 2009 Retrospective Infant Star Bi-nasal short- Patient-triggered CPAP 4–6 cm H2O Resuscitation and/or Nasal IMV group had
CPAP (n ⫽ 227) vs prongs, chin (Graseby Nasal IMV: inspiratory respiratory failure lower mean birth weight
nasal IMV (n ⫽ 242) strap, pacifier, abdominal pressure necessitating and gestational age, and
both as initial form of large-bore capsule/StarSynch 2–4 cm H2O surfactant a higher incidence of
support and following orogastric tube module) ⬎ invasive (FIO2 ⬎ 0.4 BPD or death (P ⬍ .01)
surfactant/short-term ventilation, to keep SpO2 ⬎ 90% than CPAP group.
ventilation PEEP 4 cm H2O, Subgroup analysis
respiratory rate same (infants 500–700 g):
as invasive nasal IMV group had
ventilation, less BPD (P ⫽ .01)
FIO2 set to keep BPD/death (P ⬍ .01),
SpO2 85–95%, neurodevelopmental
flow 8–10 L/min impairment (P ⫽.04),


and neurodevelopmental
P ⫽.006) than CPAP
Sai Sunil 2009 Prospective RCT VIP Bird or Nasopharyngeal Machine-triggered CPAP 5 cm H2O, flow PaCO2 ⱖ 60 mm Hg Failure rate lower with
Kishore65 CPAP (n ⫽ 39) vs Babylog endotracheal 6–7 L/min with pH ⬍ 7.20, nasal IMV than CPAP
nasal IMV (n ⫽ 37), tube, Nasal IMV: severe apnea, (14% vs 36%, P ⫽ .02).
both as initial form of customized chin inspiratory pressure bradycardia, or Need for intubation and
support and following strap, orogastric 15–16 cm H2O, frequent desaturation mechanical ventilation
surfactant tube PEEP 5 cm H2O, (SpO2 ⱕ 85%) by 7 d was less with
inspiratory time nasal IMV (19% vs
0.3–0.35 s, 41%, P ⫽ .036). Failure
respiratory rate rate with nasal IMV was
⬃50 breaths/min, less in the subgroups of
flow 6–7 L/min. neonates born at 28–30

FIO2 set to keep weeks (P ⫽ .02) and

SpO2 88–93% who did not receive
surfactant (P ⫽ .02).

IMV ⫽ intermittent mandatory ventilation

CPAP ⫽ continuous positive airway pressure

BPD ⫽ bronchopulmonary dysplasia


the later-nasal IMV infants. In a similar follow-up pro- Moretti et al30 conducted an observational study wherein
spective randomized study by Bhandari et al,64 premature 10 premature neonates with moderate apnea and one ne-
neonates supported by early nasal IMV had less BPD or onate with progressive respiratory failure were placed on
death (52% vs 20%, P ⫽ .03) and less BPD (33% vs 10%, nasal IMV for 5 days. Endotracheal intubation was never
P ⫽ .04) than did the later-nasal IMV neonates. performed in any of the patients during the study period,
Bhandari et al44 conducted a retrospective study of out- and no evidence of BPD was observed. Lin et al48 con-
comes in premature neonates supported with CPAP or ducted an RCT in a series of neonates with apnea, who
IMV as an initial form of support immediately following were supported with CPAP or nasal IMV over a 4-hour
surfactant, short-term ventilation, and extubation. A small period. The infants treated with nasal IMV had fewer ap-
number of patients who never received any previous intu- neas per hour than the CPAP infants (P ⬍ .02).
bation were also enrolled. The nasal IMV group had lower Manzar et al66 conducted a prospective pilot study
mean birth weight and gestational age, and a higher inci- wherein premature neonates with moderate to severe re-
dence of BPD or death (P ⬍ .01) than did the CPAP spiratory failure (defined as a respiratory rate of
infants. However, subgroup analysis of the smallest neo- ⬎ 60 breaths/min, grunting, nasal flaring, subcostal or
nates (500 –700 g) revealed that the nasal IMV group had intercostal retractions, and a positive chest radiograph)
less BPD (P ⫽ .01), combined outcome of BPD/death were supported with nasal IMV. Eighty-one percent of the
(P ⬍ .01), neurodevelopmental impairment (P ⫽ .04), and neonates were adequately supported, without needing in-
combined outcome of neurodevelopmental impairment/ vasive ventilation. Bisceglia et al67 conducted an RCT
death P ⫽ .006) than did the infants supported by CPAP. with neonates with mild to moderate RDS, defined as FIO2
Additionally, PaCO2 was lower on days 7, 21, and 28 in the ⬍ 0.4 for SpO2 of 90 –96%, and radiograph suggestive of
nasal IMV infants (P ⬍ .01). early hyaline membrane disease (ie, ground glass appear-
More recently, Kishore et al65 conducted a small pro- ance and air bronchograms). Neonates were randomized to
spective RCT with a study design similar to that of Bhan- CPAP or IMV. Neonates supported by nasal IMV had
dari et al.44 The extubation failure rate was lower in the lower PaCO2, less apnea, and a shorter duration of ventila-
nasal IMV group (14% vs 36%, P ⫽ .02), and the need for tion than the CPAP group (P ⬍ .05). Kugelman et al40
intubation and mechanical ventilation by 7 days was less compared CPAP and IMV in a prospective RCT in pre-
(19% vs 41%, P ⫽ .036). The failure rate with nasal IMV mature neonates with respiratory distress (tachypnea, grunt-
was lower in the subgroup of neonates born at 28 –30 weeks ing, flaring of nostrils, retractions, and radiographic evi-
(P ⫽ .02) who did not receive surfactant (P ⫽ .02). These dence of RDS). In the total cohort, the nasal IMV group
studies suggest clinical benefit from early IMV, compared had less noninvasive failure (P ⫽ .04) and a lower BPD
to later nasal IMV or CPAP for the initial form of nonin- rate (P ⬍ .03).
vasive respiratory support following surfactant adminis- Obviating invasive ventilation, with or without surfac-
tration. These data also indicate the need for a large RCT tant replacement, is an attractive option for reducing many
enrolling premature neonates and neonates with other lung of the complications experienced by premature neonates.
diseases. Although the numbers of neonates enrolled in the studies
A common concern is that chin straps may permit de- have been small, nasal IMV appears to be a better alter-
livery of excessive pressure and increase the risk of gastric native than CPAP in neonates with apnea and/or mild to
insufflation and pulmonary air leaks. All but one of the moderate respiratory distress. Additional studies may be
studies,63 discussed above used chin straps or pacifiers to useful to evaluate the clinical effects of nasal IMV in
maximize pressure delivery during nasal IMV, in combi- neonates with moderate to severe respiratory distress as a
nation with an orogastric tube, and there were no gastro- rescue strategy, as a primary mode of noninvasive respi-
intestinal complications during IMV. ratory support, or following CPAP.

As the Initial Form of Support. A number of studies Management and Monitoring. A standardized approach
have been conducted to assess whether differences be- to optimize nasal IMV delivery is unknown. Institutions
tween CPAP and nasal IMV would be observed in out- considering nasal IMV for their patient population should
comes of premature neonates when initiated prior to in- consider reviewing the approaches used in clinical studies
tubation, surfactant administration, and mechanical (see Tables 1–3) or collaborating with individuals from
ventilation. The goal of this approach is to eliminate the organizations with established management protocols. The
need for any invasive ventilation. Table 3 shows the study ongoing clinical management during nasal IMV depends
designs, devices, initial settings, and outcomes of studies on careful patient monitoring and clinicians’ ability to rec-
in which IMV was used as an initial form of support for ognize differences in the pathophysiologic condition with
neonates with clinical signs of respiratory distress and changes in disease severity. Because of the inherently leaky
apnea. nature of the nasal airway interface, lung mechanics and


Table 3. Clinical Studies That Evaluated Outcomes in Neonates Supported With Nasal IMV as an Initial (Pre-intubation) Form of Support for Premature Neonates With Signs of Respiratory

Nasal IMV
First Nasal Airway
Year Study Design Ventilators Triggering Initial Settings Failure Criteria Outcomes Summary
Author Interfaces

Moretti30 1981 Observational Cavitron PV-10 Bi-nasopharyngeal Machine-triggered. Inspiratory pressure None Endotracheal intubation was
Nasal IMV initiated (long) prongs, Some patients 12–20 cm H2O, never performed in any
for apnea or orogastric tube given nasal IMV PEEP 4–6 cm H2O, of the patients during the
severe respiratory only when apneic respiratory rate study period. No
distress (n ⫽ 10) on CPAP. Nasal 20 breaths/min, evidence of BPD in these
IMV triggered FIO2 set to keep neonates
following SpO2 ⬎ 85–95%
bradycardia alarm
on cardiac monitor
Lin48 1998 Prospective RCT Bear Cub 750 Bi-nasal short prongs, Machine-triggered CPAP 4–6 cm H2O Not mentioned Nasal IMV group had a
CPAP (n ⫽ 16) orogastric tube Nasal IMV: inspiratory greater reduction in
vs nasal IMV pressure 12–20 cm H2O, apneas per hour than
(n ⫽ 18) PEEP 4–6 cm H2O, nasal CPAP group
respiratory rate (P ⬍ .02)
20 breaths/min,
FIO2 set to keep


SpO2 ⬎ 85–95%
Manzar66 2004 Prospective pilot Dräger Babylog Bi-nasal short prongs Machine-triggered Nasal IMV: inspiratory FIO2 ⬎ 0.60 to keep 81% of neonates were
Early nasal IMV 8000 pressure 18 cm H2O, SpO2 ⬎ 90%, supported adequately
(n ⫽ 16) PEEP 4 cm H2O, PaCO2 ⬎ 60 mm Hg, with nasal IMV. No
respiratory rate persistent severe apnea complications related to
25 breaths/min, nasal IMV
FIO2 0.5,
flow 8–10 L/min
Bisceglia67 2007 Prospective RCT Bear Cub 750 Bi-nasal short prongs Machine-triggered CPAP 4–6 cm H2O pH ⬍ 7.20, PaCO2 Nasal IMV group had lower
CPAP (n ⫽ 46) Nasal IMV: inspiratory ⬎ 60 mm Hg, PaCO2, less apnea, and
vs nasal IMV pressure 14–20 cm H2O, PaO2 ⬍ 50 mm Hg shorter duration of
(n ⫽ 42) PEEP 4–6 cm H2O, ventilation than CPAP
respiratory rate group (P ⬍ .05)
40 breaths/min, flow
10 L/min,

FIO2 set to keep

SpO2 90–96%
Kugelman40 2007 Prospective RCT SLE 2000 Bi-nasal short prongs Patient-triggered, CPAP 4–7 cm H2O pH ⬎ 7.20 and Nasal IMV group had less
CPAP (n ⫽ 41) airway pressure Nasal IMV: inspiratory PaCO2 ⬎ 60 mm Hg, noninvasive failure
vs nasal IMV sensor pressure 14–20 cm H2O, or PaO2 ⬍ 50 mm Hg, (P ⫽ .04) and lower
(n ⫽ 43) PEEP 4–7 cm H2O, or SpO2 ⬎ 88% on BPD rate (P ⬍ .03) than

respiratory rate FIO2 ⬎ 0.50, or CPAP group

12–30 breaths/min, recurrent substantial
inspiratory time 0.3 s, apnea
FIO2 set to keep
SpO2 88–92%

Table 3. Clinical Studies That Evaluated Outcomes in Neonates Supported With Nasal IMV as an Initial (Pre-intubation) Form of Support for Premature Neonates With Signs of Respiratory
Distress (continued)

Nasal IMV
First Nasal Airway
Year Study Design Ventilators Triggering Initial Settings Failure Criteria Outcomes Summary
Author Interfaces

Bhandari44 2009 Retrospective Infant Star Bi-nasal short-prongs, Patient-triggered CPAP 4–6 cm H2O Resuscitation and/or Nasal IMV group had lower
CPAP (n ⫽ 227) chin strap, pacifier, (Graseby Nasal IMV: inspiratory respiratory failure mean birth weight and
vs nasal IMV large-bore abdominal pressure 2–4 cm H2O necessitating gestational age, and a
(n ⫽ 242); both orogastric tube capsule/StarSynch ⬎ invasive ventilation, surfactant, higher incidence of BPD
as initial form of module) PEEP 4 cm H2O, FIO2 ⬎ 0.4 to keep or death (P ⬍ .01) than
support and respiratory rate same as SpO2 ⬎ 90% CPAP group.
following invasive ventilation, Subgroup analysis of infants
surfactant/short- FIO2 set to keep 500–700 g: nasal IMV
term ventilation SpO2 85–95%, group had less BPD
flow 8–10 L/min (P ⫽ .01), BPD/death
(P ⬍ .01),
impairment (P ⫽.04), and
P ⫽.006) than CPAP
Sai Sunil 2009 Prospective RCT VIP Bird or Nasopharyngeal Machine-triggered CPAP 5 cm H2O, PaCO2 ⱖ 60 mm Hg with Failure rate was lower with
Kishore65 CPAP (n ⫽ 39) Babylog endotracheal tube, flow 6–7 L/min pH ⬍ 7.20, severe nasal IMV than CPAP
vs nasal IMV customized chin Nasal IMV: inspiratory apnea, bradycardia, or (14% vs 36%, P ⫽ .02).
(n ⫽ 37), both as strap, orogastric pressure 15–16, PEEP 5, frequent desaturation Need for intubation and
initial form of tube inspiratory time (SpO2 ⱕ 85%) mechanical ventilation by
support and 0.3–0.35 s, respiratory rate 7 d was less with nasal
following ⬃50 breaths/min, IMV (19% vs 41%,
surfactant flow 6–7 L/min. P ⫽ .036). Failure rate
FIO2 set to keep with nasal IMV was less
SpO2 88–93%. in the subgroups born at

28–30 weeks (P ⫽ .02)

who did not receive
surfactant (P ⫽ .02).

IMV ⫽ intermittent mandatory ventilation

CPAP ⫽ nasal continuous positive airway pressure
RCT ⫽ randomized controlled trial

BPD ⫽ bronchopulmonary dysplasia



end-expiratory lung volume are not easily measured at the

bedside during nasal IMV, so lung recruitment is assessed
more on changes in respiratory distress, chest-wall expan-
sion, WOB, and gas exchange. Some institutions use a
respiratory scoring system such as the Silverman-Ander-
son score to evaluate respiratory distress and manage re-
spiratory support and patient comfort.65 Chest radiograph
may be useful to diagnose changes in patient condition,
but is a poor surrogate for determining lung inflation. Trans-
cutaneous CO2 monitoring and pulse oximetry may offer
reliable correlates for determining gas exchange in pa-
tients supported by nasal IMV and are preferable to re-
peated analysis of blood samples, as long as correlation
with blood gas values has been confirmed.
Few reports suggest a standardized weaning approach to Fig. 5. Example ventilator screen during nasal neurally adjusted
nasal IMV, but some evidence suggests weaning, once ventilatory assist in a premature neonate (23 weeks gestational
neonates are at ventilator settings of PIP/PEEP 14/ age, 560 g) with respiratory distress syndrome. The yellow, green,
4 cm H2O, respiratory rate of ⱕ 20 breaths/min, and blue, and gray lines represent airway pressure, flow, volume, and
electrical activity of the diaphragm (Edi) signal, respectively. The
FIO2 ⱕ 0.3, with acceptable blood gas values.63 The patient
inspiratory pressure, trigger, and cycle is proportional to the Edi,
can then be transitioned to CPAP or high-flow nasal can- and is captured with every spontaneous effort made by the pa-
nula.65 tient. (Courtesy of Robert Tero RRT-NPS.)
Not all neonates can be supported by nasal IMV alone,
and intubation is indicated for severe ventilatory impair-
ment (pH ⬍ 7.25, PaCO2 ⬎ 60 mm Hg), refractory hypox- positioned properly, the electrodes and consequent EAdi
emia (PaO2 ⬍ 50 mm Hg on FIO2 of ⬎ 0.6), and frequent signal can accurately and reliably trigger and cycle a pos-
apnea that does not respond to stimulation or intravenous itive-pressure breath, independent of airway leak. Addi-
caffeine therapy during IMV.64No consensus exists on de- tionally, the magnitude of the inspiratory pressure assist is
termining the maximal settings during nasal IMV. Owen a product of the EAdi signal and the pre-set NAVA
et al55 showed that increasing the inspiratory pressure dur- level.68,69 This feature has been available as an invasive
ing nasal IMV may not always result in a linear increase in mode with the Servo-i ventilator (Maquet, Solna, Sweden)
delivered pressure at the nasal airway interface. When for about 2 years, but was FDA approved for noninvasive
inspiratory pressure was increased from 20 to 25 cm H2O, application only recently. Nasal NAVA appears to work
the pressure increase at the nasal prongs was only well, even in the smallest of patients. Figure 5 shows
1.3 cm H2O. In fact, one of the most likely reasons neo- Servo-i ventilator graphics from a very-low birth-weight
nates fail nasal IMV is related to poor pressure transmis- premature neonate during nasal NAVA.
sion applied to the lungs, because of an inadequate seal NAVA has many proposed advantages over nasal IMV;
between the tongue and soft palate,50 nasal airway inter- however, only 2 reports have been published, from short-
face, or as a consequence of the asynchrony that often term studies that evaluated patient-ventilator interaction
occurs. As lung compliance decreases, a larger leak can during nasal NAVA. There have been no studies evaluat-
develop. In some cases, upsizing the nasal prongs using a ing long-term outcomes in premature neonates on IMV,
chin-strap, Cannulaide, or pacifier, may prevent excessive but many studies are underway.
leak and improve pressure delivery in patients who are Beck et al68 conducted a prospective controlled exper-
deteriorating on nasal IMV.44 iment in 10 lung-lavaged, spontaneously breathing juve-
nile rabbits. Following lung lavages the animals sequen-
Nasal Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist tially underwent (1) NAVA level 1 during invasive
ventilation, with and without PEEP, (2) extubation with no
Nasal neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA) is a support, and (3) NAVA with a single nasal prong, with
novel form of noninvasive respiratory support that uses the progressively increasing NAVA levels and no PEEP. Blood
electrical activity of the diaphragm (EAdi) to determine gases, hemodynamics, and esophageal pressures were mea-
the timing and magnitude of inspiratory pressure delivery sured at each condition. Despite extremely leaky nasal
during spontaneous breathing. The EAdi signal is obtained airway interfaces (approximately 75% leak), no differences
with an indwelling 5.5 French feeding tube equipped with were observed in the animals’ abilities to initiate and cycle
10 electrodes. The tube is placed in the esophagus so that breaths between invasive and noninvasive NAVA. In ad-
the electrodes are at the level of the diaphragm.68,69 When dition, no differences were observed in gas exchange or



gastric insufflation of gases during the study period. A

nearly 4-fold increase in the NAVA level allowed the
animals’ spontaneous breathing efforts to be restored to
the pre-extubation values. This required inspiratory pres-
sure of approximately 15 cm H2O. In these hypoxemic
animals, NAVA appears to be a reasonable NIV approach
for unloading the respiratory system, promoting gas ex-
change, and improving synchrony, independent of leak.
A similar study by Beck et al69 was performed in 7
human premature neonates (25–29 weeks gestational age)
with resolving lung disease and who were ready to be
extubated. In the first phase of the study, a NAVA catheter
was placed, and airway pressure and EAdi were measured
during a 60-min period on a conventional ventilator. The
neonates were then placed on invasive NAVA at a level
that provided airway pressure similar to that of conven-
tional ventilation. Following a short period of NAVA, the Fig. 6. Example airway pressure and rib-cage impedance in a
neonates were extubated and supported with NAVA via a premature infant supported with the biphasic mode of SiPAP (“sigh”
single nasal prong and at similar NAVA as when they positive airway pressure) from the Infant Flow nasal continuous
positive airway pressure system. The arrows indicate patient-ini-
were extubated. No PEEP was used because of excessive
tiated breaths. (From Reference 70, with permission.)
leak during NAVA. NAVA resulted in lower mean airway
pressure (P ⫽ .002) and higher oxygen requirement
(P ⫽ .003) than did the other testing conditions, due to used in Infant Flow nasal CPAP. SiPAP differs from other
poor pressure transmission from the leak. Interestingly, forms of NIV in that it allows the neonate to breathe
NAVA (without PEEP) resulted in a lower neural respi- continuously at 2 separate CPAP levels. The primary CPAP
ratory rate (P ⫽ .004), less breath-cycling delay, and better level is set at 4 – 6 cm H2O by adjusting flow through a
correlation between EAdi and airway pressure (P ⬍ .001) flow meter, and airway pressure is displayed by an internal
than did invasive ventilation. This short-term study iden- manometer. The secondary CPAP level or “sigh” is set
tifies nasal NAVA as a reasonable way to support spon- with a second flow meter, to obtain a pressure 2– 4 cm H2O
taneously breathing premature neonates following and po- higher than the baseline CPAP setting. The breath-hold is
tentially prior to intubation. adjusted to between 0.5 second and 2 seconds, and the
Similar to other forms of NIV, NAVA requires that the respiratory rate controls the frequency of intermittent “sigh”
patient is breathing spontaneously. Premature neonates who breaths (Fig. 6).
are apneic may not be able to be supported by nasal NAVA, In combination with spontaneous breathing, these “sighs”
even with use of a back-up ventilator mode. These pub- are intended to recruit unstable air spaces, maintain end-
lished studies were performed with a prototype Servo 300 expiratory lung volume, avoid apnea, and reduce the need
ventilator (Maquet, Solna, Sweden), and NAVA is cur- for invasive ventilation. Alveolar ventilation depends on
rently commercially available only on the Servo-i venti- both the neonate’s spontaneous V̇E and the V̇E created by
lator. Nasal NAVA is an invasive mode, requires frequent SiPAP transitioning between the 2 CPAP levels. Outside
bedside attendance, and is relatively expensive. Future stud- the United States, SiPAP allows patient-triggered SiPAP
ies with larger numbers of neonates will help to assess breaths triggered with a Graseby capsule placed on the
outcomes to evaluate NAVA as a standard NIV approach abdomen. In the United States, the Graseby capsule is used
for supporting neonates with lung disease. only to monitor respiratory rate. The rise in pressure from
the primary CPAP level to the secondary CPAP level is
Sigh Continuous Positive Airway Pressure gradual and differs from pressure support provided by con-
ventional ventilators. Whether patient-triggering will be
The Infant Flow nasal “sigh” positive airway pressure made available is unclear. Nonetheless, investigators are
(SiPAP) device (Carefusion, Yorba Linda, California) is a evaluating the effectiveness and physiologic benefits re-
second-generation noninvasive respiratory support device, lated to patient-triggering with this form of support.
similar to the Infant Flow Advance that is being used in In a small observational study, SiPAP provided better
Europe. This device is being implemented more frequently gas exchange than did standard CPAP in preterm infants.71
in NICUs to assist spontaneously breathing neonates with Ancora et al72 retrospectively evaluated whether SiPAP
lung disease and apnea. Infant Flow SiPAP uses the same following surfactant administration and brief ventilation
nasal prongs, mask, fixation, and fluidic-flip mechanism would prevent re-intubation and mechanical ventilation in



preterm neonates. Neonates in the historical control group HFV uses lower pressure and smaller volume at higher
(n ⫽ 22) were supported with 4 – 6 cm H2O CPAP, and frequency, and may be more lung-protective than are other
neonates in the SiPAP group (n ⫽ 38) were managed higher-pressure NIV modes. The most common ventilator
using primary CPAP at 4 – 6 cm H2O and secondary CPAP used to apply nasal HFV is the Infrasonics Infant Star.
at 5– 8 cm H2O; time high was 0.5– 0.6 second, and the Nasal HFV is applied via either nasopharyngeal ETT or
respiratory rate was 10 –30 cycles/min. The need for me- bi-nasal prongs with fixation.
chanical ventilation was greater in the historical control The physiologic mechanism through which nasal HFV
group than in the infants supported with SiPAP (27% vs supports spontaneously breathing neonates with RDS is
0%, P ⫽ .001). The mothers of the infants in the SiPAP unclear. Nasal HFV may improve gas exchange by pro-
group had received antenatal steroids more frequently than viding higher mean airway pressure and pneumatic stent-
had the historical control infants (P ⫽ .003), which may ing of the laryngeal structures. The effects of high-fre-
help explain why re-intubation was not needed in the Si- quency, small-amplitude pressure oscillations applied via
PAP infants. Nonetheless, SiPAP, combined with antena- nasal mask have been observed in healthy adults and in
tal steroids and surfactant, appears to be an attractive ini- adults with obstructive sleep apnea.76 The most important
tial clinical approach for preterm neonates. finding from that study was that pressure oscillations were
In a prospective RCT, Lista et al73 compared outcomes associated with a partial or complete reversal of the upper-
in preterm neonates who received either CPAP (n ⫽ 20) or airway obstruction and VT increase. Those authors con-
SiPAP (n ⫽ 20) as the initial form of support in the acute cluded that upper-airway receptors were responding to the
phase of RDS. All the infants received sustained lung low-pressure, high-frequency oscillations, with input to
inflations in the delivery room and surfactant (as needed), the genioglossus and other muscles of respiration. These
with immediate extubation. Neonates in the CPAP group responses may be important for improving ventilation and
were supported with CPAP 6 cm H2O, and the settings in reducing the adverse effects of obstructive apnea during
the SiPAP group were adjusted to provide similar mean nasal HFV in neonates.
airway pressure. Infants supported by SiPAP had shorter In a case study, Hoehn et al77 described the first suc-
duration of mechanical ventilation (P ⫽ .03), less O2 de- cessful application of nasal HFV in an extremely-low-
pendence (P ⫽ .03), and were discharged sooner (P ⫽ .02) birth-weight (760 g) preterm (27 weeks gestational age)
with similar serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines neonate with severe CO2 retention, acidemia, and respira-
(interleukin 6, interleukin 8, tumor necrosis factor alpha), tory distress. Re-intubation was avoided and PaCO2 and pH
as did the infants supported initially with CPAP. The study dramatically improved. The improvements in alveolar ven-
suggests that SiPAP is a more beneficial form of nonin- tilation were probably related to the high-frequency pres-
vasive support than is nasal CPAP at similar mean airway sure oscillations, which may enhance gas mixing in the
pressure, without increasing lung injury. upper airways through the process of facilitated augmented
diffusion. Other proposed gas-exchange mechanisms have
Nasal High-Frequency Ventilation been described during nasal HFV that may not be present
during conventional ventilation.78
Invasive high-frequency ventilation is a form of lung- In a recent animal study, Reyburn et al79 tested the
protective ventilation that is commonly used in neonates hypothesis that nasal HFV would result in less lung injury
with lung disease, as an initial ventilation strategy or as a and better alveolar development than are observed with
rescue intervention if a neonate fails conventional venti- conventional invasive IMV. Two groups of premature
lation. In a premature baboon model, long-term HFOV lambs were administered surfactant, randomized to nasal
resulted in better pulmonary mechanics, consistently more HFV or invasive conventional ventilation, and supported
uniform lung inflation, and less pulmonary inflammation for a 3-day period. The invasive conventional ventilation
than did conventional ventilation with a low-VT strategy.74 group was managed with a respiratory rate of 60 cycles/
In a recent meta-analysis75 of RCTs that compared out- min, inspiratory time of 0.3 s, VT of 7 mL/kg, and PEEP
comes in neonates supported by different forms of high- of 8 cm H2O. The nasal HFV group was managed with
frequency ventilation or conventional ventilation, there high-frequency percussive ventilation (VDR3, Percussion-
were no differences in infant chronic lung disease, mor- aire, Bird Technologies, Sandpoint, Idaho) attached to a
tality, or neurological insult. However, when randomiza- nasopharyngeal tube placed into a single nare. The initial
tion occurred earlier (1– 4 h), HFOV was associated with settings were amplitude 20 –25 cm H2O, mean airway pres-
less death or BPD than was conventional ventilation sure 8 –12 cm H2O, and frequency 10 Hz. The 2 groups
(P ⫽ .01). had similar gas-exchange goals, which guided subsequent
Over the last 5 years, nasal high-frequency ventilation ventilator adjustments and weaning over the study period.
(HFV) has been used more commonly in clinical practice Nasal HFV resulted in smaller and more uniformly in-
as a form of NIV. Unlike nasal IMV and SiPAP, nasal flated terminal respiratory units and distal air spaces, lon-



Of particular interest was the fact that the investigators

measured intratracheal pressure in the animals receiving
nasal HFV, and the delivered pressure averaged only
0.37 ⫾ 0.23 cm H2O. These data imply a large leak at the
nasal airway interface with the nasopharyngeal ETT.
Whether bi-nasal prongs are more effective in providing
ventilation is not resolved by these data. Conversely, it is
unclear whether using bi-nasal prongs during HFV results
in greater volutrauma, gas trapping, and lung injury and
less favorable alveolarization than does HFV via nasopha-
ryngeal ETT.
Unfortunately, nasal HFV is such a new form of NIV
that very few data are available to suggest a long-term
management strategy in neonatal patients. Short-term ob-
servational studies have suggested initial mean airway pres-
sure set to equal the previous CPAP, frequency set at
10 Hz, amplitude adjusted to obtain visible chest-wall vi-
bration and increased every 30 min by 4 – 6 units, if nec-
essary, to maintain clinically appropriate chest-wall vibra-
tion, transcutaneous CO2, or blood gas values.80,81
Clinical responses to HFV in preterm neonates in 2
small studies have been reported. Van der Hoeven et al79
placed 21 preterm and term infants with moderate respi-
ratory insufficiency on nasal HFV following CPAP. A
nasopharyngeal ETT was placed 3– 4 cm into a single
nare, and HFV was provided with the Infant Star ventilator
in the high-frequency flow-interrupter mode, with mean
airway pressure settings similar to or higher than the pre-
vious CPAP setting, frequency of 10 Hz; amplitude was
increased until chest-wall oscillations were observed. Ini-
tiation of HFV following CPAP resulted in a small reduction
Fig. 7. Histology of lung tissue from preterm lambs ventilated for in PaCO2 (P ⫽ .001) but no significant change in pH. Five
3 days with invasive intermittent mandatory ventilation (IMV) (A and
(23%) of the patients failed nasal HFV and required invasive
C) or noninvasively with nasal high-frequency ventilation (HFV) (B and
D). Each row of panels has the same magnification (see scale bars). ventilation related to severe RDS, sepsis, and apnea.
The gestation control fetal lambs were (1) delivered at the gestation Colaizy et al81 performed a similar observational study
age that the preterm lambs were delivered (FA132) or (2) delivered at to compare the clinical effects of nasal HFV to CPAP in
the gestation age when the preterm lamb studies were completed neonates with mild to moderate lung disease. All 14 sub-
(FA136). The terminal respiratory unit (TRUs) in the preterm lambs
jects were very-low-birth-weight infants (⬍ 1,500 g) who
that received nasal HFV (B and D) have smaller and more uniform
distal air spaces (DASs), more and thinner alveolar secondary septa were transitioned from CPAP to HFV via nasopharyngeal
(arrowhead in A and B), and thinner distal air-space walls (arrow in C ETT, with the Infant Star ventilator in the high-frequency,
and D) than the TRUs in the preterm lambs that received IMV (A and flow-interrupter mode. The investigators used an approach
C). The TRUs in the preterm lambs that received nasal HFV are struc- similar to that of van der Hoeven et al,80 for 2 hours. After
turally similar to the TRUs in the FA136 gestation control lambs (F and
2 hours of nasal HFV, capillary blood gases were mea-
H). On the other hand, the TRUs in the preterm lambs that received
IMV (A and C) are structurally similar to the TRUs in the FA132 ges- sured and the subjects were returned to their pre-study
tation control lambs (E and G). (From Reference 79, with permission.) CPAP settings. Nasal HFV decreased mean transcutane-
ous PCO2 from 50 mm Hg to 45 mm Hg (P ⫽ .01) and
ger alveolar secondary septae, and thinner distal air-space increased pH from 7.40 to 7.37 (P ⫽ .04). In all the in-
walls than did invasive conventional ventilation (P ⫽ .005, fants, chest radiograph obtained 1 hour after nasal HFV
Fig. 7). This implies that short-term nasal HFV may op- provided no evidence of hyperinflation.
timize lung recruitment and promote normal alveolariza- Dumas de la Roque et al82 performed a prospective RCT
tion in preterm lungs better than does a “gentle” invasive of nasal CPAP versus nasal HFV in 40 term neonates with
ventilation strategy. Additionally, at days 2 and 3, lower respiratory distress shortly after cesarean section. This was
FIO2 was required during nasal HFV than during invasive the first short-term prospective study to describe nasal
ventilation (P ⫽ .005). HFV as an initial form of noninvasive respiratory support



in neonates. Neonates randomized to CPAP were sup- nasal short prongs (Argyle CPAP nasal cannula, Sherwood
ported with 5 cm of CPAP, and neonates in the nasal HFV Medical, St Louis, Missouri) of 2 different diameters (large
group were supported with the VDR3 high-frequency per- and small), without a leak. Oscillatory volume, V̇E, and
cussion device, with an initial mean airway pressure of mean airway pressure were measured at several mean air-
5 cm H2O and a frequency of 5 Hz. The groups had similar way pressures and Hz settings. The power level was ad-
oxygenation goals, and the settings were not changed justed to obtain an amplitude of 45 cm H2O for the entire
throughout the study period. Lung disease resolved in all study. Data from HFV were compared to a “control cir-
the neonates within 10 hours, but the nasal HFV group had cuit” invasive HFOV simulation, wherein the HFOV cir-
shorter duration of respiratory distress, lower oxygen ther- cuit was attached directly to the neonatal lung model (with-
apy level, and shorter oxygen therapy duration (P ⬍ .001) out prongs or an ETT). The pressure drops between the
than did the CPAP group. nasal airway and test lung were calculated as 38.5 ⫾ 10.9%,
Some clinicians are concerned that pressure oscillations 35.3 ⫾ 10.1%, and 22.1 ⫾ 10.4%, for the small prongs,
delivered out of phase with the neonate’s spontaneous large prongs, and control circuit, respectively. VT was
breathing efforts may impose high WOB. Although the 0.4 ⫾ 0.1, 0.9 ⫾ 0.3, and 1.5 ⫾ 0.5 for small prong, large
complex interplay between spontaneous breathing and HFV prong, and the control circuit, respectively. The pressure
has not been described in the literature, van Heerde et al83 delivered to the neonatal lung via the bi-nasal prongs in
found a low imposed WOB during invasive HFOV, with that study are much larger than those observed by Reyburn
the 3100A HFOV ventilator (Carefusion, Yorba Linda, et al,79 when tracheal pressure was measured in preterm
California) in a simulated spontaneously breathing neo- lambs. Conversely, data from the bench study were ob-
nate. How these data would compare to bi-nasal prongs or tained in the absence of a leak. These differences warrant
a nasopharyngeal ETT is unclear, but the effects are not further investigation, to compare the effects of gas trap-
likely to be similar due to the inherently leaky nature and ping and lung injury between nasopharyngeal ETT and
lower imposed resistances of these nasal airway interfaces. short bi-nasal prong interfaces during HFV.
Carlo84 has suggested that a potential advantage of nasal Based on these small, short-term studies, nasal HFV
HFV over IMV is that synchronization is not necessary, appears to be technically possible in preterm neonates.
due to the relatively high frequencies. However, studies to However, more bench and animal studies are needed, us-
test this hypothesis in neonates are needed. ing different nasal airway interfaces with the available
The widespread use of nasal HFV in neonates with high-frequency ventilators, before long-term studies are
broadly different lung diseases cannot be suggested at this performed in human neonates with severe lung disease.
time, but HFV appears to be an NIV mode that will be Bubble CPAP is a form of noninvasive respiratory sup-
evaluated in future clinical trials. The majority of the afore- port that is being called “inexpensive nasal HFV,” because
mentioned studies were in animals and humans and used the bubbling in the water-seal creates small-amplitude,
high-frequency flow-interrupter or high-frequency percus- high-frequency oscillations that are transmitted to the na-
sive ventilation strategies, and the most frequently used of sal airway interface of spontaneously breathing neonates.
those devices, the Infant Star ventilator, is now obsolete. Animal studies86,87 and studies in human neonates88 have
As such, there is interest in using nasal HFV with the shown that bubble CPAP may result in better alveolar
widely used 3100A HFOV ventilator. Whether this venti- ventilation and lung recruitment than conventional (venti-
lator has been used off-label to provide HFV in neonates lator-derived) CPAP. However, those studies were con-
is unclear. The ventilator circuit is more rigid than are ducted in subjects who were endotracheally intubated, and
standard ventilator circuits, which creates difficulties in no studies have evaluated these physiologic effects in sub-
interfacing with nasal prongs without causing unnecessary jects with a leaky nasal airway interface. In a recent bench
torque on the neonate’s airway. Further, the 3100A has a test, bubble CPAP, applied with leaky bi-nasal short prongs,
pressure-relief (“dump”) valve that is activated by elec- resulted in measureable volume oscillations (approximately
tronic and pneumatic controls that open the patient circuit 0.5– 0.6 mL) delivered to a neonatal nasal airway/test
to ambient air when the measured mean airway pressure lung.89 Clinicians often increase the bias flow to increase
reaches ⬍ 20% of the maximum set mean airway pressure. the amplitude and frequency of airway pressure oscilla-
This factor may be a limitation in spontaneously breathing tions during bubble CPAP, but this practice has not been
neonates using mean airway pressure (approximately shown to enhance gas exchange or lung recruitment.90
5 cm H2O) similar to those previously described in short- In 2010, 2 reports appeared91,92 of a novel high-ampli-
term human neonatal HFV studies. tude bubble-CPAP system that can provide a greater level
De Luca et al85 evaluated the effect of ventilation pa- of NIV support than conventional bubble CPAP alone.
rameters during nasal HFOV in a bench study with the Controlling the angle through which gas exits, the bubble-
3100A HFOV ventilator. Nasal HFOV was applied to a CPAP water-seal column was reported to enhance greatly
neonatal test lung with a prototype adapter/circuit and bi- the airway-pressure oscillations at the nasal airway inter-



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Discussion ICU] it’s bronchiolitis patients who are is monophasic and the delivered pres-
on that support. So it’s not a stretch to sure is dependent on the patient leak.
Willson: Would you say more about think that something that’s infant-sized There is no pressure-relief valve in the
the nasal cannula you invented? I think would work for what they want to use it RAM cannula, but I believe NeoTech is
the interface is a big issue for NIV, not for. working on a separate cannula design,
only in newborns but in our population Adina, for high-flow therapy, which re-
as well, and we’ve not had anybody ad- DiBlasi: My research is focused on cords proximal flow and limits pressure
dress that. It’s fascinating to me that neonates, but I also work in the PICU to around 10 cm H2O.
with just a small design change it looks and understand the need for noninva-
like you’re a lot more successful. sive interfaces for larger infants and Wiswell: I look at the nasal IMV story
small pediatric patients. In the PICU I as being similar to how people jumped
DiBlasi: The RAM nasal cannula would use this new cannula on an 8-kg on the bandwagon with high-frequency
[NeoTech Products, Valencia, Califor- infant who was doing poorly on high- ventilation in the NICU. Similarly, there
nia] was invented by Drs Heyman and flow or nasal CPAP to avoid intubation, has been a widespread
Ramanathan. I was involved with some for sure. Some folks are desperate and increase in using nasal CPAP. Unfortu-
of the design work and research. It will would use an adult nasal cannula, but I nately, we have minimal supportive data
be commercially available in October do not advocate that. on efficacy for all of these types of re-
2011. It differs from standard oxygen spiratory support. In the RCTs there has
cannula and high-flow nasal cannula in Wiswell: Rob, a worry with nasal can- been minimal to no improvement in the
having wider-bore tubing and soft sili- nula ventilation is the variability of in- major outcomes, including mortality,du-
cone bi-nasal prongs that are similar in trathoracic pressure generated. In some ration of ventilation, BPD, and chronic
size to those used during nasal CPAP. trials in which they measured thoracic lung disease. But despite the scant sup-
The advantage is that more pressure can pressure there was an inverse relation- portive data, many in neonatology are
be transmitted to the lungs with this can- ship: the smaller the infant, the higher using these therapies in everyday prac-
nula during nasal IMV than with stan- the intrathoracic pressure. A smaller pre- tice. Neonatologists are “gizmo-olgists.”
dard high-flow nasal cannula, and with- mature baby—say, 750 –900 g—may We like playing around with new tech-
out the cumbersome fixation techniques develop an intrathoracic pressure of
nology. This worries me. I see you had
that are often required with nasal CPAP 28 cm H2O or more. This worries a lot
some of Robertson’s pictures from the
prongs. of people, as we do not routinely mea-
babies’ nostrils,1 of damage we can see.
My concern with developing larger- sure intrathoracic pressure. I’m intrigued
New therapies may cause damage we
bore prongs for larger infants or small by the RAM cannula. NeoTech’s med-
are unaware of. Before jumping on the
children is that they would have to be ical director told me they’re developing
bandwagon we need to do good
made quite large to transmit pressure to a nasal cannula that has a pressure-re-
clinical trials and make sure therapies
the child’s airways, and therefore might lief system once a pressure of 10 cm H2O
are safe and improve patient outcomes.
not be light enough to interface as a is generated. Are you familiar with that?
“simple” nasal cannula and would prob- High intrathoracic pressure worries me.
1. Robertson NJ, McCarthy LS, Hamilton PA,
ably require a cap or straps. I believe Nasal cannula for ventilation is intrigu- Moss AL. Nasal deformities resulting from
that folks have already begun working ing, but are we sure it’s safe for babies? flow driver continuous positive airway pres-
on such devices for toddlers and small sure. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed
children. I am also concerned by the DiBlasi: I don’t know much about 1996;75(3):F209-F212.
resistance that may be imposed when the high-flow nasal cannula situation,
higher VT and flow are applied with other than that its use is widespread DiBlasi: Absolutely.
these interfaces as the patient gets larger. across the United States. But that’s a
separate issue. In babies on nasal IMV, Branson: This low-cost ventilator
Willson: Is it going to be available tracheal pressure measurements have in- that you guys in Seattle have been work-
for older kids? dicated that 30 – 60% of the peak air- ing on is very interesting. A lot of us in
way pressure is transmitted to the tra- academia have developed technology,
DiBlasi: To my knowledge these will chea. I would be more willing to use a but what happens when you need to man-
only be available for neonates at this nasal cannula to provide nasal IMV than ufacture it, and you have to get an ISO
time. high-flow therapy, because there is an [International Organization for Stan-
exhalation valve regulating the pressure. dardization] facility to make the device,
Brown: I know you’re primarily We don’t know what kind of intratho- and then you need to meet FDA require-
NICU, Rob, I think what Doug was get- racic pressure will be generated with a ments for alarms and validation? For a
ting at is that in the PICU [pediatric high-flow cannula system, because flow company I’m aware of it took 7 years to



get FDA approval for a bubble-CPAP in India, conduct the necessary clinical Gentile: Esophageal balloon for
system. With regard to this low-cost ven- research, and then pursue FDA approval. PEEP and transpulmonary pressure
tilator, essentially the engineers devel- Luckily, we have some donors who want measurement are becoming common in
oped a Baby Bird. It’s inexpensive, but to fund this project. Many of these types all patient populations, and these cath-
it’s 30 years behind current devices. of projects fizzle out and never go any- eters are combined with a nasogastric,
where. so one tube has multiple purposes. If
DiBlasi: The IMV device is separate we can get it outside the body, similar
from the high-amplitude bubble-CPAP Gentile: That’s great, because neo- to a Graseby capsule, I think that’s
device I showed you. Interestingly, these natology is practiced differently in those where we should be headed. Simply put
devices can be combined to provide the countries. The device you showed might the patient on a little PEEP and let
continuum of respiratory care to criti- help. Another consideration is the abil- them determine their own respiratory
cally ill infants with respiratory failure. ity to put other gases through the sys- rate and VT, unless they require more
Nonetheless, the requirements and reg- tem, so it has multiple purposes. Re- assistance.
ulatory approach for any of these de- garding NAVA, this is great science,
vices will be determined by stakehold- but it’s interesting that you presented a Walsh: I struggle with the science,
ers in the country where they’ll be bunch of studies in which they used the because I think we all know that NIV
manufactured and used. We have in- Infant Star ventilator. We’d all bring the may be beneficial because you transfer
volved neonatologists and pediatricians Infant Star back, because the world more of the work of breathing to the
from all over India to provide feedback didn’t really know how good it was un- patient. We tend to over-ventilate intu-
on the design of this ventilator. We’re til it was gone. So far no studies have bated patients, even though we think
pursuing FDA approval, but this device justified the cost of NAVA. I’m all for we’re not. What would be the ideal clin-
may or may not be used in the United patient/ventilator synchrony and spon- ical trial that would show whether bub-
States. We are looking to use these de- taneous breathing, but there’s limited
ble CPAP is better?
vices where they do not have access to space in the esophagus, especially in tiny
simple respiratory-support devices, so patients, for a nasogastric tube and the
DiBlasi: For our device?
thousands of babies die every day. They NAVA catheter.
have nothing. I saw this first-hand on a
Walsh: Any noninvasive device:
recent trip to India and Vietnam. The DiBlasi: I think NAVA is a wonder-
high-frequency, NAVA, et cetera. To
good news is that we have engaged ful innovation and has a lot of potential,
me, intubation doesn’t seem to be it.
stakeholders in India and we have be- but I’m a little concerned because
gun discussing strategies for manufac- NAVA is invasive. Having placed many
turing these devices and conducting the esophageal balloons in my time, I know DiBlasi: Several investigators have
necessary research in India. that catheters can change position and started that process, and some studies
the signal can be lost, so I’ve wondered have been submitted to peer-reviewed
Branson: What are the rules if you if that happens during NAVA. Folks journals. Trying to design the perfect
make it in the United States and ship it who use NAVA feel that, since you are study, especially in premature neonates,
overseas? placing an orogastric or nasogastric tube is very difficult, because the practice dif-
anyway, that negates the invasiveness fers so much from one institution to the
Rogers:* The FDA does impose ex- of NAVA. But a standard nasogastric next. There are such disparities in prac-
port regulations on mechanical respira- tube doesn’t cost $500 or $600, so the tice, we don’t know if we should be
tory devices. Unless the company is cost of NAVA is a concern. giving surfactant or supporting them
wholly outside the United States, there Is there going to be a large RCT with with CPAP initially. If we can figure
are a lot of export regulations to go the 1,000-plus patients that would prove out how we’re going to give the CPAP
through to get it out of the United States. or disprove NAVA’s clinical benefit? and surfactant, then we can go from there
Who’s going to fund that study? And in designing trials with NIV.
DiBlasi: Thanks Mark. That’s inter- will the benefits justify the cost of the
esting information because it conflicts a software and catheters? So far, more pa- Curley: In your bubble-CPAP de-
little bit with what we’ve been told in pers have been published on NAVA than vice, why does angling the bubble tube
some of these countries. At this point on pressure-regulated volume control in in the water affect the oscillations?
our goal is to manufacture these devices neonates, and that’s a great start. I think
8 or 9 abstracts of NAVA studies have DiBlasi: With small modifications in
been submitted to the AARC [Ameri- the distal tubing submerged in a simple
* Mark Rogers RRT, CareFusion San Diego, can Association for Respiratory Care] CPAP water column, we developed a
California. OPEN FORUM this year. flow-interrupter device to increase the



magnitude of high-frequency pressure get closer to equilibrating, and that drives of potential. We should be looking at
oscillations delivered to the nasal air- gas in and out of the lung. If you want the limitations and opportunities that
way of infants who would otherwise fail me to go on about the complex inter- are posed by an occlusive cannula such
bubble nasal CPAP. By moving the bub- play of the gases and the water, we can as Rob is talking about for infant na-
bler angle from conventional bubble na- do that over a drink later. sal CPAP, versus a non-occlusive can-
sal CPAP (0 degrees) to 135 degrees in nula, which is what’s typically used in
the water-column, we found that when 1. DiBlasi RM, Zignego JC, Smith CV, Han-
high-flow nasal cannula therapy.
sen TN, Richardson CP. Effective gas ex-
a bubble breaks off, the airway pressure We hear concerns from physicians us-
change in paralyzed juvenile rabbits using
is at its lowest point; water rushes into simple, inexpensive respiratory support de- ing high-flow nasal cannula that they
the tubing and occludes it; gas flow is vices. Pediatr Res 2010;68(6):526-530. want to know the pressures created in
directed toward the nasal airway and the upper airways and the alveoli. I think
pressure rises; gas then drives water out Curley: How are you going to eval- one paper looked at oropharyngeal pres-
of the tubing, a bubble forms, and pres- uate the device in India? Have you asked sure in an adult at flows up to 40 L/min
sure decreases. These pressure oscilla- the Gates Foundation for support in this? and found very low oropharyngeal pres-
tions produce enough energy to provide If anyone would be interested in im-
sure, but perhaps enough to support the
gas exchange similar to that from a con- proving outcomes in developing coun-
upper airways. We should determine
ventional mechanical ventilator in par- tries, it would be them.
what’s really happening.
alyzed juvenile rabbits.1 One of the disadvantages, from a re-
This device, which we have termed DiBlasi: We are identifying manu-
facturers and potential research sites in search standpoint, of looking at some-
high-amplitude bubble CPAP, has a
India. The goal is to conduct multiple thing old in a new way is that we’ve
lower bubbling frequency than conven-
studies of the device over the next been using nasal cannula therapy for so
tional bubble nasal CPAP. The lower
5 years. We have submitted a grant pro- long that we think it’s safe therapy.
frequency provides more time for the
posal to the Gates Foundation, and oth- We’re seeing evidence—mostly anec-
airway pressure to equilibrate with the
ers. You are correct: the Gates Founda- dotal—that high-flow nasal cannula is
lung pressure, to displace a larger vol-
tion could have a huge impact in safe in most instances. Most of them
ume of gas. The frequency of conven-
resource-limited settings. have a pressure-relief valve, which is
tional bubble CPAP is 10 –20 Hz with
really getting at system pressure, be-
an amplitude of 2 cm H2O. The pres-
sure change with the bubbler at 135 de- Eiserman:† Regarding nasal cannu- cause it’s a high-back-pressure system,
grees is around 8 cm H2O. So the angle las, I would say “everything old is new as opposed to what’s necessarily going
changes the way that the water interacts again.” We’re looking at creative new on in the baby’s lungs. I think it’s ex-
uses for nasal cannulas that have a lot citing to look at the use of nasal cannu-
with the gas, which reduces the fre-
quency. las in the ways you’ve talked about, but
We studied this with high-speed it begs for additional research that takes
† Jeri E Eiserman MBA RRT FAARC, Tele-
video. We are able to allow the airway a close and careful look at what we’re
flex Medical, Research Triangle Park, North
pressure to equilibrate with the lung or Carolina. doing with them.

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