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I.lrDslo xrw.tu; National News Monday, March 1 1,2019

Gov't to s1g NdPl B

for Phase
I of Metro subway
, jrroieCted to run 11 ss to +s Flometers
per hour and traverse l5 underground

Til:{#;{,"Siffi ;i*q**r*#'#nffi3l :irili{ffi

the Phase
I 36_kilomer"r of the
ragurg urry mJust to 42 mrrutes.
-, Manila Subway Proiect. Mat<ar i
Metro expecledthat the runwaywould
Lu i s ca mpo s aiscto se J ;i ;:iTlf, :"iilifi ff #f ffi "fi::? i;
;;:i"*:t t1il"j'^^.
s" sio tru amounr is already wi,n uampos noted that some 365'000
the Department of rYansioi[a" passengers are expected to take the
(Dort), and will serve u. tn" goulilil
il3;fr 3f 'ff i;:i:ffi isT#;il:#tr*;-{*ei.:ii,.iilet}i4.,'
r ne subway s hrst three stations in
niuilot Lm"ia development aisistr-^^
t"o- .rup- rniu.n"iionJ a";n";,ii"" iffilffBl,:""A ;"fr
Agency (JICA). ,.#t1t"?lJ"
ends in
- " Metr',0 M anilicould use two or three

more subways over the 10 to 20 years^ ?ae

to efficiently convey large numbers of t
commuters." Campos, a deputy minor-
ity leader and ex-ofEcio member of the
Ilouse Committee on Appropriations,
said in a statement.
Campos noted that the daytime
population ofthe National Capital R€gion
INCR), now pegged at t5 million. could
baloon to 20 million in the vears ahead.
_ 'Electric trains below ground offer
lhe fastest way lor us tb move tens oI
thousands of people _ whether over
long or short dislances _ without add_
ing to road- congestion above ground,..
tjampos said.
"There s really no other optjon,
except.lo build our future p".r"ng"r.
Lrarns m tunnels, considering lhat
can no longerwjden ourroads. Campos
The groundbreaking ceremonv for
the construction of the Metro Manila
S.ubway's train depot in Barangay
Ilgong. Valenzuela City was recently
Once completed. subway lrains are

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