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La Tomatina - Tomato Festival

The Tomatina festival in one of the most unique and fun in Spain,
held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of
Bunol, Valencia.

La Tomatina has to be the biggest food fight you will ever take part
in, This is where hundreds of tons of overripe tomatoes are thrown in
the streets by thousands of festival goers. It is typically a tomato
war using ripe squashed tomatoes hurled between participants
leaving everyone dripping with bright red sweet smelling tomato

There are no winners just people having fun and enjoying being part
of this unusual Spanish festival. Your task is grab ripe tomatoes and
throw them at other revelers. There are a few rules though, the main
one being that you have to squash the tomatoes in your hands before
you can throwing them.

Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

One of the most famous colourful festivals in Spain are the carnivals
of Santa Cruz de Tenerife held during the month of February of each
year. The carnival resembles those held in Brazil and features
parades with floats and bands who perform different types of songs
during the street parades, the carnival costumes are stunning and a
delight to see.

The parades move through the streets alongside energetic musical

groups and well-dressed performers and the superbly dressed ladies
who enchant spectators with their rhythmic dance moves.

Some of the colourful costumes can weigh well over 100 kilos,
taking months to prepare as well as the many hours of practice
required to be able to move freely in such a huge costume.

San Fermin Fiestas Pamplona

This bull running festival usually takes place the second week and is
a festival that brings the party to every corner of the city of
Pamplona, the festival starts by setting off a big bang firework
known as the Chupinazo from the mayor's balcony. The bull run run
starts from the Plaza Santo Domingo and winds through the ancient
streets of Pamplona ending at the bullring.

This is one of the most popular, if not risky, festivals held in Spain
and the most represented by global visitors seeking the undeniable
rush you get from being chased by an angry bull.

Semana Santa - Easter Holy Week

The Semana Santa holy week is among the most important religious
festivals in Spain, where Catholics mourn the final days of Christ on
earth and the grief of the Virgin Mary.

It is held on the week leading to Easter Sunday, throughout the entire

week, processions parade along prepared routes in most towns, cities
and villages in Spain. The climax of the celebrations are the Good
Friday processions where the floats leave the churches in the middle
of the night and are carried throughout the night to their final
destination: the cathedral.

The Fallas of Valencia

The Fallas of Valencia are visually one of the most spectacular
Fiestas you will come across in Spain. In mid-March, Valencia lights
up its streets for an entire week of celebration and parties.

Locals create giant paper mache figures representing notable peop le

as well traditional figures, these are then displayed in the city during
the entire week.

The celebrations come to an enigmatic end when all the figures are
burned down in one of the most amazing bonfires you will ever see.

La Noche de San Juan - The Night of Saint

If your into an all night beach parties then the annual San Juan fiesta
are for you. It is held around the 23rd of June each year up and down
the coastal areas of Spain most notably in Andalucia where the warm
temperature make for a perfect all night party.

This ancient pagan festival is now legendary for its night long beach
party which includes music, dance and tremendous fun.

The night is all about fire and water and where young and old
congregate to build fires and enjoy the shortest night of the
year. According to tradition, to be cleansed and purified you must
jump over a fire three times.

Three Kings Day - January 6th

This festival is held between the evening of January 5th and the main
event on the 6th which is a national holiday. It is probably the most
eagerly awaited festival by every child in the land. Whole
communities come out and participate in street processions where
children are gifted with candy thrown from the floats.

The real fun comes in the form of colourful processions which take
place in the early evening of the 6th January. Streets fill up with
decorated floats meandering slowly through the towns where
thousands of kilos of sweets are thrown into the beckoning
crowds. A mad dash ensues by young ( and old ! ) to pick up
the caramelos ( sweets ). The main float carries the three kings
bearing even more gifts which are duly thrown out at the children
lining the streets.

San Isidro Madrid

May is a fun time to be in Madrid as the San Isidro festivals takes
over the city for the whole month. During the day, the locals are
treated to live music concerts in city squares, which later culminate
in all night parties.

The fiestas de San Isidro are one of the largest festivals in Spain so
it's well worth spending a few days in the capital to enjoy the huge
variety of attractions and activities on offer.

The festival commemorates the patron saint of Madrid, San Isidro,

and are eagerly awaited as they herald in spring time. Lasting five
days visitors can enjoy over 50 concerts of varying musical styles,
theatre, street dance performers, children’s activities, street
processions and lots more!

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