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Pond Heat Loss

From the Geo-Heat Center Quarterly Bulletin Vol. 9, No.4, Fall 1986


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POND HEAT LOSS Kevin Rafferty. FE.
Ceo-Heat Center
Oregon Institute of Technology
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

ABSTRACf increased or tl1e relative humidity of the air is Wp (1 + .225 (7.33))l01~07 _ .074) x
Onc of the most common areas of interest in decreased. evaporation rate increases. The equa- 8574 x (80 + 460)
geothermal direct usc is that of aquaculturl::. For tion which describes the rate of evaporation is 144 x 500
those involl"l:d with the initial planning of such shown below: 99.1 Ibm/hour
a project. one of the first questions to be ad-
dressed relates to project size. In most geother- Wp (1 + .225v) / .018 (PIO - Pa) x 144 x A To obtain the heat loss in Btu I hour simply mul-
mal applications. tlle maximum pond area which 85.74 x (Ts + 460°) tiply the Ibm I hour loss by the value of 1050
cZln be del'eloped is restricted by the maximum Btu I Ibm.
heat ZlvZlilable from the resource. It is the pur- Where:
pose of this Zlrticlc to present a brief introduc- Wp = Rate of evaporation in IbmIhour 99.1 Ibm/hour x 1050 Btu/Ibm
tion to the subject of heat loss from ponds (or A '= Pond surface area in ff QEV = 104,060 Btu/hour
pools) so that developers can make an informed V = Air velocity in ftlsee
evaluation of geothermal resources for this Pw = Saturation vapor. pressure of tl1e pond This is the peak or design heat loss. It is impor-
purpose. water in psia tant to note tllat the example values given above
A non-covered body of water, exposed to the Pa = Saturation pressure air dew point in psia are for tl1e design (worst) case At higher outdoor
element'i. exchanges heat with the atmosphere T., = Surface temperature OF air temperatures and different relative humidities
via four mc~:hanism: evaportion, convection, radi- this value would less. As mentioned earlier. tl1e
ation and conductioi1. Each of tl1ese is influenced For enclosed ponds or indoor swimming pools. rate of evaporation loss is influenced by the va-
by different parameters and are discussed this equation can be reduced to: por pressure difference between tl1e pond water
separately. and tl1e water vapor in tl1e air. Figure 1 illustrates
Wp = .204 x A x (Pw-Pa) the effect of increased pond water temperature
EVAPORATIVE LOSS on vapor pressure difference and hence the rate
Evaporation is generally tl1e largest component Where: of evaporation.
(,~ of the total heat loss from the pond. When one
,~y thinks of evaporation, the loss of mass generally Wp = Rate of evaporatio"n in Ibmfhour
comes to mind rather tl1an tl1e loss of heat. How- A = Pond area in ft2
evel; in order to boil water (and hence cause . Pw = Saturation pressure of the pond
evaporation) heat must be added. The quantity water (psia)
of h.:at required to evaporate one pound of wa- Pa = Saturation pressure at air dew point
ter varies with temperature and pressure bOtll un- (psia)
der normal atmospheric conditions the value is
approximately 1000 Btu. When boiling water in Following are some common values for .v. Pwand
a tea pot. this 1000 Btu is supplied by the stove. Pa:
When water is evaporated from the surface of tl1e
pond. the heat is taken from the remaining wa- For II: @ 5 mph wind. v. = 7.3 fUsee
ter. A., a result. as each pound of water evaporates @ 10 mph wind. v = 14.7 ft/see
from the surface. 1000 Btu is lost with the es- @ 15 mph wind. v = 22 fUsee
caping vapor. Losses can occur by evaporation
For Pw: @ 60° water Pw = 0.256 psia
even when the water temperature is at or below
@ 70 ° water Pw = 0.363 psia
the surrounding air temperature. This is because WATER TEMPERATURE
@ 80° water Pw 0.507 psia
water evaporates from the surface of the pond
@ 90° water Pw 0.698 psia
at the wet bulb temperature. At 100% relative hu- Figure 1. Plot of Pond Water Vapor Pressure
midity. the wet bulb temperature is the same as vs Temperature
For Pa: for outdoor location with a design
the dry bulb temperature (dr.y bulb is the tem-
dry bulb air temperature of below 30°, Pa
perature which is given by a standard thermom- CONVECfIVE LOSS
can be taken as .074 The next major mechanism of loss from tl1e
eter). At anything less than 100% relative
humidity. the wet bulb temperat~re is less than For indoor locations with a design of pond surface is tl1at of convection. This is the
the dry bulb temperature and. as a result. evapo- approximately 75° and 50% relative mode associated with the heat losses to cold air
ration loss can occur below the air temperature. humidity. passing overtl1e pond surface. The two most im-
The rate at which evaporation occurs is a func- Pa can be taken as .211. portant influences on the magnitude of convec-
tion of air velocity and the pressure difference tive heat loss are wind velocity and the air. This
l·';.between the pond water and the water vapor in Example: Assume a pond with a surface area of is evidenced in the following equation:
~ the air (vapor pressure difference). In simple 500 ft~ is located out'iide in an area with a de-
terms. as the temperature of the pond waler is sign temperature of 15°F Wind and velocity is 0Cl' = (7 + .225u) x A x (tll' . fa)
5 mph and pond water is to be SOOF
clle BULETI!\". FALL )986 )"
Where: tw = Pond water temperature OF SURFACE COVER II

Q CV = Convection heat loss in Btu/hour Ta = Air temperature OF As mentioned earliel: heat losses from the pond
v = Air velocity in ftlsec A = Pond surface area in ft2 surface are most heavily i~:tluenced by wind ve-
A = Pond area in f(2 locity and the temperature difference between the
tw = Water temperature of Again referring to the above example (15 ° design pond and the surrounding ~i[ Any method whichf''\,
ta '= Air temperature OF temperature. 80 ° pond temperature), the follow- can be employed to reduce I:either of these values"
ing radiant heat loss is calculated: would substantially reduce .Ieating requirements.
For an indoor pool this equation would be:
QRD = .174 x 10- 12 x ,93 ((460 + 80)4 - For outdoor pools a tloatlllg cover is an excel-
• I'
Qcv = .38 (tw - taj25 x A x (tw - tal lent example. The use of a "b" tloating foam cover
(460 +' 15)4) x 500
(on the pool surface) wouldllreducc the peak heat
= 27,610 Btu/hour
Using the example from above (15 ° design tem- loss for the example pool to the values shown in
perature, 80 ° water and 5 mph wind), the follow- Table 2.
ing convective heat loss can be calculated: CONDUCfIVE LOSS
The final mode of heat loss is that of conduc-
Qcv = (1 + .225 x 133) x 500 x (80° - 15°) Summary of Example He,at Loss Using Pool
tion. This is the loss associated with the walls
= 86.100 Btulhour of the pond. Of the four losses, conduction is by
far the smallest and in many calculations is sim-
Figure 2 illustrates the importance of air veloci- ply omitted. The following method is valid for a
Evaporation 0 Btu/hour
ty on convective heat loss. The shape of this curve pond depth of 3' to 5:
Convection 13.975 Btu/hour 59%
would be similar for evaporation loss also. Radiation 3.212 Btu/hour 14%
QCD = (((L + ~V,l x 2 xI) + (L x W x .02))(tw " '

Conduction 6.500 Btu/hour 27%

- (ta + 15)), Total 23.687 Btu/hour 100%

Where: This peak load is only abJut lO'Yt, of the origi-
t :I
nally calculated heat loss. This is, in large meas-
QCD = Conductive heat loss in Btu/hour
o ure, a result of the eiiminatihn of evaporation loss
L = Length of pond in ft
" which is provided by a tlo~ting type cover. Un-
W = Width of pond in ft
fortunately. a tloating cove~ is generally not con-
tw = Design water temperature OF
Sidered practIcal for commercial aquaculture
ta = Design outside air temperature OF

Using the previous example, the following con-
ductive heat loss is calculated: .

A pond enclosure is anoth~r though much more

QCD = (((10, + 50) x 2 x 1) +,,(10 x 50 x expensive, option for reducing heat loss. The ad-
.02))(80 - (15 + 15)) vantages provided by an eAciosure depend to a
= 6500 Btu/hour large extent upon the conhruction techniques
Figure 2. Plot of Relative Convective Heat Loss employed (covering material," degree of enclosure

vs Wind Speed pressure or absence of veri'tilation). The variet~

Tdble 1 summarizes the results of the calculations
of construction methods a~d materials available
RADIANT LOSS performed for the example 500 fF pond.
are too numerous to cove~1 here_ The basic ad-
Radiant heat loss, the third largest component vantages of an enclosure ar,~; reduced air veloci-
of the total heat loss is dependent primarily on TABLE 1
ty, reduced temperature difference between the
Summary of Example Heat Loss
the temperature difference between the pond sur- pond and surrounding ai~: and reduced vapor
face temperature and the surrounding air tem- pressure difference between the pond water and
perature. Under normal circumstances, radiant Evaporation 104,060 Btu/hour 46%
air (increased relative humidity). These effects re-
heat exchange is assumed to occur between sol- Convection 86,100 Btu/hour 38%
duce the losses associated 1iith evaporation, con-
id bodies with little or no gain to the air in be- Radiation -27,610 Btu/hour 13%
Conduction 6,500 Btu/hour 3% ,vection and radiation. II
tween the bodies. However, due to the evaporative
Assuming an enclosure were placed over our ex-
losses near the pond surface. the air tends to con- Total 224,270 Btulhour 100%
ample pond, reducing air telocity to the 10-30
tain a large quantity of water vapor. When this 489 Btu/hour ft2
ft/min range. increasing hUlhidity to 90% and air
is the case, the pond surface radiates to the wa-
temperature to 48 OF (half :~ay between outside
ter vapor in the air, which is assumed to be 'at It must be noted that these losses are the peak
air and pond water temperJture), pond heat loss
the temperature of the air itself. The equation or maximum heat loss. At any given time during
would be reduced to the valLes shown in Table'3.
which describes this process is as follows: the year, other than the design case, the heat loss
This value amounts to appibximately 30% of the
would be less than this value. The annual heat-
original example.
.174 x 10- 12 x .93 ((460 + twl
QRd = ing requirement cannot be determined from sim'
ply multiplying the peak heating requirement by
(460 + ta)4) x A
8760 hours/year. Because of the need for con-
. One final method for rellucing peak heating, ,
sideration of varying temperature, wind, humidi-
Where: requirements for pond or p~ol heating lies in tht:\-
ty and solar heat gain, methods for calculating use of the large thermal ma1s supplied by the wa- ..c:'-
the annual heating requirements are beyond the' ter itself. Water is an excell~lnt heat storage medi-
Q Rf) Radiant heat loss in Btu/hour
scope of this article. I '


TABLE 3 The degree to which thermal storage can be in- subject of heat losses tTom ponds. The equations
Summary of Example Heat Loss corporated into the heating system design is a provided are simplifications of very comple.x rela-
Using Pond Enclosure complex issue of environmental factors, pond tionships and should be employed only for ini-
characteristics. and the species being raised. tial calculations. In addition. losses which can
(~ '-"vaporation 35,150 Btu/hour 47% Some species. such as prawns, are particularly occur from various aeration schemes and other
--:onvection 14,460 Btu/hour 19% sensitive to temperature fluctuations. activities have not been addressed. It is strongly
Radiation IS.229 Btu/hour 25% recommended that a competent engineer be en-
Conduction 6.500 Btu/hour 9% FLOW REQUIREMENTS listed for final design purposes.
Total 74.339 Btu/hour 100% The rate of flow required to meet the peak heat-
ing demand of a particular pond is a function of REFERENCES
the temperature difference between the pond wa-
ter and the resource temperature. The following 1. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and
equation can be used to determine the flow re- Air Conditioning Engineers, Handbook of Ap-
quirement. plications. ASH RAE. NY, NY, 1975. p. 4.7.
um. Assuming our example pond is 5' deep ~ll1d GPM = OtotJ(500 x (tr - tw)) where 2. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and
500 ft 2 in area. the total number cubic feet con- CPM = Resource flow gal/ons Air Conditioning Engineers, Handbook of Fun-
tained would be 2500. At 7.49 gallons per ffl. per minute damentals, ASH RAE. NY, NY, 1985, p. 25.6
this results in 18.725 gallons or 156.000 pounds 0tot = 7btal calculated pond heat loss = QEV
of water at S.33 Ibmfgallon. Because one pound
of water gives up 1 Btu for each degree it is
+ °Cll + (ff) +OCD 3. Eckert. E.R.G., Heat and Mass 'Ihnsfer,
tlU = Pond temperature in OF McGraw-Hill. NY.. NY, 1959, pp. 475-476.
cooled. this means that our example pond which
contains 156.000 pounds of water could provide tr = Resource temperature in OF
4. Hulman, R.H .. "Surface Heat 'Transmission':
156.000 Btu of offest heating requiremenL<; if it Transaction of the American Society of Mechan-
were allowed to cool 1°F. This stored heating ca- Lets assume that our example pond is to be heat-
ical Engineers - Fuel, Steam, Power; 1929, pp.
pacity can be used to reduce the peak heating ed with a resource temperature of 100 oF.
51, 27.
requirement on the heating system. Using our
originally calculated peak heating requirement CPM = 224.270/(500 x (100° - 80°))
= 22.4 gpm
5. Johnson, Williamc., "Culture of Freshwater
of 244.572 i3tu/hour. lets look a't an example of Prawns .Using Geothermal Waste Water'; Geo-
themlal storage use. Assume that the peak heat- Heat Center, Klamath Falls, OR, 1975.
ing requirements occur over a 8 hour period af- Again, the point is made that this is the peak
ter which. due to air temperature increase and requirement. The required flow at any other time
6. Lauer, B.E., "Heat 'Transfer Calculations;;
':,;plar gain. the heating load is reduced. Further would be at a value less than 22.4 gpm. This ap-
(, __,?s5ume that the heating system is designed to Handbook reprinted froril the Oil and Gas Jour-
proach is valid for aquaculture projects and re-
nal, updated, p. 9.
supply only SO% of the peak requirement. What source temperatures up to levels which would
will happen to the pond temperature? prove harmful if supplied directly to the pond.
7. Stoever, H.1., Applied Heat 'Transmission,
Above this temperature (which varies according
McGraw-Hill, NY, NY, 1941, pp. 24-26.
First. calculate the total heat required for the to species). the heating water would have to be
eight hour period. mixed with cooler water to reduce its tempera-
ture. Tho methods are possible for mixing. If a
S hI'S x 244.572 Btu/hour = 1.956.576 13tu sufficient supply of cold water is available, the hot
water could be mixed with the cold water prior
Second. calculate the heat which the system can to introduction in the pond. A second approach,
supply based on its SO% capacity. which wo.uld apply in the absence of cold water,
would be to recirculate pond water for mixing pur-
S hrs x (.SO x 244.572) = 1.565.261 Btu poses. The recirculation could be combined with
an aeration scheme to increase its beneficial ef-.
Then .. calculate the difference to be supplied by feet. In both cases, the quantity of cold or recir-
allowing the pond water to cool. culated water could be determined by the
following formula.
1.956,576 - 1,565,261 = 391,315 i3tu
(CPMh x ThJ - (GPMh x T m)
Finally, calculate the drop in pond temperature CPM = ----------

due to supplying the heat required. (Tm - TJ

391,315 Btu/(156.000 Ibm x 1 Btu/lbmOF)
2.5 OF CPMc =' Required cold flow rate gpm
CPMc = Hot water flow rate gpm
Th = Temperature of hot water OF
As a result, the pond will have cooled by 2.5 oF.
Tc = Thmperature of cold water OF
The heating system would then bring the pond
Tm = 7i!mperature of desired mixed water OF
j" ·back up to the temperature during the day when'

\,J)gher temperature and solar gain would reduce

The above methods are presented to provide in-
heating requirements.
terested individuals with an introduction to the


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