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Question 1
Student with problem dealing with technical and laboratory staff for attaining them after office
hour. The reason given by the staff was “Not allow to work overtime”.
a. What are the problems here?
b. Please identify the role and problem occurred as
i. You as a student
ii. You as a staff of the laboratory
c. How does the student handle the problem?
d. What should the supervisor/lecturer do to handle the problem?

Interpersonal skills which comes from the root word interaction and person can be defined as
an agreeable and pleasant communication among two or more persons. In short it is the ability
to resolve conflict and get along with others. This includes a wide range of skills such as
communication skills (verbal, non-verbal, listening skills), emotional intelligence (social
skills), teamwork skills, negotiation, persuasion and influencing skills, problem solving &
decision making skills (working with others to identify and make decisions about the best
course of action), conflict resolution & mediation (working with others to resolve interpersonal
conflict and disagreements in a positive way), critical thinking and professionalism (time
management, appearance).
Based on the following scenario (Appendix 1), generally the student portrayed an example of
poor interpersonal skills. Body language that refers to the nonverbal signals, make up a huge
part of daily communication. The body language of the student while communicating with the
lab personnel in the drama includes a hunched posture, worried, erratic eye contact pointing
her finger at lab personnel. Her way of abruptly approaching the lab personnel without proper
greeting displays disrespect in the eyes of the lab personnel. In addition to inappropriate
paralinguistic (verbally unclear, high pitched and rapid speech), the student used ‘U’ in her
sentence (blaming stance) eg: “You are making me stressed and confused!”. The lab
personnel’s non-verbal communication with the student includes a defensive posture (crossed
arms gesture), hostile eye contact (rolling and avoiding gaze), frowning expression in addition
to harsh tone of verbal communication, refusing to allow the student to use the lab after

designated time. This is in contrast with good communication between the lab personnel and
supervisor (SV) whereby SOLER was practiced. The SV approached the lab personnel
directly(squarely) with an open posture, leaned closer towards her colleague (lab personnel)
when appropriate without breaching her personal space, maintained eye contact and remained
relaxed though out the conversation. In addition, open ended questions and empathy listening
skills were practiced whereby both SV and personnel were listening, nodding in approval and
smiling. Verbally, both SV and lab personnel were clear and assertive in addition to the use of
‘I’ instead of ‘U’ appropriately. In the end both parties were able to resolve the conflict
amicably resulting in positive outcome whereby the student was allowed to use the lab after
office hours with supervision.

a. What are the problems here?

The problems that arise in the point of view of the student can be summed into three main
points which is being denied to use lab after office hours, inability to practice good
interpersonal skills, poor time management and problem solving skills. Prohibition form using
the lab after office hours will give rise to problems such as inability to complete project on time
and portrays poor performance of the student, SV and the institution as well. Problems that
may be experienced by the lab staff includes the burden of working overtime without proper
compensation, being the person responsible in cases of reagents wastage or safety issue
problems, and working integrity issues. If approval of working overtime is given without going
through proper SOP (filling appropriate forms, getting SV signature etc) of using lab after
office hours, the lab personnel may face problems such as being accused of violating authority
rules and regulations. The problems of the supervisor in this scenario includes inadequate
student supervision and lack of communication between SV and student. SV should constantly
push students to give updates regarding their research especially if major problems occurred.
The student instead approaching the lab personnel without consulting her SV as to the rules of
regulations of application for overtime lab use. It is also quite obvious that the student did not
reach out to her other colleagues regarding this application as well. Since the student will not
be able to complete her project on time, this will cause problems in terms of the reliability,
prestige and image of the SV. Due to that a conflict between lab personnel and SV may occur
if the issue was not resolved.

b. Please identify the role and problem occurred as

i. You as a student
As discussed previously, due to being denied to use the lab, the main problem faced by the
student is that she will not be able to complete tasks for her project on time thus unable to
graduate on time(GOT). This in turn portrays the poor performance of the supervisor and as a
whole brings bad reputation to the institution itself. Emotions such as fear, nervousness and
confusion can affect the process of communication. The abrupt way of approaching the lab
personnel exhibits the poor social skills of the student and is possibly due to fear of not being
able to complete the project on time. The role that should be played by the student besides
taking responsibility for the situation is that the student should be aware of the rules and
regulation of the lab and improve her interpersonal skills when negotiating and appealing for
extension of time to use the lab. Besides approaching the lab staff at an appropriate time, the
student should ask for suggestions from SV/laboratory staff/ her peers for alternative methods
to complete her work efficiently at a shorter time followed by improvisation or troubleshooting

ii. You as a staff of the laboratory

In the drama (Appendix 1), the lab personnel initially rejected the students request to use the
lab in part due to inappropriate approach and the improper way of overtime application by the
student. As discussed in the introduction, potential problems that will arise for the lab personnel
is being accused of violating authority if decision is made without the consent from appropriate
figures (eg: SV, lab SO (senior officer)). Safety issues and inappropriate wastage of reagents
by unsupervised students using lab after designated time will also be of concern and cause
problems for the lab personnel. The role that should be played by the lab personnel is to practice
professionalism, be more considerate and flexible in their work. As the university lab
personnel, they should empathize with the student’s situation and understand that their actions
might jeopardize the student’s future and tarnish the institute’s reputation in case whereby legal
lawsuit is brought upon to the institution. Lab personnel should consult the students SV
regarding the student’s request if further justification/support is needed. Further assistance or
briefing can be given to new students/ international students who are not familiar with the
university’s laboratory rules and regulations.

c. How does the student handle the problem?

First and foremost, in addition to constant updates on the project’s progress, the student should
discuss with her supervisor regarding setbacks experienced, as a strong support from the SV is
important especially when requesting for additional time to use the lab. She should also find
out the correct ways to request using lab after office hours beforehand by obtaining information
from her peers or from her SV. When approaching the lab personnel, this should be done in a
courteous manner by giving a proper greeting, smiling, staying calm. The student should also
find alternative ways to reconstruct the strategy on finishing the work efficiently (have backup
plans), prioritize and develop better time management plans. Students should also be able to
present a strong justification and explanation to laboratory staff for permission to use lab during
weekend or extend the time after office hour. This can be done by presenting Gantt chart,
factors that contributed to the failure to reach milestone, and discussions on its consequences
on student and institution reputation. She should also request for supervisor to be close by
during “after office hour” requested to ensure safety and absence of reagent wastage.

d. What should the supervisor/lecturer do to handle the problem?

The SV should try to exert authority and convince the laboratory staff/ lab management to
allow the student to use the work place. Clear explanation (presentation of the project
methodology with Gantt chart) should be given regarding the unavoidable setbacks
experienced by the student and reassurance should be given to the laboratory staff regarding
safety issues with emphasis that lecturer will be fully responsible and present with the student
during the extra hours utilized. Modifications should also be made to the student’s project such
as identification of shorter methods, reduction of parameters used, changing the objective etc.
in order to avoid future use of extra hours. SV should also receive/demand consistent updates
on student’s research. This can be done by scheduled meetings with supervisee, performing
surprise lab checks on the students and receiving feedbacks from lab personnel regarding
misbehaviour etc. As a last resort, if necessary the SV may raise the issue to the head of lab or
the dean with suggestions on how to handle a similar problem in the future. Thus, it is
imperative for the lecturer/SV to practice good interpersonal skills with emphasis given to
negotiation and persuasion skills in order to avoid or resolve potential conflict. One of the
methods of influencing individuals that can be practiced are the six principals of persuasion
proposed by Robert Cialdini (Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Marketing at Arizona
State University) which consist of the following:

1) Reciprocity – the need to return a favor, gift, or service

2) Consistency– with a prior commitment
3) Social Validation (Consensus) – the behavior/opinions of similar others
4) Liking – the impact of those who express liking for “targets”
5) Authority – the role of legitimate authority figures, expertise
6) Scarcity – the value/desire for things that are rare, less available

Managing conflict is an important but unpleasant part of the job of being a scientist, one with no simple
solutions. Communication is ineffective if psychological aspects of communication acts as a barrier to
communication. Applying Interpersonal Skills such as verbal, nonverbal, listening skills, negotiation,
problem solving, decision making and assertiveness are important in resolving issues that may arise in
the workplace. When dealing with conflict it is important to stay calm, aim for honest communication,
take problem solving approach to conflict, practice assertiveness, listen actively, avoid taking things
too personally & handle negative issues quickly, develop good listening skills and choosing words to
be used carefully.

State, N. C., & Update, W.-. (2018). Counseling Center Due to adverse weather conditions and
potentially hazardous road conditions , NC State Counseling Center will delay opening
Interpersonal Skills Self-Assessment, 1–5.
Communication, M., & Resource, H. (2018). Psychological Barriers to Communication De
nition of Psychological Barriers Lack of Attention, 1–6.
Cherry, K. (2018). Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions, 1–22. Retrieved
Bias, C., & Optimization, C. (2018). How to Apply Cialdini ’ s Six Principles of Influence
Menu to Your Website Training Robert Cialdini ’ s Six Principles of Contact, 1–23.
Skills You Need. (2011). What are Interpersonal Skills? Skills You Need, 2–4.
State, N. C., & Update, W.-. (2018). Counseling Center Due to adverse weather conditions and
potentially hazardous road conditions , NC State Counseling Center will delay opening
Interpersonal Skills Self-Assessment, 1–5.
Levine, B. I. S. (2018). Mind Matters : Managing Conflict in the Lab, 1–8.
Discussion, P. (2018). Interpersonal Skills : Meaning and Behavioural Traits, 1–9.


Narrator: Today we are going to enact a short drama portraying a scenario that may lead to
workplace conflict between a lab personnel and a student SV. This drama will be conducted in
English and Bahasa Melayu. The cast are as follows: Hasanah as Alia the Lab personnel;
Athirah as Aishah a Thai international student and Ezad as Dr Alia the Supervisor.

Drama begins in the office of lab personnel…

Lab personnel sitting in her cubicle, looking at time on the clock saying loudly to herself.

LP: Thank god its almost 5pm, I feel so tired. Time for me to pack my items and go back home
(Expression tired but happy after looking at watch)

Suddenly a student barged into her cubicle and without proper greeting started to talk loudly

S: Puan! I have to come to the lab this weekend. All my results turned out negative I want to
stay in the lab until around 10pm today to repeat all the tests! Where are the forms for me to
fill in to request for overtime? Oh I see it on the rack over there!

Student grabs random paper and messed all the forms.

LP: Excuse me! Can you please introduce yourself first? Who is your SV?

(Body language: Angry expression, arms crossed, harsh tone, high pitch)

S: Im Sorry puan Im so worried that I cannot finish my project on time.

(sad expression, hunched posture, low voice tone)

LP: We do not allow students to use the lab after office hours this semester! (Body language:
Angry expression, arms crossed, harsh tone)

S: โอ ้พระเจ ้าทีร่ กั ! You are making me stressed and confused! (pointing to lab personnel). The
results will not be acceptable to my SV! (panicked, High pitched voice)

LP: That is not my problem. (Body language: Angry expression, arms crossed, harsh tone)

Student called supervisor to discuss her situation (expression worried, SV expression

concerned). SV invited student to meet up with LP together.

The next day student SV went to see LP to solve the conflict. Student tagged along as suggested
by SV.

(SV and LP interaction throughout the discussion SOLER)

SV : Assalamualaikum. Hi, Alia ada masa tak sekarang ni?

LP : Ya, ada apa-apa saya boleh bantu?

SV : Semalam student international dari thai, aisyah yang bersama saya ni ada datang jumpa
cik untuk minta kebenaran gunakan lab pada waktu luar kerja. Boleh saya tahu apa yang

LP : Macam ni Dr. Saya tak bernarkan dia guna lab ni semalam sebab saya rasa mereka dah
diberikan masa yang secukupmya untuk siapkan projek yang diberikan dan perkara ini tak
sepatutnya terjadi. Selain itu scara student tu main tejah saja jumpa saya menyebabkan saya
sedikit emosi.

SV : Saya faham Anis. Student saya perlu ulang semula beberapa langkah untuk kajian yang
dilakukan atas sebab kontaminasi bahan experiment yang tidak dijangka. Eksperimen yang
sedang dijalankan mengambil masa yang lama untuk dapatkan keputusannya dan pada masa
yang sama dia tidak boleh memberhentikan proses tersebut separuh jalan kerana akan memberi
kesan kepada keputusan yang dinginkan. Sekiranya eksperimennya dilakukan tanpa waktu
lebih masa, ianya tak dapat disiapkan pada waktu yang ditetapkan. Jadi disebabkan itu, student
saya terpaksa meminta kebenaran untuk menggunakan lab lebih masa semalam untuk
selesaikan tugasannya. Di sini saya sertakan metodologi dan gantt chart student ini.

LP :Begitu. Ok, saya boleh benarkan student Dr untuk gunakan lab ni pada luar waktu kerja
tapi seperti presedur biasa, dia perlu isi borang terlebih dahulu. Student Dr perlu cari teman
sepanjang tempoh dia tengah buat eksperimen. Saya tidak akan bernarkan sekiranya dia
bersendirian. Apa-apa kemalangan yang berlaku di lab semasa dia buat eksperimen dia perlu
laporkan dekat saya. Jenuh pulak saya nk menjawab ke pihak atasan nanti kalau dia senyap je.

SV : Ok. Terima kasih sbb sudi mempertimbangkan perkara ini. Student saya juga di sini untuk
meminta maaf dgn anis.

Student: Sawadee ka Pn Anis. Id like to apologize for my inappropriate way of approaching

you yesterday. I was so worried that I cannot complete my experiments on time and get a good
result. Please forgive me.

LP : Its ok, I understand. Fill in these forms as per my discussion wth your SV just now ok.

Student: Ok. Thank you puan Anis.

SV: Terima kasih Anis.

LP: sama-sama.

(All smiling)

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