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How to run the IV ABM on the M3 Cluster

Author: Nguyen Ky Tri

Step 1: Apply for account in M3:
1. User apply for an account on M3
2. User log in to our HPC ID management system
( and request to join project
3. Project leader (Le Hai Vu) will receive a notification in regard to user's
access application and can approve or reject the application
4. We approve the application after step (3) is completed
5. User's access is provisioned and user get informed via email
Step 2: After that, download the putty software and install from:
Step 3: Turn on Putty and log on server M3:
Fill inside the host name: or and type in
the box Saved Sessions: M3
Then the M3 terminal will be open:

 Fill your username and password:

Step 4: After that, you should upload the folder into the M3 folder tx89
This can be done by 2 ways:
1. You can simple go to my folder : /projects/tx89/ and copy everything in
there to your folder with linux command cp
2. You can also upload the file inside your computer to your /project/tx89
folder by (This is also done via your command line window)
rsync -auv -e ssh adirectory

Notice: This command only for MAC. (for window users: take option 1)
Step 5: Download the module support our software:
module load java
module load maven
Step 6: Before running, make sure your config_2016.xml has been adjust the
output directory correctly.

Step 7: the command for simulation is (make sure you are at the mabm_test):
java -Xmx4g -Xms4g -cp /projects/tx89/IVABM2018/target/iv-abm-0.2.0-
/projects/tx89/mabm_test1/ "" config_2016.xml standardPt

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