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Lusia Desi Puji Lestari = NUM

2. Dian Permata Ningrum = Nurse Staff 1
3. Wahyu Astri Pratiwi = Nurse Staff 2
4. Niluh Meilina Pratiwi = Nurse staff 3
5. Vinelcia S.S.Sabebegen = Nurse staff 4
6. Dhea Aina = Nurse staff 5 & Docter
7. Kristoforus Samson = Nurse staff 6
8. Yusuf Sanjai = PIC & Docter

One day in the ICU room at the Widya Mandala Hospital in Surabaya
there were 3 patients who were being treated intensively. In the morning
handovers will be carried out by nurses who watch the night to nurses who are on
guard in the morning.

That morning Nurse Dian came and greeted the night watch nurse Nurse Dhea,
Nurse Vinel, and Nurse Kristo to carry out the morning service.

Nurse Dian : good morning every body

All nurse : good morning nurse Dian

Nurse Dian : how was the patient safe last night?

Nurse Vinel : clear there is no problem

Nurse Dian : ok nurse, who take care of the morning ?

Tiba – tiba datanglah nurse wahyu menyapa mereka

Nurse wahyu : good morning every body

Nurse Dian : oh nurse wahyu, did you take care of the morning ?

Nurse Wahyu : yes nurse dian, me, you and nurse niluh

Nurse Dian : then, where is nur niluh ?

Nurse Wahyu : maybe she still on the way

Then come nurse Niluh and NUM lusi

Nurse & NUM : good morning all sorry we are late

Nurse Kristo : no problem mam, still haours 8 more 5 menit

NUM : okey let’s start to the handover, but where is nurse Yusuf ?

Nurse Dhea : still in the bed room mam

NUM : let's wait for the first nurse in the nurse to take care of the morning?

Nurse Wahyu : me, nurse dian and nurse niluh mam

Nurse Yusuf come ...

Nurse Yusuf : sorry to wait me because me at the end of bedroom

NUM : no problem nurse, before start handover please nurse Niluh lead pray

Nurse Niluh : okey before we start handover and work let’s pray together..... finish

NUM : previously for beds 1 2 and 3 who took care of nurses who were
guarding the night?

Nurse Dhea : bed 1 nurse Kristo, bed 2 nurse vinel and me bed 3 mam

NUM : okey for this morning nurse revelation bed 1 nurse niluh bed 2 nurse
dian bed 3

All Nurse Morning : okey mam

NUM : oke please continue the nurse kristo handover for bed 1

Nurse Kristo : okey mam bed 1 patient Mr. Andi with pneunomonia attached
ventilator, GCS 3 3 2, RR = 20x / minute, Pulse = 98x / minute,
temperature = 37oC and TD 130/90 mm last urine 500cc, attached syring
pumh infusion D5 no additional drugs or advice from a doctor. ... ok
finish for bed 1, hand over the book after receiving the nurse Wahyu

Nurse Wahyu : okey nurse kristo

Nurse vinel : okey for bed 2 patients Ny. Salamah with arrhythmia diagnosis
installed ventilator GCS 3 3 3, RR: 20x / minute Pulse: 88x / minute
temperature: 37 TD: 130/80 mmhg last 600 cc urine attached syring
pumh infusion D5 no advice from the doctor there are some drugs that
are running low later, please ask the doctor that the dobutamine
medicine will need to be replaced or it will still be finished

Nurse Niluh : oke nurse vinel

NUM : for bed 3 nurse dhea ?

Nurse Dhea : yes I continue for bed 3 Santos with a diagnosis of acute kidney failure
CGS 3 4 5 RR ventilator installed: 20x / minute, Pulse: 88x / minute,
temperature: 27.5oc TD: 160 / 90mmhg attached syring pum D5 last
minute at 5 400 cc this morning there was an additional drug in through
intravenous ranitidine 3x1 if there are signs of allergy in the patient,
immediately report to the doctor for the 3rd bed, hand over the receipt
for Dian's 3 bed nurse.

Nurse yusuf : For the night shift handover, mam had done it then for the situation last
night there was no problem or incident whatsoever from the patient.

NUM : okay nurse yusuf thank you for the handover this morning the night
shift please go home the morning service please continue the activity.

Nurse yusuf : Okay mam me and my friends will be ready to go home, happy to work

Nurse niluh :okee take care

After doing the morning handover all nurses work according to each task in
each patient who has been given responsibility.

NUM : okay nurse please work according to your responsibilities

All nurse : okey mam

As usual, nurses in the ICU take care as usual, there are those who check
vital signs, administer drugs and check medical devices. After a few minutes later
there are patients who experience collapse in bed 2.


Nurse Dian : oh my god he had decreased blood pressure and his breathing decreased

NUM : what happend nurse Dian ?

Nurse Dian : Suddenly the patient experienced a decrease in blood pressure and
breathing, I helped him with CPR

NUM : oke i will help you

Nurse Dian : oke mam

After a while the patient can be saved and return to normal

NUM : okay nurse Dian's blood pressure and patient's mood has stabilized

Nurse Dian : yes mam, i hope this won't happen again huftt ...

NUM : okay nurse and continue your work

Nurse Dian : okay mam thanks you

NUM : yes nurse

Meanwhile Nurse Wahyu and Nurse Niluh continued their work with one
patient. After a few minutes the patient can be helped and returned to normal.

Nurse Wahyu : how has Dian's nurse been stable?

Nurse Dian : the nurse's blood pressure and breathing have stabilized back to

Nurse Wahyu : oh thank God

Then the doctor for bed 1 patient Ardi came to do the examination.

Doctor DHEA : a good evening nurse

All nurse : good evening docter

Docter Dhea : how about a nurse's revelation for my patient Ardi?

Nurse Wahyu : Stable vital signs doctors have shown good development

Doctor Dhea : oh okay the nurse observes and continues if there is a development of
awareness, then contact me right away, maybe if there is a development
you can move it to an ordinary room.

Nurse Wahyu : okay doctor, doctor there is a drug that has run out

Docter Dhea : OK, will I prescribe a medicine for the patient, what drugs have been
used up?

Nurse Wahyu : This antibiotic doctor only has 2 times

Docter Dhea : Okay, this is the recipe

Nurse Wahyu : okay, doctor, thank you

Dhea Docter : Yes, I returned first, nurse good evening

Then Niluh's nurse reported the situation from Mrs. Salam about the
condition experienced by the patient with the telephone.

Kriiing .... kringggg ......

Doctor Yusuf : Hello Good afternoon with whom?

Nurse Niluh : In the afternoon my doctor nurse Niluh from the ICU reported
the situation from Mrs. Salamah had a red reaction and a little
RR this afternoon: 21x / minute TD: 130/90 x / minute Pulse: 88x
/ minute

Doctor Yusuf : What was the cure for the nurse Niluh at first?
Nurse Niluh : Fersix doctor, after I gave the fersix drug noon a few hours later
the patient's urine was red

Doctor Yusuf : Then just replace the medicine with lasix

Nurse Niluh : oh yeah, yeah, doctor

Doctor Yusuf : Yes nurse needs to give 3x1 via Entravena

Nurse niluh : well, I repeat, the doctor of fersix medicine will be replaced by
lasix medicine with the administration of 3x1 through the entrave

Doctor Yusuf : Yes, nurse is niluh

Nurse Niluh : well then thank you doctor yusuf good afternoon

after that, continue with the afternoon shift .....


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