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OUMH 2103


NO. MATRIKULASI : 930415025666001

NO. KAD PENGNEALAN : 930415025666
NO. TELEFON : 019-4258831


water pollution. This situation can affected aquatic plants and animals which in turn can also
affected human proteins. Lastly, land exploration also contributes to the water pollution. Land
exploration occur for farming, industries and so on. As we all known, exploration of land causes
erosion of land due to lack of support of strengthen soil and finally soil erosion will flow into the
river through the surface water. Because of that, precipitation can changes the water to become
more cloudy until affects the habitat of the aquatic life. Water pollution can give an impact to
living things especially to human, animals and plants.

Firstly, as we known, water pollution can affect our health. Materials that has been
thrown can reduce the content of the oxygen in the water. Humans can also get severe illness or
health problem if they drink or use the contaminated water. The waste that has been thrown into
the water can encourage bacteria to spread and become the main problem for living things in the
water and to human itself. Toxic substances that has been thrown can affect the cycle of food by
affecting and poisoning aquatic plants and aquatic animals. If toxic substances mix with rivers or
lakes water, it will directly affects quality of drinking water. It will negatively affects the health,
such as the presence of excessive nitrates in drinking water, which will lead to blood poisoning for
the small babies and cancer for adults. Next, construction activities such as housing projects
involving felling of mangrove forests have destroyed the habitat of their flora and fauna. If this
situations keep continuing without stopping, aquatic life such as fish and prawns will destroyed.
The destruction of mangrove trees also can cause erosion of river banks and coastal waters. This
is the worst impact on the ecosystem. Besides, water pollution is also one of the cause of floods
that occur in the world today. Floods often occur due to the clogging of ditches that should drain
the water into the sea or the river. When the junk catches up the flow of water, floods occur easily
and cause a dirty environment when the floods occur. The direct impact on them is the destruction
of the food chain reproductive site, and also affect the manufacturing of food and rising costs.
Moreover, water pollution can affects tourism industry because due to the water pollution the
island and the beaches will be less visited by the tourist. If this water pollution occur, recreational
activities are no longer suitable because the environment have been contaminated and no longer
suitable for relaxing mind.

On the other hand, clean water sources are very important for us. Hence some steps need
to be taken, to ensure that water resources are safe for us to use today and in the future. These are
few steps to make sure our water are safe to use. Firstly, we need to reduce the volume of rubbish
that have been thrown into the rivers, lakes, oceans and beaches by collecting the rubbish or waste
and put in a nearby trash can and carry out doing recycling activities. The school also can play an
important role in solving the problem of water pollution. For example, the school can advise
students to take care of the environment at all times. The school also can organize a ‘gotong-
royong’ program to clear the river. In addition, the school also can organize the Campaign ‘Sayangi
Sungai’ so that the students will love the river and take a good care of the river. Also, television
and newspapers companies also can play a role. Indeed, the role of television stations and
newspapers can influence the minds of the community. Therefore, the television stations should
post pictures of those who have polluted the water to be a lesson to the public. The newspaper can
also broadcast plans to solving the problem of water pollution. The government also can play an
important role in solving the problem of water pollution. This is because the government has
allocated money to implement programs to overcome water pollution. The government also can
prosecute those who pollute the water in court to be a lesson to others. In fact, the government can
draft a new legislative provision that is able to punish individuals who pollute the water with severe
penalties. People will feel scared to do something that can pollute the water when they know how
much punishment they will face. Obviously, severe penalties will prevent the public from
continuing to pollute our water sources. In addition, the government also can hold a River
Safeguard Campaign at the national level to raise awareness and warnings about the importance
of safeguarding the river. In addition, environmental cleanliness can be maintained through a
continuous civic awareness campaign so that the people can take care of the environment since
childhood because "bending bamboo should be from the bamboo shoots". Through this awareness
campaign, the community is urged to keep the environment clean. With this, some of these steps
can alert people who are neglected about environmental hygiene. So, this awareness campaign will
be able to achieve its goal if all the people are aware of the importance of the environment in the
future to curb and ensure that the quality of environmental cleanliness is clean and maintained. If
the public does not care about the government's response and be selfish, then our country will be
polluted. To, ensure that trash can not cause drainage system is not clogged then regular
maintenance should be carried out 1 or 2 times a month. In this way, garbage will not cause water
restrictions and waste can not be separated into the main drainage system in the river. Another
factor is the implementation of environmental economic instruments for promoting the private
sector using environmentally friendly technology and implementing minimization of waste
disposal in manufacturing and control processes pollution of the water, the implementation of the
illegal industry relocation plan many operate along the river as well as the implementation of the
development concept emphasizing the water as a frontal element of the area homes to encourage
people to take care and maintain the waters and not making waters a simple and free waste dump.

Water pollution gives a lot of bad effects to the world today. As we known, human needs
water. If water sources are contaminated, then there is no water for human beings. If the world or
human beings behave tirelessly with this increasingly contaminated environment, the world may
become critical and other living things on earth will be affected indirectly and the world will be
destroyed slowly. If pollution is left on, the earth will lose its attraction and may someday, this
world can no longer be inhabited by any human being. Human beings should have embarked on
efforts to preserve the environment that has been destroyed or deprived of it at present. Humans
can no longer wait until the advent of the environment becomes really critical because everything
may be late and can not be saved again. In general, the natural system is able to clean the water
which is contaminated, however, the rising rate of pollution due to human activity has made this
natural cleansing process no longer able to clean water. That’s why,we need to take very seriously
and controlled the water pollution until decrease to the minimum level. This is because water is a
source of life and if this source is contaminated to a level which can no longer be used by humans
then it is not safe for human. The cause of pollution and river damage can be deduced from cultural
factors are measles that are closely related to the general attitude of the producers,
breeders and locals who do not value the river as a source. Attitude and paradigm of society should
be changed first, with it all the steps scientific and management control over river pollution give
meaning and successfully implemented as most societies have understood and empowered
assessing river quality. In addition, there are various provisions for controlling water pollution but
its implementation is less effective because the law is based sectoral, has a limited and non-holistic
scope. Therefore, the law is more effective should be introduced followed by strict enforcement
by agencies which is involved to curb the expected pollution problem of the water appeared in the
future. The laws that are enacted must also be taking into account the importance of the economy
as a large part of the problem water pollution is a result of industrial activity, development
infrastructure and other projects related to economic development. In conclusion, human beings
must be sensitive to environmental and business issues to avoid any activity that can cause
pollution and to preserve the environment for the well-being of life

2386 Words

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