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Honorable juries, respectable teachers.

And all my dear friend whom I love

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Let’s thank to Allah SWT God the Almighty for His mercy and blessing so we can gather in
this unforgettable event. Sholawat and salam may always be upon our prophet Muhammad
SAW who has guided us from the darkness into the light.
Good morning audience, my name is Chika Amanda Salsabila from SMP Islam Nurul Fikri
Boarding School. I am standing here to deliver a speech entitle, “The importance of
Ladies and gentlemen,
Indonesa is a very big and beautiful country, located right in the center of the world between
two oceans and two continents. There are more than 16.000 islands with its unique
language, culture and custom. Not only that, Indonesia is also very rich in natural
resources. We can have everything in our country ; gold, oil, spices, and many more.
All those conditions are supposed to make Indonseia a developed country. But.. look what
is happening now? We are still developing country, has so much debts, one of the most
corrupt country in the world, and the human index development is rank 112 from 187
My dear friends,
Our founding fathers who have fought for our indepence, must be very sad to see the reality.
In its 73 years of indepence, our condition is still bad. Compared to our neighbour Malaysia,
in 1960s until 1970s, they asked Indonesian teachers to teach there. Now, they are
developed country, number 38 in human development index.
So, what’s wrong with us?
Ladies and getlemen,
Malaysia prioritize education but not Indonesa. There is no other way to build a country but
education. Now, what should we do? We have only one solution, change the pradigm of
Not only the teachers, but all of us students, parents, society, government must work
together to succeed the education. Education is not only about teaching learning at school,
the students get the scores, and that’s all. No! Education is about educate the people to be
a better man.

The mistake in our previous educational system is we focus on cognitive aspect. It happens.
Our students are smart, know many things, but in fact in real life they do know what to do,
unemployed, depend so much on the job field from the companies and the worst thing, they
are smart but don’t have integrity. No wonder corruption, collution and nepotism happen
widely in all aspect of life. Even the department of education is one of the most corrupt
department in Indonesia. What a shame!
So, should we just keep silent and blame those condition? No, we must do something.

Teachers must create the education in such a way so it is interesting, challenging, fun,
meaningful and make the students not only understand the materials but also to make the
students learn the good characters such as communicative, honesty, critical thinking,
problem solving, and many more.

We must be very happy, the new curriculum now combines all three aspects of cognitive,
affective, and psychomotors. We also apreciate the multiple intellegences such as logical
musical, spacial,interpersonal, intrapersonal, verbal, kinesthetic and naturalistic. Those are
the great things.

Parents, should make the condition at home full of love and secure, building trust and love
one another.

Government should make clean government in all aspects.

Society should show good behaviours one another.

What a beautiful life, isn’t it?

What about us? My dear friends, we are the young generation, the future of our country is
in our hand.

So, what is the implication? We must study hard, explore our potentials, be the best in
everything we do. Whatever we want to be, all for the sake of the nation to build our country,
to bring back the glory of Indonesia. Remember the quote of Jhon F Kennedy, “ Ask not
what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country”.

That’s all from me. I am very sorry for my mistakes. Thank you for your attention. Hopefully,
my speech is beneficial for all of us. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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