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SULIT 2 55/1

Answer all questions

[40 marks]

1 About 78 % of air is ________

A oxygen
B nitrogen
C hydrogen
D carbon dioxide

2 What is the most suitable test to confirm the presence of oxygen?

A Use lime water
B Use a glowing wooden splinter
C Use litmus paper
D Use sodium hydroxide solution

3 Which gas supports combustion?

A Hydrogen
B Nitrogen
C Oxygen
D Carbon dioxide

Diagram 1

4 Diagram 1 shows three lighted candles. The flame of the candle in jar X
distinguishes faster than the one in jar Y and jar Z because
A the amount of heat in jar X is less than that in jar Y and jar Z
B the amount of water vapour in jar X is less than that in jar Y and jar Z
C the amount of oxygen in jar X is less than that in jar Y and jar Z
D the amount of air in jar Y and jar Z is less than that in jar X

55/1  2012 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT

SULIT 3 55/1

5 Exhaled air turns lime water cloudy because it contains

A more nitrogen
B more oxygen
C more water vapour
D more carbon dioxide

6 Which process produces energy from food in our body?

A Burning
B Oxidation
C Combustion
D Respiration

7 The following characteristics is true about matter except

A All matter can exist either in gaseous, liquid or solid states
B All matter has definite shape
C All matter is made up of small discrete particles
D All matter occupies space and has mass

8 Table 1 shows the characteristics of a substance which can exist in liquid, gas and
solid states

Characteristic State of matter

Liquid Gas Solid
Space between particles
Energy of particles Moderate Very high Very low
Forces of attraction between Weak Very weak Very strong
Table 1

Which of the following represents space between particles?

Liquid Gas Solid

A Big Very small Small
B Big Small Very small
C Small Big Very small
D Very small Small Big

55/1  2012 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT

SULIT 4 55/1

9 The mass of a piece of stone is 360 g and its volume is 200 cm3. What is the density
of the stone?
A 1.2 g / cm3
B 1.8 g / cm3
C 2.0 g / cm3
D 2.4 g / cm3

10 The information below compares the densities of liquid P and Q, and the solids X, Y
and Z.

 Liquid P is denser than liquid Q

 Solid X floats on the surface of liquid Q
 Solid Y sinks in liquid P
 Solid Z sinks in liquid Q
 Solid Z floats on the surface of liquid P

Which of the following shows the sequence of the substances, from the highest to
the lowest density?
A Q, P, X, Z, Y
B Q, X, Z, Y, P
C Y, P, Z, Q, X
D X, P, Z, Q, Y

11 Which of the following situations shows the diffusion of gas particles?

A A balloon that is blown up and left for a while, becomes smaller after a few
B Water changes to steam when heated to its boiling point
C Wet clothes hung out under the sun become dry after a while
D Condensation of water vapour forms a cloud

12 Which of these activities does not help to preserve and conserve resources?
A Replanting
B Recycling
C Deforestation
D Forest reserves

55/1  2012 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT

SULIT 5 55/1

13 Table 2 shows the percentage of three gases in the atmosphere.

Gas Inhaled air (%)

Nitrogen 78
Oxygen 21
Carbon dioxide 0.03
Table 2

Which of the following shows the composition of the gases in the jungle?

Oxygen Carbon dioxide Nitrogen

A Increased Decreased No change
B Decreased Increased No change
C Decreased Decreased Increased
D Increased Decreased Decreased

14 What form of energy does an exploding firecracker produce?

A Chemical energy, heat energy and sound energy
B Light energy, sound energy and heat energy
C Light energy, sound energy and chemical energy
D Light energy, sound energy and electrical energy

15 The Sun is the primary source of ________ energy and ___________ energy.
A heat ; electrical
B heat ; chemical
C light ; potential
D heat ; light

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SULIT 6 55/1



Diagram 2

16 Diagram 2 shows a rubber band powered toy aeroplane. Which part of the aeroplane
possesses potential energy?
A Propeller
B Wing
C Tail
D Rubber band

17 The following shows the science process skills.

H – Controlling variables
I - Making conclusion
J - Analysing and interpreting data
K - Making hypothesis

Which of the following shows the correct sequence?

A H, I, J, K
B K, J, I, H
C K, H, J, I
D H, K, J, I

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SULIT 7 55/1

18 Which of the following sources and forms of energy is correct?

Source of energy Form of energy

A A stretched string Mechanical energy
B Food Chemical energy
C A windmill Potential energy
D Petroleum Kinetic energy

19 The information below shows the energy changes that occur in a candle and in a
fluorescent lamp.

Energy change
 Candle :W X

 Fluorescent lamp : Y Z

Which of the following represents W, X, Y and Z?

A Chemical Light Electrical Light
B Chemical Light Chemical Heat
C Heat Chemical Heat Light
D Heat Chemical Electrical Light

20 Which of the following is true about energy?

A Geothermal energy is a form of non-renewable energy source
B Energy cannot be changed from one form to another
C Energy cannot be created
D Working energy is also known as potential energy

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SULIT 8 55/1

21 What is the approximate area of the coffee stain in Diagram 3?

5 cm

5 cm

Diagram 3

A 12 cm2
B 9 cm2
C 25 cm2
D 7 cm2

22 The information below shows the sequence in which the cells in humans are

P Tissue Organ Q Human being

Which of the following could possibly be P and Q ?

A Nerve cell Nervous system
B Sperm Respiration system
C Red blood cell Muscular system
D Cheek cell Circulatory system

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SULIT 9 55/1

23 Diagram 4 shows a classification chart for a type of energy source.

Non- Sources of
renewable H energy

Formed from the remains of plants and animals

Diagram 4

What is H?
A Batteries
B Fossil fuels
C Diamonds
D Wood

24 Which of the following energy changes occurs during photosynthesis?

A Light energy heat energy
B Potential energy chemical energy
C Chemical energy heat energy
D Light energy chemical energy

25 Which of the following are steps to overcome depleting energy sources?

I The search for alternatives energy sources
II The invention of more energy efficient devices
III The reduction of energy wastage
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and III

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SULIT 10 55/1

26 Diagram 5 shows a plant cell.

Diagram 5

Which of the following is the function of structure number 5 and number 7?

Structure No. 5 Structure No 7

A Controls substances entering Stores wastes substances
and leaving the cell
B Supports the cell Absorbs light for
C Gives shape to the cell Controls cell activities
D Protects the cell Place where chemical
reactions occur

27 Which of the following statements are true about heat?

I Heat is a form of element
II Heat can travel through solid, liquid, gas and vacuum
III Heat flows from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and III

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SULIT 11 55/1

28 Diagram 6 shows a kind of cell.

Diagram 6

Which of the following structures cannot be found in the cell shown in Diagram 6?
A Nucleus
B Cytoplasm
C Cell membrane
D Cell wall

29 Diagram 7 shows the examples of substances.


Diagram 7

Which of the following best explains about the substances?

A Good heat radiators
B Good heat insulators
C Good heat conductors
D Good convection mediums

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SULIT 12 55/1

30 Diagram 8 shows movement of water in a beaker

Diagram 8

Which of the following correctly describes the movement?

A Convection current
B Radiation
C Conduction
D Contraction

31 Which of the following characteristics enable an object to absorb and give out
I The quality of the object
II The nature of the surface
III The temperature of the environment
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and III

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SULIT 13 55/1

32 Which of the following are true about the comparisons between heat and

Heat Temperature
I A form of energy The degree of hotness or
II The S. I unit is joule The S. I unit is degree
III Flows from hotter place to a Increases when an object is
cooler place heated

A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and III

33 Which of the following represents the prefix value of centi?

A 1
B 1
C 10
D 100

34 Which of the following statements is not an element?

A Water
B Carbon
C Copper
D Oxygen

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SULIT 14 55/1

35 Which of the following methods is not suitable for separating the mixture?

Mixture Method of separation

A Iodine and sand Sublimation
B Water and sugar Filtration
C Iron filings and sand Using a magnet
D Water and alcohol Distillation

36 Which of the following statements is not true of a compound?

A The elements in a compound cannot be separated physically
B The properties of a compound are different from the properties of the elements
that make up the compound
C Elements combine in different proportions to form the compound
D Formation of compound do not involved absorption or release of energy

37 Diagram 11 shows three processes X, Y and Z.

X : Process in which a solid changes to liquid

Y : Process in which a liquid changes to solid
Z : Process in which a liquid changes to gas
Diagram 11

Which of the following most probably represents processes X, Y and Z?

A Boiling Freezing Melting
B Freezing Melting Boiling
C Melting Freezing Condensation
D Melting Freezing Boiling

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SULIT 15 55/1

38 Diagram 9 shows two beakers with 100 ml volume of water which then added with
100 ml and 50 ml of hot water respectively. The temperature of the two beakers still
remains the same.

Beaker Q (100 ml water) Beaker R (100 ml water)

+ +
100 ml hot water (80°C) 50 ml hot water (80°C)

Diagram 9

What conclusion can be made from the experiment?

I Heat and temperature are different
II The heat content in beaker Q and R is the same
III Beaker Q has more heat content than beaker R
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and III

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SULIT 16 55/1

39 Diagram 10 shows four beakers with different volume of water at 100°C

100 ml 500 ml 200 ml 300 ml

100°C 100°C 100°C 100°C

Diagram 10

Which of the beaker has the highest heat content?

A Beaker J
B Beaker K
C Beaker L
D Beaker M

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SULIT 17 55/1

40 Diagram 12 shows a natural phenomena.

Diagram 12

Which of the following statements are true?

I The land becomes hotter than the sea
II The sea becomes hotter than the land
III It is called the sea breeze
A I and II
B I and III
C II and III
D I, II and III


Prepared by, Checked by, Verified by,

________________ _________________ __________________

(Mrs Tiong Yeo Chuan) (Ms Azreen Izet) (Mr Rohaizi Rastam)
Subject Teacher Curriculum Leader Head of Department

55/1  2012 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT

SULIT 18 55/1

1 B 11 A 21 B 31 C
2 B 12 C 22 A 32 B
ANSWER 3 C 13 A 23 B 33 B
4 C 14 B 24 D 34 A
5 D 15 D 25 D 35 B
6 D 16 D 26 B 36 B
7 B 17 C 27 C 37 D
8 C 18 B 28 D 38 B
9 B 19 A 29 B 39 D
10 C 20 C 30 A 40 B

55/1  2012 Hak Cipta Asia Pacific Smart School SULIT

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