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Senior Capstone Product Proposal Form 2019 

Student Name  Nicholas Valencia  Class Period  4 

Research Topic  Solar energy and the use of solar panels 

Thesis Statement  How everyday commercial use of solar energy is better to use than 
What you intend to prove   natural gas/oil 

Description of Product  A mobile solar charger     

Form of Product  ❏ Video/Documentary/YouTube Channel 

(Highlight all that apply)  ❏ Creation/Art Work/Tangible Item 
❏ Education 
❏ Service 
❏ Social Media Campaign (must include another selection) 
❏ Other 

Please explain your  I am going to be creating my own solar panel charger as well as a 
product (with specific  commercial sized solar panel 

Describe the connection  The connection between my product and the sources on my 
between your research  bibliography are that I need the information from the to prove my 
(annotated bibliography)  point  
and your product. 

How will you display this  A step by step process and end result of the product  
in your digital portfolio? 

Estimate the number of  I estimate that i will need a total of 12 hours or so to complete my 
hours needed to  project and the things on my list. 
complete ALL of the 
items on your to do list 
(page 2) including your 
final product. ​You must 
document at least ten 
(10) fieldwork hours 
outside of class. 

Explain how you will  I will document each step by blogging the process and using a 
document each and  journal 
every step for 
completing your product 
(journal, blog, video blog, 

What do you hope ​to  The general basics of electrical engineering and the importance of 
learn​ during this  switching over to natural forms of energy  
My To Do List 
Below list the steps and timeline you will ​attempt to​ follow to complete your product. As you complete 
the product,  
make additions or subtract steps as you go if and when necessary. T ​ he log will be turned in on March 
18, 2019! 

Steps  Completed by Date 

1. Start learning electrical engineering with khan academy and electronic  February 5,2019 

2. Begin the ordering and collecting all of my supplies  February 10,2019 

3. The start on the solar powered phone charger   February 23, 2019 

4. Donating to a wildlife rescue organization  February 26,2019 

5. Completion of khan academy’s electrical engineering course  March 10,2019 

6. The completion of the solar powered phone charger  March 13,2019 




Student Signature    Date   

Teacher Signature    Date   

Accepted As-Is     

Accepted With Modifications   


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