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Coastal Community Based Tourism Towards

Achieving Sustainable Tourism
Indonesian as an archipelagic state has been recognized internationally (UNCLOS
1982), later ratified by Act 17 of 1985. Under UNCLOS 1982, the total maritime area of
Indonesia is 5.9 million km2, consisting of 3.2 million km2 of territorial waters and 2.7 km2 of
Economic Exclusive Zone, not including the continental shelf. This makes Indonesia as the
largest archipelagic state in the world. Act 25A of 1945
(second amendment results Constitution) States that “The Republic of Indonesia is
an archipelago with the archipelago with the territory boundaries and his rights specified by
law". This confirmed the existence of the Indonesia as a maritime state. Especially with the
birth Act No.27 of 2007 on managing coastal areas and small islands, more
clearly acknowledge the existence of the marine and fisheries sector as well as the
management of the coastal areas and small islands as one of the national development agenda.

The coastal area is the area that holds a great potential winning, among others:

1. Area Potentials  Indonesia islands geographical position is very strategic because it

is a center of maritime traffic between the continents.
2. Potential Bioresource  Indonesia as a tropical country, rich in biological resources,
expressed with a high level of biodiversity. For example from 7000 species of fish in
the world, among 2000 type in Indonesia.
3. Potential for Mineral Resources and Energy  About 70% the production of oil and
gas Indonesia comes from coastal areas and the sea.
4. The Potential Industrial and Maritime Services  In connection with Indonesia is an
archipelago with an area of coastal and sea area, the maritime industry and
services then potential to be developed.
5. Cultural Potential  One potential marine Indonesia cultural heritage objects
are past that has high economic value, the objects of the boatload sinking.
Currently there are an estimated 463 point location of the sunken ship, which took
place since the 14th century to the 19th century.
Potential coastal resources proved to be a big enough yet to contribute significantlyto
the development of the national economy. Its utilization is not yet optimal, even has
happened the degradation of natural resources in some of the coastal waters due
to the utilization of power did not consider the support environment. As for the main issues in
the management of coastal and ocean resources in Indonesia include:

1. Poverty  Coastal communities of the coastal area is an area with a high population
density, unfortunately most of the coastal communities including the poor. In 2008, the
existence of coastal communities in Indonesia, scattered in the coastal village of
10.639, where the poor amounted to approximately 10 million, consists of 7.8 million
inhabitants are poor and 2.2 million people are very poor. In 2011, the poor increased
to 14.7 million inhabitants.
2. The Decline in Environmental Quality  Physical damage on ecosystems generally
occurs on the ecosystem of mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass pastures. Pollution in
the coastal areas and oceans comes from landbased activities (industrial, household and
agricultural activities) and sea activities (sea transport and mining activities).
3. Management of Fisheries Resources Unsustainable  Data from
various societies, illegal fishing activities that often occur in the waters
of Indonesia, including the following: a) arrest without permission, b) arrest with the
permission of false arrests, c) not reported in the port of landing, d) catching up
with illegal capture tool, e) arrest in areas which are not appropriate permission,
and f) catching up with the type of capture tool that does not match the permit.
4. Global Climate  Changes impact on the coastal area, are: a) the coastal area are
increasingly vulnerable to coastal erosion or rising sea levels, and this is aggravated
due to human action, b) estimated the year 2080, millions of people will be affected by
floods each year, due to rising sea levels, especially dense lowland residents
particularly in delta-delta of continental Asia and residents in small islands,
c) adaptation to the coastal regions are more difficult in developing countries because
of the limited capacity of adaptation to them.

Based on these facts, then it is very important that the settlement is done the problem so
that the potential of natural resources and human resources can go hand
in hand and mutually support each other. One of the ways innovation offered the authoris the
Government formedthe Coastal Community Based Tourism Towards Achieving Sustainable
Tourism. Coastal community is a community of local people in the area around the coast, who
gave up his life on the coast activities. The existence of these communities are expected to be
directly involved in conservation activities kegaiatan tours, has a sense of belonging to a
caring, responsibility, commitment, increase awareness and appreciation of the natural
environment and cultural preservation. The main objective of the establishment of a coastal
community to achieve sustainable tourism.

Sustainable tourism is a concept derived from the concept of sustainable development on

the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, entitled Our
Common Future (or better known as the Brundtland Report) submitted to the United Nations
in 1987 (Mowforth and Munt 1998). Sustainable development is a process of development
that seeks to meet the needs of now and later handed down to future generations. In short,
sustainable development with the current generation and future generations have the right and
the same opportunity to enjoy nature and its contents. While sustainable tourism is a tourism
development processes and systems that can ensure the continuity or the existence of natural
resources, socio-cultural and economic life to generations to come. The bottom line,
sustainable tourism is tourism which can provide long term benefits to the local economy
without damaging the environment.

Then the following functions of the coastal community to achieve the goal of sustainable

1. Active Participation
Active participation of Coastal community to supervise or control the development of
tourism involved with coastal community in determining the vision of tourism,
identify the resources which will be maintained and enhanced, as well as develop
goals and strategies for the development and management of tourist attraction. Coastal
community also should participate in implementing strategies that have been
compiled previously.
2. The Sustainable Use of Resources
Tourism development should be able to use resources with sustainable, meaning its
activities should avoid use of resources that cannot be renewed (irreversible) is
excessive. This should be supported by the coastal community with local linkages in
the stage of planning, development and implementation of a fair profit so that it can
be realized. In practice, the tourism activities should ensure that the artificial and
natural resources can be maintained and repaired by using criteria and international
3. Stakeholder Involvement
The actors who participated in the development of tourism besides to coastal
community, there is a group of institutions and non-governmental organizations,
volunteer groups, local governments, tourism associations, business associations and
other parties who are influential and interested parties as well as who will receive the
impact of tourism activities.
4. Local Ownership Development
Coastal community can ensure the related parties should offer quality jobs for the
local community. Supporting tourism facilities such as hotels, restaurants, etc. should
be developed and maintained by the local community.
5. Socialization and Workshops
Coastal community providing education and training for the local population as well
as bridging in the ease of access to business/entrepreneur in realizing local ownership
local. Further, the linkages between the perpetrators of the business with the local
community must be attempted in support of local ownership.
6. Embody The Goals of The Community
Coastal community has to seek and ascertain to related parties that the objectives of
the community should be able to order for tourism activities are conditions that
harmony between the visitors/tourists, the place and the local community can be
realized. For example, cooperation in cultural tourism or cultural tourism partnership
can be done starting from the stage of planning, management, up to marketing.
7. Power Support
Coastal community and the stakeholders think of power support or capacity of the
land to be considered include power support the physical, natural, social and cultural.
The construction and development must be appropriate and in accord with the limits
of premises and environment. Plans and their operations should be evaluated on a
regular basis so that it can be determined the adjustment/repair is needed. The scale
and type of tourist facilities must reflect the limits of use that can be tolerated (limits
of acceptable use).
8. Monitor and Evaluation of Activities
Coastal community also should do monitoring and evaluation of sustainable tourism
development include the preparation of guidelines, evaluation of the impact of
tourism activities as well as the development of indicators and limitations to
measuring the impact of tourism. Guidelines or props that are developed must include
the scale of national, regional and local.
9. Accountability Planning
Coastal community ensure tourism should give a great attention on the occasion of
gaining employment, income and health improvement of the local community is
reflected in the policies of development. The management and utilization of natural
resources such as land, water, and air have to guarantee accountability and ensure that
existing sources not exploited excessively.
10. Training Development
Sustainable tourism requires the implementation of programmes of education and
training to equip knowledge society and improving business skills, vocational and
professional. Training should include the topic of sustainable tourism, hospitality
management, as well as other topics that are relevant.
11. Promotion of Tourism Development
Sustainable tourism also include land use and promotion of activities that strengthen
the landscape character, sense of place, identity and local community. So that coastal
community must move every community to promote local tourism.

Expected with the function of the coastal community is able to bridge the interests of
stakeholders each other by observing its tourism environment, in order to be mutually
beneficial and may run together in building sustainable tourism.


Arieta, Siti. (2010). Community Based Tourism Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Dampaknya
Terhadap Lingkungan Dan Pemberdayaan Ekonomi. Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji,
Tanjungpinang. Vol.2 No.1 Jurnal Dinamika Maritim.
content/uploads/2013/10/7-jurnal-revisi-ARIETA-FISIP-UMRAH.pdf. March, 11 2016.

Lasabuda, Ridwan (2013). Pembangunan Wilayah Pesisir Dan Lautan Dalam Perspektif
Negara Kepulauan Republik Indonesia. Unsrat. Vol 1-2 Jurnal Ilmiah Platax. March, 7 2016

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