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Interpretation and Divination

The Fool loves new ideas and can be considered a genius. He's like the idiot savant who makes the best things
happen to him without planning or thinking things through. He is also an adventurous spirit. He loves the outdoors
and activities that give him a rush of adrenaline. He is not afraid to “let go” and take the plunge into new and
exciting ventures.
The Fool tells us to be content with who we are, just the way we are. The Fool person doesn't worry about what
other people think of him because those opinions of others don't matter. The Fool can be very productive in this
regard. He just does. He doesn't have time to think about all the "what ifs". In this way, the Fool is riding on
instinct. No one has told him about all the societal constraints that bind the average person to work, relationships,
and experiences. So he doesn't have to think things through, he just takes that leap of faith.
It represents children and teenagers or anyone starting a new journey. The Fool asks us, "What do you want to
be?" The answer is that you can be anyone and anything you want to be, you just have to believe it, go for it and
create it. Let nothing hold you back of your dreams and visions.
Most of the time this card represents the querent.
The Fool as a Person or Signifier
As a person the Fool is unpredictable, outgoing and loves nature. You can expect this type of person to suddenly
take off for a weekend retreat of snowboarding or mountain climbing. He might learn a new language in a new
country or be a dive instructor.
The Fool is an intelligent person, but whose intelligence is often so mind blowing that the average person can't
comprehend him. He might get the label as weird or worse be clinically labeled as having Asbergers or mild Autism.
He can be a mathematical genius, be able to fix a rubics cube and be able to easy learn programming languages.
The Fool is represented by super consciousness, so he is free to be whoever and whatever he wants. Because he
comes from everything and everyone. He is never ending and all pervasive.
The Fool person has a vivid imagination and is often a dreamer who can make his dreams come true.
The Fool is not a fashion forward person at all. They are typically rustic and can be "grungy". They like to be
natural and you'll see many Fool people with beards and unshaven legs (for women).
The Fool in Love
The Fool in love doesn't normally want to be tied down. He is a free spirit. If you get the Fool when asking about a
new love potential, the Fool is telling you that your love interest probably doesn't want to be in a relationship.
If you are already in a relationship, the Fool is asking you to let go and just be happy in the moment, day-to-day
with what you already have. Let go of whatever opinion you think someone else has about your relationship.
The Fool as a Feeling
If you are asking how your lover or potential lover feels about you, then the Fool may indicate that he feels new,
fresh and carefree about you. His (or her) feelings may only be fleeting though.
The Fool as an Action or Advice
The Fool is telling you to jump in. Do not over think the situation. Just do it!
The Fool might also be advising you that you need to rethink an old way of thinking about something and restart
again completely new. Be that someone that you want to be.
The Fool as an Obstacle
Reckless behavior and a nonchalant attitude could be an obstacle that is crossing you at this time. It maybe
important for you to look around and observe the details because the fool is not a detail oriented card. A failure to
observe maybe an obstacle.
The Fool as an Outcome
As an outcome to a romantic reading, the fool could indicate that you will start all over again with someone new.
This new person could be younger than you. You maybe taking a trip together or he maybe foreign. It will be with
someone you don't expect to be involved with or it will come suddenly without expectations. You'll see someone

from a different perspective. If there is a societal block such as age or culture, the two of you will ignore them
and bond through the powers of the super consciousness.
The Fool in Career
New beginnings! New business opportunities. New job proposals. Could truly indicate a move into a new business or
job venture. The fool indicates jobs as an adventurer, explorer, travel writer, farmer, mountain climber, skydiver,
computer programmer or developer, or creative thinker. Look for jobs that require you to think out-side-the-box. I
usually feel that this is a good card for new career moves.
Over a life time the Fool can have many jobs. He is the jack-of-all trades and can do most things he sets his mind
The Fool in Finances
When it comes to finances, the Fool can be reckless. Sometimes he wins and sometimes he loses. It's not the best
card to get if you are asking if you are going to do well in the stock market.
He is very altruistic when it comes to money matters. You might see him giving away his last dollar to help someone
else. He does this because money isn't very important to the Fool. He lives in the moment.
The Fool understands that once his basic needs are met financially, that he can focus on his spirit. He realizes
that money does not buy happiness.
The Fool in Health
The Fool in a health reading is favorable, for it suggest that the querent can mentally heal themselves using the
Law of Attraction and positive affirmation.
Must be careful of any illness that is related to mental disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder and
schizophrenia. All these diseases are mental and can be undone through a balanced lifestyle and positive thinking.
(Easier said than done!)
Fool Tarot Professions
Sky diver. Adrenaline Junkie. Risk taker. Trapeze Artist. Hiker. Mountain Guide. Clown. Inventor. Scientist.
Veterinarian. Runner. Mathematician. Astrology. Occult. Rock Climber. Astrophysicist. Travel Guide.
The Fool Reversed
Even upright, the Fool warns that being too naïve will result in disaster. It’s like the young girl who runs away from
home at 16 only to find that she needed money and resources and that life was hard without her parent’s shelter.
Subsequently, she got into a lot of trouble. The Fool can have this meaning whether reversed or not, but when it’s
reversed we tend to see the querent falling over the cliff, while upright the warning is enough to possibly warn the
querent. Reversed Fool can indicate mental illness, folly, mania, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
This card can also represent mental instability and foolish behavior. We have to guard against reckless behavior
when the Fool comes up, especially when reversed or ill-dignified.
Fool Tarot Card Combinations
The Fool and the Empress:
 A mother and her child. This is a good pairing and can show a good relationship between mother and child.
Combined with the Hierophant, it could indicate a mother who home schools their child.
Fool and Emperor:
 Lighthearted of foolish behavior gets reprimanded
Example: texting while driving results in a traffic violation
The Fool and the Devil:
 Possibly a younger person who has a shopping problem. (Think of Confessions of a Shopaholic.)
The Fool and the Tower:
 New Beginnings emerge from the destruction of lies.
The Fool and the World:
 Traveling overseas to new and exotic locations.
 Absolute Spiritual completion
The Fool and Six of Wands:
 Playing the game in order to get ahead and win.

 Knowing that your victorious new life is just a few steps away when you lie just a little
 Winning feels good
The Fool and the Eight of Wands:
Rapidly advancing feelings hit you out of the blue
A new feeling you may have never experienced before
The Fool and Knight of Wands Reversed
 Irrational spending of money, but you don't care! It feels good to shop
 I don't care what that bad boy thinks of me
 I'm going to ignore all bad boys
 I don't want to be tied down. I'll run the other way if I sense a relationship
The Fool and Ace of Swords:
 Going for a walk to clear your head
 I don't care anymore because this is the truth.
The Fool and the Nine of Swords:
 Nightmares and worry result in mental instability.
The Fool and Ace of Cups:
 New love, which is fresh, exciting and exuberant. You must act on your feelings if you are to see good
The Fool and the Two of Cups:
 Meeting a friend in an unexpected place
 Trying new things with your partner
The Fool and Four of Cups:
 I do NOT want to be in a serious relationship. Not me. Not at all. Not with anyone.
The Fool and the Five of Pentacles:
 Take the time to think through all your options. You don't want to be left outside in the cold.
 Eviction or homelessness
 Moving down the social ladder

The Magician
Interpretation and Divination
Everything is at your disposal right now. You have the power to be or create anything you want from reality. The
divine spark is inside of you and is ready to be utilized. You have everything that you need to be successful. You will
complete projects that you start. New business contacts and new ideas may come into your life. Your willpower is
strong right now as the divine elements guide you to develop your abilities. You will win. You will succeed. You are
the epitome of success. You have the fire and now you can spread it. Watch it burn and manifest itself in the
physical world. You have the connection between heaven and earth. You have mastery over the four elements: air,
fire, earth, and water. You can use either or all of them. The choice is yours. You understand what element to use
for each situation. Once you understand the basic principle of the Magician, you understand that everything that
you think or actively visualize through concentration is yours. We are creators of our own universe.
The Magician can also symbolize meeting someone who is involved in the occult. He could be a great psychic or
tarot card reader. He has the magic to start projects and connect you to the divine. He could be someone new that
can help you develop your psychic ability. Whoever he represents is most likely a new person in your life. The
Magician often represents a real person, usually a man.
Magician as a Person (Signifier)
The Magician is usually a man who is a bachelor. They may not have ever been married or marry much later in life.
A person who has the qualities of the Magician are dynamic, powerful and magnetic. There is a high possibility that
this person is involved in the occult and they have probably been involved in it for sometime. They really are the
magician or a sorcerer. This type of work comes easily for them because they have been involved in several past
The Magician is the group leader who has the experience to lead people in the right direction. They are an astute
individual who can see into the depths of others. This individual is in complete control of everything around them.
They can probably just give someone a look or touch a relay a powerful message.
As a signifier, the Magician is someone who is able to create all they desire. They are on a quest to help humanity
through little means and have a deeply spiritual calling. They were probably very mature as children as they knew
what they needed to go on earth even as a small child.
As an independent leader, they probably run a business or are in a position of leadership. The business does not
have to be a large corporation (the Emperor would be better suited to run a large corporation), but the business is
probably one that involves some aspect of the occult. They could own a small shop with unique handcrafted gifts,
jewelry design, incense, original books, florist, hypnotist, or even antiques. They have a strong love of learning,
reading and are quick.
This person is drawn to gemstones, flower, herbs, natural healing methods, alchemy and spend time alone in
meditation. They would probably rather prefer to live in the country side than in the city.
If you want to date the Magician, be prepared for the "unconfirmed bachelor." You'll either need to embody the
High Priestess to catch his attention or embody the Hermit. This is not someone who easily slides in and out of
relationships. Remember this person has a higher calling in life and is on a spiritual quest to fulfill it. They are
looking for a partner they can learn from and who can learn from them. They need a partner with a strong
intellectual capacity to further the growth of their soul and the soul of their partner.
Concentration is important to the Magician type. I know a Magician type and I swear his favorite word is
"concentration," which he uses as a catch-all for meditation/rituals/magic. But the ability to concentration on their
goals and to cultivate and create them is extremely important to the Magician.
On a negative side, this type of person can be a little to brash and bold with their words resulting in alienating
people. Because of the high intellect in the Magician type of person, they tend to analyze and cut right to the point
immediately. They don't like being "one-upped." If they are mature enough and aligned with their soul goals, they
will find a way to be witty and use humor as a way of pointing out the negatives that he (she) finds in situations. In
fact, they may have a great sense of humor that can light a heavy mood in group situations.
There maybe a tendency to be a little too egotistical this would fall under an "immature" Magician type either
reversed or ill-dignified by the surrounding cards.
The Magician in Love
Unless the Magician is reversed, this is a very good sign for romance. It usually indicates that you will meet
someone new. It could also represent a karmic connection to someone new. Cards such as the Lovers, Wheel of
Fortune or 6 of Cups could reaffirm this.
If you are already in a relationship it could indicate that someone else will come into your life (other cards will
highlight this such as the Knight of Cups or Ace of Cups) or your relationship will find a mental spark that will
elevate the relationship to a more spiritual and exciting level.
The Magician as Feelings
You are feeling very alive right now. Everything has an energetic spark that is truly motivating. If you are asking
how a romantic interest feels about you, then they feel like you are interesting, exciting and a very positive force
in your life.
The Magician as Advice
The Magician advises you to go for it. Whatever it is that you are asking about, don't hesitate. It's in your reach.
You have the resources and power to get what you want. Think about which "tool" you want to use first. You will
find an avenue to get what you want out of the situation.

The Magician in a Career

The Magician rules mercury. Mercury rules communication and writing. He was the God that delivered messages.
Any career in the written word, such as literature is often highlighted.

This would be a great sign that a new and insightful business contact will come your way. It could also indicate that
a new idea will start to manifest itself. You will have the divine spark that ignites with potential. So use it! Any
professions in communication, writing, journalism, speech writing, inventions, or education are possible.
Tarot Magician Professions
Doctor. Occult. Magician. Botanist. Horticulturist. Nurse. Writer. Stage Performer. Salesman. Street Vendor.
Journalism. Speech Writing. Inventor. Educator. Mail Man. Delivery. Courier.
The Magician Reversed
The Reversed Magician an indicate a trickster, a con artist or gambler. He is a sweet talking man who can convince
anyone of anything including the panties off a nun. Be very careful when you see the Magician Reversed. This man
feels empowered through his orator skills and misuses them. He uses rhetoric like hyperbole and once he’s finished
speaking you are spinning!
The Reversed Magician feels his “divine spark” comes from him and not from above, thus being all about the ego.
He believes this about himself because he does not believe in God. He only believes in himself. Unlike the upright
Magician, who is empowered by the supreme creator, this reversed Magician indicates an atheist. In this instance,
not believing in God can create an inflated ego and it’s all about the self. Without faith people tend to live in the
now, the ego, the self because this person believes in only himself, the here, the now, which is a limiting dead end.
This limits him and creates an element of personal power for he feels his personal power comes directly from
himself. This creates a large ego, which drives him selfishly. He is not connected to the divine therefore he has no
Magician Tarot Card Combinations
Magician and High Priestess:
 Initiation into the occult.
 Joining a group such as the Builders of the Adytum, Golden Dawn, Free Masons where you meet insightful
people who can help you on your path into mysticism.
 Together the Magician and High Priestess can indicate a powerful business partnership between a man and a
Magician and Devil:
 Not the best combination. Can indicate dark magic.
Magician and Ace of Wands:
 Getting all your work done at a rapid pace.
Magician and Knight of Wands:
 Laying everything that you know out on the table, even though it maybe a hasty decision and not necessarily
the right decision. You may not have thought that one through completely.
 Not thinking everything clearly through as you lay everything that you know on the table.
Magician and Two of Cups:
 If you are a woman, look for a new man to come into your life that gives you the spark! Can indicate the
start of a very deep connection.
Magician and Two of Pentacles:
 You maybe inspired to write and communicate through words. This combination also indicates some kind of
broker (Magician) who helps you decide between stocks, bonds, or real estate options.

The High Priestess

Interpretation and Divination
The High Priestess is the keeper of all knowledge that is hidden. It is esoteric knowledge. She is your intuition and
guide. She relates to the Hermit, and talks directly with the Queen of Cups. Her planet is the moon, but I’ve always

related Neptune to her. Neptune is the blue gas planet that a soul goes to receive psychic information and
knowledge. This Priestess is connected to Neptune. If you look closely you’ll see her trident.
She comes after the Magician, who has all the tool to succeed. The High Priestess has the answers, if you only
listen for them. She has ancient scrolls and when the fool asks for them she quietly and without words gives him
the information. She never hands them over to the fool. She gives them when he is ready. The information that she
has is beyond words. The High Priestess urges you to follow your intuition.
The High Priestess in Love
The High Priestess in love can represent an unattainable woman, after all, she's a representation of Diana, the
Virgin. She could possibly be a woman who you will have an affair with. It is possible that you may never know this
woman completely because she is bound to herself and to knowledge. Her twin flame inside of her burns eternally
and you can never truly possess her. If she represents a person, she is usually a woman.
The High Priestess is a woman that can stand on her own two feet. She is bound by no man. She has her choice of
men and will only be involved with one when she feels like it. She doesn’t feel obligated to get involved with a man if
she doesn’t want to. She is a woman who may not feel the pressure, need, or desire for a man.
High Priestess as Feelings
The High Priestess is all about feelings, for she governs all subconscious thoughts. Her feelings aren't moody or
unresolved. She knows exactly how she feelings and probably how you feel too. She may not reveal this to you. If
you are asking, "How does my love interest feel for me?" Then the High Priestess will answer you rhetorically, "You
already know. Just ask your dreams." There is a feeling of psychic connection, a feeling that you and the person
probably spent a lifetime together. There is a feeling of aloneness and a feeling that you would rather be alone, but
not lonely. She is never lonely.
High Priestess as Advice
The High Priestess advises you to keep to yourself. If you have secrets or someone has told you a secret, keep
this to yourself.
As advise the High Priestess also asks you to meditate for a while, pause and reflect.
The High Priestess as a Career
You may want to spend some more time thinking about what you want to do next. This is not a time to make any
sudden moves or changes. From a more person-to-person perspective, you may be interested in moving into the
realm of the occult or becoming a professional tarot reader, psychic or medium. Patience is illustrated. You’ll need
to be patient and wait for the answers to come to you.
High Priestess Professions
Medium. Psychic. Psychologist. Communications. Telephone company. Costume designer. Nun. Nurse. Secretary.
Accountant. Bookkeeper. Teacher. Historian, especially ancient. History Teacher. Serious Print Journalist.
The High Priestess Reversed
The High Priestess Reversed may cause your heart to break.
The High Priestess Reversed may indicate that you are not listening to your intuition. You need time to reflect and
listen to the wind and the moon. If the card represents a woman, which it normally does, she is a jealous woman
whose intuitive abilities are used like swords to hurt you. She conceals and lies. She may have a drug or alcohol
problem, sexual addictions and obsessions.

High Priestess Card Combinations

High Priestess and Hierophant:
 Deep faith requires deep secrets
High Priestess and Wheel of Fortune:
 Could indicate a woman who reads tarot at county fairs.
 Good fortune and luck for those who are patient.
High Priestess and Hanged Man:
 Deep secrets requires deep contemplation
High Priestess and Star:
 Unrequited love
 Star crossed love
High Priestess and Moon:
 There could be some kind of dark magic involved. Be careful and
tread lightly.
 Complete oblivion to your conscious mind.
 Unable to see a situation clearly possibly due to psychic involvement
High Priestess and Judgement:
 Knowing calming that you are connected to something greater than
your physical body.
 A man rising back into your life that you do not need to complete you.
You are in control of this relationship. Will you or won't you?
 The sea of subconscious starts with the High Priestess and ends with
Judgement. A good combo for tapping into the power of your
subconscious and the collective subconscious
High Priestess and Three of Swords:
 She grieves quietly.
High Priestess and Four of Swords:
 Deep meditation and retreat from a situation
 She needs time alone to meditate on the secrets to the universe
High Priestess and Six of Cups:
Someone returning from your past (perhaps a past life) who has
valuable spiritual lessons to teach you. Or you two need to teach each
High Priestess and Knight of Cups:
 A romantic offer from a man to an unattainable woman or his
High Priestess and Four of Pentacles:
 Holding out on sex
 With holding sex from someone
 Emotionally unavailable
High Priestess and Seven of Swords:
Not getting very much work done.
Wishing someone else would do it for you.
High Priestess and Queen of Pentacles:
 This pairing (or any pairing with a queen) can indicate an affair.

The Empress
Interpretation and Divination
She is the ultimate mother. She is kind, nurturing and loving. She is the place where all life comes from: babies,
butterflies, grasses, birds, anything that is of the Earth. She rules the Earth and all that the Earth encompasses in
the physical reality. She can nurture your ideas too.
People may start seeing you as beautiful and caring. They want to be around you and seek advice from you. The
Empress doesn’t hold secret knowledge. She wants her children, friends or subjects to grow and prosper. She is
prosperous herself. She is the embodiment of all the Queens.

The Empress keeps a garden and it grows fruitfully, abundantly, but it has a tendency to become overgrown. All
plants and animals love her because she is so nurturing, calm and patient. Children and animals know inherently that
she is full of love and they are drawn to her. If you have the Empress inside of you, children will always smile at you
and babies will stare. Anyone who is innocent and pure will be drawn to you. Cats may even jump into your arms.
Dogs will always run up to you. The Empress can telepathically communicate with animals.
The Empress gives life, but she doesn’t always have to give birth to children. She can give life to ideas, words,
businesses, or anything else that has the potential for growth.
She doesn’t rush. She knows that everything good in life needs time to cultivate. Babies, plants, flowers…Time is
on her side. Her garden is eternal.
But the Empress needs the structure of the Emperor. If left without an Emperor the Empress’s garden can
overflow and weeds will strangle the beautiful flowers. Fies and unruly insects will be drawn to the chaos. The
Empress has a hard time hurting anything. She is the type of woman who will let insects roam her kitchen because
she won’t kill them. She sees the beauty in weeds such as dandelions (Well, aren’t dandelions pretty!)
The Empress can also represent a woman who is highly sexual and sensual. She can also represent the bombshell or
trophy wife. She might love fashion and dressing up.
The Empress can indicate pregnancy, so if you don’t want to become pregnant, be careful.
Do you have a good relationship with your mother? Do you want to be a better mother? Or do you yearn to have a
family and become a stay-at-home mom? Are you feeling like a day at the spa? Do you love to bathe in luxurious
soaps and fragrances? Then this is your card!
The Empress in Love
Someone thinks you are beautiful! They are drawn to you like no other. You may nurture and dote on your lover or
husband (or vice versus). The Empress type is a good listener.
If you get the Empress when asking how your lover or potential lover feels about you, they definitely feel like
taking care of you, nurturing you, and romancing you.
The Empress bodes well in a love reading!
The Empress as Feelings
You maybe feeling very warm and nurturing. You feel beautiful or you feel that someone is beautiful. You feel
fertile, lush and warm. You may feel that now is the time to make your imaginative musing into reality, so you create
them all and nurture them into manifestation.
If you are asking about how someone feels about you, then they feel that you are warm, open, loving and kind. They
have kind feelings towards you and motherly feelings as well.
The Empress as Advice
The Empress advises you to use your creative intelligence to think about a situation. The Empress is the goddess
of creation and the only way to create something is to envision it first. For example, if you want a more organized
home you should create a visual imagine in your mind first. See the way you want everything to look before you
tackle the project. Or if you want more money in your life or to find the perfect mate, you must visualize it first.
This is the key to creating and manifesting what you want in life. See it first in your mind, impress it on your
consciousness until it becomes an inseparable part of your subconscious.

The Empress in a Career

Your business will grow and thrive if you are patient and thoughtful about it. This is a very good sign. Your business
is most likely at the beginning stages of development and now needs time to grow before it is developed. For
example, you could be developing a website right now, which isn’t ready to launch. You’ll need the patience to
develop it. Or you could be starting a program in school and you’ll need to keep working hard to finish.
The Empress Reversed
A bad mother who has let everything run over into a mess. She may either smother her children to death or baby
them so that they remain helpless. She may manipulate and be jealous. It indicates a mother whose intentions are

good, but the execution is poor. She maybe the mother who never allows anyone else to watch her children,
therefore neglecting her husband’s needs.
Empress Professions
Gardener. Florist. Caretaker. Nurse. Healer. Massage Therapist. Spa. Queen of all Queens. Art Collector. Curator.
Decorator. Dancer. Singer. Artist. Fashion Designer. Buyer. Wife. Mother. Mistress.
Empress Card Combinations
Empress and Death:
 You are going through life's cyclical changes.
 Something must die, for something else to be born.
Empress and Star:
 He thinks you’re the one.
 Or perhaps you are thinking about a career as a movie star.
Empress and Four of Wands:
 The wedding planner is puts the finishing touch on the wedding
 He's going to marry the woman he wants to have children with
Empress and the Ten of Wands:
 Single Mom
Empress, Page of Cups, Ace of Cups:
These combinations with the Empress can indicate pregnancy.
Empress and Three of Cups:
Baby showers or bridal parties.
Empress and the Ten of Cups:
You've found emotional contentment at home
 Your mother loves doting on you
 He loves you enough to see a family in your eyes.
Reversed Empress and Reversed Six of Swords:
 She smothers her children and ignores her husband.
 "No one can watch my children but me!"

The Emperor
Interpretation and Divination
If you get the Emperor in a reading, it could mean that you need to exert self-control and discipline in all matters.
You may even meet a very successful, older business man who can help you build a business.
When you get the Emperor in a reading it can mean that you will come across an older man of authority. This could
be a father figure or a man of authority, such as a police officer or general in the military. This man will help you in
the areas of your life that need structure, discipline, and stability. You will learn a lot from this person.
The Emperor rules the element of fire. He is the action and spark that can ignite an idea. He is the business owner
who never loses his resolve. He speaks directly to all the Kings.
He needs the Empress to nurture, sooth, and love him. No one can rule alone. Where the Empress is the fertile,
loving, nurturing womb, the Emperor is the solid land, the building with a strong foundation, and the law and order
of the people.
The Emperor suggests that you have a good relationship with your father.
The Emperor in Love
You may meet an older man who is very helpful to you. It is possible to grow to love this man. He may remind you of
your father. The Emperor doesn't speak of undying love or passion. He usually wants an Empress type of female.
Someone who dresses up or is feminine in another aspect. Maybe she loves to have a garden and cook, since he loves
to eat and loves to walk among her garden. He needs a very feminine woman in his life because of his extreme
masculine energy.
In a relationship, the Emperor usually needs to be the boss of the situation. He will want to take control and you
may even have to be subjugated to him. He has very male oriented principles such as the female being submissive to
the male. He always thinks he knows what he's doing even when he doesn't. He usually doesn't let people into his
emotional side and when he doesn't get his way in love, he can be extremely aggressive. He may send flowers,
follower her on face book, or find different ways to infiltrate her life. He's the type that will call his wife five
times a day when she's way on a trip. He believes this is a devotion of love, but in reality, it's a controlling aspect
of being in an Emperor relationship.
The Emperor as Feelings
The Emperor isn't a feeling type of card. He's all about logic, control and that reasoning mind. If you get the
Emperor in the placement of, "How does my love interest feel about me", I would read it in two different ways
depending on the surrounding cards.
First, he may not feel anything. He is being rational about everything and doesn't have romantic feelings towards
Second, he could feel the need to control you. He (or she) feels like they have all the power in the relationship and
can yield that power when they choose. He could easily feel like you complement him in some way as a trophy to his
already growing trophy of things.
Emperor as the Outcome (Love)
If you are a female seeking a male in a relationship, then the Emperor is a good card to get as the outcome card.
It speaks of building a family, stability and structure. This man wants to build a family with you. If you see
the Empress or Lovers card in the reading with the Emperor you have found the perfect love.
Depending on the surrounding cards, the Emperor will mean that the relationship will stay as it is. This can be a
good or bad thing. If there are lots of swords in the reading it can indicate its rather mental and far less full of
emotions. If you are asking about a love interest, rather than a standing relationship, your relationship will stay as
it is--a love interest. The Emperor doesn't change his mind often, so whatever he feels or thinks in the present
moment, is exactly how he will stay.
The Emperor in Career
Perhaps an older man will give you a loan or provide mentoring to you. Occupations that could be coming your way
are ones where you are the boss.
In a business, the Emperor is usually the one always calling shots. He can be so rigid that he never learns from his
mistakes even if they are plain as day. He wouldn't yield under pressure and can find ways to get his way no matter
what. Types of jobs that suit the Emperor archetype are any jobs where he takes the lead. He has to be the boss.
A self-employed business man. He can be very shrewd when it comes to business and if his business is failing he
either blames someone else or will do something underhanded such as creative accounting in order to show a profit
that doesn't exist in order to get prospective buyer. He may seem stoic and silent on the surface, but he's usually
observing everything, waiting for the right move.

The Emperor As Advice

The Emperor could indicate that you need to focus more on logic than emotions. You need to follow through and act
with resolve. Do what you say you’ll do. Make a to-do list and complete it. Don’t let your emotions run wild. There is
a time and place where the heart is necessary, but when the Emperor turns up in a reading, this is not the time to
brood over your heart matters. Use your head. Now is the time for logical, rational energy to manifest in your life.
The Emperor as an Action
The Emperor is going to do exactly what is was doing before. He is not going to change course. So if you are asking
what action your love interest will take and he hasn't been calling you, then the Emperor as an action will indicate
that he will continue to not call you.
The Emperor won't budge from his chair. He's made up his mind.
The Emperor Reversed
The Emperor can turn into a tyrannical, overly-aggressive man. He can be short-tempered and abrupt.
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Tarot Emperor Professions
Body guard. Military. Entrepreneur. Builder. Construction. Body builder. Police Department. Defense Department.
Captain. General. Armed Services. Entrepreneur. Engineer. CEO. Politician. Delegation. Head of the Department.
Rule Maker.
Emperor Card Combinations
Emperor and the Fool:
 Father and a son
 Boss and an employee
 Any older figure (uncle, boss, police) that mentors someone younger
Emperor and Empress:
 Mother and Father.
 Structure meets abundance.
Emperor and Temperance:
You hit a rock while trying to partner up
Emperor and Devil:
Being chained to a bad business partner or deal.
 Unable to move your position. Standing your ground in the face of
 Severity.
Emperor and Queen of Wands:
 You may want to expand your home-based business. This
combinations also works with the Emperor and Queen of Pentacles
Emperor and Knight of Swords:
 Can indicate war or military action.
 Writing a stern and strong letter backed by the legal system.
Emperor and Seven of Cups:
 Controlling your delusions
Emperor and King of Cups:
 Staying emotionally where you are.
Emperor and Three of Pentacles:
 You may be asking for a business loan or someone maybe
coming to you with a business loan.

The Hierophant
Interpretation and Divination
He stands for group order and society. He can represent any group in society that feeds people social order. This
kind of order is needed in order for society to function. Whether or not it is functioning at its maximum capacity is
another question.
He stands for education, mentoring, and teachers. This person can initiate you into the group, whether it be a
softball team, a church, or a school. Team work is highlighted.
He is all about doing the “right thing.” The right thing is the thing that is the most common. This will feel natural
for many people because it’s a program that has been given to the majority of people through mass media, religious
institutes and parents and teachers.
The right thing or right voice can also be depicted as listening closely to the One Voice in our mind that comes
directly from the One Indivisible God. Astral chatter or "channeling" is not the One Voice. This One Voice doesn't
have a real voice. It's a feeling or a presence that speaks in telepathic communication to you. It does not make

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promises of power or dominion over anyone else. Those voices are often confused for a divine voice. The Hierophant
is the go-to guy/card for listening, quietly in meditation to the "right" voice.
The Hierophant in Love
The Hierophant tells us to do what is told of you. The Hierophant is one the marriage cards, especially the card of
arranged marriage and marriages of conveniences. I’ve gotten this card in regard to marriage for individuals who
marry not because of true love, but because the individual feels pressure from the group to marry. You may feel
under pressure to marry because "everyone else is doing it." It’s the card of conventional marriage. Big weddings
can also be depicted (while Key 11, Justice, when referring to marriage, can indicate a marriage by the court or
Justice of the Peace).
The Hierophant can sometimes relate a marriage or relationship where one partner is significantly older than the
other person. This is especially true if the Emperor comes up along side the Hierophant.
Alongside the High Priestess, it can indicate a love that has telepathic communication. You know how and what each
other are thinking and feeling without having to use words.
The Hierophant is a deeper card than what appears on the surface. The Vau is the hook or nail that ties everything
together. It's the word "and". (You "and" me. ) So look more carefully at the picture. We see three characters. You
are you in that relationship?
The Hierophant for Feelings
If you are inquiring into a future lover or want to know what your love interest feels for you, the Hierophant can
sometimes lead to disappointment. It depends on the context of who you are asking about. If you are asking about a
relationship that you know cannot work within the realm of societal standards, then the relationship will not
flourish. For instance, if you are asking if your professor has feelings for you because you can feel the chemistry,
know that your professor most likely does have feelings for you, but will never act on them because he or she will
not break the societal rules of teachers dating students.
If you are asking about how your current partner feelings, know that they love you very deeply and it is a love that
cannot be unbroken. It is one that is bound by all that is material and all that is nonphysical, for they are really one
in the same.
The Hierophant as Advice
The Hierophant suggests meditation of some kind. You may need to meditate a situation and bring together two
It also suggests that you meditate and listen to the One Voice for guidance. Only you can decide your own fate. As
my friend Les told me, "Everyone has a holy guardian angel, but it's the same holy guardian angel for everyone.
That's what the Hierophant is telling you. To listen quietly to your own true self or your own holy guardian angel.
The angel is here to help you."
The Hierophant can indicate schools, libraries and government offices and bureaus.

The Hierophant in Career

You might need training in another field in order to get the job you really wish. The Hierophant symbolizes
universities and colleges. You may consider going back to school or taking a few specialized classes. When the
Hierophant comes up in a career reading the advice maybe to get a mentor or a job in a large and established
Maybe you've been thinking about going back to school and getting a Master's degree or doctorate. The
Hierophant would indicate that might want to consider another formal level or education.
Do you feel stuck in the same job while other's are promoted? Maybe you should take some developmental classes.
In a reading I did over seven years ago, the Hierophant kept coming up for a good friend. He didn't want to go back
to school and get a Master's degree and it wasn't necessary. He did end up taking programming courses and
computer related certificate courses. This gave him the education that he needed to promote his career.
Remember, it's what you do with the knowledge, not necessarily having the degree or certificate. "Knowledge is
Hierophant Professions
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Priest. College professor. Mediator. Judge. PhD Candidate. Librarian. Bookkeeper. Accountant. Monk. Spiritual
Leader. Clairaudient.
Hierophant Card Combinations
Hierophant and Two of Cups:
 An educational group or workshop where people come together in
love and friendships. Can indicate any type of spiritual workshop,
religious gathering or work related function.
Hierophant and Three of Cups:
 A big, conventional wedding with a large reception.
Hierophant and Six of Cups:
 Children at school.
Hierophant, Six of Cups and Queen of Pentacles:
 Teaching the kids how to bake
Hierophant and Queen of Cups:
 A caring female teacher.
Hierophant and Ten of Pentacles:
Marrying into money.
Hierophant and Queen of Pentacles:
 The school and the mother
Hierophant and Knight of Pentacles:
 Making a misunderstanding right again. Remaining calm and

Interpretation and Divination
You have two choices. One just seemed to pop up out of nowhere. You are enamored by the other choice. You
thought you wanted to go down one direction, but then you came across another option. It could be a childhood
friend, a new love, an idea, an opportunity, but whatever it is you have another choice.
The Lovers is about falling in love, sexual attraction, and taking a relationship to another level. There could be a
tremendous amount of sexual attraction or a declaration of feelings, but first the right choice must be made. The
right choice is the soul mate. It is a much better choice. You are not just enamored with her/him, it is a destined
love and match made in heaven if only you could free yourself from the situation you are in currently. Make the
right decision. You will make the right decision. The querent almost always chooses the soulmate path. When the
querent doesn’t it will take time for things to snap back into place due to predestination. This is a card all about
predestination. Perhaps there is free will on earth, but you decided a certain path before you came to earth.
The lovers card comes after the ridged rules of the Emperor who dwells in the earthly plane and the Hierophant
who dwells in the realm of doctrine. But now you have to make a spiritual decision. One that is governed by the
stars, the moon and the laws of the spirit. These laws are not governed by the land, the earth or structure, but
your heart, the air, the spiritual realm. You have to make a choice and if you do not choice wisely it will be a
decision you will come to regret immensely and profoundly.
Lovers in Love
Here comes romance, passion, sex and feelings of true love! What you feel for your partner will transcend any
ordinary crush or infatuation. You and your partner are meant to be together.
Lovers as Feelings
If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. They are
definitely thinking of you in a romantic way and feel deeply and intensely connected to you.
Lovers as an Obstacles
The Lovers card is assigned the Hebrew word for Sword (zain), which is another way of saying discernment. It is
only through proper discrimination that we can find the solution. As an obstacle, the Lovers card indicates that you

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are not able to properly discriminate or differentiate the correct way of viewing the situation. Metaphorically, you
maybe seeing things only from Adam's perspective, as he only sees the woman and not the angel or perhaps you are
Eve, who can only see the Angel and not the man.
Lovers as an Outside or External Influence
Depending on the surrounding cards and the situation, the Lovers can indicate two different things as an external
As something outside of your control, the Lovers can indicate that your partner is bonding with someone else. If
it's a business contract, then they are going rouge. If it's a romantic partner, then they may have met someone
else and are torn between two people.
It can also indicate that no matter what your relationship with your spouse is being guided by the divine angel and
nothing can break that, no matter what temptation is put in the way. You would want to see many cups or even the
Empress and Emperor combined with your reading.
Outcome in Love
If the Lovers comes up as the outcome to a romantic questions, you will most likely have to choose between two
people. You could even make a choice between staying in an unhappy relationship or being single and happier.
Lovers in a Career
Lovers can be about any unions. If you are asking about a business decisions, the Lovers suggests contracts, unions
and working together.
Lovers Professions
Healer. Massage therapy. Artist. Dancer. Counselor. Social Worker. Psychologist. Helper. Doctor. Sculptor.
Photographer. Chemist. Perfumer. Cosmetics. Esthetician.
Lovers Card Combinations
Lovers and Fool:
 A major choice to let go of someone whose opinion of you isn't
correct. The Lovers is urging you to act like the Fool and embrace
who you are, NOT what other people tell you you are. The Fool is a
person who can be anyone he wants.
Lovers and the Hierophant:
 In the future position, can indicate a marriage.
 Initiation (hierophant) into a sacred and spiritual ritual or group.
Could be teacher to student.
Lovers and the Chariot:
 Controlling sexual desire in order to get real work done.
Lovers and the Wheel of Fortune:
 Your fate is pushing you towards some kind of union
 Fate makes you feel like you’re in love.
Lovers and Hanged Man:
 If you want to be with her, it's going to be a wait. It's not going to
happen right away.
 She tells her lover that they cannot meet today.
 Good things will come to those who wait and surrender to fate.
Lovers and Devil:
 Having many choices in romantic partners, but unfortunately you
either pick the wrong person OR there aren't any good ones to pick
Lovers and the Star:
 Love will happen for you, but you'll have to be patient. It will be
in the distant future.
Lovers and Two of Wands:
 You have a major financial decision to make.
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Lovers and Knight of Swords:
 Whirlwind romance
Lovers and Ace of Cups:
 Choice in love between your current partner and a new partner.
Lovers and Two of Cups:
Start of a new romance. (Best two cards to get when asking about
Lovers and King of Cups:
 Emotionally drawn to a situation probably with a man who is like
the King of Cups
 The lovers with any two court cards can indicate a choice between to

The Chariot
Interpretation and Divination
Be aware of your emotions and rein them in. Be in control of who you are and where you are going. Don’t let your
emotions over take you. Use your fears and emotions constructively. Don’t let go of the horse’s reins. Use them to
steer you in the right direction. Victory will be yours through discipline and confidence.
But you have to arm yourself before battle. Take control of the horses, control the chariot, suit yourself with
armor and gather your weapons. Once you have everything in order do not waiver.
The man holds reins over two sphinxes, but he doesn’t look like he is physically controlling them. Where are the
actual reins? This card is a lot about controlling a situation through your mind. Once you have control over your
mind, you can have control over your emotions more easily.
The Chariot is in control and quite determined of their short-term goals.
The Chariot in Love
Not a great indicator for a new relationship. The person could be very focused on you, but not for the right
reasons. A person who is indicated by the Chariot has a tendency to focus on their goals with little regard for
emotions. Emotions are the root of all love.
If you are already in a relationship, it may not be going the way you want because your partner is focused on work
or is traveling constantly.
The Chariot as Feelings
You maybe feeling guarded, but in a good protective way. Sometimes it is natural part of life in order to focus.
Typically, people want to know how a love interest feels about them. If the Chariot comes up as feelings for a love
interest, you may not get anywhere with them because they are feeling guarded, protective and self assured. They
know what they want and it is extremely possible that they are not interested in you. If we look closely we can see
the breast plate of the Charioteer is protecting his heart. This is a key symbolism to the card. To ensure that he
gets his mission completed, he does not have anytime to feel anything romantic. In fact, he is probably feeling
willful, self-assured and resolved.
The Chariot as Advice
The Chariot advises you to set goals and complete them. Even if you have a larger goal in mind, break down your
goal into tiers or mini-goals. Don't let anything get in your way when you are focusing on completing each goal.
Completion, goals setting and focus are key reminders when the Chariot comes up in the advice spot during a tarot
If you must come into conflict with yourself, another person or another idea, remember that you cannot have
peace without a war. Reconcile these differences to create equilibrium.
As Advice the Chariot suggests that you listen to your own inner voice, which is the still voice of the One Universal
Spirit, who guides us all. Do not stray from the path that was set out before you. Once you realize that there is
only One Will, One Holy Guardian Angel guiding you, then you can begin to work in harmony with all that is around
you in the matrix of this world that was designed before you came into this body.
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The Chariot in Career
This is a good career card. You are focused and driven to succeed. Could indicate a career in the military,
especially if combined with the Emperor. Any career where you are reconciling differences or working on your own
are also good. The chariot is supposed to represent our actual bodies. Hence, we are drivers in our own tabernacle
(body). Any profession where you are in control, seeking mastery, or adaptation.
Chariot Professions
Chauffeur. Driver. Warrior. Airline Pilot. Aeronautical. Extraterrestrial. Policeman. Security. Health Inspector.
Equestrian. Chemist. Mathematician.
The Chariot Reversed
Often indicates that you lose control of a situation. For the very, very literal interpretation, it can indicate a car
accident or misfortune with your car.
A person who is signaled by the reversed Chariot could be misguided and misdirected. They may have wishy-washy
feelings and cannot make a firm commitment or decision.
Sometimes a reversed reading will indicate a person who has tunnel vision and is so focused on their goals that
they don't see anything else around them.
Chariot Card Combinations
Chariot and High Priestess:
 Controlling your secrets
 Romance: She controls you by keeping you at a distance
Chariot and Hanged Man:
 A person who has very little control over their life.
Chariot and Death:
 Could indicate a soldier who dies in battle
Chariot and Tower:
Could indicate a fatal car accident.
Chariot and Knight of Swords:
 It can indicate a soldier, warrior or someone who rushes towards battle.
Chariot and Two of Cups:
Success in business and the signing of contracts.
Chariot and Queen of Cups:
 A very sensitive and caring mother who is often torn between two
 Trying not to cry at a sad movie or other emotional event
Chariot and Five of Pentacles:
 Working with charity or poverty
 Helping to eliminate poverty
Chariot and Seven of Pentacles:
 Tax attorney or auditor

Strength Interpretation and Divination
Strength can represent having the inner resolve and self-discipline to conquer desire. You'll need to use fortitude
and strength of character. Use love instead of force. You can get more out of someone using sugar and honey than
brute force.
Strength can also represent spiritual power that over comes material temptations. The woman in the Strength
card has spent many, many nights working on her ability to tame the lion through spiritual discipline. So this card
calls on you to use your inner strength to get the job done. You may have to work at it over and over and over again,
but you'll eventually be able to tame any problem through love and gentle care.
Strength is about always having the courage to stand up to any beast, whether it be an unjust law or a cruel
dictator. Do not succumb to brute force or physical threats. Be the Buddha or Jesus who adamantly turned away
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from physical force even when force was used against them. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr was the epitome of the
Strength card too.
Strength is the card of conquering your emotions. Fear drives us into an emotional abyss, if we cannot conquer it
with courage. Sometimes we need patience as well. This is a card that says patience is a way of listening to our
intuition and our inner strength. Strength is about mind over matter, conquering any doubt in us, overriding any
fears, controlling our emotions.
Strength in Love
Strength in love requires you to be gentle, kind and patient with your partner or lover. It is very likely that one of
you is the temperamental lion and the other is the mediator. You may bring a sense of calm to your relationship
that your partner needs. One of you has a fiery temper.
Courtship is very important to Strength in love. You may enjoy fine dining, theater and concerts. You may like a
little bit of the chase, which you find very romantic. You will purse your beloved until she or he is finally yours. You
will not settle in love.
Sexually passionate and intimate relationships are very important to you. You want to make love and be loved. Fire
in a romance are important and you may even believe that fighting might bring you closer. Strength in love will enjoy
make up sex immensely.
Strength as Feelings
You are probably feeling in control and diplomatic. You are feeling very regal and beautiful.
In a romantic context, you are feeling a lot of love for someone or something, but for some reason you have to
keep the love and the feelings restrained. You may even be feeling very sexual about a certain someone.
Strength as an Obstacle
The lady in the Strength card is larger than life. We can see this by the way she towers over the landscape and the
way she easily tames the lion. She is spiritually "above" the average person and thus, can be quite intimidating.
Many people do not share her higher vibrations and thus, can find her extremely intense. As an obstacle in your
love reading, Strength maybe telling you to not use so much force. All good things comes to those who wait. In
other words, don't try and force the lions mouth to close.
Strength on a Mundane Level
Strength is also a card that can represent dentists and orthodontists. It can also be about cosmetic surgery.
Strength can also represent telepathy and communicating with animals. It's a card for all animal tamers and animal
Strength Professions
Veterinarian. Dentist. Internist. Orthodontist. Animal breeder. Animal trainer. Geneticist. Plastic Surgeon.
Diplomat. Ambassador.
Strength Reversed
Strength can indicate lust, raw sexual energy, passion and sexual slavery. Strength reversed can hint at a one-
night stand.
Upright, Strength is a card of how to balance power, but when reversed the card can indicate someone or a
situation, which is overbearing. This can lead to others being intimidated by the person. A bully can even be
On the worldly level, reversed Strength speaks of dictators or people who try to over power others. I am
reminded of President Teddy Roosevelt who was a determined to build the Panama Canal even though the French
had already given up. Roosevelt felt that he could conquer nature through the "power" of man. Roosevelt's whole
motto in life should have been, "Man vs. Nature and I will conquer." He did prevail, but he had to push away any
doubt and go full steam ahead.
On an extreme negative side of reversed Strength we see the power play between president donald trump and
dictator Kim Jung-un who are recklessly using nuclear bombs to threaten and intimidate each other.
Strength Tarot Card Combinations
Strength and Hermit:
 Walking away from a difficult situation is the best avenue for

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Strength and the Sun:
 A day at the Spa.
Strength and Two of Wands:
 Foreign diplomacy
Strength and Knight of Wands:
Sexual quest
Strength and Seven of Swords:
A secret, sexual rendezvous without your spouse's knowledge.
Strength and Queen of Cups:
Managing your emotions is the best advice.
Strength and Two of Pentacles:
The most important thing to realize about these two cards is that both
have a infinity sign.
Communicating with someone overseas about esoteric/healing/health/
magic/business that is part of your soul circle.
Important information is in between the lines.

The Hermit Interpretation and Divination
The Hermit is a Thoreau, who goes into the woods to write about everything he sees and feels. He walks through
the woods every day, quietly practicing mindfulness, enjoying everything he comes into contact with. He is
introspective, keen, and logical. He wants to analyze everything around him as it gives light to the self inside.
When you get the Hermit in a reading, you may want to spend some time alone. This is not a time of loneliness, but
of a time where being alone is necessary.
The Hermit as a Person
The Hermit represents someone who is analytical and insightful. They need time alone to ponder. Could indicate a
physicist or astrologer contemplating a new theory.
He can also represent a person who is a little strange, a person who always seems to be alone.
The Hermit in Love
If you are already in a relationship, the Hermit signals that it isn't a good time for love. Your partner really wants
time alone.
If you are inquiring about a love interest, the Hermit warns that he or she is extremely picky about who they
choose to be with. They will want a lot of space and may even want to have separate rooms or live apart indefinitely.
The Hermit for Feelings
If you get the Hermit in the "feelings" placement then your love interest feels like being alone. They feel deeply
introspective and probably very happy about being alone. There maybe a breakup in the future if they are feeling
the Hermit energies.
Hermit Strengths
If the Hermit comes up for your strengths, it means that you work great alone. You may also be bestowed with
spiritual insight and inner intuitive guidance.
Hermit as Advice
The Hermit is on the top of the summit, which we can see in the distance on the Fool card. He has reached the
highest point in the lower minor arcana. As advice, the Hermit wants you to take the higher road. You have the
lantern, the star, that can guide the way for others. If you are in a conflict with someone, show them the path.

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People are always looking for the something more inside of them, but are sometimes unsure of how to find it. The
Hermit can show you the way.
Another important piece of advice that the Hermit bestows on us is that of study. He is a studious, self taught
person. It could be asking you to study ancient texts, ancient scripts or take an educational route that is not under
mass consciousness.
Hermit Professions
Author. Writer. Editor. Astrologer. Psychic. Psychologist. Analyst. Metaphysical Student or Sage.
The Hermit Reversed
You maybe feeling self-pity and self-doubt. You need time to withdraw from society, friends, and family, which is
not the best option, but it's how you feel presently. You are suffering with loneliness and isolation.
The Hermit reversed suffers from hypochondria. He or she may think that every little spot or mark is sign of
Hermit Tarot Combinations
Hermit and Hierophant:
 Studying for a big exam
Hermit and Devil:
 Earth based plans are canceled such as a lunch, a date, or anything
physical. This comes to a relief to you, so you can spend time alone.

Hermit and Sun:

 No matter how old, you have to keep a young heart
 The old man brings sunshine and joy.
Hermit and Eight of Wands:
 Journalism or short story writing
Hermit and Ten of Wands:
 Knowledge can create a burden.
 You know so much that it becomes heavy trying to get people to see
thing your way.
Hermit and Page of Wands:
 Being alone in an active activity.
 Getting a lot done alone and in a short amount of time.
Hermit and Eight of Cups:
 Walking away from a relationship.
 A break up where the person would rather be alone than with their
partner. Doesn't have to be final. You may find new found insight
while apart.
Hermit and Ten of Cups:
 Being content and dreamy all on your own.
 Finding inner happiness
Hermit and Five of Pentacles:
 Being out in the cold.
 Going down an alternative spiritual path.
Hermit and Six of Pentacles:
 The old man is generous with his money.
Hermit and Nine of Pentacles:
 The older man thinks highly of the rich single woman.
Hermit and Page of Pentacles:
Giving a lot of time and thought into important matters.
Writing a long letter to someone with thought and attention to detail.

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Wheel of Fortune
Interpretation and Divination
We are constantly being "reborn" and stuck in a never-ending cycle of life and death.
This is a good card to get and one of the luckiest in the bunch. You may have a certain degree of good luck and
The Wheel can come up for someone with loves to gamble. Depending on the cards and question, the Wheel of
Fortune combined with a travel card such as the Knight of Wands or the 6 of Swords can indicate a trip to Las
Vegas, Atlantic City or the French Riviera.
You may understand life's ups and downs and just role with the punches. A person who gets the Wheel is advised
to look at the glass half full rather than half empty.
There are obvious karmic connections to the Wheel of Fortune as everything is in a constant cycle and movement.
You get what you put out.
The Wheel of Fortune as a Person or Signifier
No ordinary person. He or she has a larger than life outlook. He or she probably spent many incarnations on other
planetary systems and is here on Earth to help. They can be very magnetic but for those who are under developed
may see the Wheel personality confusing. ( A little too exciting, perhaps). They naturally forgive people and have a
great sense of humor.
They may love history, current events and culture. They love and investigate other cultures. They love the stars
and may spend many nights just gazing at the sky. They always seem to see shooting stars. If they live in the city,
they may need to take a break from the city lights and go out into the wilderness.
The may love fashion and dressing in many different outfits. They love beauty and refinement. They may prefer
the mountains to the oceans.
They understand karmic laws and are extremely self-reflective because of this. They were born with a divine
sense of cosmic self.
They have a love of children and animals and can see a soul in every living thing (and non-living too).
They collect information to stock pile in their soul.
They are lucky when they gamble or invest. The wealthier may make speculative purchases such as real estate,
commodities, and the stock market. They have an intuitive sense of what to buy combined with their love of reading
and investigating. The less wealthy get lucky with lotto tickets and black jack.
The Wheel personality is mighty exciting!!
Wheel of Fortune in Love
I think the Wheel brings good luck to any relationship. It's a karmic tie or it's something that you "need". It's
meant to happen as part of your life path.
I see the Wheel in romance as optimistic, fertile, and honest. You will have a very honest and open communicative
relationship. I see lots of giggling between the couple. You may even take trips together because you love culture
and adventure. A very whirlwind romance as everything moves in perfect harmony with each other. It's the right
time for this. Perfect timing.
Wheel of Fortune as a Strength
You are able to learn from the down periods in order to be truly joyful in the up periods.
The Wheel doesn't stop moving, it will go down and it will come back up, but it's how you look at the down periods
that indicate how good your down period are. There is a lesson in there. Learn from that lesson, so that you don't
repeat the same down period. It will make your up periods so much more profound and joyful, for only in suffering
can one really experience joy.
Wheel of Fortune as the Outcome
The Wheel of Fortune is in constant flux and rotation, which makes the wheel of Fortune right at home in the
outcome position. It's all about the final culmination of ongoing activity. It's about karma, cause and effect or the
results of your actions.

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This could indicate that something from the past is concluding as the outcome. What you put out into the world is
coming back to you.
The Wheel in the outcome position will usually indicate a result that you are not aware of. So if you are expecting a
definite result, the Wheel of Fortune predicts that you will be in for a nice surprise!
In the outcome position, The Wheel of Fortune almost always indicates a more positive spin to a situation.
Wheel of Fortune on a Mundane Level
The Wheel of Fortune can indicate treadmills and elliptical machines where you are running over and over again in
the same spot.
It can also indicate the washing machine. Perhaps you will end up doing a lot of laundry on the day your daily card is
the Wheel of Fortune.
Tarot Wheel of Fortune Professions
Gambler. Black Jack Dealer. Bank Teller. Historian. Writer of Historical Fiction. Theologian. Astrologer.
Administration. Lawyer. Judge.

Wheel of Fortune Reversed

My personal view is that the Wheel is just as lucky as when it is upright. The meanings is the same, but slightly
masked. Your luck might be more subdued.
Wheel of Fortune Card Combinations
Wheel of Fortune and High Priestess:
 Fluctuations between dark and light.
 Watching the moon fade and the sun rise
Wheel of Fortune and Two of Cups:
 Fated love affair.
Wheel of Fortune and Page of Cups:
 Someone who is a page of cups/wheel would see relationships are
harmonious, karmic, and happy. Their unions are always upbeat and
they are very romantic. They tend to have good luck in relationships
and are healthy and strong. They are motivated and are constantly
seeking out the "one." In this life, they are fortunate, probably based on
good deeds from past lives. In love they are open and honest
communication. They love talking and are always on the go.
 You go round and round with your kids. Getting emotional over doing
your chores happens frequently when you tell your kids over and over
to do them.
Wheel of Fortune and Ace of Pentacles:
 Inheritance
Wheel of Fortune and Two of Pentacles:
 Someone with a gambling problem.
Wheel of Fortune and Ten of Pentacles:
 Inheritance

Interpretation and Divination
Justice is similar to cause and effect, which is commonly known as karma. Everything you say or do has
ramifications, whether they are small actions or large ones. Justice reverberates karmic principles.
The Justice tarot card brings in a sense of balance. Symmetry in art is important to them.
Justice isn't concerned with revenge. At times the Justice tarot card is not concerned with man made laws, but
with giving you back what you've put out. Justice deals with Universal laws that govern our universe.

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The regal woman in the justice tarot card does not care if there is loophole in the law that allows someone to get
away with a crime. Eventually, justice (not revenge) will be doled out for the individual.
If you are asking about a legal question then upright Justice is a good omen, while reversed Justice indicates an
unfair trial. If you do not read reversals then look for surrounding cards. The 5 of Swords or the 7 of Swords next
to Justice might indicate a bias in a court proceeding, while the 6 of Pentacles and Judgement would indicate
If someone steals from you, do not steal something of theirs trying to make it fair. Justice is less of a physical
person and more of a vast network of spiritual energy that balances itself out behind the scenes. Just look at that
curtain behind Lady Justice? Whatever is behind that curtain is where the karmic retributions work themselves
out. You can't see it, but it's there.
Justice as a Person/Signifier
Since Justice rules over Libra and Venus rules Libra, there is a direct correlation to symmetry and art. Someone
whose signifier is the Justice card will love everything that is beautiful and simple. They have a keen eye of
observing minute details. They probably have a love of some form of art whether it be ballet, opera, theatre, hip
hop music, violin, oil painting....Really, anything that is involved in the different mediums of art.
Justice as a person wants everything to be balanced and harmonious. A bad side to this is that they often feel
their side is correct and don't understand why others wouldn't take their well thought out advice, and yet they can
easily fall right back into line with understanding that people will learn at their own rate. They can be very forgiving
and understanding.
As a person, Justice likes to come at a situation at all angles. They weigh all the pros and the cons. They most
likely make lists and finish them. They will even do this within a relationship. They are not a person to quickly jump
into a relationship, but when they do they will give their heart totally. They are always on the lookout for someone
who truly complements them.
Words and actions are important aspect to someone who is signified by Justice. They want words backed up by
actions. If you tell them, "I am a great artist," make sure you can show them proof of art.
In fact, the need tangible proof of some kind to weigh against their own intuition.
They can be very good with words, such as the sword they hold represents. Some may write long love letters to
their beau, but in other aspects a person who has Justice as a signifier will take the time to reply to e-mails in
detail and with regard for education.
Education is important to them. They may even have several degrees or certificates in their chosen field. It's not
so important to them the degrees or certificates, but what and how they utilize that information.
Justice people are romantic. Don't let that cold sword and the name of the card confuse you. Diplomacy is easy for
them. They love balance in a relationship and like to weigh and divide everything up, which isn't a bad thing if both
people are business minded. They love going to the theater and opera and can even get caught up in the fantasy of
it all and project these romantic fantasies on relationships.
A Justice romantic looks for a union that is equal. They maybe very good at business and philanthropy and want to
share a business with a partner. They need their mind nurtured by their partner and expect their partner to share
with them all aspects. They have a desire to "know" everything about their partner and will forgive and understand
anything and everything.
Friendship in marriage is very important to Justice in love. They are very discriminating in who they partner up
with. Justice in love has a tendency to start out as friends first and lovers later. This is because they need their
mind nurtured above all else.
A person who has a signifier as Justice may get married later in life in their 30s or 40s. They may even have
several earlier relationships as "tests" before they find the "one." But once they do find their truly equal match,
they will partner for life.
Justice in Love
Justice can also portend a wedding in the courthouse and is favorable in the outcome position when surrounded by
supporting cards such as the Three of Cups or Four of Wands.

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Though, Justice in a love reading needs to be examined carefully. There maybe somethings that need to be
balanced out for either previous lifetimes or current ones.
Justice in love requires the querent or the querent's love interest and/or partner to really weigh up the
relationship. If Justice comes up in a romantic reading there is a high probability that the relationship wouldn't be
head-over-heals or whirlwind.
Justice as an Obstacle
The word assigned to Justice is "Lamed", which means "work" and "education." When the Justice cards comes up in
a reading there is an imbalance. You may be caught between trying to balance work and your educational needs. As
an obstacle, you will have a hard time doing this.
Justice Professions
Judge. Lawyer. Mediator. Politician. Arbitrator. Diplomat. Urologist. Peace Keeper. Peace Corps. Educator.
Manager, Director, Supervisor. Art Director. Art Curator. Educational Management.
Reversed Justice
Reversed Justice can be about being in a legal situation where the guilty get away with a crime or where someone
who is innocent is being prosecuted as guilty. For me this is the biggest meaning of Justice reversed in a general
Justice is also about balance, so Justice reversed is about imbalance.
Reversed Justice Keywords: Justice not being served. Abuse of the justice system. Bigotry. Bias. Unjust verdict.
Justice Card Combinations
Justice and Hermit:
 Trying to regain balance while going at it alone.
 Unable to see the right way to do something is by keeping the
partnership together.
Justice and Six of Wands:
 Victorious court trial.
 Love: Both people equally adoring each other
Justice and Ace of Swords:
 Written communication
 Conflict that ends with a solution
Justice and Five of Swords:
 An unfair trial.
Justice and the King of Swords or Queen of Swords:
 A lawyer. Able to analyze and logically figure out any solution to all
legal and life problems.
Justice and Two of Cups:
 Complete balance between two people
 Signing of legal contracts (business or romance)
Justice and Ten of Cups:
 A marriage. Probably in a church or an outside wedding.
 A happy marriage based on fairness and balance.
Justice and Three of Pentacles:
 They really feel you balance out this project.
Justice and Ten of Pentacles:
Marrying into money to a spouse who maybe involved in the law.
Marrying at the Court House. You may have a big family.
Justice and any two matching King and Queen:
 Love: You balance each other out perfectly.
 You provide your partner everything that they lack. They provide
you with everything you lack. Together you create a perfect picture
of harmony and balance.

~ 23 ~
The Hanged Man
Interpretation and Divination
The Hanged Man stands for letting go, meditation, bliss, patience, unyielding.
You maybe on the brink of a spiritual discovery.
The Hanged Man can also stands for someone who is adept at illusion. You could meet someone who spins fantastic
stories, like a screenwriter or novelist. They are usually psychic and need time alone in order to gain further
wisdom and understanding. The Hanged Man can also be about sacrificing a belief or something else to gain insight
into a situation. On rare instances, the Hanged Man can indicate a martyr someone who sacrifices his life for the
greater good. On a more banal level, this could be a person who gives to charity, while forfeiting their yearly
The Hanged Man in Love
If you are searching for love, it may not be the best time to get involved in a relationship. You'll have to wait.
There maybe a delay getting the one you love. Your love interest also runs the risk of being too in love with love, so
that they would rather have you as a fantasy than you as the real person.
If you are in a relationship, you or your partner may love being in love. You may be very pure in heart always
believing the best in your partner. You love giving plenty of boxes of chocolates or flowers to your loved one. You
spend time re writing your wedding vows and take care to include a heartfelt message in a birthday or anniversary
card. This is because the Hanged Man stands for understanding the power of thought. We are what we believe. The
more we love and express our love, the more love we receive in return.
The Hanged Man as Advice
Surrender to that of which you do not understand, but want to gain knowledge in.
Do not force anything. Let go and surrender to time and patience. You cannot force things to happen, if you do
they might never happen.
More simply: Just wait.
Another useful piece of Hanged Man advice is to try and see a situation in a different light. Reverse your way of
The Hanged Man as Feelings
You may feel like something has turned upside down. Maybe you've thought you were in love before, but when you
meet this new man or woman, you see things differently. You may have the feeling that you now know what love
really is. You simply feel something you haven't felt before.
You have a reversal of feelings and usually, almost always, in a good way. In fact, you probably see and feelings
things correctly.
Hanged Man on a Mundane Level
The Hanged Man may indicate you need to drink more water.
Hanged Man Tarot Professions
Weaver. Illusionist. Clairvoyant. Storyteller. Author. Theatrical Actor. Director. Film Maker. Production Assistant.
Singer. Dancer. Artist.
The Hanged Man Reversed
There is a big tendency to martyr yourself and play the victim when the Hanged Man comes up Reversed. You
maybe sulking, disenchanted and grieving some imaginary, overly dramatic loss. You'd rather believe that your life
is a Mexican telenovela than see the truth of the situation. You maybe so caught up in the production and illusion
that you cannot see clearly. You maybe suffering from delusions.
Psychic receptivity maybe over the top with the inability to control bad frequencies. Alternatively, psychic
receptivity maybe blocked. You maybe going from psychic to psychic in order for her to tell you what you want to
hear. Determined to get the happy ending you think is only one step away while ignoring all the good, real and
tangible things around you.
Hanged Man Card Combinations
Hanged Man and Magician:
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 Writing a magical novel. Inspiration and action.
Hanged Man and High Priestess:
 Both cards are about passivity and inaction. This would be a blatant: do
nothing and don't move.
 Major spiritual awakening.
Hanged Man and World:
Delays in finishing a project
Something needs to end, but there has been a suspension.
Going on a spiritual vacation, perhaps to Macchu Picchu or Tikal
Hanged Man and the Three of Cups:
 A celebration or party is on hold or canceled.
Hanged Man and the Eight of Cups:
 You need to walk away from a relationship for a while, but will come
back when the time is right.
Hanged Man and Two of Pentacles:
 Holding back on making a firm decision.
Hanged Man and Seven of Pentacles:
 Sleeping and waiting. Taking periodical naps throughout the day.
 Feeling tired or malaise. Pushing time back.
 Waiting indefinitely.

Interpretation and Divination
Death can indicate something that is supposed to happen. You have no control over it happening. It will come
regardless of any action that you take to prevent it. It can indicate the death of a friendship, a job, or a marriage.
In transliteration tarot, Death translates into "no" or "not". So if you get Death with the 3 of Cups it translates as
"No, you will not become friends or you will not go to the party."
Death can also be about a kundalini sexual experience. If you asked what you wanted in a partner and got the
Death card, you might want the best sex ever on a tantric level. You want sex to take you to a higher place
spiritually. It could represent the orgasm as a gateway to God, source and the Universe.
Celibacy is only for the very advanced spiritual souls who understand how to use the reproductive energies in the
second chakra. You can pull up this dense sexual energy and use it to heal your body. In a man, this power is let out
and dispelled through ejaculation. When he is advanced enough, he can learn to turn this ejaculation inward and use
it to energize his entire body, thus preventing the spilling of his life-force, chi, prana. But man does not normally
get to this point in one life time and it is only for the very, very advanced. For a woman, she sheds blood every
month. She can also learn to pull this energy up her body and stop or limit her monthly cycle.
In both man and a woman, you can use the orgasm and pull the energy up your body. You can do this with or without
a partner. In a woman, it is much easier to do since she doesn't have to worry about spilling her reproductive life-
force. In a man, this is achieved through having an orgasm without ejaculation. Again, this is for the very advanced
and I have seen "tantric-dakini's" advertising these services for men online. Most of these services are simply
prostitution disguised as some sort of spiritual eastern philosophy attached to them. I do not advocate using these
services. I doubt most will yield the instruct of utilizing the life force.
The Death card can be very spiritual. It maybe telling you that it's time to evolve to a higher level spiritually. In
order to do this, you'll need to leave behind an old attitude or believe.
It can also mean death of an idea or period in your life. It has to be quite a literal transformation though. You
would have to cut something off that truly is dead.
Death is something that is forced on to you. You may not have a choice in the matter. You may have trouble letting
go of old habits and Death is here to tell you that you are being forced. You do not have a choice in the matter.

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People hate to hear this, but the Tarot Death card can be about someone that will truly die. Death is, after all,
natural and inevitable.
Death is transformational. All the leaves need to fall off in the winter and be barren before new leaves will grow in
the spring. They must ‘die’ in the winter to be ‘reborn’ in the spring.
People tend to fear death because literal death is the giving up of one’s body and leaving behind all the
materialistic, identifying aspects to a life. We also leave behind loved ones and our relationships with them. But it
doesn’t have to be scary. No one lives forever and nothing goes on forever. Death asks you to look deep inside
yourself and accept change for the better. You simply cannot go on in the manner in which you are living any longer.
Death as a Person
Death to describe someone's personality could indicate someone who has many different and eclectic friends.
They are a little odd and always interesting. They have a spiritual side that they may hide from others. They have a
love of knowledge and believe that they can keep knowledge in the soul through the DNA. Someone with the tarot
Death card as a signifier is very good at keeping secrets. They love excitement and are different. They may pride
themselves in being different and very intense. They can end up being loners.
Death in Love
When Death comes up in a love reading, it does not seem likely that you and your romantic partner will continue.
Death is a definite, "No, it won't work out."
Death in love has a tendency towards obsession. They may call too many times or email excessively unaware that
this is off putting. In this way, they set themselves up for a loss in the long term. The challenge with Death in love
is to know when to back away and when to advance.
Death as Feelings
They feel like it's over. Whether or not it really is over is left to be unseen.
On the other hand, it could be possible that you have sexually, orgasmic feelings. It really depends on the context.
On a Mundane Level
Reversed Death can indicate that many people are sick, but not dying.
Tarot Death Professions
Mortician. Grave Keeper. Forensics. Sexual Therapist. OBGYN. Coroner. IRS. Debit Collector. Forensic Accountant.
Death Reversed
When Death comes up reversed it still indicates that something is over, but you maybe trying to sustain a false
illusion that it is alive and well. You are resisting Death with ever fiber of your body.
Death Reversed indicates that there is a delay in something ending.
Death Card Combinations
Death and Lovers:
 Kundalini sex.
 A sexual experience that brings you closer to God
 It can also predict the ending of a relationship or a relationship that
never forms or a relationship that happened in a past life.
It also easily predicts the end of a relationship whether it was
romantic or a business partnership.
Death and Strength:
 Having the emotional strength to end a friendship or
 Being diplomatic in regard to the end of a relationship/
Death and Hermit:
 An immediate change of thinking due to a wise sage or insight and
self-awareness on a higher level of thinking.
 Needing time alone
Death and the Wheel of Fortune:

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 The ending of something that is supposed to happen so that
something better and luckier will emerge. Fate is handing you a
better/luckier situation.

Death and Hanged Man:

 Seeing a situation that had to end as it really is.
 Getting a new perspective on a dying situation
 Understanding completely why the relationship had to
Death and the Sun:
 There is always a silver lining.
Death and World:
 The end of an era
Death and Three of Swords:
 Open heart surgery.
Death and Five of Swords:
 The end of the fight.
 All parties are withdrawing from the fighting. They realize
it's futile.
Death and Ten of Pentacles:
 The end of good family relationship
 The death of the patriarch
 Inheritance from the death of a loved one

Interpretation and Divination
Temperance is about blending opposites, but you’ll need patience to do this. Your goal is reachable.
Temperance wants you to know that you can blend opposites together and find harmony. You maybe seeking the
truth and want to discover new awareness. You are very in tune with the vibrational frequencies around you.
You maybe in a situation that needs constant bits of work and adjustments to make it just right. You will need to
take things in moderation and not go to the extremes.
Temperance maybe about the wide-open country, big skies and a relaxing healing environment that facilitates the
natural flow of energy.
Temperance as a Person
Temperance as a person indicates that your soul has fought through many incarnations for religious freedom.
Because you probably fought for religious freedoms, you have a high sense of justice. You want to defend the weak.
You stand up for what is right.
You have incarnated here on Earth again to be a funnel for higher frequencies. You are probably very interested in
your own spiritual development. You are probably in tune with your dreams, spirits and angels.
You are probably interested in higher education and learning in general especially esoteric information. You
probably love asking questions. Temperance indicates a very inquisitive person. You may also be very scientifically
Temperance in Love
Temperance in romance is very independent. It suggests tribulations in relationships and unequal unions.
Temperance in romance is also yearning to be with the "one" or no one. Temperance in romance does not settle
because they tend to have an attitude like "I'm here for a reason and with a mission." That mission may not involve
romance. A temperance person may say things that can be mean and cutting too.
Temperance tells you that you will heal after a breakup. S/he may come back to give you closure.

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Temperance is about healing. Especially talking it through with someone. Temperance people love to ask questions
and fix problems. Temperance almost never indicates a reconciliation between two people after a breakup.

Temperance as Advice
Temperance advises you to keep your cool and not get hot tempered.
Temperance on a Mundane Level
Temperance can indicate mixing together essential oils and making home made bath products.
Temperance Professions
Doctor. Nurse. Pharmacist. Chemist. Alchemist. Scientist. Librarian. Angel. Journalist. Investigator. Detective.
Lifeguard. Insurance Agent.
Temperance Reversed
Reversed temperance can indicate drug addiction and abuse. It can also indicate someone who is heavy-handed with
justice. It indicates unfair trials and tribulation.
Someone who upholds social mores that can hurt other people. For instance, a reporter who goes after a senator
who is having an affair and publicizes the romance.
Reversed Temperance suggests imbalances, as upright Temperance indicates combining opposites so that a balance
can occur. There is a lack of harmony and even clocks may seem to act erratically. Timing is off and you may find
yourself late for an appointment or date.
Imbalances can also occur to your body in your endocrine system or liver. Your body seeks to rid its self of
disruptive hormones from birth control or the misuse of drugs, whether prescription or recreational.
Temperance Card Combinations
Temperance and Hierophant:
 Having to go to the hospital or doctors office to get some shots
or another procedure
Temperance and Star:
You have a lot of inner harmony and musical fairies around you.
Angels are around you.
Temperance and Sun:
 Moderating an intense situation
Temperance and World:
 Art museum exhibits from around the world.
Temperance and Ten of Wands:
 One foot in and one foot out does not create the balance you seek.
 It is never a means to an end.
 Even angels get bogged down.
Temperance and Three of Swords:
 Healing after surgery
Temperance and Eight of Swords:
 Could indicate some kind of addiction.
Temperance and Five of Cups:
You will heal and find a new love after a breakup. Closure is
Temperance and Ten of Cups:
 Families of opposites work together in harmony.
 Opposites attract and merge peacefully and amicably together.

~ 28 ~
The Devil
The Devil Interpretation and Divination
The Devil is related to materialism. The Devil indicates being bound by things, stuff, and physicalities. You are
unable to let them go. You maybe caught up in always wanting more indulgences and never thinking that you have
But the Devil reminds you that the noose around your neck can easily be taken off.
The Devil in tarot can represent a gambling addiction that is out-of-control. Someone who steals and lies for their
next gambling venture. Someone with risky behaviors that includes risky business ventures that are more
precarious than grounded.
The Devil in tarot can represent drugs addictions and drug dealers. It could represent someone who gets another
person addicted to drugs so that they can control them. It could represent a boyfriend who gets his waning
girlfriend addicted to drugs so that she won't leave him.
The Devil in tarot can represent obsessions, especially with materialism. You maybe obsessed with having all the
new toys and gadgets. You are the person with the newest smart phone or fabulous luxury car. Your desire for more
stuff is insatiable. If you live in the city, you also may like high views, such as a penthouse view over the city.
The Devil in tarot can represent any behavior that is uncontrollable. The Devil can even indicate someone who is
hysterical or bipolar.
The Devil can sometimes suggest impotence in a man.
The Devil in Love
The Devil also indicates sexual interests such as bondage, bisexuality, and fetishes. In its darkest form the Devil
can represent sexual slavery.
Lust is commonly confused for love as the Devil in love doesn't understand real, pure compassion as a form of love.
You may have an obsessive longing to be with your husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend and can't stand to be apart
from them. This is normally not a healthy relationship, but one that is fictionalized as romantic in many love stories
written for the cinema. You may have to know every little thing about them and you disrespect their boundaries.
Your fourth chakra, which rules the heart is most likely to be over enlarged. A person like this doesn't believe love
has boundaries and you may find them snooping around, following you to work to see if you are being faithful or
checking with past lovers for information about them. If you have a journal or diary, this person will read it trying
to convince you that "love has no boundaries." But love does have boundaries. Think of it like a cat. When your cat
comes to you, the cat appreciates you more. When you are constantly picking up the cat and hovering over the cat,
the cat resists you more and more. Cats need boundaries and so do people.
If you are asking about a love interests feelings then this person maybe obsessed with you in a negative way. They
must have you at all costs. They may even be thinking about you in a lewd, degrading way. They may think of you as
an object.
In a relationship, they may expect lavish and expensive gifts. The Devil can indicate the type of woman who only
dates affluent, wealthy men and immediately writes off poor men. The same holds true for men. A man who only
dates super models. Someone like Larry King or Donald Trump who is always "trading up" for a younger version of
his wife. According to the Devil, love is for the weak.
The Devil card can come up for men who degrade and objectify women. Sexual obsession and rape can be
suggested by the Devil.
The Devil in tarot can come up to represent sexual temptations, such as a married spouse feeling tempted by
someone who has vices. Jessica Rabbit would be a good example of a woman who uses the Devil to get what she
wants out of men.
Devil as Feelings
When the Devil comes up in the "feelings" position it can indicate a few things depending on who you are inquiring
about. If you are asking about a love interest or boyfriend/girlfriend then the possibility that they are obsessed is

~ 29 ~
most likely probable. They are so blinded by lust, temptation and the outward "you" that they can't see anything
else clearly.
If the Devil falls into a placement about feelings about an acquaintance, friend or colleague there is a possibility
that they feel a little scared. Fear tinged with obsession would be highly likely. They have some strange infatuation
or fatal attraction or Single White Female (movie) thing going on. They can't seem to get you out of their head. I
would be worried if the Devil came up in a placement about feelings for a friend or colleague.
Devil as a Strength
There are positive aspects to the Devil. No doubt, the Devil is all about materialism and matter. Anything that is
physical can fall under the Devils reign. We need the physical Earth because we are physical beings.
In an Occult setting there is a need to "take off the noose" and "be psychic." This is not the goal of the mystic.
Then you would be lost in the astral world unable to meet the needs of your physical body.
In a romantic reading, the Devil as a Strength can indicate a contract or pact that has been made with someone.
You may not even be aware of this pact because it happened in a past life or before you entered this body. The
pact could even be the manifestation of mental activity grounding into the material. There is a major life lesson to
be learned from this person. That is the strength of the Devil if it falls in this position in a love reading.
Devil as an Obstacle
The Devil as an obstacle can mean a few things. First it can mean that you are tied to something unhealthy. Maybe
you are stuck in a job that you hate, but continue. You feel "chained" to your boss or "chained" to your desk.
In a romantic context, the Devil does indicate an unhealthy need and obsession to be with someone. This could be
impeding your way into a healthy relationship.
Any other vices could fall under the Devil as an obstacle: Gambling, risky behavior, and even dark magic.
All of these ideas should be looked at closely. If you are in a job that you don't like or that isn't working you to
your full potential, branch out and do what you love. Have unwavering faith in yourself. The same goes for a
relationship. If you are in a relationship, you may not be seeing what is real, but what you want to see, thus
resulting in an obstacle.
All of these are solvable obstacles. There isn't any reason other than your own self-denial that prevents you from
freeing your mind and thus your life.
The Devil as Advice
Be careful while signing contracts. "The devil is in the details," is the phrase that comes to mind.
Devil Professions
Criminal investigator. Prostitute. Drug Dealer. Voodoo. Dark Magic. Con Man. Comedian, probably dark comedy and
satire. Big Banker. Big Corporate Director.
The Devil Reversed
The Reversed Devil can mean one of two things. You can realize that you don't want to be chained to a vice, a blood
sucking corporate job or a draining relationship and release the cords.
The other side of the Reversed Devil emphasizes that the chains are chocking you, but you are unaware of it. The
Reversed Devil suggests a very immature soul, who will hurt anyone to get to the top. They play the game of life
like some "House of Cards" board game, unaware or insensitive to the damage it does to other people. This person
could very well be a psychopath and a sociopath.
Due to the nature of universal laws, this person will finally see their retribution play out, most likely in the final
stages of their life. This kind of person usually works very hard for money and power, who winds up later in life,
homeless, poor, ugly and miserable. This sort of fate can translate into a new life (if you believe in reincarnation).
The Devil Card Combinations
Devil and the Sun:
 Understanding why you are here on Earth.
 Understanding that in order to be free you have to face the Devil as
a positive aspect in yourself and all humanity.
Feeling the sun on your face is why you are here on Earth.
Knowing without words (which is why this combo is hard to
~ 30 ~
Devil and Judgement:
 Returning to something unhealthy
 Insomnia
Devil and Two of Wands:
 Being stuck in a business relationship that brings status, money and
success, but little spiritual fulfillment
 No matter how hard you try to distance yourself from your
dysfunctional family, they are always there.
Devil and Eight of Swords:
 Sexual bondage
Devil and Queen of Swords
 The strong woman breaks the devil's cords
(This combo came up with the Devil on top and the Queen of Swords
on the bottom. Literally looks like the Queen is sticking her sword
up to break those chains)
 The injections (sword) breaks down the bacteria/virus
Devil and the Six of Cups:
 Being bound to an unpleasant situation with your children.
 Someone acting in a very obsessive, even repetitive behavior.
 Your children are chained to their behavior and you are chained
to theirs.
Devil and Seven of Cups:
 Addicted to drugs
Devil and Knight of Cups:
 Addicted to love
Devil and Two of Pentacles:
 Gambling Addictions
 Seeing the humor when no one else does
Devil and Four of Pentacles:
 Holding on to vices whether it be drugs, sex or
Devil and the Nine of Pentacles:
 Being trapped in a gilded cage

The Tower
The Tower Interpretation and Divination
The Tower is the biggest sign of total destruction. Usually this is unexpected destruction of existing structures.
The tower usually means that something in your life will suddenly change. Things will be destructive. There will be
an overhaul of everything you knew. Whatever it is, it won't be pleasant, but will be necessary. Jobs could suddenly
be lost or stocks could plummet. You could even find your lover in bed with another person. There is a force in
nature that shakes things up from time to time, and the tower signifies this. But these things must tumble if you
are to rebuild. Previous belief systems and existing structures must fall.
It could also signify something like a giant awakening. You could experience a spiritually moving event soon. Like
lightening it could come out of the blue. You might feel like you had false beliefs that are now dissolving. Expected
unexpected changes.
The Tower cautions against being strong with words. Watch what you say. Do you use words as swords? Have you
ever? Maybe those that you've wronged will come back to give to you what you have given to them.

~ 31 ~
The Tower indicates shoddy building developers and buildings that aren't constructed well. It could indicate that
the building was built in a hurry without watching for details.
The Tower can indicate sudden death such as a car accident, plane crash, or war. The Tower could indicate
someone who dies too young.
The Tower is symbolic of building castles so high no expectation will ever realistically reach them. You maybe
fantasizing about how great things could be only to find that they weren't as great as you thought they were going
to be.
As a world prediction, the Tower could indicate terrorist attacks or a bombing of some kind.
The Tower as a Person
As a person who gets the Tower tarot card could be motivated by a cosmic force. This person is good with words.
Sometimes these words come from the divine.
You are here on earth for a particular mission, but that mission is for you to find out on your own at the right time.
It will hit you out of nowhere and you'll have a major "ah-ha" moment.
The Tower in Love
If in a relationship, the Tower can represent the end of the relationship. You may catch you partner in bed with
another person or find out something that breaks the relationship apart. It can indicate a relationship that is not
built on solid ground. It's a breakup that usually comes without warning and it is unexpected.
The Tower as Feelings
It can also indicate a sudden feeling for someone that you never thought you would have. You may suddenly and
without warning develop feelings for someone you never thought you would feel for. Like the bold of lightening in
the sky.
The Tower as Advice
Lies have been built around a situation. Don't be fooled. The Tower advises you to dig around and find out the
truth. Maybe you started dating someone who is married. Go ahead and google their name. Find out the truth.
An example that happened to me: You could also have been sold a bad car (called a Lemon). You have the right to
legal and monetary compensation. Dig deep and stand your ground. Expose the truth of the situation and let them
know where you stand.
The Tower on a Mundane Level
The Tower can indicate severe weather with lightening. It can also foretell being evicted from your home.
The Tower as an Outcome
When the Tower card pops up as an outcome to a situation, you have to take into account what the situation is and
how you feel about the situation.
If you are single and and feel that you will never find love, the Tower indicates a surprise. You will be surprised by
something that you didn't think would happen.
On the other hand, if you are single and believe in fairy tales, the Tower may indicate that your dream person will
not show up. You may need to find someone else or give other people a chance.
If you are in a relationship, the Tower indicates a divorce or exposing the truth to a situation.
Tower Professions
Shoddy Business Developer. Builder. Linguist. Translator. Speech Therapist. Terrorist. Bomber.
The Tower Reversed
If the Tower is reversed it can indicate someone who is brutal and hurtful with words. Someone who fights
unnecessarily. Someone who is on some kind of inner crusade not knowing that they are doing more harm than
damage. A Christian crusader or an Islamic terrorists are two personae that could be indicated by the Tower
In a love reading, the Tower reversed suggests that you relationship was built on false believes that you continue
to believe to the determent of your spiritual self. The relationship is essentially over, but neither want to realize it
or come to terms with it.
The Tower Card Combinations
Tower and Justice:

~ 32 ~
 Litigation
 Estate, probate and will planning
Tower and Death:
 The realization that leads to change.
 Dramatic end.
Tower and any Ace:
 Something really good comes after a shocking situation.
 Loosing something only to gain something even better
Tower and Four of Swords:
 Something unexpected happens that causes you to break up - and
it's a relief.
Tower and Six of Swords:
 It could signal travel to countries where you get lost and don't
know the language.
Tower and Page of Swords:
Sending someone a message to uncover the truth, which may start
the crumbling of all the lies.
You know there are a foundation of lies and you investigate to find
the truth.
Spying that could topple everything and everyone, but your quest to
find the truth is overwhelming.
Being defensive about someone trying to investigate.
Tower and Knight of Swords:
 Can indicate a warrior or the blowing up of a building. War is
indicated, especially when the Knight of Swords is reversed.
Tower and Four of Cups:
 To your surprise, after you pack a large cart full of goods, your
credit card is rejected at the store
Tower and Nine of Cups:
 Being pleasantly surprised with meeting a love interest that you
and previously dismissed (It hits you like a bolt of lightening out of
the blue).
Tower and Page of Cups:
Building illusions in the sky that crumble.
A very unstable foundation from someone who will never change.
They are content to sit around and believe all their lies. Be careful
because you need to keep reality in check before you have serious
mental health problems.
Tower and Ten of Pentacles:
 A relationship that is not built on love and emotional fulfillment,
but built on security and money. At some point and slowly, the
relationship hurts the people involved. Divorce will be probable.

The Star
The Star Interpretation and Divination
The Star can tell us that someone in the your life views you as the perfect person. Or perhaps you view someone as
the perfect person. The possibility is there, so whatever the you wish, will come true, possibly. Most likely. But it is
a faraway possibility, just like the stars.

~ 33 ~
The Star is full of hope. You can be your best self, so take the initiative and run with it. There are spiritual guides
and angels helping you at this time.
The Star tells us that everything that is meant to be, will come into being.
In a future positions, the Star indicates that your life is about to reconnect and change. You can be the best you
can be now. You can face the world just as you are and not how other people think you should be. You have a lot of
intuition at this time. You should use it. This is your guidance from within. Be your own guiding star.
The Star recommends that you release emotions and not allow them to overpower you. The Star comes after the
Tower when all the lies and misfortune came crashing down. The woman in the picture is naked. She doesn’t need
the walls or clothing of the Tower. She realizes that she is perfect just the way she is. You may have gone through
a period of darkness (Tower), but now the light is shining on you.
The Star indicates creativity in the arts. The Star inspires you to write the greatest novel or write glorious songs.
The Star in Love
The Star could indicate star-crossed lovers or a love that is written in the stars.
If you are asking about a reconciliation with an ex, then the Star urges you to heal and move on.
If you are asking about a potential love interest, the star is a good sign, but you may have to wait a little bit. The
Star indicates the patience. Don't give up hope.
If you are asking about your current spouse then you are loved and have the perfect relationship. You have a soul
mate connection and connect on a spiritual level.
Star as Feelings
If you are asking about how someone feels about you, then the Star means that they like you, but think you are out
of their league or out of their reach.
If admiring you from afar, they definitely think you might be the perfect person.
If you are male, this is your dream girl.
Star as an Obstacle or Crossing Card
As an obstacle, the Star is saying that you maybe putting to much faith into something you have been wishing for.
Something maybe just out of your reach. Money or inheritances could rightfully be yours, but you can't get to
Maybe there is a man (or woman) in your office that you daydream about being with, but they don't seem
interested. You don't make that move on them and they never do either. Instead, you just dream about them and
have wishful thinking.
These types of thoughts aren't going to get you your dream lover nor are they going to get you that money. And as
an obstacle, it sadly doesn't predict whether or not you will get those things. It only says, "it's possible...."
Star as an Action
The Star as an action might mean to reach out and help other people.
If you are creative, the Star as an action might mean to compose a piece of music or draw some artwork that
inspires others.
Star as Advice
Don't take the advice of the Star card lightly! The Star as advice calls for taking care of your health. You should
rest, rejuvenate, take a hot bath or go to the spa. Tarot is advising that you need to rest and recuperate so that
you can be your best another day.

Star Professions
Healer. Counselor. Life Coach. Musician. Dancer. Artist. Humanitarian. Movie Star. Beauty Queen. Astronomy.
Astrologer. Psychic. Dream Interpreter. Fishing. Occultist. Self-help Writer. Futurist.
The Star Reversed
The Star Reversed indicates low self-esteem. You may not feel very beautiful and have a hard time accepting
You may have unrealistic ideas about things and have built fantasies that are unattainable.
The Star Card Combinations
~ 34 ~
The Star and High Priestess:
 She connects with someone else who has a spiritual trajectory.
 Talking with people about all the spiritual information she has.
 This woman is connected to the spirit world. She comes from the
Stars to help here on Earth.
 Realizing your divine purpose on Earth comes from the Stars
 Giving thought to a new future
The Star and Death:
 Let go of the possibility
The Star and Queen of Wands
 She wants to look her best so she goes to the spa or medispa
The Star and Ace of Cups:
 Going to the movies (Used the Gilded Tarot Deck)
Star and 6 of Pentacles:
 He puts you on a pedestal.
Star and 7 of Pentacles:
 Unable to heal from possible drug or sexual temptations.

The Moon
The Moon Interpretation and Divination
The Moon can warn against having a too wild of an imagination. The Moon reflects only the sun's light; it does not
have a light of its own. It is a reminder that you may not be seeing things as they really are.
The Moon suggests that you take a journey through the dark night of your subconscious. It will lead you to a land
of intuition and creativity.
The Moon signals that psychic abilities are easily accessible. But warns that there is a fine line between psychic
and psycho.
The Moon in tarot represents the subconscious and dreams. It can take us on a journey into a vivid dream
landscape. Anyone creative, can use the Moon card to inspire you to new creative heights.
The Moon warns that you maybe a little delusional and have unrealistic hopes and dreams for yourself. The Moon
can distort reality. Things look very different under the light of the moon.
The Moon represents your dreams. Your dreams may take on new meaning and be full of deep symbolism. Lucid
dreaming is indicated.
The Moon in Love
As a lover, the Moon can indicate someone who loves a variety of lovers. They may "keep" a woman (or man)
somewhere. Or he(she) could be in love with love but on a deeply, soulful level. He (she) loves everyone he (she)
connects with, so these love affairs would not be trivial to them. They are helping to develop the soul for the
ultimate experience on Earth.
If you are asking about a potential love interest, the Moon is warning you against illusions. There may be things
that you are not aware of. You could be daydreaming about this person and have false hopes.
You are definitely dreaming about this person. There is a definite feeling of love in the air and if it's a new love
then you maybe attaching some unreal expectations to things.
On a basic level, if you are already in a relationship, the Moon suggests that you and your partner have a psychic
The Moon as a Person
This is a person with a deep understand of past lives and who is gaining many experiences for an ultimately journey
that requires helping the less fortunate. They are deep and expansive. They are someone who is instantly attracted
to (for example) 16th century Spain because they have had past lives there. They yearn for a deep understand of
all people and their own souls. They probably have an inclination for the occult and are drawn to people who study
tarot or anything that can shed light on Earth's darkness.

~ 35 ~
The Moon as Feelings
On an esoteric level, the Moon can represent deep subconscious feelings. You may feel psychically drawn to
someone. You know and feel what they are feeling and they feel the same for you.
On an exoteric, the Moon can also signal confusion. You may not see things clearly and know it. You are confused
and anxious about your feelings. You are uncertain.
Moon Professions
Night Club Owner. Dog Breeder. Psychic. Tarot card reader. Night Club Singer or Dancer. Gypsy. Professional
The Moon Reversed
The Moon reversed indicates drug abuse and real mental problems that need medical attention.
The Moon Card Combinations
Moon and Magician:
 Someone tricking you into things you don't want to be involved in.
 Master manipulator, feeding you lies.
 You are not in control. He is.
Moon and High Priestess:
 Black Magic.
 Answer unknown at this time.
 Things are kept hidden from you
Moon and Tower:
 Believing your own lies.
Moon and the Star:
 You are out of his reach, just like a fantasy or dream.
 Being out of someone's league.
Moon and Four of Swords:
 You should rest after a hang over.
Moon and Nine of Swords:
 Extreme nightmares
 Drug induced nightmares
 Night Terrors
Moon and King of Cups:
 Stable emotional trauma mainly in the evening.
 Massive headache or migraine.
 Too much water. Drinking too much water.

The Sun
The Sun Interpretation and Divination
The Sun is a card of warmth and sunny dispositions. Everything is possible, new and shiny.
No matter how bleak you may feel the sun will always rise. The sun is steady and constant. It doesn’t matter what
happens on Earth, the sun doesn’t change. (The moon changes phases. This is not as steady) After the madness of
the moon, the Sun brings a happy dose of shine.
The Sun shines brightly and makes a situation clearer. You may have the mental clarity that is needed in a situation.
It can indicate a sexual romp. The boy is naked and free. We also see him riding a horse, which suggests taking a
wild, sexual ride.
The Sun can also predict a child, either a son or twins.
The Sun can suggest that you need a day at the spa. Little things like a manicure and pedicure can make a person
feel so good.
~ 36 ~
The Sun can bring clarity to a relationship or situation. Things that seemed dark and unknown will suddenly become
bright and very clear.
The Sun in Love
The Sun in love is a good card to get! Either you or your lover has an optimistic attitude that will keep the
relationship thriving. The Sun in love is easy going, hospitable, and very caring. They may love doting on you or you
may love doting on your partner.
There is a strong connection to the father when the Sun comes up in a reading. There is a possibility that either
your partner or you reminds them of your father (in a good way!).
Marriage and long term commitments are favorable when the Sun comes up in romance. There is a propensity to
have many sons rather than daughters.
The Sun as Feelings
If the Sun comes up for feelings, it can indicate sexually, freeing feelings. As a feeling it is warm, intense, clear
and vivacious.
The Sun as Advice
You need to clarify a situation. Subconscious maybe coming together with consciousness. Great awareness can be
realized when our conscious mind comes together in harmony with subconscious awareness.
As advice, it may be telling you to take a negative situation and see it in a positive way. A lot of times tarot is
literal, so it could have to do with a child or children. Perhaps you see your children as having a bad habit or a
temper. Remember, those qualities can be molded into positive qualities. You may want to drop subconscious hints to
your child or your inner child, so that those qualities can affect your awareness.
The Sun Professions
Lifeguard. Florist. Gardner. Horticulturist. Botanist. Horse breeder. Ferrier. Jockey. Leader. Guru. Entertainment
Industry. Solar Power. Energy Grids. Electric Company.
The Sun Reversed
The Sun Reversed suggests you may have taken on too much.
On a Mundane level the Sun Reversed can forewarn of sunburns and/or skin cancer. Please use sunblock.
The Sun Card Combinations
Sun and Strength:
 Total sexual romp
Sun and Hermit:
 Talking in a 5th dimensional lingo/ or occult lingo (adeptship)
 Negative side: Trying to help someone with a child-like
temperament understand what they cannot.
Sun and Temperance:
 Intensifying by moderation.
 Blending together opposites by intensification
Sun and the Devil:
 Feeling burnt out of the relationship
Intense spiritual connection to the earth.
Sun and Tower:
 Every single lie and illusion coming into the harsh light of the sun.
 No escape from the truth
 Absolute clarity even though it hurts to know reality.
Sun and Eight of Wands:
 Summer Activities
Sun and Page of Wands
 Being a good pupil
Sun and Six of Cups:
 Playing with the kids makes you feel young
Sun and Queen of Pentacles:

~ 37 ~
 Loving someone like a mother would their son.
 A mother and their son.
 Wanting to protect the innocent.

Interpretation and Meaning
Judgement advises you to embrace what you have done. There is no looking back, so do not try to cover up what
you have done. The past will always remain the past and the deeds you performed will always be with you. Now is a
good time to come to terms with the things that you have done.
Judgement is also the card of letting go, especially letting go of regret. There is nothing you can do to change the
past, but you can change the future. You can also change how you perceive the past.
Judgement can indicate a spiritual rebirth or awakening.
This is a time for change and a change of consciousness.
When Judgement appears in a reading, major life changes are most likely coming your way. You still might have a
little work to do.
You may have a change of consciousness that leads to a new spiritual awareness. Judgement indicates a soul and
life assessment. You may look back on your past and see things in a different way.
When you get Judgement in a reading, someone from your past may suddenly make an appearance. This is a karmic
lesson that you will need to work through.
Judgement in Love
When you are asking about love and Judgement comes up, there is a strong possibility that you have known your
potential lover or partner in a past life many times over. Judgement in love indicates that you and your partner
keep getting married over and over again. This can create a calm feeling of knowing and trust between two people.
The first time you re-met them in this life was probably a magical moment where "time stopped" and everything
around the two of you disappeared. There will be a magnetic attraction that goes beyond physical.
But love in Judgement isn't all sweetness and roses. There can be negative aspects that you two may have to work
through, which you probably keep repeating throughout the lifetimes together.
There is a tendency to lose yourself in romance and with your partner. You or your partner may feel as if you are
one soul.
If you are in an existing relationships and things are rocky, you may need to reevaluate things.

Judgement as Feelings
You maybe feeling extremely introspective about a situation or a person. You maybe feeling something has changed
inside of you so that you can reanalysis something that was buried.
You may feel like you've had an epiphany about something important. Someone may have brought something back to
the surface from the past and it has caused deep, conflicting feelings. There maybe a need to come to terms with
the past, who you really are, and how other people perceive you.
If you are asking, "What does X feel for me?" The answer is that they feel karmically bonded to you. They may
feel passion that they don't know how to reconcile. No matter how hard they try, they feel very sexually,
karmically, passionate about you.
Judgement as an Obstacle
Someone could be keeping the past from realigning itself with the future. There is always two sides to every story
and someone maybe holding on to only one side and not allow the other side to breathe. This can cause an obstacle
in an awakening that needs to happen. Judgement as an obstacles is someone or something that refuses to see
things how they really are and ends up making a situation worse than it already was.
As another obstacle, you maybe trying to resurrect something (perhaps an old lover or flame) that needs no be
resurrected. Let that person go if it is impeding your own spiritual development. All things end and all things have
their time and place.

~ 38 ~
Judgement as Advice
Advises you to resurrect something that you think might be worth salvaging. So make that phone call or write that
On the other hand, Judgement as advice is asking you to look at the situation from all sides. Is it worth salvaging?
Is the relationship really working? Maybe it's time to see things as they really are and not as you want them to be.
Judgement on a Mundane Level
Judgement suggests that you may receive a phone call, an invitation or some kind of announcement.
Judgement Professions
Supreme Court Justice. Orchestra Conductor. French Horn Player: Any Brass player. Incarnated Angel. Warring
Faction. Guns dealer. Executioner. Mortician. Funeral Director. Past Life Regressionist. Counselor. Hypnotist.
Judgement Reversed
Someone has twisted your past into something negative. You are being misrepresented.
Judgement reversed suggests that you could be unable to let things go.
Judgement reversed can indicate that you could harbor negative beliefs and views about a situation. They fester.
Judgement reversed indicates severe judgement about a situation that you may have inaccurately assessed.
Judgement reversed indicates that you may be in denial about someone or a situation.
Judgement Card Combinations
Judgement and Lovers:
 Reuniting with a lovers from either your past or a past incarnation.
 Extremely strong bond between two people who may feel as one
Judgement and World:
The end of one journey creates the beginning of another one
A painless death. The realization that your loved one is now in a
better place.
Absolute change. If you want to be someone different in your
lifetime, then this is it.
Judgement and Four of Swords
 Someone has called upon your promise, but you refuse to act.
You call someone out on their promise, but they refuse to act.
Judgement and King of Swords:
Being very clear about what happened in the past
Understanding with perfect clarity

Judgement and Six of Wands:

Winning a second time
 The truth being fully exposed in your favor
Judgement and Four of Pentacles:
 Obsessive and possessive about your lover or partner
Judgement and the Eight of Pentacles:
 Someone from your past "rises from the dead". You may meet this
person at work. There are karmic connections that you
need to work on.
Judgement and King of Pentacles:
 Seeing someone from your past that has the King of Pentacle
 Finality, resolution, closure and forgiveness of a situation. A
goodbye without hard feelings.

The World
~ 39 ~
The World Interpretation and Divination
The World signals the end of a life journey. You could be getting a degree, having a child leave home, getting
married. These are all beginnings and endings, while signaling the end of one stage and the transition to another.
The World suggests that you might win an award or prize.
The World is a card of World Ambassadors and the U.N. "peace keeping" missions. The World advises that you
send help and relief in the form of funds.
The World may mean that you graduate from any grade level at school.
The World signals the completion of a project.
The World in Love
If you are asking about a potential lover, the World card suggests that it will be over before it begins. The World
in a marriage placement usually indicates that you will marry later in life.
The World card in an existing relationship denotes happiness, peace and inner completion. You and your partner are
probably looking towards a new chapter in your relationship like having children, marriage or retirement.
You have probably picked a partner that makes you feel complete and whole. You are selective in who you partner
up with. You seek a partner who will complement your background and accomplishments. They could possibly be
older and already established. They maybe a good teacher. Both of you probably teach each other a lot.
The World as a Feeling
The World could mean that you (or whoever you are asking about) feels complete when they are around you. You
make them feel calm.
World as Advice
The World advises you to recognize an ending to something. It also tells you to be happy, content and complete
within yourself and in your own world.
The World in Career
The World can infer that a person is a perfectionist when it comes to their job. They will rise quickly in their
chosen field. They take their job very seriously and always try to be the best that they can be. They are highly
professional. A negative aspect is that they are a workaholic and should make time for family and friends.
The World Professions
Teacher. Education Administration. Singer. UN Ambassador. King or Queen.
The World Reversed
The World reversed can suggest a delay in graduation. You may not graduate on time or with your class, but you
will graduate.
The World Reversed can also suggest a stagnant period of your life where things aren't going the way you planned.
You may get bogged down with all the details and feel like quitting. You slowly drudge through things feeling the
"weight of the world" on your shoulders.
World Card Combinations
World and Hanged Man:
 Something you poised to finish has been put on hold.
 Something you thought was over has recently come to light as
 Needed insight comes from an outside source
World and Judgement:
 Utter change. You will become someone else in the same
body. Meaning, you will get to be two people or have two lives.
World and Two of Wands:
 Surveying your next big venture
 Discussing moving plans
World and Ten of Swords:
 The end of a cycle. It's the end. It's over.
World and Ace of Pentacles:
 The ending of a friendship, while planting the seed of a new and
~ 40 ~
strong romance
 The end of something that never could materialize beyond an
idea or small physical effort.

Ace of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Ace of Wands is the potential in any project. It is singular and raw. It is up to you to get it started and
moving towards the physical. When any ace comes up in a reading, it signals that you have a potential that is not yet
manifested into the physical.
The Ace of Wands is the initial burst of creative energy. It is the raw energy to start a new project. It’s the
motivation, the spark. You have the courage to pursue something new, different, and exciting. Now is the time to
start a new project.
When the Ace of Wands turns up in a reading, you may have the urge to travel to an exotic locations that you have
never been to before. You can even be moving some where brand new.
The Ace of Wands can be about raw sexual energy and energy manifesting its self into the physical. You may meet
someone and feel a definite sexual spark.
The Ace of Wands can also signal the conception of a child. Conception is the great spark that ignites life.
The Ace of Wands brings new job opportunities. You may have a great idea that is ready to be activated into
reality. It's not merely the thought of doing it, it is also the small baby steps you'll take to make it happen.
It's an excellent time to start a new exercise regime or diet. The Ace of Wands is telling you to go for it!
Ace of Wands in Love
When you get the Ace of Wands in love, you are sure to have a sexual spark with your partner. Whether or not you
take the initiative is up to you. The Ace of Wands is a very sexual card.
The Ace of Wands is about unbridled passion and the spark that brings two people together. It's the thought you
have about someone. It's the absolute, raw potential for something. Sometimes it’s difficult to control. But it's up
to you to make it happen.
Ace of Wands as Feelings
You maybe feeling alive, passionate, enthusiastic, and optimistic. If you are asking how some feels about you in a
romantic way, then they feel passionate about you. They may even feel thrilled to have the opportunity to get to
know you and an overwhelming sense of stimulating joy. They may feel that you and them have the potential to start
something new and breathtaking. You may even take their breath away when they see you!
Ace of Wands Professions
Polo. Sports Coach. Fitness Instructor. Motivational Speaker. Life Coach
Ace of Wands Reversed
Reverse the Ace of Wands and it could indicate hasty decisions that aren't exactly thought through completely.
You may be building things in the sky, but lack the motivation to see anything through.
The Ace of Wands reversed can also indicate male sexual problems such as impotency. You partner may not even
have the energy to perform sexually. Maybe there is a lack of romance or a laziness that is clouding the querents
vision. They are uninterested in sex.
There is a definite "no" or a delay in an action that is suppose to happen. You may feel unmotivated, lethargic and
Ace of Wands Card Combinations
Ace of Wands and Empress
 Conception of a baby
Ace of Wands and Two of Wands
 You have the motivation and energy to manifest a project in the
right direction
 Believing in yourself and your new business idea
Ace of Wands and Ace of Swords:
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 You have the idea for a new creative writing project

Ace of Wands and Five of Swords:

 Fight or argument where you have the upper hand.
Ace of Wands and Ten of Swords:
 Clashes between wanting to work and lack of sleep from the
exhaustion of work.
Ace of Wands and Ace of Cups:
 Feeling overwhelming sexual desire (though it may quickly burn
Ace of Wands and Two of Cups:
 You have a mutual and immediate sexual attraction. It is very
 You are offered a job opportunity and take it. This suggests a merger
or partnership that happens very quickly.
Ace of Wands and Page of Pentacles:
 The start of a passionate and physical love affair that moves slower
than usual
 Friendships can spark creative ideas that are long lasting

Two of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Two of Wands is a moment of pause and reflection. You are unsure about someone or something. You most
likely have two roads you can go down. What makes this decision hard is that both decisions are good.
You could be preparing for a journey, partnership or acquisition. You have applied the raw power, you just need to
make a decision and go. This card comes right after the aces. Now that you’ve realized that you have the power to
do something, you are cautiously preparing for it.
The Two of Wands can also be of discontentment. You are always looking to the future and the past and not the
present. The Two of Wands could indicate missed opportunities because of apathy and emotional disconnection. You
may yearn for what you can't have, while disregarding what you have or what you are being offered.
The Two of Wands can also indicate real estate. You could be in the process of looking for houses or new property
to buy. There is a likely chance that this will be an investment home. It can definitely indicate foreign property or
traveling somewhere exotic. You have many options and are undecided on which one to buy. You are careful and
prefer to think things through before making major financial decisions.
As a health problem it could indicate any blood related diseases or a neurological problem. A blood clot could be
Two of Wands in Love
In love the Two of Wands foretells of decision to be made. There is a pause and time to reflect on the relationship
or the possibility of a new relationship. So if you are asking about a potential love interest, the Two of Wands
suggests that either you or your interest are thinking things over.
If you are in a relationship, the Two of Wands could suggests that you two are planning a trip or deciding where to
take your relationship next.
There is a big possibility of meeting someone foreign or the person you are involved with is foreign or from a very
wealthy family.
Two of Wands as a Feeling
You are feeling indecisive.

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You may have a longing to be with someone.
If these are business feelings you could be strategizing on how to get someone or a group on board with your plans,
so there maybe a constant nagging feeling that you are not doing all that you could be doing. You want everything to
be perfect.
Two of Wands as a Person
A Two of Wands person is self-assertive, direct, and good with money and real estate. They are brave and can be
quite valiant in their endeavors.
Business comes naturally for a person whose signifier is the Two of Wands. They are most likely an entrepreneur
and it is extremely possible that they are very powerful and intelligent.
There is a big possibility that this person is foreign or has an international business.
On the downside, they can become very self-absorbed and if not reigned in they can make war by being too bold
and angry. They may have a temper.
Two of Wands as Advice
Look at the bigger picture. Set the foundation for the future, at least if mental.
Be patient and make decisions only after all thoughts have been extinguished. This is not a good time to make rash
decisions. It is a good time to take survey of all that needs to be done.
Two of Wands Professions
Entrepreneur. Cartographer. Prince. Wealthy owner, perhaps a man who inherits a family legacy. Real Estate Agent
or Broker. International Business. Optometrist.

Two of Wands Reversed

The Two of Wands could also represent that another person is in charge of your life. Perhaps a father, brother, or
husband is using their power to control you. In this instance, you are like the globe and they are the man.
The Two of Wands Reversed suggests that you are doing business with a very underhanded person. They maybe
highly manipulative and have an explosive temper.
The Two of Wands Reversed may indicate that you have a lack of resources. This can cause major depression and
financial loss.
Two of Wands Card Combinations
Two of Wands and Death:
 You have a choice between two things, probably work related
obligations. You choose only one.
Two of Wands and Moon:
 Lies and illusions in a business deal
Two of Wands and King of Wands Reversed:
 Business with an unmotivated, lazy man is a bad options
 You are not putting enough effort into your decisions. Thinks don't
come to those who don't act.
Two of Wands and Ace of Swords:
 Writing to someone overseas
Two of Wands and Knight of Swords:
 Can indicate a lawsuit
Two of Wands and Ace of Cups:
 Yearning to be with someone who is overseas
Two of Wands and Two of Cups:
 Talking and connecting with someone you love or like about new
business opportunities
 Talking or discussing a new real estate move
 Trying to decide between options.
Two of Wands and Seven of Cups:
 Undecided and discontent with all the many options.
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Two of Wands and Nine of Cups:
 You get your wish and get rewarded with financial success.
Two of Wands and King of Pentacles:
 Contemplating business decisions overseas.

Three of Wands
Three of Wands Interpretation and Divination
When the Three of Wands arrives in your reading, there is an element of caution. You've put in a lot of hard work
and are now waiting for a return on your investment. But those ships haven't docked yet. The rewards are still
The Three of Wands signals a time of taking something to another level. You have made the decision to work at
something and now are waiting to see the results.
The Three of Wands indicates that all things seem new and possible. Your wish and hard work looks like it could
return a nice reward. This is a period of clarity and concentration.
The Three of Wands indicates a waiting period after you've put in a lot of work. Look over at the sea and meditate
on your next step you need to take. All things comes in time to those who wait and are patient.
The Three of Wands indicates traveling to far off distance places. Some of your business could be overseas.

Three of Wands in Love

The Three of Wands in love can be about a proposal to take the relationship to another level. Now that you have
asked, you are waiting for the reply. You may have put in a lot of effort into a relationship and now would like to see
some rewards.
The Three of Wands can also indicate that another party is involved in your relationship. Someone maybe waiting
for something better to come along or waiting for someone to come back to you. Your boyfriend or girlfriend maybe
physically with you, but thinking and longing for someone else. The Three of Wands can also indicate that someone
is planning on leaving you behind. This could be a husband who travels a lot and leaves his wife at home.
Three of Wands as Feelings
You maybe feeling a little bit like actively waiting. You have mixed emotions about someone or something. You could
even be feeling slightly anxious about which way to go. You could be feeling apprehensive about something or
someone. You are cautious and observing things from all sides.
Three of Wands in Career
The money that you are expecting will come. You've worked hard to achieve your goals and soon you will reap the
You don’t have to wait any longer, your ships are coming home. You have incubated and passed through the
gestation period. You are now the proud owner of a new business or new creative project.
The Three of Wands indicates business activities usually between more than two people.
Three of Wands Professions
Race car driver. Boat Salesman. Trucker. Business owner, perhaps overseas. Mediator. Arbitrator. Ship builder.
Merchant. Wholesale Distributor.
Three of Wands Reversed
The Three of Wands Reversed indicates delays and setbacks. There are frustrations with not being able to
achieve your goals. Minimum wage jobs that don't pay a living wage could keep you from realizing your potential and
dreams. There are major frustrations and your feelings could be overwhelmed with doubts and anxieties about your
uncertain future.
In love, The Three of Wands Reversed may indicate that you are frustrated waiting on someone who may never
come. You are not allowing yourself to see the big picture. Maybe they just don't love you.
Three of Wands Card Combinations
Three of Wands and Magician:
 Amazing business skills (Magic Man!)

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Three of Wands and the Hermit:
 When prompted, he believes it's easier to go at it alone
 The eccentric and strange man always turns out the best products
Three of Wands and Eight of Wands:
Receiving plenty of emails and texts
Three of Wands and Six of Swords:
 Sometimes work requires you to travel to foreign lands
Three of Wands and Four of Cups:
 They will reject your proposal
Three of Wands and Six of Cups:
 Putting in a tremendous amount of effort in the development and
nurturement of your children, with the idea that there will be big
returns for them, for you and for the rest of the world.
Three of Wands and Seven of Cups:
 Waiting for all your options to arrive (many may not make it home).
Three of Wands and King of Cups:
 Making emotional and intuitive business decisions works for you
Three of Wands and Ace of Pentacles:
 Reaping the financial benefits of your hard work
 Actively collecting money from work
Three of Wands and King of Pentacles
 Most, if not all, of your business prospects make money.
 You have the patience and fortitude to see returns
 When it comes to business you have the Midas touch.

Four of Wands
Four of Wands Interpretation and Divination
The Four of Wands is a joyful card that indicates marriage, community and celebrations.
The Four of Wands predicts travel to a relaxing retreat or a house by the lake. It represents family, friends and
good times. Sing-alongs at the camp fire and camping trips that bring people together are probable.
When the Four of Wands comes up in a reading, holiday and birthday parties are also probable. Any large
ritualistic ceremonies.
The Four of Wands indicate career paths that include a party planner or a hostess.
Four of Wands in Love
If you are single, the Four of Wands is a welcoming sign that someone is coming to you. The Four of Wands can be
about homecomings and welcoming parties. You may meet this person at a restaurant, a party or between friends.
If you are in a relationship, you could be taking it to another level. Weddings and anniversary parties are likely.
Four of Wands as a Feeling
You may be feeling happy, peaceful and content.
Four of Wands as a Strength
The Four of Wands indicates stability of your home, family and friends. You may find great strength and stability
in being able to rely on family and friends. This can indicate having a loving relationship with someone who is there
for you and your children. The home, social engagements and the community are all things you can draw upon as a
strength to help yourself.
Four of Wands Professions
Bridal Planner. Baker. Cake Decorator. Party Planner. Hostess. Elegant Housewife who entertains a lot.
Four of Wands on a Mundane Level
The Four of Wands can indicate meetings that take place in restaurants and city events.
Four of Wands Card Combinations
Four of Wands and Strength:

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 She diplomatically makes sure everything is good at work/
home/kids. She is stern, but not overbearing at home or work.
 This lady gets things done for the party and people respect
her for it.
Four of Wands and Wheel of Fortune
 Amusement park ride with lots of roller coasters
 Riding the Ferris Wheel at the county fair
Four of Wands and Eight of Wands:
 Invites to a party
 Throwing together a party quickly
Four of Wands and Six of Cups:
 Children's birthday party
Four of Wands and Ten of Cups:
 An intimate wedding
 Spending the night in with your family
Four of Wands and Queen of Pentacles:
The hostess with the mostest.

Five of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Five of Wands indicates that there are lots of activities in your life. There are many different people
competing or there may just be a lot of different people involved in your situation.
The Five of Wands may indicate that this is a highly competitive time in your life. You may feel fierce and full of
fire. You want to get to the top of the situation and are up against people who have equal amounts of clout and
ambition. You may need to work just a little bit harder to stand out among all the other people.
The Five of Wands can suggest friendly group sports such as soccer, basketball or football. The Five of Wands
wants you to just have fun and hopes that you don't take the sporty competition too seriously because the game
can easily get brutal.
Five of Wands in Love
In love the Five of Wands can signal that there are other people vying for your love interest. It can also suggests
that conflict and intellectual discourse turn you on.
If you are already in a relationship the Five of Wands suggests that your spouse may have other choices. When
the Five of Wands comes up in regard to an existing relationship, there could be a lot of arguing.
Five of Wands for Feelings
You could be feeling energetic, athletic, competitive, full of energy.
Five of Wands as Advice
The Five of Wands suggest that you think creatively and "outside-the-box."
Five of Wands on a Mundane Level
On a mundane level this card could be indicating that you'll be running a lot of errands today.
Five of Wands Professions
Athletics. Football. Soccer. Wrestling.
Five of Wands Reversed
The Five of Wands Reversed can indicate that competition has turned underhanded and you are out of your league.
Things might escalate to the extreme where people are using devious antics to "win" at all cost.
On the other hand, the Five of Wands Reversed can indicate apathy towards a situation and lack of fire. You may
not want to compete at all and run from the competition only to find out later that deep down you really wanted to
Five of Wands Card Combinations
Five of Wands and Death:
 We don't fight anymore.
 We don't compete against each other anymore.
Five of Wands and Four of Wands:
 Lots of activities centered around getting a party or wedding up and running
Five of Wands and Ace of Swords:
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 Heightened group mental activities
Five of Wands and Seven of Swords:
 A situation where people are equally armed requires you to be
underhanded and cunning
Five of Wands and Page of Cups:
 Lots of activity with the people you love
Five of Wands and Five of Pentacles:
 The group of women make sure to exclude the other woman and her child

Six of Wands
Six of Wands Interpretation and Divination
The Six of Wands signals victory. So if you are anxious about a court proceeding or want to win your lovers heart,
know that you will be victorious.
The Six of Wands can indicate any kind of celebrations. You maybe a part of graduation parties and
commencement celebrations.
The Six of Wands can indicate that you will be receiving a reward for good work that you have done.
The Six of Wands can make you feel really good about yourself. You may feel as if you have a lot of support from
everyone around you. On the other hand, you could adore someone else where by adoring them makes you feel
Six of Wands in Love
The Six of Wands suggests that you may need someone that boosts your ego, while the other person is perfectly
find doing the boosting and admirations. This is the fire of balance. You feed off each other energetically.
When the Six of Wands comes up in a love reading, you can expect a lot of sexual energy. There is passion and long
nights spent in bed.
If you are asking about a romantic love interest, they really like you! You will soon have them as your own. The Six
of Wands assures a victory.
Six of Wands as Feelings
You are feeling really, really good about yourself or someone! Everything is energetically charged with passion and
adoration. You feel alive and on top of the world. If you are asking about what someone feels towards you, then the
Six of Wands says that they really adore you and think you are really amazing.
Six of Wands Professions
Victor. Solider. Movie Star. Stage Hand. Narcissist.
Six of Wands Reversed
The Six of Wands reversed suggests that there is a Trojan Horse effect. You maybe resting on your laurels when
out of nowhere you lose your footing and are attacked. Be careful when the Six of Wands shows up reversed, it is a
hollow victory, which warns of having a great distance to fall. Don't get to prideful.
The Six of Wands reversed can foretell of sexual victors where there are conquests involved. If you don't want a
purely sexual relationship run the other way.
Six of Wands Card Combinations
Six of Wands and World:
 Awards and accolades
 When everyone adores you, you feel complete.
Six of Wands and Justice:
 Certain legal victory
Six of Wands and the Star:
 He thinks she is like a star, shining on him all the time.
She is the perfect person to him.
 Someone gets conquered by love
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 She puts him on a pedestal.
 He/she has been after him/her for a long time and finally is
 The sex is like the stars. It’s ecstasy.
 All good things come to those who wait.
 They love each other just as they are. It’s unconditional

Six of Wands and Knight of Wands:

 Sexual gratification
 Runs the chance of being sexually lewd or strangely creative.
Six of Wands and Ten of Cups:
 She gets what she wants: a happy home
 They have the perfect family balance where everyone loves the
patriarch and he loves them
Six of Wands and Four of Pentacles
 You make his ego feel so good without him doing one thing in
 Withholding his love makes him feel like a powerful victor.
Six of Wands and King of Pentacles:
 He puts you on a pedestal. You win, his heart is yours
 Everyone at the boardroom loves him. They look up to
him and admire him. His words and actions are followed
and imitated. They can't do it without him and he can't do
it without his loyal team.

Seven of Wands
Seven of Wands Interpretation and Divination
The Seven of Wands can indicate your fears of everyone being against you, but it can also indicate that you are up
against your family with a sole opinion. You think your opinion is correct and you won't budge on it. You are the
underdog, the defender. Know your position and master it because you’ll need it to win a victory.
You maybe feeling very defensive because everyone is against you. Be mindful that you don't unnecessarily attack
someone. Your feelings maybe more illusion than reality.
The Seven of Wands can also indicate fears that are unfounded. See all those wands? Whose holding them? You
may think that everyone is against you, when in reality no one is. You may need to adjust your position and
You may feel overwhelmed with feelings of being singled out. You've reached a plateau and people may want to take
you down or fight to get to your position.
Seven of Wands in Love
In love it can indicate that you and your partner have a lot to do. You maybe arguing a lot, which will be followed by
hot sex. You maybe in a relationship that your parents don't support. You and your partner need to constantly
defend your relationship to your parents.
If you are single, the Seven of Wands can indicate that you have many unwanted admirers. Maybe you do not
believe that they are good options. You may wish the keep a wall up and stand your ground while hiding your
feelings. You maybe very annoyed with someone constantly calling you. You might be thinking that it borderlines
Seven of Wands as Feelings
You maybe feeling very defensive because everyone is against you. Be mindful that you don't unnecessarily attack

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someone. Your feelings maybe more of an illusion than reality. Someone may have given you an ultimatum that you
feel is very unfair. The situation maybe exhausting to you.
Seven of Wands as Advice
Have the courage even against the odds. Know without a doubt that you can do it on your own. Combine the lion
heart of Leo with the Mars Aries logic to come up with the strength of will to persevere. Believe in yourself. Mars
energy of the Seven of Wands brings in levels of warfare and aggression. If you are under attack the best thing to
do is try and keep enemy forces at bay. This is a much better approach because the number seven is losing
momentum as it descends into the physical world.
Seven of Wands in Career
It could be that you are a sole proprietor with tasks that are mounting and without employees or any help you feel
almost under attack. You've got to get them done and you will, but you'll need to keep going and keep fighting. One
at a time you'll get things done.
In business you may be on the brink of defeat, but you can still win. The victory of the 6 of wands is still fresh in
your mind. You've worked hard to get where you are today and you will not back down. It may take some more
effort, but you are willing to put in the time. Stand your ground and push through. With perseverance, you can win.
Remember that when you are at the top there are always people who will want to bring you down. This card reminds
me of the 15th, 16th and 17th century European court. There were always scandals, executions and power plays.
Once you were crowned king, it could easily be taken away by your son or cousin. The Seven of Wands reminds you
that once you are at the top, there is still a lot of work to do.
Seven of Wands on a Mundane Level
The Seven of Wands can symbolize having a lot of tasks to do and having to do them all alone.
Seven of Wands Professions
Sole Proprietor. Hockey Player. Guard. Security Guard. Business Acquisitions.
Seven of Wands Reversed
When the Seven of Wands shows up reversed, you should admit defeat at this point and start over. Perhaps a
business isn’t going as well as planned. You might need to re think how to operate things. Maybe you are taking on
too many tasks and need to hire someone to help you.
The Seven of Wands Reversed indicates that an assessment needs to take place.
Seven of Wands Card Combinations
Seven of Wands and Emperor:
 Being hot headed and aggravated
 Being determined, focused, brave and fiery.
Seven of Wands and the Wheel of Fortune:
 fluctuating feelings of defensiveness.

Seven of Wands and Death:

 The end of a situation where you felt you were up against
the odds.
 Someone being defensive over the end of a situation.
Defensiveness during the end of a situation.
Seven of Wands and Justice:
 Being up against the odds during the trial.
Seven of Wands and Page of Wands:
 Too much fire and you can burn out quickly. Having a lot
of writing and work to do on an independent project, but
not finishing as much as you needed to.
 Leaving project unfinished because of the lack of focus.
Seven of Wands and Ten of Swords
 Playing the victim and overly dramatic behavior creates massive amounts of conflict.
Seven of Wands and King of Swords:
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 You will succeed if you remain calm and logical
Seven of Wands and Nine of Cups:
 Someone is being smug about a fight they probably won. They know they were right anyway.

Eight of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Eight of Wands is a card of action! A sudden burst of energy is going to emerge in the form of your solution.
Everything will suddenly be clear. This sudden burst is what will propel us forward. It's in your best interest to
take action. Hold nothing back.
We need this lightening rod effect to gain something important and meaningful. So jump in. Feel it. Live it. Let it
guide you.
The Eight of Wands also suggests marathon, relay races, baton twirling, or any new exercise routines that get your
blood pumping. There is a commitment to reach targeted health goals. Now is an excellent time to get in shape!
The Eight of Wands is a "supporting actress" card. It highlights and intensifies whatever is around it. If you are
unsure about what action the Eight of Wands foretells, look to the cards around it.
The Eight of Wands is one of the travel cards. You maybe traveling somewhere via airplane. Look for cards like the
Six of Swords or Knight of Wands to confirm this.
The Eight of Wands can predict moving into a new home. Look for the Two of Wands to support this.
Eight of Wands in Love
Love is "in the air" so to speak, things have been set up to hit their mark. You might be bursting at the seams with
love for someone. You want to shout it out loud and proclaim your love and infatuation! You won't be thinking when
you blurt out, "I love you" to your new beau. You may not want to wait or think it through when it comes to your new
The Eight of Wands signals swift romances and being swept off your feet. Look for the Knight of Cups to confirm
romantic interludes and bubbling passion.
Eight of Wands as a Feeling
You may feel very intensely about someone or something. There is a real need to follow up with action.
Eight of Wands as Advice
Do it. Go for it. The Eight of Wands is already poised to hit its target, so continue on the path you are going down.
If you want to send your boyfriend a text message professing your feelings, do this. On the other hand, if you want
to break up with your girlfriend, do this. Whatever it is that you feel you need to do, go ahead and continue with
the plans to finish it.
The Eight of Wands can also indicate physical activity. Marathon running and brisk walking. As a advice for a
healthy body, the Eight of Wands indicates that you should train hard for the marathon or hit the gym and follow
through with your goals.
Eight of Wands on a Mundane Level
The Eight of Wands also represents computers and technology because they move quickly. Look for important
messages in your inbox. Texting is the new rapid form of communication. Look for new text messages that could
bring fruition to a situation.
On an extremely mundane level, it can indicate playing darts, billiards or archery.
Eight of Wands Professions
Pilot. Postman. Computer Programmer. Web Designer. Multi-Tasker. Archer. Exercise Instructor. Baton Twirler.
Eight of Wands Reversed
If the Eight of Wands is reversed there is a delay in action. Things don't seem to be coming, but should. Someone
is holding back, but really wants to message or contact you. There could be an unnatural feeling of things not
running the way they should. There is a lack of accuracy.
The Eight of Wands Reversed can denote haste. You may have been careless with a project and not met your mark.

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When the Eight of Wands Reverse comes up in a love reading, you may fall out of love with a person that you
rushed into a relationship with. There could be an immediate end to a relationship. The Eight of Wands reversed
could also indicate the end of short and sweet summer romances.
Eight of Wands Card Combinations
Eight of Wands and the Fool:
 Skydiving
Eight of Wands and Wheel of Fortune:
 A quick turn of events.
Eight of Wands and Two of Wands:
 Moving overseas
Eight of Wands and Two of Swords:
 Rearrangement of plans. Plans almost delayed because of
Eight of Wands and Three of Swords:
A sudden realization that brings you heartache
Eight of Wands and Six of Swords:
 Taking a trip. Possibly a boat trip. It maybe spontaneous
travel plans.
Eight of Wands and Seven of Cups:
 A million things to do without finishing one of them
 Making a list, checking it twice. Daydreaming about
finishing them all.
Eight of Wands and Knight of Cups:
 Romance happening very quickly. Falling in love rapidly.
 He loves to write you love letters and text you all day.

Nine of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Nine of Wands is where you want to give up. You are tired, fed up, and drained. You've been going about
something in the wrong way and you don't know what it is. You've lost this battle, so you stand guarded and unsure.
But that's just the stage aspect of this card. You can and you will succeed. You may just need to take a step back,
study your work and replan.
You have inner strength and willpower. It is even possible that you didn't know you had this inner, spiritual
strength, but you do. The last obstacle to your battle has to be overcome.
Failure could be imminent as well, especially if you falter. You may need to retreat for a moment and understand
why you are failing. Things may not have been going the way you intended them. Regroup before you get to the Ten
of Wands, which surely indicates a situation that is overtaxing. In other words, finish the nine other wands you
started before taking a 10th wand.
The Nine of Wands can easily represent someone who is a soldier fighting an unfair war (are any fair?). He is tired
and worn out. What he originally thought was a job full of valor and honor has been reduced to fatigue, heartbreak
and loss. When a soldier gets this card, they must rethink their interpretation of war and what it really means.
There is nothing wrong with retreating.
The Nine of Wands can signal that you have been fighting with someone for a long time. It doesn't seem to be
getting any better either. You are exhausted and tired of the constant bickering.
Nine of Wands in Love
When the Nine of Wands turns up in love you should know that you'll have a lot of work to do in regard to
whatever action you took in the past. You may have been caught cheating or you are afraid you're spouse will find
out that you are cheating. The relationship could easily crack and break if you do not take a major stand. You'll
need to maintain effort and endurance to keep the relationship going.

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It maybe time to retreat from a relationship all together. Spend sometime by yourself to rethink the relationship.

Nine of Wands as Feelings

If you are asking about a love interest then getting the Nine of Wands is not the best card to get. They maybe
feeling a little bit defensive and guarded about you. They feel like they could get hurt and so they want to build a
wall between you and them.
Nine of Wands as Advice
Whatever you are doing, keep going, but be cautious. You may have to go about it alone for a while. The focus
should be on you for the time being. Take time out to rethink your strategy because whatever you were doing
doesn't seem to be working.
Nine of Wands in Health
Other than the obvious head injury, the Nine of Wands can signal feeling dizzy, nausea, and overall temporary
Nine of Wands Professions
Farmer. Soldier. Historian. Someone who works with their hands. Construction worker.
Nine of Wands Reversed
Paranoia. Madness. Schizophrenia.
The Nine of Wands Reversed can signal someone who creates enemies that don't exist. It takes the upright Nine
of Wands to the extremes. This person might even be crazy with schizophrenia, paranoid delusions or some kind of
personality disorder.
Havoc can occur when the Nine of Wands appears reversed. The walls of your confinement are easily broken
because of lazy and sloppy work. You could create a plan to hurt someone or someone is creating a plan to hurt you
because they perceive this person as a threat. The threat is usually because of some delusion of the person who
suffers from the reversed Nine of Wands.
Nine of Wands Card Combinations
Nine of Wands and Emperor:
 Major discipline is needed to finish your work or task
Nine of Wands and Two of Swords:
 Cutting your losses and saying, "no"
 Unable to make a decision based on instability

Nine of Wands and Four of Swords:

 Failure is imminent if you continue the way you've been going. Heal from your injuries before you continue.
Nine of Wands and Seven of Swords:
 Feeling worn out by sneaky behavior
Nine of Wands and King of Swords:
 You may want to call someone with the King of Swords characteristics, but end up not calling because of
fear and a desire to keep your emotions in check.
Nine of Wands and Four of Cups:
 Feeling so worn out from the fight that you reject all other offers
 Paranoia leading to rejection

Ten of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Ten of Wands is the card of single mothers, overworked employees and tremendous effort. You may be in the
position of helping an ailing relative full time and the responsibility of it is creating a lot of drain and strain in your
own life.
The Ten of Wands forewarnings that you have a lot of responsibilities and burdens. You struggle to finish, but you
will get it done.

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The Ten of Wands can indicate a physical move. There maybe heavy boxes and furniture that you move without
help. It is usually a short, residential move (not a move overseas). You will feel relieved and very satisfied when all
the boxes and furniture are moved over to your new place. Of course, then you will have to unpack and reorganize
everything. Moving is burdensome.
Ten of Wands in Love
The Ten of Wands in love may indicate that one partner is putting in all the work, while the other partner sits back
and reaps the rewards. Depending on the situation, this could go either way. If your partner is recuperating from a
surgery, the Ten of Wands can indicate that you are taking care of them full time. If the Ten of Wands is a theme
in your relationship, this relationship is bound to break at some point.
Ten of Wands as Feelings
If you are asking how someone feels about you or a situation, the Ten of Wands can suggest that they feel the
weight of the world on their shoulders when they think about you. They are feeling burdened by emotions and
feelings that they can't get rid of.
Ten of Wands in Career
The Ten of Wands can indicate that your financial situation is strained and you put in a lot of effort for a little
payout. Minimum wage jobs are indicated, especially jobs in manual labor industry, restaurant staff, and farming.
Ten of Wands on a Mundane Level
Any type of manual labor such as fence building, construction, gardening, and lifting heavy objects are indicated by
the Ten of Wands.
When the Ten of Wands appears in your reading, be careful when lifting heavy objects. Something may look lighter
than it is.
Ten of Wands Professions
Tradesman. Crafter. Art Festival. Farmer. Mover. Waiter. Builder. Construction Worker. Manuel Laborer. Obrero.
Ten of Wands Reversed
The Ten of Wands Reversed can signal a time that is so insurmountable that you feel like you can never escape.
You maybe so overburdened and taxed that you just give up and walk away.
Ten of Wands Card Combinations
Ten of Wands and Empress:
 Doing anything and everything under the sun, probably at home
and in the garden.
 In a relationship reading this could indicate that one
partner caters to the other indefinitely. They do
everything for the person and there is nothing they wouldn't do.
Ten of Wands and Justice:
 A need to balance out all the backbreaking or
exhausting workload.
Ten of Wands and Ace of Wands:
 Having all the potential to get the work done, but feeling
overwhelmed because you do it all on your own.
 Single parent without any help, but the drive, determination and
fire to finish it on her/his own.
Ten of Wands and Nine of Swords:
 You are not happy at work and you have no one but yourself to
blame (which you do a lot).
 It's a nightmare trying to do all the work yourself, but you do it
anyway and then cry about it after.

Ten of Wands and Page of Swords:

 Being defensive all the time can be a burden
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Ten of Wands and Two of Cups:
 He (or she) does all the work in that relationship
 One sided partnerships
Ten of Wands and Five of Cups:
 A regretful burden.
 Moving something heavy only to have it broken.

Page of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
The Page of Wands is the fire that sparks the creativity. It is the foundation (Malkuth) that supports the rest of
its suit. It is the condensed energy that is raw, pure and unadulterated.
Page of Wands as a Person
The Page of Wands represents a child or child-like person. It is a very suitable card for children. As a child or
teen, they can be full of nonstop energy. They love being around people and are a social bee. They are fearless and
love trying new things. They are great organizer and are good at bringing people together. They are born leaders.
The Page of Wands is good at the initial burst of a new project, but needs help and motivation to help her finish
the project. She can be a little scatterbrained at times. Make sure that you aren’t starting many projects at once
and not finishing them.
The Page of Wands is a binge spending card. Be careful when under the influence of the Page of Wands while going
to the mall. Since wands are traditionally travel cards, make sure that you don't over spend while traveling.
The Page of Wands is very sporty and competitive. They love running around and doing anything that expends
energy. They can be very competitive and hate to lose. They especially love sports like soccer and basketball.
Since they are new to the elements, Pages can represent a student or an apprentice. Page of Wands are usually not
academically forward as much as they love exciting new ventures such as rock climbing, drama, and competitive
sports. They will put all their time and energy into something they really love, but sometimes ignore academic
things that do not excite them.
If the Page of Wands signifies a person who is an adult (over 20), they have a lot to learn. They can be very
childlike and self-absorbed. They probably wont be able to keep a job and have far fetched fantasies about their
qualifications. They will have a hard time holding down a job, never willing to put in the hard work dedication. They
think they know more than they do. This person has a lot of untapped potential and energy. They may need a little
motivation to get started in the right direction.
Page of Wands as a Message
The Page of Wands can relay travel and career messages. The message the Page of Wands brings is one of
excitement and passion. Anything you are passionate about might come to you in the form of a message. There is
something new brewing. So the message maybe surprising and very new.
The message will be delivered quickly usually within a few days to a few weeks. No longer than a month. It is
thought of as quickly as it is delivered, so it may not be a very thought out message. It could be a sudden flower
delivery by your sweetheart who just got the idea to send you some flowers. It could be sudden message in your
inbox about the a new work related device your boss wanted to share with everyone.
As far as the delivery of the message, the Page of Wands wants to show you and talk to you. They want to stand
face-to-face. So whatever message you get, you can expect some kind of face-to-face interaction. They really
enjoy talking and want to tell you. But because of advancing technology, a text message, telephone call or any rapid
communication can be a Page of Wands message. It's the quickness and speed of the message that is relevant. They
don't have time to wait! They want you to know it now!

Page of Wands as an Event or Situation

As an event or situation in a person's life, the Page of Wands signals that you are at the beginning stages of
development. The Page of Wands usually indicates that you are starting to plan for a trip or vacation that is coming
up soon.
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The Page of Wands can also signal the start at an entry level job where you might need to work your way up the
The Page of Wands can be any project that you feel passionately about and you are at the beginning stages.
The Page of Wands in Love
The Page of Wands in love brings fresh vitality, vibrancy and new beginnings. You and your partner maybe traveling
to exotic locations and trying new things together.
If the Page of Wands comes up for a new love interest, it may start off quickly and end just a quickly without
constant fuel to stir the excitement.
If the Page of Wands comes up for an established relationship, then this relationship has the potential for more,
but it is still a little immature. It maybe primarily based on sexuality, building a strong foundation in sexual
intimacy and passion.
The Page of Wands in a love reading can also indicate an age difference by at least 20 years or more. One partner
maybe in their 50's, while the other maybe in their 30's. So there can be a learning curve. One partner brings a
fresh new exuberance that youth brings, while the older partner brings the stability and wisdom.
Page of Wands as Feelings
If you are asking about how a romantic interest feels about you, they feel alive, exuberant, excited and want to
play an active role in your life. You make them feel like a kid again with fresh new feelings. These feelings maybe
short lived and fleeting.
You could feel creatively inspired by a project or by a person. You are feeling brave, bold, daring and gutsy about
Page of Wands as an External Influence
The Page of Wands denotes getting a message in person. Someone may want to see you and tell you something in
person. This is an external influence because it is outside your control. You are receiving the message, not giving
the message.
As something outside your control, but affecting you, the Page of Wands can be about a child.
Page of Wands as on Outcome
Outcome in Love, the Page of Wands as the outcome card can mean a few things depending on the relationship. If
you are currently in a relationship, the relationship may not gather the momentum or stability that is needed to
take it to the next level and will fizzle out. If you are asking about a new or potential relationship, the Page of
Wands denotes that even though there is a certain level of physical chemistry, it won't be enough to make a
If you are in a relationship and asking about pregnancy, the Page of Wands combined with an ace can mean that you
will have a child soon.
In a financial reading, the Page of Wands represents new ideas, fresh starts and messages. You will either start a
new project or receive a message pertaining to a new venture. Since the Page of Wands is just starting out, the
Page of Wands as an outcome card in a financial reading can indicate fluctuations in the field of money or worry
over money. You may have some issues with people owing you money or the bank.
Page of Wands Professions
School Athletic Coach. Student. Artist. Painter. Photoshop. Cashier. Entry level job. Manga. Improv Actor.
Page of Wands Reversed
The Page of Wands Reversed can lack focus. They may go from project to project and could have difficulty
finishing their project, but to an excessive, manic degree. The spark that ignites the action can quickly burn out.
Reversed the Page of Wands can be a little brutish. He maybe the playground bully or lunch stealing mean kid. He
or she can also throw dramatic temper tantrums when they don't get their way. The Page of Wands reversed can
lead to cheating as well.
Page of Wands Card Combinations
Page of Wands and Sun:
 During sex you act like teenagers
 Being unbridled, passionate and fun helps motivate the efforts

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Page of Wands and Ace of Swords:
 You get a fantastic idea to write a book
 She can talk your ear off
Page of Wands and Nine of Swords:
 Dealing with the bratty kid causes stress and anxietyPage of Wands and Ace of Pentacles:
 Delivering something small, but important like mail or a package.
Page of Wands and Nine of Pentacles:
 The little girl plays alone in her backyard
Page of Wands and Page of Pentacles:
 You enthusiastically make plans for the future project and start
working on it immediately

Knight of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
Knight of Wands as a Person
The Knight of Wands is all about attention, drama and sports. He loves trying new things. This person is always on
the go. He loves racing towards the action headfirst, but he doesn’t think before he acts. He can be hasty and
The Knight of Wands is probably very popular. He or she is very animated and is probably involved in many projects
at school such as the school newspaper, drama, and student council.
If they aren't actually involved in the theatre, the Knight of Wands can stir up drama for fun. They love creating
scenarios in their mind and then living these plays out. These dramas usually involve some kind of gratifying ego trip
or self-serving sexual conquest.
The Knight of Wands can also be a very sexual man or woman. They are very passionate about sex and enjoy the
conquest. They also love their ego's stroked. Whether upright or reversed, the Knight of Wands indicates a one
night stand or a relationship based purely on sex. If this is not what you want, then the Knight of Wands can be an
unwelcome card.
Knight of Wands in Love
When the Knight of Wands turns up in a love reading, expect to meet someone dashing and highly sexual. They are
a chatter box and may ramble on and on about thing. They love you for the moment that they are wrapped up with
you, but they don't usually stay put in a relationship. If they are courting you, then expect them to be courting
someone else on the side.
This type of person may brave the bar scene nightly racking up as many different numbers as they can. You will
expect to see them trying to seduce as many women as possible just for the fun of the conquest.
Knight of Wands as Feelings
The Knight of Wands brings exciting, hasty, fresh feelings to any reading. Usually in a tarot reading someone
wants to know, "How does X feel about me?" When the Knight of Wands shows up in this placement, expect some
kind of sexual feeling. They feel hot and passionate about you, but the feeling maybe very fleeting and may not
Other feelings that come with the Knight of Wands are adventurous, daring, hasty and bravery.
Knight of Wands as an Event
It symbolizes travel, especially towards exotic and foreign locations.
Knight of Wands as a Message or Offer
A sexual invitation.
Knight of Wands as Advice
The Knight of Wands advises you to just jump in. It may not be the right time to sit back and think about
something. You need to momentum to propel you forward. The Knight of Wands suggests that you need to be bold
about something and advises that you take a chance and just "do it."
Knight of Wands on a Mundane Level

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The Knight of Wands can represent a car or motorcycle.
Knight of Wands Profession
Actor. Entertainer. Model. Waiter or Waitress. Traveler. Lawrence of Arabia type. Don Juan Wanna Be. Gambler.
Day Trader.
Knight of Wands Reversed
He is one of the more immature knights. Don’t try dating him for too long, he loves sexual rendezvous, but unlike
the knight of cups, he doesn’t care about your feelings. He is not in tune with other people’s feelings because his
own feelings are so inflated. He loves acting like he’s in love, but he’s not. It’s just because he loves acting in
general. “All the worlds a stage.” He always wants to be the center of attention and is often the class clown. He is
popular because he reaches out to people on a superficial level. He’s not above breaking hearts and laughing in the
wake. He’s a user.
Knight of Wands Card Combinations
Knight of Wands and Fool:
 Road trips
 Traveling somewhere you've never been before
Knight of Wands and World:
 Rushing to finish
Knight of Wands and Six of Wands:
 me, me, me, me
 The actor gets all the attention and praise
Knight of Wands and Two of Swords:
 Traffic Jam
Knight of Wands and Ace of Pentacles:
 Really wanting to embark on a new business venture
 Really wanting to get involved on a sexual level

Queen of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
In a general reading, the Queen of Wands signifies a bold outlook to life. You will need to take the bull by the
horns and get going. The Queen of Wands is the card you get when you want to travel to the highest peak in the
world or if you want to do something daring and exciting.
The Queen of Wands asks you to get your business in order. Make a list and check it twice. She's an innovator and
a manager. She may represent an aspect of yourself or someone that you know. You could have an important
meeting with your boss that needs to be addressed. If you have an issues or grievances you should speak up.
The Queen of Wands in a reading could have something to do with cats. One a more mundane level, I pulled this
card the day I decided to get a new cat. I had not planned on getting a cat, but that day I just *knew* I had to get
to the humane society because there was a special cat there. The Queen of Wands was telling me that I would
come home with a cat!
Queen of Wands as a Person or Signifier
The Queen of Wands is ambitious. She sets goals and wants to finish them. She may even time herself to see how
she will fit everything into the day. She is an excellent multi-tasker and can function as the CEO of a boardroom
with ease. She's the multi-tasker, the ambitious woman who doesn't let things get in her way. She's good at solving
life problems and issues and with her optimism she can turn any sour day into a bright opportunity for growth. She
is a natural manager and good and motivating groups of people. She can get people up and going with her cheerful,
positive outlook and attitude. She doesn't have time for sulking, or negative wallowing (she leaves that for the
Queen of Swords).
She has a tendency to be a beautiful woman. She may not have a traditional style of beauty, but there is always
something unique and radiant about her. She may be a movie star, entertainer, and highly loved. She brings energy
and charisma everywhere she goes. Just like the sunflowers, she likes to be the center of attention. In general, her

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archetype is very popular and a people person. She's outgoing and is usually on the go. She may even be the "life of
the party." Mainly because she believes that the "harder you work, the harder you should play."
She isn't afraid to speak up and you know that she will "tell it like it is." She can be quite chatty and talk a blue
streak. She may need to learn to listen more and she does, only when it suits her. For instance, if will sit through a
lecture taking notes in order to learn new information in order to excel her career. She is the type of woman that
you need with you when you need to get a project finished or when you need to speak your mind. Bring the Queen of
Wands with you when you want to buy a car. She won't let anyone take advantage of her. She can be very sharp, yet
approachable. Her sense of humor can lighten the mood and her way with satire can explain a situation without
insulting anyone.
She may also be the type of person who seeks adrenaline pumping things. She loves to work out and finds the
"runners high" a wonderful motivator. She may even get some of her best ideas while exercising.
She loves the excitement that travel can bring and you may find her scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef or
hiking up Macchu Picchu. She's an adventuress.
She is also quite independent and doesn't get caught up with what others think of her. She only cares what she
feels for herself, which is usually upbeat and positive. She tells people, “It is what it is,” and “love me or leave me.”
Queen of Wands as Mother
If she does choose to be a housewife, she can do it with ease and charm. She's the type that will have her
husband's shirts ironed and pressed, dinner on the table in a graceful and elegant fashion and the children in order.
She loves create creative games, art projects and physical activities. She is the PTA mom, the organizer and the
planner. She will probably have her children involved in various activities. She may even will most have some kind of
side job whether it be an online business selling her handcrafted items on Etsy or doing part time work finishing a
The Queen of Wands loves to throw parties and her kids parties are no exception. They will definitely be themed,
organized well and she will include everyone. They will be exciting and creative.
Queen of Wands in Love
She can be single or married. In a relationship, she doesn't like to be tied down completely. She needs her
freedom. She also needs exciting and witty conversations. She is attracted to men who are passionate and fiery
like herself. Someone who stays in every night will bore her. If you want to seduce the Queen of Wands just ask
her to do something spontaneous. You may ask her, "Do you want to take a trip to Brazil tomorrow?" Be prepared
for her to answer, "Yes!" (Even if Brazil is an 18 hour flight!)
I've read time and time again that her legs are spread to indicate sexuality. I do not agree with this assessment.
If this was true, then a man sitting with his legs straight together would also represent sexuality, but it doesn't.
What I see in this picture is a woman giving birth. If we go back and look at the picture of Cybele we see that her
legs are also spread. Sex and birth are one in the same, but our culture currently distorts sexuality. I'd rather see
the Queen of Wands as giving birth to ideas. She is the fertile incubator of ideas that then spring forth quickly
into life.
So in a love reading, the Queen of Wands indicates a something that will happen rapidly. It also indicates for a
woman that you are in charge of the relationship and for a man it indicates that she is in charge of the way the
relationship will go. The Queen of Wands is highly selective in who she gives her time and energy too. I wouldn't
expect a woman like that to be "highly sexual." Not just any man can turn this lady on. He's going to have to bring
the fire.
This idea indicates that in a love reading, the Queen of Wands brings a passion, a spark that will ignite the flame
to a relationship. Metaphorically, this brings great love and enthusiasm to the relationship.
And how can a woman who is guarded by lions and has a cat with her be sexual? The women in the tarot who
represent unabashed sexuality are the Empress and the Queen of Pentacles.
Queen of Wands as a Feeling
If you are asking, "How does X feel toward me?" then the answer is a good one. They feel alive and awake at the
prospect of a new project or new lover. There is a creative element to the feeling, which is fueling the desire to

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join together and create something new. They could even want to create a line of jewelry or create a new line of
You maybe feeling radiant, joyous and happy. You feel optimistic.
Queen of Wands as Advice
The Queen of Wands urges you to have an optimistic sunny attitude. Get up and go! Just do it! She urges you that
today is a new day. Wake up and make it your best!
As Advice, the Queen of Wands suggests organization and planning. It also suggests speaking your mind about a
situation. If you are afraid to ask your boss for a raise, the Queen of Wands suggests that you just ask.
Queen of Wands as an Event
The Queen of Wands is one of the travel cards. You could be traveling somewhere very warm. It maybe a place
that is familiar to you and makes you feel good. You have an emotional need to travel or want to travel somewhere
to boost your emotions. You maybe going to a spa or yoga retreat where there are many planned activities through
out the day. It may suggest that you are going to do a lot of activities while you are on vacation.
Queen of Wands as a Career
She is very good at running a business. She is highly organized and efficient. She will take on any task with
enthusiasm and zest. She's the team motivator and the pep rally section. She can instill confidence in you with just
a reassuring glance.
Queen of Wands Professions
Actress. Movie Star. Entertainer. Business owner. Motivational Speaker. Human Resource. Management. Restaurant
Management. Hotel Management. Sports. Sports Commentator. Writer. Independent Writer. Journalist. Travel
Writer. Traveler.
Queen of Wands Reversed
She is prone to gossip, so don't tell her your secrets.
A negative aspect of the Queen of Wands is that she can be temperamental, explosive anger problems and overly
dramatic, which leads her to having very few friends. She may even think of "friends" in terms of "what can you do
for me?" This can be problematic, yet she won't have the insight into seeing that she is creating her own problems.
She will always blame someone else.
The Queen of Wands has a lot of energy, but reversed she cannot channel this energy properly and leaves many
projects unfinished. If the Queen of Wands is reversed or ill-dignified, she may run the risk of taking on too many
things. You may need to reassess your priorities. Make sure you aren't trying to do to much.
She may need her ego stroked constantly and will interfere with men whom she has no business with. Even if she
knows that the man is taken is no obstacle for an ill-dignified Queen of Wands.
If she's in a relationship, then she is insanely jealous and won't allow her partner to have any female friends nor
any female business associates. To top this, she may even allow herself to have male associates and male friends to
further her career or business contacts. The reversed Queen of Wands is the quintessential gold-digger.
Queen of Wands Card Combinations
Queen of Wands and Chariot:
 She's the driver
 She controls where the sex goes (or if it goes)
 She can drive a stick shift
 It's her car, she'll take control thank you very much
Queen of Wands and Six of Swords:
 Cruise Vacation
 She's doesn't put up with negative behavior and ducks out quickly
Queen of Wands and the Nine of Swords:
 The woman with the big stick is not going to put up with this
nightmare of a situation.
Queen of Wands and King of Swords:
 She loves a man for his mind not his body

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 The sexy kitten loves military men
 The sexy kitten loves a man for his mind
Queen of Wands and Knight of Pentacles:
After his romantic offer didn't go through, He offers her another
alternative: Let's start as friends. The Queen of Wands isn't so sure.
She might need to use that stick with him.
She's not going to put up with this young man for too long. He
moves too slow and she's too quick.
 She's not going to put up with his slow, lethargic act any longer.
She's using her stick to knock him off his horse. He's probably going
to be a little surprised.

King of Wands
Interpretation and Divination
King of Wands as a Person
The King of Wands is very down to earth. He can be a simple man, who does without grand luxuries. He has a high
energy level, which plays out through sports and physical fitness.
He has high ethics and morals. A persistent and motivated man, when he wants something he will go after it even
to his own detriment. Think of him as the team cheerleader motivating others through his stamina and energy.
Everyone loves him. He is a people person.
The King of Wands is a go-getter. He is active and always doing. He is the ring leader, the one who organizes and
manages everyone else. His vivacious energy gets other people motivated.
He is very focused and driven to succeed and always be his best. He can be very goal oriented. At times he is prone
to tunnel vision. His quick decision making sometimes gets him in a pickle, but the King of Wands fixes and rides
dilemma with ease.
I got this card once to describe a short, red headed arms dealer from Australia. My client would meet this man
and the man would inspire him to get out of retirement by taking a few jobs selling arms. The King of Wands can
really have any type of job just as long as he is the ring leader and the man who motivates others.
I also get the King of Wands in readings when someone is very sexual. The King of Wands is almost never sexually
satisfied and always ready to take the plunge into a new sexual adventure. If you want to spice up your sex life,
find the King of Wands. But I've had many readings where the King of Wands might not make the most faithful
partner. He may be emotionally involved with someone, but still looking at various other ladies.
If you ask him, "What's better than a woman?" He will reply, "Two women!"
King of Wands as a Father
He may never see fault in his children. He never sees his children as "unfixable". If he encounters a problem with
one of them, he simply finds a new way to motivate them or inspire them.
He fully expects his family to go on whatever mission or idea he has going. If they don’t follow him he can be
domineering because he feels like he is always right.
He's fully athletic and fun to take to sporting events. He's definitely the father who coaches the kid's basketball,
football or soccer games. He's the fun dad who all the kids wish were their dad.
The King of Wands may run a bad temper, especially when reversed. He maybe very protective of his teenage
daughters. I got this card once for a woman whose father would follow her on her dates as a teenager. He would
just show up and say something like, "Oh. I was just shopping here too."
King of Wands in Love
When the King of Wands appears in your love reading, an intense romantic relationship is on the forefront. You will
be actively pursued by this man. He is very charismatic.
King of Wands Professions

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Educator. Father. Visionary. Politician. Sales. Inventor. Motivational Speaker. Marketing and Advertising Executive.
King of Wands Reversed
The King of Wands reversed is an emotional cry baby. He's immature and self-entitled. He may want all the
rewards without any work. He maybe prone to lazy days loafing off other people.
King of Wands Card Combinations
King of Wands and Five of Wands:
 He coaches the kids lacrosse (or any sport) with vigor and
King of Wands and the Six of Wands:
 Feeling burnt out by all the activities
King of Wands and Eight of Wands:
 You have the energy to get everything on your to do list done!
King of Wands and Nine of Swords:
 A person with the King of Wands characteristics maybe
causing your anxiety and stress.
 Staying up all night with relentless energy.
 Having an obsessive need to clean.
King of Wands and Knight of Swords:
 A clash of power and might.
King of Wands and Two of Cups:
 You maybe feeling an intense connection with someone who has
characteristics of the King of Wands.

Ace of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
The Ace of Swords brings new ideas and mental clarity. This is a good time to write and expand your ideas. You will
have high levels of mental clarity. There is a lot of power in this card, and like the suit of swords, can be used for
both good and evil. You will be able to cut right to the heart of a situation and see it very clearly.
Mental clarity can also be used to tap into one’s intuition. The word “clear” in “clairvoyant” comes to mind. But like
all the swords this is a “double edged sword.” The power that is coming to you can be harnessed for good or for
evil. You may have insight into a situation that you didn't see before.
The Ace of Swords is a manifestation of free will because you have a choice whether to use the swords for peace
or for war.
The Ace of Swords brings great insight into a situation and the mental stimulation to interpret and resolve a
situation. This would be a great time to start writing that book you've always wanted to write. Great endurance and
force are also indicated. If combined with a wand, you have the stamina to continue. Watch out for lawsuits if
combined with more than one sword.
The Ace of Swords likes to cut right to the point. A strong tongue is indicated when this card comes up. You may
need to get right to the point in order to get what you want with someone. You have keen directness to a situation
and you should use that precision in thought to tell someone exactly what you want.
The Ace of Swords brings justice to any situation. You maybe involved in a lawsuit and the Ace of Swords is a good
sign that things will go in your favor.
The Ace of Swords predicts new beginnings. You should start making plans for your future, as they will manifest
themselves. You have the ability to create resolutions and see them come into fruition.
The Ace of Swords may indicate that a proposal is in the air. This could be a business proposal or a marriage
Ace of Swords in Love

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In love the Ace of Swords is a pleasant card. If you are just starting out dating someone he or she is probably
thinking about you a lot. They have a good sense of clarity and direction as to where the relationship is going or
wants it to go.
If you are already in a relationship, the Ace of Swords portends a new direction to the relationships. He or she is
still thinking a lot about you. The relationship maybe very fair and balanced too. You two see each other just as you
are and not how you want to be. They accept and see you the way you are and love you!
Ace of Swords as Feelings
This person really likes thinking about you. You make them feel intelligent and sharp. You know that feeling you get
sometimes when someone complements your intellect and makes you feel like your a better person with them than
without them? That's an Ace of Swords feelings.
They may make you feel like laughing too! You maybe feeling witty and fun.
Ace of Swords as a Strength
The strongest advantage you can draw on from the Ace of Swords is that of the pen. The mental clarity that you
have at this time can be harnessed into words and put on paper.
If you are asking about romance and you get the Ace of Swords in the Strength position, there will be tons of
intellectual discourse between you and your partner. You strength will lie on the ability to talk all night and keep
the conversation flowing. You are probably the type that is very turned on by what a person can bring to the table
Ace of Swords as Advice
Any ace as advice recommends some kind of start over or new beginning.
With the Ace of Swords as advice, it asks you to think thoroughly about your next step.
Ace of Swords recommends that you try the olive branch of peace first and then if necessary, use the palm of
justice and wrath.
Ace of Swords as an Action
As an action, the Ace of Swords predicts a marriage proposal.
It can also act as a catalyst for deeper thought and having more insight into a situation with more than one layer.

Ace of Swords Professions

Writer. Journalist. Intellect. Academic. Investigator. Detective. Police. Lawyer. Traffic Ticket Officer. Military.
Ace of Swords Reversed
The Ace of Swords is truly double edged. A reversed Ace of Swords can bring misery and pain. Look for other
cards for clarification. If reversed, the Sword points to the ground, thus grounding mental energy. Your mental
energy may become stifled and suffocated, but it can also bring a degree of grounding that your project needs.
It's up to you how you use the sword.
Ace of Swords Card Combinations
Ace of Swords and Emperor:
 Construction of idea(s).
Ace of Swords and Tower:
 Lightning strikes and you get a new idea.
Ace of Swords and Judgement:
 Thinking about the past and how it will affect your future.
 Deep and serious thought
Ace of Swords and Five of Wands:
 The competition is a game of wits
Ace of Swords and Page of Wands:
 Implementation of ideas.
Ace of Swords and Eight of Swords:
 Censorship. A journalist who is being censored
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 Having the initiative to rewrite the story of your life
Ace of Swords and Two of Cups:
 You really want to put a ring on her finger.
Ace of Swords and Page of Cups:
 The challenge of love
 Puppy love can give us a new challenge
 His mind and body are turned on when she reveals her playful side.
 They want to cut through all the romance and get right to the heart of the situation
 Mental stimulation has always been romantic for them.
Ace of Swords and Knight of Cups:
 She's got a great idea: She's going to seduce him with words.
 He's got a great idea: He's going to seduce her with words.

Two of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
The Two of Swords can indicate a relationship, especially because of the number the card represents. Two people
have come together with equal force and met each other with resistance. Neither one is able to give in, so the
tension builds. If the tensions breaks both will feel heavy. If one gives in both will feel hurt. It’s not a good card.
Both people need to find balance. Both need to let their guard down. There is something deep in the subconscious
waters below.
The Two of Swords indicates that you may have to go inside to seek a solution. But a solution must be met, because
nothing is happening now. She is keeping the two swords apart, but it’s temporary. You’ve been deliberately avoiding
the truth.
Meditation. Mediation. Try these peaceful tactics because sooner or later those heavy swords are going to turn
into a burden and you will finally have to drop them.The number two in the Two of Swords indicates duality and
choices. There is a duality between the intellect and emotions. Forces are coming together and a choice between
going with ones heart and going with a more logical choice are presented. The Two of Swords indicates that you'd
rather not come to any conclusion.
Two of Swords in Love
The two swords are literally blocking the emotions and heart. It can indicate a relationship that won't progress
because one person is fearful of being hurt, so they cover their heart, while the other partner keeps trying only to
keep getting shut down.
It can also indicate that one person really doesn't want to be in a relationship and the other person is trying to
force themselves in.
If you are in a relationship, the Two of Swords can indicate fighting, bickering and unsettled thoughts. There is
trouble in the relationship. There could also be mental disorders where the person doesn't know how to cope.
Two of Swords as Feelings
As a feeling, the Two of Swords can indicate a person who is confused, in denial or feeling very conflicted. There is
a conflict between emotions and intellect. They don't want to feel anything and may replace it with more conscious
thoughts. The subconscious is merging with the conscious mind where subconscious thoughts may creep into the
conscious, waking mind only to be pushed down again. Eventually a resolution will have to be met between your
feelings and your thoughts.
Two of Swords on a Mundane Level
The Two of Swords also indicates a stalemate to a situation where two people are refusing to budge. "No, I won't."
"I refuse," might be common phrases when the Two of Swords comes up in a reading.
"There are none so blind as those who will not see." Unknown Author
Two of Swords as an Event
The Two of Swords can foretell of serious situations involving war and aggression.
Two of Swords Professions
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Typist. Secretary. Diplomat. Peacemaker. Boat Captain. Astrolabe. Mathematician.
Two of Swords Reversed
The Two of Swords Reversed indicates that a situation that was held at bay, is now coming to a head. You could be
dropping your swords and looking for a solution.
Two of Swords Card Combinations
Two of Swords and Chariot:
 Trying unsuccessful to get someone to do something that they don't
want to do.
 Unsuccessfully forcing your way into a situation.
Two of Swords and Tower:
 "No, I don't want to see those lies."
Two of Swords and World:
 "No, it's not over!" Refusing to acknowledge that it's over.
Two of Swords and Knight of Wands:
 A major traffic delays and jams from all direction. No way
around the traffic jam.
Two of Swords and Seven of Swords:
Protecting your heart from love.
Running from love.
"No, I am not going to succumb to your strategically manipulative
plans. I've got my own plans."
Two of Swords and Two of Cups:
 "No, I won't fall in love".
 Creating emotional distance to protect yourself from feeling vulnerable.

Two of Swords and Six of Cups:

 Being a good friend sometimes requires doing nothing but
listening and sympathizing.
 Saying, "No," to the warm fuzzy feelings

Three of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
The Three of Swords is about sorrow. It’s a dreaded card. Someone is keeping a secret from you and you’re aware
of it, but don’t want to realize it. Some dreadful piece of the puzzle is about to come out. Swords represent words
(ideas/thoughts), so someone may tell you something that you don't want to hear such as, "I don't care about you. I
don't love you." Someone is going to break your heart.
Two people were at a stalemate in the Two of Swords. The Three of Swords is the truth about to come out. Pain is
part of the joy we experience. Without sorrow, we don't really know joy. Sometimes we need the tears to help us
feel better.
The Three of Swords can also come out of the blue. You aren't expecting such an attack. Someone says something
to you that hurts you to the core.
The Three of Swords can be about a struggle between the mind and the heart, hence the swords (words) piercing
a heart. Perhaps you want to break up with someone because you know they are wrong for you, but your heart tells
you otherwise. Perhaps you are ignoring your intuition (heart) because your mind (swords) are rationalizing. This
may lead to a lot of hurt in your heart and soul.
The Three of Swords can also be quite literal. It can indicate surgery, especially open heart surgery. I had this
card come up for a woman who lost her Mom to a heart attack.
The Three of Swords can also represent infertility. The Empress rules over the 3's and she is the fertile Mother,
while the Queen of Swords rules over the 2 and 3 of Swords. Combine these two women together and you get

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infertility. You could have a hard time conceiving and turn towards in-vitro fertilization. It can result in a lot of
heartbreak and pain, but in the end, if you may end up with a baby and you will have your Empress moment. The
Three of Swords can also symbolism miscarriages and the sorrow and grief that comes with it.
Three of Swords in Love
The Three of Swords can also be about a love triangle. There are most likely three people involved. Any time there
is a love triangle, someone is bound to get hurt by it. All three people could end up suffering. Perhaps you have been
having problems in your current relationship and fall instantly in love with someone else. You didn't mean to fall in
love with another, but you did. You rationalize everything in your mind (swords) and do not leave your spouse. You do
not listen to your heart and you are hurt by your own decision. Not only are you hurt, but you hurt the other person
and probably your spouse by keeping secrets from them or by not allowing the situation to run its course.
The Three of Swords in a relationship can foretell of a breakup. It is the sorrow that results from someone
breaking your heart or you breaking someone else's heart.
Three of Swords as Feelings
You are feeling sad, sorrowful, and disappointed.
Three of Swords as Advice
Sometimes to grow we need to experience pain. Maybe you need to break up with someone that doesn't fulfill your
ultimate life plan. Maybe you have grown apart. Even though the break up is necessary for growth, it is painful and
will result in more joy later. You have to break up with the person.Another example could be parents sending their
child off to college or a boarding school. It's painful journey, but also joyful. (As a mother, I think it's mainly
painful...:) But this step is a necessary journey that your child will have to take in order to grow into an adult.
As advice, the Three of Swords reminds you that some of your life journey's require some amount of pain. Do not
hide from the pain. Use a Libra approach and try and balance your emotions and counter them with a loving heart.
Tarot can also be very blunt. The Three of Swords maybe advising you to break up with someone.
Three of Swords Professions
Heart Surgeon. Plastic Surgeon. Steel Worker. Hydralonic Fracting.
Three of Swords Reversed
The Three of Swords reversed can indicate that you are not addressing a love triangle properly. You maybe caught
in a love triangle, but are not doing anything about it.
On the contrary, the Three of Swords reversed can also indicate that you have finally let go of a hurt caused by a
love affair.
I've also had the Three of Swords reversed indicate that there is not only one person having an affair, but the
other spouse is also having an affair that you may not even be aware of.
The Three of Swords Reversed can indicate slowly healing.
Three of Swords Card Combinations
Three of Swords and Fool:
 Sorrow forges a new path
 He doesn't care about heartbreak, he's his own self
Three of Swords and Strength:
 3 of Swords reversed and Strength plus Death
 You do not have the strength to end one relationship
over the other. You continue with both, even though one needs to end.
Three of Swords and Hanged Man:
 Sorrow brings the best ideas
 Sorrow and martyrdom
Three of Swords and Temperance:
 Chest pains from pharmaceuticals.
 Slowly healing
Three of Swords and Star:
 Anorexia can cause heart problems
Three of Swords and King of Cups:
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 The breakup doesn't hurt emotionally.
Three of Swords and Two of Pentacles:
 It hurts to have to decide between two things (or people)

Four of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
If we follow the suit, we are just coming out of the Three of Swords hurt and betrayal into the Four of Swords. It
is now a time to rest. You may want to take a relationship break. It can indicate a relationship or work break. You
could also be ensnared in a troublesome mental battle of the wits, only to need the calmness that comes with rest.
The Four of Swords indicate a place of relaxation, contemplation, and meditation.
The Four of Swords is telling you that you can heal and restore yourself by silencing your mind. Life’s battles will
continue, but you cannot think of this right now. You remain silent, contemplative and ready to restore and heal
yourself until you fight again. This is the peace before the next stage. This is a time to restore yourself before
the next fight and to think about all that you are grateful for. You have survived the Three of Swords.
The Four of Swords can also indicate a funeral where the loved one is safe in the afterlife. He or she wants you to
know that they are in a good place now and that they love you very much.
The Four of Swords can indicate a time of intense meditation and induced astral experiences. You could have an
out-of-body experience, which usually precedes enlightenment. This happens through years of meditation.
The Four of Swords can also indicate a near death experience where you feel out-of-body.
The Four of Swords is about realigning yourself with high principles. Your higher self needs to meditate and
recuperate. Celibacy, time alone and any type of purge can be indicated.
Four of Swords in Love
In love, the Four of Swords is foretelling of a time where one or both of you need a break from your relationship.
It usually indicates a temporary break.
Four of Swords as Feelings
You may feel like taking a break from a relationship. You feel that you need to realign yourself with your higher
purpose in life. You are seeking balance and would like to be in touch with the great One Voice teacher that will give
you the information that you need to have a better future.
Four of Swords in Health
The Four of Swords indicates that this is an excellent time to recuperate from an operation, to heal from old
wounds, and to restore health and balance.
The Four of Swords can indicate comas and ICU. You or a loved one could possibly be in the hospital hooked up to
machines that are keeping you (or them) alive.
Four of Swords as an Action
The Four of Swords does not indicate an action. In fact, if you get this in the action part of a spread, you will
probably experience a period of physical inaction. If you are asking what your romantic love interests action will be
the Four of Swords is telling you that he/she is resting, contemplating and thinking about things. He or she may not
take a direct physical action towards you at this time.
Four of Swords Professions
Soldier. Mortician. Priest. Funeral Director. Meditation Specialist. Yoga Teacher. ICU nurse. Hospice worker.
Doctor. Holistic healer. Christian Scientist. Writing. Public Relations.
Four of Swords Card Combinations
Four of Swords and Tower
 Death and a funeral
Four of Swords and World
 Near death experience. Slim recovery.
 Having a mental, possibly legal, battle with someone. You may have
one last thing to do, so you rest before the finale.
Four of Swords and Six of Cups

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 Relaxing with the kids
 Taking a break from the kids
Four of Swords and Six of Swords
 Taking a time out from a situation with a needed vacation
Four of Swords and Three of Swords
 Recovering from a heartbreak
 Recovering from surgery
Four of Swords and Knight of Cups
 Avoiding invitations and proposals in favor of spending the day
relaxing. The Knight of Cups may also indicate pools, beaches and
sunny hot places.

Five of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
The Five of Swords has two meanings. You can feel like the man with all the swords or you can feel defeated like
the men who are walking away. Either way, no one is actually winning.
The Five of Swords may signal defeat. You may just want to throw down your swords and walk away from
something. You may have not realized that you needed to walk away from the beginning, but there comes a breaking
point. You may have reached a breaking point where you just don't want to fight anymore.
You maybe in a situation where someone is using slander, bribery or other unethical means to fight you. Someone
maybe gossiping and spreading false rumors.
The Five of Swords is a warning that you maybe the one who is gossiping. You maybe haughty and arrogant and use
any means possible to "win".
The Five of Swords can also be about thieves, con artists, and people who use any means possible to manipulate
The Five of Swords cautions against criminal behavior.
The Five of Swords advises you to walk away. There are no true winners in this battle.
Five of Swords in Love
Generally, when the Five of Swords turns up in regard to love, it means head games, lying and manipulative
I think it's easier to explain the love angle of the Five of Swords by breaking down it's astrological
Venus in Aquarius brings in a difficult balance to any love relationship. First we have Venus, who wants love,
compassion and growth, while Aquarius brings in a lofty sense of individualism. Those two are at odds against each
The Five of Swords can indicate that someone is very good with words. A couple may have playful banter and stay
up all night talking, but one person will play the role of the independent and free spirited Aquarius, while the other
person is wishing on Venus for this to be the one. Venus causes a smothering effect on Aquarius and the two may
not survive the relationship. There may be an effort on both sides to outwit and outsmart each other, but when
love is a game, no one wins.
Five of Swords as Feelings
You could feel like love is a game. You feel either manipulative or manipulated. You may feel outwitted and
outsmarted by someone who is quicker than you. The Five of Swords does not bring pleasant feelings at all!
Five of Swords as a Person

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The Five of Swords can indicate sociopathic behavior or other mental illnesses. It could signal that someone you
know (or yourself) doesn't have compassion or guilt for any wrongful actions. It can even indicate someone with a
Narcissistic Personality Disorder or any of the DSM-V personality disorders.
But on a brighter side, someone who is a Five of Swords is someone who is good with words, witty, and intellectually
very shrewd. They maybe extremely competitive and enjoy competitive sports like tennis, golf or any sport that
focuses on the individual rather than the team.
A Five of Swords person can be very flighty in love and in general they may go from one activity or person quickly.
Five of Swords Professions
Double Dealing. Drug Dealing. Thug. Mercenary. Funeral Director. Speech writer. Lobbyist.
Five of Swords Reversed
The meaning of the Five of Swords reversed doesn't change. There is still deep anger and remorse.
When the Five of Swords reversed comes up it may indicate funerals, burying the hatchet, walking away or death.
There is a stronger pull towards walking away from a fight than in the upright Five of Swords.

Five of Swords Card Combinations

Five of Swords and Chariot:
 Victory will require you to stay in complete control.
 Emotions are not required at this time.
 Staying focused on the end result no matter who or what is
in your way.
Five of Swords Reversed and Death:
 Can indicate a funeral.
Five of Swords and Ace of Wands:
 A fight where you have the upper hand.
 The sparks start flying and a fight ensues.
Five of Swords and Two of Swords:
 "No, I am not going to fight."
 Kidnapping.
Five of Swords and Nine of Cups:
 Feeling very smug after winning an unethical battle.

Six of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
When the Six of Swords comes up in a reading it can indicate that sometimes the best way to end an emotional
situation is to move away from it. Times may have been emotional and rough, but you are slowly finding your way out
of a difficult situation, to calmer waters, where you are less emotional and more logical. Perhaps a friend can row
you in the right direction. Though, you may have to do this on your own.
The Six of Swords can indicate a catalyst for change. It can indicate that you have met someone that is about to
cause profound change.
You may even be trying to run away from your problems. But the turbulent water beside the woman and child, plus
the six swords stuck in the boat indicate that you can't really run away from your problems without solving them
first. The Six of Swords can indicate that you really need to look at the problem head on and fix it from the root.
Do not try to mask your problems with something else.
On rare occasions, the Six of Swords can also indicate death and funerals. This is because Mercury is the Greek
God that carried the souls of the dead back and forth from the earth to the underworld. He was borrowed by the
Romans and renamed Hermes.
Six of Swords in Love

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The Six of Swords in romance and love may indicate that you are moving away from an old flame or past hurt. It
can indicate that while you are moving away or breaking up with someone, someone else may rush in to help heal your
If you are asking about a potential love interest, the Six of Swords is like the potential lover getting in the boat
and leaving you behind. It may not work out. On the other hand, and if other cards support it, this person may act
as a catalyst for a needed life change. Whether or not you end up together is another question.
If you are in a relationship, at its most mundane level it can indicate a well needed vacation. Perhaps you need some
quality family time with the kids to heal and relax on the beach.
On the hand, if you are in a relationship and the Six of Swords comes up, you and your partner maybe having a few
conflicts, which will soon resolve themselves with or without a vacation.
Six of Swords as Feelings
If you are asking how a love interest feels about you, then they probably feel like running away from you. They
most likely aren't interested in you. They (or you) feel weighted down and heavy with thoughts and emotions.

Six of Swords on a Mundane Level

The Six of Swords signals boat trips. You maybe taking a trip or a vacation.
In my experience, this is the number one card to signal a vacation.
Six of Swords Professions
Ferry Captain. Boater. Escape Artist. Crew Team Member. Rower. Airline Stewardess. Travel Agent.
Six of Swords Reversed
The Six of Swords Reversed can indicate travel delays and postponements.
The Six of Swords Reversed can indicate computer malware or computer viruses on your computer.
The Six of Swords reversed can indicate that you are unable to leave a bad situation.
Six of Swords Card Combinations
Six of Swords and Judgement:
 Returning to something that is emotionally tiring that you had
previously tried to walk away from.
 A karmic catalyst for change.
Six of Swords and 3 of Wands:
 A cruise vacation
Six of Swords and Knight of Wands:
 Traveling to an exotic, foreign destination.
Six of Swords and 3 of Swords:
 A vacation is a good place for your heart to heal.
Six of Swords and 5 of Swords:
 Moving away from a fight or situation where no one wins.
Six of Swords and Knight of Swords:
 Rapid retreat.
 Someone trying to leave, while someone else tries to advance.
Six of Swords and Four of Cups:
 Mentally leaving a situation behind that you don't want.
Six of Swords and Five of Cups:
 Breaking up is hard to do.
Six of Swords and Page of Cups:
 Vacation to the mountain lake house.
 Puppy love helps you recover from an emotional situation.
Six of Swords and 3 of Pentacles:
 Walking away from an offer.
Six of Swords and Knight of Pentacles:
 Vacation in the mountains.

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Seven of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
One of the main meanings for the Seven of Swords on a basic, mundane level indicates stealing, sometimes for the
rush of stealing and other times it is a well-designed and thought out plan. If you are the person who is in the
shadows, you may not even be aware of the thief, so stand guard over what you value whether it's your heart or
your possessions.
This might be someone who doesn't want to be honest and open. They don't prize communication, but would rather
run from the truth. The Moon in Aquarius brings in the dark, hidden side of the Moon. The side we never see from
Seven is a prime and a single number. This indicates that you, and only you, are on this journey. You must be clever,
keen and acutely aware of your current situation.
The Seven of Swords can also indicate that a thief creates their own problems.
Seven of Swords in Love
This is a very unsavory card to get in a love reading. It indicates that someone is sneaking around behind you with
someone else. But they maybe clumsy about it. Looks for clues. Do they smell like a foreign perfume or cologne? Do
they work late, yet aren't accounted for at the office? Do they often have business dinner meetings? If yes,
someone maybe cheating on you.
If you are asking about a potential love interest, he or she probably wants to go at it alone. This is the soloist
card; the card of the lone wolf. You may also want to be very careful around this person. He or she is very shrewd
and cunning.
Seven of Swords as Feelings
You may feel a surge of cunningness or calculating behavior. You may even feel left out or attacked and are on the
offense. You feel shrewd, crafty, acute and perhaps even a bit crafty.
If you are asking about how someone feels about you, they may feel that you have slighted them. They feel that
you are someone who goes at it alone. You could be in a situation that makes you feel that the other person is
vengeful and an antagonist.
Seven of Swords as Advice
The Seven of Swords urges you to use your mind to escape a situation. You maybe stuck in a situation where you
need to be cunning. You may need to do some spying or searching to one up on someone else. The best defensive is
an offensive move. Make sure all your ducks are lined up before someone else comes in and attacks. The Seven of
Swords indicates a stealth like attack. You may not even realize there are other options for you when you are in a
tricky situation.
On a more positive note, the Seven of Swords can be helpful when you need to solve a puzzle or use your mind in a
different way. Thinking out side of the box should be your objective. This is a solo mission. Trust yourself and your
Seven of Swords as an Action
When the Seven of Swords shows up as an action, then you (or someone you know), will end up investigating the
situation. Maybe you have a love interest, who feels the need to be indirect with you, so instead of being up front,
they ask round about questions. They might not even ask questions at all.
For example, say you work in the clothing industry. Someone wants to know where you work. They have already
confirmed a vagueness about your job from another friend, but no one is exactly sure what your role is, so instead
of asking, "Where do you work"? They start talking about how they are very interested in clothing design and
manufacturing. By doing this they are trying to prompt you to talk about your job and industry.
Seven of Swords Professions
Carnie. Spy. Swindler. Thief. Street Urchin. Military, especially Turkish or North African. Corrupt Banker. Any
profession that involves going at it solo. Magician. Sorcerer. Investigator. Private Investigator.
Seven of Swords Reversed

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The Seven of Swords reversed can indicate a situation that catches you off guard. A sneaky, scheming plan you
may have had has fallen through. Someone else may have the upper hand and uses excessive lies to manipulate you
even further. You may start babbling and are caught completely off guard and blindsided.
On the other side, you may want honesty from a situation and get it. You realize how you've been duped the entire
time. A lover, friend or business associate could come clean about how they have manipulated you. You are now
mentally confused because your allies have turned against you and are really your enemies. This might be a good
time to channel your own inner upright Seven of Swords and turn the page against them.
On another level, it can indicate that a thief or criminal is caught. Look for the Reversed Seven of
Swords, Justice and Eight of Swords to indicate jail.

Seven of Swords Card Combinations

Seven of Swords and High Priestess:
 A woman he can't have will break his heart.
Seven of Swords and Emperor:
 You refuse to change your position and resort to underhanded and
manipulative tactics to get your way.
 You use your words, clout and power to get your way in situations.
Seven of Swords and Strength:
 Your lover or spouse maybe sneaking around for a sexual
Seven of Swords and Ace of Swords:
 Change of tactics.
Seven of Swords and Three of Swords:
 Being sneaky ends up hurting you.
 You lose something that hurts all three people involved (including
Reversed Seven of Swords and Eight of Swords:
 A criminal being caught and going to jail.
Seven of Swords and Four of Pentacles:
 Closely concealing the truth.
Seven of Swords and Seven of Pentacles:
 Having to go solo without the group
 Being severely underhanded and blaming others for your lack of
 Carefully planning your project that you realize will take a lot of time
to materialize
Seven of Swords and Ten of Swords:
 Someone is plotting to take you down. Tread carefully.
Seven of Swords and Ace of Pentacles Reversed:
 Someone is withholding money from you

Eight of Swords
Eight of Swords Interpretation and Divination
The Eight of Swords can indicate anxiety. You maybe stuck in a situation where you can't seem to find your way
out and this creates a lot of anxiety and tension. You maybe running something over and over and over again in your
mind unable to free yourself from repetitive thoughts that do not serve your best interest.
The Eight of Swords can indicate confusion over a situation. You may not know where to go next or what your next
move is going to be, so you remain trapped and immobilized.

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The Eight of Swords can indicate a woman in a bad situation. Slander, libel and gossip surround her. She maybe
publicly disgraced. Gag orders and censorship are probably in order to curb the horrible effects.
The Eight of Swords can be insomnia or staying up very late due to something distressful. It could be drug
addictions that keep you up late or obsessive thoughts.
The Eight of Swords can also indicate any kind of mental illness such as hypochondria and psychosomatic illness. Be
careful what you think and how you think about things. You can create your own circumstances with your words and
thoughts. For example, the universe does not negate sentences. When you say to yourself, "I am not going to get
cancer because I am eating right." All your body and cells hear is "I am getting cancer because I am eating right."
So on the other hand if you want to prevent a disease know that you are immune from the disease and have the
sense of knowing you are healthy. Just tell yourself something like, "I eat healthy because my body is a temple."
All eights in the minor arcana are related to the Strength card and the woman in Strength understands that evil
does exist. That is why she is able to tame the lion, which is a mighty, fierce and carnal animal. You must believe
that evil does exist and that you are not immune to its effects. Remember that one of the Devil's oldest trick is to
fool us into believing he doesn't exist.
Eight of Swords in Love
If you are already in a relationship, the Eight of Swords can indicate that there are power struggles in the
relationship. One person restricts and confines the other person. The other person may not be able to see the
relationship clearly either, but they prefer it that way.
If you are asking about a love interest, the Eight of Swords can indicate that it won't be a good match. You may
end up feeling anxious and worried.
Eight of Swords as Feelings
Someone is feeling confused, anxious and unable to move.
Eight of Swords as Advice
The swords can help you realize there is always a way out when using the intellect and mind. The mind is a powerful
tool and like the sword it is double edged. It can be used to trap you with anxiety and fear or it can be used to gain
confidence, knowledge, insight, and wisdom. Try using your mind to change the way you feel, to gain new
perspectives, and/or to evade an enemy.
Eight of Swords Professions
Government Censure. Editor. Journalist. Machinery.
Eight of Swords Reversed
The Eight of Swords reversed can indicate that you are finally letting go of the boundaries and restrictions that
limited you. Someone else may have been limiting your scope and you finally realize that they are not in control of
your destiny. Now you are in control.
Eight of Swords Card Combinations
Eight of Swords and Lovers:
 Blind to the connection.
Eight of Swords and Devil:
 Bondage
 A twisted passion
 Impotency
 Addiction causes a ton of anxiety
Eight of Swords and Ace of Wands:
 Having the energy and willpower to walk away from a damaging
situation or a self-inflicting situation. Though, because it's an Ace, it
means that you have the potential. It's up to you to take action.
Eight of Swords and Ace of Swords:
 Cutting away your anxiety.
Eight of Swords and Six of Swords:
 Leaving an situation which was causing much anxiety.

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 Feeling anxious about taking a trip
Eight of Swords and Seven of Cups:
 Drug addictions keep us in chains.
 Insomnia due to over thinking having many tasks.
Eight of Swords and Two of Pentacles:
 Indecision keeps you juggling variables
Eight of Swords and Six of Pentacles:
 Worrying about money
 Not feeling worthy of receiving
Eight of Swords and Seven of Pentacles:
 Feeling anxious and trapped about the results.
 Feeling anxious and trapped by fruitions that aren't coming.
 If the harvest would come, she would feel better, but it doesn't come.
 When will the waiting stop?
 He puts in so much effort and is getting no or very little profits. It's

Nine of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
The dreadful nightmare card creates a bleak picture of being completely trapped by your own self-induced
nightmares. You maybe in a situation that creates a great deal of stress.
The Nine of Swords can indicate depression whether it's clinical depression or just ongoing grief. It is a time of
sleepless nights laying up and worrying. It is inconsolable grief and despair. You believe that things cannot get any
The Nine of Swords can indicate a lot of weeping and crying. Any cause of grief and despair can cause the crying.
The weeping and state of despair usually comes at night where you have the entire night to think about things that
upset you.
The Nine of Swords is also called the nightmare card because it can be a card of nightmares and night terrors. A
night terror is a nightmare that you cannot wake from. You are aware that it is a dream and so you keep telling
yourself to wake up, but can't move. The dream may also be going in slow motion where you don't run fast enough to
outwit the bad guys. There are major demonic undertones to the dream. You may physically be sweating, waking up
in a blanket of damp fear. Screaming and crying are common while dreaming.
Nine of Swords in Love
If you are in a relationship and the Nine of Swords turns up, your relationship maybe causing you a lot of suffering
and worry. You maybe caught in a bad romance. Love can seem more like an insufferable disease that brings you
down. There can be doubt in the relationship. One or both of you could also be mental disturbed.
If you are single and looking for love, the Nine of Swords signals extreme fear about getting hurt. You maybe
manifesting the results through the power of your negative self-induced feelings.
Nine of Swords for Feelings
They think or feel that you are either a nightmare or in a situation that is a nightmare.
Nine of Swords as Advice
Something is causing you nightmares. Maybe it's a family member, a lover or a good friend. Whoever it is, needs to
be confronted. You need to talk things out. The Mars in Gemini part of the Nine of Swords tells you that you can be
aggressive about it verbally if you need be.
Nine of Swords on a Mundane Level
Can come up for dreams or insomnia.
Nine of Swords Professions
Dream Analysis. Mental Hospital Nurse.
Nine of Swords Reversed
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When the Nine of Swords becomes reversed things aren't as bad as they seem and there is hope at the end of the
tunnel of darkness you are experiencing. You could start seeking counseling for your depression or find a meet up
group of likeminded people to help you through this tough patch. The Nine of Swords Reversed indicates that you
are slowly healing through tiny steps in the right direction.

Nine of Swords Card Combinations

Nine of Swords and Chariot:
 Lucid dreaming
 You're in control of this dream
Nine of Swords, Chariot, Tower:
 Trying to stay in control, while a situation doesn't go the way
you want. You may just want to nap and sleep it off.
Nine of Swords and Tower:
 Severe nightmares
Nine of Swords and the Moon:
 Night terrors and night sweats
Nine of Swords and 3 of Swords:
 Betrayal from a irreconcilable breakup keep you up at night
Nine of Swords and 8 of Swords:
 Obsessive nightmares that repeat over and over again

Ten of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
The Ten of Swords translates as annihilation, scorn, back stabbing and the end of a situation. There is nothing left
to do. What is, is. This is the final ordeal. You won’t have to deal with this problem again if you face it head on,
which you will have to do. This is the end.
But often the querent does not accept this loss and continues to fight it only making the situation worse. There is
often lies, deceit and backstabbing. Many times the Ten of Swords can indicate someone who refuses to let go of a
situation that needs to die. They continually keep the ordeal going only to get stabbed over and over and over again.
They victimize themselves.
There is only one place to go when you are at the bottom and that is up. Try to look at things positively from here.
Let go and let the blood drain, the pain go away and move forward with your life.
The Ten of Swords in the back is also overkill and quite dramatic. It can represent over dramatizing a situation
and self-victimization.
The Ten of Swords can indicate talking about a problem over and over again. You are beating a dead horse.
In rare circumstances, Ten of Swords can mean physical death. Surgeries that go wrong and murder are indicated
by the Ten of Swords. It's rare, so please don't freak out.
The Ten of Swords in Love:
The Ten of Swords does not go well with love. If you are already in a relationship then the end is probably near. Be
careful because either both or one of you is going to be vindictive about the ending. There maybe some
If you are asking about a potential love interest, the Ten of Swords does not indicate that it will happen. If it
does, the love interest may have ulterior motives. Combined with any reversed court card such as the Queen of
Swords Reversed or King of Swords Reversed, you should be very, very careful.
Ten of Swords as Feelings:
You maybe feeling stabbed in the back or betrayed.
Ten of Swords as Advice:

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There is nothing more you can say about a situation, so don't say anymore. Air is not as comfortable embedded in
the number ten. Essentially, it's the end of the line for the Ten of Air, so take a deep breath, breathe and start
over with new thoughts.

The Ten of Swords in Health:

The Ten of Swords can indicate surgeries, especially back surgeries. It can indicate in vitro fertilization and any
type of procedure where you have to go back in for many treatments. Needles are indicated.
The Ten of Swords on a Mundane Level:
The Ten of Swords can mean being "dead" tired. You could possibly sleep 15 hours.
The Ten of Swords Professions:
Chiropractor. Acupuncturist. Surgeon. Grief Counseler. Mortician. Funeral Director. Coroner. Foresnic
Investigator. Mortgage Broker. Debit Collector. Loan Shark. Butcher. War Lord. Hitman. Thug.
Ten of Swords Reversed:
The Ten of Swords reversed indicates that you maybe healing from a past hurt. You are ready to heal and even
though it will be a long process, it is something that you are willing to undertake. For instance, the querent knows
that the relationship is over and is ready to move on. Relief can be found from talking about a problem.
The Ten of Swords Reversed can indicate surgeries. The surgery will go well and the querent is taking steps to
Ten of Swords Card Combinations:
Ten of Swords and Empress:
 In vitro Fertilization
Ten of Swords and Death:
 It's over. Really. Stop asking.
 NO
Ten of Swords and Devil:
 Unable to let go of a situation or relationship that is dead and over.
 Tying yourself mentally to a painful situation
Ten of Swords and Sun:
 Having to beat a dead horse, in order to get clarity.
 Talking out a situation (to death), in order to understand the situation better.
 The end of a horrible situation, brings the realization of a new happy day.
 There's always a silver lining to a tragedy.
 When you're at rock bottom, there is no where to go but up (that's a good thing!).
Ten of Swords and Page of Wands:
 A message is delivered to someone who relentlessly tries over and over again, yet the answer is always no.
 Drama.
Ten of Swords and Five of Wands:
 It's just not getting any better even when you try
 Fighting gets tiring.
 Relentless
Ten of Swords and Seven of Swords:
 Someone is plotting to take you down. Tread carefully.
Ten of Swords and Six of Cups:
 Mental disengaging from someone or something from the past
 The ending of something from the past
Ten of Swords and Nine of Pentacles:
 Being alone at home with back pain
 Being exhausted at home. Afternoon naps.
Ten of Swords and Ten of Pentacles:

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 Do not go to the house
 Do not start a fight
Page of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
I refer to the Pages as feminine, but "he" and "she" can be interchanged.
Page of Swords as a Person
As a person or child-like person, she is fascinated by the mind. She may love puzzles, chess, and figuring things
out. She may spend hours taking apart a phone and putting it all back together again. She has a good grasp over the
mind and emotion.
Page of Swords also carries a sword of justice and will cut right down to the heart of the matter. But like a double
edged sword, it can cut the wrong way. The Page of Swords usually isn't above vengeance and vindictive behavior.
This person has a tendency to complain and start conflicts where there doesn't need to be any. Page of Swords
has a tendency towards dissatisfaction.
Page of Swords in Love
If you are single and get the Page of Swords, you maybe searching the Internet for a date. The Page of Swords
can indicate that someone maybe spying on you to gather information. The Page of Swords in love can be defensive
and interrogative. If you are single, and can't figure out why stop to analyze your behavior. Are you critical,
haughty, ask too many personal questions?
If you are already in a relationship, the Page of Swords can indicate that your relationship maybe going through a
period of investigation. You could be fighting a lot, be suspicious, paranoid and on the offense.
Page of Swords as Feelings
You maybe feeling very defensive about someone or something.
If you get the Page of Swords in a love reading for the placement, "How does X feeling toward me?" they are
probably not into you. They are analyzing the situation from a distance to gauge whether or not you and them have
a long term potential. They feel distrustful, cautious and analytical.
Page of Swords as an Event
The Page of Sword can indicate that someone is spying on you. They could simply like you a lot or they could have
Page of Swords as a Message
The Page of Swords will relay it super-fast. They will get you the message in the quickest possible way. It will also
be a short message that may not be life altering and could simply be a juicy piece of gossip.
Electronic communications are favored. Anything to do with raw data that needs to be assimilated,
communications, and spying.
Page of Swords Obstacles
Rushing into a situation without thinking it through clearly. Often done in haste. This action could otherwise
thwart a situation unintentionally. Creating enemies where there need not be them. The Page of Swords maybe too
defensive and a counter attack is not a good idea.
If you are not the Page of Swords, look around for someone who is creating negative drama. Disengage from this
person. They are looking for a fight.
Page of Swords Professions
Student. Chess Player. Computer Programmer. Back End Web Designer. Analyst. Journalist. Blogger. Pilot. Flight
Page of Swords Reversed
The Page of Swords Reversed can indicate spiteful behavior. The Page of Swords reversed is a blubbering idiot,
who thinks they have all the answers. They are stumbling through life blinding thinking they know it all.
If the Page of Swords Reversed shows up in your reading watch out of lying, stealing and cheating.
Page of Swords Card Combinations
Page of Swords and High Priestess:
 Mentally work through a creative project. Can be anything
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from Papier Mache to creating costumes to creating a board
games out of household objects. The results should be
stunning and beautiful.
Page of Swords and Strength:
 Resisting an urge to talk to someone
Page of Swords and Five of Wands:
 Childish Fighting
Page of Swords and King of Wands:
 Page of Swords is about organizing, thinking about projects, analyzing
situations. While the King of Wands is all about action. So organize,
plan and act on those plans.
Page of Swords and the Eight of Pentacles:
 Being defensive is hard work
Page of Swords and Queen of Pentacles:
 Can indicate online dating at home

Knight of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
Knight of Swords as a Person:
A young person who is quick and moves very fast. The Knight of Swords is impatient. It could also denote a man or
woman who is immature.
The Knight of Swords may love game theory and the art of negotiation. The Knight of Swords will spend hours
strategizing, but because they are extremely self-absorbed they can end up not seeing a situation from different
angles. They then have a tendency to become rash, abrupt and self-serving.
When called out on his bad behavior or an incorrect assumption the Knight of Swords will usually resort to insulting
and name calling.
The Knight of Swords can have an anger problem, rebellious and be an anarchist. The meaning for the Knight of
Swords is very similar to the reversed meaning in my opinion.
Knight of Swords in Love:
If you are romanced by the Knight of Swords it will move very fast. It can definitely indicate quick whirlwind
romances. If you look closely you will see that there is a little heart on the reins of the horse. He or She maybe the
type that will feel the need to rescue a damsel in distress. His white horse says that his intentions can be pure of
heart. Don't underestimate this Knight to be "a prototypical hero of romantic chivalry."
Knight of Swords as Feelings:
The Knight of Swords is all about thinking and thinking turns into feeling. Before we have the thought, we have the
feeling. They are interconnected and very interchangeable. One is the conscious version and the other is the
subconscious version. I say this because I've heard a lot of people ask, "How does he feel about me?" and then
(perhaps they are not satisfied with that answer), "What does he think about me?"
Though I understand the minute difference between thinking and feeling. And I understand how these could be
perceived as different. Perhaps he/she thinks you are like the Knight of Swords, but they feel advancing rapidly.
But this position can answer the same question if we really meditate on it and look deeper into our own
subconscious. So if you ask, "How does he/she feel about me?" and the Knight of Swords comes up he certainly
feels something and it probably has to do with rescuing you, swiftly moving in, advancing rapidly. He has been
thinking a lot about you and now has feelings for you that are closer to his heart.

Knight of Swords as a Strength:

You or someone that is close to you is very sharp witted, logical, and has a masculine way of looking at things. You
can draw on this logical mindset to solve a problem or see a situation clearly without getting any emotions involved.

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Knight of Swords as an Event:
As an event it can indicate war and suggests a military presence.
The Knight of Swords can foretell of a lawsuit.
Knight of Swords as Advice:
The Knight of Swords advises you to cut old ties and create new paths. You must do this rapidly and quickly. There
isn't any time to delay. You may need to pull an all-nighter and stay up getting everything done as efficiently and
quickly as possible.
Knight of Swords on Mundane Level:
Can indicate a thunderstorm or tornado that is unexpected.
Knight of Swords as a Profession:
Business Administrator. Fighter. Ruthless Soldier. Boxer. Fencer. Process Server. Bounty Hunter. Analyst.
Ambulance Chasing Lawyer. Police Officer. Wall Street Wolf.
The Knight of Swords Reversed:
Be scared when the Knight of Swords turns up reversed in a reading. This man may be some kind of sociopath. He
is cruel, uncaring and vile.
He may try and use violence and brute force to get what he wants. He is almost completely removed from
emotions, so be careful! He is arrogant, cocky, and decisive. Since his emotions are suppressed he is fearless and
has nothing to lose.
Like the upright Knight of Swords, he can be quick to anger. He can blow up over the smallest thing and become
violent. Throwing objects at you and getting into bar fights are some of his attributes.
When the Reversed Knight of Swords comes up in a reading, it can foretell of an unfair lawsuit. The suit could be
someone accusing someone else of something that is untrue or making up a grand story to getting money back. The
Reversed Knight of Swords could even make a living off suing people and taking advantage of litigious situations.
In love, he (or she) is the type that can break up with you on a whim and never think about you or the situation
again. In fact, they may not even have very deep feelings for you at all mainly because they aren't capable of having
such deep feelings.
Knight of Swords Card Combinations:
Knight of Swords and the Fool:
 Boldly going where no one else will dare
Knight of Swords and Chariot:
 Car and travel issues
 Traveling via plane or car
Knight of Swords and Nine of Swords:
 Irrationally thinking about a situation incorrectly.
 An inability to comprehend a situation from another view point
other than your own.
Knight of Swords and Two of Cups:
 Be prepared to be swept off your feet quickly
 Short lived romance
Knight of Swords and Four of Wands:
 Flying home
Knight of Swords and Ten of Pentacles:
 Family arguments

Queen of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
Queen of Swords a Person
She is the king’s widowed sister. She is the only queen who is not married to her king. She rules the airy realm of
thoughts. She is sharp as a razor and can cut to the heart of a situation very quickly. She has a built-in bullshit

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detector, to quote Hemingway. People who deceive her are in for a big surprise, because she loves the truth and is
quick with her sword. She might tell you what you don’t want to hear, but it will always be the truth. She is like
justice, she wants the truth above all else.
But beware for she can appear superior and a “know-it-all”. She can come off to others as cold and arrogant. She
has the least amount of friends, but is a good ruler. People fear her, but also accept her reign.
The Queen of Swords comes from a dark place where she has seen thge darker side of life. But she survived,
which makes her more swift and astute. Her experiences have built her.
Queen of Swords in Love
The Queen of Swords in love is a no nonsense woman. She loves with her mind almost all the time. Once she's made
up her mind that you are the one or you aren't the one, she sticks with that decision. If you are trying to get
involved with a Queen of Swords type, you must be as intellectual as her. A witty sense of humor and sarcasm
might make her warm up to you.
If you break the Queen of Swords heart, she may mourn for about five minutes before she picks herself back up
and finds other things to think about. She's not one to sit around and wonder where and what former lovers are
doing. She is mind over heart and will cut you out of her love life quickly if she feels it's getting too emotional.
The Queen of Swords doesn't bode well in a romantic reading. It may mean that you are friend zoned.
Queen of Swords Feelings
You or someone you know may feel indifferent to a situation. It can even signal the friend zone.
If you are asking about your romantic partner's love interest, the Queen of Swords isn't the most welcome card.
He or she feels aloof and calm. The sword she is carrying is dividing her heart, remember? In this sense, she is like
the Two of Swords without the blindfold. Her feelings for you are most likely there, but she (or he) won't come out
and say it. They are guarding their heart and there really isn't a way to get into it.
Queen of Swords Advice
The Queen of Swords urges you to take a calm and cool approach to a situation. Do what is good for everyone, not
just one person. Do not make a decision based on an emotional response. Remove your emotions all together. This
isn't the time to become overly emotional about someone or something.
Queen of Swords Professions
Lawyer. Writer. Educator. Scientist. Researcher. Surgeon. Doctor. Geneticist.
Queen of Swords Reversed
You don’t want to meet or know the reversed Queen of Swords. Her core is wicked. When she is reversed her
sword of truth and justice falls to the wayside and we may find criminal behavior. She does manipulative things to
people and usually for power or for fun. If this woman comes up in a reading be very, very careful. You may want to
distance yourself completely.
The Reversed Queen of Swords can indicate someone with a mental illness such as a personality disorder that
makes them devoid of empathy, compassion or honesty. They most likely have a blown up ego that only exists in
their head. They are the type of person who babbles on about how wonderful, magnanimous and smart they are
when they really aren't. They are unable to see past their own self induced mental prison. This is the type of
person who usually says something like, "She doesn't like me because she's jealous." When the reality is the person
doesn't like her because she's a back stabbing bitch.
The reversed Queen of Swords is usually a thief, con artist, gold digger and can even, on occasion, indicate a
murderous black widow.
Any reversed sword court card can indicate sociopathic behavior.
Queen of Swords Card Combinations
Queen of Swords and Hermit:
 Being alone helps the lady think clearly
 The teachers at the university have insight
Queen of Swords and Justice:
 A female lawyer is impartial and very fair
Queen of Swords and Knight of Wands:

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 If there is one person who can ruffle and irritate this queen, it's
the Knight of Wands. She just doesn't have time for his antics.
Queen of Swords and Knight of Cups:
 She thinks with her head, not her heart, but the young chap is
somewhat amusing to her.

Reversed Queen of Swords and Knight of Cups:

 She might say, "A woman in love is like a dog begging for scraps."
Queen of Swords and Seven of Pentacles:
 Feeling stagnate about old ideas
Queen of Sword and King of Pentacles:
 Making new ideas a reality.

King of Swords
Interpretation and Divination
King of Swords as a Person
He is a mature man who rules with logic. He doesn’t have to appear superior or arrogant, but like to appear this
way. He is full of mental clarity and ideas. He rules over the air.
He can sometimes come off as cold and aloof. He can be loving and friendly, but remains distant and reserved.
He is a master of his own emotions and can use them as powerful tools to uphold the law. In fact, he doesn't delve
deep into his own subconscious feelings or dreams. He will always use his mind over his heart in all situations. He's
not one for sappy movies or romance stories. He will swiftly give justice to those he feels deserve it. People follow
him because of his power, his fairness, and his high standard of ethics.
He will be the first to go to war if he feels it is necessary, and others will follow. People follow him because they
know he is the best judge. He’s a general, whereas the King of Wands is the governor.
He is a judge and relishes in fairness. His fairness and ability to see all sides of a situation make him the go-to man
for most people, even other kings.
King of Swords as a Father
He doesn’t put his family first (the King of Cups does this), but he puts ideals and success first. He encourages
them to think for themselves. He is not the most sensitive of fathers. He just doesn't understand whining and
temper tantrums. He will often retreat or come back with harsh insults. He can be very cutting to small children,
but he always thinks he's being logical and cool.
As a father he probably thinks about himself above all else. What is good for him, is good for his children would be
his motto. He rarely understands his children's moods, but rest assured, when his children need back up he will help
them. He will be the father in the school office fighting for his children and backing them. Indeed, he will probably
win because of his amazing power of words and his discernment for justice and fairness.
King of Swords in Love
When you get the King of Swords in a love reading, it usually will indicate that there isn't any love in the air. (Do
you want to date someone who is constantly holding up a sword?)
If the King of Swords is a signifier in the reading (and not the energy of the reading) it will indicate that he needs
his intellect aroused more than anything else.
King of Swords as Feelings
The King of Swords doesn't like feelings. He may have been hurt in love in his younger days and now is cautious
about who to love and share his life with. He may have blocked out all feelings all together and only uses his
conscious mind to find solutions in love. The King of Swords doesn't bode well as feelings in a love reading. It
indicates that the person doesn't feel anything at all.
King of Swords Professions
Lawyer. Business. Electrical Grids. Senator. Telecommunications. Writer. Underwriter. Doctor. Insurance
Salesman. Banker. Accountant. Intelligence Officer.

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King of Swords Reversed
The King of Swords Reversed is a tyrant. He maybe manipulative and calculating and could even be sociopathic.
He can be outright rude, nosy and abrupt. He may talk the loudest and interrupt people. He doesn't value other's
thoughts or opinions.
The King of Swords reversed can also indicate a military action from a vile, dictator.
King of Swords Card Combinations
King of Swords and Empress:
 A cold, logical mother who puts feelings aside
King of Swords and the Eight of Wands:
 When they are in love, they write back and forth
 Writing back and forth rapidly
King of Swords and the Queen of Wands:
 No matter how sexually enticing she is, he is going to say, "no" (this
particular reading was flanked with other swords cards).
King of Swords and Three of Swords:
 Heart surgeon.
King of Swords and Knight of Swords:
 Rushing towards a situation, problem, new venture with logical
clarity and no emotions.
 Not being emotional in favor of rapidly escalating a situation
 Could indicate a lawsuit or military action if reversed
King of Swords and Ace of Cups:
 He feels an overflowing of emotions, but wants to put that aside for
 The surgeon injects the product

Ace of Cups
Interpretation and Divination
All aces are about the possibilities, but it's up to you to take the lead and run with them. Do not take this moment
for granted. It is the right time to get in touch with how you are feeling emotionally.
The Ace of Cups can indicate a burst of new emotions that maybe overflowing. It can be any intense emotional
feeling such as the love for a new baby, romantic love or the love you feel when you give a gift from the heart. You
may even have a fantastic new idea or creative expression that leaves you with overwhelming feelings and emotions.
The Ace of Cups can also signal a new baby or the conception of a new baby. It's the type of pregnancy that
results from the love of two people.
In the Ace of Cups, all those yods falling in the form of water look a lot like teardrops. It can represent crying
over spilt milk or being upset by every little wrong in your life.
Infrequently, this welling up of emotions can also signal death of a loved one.
Ace of Cups as a Person
As a person the Ace of Cups can represent someone who cries at the drop of a hat and whose emotional stability is
questionable. They may feel a little too much. They maybe highly psychic, but don't know how to balance and
channel the information in a constructive way.
Ace of Cups in Love
When the Ace of Cups comes up in a reading there is a strong possibility of a new love. One person is feeling very
much in love with you. The feeling could be mutual, but we really don't know unless we see the Two of Cups. The Ace
of Cups represents the feelings of love, not the action that we take when we feel love.
Ace of Cups as Feelings
If you want to know how someone feels and you get the Ace of Cups, you know they are feeling a lot. Your love
interest maybe so overpowered with feelings that they don't call you back. We don't really know what kind of

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feelings they have, but that they have a plethora of feelings. These feelings could range from scared, anxious,
sadness, love, happiness or even anger. You may need to look for the surrounding cards or draw a clarifier to figure
out what kind of feelings.
Ace of Cups as Advice
The Ace of Cups advice is to get in touch with your deepest subconscious feelings because they are speaking to you
directly from super consciousness. Right now you have a direct channel to the Holy Guardian Angel who advises you
to find love in yourself first before you can attract love from another person. There is a deeply, moving spiritual
aspect to the advice that is also very simple if we look to the One Voice from above and silence our minds from any
sort of chatter.
Ace of Cups on a Mundane Level
As a weather forecast, the Ace of Cups can predict rain, flash flood or leaks.
Ace of Cups as a Profession
Drama. Actress. Romance Novelist.
Ace of Cups Reversed
When the Ace of Cups appears reversed, all the feelings and love have dried up. There is a block to feelings and
essential the person is not feeling it anymore.
Ace of Cups Card Combinations
Ace of Cups and Chariot:
 Containing your emotions even though they feel like they are
over flowing inside.
Ace of Cups and Two of Swords:
 "No, I will not return your love."
Ace of Cups and Two of Cups:
 You are overflowing with new reciprocated love. The
beginning stages of love.
Ace of Cups and Three of Cups:
 Overflowing of emotions while talking or meeting with a friend(s). The
three could indicate angry, manipulation, libertine values and
triangles. The over flowing of emotions is extreme when water
combines with water. Especially is the Three of Cups is Reversed.
 Just wanting to drink with your friends.
Ace of Cups and the Six of Cups:
 Having an overwhelming emotional desire to stay with
your children.
 An old love returning and creating a new, warm feeling
Ace of Cups and Seven of Pentacles:
 Waiting for love
Ace of Cups and Knight of Pentacles:
 The love grows and swells. It is strong and enduring.
 He plants the seeds of love with careful deliberation
 She decides that love must grow and flourish between them.
It can last with careful attention to detail

Two of Cups
Interpretation and Divination
Anytime that any two people come together we have a Two of Cups situation. The Two of Cups does not have to
primarily be about romance, though that is usually the first impression based on the card imagery. The Two of Cups
can be about any two people who come together and share mutual respect, love and friendship. The Two of Cups is a
meeting of the minds.

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The Two of Cups can indicate a new romance or friendship, but remember like all new relationships this one will
have to be nurtured. It’s the beginning. Anything can happen next.
Two of Cups as a Person
The Two of Cups is warm, loving and sweet natured. A person who is a represented by the Two of Cups is usually
keen on getting married early in life or they have long term, devoted relationships. They cherish all their
relationships whether they are romantic or friendly. They probably have had a great relationships with one or both
of their parents.
A Two of Cups kind of person is someone who has a natural healing ability and a good person to talk with because
they are such a good listener, but they always want reciprocity. Make sure you listen as much as you talk because
Venus in Cancer is very sensitive.
Two of Cups in Love
The Two of Cups indicates that "just a little romance" might be in store for you. It's the beginning stages of a
romance. In order for the Two of Cups to indicate that you have a solid future together you'll need surrounding
cards such as Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Cups or Four of Wands.
You may meet someone that you click with. You'll enjoy their company and may want to take it to another level. A
kiss might be in store for you!
Two of Cups as Feelings
You've probably got the love bug if you get the Two of Cups as feelings. Someone (or yourself) is feeling very much
in love. You definitely feel a connection to someone. It can even indicate that you have a level of telepathic insight
into another person.
Two of Cups as an Outcome
Everyone loves to see the Two of Cups in the outcome position of a tarot reading. It's a picturesque image of
romance. The couple are both looking lovingly at each other, while the gentleman reaches out to touch the woman's
If you get the Two of Cups as the outcome to a budding romance, then the romance will blossom in the next couple
of months. You'll probably be spending many hours together talking all night, taking long walks and sharing your
devoted time together. There will be an opportunity for you to take the Two of Cups and turn it into something
If you are asking about an existing relationship and the Two of Cups pops up as the outcome, it may look like your
romance won't go beyond the initial stages of dating. I mention the word "stage" because the Two of Cups is a
"stage card." There are several more stage cards in the RWS deck. These indicate that things are put on as an act
and all is not what it seems.
These are the heedy, romantic times when puppy love fills your heart and you fail to see anything negative about
your partner. You love the way they look and can feel the chemistry together. But like most early romances, it has
to be able to stand the test of time. So the stage is set for you to be on your best behavior and dress your best.
Outcome in business the Two of Cups suggests the signing of contracts going smoothly.
Two of Cups in Business
The Two of Cups can indicate that two people are coming together with mutual interests. Signing of contracts is
Two of Cups Professions
Chef. Alchemist. Chemist. Nurse. Healer. Homemaker.
Two of Cups Reversed
When the Two of Cups Reverses, the love falls apart. Breakups are indicated and friendships can dissolve.
Two of Cups Card Combinations
Two of Cups and Judgement:
 A long-distance telephone conversation with someone who love. Could be parents or a sibling. Relatives are
Two of Cups and Nine of Cups:
 Being very, very satisfied with your lover/boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse

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Two of Cups and Page of Cups:
 Beginning of a new love affair
 A message from your lover
 Daydreaming about the one you love
Two of Cups and Queen of Cups:
 Connecting and chatting with a person who has the Queen of Cups personality.
 A very romantic woman who is often reciprocated in love.
Two of Cups and Two of Pentacles:
 A telephone conversation with someone you have a connection with. This does not have to be romantic.
Two of Cups and Four of Pentacles:
 Being possessive in love

Three of Cups
Interpretation and Divination
The Three of Cups is the surest sign of a celebration of some kind. Baby showers and birthdays feature
prominently. Dancing and wine is probable.
The Three of Cups can indicate any event that is bountiful and fun.
The Three of Cups denotes friends hanging out together whether it be the movies, social events or restaurants.
Emotional and social bonds are strengthened.
Three of Cups in Love
If you are already in a relationship, the Three of Cups indicates you maybe celebrating your love with a bridal
shower or bachelorette party. Maybe you are socializing with each other's friends.
On the other hand, the Three of Cups can be the sexual freedom card and can denote someone who doesn't want to
get tied down to one partner. They just like having fun with their friends. On a rare occasion, the Three of Cups
can indicate a swinger's party or a couple who want to explore a third partner.
Three of Cups as Feelings
If you are asking about how someone feels towards you, then they feel a great friendly vibe from you. They really
want to just be friends. They feel joyous, happy and celebratory.

Three of Cups as Advice

As advice in love, the Three of Cups asks you to go out with friends and express your freedom. Don't get bogged
down focusing on one person. If you are looking for love, the best way to meet people is to get out and about.
Three of Cups in Business
In business, the Three of Cups can indicate group projects, corporate fund raisers and holiday parties. It can be a
time of achievement and celebrations.
Three of Cups Professions
Party Planner, Wedding Planner, Event Manager or Coordinator, Social Butterfly, Interior Decorator
Three of Cups Reversed
The Three of Cups Reversed and the Seven of Swords are both the thief cards, so theft of important items may
take place.
The Three of Cups Reversed can indicate a woman with loose moral values and a libertine way of thinking about
things. She may take advantage of innocent people.
The symbolism to the reversed Three of Cups is important and you have to take into account the cards were made
in 1911 and back then it was a taboo for a woman to dress in red. Let's take a closer look:
There are three women celebrating, but one of the women has her back faced to us. We might not think this is an
important detail because people gather in circles all the time, but there are other ways to draw three women
celebrating without seeing the back of someone. When someone has their back turned to us, we can't see what
they are doing. Words like "backstabber" and "he/she went behind your back" come to mind.

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The woman in question is wearing a large red dress. The sheer size of her coat compared to the other coats is a
signal. One could fit many pilfered items into it.
During Waite's period in the turn of the century, red was a color that women, especially unmarried women, should
not wear. Respectable women should not wear red. Red wasn't always the power suit color that it is today.
There was a Bettie Davis movie called Jezebel where she is forced to wear a red dress during the American
antebellum period (mid-1800s). She is shamed and eventually loses her innocence, no one will talk with her and her
engagement is broken off. All over a red dress!
Three of Cups Card Combinations
Three of Cups and Hierophant:
 Wedding
Three of Cups and Justice:
 Balancing out two social obligations. You have a lot of fun with
one or both
Three of Cups and 4 of Wands:
 Wedding reception
 Wedding Party
 Social Event
Three of Cups and 8 of Wands:
 Sending out invites to a party
 Throwing together an impromptu party with a few friends
Three of Cups and Knight of Swords:
 He wants to find a way into the female group
 The man brings a rush of adrenaline to the party. He talks non stop.
 Be careful a man doesn't come in between your friendships with
you girlfriends
 This combination can emphasize the negative aspect of the 3 of
Cups. Be careful of manipulative, cunning people.
Three of Cups and 6 of Cups:
 Children's party. Children's performance
Three of Cups and 8 of Pentacles:
 Office Party
Four of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
The Four of Cups often signals a refusal of some kind.
The Four of Cups can indicate someone making a hasty "no" decision without regard to thinking it through. The
Four of Cups suggests that you should weigh all your options at this time.
On the other hand, the Four of Cups can indicate severe boredom and lack of interest that you will probably not
regret. You could be on a date where you'd rather be doing almost anything else.
The Four of Cups suggests that you are depressed and perhaps too depressed to make good judgment calls. You
maybe missing good opportunities because you are so sad. This sadness maybe caused by outside forces that you
have no control over.
The Four of Cups can indicate being so hung over that you can't bear the sight of alcohol anymore. You are so hung
over that you refuse drinking for sometime. The sight and smell of alcohol makes you sick.
Four of Cups in Love:
If you are already in a relationship it can signal apathy and boredom. If you are asking about a potential love
interest, then they will probably reject you.
Four of Cups as Feelings:
The Four of Cups is all about feelings. Cancer can be very much affected by their moods, feelings and longing. In
the Four of Cups, we have a man rejecting an offer. This suggests feelings of apathy, discontentment, feeling tired
and probably turned off by whatever is in that cup.
Four of Cups Professions:

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Bartender. Waiter. Alcoholic Counselor. Social Worker.
Four of Cups Reversed:
When the Four of Cups Reverses itself, you maybe getting your life back on track. You maybe thinking about
meeting new people because the old ones bore you. You maybe coming out of a period of boredom and stagnation.
The Four of Cups Reversed can signify deeply psychic feelings that border on illusions. There could be a thin veil
between the spirit world when you are lost in deep meditation and rituals. A lack of grounding is indicated.
Four of Cups Card Combinations:
Four of Cups and High Priestess:
 Feeling pitiful and sad and writing about it.
 Feeling rejected alone.
 Feeling different, eccentric, unique and alone.
 Feeling misunderstood.
Four of Cups and Moon:
 Refusing to get caught up in the illusion of their relationship
Four of Cups and Seven of Wands:
 Refusing to fight
Four of Cups and Four of Swords:
 Taking a relationship break. It does not indicate it's over,
but that a time-out is needed.
Four of Cups and Nine of Swords:
 Saying, "no more" to that nightmare
 Mental illness, psyche ward
 Consumed with negative thoughts
Four of Cups and Ace of Cups:
 Rejection of the heart.
Four of Cups and Two of Cups:
 Being bored with the romantic bond
Four of Cups and Nine of Cups:
 It feels so good to say, "no."
Four of Cups and Knight of Cups:
 No sex for you right now.
 I'm not interested in love right now.
 He's not interested in another sexual conquest.
Four of Cups and Two of Pentacles:
 Adults refusing to mingle at a children's party. Lots of
balloon animals being made (2 of Pents)
Four of Cups and the Six of Pentacles Reversed:
 You ask for money, but s/he refuses.
Four of Cups and Page of Pentacles:
 Feeling apathetic, bored and rejecting the weak financial offer.

Five of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
The Five of Cups signals a break up, a divorce or other emotional loss. You could have a falling out with a good
friend or spouse.
The Five of Cups urges you to see the light in the darkness. If you choose to see only the empty cups then it is
truly a loss, but you can turn around and see the open cups. You don't have to see the “glass half empty”, but “half
The bridge in the Five of Cups indicates that not all your bridges are burned. It can suggest that you need to take
some time out and reflect on your relationship. Not all is lost.
The Five of Cups can indicate that inheritances are not what they seem. You may not be getting all the inheritance
that you deserve.
Five of Cups in Love:
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When a breakup happens it usually happens because there is trouble in a relationship. Trouble can brew because of
a lack of love or even physical and/or emotional abuse. Perhaps the breakup was a good thing. The Five of Cups
indicates that your relationship was imbalanced and now you can move away and correct the imbalances.
Five of Cups as Feelings:
You (or someone you are asking about) is feeling regret, remorse or loss. You maybe regretting how a situation
turned out and would like to rectify things. Someone can even feel left out from the loop or community.
Five of Cups as Advice
As a "half full vs half empty" card, we have two sets of advice depending on the situation. You can chalk up the
experience to a learning experience and walk to better days. Or you can analysis what went wrong in a break down
so that you can understand it better.
If you are in a relationship, the advice also maybe simply to break it off with someone. Or it maybe telling you not
to look at the negative side of a situation, but to see it in a more positive light. So stop focusing on all the negative,
dreary things and think about all the good you have in your life! Because I know you do! No matter how bad it is, you
can take refuge in a beautiful sunset or a family memory that makes you feel good.
Five of Cups Professions:
Grief Counselor. Pharmacist. Chemist. Scientist. Bartender.
Five of Cups Reversed:
Ouch! You may run into an old friend or lover that has hurt you. You may want to patch things up.
Five of Cups Card Combinations:
Five of Cups and Lovers:
 Being sad over the wrong person. You've been spending too much time
looking at those empty cups.
 You drop the cloak, turn around, see the full cups, the bridge and
finally realize the angel was with you guiding you towards the right
person after all.
Five of Cups and Tower:
 A disappointing sexual experience
Five of Cups and Judgement:
 The breakup forces them to look at their relationship and do a
complete soul assessment
 She/he calls him after the breakup to tell him/her how sorry she/he was
Five of Cups and Four of Swords:
 After a breakup, all you want to do is rest
Five of Cups and Seven of Swords
 He doesn't want to be tied down in a relationship, so he runs the other
way, while in his wake leaving her heartbroken.
 Five of Cups and Eight of Swords:
 She obsesses over the breakup, unable to see anything else
Five of Cups and Two of Cups:
 Still sad over your break up and perhaps not seeing a new connection
because of it.
Five of Cups and Four of Cups:
 There is regret, apathy and boredom all tied into the breakup
 Feeling depressed and needing time alone.
 Feeling really hung over

Six of Cups
Interpretation and Divination

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The Six of Cups represents any memory we have that creates a sense of familiar joy in our lives. It is a feeling of
your childhood's sunniest days. A Six of Cups moment could be seeing a similar quilt that your mother made for sale
in a shop. You buy the quilt because it brings back strong, warm memories of curling up with your mother
underneath it while she read to you.
This familiarity echos back to the Six of Cups being a soul mate or past life card. You meet someone you know
from a previous existences and you feel a sense of calm wonder. You know this person from somewhere else. You
will have a strong positive karmic attraction to each other. They will be very beneficial and kind to you. They may
help you in some way.
The Six of Cups can indicate gift giving. Flowers could arrive from your spouse or a loved one. The Six of Cups is
the Mother's Day card.
The Six of Cups may indicate that a childhood friend or sweetheart will return.
You could connect with someone on a chakra level whereas you connect with each other on an energetic level. It's
the blending of harmonies with the number six adding in balance, reciprocity, correlation, symmetry and equilibrium.
Added that it's position is in Tipareth, the Sixth Sepiroth, we get beauty and kindness as well.
The Six of Cups can suggest that someone will make you an offer you can't refuse.
One of the other main meanings of the Six of Cups are children. It speaks of taking care of your kids, elementary
schools, and the love you feel and have for your kids.
Six of Cups as a Person
As a person, the Six of Cups as a signifier denotes someone who is sweet, kind and calming or at least they make
the querent feel that way. They may always come bearing gifts of some kind. This person is very resourceful and
crafty. They maybe very good at making their own clothing, jewelry or flower arrangements.
They can be very naive and sometimes act child-like if not occasionally childish. But they make up for this with
their random acts of kindness. This is the type of person that is always there for you when you need them. If you
ask the Six of Cups person to help you with something they will go above and beyond helping and bring their A game.
They wouldn't even think twice about it. They believe that is just part of life.
The Six of Cups as a signifier denotes someone who either has children or loves children. They probably also love
animals and most likely have a dog, cat or even horses.
The Six of Cups as a persons may be telling you that this person comes from a long line of "old money." But you
never get the feeling that they think they are better for it than anyone else. In fact, they feel the opposite and
feel eternally grateful. Maybe that's why they want to help everyone.
If your querent pulls this card as a signifier for a love interest, than the querent feels a soul connection to this
person. The Tipareth aspect to the Sun in Scorpio means that the person could be very beautiful or at least dress
and present themselves in a manner that is stylish, elegant and beautiful. Underneath the lovely children in this
card, the aspect of Scorpio tells us that this person may exude a type of sexual appeal and an air of mystery to
Six of Cups in Love
The Six of Cups in love is a warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing. Your lover may make you feel as if you have known
them all your life. They may remind you of your cousins or siblings, thus creating a warm, calm assuring feeling.
If you are looking for love and the Six of Cups turns up, it could indicate that someone from your past will come
back for a surprise visit.
It is often referred to as one of the soul mate cards because of it's relevance to the Lovers card, Key 6.
Six of Cups as Feelings
When the Six of Cups turns up in the "feelings" placement, someone feels a warm, knowing, joyous feeling. They
may feel there is something that they know about you that they may not be able to place their finger on. You
remind them of something from the past that is good. Maybe you look like a girl from their village across the sea
and this creates a feeling of comfort.
Six of Cups as Advice

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In general as advice, the Six of Cups urges us to look at something from the past that makes us feel good. You'll
need to utilize something that was once familiar to you perhaps from your childhood. So if you need help, you may
need to ask your mother, father or sister. Maybe a relative that you haven't thought of in a while. They maybe of
great help to you.
If you are asking about advice on love matters, the Six of Cups asks you to be sweet, kind and tender. Bake a cake,
end flowers or a sweet emoji.
The Six of Cups echoes that someone from another life is making their way back to us. The advice would be to
draw a memory from your subconscious that has been resting and use this piece to stir something in someone that
has been forgotten.
Six of Cups as the Outcome
For the question, "Will he/she come back to me?" and you get the Six of Cups, it can also indicate on some
occasions that someone comes back into your life from the past. You finally get the "girl that got away." The only
way this card will work out well in the outcome or near future position is if you had good memories with them. If
you had a big fight or falling out then as an outcome it will indicate that you will only be left with sweet memories.
If you just started dating someone and get the Six of Cups as the outcome be prepared for sweet times together.
This indicates a period of mutual love, generosity between partners and a time of pure romance speckled with
If you are in a relationship and you get the Six of Cups in the outcome period, expect to be given flowers or for
your relationship to be strengthed. It can even indicate that you will have children soon.
If your outcome/near future doesn't have to do with romance, the Six of Cups can indicate that memories from
the past are looked back upon. You prefer to only think of a certain person in a good way and forget about any pain
this person may have caused you. You hand select only the positive memories and hold on to them.
Depending on the situation and surrounding cards, children are usually involved whether it be your own or memories
about your own childhood. Even your neighbors kids or babysitting jobs.
Six of Cups Professions
Florist. Bed and Breakfast Owner. Hotelier. Mother. Nanny. Childcare Provider. Midwife. Babysitter. Old Soul.
Six of Cups Reversed
The Six of Cups Reversed can indicate that you have been holding on to the past in a negative way. You could be
constantly lamenting about how abusive your parents were long after you have left home. In some instances, the
abuse suffered was minimal compared to the way you view it now.
Six of Cups Card Combination
Six of Cups and the Hierophant:
 Children in school
Six of Cups and Three of Swords:
 Your childhood breaks your heart
Six of Cups and Knight of Swords:
 Your ex-lover returns. He comes in quick.
Six of Cups and Two of Cups:
 Soul mate sex
Six of Cups and Queen of Pentacles:
 A mother and her children
 He returns to the woman he loves
 You have fond memories of your mother.

Seven of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
The Seven of Cups warns not to give in to temptation, seduction, or addiction. These are temporary and not built
on a solid foundation. The Rider-Waite version of these cards shows seven cups filled with different choices. The

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cups are floating in the clouds. The clouds represent illusion and the choices are our choices in everyday life. Make
sure these choices, (having an extramarital affair, drinking too much) are not temporary, but everlasting.
The Seven of Cups indicates being intoxicated with illusion, glamour, daydreams, and castles in the sky that you
cannot see reality. This can also indicate drug addiction because when we are high, nothing is clear. Nothing is real.
Illusions are easily built.
The Seven of Cups can indicate having no direction because of too many choices. Perhaps you are sitting around
daydreaming too much.
The Seven of Cups can indicate that your financial position maybe built on false beliefs about money.
The Seven of Cups is similar to the Devil and the Moon.
The Seven of Cups in Love
In regard to love the Seven of Cups suggests that you are daydreaming about something that isn’t there. This
might be the "He's just not that into you," card. You’d rather be wrapped up in fantasy and illusion.
Another approach to the Seven of Cups in love can indicate that you are falling in love to fast. It can be an illusion
when you do this. It isn't built on anything solid and you have a feeling of "walking on air". Love like this usually ends
as quick as it starts.
The Seven of Cups as Feelings:
You are feeling in love with someone or something that is probably just a fantasy. It's the feeling we get when we
fall head over heels in love with someone, but we know nothing about this person.
You may also be feeling like you have too many choices and all of them look good. It's like going into your favorite
restaurant and not being able to decide between which meal to order, so you end up order two appetizers, one
entree, order for your spouse so you can share with them and finish that off with a dessert. You order too much
food and get to take it all home in a doggie bag for later.
Seven of Cups as Advice:
As advice, the Seven of Cups could be dependent on its Venus in Scorpio aspect. Rely on your sexy, seductive side
to spice up your life.
The Seven of Cups as an Action:
When the Seven of Cups shows upright, it could end up being a card of inaction. A person tries to fit all the
options into their life and ends up making a mess.
When this card comes up as the action you should sit back and really think about what you want because not all
those choices are good ones.
The Seven of Cups Reversed as an action could very well foretell that you take your daydreams, meld them into one
path and choose that path. When the Seven of Cups is reversed it's a good card for action because it symbolizes
that the querent does end up taking action.
The Seven of Cups Professions:
Painter. Conductor. Orchestra. Plumber. Magician.
The Seven of Cups Reversed:
The Seven of Cups Reversed indicates an ending to the illusions. It corresponds directly to the emotional state of
the Chariot: having control and direction.
In love, the Seven of Cups Reversed can signal unrequited romantic feelings.
The Seven of Cups Card Combinations:
Seven of Cups and Hierophant
 Dreaming about marriage
Seven of Cups and Lovers:
 Many choices regarding love
 Being swept up by love
Seven of Cups and Moon:
 Madness
 Creativity fueled at night
Seven of Cups and Seven of Wands:

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 Worry over imagined reality
Seven of Cups and Nine of Swords:
 Possible drug addiction and withdrawal
 Sleepless nights due to confusion over a decision
Seven of Cups and Four of Pentacles:
 Protecting yourself against illusion
 Even though you have a lot to work on, you should keep consistent.
This is the way to succeed.

Eight of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
When the Eight of Cups turns up in a reading, you may want to walk away from a situation. The Eight of Cups may
indicate a circular journey. It can indicate that while you presently feel like walking away from a situation, you
maybe returning. Therefore, the cups will be there for you when you return. Perhaps when you return, you will fill
nourished and relaxed from your time spent away. You might find the cups useful to you when you return.
The Eight of Cups may also indicate that you need to sober up. You have wasted your time on drinking, drugs, or
people who are useless to you. You have realized that now, and turned your back on those artifices.
The Eight of Cups can also indicate travel, especially long travel plans. You may need to spend all summer
vacationing in a foreign country. When you return you have developed better cultural skills and may have learned
another language. The Eight of Cups suggests learning something new that you wouldn't have if you stay.
Eight of Cups in Love:
The Eight of Cups is one of the break up card. You may have realized that your relationship is not fulfilling.
Instead of staying in an unhappy relationship you decide to move on and look for something else.
On the other hand, the number 8 can refer to someone who will eventually come back to you (or you to them). It's
similar to the Four of Swords as a break up card that indicates you just need time away, but the relationship isn't
over. But in the case of the Eight of Cups, this break away period can last several months or possibly years.
During a dinner one night, I gave a relationship reading to a couple who got the Eight of Cups in the past position. I
asked, "Did you know each other before?" The woman exclaimed, "Yes, we knew each other in high school, but it
didn't work out and then 30 years later fate brought us back together."
Though, please be warned! Just because you get the Eight of Cups and you do break up with your sweetheart, don't
just sit away waiting for him or her to come back. The journey you will need to transverse is just as important for
your development.
Eight of Cups as Feelings:
You are feeling empty inside despite the upright cups. You just aren't getting enough out of your life or the
situation that you are in. You feel like there maybe something more out there and you want to experience that or
find it. You may feel like taking a quest to find your lost cups or the create new cups and emotionally fulfilling
So if you are asking, "How does X feel towards me?" and the Eight of Cups pops up, X is probably feeling like
taking a break from the relationship. They also may feel like even though you match and complement each other
there is a feeling that you or they need and want something that you aren't getting emotionally. As a feeling the
Eight of Cups indicates feeling barren, empty and a deep void that you cannot fill under the present circumstances.
You may also be feeling abandoned by someone you love. They might be the ones taking that long walk away from
Eight of Cups as an Obstacle:
The Eight of Cups can bring up issues with abandonment. These issues should be looked at closely because they can
hinder new relationships from blossoming. Perhaps you had a parent walk out on you as a child and have never been
able to deal with the feeling that you aren't good enough or you have the idea that all people eventually leave. You

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have lost your faith in human compassion. The upright cups remind you that not all is lost. Do not lose faith in
As an obstacle the Eight of Cups can indicate that you spend too much time walking away from all the good in your
life and refuse to see it. You are always on some quest to find something new and fulfilling, while not realizing what
is in front of you. Perhaps you have absolutely great friends and family, but you seem to think you can find better.
You can't possibly see the joy that they already give you.
Wanderlust taken to the extreme can be indicated when the Eight of Cups comes up as an obstacle. This might be
especially relevant if the Fool comes up in the reading as well. You may run away from family obligations and travel
the world, only to discover that what you left behind had joy and happiness in it.
In a romantic context, the Eight of Cups can indicate someone who runs from relationships. Once they develop
feelings for someone they run the other way afraid of getting hurt. Look for the Eight of Swords to confirm this.
Eight of Cups as Advice:
The advice is very clear when the Eight of Cups presents itself in your reading. It indicates that there is
something that needs to cut out of your life and the advice is to walk away completely from it. The good news is
that whatever you are abandoning will lead to happier times and even a spiritual renewal or awakening.
Eight of Cups as an Outcome:
I will illustrate a case example from a reading that I did where the Eight of Cups came up as the outcome.
I got this card in a reading for a very wealthy woman who felt miserable in her marriage. She didn't exactly know
why, since she had everything a person would want, right? She drove a nice car, entertained powerful friends, and
had beautiful, well mannered children, but deep inside she was empty. Her husband never allowed her to make any
real choices. She had to do exactly what he wanted from her at all times. When she complained about his
relationship with his beautiful secretary and how many nights that they spent out at dinners he replied, "That's my
business. Don't interfere with it. You're ungrateful for everything that I have given you."
She replied, "But I have no choice in the matter. I request that you get a new secretary. I'll pick out the
secretary and since the kids are in their teens now, I can be your secretary." He told her in a smug tone, "You can't
handle a being a secretary. I need you here at the house to manage things. You have lots of choices. I let you pick
out the movies we watch and I always eat what you serve for dinner."
And with those words, she took her children, filed for divorced and moved back overseas to Europe where she was
Eight of Cups Professions:
Traveler. Travel Agent. Therapist. Mountain Guide. Forest Ranger. Travel Writer.
Eight of Cups Reversed:
When the Eight of Cups shows up reversed in your reading, you maybe returning to a relationship or situation that
you previously walked away from.
The Eight of Cups reversed signals eating, joy, and fixing a situation that you once wanted to leave.
Eight of Cups Card Combinations:
Eight of Cups and Eight of Wands:
 Power walking
 Marathon (running/cycling/etc)
Eight of Cups and Ace of Cups:
 Walking away from one love to find new love
Eight of Cups and King of Cups:
 Walking away from a relationship creates emotional stability in your life.
It's for the best.
Eight of Cups and Five of Swords:
 Walking away from a fight
 You know if you stay, no one will win, so you decide to leave the scene
before it escalates.
Eight of Cups and Six of Swords:
 Indicates a major break up and move in the process.
 Looking for a new place to live after or during a breakup.
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Eight of Cups and Ten of Swords
 Walking away from a situation that is dead and over
 There is no turning back. It's over.
Eight of Cups and Five of Pentacles:
 Eviction. Homelessness.
Eight of Cups and Seven of Pentacles:
 Baking, cooking or gardening and needing to go out and find the needed

Nine of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
If you are asking just one question and you get this card in the upright position, then your answer is a definite yes.
Sometimes "yes" can come at a high price. You may be very emotional satisfied at this point in your life, at least
you think you are. There is also a bit of loneliness in this card as well. There is something hidden that you refuse to
see because of all the happiness around you. The Nine of Cups can warn you not to count all your chickens before
they hatch.
But lets be honest, this man looks a little to smug. You could be wishing for the perfect girlfriend or boyfriend.
Lets say you dream of a sexy trophy wife and find her. She looks a lot like your ex-wife, but ups the sex appeal
100%. Whereas your ex-wife kept you going with intellectual conversations and matched your future goals, this new
girlfriend lacks all of that. She's lazy, lacks intellectual insight and doesn't apply herself. You may get what you
wished for, but it comes with a downside. Looks are not everything and what lies under that blue curtain is actually
a dirty folding table.
On a lighter note, the Nine of Cups can indicate social functions, banquet dinners and holiday parties. This is a
good card for a successful party planner who is content on being single. Perhaps she works hard at creating an
environment where other people are happy and content. The Nine of Cups reminds me of the Jennifer Lopez movie,
"The Wedding Planner". She thinks she is so happy in her perfect world where everything is neat, organized and
successful, but when she falls in love with the groom she realizes that love is the missing key to her true happiness.
Nine of Cups in Love:
If you are looking for love, the Nine of Cups suggests that you find emotional contentment within yourself first.
If you are already in a relationship, the Nine of Cups suggests that you are very happy and content with what you
Nine of Cups as a Feeling:
You could be feeling content, happy as a lark, fulfilled, and satisfied. If you are asking how a romantic love interest
feels about you, then they feel very satisfied with you. They think you are beautiful and everything that
they think that they want.
Nine of Cups Professions:
Bartender. Shop Owner. Party Planner. Wedding Planner. Event Manager. Restaurant Owner. Upscale Restaurant.
Merchant. County Fair.
Nine of Cups Reversed:
The Reversed Nine of Cups can indicate drinking too much. You can be putting on a happy face and literally
sweeping everything under that blue table cloth. You could be desperately trying to keep up appearances and will go
to great lengths to keep them up.
The Nine of Cups reversed can suggest theft, bribery and immoral acts. The truth could very well be hidden under
that long blue table cloth.
Nine of Cups Card Combinations:
Nine of Cups and the Fool:
 Completely satisfied with this new path you are venturing on
 Completely satisfied with being single
 Lady Luck is on your side

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Nine of Cups and Lovers:
 Over indulging in love
 Not being able to resist breaking your diet
 Being lazy and undecided
Nine of Cups and Wheel of Fortune:
 Winning the grand prize
Nine of Cups and the Sun:
 Spending the day at the beach. Be careful not to burn.
Nine of Cups and Judgement:
 You get what you want: Total reinvention
Nine of Cups and the World:
 The journey makes you feel complete

Nine of Cups and Three of Cups:

 Party Planning
Nine of Cups and Five of Cups:
 You feel better after talking about the breakup.

Ten of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
Family happiness is a sure thing if you get the Ten of Cups. It can foretell of long nights spent with your family
doing craft project or watch family movies together. You enjoy making meals together and they taste so good
because they come from your heart. It can indicate that you are very happy doing all these things together. The
Ten of Cups is the perfect description of family unity and happiness.
The Ten of Cups is the emotional contentment card. Find yourself lucky if you get this card.
The Ten of Cups is also about family, extended family and communities. You could be spending the summer with
relatives at a summer home while enjoy the simple bliss of life.
Ten of Cups in Love:
The Ten of Cups can suggest that you are coming together with another person as a family. You both might have
children from previous relationships, thus the Ten of Cups can indicate adopting kids. The Ten of Cups can also
suggest that you and your spouse are a perfect family and have beautiful children of your own. Family happiness is
assured when you get the Ten of Cups.
Tens can indicate an excessive of each suit, not necessarily the culmination. In the Ten of Cups we see us dreaming
of the fantasy where wishful thinking and price charming stories play a big role. Be careful not to lose yourself in
over idyllic fantasies and stories. There maybe a tendency to over idealize a situation before it happens.
Ten of Cups as Feelings:
If you are asking how someone feels towards you, then the Ten of Cups assures you that they feel completely
emotionally content. They are in love with you for sure. They feel happy, secure and emotionally fulfilled.
Ten of Cups as an Obstacle:
For such a happy card, how can it look like an obstacle? The beauty of tarot is that each card has a negative and
positive aspect. We learned this back in the High Priestess, who showed us that everything in life is a polarity of
opposing opposites that are actually one aspect of the same force.
When the Ten of Cups comes up in the obstacles or crossing position of your reading, it can indicate that you feel
trapped in a relationship and may want a divorce.
It can also indicate that you are caught up in the emotional Pisces world of dreams and fantasies of the fairy tale
marriage and family that you aren't seeing the reality of the situation. Pisces has a tendency to get lost in reverie
and without action you cannot make the dreams concrete. You maybe spending too much time dreaming about the
perfect relationship that you aren't allowing viable options to blossom.

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If you are in a relationship, you maybe ignoring that the relationship isn't fulfilling you on a spiritual or emotional
level. Maybe you have the perfect house, a great car and a devoted husband or wife, but deep down you are
discontent. The Ten of Cups warns you that as an obstacle to your happiness you need to examine the root of the
situation and find out if you are really happy where you are or if you are just caught up in the illusion of what you
think the perfect relationship should look like.
Ten of Cups Professions:
Land Owner. Preschool Teacher. Counselor. Child Therapist. Veterinarian.
Ten of Cups Reversed:
When the Ten of Cups Reversed appears in your reading, you maybe experiencing troubles at home or in your
relationship. If you are married, the Ten of Cups Reversed can indicate that you maybe going through a divorce or
have marital problems. Counseling and deep contemplations are advised to get to the root of the situation.
Ten of Cups Card Combinations:
Ten of Cups and the Hierophant:
 Marriage
Ten of Cups and the Four of Wands:
 Holiday in the country with relatives
Ten of Cups and Ten of Wands:
 You have a lot to do in your house, so much it almost feels
 You have something you have to do, which makes you feel heavy. It's
something you have to do that you don't really want to do.
Ten of Cups and Two of Cups:
 He completes you and you complete him
Ten of Cups and Seven of Cups:
 Believing in the fantasy of having the perfect life
 Where is my happy ending?

Page of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
Page of Cups as a Person:
This Page has an emotional and a wild imagination. The Page of Cups loves love and is in love with surrounding
him/herself with love. Unlike the Knight of Cups, who also loves being in love, the Page of Cups loves being
surrounded with all kinds of love. When he/she does love it’s puppy love and crushes. S/he is gentle and
compassionate, who cares about all those around him/her. She might fall in love with Anime and obsess over it for
months. Then the next fascination might be loving Hello Kitty. She will "love" this, adore this, and think only of this
until...something else comes along.
The Page of Cups is very artistic and intuitive. S/he is dreamy and often has his/her head in the clouds. S/he will
imagine the impossible because nothing is impossible to them.
The Page of Cups would love to spend all day daydreaming, literally..all day. He really wants to find out why that
fish is in the cup and he stares. He comes up with a myriad of different scenarios.
The Page of Cups can wear her heart on her sleeve. She is very sensitive and can cry easily. She will cry over spilt
milk, other times she cries for those around her.
Pages love deeply and without boundaries. Their love is quite unconditional, but it's also immature. It can signal
puppy love or a crush.
Page of Cups as a Message:
The Page of Cups can signal writing an apology or letter about someone you love. It can signal any kind of love
letter. The Page of Cups is usually an offer of some kind. Usually a sweet, heart felt offer.
Page of Cups in Love:

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The Page of Cups would like nothing better than to sit around and daydream about love. The Page of Cups in love
idealizes what it means to be in love. They maybe very romantic and dreamy often writing, acting or expressing
themselves in artistic forms.
If the Page of Cups comes up in regard to a romantic question, you will probably be receiving or sending messages
related to matters of the heart. It is most likely the start of a new romance, or in the very least, the idea of a new
romance. The Page of Cups is the puppy love card!
Page of Cups as Feelings:
You may be feeling giddy and light hearted. You can easily feel like having a first crush again. A young, fresh
youthful take on love. Puppy love. Feeling puppy love.
Page of Cups as an Obstacle or Crossing Card:
The Page of Cups is the quintessential cards of puppy love. You could have a friend that wants something more.
They might hug you affectionately or try and kiss you. They maybe very sincere in their attempts, but sadly, as an
obstacle, this isn't what you want.
As an obstacle to an ongoing relationship, it looks like the relationship may not go any further than puppy love,
sweetness and non commitments even though there is heartfelt and deep friendship.
Page of Cups as Advice:
The Page of Cups advises you to be sweet, tender and kind. Wear your heart on your sleeve and tell someone how
you feel. Be kind to animals and children.
Page of Cups Professions:
Artist. Fashion Designer. Poet. Dreamer.
Page of Cups Reversed:
Page of Cups reversed can indicate manipulations and artifices regarding love. You maybe in a situation where you
are lying to someone about your romantic feelings or someone is lying to you.
The Page of Cups Reversed may believe that love is a game. They maybe a "serial dater" with a long list of people
they get involved with briefly.
Page of Cups Card Combinations:
Page of Cups and Tower:
 Outcome to a relationship reading: It's just a dream, a
fantasy. It's not real and will never materialize.
 You have built some fantasy so high in the sky that it
will never meet your expectations when (or if) you get it.
Page of Cups and Four of Wands:
 Contemplating moving to the next level of a relationship
with someone.
Page of Cups and the Seven of Wands:
 The water and fire make this pair unwelcome. It can also be read as
Page of Cups and Seven of Wands reversed.
 Being unable to stop yourself from a shopping excursion because of the
utterly persuasive shop girls.
Page of Cups and Page of Swords:
 Conflict with children or teenagers
 Any two pages can mean conflict, especially with the
Page of Swords
Page of Cups and Ten of Cups:
 Fantasizing about the perfect family
 Family happiness with kids
Page of Cups and Eight of Pentacles:
 Repetition of (insert something that involves art, love, creativity).
 Writing love notes back and forth over and over again.
 Watching your favorite TV series over and over again.
Page of Cups and Knight of Pentacles:
 Slowing making small adjustments and offering them to

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your boss or another team member for approval. Making
slow and steady progress.

Knight of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
Knight of Cups a Person:
He loves to be groomed and is typically one of the more attractive knights. He or she can be someone refined.
He or she may brood over many things. Life is a subtle emotional drama for them. They may go from relationship to
relationship. They can even have entire relationships in their own head. They are typically dreamy and soft spoken,
but can also be quite a flirt.
They maybe in love with unrequited love, but will never admit it. They would prefer to brood over the "one that got
away" then take someone with real potential who is available.
They may also be in love with being in love. The idea of love is extremely important to them. They idealize love to
the highest extreme. Love is very important for them. You'll never see the Knight of Cups settling for someone.
They will wait for their ideal love forever if necessary.
Knight of Cups as a Feeling:
You are feeling very much in love. Life with this person maybe very dreamy and romantic. It maybe a romance just
for the sake of romance. They feel a lot, but do not act on those feelings very often. They may literally think and
brood over you or the feeling forever before then announcing that they are in love.
Knight of Cups as Advice:
As advice the Knight of Cups advises you to receive messages of love with the up most care. It advises you to
dream a reality into existences.
The Knight of Cups is very creative, so if you want to win over someone's heart the advice is to write a song or a
poem. The Knight of Cups’ energy moves slower than the Knight of Wands or Knight of Swords, so move carefully
and deliberately with only loving intentions.
All-in-all when the Knight of Cups shows up be very romantic and make your romantic intentions known.
Knight of Cups Professions:
Veterinarian. Lawrence of Arabia. Iraqi Veteran. Poet. Musician. Lover. Artist. TV script writer. Actor. Counselor.
Psychologist. Public Relations.
Knight of Cups Reversed:
When the Knight of Cups is reversed, you could be swindled or conned. This person could use your heart as a
method for extracting what they want out of you. You could have your heart broken by someone who plays the field
with little regard for feelings. The Knight of Cups reversed is all about themselves and little else. They are self
absorbed and can be emotionally manipulative. They could be very attractive and use their looks as a weapon. Love
to them maybe a game.
As a romantic partner, they could seem like prince charming at first. You could be involved in a wonderful romance,
only to be dumped a few months later after the Knight of Cups loses interest.
Knight of Cups Card Combinations:
 If combined with another court card, it could mean that you will be involved in a whirl wind romance. For
instance, if you get the knight of cups combined with the King of Wands, it could indicate the King of Wands
will sweep you off your feet.
Knight of Cups and Magician:
 Sending invitations, messages, letters so that your day and week is

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completely organized
Knight of Cups and 2 of Wands:
 Someone offers you something and you have to decide on
whether or not you want to take it.
Knight of Cups and 8 of Wands:
 Emailing and texting a romantic proposal

Knight of Cups and 7 of Swords:

 Unfaithful lover sneaks around with someone else or who
has some other secret life that they are not sharing with
their partner.
Knight of Cups and 9 of Swords:
 Love is a nightmare
Knight of Cups and Queen of Swords:
 Offering your friendship or asking someone on a date, but they
respectfully decline not due to their lack of interest, but due to
Knight of Cups and 3 of Cups:
 A woman who is offered a few romantic possibilities.
One is probably better than the other
 An invitation to a baby shower, wedding or ladies night
 Listening to music reminds you of good times.
 Music or art puts you in a dreamy good state.
 Play music creates and sustains the party.
Knight of Cups and 3 of Pentacles:
 You and your friend(s) spend time shopping for gifts

Queen of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
Combines the feminine nature of water with water. Queens are elementally related to water as are cups. This
means the Queen of Cups is water and water. There is a tendency to be completely submerged in feeling and
emotions. There is a tendency to listen to your heart and emotions over anything that you maybe thinking. This
could be good or bad, depending on the situation.
When the Queen of Cups turns up in a reading, it urges you to listen to your intuition. The Queen of Cups is all
about the subconscious. This is where you will get the most out of using her wisely. Your subconscious feelings may
not even reach your conscious level, so you react through the subconscious. This can lead to problems with reality
and issues with self-awareness if not recognized.
Queen of Cups as a Person:
She is ruled by emotions, art, and creativity. She can get lost in her own world though. She is prone to fantasy and
lacks motivation at certain times. She is extremely sensitive. This makes her a very good friend because she listens
with all her heart. She isn't a problem solver, but an emotional support system. The Queen of Cups would make a
good therapist. You are lucky if you have her as a friend.
Stereotypically, she is one of the more beautiful queens. She has a feminine quality to her, which is usually done up
with makeup and beautiful clothing. She will probably have a good fashion sense.
Queen of Cups as a Mother:
She will put her husband before her children. She believes that a happy family starts with a happy marriage. She
will be a good mother though. She allows her children to grow up around the arts. She encourages daydreams and

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fantasies. She may read to them a lot and encourage reading fantasy novels. She loves art projects and artistic
Queen of Cups in Love:
She is dreamy and romantic. She usually loves with all her heart and is prone to monogamy. She often fantasizes
about soul mates and twin souls. She can create an entire world around her and her lover that doesn't exist in
reality. When talking about her spouse, she may say things like, "We were meant to be together. I just know we
met in another life. I have reincarnated back to Earth because I am suppose to help him. We are destined to be
The type of men that are attracted to her will typically be those who think she needs "saving" because she
understands vulnerability. Because of her watery nature, she really needs someone grounded and stable. Her
subconscious attitude is best aligned with a man who can bring in a masculine level of consciousness to balance her
Queen of Cups as Feelings:
If you are asking how he or she feels about you, the Queen of Cups lets you know that they feel like softly, slowly
and dreamily falling in love with you. There feelings are in the subconscious phase right now though, so they may not
even be aware of how they are feeling or why. They most likely have been dreaming about you.
They may also think you are very beautiful, as the Queen of Cups is one of the more beautiful court cards.
Queen of Cups as an Obstacle or Crossing Card:
The Queen of Cups could get you in trouble emotionally. She can be very vulnerable and sensitive. With Cancer as
her ruling sign and the way she is fixated on her cup, she can have a tendency to obsess over something.
Queen of Cups as Advice:
When you pick the Queen of Cups, she is telling you to feel your emotions and understand them. Your emotions are
attached to your intuitive nature and the Queen of Cups urges you to listen to them.
If you can dream it, it can be contained and yours.
Queen of Cups as an Action:
The Queen of Cups is a passive card and does not denote action. You (he/she) will remain in a reverie and dream
about it.
Queen of Cups as an Event:
This Queen loves the beach and she might want you to take a trip to the beach or even the mountains for
relaxation and meditation.
Queen of Cups as a Mundane Event:
This can indicate rain and thunderstorms.
Queen of Cups Professions:
Artist. Florist. Designer. Interior Designer. Swimmer. Lifeguard. Scuba Diver. Nurse. Counselor. Midwife. Psychic.
Clairvoyant. Fashion Designer. Art Teacher.
Queen of Cups Reversed:
When the Queen of Cups is reversed we see drinking and drugs. She can be very emotionally manipulative. She is
not afraid of scandal or intrigue so beware if you get involved with her. She just may turn your world upside down.
Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby reminds me of the reversed queen of cups. It’s all about her and with it she
leaves a wake of broken hearts, broken homes, and broken romance. She is a woman who has never really loved
because she doesn’t know how to love herself. She confuses love and sex and uses sex to get what she wants.
Pleasure from sex results from the control or domination or submission or emotional aspect, but never love.
The Queen of Cups is highly volatile and emotional. She can be turbulent, yet peaceful at other times. She doesn’t
act practically or rationally. Everything is built around how she feels at the time. She often confuses emotions with
true psychic ability. She lives in a fantasy world. This is the queen who most often doesn’t even know herself. Other
people always have a different opinion than the opinion of herself. She and the Queen of Wands love drama. Acting
is definitely indicated. If not an actress then this queen loves to dramatize in her head about who she is and the
reality of this all. She often has a misguided interpretation of situations based primarily on how she is feeling at
the moment. She is all about the moment. She is the least practical of all queens and the least mature.
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Queen of Cups Reversed Mother:
She can be emotionally needy and want her children around to serve her emotional needs above the required needs
of her children. The Reversed Queen of Cups will ignore boundaries and feels that she has the right to do whatever
it is that she pleases with her children because she is the mom.
Queen of Cups Card Combinations:
Queen of Cups and Justice:
 For a woman, creating emotion restrictions maintains balance.
Queen of Cups and Tower:
 Shattering your egotistical and emotional illusions
 Emotional Supremacy with a situation is knocked down.
Could be very humbling.
Queen of Cups and Star:
 A truly beautiful woman, inside and outside.
Queen of Cups and Moon:
 Nightmares
 Emotions respond well to the creative arts
Queen of Cups and Four of Swords:
 Experiencing a meditative out of body or some spiritual experience
due to meditation.
Queen of Cups and Six of Swords:
 Moving away from a difficult situation that involves a
woman like the Queen of Cups
 You are moving away from a very emotional situation
Queen of Cups and Nine of Swords:
 The lack of a stable and sturdy plan is leaving you nightmares.
Nothing seems to become concrete.
 You may have a kid who has a mental illness that is emotionally
Queen of Cups, Six of Swords, Page of Pentacles:
 Working with a language tutor because you are going to
travel to a foreign land
Queen of Cups Reversed and Ace of Pentacles:
 A warning you are drinking too much
Queen of Cups and Page of Pentacles:
 Fixation or unhealthy obsession.

King of Cups
Interpretation and Divination:
Like his queen, the King of Cups is highly emotional, but his emotions are less transparent. He has learned to keep
them under control even though there maybe a molten lava of emotional eruption inside him. Indeed, this king is the
more emotional of the four kings of tarot. We can see the rough, choppy sea behind him. The water is the
subconscious, which rules the world of emotions.
His emotions make him an excellent artist where he can tap into his creative juices. Anywhere you find artistic
creation such as photography, painting, graphic design, you will find the King of Cups.
The spark of fire and element of water bring new creative projects and ideas into your life when you get the King
of Cups in a reading.
King of Cups as a Father:
The King of Cups is a man who puts his family first. He makes an excellent dad. If you want a great dad, you want
the King of Cups. Because he is so in touch with emotions, he can fine tune them to deal with his children. This is

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the type of man who always yearned to marry his true love and make the perfect family with her. He is a faithful
man who will always stand beside his children and wife no matter what. He often knows what his children need and
want before they do. He is a great listener and his calming manner helps guide his children in the right direction.
King of Cups in Love:
The King of Cups in love will love you to his last dying breath. He is passionate and very romantic. When the King of
Cups comes up in a love reading, know that he does have his eyes set on you. Though it may take him sometime to
come over and talk to you. He maybe shy at first. He may have created an entire romantic relationship in his mind
even before you and him meet.
Be prepared to be worshiped with love letters, boxes of chocolates, jewelry, and home cooked meals full of love.
The downside to the King of Cups in love is that he is prone to lying and creating fantasies. He may daydream about
you more than he actually makes plans to see you. He is also prone to drugs and alcohol either upright or reversed.
King of Cups as Feelings:
If you get the King of Cups as "what X feelings towards me?" then they have their eyes set on you. They feel a
very strong feeling of love that surpasses a mere crush. They may even get butterflies at first and there could be
some contradictions. Like he/she may look away breathlessly while talking to you. Don't let that fool you. They are
just nervous and may take some time to warm up. But once the King of Cups knows his/her feelings are reciprocated
then they will feel at total ease.
In general other feelings that could come up are calmness, understanding, compassion and sympathy.
King of Cups in Career:
Water and emotions don't bode well in a reading about career. I would be careful in a career reading if the King of
Cups came up. It's all a turbulent water of subconscious emotions behind him. His shifty eyes and piece of cold,
gray throne he sits on look like they are in dire need of help. Yet there he impassively sits.
Be careful of a man coming to you pretending to help. He can have bad motives. The King of Cups can be
manipulative in business and use subconscious manipulative ploys.
I had to do business with a man and a wife who were always coming up as the King of Cups and Reversed Queen of
Cups. At one point, the King of Cups told me, "I told the investor that I was very ill and dying to put pressure on
the sale. Then I got my wife to cry a lot on the phone."
Once I dug deeper, I realized that these two had a long, long history of duping, stealing, lying and moving around.
King of Cups as Advice:
The King of Cups advises you to take a deep look into your emotions. He suggests that you calm any turbulent
feelings that you may have. Meditation or a calming bath would help you at this time.
Getting the King of Cups as advice suggests that you are going through something turbulent, so this king suggests
that you take a deeper look into your emotions and why you are feeling this way. You may even want to seek the
help of a counselor.
King of Cups Professions:
Photographer. Father. Stay at home dad. Teacher. Artist. Actor. Boat Captain. Fisherman. Counselor.
Psychologist. Therapist. Educator. Anything creative and artistic. Zoologist. Marine Biologist. Shaman. Healer.
Medicine Man. Veterinarian.
King of Cups Reversed:
The King of Cups reversed is prone to emotional outbursts, otherwise known as a drama king.
The King of Cups reversed is prone to drugs and drinking alcohol.
The King of Cups reversed may throw pity parties for himself and dwell constantly on the past while making
himself the martyr.
King of Cups Card Combinations
King of Cups and Emperor:
Being with someone, while wishing you were with
someone else.
Finishing your project, but being in a completely different
frame of mind.

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These two have wandering eyes. Their body
posture and their eyes are poised in two different
directions. This is how we get the doing one thing,
while having your eye on another.
King of Cups and Hermit:
The old man shows you how to control your emotions
The old man controls his emotions when he's confronted
with feelings
 The older gentleman is a master of his emotions
 The artist seeks creativity being alone. (possibly inspired by nature)
King of Cups and Hanged Man:
 Suspension of emotions
 Reigning in and controlling an emotionally pivotal moment
King of Cups and Queen of Cups:
 A situation between a man and a woman. Emotional
control and restraint is used. The woman may feel
unusually calm.
 Complementary couple who may drink or do drugs too
much. Given to artistic flights of fancy.
King of Cups and the Two of Pentacles:
 Going back and forth between emotions
 Being emotionally unstable.
 Indecision

Ace of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination:
All aces represent the potential in the suit that they are in. The Ace of Pentacles represents the potential to have
money, to be in a physically appealing love affair, or to have very good health.
The Ace of Pentacles is one of the more favorable cards. If you are looking for a job then this card says, "Yes!"
The Ace of Pentacles can be very grounded in practicality. A simple, no nonsense approach is sometimes best.
The Ace of Pentacles can predict conception and the start of pregnancy.
The Ace of Pentacles can predict good news of any kind coming your way such as an inheritance or a bonus check at
Ace of Pentacles in Love:
The Ace of Pentacles can be a sexual card which tells of the possibility of a grounded romance. The Ace of
Pentacle may also say, "Yes, your lover/interest/partner really wants to by physical with you." You both maybe
hardworking. You may even like luxury items and want your partner to have similar tastes in style and socioeconomic
If you are asking about a new budding relationship that hasn't taken off yet, the Ace of Pentacles only tells of the
potential of a new relationship.
Ace of Pentacles as Feelings:
You are feeling content and happy. If you are asking, "How does my love interest feel about me?" then they feel
happy, calm and content. There is something grounded and real inside of them that makes them feel like you could
be the one. But since this is an ace, which holds the vibrations of the number 1, it is not yet seen whether or not it
will materialize into a solid relationship.

Ace of Pentacles in Health:

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The Ace of Pentacles says that if you are sick, you will get better. It indicates that good health and renewed
mental security are abundant. You may also be very fertile and have great hair. The Ace of Pentacles suggests that
you take good care of yourself in little, but helpful ways. Drink fresh water daily and take vitamins to boost your
already healthy diet.
Ace of Pentacles in Career:
If you are going into a business then it has the potential to prosper. The Ace of Pentacles is giving you the green
light to go. You have the power to make money and find a new job. You could even boost your sales to new levels. You
have the drive and determination at this time to do that.
Ace of Pentacles Professions:
Gardner. Heiress. Banking.
Ace of Pentacles Reversed:
You maybe having problems with money. Inheritances are lost or thwarted.
On the flip side, you could be so consumed with money that you completely ignore any spiritual aspirations.
Ace of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Ace of Pentacles and Empress:
 New mother.
 Conception of a new baby.
Ace of Pentacles and Four of Wands:
 Spending a lot of money on the party
Ace of Pentacles and Four of Swords:
 Rest from a surgery. You will heal quickly. Meditation.
Ace of Pentacles and Two of Cups:
 A very sexual union between two people. Very fertile and
 The start of a long friendship
 Official business union or partnership
Ace of Pentacles and Four of Cups:
 Refusing the money
Ace of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles:
 You are super rich. Lucky you.

Two of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination:
The most simple interpretation for the Two of Pentacles is the juggling of two projects. You work on one project
and when a section is completed you go to your other project. These two projects are constantly moving up and
down. They seem to flow infinitely.
With all two's there is a duality that needs to be examined. It can even indicate that with all dualities, you will
need to balance them to achieve harmony.
The Two of Pentacles can also indicate someone who is indecisive. He/she can’t make up their mind. Do they or
don’t they? They don’t know and they swing back and forth.
The Two of Pentacles can indicate the stock market as well as any type of gambling. The waves and figure-8
remind us that during a bull market your stocks are up, but the bear market will always follow and your stocks will
go down.
The Two of Pentacles can also indicate car trouble. Swerving back and forth could damage your car. Keep both
hands on the wheel and be alert to everything around you. Watch out for protruding curves.
The Two of Pentacles can indicate texting back and forth. Since it's a slow moving pentacle it may take time
before you or the other person respond. Letter writing is also indicated with the Two of Pentacles.
The Two of Pentacles is about change. The change that will happen in your life is for the better, so embrace it.
Two of Pentacles as a Person:

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As a signifier, the Two of Pentacles denotes someone who easily rolls back and forth with whatever life hands
them. They understand that sometimes you have to take risks in life in order to keep the momentum going. This can
have a very stabilizing effect on them and the people around them. They have lucky Jupiter on their side, winning it
all one day and losing it the next, but this makes them very adaptable people, learning quickly from any mishaps.
They have an excellent sense of humor and enjoy all kinds of comedy. They can see the humor in situations that
might otherwise seem unbearable. They may especially like satire and dark comedies.
Two of Pentacles in Love:
In love the Two of Pentacles may warn that your partner or love interest is juggling two choices or two partners.
They may also be undecided about what to do, so they continue to fluctuate back and forth between you and the
other person. You may feel very emotionally uneasy about the current situation and don't know what to do.
The Two of Pentacles may also indicate that they are spending a lot of time at work while trying to juggle their
current relationship. The Eight of Pentacles would support this.
The Two of Pentacles can indicate a star-crossed situation where they keep missing each other.
Two of Pentacles as Feelings:
You maybe physically feeling a lot of aches and tension that result in upper back pain.
If you are asking about how someone feels toward you, they may feel undecided, uneasy and tense around you.
Two of Pentacles as a Strength:
The ability to write and communicate back and forth, yet never come to the conclusion of meeting, which for a love
reading does denote it going anywhere. But there is a strong ability to write, so use this as a strength. Communicate
ideas and feelings back and forth secure in the knowledge that every step you take is a step in the learning
Another strength would be a lucky period in stocks or gambling. If you are in an up period in the market, sell now.
Two of Pentacles as an Obstacle:
You are trying to juggle to many things at once. As an obstacle the Two of Pentacles warns that you maybe at risk
of dropping on of the balls.
Two of Pentacles as Advice:
The Two of Pentacles advises you to harmoniously change with the flux and influx.
Two of Pentacles as the Outcome:
In the outcome to a romance reading, the Two of Pentacles suggests constantly messaging back and forth that
doesn't seem to get resolved. If this is an ongoing relationship, it suggests that there is a change that occurs due
to external factors.
Two of Pentacles Professions:
Gambler. Bank Teller. Stockbroker. Day trader. Comedian. Joker. Card Player. Driver. Writer. Communications.
Two of Pentacles Reversed:
Letters and writing still go back and forth when the Two of Pentacles comes up reversed, but they may get lost in
the mail or get returned. The Two of Pentacles reversed indicates a lack of receptivity. You maybe sending emails
and not be getting a response. You could be organizing only to have it fall apart moments later.
Plans can change and upset you. You may not know how to deal with the changes and everything falls down around
you. You may lose your footing and drop the balls.
Two of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Two of Pentacles and Fool:
 Communication new, fresh and brilliant ideas back and forth
Two of Pentacles and Hanged Man:
 Going back and forth over an idea or two really good ideas. Unable to decide
Two of Pentacles and Temperance:
 Balancing a situation with the skill of an Angel.
 Easily handling the curve balls like a professional.
 Not stopping until you get it just right.
Two of Pentacles and Star:
 Feeling good and bad is part of the healing process.
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Two of Pentacles and Six of Swords:
 Car trouble, especially with the axel.
 Careless driving.
Two of Pentacles and Two of Cups:
 A conversation on the phone with someone you have made a
connection with. This could be romantic or just friendly.
Two of Pentacles and Six of Cups:
 The Two of Pentacles can represent nausea. So your children could be
sick and you nurture them back to health.
Two of Pentacles and Page of Cups:
 Writing love letters or texting love notes back and forth
Two of Pentacles and Eight of Pentacles:
 Juggling romance and work, but the focus is too much on work, which
leaves the other person feeling uneasy.
Two of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles
 Juggling two meetings at work in one day
Two of Pentacles and Knight of Pentacles:
 Moving forward very slowly even though you have so, so much to do.

Three of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination:
The Three of Pentacles indicates a skilled worker. It suggests a construction worker or someone who works with
their hands.
The Three of Pentacles can indicate that someone is asking for the money for a new business. It can suggest loans
and making future plans. It suggests offers of all kinds.
The Three of Pentacles indicates that three people or more are working together. It can indicate group projects.
It can also indicate internships where you work without pay.
Three of Pentacles in Love:
The Three of Pentacles in love suggests that you met at work. It could also suggest that you meet on a social
media site.
If you are asking about a love interest, the Three of Pentacles suggests that they are busy at work. They maybe
thinking about you, but work my take precedent. They could also already be in a relationship with someone else.
Love triangles can be indicated by the Three of Pentacles, Three of Cups, Three of Wands and especially the Three
of Swords.
If you are currently in a relationship, the Three of Pentacles suggests that you and your loved one work together.
Three of Pentacles as Feelings:
Usually when the Three of Pentacles comes up in the feelings position the person feels superior to you in some way.
They look down upon you and don't think very well of you.
On the other hand, it can just indicate that they feel nothing much at all and are busy with other things in their
life such as work, school or charity.
On a Mundane Level:
The Three of Pentacles suggests shopping where merchants and customers are involved in a sales transactions.
Three of Pentacles Professions:
Architect. Loan Officer. Mortgage Broker. Real Estate Agent.
Three of Pentacles Reversed:
The Three of Pentacles Reversed indicates a lack of cooperation. Your plans may crumble and you could end up not
getting the loan or job that you wanted.
Three of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Three of Pentacles reversed and Wheel of Fortune:
Lack of information regarding an event that works out
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okay. Three of Pentacles reversed indicates that people did
NOT work together and things went a little bumpy
because of it. But as the Wheel of life dictates, it worked out
okay. The situation worked out fortunately well.
Three of Pentacles and World:
Finishing a group project
Getting to a new level on the project you've been working on
 Promotion
Three of Pentacles and Six of Wands:
 Praise for a job well done. You're coworkers love you.
Three of Pentacles and Two of Swords:
 "No, I won't give you the loan you want."
 "No, I refuse to work together."
Three of Pentacles and Three of Cups:
 Working together and celebrating

Four of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination:
The Four of Pentacles main meaning is the inability to let something or someone go. It's holding on to something
whether it be money, a secret or a person. It can indicate obsession.
You also maybe very thrifty with your money and refuse to spend any penny. You reuse and pinch pennies whenever
you can. You may even hoard items and never let anything go. You keep every little memento and even think about
keeping old shoe boxes so you can reuse them later.
The Four of Pentacles can describe someone who guards their heart. They don't want to let anyone in emotionally,
so they fill it with work, money, power, which they think brings them stability. They won't reveal their cards until
you reveal yours. And if you do reveal your feelings they may not reveal theirs anyway.
You maybe working hard to get the financial success that you desire. When you get the Four of Pentacles in a
reading know that success is yours. You have built a solid financial structure which is strong and grounded for
success. The Four of Pentacles suggests that you have the business spirit. But like the four's, this is only the
beginning of stage one. There maybe a tendency to obsess over money and work while ignoring matters of the
Four of Pentacles in Love:
In love the Four of Pentacles can go either way:
In love in can represent a controlling spouse. They may even view you as a possession or commodity and not want to
share you with anyone else. You maybe viewed as the "trophy". They may need to "know" everything, but they do not
reciprocate. They need to know where you are and what you are doing. If you are stuck in traffic and running late,
they may call and demand to know where you are and why you are late in an accusatory voice. They are insecure, but
hide their insecurity behind power struggles. They are so afraid to open up completely because they never want to
be vulnerable. They live in a fear, but are afraid to even acknowledge their fear. Look for the King of
Pentacles reversed to support this. It's common for the Two of Swords to also show up in a reading along with the
Four of Pentacles as a supporting card.
But in love it can also represent stability. You are the pentacle to them. They love you and only you. They want to
be closed off from the world for the weekend and just hug you. You probably love these types of relationships. You
don't want to feel "free". You two are the type that love being in the relationship zone. Spontaneity and a high
romance full of dramatic sexual interludes are NOT your thing. You prefer stability, comfort and mutual closeness
more than anything else. You will always do what you say and so does your partner. You are reliable in a relationship.
But be careful if the Devil shows up along side the Four of Pentacles because in this instance it may mean obsessive
relationships that end up not being healthy.
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If you are not in a relationship and are asking about a potential relationship, you may keep insisting that they will
be yours someday. You keep holding on to the idea of them. You maybe very structured in your thinking. The Four
of Pentacles can indicate being a little obsessed with a person or an idea. You just can't seem to let it go. You look
straight ahead and ignore other options. You have to realize that they may not really be interested in you or they
are closing their heart and mind off to you. If the Eight of Pentacles comes up they are hard at work and may not
be thinking about love.
Four of Pentacles as Feelings:
You may feel closed off from your romantic option. You want to keep your feelings to yourself and do not feel like
sharing. On the other hand, you may feel obsessed about someone and can't get them off your mind.
Four of Pentacles as Advice:
Four of Pentacles is advising you to hold on to your money. Save and don't spend at all. Think of creative ways to
pinch pennies right now.
Four of Pentacles on a Mundane Level:
On a mundane level the Four of Pentacles can indicate that someone wants to hug you or you want to hug someone.
Four of Pentacles Professions:
Banker. Driver. Miser. Midwife. Real Estate Building. Leader. Broker.
Four of Pentacles Reversed:
The Four of Pentacles reversed is when you finally let go. You may let go of blocking your heart in regard to a
relationship and try and open up a little bit.
On a negative side of letting go, you could sell off stocks, bonds or commodities. You let go of the materialism that
could possibly be keeping you in chains.
Four of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Four of Pentacles and the Devil
 Holding on to a vice whether it be drugs, sex or gambling
 Obsessive over a romantic partner with the inability to let go.
Four of Pentacles and Six of Wands:
 It's all about me and not about you
Four of Pentacles and Six of Cups:
 Holding on to the past
Four of Pentacles and Seven of Cups:
 Holding on to the idea or illusion of a love interest
Four of Pentacles and Eight of Cups:
 Long walks with lots of hugs
Four of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles:
 Not allowing anyone to enter your world.
 Fear of people taking what you've worked for.
Four of Pentacles and King of Pentacles:
 Control freak. He views you as a possession.

Five of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
The Five of Pentacles could represent being on the outside and looking in. You see the things you want: friends,
family, children, a spouse, new clothing, but you can't get to them. You see other people with the things you want,
but you just can't see to get past that glass ceiling.
Economic downturns are indicated by the Five of Pentacles. The housing bubble burst or the great depression are
good examples of someone experiencing a Five of Pentacles moment.
It can also represent being spiritually lost because of financial situations that take up all your time. You need to be
financially secure before you can develop spiritual awareness. How can you possibly have the time to develop any
spiritual awareness when you are outside in the cold weather without a place to prosper?
But remember the moral to the Aesop fable when you see this card show up. It can also indicate a marriage that
will work itself through. It can indicate that you do have a strong plan, but you are taking the longer way around it.
The Five of Pentacles also stands for perseverance that only you can see, since only you have the plan.
Five of Pentacles in Love

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The Five of Pentacles could indicate that you feel rejected by a love interest. This person probably looks down
upon you, so they aren't a good match anyway.
If you are already in a relationship, the Five of Pentacles could indicate that you and your partner will make it
through thick and thin. It might even strengthen your relationship.
Five of Pentacles as Feelings
You may feel left out and rejected. You get the feeling that you are on the outside looking in.
Five of Pentacles As Advice
The Five of Pentacles advises you to keep to yourself. From a financial standpoint, the Five of Pentacles urges you
to keep your finances straight. Don't over spend or you could be out in cold.
Five of Pentacles As an Action
The Five of Pentacles tells you that you should wait a little bit. It's a non action card. So just keep walking by.
Don't go in. Don't change anything up because change is coming in its own time. In general it is a, "no."
Five of Pentacles in Health
The Five of Pentacles can even foretell broken bones and slow healing times. It can indicate that you are not taking
very good care of your health.
Five of Pentacles as an Event or Situation
The Five of Pentacles can warn that you maybe evicted from your home.
Five of Pentacles on a Mundane Level
The Five of Pentacles could indicate a slow download time on your computer.
You could also be caught in a winter storm or busy preparing for a blizzard.
Five of Pentacles Professions
Chimney Sweeper. Maid. Nurse. Church. Snow Plow Driver.
Five of Pentacles Reversed
The Five of Pentacles Reversed can indicate a short-term marriage that ends badly. You may have married
someone for material gain or material comfort. You may have thought it was easier to share your material troubles
with someone else. Rent was cut in half, the car payment was shared, etc. You may have been pressured into
marriage because the "time was now or never." It suggests two people who were never meant to be together now
stuck in an unhappy marriage that will lead to divorce.
On the other hand, when the Five of Swords is reversed the window looks more like a door. If you are suffering
from any kind of material troubles, exclusion from the group or spiritual devoid, the door is now open for you to go
Five of Pentacles Card Combinations
Five of Pentacles and Lovers:
 You married the wrong person.
 Signals a breakup
Five of Pentacles and Hermit:
 Outcast of society. The weird ones no one wants to associate with
Five of Pentacles and Star:
 No money for the spa
Five of Pentacles and Queen of Wands:
 Be bold and walk by.
 Take charge of your life
Five of Pentacles and Three of Swords:
 Unable to recover from an operation due to emotional stress
 Unpaid or unable to pay doctor's bills due to a lengthy
operation and continuous illness
Five of Pentacles and Ten of Cups:
 Somethings not right about this picture of a happy home
 Unable to commit to the "happy home" scenario
Five of Pentacles and King of Cups:
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 He always seems to come in and help, but you must be aware of
ulterior motives because why else would you feel out in the cold?
 From a basic emotional level you feel worthless. This could definitely
come from your father or a father-like figure. Even a man who
resembles the King of Cups can be making you have emotionally
unsettling feelings of being unlovable, desperation and worthlessness.
Five of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles:
 Feeling uncomfortable at home
 An unhappy marriage
Five of Pentacles and Queen of Pentacles:
 Being at home while working on the computer. Very slow
download speeds result in racking up charges that could
have been avoided.

Six of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination:
The Six of Pentacles can have two meanings. You can either be the man getting the handout or the man giving the
handout. If you are the man who is receiving know that it is okay to ask for help. Welfare isn't a bad thing if you
need it. Just be aware of the lesson of the other man and spend your money wisely. Use your money to make more
money. Perhaps you need to reevaluate how you are spending your money and living your life. Are you using your own
personal power to grow into a better person?
The second meaning of the Six of Pentacles can be from the view of the man giving the donations. It is okay to
give away your wealth, especially if you have more than you need. Good karma will result from such a good deed, but
be aware that if you only give because you think that it will result in good karma, then it really isn't a good deed. It
is a selfish act.
The man giving the money is most likely a sharp business man who is always thinking practically about money. Maybe
he realizes that these are merely investments and the man who gets the most coins is the better investment. You
may be trying to decide on who or what to give your money to. Make a wise business decision. You maybe ready to
host a charity event or are deciding between two business prospects. Use your head.
You can also be the man who needs more money, but spends it foolishly. Perhaps you need to reevaluate how you
are spending your money and living your life. Are you using your own personal power to grow into a better person?
Six of Pentacles in Love
A good sign as the sixes are fairly good signs in love. Just be aware of the roles that everyone plays in this
relationship. Despite the scales this card does not indicate equality in a relationship. One person gets more than
the other person.
The Six of Pentacles can suggest a relationship where the wife has to constantly ask for money. She has a very
small budget compared to the man's budget. He indulges in fancy vacations, luxury cars, and designer clothing, but
she may not be allowed the luxury items that he gives himself. Though, they are both comfortable in this
relationship. She feels happy tending to the house. All her needs are met. He feels powerful and in charge. This is
one of the most common meanings that I have found during love readings.
Be careful of who has the upper hand in the relationship. There are some manipulations coming from the merchant.
Real intentions are hidden from plain view. Superiority complexes and egos are common in this type of relationship.
For instance, your boyfriend or husband may take you shopping so that you look good in sexy clothing. The clothing
aren't for you, but for him. He looks good when he's with you in your tight jeans or designer dresses.
The Six of Pentacles in love can also be about unequal love triangles, but look for supporting cards such as the
Three of Swords or Three of Cups. It can indicate that a wealthy man has two girlfriends or most likely a wife and
a girlfriend on the side. One woman comes away with the situation with more material gain than the other woman.
Six of Pentacles as Feelings:

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You feel charitable and may want to give to someone in order to get something in return.
If you are asking about a love interests feelings towards you, then they feel like they may like you a little bit.
They may even feel like they are on a power trip, such as, "oh she/he likes me and that makes me feel good." But
has no intentions of fully returning the feelings.
Six of Pentacles Professions:
Charity Worker. Non Profit. Merchant. Business Owner. Banker. Panhandler. Street Urchin. Beggar. Lawyer who
deals with Wills. Trustee.
Six of Pentacles Reversed:
You may not get what you want. When the Six of Pentacles is upright, you get help or you are helping. But when the
Six of Pentacles appears reversed in your spread there is now no balance. There maybe an injustice where someone
may be charitable only to advance themselves. It can indicate unfair court proceedings as indicated by the justice
scales being tipped over.
Six of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Six of Pentacles and Lovers
 Your lover/boyfriend/husbands takes you shopping.
Six of Pentacles and Wheel of Fortune:
 Getting lucky while gambling.
 Pay day.
Six of Pentacles and Death:
 An event where half the people show up.
Six of Pentacles and Ace of Wands Reversed:
 Neglecting a cause, work or anything you've committed yourself to.
Six of Pentacles and Two of Wands:
 Trying to decide where to place your charity.
Six of Pentacles and Three of Wands:
 Pay day/ Pay out
Six of Pentacles and Two of Cups
 Giving to a charity event.
 Signing of contracts that benefits everyone involved.
 Having a romantic partner where there are big socioeconomic
differences, like one is rich and the other is poor.
Six of Pentacles Reversed and Ace of Pentacles
 You don't get the money you asked for. Someone maybe purposely
with holding.

Seven of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
The Seven of Pentacles is all about patience, waiting and sometimes just walking away from something that isn't
working. It's about being suspended and wondering why something that you've tended to for so long is not ready to
harvest yet.
The Seven of Pentacles foretells and warns of disappointments, long waiting periods and proposals you want to mull
Sometimes we really need to step back and look at things from a different perspective. Sometimes there is
nothing more we can do. We have to take a step back.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you need to think things through before making a decision.
Seven of Pentacles in Love
The Seven of Pentacles can indicate failure and sadness within a relationship or someone you've been pining for.
You may be frustrated in a relationship or potential relationship and want to give up. You may be thinking that it is
too much work.

~ 110 ~
You have to make the decision about the relationship. Is it too much work or do I keep waiting and tending to it?
The Seven of Pentacles isn't the best card to get when you're looking for romance. It indicates failure, waiting in
vain and contemplation.
Seven of Pentacles as Feelings
You maybe feeling very frustrated with someone or something. You may be feeling that you are waiting for
something that may never come. There is a real sense of you waiting for something, not necessarily pause or
reflection because there is nothing you can do until the thing you are waiting for arrives. That thing could be the
love you've always wanted, the money you've been working so hard to gain or the dream house you are finally about
to find. And yet, you are determined to see it through until the end. You have inner fortitude and strength to
continue even though it feels as if it will never come.
The Seven of Pentacles can also indicate that you are contemplating something that is a grave matter. The feeling
side is linked to the thinking side. There is a good chance that you are feeling torn between something or someone
and so you sit and contemplate.
Seven of Pentacles as an Action:
Not all cards are cards of actions. If you are asking whether a particular someone will call you back or if you will
get that email or bonus check in the mail and you get the Seven of Pentacles, you may not hear from them.
The Seven of Pentacles suggests an inaction and a period of waiting.
Seven of Pentacles on a Mundane Level:
Can indicate that you are looking for something lost that you can't find.
Seven of Pentacles in a Career:
You are putting in a tremendous time at work. At some point you want to take a step back and reflect on your work.
It could indicate that like a piece of art, you want to step back and take a look and muse on it for a day. This may
yield a new perspective.
Seven of Pentacles Professions
Greenhouse. Planter. Waiter. Farmer. Works with their hands. Botanist. Horticulturalist.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed

You are not putting a lot of work into your endeavors. You may experience cancellations and delays. Something you
were really looking forward to maybe postponed.
The Seven of Pentacles reversed suggests that you have dedication, but it's detrimental to your success. Nothing
is harvesting and nothing will. Perhaps you should just walk away now. There are other bushes to tend to.
Seven of Pentacles Card Combinations
Seven of Pentacles and Two of Wands
 Sudden insight into a new business or new business idea.
 Pause and reflection about a new venture, idea or romance
Seven of Pentacles and Five of Wands
 Being the slower counterpart at work.
 Diligent, industrious and task driven at work.
 Being too busy to reply to an email or phone call.
Seven of Pentacles and Eight of Swords
 Feeling trapped by fruitions that aren't coming.
 Feeling frustrated and anxious for putting in so much effort for no or
very little profit.
Seven of Pentacles and Queen of Swords
 Taking a moment to reflect, weigh and analyze a situation.
Seven of Pentacles and Eight of Pentacles
 Slowly working away
 Putting in long hours at work

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Eight of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
The Eight of Pentacles is sometimes named the apprentice card because he is still learning and mastering his
trade. The Eight of Pentacles can also be a card about internships that will lead to a higher paying job. The rewards
can only be achieved through dedication and hard work.
The Eight of Pentacles could indicate that a big payout is imminent if you finish your job. The Eight of Pentacles is
reminding us to stay focused.
The Eight of Pentacles indicates that you are concentrating on something specific right now. It maybe a routine
that you do over and over again. Any type of job that you do repetitively is suggested by the Eight of Pentacles.
Eight of Pentacles in Love
There are no other people in this picture, but the man working diligently on his craft. The home is far away and a
great deal of distance separates him from his home. You maybe spending too much time working and neglecting your
home and family.
If you are single and can't figure out why, maybe it is because you are spending too much time working to meet
anyone new.
It can also indicate that he is thinking about you often. The infinity 8 means he is thinking about you over and over
again, but is this a good thing? There is only one person in the picture. Or are you the person who is trying over and
over again to get someone to love you. Are you thinking over and over again about someone who doesn't respond
back the same way? The Eight of Pentacles can indicate a slight fixation in a relationship that is one-sided. It can
be a warning that one person is more invested to the relationship than the other.
Eight of Pentacles as Feelings
The Eight of Pentacles isn't a feeling card, per se. Generally people are asking how a loved one or love interest
feels about you and it can indicate that they aren't feeling anything right now about you. They are generally
consumed with work.
If you are asking about feelings in general, such as "how does she feel about the job proposal, how did they feel
about the letter, how does he feel about ....etc.." then there is a repetitive thinking and feelings. It doesn't
indicate what or how they are feeling. Again, a clarifying card might help, or to pull the card aside and meditate on
it for a while.
On a Mundane Level
The Eight of Pentacles could propose that you will be listening to one song over and over again.
Eight of Pentacles in Career
The Eight of Pentacles is a real career oriented card. You job is very important to you at this time. You are
working hard to master your craft or trade. This card indicates working with your hands and with physical labor,
but it can summarize any job.
Great card to get if you are asking about your career especially the beginning of a career. This assures that if you
put in the time and dedication to your line of work, you will succeed and prevail.
Eight of Pentacles Professions
Assembly Line worker. Apprentice. Artisan. Factory. Skilled Worker. Artist. Etcher. Blacksmith. Iron working.
Welding. Oil Refinery. Construction. Journey Man. Carpenter. Computer Coding. Any job where you do one thing
over and over again.
Eight of Pentacles Reversed
The Eight of Pentacles reversed indicates that you are unfocused and perform sloppy work. You could be cutting
corners that end up making more money for you in the short term, but end up with devastating consequences in the
long term. You will end up with goods or merchandise that isn't quality and lose customers in the process.
The work effort in the Eight of Pentacles falls to the wayside when this card is reversed. You are sloppy,
undedicated and may even do illegal things to get ahead. It indicates a poor work ethic and underhanded behavior.
In love, the Eight of Pentacles reversed can come up for a person who is a commitment phobic.
Eight of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Eight of Pentacles and Fool
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 Steadily working on a new project
Eight of Pentacles and Lovers:
 Contracts at work
 Working with the one you love
Eight of Pentacles and Four of Cups:
 Going to work instead of hanging out with friends
 Rejecting one job offer over another
Eight of Pentacles and Four of Wands:
 A bride working and planning her wedding, while her groom does no
planning with her.
Eight of Pentacles and Page of Swords:
 Over thinking something way too much
Eight of Pentacles and Seven of Pentacles:
 Exercising and waiting for the results, which are never instant.
Eight of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles:
 In a relationship context, this can indicate obsessive thinking that is
heavily one-sided.

Nine of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
The Nine of Pentacles can indicate a solid financial future. Possible inheritance and/or hard work are suggested.
Whatever she has is very stable. She has comfort and abundance. She is most likely a savvy business owner.
The Nine of Pentacles suggests that you are in the process of developing self-worth and self-discipline. This will
ensure that you will never lose your wealth. Balance the material with the spiritual and you will see the completion
of the nines. Spiritual completion is grounded in material abundance. Because without a stable place, especially
within a natural world, you would not be free to work on your spiritual mission. Stuck working like the man in the
Eight of Pentacles, you cannot devote anytime to spiritual development. So the two need to be balanced.
Retirement is also signaled. The easy and slow nature of many retired people bodes well with the Nine of Pentacles.
Leisure in a retirement home is highlighted, especially in the self-contained world that the Nine of Pentacles brings
and the slow and steady life of the snail.
Nine of Pentacles in Love
The woman in the Nine of Pentacles knows that love comes within yourself and all around you. She understands the
difference between object oriented love (commonly called lust) and true love for everything around her. She loves
her garden, her body, her bird and the snail. She understands them all and is filled with compassion for everything
around her. She is in touch with the natural world. She is radiating from a place of love. This is the way she can
attract people that will truly love her, for her.
The Nine of Pentacles suggests that you or someone you know is a woman that doesn't need a man to fulfill any
sense of self. This card bodes well for retired women as well as divorced women who would rather keep their
relationships out of their house. For instance, the Nine of Pentacles could denote a woman whose children are
grown and who now lives alone. She may date occasionally, but is not looking for a man to co-habitat with. After
years of children and husband dependency, she is living an independent, self-sufficient lifestyle.
Nine of Pentacles as Feelings
Someone thinks you have it all! They maybe feeling secure, safe and very comfortable around you.
They may also think that you are out of their league. Thinking this will lead to feelings of intrigue, but a distance
will be kept.
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Nine of Pentacles as a Strength
Draw on the strengths from your surroundings, which are most likely beautiful. At least, you see the beauty in it.
You are strong and independent. Organize your beautiful life and you'll have the keys to success. Venus in Virgo.
Nine of Pentacles Professions
Winery. Wealthy Business Owner. Sole Proprietor. Trust Fund Baby.
Nine of Pentacles Reversed
The Reversed Nine of Pentacles can sometimes indicate a kept woman who amuses her lover once a week, but who
lives in a sort of gilded cage.
It could also indicate a trust fund baby who doesn't know anything else other than spending all day luxuriously
being idle. They may not get any work done, but would rather lounge around eating bonbons.
The Reversed Nine of Pentacles can sometimes indicate that you have a weight gain tendency due to sumptuous
wine and delectable cakes.
Nine of Pentacles Card Combination
Nine of Pentacles and Hermit
 Studying in luxurious surroundings. Most likely solitary.
Nine of Pentacles and the Devil:
 Being trapped in a gilded cage. From the looks of it, it's a pretty nice
place to be trapped, but you are trapped, nevertheless.
Nine of Pentacles and Four of Wands:
 The affluent woman entertains at home
 She loves to stay at home and clean the house. She decorates so well.
Nine of Pentacles and Six of Swords:
 Traveling to a vineyard to taste wine
Nine of Pentacles and Ten of Swords:
 Being unbelievably tired while lounging around at home.
 Having no energy to do all the work required at home.
Nine of Pentacles and Ace of Swords:
 The independent lady is thinking about cutting it (him/her/them)
loose because she (he) knows she's (he's) right.
Nine of Pentacles, Ace of Swords and Two of Pentacles:
 The two highly independent people fight over who’s going to be right.
Nine of Pentacles and Eight of Pentacles:
 She works hard to have it all and she deserves it.
 Repetition is the key to having it all
 Hard work is the only way up
Nine of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles:
 Super Wealth
 Disagreements over money
 Trust-Fund Baby
Nine of Pentacles and Page of Pentacles:
 Business acumen comes easy for you. While you lay the ground work,
it will work for you.
 You have a fertile ground for starting a
new project.

Ten of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
When you have too much money what do you do with it? You pass it on to others, so that they may have abundance
too. This is the card of inheritance, family legacies, and marriages. You maybe the old man who is giving his house
to his grown children and grandchild, or you could be the one receiving the inheritance.
The Ten of Pentacles is also about the transference of wealth. You have worked hard and built a solid foundation
to sit upon.

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Unlike the other family card, the Ten of Cups, the Ten of Pentacles is not a stage card. This is the real deal. This
is the family that sticks together because that's the "right" thing to do. It doesn't speak of undying love, bu
undying devotion to the patronage and family lineage.
In the perfect reading about love and marriage you would want to get both the Ten of Pentacles and Ten of Cups.
Ten of Pentacles in Love
This is a good card to receive if you are asking about love. It can indicate material success and material wealth.
It's a solid card to get especially for people who believe in leaving a legacy for their children.
The Ten of Pentacles is definitely a marriage card, but one of earthly marriage. It is a very secure marriage based
on a strong sense of stability.
The Ten of Pentacles may indicate marrying for money and/or arranged marriages. Your spouse may have
everything that you want. They maybe financially secure, have the right job, the right ethnicity, and come from the
right socioeconomic world, but there maybe something lacking. Namely true love and emotional completion. But a
couple like this is unlikely to divorce especially if you get the King of Pentacles as the male patriarch.
Ten of Pentacles as an Obstacle or Crossing Card
When the Ten of Pentacles comes up in a position of an "obstacle" or is a crossing card, you could be feeling very
trapped by family obligations. You may not be able to attend a function or do something on your own because you
are bound to your house, to your children, wife/husband or mother/father.
In a love reading where you don't know the person well, the Ten of Pentacles could refer to someone that is
already married. You may know or not know. If you do know that your lover is married, this card in the outcome or
crossing position indicates that your lover will stay married to their current spouse.
Ten of Pentacles as Advice
The Ten of Pentacles is about protection and the home. As advice, you may need to stay at home, create boundaries
or walls to protect yourself or rely on family members to help you.
If you are dissatisfied with your family members or some members of your family, remember that you can start
your own legacy.
The Ten of Pentacles advises you to donate anything that you have an excess of. It could run a range of
possibilities from donating old books and clothes to retiring a boyfriend or girlfriend that isn't harmonious to your
way of life anymore.
Ten of Pentacles Professions
Fortune 500. Doctor. Hotel Manager. Event Planner. Underwriter. Trust Fund. Will and Testament Writer.
Fisherman. Real Estate Director.
Ten of Pentacles Reversed
The Ten of Pentacles Reversed can be about two ships passing in the night. You have everything you think you
need: wealth, security, family, heritage, but you may not be happy. You and your spouse are so busy working
separate jobs that you may rarely see each other.
This could end in divorce or a permanent separation.
Ten of Pentacles Card Combinations
Ten of Pentacles and Tower:
 Divorce
 The realization that your marriage is over.
Ten of Pentacles and World:
 Staying in your comfort zone.
 At home and feeling complete
 Napping at home
Ten of Pentacles and Seven of Cups:
 Fantasies about the perfect family (I'd like to see the Seven of Cups
come first and then the Ten of Pentacles for this combo)
 Staying at home with your family and working on creative
projects together. These projects are very likely not to get finished

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due to the day dreamy nature of the Seven of Cups.
Ten of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles:
 Inheritance
Ten of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles:
 Trust fund baby

Page of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
All pages send messages and communicate with people outwardly. It is usually a message that you send, but then,
of course, with tarot, exceptions are the name of the game....
Page of Pentacles as a Person
He or she is responsible, down-to-earth and level-headed. He brings messages of new jobs or promotions.
He is a hardworking. When they commit to their studies or job they do all the necessary research and planning for
it. The Page of Pentacles can be very organized. You might see him or her spending long nights in the library
The Page of Pentacles also indicates someone who loves animals and nature. He might enjoy simple walks in the park
or hiking.
The Page of Pentacles is also very conservative in his beliefs. They will probably agree with the majority or status
His dress maybe very conservative as well. He or she will probably be very well groomed and they may even be
drawn towards luxury items.
The Page of Pentacles is a very pensive person. He or she loves to think over decisions. They will not make a quick
decision, but would rather weigh all the pros and cons.
He moves very slowly, but patiently. He wants everything to be perfect, so he meticulous dots all his I's and
crosses all his T's. He is a perfectionist and doesn't care how long it takes him to get a project done. This page
wants to be thorough. He loves completing projects that he starts.
Page of Pentacles as a Message
He can bring messages of inheritance, scholarships, new business opportunities. If you are expecting a message,
this message will not be quick. You may have to wait for its arrival.
Page of Pentacles as Advice:
You might want to try investing for your future.
The Page of Pentacles asks you to think careful about making any big decisions and make sure they are grounded,
safe and reliable.
Page of Pentacles in Love
If you are asking about love, this page is very secure, faithful and loving. He or she will be dependable, kind and
soft spoken. They are very family oriented, but any Page in a reading indicates immaturity in a relationship. So the
Page of Pentacles may represent a relationship that moves so slowly that it never materializes into a fully
committed relationship.
The Page of Pentacles in love is making future plans with this person. They maybe very focused on the new love
interest. They may feel very serious about the person. Do you see how the Page of Pentacles stares at the pentacle
intently. Though, if you look closely you'll see that he is balancing the pentacle. He doesn't have a firm grip on it. It
can sometimes suggest not having a firm handle on the relationship or situation surrounding the relationship. It
isn't the best card to get for a love reading because it can seem contradictory towards a happily ever after.
The Page of Pentacles in love wants a partner who complements them. They are not "head-over-heels" in love type.
They may pick a partner based on mutual interests, compatibility and social factors.
Page of Pentacles at Work
Page of Pentacles brings dedication and hard work to any new task. You maybe embarking on a new business
journey. It denotes that you are starting at the bottom up. Though you bring with you a sense of stability. The Page
of Pentacles is the apprentice card. You have to work at the bottom to get to the top. The Page of Pentacles
~ 116 ~
understands this. You may have gotten a job at a dream firm, but have to do the basic work for several years
before getting promoted. This is just part of the learning process.
Page of Pentacles Professions
Student. Ferrier. Potter. Horse Trainer. Assistant. Cashier. Bank Teller. Entry level job. Nature Guide. Park
Ranger. Librarian. Veterinarian Assistant.
Page of Pentacles Reversed
When the Page of Pentacles comes up reversed, you maybe feeling slovenly and lack motivation. You may have been
working so hard at something that never seems to develop and now you are getting depressed and unhappy about it.
The Page of Pentacles can indicate failing an exam probably due to lack of studying.
In rare cases, the Page of Pentacles reversed can indicate learning disabilities, dyslexia or other ailments that
inhibit learning.

Page of Pentacles Card Combination

Page of Pentacles and Chariot
 Having major tunnel vision in finishing a project.
 Extreme focus.
Page of Pentacles and Two of Wands
 Slowly making a decision
 Taking time to reflect on your studies
 Pausing to reflect on the kingdom
Page of Pentacles and Ten of Wands:
 Working so hard that it becomes overwhelming
 Never giving up, no matter how hard the job becomes
Page of Pentacles and Queen of Swords:
 Working diligently on the project
 Nothing will get in your way of working your way to finishing the new
Page of Pentacles and Nine of Cups:
 You're happy when you get the internship
 Being happy and content studying
Page of Pentacles and Ten of Cups:
 Starting a new family
Page of Pentacles and Ace of Pentacles:
 Working towards a new goal

Knight of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
Knight of Pentacles as a Person
The Knight of Pentacles can be seen in two aspects. The first is that of the nature boy, hiker, farmer, and the
outdoors type of guy.
The second aspect can be seen in the finer things in life, such as liking the best quality cars, clothing and homes.
In either case, he may not have a lot of money, but he is able to manage his money really well. He is working
towards having a financially secure lifestyle, so he may save all his money to invest in sturdy stocks and mutual
funds. He is secure and doesn't spend lavishly. He is thinking about the future and the financial aspects of saving
for a strong financially secure future. He may even believe that time is money, so he manages both his time and
money very well. The Knight of Pentacles will never spend beyond his means.

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He is hardworking. He may or may not have a lot of money, but he definitely works hard. He has the best work
ethic of all the knights. Which means that when he develops into the King of Pentacles he will most likely have a lot
of resources and money.
He is always on time and always does what he says he’ll do. He is the most reliable of all the knights. It’s important
to him and part of his structure. He always thinks before he acts, so when he commits to something it’s because he
has really given it a lot of thought. You’ll know it’s a commitment and that he is ready for.
This knight is typically a student or a recent college graduate just starting out in life. He is typically unmarried.
Knight of Pentacles in Love
In love this knight is very particular about who he commits to. He is not frivolous in who he dates and is always
looking for the most utilitarian package. He may not be the most romantic of knights (the Knight of Cups tends
toward romance), but he will be a stable and reliable partner who is thoughtful and always follows through. When he
does commit to a woman, he does so with the utmost dedication.
If you are asking about the potential of a romantic partner, you maybe waiting a while for a commitment. He moves
so slowly that you may not get the answer nor the commitment you are seeking. The romance maybe drawn out over
several months never going to the next stage. Boredom may set in before any fireworks go off. In fact, shrubs may
start sprouting from his clothing due to inactivity.
Knight of Pentacles as Feelings
You are feeling very dedicated to something or someone. You are feeling very grounded and secure.
If you are asking how someone else feels about you then they feel dedicated, grounded and secure about your
future together. They feel like you are worth the effort and wait.
Knight of Pentacles as an Obstacle
The Knight of Pentacles is a very methodical and meticulous person. Whatever job or task he/she has tackled, they
want to do very well. They may get bogged down with the details so much that they forget all the other tasks.
Perhaps they have a long work day just because they obsess over little details of the project making sure
everything is just perfect. This can hinder a project with a deadline, especially when there are other task that
need to get done.
In romance, the Knight of Pentacles as an obstacle means that he (or she) will move so slowly that dust may gather
while you wait for them. They just don't choose partners based on superficial looks or wild chemistry. So the
Knight of Pentacles maybe spending too much time thinking and analyzing who you are, taking out his compatibility
chart and carefully outlining the details of the relationship. This can be an obstacle if you have already decided
that you want to make a go of it and this guy is sitting around with a clipboard. Not the most romantic of knights.
In general, the Knight of Pentacles can refer to boredom.
Knight of Pentacles as Advice
When you get the Knight of Pentacles in a reading it could be telling you to pay more attention to the details and
be thorough and thoughtful about everything you do. Hard work and planning really do pay off.
Knight of Pentacles Professions
Professor. Computer Programmer. Farmer. Tough Guy. Tractor Driver. Handyman. Security Guard. Real Estate
Agent. Waiter or Waitress. Lower ranking military (not an officer). Nature guide. Forest Ranger.
Knight of Pentacles Reversed
When the Knight of Pentacles comes up reversed in a reading, you could be lazy, disorganized and have general
The Knight of Pentacles Reversed can also indicate over eating, drinking too much and lack of exercise. You could
turn into a slob who eats away their problems and doesn't try to fix the inner you. You could end up being
overweight and lack the discipline and drive to fix your weight problem.
Knight of Pentacles Card Combinations:
Knight of Pentacles and Fool:
 Dedicated to a new path or take on life
Knight of Pentacles and High Priestess:
 You ask for money, but they are non-receptive.

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Knight of Pentacles and Hierophant:
 Steadily working through the day perhaps at an institute
such as school or a large corporation.
 Making something right again with patience and fortitude.
Knight of Pentacles and Chariot:
 Sheer determination will get you to the finish line
Knight of Pentacles and Ace of Wands:
 Slow burning sensuality
Knight of Pentacles and Nine of Wands:
 You keep going even though you are exhausted
 Nothing will stop you from finishing
Knight of Pentacles and Two of Cups:
 Romantic perspective- He (she) will be dedicated to you
 Friendship- Your friendship is enduring
 Work- The both of you work together to create a harmonious
situation and relations
Knight of Pentacles and Eight of Pentacles:
 Hard work, concentration and dedication to task.
 Apprenticeship.
Knight of Pentacles and Ten of Swords:
 Not getting much work done
 Slowly and methodically asking the same questions over and over
again, but in a different way.
 Obsessing over the details

Queen of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
Queen of Pentacles As a Person
She has many confidants because she loves to take care of people. She is hard working. Everyone generally loves
her because she is warm, loving and understanding.
She is the homemaker and the mother. She loves her home and it is also welcoming and lavishly decorated. She is
warm, loving and nurturing. She loves to throw parties in her home because she loves to make people feel good. She
is the person you can go to with all your secrets because she won’t tell. She will listen to you when you need to talk.
Anyone can talk to the Queen of Pentacles. She is a good listener and can seem to remain unemotional at times. She
is sympathetic, kind and caring. She helps you through your problems by listening and understanding.
She loves her home and is usually good at entertaining, decorating, and growing her own garden. She always keeps a
beautiful home and will keep it in tip-top shape. Her home is usually clean, organized and beautifully decorated.
Queen of Pentacles As a Mother
She loves her children equally or if she does favor one over the other then her children will never know. She loves
animals and babies and they love her. Animals will come up to her perhaps even jump into her arms. She is good with
gardens, plants and flowers. Things grow and thrive around her.
She always puts her children and husband ahead of herself. Her children will have all their needs meet through a
loving and structured foundation. She teaches them the value of hard work. She highly values the traditions of her
family and culture. She wants to pass them on to her children, so she is diligent as a role model.
Queen of Pentacles in Love
The Queen of Pentacles in love is a very devoted woman. She is earthy, sensual and very grounded. She will need a
partner that is equally grounded and financially ambitious. She will love making you a special dinner from scratch
and with lots of love. She is the queen who will take care of you when you need it. She will come to your aid when
you are sick, making sure to squeeze fresh orange juice and homemade chicken noodle soup with fresh ingredients.

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She is loving and kind. She can be sensitive, but practical at the same time. She understands that to have a good
relationship, both parties need to be on equal footing. There needs to be a balance.
Once the Queen of Pentacles devotes herself to her man, she will be devoted always. She's not a one night stand
kind of woman or into casual summer flings. She is looking for the perfect match to her world and when she finds
him she will be the happiest and sweetest little bunny.
The downside to having the Queen of Pentacles coming in your romantic reading is that she can indicate the other
woman. This will be indicated with another court card such as the Queen of Wands, Queen of Cups or even the High
Priestess. The Queen of Pentacles can be quite tempting for a man because she seems to lack the overly sensitive
and fluctuating emotions of the Queen of Cups and she isn't a fiery and spontaneous as the Queen of Wands. The
Queen of Pentacles makes sure that she always exhibits her best side to society. She'll usually always look the
best dressed and takes care in her appearance even if it means taking an hour to get ready in the morning.
Queen of Pentacles as a Feeling
You are feeling loving and tender towards someone or a situation. You feel like nurturing someone. You feel kind
and compassionate. You may even feel luxurious about something.
Queen of Pentacles as a Strength
When the Queen of Pentacles comes up in the strength position you may have a fine tuned sense of mathematical,
intuitive ability at this time. This can be used as a strength to start a home based business.
As a strength position in a love reading, use your strong ability to stay grounded and keep your emotions to
yourself. Nurture anyone around you by listening to their feelings. Silence is golden.
Queen of Pentacles as Advice
As advice, the Queen of Pentacles urges you to treat the situation with a calm demeanor.
Queen of Pentacles As a Career
The Queen of Pentacles is stable and is the Queen of Success. She knows that a successful woman is consistent
and hardworking. Her garden and lush environment can stand for her abundance and success in the material world.
The Queen of Pentacles is very good at anything that she puts her mind to. She knows her strengths and her
weaknesses and doesn't have any extravagant dreams of success that are unobtainable. You won't catch the Queen
of Pentacles ideally daydreaming in reverie. She will work hard at doing what she is good at. She knows that to be
successful you have to be diligent and organized. She is a master materializer. She will come up with a plan and then
micromanage all the smaller details until she is complete. Because of her devotion, no task is too hard for the
Queen of Pentacles. "Make a list and check it twice" is her motto. She will also make sure that the house, the kids
and the job are all taken care of by organizing her time efficiently and effectively.
Queen of Pentacles as a Situation
The Queen of Pentacles indicates grounding and stability. As advice, the Queen of Pentacles urges you to treat the
situation with a calm demeanor.
Queen of Pentacles Professions
Mother. Nursery. Animal Breeder. Home based businesses. Banker. Book keeper.
Card Combinations with the Queen of Pentacles
Queen of Pentacles and High Priestess:
 The other woman
 She keeps a lot of secrets.
 She keeps to herself.
Queen of Pentacles and Six of Cups:
 Quality time with the kids
 Mother's Day
Queen of Pentacles and Nine of Pentacles:
 Never having any money problems
 Success is assured
 Great money management
 Staying at home all day in a luxurious environment

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Queen of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles:
 A well run home
 Domestic Goddess
 Family values that will transcend generations
Queen of Pentacles and King of Pentacles:
 Husband and wife business partners
 Complete and total balance of work and home
King of Pentacles
Interpretation and Divination
King of Pentacles As a Person
Usually indicates a wealthy man. He loves structure and hard work. He is usually an established man who is
dedicated to working hard. He loves the good life: luxury, sumptuous velvets, opulence, and quality. He probably
drives an expensive car and dresses well.
The King of Pentacles type of man tends to be a very larger-than-life figure. He’s also very persistent. He’s the
type of man that sits on the head of a board room. He doesn’t take “no” as an answer. He’s solid like the earth too,
so once he sets his mind on something, he’ll go after it with full force.
He is earthy, solid and grounded. He also may love the outdoors, nature, trees, plants, and animals. Because of his
relationship to the Earth, the King of Pentacles can be in any profession that relates to the Earth whether it be
farming, oil, or mining, yet he is probably doing the business aspect of these field. He may be the director of Exxon
or manage Perdue Farms.
King of Pentacles As a Father and Family Man
He is a strict father. Sometimes he works such long hours that he rarely sees them. He may set aside time for his
children as if they are part of the corporate plan. In a negative sense he can see his children as accessories to his
empire. He expects them to behave the best and be their best. He is dedicated to their education, knowledge and
growth, but may have a tendency to view them as extensions of himself rather than individuals.
He treats his queen like a queen that can co-rule his empire with him. She is usually a homemaker since he works so
much. He expects her to always have everything prepared and ready for him when he gets home. He is the boss of
the relationship, while she cares for the children. If he originally married a career woman, then they are a team
that work together to build their family legacy. His wife will be expected to balance their children's needs and her
career. Usually a nanny is involved in these types of relationships.
King of Pentacles in Love
In love he is slow and steady. He builds relationships that have a solid foundation. He is very sensual and probably
very good in bed. He gets just as turned on when you are turned on.
The King of Pentacles usually represents a married man. He is very faithful and committed. He may have a
tendency to be jealous and possessive. You will rarely see the King of Pentacles having an affair or a woman on the
King of Pentacles as Advice
The King of Pentacles advises you to think things through thoroughly. If you are seeking financial advice, the King
of Pentacles advises you to take the time to read all the paper work and sit on it for 24 hours before making a
decision. The King of Pentacles doesn't rush, so as advice: Don't rush.
You may want to take a nature walk to get insight into your situation. Surround yourself with the beauty of nature
to find comfort and inspiration. This will lead to better stability, which will result in you making a better decision.
Now is time to make that decision. As advice, the King of Pentacles tells you to make that final decision, final
assessment or finish a project to completion.
King of Pentacles as an Obstacles (or crossing card)
The King of Pentacles could be an actual person in your life that is making it difficult for you to move forward.
They aren't going to budge in their decision and will make decisions behind your back that you disagree with. The
King of Pentacles as an obstacle can be obstinate.

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As a situation, the King of Pentacles can indicate an exam, test or work that is taking much longer than you
originally thought. Pentacles move the slowest of all the suits, so as an obstacle to a situation, the King of Pentacles
could indicate a slow moving project that you had not anticipated for.

King of Pentacles Professions

Business man. Bodybuilder. Bodyguard. Professional athlete. Money manager. Financial planner. Stockbroker. Real
estate broker. Oil. Mining. Gas. Entrepreneur. Business professional. Lawyer. Executive. World bank. Banker.
Consultant. Education administration. Government. Hands-on. Carpenter. Gardener. Doctor. Painter. Electrician.
King of Pentacles Reversed
The King of Pentacles reversed tends towards being greedy and rich. This king has not learned the secrets of true
wealth yet. The Reversed King of Pentacles needs to learn that when you give, you receive.
As a lover or husband the Reversed King of Pentacles can be controlling and manipulative. He is all about me, me,
me and his ego being super inflated. He can say and do cruel things, especially when he feels like his ego has been
bruised. His partner will be a prize to be won. He strategically thinks about love, often to his own detriment.
He can be intimidating and can and will hurt other people to get what he wants. Puffery….Always thinking about
money and finances.
This guy is vain in the sense that he wants nice things to the extreme.
Card Combinations for the King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles and Emperor
 A successful older man will help you succeed in business.
 Not moving or budging on your position or stance
King of Pentacles and Chariot
 Boardroom boss who takes control and dictates effortlessly
King of Pentacles and Six of Wands
 He puts you on a pedestal. You win. His heart is yours.
 Everyone at the boardroom loves him. They look up to
him and admire him. His words and actions are followed
and imitated. They can't do it without him and he can't do
it without his loyal team.
 The only reason he talks to you is because you flatter his
King of Pentacles and Ten of Pentacles
 A well-run business that his children will one day inherit

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