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I am the Stig!!! has been added to the conversation.

veekie has left the conversation.

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! has been added to the

Witch has been added to the conversation.

veekie has been added to the conversation.

Thanqol has been added to the conversation.

-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-

OOC window
veekie says:
locked and loaded
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
everyone check in so i know we can all see this
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
Thanqol says:
I am the Stig!!! says:
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
Witch says:
ready yes
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19
C. 2pm- says:
ok good
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
rodric prepped new spells
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
who else prepped new spells?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
i did
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
alright. in which case, i'll adjust the date and time shortly
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
before i do, let's finish up at HQ
Thanqol says:
I prepped new spells.
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
ah, ok
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
we need to finish up at HQ, which is the 3rd August
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
spell prep will be the morning of the 4th
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
*hits himself on head with homer sound*
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
just double checking the name of the girl that jacques went
to see
Witch says:
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19
C. 2pm- says:
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
just found it
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
james bond much, witch?
Witch says:

veekie says:
Thanqol says:
Descripty piece about Athi's spell prepwork - mind if I post
veekie says:
in a bit I think
veekie says:
after clockskip
Thanqol says:
Witch says:
Witch says:
Witch says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

lol, what's wrong with welsh, mr. bond?
Witch says:
I can't pronounce the place names
veekie says:
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19
C. 2pm- says:
Daniel, you'll get a chance shortly
Thanqol says:
veekie says:
I thought we were to at least let the items come out?
veekie says:
before posting
veekie says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
in a welsh accent
veekie says:
she just had a frenchie
veekie says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

ah, ok
Witch says:
Thanqol says:

-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19

C. 2pm- says:
still dealing with items
veekie says:
oh both cool and wall o txt
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
i agree with veekie
veekie says:
and mistimed
veekie says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

(much like tony agrees with george)
Thanqol says:
XP Others started talking, I assumed I could go.
Witch says:
But it's not time for spell preparation yet to my knowledge
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
Thanqol says:
She did it yesterday?
veekie says:
still the same day
Thanqol says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
it's q
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

veekie says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
now i'm just waiting for the exploding quilll
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
or the invisible chariot
veekie says:
I'd handle the chariot!
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
selah, that is LOL
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19
C. 2pm- says:

veekie says:
now, if only I got belkar's nickname
veekie says:

veekie says:
death's lil helper
veekie says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
well, marchosias' usename would be good, too
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
who needs a generic, non recognizable divine symbol?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
and witch, THAT was lol
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
i do
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
and Dustin too, i think
veekie says:
yeah, dustin has one spell, which turns him into a living ground
based meteor
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
veekie says:
rhino's charge
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
Witch says:
Witch says:
You get to get hurt
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
selah.... that's the best one so far
veekie says:
veekie says:
veekie says:
where the sun shineth not
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, that's not a good place to get nailed
I am the Stig!!! says:
and as far as divine symbol, I was going with a Thor's
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
yes, but its recognizable
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
you can keep it if you want
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
but if Baalians capture you
veekie says:
need a stealth one
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
it will betray you as an operative of a different faith
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
and that is bad times for betty
I am the Stig!!! says:
hhmm..... well then
I am the Stig!!! says:
generic it is
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
mr. generic for the win!
I am the Stig!!! says:
veekie says:
veekie says:

I am the Stig!!! says:

hey, Thor is awesome
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
thor is awesome
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
except the cross-dressing part
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
i'm not sure that women with beards are all that good-looking
I am the Stig!!! says:
especially in either the Marvel Comic or the Stargate
sense..... hahahaha
I am the Stig!!! says:
....... Thor wasn't a cross-dresser!!
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
just that one time
Thanqol says:
He got his hammer back tho.
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
with the marrying the king of the giants for his hammer, as i recall
veekie says:
veekie says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
freya wasn't up to that, lol
veekie says:
he did smash his way out
veekie says:

veekie says:
once he got the hammer back, it was hammertime
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
freya could probably have done the same, lol
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
MC hammer time?
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
game time
I am the Stig!!! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
veekie says:
disposing of evidence in the eventof capture 101, extra dimension?
meet extra dimension
Witch says:
Confusing tenses, Eli!
Witch says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19
C. 2pm- says:
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
habit creeping back in
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
games are usually done present tense, but when i write i
usually prefer past
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
and yeah, reio's physique is like an average johnnies' guy
Witch says:
Saying it wrong?
Witch says:
Maybe I a
Witch says:
veekie says:
Witch says:
My character isn't
Witch says:
I'm native French darnit
Thanqol says:
She's bluffin', and referring to the arabic.
Witch says:
Witch says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

wow... i see no-one's discovered a charged item of
prestidigitation i call 'deodorant'
Thanqol says:
Athi bathes.
veekie says:
thats why I have it prepped twice
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, deodorant?
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19
C. 2pm- says:
ok, can we fade to the next scene?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
yes, let's do so
I am the Stig!!! says:
veekie says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
*scene-ness, rather*
I am the Stig!!! says:
fade to black?
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
1 mins
-SIS HQ, Vauxhall Cross, London. Weather - showers, max 19 C. 2pm-
while i change something
veekie says:
veekie says:
gonna make a horse in head joke next
veekie says:
I have 6 horses running around in my head
veekie says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
i thought you said 'head in horse' joke, veekie
veekie says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
skeleton guard, eh....
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
note: skeleton guard does not mean undead
veekie says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, we figured, but it's still funny, given the context
veekie says:
single skeleton guard
veekie says:
veekie says:
one bony watchman
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
glad i packed el wando
veekie says:
foresight is a wondeful thing
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
four-sight is even better
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
nothing like a good pair of extra eyeballs
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
people say i have my grandfather's eyes
veekie says:
Witch says:
what the heck
Witch says:
"oh no, 10 or 12 degrees"
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
am i missing something here?
Witch says:
I'm not really following
Witch says:
but to my knowledge
Witch says:
10 or 12 degrees is not particularly hot
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
winds are scouring, and if that's as high as it gets, the lows
veekie says:
veekie says:
but sunburn
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
negative 10 degrees at night
veekie says:
high altitude
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
neg 10 is a baaad thing
veekie says:
endure elements should handle it
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
that's moscow in winter
Witch says:
and moscow doesnt have bad wind
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
that's enough to kill without proper protection
Witch says:
these mountains likely do
I am the Stig!!! says:
I used to walk to class in weather like that, and that was
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
yes. but when you got to class, it was central heating
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
and you had modern technology in your clothes
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, so the frostbitten limbs would melt?
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
to restrict the impact while outside
Witch says:
We have magic in our clothes
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
i know
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
what time is it right now?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
game-time, of course
I am the Stig!!! says:
nah, it wasn't that bad..... 3-5 ft snow drifts, ice, sub-zero
temps.... all a good part of northern Idaho.....
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
oh, meant to mention that. 11am. my signature is wrong
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
August 4th
Thanqol says:
Blarg, net's fritzing again. I'm being told it's going to have to leave.
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
veekie says:
lets not go about blabbing
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
you know...i hate those pink stars
veekie says:
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
and yet i never get rid of them
veekie says:
Thanqol says:
I'm too ill to contribute much anyway X_x
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
poor thing.
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
alright, let's wrap up
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
that's what you get for plowing through snow drifts
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

Thanqol says:
Feel free to go ahead without me.
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
down 2 is unfun
veekie says:
naw, it's just not the same
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
no, we're already missing one player
Thanqol says:
It's Straya. Snow is something we see on satilite images.
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
two is too many
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
or in melbourne in the middle of december (summer), daniel
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, melbourne + summer = bad times for sinister
Thanqol says:
I'm in Canberra. We had snow once in summer.
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
(likes the cold and black clothes)
Thanqol says:
That was hilarious.
veekie says:
I'm in malaysia
veekie says:
we have snow like never
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
so, the party will wait until dark?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
yeah, i think so
Thanqol says:
Anyway, net's starting tof all apart. Sorry gotta bail now. Cya
veekie says:
evening at the least
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
veekie says:
veekie says:
too bad really
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
when does the sun set here?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
time-wise, i mean
I am the Stig!!! says:
Thanqol has left the conversation.

-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:

good question. i spent ages looking for climate information
earlier (for the mountains)
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
i'll see if i can find out about sunset
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
sunset was 7.36pm on Aug 4th
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
in Tel Aviv
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
so that is pretty close
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
i love the resources for this campaign setting!
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
thus, let's leave at 7.30
I am the Stig!!! says:
yeah, this is pretty freakin cool
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
yeah, it is very cool
veekie says:

忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:

never thought of twerth
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
i wonder how i would take it for the 'sinister twerth', lol
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
seropeaneans on twerth, lol
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
sorry, tworth
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
Witch says:
I prefer Twurth
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
no twarth?
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
yes, but i get to call it what i like. *pokes tongue*
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
or twyrth?
veekie says:
so we going to spend the remaining time wandering about
town,looking at the landscape?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
yeah, probably
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
twarth is what reio would call it, or more exactly, 'tsuwaasu'
Witch says:
I propose we call it Twacquerth
Witch says:
Witch says:
Witch says:
Witch says:
Witch says:
We're done then
veekie says:
maybe we can arrange a second time this week
Witch says:
Still no undead dead
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, you mean still no undead re-dead?
Witch says:
I like to consider undead as dying, not dead
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
so then, no undead finished dying?
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
my wife is away
Witch says:
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
i can try for Saturday, same time for start
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
saturday is likely a no-go for me
Witch says:
unlikely for me to work
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
Witch says:
My wife is not away
Witch says:
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
my RL game is on that day, and i have an assignment due
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
Witch says:
not that it's a formal wife
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
lol, huh?
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
Witch says:
I just meant my gf
I am the Stig!!! says:
whenever is cool.... except maybe Friday night....
Witch says:
but wife sounds cooler
Witch says:

-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:

yeah. gf
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
friday out
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
sat out
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
sunday out
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
well, i have a girlfriend, and certainly have no intentions of calling
her a wife, lol
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
wife means "woman"
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
housewife means "woman of the house; hussy; prostitute"
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
husband means "bound to the house"
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
house-bound, lol
veekie says:
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
of course, these are all old, obsolete meanings
忠 - Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici - Finally 20! says:
well, yeah, english does that
-Nimrod Castle, Golan Heights. Fine. 18 C Max. 11pm- says:
alright, saving this log too

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