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Topic: Free time

1. Introduction: Brain storming – 5’

What does come to your mind in connection with free time? What people can do in their free
I will write students’ ideas on the whiteboard.

2. Doing a questionnaire in connection with leisure activities. – 10’

Students fill in the questionnaire, and after that they compare and discuss their answers in
pairs. At the end, I will ask some pairs about their opinions.

3. Watching a video about technology and free time- 12’

A: Students watch the video, and they have to fill in the exercise. After that, we check the
exercise together.
B: Students have to discuss 4 questions in pairs.


4. Find someone who… - 8’
Students have to stand up and find someone who…. They have to fill in the chart and ask
additional questions from their classmates. After filling in the chart, I will ask some
students to tell me what they have learnt about each other.

5. Role play – 10’
Students get different situations and they have to play them with their partner.

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