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By :
Name : Isnaeni Rachmawati
Student ID : B1B017036
Group :2
Subgroup : VIII
Assistant : Hanif Tri Hartanto





A. Background
Gouramy is a freshwater fish that comes from swamps. His body was flat and
wide, his body was more than half the length of his body. When young, problems
were pointed and adult-themed became blunt. The body of the gourami is brown or
red-brown with black spots on the pectoral fin. His back is dark brown red, while his
stomach is silvery or yellowish. Gouramy includes omnivorous fish that have
labyrinth tools, roundness to oxygen. Gouramy has a long thread excess and works as
a touch tool (Agus, 2001).
Gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) is an Indonesian native fish that has spread
throughout Southeast Asia and China. Gouramy has been intensively cultivated by
artificial feeding. The cultivation system, gouramy fish is often fixed during the rainy
season. Changes in ambient temperature (cold temperature shock) will produce stress
that induces at the cognitive level, then disrupts even deadly growth (Hastuti, 2003).
Circulatory system or health circulation is a very important physiological
process. The circulatory system in fish is only single. The circulation system has
many functions, but as a means of transportation. Like the constituent components of
the circulatory system, it consists of the heart, blood, blood vessels and spleen. Blood
vessels are arteries and veins that are along the body. The vascular system in fish is
divided into two components, the circulation and the secondary circulatory system,
which is a system called 'lymphatics' (Rasmussen et al., 2013).

B. Purpose
The purpose of this lab activity are:
1. To observe the way blood circulation in fish.
2. To be able distinguish between artery and vein.

A. Materials
The materials that used in this lab activity are larvae of gourami (Osphronemus
gouramy), and water.
The tools that used in this lab activity are microscope, preparation tray, pipette,
tissue and cavity slide.

B. Methods
1. Fish larvae is put on the cavity slide.
2. Blood circulation of fish is observed using microscope.
3. Picture of fish is taken and differentiate the artery and vein.

A. Result

Figure 3.1. Circulatory Sytem of Gourami (Osphronemus gourami)

Figure Details :
1. Artery
2. Vein
B. Discussion
Circulatory system is defined as the system that moves blood, oxygen and
nutrients through the body. The circulatory system has several functions including
circulating blood containing food extracts from the digestive system to the rest of the
body, as transporters of oxygen and carbon dioxide, regulating body fluid balance,
regulating body temperature (Abdurrahman, 2008).
According to Sloane (1995), functions of circulatory system are:
1. As a transport of food, gas, hormones, minerals, enzymes, and other vital
substances blood is carried to all body cells. Residual substances are carried by
blood to the lungs, kidneys, and skin to be removed from the body.
2. Maintaining body temperature, blood vessels contract to maintain body heat and
dilate to release heat on the skin surface.
3. Protection, blood system and lymphatic system protect the body against injury and
invasion of foreign bodies through the immune system.
4. Buffering function, blood proteins provide an acid-base buffer system to maintain
the optimum pH of the blood.
There are three main components of circulatory system. The heart is encased
in a pericardial layer consisting of two sheets. They are the heart, blood vessels
(arteries, capillaries and veins), as well as blood flowing in them (Tambayong et al.,
2016). The heart is a muscular organ to pump blood throughout the body. Blood
vessels are a series of tubes where blood flows. Blood vessels are composed of two
cell types: endothelial cells and mural cells which are commonly subdivided into
vascular smooth muscle and pericytes (Rossi et al., 2015).
In contrast, open circulation happens mostly in invertebrates. Open circulation
is that most of the blood is pumped from the heart into the blood vessels but the blood
vessels are in contact with open regions or sinuses and blood flows freely between
tissues before finally returning to the heart. Open blood circulation is usually low
pressure, blood is brought directly to organs such as closed circulation, blood
distribution is less easily regulated, blood often returns to the heart slowly (Yanagida
& Hla, 2017). According to Gordon et al. (1997), the closed circulation of the
resulting pressure is higher and there is a good separation between the arteries and
veins, whereas in the open circulation the awareness of the blood is not through
vessels, low blood pressure depends on the contraction of the body wall to push blood.
Fish and frogs included in vertebrates have a closed circulatory system. Insects and
snails have an open circulatory system.
The blood circulation system observed in this lab activity is the Osphronemus
gouramy larvae. Gouramy belongs to the vertebrate subphylum, and have closed
circulatory system that are always in the capillary, arterial and venous tubes. The heart
of Gouramy is divided into two chambers, namely one atrium and one ventricle. It
has single blood circulation, which is the blood only passing through the heart once.
Mechanism of blood circulation in fish are first blood is pumped from the heart that
consist of sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle and conus arteriosus which arranged in
linear, then blood is exported through capillaries from the gill. When passing through
the gill, CO2 is released and O2 is taken, the process of gas exchange. After the
exchange, blood will enter the arteries and distribute throughout the body, then back
to the heart via veins (Ville et al., 1988).
Based on the observation, blood flows through vein vessels are slow, while the
blood flows from artery are in high speed movement. This is because veins are not
directly connected with the heart valves so there is no pump pressure given from the
heart. Artery on the other hand receives blood pumps from the heart because it
connected directly with heart valves. The observation result is in accordance with
references because the blood circulation from artery has higher speed due to its wall
structure. Histologically, artery has thick and elastic walls. Diameter of artery is
relatively bigger with spreading pattern of circulatory system. Meanwhile veins have
low blood pressure, very thin walls, not very tough and less elastic compared to artery
(Guyton, 1997).
Another observation is conducted from the color of artery and vein. Artery has
brighter red color because of rich on oxygen. This is suitable with statement of
Soetrisno (1987), who says that when high oxygenated blood reach capillary tissues,
partial pressure of oxygen will decrease, and blood will easily release oxygen. Then
blood will be taken by veins from capillary tissues into the heart, colored dark red due
to its high level of carbon dioxide.
There are many differences between artery and vein. Artery has thicker wall
with elasticity, suitable for its function to rapidly carry blood that rich in O2. Heart
pressure in artery is very strong which big vessels are needed to stabilize the pressure.
Arterial flow velocity is radiated and rapid, have function to carry blood, nutrients,
and oxygen to the tissues while veins bring blood that rich of CO2 into the vascular
system. Artery always carry fresh blood filled with oxygens except the pulmonary
artery that carry dirty blood which needs to be oxygenated. Wall structure of artery is
thick and elastic, vary from 25 mm to 0,5 mm. Microscopically, arterial wall consists
of three layers (Steinvil et al., 2016).
In contrast with artery, vena has functions as reservoir for transporting blood
from the tissues back to the heart. Pressure in the venous system is low, the walls are
thin with middle layer that’s thinner. Vena is less strong, easier to deflate and very
less elastic than arteries. It brings blood that high in CO2 into the heart (Guyton,

Based on the lab activity it can be concluded that :

1. Circulatory system is a system that moves blood, nutrients, and oxygen throughout
the body. Consists of three main components: the heart, blood vessels and the blood
itself. In fish, they have closed circulatory system in which blood moves through the
2. Artery and vein has many differences, but the main difference is that artery rich of
oxygen and transport blood from heart to body tissues meanwhile vein takes blood
that rich of carbon dioxide from tissues to the heart.

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