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What is Communication?

• the act or process of communicating; fact of
being communicated.

– the imparting or
interchange of thoughts,
opinions, or information
by speech, writing, or

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• Conviction that “a specific mode of conduct or
end state of existence is personally or socially Foundation of Ethical Behaviour
preferable to an opposite mode of conduct or Guide for Judging one’s own and others’ behaviour
end state of existence”. Resist Changes
• They have two attributes More stable , enduring characteristics, based on
– Content attribute: What mode is important which attitudes and personal preferences are
– Intensity Attribute: How much important formed
Basis for crucial decisions, life direction and personal
Value System tastes
• Hierarchy of values in terms of their intensity
is the Value System
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Why Value System is Important?

• Value System lay the foundation for
– Attitude • a system of moral principles
– Motivation
– Influence our perceptions • deals with values relating to human
Types of Values conduct, with respect to the rightness
and wrongness of certain actions and to
• Terminal Values: Desirable end state of existence,
the goals that a person would like to achieve during the goodness and badness of the motives
his or her life time and ends of such actions.
• Instrumental Value: Preferable modes of behaviour
or means of achieving one’s terminal value

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Example-Ethical Behaviour from Value Values of Texas Instruments

• Tylenol-Analgesic drug- of J &J • Integrity
• In 1986, an individual succeeded in lacing the – Integrity is the foundation on which TI is built.
drug with cyanide There is no other characteristic more essential to
• Wide spread panic in US a TI’ers make up. It has to be present at all levels.
• Speedy recall of drug from all outlets Integrity is expected of managers and individuals
• Company did not sell product till it developed when they make commitments. They are expected
more protective packaging, harder to tamper to stand by their commitments to the best of their
ability. Keeping our commitments and fulfilling
• Quick and responsible action communicated expectations we create with our promises – both
positive, reassuring image of the company direct and implied- is an uncompromising
• Company recovered the 70% market share of standard
the drug “Know what’s right, Value what’s right, Do
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what’s right” guru-106-OB 10

An Example- Texas Instruments Some Examples

• Uphold the profession's reputation for honesty, competence,
• TI employees receive a copy of TI ethics quick and confidentiality.
test on a business card size mini pamphlet to • Give clients the most current and accurate information
carry with them. This test consists of the possible within the budget and time frames provided by the
following: clients.
• Help clients understand the sources of information used and
– Is the action legal?
the degree of reliability which can be expected from those
– Does it comply with our values? sources.
– If you do it, will you feel bad? • Accept only those projects which are legal and are not
detrimental to our profession.
– How will it look in the news paper?
• Respect client confidentiality.
– If you know it is wrong, don’t do it?
• Recognize intellectual property rights. Respect licensing
– If you are not sure, ask agreements and other contracts. Explain to clients what their
– Keep asking until you get an answer. obligations might be with regard to intellectual property rights
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and licensing agreements. guru-106-OB 12


Ethic Codes Corporate Codes of Ethics

• Ethic Codes (or Ethical Codes) are • Honesty - Professional communicators are
moral guidelines that are used to
help assist people in making honest, accurate and candid in all
decisions, to tell the difference communications. This practice encourages the
between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ and to free flow of important information in the
utilize this understanding to make
ethical choices interest of the public
• There are 3 levels;
– Code of ethics (social issues)
– Code of conduct (influence to
behavior of employees)
– Code of practice (professional

Corporate Codes of Ethics Corporate Codes of Ethics

• Confidentiality - Protecting the confidences and • Free Speech - Principles of free speech and free ideas
privacy rights of employees and customers is the should be encouraged.
duty of professional communicators. Additionally,
they must abide by legal requirements for disclosing • Courtesy - Sensitivity to cultural values and beliefs
information that affect the welfare of others are crucial.

• Credit - Give due credit to those who you get ideas


Type Example

Coercive Intimidation and threatening others.

Destructive Backstabbing and inappropriate jokes.

Unethical Practices Deceptive Euphemism and lying.

Intrusive Eavesdropping, tapping telephones or

monitoring Internet use
Secretive Hoarding information and cover-ups

Manipulative- Acts which attempt to gain

exploitative compliance or control through



Ethical Communication Characteristics of Ethical Communication

• Regardless of context, communication involves Conveying the point without offending the audience
choice, reflects values, and has consequences. • While communicating to the audience, conveying the
• Any company that aims to be socially and ethically desired message to them in a significant manner is of
responsible must make a priority of ethical primary importance.
communication both inside the company and in its • For instance, the employees in a company can be
interactions with the public. asked to increase their efficiency in a demanding
• In general, consumers prefer to do business with manner whereas managers and executives will feel
companies they believe are ethical which gives those offended if the same tone is used on them.
ethical businesses an advantage in the market • There are different ways to explain the exact things
to them in a much smoother manner.


Characteristics of Ethical Communication Characteristics of Ethical Communication

Maintain a relationship with the audience Avoid withholding crucial information
• Maintaining the same wavelength with the audience • In the modern era, information is vital for all
is very important for a communicator to ensure the decisions.
audiences feel at home. • Hence, it is vital for any organization to be cautious
• Experienced communicators immediately build a when communicating with the public.
relationship based on trust with the audience as soon • The communicated information should be absolute
as they start speaking. and all vital information must be conveyed
• Great orators such as Winston Churchill and Mahatma appropriately.
Gandhi always were able to maintain a relationship • Purposely withholding crucial information might
with their audience because they were masters at result in the public conceiving a bad image.
striking the same wavelength of the audience.

Characteristics of Ethical Communication Characteristics of Ethical Communication

Well organized value system Accuracy of information is necessary
• In order to ensure that this concept is successfully • Any information that is to be passed on must be true
practiced and understood in an organization, a well- and accurate.
organized value system must be established • Communicating without checking the truth of the
throughout the organization by the top management. information can be highly dangerous for the
• If an organization functions on the base of value organization.
systems common to both the top management and • Identification of the source and testing the
the employees, mutual respect between them will be information is necessary before communicating it.
• A sound and healthy value system can make way for
ethical communication.

Message ahead of the person - Common

good approach
• Most people in organization face ethical dilemma
when they want to withhold crucial information
APPROACHES TO because of conflict with an individual or a group.
ETHICAL COMMUNICATION • In such situations, importance should be given to the
message to be communicated and not on the person
or the group to which the message is to be
• Hence people should give priority to the common
good of the organization rather than interpersonal or
inter-group conflicts.


Decisions that produce more good and less

harm – Utilitarian approach
• When in ethical dilemma consider the effects of
various alternatives after a certain period of time. CODE OF ETHICS
• Ethical decision is to choose the alternative which
provides more good and less harm to the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION

• To be truthful and accurate and to personally correct Commandments to Ethical Communication

any inaccuracies they have the opportunity to correct.
• Use language and visual with precision,
• They are also expected to support human rights, such
• Prefer simple, direct expression of ideas,
as freedom of speech and to respect and understand
• Satisfy the audience’s need for information, not own
the values of different cultures and belief systems.
need for self-expression,
• They must refuse to participate in any unethical
• Hold self responsible for how well my audience
business communication practices.
understands my message,
• Follow all laws and regulations affecting their industry,
• Respect the work of colleagues, knowing that a
avoid plagiarism in communication, maintain
communication problem may have more than one
confidentiality except when it would be legally or
ethically inappropriate to do so.
• Strive continually to improve professional
• Avoid the appearance of bribery or conflict of interest,
avoid promising unrealistic results or benefits to
• Promote a climate that encourages the exercise of
clients or customers and practice honesty with both
professional judgment and that attracts talented
self and others.
individuals to careers in business communication.

Behaviour of Professional Communicator

Test the Ethics of a Message • Professional communicators uphold the credibility
and dignity of their professional by practicing honest,
• Does the message comply with the law? candid, and timely communication, and by fostering
• Is it balanced? Is it fair to all concerned? the free flow of essential information in accord with
• Who will it benefit or harm? the public interest.
• If you are receiving the message, how would you • Professional communicators disseminate accurate
feel? information and promptly correct any erroneous
• Have you be embarrassed if others found out about communication for which they may be responsible.
the message? • Professional communicators are sensitive to cultural
• Does the message make you feel good about values and beliefs, and engage in fair and balanced
yourself? communication activities that foster and encourage
mutual understanding.


Behaviour of Professional Communicator

• They refrain from taking part in any undertaking,
which they consider to be unethical.
• Professional communicator protects confidential
information and, at the same time, comply with all
legal requirements for the disclosure of information
affecting the welfare of others.
• They do not guarantee results that are beyond the
power of the practitioner to deliver.
• Professional communicators are honest not only with
others but also, and most importantly, with
themselves as individuals, for a professional
communicator seeks the truth and peaks that truth
first to the self.

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