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There is no knowledge without intuition and there is no conduct without

knowledge. There is no liberation without conduct and there is no
nirvana (complete bliss) without liberation. The realities are known
through knowledge. Their intuition leads to faith in them. The conduct
leads to cessation of karmic influx. The austerity leads to purification.
When the purification of the self is complete, the living being acquires
the state of salvation.

The relationship between science and religion is frequently commented

on, but rarely understood with clarity. Though very few people would
deny the importance of religion or of science, it is difficult to see what
their importance is to each other. On the hostility theory, they make
incompatible claims, and they pose grave risks to each other, and to
society. Which camp endangers society–religion or science–and which
camp helps it is the point of disagreement. But on another theory, the
two are not opposed at all. According to some commentators, religion
and science work together to present a fuller understanding of the world
by mutually enlightening each other. Still other people think that science
and religion pose no risks to each other, but they do not support each
other either; they are simply concerned with isolated sets of questions.

Einstein once said, “Science without religion is lame. Religion without

science is blind.” This statement is a unique insight; it lays the
groundwork for the mutual relationship of two of the greatest ideals of
all time. In my opinion science opens religion’s eyes to the natural world
while religion gives scientists faith in their aspiration toward truth and
In this dissertation I have tried to explain the significance of Sun Gazing
(Atāpanā) in scientific manner. The dissertation is divided into four

The first chapter is the introduction chapter where introduction of

penance, its definition, types, sub-types, importance of austerity in all
penances, kinds of austerity, introduction of sun gazing (Atāpanā), and
history of sun gazing is explained in detail.

The second chapter is on the procedure of practicing sun gazing in which

different ways of practicing sun gazing is mentioned along with the tips
and effects of sun gazing.

The third chapter is not only about the importance of sun gazing but also
about the spiritual as well as the physical benefits of sun gazing.

In the fourth and the last chapter of this dissertation, real life examples
of person who have taken Atāpanā have been listed along with their
personal experiences as well as reviews on Atāpanā.

At the end of the dissertation, the process of sun gazing as a whole has
been seen with a sceptical eye and the conclusion is withdrawn thereon.

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