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Optimal Control Problem for Fractional Dynamic Systems – Linear Quadratic

Discrete-Time Case

Article  in  Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences · September 2013

DOI: 10.2478/bpasts-2013-0072


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2 authors:

Andrzej Dzieliński P.M. Czyronis

Warsaw University of Technology 6 PUBLICATIONS   21 CITATIONS   

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TECHNICAL SCIENCES, Vol. 61, No. 3, 2013
DOI: 10.2478/bpasts-2013-0072

Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem
for fractional dynamic systems
– linear quadratic discrete-time case
Electrical Engineering Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics, Warsaw University of Technology,
75 Koszykowa St., 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
Bumar Elektronika S.A., 30 Poligonowa St., 04-451 Warszawa, Poland

Abstract. The optimization problem for fractional discrete-time systems with a quadratic performance index has been formulated and
solved. The case of fixed final time and a free final state has been considered. A method for numerical computation of optimization problems
has been presented. The presented method is a generalization of the well-known method for discrete-time systems of integer order. The
efficiency of the method has been demonstrated on numerical examples and illustrated by graphs. Graphs also show the differences between
the fractional and classical (standard) systems theory. Results for other cases of the fractional system order (coefficient α) and not illustrated
with numerical examples have been obtained through a computer algorithm written for this purpose.
Key words: fractional order systems, discrete-time systems, optimal control, linear quadratic performance index.

1. Introduction In this paper the optimization problem with fixed final

time for fractional discrete-time systems with quadratic per-
Fractional calculus is an extension of the traditional calcu- formance index are formulated and solved. The case of a free
lus of the integer order, where the definition of derivatives final state with fixed final time is considered. The case of a
and integrals are defined for a non-integer (real or complex) fixed final state with fixed final time has been investigated in
order. Using fractional calculus we can get a more detailed [33]. A method for a numerical computation of the solution
mathematical model of physical processes or experiments. A of such an optimal control problem is presented. The pre-
very good example of the use of the fractional calculus is sented method is a generalization of the well-known method
modeling of an ultracapacitor [1] or the heating process [2]. for discrete-time systems of an integer order. The efficiency
Also, other areas of science and technology have started to of the method is demonstrated on a numerical example and
pay more attention to these concepts and it may be noted that illustrated by graphs. Graphs also show the differences be-
the fractional calculus is being adopted in the fields of sig- tween the fractional and classical (standard) systems theory.
nal processing, system modeling and identification, and con- It is shown that in a case when alpha is an integer number
trol [3–6]. the presented method is equivalent to well known results for
Dynamic optimization problems for integer (not fraction- discrete-time systems of an integer order. Results for other
al) order systems have been widely considered in literature cases of the fractional system order (coefficient α) and not
(see e.g. [7–10]). Mathematical fundamentals of the fractional illustrated with numerical examples are obtained through a
calculus, such as basic definitions of derivatives and integrals computer algorithm written for this purpose [34].
and their relationship, are given in the monographs [11–13] The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2 some pre-
and the fractional differential equations and their applications liminaries are recalled and the problem is formulated. Also a
have been addressed in [14–15]. A numerical simulation of general solution and a link to the classical theory is demon-
the fractional order control systems has been investigated in strated in Sec. 2. The solution of the problem in case of a
[16]. One of the fractional discretization method has been free final state is presented in Sec. 3. In Sec. 4 a procedure
presented in [17]. Some optimal control problems with fixed for computation of the solution is proposed and illustrated by
final time and a final state for continuous-time systems of the a numerical example. Conclusions of the paper are given in
fractional order have been investigated in [18–26]. The frac- Sec. 5.
tional Kalman filter and its application have been addressed in The following notation is used: ℜ- the set of real numbers,
[27–28]. Some recent interesting results in fractional systems ℜn×n – the set of n × n real matrices, Z+ – the set of pos-
theory and its applications to standard and positive systems itive integers, S ≥ 0 is a matrix with non-negative elements,
can be found in [29–32]. R > 0 is a matrix with positive elements.
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A. Dzieliński and P.M. Czyronis

2. Problem formulation and general solution We define the scalar functions Hk , called the Hamiltonians,
which are defined as follows:
The fractional continuous-time system is described by the  T
equations [31] X k

RL α
Hk = xTk Qxk +uTk Ruk +  dj xk−j + Buk  λk+1 . (4)
a Dt x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), j=0

where x ∈ ℜn , u ∈ ℜm are respectively the state and control Using (4) and (2), we define a new performance index ex-
vectors, A ∈ ℜn×n , B ∈ ℜn×m and RL a Dt x(t) is Riemanna-
pressed by Hamiltonians, of the form
Liouville fractional derivative. N −1
The Grunwald-Letnikov (shifted) approximation of frac-
J(u) = xTN SxN + (Hk − xTk+1 λk+1 ). (5)
tional order derivative [17] is given as k=i

To the right-hand side of the above equation we add and sub-

RL α 1 X α α
a Dt x(t) ≈ α j = 0(−1) xk−j+1 . tract the term xTi λi . By making changes to indices in the
h P j
second part of the sum we get a performance index of the
Using the above two relations we can obtain a fractional N −1
discrete-time system, described by the equations X
J(u) = xTN SxN + xTi λi − xTN λN + (Hk − xTk λk ). (6)
X k=i
xk+1 = dj xk−j + Buk , k ∈ Z+ , (1a) We shall now examine the increment of the performance
j=0 index J due to the increments in all the variables xk , uk
where x ∈ ℜn , u ∈ ℜm are respectively the state and control and λk . The increment of the performance index we write as
vectors, A ∈ ℜn×n , B ∈ ℜn×m and follows
dJ(u) = [(S + S T )xN − λN ]dxTN + λi dxTi
d0 = Aα = A + αIn , 0 < α < 1,
N −1 (7)
! X
α + [(Hk − λk )dxTk + Hk duTk + (Hk−1 − xk )dλTk ].
dj = (−1)j In , j = 1, . . . , k,
j+1 k=i

According to the Lagrange multiplier theory, at a constrained

where IN – the n × n identity matrix. We assume that the
minimum this increment should be zero. Necessary conditions
initial value x0 of the state vector in discrete time k = 0 (ini-
for a constrained minimum are given by
tial conditions) is given and h = 1. The number of discrete
time points is N ∈ Z+ , at which the state vector has to be ∂Hk
0= for k = i, . . . , N − 1, (8a)
estimated, while the final value of the state vector at discrete ∂uTk
time k = N , i.e. x(k = N ) = xN (final conditions) is also
N −1
pre-determined. X ∂Hk
λk = for k = i, . . . , N − 1, (8b)
We consider a performance index of the form ∂xTk
N −1
X ∂Hk
Jk = S(xN , N ) + Fk (xk , uk ) = xTN SxN xk+1 = for k = i, . . . , N − 1 (8c)
X −1 and
+ (xTk Qxk + uTk Ruk ), ∂S(xN , N )
λN = , λi ∈ ℜ. (8d)
k=0 ∂xTN
where The conditions (8) for the considered performance index
R∈ℜ m×m
, Q∈ℜ n×n
, S∈ℜ n×n (6) and discrete-time fractional system (1) take the form
uk = −[R + RT ]−1 B T λk+1 , (9a)
and S ≥ 0, Q ≥ 0 and R > 0, k = 0, . . . , N − 1.
Using the Lagrange multiplier theory we write (2) in the λk = [Q + QT ]xk + dTj λk+j+1 , (9b)
extended form as j=0
N −1
X k
J(u) = xTN SxN + xTk Qxk + uTk Ruk
xk+1 = dj xk−j + Buk (9c)
" k #T ! (3) j=0

+ dj xk−j + Buk − xk+1 λk+1 .
j=0 λN = (S + S T )xN , λ0 ∈ ℜ. (9d)

682 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(3) 2013

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Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems...

The conditions (9) for α = 1 are equivalent to the conditions Substituting (9d) to (15) we obtain
for continuous-time systems of integral order (not fractional)    
after the discretization. Substituting α = 1 to (9) yields λ1 ΨTN −1
 .   ..
 . =  S + S T xN
uk = −[R + RT ]−1 B T λk+1 , (10a)  .   . 
T λN ΨT0
λk = [Q + Q ]xk + ATd λk+1 , (10b)
xk+1 = Ad xk + Buk , (10c)
 
0 ΨT0 ··· ΨTN −2
where Ad = A + In .
 .. .. .. .. 
 . . . . 
+  (16)
0 0 ··· ΨT0
 
3. Problem solution in case of free final state
 
0 0 ··· 0
and fixed final time
 
In the case of free final state xN the variation dxN is not equal x0
to zero. Therefore, we consider Eqs. (9d) and (9a)–(9c). We  T .. 
· [Q + Q ]  .
assume that the number of discrete time points N is given.  
The initial conditions and final time are given as xN −1
x(k = 0) = x0 , N ∈ Z+ . (11) From the above equation it follows that this time range
of the vector
 λk does not depend from x0 . Taking
 as T1 =
Taking into account initial conditions (11) and applying the
R + RT , T2 = Q + QT and T3 = S + S T the above
z-transform to Eqs. (9a) and (9c) we obtain the equations in
relationship is written in the form
z domain. Applying then the inverse z-transform we obtain
the solution as
 
k−1  λ 
X 2
xk = Ψk x0 − Ψk−i−1 B[R + RT ]−1 B T λi+1 , (12)
 
 .. 

i=0  
 
 λN −1 
X λN
Ψ0 = In , Ψk = dj Ψk−j−1 . (13)
ΨT0 T2 ΨTN −3 T2 ΨTN −2 T2 ΨTN −1 T3
 
j=0 ···
Equation (12) in matrix form gives .. .. .. .. ..
 
   

 . . . . 

x1 Ψ1 0 ··· ΨT0 T2 ΨT1 T2 ΨTN −2 T3 (17)
 
 
 .   . 
 .  =  .  x0 ΨT0 T2 ΨT1 T3
 
0 ··· 0
 .   . 
 
xN ΨN 0 ··· 0 0 ΨT0 T3
 (14)  
  
Ψ0 ··· 0 λ1
.. . ..   .  x2
 
. T −1 T  . .

− . . .  B[R + R ] B  . 
 
   
· .
ΨN −1 · · · Ψ0 λN 

 xN −1 
Using the well-known matrix operations it can be easily shown
that the solution of (9b) has the form xN

 
ΨTN −1
 Substituting (17) to (14) we obtain
 .   .. 0 0 0 0
 . =
 
W11 W12 ··· W1,N W1,N

 λN
 .   .  0 0 0
λN ΨT0

 W21 W22 ··· W2,N −1 W2,N 

 .. .. .. .. .. 
 

 . . . . .

0 ΨT0 ··· ΨTN −2 
WN0 −1,1 WN0 −1,2 ··· WN0 −1,N −1 WN0 −1,N

.. .. ..
 
 .. 
 . . . .  0
WN,1 0
WN,2 ··· 0
WN,N 0
+  (15) −1

 0 0 ··· ΨT0

 (18)
   
0 0 ··· 0 x1 Ψ1

 x2  
  Ψ2 

.. ..
 
   
· =  x0 ,
. .
   
 
· [Q + Q ] 
 .

 xN −1
 
  ΨN −1

xN −1 xN ΨN

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A. Dzieliński and P.M. Czyronis

where where MijN for i, j = 1, . . . , N are given as

 k−1 k−1 −1 k−1
0 0 0 0 Wpr − Wpk (Wkk ) Wkr
 
W11 W12 ··· W1,N −1 W1,N 

 W21 0
W22 0
··· 0
W2,N 0

 k
Wpr = for p 6= k
 −1  
.. .. .. .. .. k−1 −1 k−1


Wkk Wkr p=k
  

 . . . . .

 
Mijk−1 − Wik k−1
(Wkkk−1 −1
) Mkj k−1
 
 W0 WN0 −1,2 ··· WN0 −1,N −1 WN0 −1,N (21)
 

 N −1,1 

i 6= k

0 0 0 0

WN,1 WN,2 ··· WN,N −1 WN,N 

Mij = k−1 −1

Mkj k−1
for i=k
  
In 0 ··· 0 0 

 Mij0 = IN for i=j
0 0 0

 In ··· 

Mij0 = 0 for i 6= j
 .. .. .. .. .. 
= . . . . . for k = 1, 2, . . . , N ; i, j, p = 1, 2, . . . , N and r =

 
k + 1, . . . , N .
 
 0 0 ··· In 0 
0 0 ··· 0 In From (20) we get the optimal value of the vector xk . Sub-
  (19) stituting (20) to (17) we can determine the values of the vector
Ψ0 0 ··· 0 0 λk . Then, substituting vector λk to (9a) we can determine the

 Ψ1 Ψ0 ··· 0 0 
 value of the optimal control vector uk .
 .. .. .. .. .. 
· . . . . .
 T1
4. The procedure and example
 
 
 ΨN −2 ΨN −3 ··· Ψ0 0 
for fixed final state case
ΨN −1 ΨN −2 ··· Ψ1 Ψ0
From the above considerations, the following procedure for

ΨT0 T2 ··· ΨTN −3 T2 ΨTN −2 T2 ΨTN −1 T3
 solving the dynamic optimization problem follows:
 .. .. .. .. .. Procedure 1.
. . . . .
 

 Step 1. For given discrete-time fractional system (1), per-
 0 ··· ΨT0 T2 ΨT1 T2 ΨTN −2 T3  .
 formance index (2) and initial conditions x0 write the per-
  formance index in the extended form (5) expressed by the
 0 ··· 0 ΨT0 T2 ΨT1 T3 
  Hamiltonian.
0 ··· 0 0 ΨT0 T3 Step 2. Determine the necessary conditions (8), which in
the quadratic case of performance index are given in the form
Using the Gauss-Jordan elimination method we can deter- (9).
mine the inverse matrix and write (18) in the form Step 3. Using known methods for solving systems of equa-
tions, determine the vector xk relative to the initial conditions

 x0 and matrices Ψk . Also determine the vector λk relative to
the xk and matrices ΦTk .
 x2 

 ..

 Step 4. Determine the matrices Θk from (20). Knowing
= the initial conditions x0 and matrices Θk determine the values

 

 xN −1

 of the vector xk and λk . Knowing the value of the vector λk
determine the optimal control vector uk satisfying (1).
 N N N N
 Example 1. Consider a discrete-time fractional system (1)
M11 M12 ··· M1,N M1,N
−1 with matrices

 M21 N N N N 
M22 ··· M2,N M2,N  " # " #
 −1  0.1 0.7 2
 .. .. .. .. ..  A= , B= ,

 . . . . .  (20)
 0.6 0.4 1 (22)
 
 MN
 N −1,1
MN −1,2 ··· N
MN −1,N −1
MN −1,N

 n = 2, m=1
MN,1 N
MN,2 ··· N
MN,N −1
MN,N and performance index (4) with matrices
" # " #
    2 1 3 2 h i
Ψ1 Θ1 S= , Q= , R= 1 (23)
1 2 2 3

 Ψ2 

 Θ2 

 ..  
 x0 =  .. 
with initial conditions given as
 .   .
 x0 ,

    " #
ΨN −1 ΘN −1 0.6
   
x0 = .
ΨN ΘN 0.8

684 Bull. Pol. Ac.: Tech. 61(3) 2013

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Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems...

We assume N = 5 and α = 0.7. Using the foregoing consid- The minimum values of performance index Jmin are given
erations, we obtain as follows
" # " #
0.6 −0.4377
h i h i
x0 = , x1 = , J0 = 6.1269 , J1 = 0.6609 ,
0.8 0.5011 h i h i
J2 = 0.1886 , J3 = 0.0818 ,
" # " #
−0.2301 −0.1526
x2 = , x3 = ,
0.2257 0.1454
h i h i
" # " # J4 = 0.0364 , J5 = 0.0133 .
−0.1075 −0.069
x4 = , x5 = ,
0.1064 0.09 Figures 1–3 show the above considerations for the sys-
" # " # tem (1) with matrices (22) and the performance index (2) with
7.7728 −0.3464 matrices (23) for four different values of α = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0
λ0 = , λ1 = ,
9.4877 2.1705 and N = 5. Individual results were obtained with the help of
" # " # a dedicated computer program implementing the above is-
−0.3372 −0.2434 sues.
λ2 = , λ3 = ,
0.9682 0.5947 From Fig. 3, we conclude that the performance index
takes smaller values for fractional discrete-time systems for
" # " #
−0.1632 −0.0961
λ4 = , λ5 = , α = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9 than for discrete-time system of integer or-
0.3852 0.2221
h i h i der α = 1.0. In terms of physical and technical properties
u0 = −0.7389 , u1 = −0.1469 , performance indexes present such values as energy consump-
h i h i tion, fuel consumption, cost of production, profit, time, accu-
u2 = −0.0539 , u3 = −0.0294 , racy, etc. Consideration of the optimization problems in a case
h i h i of fractional systems can bring greater benefits than for the
u4 = −0.0149 , u5 = 0 . systems of integer order.

Fig. 1. Optimal trajectory and its zoom of end points forα = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 and N = 5

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A. Dzieliński and P.M. Czyronis

Fig. 2. Optimal control and its zoom of end points for α = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 and N = 5

Fig. 3. The minimum values of the performance index and its zoom of end points for α = 0.5, 0.7, 0.9, 1.0 and N = 5

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Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems...

Example 2. Consider a discrete-time fractional system (1) The minimum values of performance index Jmin are given
with matrices (22) and performance index (4) with matri- as follows
ces (23). The initial conditions are given as (24). We assume h i h i h i
N = 10 and α = 0.5. Using the foregoing considerations, we J0 = 5.7746 , J1 = 0.4429 , J2 = 0.0859 ,
obtain optimal control in form h i h i h i
J3 = 0.0495 , J4 = 0.0303 , J5 = 0.0198 ,
h i h i
u0 = −0.6417 , u1 = −0.1469 ,
h i h i h i
J6 = 0.0133 , J7 = 0.0088 , J8 = 0.0056 ,
h i h i
u2 = −0.0518 , u3 = −0.0315 ,
h i h i
J9 = 0.0032 , J10 = 0.0014 .
h i h i
u4 = −0.0216 , u5 = −0.0161 , (25)
h i h i
u6 = −0.0127 , u7 = −0.0103 , Now we assume that elements of matrices (22) of fraction-
h i h i h i al discrete-time system (1) have been changed. We consider
u8 = −0.0086 , u9 = −0.054 , u10 = 0 . two cases, i.e.

The state vector is given as follows

" #
0.15 0.7
" # " # " # a) A1 = ,
0.6 −0.3633 −0.1298 0.6 0.4
x0 = , x1 = , x2 = , (26)
0.8 0.4384 0.1297 " #
" # " # b) B1 = .
−0.0987 −0.0736 1
x3 = , x4 = ,
0.0917 0.0667
" # " # We apply optimal control (25) to fractional discrete-time
−0.0589 −0.0487 system with matrices (26) and we compute new state vector
x5 = , x6 = ,
0.0528 0.0436 and minimal values of performance index.
" # " # The Figs. 4–8 show the above considerations for the sys-
−0.0412 −0.0353 tem (1) with matrices (22) and (26) and the performance index
x7 = , x8 = ,
0.0372 0.0325 (4) with matrices (23) for four different values of α = 0.5, 1.0
" # " # and N = 10. Individual results were obtained with the help
−0.0303 −0.0222 of a dedicated computer program implementing the above is-
x9 = , x10 = .
0.0293 0.029 sues.

Fig. 4. Optimal control for α = 0.5, 1.0 and N = 10

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Fig. 5. The minimum values of the performance index for α = 0.5 and N = 10

Fig. 6. The minimum values of the performance index for α = 1.0 and N = 10

Fig. 7. Optimal trajectory for α = 0.5 and N = 10

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Fixed final time and free final state optimal control problem for fractional dynamic systems...

Fig. 8. Optimal trajectory for α = 1.0 and N = 10

5. Conclusions [7] R. Bellman, Dynamic Programming, University Press, Prince-

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