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Victima: My airplane is about to depart to EEUU.

Thank goodness that by

the time I changed work, I had already saved much money. Whit this
money I estimate that I could be a week in the EEUU. It will be a great
Mafioso: Here is the drug that you have to put in the backpack of
Sembradora: when we had met us last week, you told me that you would
give me me 110 dollars
Mafioso: Don’t worry, you do the work then you Will be rewarded.
You have to be very sophisticated and daring at the same time. You have
to be careful with surveillance cameras, and all Will be ok
Sembradora: I wait that all goes well if not I could be apprehended.
How do I do to put this drug in the bagagge of someone?
I know.
I see that you need help. Could I help you to take your baggage?
Victima: Oh yes thanks for her help
Sembradora: Well I get away with it.
I Will put this here, and then I tell her that I have to go.
Testigo: It seems to me that this lady is opening the luggage of the lady
who goes to her front. Well, maybe they are friends. I better go of here, I
would not like to be a troublemaker.
Sembradora: I’m sorry, I have to go because I have a call from a colleague
of the work
Victima: oh no problem thanks
Well, I have already everything ready. Only I have to go to security control
Control De Seguridad: Lady, her boarding pass is marked with the letter s,
so we have to do control more exhaustive to you. I apologized to you for
this .
Victima: Why have occurred this to me?
You treat me like a burglar.
Control De Seguridad: I'm sorry, but this is a process conventional what
for general, we do to people that have booked their pass boarding at the
last moment.
Victima: I don’t pretend to annoy, but is this obligatory?
I could lose my flight.
Control De Seguridad: Of course, this exhaustive check is a legitimate and
fundamental process. An law enforcement official will come in a few
moments( in a little while) for inspecting to you.
Please officer inspect her and her luggage
Officer: over here Ms.Conny
First, I will inspect to you.
You go in the examination room and pull off your clothes.
well, until now all in order
Victim: I’m fed up with being treated of outrageous way.
You should be catching thieves and kidnappers and not someone innocent
like me.
Oficcer: You stay here and avoid doing problems
Now, I Will inspect her luggage
What is this?
Another migrant that takes the easy way out for getting rich.
You Will be arrested for dealing cocaine and taken to detention room
Victim: It seems to me that you are making a mistake.
I refuse to be arrested. This detention is an offense against me
Juez: We are got together for giving judgment to Ms. Coony who has been
accused of carrying drugs illegal way. The prosecution asks four years of
prison for it. In a few moments, the jury will gather to give their verdict.
Before that, someone in the court wants to say or present something.
Abogado Acusador: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, the testimonies, and
evidence found are conclusive. We demand to punish the accused harshly.
Also, we demand to the accused to tell us the names of her accomplices.
Abogado defensor: We will present last-minute evidence and a witness
who saw the fact that day.
The evidence is a video of the surveillance cameras, and the witness is with
Abogado acusador: We clash with the defense lawyer who is presenting
evidence to the last minute since he could have shown those pieces of
evidence when the judgment had started therefore I refuse the evidence.
Abogado defensor: Recently, we could get this video due to the airport
refused our request at the begin.
Victima: I will finally have justice. I would like to sue the state for damages
because all this has been outrageous something.
Juez: Well, according to the video shown and the testimony of the witness,
the jury is ready to announce their verdict.
The defendant is declared innocent

Ed Willis is the owner of the pet store. Willis says he received his first
parrot when he was 18 years old. Since then, he has not spent another
day without a parrot.

Willis says the birds make wonderful pets and can develop strong
feelings toward people.
The session is declared open. In brief, the accusation and defense writings will be read.

The Ms. Merly is accused of taking 1kg of cocaine in her backpack, said the accusing lawyer.

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