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According to the same Decree-law, Catalan language and literature, Spanish

language and literature and English language and literature areas in the Primary
Education have as an objective the development of the following characteristics:

1) To value the multilingual and multicultural reality of our society as a source of personal and collective
richness, to be conscious of the language domain in a world which is more global everyday and to use with
progressive autonomy all the means available, including ICT, to obtain information and communicate, avoiding
the linguistic stereotypes that imply value judgments and racist, classist or sexist prejudices.

2) To develop the oral and written communicative competence in all the school languages in order to
communicate with the others, learn, express opinions and personal conceptions, acquire and transmit the
cultural richness and satisfy individual and collective needs.

3) To develop the Catalan language competence as a vehicle of oral or written communication in order to build
knowledge, and to obtain personal development and expression and its participation in the cultural creations.

4) To develop the Spanish language competence in order to achieve that at the end of Secondary Education,
both official languages are used normally and correctly.

5) To express oneself orally, adapting the shapes and contents to the different contexts and communicative
situations, and showing a respectful and collaborative attitude.

6) To understand and answer in foreign language to the more common oral interactions in class.

7) To understand speeches and oral explanations that appear in the school, social and cultural contexts.

8) To understand oral messages in foreign language about topics related to the pupils or the others’ interests,
and the world which is around us.

9) To understand written texts that appear in the closest school, social and cultural context.

10) To understand audiovisual texts (advertising, films, news), of the means of communication or of the
information and communication technologies, and do a critic and creative reading.

11) To use properly the library, the audiovisual means of communication, and the information technologies to
obtain, interpret and value information and different opinions.

12) To use languages in an effective way in the school activity, in order to look for, get and process information, as
well as writing texts related to different curriculum areas.

13) To produce different typologies of texts with different supports, related to the social and cultural context,
with adaptation, coherence, cohesion, and linguistic correction, and understand oral and written texts.

14) To reflect about the language and its linguistic rules through reflexive communication situations and to write
and speak adequately and in a correct and coherent way to be able to understand oral and written texts.

15) To use reading as a pleasure and personal enrichment source and be closer to literary tradition work.

16) To understand literary texts about several genders adapted in subject matter and complexity and to be
initiated in the knowledge of the specific literary language conventions.

17) To manifest a receptive, interested and reliable attitude towards the own capacity of learning and using the

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