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People exchange greetings when they meet. To greet someone, you could say:

- Hello (UK)
- Hi (USA)
- G’day (Aus)

Other informal greetings include the following idioms:

- How are you doing? (USA) - Oh, pretty good.

- How’s it going? (Aus) - No problem.
- How are you going? (Aus) - Good! How’s yourself?
- How are you getting on? - Very well, thank you.
- How’s life? - Not too bad, thanks.
- How’s everything? - No worries. (Aus)
- How have you been? - Ah, not a hundred percent.
- How are you keeping? - All right, I guess.
- What’s cooking? - Oh, not much.

Sometimes you may hear people say:

- What’s up? - Everything is fine.
- What’s new? - Nothing much.
- What’s happening? - The usual
- How have you been keeping? - Pretty good, I suppose

When you haven’t seen someone for some time, you might say:
- (I’m) Glad to see you again!
- It’s good to see you again!
- (It’s) Nice meeting you again!
- It’s been age, since we met!
When leaving, you could say:
- Bye!
- Bye-bye!
- Bye now!
- Be seeing you!
- See you!
- Cheerio!
- So long, mate! (Aus)
If you are going to meet again soon, you could say:
- See you later!
- See you!
- See you tomorrow!
- See you again!

Two friends run into each other at the supermarket, and exchange greetings.
Siti : Hello Ani, how’s life?
Ani : Fine, thanks. How about you?
Siti : Pretty good, I suppose.
Ani : Doing your shopping?
Siti : As usual
Ani : It’s good seeing you again. Anyway, I’m a bit in a hurry.
Siti : No problem. See you some time!
Ani : Okay. Be seeing you!

- How are you doing?

- How are you getting on?
- How is life? Apa kabar?
- How are you keeping?
- What’s up?
- What’s new?
- Pretty good.
- Fine, thanks.
- Very well. Baik
- All right. I guess.
- to run into each other Bertemu secara kebetulan
- to meet by chance
- I suppose
- I guess Saya kira
- I think
- It’s been ages. Lama sekali
- It’s been long time
- to do one’s shopping Pergi belanja
- to go shopping
- as usual Seperti biasa
- Just the usual Biasa-biasa saja
- just so so
- Just the average
- Just as usual
- in a hurry Tergesa-gesa
- in haste
- no problem Tidak apa-apa
- all right
- to make up Menyusun, mengarang
- to create Mencipta

Introducing Oneself
 My name is ________________ (Nama saya _________)
 My full name is _____________ (Nama lengkap saya _______________)
 My nick name is ____________ (Nama panggilan saya adalah _______)
 Hi, I am ___________ (Hai, saya _____________)
 Hello, my name is ___________ (Halo, nama saya ____________)
 Good morning. My name is _____ (Selamat pagi. Nama saya ______)
 May I introduce myself? (Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri?)
My name is ________ (Nama saya __________)
 Let me introduce myself. (Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri.)
My name is _______ (Nama saya ___________)
 First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is ____________
(Sebelumnya, saya ingin memperkenalkan diri dulu. Nama saya _____________)
 Hi, I'm ________. Glad to meet you.
(Hai, saya _______. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
 Hello, My name is __________ Pleased to meet you.
(Halo, nama saya _________. Senang bertemu dengan anda)
 Good morning. I am ___________ How do you do?
(Selamat pagi. Nama saya ___________. How do you do?)
 How do you do? My name is ___________. Nice to meet you.
(How do you do?. Nama saya _________. Senang bertemu dengan anda)

Introducing Others
 Do you know _________?
(Apakah anda tahu ___________?)
 Have you met ________?
(Pernahkah anda bertemu ________?)
 This is a friend of mine,__________.
(Ini teman saya, _____________)
 Ika, this is Okki, my friend.
(Ika, ini Okki, teman saya)
 May I introduce my friend, ___________?
(Bolehkan saya memperkenalkan teman saya, __________?)
 Please allow me to introduce our new Administration Manager.
(Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan manajer administrasi kita yang baru)
 Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lina our new Marketing Manager. Mrs. Lina. this is
Mr. Lutfi from Java Plantation Company.
(Ijinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan anda kepada Ibu Lina, Manajer Marketing baru
kita. Ibu Lina, Ini adalah Bapak Lutfi dari perusahaan Java Plantation).

 No, I don't think so.
(Sepertinya tidak)
 No, I haven't.
(Tidak, aku belum pernah)
 Hi, glad to meet you. I am Okki.
(Hai, senang bertemu dengan anda. Saya Okki)
 Hello, Okki. Pleased to meet you.
(Halo Okki. Senang bertemu denganmu)
 I am glad to know you
(Saya senang bisa mengenal anda)
 It is nice to see you.
(Senang bisa melihat anda)
 How do you do?
(Ungkapan saat baru bertemu pertama kalinya)
 How do you do? It is very nice to meet you.
(How do you do? senang sekali bisa bertemu dengan anda)
Contoh Teks Introducing Oneself

Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in. My name is Faiz Rizqi Aji. I was born in
Bandung on 26 July 1993. I now live in Garut. Right now I stayed at my aunt’s house. Now
allow me to introduce myself further. I like things that smell of adventurous, and small things
like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing nothing. Okay now about me and my
family, I am the first child in my family. I have a little sister, and she is high school student.
My father is a Police which is named Endang Kurnia. While my mother is a housewife.I love
my family more than anything. Well that’s my introduction this time. Pleased to meet you.

(Selamat pagi semuanya, izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri. Nama saya Faiz Rizqi Aji,
saya lahir di Bandung pada 26 Juli 1993. Sekarang saya menetap di kota Garut. Sekarang
ini saya tinggal di rumah bibi saya.Sekarang izinkan saya untuk memperkenalkan diri lebih
jauh. Saya suka hal hal yang berbau petualangan. hal hal kecil seperti membaca, menonton
dan menghabiskan waktu luang saya tanpa melakukan apa apa. Baiklah sekarang tentang
saya dan keluarga saya. Saya anak pertama dikeluarga saya Saya memiliki adik perempuan
dia adalah siswi SMA. Ayah saya adalah seorang polisi, namanya Endang Kurnia.
Sedangkan ibu saya adalah seorang ibu rumah tangga. Saya sangat mencintai keluarga saya
lebih dari apapun. baiklah itu saja perkenalan dari saya kali ini. senang bertemu dengan

Contoh Dialog Introducing Oneself

Kartika : Excuse me. I don’t think we have met, I’m Kartika. (Permisi, sepertinya kita belum
pernah bertemu, saya Kartika)
Okki : Hello. I’m Okki. I am your new neighbor. (Halo, Saya Okki. Saya tetangga barumu)
Kartika : Oh really?. You move to the house next to me, aren't you? (Oh benarkah? Kamu
pindah ke rumah disebelah saya kan?)
Okki : Yes it is. Please come to my house this afternoon. I baked some cookies. (Iya. Tolong
datang sore ini ke rumah saya. Saya sudah memanggang kue kering)
Kartika : Sure! Thanks. Nice to know you Okki. (Tentu saja! Terima Kasih. Senang bisa
mengenalmu Okki)
Okki : Nice to know you too Kartika. (Senang bisa mengenalmu juga Kartika)

Contoh Dialog Introducing Others

Reni : That’s Didit. Do you know him? (Itu Didit. Apakah kamu mengenalnya?)
Rita : No, I don’t. (Tidak, aku tidak mengenalnya)
Reni : Hello, Dodit. How are you? (Halo Dodit. Apa kabar?)
Dodit : Hello, Reni. I'm fine thanks. (Hai Reni, aku baik baik saja terima kasih)
Reni : Dodit, this is a friend of mine, Rita Aprianti. (Dodit ini temanku, Rita Aprianti)
Dodit : Hello Rita. Pleased to meet you. (Halo Rita, senang bertemu denganmu)
Rita : Hi Dodit, pleased to meet you too. (Hai Dodit, senang bertemu denganmu juga)
Father Ayah Grand mother Nenek
Mother Ibu Grand child Cucu
Son Anak laki-laki Grand children Cucu-cucu
Daughter Anak perempuan Great grand father Kakek buyut
Great grand Nenek buyut
Brother Saudara laki-laki mother Cicit laki-laki
Great grand son Cicit perempuan
Sister Saudara Great grand
perempuan daughter Para cicit
Uncle Janda
Aunt Paman Great grand Duda
Cousin Bibi children Istri
Nephew Sepupu Widow Suami
Keponakan laki-laki Widower Saudara kembar
Niece Wife
Keponakan Husband Kedua
Brother in law perempuan Twins orang tua
Sister in law Saudara
Ipar laki-laki Parents pria/wanita tiri
Daughter in law Ipar perempuan
Son in law Step Son/sister Anak angkat
Father in law Menantu wanita
Mother in law Menatu pria Foster/
Grand daughter Ayah mertua adopted child
Grand son Ibu mertua
Grand father Cucu perempuan
Cucu laki-laki

Contoh dialog:
Joe : Hi Rahma, with whom do you live in this town?
Rahma : I live with my uncle’s family. It is not too crowded in my uncle’s house.
There are only four people including me, they are my uncle, my aunt and my
cousin, Zikra.
Joe : What about your parents, where are they?
Rahma : My parents are in lampung. They live with my sisters.
Joe : How many siblings do you have?
Rahma : I have two sisters but I have no brother.
Joe : Do you still have any grandparents?
Rahma : Grandparents from my mother side have passed away, but I still have
grandmother from my father side.
Joe : So, where does your grandmother live?
Rahma : She lives in lampung with my parents.

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